This was the first story I wrote. It is based on characters from the story Soccer Mom by Couture. Many people expressed an interest in a sequel to that story, myself included, so I decided to pick up the story where Soccer Mom left off. It grew into two stories, Sara Submits and Sara's Training. At the request of a reader I combined the 20 chapters into a single story (455 pages in Word) The Adventures of Sara. You will notice a few breaks in continuity and cliffhanger endings to paragraphs. These were the original chapter breaks. They do seem weird when strung together, but I really don't want to rewrite the transitions so you'll just have to deal with it :-)
The basic premise of Soccer Mom is our heroine Sara, a beautiful young housewife, is seduced by the wife of her husband's boss, Mrs. Anderson. Mrs. Anderson tapped into Sara's submissive nature and the inexperienced Sara is now in her bed, wearing her wedding dress, a collar and leash and waiting for Mrs. Anderson to complete her conquest of her. Soccer Mom ended with a wonderful cliff hanger ending with Sara hearing two sets of heels walking to her bedroom and Sara spreading her pussy lips with one hand and holding her leash with the other. That is where The Adventures of Sara picks up the story.
I received much positive feedback about where I took the story and hope you enjoy it. Looking back at it some two years after I began, the writting is a bit ragged and the storytelling could have been better, but as I said, it was my first attempt at this type of story. I think my current works are better written, but I do like this story and hope you will too. Enjoy.
The Adventures of Sara by Tappy McWidestance.
Mrs. Anderson entered the bedroom. Greeted by the sight of Sara in her wedding dress, freshly shaved with her hand spreading her obviously wet pussy lips pleased the older woman. The surprise of finding Sara wearing a collar and holding a leash brought a smile to Mrs. Anderson's lips. "Ah my sweet slut. Open and ready for me I see."
Sara smiled weakly, humiliated at her body's response to the older woman. "Who did you bring with you" asked the young woman. "Why does that matter, slut?" responded Mrs. Anderson. "You are mine to do with what I please. You will service me and whomever I chose to share you. I can already see you dripping and smell your arousal. You would not disappoint me know, would you?" Sara knew Mrs. Anderson was right. All last night she could not think of anything besides the day before in the park. She relived the feelings in her mind of Mrs. Anderson's actions. How she came on her fingers. How she begged for that release. How she longed to please Mrs. Anderson.
Sara practically attacked her husband last night. She needed to feel him inside her and entreated his attentions. He did not disappoint. Their lovemaking was the most passionate they had experienced in some time. Sara loved her husband and his lovemaking rarely failed to satisfy her. But just as she was about to climax, Sara remembered Mrs. Anderson's instruction not to cum. Sara wanted to. She needed to. But she somehow held back. As she felt herself reaching a peak, Sara willed herself to think of something else. Would Mrs. Anderson punish her for cumming? What was going to happen the next morning? What would her husband think when he found out? It was that last thought that kept Sara from going over the edge. She dutifully pretended to enjoy herself, but secretly kept wishing her husband would finish quickly. Within a couple of minutes, Sara's husband shot a huge load into Sara's shudder pussy. Sara gave him a kiss, thanked him and when into the bathroom to wash up.
In the bathroom, Sara looked at herself in the mirror. Flush with the glow of having just made love, Sara looked beautiful. "Why do I need anything else" she asked herself rhetorically. Sara knew the answer. While her husband was attentive and a good lover, she could not ignore the feelings Mrs. Anderson had stirred the day before. Sara desperately wanted to rub her clit. She knew she could cum with just a few strokes. She touched her clit once and it was electric. She almost swooned with need, but just as quickly removed her hand. Sara knew it would be impossible for her to clean her pussy without cumming so she resolved to wait until tomorrow morning.
Monday morning was always a chaotic time in Sara's house. Her husband tried to get to the office early and the kids tended to be late for school. Unable to sleep soundly, Sara rose early to bathe and cook breakfast. During her bath, Sara shaved her legs and underarms and, for the first time, her pubic hair. While holding back her pussy lips to protect them from the razor, Sara felt her now almost continual arousal return. Again she had to fight the urge to masturbate. Sara quickly finished and threw on a pair of sweat pants and a t-shirt. She didn't bother with panties or a bra as she knew she would be changing again in short order. Sara descended the stairs to the kitchen. With each step her now smooth pussy lips seemed to lightly brush against fabric of her sweat pants in a maddening way. "What is happening to me?" she thought. Now I can't even walk without getting aroused. Looking in the mirror behind the sink she could clearly see her hard nipples. Sara determined she had to go upstairs and get her underwear to hid her aroused state. But just then, her son came into the kitchen and another day began. He was followed in short order by Sara's daughter and husband. Breakfast was the typical cereal and bagels. Sara kept facing away from the table as much as she could without raising suspicion, but in her mind, all eyes were on her and everyone could sense what he was feeling. Of course that wasn't true and breakfast passed quickly. Sara's husband was off to the office and the kids to the school bus. It was now or never time for Sara. Either she was putting on her wedding dress and giving herself to a woman she hard knew and didn't like or she was going to risk having Mrs. Anderson tell her husband she and Sara were having an affair.
Although she felt shame admitting it to herself, Sara went upstairs to find her wedding dress. Sara removed her sweat pants and t-shirt and again looked in her mirror. Sara seemed to be looking for a clue about herself. Was she really a horny slut like Mrs. Anderson told her she was or did she still see the woman she, until yesterday, though she was. Sara was lost in though pondering that question until she suddenly realized it was 9am. Mrs. Anderson could be here any minute. Or she could not be here for several hours. Sara dismissed the thought that Mrs. Anderson may not arrive at all.
Sara began putting on her wedding dress. Originally she wore fancy lace lingerie, but she figured for this occasion, that would be a waste. It wouldn't stay on her very long anyway. Besides, Mrs. Anderson had just said wedding dress. Sara was please that the dress still fit and she decided that the veil would be a nice touch. As she finished dressing, she heard their dog barking at the window.
"Damn, I forgot the dog. He will need to be locked in is cage before Mrs. Anderson arrives." At the same time, Sara though, "what if Mrs. Anderson is here? She will find me out of bed." Sara quickly decided she had to get the dog or he would be a problem when Mrs. Anderson arrived. She quickly, or as quickly as she could in her wedding dress and heels, made her way downstairs. The dog was barking at a neighbor walking her dog down the sidewalk. Sara quickly corralled the dog and brought him to his cage in the garage. While in the garage, Sara noticed his old collar and leash. She hesitated only briefly before grabbing both items. As she did, she felt another rush of arousal. She knew she had to make it quickly back to her bed. Stopping only to make sure the door was unlocked, Sara headed back upstairs.
As she laid back on the bed, Sara's thoughts again went back to the day before. She knew she was wet and it took all her will not to masturbate to orgasm. Somehow Sara knew Mrs. Anderson would be able to tell Sara had disobeyed her orders. Sara also knew it would not be difficult to remain in the aroused state Mrs. Anderson had commanded her to maintain. Sara pulled the veil over her head and let her mind run wild. Would Mrs. Anderson punish her? Maybe, although Sara thought she had followed the instructions correctly. Would Sara have to eat Mrs. Anderson's pussy? Yes, Sara figured that was a definite. Would Sara be allowed to cum? She prayed her release was only a short time away. The sound of a car door broke Sara out of her trance. She suddenly remembered the collar, put it on and snapped on the leash. Her desire swelled. Was that the door? Sara tried to focus. She had been waiting in bed for about an hour and a half. Her thighs we slick from the juices leaking out of her. If her mind was playing tricks on her and Mrs. Anderson was not there Sara felt she would go insane. Now she definitely hears the sound of high heels on the hardwood floor. Her release would be soon. Sara spread her pussy lips as instructed and briefly stuck two fingers inside to coat them. She wanted Mrs. Anderson to know she had followed her instructions. As she held out the leash with her other hand, Sara realized there were two sets of heeled footsteps, not one. Mrs. Anderson must not be alone. Suddenly Sara was worried, but the scent of her arousal quickly dispatched that emotion as her bedroom door slowly opened.
Mrs. Anderson circled the bed like a vulture circling her prey. She was pleased by the vision before her. Sara, the young wife of her husband's best employee, was on her bed clothed only in her wedding dress and holding a leash attached to the dog collar around her neck. Slowly, deliberately, Mrs. Anderson examined Sara. She ran her hand up her leg, over her stomach and between her breasts until she reached her collar. She was careful not to touch Sara's pussy, but instead ran her finger tantalizingly close causing Sara to shiver. Sara arched her back in an effort to make contact with the teasing finger.
"Not so presumptuous my sweet slut," exclaimed Mrs. Anderson. "There will be plenty of time for that later," she said with a wicked smile. "You have to earn your pleasure. Sara just groaned in frustration. Mrs. Anderson then said, "From now on, you will call me Mistress A." and pulled a blindfold out of a bag she was carrying. Sara just nodded. As she attached the blindfold, Mistress A explained, "The loss of one sense will heighten your other senses. I also want you to keep guessing about what will happen next. Now lay back, put your hands above your head, grab your wrists and hold your arms there as if they were bound." Sara complied and instantly felt more helpless, yet turned on than she had ever felt before. "Good girl. Now spread your legs as wide as you can and keep them there." As Sara moved into position, Mistress A moved her fingers down to the young wife's pussy and slowly inserted her middle finger while her thumb rubbed Sara's clit.
"You are very wet, just as I knew you would be. You have pleased me." Sara now was not humiliated, but filled with pride. Mistress A continued to slowly to slowly rub Sara's clit while continuing to probe Sara's pussy with her middle finger. "Do you want me to make you cum, dear?" asked Mistress A. "Yes, oh yes Mistress," exclaimed Sara. "Have you earned your orgasm?" inquired J in a mocking tone.
Sara: "Mistress?"
Mistress Anderson: "Yesterday I ordered you not to cum. Have you followed my instructions?"
Sara: "Yes Mistress Anderson. I wanted to cum very badly. I even made love to my husband, but I didn't cum. It was very difficult, but I thought of you and was able to hold back."
Mistress Anderson smiles again. Her seduction of Sara was going well and easier than she expected.
Mistress Anderson: "You have done well so far my pet. You will be rewarded today. As you asked before, I did bring a friend with me to help with your training. You do not need to worry about her identity. She is a close friend and will know you intimately before we are finished. You are to serve her as you would serve me."
Sara hears movement in the room. She wants to rip the blindfold from her face and find out who else is in the room, but she resisted the temptation. She also wanted to lower her hands to her pussy and get herself off. Sara knew better, however. She has pleased her new mistress so far and did not want to risk angering her.
Mistress Anderson: "Sara, I want you to do something for me. Your scent tells me how aroused you are right now. The wetness in your pussy confirms that I could make you cum any time I choose. But there are a few things you need to do for me first. Nod your head if you understand."
Sara quickly nods, and then moans her Mistress increases the speed of her ministrations.
Mistress Anderson: "Very good. I see we understand ourselves. Our first task is for you to admit you are my slave and will do whatever I say. From now on, your body belongs to me to use as I please. I will not interfere with your family life and your husband does not need to know what a slut you really are. Think carefully before answering. You will not refuse any request I make and will need to ask permission to cum. In return you will experience pleasure beyond your wildest expectations."
While making these statements, Mistress Anderson has been increasing the pressure on Sara's clit. Unknown to Sara, the mystery woman has setup a video camera looking down the length of the bed. She has a perfect view of Sara holding her arms above her head and spreading her legs. Lost in sensory overload, Sara's moaning fills the air as she nears her orgasm. Before that can happen, however, Mistress Anderson suddenly removes her hand and spanks Sara squarely on her sopping pussy. Sara recoils in pain, but does not otherwise move.
Mistress Anderson: "I asked you a question my dear. You obviously were not paying attention. I was prepared to give you the orgasm you so obviously need if you had given the right answer. Now I think we need additional education."
Sara: "Please mistress. I'm sorry. Your fingers felt so good. Please make me cum."
Mistress Anderson: "You still have not answered my question. You have not earned your orgasm. You will receive a second chance, but you need to do a few things for us first."
Sara was scared at the thought of that last statement, but she was too turned on to care. Once again Sara heard movement in the room. She felt a soft leather cuff being attached to her right wrist. She then felt her arm drawn further up and heard the scraping of a chain along the spindles of her headboard. Her other arm was then grabbed, by the mystery person Sara imagines and it pulled tight and attached inside the second cuff. The mystery person then slowly runs her hand down Sara's outstretched arm, her cheek, shoulder and finally comes to rest on her covered breast.
Mistress Anderson: "My friend likes what she sees, slave. You will like her. She can be a bit demanding at times, but she is fair and loves to make women cum."
Suddenly the hand on her breast squeezed hard. Sara arched her back to meet the new sensation. The hand quickly left her breast. Sara wished they had taken off her wedding dress before attaching her arms to the headboard. She loved having her breasts fondled. Sara's actions demonstrated her need and her tormenters clearly understood what they were doing to the young wife. The hand continued its slow advance down Sara's body.
As the hand neared her pussy, Sara knew subconsciously she would not be allowed her orgasm yet. But that did not stop her from trying. Sara began to hump her hips in an effort to make stronger contact with the hand. Of course this was expected and the hand simply moved away.
Mistress Anderson: "Sara, what did I tell you about who your body belongs to?"
Sara: "You Mistress."
Mistress Anderson: "That is correct. But apparently you have not learned your lesson yet. Shut your legs and roll onto your side. I'll be right back."
Sara didn't have long to wonder where Mistress Anderson went. Before she had even left the room, a stinging hand found its mark on Sara's right butt cheek. Sara screamed at the sudden pain. A few seconds later, another spank was administered. This was a new sensation for Sara. She had not been spanked since she was a young child. This was different. Although she knew she was being punished, Sara also knew this was sexual. Until yesterday, she had been a loyal wife having never considered cheating on her husband. Now she was cuffed to her matrimonial bed, wearing her wedding dress, being spanked by someone she can't see and doesn't know. After about 10 spanks, the pain began to turn to a heat spreading throughout Sara's body. She realized she was starting to enjoy this treatment. She didn't have time to ponder why she was getting further turned on because Mistress Anderson was reentering the room.
Mistress Anderson: "I see you are enjoying your punishment."
The mystery hand now switched to rubbing Sara's sore bottom. The overheated wife began to coo and rolled back onto her back and spread her legs. She wanted the hand in her pussy and felt her tormenters would be unable to resist. But Mistress A had seen this behavior many times before. In fact most of her seductions went the same way. As soon as Sara rolled over, her clit felt the ice cube. The howls of pain were echoed off the wall.
Mistress Anderson: "When will you learn my little slut? You could have cum two or three times already if you can just been nice to us."
Sara was broken and wanted to pledge her devotion to her mistress. She knew this was what her mistress wanted to here, but could only manage a stuttering "please..."
Mistress Anderson: "Excuse me? Perhaps this will help you focus."
With that, a second ice cube was inserted inside Sara's pussy and another howl of pain filled the room.
Mistress Anderson: "The pain will pass quickly, but your need to cum will not. You will soon be hotter than you ever have been in your life."
The ice cubes were removed, but Sara's pussy still felt numb. She then felt a hand on each foot as her legs were drawn apart. Sara assumed her legs would be tied to the bed, but instead another leather cuff was attached to each ankle. Sara later learned that the reason she could not move her legs together was because a spreader bar was placed between the cuffs.
Mistress Anderson: "Ok Sara, time for you to do something for us. My friend has quite enjoyed the show you have put on so far today. I can tell you turned her on."
Sara could hear the sound of clothes being removed.
Mistress Anderson: "As I told you yesterday, we need to work on your pussy eating skills."
Sara now felt the mystery woman climb onto the bed. It didn't take Sara long to realize exactly what was happening. The mystery woman swung her leg over Sara head and rubbed her pussy lips on Sara's nose. The smell was intoxicating. Sara extended her tongue and the mystery woman obliged by sliding back so Sara's mouth was squarely in position to satisfy her.
Mistress Anderson: "See you are a natural slut. You will service my friend until she is satisfied and then maybe, just maybe, I will give you your orgasm."
In her mind, Sara groaned in frustration, but her body reacted exactly as Mistress Anderson knew it would. Sara began rocking her hips to the rhythm of the mystery woman rocking on her face. Mistress A gave Sara's pussy and clit a quick rub and not surprisingly, the coldness of the ice had been replaced with heat and wetness. Mistress Anderson moved in for the kill.
She took a small vibrator, maybe 4 inches long and set it to its lowest setting. It was lightly buzzing, but certainly not strong enough to bring Sara over the edge. Mistress Anderson prepared to insert the vibrator as her friend reached her climax and liberally coated Sara's face with her juices. Before dismounting, the woman once again rubbed her pussy on Sara's nose.
Mistress Anderson: "That was very good. We only have a few minutes left. Your kids will be home from school soon and you need to get cleaned up. Here is your reward."
With that, Mistress A inserted the small vibrator into Sara. Sara flinched at the intrusion but quickly began rolling her hips in appreciation. She could feel her orgasm start to build and knew the two other women in the room could also sense her desire.
Mistress Anderson: "See Sara, I can be very nice. Is there anything else you would like?"
Sara: "I need to cum!"
Mistress Anderson: "I know. Do you remember what I said you needed to say before that will happen?"
Sara: "No. Please tell me again."
Sara was desperate for her release. At this point she would have agreed to anything.
Mistress Anderson: "I don't like to repeat myself. You will be punished again later for not listening. What I said was you need to admit you are our slave and will do whatever we say. From now on, your body belongs to us to use as we please. You will not refuse any request we make and will need to ask permission to cum. In return you will experience joy beyond your wildest expectations. Think carefully before answering."
But Sara didn't need to think anymore. Mistress Anderson knew the answer before she asked the question.
Sara: "Mistress, I am a slut and your slave. I will do whatever you tell me and will not refuse anything. Please let me cum."
Mistress Anderson: "That sounded very sincere. However, I have not cum yet, myself, and that has to change before you can cum."
Sara felt her mistress straddle her head and she knew what was expected. As she began eating her mistress, the vibrator was slowly pulled from her pussy. She then heard the speed increased and then the sound was muffled. Almost immediately two sets of moans filled the room. One from Mistress Anderson on Sara's face and one from the mystery woman using the vibrator on herself. Both women orgasmed in just a couple of minutes. Mistress Anderson dismounted and teased Sara's wet pussy lips.
Mistress Anderson: "Your pussy is leaking like a faucet. Are you ready to beg for your release?"
Sara did not hesitate. Her will was broken. She belonged to Mrs. Anderson.
Sara: (in a hushed voice) "Please Mistress. Let me cum."
Mistress A. "Louder"
Sara: "Please Mistress. Let me cum."
Mistress A. "Louder"
Sara: (yelling) "Please Mistress. Let me cum."
Mistress Anderson. "Very well. You have earned it."
Mistress Anderson began quickly rubbing Sara's clit while the mystery woman jammed the vibrator back into Sara's pussy. This time, however, the vibrator was at full speed and Sara began coming within seconds. Her hips were lifting off the bed as she tried to hump her mistress' hand and force the vibrator deeper into her pussy. Sara screamed in pleasure and rolled her head back and forth.
Mistress Anderson kept up her ministrations for about a minute as Sara road out her climax. The mystery woman quietly took her clothes and the video camera and went downstairs to dress.
Sara was breathing heavily. Never before had she climaxed like the one she just experienced. Her wedding dress was soaking in sweat and her face was coated with the juice of two women.
Mistress Anderson: "As you can feel slut, you were born to serve me. In fact, I am having a little gathering at my house next Saturday night. The ladies in my subdivision get together for Bunko once a month. I am in need of a serving wench and you will do nicely. You will be needed from about 6pm to midnight."
Mistress Anderson removed the blindfold and cuffs. Sara starts rubbing her sore limbs. She wants to rub her pussy. She knows she could cum again with almost no effort.
Sara: "Mistress, may I cum again.
Mistress Anderson: "Play with your clit for me. Slowly. Tease yourself. Don't cum or we are finished."
The look of disappointment on Sara's face was obvious, but she did as she was told.
Mistress Anderson: "You have been a good girl today Sara. Here are the rules you need to follow this week. First, after I leave, no masturbation. Failure to obey will be met with strict punishment. I will know if you get off. I can always tell. Second, I don't want your hubby feeling lonely. He can fuck you, but you are not to cum. By Wednesday you should be good and horny. I want you to give him a blow job and let him cum on your face. Pretend you are a porn star. Beg him to give you a facial. We will talk on Friday and I will give you more instructions."
Sara: "Yes Mistress. Your slave will do as you have instructed. May I cum now?"
Mistress A: "Soon my pet. First I want you to turn over onto your hands and knees. Now pull up your dress so I can see your ass."
Sara immediately complied, desperate to cum again before having to wait for a week.
Mistress Anderson: "Such a nice ass. I look forward to getting to know it better."
Sara shudders at the thought.
Mistress Anderson: "Ok slave. Show me what a slut you are. Rub your clit as fast as you can and slowly start counting down slowly from 20 and say thank you Mistress Anderson for letting me cum each time. You may cum when you reach zero."
Sara began rubbing her clit like a mad woman and began her countdown. By the time she was down to 10, her breathing was labored and she was slurring her words. Mistress A gave her a hard spank.
Mistress Anderson: "Focus slut. Let me hear you thank me!"
Sara continued counting while her Mistress continued her spanking. At number 5 Mistress Anderson began fucking Sara with the vibrator. At 1 Mistress A grabbed Sara's hair and forcibly pulled her head back.
Mistress Anderson: "Who do you belong to?"
Sara: "You Mistress"
A: "Who owns this orgasm?"
Sara: "You Mistress"
A: "Will you serve me faithfully?
Sara: "Yes Mistress"
A: "Ok, you may cum"
Upon hearing those words, Sara exploded quaking for a full two minutes. She remained face down on the bed with her ass in the air not wanting to move while her Mistress got dressed and packed up her toys. Before leaving, Mistress Anderson had Sara lick her cum from the vibrator. It was the first time Sara had tasted her own juices. It would not be the last. Mistress Anderson gave Sara's ass one last slap and said "Remember what we talked about. No masturbation and I'll see you Saturday night." And with that she walked out of the room.
Sara just smiled. She looked at the clock. It was 2pm. She had to shower before the kids came home and put her dress away. She also had to figure out an excuse for being gone Saturday night.
Sara spent the rest of the afternoon in a fog. She quickly showered, but her thoughts we on the events of earlier in the day. She managed to get dressed, change the bedding, put away her dress and look like nothing happened by the time the kids got back from school. After saying hello, the kids went there separate ways and Sara was again alone with her thoughts.
She didn't quite understand why she was so turned on by Mrs. Anderson, but she understood that she would do anything the older woman told her. Sara's husband Frank got home from work late, explaining that Mr. Anderson had given him a special project to do. He was assigned to work with a new out of state client who was having trouble with the products the company was providing for them. While not quite a promotion, Frank felt it was a good thing that Mr. Anderson had entrusted such a valuable account to him.
Sara just smiled.
That night, Sara went to bed early. She wanted to be asleep before Frank came up in case he wanted to have sex. Her body was ready, but her mind was not. She certainly wanted to jump on him and fuck his brains out, but she knew she would not be able to hold back her orgasm. All night, visions of Mistress A filled her head. Who was the mystery woman? Did she know her? Would she see her again? Would Mr. Anderson (or would it be Master Anderson) be joining them? What was going to happen on Saturday? Sara tossed and turned all night and woke up horny. This was going to be a tough day.
Sara was determined to stop thinking about Mistress A. There was no way she would make it to the weekend without orgasming if she could not control her thoughts. She went running, did the family errands and finally had the oil changed in the car. She was doing fine until she checked her email. There was a short message from Mistress A with a video clip attached. Sara knew what was on the clip even before she opened it. Although just a minute long, it clearly showed Sara in her wedding dress cumming like crazy while a mystery hand controlled a vibrator. Unfortunately any hope of determining who the mystery woman is was dashed by way the video was cropped. Memories of the day before flooded Sara's mind as the scent of her arousal flooded her nostrils.
At the bottom of the email was a message to email Mistress A after watching the video and then to reply with how she felt. Sara told Mistress A she was upset that she had been videotaped, but also admitted she was turned on. The email exchange continued with Mistress Anderson probing ever deeper into Sara's psyche. Finally Mistress Anderson told Sara she had been a good girl for following her instructions. Mistress Anderson was altering her orders. Sara would be reward with an orgasm today, but only with Frank. Until his return, she was to masturbate until she felt she was about to climax. She was then to stop, wait 20 minutes and start over. Between sessions, Sara was to rewatch the video of her orgasm. She was also directed to a bondage website where should could do some research.
Thankful for being allowed to orgasm, even if she had to wait several hours, Sara set off on her new tasks. She did not have a vibrator so she simply used her fingers. It did not take long for her to reach her level of no return. Just before crossing over, Sara stopped, took several deep breaths and walked around the house. She then remembered Mistress A's order to rewatch the video. As she watched, all she could think about was how much she wanted to cum like she had yesterday.
Going to the bondage website was scary to Sara. Not that she was afraid of the content, but she was afraid of the electronic paper trail it would create. But, she followed Mistress Anderson's command and began her "research." Sara's world was opened to many new possibilities she had not known existed. There were different methods of restraint, punishment, submission and more fetishes than she could count. Soon her 20 minutes was up and she repeated the process.
About an hour later, an instant message from Mistress Anderson popped up. She asked how Sara was doing and Sara replied truthfully that she was ready to fuck a doorknob she was so horny. Mistress Anderson replied that is how she likes her slaves. They are much easier to control. Sara wanted to tell Mistress Anderson that her attitude was terrible and she shouldn't treat other people that way. But she didn't. The wetness in her pussy wouldn't allow it.
Mistress Anderson told Sara she knew the kids would be home soon, so she could stop surfing the net and watching the video. However, she still wanted Sara to continue masturbating. If she was going to give Sara the gift of an orgasm, she wanted to be sure Sara came well. Mistress Anderson also told Sara that Mr. Anderson would be sending Frank home a little early tonight so she should be ready with dinner.
Sara did as she was instructed. Frank was very happy with the simple home-cooked meal. In only his second day managing the problem account, he already was becoming more stressed. Sara offered to give him a backrub while the kids watched TV. By the time the kids went to sleep, Frank was relaxed and falling asleep in his recliner. Obviously this would not do. Sara had been given permission to orgasm today. She didn't know if that would extend to tomorrow if Frank could not perform. She didn't want to find out.
As Sara and Frank moved up the stairs to the bedroom, Sara went first making sure to put a little extra wiggle in her walk, but Frank seemed disinterested. Sara put on a lace teddy in an effort to entice him, but it was to know avail. Sara gave Frank a little pout and said "Don't you think I am sexy?" Frank said of course she is sexy and that he was just tired. Sara asked, "What if you just lay back and I'll do all the work?"
Frank just chucked but Sara was not going to take no for an answer. She pushed Frank back onto the bed and quickly pulled down his pajama bottoms. His cock was showing signs of life so Sara quickly took him in her mouth. She did not frequently perform oral sex on Frank because she thought it was nasty. Of course before two days ago, she also thought two women having sex was nasty. He was hard in short order and Sara, not wanting to risk him losing interest quickly jump on top and impaled herself on his dick.
Sara was riding Frank like a woman possessed. Frank took notice because Sara had always been fairly passive during their lovemaking. This was not the same woman. The old Sara had always been slow to boil and required a lot of foreplay. This Sara seemed ready to orgasm after just a couple of minutes. Frank thought this was a good thing since he doubted he could last more than a couple more minutes given the pace she had set.
Frank was right and Sara was soon climaxing like he had never seen her before. He could tell she wanted to scream out, but didn't want to wake the kids. Frank, usually a gentleman in bed, was inspired to flip his wife over onto her hands and knees so her face was in a pillow. He then grabbed her ass and stuck his cock back in her pussy. He knew he would not last long and wanted to get the most pleasure he could. Frank knew Sara liked the feeling of sex doggie-style, even though she felt it was a demeaning position and would not do it often. As soon as he reentered his still spasming wife, she moaned and began rocking her hips back into him. Frank wondered where this was coming from, as she had never done that before, but his primal needs took over and he began matching her movements with his thrusts. The sounds of skin hitting skin filled the room even as Sara's moans we muffled by the pillows. If the kids we not up before, they were definitely up now.
Frank could not keep this pace up long and felt his jiz rising from his balls. He knew he would shoot soon. With a final thrust, Frank grabbed Sara by the hips and held her tight. His cock was buried as deep as it would go in Sara. With a profound grunt, he let loose a torrent of cum into Sara's pussy. This triggered another orgasm in Sara that ripped right through her. Frank held her tight as he squired volley after volley into Sara's pussy. Sara just shook. If Frank has thought her last climax was strong, this one was much more forceful. As Frank's cock deflated, he let go of her hips and she slumped into the bed with a very happy and contented smile.
The next day Frank was up and out to work early. Sara got the kids ready for school. Everything seemed normal, except Sara could not stop smiling. After the kids left, she composed a long email to Mistress Anderson telling her about what happened. She then went for her run. When she returned, a message from her Mistress was waiting. The tone was very curt. Sara had disobeyed her mistress' direct order by have two orgasms. She had only been given permission for one. Sara was distressed. She had not even considered this possibility.
Mistress Anderson said Sara would be punished for not remembering instructions. She reminded her of today's task of getting her husband to give her a facial. As punishment Sara was not to masturbate today. "Most women would not find that a punishment, however you, my little slut, will find this most distracting." Mistress A continued telling Sara to go to the Sex & Submission website and download a couple of scenes. "Watch them and remember what you are not getting for a while," scolded Mistress Anderson. The email concluded with a challenge. Sara was to email her mistress at 4:30 with a recap of her movie watching and a confession about whether she had masturbated or not.
Sara read and reread the email. It was now 11am. She was not sure what kind of movies were on that website but she could guess. At some point, Sara knew she should tell Mistress Anderson to take a hike. But today was not that day. Sara downloaded her movies and started to watch. Each clip seemed more depraved than the next. Woman after woman, willingly allowing herself to be tied up, whipped and forced to service a man. Yet each woman appeared to be satisfied at the end. Sara was not surprised that the feelings of arousal quickly came back. Although it was difficult, Sara did not masturbate. She knew she could come very quickly and once she started, she would be impossible to stop.
At 4:15 she started typing an email to her Mistress. She proudly explained that although she was very horny right now, she did not masturbate. Sara detailed which movies she watched and what she liked and didn't like about them. She finished at 4:29 and clicked send just in time.
At 4:31 Mistress Anderson replied. Sara thought she would not have had enough time to read her long email and type a response. She must have written her response in advance. Mistress Anderson's email talked about how she knew Sara would be horny again because she was a slut who couldn't control herself. Mistress Anderson was happy to hear Sara had not masturbated and offered her another orgasm if Sara could complete a simple task. If she was interested, she should call the attached phone number. At the bottom of the email, the telltale words "Sent from Cindy Anderson's Blackberry."
Sara reached for the phone...
When we last saw Sara she had been following Mistress Anderson's instructions to masturbate all afternoon but not to climax. Mistress Anderson was carefully controlling Sara's actions. She knew that soon Sara's rebellious spirit would be completely broken. Sara was already holding back her orgasms until her Mistress told her she could cum. Mistress A has used mild punishments, mainly in the form of orgasm denial to slowly bring Sara under her power. Mistress Anderson knew that Sara has been exposed to a lifestyle of excitement from which she cannot return. As time goes by, Mistress Anderson's plan is to take Sara further into the lifestyle while increasing the level of punishment for disobedience. She has done this many times and can easily spot a woman who will be willing to submit to her. She considers it a gift. Sara, unknowingly, will think it is a curse.
Mistress Anderson's last instruction to Sara was to call a phone number to receive a special task. If she did the task, she would be allowed to orgasm. After playing with herself all afternoon, Sara did not care what the task was, just that she would be allowed the release she badly needed. Sara dialed the number and was greeted by the sound of her mistress' voice.
Mistress Anderson: "Hello slut. I knew you would call."
Sara: "Hello Mistress"
Mistress Anderson: "I assume you want permission to cum."
Sara: "Yes Mistress."
Mistress A questioned Sara about her daily activity and the events with Frank the night before. Mistress A already had this information from Sara's emails, but she wanted the young wife to recount her experiences verbally. She also wanted to check for inconsistencies in the story. The more Sara talked, the more turned on she was becoming. Mistress A could hear the lust in Sara's voice.
A: "Your breathing is divine. I love to hear you turn yourself on. Will you do something for me?"
Sara: "Of course mistress. I will do whatever you ask."
A: "Good. I want you to lie on your back. Put the phone on speaker. Continue the story, but I want you to work one hand into that squishy pussy and use the other hand to pinch your nipples."
Sara continued talking about the movies she had watched today. Mistress A could almost feel Sara's yearning for submission over the phone. This conquest was going to be easier than she had imagined. As Sara continued masturbating for her mistress, her voice became quieter and quieter. The sounds of a wet pussy, however, became very pronounced. Soon most of the story was replaced by moans.
A: "Are you ready to cum my sweet slave."
Sara: - "Yes mistress. I will cum when you command."
A: "Go to your bedroom windows and open the blinds. You will then press yourself against the glass. Rub your breasts on the window and finger your clit until you climax."
Sara: "I can't do that. Our bedroom faces the street."
A: "Perhaps you are not the good girl I thought. Perhaps we should skip Saturday. Goodbye."
Sara panicked when Mistress A hung up on her. She needed to cum. That was something she could do within a matter of seconds. But at what cost? After the events of the last few days, Sara was unwilling to give up her mistress. Sara leaped from the bed and pulled open the blinds. She peeked through the window and didn't see anyone walking on the street. Per her mistress' orders, she pressed herself to the glass. Her breasts compressed against the smooth surface, she looked like an actress in a b-movie washing a car. Without the water from a car wash however, Sara found her nipples sticking to the window as she attempted to move back and forth. While not exactly pleasureful, the sensation did add a fire to the heat about a foot below.
Sara's right hand found her clit. It was begging for attention. Sara's left has found its way to her pussy. Sara plunged two fingers into her wetness while she furiously stroked her clit. She exploded less than a minute later. It was if a damn had burst, both in the amount of liquid emanating from the young woman, but also in her mind. Sara realized that every time she followed Mistress A's instructions, she had a massive orgasm. She was out of control and had to learn to keep her desires in check.
Mistress A smiled from her car across the street. She knew Sara would not be able to resist. Of course now Sara would have to beg for forgiveness giving Mistress A even more power. She loved it when a plan came together.
Sara lay back down on her bed as the memories of the last 4 days filled her head. She was worried that Mistress A would not see her any more. She tried calling the phone number again, but there was no answer. Sara didn't want to leave a message. Instead she gathered herself, got dressed and starting making dinner.
Dinner was uneventful and the evening passed quickly. After last night's bedroom romp, Sara knew Frank would not press her for a repeat performance. They usually had sex only twice a week, so he would not be expecting anything tonight. But Sara also remembered her mistress' instructions that she should get a facial from Frank tonight. Sara didn't understand why her mistress, or was it former mistress, specified that ending. Sara was not a fan of giving oral sex, but she certainly had done it before. On the special occasions she blew Frank he either fucked her or came in her mouth. Although swallowing his load was not the end of the world, Sara knew she had to do what her mistress had instructed.
When they went to bed, Sara cuddled up next to Frank. As she rubbed against his back, she reached around a gently started squeezing his cock. As it began to grow hard, she started stroking it more deliberately. Although surprised, Frank was pleased. Last night was the wildest sex they had ever had. Now his wife was grabbing his cock looking for more. Frank rolled over to face his wife. Sara adjusted her arm position and continued stroking his manhood. Frank smiled, but before he could ask what was happening, Sara took her other index finger and pressed it to his lips while shaking her head. Immediately after the gesture of silence, she rolled him on his back, slid her body down his and took his cock in her mouth.
Sara started slurping his cock head while using her right hand to stroke the shaft. This was a technique she learned while watching the movies. Frank appeared to be appreciating her newly acquired skill. With her left hand, Sara reached underneath herself to fondle her clit. Sara was enjoying herself more and more. She felt Frank begin to rub the back of her head and knew that meant Frank would want to come in her mouth. She had to figure a way to have him pull out. Sara thought about getting the collar and leash out and asking Frank to hold it while she kneeled on the floor and blew him. She had seen that in a movie also and it turned her on. But that seemed extreme. She thought it would be better to involve Frank a little slower.
Instead, Sara said, "My knees are getting tired. What if I sit on the floor and you stand while I finish you?"
Frank was hesitant, but not about to give up when she was still willing to further his blowjob. Sara moved to the floor and Frank stood in front of her. Sara's head was the perfect height and he easily slid his cock back into her waiting mouth. Seeing her below him turned him on and instead of waiting for Sara to continue, he began to rock his hips. This surprised Sara, but in a good way. She took her hand off his cock and placed her hands behind her back grabbing her own wrists. She remembered the feeling of Mistress A's cuffs, a while this was not the same, it spurred her imagination and brought back a flood of memories. For his part, Frank was oblivious to her change in position. He was having too much fun fucking her face. Frank grabbed the sides of Sara's head, forcing his cock deeper into her mouth.
Soon Sara could tell Frank was about to cum. She had heard the sounds before and knew he was close. Acting quickly, she moved her hands back in front of herself and pushed Frank back. Pulling his cock out of her mouth, to Frank's dismay, she started quickly stroking it with both hands. "Cum in my face. Shower me in your love," Sara called out.
Much like yesterday, Frank didn't know where this change in attitude was coming from, but at the moment he didn't care either. Volley after volley of jiz shot from his cock, generously coating his wife's face. The heat of Frank's load surprised Sara. When she swallowed his cum or he shot in her pussy, there was not much of a temperature differential. That was not the case on her face. Sara reveled in the feeling as shot after shot hit her. When Frank finally stopped cumming, Sara immediately went down on him again cleaning off his cock. Frank was still curious about Sara's change in demeanor but did not think then was the time to discuss it. Sara went to the bathroom and cleaned up. She returned to the bed finding Frank under the covers and almost asleep. She gave him a quick kiss and said good night.
Sara really wanted to thank him. She enjoyed the feeling of helplessness when she was on her the floor with her hands behind her back. But how could she tell him about Mistress A? Maybe she could get Frank to treat her like Mistress A did. Then she would not need her anymore. But then what would Mistress A do with the videotape of Sara in her wedding dress? Sara analyzed her situation over and over. But her thoughts always came back to eating Mistress A's pussy and cumming harder than she ever had before. Sara finally fell asleep and dreamed of both men and woman commanding her to service them sexually. Sometimes alone. Sometimes in a group. She woke to a wet pussy and wondered if Mistress A would call. She decided to send her an email detailing how she had followed her instructions the night before. She hoped her mistress would answer.
Alas that answer did not come. Sara spent Thursday worrying about why her mistress had not called her. By not agreeing to masturbate in front of the window immediately, did Mrs. Anderson really decide to throw Sara away? Sara tried not to focus on her problems but instead do the daily household chores and errands. But the mundane drudgery of the empty household could not quell the fire inside Sara. Time and time again she went to the computer to check for email. Each time she watched another submission video scene. Sara felt herself going crazy. She tried calling Mistress A's cell phone, but there was no answer. Sara didn't leave a message. She didn't know what to say. After calling several times, Sara finally had the courage to leave a message. "Mistress. I know I failed you by not going to the window immediately. After you hung up on me, I did as you had asked. My orgasm was a great treat. Thank you. Although I don't think anybody saw me, I imagined the entire neighborhood was watching. I hope my email from this morning delighted you. Please do not hold my inexperience against me. I will do better I promise. I need you in my life."
Sara hung up the phone, sat down and started to wait for a response. Was Mistress A out of town and not getting her messages and email? Did she receive the message but not want to see Sara? Would Frank be fired? Why doesn't she call?
Sara tried to put on a brave face when the kids came home. If they noticed anything wrong with her demeanor, they didn't comment. When Frank came home he was wondering if Sara would have any new sexual tricks up her sleeve. But the night was like most others and nothing out of the ordinary happened.
Friday morning Sara woke early and immediately checked her email. She was overjoyed to find a message waiting from Mistress A. "So you still want to be my slave, little girl? OK. Today I want you to do some clothes shopping for tomorrow's party. You will be serving as waitress to a group of my friends. I will email you shortly with instructions. Keep your afternoon free."
Sara was ecstatic. Mistress A's definition of shortly grew into several hours, but Sara didn't care. Finally another message arrived. "My dearest slave. There will be approximately 10 women at the party. Although some are sympathetic to our type of relationship, most are not. I need you to dress very professionally. You may know some of the women, so I will be telling them that Frank lost a bet at work and that is why you are present. Do not worry, you will not be required to do anything at the party beyond serving drinks and appetizers." Sara doubted that last statement, but kept reading. "I want you to go to a store called Professional Woman. It is at the mall near entrance four. Ask for Maggie. She is the store's owner and will help you pick an appropriate outfit. She is expecting you at 1pm. Don't be late."
Sara was out the door less than a minute after reading the email.
Sara arrived at the mall at 12:45. She casually walked past Professional Woman, the store where her mistress had ordered her to shop. It looked like a normal, everyday women's clothing store. At exactly 1pm, Sara confidently walked inside and strode to the counter. There was a young girl, no more than 19 working behind the counter. Obviously this was not Maggie the owner.
The girl introduced herself as Andi and came around the counter. The girl had dark black hair and dark makeup. She wore a chain around her neck and had a pierced tongue She looked almost gothic, except her clothes were more professional. She wore a short black skirt with a white blouse, stockings and high heels. She looked very qualified to work in a high-end clothing store. As Andi moved around the counter, Sara could not help but notice her legs. Andi asked if there was anything in particular Sara was looking for. Still distracted by Andi's legs, Sara didn't really hear the question. Andi repeated herself. This brought Sara out of her daze. She excused herself and said she was here to see Maggie. Andi said, "Of course you are. I'll go and get her." Andi disappeared down a hall. Sara watched her ass the entire way. She was starting to feel excited.
Andi returned with a statuesque woman with jet-black hair. She was about 40 Sara guessed. Toned and tight, her suit hid a body that Sara knew would be exceptional. Both women mesmerized Sara. They were perfectly professional looking. One was absolutely elegant and one had obvious hints of kinky below. Sara felt her pussy moisten and wondered where this afternoon was headed.
Maggie introduced herself and shook Sara's hand firmly. "My friend Mrs. Anderson tells me you are going to a party at her house tomorrow. What kind of clothes are you looking for?" asked the shop's owner. "Well, I'm not sure. I want to look professional and sexy, but not trashy and cheap," replied Sara. "Well we don't do cheap, but we certainly can do sexy and even trashy on occasion. Let's look around the store and see what your tastes are like," continued Maggie.
Maggie led the naïve woman around her store. The selection of clothes was all very nice, but not what Sara had in mind. Maggie kept up a continuous stream of small talk while pointing out different items. While doing this, she "accidentally" brushed up against Sara's arm several times. This was distracting to Sara. After not having an orgasm the day before, Sara was primed. Although Sara didn't know at the time, Mistress A had kept Maggie very well informed. Everything that was going to happen in the shop was planned and with purpose. As Maggie steered Sara through the narrow aisles, she found, or rather planned, reasons to need to get past Sara to show her a specific item. This gave her an excuse to "innocently" press against the young woman's backside. Once she even moved in front of Sara and could easily feel her hard nipples. All was going well. Sara was flustered.
After looking through the entire store, Maggie asked if there was anything Sara liked. Sara had to admit she had not seen anything appropriate for the party. Everything looked like it belonged in an office. Maggie admitted that was their primary client. An older woman who wanted to look professional at work. She assured Sara they would find something. Maggie paused <for effect as if deep in thought> and then looked Sara straight in the eyes. Maggie then gave Sara a half smile. "I know what you need. You are not attending the party, you are serving at the party." Sara looked down and then admitted Maggie was correct.
There was a long pregnant pause.
"Don't worry my dear, I have just the outfit for you. I have clothed several of Mrs. Anderson's serving girls. I know just what she likes... a professional looking slut."
Maggie's statement sounded like a judge's sentence to Sara. At least in the privacy of her bedroom Sara could conceive that her actions her just part of a game. Now the game was real. Sara's head was spinning at this new development. In the matter of 10 seconds, Sara was undone having gone from professional woman to wanton slut. Sara weakly replied to Maggie, "Yes. That is correct. I am Mistress A's slut and slave."
"Very well then. Let's go down the hall," said Maggie. I have a smaller showroom with clothes you may prefer. I'll be right back, Andi. Watch the front of the store please."
Maggie led the way with Sara following. Sara was captivated by the sway of Maggie's butt. Her perfect figure was all Sara could focus on and they made her drool with lust. As Maggie stopped to unlock the door, Sara practically walked into her. Maggie just smiled. Mrs. Anderson was right about this one being ready to pluck.
Sara entered the room and saw several racks of leather clothes as well as a few materials she was not familiar with. There were also several display cases with dildos, vibrators, handcuffs and other toys she could not identify. Sara was pretty sure how they would be used, however. On one wall, all manner of restraints, whips, ridding crops, collars and leashes were found. Another wall was all mirrors. Another had hooks, probably to test the restraints, Sara assumed. The last wall had a doorway in the middle and a selection of fetish videos and magazines.
"So what do you think of my other store?" asked Maggie.
"I'm speechless," replied Sara.
"Ok, let's begin. Through that door is a changing room. Go in there and remove everything but your panties and we shall begin."
Sara tentatively set off to the changing room pausing only to look around the room one more time and wonder what she had gotten herself into. As she enters the changing room, she is surprised to find a room at least 20 feet by 20 feet. If only her bedroom was this big. There was a clothes rack with hangers, a couch, a chair, a stool, a sink, a 3x3 foot platform about 2 feet high and lots of mirrors. Just like when she first saw the back showroom, the sight before her took Sara aback. She had never seen such a room in a clothing store.
Her concentration was broken by the silky voice of Maggie. "Well don't just stand then, get your clothes off. I don't have all day for your fitting."
Maggie then pressed a button on an intercom near the changing room door. She told Andi to close up the shop for a few minutes because she needs help with a fitting.
Sara blushed a little when she heard Andi would be joining them. While older women obviously held a fascination for her, he had never found young girls particularly appealing. Of course, now, she didn't have a choice. Andi was going to see her. All of her.
Sara removed all her clothes and neatly hung them on the hangers. Maggie looked her up and down and then smiled. "You have a lovely body. I can see why Mrs. Anderson took a shining to you. I think I can find just the right look for you." Sara just smiled, her legs quaking.
Andi entered the room. She looked at Sara but gave no expression, either positive or negative. Sara thought Andi must see this kind of thing all the time not to give any reaction to a naked woman in the back changing room. Andi handed Maggie a tape measure and opened up a small notebook. Maggie proceeded to take every possible measurement of Sara's body. Not only the usual inseam, waist and bust, but also calf circumference, neck size, arm length and ankle size. She then started to massage Sara's breasts so her nipples would harden. Maggie then measures the size of Sara's nipples. Finally Maggie pulled down Sara's panties and took intimate details about her pussy lips and even her clit size. All the while Maggie kept up a disarming banter while calling out the measurements to Andi to put in the notebook. The irony was not lost on Sara. Here was a woman pinching her clit in order to measure it talking about the new fashions being released in the coming weeks. At the same time, her helper was focused on taking down the appropriate figures and completely unfazed by the situation.
By the time Maggie finished with her measurements, Sara was practically panting. Her arousal was obvious, although neither Maggie nor Andi mentioned anything.
"Thanks Andi. I'll take it from here. I'll let you know if I need anything else," proclaimed Maggie. "Don't go anywhere Sara. I'll be right back with some things for you to try."
Maggie left the room and Sara took the opportunity to sit down. She wanted to masturbate in the worst way. But obviously her mistress was well known to Maggie and Sara was worried Maggie would tell Mistress A she had not followed instructions.
Maggie returned a couple of minutes later with a garter belt, black stockings and shoes with a 4-inch stiletto heel. "We'll start with the basics. Always wear stockings instead of pantyhose. They feel much sexier and so will you."
Maggie handed the items to Sara and then turned and left the room.
Sara was glad to have something other than the heat emanating from her pussy to worry about and was happy to have something to put on. The stocking slid up her legs with little resistance. Sara luxuriated in the feel. These were obviously a higher-grade stocking than she was accustomed to buying. The garter belt was made of leather. It fit her waist perfectly. The snaps were just the right length to meet the stockings. Maggie was very good at getting her fittings right. Finally Sara put on the shoes. The heel accentuated her legs and tightened her butt. Sara slowly turned the front of the mirrors admiring herself. For a moment, Sara forgot why she was here and for what she was getting dressed.
The sound of Maggie returning startled Sara. "Very nice" offered Maggie. "You'll do fine." Maggie then handed Sara a white corset. "Over time you will grow accustomed to the feeling, but for today, it might be a little uncomfortable. We need to get you to the gym to tone up a little more." Sara was taken back. She always felt she was in great shape, but she said nothing. Maggie had Sara step into the unlaced corset. "This one is a little more forgiving for your first time. We will build up to a more rigid model over time."
Sara was worried. The garment was not laced up yet and already she was feeling constricted. If this was the "easy" corset, what would the more unyielding one feel like.
Maggie strained with the laces. "I think I need a little more help. Just a minute." Maggie again used the intercom to instruct Andi to head to the changing room. "Sometimes it helps to have an extra set of hands."
Andi returned. This time she gave Sara a sly smile. "How may I be of service?" Andi said knowingly. "I need to tie this corset, but the laces are very tight. I need you to squeeze the corset tighter so I can tie it. It is probably a size or two too small, but anything bigger will not look right," Maggie said clinically. Sara was sure it was just an excuse to further fondle her body.
As Maggie stood in back of Sara working on the laces, Andi stood in front of the young girl and pressed her body into Sara. Andi wrapped her arms around Sara pushing both sides of the corset toward the center. She started low, just above Sara's butt. Andi's head was just about Sara's smoldering pussy. Sara was sure Andi's air supply was anything but pure. As Maggie worked the laces, Andi moved up Sara's body. By the time Maggie reached the top, Andi's face was buried in Sara's breasts. Andi did not actively try to stimulate the young wife, much to Sara's disappointment, but her hot breath dancing on Sara's breasts was an indirect tease. Finally Maggie was done. As Andi was taking her arms from around Sara, she tactfully ran her finger over Sara's very moist slit. "Just the way I like them... wet and willing to do what they are told," whispered Andi into Sara's ear. "I hope to enjoy you later."
Again Sara was left to look at herself in the mirror while Maggie went looking for the next item and Andi went to mind the front of the store. Sara was amazed at how the corset made her waist look smaller and therefore her hips looked bigger. She started to see an hourglass figure she had never been able to achieve despite years of exercise. The corset also gave her a deep cleavage. Sara's breasts were of good size, but this garment gave her an amazing amount of support and separation. Sara had not realized it when Maggie and Andi were lacing the corset, but there were cutouts in the bra section. Sara's achingly hard nipples fit perfectly in the small holes and would be visible under any garment. This obviously was the plan, Sara thought.
Maggie was not gone long. She returned with a sheer, white silk blouse. She told Sara to slip it on. Maggie told Sara to hold her arms out to the side and started buttoning the blouse. Surprisingly it was loose fitting. Maggie explained since this was an informal event, Sara's top should flow when she walked. Maggie had her move around the dressing room while looking at the mirror. Maggie was right, thought Sara. The fabric gave an almost fluid hint of movement every time Sara stopped walking.
"Oops, I almost forgot. Come back here for a second," exclaimed Maggie. When Sara returned, Maggie unbuttoned the top two buttons and produced two rubber bands. The small bands looked like the kind dentists use, Sara reflected. Maggie said, "We have to make sure these nipples keep standing at attention or this look will not be complete." Maggie proceeded to place the bands over Sara's nipples. Sara could feel the blood flow restrict. She only hoped they would not be on very long.
Sara's look was almost complete. All that was missing was a skirt. Maggie said she knew exactly which skirt Sara needed and only took a minute retrieving it. The skirt was leather. No surprise there. Sara was surprised at the length. It was actually not too short and reached about two-thirds of the way down Sara's thighs. The snaps from the garters were completely covered. Except for her hard nipples showing through the blouse, Sara thought she look every bit the professional woman. She didn't feel professional. Her leaking pussy and corset made every movement remind her of what she was. But at least to the uninitiated, she looked normal.
"Let's get Andi's opinion, shall we?" offered Maggie. "Walk out to the front of the store."
Sara walked back to the front counter. Her steps were tentative since she was unaccustomed to walking in heels so high. Andi offered a warm smile and told Sara she looked magnificent. It was then Sara noticed her outfit was almost a copy of what Andi was wearing. Maggie had Sara walk around the store again to help her acclimate to the heels. When Sara struggled to maintain her posture, Maggie said all of her clients must learn to walk in heels and Sara needed to practice. Maggie waved Sara back to the counter. "I want you to walk to the other end of the mall and back," instructed Maggie. She then picked up the scissors. Maggie flipped up Sara's skirt and casually cut off her panties. "These panties do not match the rest of your outfit. At the end of the mall, you will find a Victoria's Secret. A friend of mine manages it. Ask for Susan and tell her you need to buy a couple new pairs of thongs. Return here after you are done."
Sara stared in disbelief. She certainly did not want to walk around the mall without wearing her panties. She wasn't thrilled about walking around with the rubber bands either. She knew Susan would notice her curious state. Sara felt vulnerable and embarrassed but most of all aroused. She had been aroused since entering the store, but each successive event of the day was building on her psyche. Sara knew if she had the fortitude to go through with this next task, the fire inside her body would have to be quenched. At this point she didn't care if Mistress A punished her. She needed an orgasm.
Sara nodded that she understood the instructions and walked out the door. She knew the location of Victoria's Secret. It was at the opposite end of the mall. As Sara set off, she could feel the chill of the air-conditioned air flowing up her skirt. Sara heard nothing but the click of her heels as she focused on her task. Her nipples were painfully hard. She was sure people were noticing, but she did not look side to side to see who was watching. Sara walked with a purpose. She wanted to get out the mall and get home to her vibrator. She also thought about what Susan would say when she got to the store.
Sara entered the store confidently. At least, she felt, she could not show her emotions. Another well-dressed older woman approached Sara. "You must be Maggie's friend. She told me you would be stopping. I'm Susan and I think we have what you need."
"I'm sure you do," responded Sara. "But I am in a bit of a hurry. I just need to pick up a couple of thongs."
"Of course. Please follow me," said Susan.
Susan led Sara to the back of the store. No hidden rooms in a franchise store, thought Sara. I am safe here. Susan brought Sara to a shelf full of thongs. "I think this is what you are looking for. From what Maggie told me, your size should be on the lower shelf."
Again, Sara just nodded. It was obvious that Susan knew exactly what was transpiring at Professional Woman. Sara bent over to look at the thongs. She knew better than to bend at the knee. Besides, the skirt would hug her ass. Sara felt she would not be showing anything. Sara was also happy they were at the back of the store away from prying eyes. As Sara bent over, she felt Susan's hand on the small of her back. She recognized this as an instruction to remain bent over.
"I would love to keep you here all day or even take you home," Susan admitted. "But unfortunately management frowns on that type of behavior. I'll have to make do with a quick check to see how much you enjoyed the walk over here." With that straightforward statement, Susan reached under Sara's skirt and gently drew her finger over the flowing slit of the young woman. Sara wiggled her behind appreciatively. "I see you like it," whispered Susan. "I bet you would prefer this, however."
Susan suddenly inserted two fingers into Sara's happiness opening. Sara gasped, but made no effort to stop her. Susan gave Sara about 20 quick thrusts and then removed her hand. She wiped her wet fingers under Sara's nose and told her to take her purchases to the counter. Sara looked pleadingly at Susan, but she just turned and walked back to the office. Sara decided against following her and instead paid for her garments. Along the walk back to Professional Woman, Sara's thoughts were with Susan. Sara knew she would have climaxed quickly if Susan had not stopped. Sara had been reduced to a rutting animal always ready to have sex with whoever asked.
When she returned to the first store, Andi was still in front, but Maggie was nowhere to be seen. Andi said her boss had to run out for a few minutes, but that she had left instructions for Sara to change back to her original clothes. Sara walked back through the secret showroom preferring that changing room to the smaller ones in front. As she was passing the display cases, Sara slowed to get a good look at all the products. Her memories of being tied and blindfolded earlier in the week had haunted her because of her body's out of control response. But here, the implements of her submission were laid out as if they were commonplace. Sara continued to the changing room where she found Maggie waiting for her.
"Did you enjoy the walk across the mall? Are you getting comfortable in the shoes?" Sara answered affirmatively to both questions. "You have done very well today. Take your clothes off so I can box them for you," continued Maggie. "Let me help you with the corset."
As Sara disrobed, she noticed Maggie watching her intently. "You know Sara, I am a very good friend of your mistress. If I call her and tell her how good you've been today, I bet she would let you orgasm. Would you like that?"
Sara responded in no uncertain terms that she would very grateful for that consideration.
Maggie produced a cell phone and called Mistress A. They spoke with a familiarity of intimate friends. Maggie told Mistress A about the fitting, how turned on Sara became, how she walked the length of the mall without panties and how in need she was to cum.
Maggie listened to Mistress A talk for several moments, smiled and gave the phone to Sara. "Listen slut," began the conversation. "My dear friend Maggie thinks you deserve an orgasm. I'm not convinced. I want to hear you beg to eat her pussy and her assistant too. I'm sure Andi has been salivating over you since you went inside. If I am convinced of your sincerity, I will give Maggie instructions about the manner you will be allowed to climax after you have satisfied both of them."
Sara didn't need to be asked twice. Her pleading and groveling was moving to Maggie who hoped it was moving to Mistress A also. After about a minute where Sara debased herself admitting to being nothing but an out of control nymphomaniac who would do anything for an orgasm and pledging complete fidelity to Mistress A, she handed the phone back to Maggie.
Maggie listened to a few last minute instructions while smiling and nodding at the naked woman before her. "I understand. It will be done."
After she hung up the phone, Maggie turned to face Sara, took off her pants and said, "Get to work." Sara dropped to her knees, pulled Maggie's panties to the side and dove it. Maggie had greatly enjoyed putting Sara through her tasks this afternoon and seeing the blonde submissively before her, turned her on. She climaxed very quickly and very loudly. She then told Sara to stay where she was and that Andi would be right in.
Sara didn't have to wait long. Apparently Andi knew the procedure because she was waiting at the showroom door when Maggie opened it. Andi just walked in without saying anything and lifted her skirt. She wasn't wearing any underwear so Sara had complete access. Andi grabbed the back of Sara's head and pulled her harshly into her sex. She then began to rock her hips back and forth forcing Sara's head to follow. Sara had difficulty servicing Andi, but realized that Andi was actually servicing herself using Sara's face as a scratching post. This went on for about 10 minutes until Andi stiffened and shook, but still made no noise. Andi pulled Sara to her feet and gave her a slow deep kiss then turned and walked outside without saying a word.
Sara thought she was done and started to rub her pussy. She knew she would climax with just a few strokes. As she was starting to moan, Maggie opened the door. "Stop that slut. Who said you could come yet?" yelled Maggie. "But my mistress said I could come after I took care of you and Andi," offered Sara in response. "I believe she said after we were satisfied and I am not. Not by a long shot." After Maggie said that, Sara wanted to cry. Maggie took a collar and leash from the display counter and hooked it around Sara's neck. "Follow me on your hands and knees. I know you are just a bitch in heat and now you will be treated like one."
Maggie led Sara, crawling naked on her hands and knees, into the hallway and down to her office. Although she probably should not have been, Sara was surprised to see Susan sitting on Maggie's desk. Her skirt was raised, her panties her off and her fingers were rubbing her clit. "I was so nice of you to stop by Victoria's Secret today, my dear," started Susan. "But I got the impression you were not totally pleased with our service, so I offered to help Maggie make sure you are happy." Maggie tugged on the leash and Sara understood where to go. She offered no resistance and quickly moved her mouth over Susan's lubricating pussy. As Sara continued her attention on Susan, Maggie began slowly spanking her. Sara was verbally chastised for being such a slut. With each blow, the heat from Sara's ass continued to spread through her body. After every few slaps, Maggie would slide a finger across Sara's slit and coo, "don't cum yet slut." This continued for about 10 minutes until Susan spasms and groans filled the room. At last thought Sara, I'm finished.
By Maggie had another plan. "I said when I am satisfied and not before, tramp." With that, Maggie and Susan traded places. Sara went down on Maggie for the second time in half and hour and Susan continued alternately spanking Sara and massaging her buttocks. This time Maggie's climax took longer, but she seemed to enjoy it more. By the time Sara was finished Maggie was breathless. Sara hoped Maggie was finally satisfied.
"That was wonderful Sara. You can come back to my store anytime. Are you ready to cum?" Sara though that was a stupid question, but decided to play the game a little longer. "Yes. Yes I am," was the simple response. "Ok then," responded Maggie. "Your mistress has given me explicit instructions about your climax. It is a good thing you have not cum yet or you would have been disrespecting Mistress A. I know she doesn't like that one bit. First we need to set up my swing."
Sara had never seen a sex swing. It looked like and small hammock but it had stirrups. There was an I-bolt in the ceiling and the swing quickly clipped to it. Maggie and Susan helped lift Sara into the swing. She was told to lie back and grab the vertical ropes for support. Her legs were placed into the stirrups and secured with a Velcro strap. Susan then twisted the swing until she was behind Sara's head. As Susan began massaging Sara's breasts, Maggie left the room. "My, my. Look at these nipples," exclaimed Susan. Sara had forgotten she still wore the rubber bands. She had been distracted by her tasks and her body had adapted to the pain. Just then Maggie returned to the room with Andi in tow. Andi moved to the corner and raised a video camera. Maggie said, "Mistress A wants a record of your orgasm. Please tell Andi what you want?"
Sara wasted no time begging again for her orgasm. Andi and Susan snickered, but Maggie was not convinced. "I'm sorry, let me rephrase that. You already did a fine job begging on the phone. What Mistress A is looking for is your acceptance as to the manner of your orgasm." As the meaning of this statement began to sink in, Sara noticed the riding crop in Maggie's hand. Maggie slowly snapped the crop into her hand and looked at Sara with questioning eyes. Sara understood. She was defeated completely.
"Mistress A, your humble slave wishes to achieve orgasm by the end of Maggie's crop. Please allow your slave this privilege," offered Sara.
"Where do you want the crop, slut?" questioned Maggie.
Sara paused, but then understood. "On my clit."
"Very well. Your wish is our command," said Maggie and with that she snapped the crop onto Sara's pussy. The sound was half crack and half slushy pussy. Sara arched her back and moaned. The pain, though intense, was also linked directly to the please centers of her brain. Maggie continued giving Sara a series of lighter hits with a strong snap every 5 or so. Susan continued the manipulation of Sara's nipples and was prepared to pull off the rubber bands.
After one particularly load moan, Maggie questioned Sara one last time while teasingly rubbing the crop on her clit. "You are obviously ready to cum. Susan is going to pull off the rubber bands. Your nipples will feel like they are on fire. I am then going to add the hardest lash you have felt directly on your clit. This will put you over the edge. I want you to look into the camera one more time and thank Mistress A for letting us play today.
Sara did exactly as she was instructed. She thanked her mistress via videotape. She cried out as Susan removed the rubber bands. And good to her word, Maggie snapped the crop right on Sara's clit. Sara arched her back as a guttural scream escaped her lips. Maggie was right. Sara's body went into orgasmic bliss as the two pain centers merged. Sara continued to shake as two days of denial were released. Maggie, Susan and Andi just smiled. Another conquest for Mistress A was done.
Maggie unhooked the Velcro and told Sara to take all the time she needed. Andi then brought Sara's original clothes into the office and Susan gave Sara a deep kiss. Everything seemed surreal to Sara. Today she had never felt pain like she had just experienced and she had a mind-blowing orgasm as a result. Sara began to have grave doubts whether plain vanilla sex would ever hold any sway on her again. She touched her nipples and clit to find them sensitive beyond belief. Sara finally pulled herself out of the swing and put her plain clothes back on. They seemed almost foreign to her. They did not show off her assets and they didn't make her feel sexy. Sara made a mental note to pare her wardrobe down a bit, as these clothes clearly were not acceptable.
Sara slowly walked to the front counter. With every step, the rubbing of her panty-less sex on her pants made her wince. The fire in her nipples had died down, but their erect status had not. Maggie, Susan and Andi all told Sara to come back anytime. They would be happy to have her in the store. Sara just chuckled at the double meaning, took her bags and started to walk out.
"Good luck tomorrow," exclaimed the three women.
Sara returned home from her shopping adventure tired, sore but satisfied. She quickly showered before Frank came home and hoped her ass and pussy would not show signs of the spanking and cropping she had received. She was barely out of the shower and dressed again before Frank came in the door. She apologized for not having dinner ready and suggested they order a pizza. Frank was tired from his week at work so he readily agreed. The new out-of-state client Frank had been dealing with all week was very stressful. A quiet evening at home sound like just what the doctor ordered.
As they sat down to eat, Frank told Sara that his boss, Jim Anderson, husband of Mistress A, had invited him golfing the next afternoon. "Jim's wife is having some kind of girls-only party. They play bunko or something. He has to get out for the afternoon." Sara smiled knowing this was hardly a coincidence. "What am I supposed to do while you are off playing?" Sara mockingly asked. She already knew the answer but wanted to hear what her hubby would come up with. "Oh, Jim said you were invited to the party," replied Frank.
Sara was taken a back by that statement. This meant Jim obviously knew what Sara and his wife had done. It could not be happenstance that he was being nice to Frank all of a sudden. For all Sara knew, Jim and told Frank what was happening. Frank continued, "I think you should go. It would be good for you to make new friends and if you are friends with Cindy (Anderson) it could not hurt my career."
Sara just smiled. "Perhaps you are right. It would be fun to meet some new people," she mused. If Frank only knew, she thought. Sara was tormented hiding her relationship with Cindy. Obviously telling Frank would be a huge risk. If he didn't throw her out on the spot, any trouble he caused might get him fired. After everything that happened to her this week, she also was not ready to stop seeing her mistress. Sara determined that she had to get through one more day and then she would decide what to do. Sara knew she was kidding herself thinking like that, but when you are addicted to something, logic can go out the window.
After dinner Frank, Sara and the kids bunked down and watched a movie. Frank and Sara cuddled on the sofa while the kids were sprawled out on the floor. Sara felt safe in Frank's arms, but she could not enjoy his protection. Her thoughts kept jumping to what was going to happen tomorrow. Mistress A had promised she would only be serving drinks and snacks to her guests, but somehow Sara doubted that would be all. She had been warned people she knew might be there. This worried Sara because her outfit would clearly show her nipples. What other devious plans did her mistress have? Undoubtedly other people might learn of Sara's desire to be dominated. After the movie, Frank and Sara retired to the bedroom. While Frank was in the bathroom, Sara quickly changed into a nightgown before Frank could notice her still pink bottom. After a quick kiss good night, Sara fell fast asleep.
Saturday morning dawned as a beautiful late spring day. Frank and Jim had a 2pm tee time at a course about an hour away. Jim picked up Frank around noon. Jim didn't come in, but when Sara gave Frank a goodbye kiss, Jim winked at her. Sara blushed profusely, but turned and went back into the house before Frank could notice. Sara was supposed to be at her mistress' house at 2pm sharp. She had been warned, via email, that being late would be a serious offense that merited severe punishment. The Anderson's only lived about 2 miles away so Sara figured she would leave at 1:40. Sara gathered up the boxes of clothes from Professional Woman and put them in the car. She thought about Maggie's offer to dress her and serious considered heading back to the mall. Sara went as far as to get in the car, but then changed her mind. Sara decided there were three very good reasons not to see Maggie right now. First, it might take too long. Maggie would certainly take her time helping Sara dress. Sara was confident she would have to service the shop owner and probably Andi as well. While the thought of going down on the two women was certainly tempting, Sara figured she didn't want to risk being late and should save her strength for the party. Reason two was more of a hope. If Mistress A were helping her dress, it would be difficult for her to lace the corset as tight as Maggie had done the day before. Sara figured her mistress had taken this into account, but maybe, just maybe, Sara would catch a break. Although these two reasons were foremost in Sara's mind, she then thought of the most important reason. Mistress A had not told her to go back to the store. Already under threat of punishment for being late, Sara did not want to think about what her mistress would do if she went to the store of her own decision.
Sara killed time around the house, nervously switching from light cleaning to doing laundry, starting the dishwasher and watching TV. In reality she was pacing back and forth trying not to worry. By 1:30 the itch in her pussy had returned. Sara decided to drive over to Mistress A's house a little early. She could wait in the car until 2. The drive took only 10 minutes. Now parked outside, Sara's mind was free from the distractions of the house. Now she could only think about what was to begin in 20 minutes. Her mind raced. Different scenarios, each kinkier than the last played in her head like a panoramic movie. Sara was sure she would be servicing her mistress. But how many other women would she pleasure? Mistress A told her not everyone at the party was approving of Sara's type of behavior, but maybe Sara would be ordered to try and convince them. Sara pictured herself tied spread eagle to the coffee table as woman after woman sat on her face and used all manner of toys on her. Perhaps Mistress A had a swing like Maggie from which Sara could be suspended. Sara's arousal was growing with each passing thought. Her panties were saturated and the car's interior was strong with her feminine musk.
