Story Codes:
M/f M+/f bestiality exhibition lactation pregnant toys D/s slavery bondage reluctant humiliation nc Serious violent
Agent Scully, of X-Files, gets kidnaped in the middle east. She is first made into a sex toy, then a dog, during which time she is bred to other real dogs, at the same time that she is being raped, she gets pregnant, and they knock her out just as she is ready to deliver. When she comes to, she's in a kennel with four brand new baby puppies & thinks that they are hers, so she breast feeds them. The shieks son then figures out several tortures, one of which is using a dairy style milking machine on her breasts several times a day, & even hooks a tube up to her clit, to make her horny and to make her clit even bigger. Frequently while she is hooked up to the milking machine, she is raped &/or sodomized.
Size: 118 kb |
Added on: Mar 14, 2002 |
Total 226429 readers |
This month 168376 readers |
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Whole Story
(WARNING: the story may be very long and may take long time to download)
Part 1 |
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(added on Mar 14, 2002) |
Part 2 |
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(added on Mar 14, 2002) |
Part 3 |
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(added on Mar 14, 2002) |
Part 4 |
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(added on Mar 14, 2002) |
Part 5 |
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(added on Mar 14, 2002) |
Part 6 |
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(added on Mar 14, 2002) |
Part 7 |
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(added on Mar 14, 2002) |
Part 8 |
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(added on Mar 14, 2002) |
Part 9 |
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(added on Mar 14, 2002) |
Part 10 |
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(added on Mar 14, 2002) |