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Book Project


Collected by Alex Bragi

Favourites (5 stories listed)

  • Amy and the Professor: by Sir Stroker88
    (Synopsis: A predatory professor snares an ambitious co-ed and turns her into a toy for his submissive.)
  • Juicy Lucy's Grand Jete: by Estaban Bacca
    (Synopsis: An aspiring young ballerina follows her dream into the clutches of the evil Dame Vera Mann....more sex than violence in this one ...and will probably be too restrained for some...Men are highly incidental in this story.)
    Comment: FM/f
  • Teasing My Husband: by justin benedict
    (Synopsis: Susie is EVIL!)
  • Brian Gets Caught And Pays The Price: by Marion
    (Synopsis: Brian is a compulsive masturbator with a desire for the S/M lifestyle and has gay fantasies. When his wife catches him he begs for forgiveness and punishment. She delivers on the punishment. Consentual becomes reluctant as she reveals her intent to totally emasculate and dehumanize him!)
  • Apples and Oranges: by Estaban Bacca
    (Synopsis: A chance encounter in the produce section attracts the attention of a stalker and Miara Martin's journey of discovery begins. This story has a slow build. If you have the mood of a horny sailor with a single night in port...If you are looking for instant gratification...If your name is Murgatroy ...then If I were you I'd give this one a pass...But for the rest of you...)

Pooche (0 stories listed)
Good start.


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