Sara's thoughts replayed the events of the past week. How Mrs. Anderson took her in the park while her family stood by unknowing. How Mrs. Anderson became her mistress the next day as Sara submitted in her own bed while wearing her wedding dress. The rest of the week when Sara meekly followed Mistress A's every instruction and had the best orgasms of her life. Now she was minutes away from voluntarily entering the lion's den, prepared to do whatever was asked of her.
Sara exited the car at 1:58 and walked briskly to the door. Her trepidation was overwhelmed by her burning desire. Mistress A opened the door. "Right on time. Very good. Today should be exceedingly pleasurable for you if you do everything I say. My guests should be here in about an hour. You will probably know at least a few people. I believe Maggie will be stopping by as well as some people from the neighborhood, but I don't know if you know them. There will be someone who knows you very well here this afternoon. Remember when I said you didn't need to worry about who was with me at your house?"
Sara nodded.
"Well today, she will be here. In fact, we are going to play a little game. You are going to try to figure out which guest had the pleasure of your talented tongue. You can ask questions or use any other method you like to determine her identity. If you guess correctly, pleasure will be your reward. If you guess wrong, you will probably embarrass yourself and you will certainly embarrass me. Your punishment will be a whipping and the marks will not disappear as quickly as yesterday's spanking or be as satisfying as your cropping."
Again Sara just nodded. She had no idea how she was going to spot the mystery woman, but she would have to worry about that later.
Mistress A instructed Sara about her duties for the party. A group of friends met once a month. The location rotated among the women. The excuse was nominally to play bunko, but usually they just ending up having a few drinks and gossiping. There was beer and wine to drink, although most of the women would stick with the wine. There were also a few hard liquor choices, although usually they went untouched. Water and soda was available as well. Mistress A had prepared several appetizers and snacks. Sara was to make sure everyone's glass was filled and take the snack tray around whenever she was free from beverage duty.
"Maggie told me what your outfit would consist of and I approve," Mistress A stated as she finished her instructions. "I like my sluts to be professional on the outside, even if, or especially if, I am controlling their reactions on the inside. Today you will learn what I mean. Although the blouse does not show much cleavage, I like the thought of your nipples being unconfined. I doubt we will need the rubber bands. Unless I miss my guess, and my nose says I am right, you will not need any added nipple stimulation to achieve the effect I want. When you serve the drinks to someone who is sitting, be sure to bend at the waist and not at your knees. Although most of the guests will not know your true status, some, like Maggie, will know who and what you are. Should they choose to touch you, you will not resist. It is not my intention for this to happen, but I do not control their actions so it might. You are to do nothing to give away your status. After the party, you will be given either your reward or your punishment based on your performance. Do you understand?"
"Yes Mistress A," Sara said quietly.
"Very well, sweetie" responded Mistress A. "Let's get you dressed. My guests will be here shortly. Please head up the stairs to the bedroom on your right and remove your clothes."
Sara climbed the stairs preparing to do what she had been dreaming about for the last 5 days. As she entered the room, Andi, sitting on the bed, startled Sara. "Maggie thought Mrs. Anderson might need help getting you ready. She was disappointed you didn't stop by the store today." Sara's fleeting thought earlier that the corset might not be tied so tight was obviously not going to come true.
"Andi my sweet child" started Mistress A, "would you be a dear and strip Sara for me?"
"Of course I would. She is utterly a great find for you. Maggie and I enjoyed her very much yesterday. Thank you for sharing her," responded the young girl.
"Not a problem. I'm sure Sara enjoyed herself. I plan on sharing her among many of my friends."
Sara did not like the ominous nature of that last statement, but the tone of Mistress A's voice was one of caring, not malice, so Sara returned to concentrating on Andi's removal of her clothes. While she was stripping Sara, Andi commented on Sara's smell of arousal. Mistress A replied that they may have to do something about that, but she wasn't sure what she had strong enough to mask the odor. Sara knew every woman in attendance would know that scent and she knew the aroma would not go away by itself.
After Andi removed all of Sara's clothes, she placed them in a footlocker along with her purse and her car keys. Mistress A handed Andi a small lock, which she attached to the closing mechanism. Mistress A and Andi then stared at Sara for a few moments, smiling. Mistress A then opened the boxes from Maggie's store and removed the garments. Andi made quick work putting the garter and stockings on Sara. The slow, teasing method of dressing Sara experienced the day before was gone. In its place, a more utilitarian approach was used. Next was the corset. Just like the day before, Andi moved in front of Sara and wrapped her arms around the garment. As Andi pulled the sides together, Mistress A tied the strings. Immediately Sara noticed two differences from the store. First, Mistress A was much stronger than Maggie. The corset was much tighter today. Second, Andi was not concerned with teasing her. As Andi reached around her, she planted her mouth right over Sara's clit. Thus Sara was being pulled tightly into the corset restricting her breathing while a sexy young girl was sucking at her pussy. Sara felt dizzy as Mistress A warned her not to cum yet.
Andi pulled away from Sara, stood up and took a higher grip. As the top of the corset was brought into place, Andi began sucking Sara's nipples. This time Sara could not help but groan. Andi only sucked each nipple for about 10 seconds. Sara was glad Andi stopped because she was quickly approaching the point of no return. Mistress A spun Sara around to look at how the corset fit. "Perfect as always. Andi, tell Maggie she does good work. Worth every penny."
After the corset was completed, the blouse, skirt and heels were easy additions. Sara was again transformed into the perfect hidden slut. Mistress A was not yet convinced, however. "I don't think the thong you bought yesterday will do for today. It will not protect you adequately from leakage." Sara blushed, but she knew her mistress was right. Mistress A rummaged around in a dresser and found what she was looking for. When she returned, she had a leather panty in her right hand. Sara was more distressed, however, by the tapered butt plug in her left. "Be a dear, Andi, and get me some lube from the nightstand. I don't think the fair Sara has had much experience in the anal arts."
Andi retrieved a jar of lube and handed it do Mistress A. "Ok, Sara, lift up your skirt and bend over the bed." Sara did as she was told. "Now spread those cheeks, her we go." Sara reached behind herself, grabbed an ass-cheek with each hand and pulled them apart. She wanted to resist, but she knew once Mistress A picked a course of action, there was no changing it. The plug widened significantly. Mistress A calmly told Sara to relax. The plug was going in one way or another and it was up to Sara to determine how much it would hurt. The pain was incredible at the widest point, but once it passed, Sara's ass clenched shut around it. Mistress A rubbed both of Sara's butt checks and complimented her on her first plug. "Before you get up, I have one more surprise for you." Mistress A moved around to the other side of the bed and said "open up."
Sara dutifully opened her mouth and two shinny metal balls were placed in her mouth. "Somehow I doubt Frank ever used Ben Wa balls with you Sara, did he?" questioned Mistress A. Sara shook her head. "I didn't think so. I'm doing you a favor by letting you warm the balls. I can be a gentle mistress when you do as you are told. These balls are inserted into your pussy and will be held in by the panty. While they will not provide you with enough stimulation to cum, they should help keep you at the proper state of arousal. You may recall a statement you made to me earlier in the week. I intend to find if you were telling the truth."
Sara strained to remember which statement Mistress A was taking about while the Ben Wa balls were unceremoniously slid into her waiting sex.
"Now don't let those balls fall or there will be hell to pay," teased Mistress A. She knew that Sara would have to struggle to keep them from falling. Her soaking pussy was not going to have much grip on the smooth balls. "Don't worry though, I can help." With that phrase, Mistress A once again brought forth the leather panties. "These were a special gift from an admirer with a gift for electronics. As you can see, there is a bump on the inside front of these panties. This is a small, quiet vibrator. Although I'm sure the butt plug and balls will keep your slutty little mind occupied, the remote control nature of these panties will make sure you remember who is in charge. From time to time, if you are doing well, I will give you a taste of what you can have later if you please me. Slide these on and we are almost done."
Sara slid the panties up her legs. The panties were tight and Sara could feel the bump positioned right over her clit and pressing against her pussy lips. This was going to be a long afternoon.
Mistress A took another appraisal of her toy and then reached back to the dresser drawer and grabbed a silver choker. "I can't use a collar on you today because there are too many squares in attendance. But I want you to remember who you serve when you see yourself in a mirror." Sara didn't think there was any possibility of forgetting that. Finally dressed, Sara looked at the clock and saw it was 2:50, ten minutes to go.
"I've got to get back to the store," said Andi. "I'll try to come by after work for my reward." Sara could only assume what Andi's reward for helping would be.
"Ok, pussycat, let's get downstairs. I want you to open the door and welcome my guests when each arrives. In between you can start serving drinks," was the last instruction Sara received. It was time to begin.
Sara walked downstairs. None of the other women had arrived yet so she busied herself opening the wine, laying out the cheese and crackers and pacing about nervously.
Finally the doorbell rang.
Sara's heart was pounding. One by one the guests began to arrive. Sara was kept busy serving the drinks and food and running back to the door every time the bell chimed. The guests seem intrigued why this attractive woman was working so hard. Sara wasn't worried about that, however. With every step, her ass contracted on the butt plug just a bit and the Ben Wa balls were doing their job moving around her pussy. Sara didn't think she could survive. Her only hope was once everyone arrived she would get a breather.
By Sara's count, ten women had arrived, but she didn't recognize anyone. Perhaps this day would not be so bad. Just as she was delivering the latest glass of wine, the doorbell rang again. Sara efficiently moved back to the foyer. She was finally getting adapted to walking on high heels. As Sara opened the door, a smiling Maggie greeted her.
"So good to see you again, Sara," said Maggie.
Before Sara could respond, Maggie gave her a quick hug and a short squeeze on her butt. Sara froze.
"I bet you are even hornier than yesterday, aren't you," Maggie whispered.
Again Sara did not respond.
"No matter, please bring me Diet Coke when you get the chance. No rush."
Sara turned and headed back into the kitchen. She had to get control back. Maggie's hand on her body caused a flood of memories from yesterday. Her body was in turmoil. Her nipples, which had not been too prominent, we suddenly like erasers threatening to poke through the blouse. Just then, the vibrator turned on. Sara grabbed the edge of the counter to steady herself. The vibrations stopped about 10 seconds later. For the second time since arriving, Sara was teetering on the edge of a massive orgasm. The vibrator pulsed two more times. Sara correctly assumed that was a signal from her mistress to get back to the party.
Sara returned with Maggie's Diet Coke. As she returned, Mistress A introduced Sara as the wife of one of Jim's employees. She explained that Sara had made a bet with her during the kid's last soccer game and had lost. The payment was that she would act as their server for today's party. Sara just smiled and gave a little wave, then made her way to where Maggie was sitting. Sara dreaded what she knew would come next. Maggie was the only woman sitting at this point and Sara knew why. She bent over at the waist, handed over the glass of Diet Coke and said, "Here you are. If there is anything else I can provide for you, please let me know."
Several of the other women took notice of this exchange.
Sara straightened herself and proceeded to work the room going from woman to woman attending to their drinking and eating needs. Over the course of the next two hours, Sara was kept jumping. While none of the woman was drinking heavily, there were enough of them to keep Sara moving without many breaks. After a while, most of the women found seats. Sara dutifully bent over each time one of them needed something. Beyond the humiliation of not bending at her knees, the bending at her waist had a side effect. Her leather panty would ride up just a little each time she bent over. Normally this would not be a big deal as the movement was subtle. However, the slight movement changed the position of the bump rubbing her clit. Even without the vibrator turned on, the bump itself was very stimulating. The delicate movement of the panty also tugged slightly at the butt plug. Almost insignificant by itself, the dual stimulation front and back was driving Sara crazy.
Every so often Sara would find herself with a short lull in the action and would try to isolate herself in the kitchen. Each time, the vibrator would come on whenever she was in the kitchen longer than necessary. Sara thought if she stayed in the kitchen long enough, the vibration would be enough to get her off. But then a curious thing happened. As long as she was in the kitchen, the vibrator stayed off. As she returned to the living room, however, she would get a series of short blasts. Sara was reaching the end of her rope. She needed to orgasm soon. Mistress A had told her these little parties usually broke up around 7pm and it was already after 6. Sara thought she had done everything her mistress had instructed her to do so she was sure she would get her reward.
Around 6:15 Sara headed into the kitchen again. As she was facing the sink, Mistress A moved in behind her, placed both arms around her and started massaging Sara's breasts. At the same time, the vibrator turned on and stayed on. Sara no longer cared that she was in somebody else's kitchen. She started to moan softly as Mistress A told her what a dirty slut she was. The vibrator stayed on for at least a minute. Mistress A caressed Sara's breasts for about half that time then began rubbing her butt making sure to push on the butt plug's handle several times. Sara was breathing heavily and ready to explode when the vibrator turned off. Mistress A removed her hands immediately. Sara gave her a look of desperation and pleaded to be allowed to cum.
"Not just yet, my pet. You still need to determine who was with me in your bedroom. They are actually the ones controlling the vibrator right now," said the smiling mistress.
As if to prove her point, Mistress A reached out both arms and opened her hands. Sara saw no remote control, yet her panties turned on again. Not worrying about whom was controlling her panties; Sara instead concentrated on achieving her orgasm. She knew she would be punished, but she didn't care. Mistress A sensed what she was doing and warned her against her course of action. Sara continued to look with imploring eyes at her mistress when the vibration stopped again. Sara was close to madness with the need to cum.
Just then the doorbell rang. Sara muttered something beneath her breath and headed toward the door. As Sara swung back the door, she was greeting with a vision. Andi was back, only she had changed clothes into a very form fitting dress, which showed off her curves and revealed a hint of cleavage. Sara drooled at the site of the attractive 19 year old. "Horny are we?" questioned Andi rhetorically. "I can see it in your eyes. How about you fetch me a beer and we can talk about it."
Sara didn't want to talk about anything yet. She got Andi her beer and made another drink run around the group. As she moved, Sara tried to assess which woman was a likely mystery woman candidate. Sara had forgot about this task and time was running out. Sara immediately discounted Maggie and Andi. Although her experience with woman was limited, she had noticed that both of their pussies tasted different and neither tasted like the one she sought. Both Maggie and Andi stared straight through Sara as if they could read her filthy mind.
Sara tried to remember which women were watching her bend over a little more keenly than they should have. She thought back to the conversations they had and how they had greeted Sara. Which ones seemed familiar to her plight and which seemed totally disinterested. At one point Sara convinced herself it must have been Heather Chandler. Heather was by all definitions a trophy wife. She was just 30 and her husband, owner of chain of auto dealerships was in his upper 50s. They had been married a little over a year ago. Heather was a vision. A tall woman at around 5' 10", Heather always wore heels making her over 6 feet tall and towering over everyone at the party. She had a hard body physique and her breasts had obviously been enhanced. From what Sara could tell, the surgeon did a great job. Heather wore a simple dress, but the cut accentuated her positives as the song goes. Finally Heather hair was red. Not just red but fire engine red. Few women could pull off that color, but on her, Sara thought, it was perfect.
Heather had been nice to Sara during the party. She never made any crude comments about Sara's actions and seemed oblivious to Sara's more obvious movements. Sara was unmistakably lusting after this woman and hoped she was the mystery woman, but could not figure out a way to know for sure.
Close to 7, several of the women said their goodbyes and thinned the crowd. Heather was still there as was Maggie, Andi and three other women. The vibrator, which had been tormenting Sara throughout the party had remained calm since people started leaving. Sara's mind raced. Did the mystery woman leave already? Sara worried about the punishment she would face if that happened. She determined it was now or never.
Sara went back up to Heather and asked if she needed another drink. Heather declined saying it was time for her to get home. Sara knew she had to go for broke. "Don't I know you from somewhere? You seem familiar."
Heather smiled and responded, "I think so. You look familiar too." Sara almost came on the spot. "Well I need to get going." With that, Heather walked out.
Sara was disappointed. She asked Mistress A to come into the kitchen. "I think I can identify the mystery woman. It was Heather," said Sara.
"Are you sure or are you just lusting after her body like every man in town?" asked Mistress A.
Sara shook her head in affirmation responding yes to both parts of her mistress' question.
"You have done well tonight my pet. The party is breaking up and you have earned your reward. I want you to say your goodbyes to the remaining guests. Then walk out the door and follow the path around the house. We have a walkout basement. The door is open. I will meet you down there in a few minutes."
Sara did as she was told, thankful that her ordeal was about to end and her relief was within sight. She moved from woman to woman and said her goodbyes. Maggie was sitting down again so Sara bent over one last time and gave her a good look at her boobs straining in the corset. Sara even gave her own nipple a little rub, her body shielding any prying eyes from seeing her. Maggie whispered, "You've learned the game well. I look forward to playing with you more."
As she was walking toward the door, Sara practically ran into Andi returning from the bathroom. Andi spoke loud enough for everyone to hear, that she was hosting the party next month and hoped Sara would be available. Sara didn't comment and moved closer to the door. As she walked outside Andi followed. As the door closed, Andi pushed Sara against the side of the house, pressed her hands against Sara's shoulders to keep her there and gave her a deep kiss. Andi's tongue sought Sara's mouth, which offered zero resistance. Andi pushed Sara harder into the wall and began to grind her hips into the defenseless woman. Then she reached down and gave each nipple a strong twist and pulled away. "Good night," said Andi. "Hope to see you again soon. You really are a lovely serving girl." Sara was gasping for air as she watched Andi walk back into the house.
Sara understood the game that was being played. She knew Mistress A had her right where she wanted. Sara was horny enough and needed to cum so badly she would be putty in Mistress A's hand. Sara quickly found the path and walked around the house to the basement door. It was unlocked just like her mistress said it would be. As Sara walked back inside she noticed the basement was decorated in 1970's rec room. It seemed out of place with the rest of the tastefully decorated house. About a minute later, Sara heard Mistress A coming down the stairs.
"I know, this basement needs work, but we hardly every use it. You have been a very good girl today, Sara. I want to reward you. Let's get you out of these clothes," said Mistress A. She started to undress Sara and to Sara's surprise, did not try to tease her breasts or rub her ass. Mistress A simply removed the blouse and skirt. "You know, I think I like the look of that corset and your stockings. Let's leave those but we can lose the panties and it's time to change out that choker," exclaimed Mistress A with a certain amount of glee.
Sara watched as Mistress A opened a draw and returned with a think leather D-collar. She quickly removed the choker and buckled the new collar around Sara's neck. Sara noticed her ability to move her head up and down was severely impacted. Sara then felt Mistress A pulling down her panties. The inside was slick with her juices, although her mistress was right, they didn't leak. As Mistress A was pulling down her panties, Sara lost concentration and the Ben Wa balls popped from her overheated pussy. Sara was afraid she had made a cardinal sin.
"Don't worry my sweet. For those to have slid out that easily, they must have done their job." Mistress A quickly inserted two fingers into Sara's tunnel and rubbed her clit. "Yes, it feels like they did their job." Sara unashamedly moaned at the intrusion. "Here is what we are going to do." Mistress A explained clinically while she continued to slowly manipulate Sara. Sara was going to be put in restrains. A spreader bar would keep her legs apart to make sure she was stable while kneeling. Her arms would be cuffed behind her with another bar connecting the cuffs to her collar. She was to be blindfolded and given one more chance to identify the mystery woman. Sara shivered at the thought of this task, but willingly accepted her mistress' decree.
Mistress A made swift work of placing Sara in bondage and attaching the blindfold. Sara heard the front door open and close a couple of times and wondered who had left.
"Today has been your final exam. So far you have passed with flying colors on the 'Professional Looking Slut' segment. If you are accepted into our training program, this skill will be very important. Now it is time for the just plain slut portion. Think of it as an initiation and you will do fine. Ok? Here are the rules," began Mistress A. "One by one, someone is going to come down the stairs. They will position themselves so you can service their pussy. I don't want to hear any bad reports so you had better do it right. After you finish, you will be given another chance to ID the mystery woman. If you do so, you will pass. If not, you fail and will be sent home never to participate with our little group again. Failure is not an option. Are we clear?"
"Yes mistress," was the two-word reply.
Mistress A positioned Sara on her knees facing the couch. She was nice enough to put a pillow under Sara's knees. At least that was Sara's first thought. Her second thought was perhaps Mistress A intended for her to be in that position for a long time. Mistress A also put on a set of headphones with classical music playing. Sara was now blind and effectively deaf.
Sara was left alone for what seemed like ages, but was probably only ten minutes. She could only estimate how long based on the music that was playing. Without any visual clues or auditory clues as to her surrounding, Sara's mind was free to wander. Certainly she knew she was in Mistress A's basement. But beyond that her mind was uninhibited to place her in other situations. Sara had no clue how many people would be coming downstairs? We people leaving or just arriving? What would she be expected to do?
Finally Sara felt a hand brush across the back of her head. Whatever was going to happen, it was about to start.
Sara could sense someone moving in front of her a sitting on the couch. Two hands gripped her head and pulled her forward. Because of the way she was shackled, Sara was forced to pivot on her knees and fall forward. Her mouth was directed precisely into a very wet pussy. Sara began lapping at the juices determined to give the woman a quality orgasm. She knew the sooner she finished, the sooner she would get her own reward. Without the benefit of sound, Sara could not gauge the success of her actions. She had to focus on telltale signs, like the undulations of the hips, the pressure on her head and changes to the moisture returning to her tongue.
Apparently she was doing something right, because after just a few minutes, Sara's head was pulled closer and squeezed tightly by the receiving woman's thighs. Sara was rocked back and force as the woman experienced a strong orgasm. She then released Sara who was up righted by two sets of hands, one on each of her shoulders. Sara's face was slick with a combination of juice and sweat. She reflected that the woman tasted good, but it was not a taste she was familiar with. Sara determined she had not had sex with that woman before.
After about 30 seconds, Sara was again pulled down to the level of a waiting pussy. She began her service procedure again. This time Sara definitely remembered the taste. This was Andi. Sara redoubled her efforts. Andi turned Sara on from the moment they met the day before and Sara hoped to spend more time with her. Despite her best efforts, Sara was not able to bring Andi off for a long time. Sara was getting tired and hoped she could get a break soon. After Andi finally reached her zenith, she pushed Sara back, grabbed her head again and gave Sara a passionate kiss. Sara said, "Thank you Andi." It was the first sound she made during the ordeal. Sara didn't see it, but Mistress A smiled at her correct identification of the young girl.
Twice more Sara's mouth was used to pleasure a woman on the couch and twice more she correctly identified the woman. Maggie was next. She wrenched Sara's nipples after Sara had completed her oral service until Sara thanked her. Mistress A was next. She was gentler, preferring to rub Sara's outer pussy lips while Sara expressed gratitude to her.
Sara still had not identified the mystery woman and was starting to become worried. Then a familiar scent hit her nose. Thinking back to Monday, one of the things Sara remembered most clearly was the scent of an expensive perfume. She knew Mistress A was not wearing any that day, so she equated it with the mystery woman. Sara had not noticed the fragrance upstairs. This meant either the mystery woman was not at the party and had just arrived or that she had added the perfume after Sara came downstairs.
Sara could smell the perfume move in front of her. "Mistress A, this is the woman who you brought to my house on Monday. I am sure."
Immediately after Sara completed her declaration, the headphones were removed. "Are you sure, slut?" asked Mistress A. "Absolutely," responded Sara.
"You do understand the implications of your assertion, don't you?" continued Mistress A.
"Yes I do. I am positive," Sara said confidently.
"Well you are correct. Your new Mistress, Heather, was the one at your house. From now on you will just call me Cindy. It has been a pleasure being your mistress."
Sara was confused. To use a sports term, she felt like she had just been traded. Sara heard Heather move to the couch. Sara's arms were then grabbed and she was draped over Mistress Heather's lap.
Sara finally heard the hypnotic sound of Mistress Heather's voice. "I know you have been a good girl today, Sara. You have not earned punishment, but I want to begin your training. This will establish my control over your body and mind. With her legs spread and hands locked behind her back, Sara had no control over her body. With the teasing she had received over the last several hours, she also would have done anything for an orgasm.
Mistress Heather delivered a short, but effective spanking. Sara found if she positioned her hips just right, she could press her clit on Mistress Heather's knee. This action did not go unnoticed. "So my new slut wants to cum does she," mocked Mistress Heather. "Show the women how desperate you are." Mistress Heather took three fingers on her right hand and slid them into Sara pussy while her left hand pushed down on Sara's warmed butt. Sara began a lascivious grind to the pulse of Mistress Heather's fingers. She wanted to stifle her sounds so she would cum before Mistress Heather stopped. If there was one thing she had learned throughout the week was to orgasm when she could because she didn't know when she would get the chance again.
It didn't surprise Sara that Mistress Heather stopped abruptly before she could orgasm. Sara groaned in frustration.
"Don't worry pet. Your release is near. Cindy just whispered in my ear a statement you made earlier. As I am a fair mistress, I will give you the opportunity to orgasm now. We just have to move the cameras around."
Sara didn't like the sound of that. She assumed her treatment was being recorded, but the confirmation saddened her. Still nothing was going to stop her now.
Cindy began, "Remember when you told me your were horny enough to fuck a doorknob? Well today is your chance."
Sara was lifted into a standing position. Her restraints were removed, but not the blindfold. Sara was led across the room to a door, which separated the finished side of the basement from the unfinished. Her hand was placed on the knob.
"Ok Sara. If you want to cum, this is how you will do it... Oh and don't forget to thank us and confess your slutdom."
Sara wasted no time. She grabbed the doorframe and began rubbing herself on the knob. The other women were cheering for her. Within a matter of seconds, Sara knew her liberation was at hand. She screamed out at the top of her lungs a sincere thank you to all the women present. She repeatedly yelled that she was a slut and finally had a mind-blowing orgasm that left her sobbing on the floor.
Sara heard several footsteps walking up the stairs. She was too tired to move so she simply remained on the floor. Then Sara felt a hug from behind. A firm set of breasts was pressed into her back. Sara knew instinctively they belonged to Mistress Heather. "You have done very well. I am proud of you. We will begin more formal training soon. The video of tonight's session will be very hot. At some point we may have to show it to Frank." Sara was too spent to even consider the ramifications of the last sentence.
"As for tonight," Mistress Heather continued, "Cindy has made a request. It is 8pm now and you need to be getting home. However you have one more task to complete. As Cindy informed you before, our little club works on a cast system. I am the Alpha. I direct the group's activities and everyone serves me. To paraphrase Mel Brooks, It's good to be the queen. Cindy is my second in command. Your training will be handled by both of us. While I am your new mistress, you will always do what she says in my absence. Tonight there will be no more teasing. You are free to orgasm as much as you want tonight. Just don't stay too late. Your husband is waiting for you at home. I will be in touch.
Mistress Heather removed Sara's blindfold and walked toward the stairs leaving her to stare at her new mistress' perfect ass. Sara's mind was still hazy from her orgasm, but she was sure Mistress Heather had removed her orgasm restriction. Sara reached down and starting rubbing her clit with abandon. Within a minute she was cumming again. She didn't stop. Within five minutes Sara had cum three times. Not as shocking at her one on the doorknob, but certainly they felt great. Just as the waves of her third orgasm subsided, Cindy came back down the stairs.
"I've got one more task for you. It is something I have wanted to do even before last Sunday. Step back over here."
Sara eagerly complied.
"I know a tramp like you will love this."
Cindy returned to her cabinet of toys and took out a substantial strap-on. Sara's eyes widened at the size. "Don't worry Sara, I know you can take this... if I go slow. Now bend over the back of the couch."
Sara did as she was told. She was thankful her knees would be resting on the cushions instead of the floor. Cindy moved behind her and rubbed the phallus back and forth over Sara's drooling pussy lips. Sara rocked her hips back in an effort to insert the tip.
"Is this what you want? Remember, in Heather's absence you still belong to me," derided Cindy.
"God yes, Cindy. Please fuck me. Fuck me like the slut I am," echoed Sara, hardly believing the words came from her mouth.
"Like the slut you are, huh? In that case you are going to do all the work. I am going to slowly put my dick in you. I will give you time to stretch and accommodate the whole thing. Then you are going to ride it like a woman possessed. If you don't move that cute little ass of yours at the right speed, I will make sure you understand what speed I require. Do you understand?"
Sara panted her acceptance.
Cindy pushed the head of the dildo past Sara's lips. Cindy knew how tight Sara was from her finger explorations. Even after two kids, she was not very stretched. Frank must not have much in the meat department, Cindy mused. Oh well. She can find out about that later.
Slowly, ever so slowly Cindy continued to push the strap-on into the moaning creature below her. Each inch or so she would pull out slightly to prolong the procedure. Each time Sara released a sigh of frustration and also a little pussy juice. Each time Cindy found the going a little easier. When Cindy finally had all 8 inches in her, she told Sara to start fucking and prove once again what a slut she was.
Sara began slowly, still trying to become accustomed to the size. The plastic dick was rubbing against the membrane separating it from the butt plug in Sara's ass. This was the first time she had been double penetrated and she liked it. Sara started by pulling out only a couple of inches on each stroke. Cindy have her a hard swat and told her to "do it right." Sara built up to about 6 inches on each stroke. Her entire body was moving to an unheard rhythm. Her hair was flying bad and forth and she feared the back of the couch would crack. Cindy encouraged her by speaking dirty little phrases and complementing her on her submission. Sara's orgasm hit her hard and by surprise. There was no build-up. The filthy words coming out of Cindy's mouth combined with both her holes being filled had triggered a massive release. Sara arched her back and Cindy wrapped her arms around her squeezing her breasts. Sara kept rocking her hips on the dildo as the orgasm tore through her. Her moans were incoherent and echoed of the basement walls. Sara was oblivious to what was happening other than the pleasure surging through her body.
Cindy smiled. She was correct in picking Sara. She would prove to be a wonderful addition to their little club.
As Sara began to recover and become aware of her surroundings again, she was shocked to see Jim standing in front of her. She was not surprised to see a large bulge in his pants.
Cindy, never removing the strap-on from Sara, gave her a quick spank. "What are you waiting for?"
Sara understood and reached for Jim's zipper. His hard on sprung into view. It was not as large as the strap-on, but it was a nice size.
Sara began giving him a blowjob. As with the other women earlier, she was determined to get him off. As she was concentrating on his cock, her hips began to move again of their own volition. Despite her best efforts, Jim was not climaxing and she was starting to enjoy having all three of her holes filled. Sara could feel another orgasm building. Before she could finish however, Cindy and Jim both pulled out leaving her frustrated once again.
"I know Mistress Heather told you that you could cum as much as you want, however we have a position I think you will like. Oh, and don't cum until I tell you. Mistress Heather went home so you belong to me right now and I am rescinding her order."
Sara was not about to leave behind another orgasm and go home. She gleefully stood up ready for whatever the Andersons were ready to dish out.
"I need to get a few more things. Suck Jim's cock while I do," said Cindy. Sara immediately dropped back to her knees at took his manhood into her mouth. It was the first time Sara had ever tasted herself in this way. The mix of Jim's musk and her juices was enthralling. She heard Cindy sifting through the contents of the drawer and wondered what she was looking for. Sara gave Jim a loving blowjob. She wasn't trying to make her cum. She wanted that treat inside her. She gave him enough suction to keep him rock hard and didn't user her hands as Mistress A had previously instructed her. Jim commented that she really was a good cocksucker and that Frank must be very happy. Cindy replied that Sara didn't like oral and rarely serviced Frank in this way.
"You could have fooled me," was his reply. "Perhaps she is learning to enjoy it."
"Yes," reacted Cindy. "She is going to get lots of practice. I'm sure Frank will benefit."
Sara was taking in this conversation. The Andersons were talking about her as if she wasn't even there. Here she was with Jim's stiff cock in her mouth and Cindy's juice on her face mixed with four of Cindy's friend's fluids and they were carrying on a conversation like they were catching up on old times. Sara never felt like more of a sex object than that moment. And she liked it.
Cindy returned carrying several items. Out of the corner of her eye, Sara could see the strap-on swinging obscenely back and forth as Cindy walked toward her. She had no doubt she was about to feel its wrath again. Cindy ordered Sara to stand. Onto the D-ring of Sara's collar Cindy attached a leash.
"I know you are not planning to go anywhere, but your choice to use the leash last Monday really turned me on. Plus it will look great on the video."
Cindy then moved the camera to the side of the couch was Sara trembled in anticipation. Sit down Jim. I think our cowgirl needs to go for a ride.
Cindy tugged on Sara's leash and led her back to Jim. Sara was more than happy to sit on his cock. She wondered if Cindy was going to force her to suck on the strap-on. Cindy had other plans, however. As Sara reached the couch, Cindy told her to turn around with her back to Jim. She also told Sara to bend over and grab her ankles. As Sara conformed, Cindy gave her two quick slaps on each butt cheek.
"I could spank this ass forever," she exclaimed gleefully. Sara hoped that wasn't true. Sara then felt the butt plug being slowly pulled out. Sara's ass stretched once again over the widest part. Cindy pulled the plug out very slowly to accentuate the feeling. Sara struggled not to cry out. She didn't want to give Cindy the satisfaction. Finally the plug popped free. Sara felt empty having work the plug for over 5 hours by this point. She also felt stretched and hoped her poor little hole would return to its previous size.
Sara then felt a cold ointment being applied. She looked up between her legs and saw Jim stroking his cock while sitting on the couch. His cock looked angry and Sara knew where it was about to go. "I'm giving you lube this time because you have been a good girl. Jim is not quite as wide as the plug so you should not have any trouble taking him. Be a obedient slut and sit back onto his cock," instructed Cindy.
Sara straightened back upright and then moved back over Jim's legs. She crouched down near his lap while he stuck a finger up her ass and moved the lube around. The cold ointment had started to warm significantly. "I think you will like that lube, my dear," began Jim. "It gets quite warm once it interacts with liquid. I know I enjoy the sensation on my cock." With that, Jim stretched Sara's hole a little and placed his cock head at the entrance.
"Sit" was all he said. Sara slowly slid down his poll. For the first time, she had a cock in her ass. After everything that happened this week, it seemed perfectly natural. When she finally had him completely inside, Cindy told her to start riding. "Jim can last quite a while, so enjoy yourself." Sara started slowly raising herself up and then sliding down. The sensation was quite different that having him in her pussy. Sara longed for stimulation on her clit, but the nerve endings in her rear were starting to fire pleasure signals to her brain and she was starting to enjoy herself.
Noting this, Cindy moved in front of Sara ready and began part two. Holding the end of the leash, Cindy stood in front of Sara, stroking the strap-on as if it were real. Sara's eyes were opening and closing dreamily from the cock in her ass and she didn't notice Cindy right away. As Sara's eyes began to focus, she immediately knew what Cindy was doing. She nodded and prepared for Cindy to enter her pussy. Jim spread his legs forcing Sara to do the same. Cindy stepped into the space created and pressed the strap-on into Sara's pussy. Cindy met zero resistance. There was plenty of natural lubrication for her to easily slide the dildo home.
Jim held Sara's hips in place keeping his cock buried to the hilt in her ass. Cindy began to pick up speed thrusting in and out of their play toy. After about a minute of this treatment, Cindy slowed down and Jim released Sara's hips. "Just relax and enjoy this Sara. Let us do the work," he said.
Jim and Cindy started working together like a piston. As Sara moved up his shaft from the bottom, Sara would impale her from the top. This would force Sara back down onto Jim while Cindy pulled out. Sara's libido quickly went into overdrive. The dominant couple clearly knew what they were doing and knew exactly how to stimulate their sub.
Sara knew she wasn't making love. She was getting fucked. Over and over she rose and fell on their tools. Sara entered a state of almost continual orgasm. The ongoing stimulation served to not really let her go over the top. Each time she started to climax, the next thrust would occur and take her higher. Sara was screaming at the top of her lungs. This continued for several minutes until Cindy abruptly pulled out.
"Just keep riding that cock, slut. I know Jim is about to come... and so are you."
Cindy reached over to the table and picked up a curved vibrator and set it on high. She then inserted the vibrator and curled the end up to Sara's g-spot. Sara had never done that before and before long had stopped her up and down movement and just concentrated on the pleasure coming from deep inside her soul.
What a site she was, all captured on video for future reference. Sara was on top of Jim. His cock buried to his balls in her ass. Her muscles squeezing it in a way he had never felt before. In front of the soccer mom was a woman holding a leash attached to her collar, wearing a strap-on coated with her juices and manipulating a vibrator deep inside her pussy. Sara didn't stop to think about the last week. She was building to perhaps the biggest orgasm of her life.
Cindy just smiled. She had seen the look on Sara's face before. After this orgasm, Sara would do anything the group would say for the chance to have another. What wonderful plans they had for this woman. She would do everything willingly and not question any command. Cindy prepared her final assault.
Without warning, she picked up a short crop from the table. Maggie had told Cindy how hard Sara had come on the crop the day before and Cindy wanted a repeat performance. Cindy pivoted the vibrator to apply direct pressure on Sara's g-spot and simultaneous snapped the crop directly on her clit. Cindy only had to do it once.
The vibrations from the vibrator coupled with the new sensation of a cock in her ass had left Sara teetering on the edge of release. The sudden stimulus of the crop, even though it was pure pain, sent Sara into a cataclysmic orgasm. For the first time in her life, Sara squirted a stream of cum as if she was a man. Her convulsions continued for at least a minute during which time she started humping Jim's cock again. By the time she calmed down, she looked totally disheveled and perfectly happy.
Jim pushed Sara up one final time and slipped out of her. She was in no condition to stop him when he pushed her face down once more on the couch and re-entered her ass. Sara just lay on the couch, ass in the air letting him do what he wanted. He savagely pounded her ass until he unloaded a torrential load of cum into her bowels. He then pulled his cock free and moved around the spent girl. "Clean me," he ordered. As Sara took him in her mouth for the final time tonight, Cindy popped the butt plug back in and gave Sara one final spank.
Jim continued to stay hard in Sara's mouth. He was ready to go again, but Cindy stopped him. "Say that for me cowboy. She's had enough for now."
Both Jim and Cindy helped Sara stagger up the stairs and back into the bedroom where today's journey started. Sara was aware of the plug in her ass, but not fully conscious of the flood of semen it was holding back. The Andersons help her dress back into her original clothes and Cindy have her a big kiss.
"This has been fun. You should stop by any time," she began. "Frank is waiting for you at home. Jim told him our ladies parties sometimes go a little late, so he really isn't expecting you are a particular time. You are not in a good condition to drive, so I think you should walk home. Keep the plug in your ass until you get home. In fact, I think I will go back downstairs and get the balls too. I want to be sure you are ready to make Frank happy when you get home. You can return the toys tomorrow when you get your car. The rental fee is just one orgasm for Jim and one for me."
Sara just weakly smiled, nodded and headed for the door.
"Oh, by the way," Cindy continued. "Mistress Heather is expecting a full report via email tomorrow. Right now you are in her good graces. You don't want to piss her off. We will set up your training schedule and she will be in touch with your requirements. Have a good night."
Sara waited by the front door for Cindy to retrieve the Ben Wa balls. Sara didn't say anything. She accommodatingly spread her legs and allowed Cindy to insert the balls. At least her panties would keep them in, Sara thought. Her walk home was slow. She was tired, sore and the plug and balls were keeping her on the edge of another orgasm. She didn't want to cum in public, so she had to keep stopping to prevent herself from going over the edge. When Sara got home, she snuck into the garage and removed the plug and balls. Overcome with lust, she couldn't resist fingering her clit just one more time. Within seconds she was enveloped in another violent orgasm. Her shaking persuaded Jim's cum to start dripping down her leg. As she began to come back to earth, Sara thanked her lucky stars nobody entered the garage just then. She had no idea how she would explain her current state.
Frank was asleep by the time she reached the bedroom. Sara disrobed and took a quick shower. The hot water felt good and began to relax her tired muscles. She was glad Frank was asleep. She knew he would have to find out eventually. She couldn't keep sneaking around and come home to him full of another man's cum. But tonight was not the night. Sara toweled off her cooling body, pulled on her nightgown and took her clothes down to the wash machine. She started the laundry and went back to the bedroom. As she lay down, Frank, still half asleep, asked if she had a good time.
"It was fun, honey. I met a lot of new friends," she replied.
"That's nice, dear. Jim and I had fun too."
Jim sure did, Sara thought. She fell asleep to visions playing in her head of the day's events and what she would tell Mistress Heather in the morning.
Sara awoke on a bright, sunny Sunday morning very sore. The afternoon before she had been teased almost to the point of insanity. Then, before she allowed her release, she had to perform cunnilingus on four different women, was spanked and fondled by a fifth and finally double penetrated by her husband's boss and his wife.
Sara lost track of how many orgasms she had. All week, Cindy had manipulated the young housewife and controlled how often and where she would be allowed to cum. Sara spent the entire week seeking her next orgasm and was aroused more often than not. Sara's submission to Cindy grew with each successive kinky task she was given. During Sara's final exam of submission last night, she learned she had been "traded" to Heather Chandler, the sexiest woman Sara had ever seen. Heather could best be described as having a body proportioned like a Barbie doll, including large surgically enhanced breasts. Normally Sara thought fake breasts looked bad, but on Heather, they completed the sex bomb look she was going for. As Sara would soon learn, breast worship was a favorite of Mistress Heather.
Sunday was supposed to be family day, frequently taken up by soccer games. Sara had left her car at Cindy and Jim's house the night before. She explained to Frank that she had drunk a little too much wine and got a ride home. This was certainly a plausible excuse, much better than I walked home because I was too sexed out to drive.
Frank drove Sara over to the house. Sara jumped out of the car a quickly slid behind the driver's seat of her SUV. She sped away before Cindy and Jim could notice. That afternoon the entire family went to the park. There was no game scheduled. Instead they just had a picnic by the lake. Spending the day in the park with her family was a favorite activity of Sara's. At least it had been until a week ago. Now every time Sara was not focused on her family, her mind drifted back to what Cindy Anderson had done to her in this same park last week.
Sara had been instructed to expect Mistress Heather would contact her to begin her formal training. Sunday passed with no phone calls or email. Sunday night Frank began to make amorous overtures to his wife. Sara was still a little sore from the fucking she received the night before, but she was cognizant of needing not to neglect her husband. Although Frank was a good lover, Sara secretly wished he would treat her rougher like Cindy and Jim had done. Sara wasn't sure where these feelings had come from. Before last week, she had only had sex with three different people and had never cheated on her husband. But ever since Cindy had forced her to orgasm in the park, she could not resist anything the domineering woman requested. Sara felt guilty over her actions of the past week. She loved her husband and did not want to jeopardize her marriage. At the same time, she had never felt as alive as when she was submitting to the will of one of the several women she serviced last week. Even when Cindy's obnoxious husband Jim took his turn, Sara came like a banshee. Normally Sara would not give that type of man the time of day, but last night she let him fuck her ass, had sucked his cock and even thanked him.
Sara was determined that she had to tell Frank. But how? That was the real problem. Sara though maybe she could slowly start talking to Frank about some of the activities. Kind of fantasy exploration, not "guess what I did last week honey?" She and Frank had never really talked about their fantasies. For all she knew, Frank had the same desires. Sara also thought of renting a dirty movie. She was sure Frank had watched a porno before, he was a guy after all, but he never talked about them. Or maybe she could get him to go with her to a strip club. She had heard that some couples enjoy going together. If she admitted a dancer was attractive, maybe she could convince him that having a three way (with Mistress Heather or one of her other new friends) was a good idea. Once Frank had bought off on the idea, Sara theorized, he would not be in a position to object to Sara's other activities.
After thinking for a while, Sara determined none of these options was really all that good. Sara reflected on the possibility that Heather really wasn't interested in her and that Cindy and Jim would leave her alone now that they had fucked her senseless. Sara determined that the best course of action was to pretend nothing happened until Mistress Heather contacted her.
Sara enthusiastically accepted Frank's invitation to passion. Even though the sex was "vanilla" Sara enjoyed herself and was happy to give Frank pleasure. She began by sucking his cock, something she typically resisted except on "special occasions." Frank and Sara made love twice that night and Sara woke him Monday morning by servicing him again. Although Frank was certainly pleased, Sara did not allow herself to orgasm. Although she had been given permission to cum as much as she wanted on Saturday, she wasn't sure if that instruction was in force only for that day or until Mistress Heather changed her order. Sara felt the prudent course was to hold back until she was sure. Besides, Frank had difficulty determining when she was faking, so he was happy either way.
Monday morning started the week like any other. Frank was off to the office early and the kids were off to school. Sara busied herself around the house, but stopped every half hour to check her email. Surely Mistress Heather would contact her today. Sara went back and checked her emails from last week. As she reread her instructions from Cindy, Sara began to get aroused. She even rewatched the video clips of herself tied to her bed in her wedding dress. As she did this, Sara's hand absentmindedly began rubbing her crotch. As her arousal grew, Sara moved on to the submission movies she had download at Cindy's command. Sara's hand was moving faster and faster as she approached her orgasm. Just as she was about to cum, her phone rang. She contemplated not answering, but figured it might be Mistress Heather. It took three rings before she picked up the phone to look at the caller id. Bruce Chandler was the name. It was her. Sara hesitated. What could she say? Should Sara thank Heather for spanking her on Saturday? Or thank Heather for sitting on her face that fateful day the Monday before? What would Heather order her to do?
As these thoughts raced through Sara's head, two more rings happened and the call transferred to voicemail. Because Frank and Sara had Vonage as their phone service they didn't have a regular answering machine. Once the call clicked over, Sara could not pick it up. She kept waiting for the message light to come on her phone, but it never did. Apparently Heather did not leave a message.
Sara assumed she would call back soon. Heather knew Sara's situation and would be aware of her kids and husband's schedules. Sara sat by the phone determined to pick up quicker when Heather called back. She sat at her desk with Outlook open waiting for an email or the phone to ring. After an hour, Sara really had to go the bathroom, but she was unwilling to risk missing another call.
Sara's thoughts kept drifting back to Saturday's events. She was horny and wanted to orgasm. Finally after waiting two hours, she gave up. As she walked out of their home office, Sara looked at the doorknob and smiled.
Tuesday and Wednesday were uneventful. There was no contact from Heather, Cindy, Maggie or Andi. Sara's willpower to deny herself an orgasm was floundering. On Thursday morning, Sara remembered something. Saturday night Cindy had sent her home with a butt plug buried in her ass and Ben Wa balls dancing in her pussy. She had agreed to return them on Sunday, but had completely forgot. This would give her an excuse to see Cindy.
Sara contemplated how to return the items. She had hidden them in the garage when she came home Saturday night. Should she just drive over and hand them back hoping Cindy would take the lead? Should she wear them? The phone rang startling her from her thoughts. It was Frank. He was calling to see how Sara was doing. While they were making small talk and Sara had an idea. Said she was going for a run. Frank said that sounded like a good idea and to have fun. Sara snickered. If only Frank knew how much fun she was going to have.
Sara grabbed the toys and sprinted upstairs. She quickly stripped down pausing to look at herself in the mirror. She was proud of her looks and rubbed her fingertips on the point of her nipples. The feeling was electric. Sara followed her nipple play with an exploration of her pussy. As she expected, her juices had started to flow. The arousal of last week was returning just with the thoughts of what she was about to do.
Sara took the butt plug and quickly washed it. It had been sitting in the garage and was foul smelling. Not being an expert in washing sex toys, she used cold water. Sara didn't have any lube and hoped a little pussy juice would suffice. As Sara began to slide the plug into her now dripping snatch, she realized the folly of using cold water to clean the plug. Her pussy lips quickly contracted at the suddenly cold intrusion. "What an idiot," Sara exclaimed. She knew a little hot water was all that was needed, but then a lewd thought struck her. Sara bent over the bathroom counter. She felt like she was back serving drinks at Cindy's party. She calmly took the butt plug and put it in her mouth. She had to stretch her jaw just a bit to fit the wide apex of the plug into her mouth. This brought back a flood of memories of her ass stretching to accommodate both the insertion and retrieval of the plug a few days earlier.
While she was bent over, Sara reached between her legs and gave her pussy a little rub. Her fingers came back coated with her juice. Sara knew she could come right there in the bathroom with little additional effort, but she tried to hold back. She had learned the lesson well that denying her release always led to a better orgasm later. With her right hand now slick with her personal lubricant, Sara reached around to her butt. Without a hand to support herself, Sara had to lean onto the counter, her ample bosom pressed into the countertop. With her left hand, Sara pulled her ass cheek outward exposing her brown-eye. Her right hand moved into position behind Sara as she tried to push a finger in her own ass. Instantaneously her asshole puckered to protect itself and Sara was unsuccessful.
"How the hell did they get this plug in me," she wondered aloud.
Sara looked back into the mirror. Bent over the counter with the plug in her mouth and hands behind her, she looked every bit the slut of a week ago. Her pussy continued to juice. Sara determined that she had to get the plug where it belonged. Perhaps a different approach would work better. Sara pulled the plug from her mouth and quickly inserted it into her pussy. Her lips had to stretch a little, but they accommodated the phallus with little difficulty. While the plug was in her pussy, she resisted the idea to fuck herself by turning her attention to the Ben Wa balls. She washed them, this time in hot water, and put them aside. Sara knew she had to be ready to put her panties on immediately after inserting the balls or they would slide right out.
Sara looked around the bathroom for the item she needed, but she could not find it. Maybe Frank had used it and not returned it to the room. Sara then had another thought, but completing her task would require a trip to the kitchen. Not wanting to waste any time, she sprinted down the stairs and into the kitchen. She kept one hand on the outside of the plug to hold it in place and used the other to balance herself on the banister.
As she entered the kitchen, she suddenly remembered she was naked. She had been too focus on her own pleasure to remember such a little detail. As she had just streaked through the living room and the blinds were open, she hoped nobody happened to be looking. By now, she was too aroused to care. If somebody saw her, she figured they probably enjoyed the show.
Sara quickly grabbed the item she needed, a kitchen chair. The chair was wooden and without a pad, perfect for her mission. Not wasting any time, Sara pulled the plug from her pussy and stuck it upright on the chair. She then turned her back to the chair, and holding the plug with one hand and her butt cheek with the other, guided the plug to its destination. As wet as the plug was, Sara found that pussy juice is not the best lubricant. It certainly helped as she sat down stretching her asshole over the tapered plug, but she resolved to buy something better. Once again Sara felt as if she was being split in two. She now knew from experience, however, that once the apex was reached, the rest would dart inside. Sara gave constant pressure and tried to relax her ass muscles. Eventually she achieved her goal. The plug was buried to the handle.
Sara was panting at this point. She contemplated giving herself an orgasm. She reasoned that if Mistress Heather did not want to play with her, then she would play with herself. All of a sudden Sara heard the kids arriving home from school. Was it that late already? No, it was just after noon. Then Sara remembered they only had a half-day because of some damn teachers' meetings. She was trapped, naked in the kitchen. Sara was frantic. Would the kids go straight to their rooms to drop off their stuff giving her a chance to get to the master bedroom? Unlikely. They usually grabbed a snack. Could she hide in the dinning room connected to the kitchen then sprint up the stairs without being seen? That too seemed like a long shot. As she contemplated her ifs, Sara's nose detected the unmistakable smell of her arousal. Not now, she thought. How could this be turning her on?
Sara determined the basement was the safest course of action. She quickly headed down the stairs just moments before the kids entered the kitchen. Sara looked around for a place to hide. She opened the door to the unfinished section and dashed to the dryer. She hoped she would find clothes, but alas it was empty. She then heard footsteps on the stairs. In a panic, Sara moved behind some storage boxes and sat down. Her kids rarely did their own laundry so she felt temporarily safe. She heard the TV turn on and a movie start.
"Why are they staying inside?" Sara murmured to herself. "It is a beautiful day today."
Sara sat down on the cold cement floor to wait. The chilly sensation on her butt temporarily sated her arousal. Sara tortured herself for getting into this situation. Had she just used the bathroom counter to steady the plug instead of the kitchen chair, this situation would have been avoided. In horror, Sara remembered the Ben Wa balls were still out in her bathroom. Sara didn't think her kids would go in there, but then again, she couldn't understand why they were in the basement. If they went looking for her, they may find much more than they bargained.
Sara's body temperature slowly warmed the foundation under her. Sitting on the handle of the butt plug made sure it was as deep as possible into her bowels. Unconsciously, Sara's hips began to undulate ever so subtly putting varying amounts of pressure on the plug. Sara didn't even know she was doing it. Her conscious mind was worried about being discovered while her body was doing what it could to receive satisfaction. Once again the bouquet of her arousal was the trigger to bring her mind back to reality.
"Oh my God. I've got to cum," she said to herself. Sara knew it would only take a few strokes on her clit to reach the climax she needed. She was worried, however, about making too much noise. She had learned that she could be a screamer without much warning. She began stroking her pussy as she imagined a wicked orgasm bringing the kids running to the back of the basement.
Sara decided she needed something to muffle the sound. She stood up, stretching her legs to get the blood flowing again and began her search. Most of the things they had stored in the basement were in boxes. She was sure there was something appropriate to gag herself, but she worried that she might drop the box or otherwise make too much noise while searching. The only item she could find was the family's dog's old nylon bone. The dog had only chewed it once and only for about a minute. He preferred rawhide. The bone had remained on the shelf because Sara was a packrat and she figured someday the dog might change his tune. It was a little small, but Sara thought she could at least bite down on it. The bone was dusty and probably still had remnants of dog slobber on it, but Sara was desperate and didn't want to risk the sound of running water in the slop sink.
She looked around a little more, hoping to find a substitute, but her search was in vain. It was now or never, Sara determined. The movie had at least an hour to run and there was no guarantee the kids would not watch another one. Sara's arousal was clearly in control. She had not cum for four days and that was three days too many in her book.
Sara moved back behind the boxes. The space was tight. Once again she started to rub her pussy and coat her fingers with juice. She was horrified by the thought of using the dog bone as a gag, but from her point of view, there was no alternative. Sara backed as far behind the boxes as she could. She got down on her knees. She didn't sit this time, but instead spread her legs as far as the boxes would allow.
Sara took her now slick right fingers and coated the top of the bone with her own fragrance. She put the bone in her mouth and bit down. The nylon was actually taste neutral. This is probably why the dog didn't like it. The small strip of pussy juice on the top of the bone was right beneath Sara's nose. She had become very in tune with her scent during the last two weeks and she could clearly smell the aroma. Sara took a deep whiff and leaned over. She didn't want to knock down the boxes when she came. She put her left arm under her forehead for support and jammed her right hand into her crotch. She alternated finger fucking herself and rubbing her clit, but was surprised to find she could not quite get over the top. Sara stroked herself faster and faster. Her mind played visions of her serving the women of last week and others. Celebrities, neighbors and people she had never even met. Sara could feel her climax approaching. She bit down harder on the bone to suppress her craving to yell out in pleasure. Her last thought before orgasm was what she must look like right then. Naked on her hands and knees with a dog bone in her mouth. She was rocking back a forth as if she was fucking an imaginary stud while her free hand frigged her pussy like a wanton slut. It was the perfect image to send Sara over the edge.
Sara struggled not to scream and her forceful bite, aided by the bone, did its job to mask her cries of passion. Sara continued to frig her pussy as wave after wave of orgasm rolled over her body. After she finished riding out the crest of her passion, Sara dropped the bone but otherwise remained in her submissive doggie-style position. Sara wasn't sure, but she thought she didn't hear the movie for a moment, then the sound was back. In disgust with herself, Sara decided the TV had been muted and maybe she had not been as quiet as she thought. Sara resolved that she had to get out of the basement before one of the kids came to investigate.
Sara spied the window well at the end of the basement. Luckily it was the escape hatch variety. She would easily fit inside and there was a built in ladder. But the hatch was at the wrong side of the house from the garage door. She would have to streak through the yard to make it to the service door. Sara heard movement in the basement and made up her mind. She dashed to the window and slid it open. As if driven by a hidden force, she was able to leap into the window well and grab the ladder. She slid the window closed again and started her climb. She pushed the window well cover open and raised her head just high enough to look around. Her ass was clearly visible to anyone looking at the window well from the inside, the handle of the plug black against her white skin.
Sara didn't see anyone on the street or near the neighbor's front door. Summoning all her courage, she climbed the rest of the ladder and made a mad dash for the relative safety of her back yard. She had to pause to open the gate, but fortunately it was dispatched without delay.
Sara's yard was planted with lots of bushes and had several trees. Sara determined that the odds of being seen from a neighbors yard were slim, if she moved fast. She tried to keep low behind the bushes that were close to the house. As she reached the kitchen, she had to come out of hiding to cross the deck. She looked around to see if there was a better route, but the only option was to go through the bushes near the fence. Sara quickly determined that the changes of being seen somewhere along the fence was too great.
Once again Sara attempted to call upon all her courage and move back into the open. She scurried up onto the deck and grabbed the doorknob. She was sure the door was locked, but she had to try. It didn't budge so Sara raced around the other side of the house. Already exposed, she chose not to seek shelter from the bushes opting for being outside less time. As she reached the other corner of her house, Sara once again took refuge in the bushes. This side of the house would be a problem. There was no gate and there were no trees in the front to shield the view of a passerby.
Sara was panting from exerting herself and, to her horror, was turned on again. The combination of the butt plug and humiliation had restarted the fire in her pussy temporarily quenched by her earlier orgasm. As horny as she was becoming, Sara wasn't about to masturbate outside. Throwing caution to the wind, she left the safety of the bushes and ran to the fence. Placing both hands on the top, she leapt like a gazelle and cleared the fence in one motion. She then sprinted for the garage door.
She grabbed for the knob, but her momentum and slick hands prevented her from gripping it. She hooked a couple of fingers, throwing herself off balance and fell down into the flowerbed. Her sweaty body was now covered in dirt. Sara jumped back up. Her brain was on autopilot. She grabbed the doorknob ready to rip it off. To Sara's horror, it was locked. Sara paused, standing naked on the side of her house with her hand on the doorknob trying to think. Why was the door locked? Usually it was open, especially after the kids come home. Was she going to have to go back to the window well?
Sara heard a car on the street. She turned to look just as it passed the house. Sara was relieved that the car never slowed down and the driver did not turn his head. As a sense of relief washed over her, Sara's mind had a moment of clarity. There was a hide-a-key in the front yard. It was located in a fake pinecone near a big pine tree. Getting to the key would require crossing about a 20-foot space of open territory, but Sara didn't care. She had to get inside. Sara crouched at the edge of house looking both ways up the street. Her neighbor three house up was watering her flowers, but there were no cars. Sara figured she could get to the tree, find the key and get back in less than 30 seconds. She waited until her neighbor turned around, made one more quick scan for cars and headed out to the tree. Her peripheral vision was a blur. Sara was only concerned with what was directly in front of her. She reached the tree and dropped back to her knees. She was unconcerned with the dirt or the fact that she was mooning the world, her plugged ass and dripping slit on display for anyone who cared to look.
There were several pinecones on the ground and Sara frantically searched for the one containing her prize. It took a little longer than she estimated, but she finally was able to dash back to the house. As she turned the corner, Sara looked back up the street. Her neighbor just waved. Humiliated beyond words, Sara quickly opened the garage door, stepped inside and furiously frigged her pussy. Within seconds she exploded into her second orgasm of the afternoon, leaning on the car for support. As Sara came down from her high, she noticed the service door to the garage was still open.
Sara shut the door and moved quietly to the inside door. She slowly peaked inside trying to determine where the kids were located. As luck would have it, perhaps her first luck on the day, she heard the TV from the basement. Sara hoped both kids were watching the movie as she crept into the house. She wanted to run, but knew that her steps would be clearly audible in the basement. That might bring them upstairs to find out where she had been. Instead she slowly tiptoed across the carpet. As she snuck through the living room, she was horrified to see the blinds were still open. Sara knew she had to move as quietly as she could. There was no way to quickly move past the window. About half way across the room, Sara began to feel relief again, but it was short lived. A convertible, filled with high school boys came around the corner. As it passed the house, it suddenly slammed on the brakes and slid to a stop. Sara, drawn by the noise, looked out the picture window. The boys stared then the driver honked the horn. The driver was Jordan. He lived down the street. Sara could think of nothing to do but wave and continue her slow journey across the room. When she reached the stairs, she picked up the pace.
Sara made it into her bedroom without being caught by her kids. She hurriedly locked the door. She was sticky with a mixture of sweat, dirt and on her thighs, pussy juice. She looked at herself in the bathroom mirror. Her hair was a mess and her whole body was blushing. Her pussy lips were puffy, her nipples were hard and her clit was peaking out from its hood. Lost in the lust her body was displaying, Sara sat down on the edge of the bathtub and brought herself off again. This time she held a towel over her mouth. It was much better than the dog bone.
Her journey took most of the afternoon. By the time her third orgasm had finally quenched Sara's fire, it was already 3pm. Sara needed to shower and clean up. Every nerve ending in her body was tingling and Sara felt alive. She took a luxurious hot shower allowing the rivulets of water to cascade over her head and down her body. Sara was careful to wash her entire body. She didn't want any signs of her afternoon betraying her. By 4pm she was out of the shower and back into her clothes. Sara carefully hid the butt plug and the Ben Wa balls. She would have to return them another day.
Frank came home right on time. His efforts with the out-of-state problem account were beginning to bear fruit. They were happier which made Jim Anderson happier. Frank started to think he might be in line for a big promotion. After a simple dinner, Frank suggested the family go to see a movie. The kids said they were not interested, after all that is how they spent their afternoon. Sara thought it was a fine idea. Unburdened with having to pick a movie the whole family could agree on, Frank let Sara pick a sappy romantic comedy. Shortly after the movie began, Sara put her head on Frank's shoulder and leaned into him. Frank took the hint and put his arm around his wife.
Sara stayed this way for the better part of an hour. He was contented in Frank's arms and very happy. As the third reel of the film started, Sara got a nasty idea. She excused herself to go to the washroom. Once inside the stall, she removed her pants and took off her panties. Placing them in her purse, she put her pants back on and headed into the theater. On her way back to her seat, she took note of where the people sitting around them were located. Fortunately this movie was nearing the end of its run and the theater was not crowded.
Sara sat down and leaned back onto Frank, holding both of her arms together in front of her. Frank obligingly put his arm back around her. After a couple of minutes, Sara gingerly began tracing her finger up and down Frank's thigh. He looked down at his wife, but she did not return his gaze. Sara's head was looking down at his lap. Her leisurely finger action was starting to have an effect on Frank. He started to get a hard-on. Kind of a half-staff at first, but as soon as Sara noticed, she started rubbing the bulge. Quickly Frank was at full erection, straining at the front of his jeans. Sara lifted her head and looked around. Nobody was in their row, and from what she could remember, nobody was behind them. She unzipped Frank's fly. Immediately he pulled on her shoulder as if to say stop. Sara was unrelenting. She pulled out Frank's cock and started giving it a series of good squeezes. Sara looked up at Frank's face as he released the pressure on her shoulder. Now it was Frank's turn to look around and Sara started stroking his shaft up and down.
This sudden turn of events both shocked and excited Frank. He knew he could be arrested for indecent exposure, but at the same time, he thought the risk was minimal. Unless somebody walked down the aisle, he didn't think anyone would see what was happening. The film seemed to be almost over, so Frank figured he had to act fast. He took his hand and guided Sara's head down into his lap. She wasn't expecting this, but clearly it excited her. As she took him in her mouth, Sara could feel her pussy moisten. Sara could tell Frank was exited too. His cock was harder than she had felt it in a long time. It pulsated in her mouth. She knew he would come quickly. That was fine with her. What started as a little tease had quickly gone out of control. Less than a minute after Sara took Frank in her mouth, he stiffened and shot a deluge of cum into her mouth. Sara did her best to swallow it all, but some ran out the side of her mouth. She promptly zipped Frank back up and sat upright. The small stream on semen on the side of her mouth glistened is the light from the projector as she smiled at Frank. Without saying a word, she took Frank's hand. He apparently did not notice she had unzipped her pants as she guided his fingers below. Frank was greeted with a warm and inviting pussy, simmering in its natural liquid. Frank started to move his fingers up and down as Sara started to mew. Just then his expression changed. He realized she had not been wearing her panties. Looking at his face, Sara could tell from his eyes what he was thinking. She reached over to her purse and pulled up the garment before pushing it back down.
Frank nodded approvingly and began to rub her clit. Sara tilted her head backward and started to arch her back. Just then the movie ended. Although the house lights were still off, people in rows in front of the happy couple started standing up. Frank quickly removed his hand. Sara struggled with her zipper and could not secure her pants fast enough so she pulled her purse onto her lap. Frank looked her square in the eyes and put his finger in her mouth to suck. Sara was humiliated. Everyone walking up the aisle could see them if they were paying attention. Even so, it excited her and she dutifully cleaned off his finger.
After all the people in front of them left, Sara finally zipped up her pants. As they stood and turned to leave, Sara saw several people still sitting behind them. Sara imagined each one of them know what had just transpired. She could not look them in the eye. Instead she took fleeting glances to see if anybody was watching them as they exited the theater.
When they got back to the car, Frank asked what brought on Sara's "naughtiness." She said she was just feeling very close to him after being in his arms for so long. Sara explained she just wanted to tease him a little and get him hard so he would want to make love later. Frank said that was a fine idea, but he was also pleased (and what man wouldn't be) with what happened in the theater.
They drove home in silence. Sara thought about trying to start the conversation about fantasies, but instead chose to leave the kinkiness of the evening to speak for itself. If Frank enjoyed getting blown in public, perhaps she could convince him to do more.
The kids were in bed by the time Frank and Sara got home. Frank said he was tired, but Sara said she was going to stay up for a while. Frank went to bed while Sara went to the den to check their email. Mistress Heather still had not sent a message. The voicemail light was flashing. Sara's heart raced that Mistress Heather may have called back. The caller ID showed two numbers. One was Heather's and one looked like a telemarketer. Sara dialed the access number and started to play the voicemail. Her heart was racing and her blood pressure was rising. Alas, the telemarketer was the one who left the message. Something about a timeshare. Sara deleted the message with disgust.
Determined that if Mistress Heather was not going to leave a message Sara would have to make contact, she sat down to compose an email to her goddess. Sara retold the story of what happened Saturday night after Heather had left as well has the details of her day trapped in the basement and her evening at the movies. She pleaded with Mistress Heather to give her instructions about how they were to proceed. Sara promised to be home tomorrow and said she would pick up the phone immediately. By the time she was finished composing the email, about 2 hours had past. It was now after midnight. The familiar itch was back in Sara's crotch. Confessing her sins to her mistress had aroused the housewife. She was almost disappointed Frank had cum in her mouth. If he hadn't, maybe he would be ready to satisfy her now. Sara began to play with her pussy one final time for the day. She played her favorite submission movie on the PC and quickly had a small, but satisfying orgasm. As she was about to log off, she thought better of it. She opened Outlook and dispatched a short email to Mistress Heather about what she had just done. She hoped her honestly would stimulate Mistress Heather's appreciation for her.
Sara shut down the PC and headed back to bed. She slid under the covers without waking Frank. In the morning, he was gone. She must have slept past the alarm. She was dreaming when she thought she heard the alarm, but it was not going off. When she looked at the clock it was 9:40. A sickening notion entered her brain as she picked up the phone. Of course. It had happened again. Another missed call from Mistress Heather. How could this be? Sara never slept late. Her four orgasms the day before must have taken their toll.
Sara got out of bed and headed to the PC. There was an email waiting for her.
"I see you don't follow through on your promises," began the message from Mistress Heather. "Obviously you have decided to go out instead of waiting for my call. No matter. There are plenty of other sluts I can spend my time with. After your emails from yesterday I really thought you had potential. Cindy certainly spoke highly of the way you were progressing. I thought you were ready for your formal training to begin, but I guess I was wrong. I will be out of town this weekend. Perhaps next week were can get together if you prove yourself worthy. This weekend prove to me you are a slut. I don't care what you do, but do it for me and send me proof. Pictures, video, personal testimonial from the participants, I don't care what it is. Do this for me and prove you can follow directions or consider us finished. - Mistress Heather."
Sara read and reread the email. She was shivering with the thought of never being with Mistress Heather again. She didn't know what she could do, but at least she had three days to figure it out. Sara sent an email back to Mistress Heather apologizing. She explained that she was worn out from the day before and had slept in. Sara accepted Mistress Heather's terms and told her she would not be disappointed again.
Mistress Heather responded quickly that Sara had just one chance left. She would check her email Monday morning and if she didn't have a message from Sara proving her worth, the deal was off. Mistress Heather would order Jim, Cindy, Maggie, Andi, and Susan not to have anything to do with her. Sara thought about calling Mistress Heather back and pleading to see her. Somehow she knew that would not work. Mistress Heather had challenged her and she had to come through.
Freed from having to wait around the house for Mistress Heather to call, Sara spent the morning running errands and trying to catch up on the chores from during the week. She even drove by the mall thinking about stopping at Maggie's. She was sure Maggie and Andi could help her act like a slut. Sara sat in the parking lot contemplating whether to go in or not. Finally her lust got the better of her and she walked into the mall. She walked purposely up to the Professional Woman store and went inside. Andi greeted her with a big smile.
