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The Completion of a Circle - Dark Love 3 Author: Veronica Leigh Marquette
(Added on Jan 25, 2002) (This month 121786 readers) (Total 144352 readers)
Dark Love 3 THE COMPLETION OF A CIRCLE. The final book of the trilogy, takes one of the characters from book one and two and takes him from, pet to Chosen, to Childe. The trilogy deals with SM/BD/DS, a truly romantic tale, but one that also has rape, incest, slavery torture and snuff.

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 9
9 Votes
9 Votes
9 Votes
9 Votes
9 Votes
9 Votes
9 Votes
9 Votes
9 Votes
9 Votes
9 Votes
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Weighed Average (?): (9.5/10)
Average Rating: (10/10)
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Reviewer: blossom (Edit) Rating: Oct 19, 2007
goodness me, the tears in my eyes prevented me reading for a while,wow what a story, granted i got confused with one person having two names, i even found myself laughing with the charactors. great story, even tho you did kill off two of my fav`s (10/10)

Reviewer: bbwsfslut (Edit) Rating: Sep 7, 2007
You had me crying too! I hated seeing characters die off. (10/10)

Reviewer: virgingirl (Edit) Rating: Aug 13, 2007
I really like that it has an actual plot and cohesive story.
I'd actually pay for hard copies if I found this in a bookstore.
Of my 10 favorite stories, on this site, 8 of them are VLM's. (10/10)

Reviewer: angelofsubmission (Edit) Rating: Feb 15, 2005
i loved this story i have always had a fascination with vampires and this story was awesome i agree if it was published i would buy also...very well done (10/10)

Reviewer: Wyn (Edit) Rating: Feb 15, 2004
One of the best series I've ever read. The depth of the characters were absolutely amazing. There was so much emotion in this story that when death came, it was if I felt the pain of their loss as well. Truly wonderful writing. (10/10)

Reviewer: Athenna (Edit) Rating: May 5, 2003
Great Story... superbly described emotions..
hope the author dont mind when i say its hell too crowdy stories... and too less on BDSM side... anyways i enjoyes reading it all... Surely she must write more like this... (10/10)

Reviewer: Venus (Edit) Rating: Oct 24, 2002
Best erotic story I've ever read. If the author would publish it as a book I would definetely buy it.

Reviewer: bluevelvet55668 (Edit) Rating: Jun 21, 2002
truly an amazing writer, her writing just gets better and better (10/10)

Reviewer: moonheart (Edit) Rating: Jun 4, 2002
a great author and wonderful stories (10/10)

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