BDSM Library - Room Service

Room Service

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Synopsis: A young man explores he desire to dress and finds a honey trap

Date: Sun, 3 Aug 2008 08:16:52 -0700 (PDT)

From: Sharon Pinder <>


I'd worked at the Georgian, a 5 star hotel in London for the past three months. Three months since I had left school. Maybe not the best job in the world but one with perks which made it worth my while. I spent my days flitting from room to room with room service. Room service?  General dog's body may have been a better title.  As I say hardly exciting an exciting job, but it did allow me a pass key to all rooms. Don't get me wrong, I'm honest as the days long, but living at home it was hard to explore my hobby. I had discovered on a wet Wednesday during the school holidays, that my mother's lingerie was much nicer to wear. I had only had the one opportunity to feel the softness of tights, and snugness of panties. But it had made me want to explore those feelings some more. Living with mum, dad

as well as three brothers and sisters I yet to have the opportunity again.

It wasn't until I was asked to deliver some laundry to a guests room that I realised the chances I was presented with. I'd let myself in, having tapped on the door first, and meant to just leave the cleaning on the bed. But having laid it down, I noticed some stockings draped over the back of a chair. I couldn't resist, and had to feel them against my skin. I stood there with my arm in one of the stocking feeling the silkiness. But I knew now was not the time, as I was expected in the kitchens for teas. So I carefully placed the stocking back as I had found it, and slipped out of the room. As walked back to the service stairs my mind raced at the possibilities that lay before me.

Two weeks must have slipped by, and my nerves failed me. I knew if I was caught dismissal would only just out do the ridicule. So I bid my time and fantasies. Ms Jane Farrell and her friend Sam Pinder were both stunning woman, with the longest legs I had ever seen. Long legs, slim, perfect make up and cute Adams apples. They'd checked in and I'd carried Jane's cases up the to her suite. She's smiled and gave me a £5 tip. I left thinking of those legs and wondering if I could ever dream of my legs looking so wonderful. They were in adjoining suites and were booked in for the next two weeks. I spent the first week using every chance I had to be their room service. Learning their routine and watching. I soon noticed that most days

they would leave the hotel at 10.00 a.m and be away till late

afternoon. That I figured was the window I would need.

My day off for the second week was a Monday, but this Monday I intended to be back in the hotel, in uniform but not working. I managed to slip in unnoticed via the staff entrance and even if anyone had seen me they would assume I was working an extra shift. At 10.00 a.m I stood at the far end of he second floor corridor and watched Jane and Sam make their daily exit. Once the lift doors had shut I walked up to Jane's suite and let myself in. I could smell her perfume and all on the bed lay stockings. The fates were being kind to me, but first I slipped to the window and watched to make sure the two ladies left the hotel. They climbed into a taxi and  eaded off towards Oxford Street.

I crossed to the bed and picked up the stockings. The excitement in me was almost tearing me apart; my stomach filled with butterflies as I quickly made sure the suites door was latched shut. Then I removed my shoes socks and trousers. The stockings were dark grey and felt wonderful against the skin of my arms. How would they feel on my legs? I could feel myself becoming aroused, as the thought crossed my mind, how silly would I look in just stockings! I needed panties, but I could not risk clean ones, in case I stained them in my growing excitement. That was remedied compliments of the laundry basket. Black panties with lace. I almost came as they slid up my legs and I tucked myself into them. Next the suspender belt. Jane was a largish woman so the belt fitted me nicely. I could hardly wait as I crumpled the first stocking leg up and pushed my toes into them.

I eased the nylon up my legs, making sure they were straight and

that I didn't make any runs in them. I stood up to pull the stocking fully on. After some nervous and excited attempts I fumbled the stocking top to the belt. The other leg was soon also dressed and I walked to the chapel mirror to admire myself. I stood there, in stockings and black panties my man hood trying to force its way through the thin panties material. I felt so alive, so feminine. Maybe a bra? I still had hours left to enjoy myself. I looked around for a matching bra.

