“It’s time.” said a monotone voice in the darkness. Inmate 3347, formerly known as Brittany Lynn, felt the narrow leather collar enclose around her neck. She had known this moment was coming, having spent much of the afternoon being prepped, but her sense of dread was now replaced by fear of what was to come. All sorts of scenarios played through her mind, none of them good, based on the preparations that had taken place earlier.
One of the matrons had led her from her cell and brought her to a sterile-looking room and made her strip naked. She was then thoroughly shaved of all body hair from the waist down, starting with her pubes. Then came a hot-water enema, which she found quite uncomfortable, that she was forced to hold in for 5 minutes before expelling in front of the smirking matron. Then came another, then 5 more minutes of torment, then expulsion. Her naughty parts were then cleaned with soap and water, then rubbed vigorously with a rough loofa sponge to remove all the dead skin cells and leave her a nice shade of light pink.
All of this made Brittany think that whatever punishment she was in for, it was likely to be of a sexual nature. The facility where she was being held was for young female offenders from 18-21, and it was widely rumored to be a hotbed of sexual abuse and even torture. This would have been unthinkable in her country a few years ago, but since the new regime took charge of the government, those in charge of punishing criminal behavior were allowed to do as they pleased, once they were given custody of the prisoner. High-level positions at a facility for wayward young women, such as this one, were highly coveted for what seemed to be obvious reasons.
And a luscious young piece of flesh like Brittany was just what they had been dreaming of since taking charge of the facility. Blond hair that fell to her mid-back (though she was made to wear it in a ponytail that started almost on the top of her head), high cheekbones, brilliant blue eyes and full, pouty lips gave way to succulent little 32B-sized mouthfuls and a flat tummy. But things only got better below the waist. She still sported a tan all over, except where her tiny bikini used to cover, which had been creamy white until this afternoon’s scrubbing down. Her fleshy pussy looked as if it had been sculpted by a fine artist, and the round globes of her ass appeared to defy gravity as they bounced around with her every movement like gelatin. At just a few months past her 18th birthday, she was no virgin, but her sexual experience was rather limited and very straight-laced. Mostly, she liked to use her feminine looks to get her way, with everyone from her step-dad to the boys who followed her around at school like dogs in heat. It hadn’t worked when she had been caught shoplifting last week though. She suspected that might be because the police were getting some perks out of the new system too. Most people who spent time around her thought she had a stuck-up attitude and needed to be brought down a couple of pegs. Now it appeared she might be brought down quite a few in the very near future. Might have a few things “stuck up” her as well.
She was returned to her tiny cell in solitary confinement that afternoon without clothes, and she had none there to put on. So she was bare-ass naked when she was yanked from her cot by the matron in the dead of night. A flashlight shone in her eyes, temporarily blinding her. “Put these on…NOW!” She was handed a small bag, containing a pair of neon pink fishnet stay-up stockings, a neon pink flirt skirt that appeared designed to cover only half of her ass (at most), and a pair of hot pink panties that were completely crotchless from front to back, designed to leave not only her pussy exposed, but also her ass crack all the way up to the top of her butt. The leather collar was tightened around her neck. It had a metal ring with a leash attached to it. “You are to stay down on all fours while I walk you down the hall to the punishment room. Warden’s orders.” The matron dragged her roughly into the hallway with one meaty hand on her leash, and the other pulling her by her blond ponytail, then began to walk her down the hall that way, on all fours, fleshy ass cheeks bouncing and wiggling with every movement. As they passed the other cells, she heard nothing but the sound of the matron’s heels on the cement floor. She hoped nobody was watching as she was being led away by the neck and the hair like a show pony. When they reached a large, unmarked red door, the matron pushed some kind of buzzer, and the door swung open. She was led into a large room, still on all fours, then the matron let go of her leash and hair, turned around silently, left the room, and slammed the door shut behind her.