"Mistress Heather sent out an email this morning telling the group you might be looking for help," were the first words out of Andi's mouth. "We thought of something. It might not be enough, but it is a start. Let me get Maggie."
Maggie came out from the office and gave Sara a big hug.
"I was hoping you would come by. I think I have the answer to your dilemma," Maggie said gleefully. "Come on back to the office."
Sara followed Maggie back. She was still enthralled by the movement of Maggie's butt. Even if they couldn't help her pass Mistress Heather's task, she was glad she visited.
Once in her office Maggie told Sara to sit down. She proceeded to explain her plan. Mistress Heather had tasked Sara to prove she was a slut, but not told her exactly what to do. Maggie said that gave them some latitude. Maggie said she and Andi had talked about it and thought a public orgasm caught on videotape would do the trick. Sara would take off her clothes in the store. Maggie would lend her a coat and some boots. Sara could spend time masturbating in the shop to speed things up, but when she was close to cumming, she would have to go into the mall, open the coat and finish. Andi would follow with a small video camera to document what she had done. Sara was not crazy about the idea, but being at a loss for an alternate option she agreed.
"Great," said Maggie. "Now there is only the matter of our fee to provide this service. "
Sara could guess what the fee would be. She slid out of the chair and crawled over to Maggie's chair.
"You have learned fast. Mistress Heather will be happy when I report that you just did that without being asked. Will you now eat my pussy until I cum?" questioned the statuesque brunette.
"Of course," replied Sara.
"Ok. Quick like a bunny, get under my desk," instructed Maggie.
Sara crawled around and squeezed under the desk. Maggie explained she always thought the guy office fantasy of getting a secret blowjob while conducting business was hot. She always wanted to try it for herself. Maggie spread her legs. Sara was now looking up her short skirt. Maggie was not wearing underwear. Sara though back to what Andi had said about Mistress Heather telling the group what Sara's task was and wondering if she was really so predictable that Maggie knew she would stop by. Her thoughts were short lived as Maggie told her to get to work and pulled her head under her skirt.
Sara diligently began lapping at Maggie's pussy. She even inserted a couple of fingers and tenderly began to finger fuck the older woman. Maggie was moaning softly. She pressed the intercom and told Andi to come inside.
"You were right, Andi," Sara heard Maggie say. "She arrived just as you predicted, agreed to our plan and is giving me the most wonderful licking right now."
"It doesn't take much effort to predict what a slut will do," replied Andi. "I'll go find a coat and boots for her to wear and grab the video camera."
Andi returned with the clothes and a pocket sized video camera. She returned just in time to film Maggie's orgasm. Maggie's hands hit the table several times and her orgasm ripped through her. Andi wondered what the sound was like under the desk. At least Sara would know when Maggie climaxed.
Maggie rolled her chair back and Sara began to climb out from underneath the desk. Andi had a perfect view of Sara's glistening face as she emerged. Sara blushed when she saw the camera.
"Thank you Sara," Maggie stated with genuine affection in her voice. "But it is time to get you naked."
Sara began to take off her clothes. While undressing she noticed the coat was a little longer than she had assumed Andi would pick out. It was leather, no doubt from the secret storeroom and about 3/4 length. Next Sara spied the boots. They were leather thigh highs with what looked to be a 3-inch heel. Sara had never worn thigh high boots before. She wondered what they would feel like.
It only took a matter of moments for Sara to shed her garments. She quickly wrapped the coat over her naked body. It took a little longer to add the boots, but once they were zipped up, Sara had to admit they looked great. The coat managed to cover her ass and pussy with a few inches to spare. Sara was thankful for that. There was about a 5-inch gap between the top of the boots and the bottom of the coat. Sara noticed her reflection in the mirror screamed look at me.
Determined to get this task over, Sara walked out of the office and back to the front of the store. Maggie and Andi watched closely as Sara twirled giving them the full view. Andi voiced her approval, but Maggie said something was missing. Sara was led back to the leather room. She was worried Maggie would make her wear a collar. Instead Maggie grabbed a pair of fishnet stockings and a garter belt.
"The fishnets will draw the eye better than your bare skin," Maggie reasoned. "Take the boots off and let's get these back on."
Sara sat down on the small bench and removed the boots. Maggie then took each leg in turn and sensually unwrapped the stockings onto Maggie's legs. Each time she reached the top of the stocking, Maggie's hand reached up and stroked Sara's slit a couple of times to make sure she was on-board with the plan. The first time Maggie did that, Sara reflexively flinched backward. After the second stocking, Sara slid forward to make for contact. Maggie obliged her with a couple of extra strokes, then stopped with a not yet look at the easily excitable girl. Maggie helped Sara put the boots back on and had her stand in front of the mirror. Sara thought Maggie was right about the stockings. The netting effect made her legs look somewhat covered. It was not as obvious that she didn't have a skirt on under the coat. You had to strain your eyes a little, but if you did notice, the look was much sluttier.
Maggie took position behind Sara and reached her arms around Sara's waist. "You look like a vision in this getup," she stated with authority. Maggie let her hands roam over Sara's stomach and hips, but paid careful attention not to hit any of Sara's joy spots. Maggie could feel Sara start to swoon slightly and press her butt backward looking for contact. Sara's body language was clear, so Maggie reached up and unzipped the front of the coat about half way down. This left Sara open for Maggie to reach inside the coat and start kneading her breasts. Maggie fondled Sara for a couple of minutes. Sara's breathing was becoming more ragged and she continued pushing her ass back into Maggie, only now with more frequency. Maggie removed her right hand and snuck it under the back of Sara's coat. "Spread your legs for me. Give me access to that luscious pussy of yours," Maggie demanded. Sara complied immediately as Maggie sought out her moistening lips. With her left hand Maggie now took grip on Sara's nipple, pulling and twisting it to full hardness.
Sara was now bent over keeping a watchful eye on the mirror enjoying all of Maggie's attention. Maggie was expertly manipulating the young girl, turning her on and preparing her for another trip through the mall. Sara knew the woman on display. It was her wanton inner slut. She also knew this is exactly who Mistress Heather wanted her to be and he was happy to provide the persona. Sensing how much Sara was enjoying herself, Maggie slowed down her assistance. Sara was going to have to finish herself in public to comply with Mistress Heather's orders.
"There is one more item I need for you," said Maggie. "While I go and get it, I want you to watch yourself in the mirror. I want one finger in your pussy and one finger in your ass. Imagine you're getting double penetrated again like last weekend at the Anderson's. Oh, by the way... if you cum before you are out in the mall, I'll give you such a beating you will not sit down for a week." With that, Maggie walked out of the room.
Sara sighed. She wanted nothing more than to put a finger in her pussy, but she worried that after all the stimulation she had just received from Maggie, she would not be able to hold back the orgasm building within her. Sara took the middle finger on her right hand and slowly slid it into her wetness. She did not feel the need to suck on her finger first for lubrication. She knew it would not meet resistance. Sara made sure to give herself four or five good strokes with that finger. She then pulled it out and reached behind her. She spread her cheek with her left hand and quickly inserted the right finger knuckle deep in her asshole. Her ass quickly snapped shut around the intruder. Even after wearing the butt plug on multiple occasions, Sara still was not accustomed to being penetrated in that manner. Sara now moved her left hand back to her pussy and again inserted the middle finger. This time she found her pussy even wetter than a minute earlier. While she rode her middle finger, Sara rubbed her clit with her thumb. Looking back in the mirror, Sara liked what she saw. Her face was flush with the look of an impending climax. This excited Sara even more. As Sara continued to manipulate her clit and alternately penetrate her ass and pussy, her moans of pleasure grew louder. Within two minutes of Maggie leaving her alone, Sara was reduced to a quivering mess.
Maggie returned carrying a small, odd-looking device with straps attached. "Enough of that for now," she said. "Pull your hands away and put them behind your head." Obeying this request had the effect of pressing Sara's breasts outward where the nipples found simulation pressing against the leather of the coat. "I borrowed Andi's butterfly for your adventure. You can pay her back later. Just in case you have trouble cumming in public, this should help."
Sara looked at the odd contraption. She was ready to cum whether in public or private so she wasn't sure the butterfly was necessary, but she wasn't about to argue about a new way to be stimulated. Maggie had Sara step into the straps and tightened the waistband. Maggie explained that the butterfly was a two-speed clit teaser meant to be work under a woman's clothes. Speed one was generally use to keep the woman on simmer. As she switched it on, Sara swooned. "Of course in your case, speed one is probably all you need," snickered Maggie. "I'll make you a deal, if you manage to walk all the way to Victoria's Secret, I call Susan and have her switch it to speed two."
Sara didn't think she would last that long. She didn't think she would make it out of the store. "I need to get going, Maggie," Sara said. "If I don't get out there, I'm going to come on the spot."
"Ok, my love. You may go. Zip the coat up. Andi will follow you at a safe distance with the camera. When you are ready to come, make sure she has a clean shot of you or the orgasm doesn't count. You may need to have a couple just to be sure we get good footage for Mistress Heather. By the way, she will definitely want to see footage of you flashing the camera," Maggie said with a cruel smile.
Sara didn't care about the details. She moved quickly to the front of the store, grabbing Andi's hand on the way by the counter. Andi barely grabbed the video camera before she was hustled out the door by the impatient Sara. Several customers browsing the clothing racks seemed confused by the leather-clad outfit. Maggie explained that Sara was taking part in a dare by Andi.
The insistent buzzing of the butterfly on Sara's clit was maddening. She knew it was only a matter of minutes before she would climax. Andi suggest that she move ahead of Sara and film her walking through the center of the mall. Sara didn't care as long has her path took her toward Victoria's Secret and Susan turning up the vibration. Sara nervously looked around as she strode through the mall. Andi kept on the move, one step ahead of her, trying to keep her in the center of the frame. As they approached the food court, Sara knew the end was near. She waved Andi over and told her she needed to find a place to cum. With the same wicked smile Andi had given her in Maggie's office, she told Sara to sit on a bench at a resting area in the middle of the walkway.
"I can't do that," protested Sara
"If you prefer, I can keep you walking around until you cum standing up," replied the young girl. "This will be fun. I'll sit on the bench on the opposite side. You will have your orgasm and I will tape you not trying to move or make a sound."
Sara glared at Andi. How does she come up with these ideas? But time was short and Sara knew that Andi's plan was better than cumming while walking through the crowded food court.
Sara sat down, crossed her legs and put her hand in her lap. Andi took up her position, although her view was partially obstructed by people walking through the sitting area. Sara tried to discretely rub her thighs together to hasten the inevitable. She closed her eyes are try to picture herself on her knees in front of Mistress Heather. A brushing against her knee roused her from her fantasy. A woman carrying numerous shopping bags had bumped into her.
Looking back to Andi, Sara sought guidance. Andi breathlessly mouthed the words, "spread your legs." Sara did so without thinking. Andi continued giving her instructions like a third base coach. "Unzip the coat down past your nipples." "Lift the front higher on your thighs." "Put pressure on the butterfly with your hands."
Sara followed each instruction. Each time she felt her pussy constrict and felt closer to orgasm. Anyone sitting across from her could see right up the coat and knew she was panty-less. This turned Sara on as Andi focused the camera filming her humiliation and arousal. Anyone on the second floor would know she was not wearing a bra or even a shirt under the coat. Sara heard people walking around her, but she was totally focused on Andi and the buzzing on her clit.
Finally, about a minute later, Sara let go. Careful not to arouse suspicion, Sara closed her eye, gritted her teeth and tried not to give any outward appearance of impropriety as a massive orgasm overtook her body. Anyone looking at her would certainly have noticed her shaking, but Sara was too far-gone to care. Andi did her best to film the epicenter of Sara's debasement, but several people walked between the two women blocking the view of the camera several times. Still, the footage would clearly show Sara quaking in ecstasy in plain view of anyone who cared to look. All too soon, at least from Andi's position, although probably not from Sara's, the orgasm ran its course and Sara began to come to her senses. She looked around convinced everyone would be staring at her. To her relief, she did not see a crowd waiting for her next move. A couple of high school girls had arrived on the scene and were moving past Sara with big smiles on their faces. Sara blushed realizing they had watched her performance.
Sara stood up and moved over to where Andi was sitting. She noticed Andi's nipples per as hard as her own. At least Andi got some enjoyment too, she thought. "That was amazing. Let's head back to the store," Sara commented. "Not just yet," replied Andi. "There were some people blocking my view and you still have not flashed me. Plus Susan will be disappointed if you don't visit her. Don't you want the butterfly turned up?"
Sara pondered Andi's last statement. Truthfully, she was spent. She really didn't want the butterfly turned up right now. However, she also knew by the time she walked back to the store, she would be ready to beg for another release. Sara always took a little longer to cum the second time and she wondered if the low setting on the butterfly would be enough. If Maggie and Andi didn't have mercy on her and help her cum, she might be left horny and without release. She decided Andi was right and they should continue their quest.
"I have an idea," offered Andi. "Victoria's Secret is upstairs. Instead of taking the escalator, use the glass elevator. Wait until nobody is getting on, then flash me through the glass." Sara wasn't sure about that, but at least she would have some cover. She reluctantly agreed and started walking to the elevator. Andi took the escalator and took position on the walkway opposite the elevator. Sara had to wait through three round trips before her chance to have the elevator alone presented itself. Sara entered the elevator, pushed the button for the second floor and unzipped the coat. Summoning up her courage, she turned around, pulled open the coat and pressed her body to the glass. The only sound Sara heard was the beating of her heart. She then heard the clacking sound of the butterfly wedged against the glass and the smell of her own arousal. She quickly backed away from the glass a just had enough time to pull the coat shut as the doors were opening. The fire between her legs had returned. She was determined to cover the distance to Victoria's Secret as quickly as possible. Sara exited the elevator with her hands in the coat pockets holding it closed as tightly as possible. As she was exiting, two young moms entered, each with a baby carriage. "Whew," said the first one. "What's that smell?" The second one looked straight at Sara and the door's shut.
Sara had too many other things on her mind to worry about what the two moms thought of her. She turned ready to make a dash to the sanctuary of Susan's store, when her face came squarely in contact with the chest of a security guard. She looked up and saw a hulking giant of a man. He was at least 6 foot 4 inches tall, black and his head was shaved. Sara's brief encounter with his chest left her head dazed. He was obviously very muscular like a former football player. Her wore a nametag that said Sam.
"Just what do you think you are doing, miss?" he questioned, his baritone voice resonating through Sara's head. She stammered for an answer, but could not find her voice.
"We have you on surveillance tape walking around the mall and my partner saw what you did in the elevator. I'm afraid we are going to have to call the police. Sara turned to run. If she was arrested her family would find out and her reputation would be ruined. The security guard, obviously prepared for such an event quickly grabbed Sara's arm and pushed her face first into the wall next to the elevator door.
"Don't make it worse for yourself, miss. We deal with enough shoplifters and crazy guys to handle the likes of you."
Sara continued to struggle, frantic to find a way out. Perhaps if Andi were here she could explain or maybe she could distract the guard.
But Sam was far too experienced to let anything happen to his prize. In his years as a security guard he had learned how to stay focused when taking down a prep. Everyday he dealt with shoplifters and vagrants. He was on a first name basis with every patrol officer in the area. Hardly a day went by that somebody was not arrested. Working quickly, Sam kicked Sara's legs apart. He then pulled each arm behind her back quickly snapping his handcuffs on her wrists. Although her clothes left little to the imagination, Sam gave her a quick pat down. If questioned, his official response would be it was policy to check for shoplifting. In reality, it was because he enjoyed the power his position allowed him to exercise. After frisking the now frightened young girl, he spun Sara around. Without her hands to protect her, Sara's coat swung open wildly. Her naked body on display, Sam took an inventory of the woman. She was attractive, that was for sure. Her hard nipples, dripping pussy and buzzing vibrator intrigued Sam. This was not his everyday detention.
"My, my," exclaimed the security guard. "This is a first. I think we had better get you down to the holding cell until we figure out what is going on." Sara was humiliated beyond words. "Don't worry honey, I'll zip up that coat for you." Sam eagerly took both sides of Sara's coat and fit the two sides of the zipper together. He slowly, much slower than necessary thought Sara, pulled the zipper up while holding the bottom of the coat together. Sam's eyes focused intensely on Sara's as if having a staring contest. Sara felt him looking into her soul. By the time he was half way done with the zipper, Sara could no longer hold his gaze and cast her eyes downward. It was then she noticed the bulge in his pants. It was large and it was growing. "This pervert is enjoying this," Sara thought to herself, missing the irony of her calling someone else a pervert.
As the zipper reached the top of the coat, Sam let go of the bottom and casually touched the front of the butterfly. Sara had almost forgot it was on. It could have been a mistake, but in Sara's state she was sure it was not. The slight added pressure brought stronger sensations to Sara's clit. She jumped back, her eyes locking once again on Sam's. Sam just smiled.
The walk back to the security office was long and distracting. Sara had grown to enjoy being restrained over the last couple of weeks and the feelings of helplessness from Sam's handcuffs were having an effect. The constant buzz of the butterfly and the fear of the unknown about what was going to happen had Sara on the edge of another major orgasm. Sam was explaining that the security cameras had tracked Sara as she walked around the mall. The footage was not clear enough of her sitting by the food court to tell she had an orgasm, but Sam told her he thought she had. He added the elevator camera clearly showed her pulling her coat open and flashing the mall. "We don't take too kindly to that kind of behavior, miss. This is a family mall," he said matter of fatly. "My partner noticed the other girl filming you. She will not get away."
Sara's head was pounding, partially because of the threat of being arrested and partially by the heat between her legs. By the time they reached the security office, Sara was ready to make a deal.
"Listen Sam," she began. If you let me go, I'll do anything you want."
"Really?" he replied as he ushered her into a small interview room. "It seems like I can already do what I want. Since it is Friday, they close the management office at noon. Other than my partner, there is nobody working for the mall here today. The police take at least a half an hour, sometime more, to get here. We've got all afternoon together."
Sara's heart sank realizing everything he said was true.
Sam sat her down in a chair. He left her hands cuffed behind her back. "I'll be right back. I need to find my partner."
Sara was squirming in her seat. Her desire to cum had her in a difficult place. She knew she would do anything for an orgasm, but servicing two guys in the mall wasn't exactly on her agenda today.
Sam stopped at the door and looked back at Sara. "You look a little warm. I know it gets a little 'stuffy' in this room. Why don't we unzip that jacket?"
Sara shook her head, although she didn't think her protest would matter. Sam walked back over to the chair. Because of his height, his groin was almost even with Sara's eyes. Sam definitely was sporting a full package. As Sam slowly pulled the zipper down, Sara fantasized about what his penis would look like. Sam had deftly grabbed the pull of the zipper with his thumb and middle finger of his right hand. As he pulled it down, his index finger traced the line of the zipper on Sara's chest. He opened the coat down about two inches past Sara's breasts allowing his finger to travel the length of Sara's cleavage. Sara was incredible turned on by this simple movement and slouched in the chair make a soft, primal sound, which could not be interpreted any way but that she was now in heat.
Again Sam just smiled and headed toward the door. He had enjoyed the services of plenty of white women in the interview room over the years. Normally they put up a fight, but his hard body (Sam had indeed played college football) and 9-inch cock always won them over. Most shoplifters would sacrifice their virtue to stay out of jail. He knew Sara was in no real trouble with the law. The mall management certainly would not approve of her contact, but they probably would not press charges. She would be given a warning and told to stay out of the mall. Sam also knew that Sara didn't need to find out that information until after his partner and him had some fun. He only hoped his partner had caught Sara's accomplice.
Sara sat alone in the interview room. Sam's touch had ignited a new flame in her pussy. Her public orgasm and exhibition in the elevator had kept her pussy wet, but the handcuffs and Sam's finger had lit an inferno. Sara prayed for his quick return to quench her craving, but as she watched the wall clock tick, she knew she was going to have to take matters into her own hands.
With her hands cuffed behind her, Sara was initially at a loss for what she could do to get herself off. The butterfly was keeping her overheated, but would not take her over the edge. If only it was on the higher setting!
Sara was getting anxious. She needed to cum and cum quickly. She backed up to the doorknob and tried to open it. The knob spun in her hand, but it was obviously locked from the outside. She thought about how she had fucked the doorknob in the Anderson's basement, but she couldn't do that here with the door closed. Sara did manage to put a little pressure on the butterfly by trying to grind herself on the doorknob, but the angles were not correct and she only served to tease herself more.
Sara scanned the room again. The only furniture was a small table and two chairs. Finally Sara's brain clicked a solution to her problem. The table had a sharp edge. It was not ideal, but it would work. Sara hurriedly pushed the chair out of the way and bent herself over the corner of the table. With her legs spread on either side of the corner, the height of her boots was just high enough to rock herself back and forth pressing the butterfly fiercely onto her clit. Sara was moaning in full abandon now. She was thankful the management office next door was empty for the weekend. Clearly they would have been able to hear her. As would people in the hall, she thought. But Sara didn't care. A monster orgasm was building within her and nothing was going to stop it.
Just as Sara was about to go over the edge, the door opened again. A serious looking black woman, almost a wide as she was tall came strolling in. The sight of Sara humping the table greeted her. Next through the door, was Andi, pushed from behind by Sam. Like Sara, Andi was handcuffed. Sara looked up and saw lust in Andi's eyes.
The black woman walked behind Sara and gave her ass a hard swat. "What do we have here?" she queried. "A white slut humping my table? What are we going to do?"
The humiliation was too much for Sara. She exploded in orgasm and saw stars. Her eyes were closed and she was oblivious to anything happening around her. All she knew that her body was releasing a tremendous amount of sexual energy and endorphins. Her mind was spinning. She couldn't stop herself, not that she wanted to. She continued to hump the edge of the table, while arching her back and howling. Andi had heard those sounds before and was happy for her friend. Sam and his partner had never witnessed an erotic sight like Sara. They were glad they were working today.
As Sara finally calmed down, the black lady spoke to her. "My name is Glenda. When I caught Andi filming you in the elevator we had a little discussion about what you were doing. I think her description of you as a total slut is accurate."
Glenda effortlessly lifted the now limp Sara off the edge of the table and put her back onto one of the chairs. Sara slumped down and offered no resistance as Glenda unzipped her coat and slid it off her shoulders taking care to give Sara's nipple a firm squeeze. She then turned off the butterfly and removed it from Sara's hips.
"Yes, I think you and I are going to have some fun this afternoon."
As Sara slumped in the chair, Glenda paced back and forth. She alternately looked at Sara, then Andi and Sam as if contemplating her options. “Sam, what are we going to do?” she began. “We have two nice sluts here. No waiting.”
Sam looked at the scene before him. He did not find Glenda attractive. No man in his right mind would. She could go from friendly to bitch in seconds. Still he did enjoy sharing his conquests with her. Most of the girls they caught shoplifting would never consider making charges against him when they learned they would have to admit that had eaten Glenda’s pussy. Glenda could be very forceful when she wanted to be. Because of her size, she didn’t get regular sex. She had found her best option was submissive girls, but even they were getting harder to find and more attractive dooms filled the local scene. Her job as a security guard worked well for her. Even the ones who did not like pussy would be mesmerized by Sam’s cock and eventually agree to do her in order to get at him.
Andi sat back and watched as the scene unfolded. She had heard about Sam through the grapevine. A woman who had shoplifted in Professional Woman had even told Maggie a story about Sam’s prowess. Andi was ready to find out first hand. Although she primarily enjoyed the company of women, Andi was not beyond taking pleasure from being penetrated by a man, especially when there were no strings attached. Based on the tent pole in Sam’s pants, Andi guessed he could satisfy both Sara and herself.
“OK sluts,” began Glenda. “I know what I want. I think Sara needs a little more rest, so we’re going to start with you Andi. I’m going to take off your handcuffs. You’re not going to try and run are you?”
“No mam,” answered Andi.
“Good. After I remove the cuffs I want you to take off your clothes. Every last stitch. I don’t want you changing your mind about leaving us before we are satisfied. “
Andi was not going anywhere. It had been several days since she and Maggie last played and she was primed for some attention. Andi quickly shed her clothes. Sam and Glenda smiled. Andi was as beautiful as Sara.
“Be a dear, Andi, and put your hands back behind your back again.”
Andi complied and Sam quickly reapplied the cuffs.
“OK girls,” Glenda said as if passing sentence. “You are about to meet first hand one of Chicago’s best cocks. If I could have your full attention please.”
Glenda wasted no time unfastening Sam’s belt and unbuttoning his trousers. With one swift motion, she pulled down his pants and underwear to his ankles. With her guidance, Sam quickly pulled off his pants. The two made a good team. They had done this countless times before. Sam’s cock was stiff, but not fully erect. Andi thought it looked angry. Sara still wasn’t thinking. She was, even now, just recovering from the orgasm she achieved humping the table.
Sam knew the drill. He started rocking his hips causing his cock to sway back and forth. Andi and Sara’s eyes followed the bouncing head as if they were watching a tennis match. They were mesmerized as they watched it grow harder. For her part, Glenda was watching the girls. She enjoyed the view of white girls seeing their first big black cock. She could tell Andi was particularly enthralled. Glenda knew Andi would soon be eating out of her hand.
Glenda moved behind Sam, reached around and gently grabbed his cock. Slowly lifting it up and down, she asked the girls if this is what they wanted? Both Andi and Sara nodded in agreement.
Glenda: “Andi, it seems like you enjoy bossing Sara around. Is this correct?”
Andi: “Yes mam. Both Maggie and I enjoy Sara’s willingness to serve.”
Glenda: “Maggie? You mean the owner of Professional Woman?”
Andi: “That is correct.”
Glenda: “I would not have guessed that. I always thought she was an uptight society bitch. I may have to pay her a visit.”
Andi snickered to herself. She knew Glenda was not Maggie’s type, but it would be fun watching Glenda make fun of herself trying to seduce her boss.
Glenda: “As I was starting to say… Andi, you have enjoyed having Sara serve you in the past. I think today it is only fair that you switch places and serve her. Besides, she needs to rest a little more before we break her in. I want you on your knees. Sam is hard, but not hard enough. Why don’t you put that pretty little mouth of yours to good work and get him rock solid.”
Andi smiled. Maggie made her suck her strap-on often enough. It would be a nice change to get a real dick in her mouth. Andi slid off the chair and took a position in front of Sam. Glenda was still waving Sam’s cock back and forth. Without the use of her hands, Andi was forced to bob her head in unison with Glenda’s pace and try to capture his tool. This was Glenda’s favorite part of the game. Each time Andi got close, Glenda would move his cock the other way. Then she would bring it back and slap it against Andi’s face. After the first couple of times, Glenda started taunting the young girl.
Glenda: “What’s wrong Andi? Can’t you get Sam’s dick in your mouth? What kind of slut are you? Certainly you have sucked cock before, haven’t you?”
Andi: “Not often mam and each of those men were more than happy to shove it in my face.”
Glenda: “Is that what you want me to do little girl?”
Andi: “No mam. I mean, yes mam. I mean, please just hold it still.”
Glenda liked that Andi was getting flustered. She released Sam’s cock and told Andi to continue. Glenda moved back around Sam and over to where Sara sat while Andi began to gobble Sam’s cock.
Glenda began messaging Sara’s breasts and teasingly rubbing Sara’s pussy while they watched the performance in front of them.
Glenda: “Do you like the vision before you?”
Sara: “It is exciting.”
Glenda: “Do you think Andi is sexy.”?
Sara: “Yes. We’ve been together a couple of times.”
Glenda: “Look at Sam’s cock. Have you ever had one as beautiful as that before?”
Sara: “No. It is kind of scary.”
Glenda: “Scary because it is black?”
Sara: “No, scary because of its width.”
Glenda continued quizzing Sara about her experiences while she teased the helpless housewife. Andi was doing the best she could, but without the use of her hands, she was struggling. Never before had she not been able to make a man cum within just a few minutes of taking him in her mouth. Without being able to stroke him, however, she was limited in how much of his staff she could stimulate. Andi was not adept at taking a cock down her throat, a lacking skill that Sam noticed.
Sam: “Damn girl, you are going to need to work on your cock-sucking skills if we are going to ever be together again. I’d bet Sara over there could take the whole thing.”
Andi was disappointed. She had never received a complaint before about her talents. She determined to redouble her efforts to bring him off. She began sucking harder and bobbing her head up and down faster. Sam just laughed at her efforts. He liked having the saliva drooling out of her mouth, but there was no way he was going to end the afternoon with just a simple blowjob. He was far too in control of his emotions for that to happen.
“You are just pathetic. I’d get more pleasure humping the table like Sara over there,” Sam bellowed. It wasn’t true, of course, but he knew the statement would help maintain his control over Andi.
Sam gave a quick wave to Glenda who stood back up and grabbed Sara by the arm.
“Your turn,” she said as she removed Sara’s handcuffs. “Lay back on the table with your butt on the edge and spread your legs.” Sara complied immediately.
Sam: “Now Andi, I know you’ve done this before. Let’s see if your pussy licking is better than your dick sucking. Get busy. I need her good and wet so I can fuck her.”
Andi stood up, walked around the table and then got back on her knees between Sara’s legs. Andi knew she could accomplish this task. Although she wished her hands were free, she knew she could bring Sara off with just her tongue. Andi found Sara’s pussy already wet and inviting. Glenda’s teasing had done its job and rekindled Sara’s desires. Sam and Glenda took positions on opposite sides of the table. Sam placed his cock in Sara’s left hand. She immediately knew what he wanted and started to stroke it. Sara expected Glenda to tell her to finger her, but instead she pickup up the camcorder Andi had been using and began to film the action.
“As long as your mistress wants proof of what a slut you are, Sara, we are happy to oblige. Be a good girl and look into the camera. I’m sure your mistress wants to see your pretty face.”
Sara turned her head toward Glenda who zoomed the viewfinder in tight on Sara’s face. The expression she showed was one of pure lust. Glenda then slowly zoomed out to show Sara’s hand keeping Sam hard while Andi happily slurped away at her pussy. For her part, Andi was happy to be giving Sara pleasure. Andi had been taught well by Maggie how to satisfy a pussy with her tongue, and within minutes she had Sara withering on the table, rocking back and forth. Glenda moved behind Andi to establish a point of view shot just in time to film Sara cumming. Although not as powerful as when she was masturbating on the desk, Sara felt satisfied.
Glenda: “Very good job Andi. Someone has obviously taught you how to service a pussy properly.”
Andi: “Thank you. Maggie always said I have certain talents.”
Glenda moved back over to the chairs, slide her skirt and panties off and sat down. “Let’s see just how talented you are. Get between my legs and don’t stop until I tell you,” she practically yelled.
Andi was disappointed she was not going to get Sam’s dick right then, but she dutifully changed position and began to service the fat woman’s pussy. Andi was repulsed by the smell and taste. Obviously this woman did not take care of her body. Andi made a mental note to concentrate of Glenda’s clit and try to finish her as quickly as she could. For her part, Glenda squeezed her legs together and held Andi’s head tightly. She also grabbed Andi’s hair and forced her to work up and down her slit whenever she felt Andi was not being enthusiastic enough.
As Andi continued her duties, Sam moved between the legs of a very compliant Sara. Placing her legs on his shoulders, he slid her down so her ass was hanging off the table.
“I’m going to fuck you good, so you might want to hold onto something,” he told her. Lying on her back, the only thing Sara could hold onto was the table edge near her butt.
Sam wrapped his strong arms around Sara’s legs and lifted her so her pussy was at the level of his cock, about 3 inches above the level of her head. He positioned the cock head at the entrance to Sara’s pussy and slowly started to insert it. If he was concerned that Sara would not be wet enough to allow him to enter easily, he did not need to be. Sam eased his cock into Sara with the straightforwardness of a man who knew exactly how to satisfy a woman. He went slowly, but never paused to let Sara catch her breath.
When he was finally buried all the way, Sam paused for about 10 seconds. Looking Sara in the eyes, he asked, “Are you ready for a serious pounding?”
Sara nodded.
Sam began rhythmically thrusting into the overheated woman. He started easy taking only about 4 inches out each stroke. So far Sara thought this wasn’t that different than Frank, except for the width. Soon, however, Sam had built up his pace and was taking at least 8 inches out each stroke. Other than her brief encounter with Cindy’s strap-on, Sara had never felt so full. Sam was tireless. His upper body strength made it easy to support Sara’s legs so her butt was free to float on his cock. Sara held onto the table for dear life. If she let go, she worried she would fly across the room. Sara’s breasts were bouncing back and forth wildly. Her scream of passion echoed off the walls. The confined space made them seem louder. Glenda in particular was starting to get annoyed. She like hearing her new play toy’s slurps and Sara was preventing that.
Grabbing Andi’s head and pulling it back, she motioned for the girl to pick up her panties. “Stick these in that slut’s mouth. I’m getting exhausted just listening to her. Andi was happy to jam Glenda’s panties in Sara’s mouth. If they smelled half a bad as Glenda’s pussy, Sara would soon be gagging and might shut up. Andi was jealous that she had not been fucked yet. Sam was certainly going to town on Sara. Andi was worried that he would cum before she got her chance. After putting the panties in Sara’s mouth, Andi kneeled down next to Glenda. She felt fortunate that Glenda did not pull her back down to service her further. For the time being, Glenda was satisfied watching Sam and Sara.
Glenda’s panties served as an adequate gag. Sara was still noisy, but at least the sound was not as piercing. Sam continued to savagely fuck her. Sara was just thinking that a mortal man would have cum already when she starting feeling the build-up to another of her own climaxes. Sara’s sounds changed at this point. She started chanting for Sam to fuck her harder. Her words, although muffled by the panties, were music to Sam’s ears. Sensing her impending climax, Sam pulled out and rolled Sara over on her stomach. Her legs quickly found solid footing and she braced herself for the onslaught to come. Sam quickly mounted her again and gave her 10 or 15 speedy strokes to reacclimatize her to his cock. Sam then pulled out and aimed squarely at Sara’s ass. Sara didn’t realize what was happening until she felt his cock pushing at her hole. With only limited experience of anal sex, Sara was terrified at the prospect of Sam’s monster trying to find its home in her butt. She didn’t have to worry long. Sam was not going to take no for an answer. With both hands, he pried apart Sara’s cheeks and rammed his cock into her unprotected asshole. Unlike when she had inserted the butt plug, Sam did not wait for her ass to stretch and accommodate him. Sara felt like she was going to lose bowel control as the sensation of his assault hit her full force. Sam wasn’t being gentle or loving. He was fucking her. With each lunge, Sam pushed Sara down onto the table. Her clit, trapped on the edge of the table once again, began spasming almost immediately. Sara’s face was contorted in a weird mix of pain and pleasure.
Glenda had seen that look before. This onslaught was almost over. Glenda stood up and grabbed Andi by the hair once again. She effortlessly pulled Andi, scrambling on the floor, over to where Sam was standing. “I want you to kneel here and prepare to take his load. Sit on your hands and tilt your head back,” were Glenda’s simple instructions.
Sara had reached her peak and again began an intense orgasm. Sam furiously continued to pound into her until he could hold back no longer. As he pulled out, Glenda grabbed his cock and aimed it squarely at Andi’s face. With a couple of well-timed strokes, Sam unloaded a torrent of cum onto the teenager. Without her hands to defend herself, Andi had to sit back and take the onslaught. Cum rained down her face, over her lips and dripped down her heaving chest. When at last she didn’t feel any more spurts hitting her, she opened her eyes to the flash of a camera bulb and a smiling Glenda.
“You’re not quite done yet,” said Sam. First Sara over there is going to clean your face. Then you are going to clean my cock.”
Sara was in little condition to move, let alone protest. Andi stood and walked over to the other side of the table. Glenda gave Sara a quick slap on the ass to get her moving.
“Don’t let your friend just stand there dripping, lick that cum off her face.”
Sara weakly moved to her knees and started licking the cum, which had dripped onto Andi’s breasts. Andi, having not been able to orgasm throughout this ordeal was enjoying the attention she was finally getting. Sara started slowly but soon was sucking on Andi’s nipples and even tried to reach forward to finger her pussy. Glenda put a stop to that with another smack to Sara’s ass. “I said clean her face, not make her cum.”
Sara smiled at Andi as if to say she tried and continued lapping at the now drying sperm. Andi’s face was a mess. Sara did her best to lick her clean, but in truth, she was more interested in making out with her friend. Each time her mouth neared Andi’s, Sara made sure to give her a passionate kiss. She would then move away from her mouth and lick more jizz from her face.
Sara got her third wind by this nasty act. She realized Andi was enjoying her attention and this was a chance to pay her back with a little teasing. While she was licking Andi’s face, Sara started to tweak her nipples. As long as Sara was sucking up Sam’s load, Glenda let her continue. Sara rolled Andi’s nipples between her fingers while licking her face and stopping every so often to kiss her.
Glenda and Sam were certainly happy with what they saw. Sam in particular. His cock had not deflated after he shot it load. Seeing one woman licking his cum off another was a definite turn on. Seeing Andi respond positively was also exciting. This young girl worked in the mall. If he played his cards right, today’s activities could become regular events.
Eventually Sara finished and concentrated on kissing Andi. Glenda quickly pulled her off and sat her back down on the chair. Andi looked at Sam and without shame asked him to fuck her.
Sam was willing, of course. If one white woman was good, then having two in the same day was better. Sam sat down on the other chair, his cock standing at attention like a flagpole. He motioned Andi over and spun her around so she faced Glenda and Sara. Sam gave Andi’s backside a little tug and she began her decent. Sam’s cock filled her pussy completely. Andi waited several agonizing seconds impaled on the monster before starting to slide up and down. Sara watched intently as Andi’s expression changed from one of ache at stretching to accommodate her new lover to one of bliss as she rode Sam like a champion cowgirl. Over and over she rocked up and down his cock. Her plaintiff wails growing. Sara was enjoying the show and began playing with her own pussy.
“You really are quite a slut Sara, aren’t you?” questioned Glenda. “If you ever get tired of your current situation, stop by a visit us. I’m sure you would like another crack at Sam.”
“I would like that very much,” replied Sara.
Andi’s gyrations were reaching a fever pitch. Usually she could not climax just from penetration, but with her brain on overload from the entire afternoon, she was almost there.
Just then Sam grunted and lifted her off his cock. Andi turned to face him just as his cock head swelled and a swift moving, although much smaller load arched out of his body and back onto hers. Andi fought to hold back tears of frustration as Glenda told Sara to massage the cum into Andi’s skin.
Andi was happy to feel Sara’s touch again, but she knew no orgasm was forthcoming. This is what she and Maggie did to other girls. It wasn’t supposed to happen to her.
After Sara was done with Andi, Glenda had her clean off Sam’s cock with a quick blowjob. Sara was all too happy to oblige. Glenda then told the girls to get dressed an leave. She handed them the camcorder and told them the surveillance footage would be ready for pickup tomorrow.
Sara and Andi walked back to the store. Sara was sore and satisfied. Andi was on edge. As they walked into the store, Maggie knew something different had happened. Not only because two hours had past but also by the girls messy hair and rumpled clothing.
Maggie: “Do you want to tell me about it?”
Andi: “I will tell you everything, but first I need to cum.”
Maggie: “No problem, why don’t you head to my office. I’ll be right there.”
Sara watched as Andi walked down the hallway.
Maggie: “I don’t suppose you want to give me the details do you?”
Sara: “I’d love to but I really need to get home and Andi really needs you right now.
Maggie: “Ok, I’m sure Andi will tell me after I finished with her. Your clothes are in a box in the dressing room. Flip the closed sign on your way out, will you?”
Sara watched Maggie strut down the hall. Instead of turning into her office, however, she went into the leather showroom. Sara was confused until Maggie returned a few seconds later holding a ridding crop in her hand. With a wink to Sara, Maggie opened the office door.
Sara went to the dressing room and retrieved her clothes. Part of her wanted to go into the office, but she was too shredded to really consider that option. It was late in the day and she needed to get home.
Sara was pleased with herself. Certainly Mistress Heather would not be able to resist her after she heard the story and saw the video evidence. Sara walked out of the mall with a spring in her step, excited to document the day’s events in an email to her mistress.
Sara was worn out after Friday's activities at the mall. She wanted nothing more than to sleep in as late as she could. She knew the kids would be off hanging out with their friends and that Frank would busy himself around the house. At 7:45 a phone call woke her up. Frank picked up the phone in the kitchen, but the damage was done. Sara was wide-awake.
The call was from Jim Anderson, her husband's boss. He said one of the players in his regular foursome came down ill last night and they had an opening. He asked Frank if he would like to play golf today. Without even checking with Sara, he said he would love to. Jim told Frank he would pick him up in an hour.
Frank came upstairs to find Sara still in bed, but obviously upset about being awake. He gave her a good morning hug and a light kiss on the lips. Looking a little sheepish, he told Sara about his invitation to play golf. Although Sara was secretly happy Frank would not be home today, it would give her time to send a lengthy email to Mistress Heather without being disturbed, she could let him off the hook too easy. She chided him for not wanting to spend time with her. He responded that playing golf with the boss was good for his career and therefore good for her also. After a brief exchange, Sara gave in and told him to have a good time.
Since she was awake already, Sara figured she should shower and start the day. Yesterday she had taken a quick shower when she got back from the mall, lest the odor from Sam and Glenda's fucking be too pronounced. This morning she had time so she figured a leisurely bath was in order. If she couldn't sleep in, at least she could luxuriate in the tub for half and hour. Sara drew a hot bath and poured scented bath oils into the water. While waiting for the tub to fill, she tried to examine her ass in the bathroom mirror. This was something she had never really done before. She still felt tender on her backside and wondered if there was any visual evidence of her activities. Having never really looked at her asshole, Sara wasn't sure what was normal and what was irregular. It looked normal to her, although there might be a little swelling. After the onslaught it took yesterday, Sara figured it was in good shape.
By now the tub was full and Sara lowered herself into the inviting water. The hot water felt great washing over her. Sara lay back and let the warmth soak into her bones, the bath oils teasing her nostrils with the scent of lavender. Sara felt totally alive. After about 20 minutes, the water had cooled enough for Sara to think about getting out. Having not shaved her legs for a while, she figured now would be a good time. She got out of the tub and retrieved her razor from the vanity drawer. While pulling out the drawer, her pubic hair caught her eye. She had never shaved her pussy before, but her brain snapped back into slut mode and told her that is what she should do. Certainly Mistress Heather would like her more if she were bare.
Sara rooted around in the drawer for a small scissors. Some years back Frank had grown a beard and used them to trim it when it got too bushy. Sara found them buried under a bunch of other things they never used. Sara wasn't exactly sure how to start. She sat down in her make-up chair and tried to bend over to get a good look at where to trim. She was semi successful, but wanted a better view. Looking back onto the vanity countertop, she spied a medium sized hand mirror she sometimes used to get a close-up view of her make-up. She picked up the mirror and examined her pussy. Sara now had a good view, but not much room to work. Her solution was to lift and spread her legs and place them on the countertop. There has to be an easier way, she thought, but at the moment this would work fine.
Sara made quick work trimming her pubic hair down to fine stubble. She then returned to the bathtub with her razor, shaving cream and the mirror.
Sara quickly dispatched the hair on her legs and under her arms. Like so many times before, this task took only around 5 minutes. Shaving her pussy would be more difficult. Even though she used a safety razor, Sara was not about to take chances with her most private of body parts. She determined the best position would be lying on her back so she could hold the mirror above herself. Sara let out most of the water so her pussy was clearly accessible. She then lathered it up and let the cream soften the hair for a few moments. What a vision she was, lying in an almost empty bathtub with a mirror and razor in her hands with a shaving cream covered pussy.
Sara again had the problem of having enough room to operate, so she draped her left leg over the side of the tub. "Thank God I remembered to lock the door," she thought to herself. "Somehow I don't think Frank would understand what I am doing."
Carefully, ever so carefully, Sara proceeded to shave the stubble from around her pussy. She left a little right around the lips. Without a free hand, she didn't feel comfortable going in too tight, but at least it was a start. After she finished shaving, she turned on the handheld nozzle from the tub. With the gentle spray, she washed away the shaving cream remnants. Unprotected by hair, the arching water droplets we free to contact with her clit, an unexpected but very welcome bonus. Why didn't I do this before?" went through Sara's mind as the soothing water flow tickled her most sensitive region.
Sara was tempted to hold the nozzle in place and pleasure herself, but she wanted to see Frank off and didn't want him to get suspicious why she had been in the bathroom for so long. Reluctantly, Sara got out of the bathtub and toweled off. She looked in the mirror once again and liked the bald vision reflecting back to her. "No wonder men like shaved women," she thought. "I hope Mistress Heather likes it too."
Sara looked out the window. The sun was shining and it looked like a glorious spring day. "Perhaps a nice run would be a good way to enjoy the day," Sara thought. Heading to her walk in closet, Sara picked out the same running outfit she had worn to the park the day Cindy Anderson seduced her. The grease stain had not fully come out from where Cindy had spanked her with the spatula, but it really wasn't noticeable. Sara wasn't dressing to be noticed, at least not outrageously so. To her tight white running shorts, Sara added her running bra with a pink crop top, which showed her abs to nice effect, along with white socks and running shoes. As she started to dress, Sara decided a little hidden fun would be nice and grabbed one of the thongs she got from Susan at Victoria Secret instead of her usual cotton running underwear. Although totally unnoticeable, just knowing she was nearly bare and cleanly shaven beneath her shorts excited Sara. As she looked in the mirror one last time while walking out of the bedroom, Sara was pleased with what she saw. Fit and trim, she did not look like a 37-year-old woman. Sara thought she could pass for 27 if she tried. Satisfied with her outfit, Sara headed downstairs just as Jim Anderson was arriving.
Frank: "Honey, Jim is here. Can you open the door? I have to get my clubs."
Sara: "Sure."
Sara opened the door as Jim was heading to the garage.
Jim: "Good morning Sara. I heard you had an interesting day yesterday."
"How does everyone always know what I have done," Sara thought to herself.
Sara: "Shhh. Frank doesn't know."
Frank: "Don't worry; your extracurricular activities are our little secret. By the way, Cindy is expecting you at our house in 15 minutes."
Sara started to blush as Frank appeared from the garage carrying his clubs. He set them down and came over to give Sara a quick goodbye kiss.
Frank: "Thanks for letting me play today, honey. I'll make it up to you tomorrow."
Sara: "Don't worry, dear. I'll find someway to amuse myself."
With that exchange, Jim and Frank headed toward the car and Sara walked back into the house. With only 15 minutes to get to Cindy's house, Sara didn't have time to change. She scampered upstairs to retrieve the Ben Wa balls and butt plug. Sara looked out the window and saw Jim's car pulling out of the driveway. Satisfied they were gone, she ran downstairs, grabbed her purse and headed to the garage. Sara's mind was filled with questions as she drove the two miles to Jim and Cindy's house. She wondered what Cindy would make her do. Cindy had already threatened to punish Sara for not returning the toys last Sunday. Sara worried what that might entail, but at the same time, she was looking forward to submitting to the older woman again.
Cindy arrived at the house with two minutes to spare. She gleefully trotted up to the front door. There was a note taped on it. Sara could not believe what she read.
"Welcome slut Sara. If you are reading this note, you got Jim's message. Slaves are not allowed to use the front door. You are to take your clothes off and then walk, don't run, around the house to the basement door. The door will be unlocked. You will find additional items and instructions on the pool table. You are to follow the instructions and wait for me." The note was signed Cindy.
Sara was not surprised by the content of the note. This type of treatment and the tone was in line with how her relationship with Cindy had evolved. What surprised Sara was that it was on the front door of the house. Anyone walking up to the door, the UPS driver, a girl scout selling cookies, anyone could have read the message. Sara also was not too keen about removing her clothes on the front porch. The Anderson's lived at the end of a cull-d-sac so at least there would be no drive by traffic. Sara peaked around the side of the house and didn't see any neighbors outside. She figured the odds of someone watching the front door were minimal, so she quickly dispatched her crop top and running shorts. Standing in her running bra and thong, Sara once again made a quick assessment of the block. It was still quiet, so her shoes and socks were next to come off. With a deep breath completed, Sara finally pulled off her bra and pulled down her thong. A rush of excitement flowed through her body. She was proud of herself for being able to strip in public, even if nobody was watching. Two weeks ago she never would have been able to do that.
Sara left her clothes on the front porch, grabbed her purse and calmly walked around the fieldstone path to the back of Jim and Cindy's house. The last time she made this trip she was fully clothed and the sun was setting. Today she did it naked and in broad daylight. Because of the location of their lot, only one house had any windows that faced the side of the house. Sara didn't notice any lights on, but she quickened her step, just in case. The cull-de-sac dead-ended into a large expanse of wetlands. There were no houses that backed to Jim and Cindy's for at least 500 feet, maybe more. As Sara moved into the backyard, she started noticing how nice the landscaping was. The only other time she was there, she was too distracted to look. The yard had been professionally landscaped, that was for sure. There were trees, shrubs, bushes, a garden and a gazebo with what looked like a hot tub. Very nice, Sara thought. Maybe someday we will be able to afford to live in a house like this.
Sara approached the door to the basement. She was surprised there was no note attached to it. Sara half expected more instructions before entering the house. Sliding the glass door open, Sara walked inside. Looking around, Sara started thinking about the last time she was there. Her memories flowed as she looked at the couch and even the door to the unfinished section. Sara felt her pussy moisten. She would have liked to spend more time reminiscing, but her peripheral vision caught the edge of the pool table. Quickly moving too it, Sara spied a number of items, although no clothes. True to the instructions on the front door, there was another piece of paper. Sara dropped purse on the pool table and picked up the note.
"You've done well this week, my pet. I will be back in town Tuesday night. If I receive a good report from Cindy, I will send for you on Wednesday. If I don't, this will be the last contact we have. You are to put these items on that lovely body, bend over the pool table and wait for Cindy. Follow her instructions for the remainder of the day. Serve her as you want to serve me and you will do fine." - Mistress Heather.
Sara read the note twice, her arousal becoming more insistent. With her left hand, Sara brought the note to her nostrils and took a deep breath. The paper smelled faintly of the perfume Sara knew to be her Mistress' scent. Sara's right hand moved down to her pussy and began rubbing her outer lips. Sara took another deep sniff of the paper and then looked down at the top of the pool table.
There six item, five made from leather. The first item was ankle cuffs with a short chain holding them together. The second was a belt with a small strip of leather running from the front to the back. It took Sara a couple of moments to figure out the function of the strip. She wasn't pleased when she realized it was a chastity belt. This might be a long day indeed. Third was the only non-leather item. Sara recognized this item immediately. They were nipple clamps. Fourth was another set of leather cuffs. They were padded on the inside and clipped together. Fifth was a collar with a large D-ring on both the front and back. The last item was a blindfold. Sara had a love/hate relationship with being blindfolded. On the hate side, she wanted to know what was going on and who was doing it to her. At the same time, she had never been as turned on as she was lying in her bed the first time Mistress Heather had taken her when she couldn't see what was happening. Absent from the table was any type of footwear. This surprised Sara because she assumed there would be leather boots or some kind of high heels.
Sara took just a moment examining the items spread before her and then started getting "dressed." It didn't take long. She started with the leg cuffs. Sara sat on the cold basement floor and attached both cuffs. The chain between them was only about twelve inches long. Sara would not be able to move very quickly. Standing back up proved to be more of a challenge than she anticipated. Without being able to spread her legs, Sara had difficultly gaining the necessary leverage to stand up. After two failed attempts, Sara rolled onto her knees and used the edge of the pool table to pull herself up.
Next, Sara had to decide what to put on next. Clearly the wrist cuff would have to be last. Sara assumed her hands were to be bound behind her back, so that made their position in the order simple. The blindfold would theoretically have to be second to last, so Sara had three options. She chose the collar next. Sara wanted to wait as long as possible to put on the clamps and wasn't too thrilled about the chastity belt either.
The collar fit very tight. Much tighter, in fact, than the last one, she remembered. There were two big rings, one in the front and one in the back, in addition to two smaller rings on the sides. The collar was also wider than before, covering most of her neck. Sara wondered what was likely to be attached. She didn't see a leash, but obviously the collar was there for a reason.
Next Sara put on the chastity belt. Her pussy was very wet by this point and she was disappointed to cover it up. Sara had been discretely feeling herself up and knew she could make herself cum with little additional effort. This belt was her signal not to continue. The strap, which ran from the front to the back, was wide enough to cover both her pussy lips and the crack of her ass. When she tightened the belt, she attempted to sneak a finger underneath, but that was not going to happen. The stubble from where she had shaved her pussy rubbed against the strap in a most irritating way. This seemingly minor annoyance grew in importance as Sara attempted to walk to a wall mirror to look at how the collar and belt looked. The rubbing of the stubble was very noticeable and not in a pleasurable way. Still Sara liked what she saw in the mirror. She had become more accustomed to wearing leather and her light skin set off the black color. The smell of the leather collar permeated her thoughts. She knew why she was wearing it and the scent was becoming a memory fragrance. Mistress Heather knew that soon, every time Sara smelled leather, it would turn her on. Mistress Heather understood how scent was the strongest of the five senses for memory recall. It is why she always wore the same perfume around Sara and had put the aroma on her note. Mistress Heather was an expert at programming the unconscious mind of a submissive. She had big plans for Sara and everything had a purpose.
After allowing herself a few stolen moments looking in the mirror, Sara was brought back to reality by the faint sound of a garage door opening. "Cindy must be home and I'm not fully dressed," snapped into her mind.
Sara hobbled back to the pool table and grabbed the nipple clamps. She rubbed her right nipple with her index and middle finger, but for some reason it wasn't getting hard enough to put the clamp on it. Sara began to panic. Cindy would be here in moments and Sara's procrastination would cost her. Sara tried to focus on "sexy thoughts" but her unnerved state was in control instead of her arousal. Sara heard Cindy's footsteps move across the floor above her. She shut her eyes and tried to think back to the fucking she received at the mall. She bent over the pool table and rubbed her breasts on the felt while remembering Sam slamming into her unprotected pussy. Sara was still having trouble focusing and a vision of Mistress Heather whipping her ass as punishment replaced Sam's face. She was still being fucked, only this time is was her Mistress' strap-on doing the penetrating. This visualization did the trick. Sara's pussy became wetter and her nipples stiffened enough to allow her to attach the clamps. The note didn't specify how tight to make the clamps, so Sara just made them tight enough to stay on by themselves. Sara then grabbed the blindfold and put it on her forehead. After it was ready to be put in place, Sara grabbed the wrist cuffs attaching one to each wrist. Finally she pulled the blindfold down, swung her arms behind herself and clipped the cuffs together. As she heard the footsteps approach the basement door, Sara bent her over the pool table once again and waited for Cindy to come downstairs.
Sara's mind was racing with thoughts about what was to come. She heard footsteps upstairs, but could not decide how many people were walking around. It could be one, two or three. Her mind could not come to a decision and was playing tricks on her. Certainly Jim would not be home. Or would he. Perhaps the golf game was just a ruse and he had told Frank everything. Sara struggled with that thought. She wanted to tell Frank but was unsure about how he would react. Sara rattled the chain between her wrist cuffs. Positioned as they were, she could not unclip them. Escape was not an option. Whatever was going to happen was going to happen. Minutes passed. Sara could hear her heart beating. Sara began to lose track of time. How long had she been bent over the table? Sara strained to hear anything. All movement upstairs seemed to have stopped. Did Cindy leave? Was this her punishment?
Finally Sara heard the basement door open and footsteps on the stairs.
Cindy: "My, my, what do we have here?"
Sara: "A slut."
Cindy: "Good answer. Have you brought back my toys?"
Sara: "Yes mam."
Cindy: "Very good. Keep your answers short, don't speak unless spoken to and we will get along fine today."
Sara: "Yes mam."
Sara could sense Cindy moving around her, as if appraising what she saw.
Cindy: "You've done well, little one. Any problems carrying out my orders."
Sara: "No mam."
Cindy: "Good. As I recall, I told you to return my toys last Sunday and you did not. What type of punishment do you think you deserve."
Sara: "Whatever you decide, mam."
Cindy: "You are learning fast. I think a spanking is in order, but not just yet. Have you had a fun week since our last party?"
Sara: "Yes mam."
Cindy: "I'll bet. I've been following your exploits via our Club email exchange. I would like to hear about it in your own words. Let's go upstairs where I can be more comfortable."
Sara felt something click onto the front of her collar, a lead no doubt she thought. Then she felt something click onto the back of her collar. She wasn't so sure what that could be. Next, she felt Cindy string another strap under her wrists pulling them upward. The strap was then clipped onto the back of the collar. Sara's arms were now effectively secured at a slightly painful angle. Cindy then gave Sara a sharp swat on the butt and pulled on the lead attached to the front of the collar and told Sara to start moving.
Slowly, ever so slowly as the ankle chain would not allow her to move fast, Sara was lead to the stairs.
Cindy: "You probably can't walk up the stairs. The chain will not allow it, at least not until you have practiced more. With your arms tied like they are, I don't think crawling up the stairs will work much better. We probably should use the walk-out entrance and then around to the kitchen door."
Sara was mortified. Walking naked through the yard was one thing. Shuffling around bound like a prisoner was another. Sara felt the lead slacken as Cindy pulled on the chain between the nipple clamps instead.
Cindy: "Come on now slut, you know you want this."
Cindy lead Sara to the sliding door by tugging then releasing the nipple clamp chain. She didn't pull them hard. She didn't need to. Sara moved along willingly. She didn't want to voice an answer to Cindy's assertion, but Sara knew Cindy was right.
Cindy dropped the chain and slid open the door. Without prompting, Sara continued to shuffle her feet and once again felt the spring air on her naked flesh. Cindy picked up the lead and pulled Sara indicating she should speed up. Although still slow, Cindy's pace frequently had Sara almost tripping. Sara struggled to climb the hill leading to the main level and was relieved to feel the patio beneath her feet.
Cindy: "You look a little cold. We you chilly downstairs?"
Sara: "A little mam."
Cindy: "I've got to set a couple of things up. Why don't you stay out here in the sun?"
Sara: "I'd rather come inside with you."
Cindy: "Nonsense. Don't you want to enjoy the glorious day? Besides, does it really matter what you want?"
Sara: "No mam."
Cindy released the chain between the wrist cuffs and took off the strap attaching the cuffs to the collar. She then pushed Sara down onto a chaise lounge instructing her to stretch out and relax. As Sara eased her legs down the length of the lounge, Cindy grabbed each arm and pulled it above Sara's head. Clipping them together, Cindy quickly used the strap to secure Sara's arms to the top of the chair. Although the blindfold was still in place, Sara could picture exactly what she looked like on the chaise. The image excited her as did the fact that she was tied outside.
Cindy: "I'll be back in a few minutes. Don't go anywhere."
Sara snickered to herself. Again Sara lost track of time. A warm spring sun baked her body and felt wonderful. It was warm, but not too warm of a day. Sara's hearing again became acute trying to pick up the sounds around her. She heard cars traveling nearby streets, a commuter train in the distance and a lawn mower starting. Sara worried that a lawn service might start working on the yard. She could picture Cindy leaving her outside as an incentive for the crew to do a good job. But try as she did, Sara could not pick up any sounds directly in the yard.
About 15 minutes, or was it half an hour or an hour, later, Sara heard the kitchen door open again. She then felt hands begin to massage her breasts from behind her head.
Cindy: "I'm ready inside. Do you want to come in?"
Sara: "Yes mam I do."
Sara discerned Cindy moving toward her legs. She felt a slight tug as the hobble chain was removed. Sara then felt Cindy's hands moving up her legs.
Cindy: "So smooth. Did you shave them today."
Sara: "Yes mam. And my pussy too."
Cindy: "Really? How did that make you feel."
Sara: "Like a young girl. I'm afraid I had difficultly and didn't do a very good job. I struggled seeing where I was cutting and I didn't want to hurt myself."
Cindy: "There are a few tricks to the trade I can help you with."
Cindy then reached up and removed the strap between Sara's legs. The strap was slick with Sara's juices and the smell of her arousal permeated the air. Cindy slid a finger into Sara to confirm what she already knew.
Cindy: "You are the turned on little slut, aren't you?"
Sara: "Yes mam. Please let me cum."
Cindy: "Not just yet. I see what you mean about doing a bad job."
Sara flinched as Cindy pulled on the stubble.
Cindy: "Heather likes her sluts to shave, but you had better learn to it right. If someone went down on you right now you would scratch them."
Sara was embarrassed by this critique of her pussy hair. It felt surreal.
Cindy: "Don't worry. I needed to shave you anyway so I'll take care of it."
Sara was confused. She had already shaved her legs and Cindy said they were smooth. Her wandering mind was short lived as Cindy next unceremoniously removed the nipple clamps. Sara cried out as the blood rushed back into her nipples.
Cindy: "I think an hour is long enough for the clamps."
An hour? Is that how long Sara has been here? Sara was sure it was at least twice that long. It also meant she had at least 4 more hours before Cindy would need to send her home. A lot could happen in 4 hours, Sara thought as she felt the wrist cuffs being removed.
Sara was once again naked, except for the collar and belt. Cindy then removed the blindfold and told Sara to walk into the living room. Sara quickly complied, not wanted to spend any more time naked outside.
Cindy: "First I want to talk to you for a while, then I'll clean up the parts of your shave job you missed. OK?"
Sara: "Yes mam."
Cindy sat down on the sofa and motioned for Sara to sit on the floor in front of her. Cindy began to instruct Sara as to what Mistress Heather expected of her. The list was not very long. Absolute loyalty, obeying all commands instantly and without hesitation and never cumming without permission. The entire time Cindy spoke to Sara, she was stroking Sara's hair as if she was petting a dog. Cindy explained that Mistress Heather had plenty of young sluts willing to serve her, but she was still looking for someone worthy of being her slave. That position had special meaning and Sara's efforts would be rewarded if she was chosen.
At this point, Cindy picked up the remote and turned on her TV. The image was instantly recognizable. It was Sara in her wedding dress spread eagled on her bed. For the first time, Sara could see the joy on Mistress Heather's face as she took part in Sara's debasement. This made Sara even more determined to be chosen by Mistress Heather.
Cindy: "I must say, Heather did enjoy herself much more than usual with a first timer. She has a soft spot for you, but don't let that go to your head. If you cross her, she will throw you away and ruin your marriage."
Sara and Cindy continued to watch the video. The more Sara became aroused on the screen, the more she became aroused on Cindy's floor. Cindy continued to stroke her hair and would occasionally slide a finger down the side of Sara's neck. This caused a shiver to run down Sara's spine every time she did it. When the video ended, Sara wanted nothing more than to cum like she did that day in her bed.
Cindy: "I know what you are thinking, but it's not going to happen yet. First I have to clean you up."
Sara was led up the stairs to the master bathroom. Cindy instructed her to sit on the side of the tub with her legs inside. Cindy started warm water flowing into the tub, but didn't put the stopper in. She then took off her clothes and got into the tub in front of Sara. Sara squirmed a little as Cindy pushed two fingers into her pussy.
Cindy: "Just checking, making sure your motor is still running."
Cindy then took a can of shaving crème, shook it up and sprayed a small amount onto her hand. She then spread the crème around and over Sara's pussy.
Cindy: "Having somebody else to this is always easier, however you will learn to do it yourself quickly enough. Mistress Heather will have you shave before every visit. You will need a mirror you don't have to hold. That way you can grip your labia with one hand and shave with the other. It really isn't that hard."
Cindy was quick and efficient, after all, Sara had done most of the work. Cindy rinsed off the remnants of the cream and told Sara it was time to shave the part she missed. Sara was confused. Except for the edges of her pussy, she thought she had done a good job. Cindy told Sara to stand, turn and bend over the side of the tub. She then gave Sara another hard slap on her ass.
Cindy: "You forgot to shave your ass, dumb slut."
Sara: "I'm sorry. It never occurred to me. Why should I shave my ass? It's not hairy."
Cindy: "Don't question me. You will learn soon enough."
Cindy's tone had taken on a rougher edge. Sara still did not understand, but she thought better than to question Cindy.
Cindy applied a generous amount of shaving cream to Sara's butt.
Cindy: "Bend over more. I need this ass as tight as it can be."
Sara bent as the waist and reached down as far as she could. Cindy began shaving her cheeks. The razor glided over the smooth flesh. Sara could not feel anything being removed, but was struck by the sheer erotic nature of another woman shaving her. Cindy finished quickly and once again placed two fingers into Sara's pussy. They met no resistance as her juices had flooded the cavity long before. Sara moaned at the invasion.
As she slowly pumped her fingers in and out, Cindy spoke. "Don't even thing about cumming. I have not forgotten about you not returning my toys and it is time for your punishment. Wipe your ass with a towel and come into the bedroom. Sara did as she was instructed. Cindy was waiting for her, a bottle of baby oil in her hand.
Cindy sat down on a padded bench in front of the bed. She motioned for Sara to lay across her lap. As she did, Cindy opened the baby oil and squeezed out a generous amount onto Sara's backside.
Cindy: "I know the shaving of your ass was confusing. What you will find is the spanking you are about to receive will be much sharper after the shaving and administration of the baby oil. You will be squirming and begging in just a moment. Don't worry, because that is just how I like a submissive to act. You are going to get 10 spanks for each day you were late returning my toys. I think that is very fair, don't you?"
Sara didn't get a chance to respond before the first blow landed on her right cheek. Cindy was right, the sting was much more pronounced and traveled like lightning to her brain.
Cindy: "I forgot, you are supposed to count. I will begin again."
The spanking was expert. There was no other way to describe it. Sara did her best to count along. There were tears in her eyes by the time number 10 had been delivered. By number 20 Sara was squirming and struggling to keep count. At number 30, Cindy moved her knee so Sara's clit would rub against it. Now with each slap, Sara moaned before saying its number. At number 40 Cindy had to warn Sara that any missed number about mean they had to start over. She also warned her against cumming while reaching Sara's clit from behind and giving it a quick rub. Sara turned her head and shot Cindy a look that would freeze water, but she said nothing. Cindy gave Sara the last 10 strokes rapid fire not waiting for her to count. Sara was a quivering mess, struggling not to climax. Cindy stood up dropping Sara on the floor in a heap.
Cindy: "I've got a few chores around the house I need your help with, but first you are going to make me cum. Tanning that gorgeous ass of yours has my pussy all a tingling."
Cindy stood up and walked over to a small chair at her make-up stand, sat down and spread her legs. Sara watched as Cindy dipped a finger into her own pussy making a squishy sound.
Cindy: "I know your pussy would make the same sound if I did this."
Cindy then pulled her finger out showing Sara the glistening moisture coating it.
Cindy: "I want you to climb back on the bed. Get on your hands and knees and show me your ass. I want to see how red your cheeks are."
Sara complied. She needed to cum and would do whatever Cindy asked. From behind her, Sara could hear the sounds of Cindy finger fucking herself. The sounds of a woman enjoying herself filled the room. Sara looked straight ahead at the headboard. After a couple of minutes, the sounds stopped. Sara wondered what was happening. From the corner of her eye, Sara saw Cindy opening the top drawer of her nightstand. Without a word, Cindy removed a silver metallic vibrator. "Old faithful," she said to Sara with a wink.
Sara heard Cindy turn the vibrator on as she walked past the end of the bed. Sara then felt another stinging slap on her ass.
Cindy: "I just wanted to make sure I still had your attention, sweetie."
Sara nodded in agreement. Sara then felt the tip of the vibrator brushing against her pussy lips. Immediately Sara began to rotate her hips trying to get the phallus inside her.
Cindy: "Oh, does pet want to get fucked?"
Sara: "Oh, yes mam. More than anything."
Cindy pushed the vibrator deep into Sara, but then removed it. Sara groaned in frustration. Again Cindy inserted the metal spike and then removed it just as Sara began to show signs of enjoying it.
Cindy: "I want your face down in the pillow and your ass up as high as you can."
Sara sensed Cindy walking back to the chair. The buzzing sounds of the vibrator were muted as it was obviously deep inside Cindy. Cindy's moans were getting stronger and more frequent.
Cindy: "Play with that pussy of your slut. I want to see fingers banging and I want to hear the sounds of a dripping pussy."
Sara didn't need to be asked twice. She reached between her legs and started to finger fuck herself. Her ass was on fire from the spanking and she needed release. She could hear Cindy's passion across the room and assumed it would not be long before her friend climaxed.
Cindy: "I said play with yourself. I didn't say you could cum. You do whatever you need to not to orgasm."
Sara didn't like that last command. She was in heat and didn't think she could hold back. She slowed down her hand speed making sure she was giving Cindy a good show with as little stimulation to herself as possible. She also buried her head in the pillow and screamed to release some of her dissatisfaction. Cindy was enjoying the show. The vision of the young wife so deeply under her control took her over the edge in a splendid orgasm. Sara heard the screams of passion and cursed Cindy under her breath. She was jealous in the extreme.
Cindy rode out her orgasm then walked back over to Sara and slapped her on the ass again.
Cindy: "You were wise to not cum. Mistress Heather deplores slaves who can't control their wanton desires. If you are good the rest of the day, I will let you cum. But right now, I need to cum again. Lay on your back and pretend I have tied you spread eagled to the bed."