It was then that I noticed the adjoining door to Sam's suite was ajar. That had been shut, I was certain.  I heard a click and a soft laughter. The door swung slowly open and I the doorway stood Sam, a camera in her hands and a smile on her face. I felt myself redden and shrivel, as I stood there in a guest's room, in her friend's lingerie and I knew at that moment I was in the deepest trouble possible. Sam stepped into the room, looked at me and smiled even more if that was possible. "You look beautiful darling, such lovely legs". My only thought was to get out of there and fast. I reached for m trousers but Sam was faster. She reached on to the bed and snatched them up. "You won't need these for a while my darling". I felt as if my world had collapsed, I felt physically sick and that death could be

no worse than this mess. Some mumbled excuses and pleading escaped from my lips, but Sam just smiled. "Don't worry sweetie, I totally understand but I feel I must help you explore your feminine side some more" With one finger she motioned me to follow her, as I stepped from one suite into what I assumed would be a nightmare and total humiliation.

This is my first attempt at such a theme. I would welcome some feed back and if anyone would be interested in part two?

Date: Mon, 4 Aug 2008 08:37:06 -0700 (PDT)

From: Sharon Pinder <>


How had I landed in such a mess? Had I really been that weak, that

pathetic? Surely wearing a guest's lingerie was a matter for the police?

What would the manager say when Sam made the call to report me? Loss of job

was certain. But hell would my family find out? How would I explain losing

my first job and being arrested? I felt so humiliated, so ashamed and with

each of these thoughts I felt myself shrivel and wilt into the black

panties.    I walked behind Sam my hands cupped over my man hood. Man hood?

How could it ever be that again, when it was encased in soft black panties

and had responded so readily to the feel of stockings and panties? Manhood?

Call it my girl hood, no that was wrong. What had that web site called it?

Clit.. My clit.....OMG, I was in such a mess. I would do anything to have

wiped the last hour out of my life. Anything!    I walked into Jane's

suite, red faced and trying to recall the last five minutes. Maybe it was a

dream. I tried to remember Sam's words. What had she said? "Feminine side"?

What had she meant?  My mind raced as it tried to find some loop hole from

this terrible mess. Sam smiled and sat on the double bed. She tucked her

long legs to one side as ladies so often do, and patted the bed beside

her. "Come and sit here sweetie" she said. The walk across the room seemed

to last hours and with each step I could feel the nylon encasement of my

legs rubbing against each other. I dropped to the bed and sat a foot away

from this beautiful woman. Long blonde hair, perfect make up, stocking

legs, pleated skirt and a white blouse that only showed to highlight her

ample breasts shape.    "This is all most unexpected" Sam said looking me

up and down "and yet not unwelcome" she added. What on earth did she mean?

