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The Dickson Device Author: Carmenica Diaz
(Added on Aug 3, 2004) (This month 53231 readers) (Total 70009 readers)
Mrs Dickson is a self-made business woman who solves the problem of her husband's philandering with the invention of the Dickson Device, a sophisticated male chastity belt that requires two different keys to unlock it. Little hubby discovers the full meaning of 'a woman scorned'; Mrs Dickson is also an accomplished psychologist who fully understands how to condition a hapless male! And then, after eighteen months of torment and conditioning, Mrs Dickson hires a housekeeper. (Note this is the first part of an E-Novel published by the author)

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 5
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Weighed Average (?): (5.5/10)
Average Rating: (6/10)
Highest Rating: (7/10)
Lowest Rating: (1/10)

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Reviewer: pet10 (Edit) Rating: Oct 3, 2004
The story probably good, but I’ m a student from abroad, I’m short of money therefore I reading BDSM Library it was free till now. Carmenica advertise in this place her stories… is it fair? I’m disappointed with Carmenica. For money I can read in a large quantities femdom stories (1/10)

Reviewer: lex ludite (Edit) Rating: Aug 5, 2004
It's too bad that the author uses her skills to troll for readers willing to fork over cash for her talented output. She is an accomplished writer and I've been impresseed by her previous inputs, partial ones I might add. (7/10)
Replied by: Carmenica Diaz (Edit) (Aug 5, 2004)
I don’t usually read review but a dear friend pointed this one out.
Lex darling, I think the word is ‘trawl’, not ‘troll’ (a mythical creature in Europe).
I publish excerpts here with the webmaster’s permission, when Jinn tells me I cannot, I will depart.
However, lex, I will take your words as a compliment, thank you (while smiling sweetly) and then enjoy my cup of tea.
Replied by: lex ludite (Edit) (Aug 12, 2004)
You, in all your smugness are incorrect. I used troll, as in to fish by using a hook drawn through the water. This is a perfect description of what you are doing. Trawl might be a reasonable second choice since it does mean to troll, but with a net rather than a hook. That is as much as I will allow for you, the mighty professional spinner of tales.

Reviewer: bracemaiden (Edit) Rating: Aug 5, 2004
I get the feeling that chapter 2 will not be coming without a purchase, hence I must rate the story on this section alone. It was well written, it gives a tease at more action at the beginning, then a slow build-up of a beginning. As a story beginning, it is good. As a stand-alone, it is lacking, spending too much time setting up characters and mood. If and when more is posted, the rating will rise. (7/10)

Reviewer: mkemse (Edit) Rating: Aug 3, 2004
i am not into Femdom, except i found this particularly good, but i will hold offf on a higherrating til i see you where you go from here (6/10)

Reviewer: crickette (Edit) Rating: Aug 3, 2004
Good beginning. I liked the way you are working in the background information here and there.I am also interested in fnding what made Consuella a changed woman. One who seems to have no trouble smiling at all. And of course, I love to see people get what they deserve, esp. if they are men, you know the cocky, smug kind.
Th first part was well written and held the reader, at least this readers attention. I look forward to Chpt.2 (7/10)

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