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Review This Story || Author: Smackmagnet

Chastening Day

Part 2

This story is a work of fiction. Do not copy anything in the story.


� smack magnet

Ch 2: The priest's gardeners

Dominic looked on in frustration as the third-placed boy, Joseph, failed to make any impression on the common girl, Misha. Perhaps he should have listened to the boy�s father. He could see it written all over the Joseph. Fazed at unexpectedly becoming first to chastise, blushing in front of the stiff and wary elders, Joseph barely managed to tap his home-made switch into pretty little Misha�s clothed peasant rear.

Adding to Joseph's ear-burning was the unexpected presence of other random men from the village. In recent years, he was sure, no-one had been allowed near Chastenings except for the village priest, the three chief elders, the three virtuous boys and the three unlucky Shrews.

About this, Joseph was right. Dominic, in truth, had been hugely disappointed by last year's festival. He had expected many more men to be in attendance. He had asked the elders where the rest of the village was when they assembled in the field behind the river, which by recent tradition had hosted the event. The priest had (for he had read of this) expected a crowd of jeering men, and all he had got were three spotty, nervous boys and three humourless, miserable elders. He'd managed to push things a little. By professing his ignorance, he'd teased out more from the elders, had tricked them into saying that the sins of the girls deserved a fuller response. He had got the whole scenario to pep up a little. But even so, it ran pancake-flat when compared to the visceral pictures in his mind.

This year, he'd made sure that things would be shaken up. He'd looked in the parish records. And the records did say that in the past, more men had been in attendance, and other locations than that annoyingly private field had once been used. So he'd paced Crothin and its surrounds, exercising legs that had scarce trod a road or path in years, till he found a place which suited his designs.

Using the heath as the ritual's location was, however, nowhere in the records. It became this year's location on Dominic's insistence. For to him, such a festival needed space, and the heath had space in abundance. Such a festival needed drama, and the heath had the drama of paths, of woods and glades, of heather and gorse. He had, simply, insisted that it must be used, and had over-ridden all objections from the elders. But, as the internal workings of these parochial meetings had always, by tradition, been kept within walls, Dominic's growing influence was not spoken of in public. At least, not by the elders.

He had pointed to remarks in the parish records to insist that other men should be let attend. For, he argued, if Chastening meant shaming, and shaming meant humility, then those who need experience humility would experience it better if more witnesses witnessed. And the elders, obedient to the church, though averse to change, had at last, reluctantly, followed his direction.

They had, however, in no sense expected the composition of the rabble who had actually turned up. For these men were not the hoped-for rich and respected worthies, but swarthy gardeners and rough-handed labourers. How they had chanced to be invited, the elders could not fathom.

They remembered larger crowds bearing witness in the past, before kind old Father Peter had come to the parish. Yet even before that fifteen-year rule, the attendees had been picked by their last priest�s precursor, of this they were certain. Surely it must be impossible for this rag-tag grouping of ne'er-do-wells and horny-handed sons of toil to have been hand-picked by an educated priest like Dominic?

In this they were entirely wrong. Dominic had, in fact, spoken to many unexpected men in the recent year. He had, particularly, spoken frequently to a gardener known as Jaxo, and another named Sturmer, who chanced to be assigned, ironically, by the elders themselves to tend the priest's garden. These two, it transpired, had not only witnessed past chastenings, they had actually participated.

�In our day, there was five,� Jaxo told Dominic conversationally as he'd tilled the priest's vegetable plot with a hand hoe. �Five Chasteners. Five girls needing shaming.�

At first, Jaxo had been nonplussed to be given the time of day by the priest, particularly one hailing from a rarified world. But as time went on, and the priest kept coming, he'd begun to relax. It took all sorts, he reasoned.

�I am intrigued,� Dominic had said. �It is such an unusual ritual. Who witnessed? Who else watched?�

�A few toffs, generally,� Jaxo had said.

�No-one of your persuasion, then?�

Jaxo had stared at Dominic suspiciously.

�No gardeners, no tradesmen?�

�No. Toffs.�

�I am not a great believer in class distinction,� Father Dominic had said in his educated tones.

That subject, talk of Chastening Day, seemed to creep into every conversation. They meandered there so often that soon Jaxo found himself drifting there unbid. A particular variation was talk of shamings in days long past. What did Jaxo, and Sturmer, if the priest could get more than a surly grunt from the other man, remember? What had their fathers, their grandfathers, said on the subject? What had others told them about what used to happen? How did the ritual vary in other nearby villages? What did the common folk think?

�The men are mostly for it,� Jaxo had said. ��Cept for fathers of the prettier daughters, sometimes. Understand it if a father don�t want his darling whipped by strangers. There's a few odd folks about as well, a few do-gooders.� He�d spat on the ground at that, then realised that he was talking to a priest.

�Please, carry on,� said Dominic.

�Sorry, Father� begging your pardon� but there's folks who thinks women should have equal say. Don�t they, Sturmer?�

�Is that,� Sturmer grunted, thrusting his hoe to split a clod of earth.

�But you don�t?�

�Best kept under thumb,� said Jaxo.

�Ah. Well, there�s many might agree. The council of elders are tending to reversion. Of the changes of the last few years. They wish to row back on Father Peter's reforms.�

�That lot? How so?�

The priest cleared his throat. �The council wish for more witnesses.�

�More toffs?� Jaxo had asked, not without cheek.

