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Review This Story || Author: roy

Locked Up

One Part Only

Locked Up

      Why me? Why do things like this have to happen to me? But  deep inside I
knew exactly why I had been sentenced the way I was. My husband  always calls me
a hard-liner. Yeah! I have always said, "that if the punishment  is harsh enough
it will deter the crime." I always preached that everyone had to  be held
accountable for their actions but I never thought I would be on the  accountable
end, as the steel bar door slammed behind me. The guard told me that  this was
my temporary holding cell until I am completely processed. I would then  be
taken to what would be my new home for the duration of my stay. I looked  around
at the cold, barren cell, two cots, and a stainless steel commode and  plenty of
graffiti on the walls. It smelled like old stale sweat if you can  imagine that.
But to some one who is used to the cleanliness of home this is the  harshest
punishment already, the only luxury was the stainless steel sink. I laid down 
on the bunk. The mattress had a smell that I could not describe. It must be 
someone's stale body odor, I probably am going to get used to this odor before I 
leave this god-forsaken place. As I started to think about the last couple of 
months of my life.

     How had I, a substantial law-abiding woman, ended up in jail?  A thirty-two
year old housewife and mother of a loving ten year old girl living  in an upper
class neighborhood and, a Volunteer of the Year award winner from my  community.
Now I'm being treated like a common criminal, locked up in jail. I  knew I had
too much to drink that night but that wasn't why I hit the tree. It  did not
just jump out in front of me. I still cannot recall all the details but  I know
I was at fault. I do remember swerving trying to miss hitting a deer.

     After the accident, one of the officers asked me innocently to take the 
Breathalyzer test and I agreed not knowing the consequences. After two attempts, 
I rated a .10 and drunken driving charge was leveled against me. I can still 
remember the officer that took me home that evening had mentioned that 
first-timers always got off with fines and the inconvenience of the court dates. 
My attorney virtually assured me I would get nothing but a fine. She knew that 
she would get it thrown out after the third continuance was granted. It is  a
game all attorneys play with the judges. But the one thing she hadn't foreseen 
was Judge Henry Livingston taking over the case after the second time. He 
decided to end this once and for all, he also decided to make an example of me. 
I remember many times in the past, I had admired judges like him, but this time 
I feared being in his courtroom. Those final words that the judge said aloud 
stuck in my mind like a broken recording. I just could not stop hearing those 
dreaded words, "Take her into custody so she could begin to serve the sentence." 
I still remember feeling light-headed almost as if I was going to faint but I 
did not.

     I called John and told him I was not going to be home for some time.  With
my eyes full of tears and a shaky voice I struggled to explain, that it did  not
worked out the way my attorney expected. Somehow, I managed to tell him that  I
loved him and to take care of our daughter until I get out, before I started  to
cry openly.

     Then two guards escorted me to a place were I was fingerprinted  and my
picture was taken while I held the plate with some numbers. I thought to  myself
how good did these pictures look?  I did not even get a chance to brush my hair
Then I was taken to a cell were I sat on the bunk for some time.

     "Jan?" I was startled from my thoughts by a loud voice that seemed to echo
through the  cells. "Jan, I'm so sorry about this." It was my attorney. I
crawled off the bunk, still dressed in  the outfit that I wore to court, meeting
her at the steel bars. "I tried my best, Jan. Just got the  wrong judge this
last time. I had to come down here to give you some advice. How's  everything
going so far? I've been here less that an hour," I said  exasperated. "I'm
sorry. It's alright so far. I know this isn't your fault. If  it doesn't get any
worse than this I can stand it. "Oh, it will get worse,"  she said sincerely. "I
defend clients in here on a daily basis. I know what  transpires in this place
.You'll have, maybe six or more cell mates with the over crowding in the  jail
system before the afternoon is over with. You can almost count on  it. "Well
what am I supposed to do about it?" I whimpered as tears rolled  down my cheeks.
"I'm here and that's it." I'm going to give you the same  advice I give all my
clients who are in here for the first time in, Jan. You want  to leave here
physically unhurt and that's the main thing. The best way to do  that is don't
fight it. These women are going to come on to you. You can't stop  it. If you
fight they'll hurt you, then rape you. It doesn't mater what they  have to do to
get what they want and nobody in here is going to stop it.