Sara rolled onto her back. The pain on her backside was evident. Sara hoped this would not last long. At least in this position, she can't be spanked, she thought. Cindy ordered Sara to clean off the vibrator and unceremoniously slid it into her mouth. Sara hated the taste of the metal, but the taste of Cindy overcame her revulsion.
After 30 seconds, or so, Cindy walked back over to her nightstand, returned the silver vibrator and pulled out a slim, curved dildo with a strap attached. Cindy walked back over to Sara and explained that this was a chin dildo. It was similar to a strap-on, except the holder was shaped like a human's chin. Cindy buckled it around Sara's face, the business end sticking obscenely up just below Sara's mouth.
Cindy: "Ok sweetness, I'm going to ride your face now. Keep your arms and legs spread. I want you to keep your mouth open and lick my clit on the down strokes. This dildo is curved so, if I do it right, it will stimulate my g-spot and you will get an amusing shower when I cum again."
With that Cindy climbed upon a very humble Sara. Sara had a close up view of Cindy's breasts rising and falling above her. That was pretty much it. She really could not see Cindy's face. Sara did remember to keep her mouth open, but she was not able to do as much with her tongue as she had hoped. Cindy really didn't care. The tongue action was really just to help keep Sara in her place. Cindy was getting all the stimulation she needed from the dildo. This toy was one of her favorites. Especially if she has just cum before she uses it, Cindy's g-spot becomes very sensitive. As she pounded Sara's face, she knew it would be long before she ejaculated on Sara.
Cindy picked up her pace. Sara lay motionless waiting for the inevitable, unable to stimulate herself. Cindy was moaning continually. Time was now short. Cindy arched backward changing the angle of penetration just enough to hit the spongy tissue of her g-spot full force. Almost immediately she began to orgasm again shooting a thick stream of girl juice all over Sara's face. Cindy continued humping her toy as Sara tried to spit out the fluid from her mouth. She had never seen a woman squirt before and it both excited and nauseated her at the same time.
Eventually Cindy calmed down and dismounted Sara's chin. Breathing heavily, Cindy thanked Sara, although Sara wasn't sure what roll she really played.
Cindy: "I know you really want to cum right now. I'm sure I could make you cum by spanking you again, whipping your pussy or just telling you to finger yourself. But I can't do that just yet."
Sara looked downcast as the pronouncement.
Cindy: "But I will promise you a quality orgasm if you keep following my orders. We still have a couple of hours before I need to send you home to Frank."
Sara realized that meant she likely would be teased for another couple of hours.
Cindy: "I need to weed the garden today and you are going to help."
Cindy got dressed in a pair of shorts and a lightweight t-shirt, attached Sara's lead back onto the collar and led her crawling down the stairs to the back door. Sara followed obediently. She knew she was going outside and there was nothing she could do about it. Cindy opened the kitchen door and led Sara onto the patio. The sun felt good on her skin, although the concrete of the patio was a little too warm to be comfortable. After shutting the door, Cindy took the lead again as Sara crawled behind her into the yard.
Cindy had a large vegetable and flower garden near the back of their yard. There was also a storage shed, where Sara was directed. Inside, Cindy had Sara stand as she removed the leash from Sara's collar. Cindy ordered Sara to stand in the corner while she grabbed some tools. Sara stood facing the wall like she was in time-out.
Sara felt Cindy placing something on her right knee. Looking down she realized it was a kneepad. At least Cindy was going to allow her some comfort. Of course, that also might she might be out here for a long time. Cindy proceeded to put another pad on Sara's left knee. She then told Sara to bend over the workbench. Sara assumed Cindy wanted to spank her again, but instead she felt Cindy start to apply sunscreen.
Cindy: "Mistress Heather would kill me if I allowed you to burn all over."
Sara silently thanked Cindy for being considerate. Cindy leisurely spread the lotion along Sara's body, taking extra time to massage her breasts and buttocks. Sara tried not to enjoy the attention, knowing that it would be fleeting, but once again she was betrayed by her unconscious mind. Sara's arousal was just gaining strength when Cindy finished applying the lotion. Finally Cindy gave Sara an apron "to keep herself clean." As the rough material scrapped across Sara's nipples, she thought of another reason Cindy wanted her to wear it. Sara was instructed to pick up a trowel and to follow Cindy to the garden.
Cindy explained that the downside to having such a large garden was the upkeep. They had a lawn crew to take care of the grass, but paying someone to weed the garden was cost prohibitive. Today Sara was going to help. She was to get down on her hands and knees and start pulling weeds. Cindy told Sara that it usually took her about 2 hours to weed the garden. Unfortunately, that was all the time Sara had left before she would need to return home. If Sara wanted to orgasm today, she was going to have to get the weeding done quicker.
Sara crawled in the dirt moving from plant to plant as fast as she could. Although it was not hot that day, her accelerated pace meant she was rapidly covered in sweat and dirt. Sara felt like a filthy pig rooting naked in the dirt. All she could focus on was finishing the job quickly leaving her enough time to orgasm.
For her part, Cindy went back into the house and returned with a large glass of iced tea. She had stopped at the garage to grab a folding chair and she sat just a few feet from the edge of the garden in the shade of a large oak tree. Cindy commented on how refreshing the iced tea was as a method of getting Sara's attention. As Sara looked up, Cindy pulled aside the crotch of her shorts exposing her pussy.
Cindy: "Boy it sure is hot out here..." her fingers dancing across her clit. "It sure would be refreshing if some slut were here to lick my pussy."
Sara soundlessly expressed her disappointment. Not at being told to eat Cindy again, but at the time it would take. Sara stood up and tried to brush some of the dirt from her body. The dirt mixed with the sweat and mostly just spread around. Sara walked back to Cindy and kneeled in front of her. Keeping the shorts pulled to the side, Sara drove her tongue into Cindy's wetness. Sara was determined to make Cindy come quickly leaving time for her.
Cindy: "You're doing very well, slut Sara. I see you want to finish me quickly to save time for your dirty self. Why don't we call the guys and get a more accurate time when they will be home?"
Cindy produced a cell phone from her pocket and called Jim. She already knew Jim planned on keeping Frank out an extra hour or so in the bar, but she didn't want Sara to know that. Sara was making too fine an effort to slow her down now. Cindy talked to Jim for just a couple of minutes. From her side, she made it sound like they had just finished playing and were heading home. Sara redoubled her efforts.
In reality, the foursome was on the 14th hole and Jim had strict orders to spend at least an hour in the bar. Cindy enjoyed talking on the phone while Sara serviced her pussy. She began to grind her hips on Sara's head smearing her wetness across her face. Cindy was disappointed Mistress Heather had chosen Sara for herself. Heather usually liked her slaves a little younger and Cindy would have loved to keep Sara for herself. She was learning fast how to serve another woman and with a little formal training, would be a great slave.
Cindy's orgasm was approaching. She could have held back a while longer, but she had plans for the rest of Sara's day so she left the waves of orgasm flow over her. Sara was pleased. If the boys were leaving the course now, that meant she didn't have to be home for an hour. She didn't have to leave for 45 minutes and if she saved 15 for a shower, that left her 30 minutes for Cindy's promised orgasm.
Cindy: "That was very nice, Sara, thank you. You are quickly becoming an accomplished pussy eater."
Sara smiled at the compliment.
Cindy: "Ok, back to work in the garden, you're only two-thirds done."
Sara (pleading): "But mam, I will have to go home by the time I'm done."
Cindy: "Well you had better hurry then. The deal was you finish the garden in time, you get to cum. Don't assume you will always be allowed to satisfy your lustful nature. Mistress Heather certainly will not."
Sara knew better than to continue the argument. She needed to get back to work. Sara toiled in the garden for another half an hour. She tried to remain focused on her task, but the growing need in her pussy continually worked to distract her. By the time she finished, she was a sweaty mess.
Cindy: "You've done a fine job. We need to clean you up. We can't have you going home all covered in dirt, now can we?"
Cindy led Sara back toward the house. Sara assumed they were heading in to the shower, but Cindy had other plans. She told Sara to stand still while she grabbed the hose reel from the side of the house. Cindy hit Sara will a full power blast of very cold water. Instinctively, Sara crossed her arms in front of her breasts and pussy in a vain attempt to protect herself from the onslaught.
Cindy: "You're not going to get clean that way. Raise your arms above your head."
Sara gave Cindy a look of pure hate, and then slowly complied with the order.
Cindy: "You're not going to cum with that attitude my dear. Maybe I should just have you spend our remaining time licking my pussy some more."
Sara stood still and let Cindy hose her down. The cold water removed more than just the dirt. It also removed Sara's dignity and any sexual desires she had 10 minutes ago. After she was clean, Sara was led to the gazebo where Cindy had some towels. As Sara was drying off, Cindy's cell phone rang.
Cindy answered. Sara could tell it was Jim, but based on Cindy's comments could not tell anything about their schedule. Cindy asked Jim to pick up dinner on the way home.
Cindy: "That was Jim. They decided to stay at the course and have a couple of beers. They are leaving now."
Sara's heart leapt. If they were just leaving now, they would not get home for at least an hour. Sara smiled sheepishly at Cindy.
Cindy: "I know that look. You earned your orgasm. Why don't you jump in the hot tub for a few minutes and warm up. I need to get a few things from the house."
Sara pulled open the heavy cover on the hot tub. Thankfully Cindy had a cover lifter. She then eased her tired, but now totally alive body, into the swirling waters. Sara let the warmth soak into her bones. The cold hose water was quickly becoming a distant memory. Sara thought she and Frank definitely needed to buy a tub like this. All the aches of crawling around all afternoon were quickly forgotten.
Sara's peace was suddenly broken by Cindy's voice as she came back into the gazebo, a small bag in her hand.
Cindy: "Ok, time for your final lesson of the day. One of Mistress Heather's favorite activities is watching her slave masturbate. She will expect you to masturbate anytime and anywhere she tells you. Your trip to the mall was your first test. There will be many more. I want you to get out of the tub and replace the cover."
Sara did as she was asked, not bothering to grab a towel.
Cindy: "Climb onto the cover. Don't worry, it is rated for over 400 pounds. You will not damage it."
Sara scampered onto the top, looking for guidance about what position she should take.
Cindy: "Just sit on your butt facing me. Good, now spread your legs as wide as you can. Damn your shaved beaver looks inviting. I know Mistress Heather will like that."
Sara felt a swell of pride at Cindy's complement.
Cindy: "I want you to show me how you play with yourself. Rub those pretty nipples and tender clit. Show me how you finger yourself while you dream about submitting to a powerful mistress."
Sara needed no coaxing. She was lost in a fog of her own lust. She rubbed her pussy furiously while squeezing her breasts. In her mind, she pictured Mistress Heather standing over her. She was wearing a leather jumpsuit with leather boots and holding a riding crop. Sara's eyes were closed as her orgasm began to build.
Suddenly Sara felt a breeze. She opened her eyes to see Cindy opening the windows of the gazebo.
Cindy: "I was just getting tired of your smelly pussy. We need to air out this place."
Sara had not noticed, but her arousal fragrance was very obvious. Her pussy was leaking and the bouquet had filled the room. From her position, Sara could see the neighbor's house only partially shielded by Cindy.
Cindy: "Don't worry. The parents are out of town this weekend. They have a high school aged boy, but I saw him leave just before you got here."
Sara was not relieved by Cindy's reassurances, but she wasn't about to stop either. Cindy picked up her bag and walked over to the tub. Sara's depravity was now on full display to the outside world. Cindy reached into the bag and pulled out the small silver vibrator. Turning it on, she handed it to Sara.
Cindy: "Here, enjoy yourself."
Cindy then walked out of the gazebo and back into the kitchen.
Sara, too far gone to care if anyone could see her, plunged the vibrator, set at full speed, into her overheated pussy. Sara pummeled herself holding the vibrator in her right hand and squeezing her nipples with the left. The magic toy was doing its job. Sara was fast approaching a giant release. Sara was no longer aware of her surroundings. Her entire existence was located between her legs.
Cindy returned holding her video camera. "Mistress Heather will want a record of this," she said as Sara exploded into a massive orgasm. Sara's body quaked for at least three minutes as she lay almost comatose on the cover of the hot tub.
Cindy took Sara's hand and removed the vibrator. Turning it off, she held it just above Sara's lips.
Cindy: "Taste yourself slut. That was amazing."
Sara managed to stick her tongue as Cindy slowly inserted the vibrator into her mouth for the second time that afternoon.
Cindy: "Do a good job cleaning off you're cum. I may want to use this one later and I don't need your smelly slut juice on it."
Sara did the best she could, but her mind was in a world of its own. Sara felt a finger enter her vagina. Cindy teased her about how wet it was and how much of a tramp Sara was for doing that in front of her and the world. Sara weakly smiled. She was agreeing with everything Cindy said.
Cindy: "I want to cum once more before I send you home. We have about 15 minutes and that should be plenty."
Sara, still not really thinking straight, didn't think she could perform right now.
Cindy: "Lay down on your back with your head toward the door."
Sara leisurely slid around, eventually looking up to see Cindy strapping on a dildo.
Cindy: "This one is double headed so I will enjoy this too. You might be too cummed out to care, but I will get off again before I stop."
Sara wasn't sure if she could come again so quickly, but she knew her pussy was craving penetration. Cindy climbed onto the cover with Sara and quickly sank the shaft of the dildo into her receptive pussy. Cindy began slowly, waiting for her own pussy to become receptive to the smaller dong inside her.
As Cindy started to pick up speed, Sara noticed movement outside the gazebo. Immediately Sara thought this was a trap and Frank was waiting for her. She tried to raise her hips and hold Cindy off of her, but Cindy was too strong and continued to build up momentum. Soon Sara was moaning at the constant grinding of her clit by Cindy's hipbone.
Cindy: "Don't worry, Frank isn't here. But we do have an audience."
Sara arched her neck so see behind her. Standing in the doorway was a geeky looking teenage boy.
Cindy: "Come in Keith. Allow me to introduce you to Sara, a friend of mine."
Sara was mortified. She assumed this was the neighbor boy. He must have watched her masturbate. He probably was watching her weed the garden and service Cindy.
Cindy: "Keith, did you enjoy Sara's little show."
Keith: "Very much. She's one hot piece of ass."
Cindy: "Yes she is. She's just started her training. You probably will be seeing more of her."
Sara should have been furious. Having been spied on by a teenage boy while she orgasmed was bad enough. But here the boy and Cindy were talking about her as if she wasn't even there. Sara would have been furious, but Cindy was too good with the dildo. Sara knew she could come again if Cindy would keep up this pace for just a little while longer.
Cindy: "My slut here is about to cum again, Keith. Did you bring the special present I asked you to bring?"
Keith: "Of course. It was my pleasure. Really."
From behind his back, Keith produced a glass brimming with a milky liquid. Sara recognized it immediately.
Cindy: "Sluts should always have cum on their faces, don't you agree Sara?"
Sara just mumbled her agreement. She didn't want to admit it, but she knew Cindy was right."
Cindy: "Unfortunately that can be a problem when just we girls get together. Keith, I want you to hold that glass above sweet slut's head. When I give you the signal, I want you to dribble it all over her face."
Sara looked up to see a wide grin on Keith's face. He was enjoying this and why wouldn't he? He was about Sara's daughter's age and the thought of her daughter acting sexually repulsed her. Keith probably had never had a girl for himself, but she bet Cindy and he had done this act before. Based on the amount of liquid in the glass, he must have been saving his seed for days.
Cindy: "Ok Sara, last task for today. I'm about to cum and then we are finished. If you want to cum again, I want to hear you begging me to fuck you harder. If you can orgasm in the next two minutes, you are free to do so. As you cum, Keith here is going to pour his load on your face. We are going to let that cum dry and you will drive home that way. If you're lucky, you will just beat Frank home and not be caught. If you don't cum before I do, you will just have to wait until Mistress Heather sends for you."
Sara didn't care about Keith or his glass of spunk. She wanted to cum again. Instantaneously Sara started bucking her hips trying to maximize the indirect pressure on her clit from Cindy's hips.
Cindy: "I think the fair Sara made her choice Keith. Get ready to pour on my command."
Cindy viciously slammed the big fake cock into Sara. Cindy was moaning at her own stimulation while Sara began to scream in ecstasy. In between screams, Sara begged for Cindy to fuck her harder and make her cum. After around a minute, Cindy gave Keith a signal and he began to trickle his cum from the glass onto Sara's face. He was careful not to pour it too fast and to make sure each part got some coverage.
Cindy: "Do you like that slave? The feeling of a man's cum on your face while a superior woman is fucking you!"
For Sara's part, the feeling of Keith's jazz hitting her face and Cindy's debasement of her, set off lightning bolts in her head. Almost immediately she started cumming again with Cindy close behind. Sara's mouth was wide open trying to breathe so Keith poured the remaining cum into her mouth. Sara coughed at the intrusion as some of the semen went into her lungs instead of her stomach. This did not deter the ferocious nature of her orgasm. As the coughing stopped and Sara began to calm down, she finally noticed the salty taste on her lips.
Cindy had finally calmed down herself and popped the dildo from Sara's body.
Cindy: "Remember, don't wipe off that cum. That is your present to take home."
Sara started to get to her knees, but she was too weak and slid back down to her side.
Cindy: "We are going to have to work on your stamina. Only two orgasms and you are already spent. Look at poor Keith here. He has another boner and you aren't fit enough to service him."
Sara tried to focus her eyes on the young boy, but her mind was too far-gone.
Cindy: "I'm sorry Keith. I know you were looking forward to having her blow you, but I don't see that happening today. I'll have her blow you another time."
Keith: "What am I supposed to do with this?" pointing to his obvious hard on.
Cindy: "You can jack off on the slut if you like. She won't mind. Just blast her tits this time so her whole upper body will be coated."
Sara watched passively as the young boy pulled out a rigid cock. Keith frantically started pulling on it like a dog afraid someone was going to take away his bone. Sara started regaining her strength and started to reach for his cock just as he started spraying out his load. Cindy slapped away Sara's hand leaving her chest unprotected as spurt after spurt hit her upper torso. Before either Cindy or Sara could react, Keith grabbed Sara's head and forced his cock into her mouth.
Keith: "Clean me off, bitch."
Cindy was shocked at Keith's behavior. He had always been passive during their games. Sara must have brought out the animal in him. It probably had to do with Sara's age, near his own mother's, she mused. Perhaps this kid had more potential than Cindy had given him credit.
Almost as fast as he put it in, Keith pulled out is now deflating cock and tucked in back in his pants. "We should do this again, ladies," he said as he walked out the door.
Sara laid back, cum drying all over her body.
Sara: "How much time do I really have to get home."
Cindy: "Just enough to get you dressed and out of here. You should have a few minutes to wash your face, but I would not plan on taking a shower for a while."
Cindy led Sara back into the house and to the front porch to retrieve her clothes. Sara found her top and shorts, but no underwear.
Cindy: "I guess some per stole your undies. Probably Keith when he got home. You'll have to get them back from him later."
Sara took her two items of clothes and went back inside. Cindy directed her to the couch.
Cindy: "Before you leave, I want you to understand exactly what is happening. So far, you have learned some of the skills about what it takes to be a submissive and a slut. The training so far is what I call 'soft' training. You've learned your lessons well and if you agree, your formal training can begin. If you accept your training, you will be making no decisions regarding your life. The club will take care of Frank and see to his sexual needs. Sometime it will be you, sometimes it will be someone else. Don't worry. He will not be lacking of company. Mistress Heather has big plans for you. If you complete your training and serve her faithfully, you will experience more pleasure than you ever thought. If not, she will not hesitate to punish you and believe me when I say this, you have never experienced as much pain as her punishments."
Sara kept nodding trying to make sense of everything she was hearing.
Cindy: "Get dressed and go home. You can wash your face, but don't shower. I want you to send Mistress Heather an email describing your day. Don't leave out any of your feelings, she will want to know what you liked and disliked. Mistress Heather can be difficult, but she is also fair. Expect an email Wednesday morning with further instructions. You can shower after you finish your email. You can have sex with Frank, but don't cum. You are also to masturbate at least four times each day between now and when you see your mistress. Take yourself right to the edge, but not over. Mistress Heather will be able to tell and the momentary pleasure of an orgasm will not be worth the cost, I assure you. Now thank me and go home."
Sara kneeled down and kissed Cindy's outstretched foot.
Sara: "Thank you Cindy. Today was wonderful."
Remembering her place, Sara picked up her clothes and walked outside. Sara didn't bother checking to see if any neighbors were outside. That task didn't seem necessary any more. On the porch she put on her shirt, shorts, socks and shoes and walked back to her car. Her skin was itchy from the dried cum, but she felt wonderful. She was so thankful to have been able to bring her inner self to life these last two weeks. Clearly Cindy knew what she was doing that first day in the park. Sara was still worried about Frank, but she trusted Cindy when she said everything would be taken care of.
Sara drove home quickly. She had just finished washing her face when she heard the front door open. She bounded downstairs to greet Frank. He gave her a big hug and a kiss. From over his shoulder, she could see Jim laughing to himself.
Frank: "Did you have a good day, honey?"
Sara: "I did. I got quite a good workout."
Jim said his goodbyes and told Frank he would see him at the office on Monday. Frank walked back outside to grab his clubs and put them in the garage. Jim grabbed Sara and as he gave her a strong hug, he grabbed both her ass cheeks and squeezed hard. "Slut," was all he said. Sara smiled back and nodded.
Jim turned and left as Frank was coming back in the house.
Frank: "What for dinner?"
Sara: "I'm sorry. I got so caught up in working out I forgot. Can we just order out?"
Frank: "Sure. No problem. I'll get the phone book."
Sara: "Ok, I'm going to check the email."
Sara had been on pins and needles for days, ever since Cindy told her to expect Mistress Heather would contact her on Wednesday. Sara had done as she had been instructed. Saturday she sent a lengthy email to Mistress Heather detailing what Cindy and done to her, how it made her feel and what she had learned about herself from the experience. Sara hoped her actions would please her. Sara longed to see Mistress Heather again. So far their contact had been to the periphery of Sara's decent into submissive slutdom. Sara had learned that Mistress Heather had been directing her 'soft training' as Cindy had categorized the last two weeks. Sara had serviced her mistress only twice and the first time she was blindfolded and didn't even know it was her. For the past week, Sara had been following instructions from a woman who could still reject her, a thought too dreadful to believe.
For the past three days, Sara had been vigilant about keeping her husband, Frank, happy sexually. Over the past two weeks he had definitely been the lucky recipient of Sara's increased libido. Even if he didn't know what had caused the change, he was happy about it. Sara also followed the instruction to masturbate at least four times per day and to stop just before she climaxed. At first, on Sunday, Sara was still on a sexual high from what Cindy had done to her on Saturday. It took Sara fifteen minutes of effort before she reached the point where she needed to stop. As the week wore on, Sara's desperate need to orgasm steadily brought down the amount of time she could touch herself. Sara was in a constant state of arousal. Her panties were always damp. She had gone from masturbating twice in the morning, once in the afternoon and once in the evening, to sticking her hand down her pants every chance she got. She would rub her clit for just a few seconds before having to pull her hand away. Sara wanted to believe Mistress Heather would not know if she climaxed, but given the methodical way she and Cindy had played her body over the past two week, Sara knew that was just an empty wish.
Wednesday morning Sara woke early. She had not had a restful night. She tossed and turned as her mind was bombarded with sexual dreams featuring herself and Mistress Heather. The day had finally come. Paying heed to Cindy's comments about keeping her pussy shaved, Sara began her day with that task. She had bought mirror that had a stand and magnified its image. This made her task of shaving much easier. She quickly dispatched the stubble now growing around her pussy and brought herself to the brink of an orgasm with the shaft of the disposable razor. Sara was on edge. She needed to cum with the greatest sense of urgency she ever felt about anything.
Sara the showered using a pleasant smelling body wash and put on a casual pair of jeans and a t-shirt. By this time the rest of the house was beginning to stir. Sara headed to the den and checked her email. No message yet. Sara left the computer on so she would receive any messages from Mistress Heather immediately. She then headed to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for Frank and the kids.
Sara decided to make eggs for the family. As she was flipping the scrambled pieces over in the pan, the spatula triggered a flashback to Cindy in the park. This was happening with greater frequency. Sara would see or touch a common item and her mind would remember an event from her new life. Her pussy would invariably gush in a most embarrassing way. This is what happened standing in front of the stove. Sara was thankful she wore regular panties today. The cotton would soak up her juices without furthering her already palpable embarrassment.
Sara served the eggs along with some raisin toast and excused herself. She headed back to the den to see if Mistress Heather had written her. Alas there was no message. Sara was disappointed. The ache in her pussy needed to be scratched. She sat down on their office chair and stuck her hand down her pants once more. If Mistress Heather did not contact her soon, Sara felt she could not be responsible for any orgasms she happened to have.
Sara was close to cumming. Very close. She tried to pull her hand back, but it didn't want to. Sara felt she was losing control of her cognizant actions as her subconscious mind was controlling her actions. Just before her self-imposed celibacy was ruined, her computer beeped that there was a new message. Sara pulled her hands out of her pants, her juices glistening the sides of her fingers.
Sara grabbed the mouse urgently as she click on the email. It was from Cindy. The message greeted Sara warmly. Attached was a video file. Sara didn't even have to look at it. Clearly it would be the footage of her orgasm in the gazebo from Saturday. Cindy wrote that the image was rough. She had not set the camera down in a great place before she fucked Sara. Cindy did say the audio, however, was good. Sara though back to how she begged for Cindy to fuck her. She was not anxious to hear the clip or see that little bastard Keith pour his cum on her. The email closed with a reminder not to cum. Sara was busted once again. How does Cindy know her so well.
Sara headed back to the kitchen just in time to see the kids off for school and Frank off to work. Frank thanked her again for letting him play golf on Saturday saying all these events with the boss made him believe he would be getting a promotion soon. He gave Sara a quick kiss and was out the door.
Sara started doing the dishes. She wanted to stay focused on anything except waiting for the email. Her effort was futile. Within minutes Sara's longing led her back to the den and her computer. There still was no message from Mistress Heather, but there was the video Cindy had sent her. Sara started watching the clip. By now Sara instantly recognized the woman being brutally slammed by another woman's dildo. Three weeks ago, Sara would not have believed what she was watching. Cindy was right, the framing of the video was not good, but Sara's face and her expressions of pleasure were clearly visible. Cindy was also right about the audio. The screams of passion emanating from her mouth were clear as day, mixed with Cindy's own sounds of zeal. Cindy's head was cut off by the angle of the camera, but it was obvious a woman was fucking Sara. It was also obvious that a teenager was about to pour cum all over her face and open mouth.
Sara resisted playing with herself while the video rolled. She knew she could never keep from cumming if she so much as touched her clit right now. The scene before her captivated her. Cindy had given her so much pleasure, but promised Mistress Heather would deliver even more. As the video finished and Keith shot his load on Sara's chest, another email arrived. It was 8:45am and the email was from Heather.
"My dearest Sara," the email began. "How I have looked forward to this day. Ever since Cindy first described you, I have been planning to make you my slave. So far in the last two weeks you have progressed well from suburban soccer mom to wanton slut. I was worried when we played phone tag last week that you would not be satisfactory. I now believe you are ready to begin your service of my needs. I want you to come to me today ready to begin a rigorous training regiment. I will not be easy on you, but if you please me, I guarantee you will experience pleasures beyond your imagination."
Sara was reading the email with great anticipation. With each sentence, her desire to serve Mistress Heather grew.
"The clock has started ticking. If you have followed Cindy's instructions, you have been expecting this email. I want you to go to see Susan at the mall. She will dress you appropriately. Then come to my house. I have attached a link to Yahoo Maps with the directions. When you arrive, enter through the garage service door. There you will find further instructions. The quicker you get here, the more time we will have together today. I have allotted enough time for you to travel safely. If you followed your instructions and are waiting for this email, you will be able to make it to my house within an hour. If you succeed in this first task, you will be rewarded. If you are late, you will be punished. We will start with one spank per minute you are late. If you are more than one hour late, we will have to get more creative. Do not be late. I don't want to start you off negatively."
The email was signed simply Mistress Heather.
Sara finished reading the email and quickly reread it to be sure she didn't miss anything. Her pussy grew slicker at the mention of a reward. Sara grabbed her purse and hurried out the door. She had 55 minutes left.
Sara sped to the mall. Normally the drive took 15 minutes, but she made it in 10. Sara tried to tell herself to slow down and that she had plenty of time, but her mind was too focused on the heat in her crotch to listen to reason. It was just after 9am when she walked in the main entrance. The mall did not open for shopping until 10, but the doors opened early for people who wanted to exercise walking around the mall and for store employees to get to their posts. Sara hoped she didn't run into Maggie, Andi, Sam or Glenda, as they would delay her. She made a spirited dash over to Victoria's Secret. The gate was down causing Sara immediate concern that she could not possibly make it to Mistress Heather's on time.
As Sara stood by the gate, Susan waved at her from the sales counter. Susan walked over and greeted Sara while raising the gate to allow her to enter.
Susan: "I was disappointed you didn't stop by on Friday, but after Andi told me the details, I understand. I told Heather I missed my chance to see you naked again so she said she would have you stop over and shop. I know you are rushed, so let's get to it. I should have you out of here in 15 minutes or so."
Sara didn't exactly believe Susan, at least about the timing, but she didn't have much say in the matter. Sara followed Susan to the back of the store and the changing rooms.
Susan: "I think I remember all your sizes, so why don't you strip and I will go get your clothes."
Susan walked out of the changing room leaving Sara to undress. Sara wasted no time. The quicker she finished here, the quicker she would see her mistress and claim her reward.
Susan returned carrying only a few items and a locking satchel. She told Sara that Mistress Heather liked her girls to look very feminine. To that end, all she was to wear today were white silk stockings, a garter belt, white g-string and high heels. Since Victoria's Secret did not carry shoes, Susan had taken the liberty of borrowing a pair of 4" stilettos from Maggie. Susan said Sara could pay Maggie back later.
Susan helped Sara put on the stockings, taking care to rub Sara's legs as she did. After clipping the stockings into the garter, Susan placed her finger at the entrance to Sara's pussy.
"You've been waiting 4 days haven't you? I bet you would do anything for this right now," Susan said as she teasingly inserted her finger to the first knuckle.
Sara didn't say a word, but she did lift her hips in an attempt to force more of Susan's finger into her.
"I thought so," commented Susan. As I recall, the last time you were in my store also I fingered your pussy. So far you have not done anything for me."
Sara knew immediately what Susan was inferring. Sara slid down to her knees in front of the older woman, taking care not to ruin the stockings. Susan drew up her skirt. Sara was not surprised to see Susan was not wearing panties. Thankful that her arms were not cuffed, Sara grabbed Susan's ass and pulled her pussy to her lips. Susan was already slick with anticipation. Sara was thankful because she was in a hurry. Sara worked quickly tonguing Susan's clit and outer lips. She then took her right hand off Susan's ass and began to finger fuck her. Within a few minutes Susan was showing signs of an approaching orgasm. Susan grabbed Sara's head and held her tight as a small, but satisfying orgasm overtook her. For her part, Sara was just happy to be done. She got no pleasure from this act. Her mind was too focused on leaving quickly.
Susan pushed Sara away and thanked her. "That will make my day go much better." Sara stood to leave and picked up her shirt to get dressed.
Susan: "I thought I made myself clear. I guess I didn't. Mistress Heather wants you to wear only what you have on now."
Sara: "I can't walk outside like this!"
Susan: "Don't be silly. I've got a coat for you to wear. Now be a dear and put your clothes in this bag. Mistress Heather has the key. She doesn't want you to chicken out now that you are so close to your reward."
Sara was not happy with the arrangement. The clock showed 9:21. She only 24 minutes to get to Mistress Heather's house, so she didn't dare squabble further. Into the bag went all of Sara's clothes, her shoes and finally, at Susan's insistence, her purse. All Sara was allowed to carry was her keys.
Susan: "You made it here pretty quick. You must have been speeding. We don't want that to continue. If you insist on driving too fast, you will need to do some serious explaining to the police so you might want to slow down."
Sara gave Susan a quick kiss goodbye and headed for the door. She moved quickly through the mall not wanting to waste any time or risk being exposed and seen by the exercise walkers. Just as she reached the mall entrance, Sam the security guard grabbed her arm from behind.
Sam: "Well hello sweetness. Running naked through my mall again?"
Sara: "Not exactly. I need to get going I'm running late."
Sam: "You are dressed almost exactly like the last time I saw you. Can't you afford to wear more clothes?"
Sara: "Really, I need to go."
Sam: "I can give you a big reason to stay."
Sam released Sara's arm and cupped his groin leaving no interpretation available to his statement.
Sara: "I have an appointment. I need to get going or will be late. Maybe we can meet up later."
Sam: "Ok, I'll hold you to that. How about another quick view before you go?"
Sara was happy Sam wasn't going to press her for more. She looked around and didn't see anyone near them, so she quickly opened and shut Susan's coat.
Sam: "Just as I remembered. You really are quite a slut, aren't you?"
Sara just smiled. She didn't even blush this time. She blew Sam a kiss and headed out the door. The weather was warm and there was a light breeze blowing. Sara felt very naughty walking to her car. She jumped in and started the engine up. Looking at her watch, she saw she was down to 18 minutes. The conversation with Sam had cost her some of her leeway.
Sara sped out of the parking lot. She figured Mistress Heather's house was between 10 and 15 minutes away. It was a fairly direct route, but traffic was always a variable. She was careful not to exceed the speed limit. Sara didn't want to risk getting pulled over and having to explain the way she was dressed and why her driver's license was locked in a case with her clothes. Traffic was moving steadily and Sara began to relax, if only a little bit. Then it happened. Sara saw the flashing lights.
Traffic slowed to a crawl as the gates in front of the train tracks came down. Sara thought about trying to detour around the tracks, but she was not very familiar with this neighborhood and the map she had printed didn't show another crossing for several miles. A freight train started across the road. Fortunately there was only one engine and it was moving swiftly. "At least the train can't be too long," Sara mused.
Sara was left to replay the day in her head. She could not have gotten to this point any quicker. She had planned enough time, but now she would probably be late. Sara lamented her situation. She wondered exactly what punishment Mistress Heather would inflict on her. Sara had been warned that the punishments she had previously received would be nothing compared to what Mistress Heather was capable of dishing out. As Sara though more and more about what her punishment would be, her pussy started to lubricate once again. Sara was daydreaming about being over Mistress Heather's lap or tied facedown to her bed when she heard the car horn behind her blaring. Sara's mind snapped back to reality. The train had passed and the cars in front of her had already crossed the tracks. Sara jammed her foot onto the gas and gave the driver behind her a little wave.
By Sara's watch, she was now down to under 10 minutes to go. Sara decided to risk a ticket and sped up. As she weaved her way through traffic, Sara tried to make up for the train delay and even ran a red light after carefully checking to see if anybody was heading through the intersection. Sara was in a race against time and nothing was going to stop her.
Sara pulled into Mistress Heather gated community, telling the guard she was there to visit the Chandlers. The guard said he would call ahead and if Sara just followed the main road until it ended, she would find their house. Sara thanked the guard and quickly pulled away. The subdivision had a 20 mph speed limit, but Sara wasn't about to worry about a rent-a-cop stopping her. She sped along the twisting road at between 45 and 50 mph. Slowing only to check her watch, Sara watched the house numbers increase. She would see Mistress Heather soon.
The long entrance road dead-ended into a cul-de-sac with three large homes, each taking 90 degrees of the circle, dominating the landscape. The Chandler's house was in the middle. Sara thought it didn't have much character from the outside. Like too many new homes, it looked a lot like its neighbors, although Sara was sure the inside would be impeccable. There was a Toyoda Yaris parked in front and no cars in the driveway. Sara parked in the street, behind the Yaris. She looked at her watch. 8:43am.
Sara practically yanked the keys out of the ignition. She jumped out of the car and slammed the car door shut. Sara remembered pushing the lock button on her key fob, but didn't notice if the car actually locked. She was too busy running up the driveway to care.
The driveway was brick making it difficult to run in her high heels. Sara had to slow down to avoid tripping. The relentless ticking of the clock rang in her head. Sara rounded the side of the garage and spied the service door. She wanted to look at her watch again, but at this point was saving seconds. As she reached for the knob, her heart was pounding and her breathing was labored. The past hour had been foreplay like she had never known. Her release, positive or negative, was at hand.
Sara found the door unlocked, the garage lights turned on automatically and a clothes rod just like Mistress Heather had promised in her email. There was one hanger on the rod and a piece of paper taped to it.
"If you are reading this slut Sara, you have received my email and decided to submit to my desires. Hang up your coat. If you have followed the dressing instructions I gave to Susan, you should be ready to play. Kneel down, with your legs spread, on the rubber mat facing the door. Cup your breasts in your hands holding them up to me as an offering. This is the position you are to assume whenever we meet. I will be joining you shortly." The note was signed Mistress Heather.
The note was short and to the point. Sara didn't need to read it twice. She hung up her coat and looked down to find the mat. The garage floor was immaculate. It was finished with epoxy paint. Overall the garage was spotless. All the tools were hung on the walls and there were cabinets for smaller items. Sara though the garage was neater than her house.
Sara found the mat. It was high-density rubber, about two feet by two feet, located besides the clothes rod. She carefully knelt down, again taking care not to damage her stockings. Sara faced the door leading to the inside of the house, her knees positioned at the front corners of the mat. Sara placed her feet together in the center of the back. Based on her experiences with Cindy, Sara almost put her hands behind her. Of course, that is not what Mistress Heather had instructed her to do, so she quickly moved her hands forward grasping each breast. Sara lifted her breasts and separated them, holding them with her three outside fingers below and holding each nipple with her thumb and forefinger.
Sara wanted desperately wanted to stick a hand down her g-string. She knew she would be punished for her actions, but she also knew an orgasm would be instantaneous. Sara kept repeating to herself "I'm a good slave who follows directions."
While Sara had ordered her not to cum and was instructed by Mistress Heather to keep her hands on her breasts, she had not been told she could not play with her nipples. As Sara waited for Mistress Heather to enter the garage, her fingers began slowly twisting her hardening nubs. As the minutes ticked by, Sara's arousal built ever higher. Her nipples were rock hard. Her breathing was labored. Sara knew that any stimulation to her clit right now would send her over the edge. She longed for Mistress Heather to arrive. Even the stinging touch of a ridding crop would be enough to send Sara into orgasmic delight.
Five minutes passed... then ten. The garage light, which automatically turned on when Sara opened the service door, had long since turned off leaving Sara alone in the dark. She wondered what was causing the delay. Eventually Sara had to stop playing with her nipples. She was too close to cumming. She had never achieved orgasm with just nipple play before, but the mental foreplay of the last hour had her brain in a fog. Her desire for release was too great. She could not hold back much longer.
After spending half an hour holding her position waiting for Mistress Heather, the door finally opened. It was her new mistress. Bright light from the house shown around Mistress Heather's perfect form causing her to appear to Sara in silhouette. Sara's mouth watered. So did her pussy. Sara hoped Mistress Heather was pleased with Sara's appearance.
Mistress Heather was as gorgeous as Sara remembered. She had only seen her in person once, at Cindy's party, but her image had been burned into Sara's mind. As Mistress Heather strutted down the steps into the garage, she looked every bit the in charge dominatrix Sara had been longing for. Mistress Heather was dressed in a latex catsuit. Sara had never seen such an outfit before. Even the back room at Professional Woman didn't stock such an outfit. The latex fit Mistress Heather like a glove, accentuating her curves in all the right places. High-heeled boots tightened her calves and buttocks. A zipper ran through the crotch from the front to the back. Sara hoped the easy access would mean she would soon be sucking Mistress Heather's pussy. The top of the catsuit was cut away around Mistress Heather's perfect breasts. Their silicone augmentation held them high without the aid of a bra. Sara marveled at their size and remembered being told Mistress Heather liked her slaves to nurse. Sara pictured herself doing just that while her mistress held her tight and fingered her to countless orgasms. Sara was completely under Mistress Heather's spell. A look of pure lust covered Sara's face as she involuntarily began rubber her nipples again.
Mistress Heather didn't say a word. Spread before her was a beautiful housewife obviously ready to serve her every need. Heather liked what she saw. Sara was obviously turned on and reaching a point of no return. Heather liked her slaves in this state. They were easier to control. She watched as Sara absentmindedly played with her own nipples and came closer and closer to making herself cum. Truth be told, Heather would have enjoyed watching Sara thrash about right now, but she wanted her new toy to succeed in her training. Starting the day with an unauthorized orgasm was not part of the plan.
Mistress Heather: "Just what are you doing with MY nipples, little girl? You understand those nipples belong to me now, don't you?"
Sara looked up in despair. She wanted to obey, but she had to cum.
Sara: "Yes Mistress Heather."
Mistress Heather: "I understand your desire to climax. Stop playing with your nipples and you will soon get your wish. First we have to discuss your penalty for being late."
Sara: "But mistress, I was at least one minute early."
Mistress Heather: "Are you correcting me, insolent one?"
Sara: "No mam. May I explain?"
Mistress Heather: "You may continue."
Sara: "I received your email at 8:45am. I left my house within minutes. I went to see Susan as you instructed. I left the mall as quickly as I could and was only delayed by a freight train. I arrived here at 8:43 and ran into the garage where I read your note and have been waiting ever since."
Mistress Heather enjoyed hearing the frustration in the Sara's voice. So far everything was going to plan. Heather had made sure Susan and Sam would delay Sara just enough to catch the daily 8:30 train. Heather was usually a little lenient on her new slaves, especially if the really did try hard to follow her instructions. She found positive reinforcement worked better than a early beating for most of her girls. There would be plenty of time for that later. But she also knew she had to remain in charge and the threat of punishment always needed to be present.
Mistress Heather: "But I sent your email at 8:40. You were at least 4 minutes late."
Sara: "Please mistress. I did not receive your message until 8:45."
Mistress Heather: "Perhaps I should not hold you responsible for delays on the internet. I'll tell you what. If you can answer a simple question, I will not punish you for being late."
Sara looked questioningly at her mistress. Certainly there had to be a trick involved. Sara watched as Mistress Heather opened one of the garage cabinets. She pulled out two objects. One was a long strap-on dildo. The other was a ping-pong paddle. Sara looked at both with hunger. Certainly she had a preference, but she knew she would orgasm from either.
Mistress Heather: "Ok, here is your simple question. Take your time and tell me which one of these items is used for your reward and which on is for your punishment."
Sara paused. Obviously this was a trick question, the real issue was why. Several answers ran through her head. Would Mistress Heather chastise her for picking the obvious one. If she chose the paddle as her reward would Mistress Heather choose not to fuck her? Mistress Heather probably wanted her to choose the paddle, but how could the strap-on be a punishment.
Mistress Heather: "I'm waiting. The question isn't that tough."
Sara: "Mistress Heather, my body belongs to you. Either item can be a reward or a punishment. The decision is up to you as to how they are used."
Mistress Heather: "A very good answer. It shows you have learned your place in this relationship. Looking at you, I know you would orgasm if I paddled that sweet ass of yours. That certainly would be a reward. Similarly if I fucked you with the strap-on, it would be difficult to call that punishment. Looking at you I know I can't expect you to hold back an orgasm from either. I should take you inside until you calm down a little so we can play."
The look of disappointment on Sara's face was palpable. Her eyes were focused on the strap-on in Mistress Heather's right hand, even as she tried to give voice to the answer she knew her mistress wanted to hear.
Sara: "If that is your decision, I will honor it without question."
Sara was lying. She would despise her mistress if she didn't let her cum right now. She had faithfully teased herself for three days, keeping herself on edge for this moment. By Sara's logic, she should reach down, get herself off, grab the bag with her clothes and walk away from Mistress Heather forever. But as Mistress Heather stood before her tapping the toe of her boot in an impatient cadence, Sara's eyes looked up and met her mistress' eyes. The view moving up Mistress Heather's body to her stern face caused a wave of submission to flow back over Sara. She could meet Mistress Heather's glare for only a moment, her will to rebel gone, her place in the relationship cemented.
Sara: "Yes mistress. I will do as you command."
There was a long silence. Heather already had decided what to do, but to Sara, the silence was deafening.
Mistress Heather: "You have pleased me, slave. Undoubtedly you will do something worthy of punishment later, but now, I think I will fuck the everlasting shit out of you."
Sara was shocked at the harshness of Mistress Heather's words. True she was not there expecting Mistress Heather to make love to her and yes Sara needed to be fucked hard at that moment, but still, she thought she had more of a connection with the beautiful dominant.
Sara watched with eagerness has Mistress Heather stepped into the harness and tightened the straps. Sara's eyes were focused on the obscene fake cock swinging from her Mistress Heather's hips.
Mistress Heather: "I chose a black strap-on to honor your time with Sam. I enjoyed reading your account of your day in the mall. Certainly the video footage was most entertaining. I have fucked Sam several times. He is very good, but I am better."
Sara had no doubt about Mistress Heather's prowess with the strap-on. She licked her lips in anticipation, her pussy dripping with need.
Mistress Heather: "Step one... get this cock in your mouth and show me what a good cocksucker you are."
Mistress Heather advanced on the kneeling Sara and placed the phallus at her lips. Sara opened immediately and began liberally coating the fake cock with her saliva. Mistress Heather grabbed the back of Sara's head and forced her mouth further onto the dildo until the tip hit the back of Sara's mouth.
Mistress Heather: "We're going to have to work on your cocksucking skills. You will have plenty of practice and you will become an expert."
Sara began gagging as the tip of the dildo found the opening to her throat.
Mistress Heather: "Just relax and let it slide down, slut. I know some studs bigger than this dildo and if you ever want me to let them tear you apart, you had better learn to deep throat them."
Sara heard the words and did her best to relax. But her gag reflex had taken over, and she started to cough. Mistress Heather, not wanting her slave to vomit, pulled her cock out of Sara's mouth.
Mistress Heather: "Perhaps you are not ready to serve me?" she taunted.
Sara: "Mistress, please give me another chance."
Mistress Heather: "Here's the deal. You are going to tilt your head back and hold it perfectly still. I will slide this dildo into your mouth until I am satisfied with your performance. Relax your throat. It will go right in. If you want me to stop, lift your hands. If you complete this task, I will bend you over the car and drill your pussy. If you make it five strokes without orgasming I will be amazed. If you fail me in this task, I will take you inside and your orgasm will be denied until I feel you have earned it. Deal?"
Sara knew this was the best offer she was going to get. She nodded her agreement, then tilted her head back.
Mistress Heather brought the fake cock back to Sara's lips, but did not insert it. She like tormenting the older woman. She understood Sara's needs like nobody else. Sara would do anything she asked and say thank you. Heather knew she could stick the dildo in Sara's throat to the base and make her vomit, yet Sara would never raise her hand.
Slowly, Heather started pushing the dildo back into Sara's mouth. Inch by inch, the hard shaft moved toward Sara's throat. In some ways, Sara wished Mistress Heather would push the dildo in all at once, but she wasn't sure what damage that action would cause.
Sara did her best to relax. To her surprise she didn't feel like gagging. As the tip of the dildo reached the opening to her throat, Sara took one last deep breath and shut her eyes. She felt the dildo continue on its path. She tried not to concentrate on what was happening, preferring to look forward to her reward.
Mistress Heather was pleased that Sara had followed her instruction to relax. She anticipated many kinky adventures with her new play toy and today was just the start. Heather watched as Sara's throat bulged as the intruder filled it. Sara's eyes were watering and saliva was dripping from her mouth, but she held her head still and allowed Heather to do as she wished.
Mistress Heather was surprised that Sara was able to take all nine inches of the strap-on. After Sara's nose touched the harness, Heather quickly pulled the dildo back out as Sara gasped for breath. She had remained in position on her knees holding her breasts through the entire ordeal. Mistress Heather was pleased. Sara had great potential and Heather was determined not to repeat some mistakes she had made with previous lovers.
Sara bent forward slightly as she was trying to regain her composure. Mistress Heather complimented her on passing the deep throat test. Sara smiled thinking she was finally going to get her much needed release. Mistress Heather ordered Sara to stand and put her arms behind her back. She then took Sara's left nipple between her fingers and pulled Sara over to the hood of her car.
Mistress Heather: "I know you are ready for your reward. Always remember I can go from cruel to kind and back again very quickly. You have pleased me this morning, so you will be allowed to cum. Later today, I may beat you. Everything depends on you."
Sara: "Yes mistress. I understand."
Mistress Heather: "Good. Now bend over the hood. Reach forward with both your arms and put your right leg up on the bumper."
As Sara moved into position, Mistress Heather pushed aside the tiny thread holding the back of Sara's g-string in position.
Mistress Heather: "You're very wet, slut. My finger is not even near your pussy yet and I can already feel your moisture."
Sara didn't answer, but a soft moan escaped her lips. Mistress Heather gave Sara's ass a hard swat.
Mistress Heather: "I'm sorry slave, I didn't hear that."
Sara: "Yes, Mistress Heather, I am very wet."
Mistress Heather: "That's better."
Mistress Heather then grabbed the soiled g-string and tore it from Sara's defenseless body. The thin material ripped easily, hardly moving Sara out of position. Mistress Heather proceeded to hang the underwear on Sara's head.
Mistress Heather: "Here slut, smell what you have been giving away."
Sara took a deep breath, her nostrils overrun by the scent of her arousal. At the same time, Mistress Heather grabbed both of Sara's ass cheeks and spread them apart. Heather wiggled her hips causing the strap-on to brush against Sara's pussy lips. Sara moaned again in expectation.
Mistress Heather: "Here's what I want you to do. I'm only going to insert the first two inches. You are then going to squat yourself down on my femcock. You will go slowly. Although you are ready to cum, I want you to hold off as long as you can. You must learn complete control over your orgasm."
Mistress Heather let go of Sara's right cheek and grabbed the base of the dildo. She positioned it at the entrance to Sara's sopping pussy.
Mistress Heather: "Here we go."
Mistress Heather gave a small push and the dildo pushed past Sara's pussy lips with no resistance. The sound of a sharp intake of air could be heard from Sara's mouth.
Mistress Heather: "Ok, I'm done for now. The rest is up to you."
Sara needed no encouragement. With her legs positioned as they were, a simple bend of her knees brought the dildo deeper into her womanhood. Sara made a guttural sound as she impaled herself six inches onto the fake cock. Her position, bent over the car, insured an angle of penetration unlike one she had experienced before and it felt great. As expected, after just a few humps of the dildo, Sara was ready to explode.
Sara: "Oh mistress, please let me cum."
Mistress Heather: "Soon my dear. I want you to pick up speed a bit first. I'm enjoying your show quite a bit."
Sara moaned, half in lust, half in frustration. Her begging became constant as she sped up her body's piston like gyrations. Mistress Heather was very happy. She knew Sara was struggling to hold back her orgasm. Sara was doing much better than most novices. Heather would be able to train her faster and have much more fun with her.
Mistress Heather sensed Sara had reached the end of her endurance. Her moans had changed to screams of ecstasy. Sara's butt was flying up and down on the dildo. Heather was amazed she had not climaxed yet and was ready to give Sara the release she sought.
Mistress Heather bent over Sara burying the fake cock fully in Sara's pussy. Sara started to quiver at the full penetration. At the same time, Heather reached her left arm under Sara's torso and firmly grabbed Sara by the breast, pulling her into a standing position. As she stood up, Heather reached around with her right hand and gave Sara's clit a hard slap.
Sara's body immediately started to convulse in an explosive orgasm. Heather's right hand moved upward and took hold of Sara's right breast. Using both hands for leverage, Heather started dipping her own knees forcing the dildo to resume its cadence of pleasure.
Sara's body was out of control. Three days of teasing herself plus the events of the morning poured out of her core. She was no longer aware of her surroundings as her orgasm overtook her body and racked her soul. She shuddered through two minutes of continual orgasm as Heather continued to assault her pussy. As Sara finally began to calm down, Heather pushed her back across the hood of the car and picked up the pace of her onslaught.
Mistress Heather grabbed both of Sara's arms and pulled them behind her back. Sara was in no state to offer any resistance. Her face was turned so the left side was flush with the hood of the car. Her clit was rubbing incessantly on the edge of the hood with each thrust from her mistress. Sara didn't even have the strength to moan.
Mistress Heather easily held both of Sara's arms with her left hand and proceeded to begin spanking Sara's butt with her right.
Mistress Heather: "Whom does this body belong to, slut!" she yelled.
Sara: "You mistress. It belongs to you."
Mistress Heather: "Correct and I want to see you cum against... now"
Mistress Heather instruction hit Sara like a lightning bolt. Her submissive posture, the pressure on her clit and Heather's relentless pounding was all the stimulation Sara needed. She exploded into her second orgasm in the last 5 minutes; content to let her mistress use her any way she wanted. Although not as earth shattering as the first, Sara second orgasm was draining. As Heather withdrew the dildo and let go of Sara's arms, she slid down the hood of the car to the garage floor.
Sara: "Thank you mistress. That was amazing."
Mistress Heather: "I enjoyed it too. If you continue to please me, you can look forward to many such rewards. Do you have enough energy to come into the house?"
Sara looked up at her mistress. She wanted nothing more that to spend the day with her goddess. Sara reached up her hand and Heather helped pull her to her feet. Sara looked at her watch. It was only 10:15 but already she was exhausted.
Mistress Heather: "I've got other plans for you today, but right now I think you need a nap."
Mistress Heather led Sara into the house. There was a large wall mirror near the garage hallway. Sara looked at her reflection. She was a mess. The knees on her stockings were torn, her hair was a mess and her pussy was swollen. Sara slowly turned around and was greeted by a pink glow on her buttocks. Sara thought she looked like a fucked out piece of meat, which of course, she was.
Sara heard her mistress talking, but it wasn't to her. Sara turned again and saw a young girl, perhaps not quite 19 standing next to her mistress and wearing a revealing maid's costume. Mistress Heather was giving her instruction on which room to clean next. The young girl was paying close attention to Mistress Heather, although she stole glances at Sara whenever possible. Sara was humiliated. Being naked in front of people had started to grow on her. Being seen by a stranger right after her ravagement was something new.
Sara watched as Mistress Heather whispered something in the girl's ear while both women were looking in Sara's direction. Whatever she said must have pleased the young girl as she looked straight at Sara and licked her lips. Sara shivered at what that simple gesture meant.
Mistress Heather led the girl over to where Sara was standing and introduced her as Stephanie.
Mistress Heather: "Stephanie is a junior at Northwestern. She is studying psychology, although I think she learns more in my service than her professors teach her."
Sara took a moment to look at Stephanie. She was almost innocent looking, her face not yet spoiled by the stress of life as an adult. She was a small girl; perhaps 5'1" tall and at most 110lbs. Stephanie had black hair and very small breasts. The maid's outfit she wore did little to conceal her body. It was black nylon, a web like material really. From a distance it would appear solid, but up close it was completely transparent. Supplementing the garment was a frilly white lace apron and shoes with heels entirely too high to be practical for her task.
Mistress Heather: "Stephanie has been cleaning for me for a couple of years. I met her when she was a freshman. She needed money to supplement her scholarship and answered an ad I had placed for a maid. She doesn't schedule any classes on Wednesday and spends her day here.
Sara: "It is nice to meet her."
Stephanie: "It is nice to meet you, Sara. I hope I get a chance to spend more time with you this afternoon."
Mistress Heather: "We'll see. If you're both good girls today, I may let you have a special reward."
Stephanie licked her lips again then turned and walked out of the room. Sara watched her tiny butt wiggle as she left, until Mistress Heather snapped her fingers in front of her face.
Mistress Heather: "You need to concentrate on pleasing me if you want a piece of Stephanie."
Sara: "Yes mistress."
Mistress Heather: "I want you to go upstairs. You will find a guest bedroom on you left. Take a shower and then take a quick nap. I know our little garage adventure took a lot out of you and I need you refreshed before I lay out my plans for you."
Sara: "As you wish."
Sara turned and walked up the stairs in search of the guest bedroom. Mistress Heather walked after Stephanie to cure the ache in her pussy fucking Sara had created.
Mistress Heather found Stephanie in the living room using a feather duster to clean the cocktail table. She looked delectable bending over the table, her costume skirt riding up high on her thighs. Mistress Heather thanked her lucky stars the day Stephanie answered the ad. She had been seduced into the service of Mistress Heather on her second full day on the job.
Mistress Heather snapped her fingers to alert Stephanie to her presence. Immediately Stephanie put down the duster, came over to her mistress and knelt before her.
Stephanie: "What does my mistress require?"
Heather didn't even say a word. She simply pointed to her pussy.
Stephanie: "Thank you for this treat, mistress."
Stephanie reached for the zipper on Mistress Heather's jumpsuit and quickly opened the crotch. Mistress Heather's scent was powerful. Stephanie found it intoxicating as always. As she had been taught, Stephanie then rocked herself back and tilted her head away from her mistress. Heather moved forward sliding her pussy over Stephanie's chin, mouth and nose. Heather reached down and held Stephanie's head while she rubbed herself on her young maid's face.
"Open," was all Heather needed to say for Stephanie to open her mouth and stick her tongue out. Heather firmly planted her dripping pussy over Stephanie's mouth and instructed her to get to work. Stephanie loved this part of her day. The sight of another naked woman in the house always aroused her. Her jealousy about sharing Mistress Heather had long since past. She knew that if Mistress Heather thought Sara was worth investing time, sooner or later a kinky adventure would follow.
Mistress Heather was pleased at having two playmates at her house today. There was a fire in her belly from fucking Sara, which Stephanie's talented tongue would quench. Heather began rocking her hips to the beat of Stephanie's oral ability. Heather felt herself building to strong orgasm and wanted more. She dismounted from Stephanie's face and pulled the girl by the hair over to the couch. There Heather sat down. Stephanie dove back between her mistress' legs.
Mistress Heather: "That's it baby. Make mamma cum. Stick your fingers in me and suck my clit."
Urged on by her mistress' dirty talk, Stephanie did exactly what she was told. Using her index and middle finger from her right hand, she penetrated Heather's pussy while sucking veraciously at her clit. Heather pulled her legs up and placed them on Stephanie's shoulders to prevent any escape as her body trembled. Stephanie knew this position well. Once Mistress Heather's legs went to her shoulders, an orgasm was soon to follow. Heather pulled Stephanie into her pussy one last time and shrieked with pleasure as her orgasm hit. Heather's hips were pitching up and down to an unseen conductor's baton, smearing her juice on Stephanie's face.
After Heather had taken all the pleasure she could, she told Stephanie to get up and resume cleaning. Stephanie wanted her own reward like Sara had received, but knew better than to ask. She would get her release when Mistress Heather decided and not a minute sooner.
Sara had found the guest bedroom and removed her few items of clothes. She didn't feel dirty, at least not in the traditional sense, but a swift hot shower feel good. As she exited the shower and toweled off, she clearly heard the shrieks from Mistress Heather's orgasm. Sara wanted to run back downstairs, but she remembered Heather's instructions to lie down. The guest bed was queen size. The sheets were made of Egyptian cotton. Sara slid naked under the sheet, luxuriating in the light touch of the fabric. None of this seemed strange to her anymore and she fell sound asleep within minutes.
Sara awoke as the sun was shinning in the bedroom window. "It must be afternoon," she thought to herself. Sara rose from the bed. The house was quiet. She glanced at her watch and was shocked to find it was 2pm. She had been asleep for three and a half hours. Sara rushed into the bathroom looking for her lingerie, but found nothing but her high-heeled shoes. Mistress Heather, or more likely Stephanie, must have retrieved them while she was sleeping. Left with no alternative, Sara headed downstairs naked.
Sara walked around the house searching for Mistress Heather and Stephanie. She hoped the young girl had not left for the day. Sara felt strange walking around an unknown house naked. A search of the main floor was unsuccessful so Sara ventured back upstairs to look in the other bedrooms. This too proved fruitless. Sara began to wonder if Mistress Heather had left. Sara quickly made her way back to the garage. The same car she had been ravaged on was still there, although her coat and clothes bag were gone.
Sara walked back into the house and into the kitchen. From there she could see the pool area in the back yard. She expected to find Mistress Heather and Stephanie outside tanning, but still, there were not to be found. As she stood there perplexed, Sara thought she heard a whimper. Looking around, Sara noticed another door. "That must lead to a basement," she thought. Sara opened the door and listened.
The noises were muffled, but definitely somebody was downstairs. Sara crept down the stairs and peered around the corner of the staircase. The basement was finished with impeccable style, like the rest of the house, but no one was there. Again Sara paused to listen for any sounds. A short time later, she again heard a barely audible groan. She recognized that sound. She had made it earlier in the garage.
Sara tiptoed around the basement trying to locate the sound. It seemed to be located behind a wall with no obvious door. Behind the wall, somebody, presumably Mistress Heather and Stephanie was in the throws of passion. Sara investigated the length of the wall, but could not find any access point. Then over a speaker she heard her mistress' voice.
Mistress Heather: "Sara, you've been a bad girl. I do not remember giving you permission to leave the bedroom."
Sara looked around. She had no clue where her mistress was located.
Mistress Heather: "Look at the camera in the bookcase silly girl."
Sara looked at the bookcase next to the entertainment center and saw a small webcam.
Mistress Heather: "I will deal with you in a few minutes. Sit down and turn on the TV and DVD player."
Sara did as she was told. Not surprisingly, the screen was filled with a security camera image of her and Mistress Heather in the garage. Sara watched with fascination her own debauchery of that morning. There was no sound on the video, but Sara remembered vividly each word her mistress had told her. As the video progressed to Mistress Heather mounting her on the car, Sara began rubbing her legs together. She felt refreshed after her long nap and now her arousal was returning. Soon Sara was sitting on the couch with her legs spread and her hand rubbing her clit. Sara knew she would be punished for such an action, but at this point, she didn't care.
Just then the bookcase pivoted on a set of hidden hinges and Mistress Heather stepped out from a narrow hallway.
Mistress Heather: "Just what do you think you are doing?" she yelled. "I give you two simple tasks, to clean up and take a nap, and this is how you repay my generosity? Get down this hallway."
Sara stood up. She was not upset with being caught. She was horny again and needed her mistress' attention.
Mistress Heather: "In time I would have brought you here with pleasure on the docket. Instead you will now be punished."
Sara moved through the tight hallway toward the area she had heard the sounds through the wall. As she turned the corner, she found an expansive room, at least 20 feet by 30 feet. It was decorated as a dungeon. In one corner, Stephanie was suspended by her arms from a bar attached to a hook in the ceiling. Sara had no doubt she would soon follow.
Mistress Heather: "Welcome to my playroom. Here you will find both pleasure and pain. I wanted to bring you here for the latter during your first visit, but your inability to follow simple directions makes that impossible. As you can see, Stephanie has been tasting my vengeance."
Sara looked closer at the young girl as Mistress Heather spun her around. Sara noticed a series of bruises on Stephanie's buttocks and lash marks across her breasts, stomach and thighs. "These marks would take days to heel," Sara surmised. Sara's knees went weak at the thought of trying to explain such marks to her husband.
Mistress Heather: "Not to worry, my dear, nobody will be able to see what I do to you."
"How does she always know what I am thinking," Sara wondered silently.
Mistress Heather: "When Stephanie first came to work for me, she broke an expensive figurine on her second day. She begged me not to fire her. I offered her a chance to save her job if she would submit to a spanking. Reluctantly she agreed and she ended up cumming all over my lap. Since that day she had been spending one day a week cleaning my house for free. If she does a good job, I reward her with a beating. She usually cums several times just from the impact of my cat-o-nine-tails and my ridding crop. If she does a bad job cleaning the house, I send her home with nothing."
Sara looked at Stephanie's face for any sign of confirmation.
Mistress Heather: "She was just about to orgasm when you interrupted us. I doubt she is too happy with you right now. Before I begin working on you, I think you owe Stephanie her pleasure."
Mistress Heather led Sara to the suspended maid. Mistress Heather dipped her finger into Stephanie's pussy and it returned a glistening. Sara notice Stephanie trying in vain to hump Mistress Heather finger during its all to brief incursion. Mistress Heather then brought her finger up to Sara's mouth.
Mistress Heather: "Taste her."
Sara licked Mistress Heather's finger. Stephanie's juice was sweet.
Mistress Heather: "She has about the enjoyable pussy I have found. You will get to know it very well. Get down on your knees."
Sara's head was guided into position in front of Stephanie's pussy. Sara immediately began eating out the youngster. Her lust for Stephanie's taste was apparent. Sara grabbed Stephanie's butt, forgetting about the bruising, and pulled her closer. Stephanie howled in pain at the contact with her tender ass, but also tensed her body trying to make more contact with Sara. Stephanie's orgasm was fast approaching. Sara was surprised at the string of foul and degrading words coming from so innocent looking a girl. Stephanie's body tensed once more as her orgasm overtook her. The chain holding her aloft was rattling as her body shook from side to side.
As soon as she stopped thrashing, Mistress Heather lowered the bar and Stephanie's feet once again reached the floor.
Stephanie: "That was wonderful mistress. Thank you."
Stephanie gave Heather a small kiss on the cheek.
Mistress Heather: "You are dismissed. I'll see you next week."
Without hesitation, Stephanie turned and left the playroom.
Mistress Heather: "As you can see, Stephanie knows her place and how she is expected to act. At some point you will too. We are going to go over some simple rules of your servitude. If you fail to follow the rules, you will be punished. Repeated failure will eventually lead to expulsion from the club and revocation of your opportunity to serve me. You don't want that to happen, right?"
Sara: "No mistress. Please forgive me for leaving the bedroom."
Mistress Heather: "Forgiveness is not an option. You must learn to obey."
Sara looked downward with a sad expression on her face.
Mistress Heather: "The first thing you must learn is how to please me. From here on, this is your number one task in life. After I fucked you this morning, Stephanie gave me the most wonderful orgasm. Now it is your chance to return the favor. In the future, whenever I snap my fingers and point to my pussy, that is your signal to service me."
Mistress Heather then did exactly as she told Sara she would. She snapped her fingers and pointed downward. As she was already on her knees from eating Stephanie, it was a simple task to crawl to Mistress Heather and comply with her order. As she unzipped the catsuit, the fragrance Sara longed to smell again assailed her nostrils. Sara wasted no time in beginning to service her mistress. Sara knew she had disappointed Mistress Heather and wanted to make up for her previous actions. For her part, Mistress Heather loved Sara's enthusiasm. She was going to punish Sara no matter what, but first, she wanted to cum again.
Whipping and flogging Stephanie always turned on Heather. Usually she made Stephanie service her after they were done, but by then Stephanie was too weak to do a very good job. With Sara well rested, that was not a concern. Heather ground her pussy on Sara's upturned face until her juices were smeared all over her new pet. As Heather felt her orgasm build, she pulled Sara's head back and turned around. She pulled Sara's head back down and instructed her to lick her asshole. Sara needed no further encouragement. Using both hand to spread her mistress' cheeks, she buried her tongue in Heather's ass. Heather loved to be rimmed. She usually didn't force a slave to service her this way for at least a couple of sessions, but she knew Sara would not refuse her. With her free hand, Heather began rubbing her own clit to hasten her climax. Grinding her ass in a slave's face always got Heather going. Within a minute, her orgasm burst forth, draining her energy.
Sara was proud that her mistress had been able to cum so forcefully. Sara's own pussy had been dripping ever since she turned the corner into the playroom. She knew Mistress Heather had promised to punish her, but surely her last task had been nothing but pleasure.
As Heather calmed down, her breathing returned to normal. She turned around again and smiled at the woman kneeling at her feet.
Mistress Heather: "That was very good slave. You have a talented tongue. As it is after 3 now, I need to impart the rules to you so you can go home to your family."
My family. It was the first time Sara had thought of them since arriving.
Mistress Heather: "I had hoped to introduce you to much of the equipment in my playroom this afternoon, but your insolence will prevent that. Listen to these rules carefully and if your conduct has improved by next Wednesday, you will be rewarded."
Sara nodded, trying to focus on her mistress' every word. Looking around the playroom, concentration was difficult. The walls were covered with whips and crops. Every time of restraint Sara could image was neatly arranged. Several benches and other furniture were scattered around the floor, including a four-poster bed. A display case held other toys and what looked like a washroom was located at the end.
Mistress Heather: "I can see we are going to have to go upstairs or you will never hear what I am going to say."
Sara could sense she had disappointed her mistress again. Mistress Heather led Sara back through the hidden hallway, through the bookcase and back upstairs. Sara was brought to the family room where Mistress Heather casually sat on a large leather sofa. Sara watched as Mistress Heather opened a built-in storage drawer and removed a set of leather cuffs. She ordered Sara to place her hands behind her back and then attached the cuffs. Sara was then draped across Mistress Heather's knees. Sara knew Mistress Heather could smell the arousal emanating from her quickly overheating core.
Mistress Heather: "I am going to spank you as punishment for not following your orders. As I do, I am going to give you further instructions and rules. You will count the number of spanks. Failure to comply will mean the spanking will need to start again. Are we clear?"
Sara: "Yes mistress."
Mistress Heather began rubbing Sara's butt, a sensation Sara found very pleasurable. Sara knew the feeling would not last, but she delighted in the feeling while she could. Sara felt Mistress Heather's hand leave her cheek and knew what was about to come.
