Sample Snuff Chess Moves
These are derived from an old fantasy. When I was a teenager, I would lie in bed and consider all the possible combinations, from PxP to QxR, QxQ, and KxQ. Or as many as I could get through before I came...
Anyway, these are some sample moves that I've expanded into mini-stories. I don't think you need to know the detailed rules to enjoy it, but I've included a summary of The Rules at the end, for those who care.
Pawn Takes Bishop, E5
Elda watched as William walked across the corner of her square. She smiled nervously.
"A little. This is what I got into the game for, but..."
"But it's so permanent."
"Yes. For me, the game is over. My life is over."
"If you like, I'll lick you until you don't care. When I drop you, you'll be so busy cumming that you won't even notice the drop, or the shock at the end."
"No, thanks. I'd rather give you a blowjob, actually. That's my favorite thing, sucking cocks."
"Sounds good to me. Go right ahead."
Elda knelt on the trapdoor and watched as the noose was lowered from the ceiling. William set it snug around her neck.
Elda wrapped one hand around him and took him in her mouth; her other hand slipped between her legs. She moved slowly at first, prolonging his pleasure. Then she felt her own pleasure building and sped up. Soon...
The first wave of pleasure hit her; she bobbed her head frantically and was rewarded with the taste of his semen. Elda wanted to swallow, but...
Thwack! Crunch! Wow! Blackness...nothing.
William looked down. Elda's head was twisted off to one side, a little bit of white trickling from the corner of her mouth. No way she could have survived that. He felt a last pulse of pleasure, and watched as a couple of drops of semen fell into Elda's hair.
Judging by the ecstatic expression on Elda's face, William thought she'd enjoyed her hanging even more than he had.
Yeah. William was ready, even if it turned out he would be taken next.
Bishop Takes Rook, F7
F7, that's my square, Alice thought, Oh well.. She pulled off her top and shrugged as Morrie trotted across the three intervening squares and into F7. It had been a good game.
"Bad luck, kid," he said.
"Not really." Alice shrugged again. "This is my fourth game. I got to hang six men and three woman, and strangle a woman and two men."
"Four games? You must really want to be snuffed."
"Not... exactly. I was serving a life sentence, and they offered me parole if I'd play two games."
"And after?"
"I got addicted to the thrill. The pre-game orgies — and the post-game parties for the survivors. And getting to snuff men and women while giving them pleasure. When I got out, I just had to come back and play again. After that, I swore off because it was so dangerous. I managed to stay away for three years, but then I couldn't stand it any more, and I came back. How bad can it be? Those twelve seemed to really enjoy getting snuffed."
"Well, I'll do what I can to make it good for you."
Morrie grabbed Alice and kissed her, hard. She opened her lips and invited his tongue in, their tongues fought for entry to each other's mouths. She took his hand and put it on her breast, and her own hand found his cock and stroked it slowly up and down. Soon he was dripping pre-cum, she was wet with need, and they were both breathing hard
"What position?" she asked.
"Flat on the floor." He signaled, and an attendant brought a thin mattress, somewhat easier on the knees than the hard floor. Alice lay down on the pallet and spread her cheeks for him. She felt coolness as Morrie spread lubricant on her rear entry, then pressure and just a little pain as Morrie slid into her.
"Cross your arms."
Alice snaked her arms under her breasts. Even touching them herself felt nice. Then the roughness of ropes as he tied her wrists to her upper arms.
"I wasn't planning to fight you," she protested.
"Yes, but you might panic. And anyway, it's sexier this way."
Alice thought about that. "Yeah, I guess it is."
She felt Morrie start moving inside her. That was nice, the pleasure as his cock pulled and pushed at her little pucker, and knowing the pleasure she was giving him.
Then she felt something soft and smooth around her neck. The strangling cord. Morrie gave her time for a few deep breaths, then pulled the cord tight. Alice held her breath as long as she could, then started thrashing. She wanted air, so badly, but... she was almost there... if she could last one more minute...
Alice felt his hot seed inside her, then her own pleasure washed over her... ringing in her ears... down... into that void there was no returning from...
Queen Takes Bishop, C4
"Damn!" Edward cursed, watching Paula march two squares and into his.
"What," Paula asked, "You thought you were immune? Nobody's immune, not even Queens and Kings. If you play in this game, it's five to three you'll get snuffed.
"That's not it. Just that I'd hoped I'd get to snuff a girl before I got mine."
"Oh. Well, sorry about that. But them's the breaks."
Edward nodded, a little dejected.
"It won't be that bad," Paula told him. "I'll make it worth your while." She tied Edward's hands, slipped the noose over his head and snugged around his neck. Then she dropped to her knees.