     What are you saying? My God, I am a thirty-two year old mother and wife
with a loving  husband! You are saying I should just go along with it? Do what
is asked of me  including having sex with these people? I can't do that, Helen.
I cannot do that  to my husband who has been my first and only.

     The thought of being unfaithful has never crossed my mind. With another
woman?  That just makes me want to puke. My god, what are they, animals? They
have nothing  to lose, Jan; most of them don't. Just play along with them and
try to make the best of it, that  way you have your best chance of not getting
hurt. Just think of your daughter. She  does not need a mother whose been maimed
over a couple days in county  jail. Jesus, Helen, I don't...God, what a mess! I
have to let women play  with me like some toy of just to save my body from being
hurt? What about my  psyche? How do I get out of here with that unscathed?
You'll manage, Jan.  Believe me. You'll survive. What happens between these
walls will be your secret  to keep; no one will ever know what you have
submitted yourself to doing, just  to survive. I'm just giving you my best
advice. Listen, give me a call when you  get out and let me know how you are. I
have to run, court date in twenty  minutes. Hang in there, girl, okay? Yes, yes,
okay." I said dejectedly.  "You better go. You'll miss your appointment. I'll
call you." I watched as she  walked down the hall and disappeared. I tried not
to show it but I was really  scared. I sat down on the bunk this time, mulling
all this in my mind. It was so  peaceful now I tried to put all this sex stuff
out of my mind. Then I laid back  on the bed and I must have dozed off.

     I was roused by the clanking of the cell door. Come on, get in there," I
heard the  guard order the two women as she pushed them into the cell. The door
slammed and the guard,  like my attorney, disappeared down the hall. For a
moment, there was silence. I didn't move  from the cot. Suddenly, one of them
spoke. "Look how nice she looks, Ginger," the  dark-headed one said. "She looks
like she has the skin of a teenager. And those  clothes. Didn't get those at
K-mart did ya, honey?" I arose from the cot and  moved to a corner of the cell.
I didn't answer her. One looked like a hooker to  me, the other one looked very
athletic and large I thought to myself. At least  they're clean looking, but
their perfume smelled cheap and fruity. "You're a  real lady aren't you?" the
larger one questioned me. "What did you do, kill your  husband?" They both
laughed. "I'm just trying to do my time for drunk  driving," I said in a
quivering voice. I want to stay out of trouble so I can  get out and get back to
my child. I want to be a decent mother to my  daughter. 'That's good,' I thought
to myself. Appeal to their basic  instincts of motherhood. "You're a mother,
huh? I had a mother once. Beat me  everyday until I was sixteen. That's the year
I put her light's out." the larger  woman replied and the other one laughed at
her friends bravado."Me too," said  the smaller one. "bitch is dead now. Just as
well. She wasn't much of a mother  to me," her voiced trailed off, as she
appeared to be thinking about a love lost  a long time ago. Footsteps were
coming down the hall.

     Five guards appeared. One opened the cell door and told us to get out and
follow  the yellow line. As we followed it towards the other group of cells, we
were ordered to stop  in front of one of them. As I looked into the cell there
were four more women inside. One  of the guards unlocked the cell and told us to
get inside. What she said next  made me want to die. "Strip everyone! I want to
see pussies and assholes."I  could not believe it was happening, I have never
been completely naked in front  of anyone outside of my husband. She continued.
"You all know the routine if  you do not know follow the example of some of the
experienced bitches." My hands  felt cold, fear and humiliation suddenly
overcame me as I looked around at some  of the women that were already stark
naked and started to line up at the  entrance to the cell. I heard a voice
asking me if I needed any help. At that  point my hands worked faster to remove
all my clothes. Next, I found myself  standing completely naked and looking at
some womans ass. I held all my clothes in  front of my body still trying to
conserve some form of modesty and knowing that  the woman behind me would be
staring at my ass also. Trying hard not to cry at  this point I kept hearing the
command repeatedly, "Cloths on the table, lift  your tits, turn around and
squat, bend over and spread your ass." The woman in  front walked to the table
and handed all her clothing to the guard and for the  first time, I was able to
see what I would have to do.

