Chapter 4: A Few Further Points
Isobel and Caroline returned to the lounge just as Graham was demonstrating his obedience to his step-daughter.
"Oh, really, Sue-Linn. I hope you aren't showing off."
"No, mummy not at all."
"It's quite all right, Ms Bullworthy," Isobel's companion said. "Sue-Linn has been showing me just how well she has been able to pick up the essentials from yourself."
"Well, I think I've been able to show her the most important skills," Caroline replied.
"You certainly have. But I do think Sue-Linn would benefit from getting together with girls of her own age at a New Opportunity group." For the first time Sue-Linn noticed that the woman who had accompanied Isobel wore a small badge on the lapel of her jacket. In black enamel and silver, it carried the intertwined female and inverted male symbols that were the symbol of the New Order party. It must mean that she was a party member. No wonder she is so keen on getting me into the local group, Sue-Linn felt. "In fact," she said, "on the strength of what I have seen this afternoon, Sue-Linn could give a demonstration of what she has learned to the local group. It might ginger them up a bit to see what someone has been able to do on their own. That is if you wouldn't mind him," she nodded at Graham, "being taken out for an evening."
Caroline looked a little uncomfortable. She'd tried to avoid any involvement with the party. She wasn't really a political person. The changes that New Order had brought in had been fine by her but she wasn't interested in the political dialectic, she just liked getting her own way around the house.
"It would be very public spirited of you, Mrs Bullworthy. The sort of thing any member of the community would be proud to be part of."
The combination of the subtle flattery and implied threat of disapproval were sufficient to convince Caroline that it was a good idea after all. "Well, I suppose no harm can come of it," she said. "He'll have his box on, of course. Mind you, I don't think there's much to frighten them between his legs."
"Oh, I'm glad you mentioned his box, Mrs Bullworthy," Isobel cut in looking down at her e-pad once more. "There's just a few last questions and that was one of them. From what you say, I take it that he is routinely boxed?"
"Most certainly. And, if you ask me, it would be a good thing if all of them were. I can't imagine why New Order hasn't made it law. Save all sorts of trouble, it would."
Isobel's companion looked uncomfortable for the first time. She found it hard to explain why the Party hadn't made locked chastity devices for males compulsory. Plenty of women used them and it would hardly be a controversial piece of legislation. From her own point of view, she agreed with Caroline but the Party had decided it was a matter of individual conscience and so nothing more had been done.
"The Government is using them on detainees, isn't it? If you need them when you've got the buggers under lock and key why don't we get the protection of the males having them all the time?" Caroline looked as though she was just getting into the stride of what could be a lengthy rant. "Just let me show you," she said to Isobel's companion and then, turning to Graham, "Drop your trousers and your pants!"
"Please, Caroline, don't make …" Graham started to beg but then, seeing his ex-wife's look of fury at him using her name in front of strangers, he stopped himself and began to obey. In moments his trousers and pants were pushed down around his ankles and his private parts, caged in the chrome plated chastity device he was forced to wear, were clearly on display.
"There," said Caroline in triumph, "see what I mean. He's got so excited at being bullied by Sue-Linn that he's practically bursting out of that cage. And the repulsive thing is dripping!"
It was true the combination of Sue-Linn's domination, the idea of being paraded in front of a group of New Opportunity girls and the presence of Isobel's austere looking companion had all helped Graham to a substantial hard on that was now pressing painfully against the chromed steel cage that enclosed his cock and balls. The disdainful looks of Isobel, Caroline, Sue-Linn and the other woman weren't helping either.
"I'm just glad I've got this key," Caroline held up the small key to the padlock on Graham's cock cage. "And I'd be happier if every other sponsor had the same thing for their males too."
Isobel made a non-committal noise. Privately she agreed with Caroline but, since it wasn't Government policy she didn't feel able to say so. She turned back to her e-pad. Graham was still standing with his trousers and under pants around his ankles. "There are a few last questions, if you don't mind, Ms Bullworthy."
"Of course not, dear," Caroline had calmed herself down after her heated expression of enthusiasm for male chastity devices.
"Does the sponsored male have any outside work or is he mainly here on the premises?"
"Outside work? Good grief! I can't imagine there would be anywhere that would have any use for him. He can just about cope with keeping the house clean and that seems to take him all day!"
