Tamed Cougar - The Professor Gets Educated - Chapter 03
By Tappy Mcwidestance
"Now Tammy, what are we going to do with you for molesting my daughter?"
Mrs. Forrest's words hung in the air and rang in my ears. I needed to get control of the situation and fast.
"Wait a minute, Mrs. Forrest. You need to better control your daughter," I countered forcefully.
It felt good to stand up for myself. I had not done that the last week. Alas my feeling of victory was short lived as before I could react, I felt the sting of her palm against my cheek. I recoiled in shock as the pain spread across my face. I looked at her in the eyes. My fiery intensity was matched by her own.
"Don't you dare take that tone with me you little slut. Your pussy is out of control and needs to be taught some manners," she scolded me.
We stared at each other, neither of us wanting to give any ground. Her gaze was like ice. There was no emotion in her eyes. She obviously didn't think much of me, but I couldn't get a read on what she was really feeling. I opened my mouth to speak, but no words came out. I saw her snicker.
"That's right Tammy. You know I am speaking the truth. Julie could see it. She got Heather to help her seduce you and now we're here and your body is craving my touch."
My mind was reeling. Consciously I was still fighting, but my body was far beyond my brain. The moment she slapped me I felt a flood of juices in my pussy. As I had a week ago, my will to resist a powerful woman was crumbling faster than I wanted to admit. I softened my stare.
"Good girl," she cooed. I lowered my eyes to the floor defeated.
"Tammy, you have just learned position one," she began. She used the tame tone I take with my students. She sounded like a teacher.
"Whenever you are in the presence of your mistress you must keep your eyes down until you are instructed otherwise. At all times you are to show reverence for your superiors. You should not speak unless spoken to and you must acquiesce to any command quickly and without question. Do you understand these rules?"
I was still trying to process all that she said. It was a direct question. I must be allowed to answer. However she had not told me to look at her. Must keep my eyes down I repeated to myself.
"Yes," I said without averting my eyes from their view of the floor.
"Yes?" she questioned.
I paused running through the rules in my head. Show reverence. I'd forgotten to show reverence.
"Yes, mam."
"Good. You can teach an old dog new tricks."
Old dog? Did she have to use that phrase? I was mad, but also aroused. I continued to look at the floor until Mrs. Forrest told me to look at her again. This time my face showed contrition and acceptance of my situation.
"I don't have a lot of time to work with you. It's a shame. You are lovely and obviously a natural sub. I would have enjoyed training you and turning you into a premium love slave."
"Do you have to be leaving so soon?" I asked.
I saw her hand moving, but again could not defend myself in time to prevent another stinging rebuke against my cheek. I wish each slap was not accompanied by a resulting flash of moisture in my pussy, but I couldn't help it. My body was on autopilot.
"Do you know why I slapped you?" she asked.
I thought for a moment. "Because I spoke without being spoken to?" I answered in the form of a question, but I knew it should have been a declaration of fact.
"Yes," she replied. "Now take your clothes off and be quick about it."
Her bluntness surprised me, although it shouldn't have. Still there was nothing more my body wanted right then but to submit to her will so I quickly shed my clothes and stood gloriously naked before her. She nodded at the speed I stripped. She then walked around me examining my form. She pinched both my nipples as if to check their function. She pushed two fingers inside of me to confirm what she already knew. She told me to bend over and touch my toes before she greased up my asshole with pussy juice and pushed a finger into my backside. While she fingered my ass she stroked my butt cheeks. I wanted her to spank me. I wanted her to rub my clit. I wanted her to do whatever she wanted. But I said nothing.
Mrs. Forrest played with me for maybe a minute. My legs were already getting sore but I held the position after she pulled her finger out of my ass and gave me a spank in return.
"I need to get something from the car. I'll be right back she said."
I heard her open the door and walk outside. My calves were starting to burn, but I was determined to hold my position since she had not given me instructions otherwise. Here I was naked in my living room bent over, holding my ankles and waiting for a woman I'd just met to return. Did I mention my pussy was almost overflowing with juices? If my husband could only see me now. What would he say?
I turned my head to look back toward the door in anticipation of her return. What I saw almost made me run and hide. She had left the front door open. If that wasn't bad enough, the mailman was just putting the mail into my house's mail slot. He was watching me intently and leering at me. It was so humiliating. I wanted to sprint to the bathroom and grab a towel to cover myself, but I was frozen to the spot. Just then Mrs. Forrest returned.