Before her Brittany saw a rather large, well-lit room, roughly 50 feet square. One area appeared to be set up like a small living room with normal couches and chairs. Another section had what appeared to be some ominous-looking leather covered equipment. But immediately in front of her was an open area with some straight-backed chairs around the perimeter and a thin, black, indoor-outdoor carpet covering the floor. Brittany counted 8 rather large, athletic –looking men eyeing her as she entered the room. Not surprisingly, two of them were the cops who had arrested her. All of them were nude from the waist down, and some already sported huge erections. One of them, who had an air of being in charge, stood closest to her. He appeared to be a bodybuilder, thick and muscular. All good-looking men who she might have flirted with, under different circumstances.
Brittany attempted to stand, but was barely up off her knees when the bodybuilder’s huge hand slapped her hard across the face, knocking her back to the floor. She was too stunned to cry out. “That’s lesson one. You shall never get up off your knees in our presence, unless you are so instructed. Another rule is that you shall always answer yes, sir and no, sir when appropriate, but you are never to speak unless spoken to. Understood?...UNDERSTOOD!?
“Yes, sir” she replied meekly.
“So I’m sure you are wondering a bit about your current predicament,” the bodybuilder went on. “We have sort of cherry-picked you to be our group’s sex slave, because we want to use and abuse your luscious body. The fact is, you will obediently do everything we tell you to do. Because if you don’t, we’ll just fire up the incinerator in back and throw you in, and move on to the next little tramp,” he said, gesturing toward a large metal door at the back of the room.
“B-But, my parents will come here looking for me, asking about me. You could never get away with that…”
“Well, that might be true, except for one thing. You were never officially arrested, everything was done off the record. There is no record at all of you being here right now. These two gentlemen who detained you”, he said, gesturing to the cops she recognized,” are actually just two members of our group who carry around fake credentials and look for hot bitches who commit petty crimes, then they bring them in and isolate them for this specific purpose. They’re not even really cops. Isn’t that just priceless?” He and some of the others began to laugh. “As far as the outside world is concerned right now, you are just a missing person, and if we threw you in the hole over there, that’s all you would ever be.”
Brittany began to tremble and break down in tears. It was a stunning revelation. She was going to have to do every perverted thing they wanted, or else.
“Anyway, while you try to assimilate that information, I’m going to explain something else to you. If we put a number from 1 to 10 on the current status of the people in this room, I am a 10. I’m the king of your world right now. All these other friends of mine here would be 9s, and then there’s you. Your status is zero. You are nothing but a piece of sex meat who exists only because we allow it, for our own perverse sexual pleasure, and so your new name will BE “sexmeat”. And since I AM the king of your world, you shall always address me as “your highness”. To symbolize the fact that you are lower than a snake’s belly, I order you NOW to crawl over here ON your belly, then lay across my knee so I can spank that plump ass good and hard with my hand in front of everyone.” The king then sat down on his throne, in this case, a large straight backed chair which he placed in the center of the room.
Sexmeat felt a lump form in her throat, perhaps from all the pride she was about to swallow. All she wanted to do was get up and run away, but there was nowhere to run. She was about to say goodbye to what remained of her dignity. Feeling her face flush and her eyes fill with tears, she looked around and saw only lust on the faces of the others, some of whom were already stroking their hard dicks. She got all the way down on her belly and began to crawl across the floor, her butt cheeks bouncing as she went.
When she finally reached the foot of the king’s “throne”, he grabbed her by her ponytail and pulled her roughly up and over his lap, until her head was nearly to the floor on the other side, and her ass was pointing almost straight up. In this position, her little skirt did nothing to cover her, and her split-crotch panties did very little. Her fleshy, bald pussy was on prominent display to all, and the cleft between her asscheeks spread apart just enough to expose the discolored flesh surrounding her tight rectum. “You will count these and thank me after each slap. You had better say it loud enough for everyone to hear it, or it won’t count, and you’ll get 5 more added on.” He then brought his meaty right hand down hard across her thick behind, the “SMACK” reverberating throughout the large room.
