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The Adventures of Karen

Part 49 Surprise

The Adventures of Karen - Part 49 - Surprise

Karen stared at the array of objects.  Stared at the array of oh-so-familiar
objects.  It was inevitable, she thought, that there would be a dildo.  Thick. 
Long.  Heavily veined.  Massive sculptured glans.  She stared fascinated at the
realistic rubber cock, both amazed and intrigued at the lifelike veining and
dark coloring, almost down to what appeared to be a simulation of a foreskin.

Seeing her stare, Greta nudged Agnes and smirked.  'She will go for that first,
I bet!'  Agnes nodded without taking her eyes off the transfixed Karen. 
'Hmmmmmm!  Of course she will, she loves cock so much, after all.'

Reluctantly Karen switched her gaze to the other objects.  A clearly
identifiable inflatable dildo was lying to one side, its accuracy of form and
texture apparently sacrificed to its prime purpose of enlargement, considerable
enlargement, she guessed.  Perhaps she would try that next.  In the middle of
the tray were several large sized bottles.  Unlabeled, but containing a clear
liquid.  She focussed on those and tried to fathom the exact purpose that they
were intended to serve.  Karen stared intently.

Lisa, suspended uncomfortably above her, watched nervously, wondering which, if
any of the objects below Karen would be unable, or unwilling, to insert into
her liquid depths.  Surely even Karen would not be able to manage the
vegetable, or was it a fruit she wondered.  Surely a vegetable.  A squash, a
butternut squash, of quite magnificent size.  The stem had been cut off flush
with the neck and, theoretically at least, it should slide smoothly into
whatever receptacle was chosen for it, right along its length down to the
rounded, bulbous end.  Several hairbrushes, whose main purpose seemed to be to
provide handles of varying shapes and curvatures and, finally and quite
unexpectedly, one strappy, spike heeled sandal, crafted from smooth black

As Lisa stared cautiously at the array Karen had flicked a glance around the
various objects and after a lingering look at the dildo that first attracted
her attention, stared again at the bottles.

Why several bottles?  Why, in fact, were there five?  Not one, not two, not a
normal number, like say six or twelve.

Agnes was secretly pleased that her idea had been accepted, albeit reluctantly,
by Greta. Pleased that she had managed to place five full bottles of still
water into the array.

'Thirsty, my dear, thirsty already?' Agnes walked slowly across to Karen.

'Er, no Mistress, no.'  Karen was on her guard, she knew from previous
experience that Agnes never asked a question without expecting some specific
reaction.  She seemed to delight in framing her questions in such a way that
the required response was bound to fall short in some way. To fail in such a
way that a further indignity, a further punishment, could be inflicted.

'Oh well, I just wondered.  I know that fucking can be such thirsty work,
especially when you are as enthusiastic as you are, my dear.'  Agnes turned and
stared at Greta.  'May I make a suggestion, my dear friend?'

Greta, always pleased to accommodate her friends ideas, nodded.

'Good, good.  Now, Karen my dear, I have a suggestion to make.  I'm sure you'll
like it'

As she spoke she smiled evilly, first at Karen, then at Lisa.

'Yes Mistress, thank you Mistress'  Karen made a hasty reply, fearful that any
delay might be punished in some ingenious manner.

'Well, let me correct myself. I have several suggestions, but perhaps we should
take them one at a time.'  Agnes paused and looked at each girl in turn.  'Do
we all agree?'

A chorus of 'Yes Mistress' greeted her.

'Good, excellent, in fact!'  Agnes picked up the giant dildo and stroked it
lovingly.  'Here my dear, I know how much you would like that probing your
hidden depths.'

Karen stared at the thick ribbed rubber as Agnes slowly rubbed her hand up and
down its heavily veined length.

'Here you are then, why don't you do as they say in the movies, 'Go fuck
yourself?'  Agnes resisted a smile at her small attempt at humor.

Karen took the swollen rubber phallus from Agnes and squeezed it carefully.

'Steady, my slut!'  Greta called out from her chair. 'That thing is loaded! 
You may squeeze the balls when you are ready for it to cum and you will have a
nice wet injection deep in your cunt, so be careful.'

Karen stared at the realistic scrotum and testicles.  She was well aware that
you could find, use, fully functional replicas but she had never had the chance
to try one herself.  Would it, she wondered, be quite as exciting as she had
been led to believe?