"Why don't you take a picture? It will last longer," I heard her say.
"Good idea was the reply."
I looked back again to see a camera phone pointed my way and I blushed as a fresh wave of humiliation crashed over me.
"Put that away!" I heard Mrs. Forrest exclaim. "I was kidding."
I looked again and saw her hand pushing his phone down and blocking the lens from capturing my depravity. I wanted to thank her as he turned and walked back to the sidewalk with a huff. But I didn't want to break another rule so quickly so I turned my head back to where it should be focused staring at my feet. My pussy and ass were available for her pleasure as I heard her drop a duffle bag with a thud next to me.
"Like I said, unfortunately I don't have time to work with you, but I do want to punish you for what you did to my daughter."
I wanted to scream that I didn't do anything to her daughter, but I was silent. I was trying to be a good girl.
The first thing she did was to sit down, put me across her knee and spank me the same way I had spanked Heather. She made sure to give my pussy the same attention I had given Heather's, only I know she was much more insistent about bringing me to the edge of release but not beyond. She then told me to stand face first in the corner with my hands on my head. I felt like a grammar school child being punished in a classroom. All that was missing was the dunce cap.
I heard her moving behind me, but I had no idea what was happening. I thought I detected the removal of clothes and then I know I heard a zipper on the duffle bag. Finally I recognized the next sound easily. It was the buzz of a vibrator. A powerful one at that. First I heard the buzz. Then I heard the buzz become muted. Then I heard a moan. Oh my God, Mrs. Forrest was masturbating while looking at me.
She said nothing. She requested nothing. I wanted to finger my pussy and take my own pleasure, but that command was not forthcoming. I wanted to bend over again and show off my ass to her. That command didn't happen either. I wanted to do anything but stand motionless, stare at the wall and feel the heat rising from my punished ass. But I couldn't. Mrs. Forrest was obviously enjoying what she was doing. My own arousal scent was now mixing with hers as she repeatedly fucked herself with the vibrator. She was now crying with pleasure. Why didn't she order me to eat her pussy? Is she going to play with me? Does she do this with Heather? These questions and others raced through my mind as I listened to her masturbate. My own arousal was going through the roof even though I wasn't touching myself. I needed her to touch me or at least give me the approval to get myself off, but it didn’t happen.
Instead I had to listen to her give herself what sounded like a very juicy and satisfying cum. I was so jealous. I wanted more. I wanted everything. And she was giving me nothing. I couldn't wait until she left so I could satisfy my own lusts. I didn't need her pretending to be tough. I could do that in my fantasy world. I was pissed.
Finally she calmed down from her self pleasure. I heard her moving and sensed her presence behind me. At last it was my turn, I thought. I felt her wrap her left arm around me and pull me tight against her. I could feel the heat from her pussy radiate out onto my buttocks. From the corner of my eye I saw her right hand moving around my head. It was holding the vibrator. I offered no resistance as it first contacted my lips. She applied a little pressure and I took it in my mouth.
"A good submissive always cleans the toys when playtime is over," she said.
Playtime? Over? It had better not be over I screamed silently to myself. Her left hand now slid down and began rubbing my clit as my mouth savored her flavor for the first time. What a treat it was to have three senses (smell, taste, touch) being manipulated at the same time. This was what I wanted. I began to moan as her left hand danced on my clit. Her vibrator was obviously clean by now. I secretly wished she would use it on me. I knew I could come in a matter of seconds. But just like when she fingered me during my spanking, as soon as I got too excited she stopped.
"Lesson two," she said. "No cumming without permission. You have not earned that yet."
I was dejected, but I held my position facing the wall with my hands on my head. I was determined to take whatever she could dish out.
"You're doing better Tammy. You have not moved and you have not spoken. I even liked your moan. It was very sexy. Would you like me to fuck you now?"
I was surprised she didn't make me beg like her daughter had. I almost screamed "Yes, mam!"