"I'll take that as a 'no' then. And does he have a key to the premises?"
"Not on a permanent basis. I give him one if he has to run errands but it's returned to me at the end of each journey."
"I see. And would he be restrained in any way during the day? I mean, obviously I can see that you have the equipment and I'm sure it gets plenty of use," Caroline looked smug, Graham uncomfortable, "but perhaps you can just say a bit about how and when it is used? Just run through last week if that's easier. This really is the last question."
Caroline sighed. "Oh well, let me see. Monday? Oh yes. He was in the cell all day for some stupid remark or other, I can't remember what but I didn't need any of the other equipment. Tuesday I had some of my girlfriends over, so he would have been handcuffed and shackled most of the day to stop him getting into anything he shouldn't. Then – oh yes!" Caroline giggled, "well, I'm afraid I ended up in bed with one of the girls from the tennis club. I thought he ought to listen in and perhaps pick up some tips – fat chance I know but you can hope – so he was chained up at the foot of the bed overnight. And I think, Daphne – that's my friend's name – pushed a butt plug up him that stayed there for most of the night after he'd grunted or complained at some inopportune moment. Where's that then?"
"Wednesday? But…" Isobel had heard enough to answer the question, 'Is adequate use being made of alternative restraints?' but Caroline was now in full flow.
"Oh yes, Wednesday. Back in his cell at the end of the day because Sue-Linn had some of her class over for a study session and I didn't want him distracting them. And then he got left in there over night because I forgot about him."
"Thursday there was quite a lot of housework to do, so I think he would have just had his collar on. Oh, no, I'm wrong. He hadn't done a very good job of cleaning my shoes and I've got a really good collar that lets me fit a shoe in his mouth as a gag. He had that on, just as a reminder. Friday? Oh yes. Well Friday night I like to give him a bit of a treat if he hasn't been too useless, so when he'd finished with the house work and the evening meal I took him upstairs and let him have a bit of fun with his tongue. He was handcuffed for that, of course."
"Of course," interjected Isobel, hoping to regain control of the conversation, but Caroline wasn't to be stopped.
"Well, he gets very worked up sometimes. Especially if I squat on his face for long. Anyway he gave me such a good tonguing by the time I'd had a couple of orgasms, I was quite ready for sleep. I woke up in the morning to find the poor thing was still chained to the bed rail. He hadn't disturbed me though, so he can be a good boy sometimes."
Oh yes, thought Graham, I bet I know what would have happened if I had dared disturb her after a shagged out evening of drink and cunt tonguing. He didn't say anything of course.
"Then, Saturday. Well, I always do a sort of reckoning up on Saturday mornings. Anything he should have been punished for that I haven't got around to doing. So if I remember rightly we had the paddle and the cane. Quite the re-bottomed lad he was. And an afternoon in the cell again just to give him time to think about things and then that brings us to Sunday and here we are."
"Well, thank you Ms Bullworthy, I can see you're very diligent. That's really one of the most comprehensive responses I've had."
Caroline smirked with self-satisfaction.
"Well, I think that's it more or less." Isobel peered at her e-pad. "Oh, yes. Two more things. Access to communications? Telephone? Emails?"
"Certainly not! The phone has a pass code on it and only Sue-Linn and myself know the key. I check the itemised bill too, just to make sure he hasn't found some way around it. All our internet devices have fingerprint or iris recognition keyed to Linn or myself. Our Internet Provider has been a great help too. We've been able to set our connection so it is only active for our own devices so even f he got hold of some other device he couldn't use it here."
"Well that's comforting Mrs Bullworthy. There has been a spread of unauthorised electronic access recently and that is certainly the right way to prevent it. Then there's the past thing. Money. I presume his access to that is limited too."
Graham grimaced. 'Limited' was one way of putting it. 'Non-existent' would be another.
"Of course. He only has cash when he has a specific errand to run and has to provide receipts for every amount spent. Sue-Linn and I do regular checks of his accommodation too. If he was finding a way to squirrel away money or anything else we would have fond it by now, I am certain."
"Thank you very much, Ms Bullworthy." Isobel smiled as she closed the e-pad application. At least this inspection seemed to have gone well. "That really was most helpful. We'll let you get on with your evening."
© Freddie Clegg 2012
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