The sound of Mistress Heather's hand connecting with Sara's butt reverberated throughout the room.
"One," counted Sara, the stinging pain moving quickly up her spine.
Mistress Heather continued spanking Sara while she laid out her expectations.
1) You will not cum without permission.
2) You will only have sex with people I approve of and when I allow it. The one exception is your husband. You will not refuse him access to your body or refuse any activity he initiates.
3) You will make yourself available to me at my convenience.
4) You will always enter this house through the service entrance.
5) When you greet me, you will be on your knees.
6) Your pussy is to be shaved smooth at all times.
7) You will obey my orders without delay and exactly as I give them to you.
8) Unless contrary to a direct order from me, you will serve other club members as if you were serving me.
9) You are to always wear sexy lingerie under your clothing, except when exercising. If you feel sexy you will act sexy.
10) You will wear high-heeled shoes whenever practical.
11) You will begin a strict regiment of diet and exercise as directed by my personal trainer.
12) You will always answer any question "yes mistress or no mistress" unless I ask you for more detail.
Mistress Heather concluded her instructions by telling Sara there would be more rules going forward, but these were enough for today.
Sara's ass was on fire. Six blows to each cheek left her pussy dripping wet. Mistress Heather casually ran her finger up and down Sara's slit taunting her new submissive.
Mistress Heather: "Does baby want to cum again?" she cooed.
Sara: "Yes mistress."
Mistress Heather: "Are you going to disobey me any more?"
Sara: "No mistress," her voice cracking under the sensations of a teasing finger.
Mistress Heather seized the back of Sara's head and pulled hard, while forcing her index finger into a very aroused woman.
Mistress Heather: "I'm not sure I believe you. Convince me."
Sara: "Yes mistress. My I have permission to speak?"
Mistress Heather: "You may."
Sara: "Mistress, I will do anything for you. I love you mistress. I will obey your orders. I will service anyone you say at anytime."
Mistress Heather sped the piston-like action of her fingers. Sara began to moan as pre-orgasmic sensations rolled over her helpless body.
Mistress Heather: "That was a very fine answer slave. I know you want to cum again, but you must hold back."
Sara groaned in frustration.
Mistress Heather: "Rock your hips for me, slut, and listen carefully. When I give the command, I want you to jump up and face me. You are to show me how much of a tramp you are and play with that dirty pussy until you climax. I want you to repeat this phrase - 'I am my mistress' slut. My pussy belongs to her. Your slave thanks you for letting her cum again.'"
Sara listened closely as Mistress Heather continued to tease her overheated pussy. She would say whatever Mistress Heather wanted to hear in order to climax right now. Heather was content to let Sara suffer a little longer and resumed spanking her while continuing to finger fuck her.
To her credit, Sara continued to rock her hips as she was instructed, trying to get more of Mistress Heather's finger inside her. Her sounds of passion were becoming louder and more frequent. Sara thought she heard the garage door opening, but she was too far gone to care. A series of beeps on the alarm signaled the interior door was opening. Mistress Heather said just four words.
"You may cum now."
Mistress Heather pulled her finger out of Sara and pushed her off her lap. Sara sprung to her feet and turned to face her mistress just as the door opened and a man entered. Sara assumed it was Heather's husband, but she didn't care. Her hands immediately found her outer pussy lips. With one hand rubbing her clit and the other inserting fingers into her pussy, Sara was not about to slow down. The man smiled as he watched Sara move ever closer to orgasm.
"Looks like you found another live one, dear," he said.
"Yes honey, I like this one very much," Heather replied. Turning back to Sara she issued a command. "Take those fingers out of your pussy and stick them up your ass instead!"
Sara responded at once, pulling her now wet fingers from her pussy, reaching around behind herself and jamming the middle finger into her rear hole.
Mistress Heather: "I haven't got all day. Cum now or forfeit your orgasm until next Wednesday.
Sara looked at Mistress Heather with a mix of desperation and lust. Knowing that look, Heather returned her stare and started rubbing her nipples, taunting Sara with her body.
Mistress Heather (very slowly): "You want to serve my perfect body, don't you slave? You want to suckle my wonderful breasts and feast on my succulent pussy. You want to submit your will to mine and surrender your desires. You will cum now. I command you."
Sara was completely lost in the situation. She rubbed her clit with a ferocity that surprised even her jaded mistress. Sara began chanting the instructed words of praise and dedication to her mistress as she exploded in orgasm, her weakening knees causing her to slump to a kneeling position before falling to the floor. Sara lay quaking on the floor, her eyes focused on nothing except her mistress' boot.
Emotionally, Sara was completely spent. Her two orgasms today had been as good as any she had ever experienced. Sara looked up in time to see Heather's husband leave the room, seemingly disinterested in the event transpiring before him. Heather tapped her boot. Sara understood and gave the toe a gentle kiss.
Sara: "Thank you mistress."
Mistress Heather: "You're welcome Sara. I expect you here at 9am sharp next Wednesday. Now go home."
Sara drove home from Mistress Heather's house in a euphoric daze. Any problems in her world had been driven away by the wonderful hours spent with her mistress. Even now, her pussy was leaking its juices and begging for further attention. Sara replayed the day's events in her mind and smiled like a young child on Christmas morning. She thought about her mistress' instructions and how difficult it would be waiting an entire week to see her again. Sara reflected on Mistress Heather's first order not to cum without permission. This would be very difficult. Mistress Heather had told her to service her husband whenever he wanted. Sara's body had become conditioned to need the release of an orgasm on a regular basis. How could she hold back? Sara figured she had a loophole with order number eight, to serve other club members as she served her mistress. Certainly Maggie, Andi, Cindy and Susan would let her cum. Sara remembered she was wearing a pair of heels Susan had borrowed from Maggie. Sara made a mental note to return the shoes tomorrow and hope Maggie took pity on her. She thought about stopping at the mall to see Maggie now, in hopes of quenching the fire between her legs, but thought better of taking the time. As it was, the kids would probably be home from school, by now, and Sara didn't want to risk being gone when Frank arrived home.
Wednesday night passed uneventfully. Sara had hoped Frank would initiate sex, but alas it was not to be. Thursday morning dawned and the now familiar itch of need permeated Sara's vagina. Sara checked her email frequently hoping Mistress Heather would contact her. After the first couple of times, Sara began watching the videos of herself, Mistress Heather and Cindy every time she checked her email. The necessity to play with herself was growing each time Sara watched one of her video clips. Sara was an emotional wreck by the time noon came around. Her desire to obey Mistress Heather was, thus far, holding back her need to masturbate. In some weird way, Sara began to enjoy her condition. She was once again on edge. Her need to serve was conflicting with her need to cum.
Sara knew she had to get out of the house. Mistress Heather apparently wasn't going to send for her. She decided to return Maggie's shoes in hopes of finding relief for her aching pussy. Sara dressed for easy access. She wore a simple sundress, which came to mid-thigh. Her now required stockings, garter belt and heels were in place. Since the sundress was fairly sheer, Sara donned a black pair of panties, which matched her stockings. Sara did not put on a bra. She wanted to feel naughty under this otherwise conservative outfit.
Sara pulled out of the garage and pointed her car toward the mall. In the confines of the car, she could smell her arousal filling the air. This only served to increase her desire. The drive to the mall was maddeningly slow. The traffic seemed to be full of "idiots" and "morons" who "didn't know how to drive." Sara was on edge for every little action that slowed her down. Finally Sara reached the mall and parked near the entrance closest to Professional Woman.
Sara strode with purpose to the store, carrying a small bag with Maggie's shoes. When she entered the store, Maggie looked up from behind the counter and didn't seem surprised to see Sara standing before her. Sara's nipples were hard and clearing showing through the dress. Although they did not show, Sara knew her panties were saturated with her liquefied essence. Standing next to Maggie was a young girl Sara did not recognize.
"This is Emily," Maggie introduced. "She's been working here about a week."
"Nice to meet you," said Sara. Sara studied the young girl. She was about Andi's age, although her looks were not as polished. Sara had no doubts this girl would soon be in sexual service to Maggie, if she wasn't already.
"I brought back your shoes," Sara continued.
"Thanks," said Maggie, "why don't you put them in my office. I'll be right there. I just need to give Emily a few more instruction on the register, then I can take a break."
Sara acknowledged the innocent sounding instruction and headed down the hallway. She opened the door to Maggie's office and went inside. She was not prepared for the vision before her.
The first time she visited Professional Woman, Sara had been ravaged in this very office while suspended in Maggie's sex swing. The swing was once again attached to the ceiling, only this it was occupied by a very naked Andi. She was blindfolded and gagged and struggled in the swing as two vibrators buzzed insistently in her pussy and asshole. Andi was positioned with her legs spread wide and secured to the swing's stirrups with Velcro straps. Sara knew Andi could easily pull her legs free, but she guessed that was not what Andi wanted. Andi's arms her similarly secured to the straps above her head. Sara guessed the toys were not turned on high enough to allow Andi to climax. Maggie seemed to have her on simmer mode. Sara knew that feeling all to well as her pussy juices began to flow heavier. Oh how she wished she could take Andi's place right now. Andi heard the door open and assumed Maggie had returned. Sara walked around the very turned on teenager admiring Maggie's handiwork. Sara stopped behind Andi was gave herself the luxury of reaching around the young girl and fondling her nipples. Andi's response to Sara's touch was immediate. Andi arched her back forcing her breasts into Sara's hands while dropping her head making contact with Sara's chest. The red ball gag in her mouth muffled Andi's sounds, but Sara recognized the moan of pleasure.
Sara continued manipulating Andi's nipples for several seconds until the snap of a ridding crop on the back of her left hand surprised her. Sara was so engrossed in the sight of the lovely Andi at her mercy, she had not noticed Maggie entering the office.
"Just what do you think you are doing, Slave Sara?" forcibly exclaimed Maggie.
Sara felt like a child caught with her hand in a cookie jar. Sara started to stammer an answer, which might please Maggie, but was cut off with a raise of the older woman's hand.
"I don't want to hear another word," said Maggie. "Go sit on the sofa."
Sara meekly complied and watched as Maggie whispered something into Andi's ear. Because of the ball gag in Andi's mouth, Sara could not get a good look, but she thought see saw the hint of an attempted smile. Maggie gave Andi's nipples a quick pinch and then walked over to where Sara was sitting.
"I know why you are here. The actions of a horny slut like you are easy to predict. You can begin by servicing my needs. Assume the position your mistress taught you to take when you greet her."
Maggie unzipped her skirt and let it fall to the floor. She wasn't wearing any panties. Sara slid to the floor and took up a position in front of Maggie. Sara was on her knees with her legs spread and her hands cupping her breasts. For some reason, taking this position while clothed seemed dirtier than when she had done it in Mistress Heather's garage.
"I see you remember your instructions," began Maggie. "Let's see how much you've learned about the proper way to eat a pussy."
Sara wasted no time in leaning forward to commence her servitude of Maggie's hallowed pleasure spot. For her part, Maggie took a strong grip on Sara's head pulling her mouth strongly in contact with her pussy.
"Oh Andi, Sara is doing a wonderful job. I really must have her do you too when she is done here."
Andi was pleased to hear Maggie say that. She had been suspended with the vibrators teasing her for over 45 minutes and she was ready to scream she needed to cum so badly.
Maggie rocked her hips back and forth causing Sara to follow suit. As Maggie changed positions, Sara had to lean up to 45 degrees front to back to keep her mouth glued on Maggie's ever-moistening slit. The stress was causing Sara's knees to ache, but she kept focused on her task, urged on by Maggie's increasing moans of pleasure. Maggie held back for about 15 minutes before allowing herself to be overcome by a very satisfying orgasm. Maggie knew that the longer she held out, the more Sara would be aroused. She would like nothing more than to put Sara in the swing right now and fuck the daylights out of her, but that was not part of Heather's plan. Maggie had talked to Heather on Wednesday night and had agreed to just tease Sara if she showed up at the store. To that end, as she rode out her orgasm, she grabbed Sara's head once again and smeared her juices all over Sara's face. Up, down and side to side Maggie coated Sara's precious face, indelibly marking her scent on submissive woman.
"That was wonderful, Sara," exclaimed Maggie. "Hold that position and let me get Andi down. It is time for her reward."
Sara watched as Maggie released Andi from the straps holding her in the swing. Sara could smell Maggie's scent on her face, the odor mixing with her own arousal perfume creating an intoxicating fragrance. Gingerly Andi slid out of the swing, her legs unsteady from being suspended for an hour. Immediately when she was upright, the vibrator from her pussy slipped out and landed on the floor with a thud.
"Wet are we?" queried Maggie.
Andi just nodded.
"That's ok, I was going to take that one out anyway. Just make sure the one in your ass stays in place and walk over to Sara."
Andi smiled as she moved toward her favorite housewife. Maggie went to her desk drawer and removed an 8" strap-on.
"Sara, I want you to lean back. You can release your breasts and put your hands under your ass. Andi, I want you to bend over Sara and grab the back of the sofa."
Both girls did as they had been instructed. Sara had a bird's eye view of Andi's tender pussy, slick with the effects of the vibrator. Sara breathed in deeply enjoying the new mixture of scents.
"Sara, listen to me," began Maggie. "Andi has been a very good girl today so she is going to receive great pleasure from me. You, on the other hand, touched her without permission. Your task here is to watch me, up close and personal, fuck her. You are to keep your hands firmly planted under your ass. I don't want you making the same mistake twice."
Maggie stepped forward and rubbed the plastic phallus along Andi's pussy lips. Sara's vision was focused exactly on Andi's slit. She could not see Andi's face, but she could imagine the look of pleasure it would be showing right now. Sara drooled as she watched Maggie slowly insert the dildo into the pussy just three inches above her. As Maggie built a rhythm, slowing increasing the speed at which she pummeled her youthful salesgirl, Sara was intently watching, her own arousal building to near a breaking point. Sara could hear the muffled screams of passion as Andi reached closer and closer to her release. Sara knew Andi was just holding off until Maggie gave her permission to cum. Sara didn't know how Andi to hold out any longer. Sara was ready to cum just from watching the perverted show and nobody had even touched her.
Maggie grabbed Andi by the back of the head and pulled her up forcefully. "One blink for yes you want to cum and agree to all the terms we discussed earlier this morning or two blinks you still think you can disobey me without consequences?" queried Maggie.
Obviously Sara could not see Andi's response, but she felt it. Sara watched as Maggie pulled the strap-on out of Andi's pussy as Andi was simultaneously being pushed down onto Sara's waiting mouth. Sara latched onto Andi's highly sensitive clit and she sucked for all she was worth. Immediately Andi began quivering and a flood of girl juice leaked into Sara's mouth and down her chin. Andi rocked her hips involuntarily as the orgasm ripped through her. Her pussy slammed into Sara's face, riding her nose as if it were a cock, over and over again. Finally it was over and Andi stood straight up, but did not move her feet.
"I hope you enjoyed that my pet," rhetorically asked Maggie to Andi. "But we're not done just yet."
Maggie looked at Sara, her face glistening with the orgasmic delight of two women. She smiled again and gave Sara a curved vibrator. Sara recognized this as the g-spot vibrator she had used before. Obviously Maggie wanted Andi to squirt for her.
"Here's what's going to happen, girls. Andi, you are going to bend over Sara again. While she stimulates your g-spot, I'm going to fuck your ass."
Both women listened to Maggie's decree, but will a difference sense of joy. Andi loved being fucked by Maggie, whether it was in her pussy or up her ass. Maggie had used this vibrator on her before and she sprayed her juices like crazy. The added bonus of being fucked at the same time had Andi quivering with anticipation. Sara, on the other hand, was not as happy. She wanted to be fucked, probably more than Andi right now, yet her needs were not being met. She thought about discretely rubbing her own pussy. Surely with Maggie and Andi occupied, neither would notice. Even if they did, Sara knew she could cum just from being punished so maybe giving Maggie an excuse was a good idea.
Maggie bent Andi back over and removed the vibrator from her ass. Andi's asshole did not snap shut. Having been stretched for over an hour at this point, it slowly started constricting back to its normal position. Maggie told Sara to insert the g-spot vibrator into Andi while she rubbed a generous amount of lube onto her femcock. Andi offered little resistance as Maggie began to plumb the depths of her ass. Andi tried to find a cadence allowing her to maximize her up and down pleasure on the vibrator along with the front to back thrusting of Maggie's anal exploration. It took numerous cycles of the motion, but she finally reached a naughty bump and grind to maximize the feelings radiating from her pleasure zones.
"She how she is 100% focused on taking her pleasure right now?" Maggie asked Sara. "She has learned what she needs to be able to cum and isn't afraid to ask me for it. Earlier today we had a discussion about some new tasks I need her to perform. She was initially reluctant, but after some time in the swing, she came around. She loves the g-spot vibrator. You will soon be blessed to receive a shower of her juices. After that, you are going to go home and wait for Mistress Heather's call. When you first came into the store, I was willing to let you cum. But since you saw fit to play with Andi without permission, you will have to wait until Mistress Heather makes that determination."
Needless to say, Sara was disappointed and incredibly frustrated. She also did not want to have Andi suffer for her mistake. Sara began to twist the dildo each time Andi rocked up and down. The effect was clearly evident as Andi's moans took a more forceful and progressively longer tone. Sara knew Andi must be close to a massive release. Maggie knew that too and began to pick up her pace skewering Andi's ass like a woman possessed. Andi was holding out for dear life. With the gag in place, she could not ask for release. However, Maggie knew her charge all too well and knew exactly how much she could take. Maggie put both her arms on Andi's shoulders for added leverage and slammed the fake cock as deep as she could into Andi's rectum.
"Come for me slut!" she shouted. "Spray Sara with your love juice!"
Those were the words Andi was longing to hear. Her mind was a whirl as her g-spot convulsed, drenching the prone Sara. As she shuddered, Andi sprayed Sara up and down for five or six seconds. As her flow slowed down, Maggie grabbed her by the breasts and stood Andi upright while keeping up her assault on Andi's ass.
"Eat her pussy right now, slave Sara!" Maggie yelled.
Sara dove in to the hottest, wettest pussy she had ever known, including her own. Sara licked Andi up and down and sucked on her clit. Andi continued to shake as both sides of her body continued to be stimulated. Andi had a series of smaller orgasms, each a little smaller than the last, consumed her for the next five minutes.
Finally Maggie pulled out her strap-on and let go of Andi. Andi immediately slumped to the sofa in a heap. She was done for the day.
Maggie grabbed Sara's head and pulled her mouth to the tip of the strap-on. "Clean off Andi's mess, you whore. This is all you are good for."
Sara was repulsed by the smell and taste left on the dildo, but she did as she was instructed. She took the entire shaft into her throat, just as Mistress Heather had taught her and then saturated the shank with her saliva. The sight below her pleased Maggie. She looked forward to spending more time with Sara as she progressed on the Mistress Heather training program. When she was satisfied by Sara's clean job, Maggie popped the dildo out of her mouth leaving a string of saliva from Sara's lips to the tip of the dildo. Sara looked up pleadingly, as if to ask Maggie to fuck her, but the unvocalzed answer was no.
Maggie motioned for Sara to stand up. Andi had curled up on the sofa and was comfortably asleep.
"Perhaps next time you will not be so presumptuous," said Maggie.
"Yes mam," replied Sara.
"Go on, get yourself home and wait for Heather to call," responded Maggie.
Sara walked out of the office and back into the front of the store. As she passed the front desk, Emily looked at her quizzingly, but said nothing. At first Sara though Emily must have heard what was going on in the office, but with Andi gagged, there really wasn't that much noise. Then Sara caught a peak at her reflection in a mirror. The front of her sheer sundress was now fully transparent after being soaked by Andi's ejaculate. Sara's face was still glistening with the combination of Maggie's and Andi's juices. She looked as if she had just been gangbanged. Sara was sure this was part of Maggie's plan and that relief would not be forthcoming.
Sara gave Emily a weak smile and headed for the door. She prayed she would not meet anyone who wanted to stop and talk as she quickly made for the exit. Sara was just reaching the door when a group of high school girls entered. They all looked directly at Sara who began to blush profusely. Certainly they would never be able to guess what had happened, Sara thought, but still, her breasts were as clearly displayed as if she had been in a wet t-shirt contest and her nipples were rock hard. Sara just kept moving and ignored any comments the girls may have been making.
Sara then ran to the car and quickly sat into the driver's seat before anyone else could see her. Her pussy was on fire and she desperately needed to cum. Somehow she knew that Mistress Heather would ask if she had cum today and she knew she could not lie to her, so after a few minutes of collecting her thoughts and calming down, Sara started the car and headed home.
During the drive the vision of Maggie's dildo mercilessly pounding the pussy and ass just inches from her face haunted Sara. How could Maggie have resisted giving her what she needed? The itch in her pussy was not going away. Sara was horny and needed relief. Sara thought about driving over to Mistress Heather's house, but thought better of it. If Maggie teased her for being too presumptuous for touching Andi, Mistress Heather would be downright furious if Sara showed up uninvited. Besides, Maggie had told Sara that her mistress would be calling her at home. Obviously that is where Sara was supposed to be.
Sara arrived home and was happy to find nobody there. She quickly stripped out of her saturated sundress. She threw it in the hamper and stripped off her stockings and panties before heading to the shower. Sara kept a cordless phone in the bathroom in case Mistress Heather called. She had already learned the penalty for not answering the phone when Mistress Heather expected her.
After her shower Sara put on a pair of sweats and got ready to prepare for dinner. She was in the kitchen when the phone rang. Sara didn't recognize the number displayed by caller id.
Sara: "Hello."
Mistress Heather: "Hello slave. I talked to Maggie and she told me what you did this afternoon."
Sara: "Yes mistress."
Mistress Heather: "You know you were a bad girl for touching Andi without permission, don't you?"
Sara: "Yes mistress."
Mistress Heather: "Next time I see you, you will be punished. You deserve to be punished, don't you?"
Sara: "Yes mistress."
Mistress Heather: "Maggie said you were very aroused this afternoon. Is that correct?"
Sara: "Yes mistress"
Each time Sara said "yes" to her mistress, her voice was just a little softer as she fell deeper and deeper under Mistress Heather's control. She acquiesced easily with the notion that she should be punished for disobeying Mistress Heather. Something deep in her soul longed for Mistress Heather's acceptance and she was willing to do anything to get it.
Mistress Heather: "Are you still aroused?"
Sara: "No mistress. I took a cold shower and that helped."
Mistress Heather: "I see. What are you wearing?"
Sara: "Just sweat clothes. I was about to start preparing dinner."
Mistress Heather: "Do you have your garter and stockings under the sweat pants?"
Sara: "No mistress."
Mistress Heather: "Didn't I order you to wear stocking at all practical times?"
Sara: "Yes mistress."
Mistress Heather: "Very well. That is two things you will be punished for when we next meet. Strip your clothes off."
Sara: "Mistress?"
Mistress Heather: "Get your clothes off right now."
Sara was in no emotional state to argue. She quickly stripped of the sweat suit and stood in the kitchen naked. She looked out of the kitchen window and saw other neighborhood kids arriving home from school. She prayed Mistress Heather would allow her to dress before her kids came in. She tried, in vain, to remember if her kids had any extra-curricular activities today, but she was incapable of thinking clearly about anything except the itch in her pussy and what Mistress Heather might do to punish her. Each second of silence on the phone brought another wave of arousal to Sara's body.
Sara: "I'm naked mistress."
Mistress Heather: "Very good, slave. Is your pussy getting wet again?"
Sara: "Yes mistress."
Mistress Heather: "An obedient slut should always be wet in the presence of her mistress. Do you agree?"
Sara: "Yes mistress. Thank you mistress."
Mistress Heather: "I want you to stick a finger up that slippery slit. Let me hear your squishy sounds."
Sara needed no encouragement. She hoped Mistress Heather would allow her to cum, although with two punishments waiting for her, she doubted relief would be arriving soon. Sara began rubbing her slit while she held the phone next to her pussy. Every few strokes she would stick a finger inside and moan. Sara made sure to avoid direct contact with her clit. She had no doubt any targeted clitoral stimulation would make her erupt without permission. Between her moans, the sounds of a very wet pussy were clearly audible. Sara continued to play with herself for a couple of minutes. She was on the edge of a major orgasm and she knew she needed to stop soon. Hopeful that her mistress was ready to talk again, Sara raised the phone to her ear and slowed the rubbing pace.
Sara: "Could you hear that Mistress Heather?"
Mistress Heather: "Yes slave. I wish I was there to finish you myself."
Sara was pleased at that comment.
Mistress Heather: "Are you ready to cum?"
Sara: "Yes mistress."
Mistress Heather: "Good. Pick up your sweat suit and go to your bedroom. We don't want your kids finding you masturbating in the kitchen."
Sara was relieved to get some privacy. She quickly gathered her clothes and headed to the bedroom.
Mistress Heather: "Rule #9 - Always wear stockings. Get your stockings on right now."
Sara went to her dresser and removed a clean pair of black stockings. The trickle of juices from her pussy was becoming a flood as her mistress continued to give her instructions.
Mistress Heather: "After you put on your stockings, put your sweat pants back on and lay on the bed."
Sara did as she was told and told her mistress when she was ready.
Mistress Heather: "With your left hand, I want you to pinch and pull on your nipples. Make sure you do it strong enough to hurt a bit. With your right hand, rub your sweat pants against that hot pussy. I want it coated with your juice.
Sara tried to balance the cordless phone between her head and shoulder, but it was difficult as both her hands were busy and that was throwing off her balance. Sara was continually moaning in pleasure. She squeezed her nipples as hard as she could, but instead of pain she felt only gratification. Sara was lost in her own world of lust. In the back of her mind, she knew her mistress would tell her to stop just before she orgasmed. Sara thought if she could be quiet, perhaps her mistress would not know what was happening. She knew this was not true, but in the mind of an addict, reason goes out the window. The front panel of Sara's sweat pants was soaked with her fluid. It looked like someone had been working out for an hour, only there were no other sweat stains.
Mistress Heather: "That's enough for now. Stop playing with yourself."
Sara groaned in frustration.
Mistress Heather: "Take the sweat pants back off but don't wash them. We need to get you on a structured exercise program, so tomorrow you are going to visit a gym run by a friend of mine."
Sara wasn't sure she liked the sound of that.
Mistress Heather: "Carey is a fitness nut. She is a professional bodybuilder. She found that running her own gym was the only way she could afford to train full time. The gym closes between 11am and 2pm so she can do her workout in private. Visit her tomorrow at 11am and she will evaluate your fitness and design a program for you. Wear the sweat suit you had on today."
Sara could sense a smile on Mistress Heather's face knowing the bottoms would smell of Sara's arousal.
Sara: "Yes mistress."
Mistress Heather: "Good girl. Now we need to talk about that husband of yours."
Sara: "Mistress?"
Sara knew eventually Frank was going to find out about Heather and she dreaded what would happen.
Mistress Heather: "Don't worry. The same thing happened with Cindy and Jim and Susan and her husband. I know exactly how to handle him."
Sara heard the words, but still was apprehensive. She trusted Mistress Heather unequivocally, but still, how do you tell your husband you are in love with another woman and you act as her sex slave?
Mistress Heather: "Do you and Frank ever watch adult movies?"
Sara: "No, not really."
Mistress Heather: "I want you to go to the video store and get a movie. You can choose the movie but make sure the theme is one man with multiple women. Cuddle up with your husband while you watch it. After the first scene is complete, if he is hard, service him until he cums. Don't worry about your own needs. This is about him. If he jokes that having multiple woman would be a good thing, don't dismiss him, but tell him his birthday or your anniversary, which ever is closer, is coming up and ask him if he would like this as his present."
Sara: "I don't think I can pull that off, mistress."
Mistress Heather: "Of course you can slut. I have not met a man yet who didn't want to be with two women, unless of course he was gay. You're not turning Frank gay are you?"
Sara: "No mistress."
Mistress Heather: "I don't care if you don't use the 'present' line. The key is to have Frank think a three-way is his idea. Play hard to get if you like. If you resist a little and make him try to convince you, then you are off the hook. You'll introduce me casually as somebody you met at the gym. I'll pick you up to go running or something. Frank will begin lusting after me. Believe me, no man can resist me in my running outfit. Soon he will be begging for you to get me in your bed. After that, he'll do whatever I say and let you play with me whenever I want."
Sara: "Do I have to get the video tonight? The kids will be home any minute and I don't think they are going out tonight."
Mistress Heather: "No problem. Pick it up tomorrow on the way to the gym. The smell of your sweat suit will make the clerk's day."
Sara was not happy with either option, but she did not vocalize her apprehension.
Mistress Heather: "So for the rest of today, you are not to play with that squishy pussy of yours. I want you primed the next time we meet. If Frank wants to fuck you tonight, let him, but don't you dare cum. Fake it quickly to get him to spurt if you must, but if you cum you will have given me three reasons to punish you and you don't want that. Tomorrow go to the video store and rent a porno then be at the gym by 11. The gym will be closing and Carey will be able to give you a private workout. Within the next couple of nights I want you to watch the movie with Frank. Be ready to report back to me on Wednesday. I want you in my garage, in position, ready to serve me by 9am. Understand?"
Sara: "Yes mistress."
Mistress Heather: "Good girl. Goodbye."
Sara: "Goodbye mistress."
Sara was shaking as she hung up the phone. She was sure Mistress Heather was right about Frank being open to a three-way. What man would turn down having sex with her goddess? But why would Frank want her anymore if he thought he could have Heather? Sara didn't want to think about the consequences. Surely Heather looked at Frank as a one-night stand or at most an occasional fling. She could have any man or woman she wanted. Why would she want Frank?
Sara tried to get the negative thoughts out of her head and back to the tasks at hand. She heard the kids entering the house. Quickly, she stripped of the sweat pants, clearly aware of their pungent odor. Hiding them in the closet, she put on a different sundress, this time with a conservative bra. The stockings did not seem as out of place, nor did the short-heeled shoes she chose. A little weird for a suburban afternoon, but not too out of place.
Sara woke Friday morning refreshed. She had successfully put the agonizing torture of being denied an orgasm the day before behind her and was looking forward to going to Carey's gym. Sara always enjoyed working out, although these days she seemed to only have time for an occasional run. Although she thought she was in good shape, her mistress obviously thought differently. Mistress Heather had told Sara that Carey was a professional bodybuilder. Sara had never met a bodybuilder before and wondered what she would be like. She had seen bodybuilders on TV before and never thought they looked particularly attractive. Male or female.
Sara was surprised her mistress had ordered her to wear just plain sweat pants to the gym. Perhaps sex wasn't first on the agenda and Sara was really going to work out. Then Sara got a strong whiff of the odor on her pants. After sitting in the drawer overnight, the feminine musk she had rubbed on the pants the day before had strengthened. There was no mistaking the smell for workout sweat. Sara's memory of masturbating for her mistress while wearing these pants flooded her conscious mind and the nearly omnipresent itch in her pussy returned.
Sara arrived at the gym at 10:45. She praised herself for allowing enough time to be early without having to rush. The gym was located in a non-descript warehouse building. A small sign beckoned would be athletes but otherwise the gym would be easy to overlook. Sara watched for signs of patrons leaving as the gym closed after the morning session. A couple of men and one woman, all very fit looking, exited the building during the 15 minutes Sara watched. She theorized that most people worked out either early or late and that mid-morning probably wasn't a busy time. Promptly at 11am, Sara walked inside.
As she was entering, a tall, over six feet, masculine looking woman was reaching for the door. Sara assumed this was Carey.
Carey: "Good morning. You must be Sara. Heather said you would be stopping by today."
Sara: "Yes, I am Sara. Nice to meet you."
Sara extended her hand and Carey gripped it forcibly, shaking it confidently. Sara was struck by the masculine nature of Carey's handshake. Carey was wearing a simple sweat suit and Sara found herself wondering just what was hiding underneath.
Carey: "Let me lock up, that way we will not be disturbed during your evaluation."
Carey moved around Sara and locked the deadbolt with her key. Sara realized she was locked inside with the Amazon woman and wasn't sure expected of her. As Carey moved back in front of the now more nervous Sara, she spoke again.
Carey: "I like your sweat suit. Simple, utilitarian and ready for a workout. Not like most of the prissy housewives I get in here who are more show and less go."
As she moved past Sara, Carey stopped and took a noticeable sniff of the air.
Carey: "Yes, ready for a workout. Just the way a woman should be."
Sara's knees buckled slightly and a light blush formed across her face. There was no way Carey could not smell her sweat pants and Sara knew she would recognize exactly what caused the odor. Sara was sure Heather had instructed Carey what to expect which means she probably also knew exactly how that odor came to be on Sara's pants.
Carey: "Come with me, I'll give you a tour."
Sara followed behind, deeper into the building. Carey was very professional. She described how after a couple of years of training full time, she came to the realization that owning her own gym was the only thing that made financial sense for her. She showed Sara the weight room, with the best selection of free weights Sara had ever seen. There were a couple of weight machines also, but Carey was quick to point out that free weights were better, unless you didn't have a spotter. Next to the weight room was a room filled with treadmills, bikes, stair climbers and elliptical machines. The gym also had a whirlpool, sauna and massage room in addition to men's and woman's locker rooms and shower facilities. There were no frills. The walls were painted concrete block and looked very industrial.
Carey: "I don't spend a lot of money on rent, so I can buy better equipment. My cliental takes exercise very seriously. They don't want all the frills and the wantabe athletes that come with a regular gym. Are you a wantabe?"
Sara: "I think I am in good shape, but I could always be better."
Carey: "I'll be the judge of what kind of shape you are in. Let's get started."
Carey took Sara to a small room between the weight and cardio room. Inside it was laid out like a dance room, although it was very small. One wall was covered in mirrors with two bars for stretching. The floor was covered in tumbling mats
Carey: "Stretching is very important before any workout. We need to get our muscles warmed up and ready to work. We want to stretch each muscle group you are going to work on a given day."
Sara followed Carey's lead, mimicking her motions, as she expertly flexed. Sara was amazed at the range of motion Carey's body had. Sara had little doubts that Carey's sweat suit was hiding a rock hard body of solid muscle. She assumed being that tight was limit Carey's range of motion, but clearly her regiment of stretching exercises had prevented that. Carey was able to move more like a gymnast than a strength freak. Soon Sara was struggling to keep up.
Carey: "Don't worry, hon, this is part of your evaluation. I need to know where you are today, then we can make a plan for where you want to go."
Sara just nodded as Carey effortlessly raised her right leg to the high bar in front of the mirror. Sara watching in amazement as Carey did the splits in a vertical position. Sara wished Carey was not wearing the baggy sweat pants so she could get a better view in the mirror. Sara also wished Carey would order her between her legs to lick her pussy. Sara stood mesmerized as Carey completed her stretching.
For her part, Carey was also watching Sara in the mirror. She knew of Heather's efforts to bring this sweet girl into their club. The smell on Sara's sweat pants was unmistakable and Carey enjoyed teasing the girl. Soon enough, part of their daily workout would include Sara servicing Carey's needs. That is one of the reasons she gave Heather free memberships. Heather would bring Carey her new charge, Carey would whip the girl into shape, at least figuratively, and Carey would have a new playmate for a few months. It was win/win as far as she was concerned.
Carey took her leg off the pole and turned back to Sara. Sara didn't seem to notice. She was too caught up in watching Carey.
Carey: "Snap out of it girl. It's time for your next evaluation."
Sara blinked twice as shook her head. Carey had busted her daydreaming.
Carey: "Now that you are done looking at me, it's time for me to look at you. Did you notice the pole in the corner of the room?"
Sara had seen the pole, but had been concentrating of Carey and didn't pay much attention to it. Sara looked closer now and noticed it looked like something out of a strip club. Around the pole were an additional circle of mats, which almost looked like a small stage. The mats were about 6 feet in diameter and about a foot high.
Carey: "I know what you are thinking. All the women wonder why I have a stripper pole in my gym and all the guys think it is a great idea. But seriously, how many fat strippers have you seen."
Sara: "None."
Carey: "Right. Dance is a great cardio workout and the pole adds an element of strength training. The rhythm helps you focus and it is a lot more fun than a treadmill. We have several members who use pole dancing as part of their regular workout regiment. You will too. We also run a stripping class a few times per month for women looking to learn how to turn on their lovers. Heather is a big believer in having her girls learn the sensual arts. OK, now that you're warm, let's move into the weight room."
Carey walked past Sara, again taking a big sniff as she past. Sara was indeed warm, not from the stretching, but from watching Carey and imagining herself stripping in front of Mistress Heather. Although she had never been to a strip club, Sara made a mental note to go sometime. If she was going to have to pole dance, she reckoned, seeing a professional was the best way to learn. Yesterday she was worried about how to get Frank to watch a porno with her. Today she was making plans to go to a strip club. Sara's mind was so focused on sex; she didn't realize Carey had left the room. Sara was in a daze and was even starting to push her hand under her waistband when the door opened again snapping her back to reality.
Carey: "Come along, we don't have all day."
Sara scooted past Carey, her embarrassment showing on her face. Carey just smiled; she'd seen this behavior before in Heather's girls and she liked it.
In the weight room, Carey explained the basic lifts for each muscle group. As Sara paid close attention, Carey also stripped of her sweat suit to reveal her perfectly defined form, only minimally concealed by a bodybuilding unitard. Sara recognized the garment from the one time she saw female bodybuilding on T.V. It looked like a French cut bikini, but had straps connecting the top and bottom. Other than covering Carey's nipples, pussy and part of her buttock, the garment left her naked. Sara visibly gaped at the vision before her.
Carey: "I like to work out in my competition clothes so I can see what the judges will see. Either that, or I work out naked. That is why I close the gym for three hours during the day so I will not be disturbed."
Sara continued looking at Carey, but did not comment.
Carey: "I wore clothes today because I didn't want to scare you off."
Scared. An interesting choice of words. Sara couldn't stop looking at the woman before her. She was at least six inches taller than Sara with more muscles than Sara had ever seen on a woman, or a man for that matter. Sara knew Carey could break her in half if she was so inclined. At that moment, Sara wanted nothing more than to drop to her knees and worship the Amazon before her.
Sara: "Don't mind me. If you want to work out naked, you will not scare me."
Carey: "I will if you will."
Sara didn't even think twice. In less than 30 seconds, her sweat suit was on the floor along with her bra and soaking wet panties. Even though the light was industrial florescent, Sara imagined her pussy lips were glistening.
Carey: "Very good then. This will help in my evaluation."
Carey stripped off her tiny garment. Sara noticed immediately that there was not much more to see. Carey's breast muscles were so well developed, it was almost as if she didn't have any breasts. Sara could only see two nipples and what, on a man, would be a nice bicep. Sara did notice Carey's nipples had stiffened into pencil eraser sized nubs and hoped she would soon have the opportunity to suck on them. Sara then turned her gaze to Carey's pussy. Given the small nature of Carey's competition outfit, Sara expected her bush to be shaved, or at least very neatly trimmed. Sara's expectations were met as Carey's pussy lips were clearly on display with just a close trimmed landing strip above. Sara involuntarily smiled and pursed her lips, an actions not lost on Carey. How many women had she seduced using this same excuse of exercising naked? One more notch for her headboard, or perhaps her desk, was about to be made.
Carey instructed Sara on the fundamentals of safe weight lifting. She showed her the basic lifts; curls, military press, leg press, and squats. Carey was careful to always have a hand brushing against Sara while she spotted for each lift or in the case of the curl, wrapping her arms around Sara from behind while both lifted the bar.
Carey knew these lift touches would inflame Sara. As always, these seductive teases turned on Carey and her own pussy began moisten in anticipation. She always left the bench press for last. After laying Sara onto the bench, Carey placed the weights on the bar.
Carey: "I know you can handle this weight. What I need to know is how many reps you can do."
Carey then took her position behind the bar with her legs spread on either side of Sara's head. Sara had exactly two things in her field of view. One was the bar. The other was Carey's now glistening pussy just a foot above her. Carey held the bar as Sara slowly dropped the bar to her chest, and then strained to force it back upward. As Sara lowered the bar, Carey would bend forward slightly making sure Sara kept her pussy in view at all times. Sara was having a hard time concentrating on the weights as her strongest desire was for the Amazon to squat down on her face.
In the end, eight reps were all Sara could accomplish before giving out. While attempting to push the bar up a ninth time, Sara's energy ran out and Carey had to lift the bar to the safety hooks while Sara stared upward, breathless. Carey briefly continued to stand over the prone woman allowing her a close-up view of her pussy before instructing Sara to move on to the cardio room.
Sara slowly swung herself off the weight bench and followed Carey. She glanced at the clock and it was only noon. It seemed like she had been at the gym for ages, but in reality it was only one hour. Entering the cardio room, Carey instructed Sara to sit on a recumbent bike.
Carey: "You seem pretty worn out after the weight lifting, so I think sitting down would be good for you. Normally I have my students do weights on Monday and Friday with cardio on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Heather will have you doing a variety of exercises on Wednesday."
Carey gave Sara a knowing wink after her last statement.
Carey: "Don't worry too much about how much weight you lifted. I'm more interested in your recovery time than the raw numbers. We're going to build your body into a lean physical specimen. You'll have more energy and will not wear down as quickly when you service Heather."
Sara again nodded in agreement, not liking how clinically Carey talked about Sara's sex life.
Carey: "I want you to peddle slowly for ten minutes to loosen your muscles and joints from stressing them in the weight room. Then I'm going to have you go as hard as you can for as long as you can. This will provide a baseline for your current fitness condition."
Sara did as she was told. After ten minutes, Carey told her to speed up and go all out. Sara did her best, but at full speed, she was only able to pedal a couple of minutes before being out of breath.
Carey: "That's enough for now. Don't worry. Most people can only go full out for about as long as you did. When people work out, they get their heart rate up, but rarely really push themselves to the edge. We are going to build you to the point you can keep up that speed for 15 or 20 minutes. Maybe longer."
Between gasps for air, Sara told Carey that her plan sounded good.
Carey: "Why don't you hit the showers then come back into the message room and I'll give you a rubdown."
Sara thought that sounded like a fine idea. She especially liked the idea of being beneath this powerful woman again. What perverted acts would Sara be forced to do? Sara was happily daydreaming as the water cascaded over her tired muscles. The hot water steaming into the cool air of the shower room felt great on her face. It took all of Sara's willpower not to play with herself in the shower.
All of a sudden, the hot water turned luke warm and then cold. Sara jumped back while reaching for the water control to turn off the flow. Carey was at the door laughing.
Carey: "Sorry, just a little initiation welcome to the gym. I've can turn off the valve from the water heater from over here. Here's a towel. Follow me."
Sara was initially mad, but she quickly got over the prank when she noticed Carey had not replaced her workout clothes or put on a robe. Sara, her energy refreshed, quickly followed Carey back to the message room.
Carey: "Lay face down on the table. You will be sore tomorrow because you have not been stressing these muscles, but a quick massage before you leave will help mitigate the effects."
Sara was not about to miss an opportunity for Carey to touch her, so she quickly complied, dropping the towel before she stretched herself, catlike, over the massage table.
Carey started with the top of Sara's neck. She kept up a disarming flow of small talk alternating from explaining how to give a good massage and current events in the gym. The more Carey rubbed, the more relaxed Sara became. Noticing her relaxing state, Carey began speaking in a low, slow monotone. Her body exhausted, Sara was soon in a deep state of sleep and Carey was smiling.
Carey left the sleeping Sara to collect her clothes and then returned to her office. While plotting her next move, she gave Heather a call and let her know the day had, so far, gone as planned. After hanging up, she glanced at the clock. It was 1:30 and the gym would be opening soon. Carey unlocked her "play" cabinet, took out some toys and returned to the massage room. Watching Sara prance around the gym naked had really turned on Carey and she was going to get off before the young woman left.
Sara was still sound asleep when Carey entered the room. She placed her items on a chair and moved to Sara's side. This was the tricky part. Gently, Carey picked up the dead to the world Sara and carefully turned her over. Sara's weight was nothing for Carey, but keeping her body from being jolted awake was a challenge. Carey knew from experience that any sharp movement or loud sound would wake the sleeping girl.
Carey successfully positioned Sara on her back and then made quick work of strapping her arms and legs to the edges of the massage table. She then, not so gracefully, affixed a blindfold over Sara's eyes and a ball gag in Sara's mouth. Carey was ready for her to wake up, but in her relaxed state, Sara didn't move. Disappointed Carey looked at her watch and decided to unlock the front door. As she did, her afternoon assistant arrived. Carey explained that she had an important new customer in the massage room and they were not to be disturbed.
Carey returned to the massage room to find Sara starting to stir. It took a few moments for Sara to realize something was wrong. Her body stiffened and Carey knew she was fully awake. Sara tested her bonds, but was held tight. She then submissively stopped struggling. She remembered where she was and assumed fighting her position was futile.
Carey (whispering in Sara's ear): "You didn't think I was going to let you go without having a little fun, did you?"
Sara shook her head.
Carey: "You are deliciously submissive. I can see why Heather is so enamored of you. Watching you prance around my gym naked turned me on and now you are going to get me off. Right?"
This time Sara nodded.
Carey: "Good. First we need to position you better."
Carey reached under the massage table and pulled a latch pin from under Sara's torso. The edges of the table where Sara's arms were attached sprung free. Carey made quick work pulling each arm support outward until they latched back in with Sara's arms extended outward at a 90-degree angle. Carey then repeated the process with movable leg supports, although she did show some mercy and only opened Sara's legs about 60 degrees. Sara was effectively bound spread eagled to the massage table and unable to see or speak. Whatever Carey wanted to do to her, she would not be able to resist in any way.
Carey: "OK slut, time for my reward. As you mistress wants you whipped into shape in a couple of months, I will require payment for my services. Each day that you workout here, you will be servicing my pussy and you will do a good job. Prompt attention to my needs will mean we have more time for you to workout and the resulting enhanced results will be rewarded by Heather. I am a strict taskmaster when it comes to those under my personal training regiment. If you follow my instructions, you will see results. If not, well I don't think I need to tell you what would happen in you fail."
Sara was in no position to respond, but her heart raced with anticipation. Carey grabbed a control box hanging on the wall. It was tethered to the base of the massage table and controlled the table's height and angle. After a simple push of a button, Sara felt her head dipping until her whole body was pointing downward at a 45-degree angle. Sara could guess what was about to happen. She heard Carey moving and sensed her presence behind her head.
Carey: "I'm sure Mistress Heather has taught you how to lick a pussy, so you had better do it well."
With that simple declarative statement, Carey moved forward, straddled Sara's head and removed the gag. Sara felt Carey's warm thighs rub against her ears as the skin slid down the side of her head. Sara took a deep breath as she felt Carey's pussy lips brush across her nose and settle on her mouth. Sara took a moment to enjoy Carey's fragrance, and then quickly began the task of getting the Amazon woman to climax.
Carey was in no mood for subtlety. She didn't need any foreplay. This wasn't about making love. This was about getting off. Forcibly, Carey ground her pussy on Sara's face, marking her territory with her drippings. Each time Carey became aware of Sara slowing down, she gave both of Sara's nipples a hard twist. Immediately Sara would redouble her efforts, but try as she might, Sara was unable to make the Amazon woman climax. Eventually Sara would tire and Carey would need to "encourage" her to continue.
This went on for about 15 minutes. Several times Carey was very close to cumming, but she was enjoying her position of power over Sara too much to give in to her desires. Mocking anger, Carey stood up, tilted Sara back to a horizontal position and told Sara she required a different form of encouragement. Carey walked back to her bag of tricks and returned with a short riding crop. Slowly she slid the crop along Sara's prone body, making sure to gently contact all of Sara's sensitive spots.
Sara obviously was enjoying the stimulation. Her moans grew louder as the crop traced its path up and down her body. Carey moved between Sara's spread legs to get a better angle of tease.
Carey: "You are enjoying yourself, slut, aren't you?"
Sara: "Yes mam. Please let me cum."
Carey: "Have you earned that? You have not made me cum yet."
Sara didn't respond, but her disappointment was easy to sense.
Sara: "Please mam. Use my mouth again. I promise will make you cum this time."
Carey: "Do you promise to make me cum each time you work out at my gym?"
Sara: "Yes mam."
Carey: "Will you lick my asshole and let me fuck your brown eye?"
Sara: "Anything. Anything at all. Just make me cum."
Carey: "I like your attitude."
With Sara's pledge hanging in the air, Carey snapped the crop on Sara's inner thigh. As expected, Sara responded by arching her hips in a silent request for further punishment. Carey responded by slowly drawing the tip of the crop along Sara's pussy.
Carey: "I see you like that. If I hit your clit will you cum for me."
Sara: "Yes! Crop me, spank me, whip me, fuck me. Anything."
Carey responded by snapping the crop, rapid fire, on both of Sara's nipples. Her loud scream echoed off the walls. Carey was sure the front desk would hear Sara's cry of pain and pleasure. If fact, she was counting on it.
Carey: "That was just a taste. Make me cum, and do it right, or I will keep you on edge for the next hour and then send you home."
Sara: "Please Carey, let me try again!"
Carey reached for the table controls and lowered Sara so she could straddle her head without tilting her inverted again. Carey then began rubbing her pussy on Sara's forehead and down across her nose. Sara tilted her head backward in a vain effort to reach Carey's pussy with her tongue. Then there was a knock on the door.
Carey: "Come in."
Mortified, Sara heard the door open. What a site she must have been for the stranger now gazing at her vulnerable state. Sara had never felt so exposed. Tied naked to the massage table with her dripping pussy on full display, Sara was thankful she was still wearing Carey's blindfold. Sara didn't want to see the facial express of the visitor.
Jill: "Carey, there is a probl..."
Jill cut herself off in mid-sentence. A sure sign she was not expecting to see her boss straddling another woman's head. At least that was Sara's interpretation.
Jill: "I'm sorry, I didn't know you had a new slut in today. Let me know when you are done with her and we can talk about Andrew's lack of payment."
Sara's face turned flush with humiliation. Obviously she was not the first person to be ravaged on this table and whoever Jill was, she apparently didn't think anything strange was happening.
Carey: "OK, Jill. We'll be done here as soon as the lovely Sara gets be off."
Sara's heart sank. She assumed Carey would make her cum and now that possibility seemed to fade.
Jill: "She's gorgeous. Whom does she belong to?"
Carey: "She's Heather's new toy. We're going to get her in better shape before the Vegas trip."
Vegas trip? Sara had never heard mention of a trip to Vegas.
Jill: "She'll be the hit of the convention. How well is she trained so far?"
Carey: "Heather's starting her kind of slow. She's wonderfully submissive, but still needs more refinement and to learn her place better. She's been begging me to fuck her even though she knows an orgasm without permission is against the rules."
Sara's head was spinning. The two women were discussing her and her future as if she wasn't even there. Yet all Sara could think about was being allowed to cum.
Sara: "Please Carey, call Mistress Heather and ask if you can fuck me!"
Jill: "Isn't that cute. The slave is begging for her own pleasure."
Sara felt a delicate finger tracing her pussy lips.
Jill: "My, my, you are a wet slut aren't you?"
Sara didn't answer verbally. Her hips answered for her arching to meet Jill's finger. Her insolence was rebuked with a hard slap across her right breast.
Jill: "I asked you a question."
Sara: "Yes mam. I'm a wet slut. Please let me cum."
Jill: "Has you mistress told you of her plans for you?"
Sara: "No mam. Please I need to cum."
Jill: "Well I'd love to tell you, but you'll have to ask her. Carey, let me know when you are done and we'll discuss Andrew's account."
Carey: "Before you go, can you do me a favor?"
Jill: "Sure, what do you need?"
Carey: "There is a strap-on in the cabinet in my office. Can you fetch it for me?"
Jill: "Sure thing."
Sara heard the door open again, but did not hear it close.
Carey: "Last chance, tramp. Make me cum by the time she returns, and you'll get fucked. Otherwise it's another hour of teasing. And believe me, I can keep you on the edge as long as I want."
Sara did not doubt Carey's boast. She stuck her tongue out and waited for Carey to settle down on her face. But Carey continued to rub herself along Sara's face. Like a lightning bolt, Carey's plan shot through Sara's brain. She wasn't going to let Sara service her in time! She must get off on teasing helpless girls. The strap-on was probably for Jill. She would get to fuck Carey after they sent her away without her climax.
Sara: "Please Carey, sit on my face and let me eat you!"
Carey moved down the pleading Sara's face, but instead of her pussy, positioned her asshole right over Sara's mouth. Sara wasted no time and began rimming the powerful woman.
Jill: "Here's your favorite, Carey."
Sara had forgot the door was left open. She didn't even hear any footsteps approaching.
Carey: "Slut is doing better now that I gave her my ass. I think she likes it. Either that or she is too desperate to cum to care. Why don't you put that thing on? She's not getting me off and I'll need your help."
Jill: "Of course. You know how much I enjoy fucking you."
Sara heard the sliding of straps and felt Carey dismount her head. The situation had just gone from back to worse.
Carey: "I gave this whore several hours of my time and a massage and she couldn't even give me one decent orgasm. Maybe Heather has made a mistake with this one."
Jill: "I don't know. She seems to have potential. Why don't you bend over her so she can feel what she is missing."
Carey: "What a naughty idea. I like how your mind works."
Sara felt Carey move between her legs and bend over her body. Carey wrapped her hand around Sara's neck, pulling her head up.
Carey: "You could have had this, but chose not to please me. Now you have to suffer."
Carey released Sara's head as Sara felt Carey's body push into her. A primal moan washed over the room as Carey was penetrated.
Jill: "You like that dick in you don't you?"
Carey: "You know it. Nobody fucks me like you do."
Jill: "You mean nobody else will fuck you."
Carey (snickering): "I guess you're right. Men are scared I'll snap their dicks off."
Jill and Carey quickly found a fierce rocking rhythm. Each thrush forced Carey strongly onto the vulnerable Sara below her. Carey began massaging Sara's breasts and swiveling her hips against Sara's mound each time Jill withdrew. Carey's moans were constant. Sara had actually done a fine job servicing her pussy and it had taken all her effort not to climax. Now that she didn't have to worry about that, she was going to take all the pleasure she could from Jill's assault.
As Jill picked up the pace, the indirect contact Sara's clit was receiving was driving her crazy. Combined with Carey's breast manipulation, Sara was on the edge as Carey had warned. But she couldn't go over the top. This was not a problem Carey had. Her orgasm hit her with tremendous force after only a few minutes. Jill stopped trusting and let Carey ride out her climax sliding herself down the fake cock, as she wanted. Carey held Sara tight as wave after wave of aftershocks crashed through her body. Carey then stood up and moved away.
Carey: "That's Jill. I better hit the showers. Sara, I'll see you on Monday. Same time."
Sara was an emotional wreck. She could not take much more of this teasing. She knew as soon as she was in her car, her fingers would be in her pussy. She didn't care what punishment Mistress Heather would have for her.
Once again, Sara felt a fingertip sliding up her body.
Jill: "You really are a hot one. I'll give you a treat. You can taste Carey's orgasm."
Sara felt the strap-on brush her lips. This was better than nothing, she figured, as she opened her mouth. Jill slid the length of the phallus along Sara's lips allowing her to lick Carey's juices. When she was satisfied Sara had done a thorough cleaning, Jill pulled back.
Sara: "Please Jill, I need to get fucked. I need to cum."
Jill: "What's in it for me."
Sara: "I'll get you off. Any way you want."
Jill: "I really need to get back to work."
Desperate at her perceived last chance, Sara made a decision.
Sara: "It doesn't have to be now. I'll come to your house this weekend if that pleases you."
Jill: "I have a roommate. Does your offer extend to more than one person?"
Sara: "Yes anything. Just please fuck me."
Jill: "Oh, you'll get fucked all right. What if we are having a party? Will you serve as the entertainment?"
Sara was not thinking straight anymore. She would agree to anything and was not concerned with the consequences.
Sara felt Jill grab her breast and squeeze as she moved back around the bound girl. The next feeling Sara felt was the strap-on hitting her clit. Sara's pussy jumped to attention like a squad before its drill sergeant.
Jill: "Perhaps I should talk to Heather about having you come to serve me. I could send her one of my other sluts in payment."
Sara: "No mam. I love Mistress Heather."
Jill: "Really? Then why are you begging me to fuck you and pledging to serve me another day?"
Sara: "I'm horny. I can't help myself."
Jill: "You had better not let Heather hear you say that. Maybe I should tell her for you."
Sara: "No mam. I'll tell her."
Jill: "She's going to punish you."
Sara: "I know. I deserve it."
Jill: "It seems you're starting to learn your place a little better. Let's do a little on-the-job training, as it were. Don't cum until I tell you or you will be spanked and forced to walk through the gym naked showing all the work what a disobedient slut you are."
Sara: "Yes mam."
Jill slowly rubbed the shaft of the strap-on along Sara's pussy lips. She loved watching her captive rock her hips trying to increase the contact and the moans from Sara's mouth was music to her ears. Jill looked over at Heather who was sitting in a chair and waited for the approval to impale the anxious housewife.
Heather had entered the room when Jill first arrived. As per the plan, Carey called Heather when Sara was taking her shower. Heather wanted to see if Sara would allow herself to be teased to the breaking point without giving in to her desires. Not that Heather had expected Sara to survive Carey and Jill's treatment, but she was a little disappointed at how quickly Sara surrendered to her desires. Heather expected Sara would break down eventually and give her another reason to punish her new servant. Perhaps they would spank her anyway and make her walk around the gym.
Heather nodded to Jill, careful not to make any sounds which give away her presence. Dutifully, Jill placed the tip of the strap-on at the entrance to Sara's womanhood.
Jill (mocking): "Are you ready?"
Sara: "God, yes. Fuck me. Fuck me hard!"
Jill: "Last chance..."
Sara (yelling): "Make me cum!"
Heather smiled as Jill skewered Sara, slamming the fake dick into the begging woman. Jill buried the dildo to the hilt in one thrust. Sara easily accommodated the intrusion. Her pussy had been well lubricated throughout her bondage in anticipation of this moment. Heather knew that she could easily control the housewife into doing whatever she wanted just by teasing her and denying her release.
Heather sat back and enjoyed the show being put on by Jill and Sara. The massage table was a wonderful design allowing the fuckee's legs to be spread wide while placing her pussy on the edge of the table. The adjustable height allowed the fucker to stand and place their charge at just the right angle for maximum penetration. Heather made a mental note to ask Carey where she got the table.
Sara was ready to cum on Jill's first stroke. She knew holding back would be hopeless, but she was determined to try. Jill was relentless. Normally she would vary her pace and try to prolong the event to take her own pleasure from contact with the base of the strap-on, but this was different. Jill was moving full speed from the start and didn't let up until she sensed Sara was at the point of no return.
Jill: "Don't cum until I say..."
Sara (between moans): "I can't hold out much longer. Please let me cum."
Jill: "Maybe we should stop?"
Jill pulled the dildo out so just the tip was touching Sara's outer lips.
Sara: "Don't you dare."
Jill: "Let's play the orgasm game."
Sara didn't like the sound of that. She was so close. Five or six more strokes would have done it.
Jill: "I'm going to put this cock back in you. I'm going to slowly, and I do mean slowly, insert it all the way in. You are going to count backward from 25. If you make it to five without cumming, I will give you the last five hard and fast. You can then orgasm to your heart's content. If you fail, however, and cum during the tantalizingly slow first 20 strokes or before I reach five on the fast strokes, I will pull this dildo out and bury it up your ass without the benefit of lube. Trust me, you don't want that to happen. Do you agree to my terms or should I stop?
Sara couldn't stand the though of Jill stopping now. Even the threat of a monster strap-on up her ass dry or the vision of what Mistress Heather was going to do to her did not cloud her judgment.
Sara: "I agree."
True to her word, Jill eased the strap-on back into Sara's gaping pussy. Sara was so wet, there was very little friction and without the hard push of Jill's hips, Sara's clit was not getting the pounding it craved. As Jill finally bottomed out, 30 seconds later, Sara began her countdown.
Jill pulled out a little quicker, but again slowly inserted the strap-on taking another 30 seconds to move nine inches.
"24 - please hurry"
Jill ignored Sara's plea, repeating the process over and over. 30 seconds became 25, which became 20 then 15 and 10. By the time Sara had counted down to 10, Jill was almost at a normal pace, but Sara was beside herself with urgency. When they reached six, Jill stopped again.
Jill: "Are you ready?"
Sara nodded and Jill responded. The last five strokes flew past Sara. Jill apparently had been resting during the slow cycle and now was hitting Sara with everything she had. Jill's pelvis was making contact squarely with Sara's clit each time the dildo bottomed out. Sara was shuddering on the table, mini-orgasms coursing through her body.
Sara: "God, yes, thank you Jesus!"
Sara screamed loud enough for the entire gym to hear her as her body tensed arching her hips and back off the massage table. She held that position for what seemed like an eternity to Jill who continued to pump the strap-on into its home. Sara collapsed onto the table, her breathing ragged and her head tossing to and fro. Jill pulled the strap-on out of the spent woman and snapped it back over Sara's clit once more. Sara's body stiffened again then went limp. Sara heard the door close and wondered how many people had watched her performance. As she started to calm down, a delicate hand from behind her head began massaging her breasts. Obviously at least one person watched her show.
Sara: "Who is there? Is that you Carey?"
There was no response. The hands moved up to Sara's neck and felt wonderful. Sara didn't care who was massaging her as long as they didn't stop. She heard the door open again and then heard Carey's voice.
Carey: "Well it looks like you survived. Everyone in the gym wants to meet you. Most walked past the door at one point and certainly everyone heard your finale."
Sara blushed, but was too worn out to care. The hands on her neck now moved up to her head and gently massaged her temples for a few moments. Sara then felt the blindfold being removed. Sara's eyes had to squint as the adjusted to the light, but she instantly recognized the vision of her mistress smiling down on her.
Sara: "Thank you mistress for arranging today."
Mistress Heather: "I am serious about Carey getting you in shape. The sex was just a bonus. I have mixed emotions about your behavior today. My heart was warmed when you said you loved me, but you still allowed your desires to overtake you and control your actions. On the plus side, you somehow managed to hold back your orgasm until Jill gave you permission. That is certainly progress, but pledging to serve her instead of me was definitely a violation which will require punishment."
Sara: "Yes mistress, I understand."
Mistress Heather: "Did you do as I asked and watch the porno with Frank."
Sara: "Not yet mistress."
Mistress Heather: "That is disappointing."
Sara: "Yes mistress."
Mistress Heather continued looking down on Sara as she contemplated an appropriate punishment. There was a deafening silence in the room.
Mistress Heather: "Carey, would you be so kind as to release Sara from her bonds. I'm sure she is tired of being stretched in that position."
Carey released the pins holding Sara's arms and legs apart and moved the table back into position for a massage. She then removed the straps holding Sara to the table.
Mistress Heather: "Can you stand?"
Sara: "Yes mistress, I think so."
Sara slid herself off the table. Her legs her a little unsteady, but the blood flow quickly brought their strength back.
Mistress Heather: "First I want you to thank Carey for her hospitality. I want you to give her a passionate kiss, then get on your knees and kiss her feet."
Without hesitation, Sara did as she was asked. Carey took Sara's head in her hands and pulled her close for a deep, wet kiss. Carey then slid her arms down, grabbing each of Sara's buttocks. She squeezed both cheeks and pulled them apart.
Carey: "I'm looking forward to having your ass at Jill's party."
Sara: "Me too."
Sara then dropped to the floor and dutifully gave worship to Carey's feet.
Mistress Heather: "We need to find Jill so you can also thank her properly. She's probably in the gym, so we should take a few minutes to prepare you for your entrance. Lay over my knee. Carey, will you attend to Sara's clothes?"
Sara watched Carey leave the room and then walked by over to her mistress. Without hesitation, Sara passively laid across Heather's lap and prepared for the spanking she knew she had earned. Mistress Heather's hand was firm, but not severe. She worked the slaps up and down Sara's buttocks, thighs and lower back. Sara was so relaxed from her orgasm, she felt little pain. Instead she luxuriated in the touch of her mistress. In just a few minutes, Sara's backside was a lovely shade of pink.
Mistress Heather: "Here is how the rest of today is going to go. When I finish with your spanking, you are going to walk into the gym and find Jill. Your freshly warmed ass is going to be on display. Everyone here knows what you are already, so there is really no need to feel any shame. You may have to ask for Jill since I don't know if she will identify herself."
Sara: "Yes mistress."
Mistress Heather: "After you find Jill, give her the same thank you that you gave to Carey. If Jill asks about her little party, tell her you have to clear it with me. I don't want you running around service other women when you should be making me happy. If you are good and follow instructions, we'll see about setting up a play date for you and Jill's other pets."
Sara: "Yes mistress."
Mistress Heather: "Carey should have collected your clothes by now. They will be waiting in your car. You may put your top on, but I want you to drive bottomless to the adult bookstore. Since you have not watched the film I instructed you to rent, I will make the arrangements. Once you arrive, put your sweat pants on and go inside. They should have everything you need at the counter. Just tell them who you are and they will take care of you. Do you understand?"
Sara: "Yes mistress."
Mistress Heather: "I want you to watch the film with Frank tonight. I will be at your house tomorrow morning at 9 to take you running. Make sure Frank is there as we can meet. I would not be the worst idea if you remind him about the porno in the morning so he can think about having me in a three way with you while we run. We'll let him think it was his idea for a few weeks and then surprise him together. Do you have a problem with that?"
Sara: "No mistress."
Mistress Heather: "Good. You will be at my house at 9am on Wednesday. I want you in the garage, naked and presented to me the way I taught you. If the weather is nice, bring your sexiest swimsuit."
Sara: "Yes mistress. I'll be there."
Mistress Heather: "OK, let's finish up your spanking and get you on your way."
Mistress Heather resumed her spanking of Sara, although this time her hands were much more forceful. Every six spanks or so, Heather would dip a finger into Sara's pussy, always generating a sound of pleasure.
Mistress Heather: "This is to remind you of who this pussy belongs to. Are there any questions?"
Sara: "No mistress. My I cum again."
Mistress Heather: "Of course not dear. I want you primed for Frank tonight."
Mistress Heather continued her alternate spanking and fingering until Sara was pleading for another orgasm. But Mistress Heather denied her every request and then sent her on her way to find Jill. Even though everyone in the gym probably saw Jill fucking her or at least heard her spanking, Sara was humiliated by having to ask who Jill was. What kind of slut lets a woman she has never seen fuck her at a gym? Each gym patron, both men and women, seemed to be enjoying her situation. Finally Sara identified Jill and gave her the most passionate kiss she could muster. She then respectfully kissed Jill's foot.
Jill: "I really enjoyed you today, Sara. I hope Heather let's you out to play soon."
Sara: "Yes mam. Me too."
Sara then turned and found her way back to the front door. Peaking out the door, she made a quick survey of the street. Carey promised to put her clothes in the car, so Sara made a mad dash for her car. Sara saw her sweat suit neatly folded on the back seat along with her purse. As she pulled the door handle, however, she found the door locked. Panicking, Sara looked back toward the gym and saw Carey holding her keys and smiling. Sara gave her a look of disappointment, but then smiled at the absurdity of her situation. Sara slowly walked back to the door. She didn't want Carey to get the satisfaction of seeing her run. Carey hander Sara her keys and gave her another kiss.
Carey: "Have a good rest of your afternoon. See you Monday at 11."
Sara drove to ‘The Vault’ a seedy adult bookstore Heather had directed her to in order to rent an adult movie. Sara had never rented a porno before and she wasn’t thrilled about doing so now. At least the odds of running into somebody she knew was pretty slim, she thought. Throughout her drive, Sara sat bottomless on the leather seats of her car. The heat from her skin warmed the seat and the heat from her pussy filled her thoughts. Fortunately, Sara arrived at the store without incident and she quickly pulled her sweatpants back onto her body. Her musk, abundant in the fabric of her workout clothes, quickly overwhelmed her nostrils. Sara did not want to go into the store, but her multiple disobediences to Mistress Heather today and the fear of what punishments lay ahead convinced her whatever humiliation she would face would be less than any additional punishment so she willed herself to leave the safety of the car.
In retrospect, Sara didn’t need to worry. The Vault catered to people who enjoy a little, or quite a lot of kink beyond their regular adult needs. Having a woman walk into the store reeking of sex was not out of the ordinary.
The Vault was owned by a man named Steve. He is a dominant and caters to those who enjoy the lifestyle. His store has the usual selection of books, magazines and adult videos. There are also several video preview rooms when people can watch a movie in private instead of bringing the video home. This addition has proved very profitable among people who prefer not to tell their spouse about certain facets of their lives. The Vault also has a large section of bondage gear, fetish wear and every type of toy you can imagine. Steve also runs a successful website and ships his products throughout the USA.
Steve is a good friend of Heather. Heather does most of her erotic shopping through the store and website. On more than one occasion, Heather has shared her slaves with Steve or used appearances at the store for humiliation purposes. Steve always enjoyed when Heather sent a newbie to him.