"You're going to...?"
"Yep. Taking a Bishop allows oral sex. My choice. So relax and enjoy it."
Edward gasped as he felt her hot, wet mouth surround him! She sucked him in and out, keeping up the pressure on his underside. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all. Blowjobs had always been his second favorite thing, after taking girls from behind dog-style. His executioness was really good at it, too.
Then... Thwack! Edward fell a few inches and felt the noose jerk tight around his neck. He kicked frantically, but Paula kept sucking. He needed to breathe... air, please air... then the sensations from his cock began demand his attention. Pleasure... crowding out the pain... more important than air... He needed to... to breathe... no, he needed to cum. Needed it so much... Please let me cum one last time...
Pulses of pleasure... The most powerful orgasm ever. Incredible! Edward's vision started to go red... Everything was fading...
Paula swallowed, smiled and stood up, licking her lips. Her tongue pushed out a little globule of white semen. Just the one glob, the rest she swallowed. As delicious as watching the noose strangle him to death.
Rook Takes Knight, E5
Millie heard the move announced. No! This can't be happening! She'd survived to the endgame. A few more moves and her death sentence would have been commuted to life with possible parole. In a daze, she watched the Rook step over the line into her square. Well... if she hadn't volunteered for this game, she'd have gone to the hot seat months ago. And she'd have gone as proudly as she could manage. But now, it seemed as if her will had disappeared. The Rook came over and introduced himself as "Sebastian."
"I'm Millie," she heard her voice say.
"Any special requests?"
"No," Millie's voice said. "Let's get this done."
She stood passively while Sebastian pulled her top off and tied her hands, while he put the noose around her neck and adjusted the knot. Somebody brought a chair and Sebastian sat in it, then pulled her into his lap. He kissed her nipples and fingered her, and she discovered to her surprise that she was excited.
Millie found herself straddling her executioner with his cock positioned at her entrance. Slowly, she lowered herself onto him.
It felt good to have him inside of her. She'd always liked sex, and there was something... somehow... nice about Sebastian. Nice. He was going to hang her, slowly, and he was Nice? Well, maybe in some sense. Certainly he smelled nice. And he was being gentle as she worked him into her cunt. Nice.
She heard a whirring sound and the noose cinched down. Without thinking about it, she stood up, nearly losing Sebastian. He grabbed her hips and pulled her down. She found herself going along with it, even with the "I'm being strangled" sensation of the noose around her neck. Not really strangled — she could still breathe without difficulty. It just felt that way.
His hands urged her into a rhythm. Up...down...up...down... Each cycle, the noose was a little tighter. Soon she couldn't breathe at the bottom of the cycle, and even at the very top it took some effort to get a breath. She tried to stand up completely, but Sebastian pulled at her hips, and other hands pushed down on her shoulders. But it wasn't as bad as she'd thought it would be. Kind of nice, actually.
Then Sebastian pulled Millie all the way down, his member impaling her as she struggled for breath. She fought to stand up, to breathe, his hands, the other hands on her shoulders, were too strong. She felt his hot cum inside her... That was nice. But she couldn't breathe. She wanted to breathe, but... oh, right, she wasn't allowed to. Whirring sound again, the noose pulled her up, off of him... Higher... Dangling... This was what it was like to be hanged... the need... air... her legs kicked spasmodically, again without her willing it, it just seemed to happen. She needed to breathe so badly. Then, suddenly, Pleasure! She looked down at Sebastian's face, his satiated smile. But his face was growing blurry... everything blurry... nice... gray... nothing.
Sebastian basked in the afterglow of really good sex, watching as the noose pulled Millie off him and she started to dance. Lovely girl. Too bad, really. But those were the breaks, and Sebastian suspected he'd be doing the same dance in a few minutes. Whatever happened, it had been nice, really nice.
Rook to D5: Checkmate
Phillip smiled. It had been a good game, but the black player had been unable to overcome the advantage of first move. He looked around at the white pieces. There was a Bishop threatening him directly, the white King blocking his retreat in one direction, a pawn controlling another square, and... a Rook threatening an entire file.
The Rook had long, blonde hair. Phillip beckoned to her, and she came over.
"You choose me?" Helga asked.
"I'd like to be in you, standing face to face, while you short-drop me."
"Oooh! Sounds good to me!"
Phillip stepped onto the trapdoor. There was a noise above, and a noose appeared in front of him. Phillip bent his head, and Helga slipped the noose around his neck. She cinched it snug with the knot behind his left ear.
