Disclaimer: this is my story, hence it is my intellectual property, do not post elsewhere without my permission. This story is for adults, and should be treated as such, at the moment it should only be available at the ooc section of lockedinlace.com, fictionmania.tv, bdsmlibrary.com, literotica.com and mistressdyvia.com, Certainly, no one should be charging money for this but me.
A Quick intro and greeting:
Hello to all my pets, fans, and anyone else who is new. I love writing, and sometimes I do too miuch for my own good. I've spent too much time in recent years roleplaying on lockedinlace.com and of course my own surrendertopink.com... But of course, the writing bug comes in such a way, that just posting a few posts about your story lacks fun. You need to write a bigger story, and at the same time a smaller one.
A friend made me watch an episode of x-files the other day, and when Mulder was trapped in the train car with an NSA agent, the agent got a phone call, and said it was for Mulder... Also I like the show 'Dollhouse' and I remember there was an episode where they used phones to screw with people's heads, and that's where the inspiration for this story came. Each website this story has been submitted to, has a different ending. I hope you enjoy.
For those submissives in my audience, I have special rules for you.
Rule #1. If you decide to read this story. I own you, and I will own you until I release you,read the final rule to understand how to be released, and make you Mistress happy at the same time.
Rule #2. I require you to wear a symbolic color when I own you. For this story, it is the color red. I prefer lipstick, but if you have none, anything that is red will do. Bonus points if you wear red socks... Mistress is from Boston.
Rule #3. While reading this story, at least one hand will always be in your pants keeping yourself properly stimulated for your mistress, that's me. Unless you are naked of course, then the 'pants' part doesn't apply. You may not cum, unless I give you permission. Keep reading.
Rule #4. Mistress is a feedback whore. When you are done reading, you will right a review for the website this story is posted on, or you will send her an email (mistress_dyvia@yahoo.com). If you choose email, you will tell Mistress what website you read the story from, your opinion of the story was... and if you were in the protagonist's shoes, what would you have done after the line 'But tomorrow would begin her training.'
Rule#5. If you sent the email, you may orgasm, and assume I have released you from your 'contract' to me with a smile. If not, you may not cum until tomorrow, and when you cum then, consider your mistress quite annoyed with you and proverbially kicking you out the door.
Now after all that, the story begins.
Mistress Dyvia presents:
Mistress Dyvia's Connections
David was racing at full speed across the airport. His status with the government allowed him to stop others from pursuing him. He was catching up to the plane that was going to take off. They had secrets, and secrets both his government and the public needed to know.
He approached quickly to the landing gear and jumped. His legs were in danger of being ripped off by the wheels as they spun. But soon the wheels were going up as the plane lifted off. There wasn't much space, and he knew he only had minutes til the altitude froze him like a popsicle... assuming the air didn't escape his lungs as the oxygen content of the air dissipated... He reached into his pocket and pulled out a micro torch, and over the course of about ninety seconds made a hole. He slipped though and found himself in the cargo hold.
He quickly took his bearings, and withdrew his gun. He knew the model of the plane. He ran down a narrow corridor to the plane's 'vault.' it was custom, but he knew this was the only place he would find what he needed. He reached into his pocket again, and withdrew a card that he acquired from the driver of the car he used to board the plane. He swiped the card, and the vault opened. Obviously the driver was more than just a driver for this kind of access. He entered, the vault was empty. But there was a lone computer terminal, and it was open. He didn't expect a computer, but he sat down anyway. He started flipping through the files, and found the lack of security suspicious. It was too easy.
Those were the files... he used a screw driver and opened the computer and removed the hard drive. He made for the exit of the vault, and then he was cut off. Ten men with high powered rifles, stood in front of him. He put his hands up.
A woman approached him slowly, “David Muldoon I presume?”
He nodded his head.
“We were expecting you.”
“I thought as much, a bit hard to get on board, but a little too easy once I got here.”