She took me over to my dining room table. Fortunately it was cleared off as my final exams had all been graded days ago. She bent me over and went to work. She must have brought the rope with her in the bag as I knew I didn't have anything like that in the house. In the end my legs were spread very wide and my ankles were tied to the legs of the table. No matter how much they hurt, I wasn't going to be closing them. My arms were also tied. The rope from my wrists ran the length of the table before being affixed to the opposite table legs. Mrs. Forrest left me just enough slack to be able to move my arms, barely. Maybe only an inch or two but that was it. My pussy and ass were both on display and easily accessible. I wondered if she would choose only one of my holes or if I would be treated to both being satisfied. My legs were tied tight, but if I wiggled my hips just right, I could get a most pleasing pressure on my clit from the edge of the table.
My mind flashed back to Julie's bedroom where I first masturbated myself bound and on the corner of her dresser. I felt depraved then, but now, just a week later, I looked forward to the pleasure a piece of furniture would soon be giving me. Slowly I began to grind my hips forcing my clit onto the edge of the table. I don't know if I expected her not to notice, but of course she did. She just laughed.
"See I knew you were a slut. I've tied you up and the first thing you do is try to fuck a table. I'm going to have to make more time to train you properly."
She didn't tell me to stop and she didn't spank me again. I took that as tacit approval to continue. I heard her walk into my kitchen. Now was my chance. Summoning all of my strength, I shook against the tight bonds trying to find the right pressure on my clit to finally release all of the emotions that had built up since Mrs. Forrest's arrival. I didn't care that I was earning another spanking. I was only concerned with cumming. Unfortunately the corner of my table was rounded and try as I might, I couldn't get over the edge. By the time Mrs. Forrest returned about 2 minutes had passed and I only succeeding in making myself even hornier.
"If you were my slave I would punish you for that my dear," she told me. "But I understand. I need to get going, but I don't want you to break the rules so I brought you something."
I couldn’t see what she was doing, but I felt her place what I later discovered was a dish towel, folded over, on the edge of the table under my clit. I heard her use several pieces of strapping tape to hold it in place. Whatever hopes of using the edge of the table for my own pleasure was gone.
"I've got a plane to catch, but I would love to see you again and really teach you how to pleasure a woman. Can I call you?"
I grunted, "Fine," but I was steaming mad. Then it dawned on me that she was going to leave me like this. I knew I couldn't talk her out of doing whatever she had planned and rather than fight, my body emotionally collapsed. I no longer was struggling against the ropes for either escape or an orgasm. I was limp, bent over and secured to the table. Then I heard her dialing the phone again.
"Hi Julie," I heard her say. "Yes, she's all ready for you. Yes, she's naive, but trainable. I could work wonders with her. What's that? Did you make her beg before you let her eat you? Good. I'm going to leave Tammy here for you. Yeah, she's not going anywhere. What? A blindfold? Sure. I can take care of that. OK. I'll tell her you'll be over later. Have a good summer. Bye."
I lay passively on the table listening to her discuss me with my now graduated student. What else could I do? I'd let her tie me to the table. I wanted her to tie me to the table. But now she was leaving. I was depressed.
I didn't say a word as Mrs. Forrest slipped my sleep mask she found in my nightstand over my eyes. I was in darkness. I felt her adjust the strap as tight as it would go. I thought I might be able to rock my head around after she left to get the mask to fall off, but a strategic wrap of the packing tape tightened it even further. It was going to have to be cut off. At least the tape was only on the strap and not on my hair. Thank God for small favors. I felt her penetrate my pussy once again with two fingers. It was still warm, moist and inviting.
"I have to go now. But your friend Julie will be by in a while when she's done with Heather. Have fun."
I didn't give her the pleasure of a response. She didn't ask for one anyway. I felt her pull her fingers out of my smoldering pussy. I then heard the familiar buzz of her vibrator. I prayed it was for me. I heard her turn it on high and then felt the tip brush against my pussy lips.
I immediately broke my silence and started moaning. I heard her tear another strip of packing tape as I felt the vibrator being pushed deeper into my needy pussy. Then I heard her say "oops" as if she had made a mistake. Out came the vibrator and down went the sound. When it again slid into my waiting love hole it was hardly moving at all. She had turned it to its lowest setting. The bitch. I then felt the tape press against my butt. The vibrator was now trapped inside of me. It was inside of me on a setting meant to tease not please. I was tied unable to change my situation and my clit was protected from any meaningful contact with the edge of the table. My only savior would be Julie and I had no clue when she would be arriving and what her plans were when she did. I was screwed. I heard the door open. I didn't hear it close. The dining room isn't in view from the front door, but if it was open it wouldn't prevent anybody from walking in on me.