Phillip bent his legs, while Helga spread hers. She guided him into her as he slowly stood up.
"Mmm...." she said, and lowered herself onto him.
He hugged her tight to him, and they spent a long time kissing. The other white pieces tied Phillips hands in the hug, and they began to move together. It was not easy, standing up and tied together like that, but Phillip found the difficulty added to the pleasure.
Helga grabbed his shoulders and nodded. The white king pushed the button.
There was a sudden jerk as their combined weight pulled the noose tight around Phillip's neck. That hurt! Phillip couldn't breathe. No matter, he was where he wanted to be. Inside a woman, the noose tight around his neck, her cunt equally tight around his cock. He started to struggle, his legs reaching down for support, and his struggles moved him inside her... It felt so good, but the excitement made his heart beat faster and his need for air got worse. He struggled harder. More pleasure... Helga yipped as she came, her cunt clamping down on him in waves of pleasure... His own climax hit, and he spurted into her again and again. It left him drained. When he was aware again, he had no strength. His body struggled weakly for breath, but it didn't matter. Phillip would never breathe again. He had accepted that five moves ago, at the start of the sequence that led to his being checkmated.
No air... no... Phillip heard her yipping again... He knew his strength was at an end... and he knew no more.
The survivors applauded the Black King's final performance, then untied his hands from the hug and helped her climb back onto the floor, leaving his body swaying gently at the end of the rope. The audience gave them a standing ovation. The survivors turned and bowed. Flowers and bills of various denominations floated onto the stage. The clapping continued, and Helga bowed to all four sides of the stage, then to all four corners.
After several minutes, the audience's arms and shoulders started to ache. One after another, they stopped applauding, but remained standing until the last few had finally gone silent.
The Setting
Imagine a smallish indoor stadium. The main floor 64 squares of polished wood, alternating white oak and ebony, each square 10' x 10'. Each square has a 3' x 3' trapdoor in the center. There is an overhead gantry, which can lower a noose to any square on the board. Next to the large chessboard is a standard 30" square table with a 20" chessboard and a chess clock. The players move standard wooden "Staunton" pieces around on the small board, but the real action is on the large board.
About 1,000 chairs are arranged in theater-style tiers around the large board. The audience is not crammed into bleachers as at a typical, sports venue. Instead each chair has two arms and adjacent chairs are separated by a few inches.
At the top are "boxes." Each "box" is a small room with a black glass window. The lighting inside the box is usually much dimmer than the main area, so that the windows are, in effect, "one-way": the people inside the box can see out, but the hoi polloi in "general admission" cannot see what happens in the box.
The farthest theater-style seats sell for prices similar to the best seats at a major musical. Prices for the first row can run three times that. Box rental is astronomical. In spite of that, nearly all the seats are filled whenever a game is held.
At the beginning of the game, 32 participants stand on rows 1, 2, 7, and 8. Each wears a short shirt or blouse with the international symbol for his/her piece. When the piece is taken, he/she removes his/her top and is snuffed naked.
King |
Queen |
Bishop |
Knight |
Rook |
Pawn |
White |
♔ |
♕ |
♗ |
♘ |
♖ |
♙ |
Black |
♚ |
♛ |
♝ |
♞ |
♜ |
♟ |
The people who represent the pieces have a variety of reasons for putting their lives at risk, including:
The draw rule makes a draw "better" (safer) than losing, but negotiating a draw is not a completely safe option.
Taking Piece |
Snuff Method |
Pawn |
hanging (long-drop) |
Rook |
hanging (hoist) |
Knight |
hand-atrangle |
Bishop |
strangling cord |
Queen |
hanging (short-drop) |
King |
King's choice (any of the above) |
Taken Piece |
Type of Sex |
Pawn |
handjob |
Rook |
anal |
Knight |
vaginal |
Bishop |
oral |
Queen |
any |
King |
special rule, see below |
In the Knight takes Rook example, above, the man can choose to "enjoy" the woman's backdoor, either before he strangles her, or while strangling her.
This choice involves a certain amount of strategy for men. Suppose you have just taken a pawn. You can have a handjob now before you snuff her, but if you cum now, you'll be probably not be able to cum again before you get snuffed. So if it's likely that you'll be taking a higher-ranked piece later, you may want to wait in hopes of getting "real" sex in a move or two. Even if you are captured, you'll still probably get laid.
The King is not taken, of course; he is checkmated and gets to choose his ending. He can choose any of the pieces that are immediately attacking him, or any (enemy) piece that attacks a square that he could otherwise escape to. He can negotiate with those pieces to find one that is willing to use the snuff method he wants and/or have the type of sex he prefers.
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