     Now it is my turn and very slowly I approached the table and handed every
thing  over to the guard. As I went through the same motions as all the other
women, I  suddenly became self-conscious of my nakedness. As I returned to the
table to get my clothes, I  noticed they had been removed from the tabletop. The
guard told me the sack on  the floor contained my clothes. She continued to
instruct me to take my sack to  the end of the hallway and wait for further
instructions. As I walked down the  hallway naked I passed the row of cells and
noticed that in one of them some of  the women that had striped now were
dressing. As I walked by someone yelled out  loudly, "Oh, honey, they're going
to enjoy that beautiful white ass of yours.  Looks like you are going to get the
full treatment." I felt my face start to  blush and continued to look straight
ahead as I walked. Looking down the hall  that looked like it was a mile long.
The concrete floor was cold as I walked  barefoot, I also felt my nipples react,
becoming erect. I felt the stares of the  guards and some of the prisoners who
were watching me. I tried to walk  dignified, but I became aware of the movement
of my naked body. As I walked, I  could feel my ass cheek move and wiggle with
every step. As I approached the  guard at the end of the hallway she took the
sack of clothing, pointed, and told  me to wait inside. I did as I was told and
entered a room with several open  showers. Still completely naked, I stood in
the empty room and as I shifted my  weight from one leg to another.  My naked
thighs rubbed together reminding me  that I was still totally naked. The though
came to my mind, I started to panic  and asked myself is this where it will
happen? I dwelled on the advice that  attorney gave me earlier; holding back the
tears that were starting to form. I  asked myself the question,  how many will
rape me the first time? Will the  guards just watch or will they be the ones
doing the abusing? My God, I just  want to get out of here alive. Now the tears
flowed down my cheeks as I heard  the guard telling someone else to stand and
face the wall and do not move.  As I  turned to look at the guard,  she repeated
the command and I did what she told me  to do.  As I faced the white-tiled wall
my mind raced with the thought of what  would happen next.  I heard the guards
enter the shower area and start to call  for our attention.  As I turned to face
them, I noticed the same five guards as  before, the only difference was that
two of them had rubber gloves on each of  their hands.  One of them began, "You
are our new residents of our fine  establishment.  Before you are allowed to
enter any further we are going to make  sure that your are not concealing
anything that would be illegal.  Therefore, the  next step in the process is a
cavity search, and I mean to do a very thorough  inspection. Deputy Carlson is
the official asshole inspector, Deputy Smith will  have the honors of getting
intimate with your pussies and the rest of the guards  are to supervise to make
sure that you inmates do not get too excited."  She  laughed as she pointed to
me and told me I was to be the first.  I slowly walked  to the first guard and I
followed her orders.  As I turned to face the wall  stretching out my arms for
support, I jumped as I felt a hand spreading my  asscheeks and a dry
unlubricated finger working it`s way into my asshole.  At  first, it felt just
like a single finger when suddenly a second one stretched my  asshole till it
felt that it was going to rip.  I gasped loudly and the woman  calmly told me to
take a deep breath and as I did she forced the rest of the  fingers inside. I
was now standing on the tips of my toes trying to avoid any  deeper penetration,
but to no avail. She continued to twist and turn both  fingers as my asshole
became hot and irritated as the assault continued. Too  scared to move I heard
her tell the others that my ass was virgin and with that  she removed her
fingers leaving my ass hole burning.  As I turned around now and  noticed that
the second guard was waiting her turn.  She spoke to me with a soft  voice
telling me to spread my legs further and not to make any sudden moves.  As  I
placed my feet further apart she reached out and softly began to run her  finger
along my slit. "Honey, you will get to like it soon enough." I was  becoming wet
with her gentle rubbing.  I heard her say that I was sufficiently  wet and then
felt her thick fingers working their way deeper into my pussy.  As  she removed
her fingers she turned to the other guards and she said, "She  feels like she
really is enjoying this." The guards and the other prisoners all  laughed
loudly.  I felt my face redden and I felt so humiliated when one of the  other
guards told me to shower.  As I walked to the open shower stall I though to 
myself that until now I have never exposed my body this way.  As the cold water 
fell on my body, I could not help myself and I looked back and noticed the other 
woman going through the same process.  As I finished, they made me stand in a 
different doorway.  As I stood there dripping wet while the other girls finished 
their showers; my mind wondered if this were the way I would spend the next 
three days without any privacy.  I thought that would be nothing compared to the 
idea of being raped by the women in this jail.  We were all led into the next 
room and towels were given to us.  As we dried, they handed us our prison 
garments. I dressed as quickly as it was handed to me.  It was a beige-colored 
cotton dress that seemed to be a one size fits all.  I also noticed when one of 
the girls turned that the back of the dress was stamped, "COUNTY JAIL".  I was 
given what looked to be a stained, gray wash rag and upon see the other girls 
stepped into them I realized it was the panties that I was to wear. Next, we
were  ordered to line for our trip to the cafeteria, what felt like over a mile
of  corridors and more than two dozen of heavy steel doors we entered the dining 
hall.  Once inside the dining hall the dark-headed woman whispered to  me.
"They're going to be trying to make you in there, Girl. You had better  stick
close to me if you want to be safe,"  said the larger one.That sounded like 
good advice to me.  I stuck right next to them all through dinner. And they were 
right.  The catcalls and whistles directed at me were numerous. Strange as it
may  sound, I actually felt honored.  I guess everyone likes their ego stroked, 
especially when so many seem to be confirming your appealing appearance. 
Really,  though, I knew it was sick.