“One, thank you, your highness”, she managed to say, her voice cracking. She saw a single, mascara-filled tear fall to the floor just below her face. Another loud SLAP across her asscheeks, then another, and another, and another.
“Two, thank you, your highness…” A short pause while the group admired the reaction of her perfect rear end bouncing like gelatin beneath his large hand, and the angry red hand print that formed soon after.
“Thrreee, thag you your highness” Her tears began to flow faster. Four, owwww, thag your highness. Five, thank youuu…the tears began to flow more freely. The stinging pain of the hard slaps was bad, but even worse, she had never felt such humiliation before in her life. Then in between spanks and her ritual thank-yous, the king of her world began to lecture and scold her. “This is what a naughty young girl deserves. You are a petty little thief, and you will be publicly shamed. This is just the very beginning.” The smacks got harder and faster, his strong right arm raining slap after slap down onto her delectable ass, which had now turned a lovely shade of pink. She was still wearing her ultra-short skirt and crotchless panties (along with her thigh-high fishnets), but they offered very little protection from the king’s punishing hand.
Abruptly, he shoved her off onto the floor in a heap. “Crawl across the floor on your hands and knees to the corner, then remain on your knees there, hands on your head, with your punished hiney on display.” Just getting to the corner was going to be quite a show, with her pink ass bouncing and her meaty twat jutting out from beneath. Every man in the room was hard as a rock, some could barely seem to contain their lust. “Relax gentlemen”, said the king. “We’ve got all day, don’t be busting a nut so soon. Yes, all day, and probably many days to come. Literally.” As sexmeat reached the corner and assumed the commanded position, she could hear them discussing the next stage of her punishment.
As she whimpered quietly while on display in the corner, sexmeat/Brittany felt a sense of dread and helplessness about what was to come. Her mind raced trying to think of a way out of her predicament, but it seemed there was no way. She was in a position of complete vulnerability, in a securely locked room, with a bunch of perverted sadists. At best, she was in for a very rough time. The degradation, and the physical punishment would be extreme.
After being on display in the corner for 5 or 10 minutes, she heard one of the men walk up behind her. “Turn around”, he commanded, “but don’t you dare get up off that floor!” She did so, and glanced up long enough to see that it was one of the “cops” who had “arrested” her. She felt so stupid and gullible. “And don’t you look up at me, you’re not worthy of looking at me. Keep your eyes downcast, thief.” She did as she was told. He reattached the leash to her collar and led her toward the same area where she had been spanked, but now there was a large rectangular red footrest, about 2 feet by four feet positioned in the center on the floor. On top of the footrest was a black cylindrical cushion, about a foot and a half in length and two feet in diameter. The cop pulled her up and over the cushion and length-wise along the footrest. This had the effect of pushing her ass straight up in the air and putting her rosy bottom on prominent display. In this position, her legs were spread enough to part her pussy lips, making an inviting target. Her little titties hung over the other side.
The cop stood over her, straddling her and the footrest, but facing the opposite way. Two of the other men grabbed each ankle, and forced her legs wider apart, finding that she was actually quite flexible. In fact, she was more flexible than they had even figured out yet. Those gymnastics classes throughout her childhood had done their job. Now her tight little anus was finally visible to all, as her thick cheek meat finally parted far enough, and the room was extremely well-lit. She heard what sounded like the cop removing his belt, she guessed this was his reward for bringing her in for the group to abuse. “Now I’m going to whip your naughty little asshole and pussy in front of everyone here. Reach back with both hands and spread those fat little asscheeks wider”, the cop commanded. She did so obediently. Her pretty pussy and rectum were now on prominent display in the room full of horny men, and the cop produced a large bottle of Vitamin E oil, which he squirted liberally all over her naughty parts. Sexmeat heard a SWISH as his narrow leather belt cut through the air and scored a direct hit on her exposed anus, and she let out a loud yelp. The next stroke landed on her pink pussy lips, and she began to cry like a little girl. The strokes kept coming, hard and fast, she lost count of how many, but she continued holding her cheeks apart as instructed. Angry red welts began to form along the entire length of her butt crack, as well as her pussy lips. One stroke landed right on her clitoral hood, and the little button underneath swelled to the point where it protruded from its hiding place, exposing it to further abuse.