'Go on, we're all waiting.'  Agnes seemed to be taking charge of the
proceedings.  'Start work. Just remember that we have someone else here who
would just love to take it.'  She turned and stared at Lisa. 'Wouldn't you my

Lisa swallowed nervously, 'Er yes Mistress, as you wish Mistress'

As she spoke Karen tentatively rubbed  the swollen smooth glans across her
slick labia before she carefully eased the thick shaft inside her.  The firm
and pronounced rim felt good as is slid deeper into her velvety wetness. So
good in fact that she tried several experimental thrusts with less than half
the length inserted.  Feeling the insistent rubbing, the delicate pressure
against the firm spongy pad on the wall of her heavily lubricated cunt, she
began to close her eyes and moan quietly.

Lisa stared wide eyed as she saw the thick rubber slowly disappear into her
friends capacious tunnel.  She was no stranger to inserting various objects
into herself, and no stranger to seeing them being inserted into others, but,
in some strange way, watching her friend do this, so near and yet, so
unattainable, was incredibly erotic.  Despite her heavily constrained position
she felt herself becoming aroused, felt the familiar sensations as her slim
labia became engorged and slick with moisture.

Walking behind her Agnes nodded and called to Greta.  'You know, I do believe
this little slut is enjoying the show.  She is getting really wet between her
legs.  Look at this!'  As she spoke Agnes rubbed the back of her hand over
Lisa's exposed labia and held it up in the light so that Greta could see the
shining deposit.

'Here, slut, stop messing around, I can see you need some help here!'  Agnes
looked at Greta.  'May I give her some assistance my dear, otherwise we'll be
waiting for hours..

'Be my guest, do as you wish, I am enjoying being a spectator you know.'  Greta
settled into her chair and casually slipped one hand between her thighs and
cupped the other around an ample breast.  'You know it would be good to have
some males here, it would be such a torment for them watching such womanly

'Hmmm, perhaps later my dear, later.' Agnes was anxious not to lose control of
the situation.  She had managed to take over from Greta and that in itself was
an achievement that she did not wish to spoil.

'So, here goes, let me help you, like this?..'  as she spoke Agnes took hold of
the dildo and prised Karens fingers away from the shaft, before she thrust it
hard into her.'...and this!'  With a final thrust Agnes buried the shaft to its
full depth into Karen, making her cry out with the unaccustomed invasion so
deep into her liquid depths.

'Ohmigod Mistress, so deep ,so deep, it hurts.'  Karen fought back a tear.  She
had often taken thick objects just as deep into herself in the past but every
time she had done so in stages, in carefully paced stages, until she could feel
the end of the object rubbing the end of her cervix, stretching her vagina to
the fullest extent it seemed possible without causing serious internal damage. 
But?  But this time?  Too deep.  Too fast.  It really did hurt.

'Please Mistress, please my I try it myself?'  Karen begged looking desperately
between Agnes and Greta.  'Please, please, I promise.'

'Let the slut try then.'  Greta called from behind Agnes. 'If she displeases us
we can always let one of the males use her, punish her, and even hurt her.'

'Always a good idea, my friend.  We should let the males use her as a toy, a
plaything, later, you know.  It would be particularly entertaining if we
prepared them properly.'

'Agreed, after this session then.'  Greta nodded and smiled.  She had been
planning some activity involving Karen and the two well endowed males, and as
Agnes was happy she was sure that Ken and Peter would be more than adequate for
the job. Later, she reminded herself, later.

'Go on then.'  Agnes reluctantly stepped back from the perspiring Karen. 
'Start fucking yourself then, properly and deeply.  Just remember you are
trying to make out that it is a real cock and you know that you have never had
a real cock that didn't try and bury itself as deep as possible inside you.'

'Very true my dear.'  Greta spoke with a trace of bitterness.  'Why is it that
the male of the species always seems to insist on full penetration.  Why don't
they realise that somewhere in between can be much more satisfying.  Oh well,
perhaps we'll train them properly one day.'

Taking advantage of the conversation Karen carefully eased the monstrous
invader out of her abused cunt and held it up, gleaming with her juices.

'Just before you begin, my dear, have a drink.'  Agnes tried to keep her voice
even, as she picked up a full bottle from the table.  Unscrewing it she passed
it to Karen. 'Her you are, drink up'

Karen smiled gratefully and took a few sips.