     Back in the cell both women and I decided our sleeping arrangements. The
larger woman said,  "You will sleep with me." I was petrified. My attorney's
advice came back to me. Just don't fight  it, don't get hurt.  I decided that I
would be strong and not go along with what she had  arranged.  I bundled up in
the corner of the cell and fell asleep on the hard  floor.  I was awakened by
the larger woman, she was kneeling next me.  Now she was  speaking to me with a
soft voice.  As she caressed my hair for the first time she  told me her name. 
She was telling me that soon we would be transferred to  general population and
there it would more difficult to protect me if I wanted  to be safe during my
stay I should be grateful now with her.  I innocently asked  how? She told me
that I should eat her cunt now.  As she said that I felt like I  wanted to puke, 
she finished off saying pay me now or your going to beg me  later.  I told her I
can manage on my own and with that she huffed and mumbled  something that I
could not understand and crawled back onto her bunk.  As I dozed  into a
restless sleep again I was awakened by the slamming of steel doors and  the
guards walking through the corridors waking everyone.  We were told to line  up
and in small groups, we were escorted to the cafeteria for breakfast.  As I  was
in the line a very tall black woman that every one called Bear came up to  me.
(Really she did look like one.) She told me that she wanted me as her 
girlfriend.  That really scared me.  I did not look back at her I just took my 
tray and found a table and sat alone. That afternoon is when finally my life
took  a turn for the worse.  I was in my cell alone when Pat came in escorted by
a male  guard. (Pat is the larger woman in my cell ) She told me that rumors
were that  tonight I was going to be initiated and was going to serve the bear. 
I was  scared and asked her what I could to avoid this.  She just laugh out loud
and  said, "Escape. I told you that you were going to beg me.  Before the night
is  over you will do anything I ask of you just as long as you do not have to be 
with the Bear. But it is too late now,  I warned you earlier and you did not 
listen. I am not going to piss off the Bear.  She has connections inside this 
damn place.  If you want to take my advice now I think you better do what she 
wants.  If not you will probably regret it the rest of your life if she lets you 
live that long." I crawled onto the bunk trying to hold the tears and not to
show  the fear I was feeling inside.  All I could think about was that by
tomorrow  morning, I would not be the same person that I am this moment.  I
guess I would  rather have been raped in the showers earlier and it would have
been all over by  now.  I had to stop myself.  Now I am admitting that I should
have gotten raped? I  am really losing it this time, this is really torturous. 
I continued to wrestle  with the events that were about to happen. Then my
thoughts were disrupted by  the guard at the cell door calling my name and
repeating the words, "Cell  transfer." My blood went cold, I felt the daze and
almost fainted as I  staggered to my feet and I met her at the iron bars. Well I
went through the  routine of being cuffed behind my back (as if I was some
dangerous criminal)  inside the cell.  I was led to another section of the jail
that I had not been  before.  The cells were not open but more private.  The
only opening to the cells  was a single slim piece of glass on the doors.  I was
led to the front of a door  with the letter and number, C7 .  As it was opened
the reminder of where I was  echoed against the concrete walls.  There was an
awful feeling of the moment I  was about to live inside these walls that nobody
would have mercy or could  conceive.  I entered the dim cell slowly, when
suddenly the ruff voice of a woman  spoke out very loudly and with an
affirmative tone.  "Take your damn clothes  off and let me get a better look at
you." And I froze, my mind went blank I  was shaking out of fear. "I tell you
again you will regret it as long as you  live your miserable life however long
that might be." Those words felt like  they were nailed to my heart and suddenly
I knew I was at the slaughter house.  My mind lost track of time I did not how I
waited but suddenly a soft voice of a  woman, whispering into my ear.  She
continued to speak softly with some type of  accent.  I have heard it before in
some movie but could not make it out with all  the confusing thoughts whirling
around in my head. "Relax, and give her what  she wants, do not fight her. It
will be a lot better, hon." As she was  speaking to me I could feel her hands
