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A Lesson in Manners Author: Fidelis Blue
(Added on Sep 13, 2003) (This month 51100 readers) (Total 60041 readers)
A bossy woman insults her master's servant and is suitably punished.

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 6
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Weighed Average (?): (9/10)
Average Rating: (9.5/10)
Highest Rating: (10/10)
Lowest Rating: (8/10)

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Reviewer: Deemaster (Edit) Rating: Oct 1, 2003
Really enjoyable read from start to finish. (8/10)
Replied by: fidelis (Edit) (Oct 1, 2003)
I'm glad you enjoyed it. Hope you like the next one too.

Reviewer: drayman (Edit) Rating: Oct 1, 2003
I really enjoyed reading this tale. The writer's ability to describe emotions and action gives the reader a sense of 'being there'. Excellent contribution. (10/10)
Replied by: fidelis (Edit) (Oct 1, 2003)
Thanks for taking the time to send your appeciation.

Reviewer: Emily (Edit) Rating: Sep 24, 2003
All I can say is WOW. A most entertaining journey into the world of sensuous, lingerie heaven! **WINK** (10/10)

Reviewer: boccaccio2000g (Edit) Rating: Sep 19, 2003
A very stylish story, especially for readers who are apt to linger on lingerie; but I am not one of those, alas, so, for me the story took rather a long time to gather momentum. The story line is hardly original, but the writing is very well-crafted. The only grammatical flaw that I noticed was this tiny peccadillo
"Henceforth she would be chastised only if she was disobedient"
{the subjunctive mood requires 'if she were' -- as in "If I were the king of the world"}. But such minutiae aside, a fine story (9/10)

Reviewer: e.e. norcod (Edit) Rating: Sep 15, 2003
I never give ten's. But as I sat here asking myself how "A Lesson In Manners" could have been written better I realized that there is no suggestion I could give to Fidelis Blue. wildhoney's review covers the points quite well. I loved the opening, I loved the middle, I loved the end. Congratulations, best story in the last month or so. (10/10)
Replied by: fidelis (Edit) (Sep 15, 2003)
It's gratifying to get such praise. This kind of encouragement makes one want to do even better next time.

Reviewer: wildhoney (Edit) Rating: Sep 15, 2003
A LESSON IN MANNERS is a remarkable tale. What i found most intriguing was the detail. The description of Octavia and her stockings was quite sensuous – i was sad when that particular scene was completed. Another aspect of this erotic story was the fact that it wasn’t rushed. The need was strong for pictures to develop and for the characters to be introduced and bared before our eyes.
The way in which they were written was greatly needed in order for us to better understand Octavia’s demeanor. Had we not been able to see her in this light the end result would not have been as spectacular as it was.
i highly recommend this captivating story. The imagination with which it was written will leave you wanting to know more about Octavia and Stefan; dare i say “escapades”? Octavia surely understands what awaits her with her final sentence. ;-)
Thank you, Fidelis Blue for the entertaining read.
Replied by: fidelis (Edit) (Sep 15, 2003)
It's very pleasing that someone should take the time and trouble to respond in this way. I'm really encouraged by your comments.

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