The cop finally stopped whipping her crack after several minutes. Then he walked around to her front and grabbed her by the hair, yanking her head up to look at him. Her face was soaked with tears and flushed with shame. Her mascara had run down her cheeks, leaving black streaks. His big hard dick was right in front of her face. “Now”, said the cop, “the next man up will continue your beating. But while he beats your behind, you will demonstrate your subservience by licking mine. And you’d better do a good and thorough job of it too, and lick and suck my balls while you’re down there. But leave my dick alone for now, you haven’t earned it and I don’t want to cum just yet.” Then he laid down on his back and pulled his legs up over his head. Though she was repulsed on a certain level, she began to eagerly suck his asshole and balls, and lick up and down the entire length of his butt crack. The next thing she knew, she felt someone behind her pull off her crotchless pink panties and tuck her skirt up into its own waistband, completely exposing her bare ass. “Naughty girls get their bottoms beaten with their panties pulled down.” It was the second “cop”, who then walked around in front of her, where she was eating man-ass. He grabbed her by the hair and interrupted her dirty work, with the half-crazed look of a slobbering pervert. Then he pulled a tube of bright red lipstick from his pocket and waved it in front of her face. “See this? This is the same lipstick that we caught you stealing from the store the other day.” He took the lipstick and began to write on her forehead, and she felt him form the letters, T-H-I-E-F. He shoved her face back down in the first cop’s asshole, then walked back around behind her. She felt him write on her bare ass with the lipstick, S-L-U-T. Then he grabbed a thick neoprene rubber strap about 3 inches wide, and brought it down hard on her right ass cheek. The oil made the entire surface of the strap adhere to her gorgeous ass, which jiggled provocatively. When he pulled the strap back, there was a perfect bright red imprint of it on her bottom. She gasped in reaction to the searing pain, but remembering the first cop’s admonitions, she kept on hungrily licking his balls and ass. Cop #2 continued to beat her thick ass like a man possessed, bringing one hard stroke after another down on her bright red behind , til he had beaten the word “SLUT” right off of her. By this time, she was blubbering incoherently from not only the pain, but the abject humiliation she was being forced to endure.
The second cop then walked around to her front and took the first cop’s place, to have his ass eaten and balls sucked. The next guy got up and took a single-tail whip to her ass, adding some wicked stripes to the picture. When he was done, he came around front to get his ass sucked, and the next guy started beating her ass hard with a clear lexan paddle that had holes in it, to cut down on air resistance. Round and round they went, until finally the bodybuilder, who had given her the OTK spanking earlier, got the last turn. He produced a huge rubber strap made of tire tread. The area of sexmeat’s ass that had started out white from her tan lines was now crimson, while the part that had started out tan was now a deep reddish brown. He began to abuse her tender ass mercilessly with the tire tread strap and his powerful right arm, making sure to reach any areas that had been missed earlier, like the sides of each cheek, so that the whole 180 degrees of her bottom from hip to hip was thoroughly beaten. He made sure to get the backs of her upper thighs as well, which seemed to cause her nearly unbearable pain. Splotchy darker red markings and even some purplish bruising began to appear as he lit her hot ass up with the very severe instrument. Her wailing intensified, but this only turned them all on even more, if that was possible. Finally, the bodybuilder stopped, walked around to the front, laid on his back , grabbed sexmeat roughly by the hair, and forced her to suck his now sweaty ass crack for a good 5 minutes as she sobbed uncontrollably.