She grabbed his wrist, and started to turn him around to cuff him when he moved quickly, she stumbled but he grabbed her hair. Pulled her back close for a hostage and pulled back into the vault and locked them both inside.
He had to think and she knew it, he pulled a gun from his ankle on her, “Sit down, don't move.” and she complied, though she didn't look very scared nor intimidated. A phone rang, he looked at her, it was coming from her pocket, “Answer it.
“okay.” she slowly reached into her pocket, and removed a cell phone, pressed it to her ear and said, “Briggs speaking... yes... of course... Very well.” She looked at him, “its for you.”
Smart enough to know he could be disarmed if he got to close, “On the table.”
She placed it on the table, “Very well.” and then she stepped back to a wall, and slid down until she was sitting.
He reached over and picked up the phone, “Hello?”
A high pitch screech in his ear. He felt him self drop the gun and start to fall to his knees... then nothing. The phone was being held to his head by someone else and then it was removed.. everything was off...
He was pinned, he could move, but he seemed to be locked down. His vision was blurred, and his body was numb.
But he realized that he was on his hands and knees, and that his head was forced to look up in front of him. Some sort of harness preventing him from speaking. His vision would not focus as someone approached, a woman, especially given the sound of high heels. She reached down to put something on his face... glasses? His vision was immediately clear.
She smiled. “And now you are mine. I'll make it simple for you, you can struggle later when feeling return, within 20 minutes or so... for now, simple yes-no since you're gagged. One blink for yes, two for no. I'll start, I'll tell you what's going on, your circumstances, and we'll proceed from there, is that acceptable?”
One blink.
“Good. My name is Mistress Dyvia. And as I'm sure you can tell by the situation you are in, I like bondage.” yup, it was me. So I continued, “These inter-agency feuds were becoming troublesome, and quite frankly you were to much of an idealist. I run a business, that has some practical applications, but much of the world at large would consider it 'illegal' at best more likely 'inhumane.' But I've collected favors from people in authority, and serve my country with what I have, and I got a call a few weeks ago to do you as a favor. With me so far?”
One blink.
“You catch on quick. So We set up an elaborate ruse to bring you out. And it worked. And it also gave me the chance to test out some new equipment. We had two cell phones, fully capable of recording and transmitting brainwave activity from the human mind. Eventually we hope to be able to apply this to any phone... but for now we needed special ones. But essentially, we switched the consciousness of one person for another.” I looked over my shoulder, “mirror.”
A person walked in and dropped a mirror in front of him. He wasn't a he, he was a she. The look of shock was amplified by the glasses, and how they made her eyes seem larger. “You may have had perfect vision, but Elise did not.”
he-- She studied herself. In the mirror. Her body was numb, which is why she never noticed the changes, her was chained to some sort of frame. The mirror was adjusted so she could see more of herself. She was locked on her hands and knees. Her hands, knees, and waist were locked to the frame, so even when she could feel again, she would be trapped in that position. Her breasts were unusually large for her frame, they were obviously augmented, and nipples pierced. There was a tool of some sort in her ass, and the chain moved from that, to the the back side of the restraints that held the gag in her mouth. After a few minutes, and a nod of my head, the mirror was removed. So Elise was heavily briefed on your life, and as a loyal girl, she agreed to take your place.
That way your agency has a mole inside, while the agency I was hired by will have one less idealist in their way. And you will be trained in the ways of pleasure. I may use you for missions, I may use you as a whore... but you belong to me now.
I didn't wait for her to blink once or twice, I simply removed her glasses and left her to think about her situation and feel her new body as the numbness wore off...
I watched the surveillance video a few times. It really was interesting. Her movements became more accute, though it looked more like sloppy wings flapping given her arm movements. I can only imagine the first sensations she had of her naked breasts dangling beneath her body. The realization that her mouth was not only full, but that the gag was shaped like a penis. Or the fullness in her ass because of the hook and tether... regardless, I'm sure the overwhelming emotion was helplessness.