My mind flashed back to the mailman watching me. Would he come back? Would he fuck me? I began to rotate my hips again in an effort to make myself cum, but it was futile. I lost all sense of time. Without my eyesight I couldn't even see out the window to gauge the time by the light. Finally I heard footsteps. The sound of high heels on the wooden floor was music to my ears. I heard someone removing their clothes.
"Miss Julie, please let me cum," I begged without waiting for permission to speak.
There was so response but I felt the table move a bit. I felt my arms ropes move and then a touch on my shoulder. I didn't understand it at the time, but it was the heel of a foot. I felt the back of my head begin grabbed and lifted and was delighted to have it pulled back down into a delicious and wet pussy. I didn't need any prompting as I began to service the tasty treat laid before me. The flavor was familiar, yet different. I heard a moan I didn't recognize from the night in the sorority. This was not Heather and I was pretty sure it wasn't Julie. But who was it?
Heard the high heels once again and then felt the tape being pulled from my ass. The vibrator was pulled out. I felt empty. It has teased me enough. I wanted more. What I got was the vibrator now pushing insistently against my ass. I relaxed and let it slip inside of me. I then felt the vibrations increase and another strip of tape being applied.
I heard the heels move away from the table. Whoever I was eating seemed to be enjoying herself and I was certainly enjoying the renewed attention to my backside. I refocused my attention to the very wet pussy pressed against my mouth. Its owner was moaning and obviously appreciative of my efforts. I felt a dildo pushing against my own pussy. Was the other person wearing a strap-on? I decided not because I didn't feel her legs pressing against mine. This was a semantic debate however because the plastic invader still felt wonderful. With my mouth occupied and both my holes being pleasured I knew I could cum soon even if my clit wasn't able to get as much attention as I usually required. My only prayer was my tormentor would allow that to happen.
Our scene continued for several minutes. I worked diligently on making the girl in front of me climax in an effort to earn my own and eventually she did. The sounds of womanly pleasure rocked my dining room and then I heard her move off the table. The girl behind me was still fucking my pussy and the vibrator was still buzzing my ass. With my mouth now free of its juicy bond, I began to moan as loud as the other girl did. I began to chant "Fuck me. Fuck me harder." to my assailant. I felt her slow and then pull the dildo completely out of my now gaping pussy. "Nooooo," I moaned. Should I have expected any less from Julie? Of course not. Was I surprised? Not really. I wasn't surprised at all until after just a few seconds she pushed the dildo back inside me and resumed slamming it in and out. Almost instantly my orgasm washed over me. It wasn't the huge, soul quaking kind I had so many of last weekend. It was definitely smaller in scope. Nice but not great. I think it was my body reacting to her tease and taking what it could when the opportunity arose.
After I calmed down I felt the ropes being untied. I felt two hands on my hips and I was escorted up the stairs to my bedroom. I felt elation that they were not done with me. They put me on my bed. The rope from my right wrist was removed. I felt them pull my arms above my head and could tell they were threading the rope from my left wrist through my headboard. My legs were not touched, but my right wrist was quickly tied back to the rope. Immediately I noticed a change. The rope was not taught. In fact I had at least 6-9 inches of play. I wondered why?
I heard a vibrator, probably the one which had been in my ass turn on. I then felt it slide effortlessly into my pussy. I hoped they had the good sense to wash it. I then heard them walk out the door and heard the click of the light switch. I was alone. I strained to hear them as they walked down the stairs. I did discern the click of Julie's heels on the hardwood floor again, but I didn't hear the door. My worry about where they went was short lived as the buzzing in my pussy began to work its magic. I tried to hold my legs together to force more pressure against the pleasure tool. I tensed and relaxed my body in an effort to please myself. My wrists would come down almost even with my face as I strained to maximize the pleasure I was feeling.
My hands came together and it took a moment for me to realize I had the power to free myself. My arousal built as I feverishly worked on the knots to extricate my hands. I tired of holding my hands above my head so I rolled over on my belly so I could work on the knots in a less stressful position. Without having eyesight it was a great challenge. My arms were more relaxed now which helped. A side benefit was my new position also forced the vibrator deeper into my now very happy pussy. I knew I must be soaking my sheets as I tried to get free. My clit was finally getting the attention it desired as the nub of the vibrator was just outside my pussy and now was being pushed right against my joy spot.