What was she waffling about were the thoughts that crossed my mind, as I

tried to mumble some excuses and seek that get of jail free card. Sam

smiled and her beautiful red nails patted my nylon encased knee. "Don't

panic Hun, I have no intention of reporting you", I breathed again, "if you

keep me happy" she added, and I stopped breathing once again. "Now my sweet

little girl friend" Girl friend? What was she on about? "I think that maybe

we should resume where you were interrupted from". Sam continued, as she

stood and crossed to the chest of drawers. I sat on the bed, feeling like a

moth caught in headlights as she opened the top draw and rummaged around. I

could see flashes of lingerie as she sought for something. A smile and she

lifted out a black lace bra, one that matched my panties.. OMG, matched,

she didn't mean...No fucking way. I was out of here. I made to stand but

Sam laughed "and how far would you get in just my girl friends panties and

stockings. Plus those wonderful photos. Now lets stop being silly" she told

me as she stepped towards me and held out the bra. "I think you need to

slip this on" she added. I stared at it, as if my entire life hung from her

out stretched hand. Some disjoined words tumbled out from my lips as Sam

just smiled and held that bra out. Anything...I would do anything that's

what I thought when she had found me, as my hand reached out and took the

proffered lingerie.    "That's excellent" Sam smiled at me, and I wondered

how I would put this thing on. I figure my sister had the best method, so I

slipped it on back to front, fastened it then swivelled it round and

slipped my arms through the straps. I could feel the tension lift and my

man hood, no my clit, swell. "Sadly I don't have any falses for you to

borrow but for now use these to fill it out" Sam said as she handed my four

pairs of her panties.    I was stood wearing stockings and matching

lingerie in a guest's room! The fear had gone and an excitement had taken

its place.  While my mind whirled and I caught a glimpse of a slim lingerie

wearing girl in the cheval mirror, Sam handed me a short, skirt she had

fetched from another drawer. "I think darling you have the legs to carry

this off" My shacking hands took the proffered skirt from her. My arousal

was becoming more pronounced as I stepped into it and pulled it up feeling

the material rub against my stocking legs, as I fastened the clasp at the

front and twisted it round to face the right way. "My god that suits you"

was Sam's comment as she passed me a blouse. My hands shaken increased as I

took the blouse I slipped it on. With each new piece of clothing the girl

in the mirror became more beautiful, more natural.    Sam took my hands and

guided me to the dressing table where she gently guided me to sit down on

the stool. From her case she fetched a brunette wig in what I believed was

a bob style. I sat still scared in case I would wake up. Scared I would

wake up, when ten minutes ago all I wanted to do was to wake from what had

been a night mare and was now a fantasy. The next twenty minutes passed as

Sam worked magic with her make up and fussed around me.. Foundation, lip

stick, eye was all a whirl. But soon my image had been erased

from the mirrors reflection and a stunning young girl smiled back. "Your

beautiful darling" Sam said as she lead me over to the cheval mirror. I

stood there looking at my long legs, my slim waist, my breasts, and the

beautiful creation Sam's skill had transformed my face into. Sam turned me

round and smiled at me. "Isn't this so much sweeter than calling the

police" she said as her hand cupped my face. I smiled and nodded. Unable to

say anything to equate to what I felt. Sam lent in and her lips brushed

mine. Her arms circled my waist as she pulled me closer, her kiss

lingering. I could feel her body pressed against mine, as her hands teased

my bottom. I felt her cup my cheeks and she pulled me closer. Her tongue

sought entry passed my lips and I opened them in what would be my first

kiss. My first kiss, and from a beautiful woman who had spoilt me so

much...  I felt her body press into mine, and I could feel a swelling

pressing into me. Swelling? The horror sank home as I realised Sam was the

owner of an engorged cock, and it was pressed into me. I pulled away, sheer

terror on my face. Sam was a cross dresser! The panic must have been

written across my face as she smiled and whispered "Now come along, it's

too late to put the genie back in the bottle. Your mine now, so just be a

good little girl and behave your self. You sweet cherry is mine and I think

I shall enjoy sampling it"! "Don't keep it all to yourself" Julie said as

she stepped into the room from her suite, "Of course darling" Sam said"

this little virgin is for both of us" and she smiled as they both laughed.

I am a bi curious and find this theme excits me, but I hope it does the

same for others. Feed back please.

Date: Tue, 5 Aug 2008 09:32:52 -0700 (PDT)

From: Sharon Pinder <>

Subject: room service part 3

Sam and Julie stood together, arms around each others waists. Their eyes

were on me, their poor gullible fool. A fool who they had been lead,

enticed into their honey trap. That much was obvious to me now. They had

merely gone round the block in the taxi, and allowed me sufficient time to

place myself in a vulnerable position. To enter their suite, to find the

bait and to dress in the offered lingerie. Then Sam `found' me while Julie

recorded the entire sorry saga for their future enjoyment. The recording

would also reduce me to their hapless subject, their slave, with no choice

but to be their puppet. How sweet it must be to have a teenage virgin to

shape and use as they so wish.