gently caressing my shoulder and the other  gently caressing my breast.  I could
not open my eyes the fear was so great that  I was still trembling.  Now the
hands were fumbling with the buttons at the front  of the garment and I felt one
button being released.  They went to the next  working their way down the front. 
She finished the row of buttons and then I  felt her grasp the collar and open
it.  I felt the cool air against my body as it  was pulled off my shoulders.  I
felt the hands continue to work diligently as I  felt her warm hands working
themselves inside the elastic waistband of my  panties.  I felt her working them
down my thighs and past my knees when she  nudged my leg to lift it so she could
have me step out of them.  Now my body felt  cold and shameful, naked, except
for my white prison sneakers on my feet. I felt  the soft hands begin to caress
my body, moving slowly across my asscheeks all  the way up my back and back down
to my thighs.  Then she began to gently touch my  lips and face.  I could not
control the sensation that was starting to overtake  my body.  The mixture of
fear and the gentle touch was beginning to excite me  although I still feared to
open my eyes not knowing what to expect.  Again I felt  the softness of skin on
my lips and a moist object force its way past my closed  lips, before I could
react to the sensuous kiss I found my self embracing the  kiss. The feeling that
was rushing through my body was like the I felt when I  was with my husband for
the first time.  She pulled away and I opened my eyes for  the first time and
saw her.  She could not have been much older thantwenty,  slim-faced, almost
oriental-looking black girl.  She smiled at me and it was like  she lit up the
room.  I did not understand if it was the smile or the excitement  I was
feeling.  She spoke again, "You're so beautiful. I cannot believe a  woman as
beautiful as you can be found here.  I know this is probably your first  time. 
I will be a good teacher for you.  Just think that it is me and you here  alone. 
Do not worry about Bear, she gets her jollies off by watching. "She took  my
hand and led me to a spot on the floor and guided me down to my knees in  front
of the bunks.  I looked at the lower one and noticed a silhouette and the 
strong scent of a woman.  I did not dare to react to the thought of that woman 
masturbating while watching me being forced to have a lesbian encounter.  But,
no  matter how or what I would do or say it was going to happen and soon. I laid
on  my back on a towel that was placed on the cold concrete floor, not knowing
what  to do next I was watching the young black woman taking off her clothes. 
The  color of her skin was dark.  The patch of hair between her legs was almost 
unnoticeable.  She has a very shapely body and as she turned to place her
clothes  on the bunk; I noticed she was well-gifted in the ass department.  For
the first  time, I felt myself admiring a naked woman.  She got down next to
where I was  laying and began softly kissing my body.  As her lips traveled to
my thighs and  legs.  The soft gentle touch relaxed me as she nudged my legs
apart, as she was  spreading my legs open I automatically placed my hands
between my legs to cover  my now exposed pussy.  She spoke softly saying, "If
you rather do it yourself  I will be patient enough to wait until you are
finish." With that she gently  worked her way between my legs and removed my
hands from where they were.  I was  not sure what excited me most, her soft
tongue working inside slit gently  parting my folds as it moved in a circular
motion or her soft hair caressing my  stomach and hips as she worked my pussy. 
Whatever it was I enjoying an orgasm  that just would not stop and I found
myself forgetting were I was.  Finally,  after what seemed like hours of
constant orgasm I felt her starting to pull  tongue from deep inside my pussy
and I reacted by clamping her head tight  between my legs.  I felt her hands
grasping my knees and forcing them to release  her head.  She looked at me and
with a smile said, "Honey, you really enjoyed  the kiss of a woman." All I could
do was stare into her big brown eyes as I  came down from the excitement that I
was feeling.  As my breathing returned to  normal I could hear movement on the
bed and again felt the shame of being used  for sex and perverted entertainment. 
When I saw her face, I noticed it was  covered by my cum.  Again, she began to
kiss my lips softly but now the flavor of  her mouth had changed.  I had never
ever tasted my own juices.  I totally lost  control.  I wrapped my arms around
her for the first time and hugged her tight  while I returned her kiss.  She