“Now, thank me properly for allowing you to cleanse my rectum with your mouth”, he sneered, his voice full of contempt. “Thank you, your highness”, she replied through her tears, eyes cast down toward the floor, not daring to look up. She was beginning to feel like the worthless piece of meat they kept telling her she was. The next thing she knew, he had grabbed her by her blond ponytail and was dragging her across the floor toward a large leather-covered table, as she screamed and flailed about. As he shoved her underneath it, she saw that there was an opening in the middle, with a small semi-circular cut-out in each half of the table. The bodybuilder shoved her head up through the opening, then pushed the two leaves of the table together, closing them around her neck, then she heard the snap of a padlock clicking shut. She had just enough room to kneel under the table. Viewed from above the table, she just looked like a disembodied head, with “THIEF” still emblazoned across it in red lipstick. Then he climbed up on top of the table and mounted her face, stuffing his now-throbbing 8 inches or so of hard dick-meat roughly between her full lips, and slammed it against the back of her throat, all the while holding her head up by her blonde ponytail. He skull-fucked her relentlessly, clenching and unclenching his tight muscular ass with every stroke, his legs apart, exposing his own just-licked asshole to the group with each backstroke, then thrusting deep into her throat with his fat cock again and again. She thought she would pass out as she tried to accommodate his huge prick while trying to breathe through her nose. Her thoroughly beaten ass continued to throb under the table as her face was brutally raped. She felt she had to go away to someplace else in her mind, or she might die of humiliation, if that was possible. But even that didn’t work, as he would periodically slap her face hard and bring her back to harsh reality. He stopped for a moment, and attached an alligator clip to the back of her collar. Then she felt two thin strips of leather pulled up over her head. There was a hook in each that barely reached her nose, and he hooked one into each nostril. This had the effect of distorting her nose to look like that of a pig. “I’m changing your name to “fuckpig”, said the bodybuilder, and returned to fucking her mouth, as the rest of the group laughed at her and stroked their hard cocks, waiting impatiently for their turns. “Now look at me”, said his highness, “I want to look in your eyes while I cum in your mouth.” Her pretty blue eyes looked up at him, full of more tears that were spilling out onto her cheeks, streaking them black with mascara. “You better swallow every bit of it, too, fuckpig!” He pounded his meat into her facehole several more times, then suddenly his asshole tightened, and he began to spasm wildly, spewing his hot jism into the back of her throat as he grunted and moaned. As repulsed as she was, fuckpig obediently tried to swallow his load while she kept eye contact, but it was too much, too fast. She swallowed some, but choked and gagged and spit some out also.
Now, the other seven guys climbed up on top of the large leather table, forming a circle around fuckpig. She still had some of the king’s cum dripping from her piggy nose, and more dripping off her chin and onto the table. Looking like some kind of bizarre centerpiece, her head was in the middle, surrounded by big hard dicks which poked lewdly at her face. One by one, they fucked her mouth. At some point, she figured out that when a guy was about to cum, if she started her throat muscles swallowing right away, she could drink it all down and it wouldn’t spew out of her mouth. But some of them chose to pull out at the last second and shoot on her helpless face, so she still wound up covered in jizz. As the last guy drained his balls into her mouth and she obediently gulped it down, she started to realize that her body was betraying her. She could feel something like arousal stirring in her, her pussy was wet and her nipples hard, under the table. Was it some sort of survival mechanism kicking in, to help her try to get through this? Or was there actually a small part of her that enjoyed being forced to submit? Either way, she had a feeling they were a long ways from finished with her.
The men began to get dressed, then the king turned to her and said, ”We’re going out to get some food. We’d bring you back something, but you just had a big protein meal. With a side of ass…” They all laughed, enjoying the joke at fuckpig’s expense. “When we get back, we’ll put your leash back on and let you lap up some water from your piggy bowl. Then we’ll continue your punishment. If you’re wondering what that might involve, I’ll give you a hint. The main reason we don’t want to feed you yet is because we want your colon to be empty. For now, you just stay there with cum all over your face. Not like you have a choice.” Then they left and locked the door behind them.
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