I must have been a sight as I humped my hips against the bed and tried to untie the ropes at the same time. Finally I felt the tight knot begin to loosen. The vibrator had done its job and I could feel my body building to the size of orgasm that had eluded me on the table. It was going to be a big one. The ropes finally gave way and I quickly freed my right hand. The rope was still tied against my left, but I was able to flip over onto my back and pull my hands down in time to grab the base of the dildo and start fucking myself just as the monster cum crashed over me. With the vibrator in my right hand I pinched my nipples with my left. Pulled the vibrator out of my pussy I pressed it with as much force as I could muster against my clit and held on for dear life.
I must have screamed obscenities loud enough to wake the dead and I felt like I was going to pass out. I don't know how long I lay in a puddle of my juices soaking the bed. It could have been 15 minutes or it could have been an hour. Eventually I peeled myself up and tried to stand. My hands went to the blindfold so effectively held by the tape. It didn't budge. I knew I had scissors in the kitchen so I gingerly and slowly made my way down the stairs. I had to move slowly as I never tried to walk without sight before. It was maddening. Eventually I found my way to the kitchen drawer and found my scissors. I slowly cut the tape free making sure to not cut either my skin or my hair and then I slumped into a kitchen chair thankful that my ordeal was finally over. Or was it?
I still wasn't sure the girls were gone so I made a quick inspection of the house. I found no evidence of them in the dining room or living room. Not even a note. I took a quick tour of the house but I found nothing. Graduation was over. The school year was done. Julie was gone. Now what was I going to do?
I went to bed that night but was restless. I resisted the urge to masturbate because I was afraid the images of me helplessly submitting to Julie and Mrs. Forrest would rule my thoughts. Even though I'd now had two glorious days of women controlling me and giving me the best orgasms of my life, I didn't want to admit to myself this was the lifestyle I would follow.
The first week of summer break was the toughest. My support structure of friends always breaks down in the summer and I was spending too much time alone with my thoughts. Going to Boston and picking up a guy had no interest to me anymore. In week two I did make the trip, but it was to a lesbian bar I found on the Internet. Maybe it was a slow night, but nobody there really interested me. My dreams during this time were frequently about Julie. I would wake up and find my panties soaked. Finally I went back to the lesbian bar and let myself get picked up by a young girl. She must have been over 21 to be in the place, but she looked 18. We had sex at her apartment. It was nice. I had missed having somebody touch my body for two weeks, but it wasn't the same. The next week I found myself in a different bar hoping to find someone more like Julie or Mrs. Forrest. This time I let an older woman pick me up, but the result was the same.
The woman knew what she was doing and I did cum a couple of times. So did she as I did my best to pleasure her, but it wasn't the same thrill as when I was "forced." I was distraught. I began searching alternative dating websites and underground newspapers hoping to find what my body and soul were craving. There were plenty of offers available, but none seemed quite right and honestly I was scared to meet anybody that way. Then a nondescript envelope came in the mail. It was addressed to Professor Cumsalot and postmarked Chicago. I knew that was where Heather and her family lived. My heart soared even as I wondered what my mail carrier must have thought.
My pulse raced as I began to read the letter. It wasn't signed and there were no clues as to who sent it, but I knew it was her. It read, "Dear Tammy. By now you probably are going crazy trying to find a source for what you need. It can be provided for you, but you must agree to see our program through to the end. Our program lasts one week. You must agree to follow it completely for that time. Failure to complete the program will be met with strict disciplinary actions. During this time you will have no contact with family or friends. This is the only time this offer will be extended as is good for the next 24 hours. If you agree to our terms, send an email to..."
The letter concluded with a generic sounding Hotmail address. I read the letter a second time and then a third. My pussy was wet. One week. One week in Chicago or here? One week with Mrs. Forrest, Heather or both? My curiosity was pegged at 100%, but it was also scary. I'd been unwilling to meet anybody from the Internet, yet I was seriously considering responding positively to an unsigned letter with no return address. I read the letter a fourth time. I masturbated. I came. I put the letter down and walked away. An hour later I masturbated again. That night I dreamed of Heather and her mom. Once again I woke with damp sheets and drenched panties. I sent the email.
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