motioned me to the bunk and softly spoke into  my ear, "Show the Bear how
grateful you are to have been chosen for her."  The  cum on her face that was
really my own I did not mind but the Bear in the bunk.  I could not accept her
as a lover, she smelled too strong! After a short  argument, my lover told me if
I did not please her, I would be on my own  tomorrow.  With that, she helped me
to the upper bunk where I laid naked with her  throughout the night just like my
wedding night.  I enjoyed her soft skin rubbing  against my naked body most of
the night, it was so different.  As I lay quietly  enjoying the sensation, I
thought how different it was what I felt with this  woman that I did not even
know her name yet.  I felt so slutty and dirty for the  first time.  I did not
know how to accept the feelings I was discovering. I was  awakened by guards
entering the cell, I suddenly realized it was what they call  a random
shake-down.  It must have been two or three in the morning. Still in a  daze,
the three of us were ordered out.  Me and my lover were still naked.  We  were
told to stand outside the cell.  I went to reach for my dress and a male  guard
told me I would be allowed to get dressed after everything was searched 
including me.  Both of us stood facing the wall totally naked with Bear in her 
underwear.  Male and female guards entered and searched the cell.  After some
time  I was informedthat I would the first one to be cavity-searched.  I was
starting  to get used to being naked in front of strangers.  And this time, it
was so much  easier to allow the penetration of my most intimate parts.  As I
reached up to  brace myself against the wall, my legs were kicked further apart. 
I felt the  fingers searching for the opening of my pussy.  The fingers fumbled
with the  folds until the opening was found and with ease slid deep inside.  I
was still  wet from the sex I had a couple of hours ago.  I was glad I still was
moist; it  made the intrusion more comfortable.  The guard spoke up and said,
"You ought  to feel this one. She is hot and wet.  I bet she will probably cum
with my  fingers inside her pussy."  That was the truth and it embarrassed me. 
I suddenly  dirty and very much like a whore.  She inserted two fingers up my
asshole it  really did not bother me as much as the first time.  I guess since I
lost my  virginity there,  it is now getting used to being stretched open. The
guards  allowed both of the women to enter the cell, the female guard grabbed my
arm and  told me I was going to be transferred to a different block. As I was
handed my  clothes, she explainedthat I was locked up in jail not to enjoy wild
lesbian sex  but as punishment. She continued to tell me that it is illegal for
inmates to  have sex, and because I had broken that rule I would spend the next
day in the  solitary block. They took me through a series of electric locking
doors until we  entered a large building. It was very brightly lit, and it had
several iron  cells in the center of building. As I was led to one of them, I
noticed that  anyone could see into any of the cells from anywhere in the room.
As the guard  unlocked the door, she told me to strip off all my clothing. I
wanted to ask her  was it really necessary, but I decided to remain silent and I
took off all my  clothes. Once inside and completely naked, (I was not even
allowed to keep my  sneakers) I looked around. There was nothing, absolutely
nothing but what looked  like an iron stool welded to the floor. I took a closer
look and decided that I  was not going to put my bare ass on it. I stood and
noticed I could just see out  of a small window. I noticed it was still very
dark outside. For what seemed  like hours, I contemplated just sitting on the
concrete floor but it felt cold  to my feet. As I sometimes started to dose off
different guards would enter to  check on me. I felt the real reason why they
would enter the room was just to  see me naked. I felt humiliated leaning on
these bars naked. I was taken out of  my cell three times, for breakfast, lunch
and dinner. All the times I was led to  a steel table where I sat and ate my
meals naked. After dinner I was given my  clothes and told I was being returned
to general population. I was again led  through the maze of corridors until we
reached a large gym were different groups  of women stood. These women look like
the ones you'd see in the movies, mean and  ugly. I felt scared, really scared.
It must of shown for they looked at me as if  they were going to eat me alive,
and I do not mean it in a sexual term. The  talking stopped as I tried to find a
friendly face when someone yelled out loud, 