Heather had called the store after Sara had left the gym hoping to arrange a quick session with Steve. Sara needed to be punished for her transgressions earlier in the day, but unfortunately Steve was not at the store yet. Instead Heather talked to Mandy. Mandy was an interesting woman. In her late 30’s, she was primarily a Dom, although in the store she definitely was subservient to Steve. She wasn’t much to look at, about 5’4” and 160 lbs. A dirty dishwater blonde she didn’t carry her weight well and was not blessed with large breasts. Heather explained to Mandy that she was sending Sara over to rent a movie. The video needed to feature 2 girls with 1 guy and be fairly vanilla. Heather specified the movie should not be fetish themed, just a “typical” hetero suck and fuck fest.
Mandy picked out Busty Beauties and set it aside. Sara arrived shortly thereafter. At this time of day, the store is usually fairly empty, so it was easy to guess who the out-of-place woman walking through the door belonged to. “Hello, you must be Sara,” Mandy began.
Sara: “Yes I am. If you know my name, you must know why I am here.”
Mandy: “I do indeed. I picked out a movie based on your mistress’ instructions.”
Mandy talked in a matter of fact manner which surprised Sara. Sara assumed Mandy would either talk down to her or put the moves on her, but instead she talked as if one woman calling to order a porno for another was the most normal thing in the world.
Sara began to relax when a scruffy older man walked out on an aisle and past the counter. As he reached Sara, he paused and took a strong whiff of the air. “Somebody has been naughty,” he said to nobody in particular and continued to the video section.
Sara blushed immediately and looked down to her feet.
Mandy: “Don’t worry honey. We get all kinds of sluts and whores in here.”
If Sara could have crawled into a hole she would of. The man’s comments were bad enough, but having the clerk agree and degrade her status made her humiliation complete.
Mandy just snickered below her breath. She loved teasing new subs.
Mandy: “I just need your driver’s license and a major credit card and you’ll be on your way.”
Sara had not planned on that. Of course it was perfectly normal for a video rental to want a credit card guarantee and the address of the renter. But that would also create a link back to her that her husband could find. After all, if charges from The Vault started to appear on the credit card statement, Sara would have some explaining to do.
Meekly Sara did as Mandy requested and handed over the cards. Mandy drew out her actions making Sara wait about twice as long as necessary before handing over the cards and a rental agreement. Sara paid $4 in cash for the rental, took the DVD and left the store as quickly as she could.
Sara drove home as fast as she could. She had to get her workout suit in the washing machine and take a shower before anybody got home. She also had to figure out a credible way to get Frank to watch the movie. Not that she doubted Frank would want to watch the DVD, but more that she didn’t want Frank to suspect her motivations.
All night Sara watched Frank carefully for any signs that he wanted to become amorous. She made sure to act a little flirty and made it clear that she was available to him that night. After the kids had gone to bed, Frank and Sara made their way upstairs.
Frank: “You were not been your regular self tonight.”
Sara: “I’ve been horny all week. I need some attention.”
Frank: “That sounds great. What did you have in mind?”
Sara: “Actually, you may think this sounds weird, but I rented a dirty movie. I thought we could cuddle and watch it.”
Frank: “Oh you did, did you? What kind of movie?”
Sara: “It’s a porno. I was embarrassed at the video store so I just grabbed the first one I could. I’m not even sure what it is about.”
Frank: “OK. You know I am a sucker for bad music.”
Sara chuckled.
Sara and Frank wanted to be sure the kids were asleep, so they used the time to snuggle and kiss. Sara had changed into a baby doll nightie giving Frank’s hands easy access to her body. Frank’s cock had quickly grown to full staff and Sara, wanting to please him, swiftly took him in her mouth. She gave him a slow, passionate blowjob. Sara wanted to keep him hard and build his desire before the movie started. The last thing she wanted was for him to blow his load too quickly.
For his part, Frank didn’t care about what Sara’s motivations were. He was getting his dick sucked and he liked it. He also wasn’t too concerned about cumming too fast. Blowing a load down Sara’s throat was a fine outcome as far as he was concerned. Frank gave subtle gestures to Sara to speed up, but she kept herself disciplined and only teased him.
After about 10 minutes, when Sara felt Frank was going to pop no matter what she did, she stood up and told Frank it was movie time. Frank was not pleased. His raging boner was angry and he wanted satisfaction. As Sara moved over toward the TV, she felt Frank grab her arms and spin her back to the bed. Her knees buckled as she hit the side of the mattress and she collapsed in a heap. Frank didn’t bother to remove her baby doll. Instead he just used two fingers to pull aside the crotch as he sank his hard-on into her watery hole. Sara gasped at the sudden invasion.
Frank: “Wearing lingerie, renting porno and sucking my cock all in one night! This must be what you wanted.”
Frank didn’t waste time waiting for an answer. He began relentlessly pounding Sara. Sara knew this wasn’t part of the plan, but Frank felt so good inside her she didn’t want him to stop. As her passion grew, Sara began to match his thrusts to maximize her own pleasure. A steam of moans began to emanate from her mouth. Showing a new side of his character, an aggressive one Sara definitely liked, Frank commented she was going to wake the kids. Frank’s solution was to pull out, flip Sara onto her knees and force her head into the pillows. He then gave her ass a quick swat and buried his cock in her pussy once again.
Sara took advantage of the pillows to let out a scream of delight and wiggled her ass in a gesture of desire toward her husband. The sight was enough to push Frank past the point of no return. Trying to control the volume of his voice, he forcefully announced he was about to cum. Not about to let this opportunity pass, Sara pulled herself off his cock and somersaulted onto her back in one smooth motion. Sara head was positioned on the edge of the bed right below Franks cock as volley after volley of cum short from the head.
The first couple of wads shot clear over Sara’s face, tits and chest landing on her lower stomach. As the backpressure diminished, the next cascade moved up her chest and finally on her face. Frank did his best to squeeze out every drop and Sara was more than happy to lick him clean.
Frank: “That was great honey.”
Sara: “I enjoyed it too. You were an animal.”
Frank: “When you tease a bull, you sometimes get the horns.”
Sara: “Remind me to do that more often. Ready to watch the movie finally?”
Frank: “I’m ready to go to sleep.”
Sara: “Let’s just start it. I want to spoon. You can fall asleep if you want.”
Frank: “Ok.”
Sara tried once more to turn on the DVD player and the TV. The only difference this time was her baby doll had been wrinkled and coated with cum. Sara returned to the bed holding the remote. She made sure the sound was turned way down, almost off and started the show. Sara lay down on the bed and snuggled her ass up against Frank’s crotch. Frank wrapped his arms around her, apparently not turned off by his wetness residing on her clothes.
The movie started with a scene showing a brunette and blonde woman kissing and fondling each other. Eventually the brunette went down on the blonde and shortly after that a man entered. The blonde licked her lips and quickly took him in her mouth. Sara wondered how people could do that on film, but then remembered her own movies made by Cindy Anderson. Sara flexed her butt muscles on Frank’s crotch hoping to stir his cock back to action. Frank responded by grabbing her wrists and wrapping his arms tightly around her in a bear hug.
Frank: “Do you like what you see?”
Sara: “Oh yes. I didn’t get to cum before. I’m still horny.”
Frank: “Well if you keep grinding your ass on my crotch, I may be ready for round two soon.”
Sara, taking his cue, sped up the rocking of her butt while scene two unfolded before their eyes. Frank let go of Sara’s left wrist and moved his hand to her pussy. The wetness from their fuck had not abated, if anything, Sara’s passions were become more inflamed by having Frank hold her so tightly.
Frank: “You do seem very horny, baby. Does the thought of being with another woman turn you on?”
Sara: “I love the way you are holding me. Wrapped in your arms with you in control is turning me on.”
Frank loved what he was hearing. Although he had always thought of himself as a generous lover for Sara, he also harbored a secret desire to be more in control. Frank increased the pressure his fingers were putting on Sara’s pussy as he quizzed her more.
Frank: “So you like me being in control?”
Sara (moaning): “Oh yes.”
Frank: “That is obvious. Your pussy is gushing on my fingers. I noticed you didn’t answer my question about wanting to be with another woman. Why is that?”
Sara (panting): “Please make me cum.”
Frank: “Not until you answer me question.”
Sara (pleading): “Please Frank, make me cum.”
Frank (withdrawing his fingers): “Maybe later. Remember I’m in charge.”
Sara immediately rolled over to face Frank, her left hand grabbing her right breast and her right hand finding its way to her pussy.
Sara: “Oh yes! I love you Frank, but I need to cum now!”
Frank: “I like the new you. What caused this change?”
Sara (gasping): “I met a woman at the gym. She has an amazing body. I’ve never had any thoughts about being with a woman, but she simply drips of sex appeal. Every time I think of her I get horny and you are the fortunate beneficiary.”
Frank: “Have you done anything with her.”
Sara: “No.”
Frank: “Do you want to do something with her?”
Sara (moaning): “I want you to fuck me again.”
Frank: “Do you want to do something with her?”
Sara was lost in the lust of the situation. She had tried to simply broach the subject of a three way, but her pussy had taken control and she would tell Frank anything right now in pursuit of an orgasm.
Sara: “I fantasize about her.”
Frank: “Tell me. What do you want to do with her? Tell me or I’ll make sure you don’t come.”
Sara (moaning louder): “I want to fuck you both! I want you both to tell me what to do.”
Sara’s confession was enough to send her over the edge. Her eyes we closed as her fingers danced across her clit and tugged on her nipples. Frank was enjoying the show. He always tried his best to make is wife come. He was very concerned that she received as much pleasure as he did when they made love. These new revelations excited him. If just talking about being under his control make her cum this hard, image how so would react to him actually controlling her.
As Sara began to calm down, Frank’s thought turned to the new friend at the gym. She must be exceptionally beautiful to have elicited the change in Sara’s demeanor. Frank wasn’t sure if Sara really meant what she said about wanting to fuck them both and he wasn’t really sure if he wanted to share her. At that moment all Frank knew was that he had a raging hard-on again. Almost effortless I raised himself to his knees and grabbed Sara. She was as limp as a rag doll after her orgasm and Frank quickly raised her to her knees and spun her around facing the television. Frank took up position behind he newly subservient wife and buried his cock in her pussy. Sara was wetter than Frank ever remembered. Perhaps her confession was not an “in the heat of the moment” thing and she really did feel what she said.
Frank: “Watch the TV, dear. The one woman is eating out the other while her man fucks her from behind. Is that what you want? Do you want to be a fuck sandwich?”
Sara was having trouble focusing. Her brain was on a post orgasm high.
Frank: “Sara, answer me.”
Sara: “Yes. I want to be your fuck sandwich.”
Frank: “Do you still love me?”
Sara: “More than ever.”
Frank knew he would need some time to sort these developments out. He still loved Sara, but had always been faithful and never considered cheating on her. But for right now, he was only concerned with getting his rocks off again.
Frank: “Put your head down and stick your ass higher in the air.”
Frank emphasized his command by pushing down on Sara’s neck and slapping her ass. He also sped up his thrusting speed and varied the angle of his penetration to maximize his pleasure. Usually Frank could last much longer if they made love twice in a day, but his conscious mind was filled with thoughts of the new possibilities Sara’s confession brought to the table. Within a couple of minutes, Frank felt himself reach the point of no return. Pulling out just before he shot his load, he aimed his cock at Sara’s ass. Although the volume of seed was much smaller than earlier in the night, Frank enjoyed himself just as much or even more. Now both sides of Sara’s nightie were stained and Frank definitely felt like a man.
Frank: “I’m done for the night. Turn off the TV, clean yourself up and come to bed.
Sara: “Yes dear.”
Sara went into the bathroom and stripped off her now sticky nightie. After tossing it into the clothes hamper, she drew herself a warm bath, adding a combination of sea salt crystals and lilac oil. Sara also dimmed the lights and lit a couple of candle. As soon as she had turned off the water, she noticed Frank was snoring. Smiling, Sara was proud of herself for wearing her husband out. Sara luxuriated in the warm water, letting it soothe her well used body. In her mind, Sara replayed her admittance to Frank about a desire to be dominated and her lust for another woman. She was very concerned about how Frank would react now that their moment of passion had passed. Sara decided the best course of action would be to tell Heather all about what happened and let her mistress decide what to do.
After about half an hour, Sara emerged from the tub and wrapped a silk robe around her tender skin. She moved back into the bedroom. Frank was still snoring loudly. Sara was unconcerned with waking him until morning. She slipped from the bedroom and down to the computer in the den. Over the next twenty minutes or so, Sara composed an email to Mistress Heather detailing the events of the day since they had parted from Carey’s gym. Sara told her about the embarrassment she felt around Mandy at the adult bookstore and how things got out of hand with Frank and she had confessed her desire to be dominated. Sara hoped Mistress Heather would read the email before coming over for their run in the morning. Sara looked at the clock and was surprised to see it was 1:15 in the morning. She had to get to sleep quickly so she could be ready at 9.
Sara fell quickly into a deep sleep. Writing the email to Mistress Heather had purged her mind of all its worries. Her problems were now her mistress’ and she knew Heather would take care of her. Sara felt Frank stirring as the morning sunlight pushed through the window blinds. Sara glanced at the clock and it was 7am. As Frank got up, Sara looked at him and thanked him for the night before. She also asked him to wake her in about an hour.
Sara: “My friend Heather is coming over at 9 to go running.”
Frank: “Is this your new friend from the gym?”
Sara: “Yes, but please don’t say anything about last night.”
Frank: “Don’t worry, I won’t.”
Sara tried to fall back asleep, but she couldn’t. Her mind was racing with various scenarios about what was going to happen in an hour. Would Heather tell Frank that Sara belonged to her? Would Frank make a play for Heather? Would nothing happen? Vivid images of herself, Frank and Heather flooded Sara’s mind. Each vision became more depraved than the last and in each scene, Sara was clearly servicing both people she loved.
Right on time, at 8 o’clock, Frank came back into the bedroom. Sara heard him enter and opened her eyes.
Frank: “It’s 8 honey.”
Sara: “Thanks dear. What are your plans for today?”
Frank: “I’m going to start on some yard work.”
Sara: “Ok. Maybe this afternoon we can do something as a family.”
Frank: “Sounds good.”
Frank turned and left the room. Sara stayed under the covers are reach down to find her pussy was very wet. The freak show in her mind had moved downward into her core. Sara would have liked nothing more than to service herself at that moment, but she knew better. Her mistress would be here soon and she needed to get dressed for her workout.
Sara decided on wearing a very conservative outfit. After all, she was going running, not trying to seduce someone. Sara put on a white running bra, white cotton panties, a gray pair of gym shorts and a red t-shirt. She put her hair in a ponytail and applied just a touch of make-up. As Sara looked in the mirror, she thought she looked very nice. She shook her head back and forth a few times watching how her ponytail bounced. Suddenly the image of Frank holding her ponytail, forcing his cock into her mouth while Heather paddled her ass for being a “bad” girl or fucking her with a strap-on filled her mind. Sara’s reaction was so strong she had to lean against the bathroom counter for support. Her new panties were suddenly flooded with her juices and a small wet patch started forming on the front of her shorts.
“How am I going to make it through today?” Sara mused to herself. She quickly stripped of her shorts and panties and tossed them in the hamper. Grabbing another pair of panties, Sara also grabbed a panty shield to absorb more of her juices. She knew it would be uncomfortable to run with the shield in her panty, but she couldn’t risk showing a wet spot either. Sara also grabbed a black pair of gym shorts figuring the color would hide any stains.
Sara took a deep breath to steady her nerves and walked out of the bathroom, through the bedroom and down the stairs. She went to the kitchen and poured herself a glass of orange juice and sliced a grapefruit half for breakfast. Trying to remain calm, she sat at the kitchen table eating her breakfast and attempted not to watch the clock. At 8:50, the doorbell rang and Sara’s heart skipped a beat.
Sara went to answer the door as Frank appeared at the back door. “What a coincidence,” Sara thought. “Frank is taking a break just when Heather arrived.”
Sara opened the door and was slack jawed at the apparition before her. Mistress Heather always looked like a goddess to Sara, but the running outfit she chose for today made Sara want to drop to her knees and worship. Noticing Sara’s reaction, Heather did a quick spin and asked if Sara liked what she saw. Sara was beyond words.
Frank entered the foyer from the kitchen just after Heather had finished her spin. To him, it looked as if she was just entering the house like nothing was happening between Sara and her. As Heather moved into the house, Frank stopped in his tracks taking in the woman before him. Heather was dressed, if you could call it that, very simply. Heather had dressed to impress Frank and to that end had chosen hot pink running shorts. They were French cut and clearly showed the bottom corners of her butt cheeks. The shorts were tight and no panty lines were visible. Up top, her considerable fake breasts were constrained by a running bra which served to push the implants up even higher than normal. A tight white crop top covered her breasts but left the majority of her torso in plain sight. Heather’s red hair was ratted out like an 80’s hair band completing the uber-bimbo look.
Frank could only stare as he took in Heather’s body and began to fantasize about having her. He didn’t realize Sara had called his name three times before he responded. That was exactly the effect Heather had dressed for. She knew Frank would soon be willing to do anything she wanted and would be happy to share Sara.
Sara introduced Frank to Heather. Like a typical male, Frank tried to act cool, but it was obvious he was lusting after the redhead. Frank tried to make small talk, but mainly made a fool of himself by staring at Heather’s breasts instead of making eye contact. After a few minutes, Heather suggested she and Sara should stretch and get on with their run. Turning back toward the front door, Heather told Frank it was nice to meet him and ran her hand along his cheek. This action served a couple of purposes. One, it allowed Heather to transfer a small amount of her perfume onto his face. She had purposed placed a couple of drops on her fingers before she got out of her car. If case Frank had any problems remembering her while she ran with Sara, she wanted to be sure to leave a little memento. The second purpose was to make sure her wedding ring was noticed by Frank. This would put him off balance lusting after a woman he would probably not be able to have. As usual, Heather was in complete control of the situation.
Heather and Sara went into the front yard and sat down on the grass facing away from the house. Heather led Sara through her typical stretching routine preparing them for their run. Heather and Sara spread her legs and bent over forcing her chests as low as possible. This gave Frank a perfect view of their tight shorts straining again their asses. Heather knew Frank would be watching through the living room window, although she doubted he was doing so openly.
Mistress Heather: “Sara, picture Frank peaking through the blinds at us. He’s watching our butts trying to catch any view of our shorts dropping down. By the time we leave, I bet he’ll be hard and while were gone he will be fantasizing about us sharing him.”
Sara didn’t respond, but she knew Heather was right.
After a couple of minutes, Heather stood up and moved in front of Sara. She told Sara to spread her legs again, along not quite so wide. Heather then sat in from of Sara taking the same position so their feet were touching. She and Sara then both leaned in grabbing each other’s wrists. Heather then told Sara to rock back and forth.
Mistress Heather: “This stretch really isn’t really helpful for running, but I’m sure Frank is enjoying himself. From his position, it will look like we’re fucking each other. Unless I miss my guess, he’s probably jack himself off as soon as we leave.
Sara: “You may be right. I know he got turned on when I told him about you.”
Mistress Heather: “Of course he did. Men are dogs. Ring the bell and their dicks get hard. Let’s start our run.”
Heather and Sara ran through a forest preserve near Frank and Sara’s house. Once they had left the street for the forest path, Heather took a position in front of Sara.
Mistress Heather: “Don’t worry about looking around. Focus on my ass and follow me. I’ll lead you where we need to go.”
Sara did her best to obey her mistress, stumbling several times because she didn’t notice an upcoming change in the terrain. The continual picture of her mistresses butt filling her field of vision had Sara turned on again. She had no concept of how far they had run since instead of concentrating on the pain and fatigue of running, she was concentrating on the perfect buttocks bouncing in front of her.
When they reached the end of the trail, Heather paused to turn around.
Mistress Heather: “So far so good. Do you need a quick break or can we head back.”
Sara: “I’ll follow you anywhere.”
Mistress Heather: “I know you will. You take the lead home so I can watch your ass this time.”
Sara began running back up the trail, half liking the change of view and half disappointed she couldn’t see her mistress. Throughout the run home, Heather made a series of comments about how good Sara’s ass looked, how much she was going to enjoy paddling it on Wednesday and how best to bring Frank along. Heather plan was to act like she didn’t know anything about what Sara had told Frank and to not “notice” Frank lusting after her. Sara would continue to visit Heather house on Wednesdays and go to the gym on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. On Saturday’s they would go running and Heather would make sure Frank got a good eyeful. They would work on a back story giving Frank hope for the future, but would not make any explicit promises of a three way until he had been primed for a few weeks.
Sara didn’t commit to the plan one way or the other. She trusted Mistress Heather to make the correct decisions, but was still apprehensive about what Frank would do after he found out the true depth of her relationship with Heather. Sara and Heather arrived back at the house about 45 minutes after leaving.
Mistress Heather: “Do you think Frank jacked-off while we were gone?”
Sara: “I doubt it. He wants to fuck you.”
Mistress Heather: “Of course he does. I’m going to head home, however. You can benefit from his pent up lusts. Just remember, no orgasms. You can fake it to please him and help him get off, but you will not cum until I order it, right?”
Heather paused as the rhetorical question hang in the air.
Mistress Heather: “And don’t forget to go to the gym Monday and I’ll see you at my house Wednesday, 9am sharp.”
Sara: “Yes mistress.”
Sara watched as Heather walked back to her car and drove away. Looking at the living room picture window, she notice Frank was peeking through the vertical blinds. “What a dog, she thought,” as she walked into the house.
Frank: “So your friend had to leave? Too bad.”
Sara: “Don’t worry. We’re going to go running next Saturday. You can ogle her then. I’m going upstairs to shower.”
Sara began walking up the stairs, adding a subtle wiggle to entice her husband and break his concentration on Heather. Apparently it worked because he heard Frank moving from the living room. Sara pretended not to notice and quickly moved down the hallway toward the master bedroom. As she opened the door, she felt two strong hands grip her arms. Without grace or grace or dignity, Sara was shoved onto the bed. Frank backed up to shut and lock the door. Sara looked up as Frank advanced on her, slowing only to pull off his sweat pants revealing a very hard and angry looking cock. Sara looked up appreciatively. She didn’t care that it was Heather that turned Frank on. After watching Heather’s ass bounce seductively for 20 minutes, Sara was primed for some animal love.
Frank grabbed Sara’s legs and pulled her to the edge of the bed. Deftly, he pulled off her gym shorts and lifted her legs onto his shoulders. With one persuasive push, he buried his cock into Sara waiting pussy. Frank was not being delicate or restrained. He pounded Sara while asking questions about Heather and telling Sara what a slut she is and how she was going to be subservient to him from now on.
Sara was quickly approaching an orgasm from the thought of having both a master and a mistress. She tried to think of other things to hold back from the edge, but she was not succeeding. She imagined the punishments and pain in store for her at Mistress Heather’s hand and even remembered back to the ice cubes on her clit, but she only got hotter. Finally she tried to fake a loud orgasm hoping that would pop Frank off. Unfortunately her vocalizations only seemed to spur Frank on. He grabbed her legs and rolled her on her side. He remounted her almost in a doggie style position, but she was on the bed and he was still standing on the floor. Holding her legs together put more pressure on his cock as he pounded her pussy. Frank knew the increased friction on the head of his penis would get him off quickly. He could already tell the head was becoming very sensitive. What Frank didn’t know was this position also meant his cock was hitting different nerves inside of Sara and was driving her wild. Within a minute, her moans of desire were not fake and Sara experienced a whole body climax leaving her quivering on the bed.
Enjoying his results of his prowess, Frank could hold back. He pulled out of Sara while grabbing her neck and pulling her head toward his cock. He wanted to shoot in her mouth, but he didn’t quite get her there before he unleashed a torrent of cum. The first few blasts connected on Sara’s neck and chin before he was able to grab the back of Sara’s head and force her mouth over his cock.
Frank held Sara’s head tightly over his cock while he finished draining his balls and Sara continued quaking beneath him. When he finished, he pushed Sara back down and walked into the bathroom to clean up. Sara lay on the bed trying to recover. She knew in his mind Frank was really fucking Heather, but she didn’t care. If that was the kind of monster Frank could be in bed, Sara was more than willing to have him thinking about another woman.
Frank returned from the bathroom to find Sara prone on the bed and fingering her clit. He threw a towel at her and told her to get cleaned up. Sara looked up at him, but her eyes were lost in lust. The fingers of her right hand were flying across her clit while two fingers from her left were plunging into her ripe pussy. Frank had to admit, she looked great. With cum dripping down her face and masturbating like a wild woman, she looked like a porn star.
Frank: “Can’t get enough, huh. Maybe I should invite some of my golfing buddies over to take care of you?”
Sara thought back to Jim Anderson plundering her ass and wanted to tell Frank that was a good idea. Visions of her early submissive experiences flooded her mind and she arched her back as another wave of orgasmic bliss built up.
Frank: “You seem to like that idea. Have you always been this much of a slut or is it new?”
Sara heard Franks question but was not in the mental state to answer. Her only ability right now was to orgasm.
Frank: “I think we are going to have some fun with your new position. I’ve always wanted to see you with another man and I have no doubt you can convince Heather to join us.”
Sara thought about how right Heather was about Frank. Before last night they had never talked about breaking their wedding vows of monogamy and now Frank was telling her he was going to share her with both men and women.
This new development pushed Sara over the edge. She began an orgasm even stronger than the last, rocking back and forth on the bed. The strength even shocked Frank who had never seen a woman that consumed with pleasure. Sara was shaking as if having a seizure and Frank even became concerned for a moment. Eventually Sara calmed down and almost immediately fell into a deep sleep. Being a loving husband, Frank slid her around to the pillows and pulled a blanked over her body.
Sara slept the sleep of someone truly satisfied. In fact it was mid-afternoon before she woke up. Sara awakened refreshed and happy with life. The rest of weekend flew by, Sara buoyed by the anticipation of going to the gym on Monday. Sara hoped Heather would be there just like last Friday. If not, perhaps Carey and Jill would have another adventure for her. Frank did not explicitly make any references to either Friday night or Saturday morning, but when they did make love Sunday night he was more aggressive and definitely in control. Sara struggled, but was able to hold back her orgasm, choosing instead to fake her release.
As Monday dawned, Frank headed to work and the kids went to school. Sara primped for the gym, shaving her legs and pussy and even daring to masturbate, although not to satisfaction. On the way to the gym, she stopped at The Vault and returned the DVD she had rented. Sara thought about picking out another title, but she didn’t want to be late for her workout. There were two people in line in front of her, so she scanned the store again while waiting. Several items caught her eye and she wished she had more time to explore the store. As she approached the counter, she was greeted warmly by Mandy who obviously remembered her. They engaged in small talk as Mandy queried Sara about whether she enjoyed the movie and if she was interested in anything else. Mandy was openly flirting with Sara and indicated she would give Sara free tokens for the video booth if she wanted to watch another movie. Sara wondered if Mandy’s offer was just for her or for the two of them, but she demurred saying she had to get to the gym. Sara wanted to stay. Watching a dirty movie would certainly be more exciting than exercising, but that was not part of today’s plan. Sara made a mental note to schedule some free time to visit The Vault again and take Mandy up on her offer and headed back to her car. Sara arrived at the gym right on time and was warmly greeted by Jill, who was heading out the door.
Jill: “Hi slut. I can’t play today, but I’m looking forward to having you at my next party.”
Sara: “Hello Jill. Nice to see you again. I’d love to come to your party, but you must ask my mistress if it is ok.”
Sara walked into the door and was immediately met by Carey coming out of her office.
Carey: “Hi Sara. Thank you for being on time.”
Once again she was dressed in her bodybuilding competition clothing leaving nothing to the imagination. Sara undertook to not show any emotion, but she was pleased to see so much of Carey’s body again. She hoped Carey would want to work out naked again.
Carey: “I’ve designed a workout routine for you. It will be hard, but I’m sure you will like the results.
Sara: “Thanks Carey. Let’s get to it.”
Sara was disappointed as Carey walked her through the workout. Carey made no sexual moves whatsoever. She explained Sara was going to do cardio on Mondays and Fridays with strength training on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Wednesday’s cardio would be up to Heather to provide and she recommended taking Saturdays and Sundays off. Sara explained that she and Heather were planning to run on Saturdays and Carey told her not to worry. She would talk to Heather and get that changed. Sara debated telling Carey the real reason Heather came over on Saturday, but decided against it. She didn’t know Carey very well and didn’t want to risk her becoming jealous.
Carey had Sara work a fairly standard cardio program. She used an elliptical, a treadmill and a rower. Carey had Sara work at different speeds to continually cycle her heart rate up and down with short rest breaks. While Sara exercised, Carey busied herself with her workout. At 1pm, Carey told Sara to hit the showers and then head into the massage room. Sara jumped for joy, at least inside, and headed to the shower full of anticipation. Sara quickly showered and headed to the massage room hoping for a repeat of last Friday. She didn’t bother covering herself with a towel and laid face down on the massage table.
Sara heard Carey come into the room and felt her hand squeezing her asscheek.
Carey: “Sorry to disappoint you, but you’re only getting a massage today. Mistress’ order.”
Carey began working on Sara and although the massage was not sexual in nature, Sara reveled in Carey’s touch. She certainly was an expert as deep tissue massage and Sara felt just as relaxed as she was last week. Sara longed to fall asleep again and wake strapped to the table, but thinking about a repeat performance kept her awake.
After about 20 minutes, Carey gave Sara a swat on the butt and told her she was done and to go home. Sara turned over, trying to look as seductive as possible, but it was clear by the look on Carey’s face that today’s session was over.
Sara headed home tired, but feeling great. Tuesday was a repeat operation, although this time Sara lifted weights until her muscles burned. Carey repeated her massage and once again neglected Sara obviously heated pussy. Sara was hoping either Carey or Jill would force her to service them, but her time at the gym was 100% professional. Sara was beginning to see the dedication Carey brought to her own workout and had no doubt she would soon be seeing great results.
Sara slept well Tuesday night and woke with great expectation Wednesday. She didn’t know what Mistress Heather had planned for her, but she was sure satisfaction would be involved. After Frank and the kids left the house, Sara prepared herself and headed for Mistress Heather’s house. Exactly at 9am Sara found herself on her knees, holding her breasts for presentation in Mistress Heather’s garage. The anticipation built as Sara heard movement inside the house. Sara hoped Stephanie was here today, her pussy beginning to juice at the thought of serving both women.
Mistress Heather opened the door and smiled at the vision before her.
Mistress Heather: “Hello pet. Ready to play?”
Sara: “Yes mistress.”
Mistress Heather: “Good. Come inside to the family room and lose your clothes.”
Sara hurriedly walked into the house while starting to unbutton her blouse and trying to unzip her skirt as she moved. Sara’s breasts were hanging out as she half walked, half hopped into the family room. Sara looked up to see a woman about her age, impeccably dressed sitting on the couch. Stephanie was dressed in a classic maid’s outfit and was serving her a glass of orange juice. The woman didn’t speak, but her presence made Sara slow down while looking for further guidance.
Mistress Heather: “Did you forget my order?”
Sara: “No mam.”
Sara continued stripping not knowing what was happening. It took less than a minute for Sara to be naked. She took a position back on her knees presenting herself just like she had in the garage.
Mistress Heather: “That’s more like it.”
Mistress Heather took a glass of orange juice from Stephanie and continued a conversation with the mystery woman. Sara tried to focus her gaze exclusively on Mistress Heather feet, but felt compelled to sneak peeks at the other woman as often as she dared.
Mistress Heather: “I told you she would be curious.”
Sara felt shame at being caught, her desires completely transparent to her mistress.
Mistress Heather: “Stephanie, be a dear and fetch Sara’s toys.”
Stephanie teetered out of the room on her very high heels as Sara wondered just which toys she would bring. Sara made sure to keep looking down submissively, but the fire raging within her was anything but ladylike. In her mind, Sara pictured Stephanie returning with a tray of vibrators, each one a different size, along with strap-ons for her mistress and friend. Perhaps a riding crop to break her spirit or a paddle to warm her ass.
Stephanie returned carrying her silver tray, but out of the corner of her eye, Sara could not see anything on it. Stephanie stopped in front of their mistress and bent forward bestowing the unknown contents to Heather. Sara saw her mistress’ feet flex as she rose in front of her possession. Sara still could not make out what her mistress held as Heather moved behind her. Heather gently pulled Sara’s hair back and slipped a leather blindfold over her eyes. Sara’s world was plunged into darkness.
Mistress Heather: “Rise slave. I have a simple task for you.”
Sara hastily stood up trying to guess what joyful task her mistress would have her perform. Certainly it would involve the other woman and Sara looked forward to licking her pussy.
Mistress Heather: “Stephanie, please escort the fair Sara into position.”
Sara heard Stephanie’s heels approach and a hand taking her arm. Sara was lead out of the family room, apparently toward the kitchen. Sara felt Stephanie stop and then heard a sliding door open. Sara was ushered outside to a cool spring morning, a slight breeze evaporating the morning dew off her pussy and teasing her erect nipples. Sara sensed she was being led to the edge of the deck where Stephanie pushed her slightly indicating she should sit down. Sara felt the shape of a chaise lounge chair and swung her legs up and placed her arms on the armrests. Being out of the breeze, Sara began to feel the warmth of the sun on her skin. Although the morning was still cool, the sun on her skin felt wonderful. Sara felt Stephanie caress her arm and then her leg. Sara spread her legs in an obvious invitation for Stephanie to take the next step. Alas, Stephanie was far too disciplined to give Sara any satisfaction. Instead Sara felt a soft leather strap being attached to her leg. Without resistance, Sara allowed Stephanie to similarly attach straps to her other leg and both wrists. Sara was now secured naked on the deck unable to see who was approaching.
Sara heard Stephanie return to the house and several minutes later heard two sets of footsteps approach.
Mistress Heather: “As you can see, my pet here is wonderfully submissive. The first time I had the pleasure of her company, she was similarly spread and blindfolded, but she was in her own bed wearing her wedding dress. She was quite a sight and I fell in love with her right there and then.”
The other person, Sara assumed it was the woman from the family room, did not speak.
Mistress Heather: “Now Sara, I just want you to relax and enjoy yourself. I’m having a lawn crew in this morning to do the spring cleanup. They might be a little noisy so I’m going to lend you my noise canceling headphones. I’ve also got a great CD of white noise. It’s funny, soon you will not even hear it, but when the CD repeats and there is a few seconds where it isn’t playing, you will be amazed by its absence.”
Sara shook her head as her mistress tried to fit the headphones over her ears. Heather quickly grabbed her right nipple and gave it a savage twist.
Mistress Heather: “Do you think you can resist me, slut?”
Sara shook her head.
Mistress Heather: “These headphones are going on even if I have to rip your nipples off. I also think you should be punished now.”
Sara wondered what form of punishment her disobedience merited, so she held her head still and resisted no more. The headphones completely covered her ears, although she could still hear very well.
Mistress Heather: “Go inside and ask Stephanie to bring a jalapeno, a knife and two rubber gloves.”
Sara heard footsteps walking away.
Mistress Heather: “Perhaps this will teach you to accept your fate without resisting.”
Sara felt her mistress begin teasing her nipples and her clit. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to guess where the pepper juice was going to be applied. Sara began pleading with Mistress Heather not to apply the juice, promising to be a better slave and to pleasure her anyway she saw fit.
Mistress Heather: “But this will pleasure me. Besides, what lesson will you learn if I just let you lick my pussy?”
All of a sudden, the world went quite. Heather had switched on the headphones and the CD player. All Sara could hear was the simulated sound of water crashing on the seashore. Shortly after, her mistress’ teasing of her naughty bits stopped. Sara could only imagine what was to come.
Without ceremony, Sara felt a rubber encased finger ease its way into her pussy. Her hips rotated of their own volition as Sara tried to arch her hips toward her mistress. The finger became more persistent and was unrelenting in its task. A second hand alternated between Sara’s breasts and her clit. Sara knew her mistress was in complete control, but she could no more control her lust as stop breathing. She also knew an orgasm was not in the cards, at least not yet, but she gladly took what pleasure she could. Sara imagined her mistress, Stephanie and the mystery woman laughing at her predicament, staring down at the restrained woman, desperate to cum. Sara alternated between moaning and begging for her liberation.
Without ceremony, the finger was removed and the teasing ceased. Sara knew what was next and rocked her body back and forth while she begged for mercy. She hoped her show of anguish would garner her mistress’ sympathy, but in her heart, she knew it wouldn’t. The next sensation Sara felt were two hands giving her right breast a strong squeeze forcing her nipple to pop upward. Immediately Sara stop struggling, resigned to her fate.
Sara felt a single drop across the crown of her nipple. The process was repeated on her other breast and two drops were applied to her clit. She then felt a ball gag being forced into her mouth. Although Sara hated being gagged, she knew she guessed she be howling in short order and at least if she was gagged, she wouldn’t be heard by the neighbors. Blind, deaf and unable to vocalize any disagreement, Sara felt the chaise tip backward and start to roll. She wasn’t moved far and she tried to picture in her mind where on the deck she was now located. The chaise moved back to level and nothing happened. Nobody touched her, her pussy was still begging and Sara had no way to know if anybody was still on the deck.
Alone with her thoughts and fantasies, the pepper juice began to irritate her most sensitive areas. At first the juice caused a burning sensation, but that soon passed and left Sara with an overwhelming need to rub her nipples and clit. Her naughty bits itched in a most stimulating way. Subconsciously Sara began rocking back and forth as if she were being fucked by an unseen suitor. From time to time, Sara felt the gloved hand squeeze her nipples and more jalapeno juice drip onto them. Strangely, Sara clit did not meet the same fate after the first application. Sara would briefly take note of that fact each time her nipples began to burn, but would soon be so consumed by the sensations, her clit was no longer a concern. Sara soon lost all track of time, overcome by her desire to rub her nipples and satisfy her dripping pussy.
True to her mistress’ warning, the CD suddenly reached its end. Almost immediately, Sara went rigid as the world around her returned. The noise canceling headphones muted the ambient noise, but Sara could still hear the muffled laughter of several people and noted at least one hushed conversation, although she could not make out what was being said. Suddenly the white noise returned, as the CD restarted, and once again Sara was left without any senses active beyond touch. Sara tried to picture in her mind how many people were laughing and their gender. Certainly three woman were present as she was strapped to the chaise, but a lower pitched laugh indicated at least once man was now present. Sara didn’t think her mistress’ husband would be home during the day, so she made the assumption that the lawn crew had shown up.
As Sara’s mind worked on the possibilities, the gloved hand returned and another dose of pepper juice was applied to Sara’s nipples. Now somewhat accustomed to the cycle of burn and itch, Sara gave little reaction until a finger began tracing the outside of her labia. Instinctively Sara arched her hips in an effort to capture the finger within her folds. She imagined several gardeners gathered around watching her mistress work her into a fever pitch. This picture drove Sara wild with desire. Had her mouth not been occupied with the gag, Sara would have begged for a gangbang right on the patio.
The intruding finger continued to tease Sara, careful not to initiate too much pleasure, but instead provide the optimal arousal. Sara continued to arch her hips while pleading through the ball gag for release. About the time the itching on her breasts began to wind down, Sara now able to guess when the next dosage would be administered, the gloved hand withdrew from Sara’s pussy. Sara felt a finger run across her upper lip as her own juice was spread under her nose. “How much more of this can I take?” Sara thought.
Once again Sara’s breasts were squeezed causing her nipples to pop out further, but this time Sara immediately noticed the hands were rough and calloused instead on encased in leather. Evidently Mistress Heather was going to let the gardeners play a more active roll. Sara felt the scrape of a stubbly beard brush her skin as a tongue began to flick across her swollen left nipple. The man did not smell good and his technique left much to be desired, but at least the pepper juice would be licked clean. Next Sara felt two hands running up her legs from her feet to her waist and back down again. Over and over, but never onto her pussy. Again and again Sara arched her butt skyward in an obvious invitation for the man to go further, but no relief to her suffering was offered. Sara imagined these gardeners had probably seen a lot and their moderation now would obviously be rewarded at a future time.
In sync with the CD finishing again, the hands withdrew as did the tongue working her nipples. Instead of starting the CD again, Sara felt the headphones being removed and the gag being unbuckled. Sara strained to place any noises her heard, but apart from a distant lawn mower and perhaps some trimming sheers, Sara didn’t hear anything out of the ordinary. The first words spoken to her were from her mistress.
Mistress Heather: “I hope I can count on you to obey my commands without question from here on out, slave. I would have much preferred to be enjoying your special talents all morning instead of having to punish you.”
Sara: “Yes mistress. I will try to be better.”
Mistress Heather: “You had better do more than try. Several times your struggles so turned-on my guest that Stephanie had to service her. I think you owe her more than a little debt of gratitude.”
Sara: “Of course mistress. I’m happy to pay her back for her services.”
Mistress Heather: “We can worry about that later. I’ve got plans for you this afternoon and we need to get you cleaned up. You’ve sweated yourself into quite a little mess out here.
Before she could respond, Sara’s body was rocked with several buckets of very cold water crashing over her. Any arousal she felt was instantly washed away and replaced with shivers and tears. Soon after, Sara felt the straps holding her to the chaise being unwrapped and hand guiding her to stand. She felt herself lead across the patio and into the house. As they reached the stairs, the blindfold was removed and Sara was instructed to walk to the master bedroom. Still shivering, Sara climbed the stairs wondering what new adventure her mistress had planned for her.
Sara expected to find herself bound to her mistress’ bed, however she was greeted at the door by the mystery woman who told her to sit at her mistress’ dressing table. A large, well lit mirror dominated the wall in front of a table with enough cosmetics for a model to be prepared for a photo shoot. The mystery woman introduced herself as Nicole, Heather’s personal stylist.
Nicole: “Your mistress asked me to give you a little makeover today. Nothing to extreme and nothing permanent, just a little fun for this afternoon.”
Sara: “OK, do as my mistress desires.”
Nicole: “Oh, I will. I prefer to work on my patients unrestrained. You are not going to cause any trouble will you?”
Sara: “No man. No trouble.”
Nicole: “Great. Let’s begin. You are going to start coming to me for your haircuts and color, but today we’re just doing styling.”
Nicole went to work drying and shaping Sara’s wet hair. Along the way an excessive, at least to Sara, amount of hairspray was added along with far too much teasing. Sara watched as her hair grew outward in a way which would make an 80’s hair band proud and reminded her of how Heather looked last Saturday. Sara sat quietly not wanting to interfere in her recreation.
Nicole made quick work of her hair, instructing Sara to simply wash it later and it would deflate back to normal. Nicole then spun the chair around and went to work on Sara’s makeup. Shielded from seeing the unfinished product as Nicole worked her magic, Sara felt generous amounts of blush, eye shadow and lipstick being applied. Knowing that Nicole was using much more cosmetics that Sara ever would use on her self intrigued her. Combined with the ratted out hair, Sara knew she would be quite a sight. Nicole was quick and efficient in her efforts as only a makeup professional can be. Within minutes, Sara’s chair was spun back around to face the mirror.
Walking into the room after the bucket treatment, Sara looked like a drowned rat. Within a matter of 20 minutes, she had been transformed into classic heavy metal bimbo. Sara thought to herself if there was a hood of a car handy, she could be in a Whitesnake video.
Nicole: “Well what do you think?”
Sara: “Honestly, I hate it. I never made myself up like this. I look like a tramp.”
Nicole: “And?”
Sara: “And, if this is what my mistress wants, then this is what my mistress shall get.”
Nicole: “Good. I like your attitude. The hair and makeup were step one. Can I assume you know how to dress yourself?”
Sara: “Yes mam. What does my mistress want me to wear?”
Nicole: “I’m not sure, but I do know there is a box on the bed with your name on it and a pair of boots next to the bed. Get dressed and meet us back on the patio.
Nicole walked out of the room leaving Sara to explore the contents of the box herself.
Sara looked at the boots lying on the floor. They were leather, of course, Sara thought, with what looked like about a 4 inch heel. They were also thigh high. Sara had never worn a pair of boots like these and was excited to be doing so today. Sara wondered what clothes in the box would match these wonderful boots and what her mistress had in store for her this afternoon. Sara reached for the box and was less excited about what she found.
Her mistress had previously told her she liked Sara to dress as a “secret” slut, which is professional on the outside with racy lingerie underneath. This outfit did not match that description. The same black leather pushup bra with nipple cutouts Sara had worn before was present as was a leather garter belt and fishnet stockings, but there were no panties. Sara quickly put on the bra, her nipples instantly coming to attention. Sara loved the look and feel of the bra. The lift and separate nature of the garment gave Sara the busty look she wished she had naturally. Sara ran her fingers over her erect nipples luxuriating in the feel she had been dreaming of since being bound on the patio.
Sara plucked her hands away from her nipples and returned to the box. Picking up the garter belt, she slipped it around her waist. The leather was thicker than her regular garter belts, but she cherished the feel and the smell. She knew from experience the leather bouquet would strengthen as it grew warmer from her body heat. The stocking clips lay smoothly on her legs about half way down her thigh. Sitting on the edge of the bed, Sara slid the first stocking up her left leg. She was thankful she had shaved her legs that morning as the stocking slide easily into place. Sara repeated the process with the second stocking and again moved in front of the mirror. Sara had always hated fishnets. She had always believed they looked too trashy and reminded her of a prostitute. In the past, she had worn them to a costume party, but she had been very uncomfortable.
Looking in the mirror, however, she began to change her mind. Not that the stocking were not appropriate for a prostitute, but with the leather bra and garter, the stockings seemed fitting. Heading back to the box, Sara now reached for a black leather skirt, or really a large belt, Sara thought. Wrapping the skirt around hips, it was short, very short, coming just above the tops of the garter snaps. It was also tight. Obviously her mistress knew her size very well. Sara struggled to snap the skirt into place. It fit her like a second skin. Looking at the mirror while twirling, Sara was very concerned about being in public due to the length, but was certainly pleased with how tight her butt looked. She knew the cellulite of middle age had taken its toll on her rear end, but certainly this micro-mini skirt held everything tight.
The final item was a white t-shirt. Picking it up, the first thing Sara noticed was the bottom half had been torn away. Obviously her abs and lower back were going to be on display. The shirt had not been hemmed along the bottom edge but left ragged and was loose fitting enough that her bra would be clearly visible if anyone had a low angle view. Between the shirt and short skirt, Sara knew she would be flashing all her assets when she walked up a flight of stairs. Sara also made a mental note that the shirt would definitely contrast with the smooth lines of the skirt and the color of the rest of her outfit drawing further attention to herself. As she flipped the shirt over, she was instantly cognizant of the lettering. In bold type across the chest was the word SLUT.
Sara was disappointed in her mistress’ choice of her shirt. She hoped she would just be used in the house for the amusement of Heather, Stephanie, and Nicole, but she knew that was not going to be the case. She was going to be paraded around in public announcing to the world she was exactly what the shirt said. Sara only hoped she would not be seen by anyone she knew.
Sara wanted to stay upstairs for ever, but she knew her audience was waiting on the patio. She moved to the top of the staircase and paused. In her previous fantasy life she had imagined herself walking down a formal staircase dressed in a formal gown. Her valiant suitor would be waiting for her arrival at the bottom of the stairs ready to sweep her off her feet. But in real life, she was dressed like the slut she is ready to be met by a trio of perverted women and subjected to all manner of humiliating servitude.
Sara took deep breath and headed down the stairs and back to the patio. Her mistress and her accomplices were sitting on the patio, sipping iced tea and chatting about everyday life as if nothing out of the ordinary was happening. Sara made the grand entrance she had dreamed of, but instead a formal plantation style ball, Sara was greeted by the lusty stares of three women and wolf whistles from several landscapers.
Mistress Heather: “My my, don’t you look just spectacular. You’ve done a good job Nicole.”
Nicole: “Thanks Heather, but your outfit is what really makes her look. My hair and makeup are really just the icing on the cake.”
Stephanie: “Either way she looks great.”
Mistress Heather: “I think we should get another opinion. Let’s ask the gardeners.”
Mistress Heather waved at the lawn crew and had them come up to the patio once again. Sara blushed knowing these men had previously seen all her charms on display and now were seeing her dressed like the type of woman who would allow herself to be bound for strangers to enjoy.
Mistress Heather: “What do you think boys? Doesn’t Sara look cute?”
Sara waited for the crew foreman to translate Heather’s questions into Spanish. The men all laughed and nodded their heads.
Foreman: “How are your nipples? They still look nice and hard. I enjoyed playing with them.”
Sara had forgotten how visible her nipples were in the t-shirt. She wanted to crawl behind a rock and hide. The foreman was not a bad looking man, but he was dirty from his work and not the kind of man she would want to share her body. Several of his crew members were openly leering at her body.
Foreman: “Let me get another picture for my collection. I’d like one of you in your normal clothes.”
The man pulled out his cell phone and pointed it at Sara. Sara looked to her mistress pleading with her eyes to make this stop. Mistress Heather wordlessly conveyed that Sara that she was to pose for the memento. Sara turned back to the man and smiled. He snapped a couple of pictures into is phone, no doubt adding to the collection of ones he took while she was bound on the chaise, and then spoke again to he men in Spanish. They laughed again and then returned to their duties in the yard.
Sara: “I’m sorry I disobeyed you earlier Mistress.”
Mistress Heather: “I know pet. Have you learned your lesson?”
Sara: “Yes mistress.”
Mistress Heather: “Good. Now we can play.”
Sara liked the sound of that. She knew whenever her mistress had teased her like she had this morning, eventually she would have a powerful, soul quaking climax.
Mistress Heather: “Stephanie, you may return to your house duties. Nicole, I’ll see you at my regular appointment tomorrow.”
Stephanie and Nicole: “Yes mistress.”
Both women turned and walked away following their dismissal. Sara was confused. She assumed when her mistress said play, it would involved all of them. Sara especially wanted a crack at Nicole.
Mistress Heather: “We’re going for a little ride. Do you need to use the bathroom before we leave?”
Sara: “Yes mistress. Thank you.”
Sara walked back inside the house followed by Heather. In fact Heather followed her right into the bathroom.
Sara: “Mam?”
Mistress Heather: “I’m just making sure all you do is go to the bathroom. No playing with yourself.”
Sara knew her mistress could read her desires like a book. She pulled up the tiny skirt and sat down on the toilet.
Mistress Heather: “Hold your pee until I say ok.”
Sara looked at her mistress, the pressure in her bladder building. When Sara said she had to use the bathroom she had not felt a great need to urinate, but wanted to take advantage of any opportunity she received. Now that she was in position, her body knew it should be relieving itself and Sara had to force herself not to go. Mistress Heather held her in limbo for what seemed like an eternity, but was really probably only a minute.
Mistress Heather: “Ok girl. You may piss.”
Sara breathed a sigh of relief and let go a strong stream of urine.
Sara: “Thank you mistress.”
Mistress Heather: “Finish up and meet me in the garage. Don’t disappoint me by frigging that pussy of yours or you’ll be punished and playtime will be cancelled.”
Sara nodded and grabbed some tissue to pat her pussy. In her aroused state, it took all of her willpower not to do more than clean off her labia. Sara stood up, flushed the toilet, fixed her skirt and washed her hands. She then swiftly headed to the garage and her waiting mistress.
Mistress Heather: “Did you play with yourself in the bathroom.”
Sara: “No mam.”
Mistress Heather: “You wouldn’t lie to me would you?”
Sara: “No mistress.”
Mistress Heather: “Are you ready for playtime?”
Sara: “Yes mam. Where are we going?”
Mistress Heather: “Don’t worry about that. Sit down in the passenger seat.”
Sara walked over to the passenger door of the red BMW convertible, making sure to give her mistress a playful wiggle in her step. Although she didn’t see it, she imagined a wry smile across her mistress’ face. Sara slid onto the passenger seat. The tightness of her skirt made it difficult for her to bend causing her to groan softly.
Mistress Heather: “How thoughtless of me. That skirt is made for walking, not for sitting. Why don’t you stand back up and take it off?”
Mistress Heather had phrased her request in the form of a question, but Sara knew it was really a command. Wherever they were going, she was going to be virtually naked except for a small shirt proclaiming her a slut. Sara got back out of the car and quickly unzipped the skirt. Sitting back down she looked at her mistress and smiled. Heather took the skirt from Sara’s hand and casually tossed it in the back seat.
Mistress Heather: “Now I don’t have to worry about you covering yourself up.”
Heather backed the car out of the garage. Sara was not surprised when her mistress declared the weather too nice to keep the top up. She knew that any truck or SUV they encountered would be able to see her display if they cared to look down.
Mistress Heather: “Do be a dear and keep your legs spread my pet.”
Again Sara was hardly surprised. Her only hope was they were not going very far. Satisfied that Sara had complied, Heather directed the sports car out of the subdivision. Explaining she just felt like driving, Heather piloted the car up onto the highway. Repeatedly Heather pulled along side of an 18 wheeler and paced the cab until the driver would look over. She then instructed Sara to masturbate and give the trucker a good show.
Mistress Heather: “These poor guys are paying over $4 a gallon for fuel. They need a little treat to pick up their day.”
Sara doubted Heather really cared about the truckers. She was sure the real reason was to humiliate her. But Sara didn’t care. All morning she had been teased and saw this opportunity to pleasure herself and she was taking it. By the time Heather approached the third truck, Sara was really getting into giving a show. She was looking directly at the truck drivers and rapidly finger fucking herself. She was using her right hand to grab her breasts making sure the truck drivers noticed the text on her shirt.
After about a minute, Heather would give the trucker a wave and speed up. Sara noticed the drivers would immediately grab the microphone of their CB. Heather would slip up next to the next truck and the process would repeat. By the time they had finished five trucks, Sara was begging her mistress for permission to come. Sara watched as Heather reached over and casually slid a finger along her slit.
Mistress Heather: “Wet, but not quite ready. Don’t cum yet or you will be punished. Look how the trucks are slowing down for you.”
Sara looked forward at the traffic and it was true. Obviously the word of her show was spreading as the trucks started bunching together in the right lane.
Mistress Heather: “We must not keep your public waiting.”
Heather speed up to reach the next truck as Sara resumed teasing her own pussy.
Mistress Heather: “I think these boys need a better show. Open the glove box.”
Sara did as she was instructed and found a silver dildo waiting for her. Without hesitation, Sara grabbed the fake cock and slid it into her mouth to warm it up. The next truck driver was definitely appreciative of the new part of Sara’s show as he honked his air horn repeatedly. Sara popped the dildo out of her mouth and started inserting it in her pussy just as Heather pulled away.
Mistress Heather: “Pull your shirt up before we reach the next truck.”
Sara was completely lost in the moment. Without any reluctance she did as her mistress had commanded and pulled the t-shirt over her bra. Sara’s eyes were closed as her right hand tweaked her nipples and her left hand worked the dildo. She lost track of how many times Heather paused next to a truck, consumed by her own wanton libido.
Sara kept her eyes closed during this part of the performance. She desperately wanted to cum. Her moans were growing louder and more frequent. Her mistress kept telling her soon, but the time could not come soon enough for Sara. Sara wasn’t 100% sure, but it seemed like the time spent with each truck was decreasing.
Mistress Heather: “Open your eyes slut and look at me. Pull that dildo out of your stinky snatch and clean it for this last truck.”
Sara looked up and realized they had reached the end of the line of trucks. As they pulled even with the cab, Sara slid the dildo out and made a demonstration of how to lick clean a dildo. She was still rubbing her nipples and she imagined the truck driver unzipping his pants to join her self love. Sara was at the point of no return, whether her mistress would give her permission to cum or not, she was going to explode. Sara was about to stick the dildo back in her pussy and face the consequences later when the truck driver sounded his horn to get Heather’s attention. Both women looked up at the cab as the driver waved and then pointed at the next exit. Sara watched as Heather nodded and waved back. She then hit the accelerator and sped in front of the truck.
Wondering just what was happening, Sara looked ahead and noticed a sign for a truck stop. Panicking Sara put the dildo back in the glove box and looked at her mistress.
Sara: “You’re not going to stop at the truck stop are you?!? I just teased how many men? You can’t let them at me!”
Heather guided the BWM onto the exit ramp as Sara repeated her questions with increasing urgency.
Mistress Heather: “Don’t worry pet. We are done with the truckers. I’m just turning around and heading back to the city. I want you to learn that showing yourself off in public should not be an embarrassment. You are a beautiful woman and should be proud of your sexuality.”
Sara breathed a sign of relief and began to relax as Heather turned left off the exit ramp and looped back onto the highway in the opposite direction. Heather sped the car up the entrance ramp easily reaching highway speed long before reaching the end of the merge lane. Sara loved the feeling of the wind in her hair. Now that her exhibition ordeal was over, she began to take pleasure in the feeling you only get from a convertible.
Her good mood didn’t last long. Less than half a mile later, Sara heard the police siren from behind the car. Heather immediately began to pull over onto the shoulder. Sara looked to her mistress panic stricken as her skirt was still in the back seat.
Mistress Heather: “Don’t worry. Just reach in back, grab your skirt and hold it over your lap. I always get away with a warning.”
Sara was less optimistic. Not that she doubted Heather knew how to use her charms and assets to get out of a ticket, but what man was going to let them go quickly without getting a good eyeful of both women? Sara watched as Heather quickly applied a fresh coat of lipstick and opened another button on her blouse. Sara wanted to hide, but there was nowhere for her to go. All she could do was hold her skirt so it looked like she was wearing it and hope the state trooper wasn’t too much of a jerk.
As Heather stopped the car, Sara turned her head and looked back at the car behind them. The trooper did not get out of the car immediately. No doubt he was running the license plate. Sara could not get a good look at the officer due to the glare reflecting off the windshield, but he appeared to be black with a broad chest. As the minutes ticked by without having the trooper approach the car, Sara’s level of anxiety began to rise. Was the trooper finding something in Heather’s record? Would he call for backup? Sara could not see anything positive happening in the next few minutes.
Finally, Sara saw the car door open. Turning her head back straight, Sara tried to look like nothing out of the ordinary was happening. Sara snuck another peak at her mistress. Heather was perfectly calm without a trace of worry. This gave Sara a moment of solace, but her apprehension quickly displaced the feeling. The trooper’s walk to the car took forever in Sara’s mind as her thoughts were racing through her psyche.
Trooper: “License, registration and insurance card.”
Sara heard a deep voice, but one that was decidedly female. She turned her head as Heather gathered the requested documents. The state trooper was indeed a woman. She was very large and imposing. She was at least six feet tall with strong features.
Mistress Heather: “Is there a problem officer? I didn’t think I was speeding?”
Sara watched as her mistress played innocent, batting her eye lashes trying to make a connection with the officer.
Trooper: “No mam, you were not speeding. I was monitoring the CB radio as I usually do out on patrol. It helps me find bad truckers and occasionally give a break to the good ones. It seems a pair of women in a red convertible has been putting on quite a show over this stretch of highway.”
Mistress Heather: “That was my friend Sara here. I dared her to flash a trucker and I guess it got a little out of hand. Sorry about that. We’re heading back home now so there is nothing to worry about.”
Sara was mesmerized by how Heather could lie to the trooper and sound totally convincing. Perhaps there really was no reason to worry.
Trooper: “How about you sweet cakes? Did things just get a little out of hand but we’re done now?”
Sara: “Yes mam. I’m sorry.”
Trooper: “You should have heard the comments the truckers were making. It was very wise of you not to go to the truck stop. From what they were saying, you were showing off more than just your breasts.”
Sara: “Yes mam. Like my friend said, things got a little out of hand.”
Sara was relaxing a little and tried to turn more directly toward the officer to foster a more casual conversation. She had forgotten what her shirt said and didn’t plan for her skirt to slide a couple on inches down her leg.
Trooper: “I see you have not bothered to put your skirt back on. You do know there are laws against public indecency don’t you?”
Mistress Heather: “She never left the car officer.”
Trooper: “That doesn’t matter. You two are still in public. I’m going to have to arrest her.”
Sara froze upon hearing those words. The trooper handed Heather back her identifications and walked back to the car. Sara watched as she sat back down and picked up the microphone.
Sara: “What are we going to do? I don’t want to go to jail.”
Mistress Heather: “Let me talk to her. I’ll see what we can do. Slip that skirt back on.”
Sara was not dissuaded. She knew Heather could wrap men and women around her little finger, but this was different. She started to weep as she wrapped the skirt around her hips and struggled with the zipper. As she was finishing, the trooper exited her car and started walking back. Sara noted that the officer approached her side.
Mistress Heather: “Officer is there…”
Trooper (cutting her off): “We have procedures we must follow. I’ve called for a transport wagon. Your friend will be searched and placed into custody. This is a fairly minor offense. You should be able to bail her out in a few hours. I’m sure she will just get probation.”
Sara: “Please, I’m sorry. I’m really not a bad person.”
Trooper: “I’m sure you are not, but we can’t have people driving around doing what you were doing. It isn’t safe. I’m surprised you didn’t cause an accident. Please exit the car.”
Sara looked to Heather for help, but her mistress just shrugged her shoulders. Resigning herself to her fate, Sara opened the door and swung her legs onto the ground.
Trooper: “Damn girl, look at those boots. You obviously had planned this little excursion. The boys at the station are going to love having you as a guest. Please move to the front of the car.”
Sara did as she was told. She had never been this frightened before.
Trooper: “Bend over the hood. Reach your hands forward and place your hands, palms down, on the hood. Then spread your legs.”
The trooper loved waiting for Sara to comply with her orders. She gave Heather a wink and Heather, in turn nodded her approval.
Trooper: “Before I put you in custody, I have to be sure you are not carrying any weapons or contraband.”
Sara: “I don’t think I could hide anything in this outfit.”
Trooper: “I would not be too sassy given your situation.”
Sara shut up as the trooper ran her hands down Sara’s back, down her left leg and up her right. As her hand reached the top of her right thigh, Sara held her breath as the officer’s hand brushed up against her crotch. Sara knew the woman would find her pussy drenched and would feel the heat she was putting off. Despite her fear, Sara’s position was turning her on. The trooper was completely professional, however. After she finished frisking Sara’s legs she reached around a patted down Sara chest and stomach. The trooper brushed her hands across Sara’s nipples, but she seemed more concerned with the stiffer underside of the bra. After some not so subtle rubbing of the base of the bra, the trooper seemed satisfied that Sara was not hiding anything. Sara felt the officer push against her body forcing her down onto the hood of the car. The officer then grabbed Sara’s right arm and pulled it back. The trooper stood back up while holding Sara’s arm and snapped a pair of handcuffs over her wrist. She then pushed Sara back down onto the car and retrieved her left hand. Both arms were positioned behind Sara’s back and her left wrist was summarily cuffed to the right.
Trooper: “Stay right her, sweetie, I need to tell your friend where to pick you up.”
Sara remained bent over the car hood. She watched the trooper walk back to Heather’s door. The trooper told her the location of the local county lockup. She said Sara would be put in her cruiser until the transport van arrived and that if Heather wanted to bail her out, to come to the lockup in about 3 hours. Heather said she understood and that she would call her attorney and would make the necessary arrangements.
The trooper returned to Sara and pulled her off the car by her handcuffs. This hurt Sara, but she remained silent, determined to make the best of the situation. Sara was guided to the back of the cruiser. She felt like a caged animal, trapped in the back seat behind a metal screen and locked-in. The trooper then walked back around to the driver’s seat and sat down. She grabbed a clip board and started making notes as Sara watched Heather pull back into traffic.
Trooper: “Don’t worry honey. Your friend said she would call a lawyer and would bail you out. The transport van should be here in about 40 minutes.”
Sara was very uncomfortable wearing the skirt while sitting down and was fidgeting.
Trooper: “What’s wrong with you girl?”
Sara: “I’m sorry; this skirt is really uncomfortable when you are sitting down. That is why I took it off in the other car. I’m really not that much of an exhibitionist.”
Sara hoped her explanation sounded plausible. She also hoped that now that the trooper was in the safety of her own car, she might be more amenable to letting Sara go.
Trooper: “How interesting. Judging how you are dressed compared to your friend, I would say you are a wild one.”
Sara: “Not necessarily. Heather is pretty wild herself.”
Trooper: “But she’s not the one who decided to flash the truckers and she’s not the one whose pussy is stinking up my car.”
Sara was taken aback. That last statement was the first time the trooper had addressed her with anything but a perfectly professional comment. Perhaps there was hope of the two women coming to a mutually satisfying agreement.
Sara: “Seriously, it really hurts to sit in the skirt. Do you think you could take it off me?”
Sara smiled when she said that last line. She figured Heather was not the only one who could flirt her way out of trouble.
Trooper: “And let you get my seat all sticky with your juice?”
The trooper was also smiling putting Sara at ease. This was probably the trooper’s plan all along.
Sara: “I’d do anything for a little… relief.”
Sara left an obvious pregnant pause before the work relief. She knew she was really talking about relief from a day of teasing and hoped the trooper would understand and take advantage of the situation.
Trooper: “You know it is against the law to offer a state trooper a bribe.”
Sara: “I’d take the skirt off myself, but I can’t reach the zipper while wearing these handcuffs. I’m completely helpless.”
Sara really tried to sell the last line pretending to be innocent of the effect she was hoping her offer would have on the trooper. To her delight, the officer opened her door and walked back around to the passenger side.
Trooper: “We try to make our prisoners as comfortable as possible. Roll onto your stomach.”
Gleefully Sara did as the trooper commanded. For the second time she felt the trooper’s strong hands touch her backside, only this time there was little pretense as the trooper gave Sara’s buttocks a firm squeeze and then began unzipping the skirt.
Trooper: “You really do have a nice ass. Tell me, does your friend like to paddle it?”
Sara: “Yes she does.”
The trooper ran her finger along the length of Sara’s slit.
Trooper: “And do you like it when she spanks you.”
Sara: “Yes I do.”
The trooper recalled her finger and gave Sara a stinging swat across her butt.
Trooper: “If I let you go will you let me spank you?”
Sara: “I would let you spank me even if you don’t let me go.”
Trooper: “You’re not much for negotiation. Are you really that big of a slut?”
Sara: “Maybe, but I’ve been teased all day by my mistress and my pussy has been overflowing since you snapped these cuffs on me.”
Trooper: “Your mistress? The other woman in the car?”
Sara: “Yes. I’ve been taught only to cum when she allows it, although if you spank me I think I would come anyway.”
Trooper: “Interesting.”
The trooper resumed sliding her teasing finger along Sara’s pussy eliciting a guttural groan.
Trooper: “So you are not supposed to cum without permission, but if I told you to hump my hand right now, I bet you would. What would your mistress think of that?”
Sara: “I would be punished for disobeying her. That is why she had been teasing me all day. I disobeyed one of her orders.”
The trooper suddenly jammed two of her fingers deep inside Sara’s pussy and finger fucked her hard for about 5 seconds. She then removed her fingers as Sara whimpered in frustration. The trooper then stuck her fingers in Sara’s mouth. Without needing to be prompted, Sara licked her own juice cleaning the trooper’s fingers.
Trooper: “I have people telling me all the time they’ll do anything to get out of a ticket or some other trouble. You are the first one whom I really believe. Here’s the deal. I really enjoy spanking helpless white girls. We’re going to go to the weigh station about 5 miles up the road. It is closed today so it will be vacant unless another state trooper stops to take a break. That is also where I told the transport van to meet us. I’m going to give you an old fashioned over the knee spanking. Whether you disobey your mistress and cum I don’t really care. When I am done, however, you are going to get on the floor and eat my pussy. I have not had a good orgasm in a while and I’m sure you are quite capable of rectifying the situation. If you get me off before the van shows up, you get off and I’ll tell the van I had to let you go because of an emergency call. It’s that simple. If you don’t get me off and happen to be naked when they get there, I can’t be responsible for their actions and you will be going to jail. You have until we get to the weigh station to decide. By the way, my name is Henrietta, but I like the way you say mistress, so you may call me that.”
The strong black woman gave Sara a hard swat on each cheek and stepped out of the back seat. Sara heard the driver’s door open and felt the car begin to move. She didn’t know if she could trust Henrietta or not, but that really didn’t matter. Like it or not, with her hands cuffed and nearly naked, she was under Henrietta’s control. Sara felt the car moving quickly and hoped they would arrive with enough time for both of them to have their lusts sated.
Sara felt the car slow down and assumed they had arrived. Since being rolled onto her stomach, Sara dared not move to look out the window. Sara heard Henrietta radio in that she was taking a break and heard the car door open. Within seconds, the back door opened and she felt Henrietta’s stout hands grip her hips and pull her out of the car and with a smooth motion, unlocked the handcuffs.
Henrietta pushed Sara across the trunk of the squad car and kicked her legs apart. She then moved her own leg between Sara’s as she forced her captive to bend over while doing a sensual bump and grid. Grabbing Sara’s head and holding it against the trunk, Henrietta hissed that Sara better be worth the risk the officer was taking.
Henrietta: “You’re not going to disappoint me are you?”
Sara: “No mistress.”
Henrietta: “Good. Since you act like a dog in heat, why don’t you get down on all fours and crawl to the door. I’ve got to get some items from the trunk.”
Without delay, Sara dropped to the ground and crawled up the sidewalk to the door. When she reached the door, Sara held her position, but did spread her legs hoping to entice the powerful officer. Sara wondered how surprised another trooper leaving the building would be to find her there.
