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Review This Story || Author: misspublicproperty

Ain't Life A Bitch?

Part 1

Ain't Life a bitch?

     She was starving. The hunger pangs had subsided the day before yesterday,
leaving in their place tightness, nausea.  Trina had left home two weeks ago
with $120.00 in her pocket and the overblown attitude of a newly christened
eighteen year old. Things at home had been tense for a while. After her father
skipped out when Trina was twelve, it had been just her and mom. Her dad was
pretty much an asshole, so it was more relieving than earth shattering when he
took off, and Trina and her mom got along fine without him. That was until Tim
entered the scene. Trina was fifteen; Tim worked at the local bank where her mom
was a teller. Tim was a branch manager, which apparently gave him the idea he
was a big shot in the tiny town where they lived. Trina disliked him
immediately. The pretentious way he showered attention on her mother was
sickening. He would show up with cheesy flowers from the local market and she
would fuss over them like they were rare orchids. Tim always made subtle remarks
about "giving them some class." Trina just rolled her eyes, awed that her mom
could actually be buying into this bullshit, but she was, hook, line, and
sinker. When they decided to get married, Trina started counting down the days
till her eighteenth birthday. Her mom had become some weird shell of her former
self, letting Tim rule the house. His conservative rules were over the top, and
Trina had no intention of hanging around any longer than she had to.  Two weeks
ago to the day, she was finally free. At midnight on her eighteenth birthday she
packed a duffle bag, stopped in the living room to kiss her mom goodbye.  Tim
looked over at her, expecting what, Gratitude? Trina looked him in the eye and
said quite simply, "fuck you."

     Trina headed for the bus station and got a ticket to LA.  Once there, she
figured, she could wait tables or something until she figured out her next step.
Well, the job hadn't happened yet, and she was down to three measly dollars. 
Trina jumped as someone tapped her arm. She had dozed off in the warm sun.
Looking up she saw an older man; maybe fifty or sixty, she never was good at
guessing ages. He was well dressed and smelled of expensive cologne. Trina eyed
him suspiciously...several pimps had already tried the routine on her; she was
NOT a dumb kid.  "Excuse me," the man said,

     " Could you please tell me where the Sky Plaza is?"  Trina watched his
face, God! She was getting paranoid out here. Ready to attack someone for a
polite question. She softened, her small town manners returning. It's two blocks
over, on the left, she told him.  He smiled and thanked her, two steps later he
turned around. "Look," he said, "I am NOT some dirty old man or anything.... but
to be honest, you seem to be in need of some food."  Trina's face burned a deep
red; he thought she was a bum!

     He noticed her reaction and apologized profusely... "That came out
completely wrong" he tried, "I actually was just going to grab dinner and I hate
eating alone, makes me feel like an ass."  "I wanted to invite you to join me."
She was going to refuse immediately but her stomach answered for her, as it
rumbled loud enough for them both to hear. "Just dinner, no worries," he said.
Trina relented and stood up, "dinner sounds good," she answered, "thanks." The
man told her his name was Thomas, and that he was in town on business. He was
checking on a production company that a team of foreign investors was interested
in doing a film with. Trina thought Thomas was nice, the first decent person
she'd met since her arrival.  The restaurant was beautiful, and she was
self-conscious about her scruffy appearance. Thomas assured her that she looked
just fine, and when he noticed her checking the prices on the menu, he insisted
that she order whatever she wanted. Trina decided to keep her order in the
"reasonable" category, not wanting to abuse his generosity. The meal was
delicious, and she practically inhaled every bite. After dinner Thomas ordered a
bottle of wine, and when he offered her a glass, Trina accepted, feeling very
grown-up.  She thought to herself how surprised her mother would be, to know she
was eating in the Sky Plaza and sipping fine wine. Thomas interrupted her
daydream... "Where do you work?" he asked.  She was honest and told him she was
new in LA. He nodded as she told her sad tale. "I know how original this
sounds," he laughed "but you could probably get some work in the movie I'm here
to see about." Trina was shocked that he would be so kind. "I don't really know
anything about acting," she admitted. Thomas kept refilling her glass, and she
was feeling the effect in a big way. "I have a meeting in ten minutes, no harm
in meeting some people, right?" He was really trying to help her, Trina
thought...and she was pretty hard up for cash. "O.k.," she said, half drunk,
"I'll come."

     The offices were huge! The men Thomas was meeting with never questioned her
being there, and she tried to stay out of the way. Finally, Thomas told the men
that he thought Trina would do great in the film. She looked at him for a cue of
how she should respond if they asked about her experience, but they still didn't
acknowledge her. Trina knew she shouldn't have had so much wine; it was giving
her a headache. One of the men approached her, putting papers down a thick stack
of papers. "Sign here, there, and initial here," he said tersely pointing at the
forms. "The pay is $2500.00 a day." Trina hoped she looked calm as she signed
the papers, she thought to herself "I can't believe my luck!"  