"There is the nigger-lover."

My blood ran cold and now I really feared  for my safety. A bell rang very
loudly. I nearly jumped out of my shoes. The  inmates began forming a line at
the door and I tried to find a place that I  would not stand out too much. After
a while we were all marched out and led into  another complex, again, I was
singled out of the group. The guards separated me  as everyone else went to
their prospective cell that they call home. I was taken  to a small office were
I was reissued to a new cell. Then I was escorted to my  new home, and I hoped
it would be a peaceful and uneventful stay. How wrong  could I have been to
think it would be that way. This time I only had one  cellmate. She introduced
herself as Kim. She did not talk too much and did not  seem friendly at the
time. I tried to initiate a conservation several times with  her but she was
quick to end it. The announcement was made that we were to get  ready for our
showers. Kim and I were led with several other women to the shower  area, where
once inside I stripedout of my cloths and began to shower. As I  looked around
noticing the male guard at the entrance somehow my being totally  naked and
exposed did not bother me anymore but I wished he would go away. I  continued to
was my body ignoring everything around me, when suddenly someone  said,"Hon, be
a doll and pick up my soap."

I looked at the woman that had  spoken to me and noticed a tall and heavyset
naked person with tattoos on her  shoulders and breasts. I became very scared
and I think it showed. I quickly  looked at the entrance to notice that the
guard was not there anymorebut what  seemed to be this dyke's look out was. As I
turned my head to face the dyke,  without any notice, she punched me. I lost my
balance and fell to the floor.  With the water from the shower hitting my face,
I felt several hands grabbing at  the different parts of my body. My legs now
were being spread open and a hand  began massaging my pussy. I struggled trying
to kick my way loose to no avail.  Suddenly the water turned off and I was
turned on my stomach on the tiled floor.  The dyke spoke, you nigger lover, I
will give you a good old fashion white  fucking that you will never forget but
first I need to beat some sense into you.  With that I felt a wet belt smacking
my ass and lower back. I realized that the  more I struggled, the more she was
going to whip my ass. I tried to lay as still  as I could. I could not endure
any more and suddenly she stopped. Now, as I lay  still, something was now being
forced in my asshole. It was large, ripping and  burning as it continued to be
forced deeper. My body tried to move but if felt  like I was going to be split
in half. The dyke told me to beg her for a good  fucking and as I hesitated it
was jabbed deeper into me. I suddenly could not  endure any more so I began to
beg her,