About a half hour passed, and I knew she would have pull control of her faculties again. Gave the okay for a few men to enter. The gag in her mouth was replaced with an o-ring gag. The first man started thrusting his cock in and out of her mouth. Not too fast, not too slow, almost as if he were intentionally dragging it out, so she would only be too aware of every movement both he and she made. In fact it was almost 15 minutes before he sped up and blew his load in her mouth. He kept his cock all the way in, and nothing trickled out of her mouth. The O-ring was again removed, and her penis gag reinserted.
I returned to her about an hour after our first meeting. “Well Elise, I think its time for you to get to know your new surroundings.” I nodded my head to a guard, the first thing that was done was the tether from her ass to her head was unlatched. Then he took her left arm, and unbound it from her restraints, and twisted her arm behind her back, then did the same with her right arm, and then tied her arms together so that her hands were touching the opposite arm's elbow. Her waist was released, and she was fitted with a tight corset, this would help her with her posture, but also force her to concentrate on her breathing, she wouldn't be able to fight. Her feet were fitted with a pair of ballet style high heel boots so that her feet would be pointed down, and of course they were locked with padlocks so they would not be coming off soon. Given 'his' experience with high heels, this would require much focus. Her knees were then released, and she was helped up to her feet. I stepped forward, knowing her vision was blurry, I took a pair of nipple clamps and attached one to each nipple, and they were bound together by a chain. And within moments I attached a leash to that chain.
“I intend to go slowly tonight, since those shoes are very new to you.” And I did, I tugged the leash and led her out of the room. She took slow and short steps and her ankles wobbled with each step. The boots were reinforced, and were stiff, so I didn't have to worry about her spraining her ankle or worse. We walked down the hallway, and I could hear her sobbing. She wasn't used to the emotion her body forced on her. Though given 'his' training, she would get a better control of that in the days to come than the typical subject. We reached an elevator, and I spoke, “Guest accommodations 3G.”
A computerized voice responded, “I'm sorry that floor does not-”
“Mistess Dyvia Zeta protocol-nine-five execute.”
“Thank You Mistress Dyvia. Guest Accomodations 3G.”
The elevator started moving down quickly. When the elevator stopped, I turned around and put glasses on her, I stepped out and lead her down the hallway again slowly. As we walked she had a view of the other girls. Everyone of them dressed in latex, leather or were dressed in something that seemed no less than 'ultra femme' though the leather and latexes dominated the appearance. Each girl that saw me, immediately dropped to her knees and bowed her head until I walked past.
We stopped at a door, her new room. I opened the door, and let her in first. It was hardly spectacular. A memory foam mattress on the floor. A giant mirror on one wall obviously used as an observation window, I'm sure she immediately knew there was a camera and an observation room on the other side.
“Most girls get a Bed, and and a few other accommodations, but you have the potential to be dangerous with many things. So until you earn a little trust, you may have to live a little more spartan than the rest.
“So just in case you were internally trying to prepare yourself, i'll be honest with you, I don't want any of your secrets. The person who took over your body could provide me them anytime I requested. Your importance is gone, the only thing you need to concern yourself with, is being a good pet.” I smiled at her, “I don't expect you to comply at first, but if you do, you will be rewarded.”
I whistled and a woman entered holding pink fabric. She placed it on the mattress and left. “your first reward, just for communicating properly early with your blinking. You won't have to sleep naked tonight.”
I whistled again, and another entered holding a dress. It was of course pink. She hung the straps off of a protrusion from the door. “Apparently we overlooked one thing you could have used against us, but we'll just have to keep an eye on that before we open the door next time. Anyway... When I come for you in the morning, and you are wearing this, then I will allow you to wear that for the day, if you do not, you will be fitted and secured in a uniform more befitting the other girls on this floor.”
She looked at me with some pretty angry eyes. I loved it.