   The men left the room, and Thomas gave her something for her headache. That
was the last thing she remembered. Trina awoke in a large room; she was laying
on a bed, blinding lights, people shouting. She tried to sit up, but she was
unable to make her body respond. Thomas was across the room, he saw her eyes
open "She's awake," he said. The next thing she knew, the largest, meanest-
looking man she had ever seen was standing over her. Reaching down he started
unbuttoning her shirt, she wanted to protest, but the words wouldn't come out.
Trina lay there naked, lewdly spread open on the bed when the scary man came
back.  He was holding a syringe. She managed to shake her head side to side, but
he whispered, "This will make you hot slut," before plunging the needle into her
leg. Immediately she felt a warm rush flood her veins.  "mmmmm".....was her
reaction, everybody broke into loud laughter at her response. Trina could feel
her cunt starting to throb, it was dripping already... "What the hell WAS that?"
she wondered.  The room quieted down, Thomas was sitting next to her now. He
started running his hands over her, tugging on her nipples, sliding his finger
across her clit. Trina shuddered, looking at this old man feeling her sweet
body, but she didn't want him to stop. "Trina," he said, "If you're a good girl,
I'm going to make you a star." She smiled up goofily at him and responded, "I'll
be good." He stood up, unfastening his pants. Trina's heart was pounding in
anticipation of his old wrinkled cock. He came closer to her, slapping his limp
dick across her face. She tried to catch it with her mouth, but he kept it just
out of reach. Frustrated she said,  "Thomas, I want to suck your cock..." He was
taunting her now "Why do you want my cock Trina?" She didn't understand what he
wanted! He grabbed her nipple, twisting it violently, she moaned... "You want to
suck cock because you're a whore Trina," he said menacingly. She whimpered...
"Thomas," and he slapped her "NOT Thomas!" he sneered "The name is Master,
cunt." "Now," he continued, "You be a well behaved little bitch, and you'll get
plenty of cock."

    A camera appeared in her face and Thomas sat again, opening her legs. "Tell
the camera what a whore you are Trina," he instructed as he started playing with
her pussy. God! She was so horny! She was making little sounds as he strummed
her cunt. Suddenly he stopped. "Why did you stop..." she whined. "Do EXACTLY as
I tell you bitch, or no relief."

     She looked at the camera, tears forming in her eyes "I'm a nasty whore" she
whispered. He still didn't touch her pussy. "I'll do anything for cock," she
continued, looking at him, he touched her cunt, causing her to groan. Every time
she would stop talking to the camera, his hand was removed, it was agony. "O.k.
cunt" he finally said "I'm going to let you have some dick now." Thomas stood up
and walked away.

     Trina was confused, left there with her cunt gaping open...and then she
heard commotion. Thomas was back, standing there smiling. The sensation almost
made her pass out, someone was licking her cunt and she was squirming all over
the bed...but it wasn't Thomas. "Tell the camera how good that feels bitch," he
instructed. "It's soooo goood..." she moaned, everyone once again began to
laugh. In her confusion she looked down, and saw the reason, it was a German
shepherd. Trina started to sob at the realization of what was happening. "Tell
the camera how much you like it" she heard Thomas say, but she was sobbing. He
pulled the dog away from her pussy. "Don't stop," she croaked out.... but he
wouldn't give the dog back, he held him inches from her cunt, she could feel
it's hot breath. Understanding, she looked at the camera "I love having a dog
lick my nasty cunt." "Good girl," he said as he released the dog. Trina
convulsed as she started to come, not giving a damn about the camera, she was
rambling about needing cock. Before she knew what was happening, the Sheppard
was mounting her, and she opened to accommodate his pink cock. Another dog was
brought in, and then another, and another.... finally she had one in her sloppy
hole, each hand jacking a dog off, and Thomas brought one to her face.  "Beg to
lick his cock," he ordered. She didn't hesitate. "Please let the filthy pig suck
dog cock!" she begged "No." Thomas replied "I don't think you deserve to lick
his dick, do you?" sobbing she said "No Master." I think you know what to do
pig." He said. Trina brought her face to the dog's balls, lapping at them as the
crowd roared, finally rimming his asshole, Thomas shoved her face, forcing her
tongue inside. She was gagging and choking as the dog in her cunt started
cumming buckets into her hole. Trina gasped as the knot stretched her cunt
horribly. Before long, there was cum running down both of her arms from the
other two. Thomas jerked the collar of the last dog, pulling him away from her
tongue and turning him around. The large dog mounted her face, using it like a
bitch to breed with. Trina couldn't breathe as he humped her throat, and almost
passed out, but Thomas pulled him off and he dumped his load on her face
drowning her in dog chiz.  Her master had the camera do a close-up as she
thanked him for letting her have cock.  The dog she sucked off raised his leg
and began pissing on her, she tried to roll away, but Thomas made her stay, soon
the others followed suit, soaking her in puppy piss. When they finished with
her, Thomas walked by and dropped a twenty-dollar bill onto her cum and piss
covered body. She was stretched like an old whore now...the last thing he said
to her was "Next time read the contract."

Review This Story || Author: misspublicproperty
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