"Give me a good fucking, give me a  good fucking." It felt just as bad when the
object was abruptly removed from my  asshole. I was turned on my back where she
sat on my face and ordered me to eat  her. The smell of old urine did not turn
me on but I did not want another  beating. As my tongue began to work on her
pussy, my mind thought about the  first encounter and how good it felt. She
became wet and her juices were now all  over my face when I felt her hips start
to rotate all over my face. Suddenly, a  voice screamed out something and she
got up, the other women that were holding  me helped me to my feet and quickly
turned on the shower again. All of us acted  as if nothing ever happened when
the guard reappeared. My throbbing asshole did  remind me that some thing did
happen. As we exited, the dyke whispered in to my  ear,"Hon, you are better than
I imagined, we will finish it later." That made me  scared.That night Kim ask me
to forgive her for not doing anything to stop them,  and she explained that her
interfering could have made things worse for the both  of them. I let her know
that I understood and there was nothing to forgive. She  gently hugged me and
asked if she could rub some cream on my backside. I gave  her a gentle kiss and
said yes. Kim told me it would be difficult to apply the  cream through the
clothing so I stripped naked and lay on the bed. She gently  applied the cream
to my ass-cheeks and it felt so good. She was caressing my  thighs and slowly
her hands found there way between my asscheeks as she applied  some cream to my
opening. I opened my legs some more and I felt her hand finding  its way to my
pussy. The softness of her hands between my legs was making me  more excited. I
turned on my back and silently looked at her for a moment. Then,  she took off
all her clothing and lay in the bunk with me as we started to  passionately
kiss. I reached between her legs and began to massage her pussy  softly, for the
first time I was becoming aroused by touching another woman. She  repositioned
herself in the bunk. Now I faced her pussy as she did mine. With  out any time
wasted, I reached and grasp her ass and pulled her to my face and  began to lick
her pussy. For the first time I began to enjoy the sucking of her  folds, she
smelled clean and as her juices began flow it had a tart taste to it.  I
continued to pleasure her as I felt her doing the same. I reacted to her by 
opening my legs so her tongue could go deeper, as my body began to climax. My 
face was covered with her juices and her body started to convulse as she reached 
her orgasm. I was enjoying her soft tongue. She knew all the right spots she 
started at the front of my slit and finished sucking my clit and rolling it 
between her lips. God, the sensation was unexplainable, I wish she would never 
stop as the repeated orgasms continued. I felt like I was going to pass out and 
did not know how much more I could endure before I start to scream out loud. We 
continued like for most of the night and when we finished, I lay face to face 
and held her all night long. Next was uneventful. I was taken to a different 
part of the jail where I spent most of the day. It dragged on and it felt like 
time had stopped. I was placed in a cell were I was told to strip, by this time 
I was so used to being naked in front of strangers I just did what I was told 
without questioning it. Once completely naked, I was given the sack containing 
my clothes. By the looks of the sack someone had rummaged through it, but I 
quickly started to get dressed. Some of my clothing was not returned but in the 
excitement of going home, I did not worry about it too much. I remember the ride 
home with John, I knew that the reason he took the day off was to spend some 
intimate time together. As I looked down at my naked thighs for the first time 
since I sat in the car , I did not feel slutty and dirty. For some reason they 
did not return my panties and pantyhose. I would catch John sneaking stares at 
my naked legs, I do not blame him my skirt had ridden to mid-thigh and the view 
was exciting me too, I did not usually have my legs exposed this way. God how 
the last couple of days really changed me I know I am not the same person I was 
a couple of days ago. I felt the excitement inside of me and I began to rub and 
squeeze my naked thighs together as I felt a orgasm. What I felt now I did not 
understand but it felt so good. Was it my feelings for him, or for what I have 
experienced the last couple of days? Poor John, he really does not know how much 
I have changed since my visit to the county jail. I am sure he thinks I am still 
his faithful, innocent wife. 'How wrong could he be?', I repeated that thought 
in my mind as we turned down the street towards the house. I really just want to 
soak in the tub for a while to get all this jail feeling off of me and then may 
be I will be able to think much clearer. But I do not know how to tell him with 
out hurting his feelings.

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