Michelle And The Stewardess
Author: Michelle Milano
(Added on Oct 3, 2002)
(This month 100385 readers) (Total 138182 readers) |
The story is about a real situation I was in regarding bondage and humiliation (although I exaggereated it quite a bit for the story). The remaining six parts were wiped out on a site that got trashed. However, if I received enough feedback, maybe it will give me the incentive to rewrite it... Michelle |
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Average (?): (7.5/10) |
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Rating: (6/10) |
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Sep 29, 2005 |
Well written piece of fiction. I enjoyed the story. (7/10)
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Sep 24, 2005 |
I enjoyed reading your story (9/10)
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Mar 22, 2004 |
i review based on what i like or dislike, i hope more will be added (9/10)
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May 9, 2003 |
The scenario is good. It needs more credidibilty to suspend disbelief. (6/10)
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Oct 6, 2002 |
Damn. And this story is mostly true? OK, I'll bite: yes, I want to read the rest of the parts so author, if you're in the mood to recreate them, please post them and I will happily read them. Parts of this story were quite disturbing (for example, the racial overtones coming from the author's character) and I shudder to think those parts are the TRUE parts! But this story almost qualifies and sexual horror and, as such, all things in it were fair and well-portrayed. If this story is as old as stated, the author is probably published in book form by now! A good read. Peace. LaJan (7/10)
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Oct 4, 2002 |
Very entertaining and well written , Keep up the good work. (9/10)
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Oct 4, 2002 |
This reader would very much like to see the story continued but would hope the author would take time to proofread and do spell-check in order to eliminate the many typing mistakes.Also, perhaps the stories pace could slow down a little to allow the reader to really get 'inside' the characters a little more.A very good start though (7/10)
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Oct 4, 2002 |
Perhaps I am not qualified to give a proper review as I am a lesbian masochist and therefore very 'turned-off' by punishing scenarios in which a woman/women suffer at the hands of men! True the lesbian element is present but really in more of a minor degree. If the Black women involved were very feminine and attractive, then it would have been much more thrilling for me! neenee (Janeen Marie O'Brien) binkyboom@hotmail.com (6/10)