Sam smiled and turned to kiss Julie. Their excitement at what lay ahead for

me, showed at the passion of the kiss. The way their tongues sought each

others, and the arousal that pressed outwards through the material of their


I wanted to run, to open the door and flee. But it was too late. How far

would I get dressed as I was? As a girl. I knew I had been baited hooked

and landed by these two CD's. My freedom of choice was over, only servitude

lay ahead. A situation that filled me with dread and self loathing for my


Julie broke free from kissing her girl friend, and smiled at me "you look

so sweet and so innocent, two situations I know we can remedy my

darling". She crossed over to where I stood terrified. "Kiss me Julie, do

you like your new name, Julie, say it, say your name" she ordered me. I

found the word couldn't escape my lips. "You do have a choice. You're free

to go, and I am sure my record of the last hour would be popular on You

Tube... Say it". I knew she wasn't joking and I mumbled "Julie". "No no no,

say, My names Julie and I want to kiss and serve my mistresses". Sam told

me.. Mistresses?  How could I serve two men, but I knew the answer to that

already as I mumbled the mantra..."I am Julie and I want to kiss and serve

my two mistresses" My face reddened as Julie leaned in to let me kiss

her. I slowly closed the space between our lips and gently kissed her, as I

would an aunt. "You can do better than that" Sam's raised voice told me, as

Julies tongue teased my lips. Her tongue with drew and I felt her lips part

so I could slide my tongue in. I kissed her, my tongue deep in her mouth

and I felt Julies arms pull me closer. I could feel her clit pressed into

me, she felt so big, so aroused. I heard the sound of fabric being removed

and when our kiss ended I turned to see Sam sat on the sofa. Her dress

removed and her stocking legs parted. Her arousal was prominent as the thin

material of her panties strained to retain her cock. I stared, fearful and

dreading at what I knew she wanted. Julie's hands unfastened my skit and I

felt it fall to the floor. She stepped back, and removed her own

skirt. Unlike her girl friend she wore no panties, and her cock was fully

erect and glistening with excitement. My clit was to my shame partly

aroused, something I knew my mistresses had noticed.

Julies hand took mine and led me towards Sam. I could see a small wet stain

on the white fabric of her panties, a wet patch at the head of that

staining material. "Kiss it" Sam ordered me. I stared, knowing I had no

choice, as I slowly dropped to my knees. As I knelt I was at eye level with

Julie's arousal. Long, glistening and surrounded in unshaved flesh. It

looked so huge, so dominant, and so beautiful. So beautiful as I leant

forward, placing both may hands on the sofa, either side of Sam's knees. I

could see the wet patch closer, and could smell her scent of arousal. Sam

reached into her panties and let her arousal spring free. I could see pre

cum making the tip look smooth and inviting. She to was shaved. That was

clear as Julie's hands gently guided my mouth towards Sam's cock. As I drew

closer I could feel my own arousal increase, and my lips part. I was inches

away when my tongue emerged. It moistened my lips as the gap closed

between lips and cock. I reached out with the tip of it, and made

contact. My tongue tasted Sam's pre cum. Salty and maybe not as bad as the

scent had hinted at. I ran my tongue over the tip, my saliva mixing with

her pre cum, as Julie continued to apply pressure. I was forced by her

movements to part my lips and to take her girl friends cock into my

mouth. Like a cock would slide into a pussy. A wet warm pussy, but one that

was my virgin mouth. I felt its girth fill my mouth, I had little idea what

to do, but I started to suck on the thick length of man flesh as if it was

a lolly from my child hood. I sucked, and swallowed the flesh deep into my

pussy mouth. Sam gave a moan, and I could feel her stiffen more. A god she was going to cum. The terror filled me and I attempted

to with draw. To get that thing out of my mouth. Sucking was one thing but

damned if I would go further. I pulled my head back, but met only

resistance as Julie held my head in place. "Swallow it Cunt" she ordered

me. I tried to say "no" but how could I speak with my mouth filled with

that cock. A cock that twitched more violently as Sam's arousal peaked. A

cock that jerked and then ejected a warm wet salty fluid into my mouth. I

was going to choke, and tried to with draw, but Julies hand still held me

in place and I knew I had no choice, choke or swallow. Choke or swallow as

I felt the warmth fill my throat and slide down my throat. A tear filled my

eyes at the same moment, kneeling there, dressed in lingerie, swallowing a

cross dressers cum. An arousal that was betrayed by my own cock...what more

shame could there possibly be?

I really am bi curious, even if I probably will only ever remain that, so I

hope I have imagined how the above events would feel and taste with some

accuracy. If I haven't I apologise, but I hope you still enjoyed the third


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