Road to Slavery, Road to Life
Author: Rob
(Added on Sep 27, 2001)
(This month 307357 readers) (Total 384415 readers) |
The adventures of Rob, a 23 year old submissive computer programmer. Taken by a Master from a Mall parking lot and trained to be a slave. What can I say, it has it's funny moments, sad moments, painful moments and pleasurable moments. It was and is being written just for the shear fun of doing it. Hope you enjoy. Rob |
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Rating: (9/10) |
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Dec 15, 2015 |
Really enjoyed your story. I would read a chapter a night. Love your scenarios and the characters. Very easy to immerse yourself into the story and it was well written! (10/10)
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Aug 3, 2008 |
I give you TEN stars, because this is AMAZINGLY well written. I, who are not very keen on reading long stories read ALL this and loved it! I really hope to see more stories from you :) (10/10)
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Jan 31, 2007 |
Excellent story that draws you right into the plot from the first chapter. The story line is not at all predictable which makes for some great reading. The author has a wonderful way of bringing the reader into the story. The only negative is that the author addresses the reader directly in some parts of the story and this reminds us that we are not actually experiencing everything right along side of Rob. Wonderful characters and extremely well thought out storyline. (10/10)
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Mar 24, 2006 |
After reading 'Daymare", I really didn't think I would be able to feel as much for another character. Boy, was I wrong. I instantly loved Rob. The epilogue totally hit me like a ton of bricks. Excellent story!!!!! (10/10)
- Replied by:
(Edit) (Mar 28, 2006)
- Thank you nakedflboy. Actually Road to Slavery was written before Daymare. It was written in response to the terrible stories being posted at one of the very early yahoo story groups. I felt that I could do much better. The idea of those rude people that take a big shopping cart full of items to the fast check out struck and walla, Rob was born. Very happy you enjoyed the story and took the time to review.
Cheers, Rob Allie
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Sep 30, 2005 |
I can recommend this story! Actually, the tale contains a lot of elements that work as personal boredom factors or turn-offs for me: depilation, collars, puppy play; undignified yelling; fanciful name-calling and other verbal and nonverbal humiliation galore. The fact that on the whole I enjoyed the story anyway attests to its other qualities I think. It has exquisite moments of fear and devotion and other powerful emotional ups and downs. It has episodes of delightful physical and mental cruelty. Good bondage descriptions. Consistent, suspenseful and erotic. Well crafted and well expressed. Thanks! (9/10)
- Replied by:
(Edit) (Mar 28, 2006)
- Thank you for the honest review Ranai and my appologies for not answering sooner, but for some reason was not notified of your review. I agree with you, there are quite a few of, what you call, boredom factors. But some readers love them, in fact most were probably added directly as a result of reader feed-back while I was writing the story. But all the same your rating does indicate that the story does have some merit and I am very pleased with that.
Cheers, Rob Allie
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Dec 7, 2004 |
I have to admit that not only did I want to reread this story simply because I enjoyed it so completely. I also want to say that I would really like to read more of your work!!! (10/10)
- Replied by:
(Edit) (Dec 10, 2004)
- Thanks for your review Cokera. This was the very first erotic story that I attempted to write. Cannot express how good it makes me feel to know that folks have enjoyed the read. Illness has prevented me from writing for quite some time. Should I manage to get another story written it will be posted here at the library.
Cheers, Rob Allie
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Oct 13, 2004 |
This was an amazing story, well written, and very imaginative. The love story was very well-structured, also. The Rob/Rick sex was particularly interesting. I hope to read ore. (9/10)
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Mar 16, 2002 |
A Slave/Master story with torture, pain, sex, all the good stuff, but with a love story type writing and a really GREAT ending!!!!! Rob is really terrific in this work! (10/10)
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Feb 1, 2002 |
This has got to be the best, by far, story of slavery I have ever read. The author has done a fantastic job of making all of the characters come to life. Oh if only there could be such a real situation in real life. It is filled with scenes of discipline, yet an unyeielding love. This is more than just an erotic story. To the author I take off my hat and say, BRAVO, BRAVO. (10/10)
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Jan 6, 2002 |
This is one of the best stories I have ever read, not to say the best. This storie not only has great sex, it is very well written and you can actually feel all of the emotions . I would recommend it to anyone... (10/10)