Henrietta was close behind carrying a satchel and a ring of keys. She unlocked the door and ushered Sara inside. The office was small, just a couple of desks, a radio and a control panel for the truck scales. Sara remained on the ground preferring to show deference until given further commands.
Henrietta: “Stand up and take that ridiculous shirt off.”
Sara did and Henrietta commented that she like Sara’s bra. Surprisingly Sara was not embarrassed by the comment or showing off her body.
Henrietta: “For security reasons, you better take the bra off too. I don’t want you running away.
Sara knew that wasn’t the real reason, but was part of the game. She handed the bra to the officer who placed it into the satchel. Henrietta then sat down on one of the office chairs and waved Sara over. Draping herself over the trooper’s knee, she prepared for her spanking. Henrietta delivered a stinging fusillade of blows to Sara’s backside. Sara could tell this was not the first time Henrietta had spanked a woman and she deemed her an expert. Henrietta made no movement to rub Sara’s clit or finger her again, but that did not stop Sara, or perhaps it emboldened Sara, to start grinding her pelvis on Henrietta’s knee.
Henrietta: “You were not kidding about being horny. But I hate to see you disobey your mistress, so why don’t we move on to the second part of our deal. Get down on your knees.”
Sara’s buttocks were bright red and the pain had spread deliciously through her extremities. She moved into position on the floor in front of the chair, but as she did, she began to pleasure herself with her right hand. Henrietta was busy removing her pants when she noticed.
Henrietta: “I’m sorry, I wasn’t clear. I’m not going to let you disobey your mistress. Get your hands behind your back.”
Begrudgingly Sara stopped playing with herself and put her wrists together behind her back. She then watched as Henrietta walked back to the satchel and remove what looked like two sets of cuffs chained together.
Henrietta: “Since I have to take off my gun belt, I can’t have you loose… security reasons don’t you know.”
Sara didn’t belief that excuse any more than when she took off her bra, but passively allowed Henrietta to snap the manacles on her wrists and then her ankles. She was now forced to maintain her kneeling position.
Henrietta: “That’s better, now I don’t have to worry.”
Henrietta sat down in the chair, spreading her legs in front of Sara’s waiting mouth. Remembering Henrietta’s pledge to let her go, Sara began eating the trooper’s pussy with abandon. Sara worked all the tricks her tongue knew and soon had the trooper panting and moaning about her talents. In an effort to make Henrietta come, Sara sucked her clit with all the force she could muster while rocking her head along her labia. Henrietta grabbed Sara’s head with both hands and arched her hips. She screamed for all she was worth as a month of pent up sexual energy was released. Standing up, Henrietta humped Sara’s head, grinding her pussy along Sara’s face. Sara, now liberally coated by trooper goo, tried to rock backwards and catch her breath. But Henrietta wasn’t done just yet and continued to hold Sara’s head to her pussy. After her spasms had died down, Henrietta pushed Sara over on her side, grabbed her pants and walked into the restroom.
Sara was left naked and chained on the floor, frantic to have an orgasm. Sara struggled to get into a kneeling position and then to move back toward the chair in hopes of getting herself off. She thought back to the day in the mall security office where she fucked the corner of a table for the pleasure of others. She finally got her pussy at the corner of the chair as Henrietta reemerged from the bathroom.
Henrietta: “Damn slut. I’ve never seen a tramp as desperate as you. I told you, I’m not going to let you go against your mistress’ orders. I would love to fuck you right now, but a deal is a deal. You got me off before the van arrived, so you get off.”
Sara: “But I need to cum!”
Henrietta: “That may be, but I can’t help you.”
Sara: “Can I borrow your night stick?”
Henrietta: “Tempting, very tempting. But I better get you to the car and call your mistress before the van gets here.”
With little effort, Henrietta picked Sara up and carried her to the front door. After Sara turned the knob, Henrietta carried her back to the car and placed her in the back seat.
She then locked the doors again and went back inside. Over the course of the next half hour or so, Sara could hear several cars come and go, but thankfully nobody looked in the back seat of the trooper’s car. Sara began to doze off in the warm car until she was jolted awake by the opening of the door. Smiling down at her was her mistress.
Mistress Heather: “Hello slut. Henrietta here tells me you performed most admirably.”
Sara: “Thank you mistress.”
Mistress Heather: “Let’s get those shackles off and get you dressed so we may continue our journey.”
Sara was more than ready to end today’s adventure, but of course, she didn’t say anything. She smiled weakly as the state trooper unlocked the shackles and stood passively has her mistress snapped her bra back in place and zipped up the short skirt. Heather then tossed the t-shirt back to Sara who slipped it on. Turning toward the two dominant women, Sara cupped her breasts and teasing told the women how much she liked the shirt.
Henrietta: “Looks like you have your hands full Heather.”
Heather: “She not really any trouble. I know how to handle her.”
All three women laughed.
Heather: “Get in the car slut. We have one more stop to make this afternoon. Henrietta, will you be at Jill’s next party?”
Henrietta: “I’m planning on it.”
Heather: “Jill has requested Sara be the serving wench, although I’m undecided if I’ll allow it.”
Henrietta: “You should come or at least send her. I’ll make sure she is well taken care of.”
Heather: “We’ll see.”
It finally dawned on Sara that Henrietta was a friend of her mistress and this all had been a setup. Sara was dejected. Why did her mistress go to all the trouble of setting her up? Trying not to think too hard about her mistress’ motivations, Sara unzipped her skirt again and sat down in the passenger seat.
Heather finished up her conversation with Henrietta and gracefully slid behind the wheel.
Mistress Heather: “I suppose you are wondering why I did that to you.”
Sara: “No mistress,” Sara lied, “I am here to serve you as you see fit.”
Mistress Heather: “I don’t believe you, but that was the right answer.”
Heather piloted the sports car back onto the highway, this time with the top up. She didn’t talk to Sara much and when she did it was idle chit-chat. She gave no hints about where they were going or what Sara would be required to do. She didn’t even comment on Sara sitting bottomless or spreading her legs. Soon Sara was craving attention again. She longed to be ordered to masturbate yet again or even to flash the truckers for a second time. But the order never came.
When they got back to town, Heather exited the freeway back into the industrial section of town. Immediately Sara knew their destination and like a Pavlovian dog, her pussy began to moisten. Heather pulled into The Vault’s parking lot. It was later in the afternoon and the parking lot was about half full.
Mistress Heather: “We need to get you another movie.”
Sara (teasingly): “Shall I leave my skirt here?”
Mistress Heather: “Do you still think you are going to cum today? That’s cute. Put the skirt back on. The store looks a little crowded for a Wednesday afternoon.”
Sara was only half joking about leaving the skirt in the car. Part of her wanted to walk inside, have a strong man push Heather out of the way and ravage her. She was getting that desperate to cum. Once again Sara slithered into the tiny skirt. She looked at herself in the car window and did a little shake. Remarkably, she didn’t look any worse for wear since leaving Heather’s house a few hours ago. Dutifully she walked behind her mistress as they entered the store.
Steve: “Hi Heather. So nice to see you again. I take it this is your new slave? I like your choice of clothing”
Mistress Heather: “Hi Steve. Yes this lovely creature is Sara. Say hello slave. You didn’t meet Steve the last time you were here.”
Sara: “Hello Steve. I like your store.”
Steve: “Thank you Sara. If I can be of any assistance ladies, please let me know.”
Mistress Heather: “I certainly will. Thank you Steve.”
Sara watched Steve as he walked away. He was a handsome man and based on the bulge in the front of his jeans, he was packing quite a piece of meat. Sara tried not to stare, but in her current state, there was nothing that would get her mind off sex. As Steve reached about 15 feet away, Heather called out to him loud enough for everyone in the front of the store to hear.
Mistress Heather: “Actually Steve, there is something I need. My disobedient slut here got herself in a little trouble with the law on the way here. I’d hate to have her wondering off and causing a ruckus. Can I borrow a collar and leash?”
Steve just smiled.
Steve: “Of course you can. Anything for you. Why don’t you come back to my office and we’ll get her fitted.”
Sara knew she had been setup again. Now every man in the store had been alerted to her presence. Things were going to get interesting.
Heather guided Sara to a door in the back of the store. It was marked private. Steve unlocked the door and ushered the women inside making sure to give Sara’s ass a firm squeeze. The office was good sized, neatly arranged with another door on the back wall.
Steve: “That leads to the storeroom. I’m sure you can find an appropriate control method. You know how I hate to have a ruckus in my store.”
Sara noticed Steve wink at Heather while delivering his last phrase. She was sure plenty of wild things happened at this store and was hoping to find out for herself.
Heather opened the door and Sara noticed straight away what kind of things really went on at The Vault. On one side of the room were shelves with boxes, the storage area no doubt. On the other side of the room was what appeared to be a fully stocked dungeon.
Steve: “Well I hate to sell any products I have not personally tried and can endorse.”
Sara then noticed Mandy. She didn’t look like the confident woman Sara had talked to earlier in the day. This Mandy had her arms cuffed to a chain above her head. She was fully clothed with her skirt touching the floor. She was squatting on her knees and appeared to be humping an invisible lover. She was blindfolded and obviously enjoying herself greatly.
Steve: “Mandy’s on her break.”
Mandy grunted in response as Steve walked over and turned down a dial mounted on the wall and removed the blindfold.
Mandy: “Thanks lover, I had about all I could take. I must of cum 4 or 5 times.”
Sara was jealous. She didn’t know exactly what was getting Mandy off, but she wanted it for herself.
Mandy: “Hi Heather. Hi Sara. Excuse me for not getting up. Steve, can you uncuff me?”
Steve: “Perhaps I should have you suck my cock first.”
Mandy: “Yeah yeah, I’m sure you’ve been hard since they walked in. I told you Heather found a hottie. I’ll take care of you later. I’m sure they are on a tight schedule.”
Steve pulled a set of keys out of his pocket and after some fumbling around, found the one for Mandy’s cuffs. Mandy rubbed her wrists and then gingerly stood up. By the time she was upright, you couldn’t tell she did anything on her break but go for coffee. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary until she moved forward revealing the Sybian she had been riding.
Sara: “Excuse me mistress. What is that?”
Mistress Heather: “That is a Sybian, my innocent one. It is the most effective toy every invented to get a woman off.”
Sara looked at the device. It looked like the top of a pommel horse only there was a dildo sticking out of it. Sara’s pussy gushed at the thought of using the device. Her mistress noticed the look of pure lust conveyed by Sara’s face. Heather flipped the dial on the wall and the dildo sprung to life.
Mistress Heather: “If you are very good the rest of the afternoon, perhaps Mandy will be nice enough to share.”
Sara smiled broadly.
Mistress Heather: “But that is not why we are back here. Let’s find you a leash.”
Sara watched as her mistress walked to another section of the storeroom and perused the selection of restrains. Mandy walked over to offer her advice. The two women were in obvious consultation as they turned several times to Sara and pointed at one part of her anatomy or another. Sara could not hear what they were saying. Her focus was more on the Sybian and the relief it could bring.
Sara was deep in thought about having the Sybian churning her butter and didn’t notice her mistress and Mandy had returned until Heather snapped her fingers in front of her face.
Mistress Heather: “I think you have another convert here Mandy.”
Mandy: “I haven’t met a woman yet who didn’t like at least one of the attachments.”
Mistress Heather: “She’s really been a good sport today, should I let her have a little fun?”
Mandy: “I offered her some fun on Monday but she turned me down.”
Mistress Heather: “You did? And what kind of fun was that.”
Mandy: “When she returned her movie I offered her some free tokens for the video booth. I even offered to join her. She turned me down saying she had to be late for the gym. She was definitely conflicted about it, though.”
Mistress Heather: “I believe that. It doesn’t take much to get her pussy juicing.”
Sara listened intently as the women were talking about her like she wasn’t in the room.
Mistress Heather: “I really needed to get some shopping done today. Why don’t we do that first and if there is any time left, sweet Sara can take a ride.”
Both women looked at Sara and smiled. Sara knew the games were going to continue and she would have to wait. Sara looked down at Mandy’s hands and saw a thick leather collar about 4 inches wide. There were D-rings in the front, back and on the sides. She bowed her head and let Mandy attach the choker. Sara had to stretch her neck slightly. The collar wasn’t uncomfortable, but it would force Sara to keep her head straight and upright. Next Mandy produced a set of leather wrist cuffs.
Mandy: “I really prefer leather cuffs to metal handcuffs. My wrists don’t get sore nearly as quickly so I can wear them longer. In your case, we can also attach them to your new collar.”
Without comment, Sara put her hands behind her back and allowed Mandy to secure them. Mandy then grabbed a graphite bar which clipped between the collar’s back D-ring and the cuffs.
Mandy: “This bar really doesn’t serve much of a purpose since you would not be able to move your arms much anyway, but it looks really good.”
Sara wasn’t concerned with how she looked. She was totally focused on having Heather finish her shopping so she could hop on the Sybian. Satisfied that Mandy had prepared Sara, Heather lead her back through the office and into the store. Heather walked Sara through each aisle of the store pointing out items and quizzing her captive on whether she thought each thing was exciting. Heather did find a good use for the bar using it to steer Sara wherever she wanted her to go. The men in the store took notice of what was happening immediately. Sara was in too much of a daze to notice what was happening, but Heather had to laugh to herself at the transparency of the men’s attempts to get a better view. On more than one occasion Heather gave Sara’s butt a nice rub or little pat to tease the voyeurs. As more men began to congregate near the pair, Heather even parked Sara in front of a display which forced the men into the homosexual aisle if they wanted to see her. Mandy and Steve both noticed that and chuckled out loud.
After about ten minutes of “browsing” Heather guided Sara to the video section to pick out another movie. All of the titles and box covers looked interesting to Sara. Heather could have picked the most repulsive topic available and Sara would have agreed right about then. Heather taunted Sara with movies featuring big cocks, again speaking loud enough for those watching the pair to hear, asking what Sara would do for a big cock right about then. Heather also picked out a couple of lesbian themed d&s movies asking Sara if she ever thought of finding a new mistress.
Eventually Heather had her fill of goading Sara and picked out a female masturbation movie to give her some “tips.” Heather led Sara back to the counter and asked Mandy to put the DVD in the player for one of the booths.
Mandy: “Here, take the key for booth 1. It’s bigger and has a loveseat. We reserve it for women and couples.”
Mistress Heather: “That will be fine.”
Mandy: “If there is anything else you need, anything at all, just let me know.”
Sara was spun around by her mistress and lead toward the video booths. Almost instantly a group of men rushed the counter asking for tokens. As they moved to the video booths, Heather and Sara ran a gauntlet of men now openly leering at the pair. Sara began to get weak in the knees and was glad Heather was there to protect her.
Heather took the key and opened video booth number 1. After she and Sara entered the room, Heather locked the door. The room was not very big, maybe 8 feet by 8 feet. At the back was a small loveseat. Based on the smell, Sara could tell it had been used by many couples for support. Mounted in the wall was a 27” television behind a glass shield. Next to the TV was a push button selector.
Mistress Heather: “You can use the selector to pick which video feed you are watching. Buttons 1-6 correspond to the DVD each patron selects for their own booth. 7-10 are for themed DVDs that Mandy and Steve pick and channels 11 and 12 are for special occasions. The glass keeps the guy’s loads from hitting the screen. Press number one and then come back to the loveseat.
Sara began to walk to the TV, her boots sticking to the floor.
Mistress Heather: “It’s hard for Steve and Mandy to keep up with cleaning the floor. Most guys don’t care unless the TV has streaks.”
Sara pressed button 1 and the movie Heather picked out was displayed. She then turned and walked back to her mistress who was sitting in the middle of the loveseat.
Mistress Heather: “I’m sorry; there really isn’t room for both of us. Why don’t you lay across my lap?”
Sara realized she was going to be spanked for the second time. Carefully bending over her mistress, Sara tried to position her clit where it would get maximum friction on Heather’s knee. If she was going to be beaten again, at least she should enjoy it.
Mistress Heather: “Watch the screen sweetie. I’m just going to play with you a bit.”
Mistress Heather then unzipped the skirt again and began rubbing Sara’s ass. As she did, Sara began humping Heather’s leg. Heather alternated between teasing Sara’s pussy lips, rubbing her ass and occasionally spanking it. Bolstered by the privacy of the room, Sara was soon begging her mistress to let her come and moaning in passion.
Mistress Heather: “Henrietta told me you wanted to cum for her. You know that’s against the rules, don’t you?”
Sara: “Yes mistress, I’m sorry. But I’m desperate. I need to cum.”
Mistress Heather: “Soon pet soon.”
The movie continued with woman after woman masturbating themselves to orgasm. One even squirted. This drew Sara even deeper into her lust. With her mistress playing her body like an instrument, Sara gave herself completely to her emotions. Her begs had turned to quiet screams of passion. Her body was on overload. Permission or not, she was going to explode.
Mistress Heather: “You’ve earned your treat. Stand up.”
Sara begrudgingly stood up.
Mistress Heather: “Hit button 12 on the selector and sit on my lap.”
Sara did has she was commanded. As soon as she sat down, Heather moved her legs apart spreading Sara’s also.
Mistress Heather: “I want you to watch this last scene. You are to continue to beg and will pledge yourself to me. When I tell you to come, you will, but not before. Do you understand?”
Sara: “Yes mistress. Thank you mistress.”
Sara looked intently at the TV. The image was not the masturbation video but a picture of the storeroom. There was a time/date stamp in the corner showing Monday morning, just after the time Sara had dropped of the movie. Into the frame came Mandy and another man Sara didn’t recognize. Mandy stripped off her clothes and began to rub her crotch. Sara was mesmerized as she watched Mandy sit down on the Sybian. The dildo was missing and Sara guessed there must be other attachments.
The man hooked Mandy’s arms into the cuffs above the apparatus and then attached nipple clamps to her visibly excited breasts. He then attached the blindfold and turned on the wall switch.
As Sara watched, she felt Heather’s arms reaching around her. As her left arm held Sara tight, her right hand went to work on Sara’s pussy. Sara watched as Mandy’s hips swiveled on top of the Sybian and listened has her moans became louder and more frequent.
Sara was so engrossed in watching Mandy that she forgot to start begging for her orgasm. A slap across the cheek brought her back to reality.
Mistress Heather: “Are you forgetting something, slave?”
Sara: “I’m sorry mistress, have pity on me. Mandy is so beautiful and your fingers felt so good I forgot.”
Mistress Heather: “Maybe you are not ready to cum, is that it?”
Sara: “No mam. Please anything but that.”
Mistress Heather: “Stand up and bend over.”
Sara did so, taking care not to fall over as her hand position impaired her balance, and was rewarded with five slaps on each butt cheek.
Mistress Heather: “Perhaps now you will remember to obey my orders.”
As Sara was starting to reply, she saw an erect penis stick through a hole in the wall about 3 feet of the ground.
Sara: “Mistress, why is that cock sticking through the wall.”
Mistress Heather: “That is a glory hole. When a man wants the occupant of this room to suck him off, he sticks his penis though the wall. Remember channel 11?”
Sara: “Yes mistress.”
Mistress Heather: “Channel 11 is a video feed from this room. The man next door was obviously watching you and is turned on. I think it is only fair that you get him off as punishment for not begging me to let you cum.”
Sara knew Mistress Heather was not going to be dissuaded so she straightened herself up and moved over to the wall. Kneeling on the floor, Sara felt her knees begin to stick to the floor. How many other women, and probably a fair number of men, had taken this position before. Tentatively Sara began to tongue the cock sticking through the wall. It was foul tasting like it had not been washed recently. Sara heard her mistress stand up, but could not turn her head to look due to the collar. Sara felt a hand on the back of her head.
Mistress Heather: “You can do better than that.”
As she was completing the sentence, Mistress Heather pushed Sara’s head forcing her mouth down the length of the cock. Sara gagged at the intrusion, but was held fast. With her mistress’ urging by grabbing her hair, Sara’s mouth was forced up and down the anonymous organ.
Mistress Heather: “Suck him well slave. Do it for me.”
Sara did her best and was soon the women could hear the man in the booth next door grunt and hit the wall with his hand. Sara was rewarded with a mouthful of cum. She tried to swallow it all, but the man shot a huge load and some dribbled out of her mouth. She soon felt the penis deflate and it was pulled back through the wall. Sara tried to peak through the hole, but it was too dark to see any details.
Sara started to rise, but was corrected by her mistress. Hearing the outer door of the other booth open and close, they could tell another person had entered the room. Sara knew what was going to happen. They heard the man select his movie for the screen and about 45 seconds later another stiff cock came through the hole. Sara didn’t need any prodding this time. She took the man fully in her mouth and did her best to make him cum quickly. After several minutes, the man began sliding his cock back and forth. Noticing this, Mistress Heather once again grabbed Sara’s head and held her tightly against the hole. Sensing her head was now in the correct position, the man began fucking Sara’s mouth. Building up a rhythm and not caring that Sara was once again gasping for breath, this man too shot his load quickly. The man did not have as much ejaculate and Sara was able to capture it all.
Obviously the word was spreading quickly about the willing mouth in booth 1. Cock after cock was pressed through the hole. Some wanted to be sucked; some just wanted a warm hole to fuck. Sara worked hard to please them all. Throughout the ordeal, Mistress Heather was praising Sara’s skills and her ability to serve. This warmed Sara’s heart making the distasteful task somehow more palatable. A couple of the men pulled back as they came showering Sara’s face instead of her mouth. By the time booth number 2 remained empty, Sara’s entire face had been covered. The remnants had dripped onto her shirt, she had drank was seemed like a gallon of cum and her knees and arms were sore.
Mistress Heather: “I think that is all for today. You need to get home and clean up before Frank gets home.”
Warily Sara rose to her feet, her stockings peeling away from the sticky floor. She turned to address her mistress, almost too tired to stand.
Sara: “Please mistress. I have to cum. This is beyond need.”
Mistress Heather: “You’ve been a good sport today Sara. Do you want to ask Mandy if you can borrow the Sybian or would you prefer to stay here?
Sara: “Which ever you prefer. Just please let me cum.”
Mistress Heather: “You final task for today is to walk out and find Mandy. Tell her you need to cum and ask her for permission to use her Sybian. I don’t know what payment she will require, if any, and it will be up to you to determine if the price is right, as it were.”
Sara: “Yes mistress.”
Mistress Heather: “If Mandy asks for too much, you may turn her down, but that will end your opportunity for an orgasm until we meet again on Saturday.”
Sara: “I understand.”
Mistress Heather: “Then off you go. Have fun. I’m going to watch a movie for a while. I’ll come to collect you later.”
Sara didn’t realize it, but Heather was going to watch Sara on channel 12. Anyone in a video booth would have a close up view of Sara climaxing and a DVD copy would be made for future viewings. Sara was not the only one in need of an orgasm. Heather had been excited ever since she planned this day. What she really needed was Steve and his wonderful cock to ride while she watched Sara. Peering out of the booth, Heather watched Sara approach the counter. She was quite a site. Her stockings were torn from kneeling and sticking to the floor, her shirt had cum stains and her face had dried jizz on it. Mandy smiled when she saw Heather’s toy. She knew what Sara wanted. She had seen it many times before.
Mandy: “How was the video?”
Sara: “Interesting. Definitely not what I was expecting.”
Mandy: “Do you want me to switch disks?”
Mandy turned and removed the masturbation DVD as if nothing out of the ordinary was happening.
Sara: “No exactly.”
Mandy: “What do you need?”
Sara (whispering): “Can I use your Sybian? I really need to cum.”
Mandy: “Sorry I didn’t hear you. Can you speak up a little?”
Sara frowned and shook her head.
Sara: “I said I need to cum. Can I try your Sybian?”
Mandy: “That’s what I thought I heard you say. What do I get out of it?”
Sara: “Anything you want.”
Mandy: “Anything? Will you eat my pussy until I can’t cum any more?”
Sara: “If my mistress approves, that is fine.”
Mandy: “How about if I bend you over this counter and fuck your ass with my strap-on?”
Sara: “Anything as long as Mistress Heather approves.”
Mandy: “I guess you do need to cum. Did you even realize you left your skirt in the video booth? I’ll let you use the Sybian. Just like me you will be cuffed so you can’t get up until the operator says so. Are those terms acceptable?”
Sara: “Yes mam. Just please hurry.”
Mandy smiled and picked up the phone. She wanted to have a little fun herself with Sara. Dialing the number for the PA system, she informed Steve she was leaving the counter.
Mandy: “Steve, Heather’s new slut really wants to use my Sybian. I’m going to take her back and hook her up. Can you watch the counter for a few minutes?”
Mandy then locked the cash register, turned to the rack of DVD players and hit the record button on the storeroom camera.
Mandy: “I’m sure he’ll be right here. Let’s go.”
Sara had a renewed bounce in her step as she followed Mandy to the back of the store. Along the way they passed Steve coming out of the office. He gave Sara a playful swat on the butt as she passed and told her to have fun.
Seeing Steve, Heather whistled from the video booth and waved him over.
Heather: “Get your ass in here. I need your cock.”
Steve: “Hold your horses. I need to watch the counter.”
Heather: “Wrong answer. My little slut isn’t the only one around here desperate to cum.”
Steve: “I see. Why don’t you come over to the counter and tell me about it.”
Heather: “Forget it. I’ll stay in here, watch Sara and diddle myself.”
Steve: “Come on, you know your finger will not feel nearly as good as my cock. There’s only a few guys left in the store and they are all in the booths.”
Heather: “No sale. Get back to your counter, loser.”
Steve smiled. He and Heather were great friends and he knew she didn’t really think he was a loser. They had fucked several times in the store. After Mandy got her fill of watching Sara, she could watch the counter and Steve could nail Heather. He walked back around the counter and hit record on the camera in booth one. At least he could watch Heather if Mandy didn’t return.
Back in the storeroom, Mandy removed the bar holding Sara’s cuffs to the collar and then removed the cuffs. Grabbing hold of the top of the t-shirt, Mandy ripped it from Sara’s body in one smooth motion. She then ordered Sara to turn around and removed her bra.
Mandy: “I doubt you will need any lube, will you?”
Sara: “No mam. I’m ready.”
Mandy: “Ok, slide down on the dildo and raise your arms.”
Sara sat on the Sybian, the dildo easily sliding into her pussy.
Sara: “You looked like you were having a great time on this. I can’t wait.”
Mandy: “Patience. Your reward is at hand.”
Mandy took Sara’s arms and attached them into the cuffs hanging from the ceiling. She then surprised Sara by pressing a button which cause another set of cuffs to drop from behind her. These cuffs her attached to Sara’s ankles. Mandy then attached a three foot spreader bar between the cuffs forcing Sara’s legs wide apart. Finally Mandy raised the cuffs again forcing Sara to push her arms forward and arch her back. The position was moderately uncomfortable, but more importantly had the effect of putting all her body weight onto the dildo and positioning Sara’s clit right on the front of the Sybian’s vibrating nub.
Mandy: “I don’t usually use the leg cuffs, but you looked like you really needed a special treat. I’m going to turn the timer on simmer for a little while. You’re so horny you may well cum just from that. Usually it is more of a tease setting. The timer will slowly increase the power. I usually can come 4 or so times in 20 minutes. I’m giving you half an hour, enjoy.”
Sara looked panicked again. She had begged to be allowed to cum, but half an hour in this position was more than she bargained for. Just then the Sybian sprang to life. Sara jumped a little, but her bondage kept her firmly in place.
Mandy: “Oh, I almost forgot, you need a blindfold. I really like a dark ride.”
Sara wasn’t hearing a word Mandy was saying any more. The vibration on her clit and in her pussy was working its magic. She knew her first orgasm was only seconds way. She watched helplessly as Mandy secured the blindfold. She then felt Mandy start squeezing her nipples.
Mandy: “Cum for me slut. Cum for Mistress Heather. Cum for all the cocks you sucked today. Let yourself go.”
The nipple twists were the last straw and Sara’s body released its frustration in a quaking, earth shattering climax. Sara screamed like never before. She was sure everyone in the store would be able to hear her, but she didn’t care. Her body was consumed in orgasm and she shook against her bonds and flooded the Sybian with her juices. Mandy forcefully grabbed Sara’s head and gave her a deep French kiss.
Mandy: “I’ll be back in half and hour. Have fun.”
On her way out, Mandy stopped to set up another video camera. This one was pointing directly at Sara and zoomed in so she filled the frame. Mandy was sure she would get some great footage for her archive and the internet.
Back in video booth #1, Heather was watching her slave shudder through orgasm after orgasm. Sara was not the only one whose libido had been tested today. Heather had managed to tease herself into quite a funk while she kept Sara from cuming. Although Heather enjoyed showing off her slaves in public, she wasn’t a big fan of exhibiting herself. She had hoped Steve would satisfy her, but apparently she was going to have to take matters into her own hands. Focusing her attention to the video screen and her slave, Heather slumped back onto the loveseat and slid off her pants. Heather found her pussy warm and inviting. Using her right hand, Heather rubbed her clit while the center and ring finger of her left hand found their home in her pussy.
Steve was enjoying the show put on by the two insatiable women. He was standing behind the counter alternating between the two video feeds, his cock straining against his jeans. A loyal customer, Ralph, approach with several DVDs. Noticing a woman who looked as good as any porn star frig herself, Ralph commented how much he would like a piece of that. Steve, knowing that Heather is very selective when it comes to men, told Ralph to go into booth 2 and use the glory hole. Based on the gyrations visible on the screen, Heather was getting wild. Perhaps Ralph would get lucky. Ralph was less enthusiastic about his chances. Women who look like Heather never take any notice of him, but welcomed the opportunity to watch the live sex show.
Steve watched Ralph head back to the video booths as Mandy returned to the counter.
Mandy: “Sara is certainly enjoying herself. We are going to make a lot of money with that video.”
Steve: “She is something special. Look at Heather in booth 1. That video will be worth a lot too. I just sent Ralph down there to see if he can get a suck job.”
Mandy: “Based on the strain in your pants, you should head there too.”
Steve: “Don’t you worry about me. Heather wanted me to fuck her but I had to watch the counter. Now that you’re back up here, I can do just that. If we play our cards right, we’ll have two new sluts for the store.”
Mandy: “Don’t count your chickens Mr. Smarty-pants.”
Steve: “I’m not, but I can think of lots of things they could do for us.”
Steve walked around the counter grabbing a tube of KY jelly from a bin on the corner of the display. He also unclipped a pair of handcuffs he always kept on his belt. Mandy took up position behind the counter. Even though she had completely satisfied herself on the Sybian just half an hour before, she began getting turned on again watching Heather pleasure herself. Mandy switched briefly back to Sara just to make sure everything was OK. She could tell Sara was lost in an almost continual orgasm. She herself had reached that place only once before and was jealous of the Sara.
Just before Steve reached the video booth, Sara switched back to Heather’s feed. She wasn’t surprised by what she saw and she knew Steve would be pleased. Having taken Steve’s advice, Ralph had pushed his cock through the glory hole. Without a doubt, Heather found this disgusting, but at the same time, she was compelled to move toward the anonymous penis. Steve entered the room to find Heather on her knees, her mouth full of his friend’s cock, one hand fingering her pussy and the other grabbing her own ass. As she heard the door open, Sara looked up at Steve. She pulled her mouth off of her blowjob duties and spoke.
Heather: “It’s about time you got here. I had to start by myself. Now get over here and fuck me.”
Heather slapped her own butt then went back down on Ralph’s dick. Steve locked the door again and shed his own pants. His erection stood tall, as any able bodied man would, given the scene before him. Moving over to Heather, his eye was drawn to the video of sweet Sara continuing to cum on the Sybian. Sliding between Heather’s legs, he gave her a not so pleasant slap to her right ass check.
Steve: “Your not usually this slutty, Heather. Is Sara rubbing off on you?”
Heather didn’t respond verbally, but she wiggled her butt and pointed suggestively.
Steve: “Don’t worry, I know what you need.”
Steve grabbed his erect cock and slid it across her pussy lips. Heather responded by pushing her hips backward, but Steve was determined not to make it too easy on her. Pulling back himself, Steve used his cock to playfully slap her pussy. Heathers response was to moan onto the cock she was servicing. After much teasing, Steve slowly inched his manhood into her fuck hole. Heather was mewing like a content kitten as Steve slowly built a rhythm pleasuring her needs.
Steve was wondering just how to work Heather to his advantage when he heard Ralph give a loud grunt through the wall. Grabbing Heather by the neck, Steve was able to pull her off Ralph’s cock just as he let loose a volley of cum. Freed from the confines of Heather’s mouth, Ralph’s cock was free to spurt left and right, up and down, this way and that. Heather face was coated with a lovely facial.
Heather: “You bastard, you know I don’t do facials.”
Steve: “You do if you want me to keep fucking you.”
Steve punctuated his sentence with a particularly hard thrust, and then a slow withdrawal until just the tip of his cock remained inside Heather. She reached back to tried and grab his butt.
Heather: “Not so fast, you’re not done yet.”
Grabbing Heather’s right hand, Steve quickly snapped the handcuff on her right wrist. Just as the first click was registering in her brain, Steve grabbed Heather’s left arm and twisted it behind her back. Snapping the other cuff into place, Steve slammed his cock back into Heather while holding her by the chain between the cuffs.
Steve: “If you want this, we do it my way slut.”
With little room or desire to protest, Heather acquiesced by slumping her head to the sticky floor while keeping her ass high in the air. Steve gave her several more strong strokes, then pulled out and stood up. Steve walked over to the love seat and sat down, his legs close together and his cock pointed angrily skyward.
Steve: “Get your ass over here and hit on my cock.”
Heather struggled to her feet while Steve pulled out the tube of KY jelly and liberally coated his organ.
Steve: “One more thing. Switch to channel 11. I want you to watch yourself being fucked up the ass.”
Heather: “Damn you’re nasty. I love it.”
Steve: “I know you do slut, now hurry up.”
Heather walked over to the TV. It was a bit of a challenge hitting the video selector with her hands cuffed behind her, but after a couple of attempts she hit the right button. Steve was stroking his cock, waving it back and forth like a snake charmer. Heather was caught in its lure and quickly walked back to the couch. When she reached Steve’s legs, she turned around and bent over. Steve had a perfect view of her pretty pink rosebud.
Heather: “Is that what you’re interested in, Steve?”
Steve responded by squeezing out several more drops of the lubricant onto Heather’s puckering asshole.
Heather: “Ohh it’s cold.”
Steve: “Don’t worry, I’m going to warm it up for you.”
Steve took his index finger and spread the jelly around her anus. He then deftly pushed his right index finger inside her.
Steve: “Just relax.”
Heather initially fought the intrusion, mainly out of reflex. She had been fucked in the ass many times and had certainly taken her slaves that way many more. But still, she always found it difficult to relax at first. After wiggling his finger around for a few moments, Steve withdrew and grabbed Heather’s left hip. He pulled her backward while holding his cock steady with his right hand.
Steve: “Easy does it. Here it comes.”
It took a couple of attempts, but Steve’s cock finally found its mark. Once the head worked past Heather’s sphincter, the added lube allowed his cock to slide in and Heather found herself impaled on his solid shaft. Steve when began to spread his legs forcing her legs to open obscenely.
Steve now wrapped his hands around Heather’s ample chest and nimbly ripped her shirt open. Pulling her bra up, Steve exposed her globes for everyone watching the video feed to see. Heather looked at the picture on the screen. She looked like a porn star about to get the fucking of her life. And she liked it.
Steve: “Watch the screen and rock up and down my cock.”
Heather did what she was told. The image told the story. Sara was having the orgasms of her life strapped to the Sybian, but Heather doubted she looked as desperate as Heather did right then. It was difficult for Heather to generate much leverage. Her hand could provide only minimal lift so she had to rely on her thighs to raise and lower her butt. She could not set a pace she liked and she was straining to get whatever pleasure she could. For his part, Steve was enjoying having the regularly dominating Heather struggling to get her pleasure. That was a position she enjoyed putting other in and she was finally getting a taste of her own medicine. Just to show he was a gentleman, Steve would use his hands to lift Heather’s butt allowing her to slam back down onto his cock. He also would reach around to rub her clit and reach up to grab one of her incredible breasts.
Steve was careful not to simulate Heather too much or too fast. He was happy just to tease her overheated body. Heather began begging for Steve to pick up the pace saying how unfair it was that she was being teased.
Steve: “Isn’t that what you did to poor Sara all day?”
Heather: “That’s different. She’s my slave.”
Steve: “I see, so what do I get if I pound you and let you cum?”
Heather thought for a while. She was sure Steve wanted a repeat performance, probably more, but she wasn’t ready to give in that easily.
Heather: “I’ll bring Sara back. You and Mandy can do whatever you want to her.”
Steve: “We can already have that. Sara already pledged to service Mandy.”
Heather’s mind was swimming in lust. She knew Steve held the cards and could stop her from orgasming if he wanted.
Heather: “All right. I’ll join her. That’s what you want to hear isn’t it?”
Steve: “Yes it is. Stand back up.”
Steve gave Heather’s ass another lift and his cock pop-ed free of her forbidden entrance. Steve then stood, spun Heather around and pushed her face first into the loveseat. The foul smell of a thousand lovers filled Heather’s noise. Part repulsed, part turned on, Heather begged for Steve’s cock. She didn’t have to wait long. Steve rammed his cock back up Heather’s shit hole with remarkable force, shoving Heather’s face deeper into the cum filled cushions. Steve fucked her like a man possessed. He wasn’t doing this for her pleasure, but for his own. Steve grabbed the handcuffs and lifted Heather’s arms upward. He did this for two reasons, one, in case she forgot, he wanted to show her who was in charge. Second he wanted to distract Heather from her impending orgasm. Steve wanted to cum first and leave Heather begging for more. He had one more degrading task for Heather today and he didn’t want her orgasm getting in the way.
Looking back at the camera, he mouthed the words “butt plug” at an invisible audience. He was hoping Mandy was watching. He also saw another cock come through the glory hole. If the guy stayed hard long enough, perhaps he would have Heather service him, but it all depended on getting a butt plug quickly. Damn, where was Mandy.
Steve felt the jizz rising in his balls. He knew he could not hold out much longer. Slowing down didn’t help as the increased friction only served to make his cockhead more sensitive. Just then he heard the key in the door lock. Mandy walked inside, smiled at Heather and handed Steve a large size plug. She knew from experience that once Steve had taken your ass, you needed the large plug. Mandy turned to the cock in the glory hole and gave it a series of tugs. Normally she didn’t do such things in the store, but she figured Steve may have need of another cock for Heather and wanted to keep it hard. Soon after, Steve groaned, grabbed Heather’s hips, buried his cock as deep as he could and shot volley after volley of cum into Heather’s ass. Heather was close to orgasming, but needed a couple of more minutes of pounding. Turning her head she expressed her disappointment.
Steve: “Don’t worry slut. We’re not done yet.”
Before Heather could stand, Steve put one hand on the small of her back to hold her down. He then took the plug and slid it into Heather’s pussy to coat it with her juices.
Steve: “I want you to share my cum with Sara. I want to help you make sure you don’t lose any.”
Heather didn’t like the sound of that and knew what was coming as the plug was removed from her pussy and pushed against her asshole. She tried to fight it’s insertion, but her ass muscles were too tired from the assault Steve had propagated on it and soon she felt herself being stretched wider than she had ever been before. Just when she felt like she could take anymore, the tapered end of the plug passed its apex and her ass snapped down around it. It was uncomfortable to say the least and it wasn’t going anywhere until somebody removed it. How stupid could she be, Heather thought, to get herself into this position. Steve pulled her into a standing position and gave her a deep kiss.
Steve: “You have a couple of options. I’m going to take you back to Sara. Her half hour is just about up. We’ll then take out the plug and have her suck my cum from your ass. I doubt she will be good for much more after the Sybian is done. It might be a while before she can make you cum. Option 2 is you back your ass up to the wall and take that nice cock in your pussy. You can try to get the orgasm you want, but you will also be cleaning your nasty ass candy off my cock. It’s your choice.”
Sara stood up, the butt plug causing pain to shoot through her back. Instantly Heather dropped back to the floor into a doggie position, her face rubbing the sticky floor to relieve the pressure. Again she cursed herself for getting into this position. Heather contemplated the ifs. She thought about trying to talk Steve into releasing her and taking the plug out, but the odds seemed remote. She didn’t mind having Sara suck his cum from her ass. That was a beautifully nasty ending to the day. But she also needed to cum.
Heather looked up at Mandy, still stroking the cock sticking through the wall. Now knowing how Sara’s humiliation felt, Heather inched her way over to the wall and gingerly spun around. Mandy had to lift Heather’s hips a bit to match her pussy to the height of the cock, but soon it was snuggling the butt plug with just the thin membrane between her pussy and ass separating the intruders.
Heather began to hump the cock, the owner of which appeared to be satisfied to let her to the work. Not wanting to miss out on the action, Steve knelt in front of Heather and lifted her torso so he could slide his still hard cock into her mouth.
This new angle put more pressure on Heather’s bowels, although it was not as painful as standing. Heather was worried about losing control of her excrement function creating quite a surprise for Sara. Steve’s dick tasted foul after reaming her ass, but Heather did her duty and sucked it clean. Finally he started to deflate and he pulled it from her mouth. Taking one final parting shot in her humiliation, Steve slapped his cock across Heather’s face several time.
Steve: “You’re a natural. I expect a repeat performance next time you bring Sara to visit.”
Heather: “Yes sir.”
Heather’s degradation was complete and she felt completely natural agreeing to Steve’s demands. Heather continued to hump the mystery cock until she felt it start to pulse. Not wanting to be impregnated, Sara slumped forward and pulled herself off just as it started to spurt. The flow hit both of her ass cheeks and dripped over the plug and down her ass crack. Again Heather had been just shy of cuming, a situation she found untenable.
Steve smiled as the worn out Heather lay on the floor trying to get her breath back.
Steve: “It’s a shame you didn’t get to cum yet. Mandy, be a dear and get a collar and leash for this doggie will you.”
Steve reached down and unlocked the cuffs. Heather sprawled face down on the floor.
Steve: “Since you like to fuck like a bitch in heat, there is no reason why you shouldn’t crawl to your slave like one.”
Heather was listening, but not really hearing what Steve was saying. She did take notice when the collar was slipped around her neck and buckled in place. Steve then clipped a short leash to the collar.
Steve: “Let’s go doggie. Your partner is waiting.”
Steve tugged the leash, but Heather refused to move.
Steve: “Do you want Mandy to get a crop or are we going to do this the easy way.”
Heather: “The easy way.”
Steve: “Then stop fighting and let’s go.”
Steve tugged the leash again and Heather began to follow him. She had never felt so much humiliation nor had been so in need of an orgasm. She crawled through the store following Steve. She was naked from the waist down, her face and ass coated in semen and a thick butt plug clearly visible. Her shirt was in tatters and her breasts were hanging out. The odd couple passed several men and a few women before reaching Steve’s office. In the privacy of that room, Steve asked Heather if she enjoyed the afternoon.
Heather: “I’m never subbed before and truthfully, I don’t know if I want to again.”
Steve: “That’s cool. I was serious about bringing Sara back, whether you come or not, I want to fuck her.”
Heather: “We’ll see. I’ve still got some more lessons I need to teach her. I’m not sure if that can include you.”
Steve: “I’ve got plenty to teach. Talk to me about it next week. Do you need Mandy’s help taking Sara down?”
Heather: “No I’m good. After she sucks your cum from my ass she is going to lick my pussy until I cum. I don’t care how tired she is, that is not negotiable.”
Steve: “A mistress’ orgasm rarely is.”
Heather: “So true. Thanks for a unique afternoon.”
Steve helped Heather take the collar off and went to the door.
Steve: “I’ll have Mandy find you some clothes.”
Heather: “Thanks, I need them.”
Steve walked back to the counter and watched the day’s activities finish between Sara and her mistress. Sara would never know how her mistress had been treated and how much she had enjoyed herself. Steve was confident he could turn Heather into at least a part time sub, but for now, at least he had the video of their encounter. Before letting Sara off the Sybian, Heather turned the controls back to “simmer” and pulled the butt plug out of her ass. It didn’t hurt as much coming out as going in, but Heather still knew tomorrow she was going to be sore. Holding Sara’s head tightly to her backside, she instructed her slave to clean her out. Still blindfolded, Sara had no idea if anybody was watching. She was strung out from orgasms and lacked any ability for cognitive thought. After Heather was satisfied that she was clean, she turned around and had Sara begin work on her pussy. Sara was happy to find a scent she knew and licked her mistress with gusto. Heather exploded less than a minute later, grinding her pussy all over Sara’s face.
Heather staggered backward, finally satisfied. She smiled at the camera knowing Steve would be watching and pictured the men in the video booth shooting their wads on the TV covers. Heather turned off the extra camera and moved it to the side. She then turned off the Sybian, lowered Sara’s ankles and began to uncuff her. Heather removed the blindfold last. As Sara shielded her eyes from the light, Heather queried her about her experience.
Sara: “I’ve never cum like that. It was like one huge 30 minute orgasm. I don’t think I can stand. When can we come back?”
Mistress Heather: “We’ll see pet. We’ll see. Let’s get home.”
Sara was in a daze after her day long encounter with Mistress Heather on Wednesday. In that one day, she had sex with more people that she had previous had in her life prior to being seduced by Cindy Anderson. Her body was sore from the constant state of arousal her mistress had held her in, the various bondage equipment used on her, the spankings and finally her glorious time spend bound to the Sybian. Sara took Thursday and Friday to recover. At the gym, Carey even seemed to take it easy on her during their workout. Obviously Mistress Heather had informed Carey about their adventure. Thursday Carey was kind enough to give Sara a massage before they began a light weightlifting routine and also after. By Saturday, Sara’s body had recovered and now her mind was focusing on what might happen between herself, Frank and Mistress Heather.
Once again her mistress arrived at her door dressed to impress Frank. Once again they stretched in the front yard giving him ample opportunity to undress Heather with his eyes. Sara had not talked to Heather since Wednesday and did not know what her mistress’ had planned. As it turns out, they just went running. Heather explained she didn’t want to rush things with Frank. It would work out better if they tantalized him a little long. Sara was free to drop hints that a 3-way was possible, but not to make any commitments. Sara was secretly disappointed, but said she understood.
Heather, on the other hand, knew she was not ready to take on Frank. Her time with Steve had been an eye opener. Heather had never felt submissive tendencies before Wednesday in the video booth and did not want to feel them again. She remembered how Sara told her that Frank had taken to the dominant role quickly and needed to get her A-game ready before they took the relationship to the next level. Heather knew that in order to keep Sara on a full-time basis, she would need Frank to acquiesce. In order for that to happen, she had to be in total control when they finally got together, while convincing Frank that his needs would still be met.
Sara and Heather’s relationship fell into a bit of a routine. Sara would go to the gym Monday and Tuesday, her body getting leaner and stronger from Carey’s regiment. On Wednesday’s Sara would go to Heather’s house for several hours of submission and training. Each week Mistress Heather would teach her pupil something new, use a new toy or introduce Sara to some new friends. Sara always left her mistress having cum several times and feeling completely satisfied. Thursday and Friday were back to the gym and Saturday brought another run. As the weeks passed, Frank grew more insistent about Sara following his orders in the bedroom and also about when Sara would ask Heather to join them.
Finally two months after he first saw Heather, Frank got his wish. The weather was cloudy when Sara woke up that Saturday morning and rain was in the forecast. Sara went through her daily schedule preparing for her mistress’ arrival and Frank tried to make himself look busy, although he too was anxious for Heather’s arrival.
About 8:30 a thunderstorm rolled in with strong lightning and sheets of rain. Obviously no running in the woods was going to happen today. Even with the poor conditions, the doorbell rang promptly at 9am. Heather had arrived. Frank opened the door to find Heather wearing a full length raincoat and holding a golf umbrella. She shook it off, closed it and left it next to the front door. She smiled at Frank warmly and walked into the house. Frank closed the door behind her, looking Heather up and down. Even in the raincoat her figure stirred Frank’s cock and he noticed that she was wearing high heels, a first on a running day.
Sara bounded down the stairs happy to see her mistress.
Sara (jokingly): “No running today I assume.”
Mistress Heather: “No, we’ll have to find an indoor exercise today.”
Heather turned and gave Frank a sultry look.
Mistress Heather: “Sara told me you think we should have a 3-way. Is that right?”
Frank stammered a non-committal answer trying to look cool, but secretly thanking his lucky stars.
Mistress Heather: “Looking at that hard cock, I’d say you do.”
Frank looked down at the bulge in his sweatpants. It was impossible to hide. All he could manage was a self-conscious smile. In his fantasy world, both women would be serving him, but when the moment of truth arrived, he crumbled.
Mistress Heather: “Let me tell you something Frank. My husband is very good to me.”
Frank heard the words and felt his dreams being dashed. He looked dejected and stared at the floor.
Mistress Heather: “However, he works way too much and from time to time, I have been known to take a lover. He understands my needs and approves as long as I am discrete, clean and don’t hold back secrets.”
Frank’s mood suddenly improved greatly as did Sara’s.
Mistress Heather: “Sara and I have become good friends these last few weeks. When she approached me at the gym about wanting to do something special for you, I didn’t think it was a good idea.”
Frank’s mood rollercoaster began to go downhill again. Sara, however, was confident this was just part of her mistress’ plan. Having had her emotions toyed with over and over, Sara knew today was the day.
Mistress Heather: “You see Frank; I have some special needs that my husband is unable to meet. He is a gentle lover and a good provider, but there are times when I need something more.”
Heather began slowly circling around Frank as she laid out her tale, her left index finger tracing a path over his chest, shoulder and back. Frank was hanging on her every word, right where she wanted him, no doubt.
Mistress Heather: “Let me cut to the chase Frank. When I was in college, I dated an older married man. He showered me with gifts, but in return demanded I obey his every command. For two years I served him and he taught me every depraved thing one human being can do to another in the pursuit of sexual kicks. He bought me my boobs, he set me up in my own apartment and when I graduated and wanted him to leave his wife, he dumped me.”
Sara doubted the authenticity of Heather’s story. She couldn’t see Heather submitting to man, any man. Sara did like the quizzical look on Frank’s face as he listened to Heather’s tale.
Mistress Heather: “After that experience, I vowed never again to submit to a man.”
Heather paused, waiting for a response that never came.
Mistress Heather: “This brings us to today. A couple of weeks ago when we were running, Sara told me about your desire for us to get together and how you had taken more control between the two of you. I certainly understand Sara desire to serve you having been there myself. As for me, I can’t do that.”
Once again Frank felt his libido crushed. Sara loved how Heather was toying with his emotions.
Mistress Heather: “Nevertheless, my husband has been out of town all week and I have been feeling lonely.”
Sara snickered to herself remembering the six orgasms she ate her mistress to just three days before.
Mistress Heather: “He will not be home until Wednesday or Thursday and I need some loving.
Heather started unbuttoning her raincoat. Sara half expected her to be naked, but instead, she and Frank were greeted with the sight of Heather sliding the top of the coat down her arms. Frank in particular was captivated as Heather slowly revealed her bare shoulders and arms.
Mistress Heather: “Now I could have gone to a bar last night and found an uncomplicated release for my passions. But at the gym Sara convinced me I should come here instead.”
Frank, temporarily breaking his intent gaze on Heather turned his head and thanked Sara for trying to help her friend out of a difficult situation.
Mistress Heather: “Don’t try to be cute Frank. I can find any number of lovers I need. If you want to stick your tiny dick inside me you’re going to listen.”
Frank: “It’s not tiny.”
Mistress Heather: “Relax, needledick, it’s just a figure of speech.”
Sara laughed drawing an intense stare from Frank. She quickly stopped. Heather continued to slowly pull down her coat, this time revealing the top of a leather corset and once again garnering Frank’s undivided interest.
Mistress Heather: “Now that I have your attention again Frank. I only take lovers who agree to let me be in charge. We fuck when I say, where I say and how I say. When I decide the relationship ends, it ends.”
Frank had a dumbfounded look on his face as Heather began to lay out her ground rules. Her tone had become much more authoritarian and Frank began to wonder what he was getting himself into.
With a raise of her arms, Heather dropped the raincoat to the ground. Her corset hugged her body like a second skin. Frank had a flashback to Angelina Jolie’s costume at the beginning of Mr. and Mrs. Smith and wondered if he would suffer the same fate as the arms dealer Mrs. Smith killed.
Heather’s already delicate waist was constricted further by the corset giving her a perfect hourglass figure. The corset effectively showed the tops of Heather’s breasts and was cut high around her crotch with only a slim piece of leather connecting the front to the back.
Sara had seen Heather wear similar outfits before, although this one was new. Her pussy began to gush as Heather began to strut around the room. Frank’s cock, deflated at Heather’s teasing, grew rock hard again. This time he didn’t try to hide it.
Mistress Heather: “So you have a choice to make. Become my servant and I will fuck you better than you ever have before, but I will make all the decisions and you will follow my orders or you will never see me again. Or you can say no and we’ll pretend nothing ever happened. Sara and I will remain friends, continue to workout together and you’ll wonder for the rest of your life what could have been.”
Sara knew what Frank’s answer would be, the only question was how long could he hold out and could he figure a way to not show his desperation. Heather moved back in front of Frank and slowly lifted her breasts out of the top of the corset. Her nipples were hard and begging to be sucked.
Mistress Heather: “I’m waiting for an answer Frank.”
Frank: “Ok, you’re in charge.”
Mistress Heather: “I’m not convinced. Get on your knees and try again.”
Frank quickly dripped to his knees and repeated his reply.
Mistress Heather: “Once more with feeling and this time kiss my toes.”
Frank felt shame as he bent over to kiss Heather’s feet. He could see the interaction between Heather and Sara, but Heather gave Sara a knowing smirk and Sara knew things were going to get much more interesting.
Mistress Heather: “One more thing. From now on, the two of you will call me mistress. Now rise slave.”
Frank stood back up. If possible, his cock was straining his sweat pants even more. Mistress Heather reached out and gave Frank’s cock a good squeeze.
Mistress Heather: “Not the biggest I’ve ever had, but we’ll have some fun. Sara, it looks like your man has gotten himself if quite a state because of me. If I fuck him now, he’ll just spurt in seconds. Is that what you want him to do?”
Sara: “No mistress. I want him to pleasure you.”
Frank was taken aback by that statement. It sounded like Sara had a history with Heather.
Mistress Heather: “I can tell what you are thinking worm. Yes I’ve already plucked your innocent little wife. I had her at the gym and left her begging for more. Kind of like what you would do to me if I fucked you right now.”
Heather deftly pulled down Frank’s sweat pants, his cock springing free. Heather moved behind him then reached back around and began stroking his organ. Frank, although still excited was looking at his wife in a new light. Heather continued stroking his cock, the quickest way to his brain.
Mistress Heather: “Yes Frank, your wife has been unfaithful to you. But she still loves you very much and that is why she wants to give you this gift. You can still dominate her. Sara loves acting submissive and if that is what you need, so much the better. But when we are together, let there be no doubt that you will follow my orders. Is that clear?”
Heather squeezed Frank’s cock very hard.
Frank: “Yes.”
Mistress Heather: “I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you. Yes what?”
Heather squeezed his cock even harder while Frank strained to get an answer out.
Frank:”Yes mistress.”
Mistress Heather: “Very good. Thank you Frank.”
Heather went back to stroking Frank’s cock, although his swagger was gone and he was visibly shaken.
Mistress Heather: “You will learn. When you obey you receive pleasure. When you don’t, you get pain.”
Heather continued stroking Frank and sensed he was going to cum very soon.
Mistress Heather: “Sara, be a dear and kneel down in front of your husband.”
Sara swiftly dropped to her knees before him.
Mistress Heather: “Open your mouth. Your husband is about to cum. When he does, he is going to think about my having control over his orgasm and you being submissive to him. Unless I miss my guess, he is struggling to admit he likes being submissive to a powerful woman. Most men are that way. They act all tough on the outside, but a strong woman can convince them to do anything.”
Heather sped up the speed of her ministrations and Frank began making a series of sharp breathed humming sounds.
Mistress Heather: “You can try to keep your mind off it all you want, Frank. Look at your wife. She wants you to cum. She wants you to submit to me. You could push me away, but you’re not. Let yourself go. Release your societal bonds that force you to be the stronger sex. Cum for me. Cum for me Frank. Be my slave.”
Frank fought as long as it could. Sara watched him strain not to cum. Her mistress was right as usual. Frank could simply step back and this would be over. Instead, he was fighting to hold back a preordained outcome. Sara was in awe of the almost instant control Heather gained over her husband.
Mistress Heather: “I know you want to let go. Your wife cheated on you with me. She has learned to be a wonderful pussy licker. I always cum on her face when she services me. Reclaim that space. Unload on her face. Show her your anger. Let it flow and come to the dark side.”
Heather’s hand was flying over his cock. Sara could see that Frank’s willpower to resist was dropping.
Mistress Heather: “Cum now slave! Do it!”
Frank yelled and erupted, spewing cum into Sara’s mouth and all over her face. Lob after lob of cum shot from his body cascading over his wife. Heather slowed down her hand, but continued to squeeze is cock, milking every last drop from his load. Sara looked like a glazed donut by the time he was done. Cum was dripping off her face and starting to dry in her hair.
Mistress Heather: “Very nice job Frank. Doesn’t your wife look hot right now?”
Frank: “Yes she does.”
Mistress Heather: “You two need to talk so I’m going to head home. If you decide to accept my plan, be at my house by noon. Sara knows the way. If not, no hard feelings and have a good life. If you do, be ready to fuck. Sara, enter through the garage as usual. Frank, you may use the front door.”
Heather wiped her hand on Frank’s shirt, picked up her coat and walked out of the door. Sara remained on her knees, Frank’s cum still in place, but her hand down the front of her running shorts. Frank watched in amazement as she quickly brought herself to orgasm, quaking on her knees in front of him.
Frank: “You need to shower and then we need to talk.”
Sara: “Agreed.”
Heather went home to prepare for Sara and Frank’s arrival. She didn’t want to give them much time to think about their situation. She knew Sara’s heart and was confident, if push came to shove, Sara would choose her over Frank.
Frank was a little bit more of a wildcard. Obviously he wanted to fuck her, but Heather was not 100% confident he was willing to give up control and share his wife’s affections in order to do it. Heather had been working on a new plan during the drive home. She now had to work fast to implement it.
The first step was to call Stephanie and tell her to get her cute little ass back over to the house. Heather and her husband had used Stephanie last night and worn the poor girl out, but Heather needed her again. The second step was a change of clothes. Although she loved how the corset looked, it was not comfortable for lounging about the house. Instead Heather chose a black latex catsuit. The tricky part was putting it on without help. Heather first stripped off the corset and then applied a liberal amount of talcum powder to her body. Her normally tan skin was now pasty white like somebody who stayed inside all winter. She loved the feel of this catsuit. It hugged every curve of her body and accentuated all the right parts. It provided plenty of support for her breasts while giving her nipples a wonderful amount of friction.
Heather sat at her dressing table and inched her legs into the suit. Slowly, ever so slowly, she inched the suit higher and higher taking care to smooth out every wrinkle. Once the catsuit had reached her waist, Heather had to move to her bed. She knew from experience that this was the most difficult part of dressing herself. Lying on her back and raising her legs in the air, Heather had to bend her legs down almost to her chest to create enough slack in the garment to slip her arms into position. Once done, she rocked her body back upright and the catsuit slipped into place. Heather then went to the closet and picked out a matching pair of fuck me stilettos. The high heels tightened her calves and ass, both of which looked magnificent encased in latex. Heather looked at herself in the mirror and used both her hands to cup her breasts and rub her nipples.
“Damn, I look good,” she thought.
Heather was lost in thought until her concentration was broken by the doorbell. Stephanie must have made very good time. Heather walked down the stairs as quickly as her heels would safely allow. She bypassed the front door and went directly to the garage entrance. Sitting on her heels presenting herself was the lovely Stephanie. Heather thanked her for coming so quickly and briefed her on her plan as they made their way downstairs. Heather dispensed with the normal formalities of their mistress / slave relationship, focusing instead on preparing Stephanie. Moving into Heather’s bondage playroom, she took Stephanie’s leather French maid’s costume out of the closet. She also took a vinyl version she intended to put on Sara.
Mistress Heather: “Sara and her husband will likely be here at noon. It is our job to convince Frank that he has something to gain by letting us borrow Sara. He knows about my relationship with her. At least he knows we have a relationship. He doesn’t know the extent of our activities or how much of a little slut she is.”
Stephanie nodded that she understood.
Mistress Heather: “I want you to wait down here. When they arrive, I will send Sara to you while I take Frank into the family room. Get her dressed and tell her to wait by the top of the stairs until I call for her. You are then to come to the family room. Ask Frank if he would like a drink. Be sure to bend over and give him a good view of your cleavage. I will be sitting with him having a forthright conversation with him about our lifestyle. Based on his actions this morning, I don’t think he will be any trouble for Sara, but I want to be sure. I certainly don’t want to break up their marriage.”
Stephanie: “I understand my mistress.”
Mistress Heather: “Depending on how thing go, I may ask you to service him. I let him think he was going to fuck me this morning, but instead I just jerked him off onto Sara’s face. I want him to understand that if he gives me access to Sara, he will be rewarded with access to me, you and perhaps others. Do you understand?”
Stephanie: “Yes mistress.”
Mistress Heather: “Good. If they are coming, they should be her in about 10 minutes. I’m going upstairs to wait. You look great, by the way.”
Stephanie smiled at the complement. Her mistress always treated her better when she was helping dominate someone else. Stephanie watched Heather climb the stairs, very appreciative of the way her catsuit hugged her buttocks. Once she was gone, Stephanie began pacing around the playroom, anxious for the games to begin.
Across town, Frank and Sara had a very candid and soul searching conversation. Frank was not thrilled about learning that Sara had been seeing Heather on the side. Certainly he entertained the same lusts, but he was confused by Sara giving herself to a woman. He had never known her to express any lesbian tendencies and wondered what else she had been hiding. Frank had been all for having a three-way with Sara’s hot friend, but now that Sara seemed more interested in a two-way; Heather did not hold the quite same appeal for him. Sara calmly explained how her relationship with Heather began. She left out the most sordid details focusing on how she was seduced and how quickly she became addicted to the thrill of elicit sex. Sara explained that she didn’t want to give Heather up, although she would if Frank wanted her to do so.
Frank’s confusion was apparent. Sara had been a hellcat in bed lately. Putting two and two together, he traced her conversion to shortly after she claimed his boss’ wife seduced her. How could he face his boss knowing his wife had serviced Jim’s wife. Sara assured him that everything the group did was natural and there was no jealousy. Once he was welcomed into the group, he would be treated as a trusted member, not has the husband of a slave.
All the details were too much for Frank to absorb. He didn’t want to deal with the consequences. He was ready to divorce Sara and he definitely didn’t want to go to Heather’s house.
Sara: “Please honey, I love you.”
Sara begged for forgiveness and then tried an appeal to Frank’s inner horndog.
Sara: “I know you were hot for Heather. So was I. But I was weak and gave into temptation. Do you know what I found? I found myself. I’ve never been as sexually satisfied as I have been these past several months. I want to share that with you. I want to serve you and I want you to be served. Heather can arrange for any sexual fantasy you have to come true. You want to fuck someone who looks like a porn star? Heather will fuck you, I know she will. You want to have 5 women fighting over your cock? She can make that happen with the snap of her fingers. All you need to do is come with me to her house and let her show you the ropes, as it were.”
Frank: “I love you too, Sara. But I’m just not sure.”
Sara: “Any sexual fantasy you’ve had since puberty was just put into play. You had the most powerful orgasm I’ve ever seen you have this morning. What’s not to be sure about?”
Frank: “I don’t want to give up control.”
Sara: “I know. Don’t worry. Heather will not force you to do anything you don’t want to do. I’m sure you’ll love it.”
Frank: “Ok, honey. For you we’ll go, but don’t count on staying too long.”
Sara beamed in appreciation and gave Frank a passionate kiss.
Upstairs in the family room, Heather was pacing just like Stephanie was downstairs. She hoped she had not overplayed her hand in confronting Frank. She was confident they would arrive shortly, but if she was wrong, it was too late to find and train a new slave for the Vegas trip now just two months away. Nervously Heather kept looking at her watch as the minutes ticked away…
At 11:59, the doorbell range. A wave of relief washed over Heather. Now she just had to close the sale with Frank and they were home free. Heather walked over to the door and peaked through the peephole. Frank was standing on the stoop alone. So far, so good. He had either let Sara head to the garage or came alone. Either way, Heather knew she could handle the situation.
Confidently Heather opened the door. Being sure to give Frank a big smile deserving of a friend not an adversary, Heather welcomed Frank into the house.
Frank: “I just want you to know, I am very uncomfortable about being here. But Sara really wanted me to come and talk to you some more, so I’m trying to keep an open mind.”
Frank sounded like he had rehearsed that line over and over. His eyes examining every inch of Heather’s latex encased body while he said it gave him away.
Heather: “I understand. I hit you with a lot this morning. Come in to the family room and we can discuss things like adults.”
Heather turned and led Frank through the foyer to the large family room. Frank’s attention was totally focused on Heather’s ass, so wonderfully displayed by the catsuit. Frank felt his resistance beginning to drop once more. This may be the end of his marriage, he thought, but he would be going out with a smile on his face.
Heather: “Have a seat Frank. I need to attend to your wife for a few moments. My servant Stephanie will be here shortly. If you would like a drink or a snack, she would be happy to attend to your needs.”
Frank: “Thank you Heather. You know how to make someone feel welcome.”
Heather chuckled to herself. He had no idea just how welcome they were going to make him. Heather turned and headed to the garage. Sara was in position on her knees cupping her breasts, but she was also sobbing.
Mistress Heather: “What’s wrong my special friend?”
Sara: “I’m scared this is not going to go well.”
Mistress Heather: “You just leave everything to me. Arrangements have been made and you have nothing to worry about. Don’t you trust me?”
Sara: “Of course I do. I just don’t want Frank to leave me.”
Mistress Heather: “Give me an hour. He’ll be hooked. Now I want you to head downstairs to the playroom. Stephanie has your outfit. She is going to come upstairs and entertain Frank while you are getting dressed. When you are done, come to the top of the stairs, but wait until I call you. Do you understand?”
Sara: “Yes mistress.”
Mistress Heather: “Good. Now go.”
Sara walked inside while Heather shook her head and mumbled “amateurs” under her breath. Heather then returned to the family room. Sitting down next to Frank, Heather looked him straight in the eyes and began to make her case.
Heather: “Frank, I know you love your wife and I don’t want to be responsible for the two of you splitting up. I have certain sexual needs which mesh very well with some of your wife’s needs. From what she has told me, some of your needs, which have not been being met, also match up well with the two of us.”
Frank was listening intently trying not to be distracted by the gorgeous creature sitting next to him.
Heather: “I am very willing to add you to our little group if you like. We have a number of like minded individuals and couples who enjoy the dominance and submission lifestyle. There is no jealousy, just pleasure. Ok, there is some pain, but only for the people who get off on that sort of thing.”
As Heather laid out the structure of the group, Stephanie emerged from the basement. Frank noticed immediately and followed the young girl with his eyes as she walked into the room and eventually stood in front of Heather.
Heather: “Frank, may I present my maid, Stephanie. We found each other last year when I hired her to do some housework. She’s a sophomore at Northwestern.”
Frank was impressed. Obviously this woman was smart if she was a student at Northwestern, yet here she was in a tantalizing maid’s outfit ready to serve. Perhaps “normal” people really did enjoy these sexual activities.
Stephanie: “Nice to meet you Frank. Is there anything I can get for you?”
Frank resisted the urge to make a crass joke.
Frank: “Yes. A glass of ice water would be great.”
Stephanie: “Right away sir.”
Stephanie turned toward the kitchen and walked out of the room. Frank finally spoke to Heather for the first time since greeting her.
Frank: “I like that she called me sir.”
Heather: “Stephanie is a wonderful girl. Her parents were very lenient on her growing up. She discovered she needed more structure in her life. I give her that structure. She’s here a couple of days a week between classes to take care of me and the house. Would you like if Sara called you sir all the time?”
Frank: “That would be weird, but I think I would.”
Heather: “Sara has a deep seated need to serve others. I sensed that when I first met her. She was easy to seduce as she hadn’t been getting fulfillment from your lovemaking.”
Frank: “I had no clue. I thought things were fine.”
Heather: “You said you noticed a change in her bedroom behavior. It was for the better I assume.”
Frank: “Yes, I think you can say that.”
Heather: “Now that you know about her needs, just be more forceful in what you demand of her and I think you will like the results. That doesn’t give you a license to hurt her, however. With power comes responsibility.”
Frank: “I see where you are coming from. How do you fit into the equation?”
Stephanie returned with a silver tray holding Frank’s glass. Bending down to serve him, Stephanie made sure he got an eyeful of her cleavage.
Heather: “Thank you Stephanie. That ice water looks refreshing. Please fetch me a cup.”
Stephanie: “Yes mistress.”