�Not at all. Not at all.� Dominic drew in winter air through flaring nostrils. �The elders might prefer such an outcome, but I myself� I�m more for the people. You, Jaxo, might be welcome. For instance.�

�Would I, now?� Jaxo considered. �That's unusually kind of you, Father. I should like to witness one more chastening before I shuffle off. How about Sturmer here?�

�I am sure Sturmer Breul would be more than welcome.�

�You hear that, Sturmer?�

The man assented by grunting.

Jaxo cleared his throat. �My casual crew, Father. Us, me and Sturmer, we been to a chastening before. Sturmer to two. We both, you know, did for a girl in the back field. Would have witnessed a couple after that, most likely, if that prig Father Peter� pardon my French, Father, but I meant no harm��

�None taken,� Dominic had said.

�Before that Father Peter brought it right down to three on three and barely a spanking. Just him and the elders, eh Sturms? And, so it�s said, nary a tear from any bitch.�

�The old traditions must be preserved. Do you not think?�

�Well we�d be for it, Father. So would most men round these parts. There's often talk late at night of how it used to be. What might have been. What-ifs. And, eh��

�Yes?� asked the priest.

�Well. If you take my meaning� there's many a thing goes on behind closed doors that you don't get to hear about. Not in polite circles. But you hear �em in the taverns. Men boasting, suchlike.�

�Boasting?� Dominic had asked, quietly fired by the drift of the subject.

Jaxo's head had flicked up. He'd watched the priest's impassive face with interest. �Drink loosens tongues, eh Sturmer?�

A grunt of assent.

�Things they done to their womenfolk. Eh?�

�Things?� Dominic had fought to keep himself from asking specifics.

�More'n a spanking, father. A lot more'n a spanking. There's often talk of things like that. In a hushed corner.�

�Sometimes not so hushed,� Sturmer interjected.

�Aye, oftentimes not so hushed. Always a popular subject, if you get my meaning. A man might not be married to the prettiest woman. But he still gets a pint extra bought him if he tells how he keeps her scalding in check.�

Sturmer mumbled, �No-one round here wants a bitch for a wife.�

There had been a short uneasy silence, till Sturmer muttered, �Gets a few groans going round the tables, does a juicy good tale.� He'd sniffed and wiped his nose on his sleeve. Dominic had never heard him speak so many words.


�The things some men can do to their wives. You wouldn't hardly credit it.� Sturmer seemed more engaged than he'd ever been, rubbing his lips one over the other.

When Dominic had said, �Fascinating,� Jaxo had added, �If you don't mind me saying it, there's some proper cruel things goes on, Father.� He'd even winked. �Funny cruel, if you�ve that sense of humour. There's a right cruel streak in the men around here. Isn't that the truth, Sturms? Funny things get done.�

�It is and they do,� said Sturmer. �I done a few myself.�

�For me, I'll not say. Not being polite, anyroad. Chastening day, though� its a crying shame it got weakened. Used to be stronger.�

�A lot stronger once,� Sturmer said.

Dominic knew it, from Diocesan records. He had worked out the codes that Bishops past and present used for such things. Dominic had taught himself to read between the lines.

Sturmer added, �One time, long past, it was more than just five of him and five of her even. In my da's da�s day, it used to be whole villages. Before the Church got hold of it. If you don't mind me saying. Every girl in �em� And every lad, too. A rite of passage for the lads, my da�s da told my da.�

Dominic had learned a lot from that conversation. And he'd been true to his word. Jaxo and Sturmer had come up to the heath, the heath being open, unenclosed, and common to all. They'd even brought their casual crew. They'd told others too, the men from the taverns, to add to those Dominic encouraged himself.

The Elders, though. They revealed their discomfort in twitches and turns. Dominic could see it in their stiffnened silence. But Jaxo, Sturmer and the rest� they were doing what he'd hoped, and more. Providing a frisson. Making the whole event so much more voyeuristic, so much more potentially shaming for the girls. Or at least it would be if only these chasteners weren't so fucking weak.

Compared to Marco, Joseph�s weak efforts had at least hit a target. Pretty-boy Marco had pissed on the day like a horse pissed on a meadow flower. He was forgiving Marta Smolt, he�d said. The little pillock had no business forgiving her, that was Dominic's job!

He'd waited a year since that last useless festival. He'd gone in amongst these oiks and peasants. Relocated reluctant elders to the heath. Risked dissent by inviting the rough and unwelcome. And here was this weakling Marco de-bollocked by some tart's fluttering eyelids.

�Pathetic,� the priest heard Jaxo whisper.

Dominic got angry then. �Go home, boy!� he ordered. �Go home! Get off the heath! Whatever point there might be to this ritual, whatever you're doing isn't part of the thing!�

The boy refused to acknowledge that he�d been dismissed. But his father, who alone of the parents of the youths was present, pushed through the small crowd, took his son by the elbow and frog-marched him away.

So Joseph had had to be first to chastise. The boy seemed entirely fazed by the attention. He tapped he maid weakly till the priest called a halt.

Dominic tried to control his inner rage. He gathered the elders.

�You must take the second girl out of sight. And the third. Keep them on the heath. I will send for them and you.�

The elders seemed surprised, discomforted to be dismissed from their own village ritual.

Faltren muttered as they walked away, �Does he mean us to guard two unchastened girls?�

But, deferent as ever to the priesthood, he and his companions did as they were bid.

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