'No, you didn't understand.  I said drink up.' Agnes; voice sounded suddenly
harsh.  'Drink it, all of it, now!'

'Yes Mistress.'  Karen nodded dumbly, not understanding the motive.  She held
the bottle to her lips and drank steadily.  As she paused for breath she felt a
slap on each breast.

'Drink it all, now!'  Agnes ordered as Greta sat forward in her chair trying to
fathom just what Agnes intended.

Steadily, albeit slowly, Karen managed to empty the whole bottle.

'That's better.  You see, you can do as you're told after all.'  Agnes spoke
quietly to Karen.  'Now, here's more of my plan.  I know what we said earlier
about you fucking yourself with everything on the table but I think you have
enough on your plate with that nice toy in your hand.'  She paused and turned
to look at Lisa.  'I suggest we let you play with that while we use the other
little things to pleasure Lisa here.'

As she spoke Lisa went pale.  She knew that Greta had planned something but
somehow she felt that Agnes had taken over and she would be the worse off for

'Well, let's think about it shall we?' Greta stood up and walked over to the
tableau of naked girls.  'Do you think that slave Lisa is up to it yet'  After
all she does need more training.'

'Of course she is.' Agnes put her arm casually around Greta's shoulder.  'Look,
its easy, we'll give them both an incentive.  First of all slave Lisa can watch
while slave Karen fucks herself.  Makes herself cum. 'Agnes smiled at Karen. 
'That's a fair start isn't it?'

Greta nodded slowly.

'Let's sort things out then.  Look, we have four more full bottles here.  Let's
put them in a row, like this?'  Agnes busied herself on the table.  '.and
let's put a little toy next to each one.'  Agnes arranged the four items, the
inflatable dildo, the squash and a couple of big handled hairbrushes in  a neat
row, and stepped back.

Greta nodded slowly.  'So what do you propose?'

'Well, if slave Lisa manages to, shall we say, accommodate, us, then we put the
bottle to one side. If, however, she fails, then slave Karen can slake her

'And the point is?'  Greta was still unsure of the strategy that Agnes was

'Oh, my dear, my sweet innocent dear.  Can't you see.  If slave Lisa is up to
it then we have trained her to take reasonable objects in her cunt.  Well, we
call them reasonable, but I suspect she may disagree!'


'Well if she fails then Karen gets to drink more with the added pleasure, for
us at least, of suffering a full bladder.  And, a full bladder with a full cunt
can be a very pleasurable combination, don't you think?'  Agnes flushed
slightly as she spoke, careful not to reveal her ultimate plan, the ultimate
indignity for Karen.

'OK, I will agree so far, but I may change my mind if things get out of hand.' 
Greta felt that she had to take charge once more.

Karen listened to the conversation around, and about her, in silence.  In fear
of being further punished.  She looked at the table, now tidied up with one
bottle neatly stood against one 'toy'.  Surely she thought, Lisa could take the
two brushes, even though the handles were carved ornately.  Unless,.that is,
she thought, Agnes intended to use the bristles first.  No!  Surely Miss Greta
would not allow that evil torment.

Lisa too stared at the table.  She was fairly confident about her initial
challenge but there was no way she could ever take the squash or the inflatable

Karen was having similar thoughts.  She had tried a squash once, a long time
ago and the sensation, the steadily increasing stretching had indeed been
pleasurable, but, as for Lisa, who could say.  Karen felt that Lisa would not
be able to manage the squash, so that meant a further full bottle of eater.  A
further bottle when she was already beginning to feel uncomfortably full.   As
for the inflatable dildo, she was certain that Lisa could nor cope.  If it
could be inflated before insertion then it would be a certainty that Agnes
would make it too big for her to manage.

Another bottle to drink!

As Agnes and Greta walked around the cage behind Lisa Karen had a final glance
at the table.  

Four bottles, four objects, a certainty that she would have to drink the
contents of two bottles at least.  And then a chill went through her.  

One more object.  What was Agnes planning.

One final object. The shoe.

The spike heeled strappy sandal.

End of Part 49

(c) 2003 Cathy P

If you enjoyed this story then feel free to make, and keep, a copy.  If you
didn't enjoy it I'd love to know why, and how I could improve it.  If you wish
to post it elsewhere, then of course you can, (and will!), but remember to
credit me as the author. 

Any suggestions for future stories involving Karen would be welcomed.

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