“And finally.” I said as I reached into my cleavage and removed a tube of lipstick, and placed it on the ledge of the mirror. “If I come to you in the morning, and see you wearing this of your own will, then we'll see about getting you some easier foot wear.”
I walked over to her and released her nipple clamps, I could see she was debating on trying to kick me or not, but didn't have the confidence to try and stand on one of those boots with her arms behind her back and her sense of balance completely off in her new body... I threw the leash and the clamps outside into the hallway. “I expect you to resist at first, most do, but I encourage you not to. Justify it however you want. You want to do it to gain my trust. Do it because you want to reduce your handicaps when you try to escape. But don't let your old 'male pride' convince you to hold yourself back.”
She was struggling, she knew I was right, its better to go along with me, at least for now, but she hated the idea of accommodating me in any way whatsoever.
“Turn around,” She did, after a moment of hesitation. I mostly undid her wrists, but I wasn't going to make it too easy. I stepped out of the room, and I and in about ten seconds the ropes were free and her hands were at her sides.
I watched her for a little bit in the observation room. She poked herself with unsure hands. She tried futilely to take off her boots.. The room's ambient temperature was dropped, and she had to put on the pajamas, the look of disgust was absolutely amusing.
But tomorrow would begin her training.
And tomorrow came entirely too quickly for her. I returned the next morning, and she was still dressed as she had been the night before. “Disappointing.” is all I said.
She shrugged in indifference.
I turned and left the room. But four guards entered behind me. She tried to fight them off, but foolishly, she had no real coordination with that body, she was just determined not to submit. She was strapped into a gurney. We stopped in the middle of a hallway with panels, not that the panels would seem strange, just part of the architecture, but we did some dirty things here... I removed the piercings from her nipples and added new ones with hoops, and attached them with a chain. It gave her a strange and unnatural cleavage. She swore, but I wasn't paying attention. We opened one of the panels on the wall, and it was a chamber obviously intended for holding a person.
We opened the ceiling of the chamber and brought down a number of things. The first was a breathing tube, we inserted into her nose, she didn't seem to appreciate that. Next came an IV bad, to keep her nourished and her fluid levels up... Then another, she asked what it was, and I just smiled, it was something that would help her enjoy herself.
I waited for her eyes to dilate. Then she was hoisted into the chamber. The floor opened up, and we positioned a number of mechanical phalluses at strategic points of her. Her ass, between her breasts, her pussy, and her mouth. It was funny, as I played with her mouth dildo, if I pressed it to her lips, she would just open her mouth and start suckling. The drug had a very interesting effect on her. Her arms, legs, waist and head were all secured, so she couldn't move.
She was sealed inside the chamber and the panel pulled down, the chamber filled with a thick white fluid with the consistency of semen... she was completely submerged. Hundreds of people a day would walk by her, never knowing that a woman was inside. And once she was sealed inside, for the next several days, she would always have some part of her drug-induced-aroused mind being fucked. She was being ass fucked.. she would be pussy fucked, sometimes she would be getting her mouth fucked or getting her tits fucked... And she enjoyed it, even if she didn't even know who she was with the drug in her system. But it was the first step into turning her into a sex-starved bitch in heat. Her conscious mind may have been barely there, but her subconscious was being stimulated on far too many levels.
Almost two weeks later when she was released, she was cleaned up and put in her room. The only difference to her room was the addition of a single dildo. For scientific purposes of course, we wanted to see how she reacted. When her mind finally awoke, she seemed to be disconnected, she had no memories of what had been happening to her in the previous weeks. She knew her body was week from being in one position for too long. She knew her eyes her at any real light, because she was acclimated to the darkness... She saw the dildo and acted with revulsion. She paced her room for hours and hours, but regardless, the human body can only stay awake for so many hours. She finally relented and laid down... And much to her surprise, she kept waking up... and at one point she stared at the dildo next to her mattress for an hour, and her hand slowly reached out for it, and she took it into the sheets with herself.
The End.
Contact me: mistress_dyvia@yahoo.com
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