Heather: “You see Frank, being the top of any organization has its privileges. You and Sara can walk out right now and try to find your way with the revelations you have learned about each other’s needs. Or you can stay and learn some new tricks. I have many more things to teach Sara about her submission. In return, I get the satisfaction having a wonderful slave can bring. I want to keep Sara in the group. She has come a long way in a short time and brings me great pleasure. In return, I will teach her things which will make your sex life better. Believe me, I can teach her to get you off better than you can imagine. I will also make sure your needs are being met. I have not met a man yet who didn’t want a steady diet of hot women servicing his cock. Am I right?”
Frank: “You are certainly right about guys liking hot women servicing their cocks.”
Stephanie returned carrying Heather’s drink. Once again she bent forward to deliver the glass giving Frank another chance to observe her cleavage.
Heather: “I noticed you staring at her tits Frank.”
Frank looked like a kid caught stealing candy.
Heather: “Don’t worry, they are very nice. Stephanie has a bit of a thing for older men. She is especially popular with her professors. If I told her to, she would drop to her knees right now and suck your cock.”
Frank: “Are you serious?”
Heather: “She does anything and anyone I say.”
Frank: “I don’t believe you.”
Heather: “Are you willing to let me keep playing with Sara?”
Frank: “Um, ah, I guess.”
Heather: “Are you sure? Remember I will be in charge.”
Frank: “Yes. Let’s give it a try.”
Heather: “Yes, what?”
Frank: “Yes mistress.”
Mistress Heather: “You will not regret your choice. Steph, if you would be so kind, strip off his pants and get him nice and hard. Frank is going to show us if he meets our standards of cockworthyness.”
Frank watched as Stephanie dropped to her knees without hesitation. She effortlessly grabbed his belt and undid the buckle. Within a flash, his pants were around his ankles. Stephanie held his feet and slipped of his shoes and then his pants. Next she pulled down his boxers. Less than a minute after agreeing to call Heather “mistress” his cock was hardening in a beautiful co-ed’s mouth with promises of more to come.
Frank saw Heather walk out of the room and then returned his attention to the matter at hand, or more accurately the matter at mouth. Stephanie was an expert cock sucker. There was no doubt. He pictured her under a professor’s desk slurping on squiring dick or getting pounded on top of a desk. He quickly was approaching another orgasm, one he did not want to have just yet. Twice was normally the limit for his daily output and he didn’t want to miss fucking Heather again.
Frank turned his head again when he heard the unmistakable sounds of high heels on the hardwood floors. His new mistress entered the room immediately followed by his wife. Or more accurately followed by someone who looked like his wife, but wasn’t dressed like the woman he knew.
Sara’s maid’s outfit matched Stephanie’s classic French design. However, it was made of very shinny vinyl and molded better to her body. To Frank, it looked cheaper than Stephanie’s leather uniform, somehow more trashy. Sara also wore a white lace collar, cuffs and cap. She and Heather walked over to the otherwise occupied Frank and Stephanie.
Mistress Heather: “It looks like you and Stephanie are getting along. Sara, do you mind that Stephanie is blowing your husband.”
Sara: “Not if it is pleasing you, mistress.”
Mistress Heather: “The real question is if it is pleasing to Frank. How about it Frank, she’s good isn’t she?”
Frank: “God yes she’s good. I’m about to cum.”
Mistress Heather: “Stephanie stop.”
Instantly Stephanie plopped Frank’s cock out of her mouth, although she remained kneeling at his feet.
Frank: “What the hell?”
Mistress Heather: “I told you I was going to be in charge. No unauthorized orgasms. You have to fuck all three of us today and I don’t want you messing that up. Steph, please get a ring.”
Frank and Sara watched as Stephanie slid open a drawer in the corner table and picked up a small strap. It looked like a belt, but it was only about 5 inches long.
Mistress Heather: “Ok Steph, if you would be so kind, secure his balls and then his cock.
Frank didn’t like the sound of that, but he was too horny not to see how things would play out. Stephanie knelt back in front of Frank and gave his cock several tugs to regain its maximum firmness. She then threaded the belt around Frank’s balls and over the top of his penis. She tightened the strap until Frank yelled and pushed her head away.
Frank: “What the fuck are you doing?”
Mistress Heather: “She’s following orders, Frank. I don’t want you cumming until we are all satisfied. You wanted to be a stud in my group; you had better live up to your billing.”
Frank watched as Stephanie went back into the drawer and pulled out a thin piece of elastic. Half in wonder, half in horror, he watched as Stephanie wrapped the elastic around the base of his penis. The elastic was basically a tourniquet.
Mistress Heather: “That will keep the blood in your cock until we have had our fill, so to speak. You will still have the urge to cum and your body will actually try to orgasm, but nothing is going to come out. Most men find it liberating. Some can’t stand it.”
Frank looked at his wife questioning what was happening. Sara just gave him a knowing smile and a reassuring look.
Mistress Heather: “Don’t worry Frank. We don’t bite, at least not much. Just sit back and enjoy yourself. Your lovely wife owes Stephanie a favor and today you’re going to help her pay it back. Stephanie, why don’t you remove your panties and show Frank just what a nice young pussy you have.”
Stephanie slid her panties down from under her maid’s skirt and stood in front of Frank. Lifting her skirt, she presented Frank with an up close and personal view of her private spot.
Mistress Heather: “Go ahead Frank, touch it. Stephanie has not had any children so she is still nice and tight. Do you remember when Sara was that tight?”
Frank was smiling like a school boy exploring his first girlfriend while he gently felt up the youthful co-ed.
Frank: “Yes I remember Sara before we had kids. She was toned and very tight. She could make me cum just by massaging my dick with her pussy muscles.”
Mistress Heather: “I’m sure she could. We’re working on her fitness at the gym. She will soon be in better shape than she ever was before. I can’t do much for her pussy. Once a woman has squeezed out a couple kids, things will never be the same. But I’m teaching her new tricks to compensate, some special exercises and alike. Go ahead and check the inside of Stephanie’s pussy. Is it wet enough to fuck?”
Frank tried to push his index finger inside, but found resistance.
Frank: “She’s still pretty dry. I don’t think I can get inside without hurting her.”
Mistress Heather: “We certainly don’t want that. Stephanie, sit on the couch. Sara will prepare you.”
Mistress Heather snapped her fingers and pointed at Stephanie. Immediately Sara dropped to her knees and crawled between her fellow slave’s legs. Frank watched with rapt attention as Sara began to service Stephanie. Heather stood back taking in the scene. She knew that once Frank was suitably turned-on by watching his wife service others, he would be ready to agree to just about anything. Heather kneeled down in front of Frank and began stroking his cock.
Mistress Heather: “Your wife has become an accomplished pussy licker. She will have Stephanie ready for you very soon.”
Heather continued slowly stroking Frank’s cock while she encouraged him to watch the lesbian scene before him. Cooing softly, almost hypnotically, she compliment Sara’s skills again and described the pleasures Frank was about to experience. Frank was breathing heavily. Heather could tell he was close to cumming, but she was not worried. The cock ring would keep him hard long enough to satisfy them all.
Mistress Heather: “How are you doing Stephanie? Ready for Frank’s cock?”
Stephanie: “Sara is wonderful. I’m ready for him now. What position will please you?”
Mistress Heather: “Reverse cowgirl will be fine for starters.”
Stephanie stood up and removed her skirt. Frank now got a clear view of her tight ass as Stephanie moved into position in front of his legs and started to squat down. Heather aimed Frank’s cock forward slightly and brushed Stephanie’s now damp pussy lips with the tip.
Mistress Heather: “Ready Frank for your first reward?”
Frank: “Yes… I mean yes mistress.”
Mistress Heather: “Good boy. Stephanie, you may proceed. You have permission to orgasm.”
Stephanie’s face beamed with glee and she slide onto Frank’s pole. He was amazed how tight her teenage pussy was. He never remembered being inside such a tight pussy, even when he was a teenager. Stephanie had to take her time allowing her pussy to stretch and accommodate the intruder. This is one reason she preferred the company of women. Even though Frank was not above average in the cock size department, Stephanie had to make several starts and stops before she could finally take all of him. These slight variations in pressure were driving his oversensitive cock head crazy and as Stephanie bottomed out for the first time, Frank arched his hips and orgasmed. He shook and made the usual funny guy faces before he looked up in confusion. For the first time in his life, his orgasm did not release the pressure in his balls. He still felt full and ready for action.
Mistress Heather: “See what I meant Frank? If we had not taken precautions you would be done and we would be left unsatisfied.”
Frank did not respond as Stephanie began to ride him. He never felt sensitivity in his dick like he was feeling right now. Normally a fairly quiet lover, Frank began moaning and panting like a pro.
Mistress Heather: “Sara, I want you to keep licking Stephanie’s clit. You’re not done paying her back yet.”
Frank could not see what his wife was doing. His field of vision was primarily Stephanie’s perfect ass bobbing up and down. He could tell by the change in Stephanie’s sounds, however, that Sara was doing very well indeed. Sara bobbed her head up and down in time with Stephanie’s gyrations and managed to keep her mouth plastered to Stephanie’s pussy. She did her best to suck Stephanie’s clit, but keeping a tight suction proved difficult. Eventually Sara resorted to just keeping her tongue still and let it rub Stephanie’s clit as she bounced up and down.
Stephanie loved all the attention. Frank’s cock was hitting all the right places and Sara’s tongue felt great. Within short order, she began spasming. Frank felt the co-ed gush on his penis triggering another uncompleted orgasm in his loins. Stephanie screamed and grabbed Sara’s head forcing it tight against her mound. Stephanie shook as Sara did her best to lick the juices dripping from her pussy. Stephanie stopped moving and just sat on Frank’s cock.
Stephanie: “Thank you mistress. That was wonderful.”
Mistress Heather: “Do you want another one? I’m sure Frank will not mind and Sara’s not going anywhere.”
Stephanie (out of breath): “Not right now, mistress. Maybe later?”
Mistress Heather: “We’ll see how long Frank can hold out.”
Stephanie stood up and dismounted Frank’s cock. Moving over to a chair sitting next to the couch, Stephanie slumped down into a state of deep satisfaction.
Mistress Heather: “OK Frank, it’s my turn. Let’s see just how much of a stud you are.”
Heather reached to the bottom of the catsuit and pulled a zipper exposing her pussy and asshole. She rubbed her pussy getting her fingers nice and wet and then ran her fingers under Frank’s nose.
Mistress Heather: “Get to know my scent Frank. Let’s all retire to the basement playroom.”
Heather took Frank’s hand and led him to the stairs. Sara and Stephanie followed behind wondering what her mistress had planned. Frank was in awe of Heather’s dungeon. He had never seen such a collection of sex toys, bondage equipment or erotic clothes. Heather walked over to a wall which had a gym mat attached to it and what looked like a chin-up bar about 6 feet off the ground. Turning her back to the wall, she unzipped the top of the catsuit, teasing Frank by slowly exposing her breasts.
Mistress Heather: “You want these don’t you Frank?”
Frank nodded.
Mistress Heather: “Of course you do. All men want them. A nice set of boobs can take a woman far. Why don’t you introduce yourself to them?”
Frank moved forward and began to suck Heather’s nipples.
Mistress Heather: “That’s nice. I love nipple play and so does your wife. I bet you would like it if your wife had tits like these, wouldn’t you?”
Frank stopped his adoration and looked up.
Frank: “I’ve thought about it, but we can’t afford it. Plus I didn’t feel right about asking Sara to change her body that way.”
Mistress Heather: “The cost can be taken care of. How about it Sara? Are you willing to get your boobs done to please your husband? To please me?”
Sara: “If that is your order mistress.”
Mistress Heather: “Then it is settled. I’ll make the appointment with my surgeon. I’ve referred many women to me. He owes me a favor. Frank get back to work.”
Frank began licking and sucking Heather’s nipples again. Heather held his head tight to her breasts with one hand while stroking his cock with her other. After a couple of minutes, Heather pulled his head up and squeezed his balls. Frank grimaced in pain.
Mistress Heather: “I know, they’re filling up. Don’t worry, one down, two to go then you can shoot your load.”
Sara, Stephanie and Frank watched as Sara reached up and grabbed the chin-up bar. Swinging forward, she wrapped her legs around Frank’s waist and pulled him toward her.
Mistress Heather: “Don’t be gentle, big boy. Show me what you’ve got. I want you to pound the shit out of me.”
Frank pushed his cock forward skewering his new mistress in the process. Frank went balls deep on his first stroke. Heather gasped appreciatively and swung her pelvis forward to match his thrust. Heather let loose a string of foul language urging Frank to fuck her harder than he has ever fucked a woman before. She needed all of her upper body strength to hold the bar tight as Frank slammed her repeatedly into the wall.
Stephanie and Sara stood back in awe at the show of pure animal lust occurred in front of them. The sounds of passion echoed off the dungeon walls and soon the two maids were overcome with their own lusts fueled by the carnal exhibition. Sara was first and began to rub Stephanie’s pussy. Stephanie turned her body to give Sara better access and to also allow her to reach into Sara’s panties. Not surprising, Stephanie found a flood of Sara’s juices. Both women kept rapt attention on their mistress as she took her pleasure from Frank’s manhood.
Eventually Heather’s arms tired and she told Frank to carry her over to a mattress on the floor in the corner of the room. She wrapped her arms around Frank’s neck and kept her pussy glued to his cock. Frank struggled to support the weight, his body beginning to wear out from the day’s activities, but he managed to carry his mistress to the mattress without dropping her. More importantly to Heather, he managed to carry her without taking his cock out of her pussy.
Now on her back, Heather raised her legs to his shoulders and once again began urging him to give her all he had. Frank responded in kind calling her a slut and a dirty whore. He pistoned his cock in and out of her body, her head rocking back and forth and her breasts jiggling mightily on her chest. Once again Frank’s body reached the point of orgasm. He yelled in pain as the cock ring prevented his release. The sight and sound of Frank begging for liberation sent Heather over the edge. She came with a shriek while arching her back and grabbing Frank’s neck to pull him down to her.
Sara and Stephanie looked at each other with an expression of amazement at what they had just witnessed. Both of them were dripping on each other’s hands. Sara wanted to throw Stephanie to the ground and grind her pussy on her face, but thought better of that choice. She remembered that Frank was tasked with pleasuring all of them and she was obviously next.
After about a minute, Heather pushed Frank back off herself. Without so much as a thank you for a great fuck, she got up and walked over to Sara.
Mistress Heather: “Your hubby is pretty good, but we have to work on his stamina.”
All three women looked at Frank who was still sprawled on the mattress. His cock was still hard, but his balls looked bloated and painful.
Mistress Heather: “I was going to have him fuck you too, but I don’t think he can last much longer. If you want, you can release his cock ring.”
Sara: “If he cums, I will not get screwed will I?”
Mistress Heather: “You have a decision then, don’t you? Your husband is obviously in pain. The pressure is too much for him. He has not learned the fine art of orgasm control. Will you put your selfish needs before his?”
Sara: “But I need to cum too.”
Mistress Heather: “Stop whining. How I hate a whining slave.”
Sara: “Yes mistress. You are right, he needs relief.”
Mistress Heather: “Take off the cock ring and then suck him off. It will not take long for him to pop. Stephanie, I need to see you outside for a moment.”
Sara looked down at her husband sprawled on the mattress. Kneeling down next to him, she examined the cock ring and strap. She had a vision of his cock spewing his seed without provocation when she released both restrictions. As she touched his balls, Frank recoiled away from her hand.
Sara: “Don’t be such a baby. Mistress Heather said I could get you off.”
Sara returned to removing the cock ring and strap from the base of his penis. When she did, a small amount of cum dribbled from the head. Sara knew he was about to explode and didn’t want to waste a drop. Her own pussy longed for the deep penetration Stephanie and Heather had enjoyed. Sara quickly removed her panties and rolled the now very compliant Frank over onto his back. She smoothly jumped on top of him and slid her soaking pussy over his shaft. Alas Frank was too primed and within a few strokes blew a huge load into her love cavern.
Mistress Heather: “Just what the hell do you think you’re doing slave?”
Sara turned to see an angry looking mistress standing in the doorway. Stephanie was standing behind Mistress Heather looking very smug like she knew better than to make such a mistake.
Sara: “I’m sorry mistress. He needed relief and so did I.”
Mistress Heather: “I told you to suck him off to give him relief.”
Sara: “I know mistress. I needed to feel his cock.”
Mistress Heather: “Have I ever not satisfied your lusts?”
Sara: “No mistress.”
Mistress Heather: “Stephanie and I were going to fuck you, but you can forget that now.”
Sara: “Please mistress. Please fuck me. Frank only lasted three strokes. I need it bad.”
Mistress Heather: “Look at that messy snatch you have. Frank really sprayed you didn’t he?”
Sara: “Yes mam. He had quite a build up from servicing you and Stephanie.”
Mistress Heather pretended to think for a moment.
Mistress Heather: “I have a solution. I can’t fuck such a nasty pussy. Have Frank eat you clean and then we will fuck you. Deal? If not, you are going to get a whipping.”
Sara looked down at Frank. He certainly would not enjoy licking his own cum from her pussy. She felt terrible for asking, but she needed more cock, even if it was plastic.
Sara: “Honey, I know you don’t want to do this, but will you clean my pussy?”
Frank: “Before today, if you had asked that question the answer would be a resounding no. But I can tell you are desperate. If this is the life you want to lead, I expect your total obedience at home. You can continue to see Mistress Heather, but when we are alone you are going to be my slave. Say yes, and I will clean your pussy, but don’t expect it to happen again. If you disobey either of us again, I will let her whip you. Understand?”
Sara: “Yes Frank. Thank you and I love you.”
Frank: “Yes who?”
Sara: “Yes master.”
Frank dutifully crawled between Sara’s legs and began to lick her pussy. It was oozing a combination of her juices and his jizz. It was not nearly as foul as Frank had anticipated, although he still would not enjoy it on a regular basis. His real motivation was a desire to see Heather and Stephanie fuck his wife. He had always wanted to see a live lesbian show and now was his chance. If he had to eat his own load in order to fulfill his fantasy, that was a small price to pay. Sara was enjoying his talented tongue hitting all her sensitive spots. She could tell he was actively trying to give her pleasure beyond just cleaning her up. She noticed Heather helping Stephanie strap-on a large, thick dildo. She was going to get the fucking she desired.
Mistress Heather: “That’s enough you two. Frank you can sit back and watch. Stephanie, lay down on the mat with your head facing Frank.”
Stephanie lay down. Frank had a perfect view of her pert breasts, tight stomach and the obscene black dildo sticking up from her hips.
Mistress Heather: “OK Sara. It’s your turn. Slide your slippery pussy down her cock. Face your husband. I want him to have a good view as you take your pleasure.”
Sara smiled at Frank again, wordlessly thanking him for not choosing to let her get whipped. After straddling Stephanie, Sara slowly lowered herself onto the shaft. Sara required several attempts, allowing herself to stretch around and lubricate the baton, but eventually she was able to take the whole thing.
Sara: “My God mistress, I’ve never been so full.”
Mistress Heather: “Give your hubby a good show. I’ll be right back.”
Sara took her mistress’ instructions to heart and began riding the fake dick with abandon. She alternated looking at Frank and looking down at Stephanie. Obviously the dildo was providing stimulation to Stephanie also because she had a look of pure bliss on her face. Frank was enjoying watching two women receiving pleasure simultaneously. Sara’s breasts were swinging wildly has she repeated skewered herself on the foreign invader. Both women were moaning loudly and Frank worried that the show would not last much longer.
Both Frank and Sara turned their heads to look at Heather as she reentered the playroom. She had stripped off her catsuit and was now sporting a shorter, thinner strap-on and carrying a jar of lube. Sara gasped as she realized her mistress’ intentions. Frank may have been slower to catch on, but as Heather advanced on his wife, he soon realized the freak show he was watching was moving into overdrive. Heather dowsed the strap-on with lube and then held it along Sara’s ass as she continued to slide up and down Stephanie’s rod.
Mistress Heather: “So you’ve never been so full before, eh? You ain’t felt nothing yet.”
Heather grabbed Sara’s hips as she rose to the top of Stephanie’s femcock. Wiggling her own hips, she pressed her own strap-on against Sara’s asshole.
Mistress Heather: “Just hold still until I’m in, bitch.”
Heather used one hand to steady her smaller dildo and the other to keep Sara’s cheeks spread. Slowly she inched the head inside as Sara tried to remain calm and relaxed. Sara held her breath as Heather continued pushing until their skin touched and Heather was buried inside her.
Mistress Heather: “Now, slowly lower yourself back onto Stephanie.”
Sara took a deep breath and began moving downward. As Stephanie’s dick began stretching her pussy once again, it stimulated the membrane between her vagina and anal track. Deeper and deeper Sara stuffed herself, a painful anguish forming across her face. Finally, she was back down to the base. Never before had she thought about how a pig felt on a spit, but she guessed it was something like what she was feeling.
Mistress Heather: “Look at your hubby, dear. He seems to be enjoying what is happening to you.”
Sara looked up. Frank was sporting another hard-on which he was casually stroking.
Mistress Heather: “Frank, keep that thing handy and don’t let yourself cum. Once we find our rhythm, I want you to stick your cock in her mouth. We’re going to pincushion your wife and she is going to love it.”
Heather gave Stephanie a nod. Stephanie started arching her hips driving her dildo deeper into Sara’s pussy. As she did this, Heather pulled her dildo half way out of Sara’s ass. Sara locked her knees as Stephanie reached her maximum lift and started to descend pulling the dildo outward. Heather now began to push the anal dildo back in giving Sara a very unique sensation.
Mistress Heather: “Just try to hold your position, slut. If we mess up the cadence, you can be injured.”
Heather and Stephanie worked their pistoning dildos with the precision of seasoned sexual professionals. Soon all the women were screaming and moaning as each received joyful stimulation. Frank was working his cock feverishly, a big grin across her face.
Mistress Heather: “OK Frank we’re ready for you. I’m tired of listening to your wife moan; shut her up for us will you?”
Frank: “No problem.”
No problem for him, Sara thought, as she watch Frank stand up and straddle Stephanie’s head. Waving his cock in front of her face, Frank made her strain to catch up to it. After several attempts, Sara finally captured the tip. Frank responded by pushing forward and ramming it home. Sara began to gag at the sudden intrusion. Feeling sorry for his wife, at least a little bit, Frank slid his cock back out and let her catch her breath.
Mistress Heather: “We’re still going to have to work on your cock gobbling skills I see. When he cums you better not drip any on Stephanie.”
Sara (gasping for breath): “Yes mistress.”
Once again Frank presented his cock to his wife. This time he allowed her to just nipple on the head. The force of Heather’s pounding provided just enough movement for Sara’s mouth to drive Frank wild. He was looking directly at Heather, amazed that the most beautiful woman he had ever met was fucking his wife’s ass while she blew him. He reached out to play with Heather’s breasts, but she slapped his hand away.
Mistress Heather: “Not today, big boy. Not today.”
The trio continued their assault on Sara as long as they could. Orgasms flowed through the three women and Frank deposited another load down Sara’s throat. Eventually the quartet slowed and then stopped, all satisfied and worn out. Heather suggested a soak in the hot tub which they all agreed was a fine idea.
Walking out of the house into bright sunshine, Sara noted that her life had cleared like the morning storms. As the four newly intimate friends sat in the hot tub, you could be excused from thinking it was a regular neighborhood gathering. They soaked away the muscular stresses caused by their lengthy tryst and chatted about everyday things. Frank thought about how normal everything seemed, except the fact that he was surrounded by three gorgeous naked women. That still was weird to him, but of course he wasn’t complaining.
After about half an hour, the parties dried off, got dressed and went their separate ways. Sara and Frank discussed the day’s events as they drove home. Frank agreed to give this new arrangement a try if Sara would agree to leave Mistress Heather if he could not deal with sharing her. Sara eagerly agreed, although she wasn’t sure she really would make that choice if push came to shove.
By Sunday everything seemed back to normal. Frank and Sara took their kids to the park for another picnic with the Andersons, although this time Cindy didn’t make any sexual moves toward Sara. In fact, everything seemed perfectly normal. Frank didn’t discuss his recent conversion with his boss Jim and to all appearances it was just two families eating lunch.
Early Monday morning Frank headed to the office. He wondered if Jim would speak to him about Sara. He also wondered just how he would react. The morning was passing quickly as Frank toiled away in his office. He had several client complaints he was trying to address. At 10:30 his phone rang. The company’s receptionist was calling to tell him he had a visitor. Frank was not expecting anyone and wondered who was there. He told the receptionist he would be right there; glad to get a break from his files.
Frank turned the corner into the reception area and scanned the chairs for a client he knew. The only person in the waiting area was a young girl he didn’t recognize.
Frank: “Are you looking for Frank?”
Girl: “Yes I am. I’m sorry to stop by unannounced. My boss is a client and we have a problem with out account. She’s been too busy to call and I was driving by so I stopped.”
Frank immediately sensed this was a line of b.s. but he played along.
Frank: “No problem. Why don’t you come back to my office and we can see if we can resolve your issues.”
The girl stood up. She was very pretty, Frank thought, although her outfit seemed strange. She wore a simple ¾ length coat with only the top button undone. Her legs were uncovered and she wore a modest pair of 2” thick heels. As she approached Frank, she held out her hand.
Girl: “My name is Andi. I work at Professional Woman. It’s a local clothing store. Are you familiar with our account?”
Frank: “No Andi, I can’t say that I am, but I only recently transferred into customer service.”
Frank led Andi back to his office and shut the door. He then walked around his desk to his oversized chair and offered Andi a seat in front. Andi sat down, crossing her legs but not removing her coat. Frank tried to sneak a peak under the coat, but it was to no avail.
Frank: “Let me call up your company’s file. What did you say is the problem?”
Andi: “It’s kind of hard to explain.”
Frank: “I’m sorry, where are my manners? Can I take your coat?”
Andi: “Sure.”
Andi and Frank both stood back up. Andi began walking to the side of the desk while she slowly and deliberately began unbuttoning the coat. As she slid the top of the coat off her shoulders, Frank became wide eyed as he realized she was only wearing underwear underneath.
Andi: “I’m a friend of Sara and Heathers. Heather said you had recently joined our little club and sent me here to give you your membership bonus.”
Andi handed her coat to Frank and stood before him in a revealing French cut bikini panty and strapless half cup bra. Frank stood dumbfounded as he took in her beauty.
Andi: “Aren’t you going to hang up my coat?”
Frank snapped out of his daze.
Frank: “Sorry about that. I was captivated by your beauty.”
Frank tried to be charming, but really he couldn’t believe the way his sex life had turned for the better. Frank hung up Andi’s coat on a freestanding rack he had in the corner of his office near his desk. As he moved back toward his chair, Andi put her hand on his chest and gave him just enough of a shove to indicate he should sit back down. Andi wasted no time as she dropped to her knees in front of him and unzipped his pants. Frank squirmed as she fished out his semi-hard cock and began stroking it to its full length.
Andi: “Umm yummy!”
Andi was definitely a proficient cocksucker, Frank immediately decided. She had a voracious appetite and knew just when to lick, suck and stroke him for maximum pleasure. Frank thought he must have fallen asleep at his desk and that Andi was just a dream. Or maybe he was on hidden camera and someone was about to burst through the door and tell him he had been punked. Frank continued to writhe in his chair as he neared orgasm, spurred on by the beautiful girl between his legs.
Just as he was about to let go, there was a knock at his door. Frank looked down at Andi with a look of terror. There was a second more insistent knock.
Frank: “Quick, hide under my desk.”
Andi scurried under the desk as Frank tried to stuff his erection back into his pants. He then sat back down in his chair and slid forward hoping everything would look normal. His face was flush with sexual excitement and he was experiencing a nervous perspiration attack, but hopefully nobody would notice.
Frank: “Come in.”
The door opened and Stacey, the shared executive administrative assistant, entered the room. Stacey is a short dishwater blonde. She was a little overweight, not much but a little pudgy. She carried it well, however, with a solid butt and generous natural breasts. She always wore a dress; usually it was conservative but occasionally she showed some cleavage. Alas today was not one of those days, Frank lamented, looking at her as a sex object for the first time.
Stacey: “Hi Frank. Jim needs to see you a.s.a.p. in his office. He sent me to collect you.”
Frank didn’t want to leave Andi just yet and needed to stall. He also didn’t want to stand up with a hard-on.
Frank: “Sure thing. I just need to return one quick phone call to a customer.”
Stacey: “No sweat. We’re waiting for Dan from marketing anyway.”
Stacey sat down on the couch next to the office door. Frank, realizing she wasn’t going away, now needed to fake a phone call and will his penis to deflate. Picking up the phone, he dialed his own number reasoning he could speak with his voicemail until Stacey left or his hard-on died. As he started dialing, he felt Andi’s fingers on his zipper again. He glanced down, attempting to dissuade her without tipping off Stacey, but she didn’t take the hint.
Frank did his best to fake a conversation with his own voicemail as Andi stroked his cock and Stacey sat idly by waiting for him. Frank tried to slide his chair back to make his intentions clear to his bonus, but Andi made her intentions clear instead by grabbing his cock and pulling him forward. Stacey looked disinterested and picked up a Newsweek magazine which was sitting on the coffee table.
Andi continued stroking Frank’s cock as he struggled to maintain his composure and continue making up realistic sounding dialog. The height of the desk prevented Andi getting more than her lips on the tip of his cock, a situation she found unfortunate. Andi had learned to love the feel of a stiff cock in her mouth and jacking Frank off was boring to her. Andi found herself getting turned on by having to hide under the desk, however, and secretly hoped Stacey would find her. She sensed Frank getting close and doubled her efforts, literally. Grabbing the base of his cock with her left hand, Andi rocked it back and forth while rubbing her right hand around the head and down the shaft. She knew from experience that he would soon blow his load; she only hoped that she could aim most of it in her mouth and not be too messed up.
Frank was frozen like a statue fighting the urge to vocalize what he was feeling. Looking up at Stacey, she seemed totally disinterested, reading her magazine and not noticing anything out of the ordinary. Andi’s technique was not going unnoticed and Frank felt a fast moving orgasm well up from his balls. With his left hand, he gave Andi a little wave, curling his fingers inward to indicate he was about to come. Andi took her left hand off his cock and began furiously pumping it with her right. She then strained to get her mouth as close to him as she could. When Frank felt her lips on the tip of his cock one last time, he exploded. Andi opened her mouth and managed to catch shot after shot of his male nectar. Toward the end, one or two spurts missed her mouth, but Andi was quite satisfied that she remained fairly clean through the ordeal.
Frank gave a little shudder, but did not break the pattern of his fake phone call. He was glad Stacey was engrossed in the magazine or he never would have made it through. He cock quickly began to collapse and Andi was kind enough to tuck it back in his pants and zip him up. Frank said his fake good bye and promised to “look into the problem” for the client. He then stood up, a slight bulge still showing in his pants and told Stacey he was ready.
Stacey dropped the magazine, stood up and without a word walked out the door. Frank followed without looking down at Andi and shut his door on the way out. He would have liked to fuck Andi or at least thank her, but that was impossible. As they walked over to the executive row of offices, Frank’s attention was drawn to Stacey’s ample butt. He pictured her bent over his boss’ desk and then had a vision of Andi sitting naked on his masturbating herself to satisfaction. He felt his penis start to harden ever so slightly and knew he better refocus his thoughts on business immediately.
Frank: “Andi, I need to take a quick stop in the rest room. I’ll meet you at Jim’s office.”
Frank ducked into the men’s room knowing he would finally have a little privacy. He took a quick leak, the kind a man always needs to take after cumming. He cock was semi-hard again making this task a bit painful, but he knew it needed to be done. He then tucked it back in his pants and washed his hands. Looking at himself in the mirror, Frank realized he was smiling for no apparent reason. Usually when you get called to the boss’ office, especially when you receive a personal escort, you are likely to be fired. Trying to show the appropriate emotion, Frank splashed cold water on his face. He hoped the flush in his cheeks from busting a nut would dissipate soon. Drying himself off, he looked in the mirror at his crotch. His penis had shrunk back to within acceptable limits so he dried his face and hands and made sure his shirt was tucked in and his tie was straight. Looking every bit the professional, he exited the bathroom and headed to Jim’s office. The door was open so he walked right in.
Seated at the small circular table astride from Jim’s desk were Dan, the VP of marketing, Doug, the VP of Product Development and Mike, the VP of Finance. Jim was still seated at his desk and Stacey was whispering something in his ear. Finished with her comments, she turned to leave and gave Frank a little smirk on her way out the door.
Jim: “I suppose you are wondering why you are here, Frank. I would be happy to tell you, but there is the little matter of making us wait while you get a blowjob in your office.”
Frank looked guiltily at the assembled power structure of the firm, but said nothing.
Jim: “As you know, the HR policies of this firm take a dim view of any form of sexual harassment. The legal liability is just too great for the company. If the woman, it was a woman wasn’t it, decides to sue the company, we’re in big trouble.”
Frank: “She doesn’t work here Jim.”
Dan: “That makes things a little better. Was it your wife?”
Frank: “Actually it was a friend of hers.”
Mike: “No shit. And you had her blow you in front of Stacey. Actually that is pretty impressive.”
Frank: “She ducked under the desk before Stacey walked in. I guess she could still see her shoes.”
Jim: “Be that as it may, the company still has to take a tough position on this kind of behavior.”
Frank felt the bad new coming. Whatever he had been summoned to answer for was now probably irrelevant.
Jim: “Relax, Frank, you’re not going to get fired. We’re just fucking with you. Actually we’ve been watching your performance for a while. We’re very impressed with how you have been handling our most problematic accounts. As you know, Cheryl (VP – Customer Service) is about to take a maternity leave of absence. She is leaving at the end of this week and we want to offer you the job on an interim basis.”
Frank: “What do you mean by interim?”
Jim: “You would be in charge of the customer service department. You don’t get the title and if Cheryl decides to come back in 12 weeks, you get your old job back. If she doesn’t, we will reevaluate your status at that time. If you’ve been doing a good job, you get the title. In the interim, you will still get an office up here, a healthy raise in pay and some pretty nice executive perks. You’ll be invited to the weekly executive poker game, free health club membership, in-office massages, we take weekend “retreats” to Vegas on the company account and if you get the full time job, we lease you a nice car. How does that sound.”
Frank: “Sign me up.”
Jim: “I’ll meet with you later to work on the details. Let’s all grab some lunch and then you can pack up your office then I’ll have some kids in the mailroom move your stuff. We’re going to leave Cheryl’s office furnished until she decides if she is coming back.”
The VPs all stood and shook Frank’s hand. Frank would soon learn about their ulterior motives for offering the job; namely the services of Sara, but for now, Frank believed his good fortune was based solely on his job performance. The executive board was also happy to have their “boys” club back to full membership. Cheryl was definitely not a player in their little reindeer games. She knew, of course, of Jim and Mike’s financial creative accounting, the sharing of wives and what went on at the poker games. But she was also damn good at her job and was compensated appropriately. At best she tolerated their conduct and with her out of the picture, all the executives could breathe a collective sigh of relief.
Jim took everyone out to lunch at their local watering hole where they all raised a glass of beer to toast the new interim VP of Customer Service. Frank never considered drinking at a working lunch, before. Things were definitely turning his way.
Sara was ecstatic at the news of Frank’s promotion. She too had no way to know just how much her new lifestyle had been involved in the decision, although she had her suspicions. She had worked out today with Carey, but again, nothing sexual had happened. Sara was looking forward to her next session with Mistress Heather on Wednesday and learning more new pathways to pleasure. She tried to think of something special she could do for Frank tonight to celebrate, but she knew the kids would be home and didn’t want them to suspect anything about their parent’s new lifestyle.
Wednesday Sara visited Mistress Heather’s house again and spent the day licking her mistress’ pussy along with servicing Maggie several times as repayment for Andi giving Frank a blowjob. Each woman worked Sara’s tongue to several satisfying climaxes before they allowed Sara to fuck herself with a vibrator. Both women sat on the couch as Sara twisted and writhed on the floor as she serviced herself.
Mistress Heather: “She looks good like that.”
Maggie: “She certainly does.”
Mistress Heather: “Do you think she is ready for Friday’s party?”
Maggie: “Why not. Frank will be at the company poker game.”
Mistress Heather: “Listen up slut. I want you to be here at 6pm sharp Friday night.”
Sara was heaving in orgasms and only vaguely noticed her mistress talking to her.
Maggie: “I don’t think she heard you.”
Heather stood up and picked up a riding crop from the end table and snapped it against her palm over Sara’s face.
Mistress Heather: “Do I have your attention now?”
Sara: “Yes mistress.”
Mistress Heather: “Good. I want you here at 6pm sharp for a little party Friday night. Wear and medium length dress, stockings and heels. No panties and no bra.”
Sara: “Yes mistress. What about Frank.”
Mistress Heather: “He will be attending the company poker game. He’ll be fine.”
Sara: “OK.”
At the office Jim had begun filling in Frank on his new duties or more specifically his new benefits. Stacey was available for massages each afternoon and was not averse to providing other stress relieving services.
Frank: “Really? Stacey?”
Jim: “She’s mainly oral. Somehow that doesn’t count as cheating on her boyfriend. But if you are nice, she sometimes will let you titty fuck her. Every so often when they are fighting, she’ll even let you fuck her.”
Frank: “Good to know.”
Jim: “About once a quarter we all go to Vegas for a weekend. We only bring our wives every other time. Basically every six months we go as a group of guys and go wild and every six months we bring the wives for a nice weekend getaway of shows and gambling.”
Frank: “I like the sound of that. What’s the deal with the poker game I’ve been hearing about?”
Jim: “Every Friday the executives get together and play cards. We rotate the location each person taking a turn hosting. The host’s wife is responsible for the food and entertainment.”
Frank: “Entertainment?”
Jim: “It varies from week to week. Come to Dan’s house on Friday and find out.”
Frank: “What are the stakes?”
Jim: “We don’t play for much. Usually we have two rounds, each is just $10. You get $2,000 in chips and play until somebody has them all. Each round goes about 2 hours. We start at 8.”
Frank: “I’ll be there. Do I need to bring anything?”
Jim: “Just $20 and a sense of adventure.”
That night Sara and Jim discussed the respective Friday night plans. Neither one knew what to expect, but both were looking forward to their evenings. Frank then told Sara that his sister Connie was coming to town Saturday. She lived in Milwaukee. Frank said she was going to the Cubs game and said she would stop back for a visit. Sara wasn’t too thrilled about Connie’s visit. She had never been too fond of Frank’s little sister. She was always too bossy and thought Frank married down when he picked Sara. Connie had never been married, although her classic good looks meant a never ending string of suitors. Sara had never stopped to think about why she was still single, but now that her own bisexuality was apparent, it occurs to Sara that perhaps Connie preferred the company of women. Sara worked to put Connie’s impending visit out of her mind and concentrated on what was going to happen Friday instead.
Sara arrived at Mistress Heather’s house right on time Friday night. She felt weird kneeling in the garage wearing her best dress, but there she was, waiting for her mistress. She didn’t have to wait long. Mistress Heather opened the door shortly after Sara arrived and ushered her inside.
Mistress Heather: “Here are the details about the party. Stephanie is a little sister at the Phi Sigma Kappa house. Each spring they throw a fundraiser party. Tonight is the night.”
Sara: “How do they raise money Mistress?”
Mistress Heather: “Throughout the year, Susan at Victoria’s Secret holds on to returns and closeout lingerie and donates them to the fraternity. Her son is a member so she figures any money they can raise is money the parents don’t have to contribute. Stephanie and the other little sisters model the outfits and auction them off. The fraternity will raise a couple of thousand dollars. It keeps them in beer for the better part of a year.”
Sara: “I don’t understand. Who would pay that much for used underwear?”
Mistress Heather: “Well, the girls do a little dance and when you win, you get a lap dance and private strip to collect.”
Sara: “So what do you want me to do?”
Mistress Heather: “It’s simple. I would pay to buy the underwear off your back, but horny college kids, probably not. I need you to act as the MC. That is why I had you dress so conservatively. You’ll be like the house mom. Just keep things under control and try to keep the bidding going. Make sure the guys know the higher they bid, the better the show they’ll get.”
Sara: “Sounds easy enough.”
Mistress Heather: “Oh, one more thing. Before you leave, I have a little present for you. Come downstairs.”
Sara followed her mistress down to the playroom. Heather walked over to her toy chest and pulled out a small silver bullet with a battery pack attached to a thin belt.
Mistress Heather: “Lift your skirt and bend over.”
Sara complied and felt Heather squirt a generous amount of lube on her ass. The bullet slid in easily. Heather then wrapped the belt around Sara’s waist positioning the battery pack in the small of her back. Sara hoped it would not show as she walked around the fraternity. Heather switched on the vibe and clipped the control box shut. She locked it with a small key.
Mistress Heather: “You could easily break off the battery pack, but I would not recommend it. This vibe is very low power. It should just keep you very happy without drawing much power. I just put a fresh battery in so it should run for four or five hours.”
Sara wasn’t sure she trusted her mistress’ definition of “very happy” but she wasn’t about to question her mistress’ decision. As Heather finished getting Sara ready for a long slow tease, the doorbell rang.
Mistress Heather: “That will be Stephanie. She’ll give you a ride and bring you back here.”
Heather and Sara walked upstairs and Heather let Stephanie in the door. She was dressed in a college cheerleader outfit. This surprised Sara as she never thought of Stephanie as a preppy girl.
Stephanie: “I know what you are thinking. I actually was a cheerleader my freshman year. That is how I got hooked up with the Phi Sigs. I dated a linebacker from the football team for a while and he is a member. He’s a senior now and is the chapter president.”
Sara: “So why did you give up being a cheerleader.”
Stephanie: “Well, Mistress Heather was taking up most of my free time, so beyond classes, studying and the occasional party like tonight, I don’t have time for much else.”
Mistress Heather: “You two can gab in the car. You had better get going. Stephanie, watch out for Sara tonight. She’ll probably be pretty horny by the time the fashion show ends. I want her back in good condition to serve me.”
Stephanie: “I’m surprised you are not coming tonight. I know how much you enjoyed last year’s event.”
Mistress Heather: “Oh, I would like to be there, but my husband is having an employee dinner thing tonight. Duties of a wife, you know. I’ll be bored out of my mind unless I can find some sweet new hire to seduce. Sara, if I don’t, be prepared to service me when you two get back.”
Sara: “Yes mistress.”
Stephanie: “I see you have a battery pack on tonight. We should probably try to hide that. I don’t want the boys thinking you are part of the entertainment.”
Mistress Heather: “I wasn’t sure if it was that obvious. Run upstairs and get a wide belt out of my closet. We can wrap it around her waist and it will cover the controls.”
Stephanie: “Yes mistress.”
Stephanie sprinted up the stairs. Mistress Heather took the opportunity to give Sara some final instructions.
Mistress Heather: “I know I told Stephanie to watch out for you, but really I need you to watch out for her. That is why you are going tonight. I wish I could do it myself, but I can’t break the commitment to my husband. Stephanie is a good kid, but she tends to get a little out of control. Tyrone is the guy she dated as a freshman. He’s a nice guy, but he has a certain prowess, shall we say, with the ladies. She can fill you in if you like. Just make sure nothing bad happens to her or the other girls.”
Sara: “I think I understand. You can count on me.”
Stephanie returned down the stairs carrying a 3” wide leather belt.
Stephanie: “Is this the one, mistress?”
Mistress Heather: “Yes, that will do fine. Wrap it around Sara so it covers the battery pack. It will also giver her dress a nice visual break.”
Stephanie walked over and faced Sara. Smiling she reached her arms around Sara, positioning the belt and fastening it in front. Stephanie’s head was positioned right under Sara’s breasts giving her a clean view of Sara’s hardening nipples.
Stephanie: “No bra tonight? The boys will love that. Let’s get going. I don’t want to be late.”
Mistress Heather: “Have fun tonight girls.”
Stephanie and Sara: “We will mistress.”
As the girls were leaving Mistress Heather’s house, Frank was preparing to leave for Dan’s house. He had printed directions from Yahoo Maps and was just about to walk out the door when the phone rang. He almost let it go to the machine, but he noticed it was his sister’s number on the caller ID.
Frank: “Hey sis. What’s up?”
Connie: “Hey big brother. The group I’m meeting for the game tomorrow wants to do some shopping on the Mag Mile before the game. Can I crash at your place tonight?”
Frank: “No problem. Sara and I are both out tonight, but the kids should be home to let you in, but if they’re gone, the code for the garage remote is 8-8-4-3. I’ll make sure the interior garage door is unlocked.”
Connie: “Thanks. Where are the two of you going?”
Frank: “I’m playing poker with some guys from work. I forgot to tell you, I got a promotion and I’m in executive row now. Anyway, Sara is going out with some friends. I’m not sure exactly what they have planned.”
Connie: “Cool. Congrats on the promotion. I won’t wait up for you.”
Frank: “I’ve got to leave. I’ll see you in the morning.”
Frank hung up the phone and headed to the garage. He knew Sara and his sister didn’t really get along, but since it was only one night, he wasn’t too concerned. Frank made sure not to lock the garage door to the house and headed out.
Stephanie and Sara had just arrived at the fraternity. Sara was struck by how nice and well maintained the outside of the house looked. She had expected it to be more run down given they were there for a fundraiser. During the trip Sara had questioned Stephanie about her relationship with Tyrone and wanted more information about what this event would really be like.
Stephanie: “Tyrone is very handsome and incredibly strong. I met him after football practice one day. I was a very naïve and didn’t understand why a football player would be interested in me. There was also a racial component because I didn’t really know any black men where I grew up and I wasn’t prepared to have one hitting on me. I’m certainly not racist so when he asked me out, I accepted. We went out to a nice dinner. Tyrone was a perfect gentleman. After dinner we went to a frat party. Everyone seemed to know Tyrone and girls were all over him. He did his best to include me in the conversations, but at times I got a little lost in the shuffle. I ended up spending most of my time getting drinks for the group and having way too much beer for my own good. By the time we left the party, I was pretty drunk.”
Sara was listening intently. She was learning more about Stephanie and was starting to see some of her motivations. A small town, inexperienced girl seduced by the bright lights and new opportunities of the big city.
Stephanie: “Anyway, I was trashed and didn’t realize Tyrone didn’t bring me back to the dorm, but back to his fraternity room. I remember staggering up some stairs with his hand on my ass steadying me. Once we were in the room, he sat down and pulled me onto his lap. He began kissing me passionately and rubbing my breasts. My head was spinning, but he felt very good. In no time I was incredibly aroused and began pushing back at him urging him to take me farther.”
Sara was starting to get turned on herself. She pictured Stephanie losing control to her passions. The vibe in her ass was still buzzing away as Sara reached under her skirt and started to play with her pussy.
Stephanie: “He was so handsome. I wasn’t a virgin, but I wouldn’t say I was experienced either. The way he made love to me that night was nothing like my high school boyfriends. They were always fumbling around trying to figure out what to do and asking me for directions. They were really pathetic, come to think about it. Tyrone wasn’t like that at all. He knew what he was doing.”
Sara continued to frig her pussy, waiting anxiously for Stephanie to continue her story.
Stephanie: “Tyrone knew he was turning me on. In retrospect, I was putty in his hands. When he decided I had enough foreplay, he stood up, sliding me from his lap to the bed. He told me to undress and started unbuttoning his shirt. I was starting to sober up quickly and I wasn’t sure I wanted to give myself to him on the first date. That was until he dropped his pants. His cock wasn’t even hard yet, but it was bigger than any of my other boyfriends could dream of sporting. The first glimpse I had of his magnificent cock, I knew I had to have it. I wasted no time getting naked on his bed, finally coming to rest on my hands and knees facing him. He wiggled his dick back and forth taunting me asking if that was what I wanted. I had no clue what to do with him. I’d stroked my high school boyfriends a bit, but mostly they just wanted to stick it in me and then would spurt in about a minute. Tyrone definitely had a plan. You could see it in his eyes.”
Sara’s hands were flying faster and faster, her own arousal building with each detail Stephanie revealed. For her part, Stephanie was definitely enjoying watching Sara service herself. She knew she should stop her since she didn’t have permission to cum. But on the other hand, maybe Mistress Heather would let her partake in Sara’s punishment again.
Stephanie: “Tyrone continued to wave his cock in front of my face while calling me dirty names. He was going to make me beg for his cock, which is exactly what I did. I didn’t want him to be subtle and he wasn’t. First he made me suck him. I had never had a cock in my mouth before and I enthralled by the sensation of him growing hard in my mouth. I know some woman hate giving head, but I love the feeling of a hard dick crammed between my lips. I would have sucked him all night, but once he was rock hard, he spun me around and pushed my head into the mattress. My ass was high in the air with my pussy ready and willing to be assaulted. He slipped on a condom then began teasing my pussy lips with his cock forcing me to declare my desire to have him inside me. I had to admit I was a whore. His whore, before he finally started to sink his cock inside me.”
When Sara heard that last statement, she climaxed. She loved hearing how Stephanie was made to submit to quench her passions. It reminded her of her own submission to Cindy Anderson and later to Mistress Heather. It also explained why Stephanie was so willing to do Mistress Heather’s bidding.
Stephanie: “By the time he bottomed out his wonderful cock, I had already climaxed once. He rode me hard and put me away wet. He was still standing on the floor using his leverage to savagely pound my innocent pussy. I came three or four times in rapid succession before he pulled out of me. Looking back over my shoulder I expected to see him removing the condom and spraying me. If not that, I expected him to force me to suck him again and swallow his come. But he didn’t. He just stood there, his cock standing proud in front of him.”
Sara (regaining her breath): “What happened then?!?”
Stephanie: “Let’s just say, he’s quite an athlete. He rolled me onto my back and started pounding me in the missionary position. He just kept going and going. He was like the Energizer Bunny <giggles> and he was relentless. At some point my pussy just became numb to any new stimulus. Eventually he was ready to cum and stood back up. He backed away from the bed about two feet and removed the condom. The then pointed to the floor and snapped his fingers. It was obvious what he wanted and I didn’t hesitate. I jumped off the bed and went down on my knees before him. It felt wonderful to have his magnificent cock in my mouth again. That was the first time I tasted my own juices and when he added his own seed to the mix, a shutter went through me again.”
Sara: “That is an incredible story.”
Stephanie: “He left me kneeling on the floor trying to compose myself as he went into the bathroom to clean up. I didn’t want to leave his room. I wanted to stay forever. When he came out of the bathroom he threw me a towel and told me to get out. He had to be up early for football practice and needed to get to sleep. I dressed quickly and walked out. I didn’t hear from him for about a week. Each night I had dreamed of getting my hands back on his cock and I had started to worry that he thought of me as a one night stand. I wondered what I could have done differently to make myself more appealing to him. About 11:30 the next Friday my phone rang. I had told my roommate I wasn’t going out to the usual Friday parties because I didn’t feel good. When I picked up the phone my heart soared when I recognized Tyrone’s voice. There wasn’t any pretense, he just told me to get my ass down to the frat house. He said to go to his room and take my clothes off. I’m ashamed to say, I did exactly what he asked.”
Sara: “I take it he fucked you again.”
Stephanie: “He did. And so did his roommate and 2 guys from across the hall. Tyrone came in with the three other guys. I grabbed my shirt to cover my breasts, but Tyrone snatched it away from me. I could tell he had been drinking. He said I was a slut and that if I ever wanted his cock again, I would make his friends very happy. He then pulled down the front of his pants, his cock springing free. I took one look at it and just melted. I knew right then I would do whatever he told me to do in order to get stuffed by him again. He told the other boys to drop their pants and I was directed to start sucking. As I did, Tyrone left the room and returned to the party. For the next 2 hours they took turns fucking me. College boys don’t always last a long time, but they can recover fast. After one of them would cum, another other would take his place. While the next two took their turns, the first would get hard again and the cycle would repeat. As things were winding down Tyrone came back into the room and sat on the edge of the bed. Again he taunted me by waving his cock. His friends just laughed as I assumed by position on the floor and started sucking life into his staff. Once it reached its full potential, Tyrone had me mount him. I was standing on the floor with my back to Tyrone. He pulled my hips backward and slid into me. I was facing his friends and they saw every grimace of pain on my face and then every look of ecstasy. Tyrone’s cock was hitting every perfect spot and I rode him for all I was worth. He kept having me repeat that I was his slut to do with whatever he wanted. He said if I didn’t, I could leave and would never see him again, but he knew I wasn’t ready to give up his cock. Needless to say he was right. Giving up his cock was not an option in my mind. I rode him hard while his friends watched intently. One of them was furiously pulling his cock trying to get hard again. I guess he figured I would blow him. Fortunately for me, he had already shot three loads that night and couldn’t get hard again.”
Sara: “Is Tyrone going to be there tonight?”
Stephanie: “He’s the current president of the chapter so I’m sure he’ll be there. Be careful of him. He’s not a dominant like Mistress Heather, but he is very persuasive about controlling you. For an entire semester I was at his beck and call. Whenever he would call I would rush over to the house to service him and whatever friends he chose to share me with. I almost flunked out of school. Fortunately I met Mistress Heather during that time. I took the job cleaning her out because I lost one of my scholarships due to bad grades. She sensed by submissive nature and quickly I became her slave. She stressed the need for me to concentrate on my studies while our sessions together allowed me relief of my sexual desires. When I told Tyrone I didn’t want to see him again, he didn’t even flinch. He just moved on to a new freshman he could mold. The sad thing was I do really miss his cock. Mistress Heather has a strap-on that is even bigger, but he is so strong, I’ve never felt anything like when he was inside me.”
Sara: “What about tonight?”
Stephanie: “If he asks me to do him, I would. They do this fundraiser twice a year. Once in the fall at homecoming so the alumni can participate and once now in the spring just for current members. There will be 3 or 4 girls modeling for the boys. I would guess that Tyrone has slept with them all and they will all be angling for a piece of his cock tonight. I know that is my motivation. Usually Tyrone gives the girl who earns the most a good hard fuck. Nicki is just a tramp. She’s doing the show just to tease the guys and as an excuse to get naked in public.”
Sara: “It sounds like a wild party. Anything else I need to know?”
Stephanie: “Not really. Just have fun.”
Frank arrived at Dan and Angela’s house and range the doorbell. He was the second to arrive, but the other guys showed up right after him. Dan said Angela was putting the finishing touches on the snacks and would be right out to take drink orders. Frank was enjoying being part of the executive cliché as the talk centered on new ways to grow the company. The other executives clearly were interested in his opinions and he felt comfortable being around his new colleagues.
Dan: “Ah, here is my lovely wife.”
Everyone turned as Angela walked into the room. Frank saw two reasons for the attention. First, Angela was a very attractive woman. He gauged her age to be early thirties. She was very trim with small breasts. She looked like an athlete no visible body fat. He was a brunette and her smile lit up the room. The second, more obvious reason, Frank thought, was that along with her smile, she was only wearing an apron. This must be what Jim meant by entertainment.
Dan brought Angela over to Frank and introduced her.
Dan: “Frank, may I introduce my definitely better half, Angela.”
Angela: “Very nice to meet you Frank. Congratulations on your promotion.”
Frank: “Thank you. It is nice to meet you too.”
Frank was trying not to stare; trying to make it seem like one man introducing another to his basically naked wife was a normal thing. Dan patted Angela on the tush.
Dan: “Back to work, hun. Get the drink orders taken care of while we set up the chips.”
Angela: “What would you like to drink Frank? We have beer, wine, soda and assorted hard liquors.”
Frank: “A beer would be fine, but I can get it.”
Dan: “Don’t be silly. She’ll be happy to get it for you. Having an obedient wife is part of the executive lifestyle.”
Frank: I see how you would enjoy that.”
Meanwhile across town, Sara and Stephanie were entering the frat house. Stephanie waved to the boys in the living room who cheered their arrival. She led Sara upstairs to a bedroom which had been converted to a makeshift changing room. There were three other girls already there. They were fighting over one makeup table and sifting through the available lingerie. One of the girls, the aforementioned Nicki, handed Sara a stack of note cards. Sara looked at Nicki and thought she really could be beautiful if she tried a little harder. She certainly had an athletic body, her breasts were not huge, but they were firm and her face was pretty enough. She wore too much makeup, however, and her hair was a red curly rat’s nest. Sara instantly agreed with Stephanie’s assessment. The other two girls were classic cheerleader stereotypes. They were both blondes with tight bodies and very white smiles. Sara watched as the girls got ready and read through the cards. Each card was a description of a particular outfit and had a line for the name of who would wear it and the minimum opening bid. The girls each picked four outfits and laid them on the bed. Sara then had to match up the order of the cards with the order of the piles and write the girl’s name on the card. The girls were dressed in their first outfits about fifteen minutes later. There was a knock on the door and it opened before the girls could respond.
Sara was star struck as Tyrone entered the room. Stephanie’s description was accurate, but still Sara was not prepared for how his chiseled features would affect her. The four models lined up like a chorus line and awaited his approval. When Tyrone spoke, his baritone voice captivated Sara.
Tyrone: “OK girls, it is time to get started.”
He then turned his attention to Sara.
Tyrone: “Are you our MC for tonight?”
Sara (stammering): “Yes. My name is Sara.”
Tyrone: “Welcome. I assume you’ve been briefed about our little fundraiser.”
Sara: “Yes. Stephanie told be about past events. I think I have a good idea about what you want.”
Sara was trying to maintain eye contact with Tyrone, but her gaze was being drawn down to his crotch. He was wear loose fitting slacks and Sara was trying to sneak a peak at his cock. Tyrone noticed immediately where she was looking. He’d seen countless girls make the same maneuver.
Tyrone: “I don’t think you are worried about what I want. I can see from where you are looking exactly what you want.”
Sara blushed having been caught trying to sneak a peek.
Stephanie: “I told Sara all about you. She’s not interested. She belongs to Mistress Heather.”
Tyrone: “So do you, but we still fuck.”
Stephanie: “Yeah, but she’s married.”
Tyrone: “Even better. I’ve always wanted to corn hole a married white bitch and ruin her for her husband.”
Stephanie: “You’re bad. Let’s get the party rolling.
Sara heard the exchange, but did not venture and opinion. The girls walked into the hallway and just as she was about of cross the threshold, Tyrone grabbed her arm and held her back. Sara spun around to face him. Tyrone took a step back and pulled down the front of his pants. He wasn’t wearing underwear and Sara got a good look at his dick.
Tyrone (hypnotically): “That’s what you wanted to see, isn’t it? Don’t worry. It knows how to take care of a woman. Find me after the show and I’ll give you a personal demonstration.”
Sara knew she had to get out of the room… and fast. Just like how Stephanie had described his cock and the control it had over her, Sara could feel it pulling at her, almost willing her to drop to her knees and worship it. Sara spun around, clipping the edge of the door. Holding her shoulder to ease the pain, Sara ran down the hall to catch the girls as they descended the stairs. Her only hope was to concentrate on the fashion show and try to not think about Tyrone. Sara had almost forgot about the silver bullet humming away in her ass, but Tyrone’s offer of anal sex had her flexing her butt checks and reminding her of the toy’s presence.
Frank was sitting down at the poker table when Angela returned with his beer. She then moved from man to man repeating the process. Frank noticed that all of the other men took the opportunity to rub her butt. Angela just smiled like nothing out of the ordinary was happening. As the game began, Angela brought out a tray of snacks. She prepared a small plate for each person, delivering them in turn. Again as she moved around the table, she was squeezed, poked and prodded by the men. When she got back to Frank, she gave him a little wink and a nod of the head. Frank tentatively reached up to her backside, but was hesitant to touch her. Angela held the tray with one hand and grabbed his hand and pulled it under her apron. She positioned his hand on the front of her pussy and held it there while she rubbed herself up and down.
Angela: “We’re all friends here Frank. Don’t worry about offending me.”
She then dropped his hand and walked back to the table to prepare the next plate.
Jim: “As I told you, the host couple gets to choose the entertainment for the evening. Angela here is very attentive in serving drinks and snacks. Other wives do other things, but mainly we’re just here to relax and have a good time.”
Frank: “This is certainly the friendliest poker game I’ve ever been to.”
Sara caught up to the four lingerie clad models by the time they reached the bottom of the stairs. There was a roar of approval from the assembled drunken frat members in the living room. The girls all waved then headed into the dining room to await their turn. Sara wasn’t sure exactly how things were supposed to start. Tyrone entered the room and said that he would introduce her. Then all she had to do was introduce each girl and read the description of the outfit. Each girl would then walk around the room modeling the clothes and letting potential bidders get an up close look.
Sara: “I noticed some older people in the room as I walked passed.”
Tyrone: “The members can’t afford to spend too much so to earn more money, we invite trusted faculty members and a few of the local perverts. At homecoming our alumni fill the coffers, but in the spring we have to be more creative.”
Sara: “Local perverts, huh?”
Tyrone: “They’re harmless. They’re just willing to overpay for a lap dance from a co-ed basically. The professors tend to get a little wilder. They know they can’t touch these little sluts without fear of losing their jobs. But here, everybody is cool and we handle this event very discretely. Let’s go.”
Tyrone took Sara by the hand and led her into the living room. Sara estimated about 40 guys were positioned around the room with a small path down the center. By her count, maybe 25 were students and 15 were older. There was a small stage at one end of the room. This is where she was positioned.
Tyrone: “Gentlemen.”
There was wild applause and an air of anticipation floated in the room.
Tyrone: “Gentlemen, may I introduce Sara, your master of ceremonies for tonight.”
Again, the assembled crowd cheered. Sara began getting into being the MC as all eyes were on her. Her nipples started to harden and the incessant buzzing in her ass spread to her pussy.
Tyrone: “Just like last fall, we have 4 young ladies, who most of you are acquainted with. They are going to model a series of outfits for you. After you get a chance to view the item, Sara will take bids. The winning bidder will receive the outfit upstairs in a private ceremony with the model.”
Tyrone made sure to emphasize the word private and the younger boys giggled en-mass. The older gentlemen just nodded. That was why they were there after all.
Tyrone: “Let the festivities begin.”
Sara: “First up we have Nicki.”
Nicki strutted into the room in a very revealing merry widow ensemble. As Sara described the lingerie, Nicki pranced up and down the length of the living room. Some of the freshmen members, this being their first house fashion show, were nervous, but the upperclassmen took the opportunity to call Nicki over and feel her up under the guise of checking out the outfit. Some of the older men were more intrusive going as far as to pinch her nipples and rub her clit through the garment. Sara was not totally surprised by their conduct and wondered just what happened upstairs during the handover ceremony.
After everyone got a good look and feel of Nicki, Sara began the bidding. From an opening bid of $25, the winner finally paid $80 for the outfit and a view of Nicki as she removed it. Sara did some quick math in her head and figured $80 per outfit times 16 outfits was almost $1,300. Not bad for an hours worth of work.
After Nicki went upstairs with the winner, Stephanie and then the other girls took their turns. Bidding in the first round was pretty consistent. Each girl brought in between $75 and $100. As the round was ending, Sara noticed Nicki coming back downstairs, this time wearing a very cute baby doll nightie.
The process continued through the second and third rounds. Bidding did stay consistent, except if the item was a particularly sexy outfit. The air reeked of sex and Sara was very aroused.
Back at the card game, the first round was underway. Jim explained to Frank that they start with a $5/$10 blind and 15 minute rounds. Basically unless you play like a complete jerk, you can’t lose enough in the first hour to drop out. Angela finished serving the snacks and then made another round with drink orders. By now the game was starting to flow. Frank was not a hold ‘em expert, although he did know the basic concepts. Still he figured he would be one of the first out. When it was Dan’s turn to deal, he made an announcement while he was shuffling.
Dan: “Angela and I were trying to figure out what kind of entertainment to provide beyond her serving clothes. I trust everybody approved of that look? Good. One problem with hold ‘em is to play correctly means playing very tight most of the time. Even in our game where we are basically playing for bragging rights, the game is not as open as I would like. So honey if you would come back in here…”
Angela came in from the kitchen, only this time her apron had been removed. In its place, she now wore kneepads.
Dan: “Angela has agreed to provide a little incentive to our game. She is going to crawl under the table. When you win a hand, she is going to suck your cock. When the next hand is done, she will move on to that winner. So if you want your dick sucked more, you have to play more pots. It’s simple really. What does everyone think?”
Jim: “I think it is a fine idea.”
Frank: “I’m for it.”
Mike: “What do we get for winning the game?”
Dan: “I figured you would be the practical one in the bunch. While we are resetting for round two, the winner gets to take Angela in the bedroom.”
Jim: “Excellent. Now shut up and deal.”
Dan gave the cards a quick shuffle and Angela dropped to the floor and headed under the table. Frank wondered if all the entertainment was so good. He was completed focused on the game and was not thinking about what Sara might be up to.
Round three of the fashion show had concluded and the group took a short break to get more beer and use the bathroom. All four girls returned to the dining room wearing their sexiest outfits yet. Stephanie in particular was dressed for success. She had on a red fishnet catsuit which let her nipples poke through and did little to conceal her pussy. Sara concluded she would get the top bid of the night. Nicki was dressed in a leather corset and looked very intimidating. She could be a challenge to Stephanie. Sara watched as Tyrone paraded all four girls onto the stage. Sara wished she could join them and auction off her dress.
Tyrone: “Good work so far boys. We’ve collected over $1000 dollars so far based on these girls sexiness and your horniness. This is the last round. As is tradition, since the girls don’t have to run off to get their next outfit, if you’re nice, and by nice I mean you open your wallet, you may get to spend some extra quality time with them upstairs.”
Sara understood the code words perfectly. She would really be able to work up the bids now. For this round, the girls went in numeric order starting with the lowest earner. The two blonde bimbos would be going first and second. Sara was right about the bidding picking up. The first girl brought in $250 and the second $350 after bending over in front of one of her professors and spreading her ass cheeks. He made it clear he would not be denied and set the high bid mark of the auction. Leading his purchase up the stairs, it was clear he intended to get his money’s worth.
Stephanie was next and whispered into Sara’s ear that the professor has a reputation for having a spanking fetish. No doubt his purchase’s ass would already be across his lap. Sara creamed herself a little bit just thinking about it.
Sara refocused herself and began trying to sell Stephanie. She wanted Stephanie to win the competition and knew she would have to match the last bid at a minimum. Stephanie did her part making sure all the remaining professors and town gentlemen got up close and personal with her outfit, breasts and pussy. At one point, she was pulled across the lap of one of the town gentlemen who none-to-subtly rubbed his hand between her legs. He was a leering, disgusting looking man; Sara thought and really hoped he would be outbid. Tyrone was quickly at Stephanie’s aid and effortlessly lifted her off the man.
Tyrone: “Dude, you know you can’t do that unless you win. Now put your money where your hands are.”
Stephanie took the molestation in stride. Sara figured she was turned on enough by now not to care who was touching her. Sara started the bidding at $200 and the disgusting guy quickly took up the charge. Fortunately for Stephanie, or so Sara thought, a professor seemed more interested in her and ended up winning with a final bid of $425. As they disappeared upstairs, Nicki came out. Her corset drew the most applause of the night and Sara once again worried that she might beat out Stephanie as the top earner. Alas her bidding topped out at $300. Maybe she was just a little too scary in that outfit. All told the last round brought in more than the first three with a total of nearly $2500. Tyrone stood back up and thanked everyone for coming as a chorus of boos went through the room.
“What about the MC?” came a cheer. “How much is she?”
Sara blushed. She would happily sell herself right now, a fact she whispered into Tyrone’s ear.
Tyrone waved his hands to calm everyone down.
Tyrone: “Sara has agreed to raise some more money for the house. How willing are you to open your wallets?”
The crowd cheered again. Sara’s ego was raised. They wanted her and wanted her badly.
Tyrone: “Come with me young miss. Let’s find you an appropriate outfit.”
Frank was starting to find a rhythm in the card game. He had won the last three hands, two on a bluff and one on a set of fours. That meant Angela had been working his cock for the last six minutes or so. Frank had figured out quickly that since each hand lasts only a minute or two, you had to try to win a few in a row if you wanted to cum. He wasn’t sure, but he thought so far only Mike had been able to shoot. Usually the person was so distracted as Angela did her thing that they would make a stupid mistake in the next hand and lose. Jim, showing the crafty moves of a veteran, took an extra long time to shuffle the cards after he won the hand preceding his deal. Everyone took notice of this stall tactic and the person in front of the deal played until the river from then on. Alas Franks luck ran out at three and he lost the next hand and a sizable portion of his chips. He was now the short stack and was determined to only put them at risk when he had monster hand. Unfortunately he lost when his two pair was beat by a straight and he was done for the first round. Being a good soldier, he took over dealing duties so the game could speed up. After all, he was anxious for round two to begin. In the end, Dan and Jim were the last two standing. The blinds were so high that the short stack pretty much had to go all in if they wanted to play their hand. Each player pushed all in more than once, but fortune favored the underdog and the game continued. Finally Jim caught a lucky 9 on the river to bust Dan and take the first session. Angela crawled out from under the table looking none too worse for wear. She led Jim to the bedroom and the smokers headed outside for a quick fix and Dan reset the chips for round two.
Round 2 went pretty much the same way until two hours later; Dan and Frank were the two left standing. After sparing for a few hands, Dan pushed all his chips into the pot. Frank looked down at an Ace-9 suited and decided to take a chance. Calling, he flipped over his cards and watched with great anticipation as Dan flipped over a 7-2 off suite, the worst mathematical hand in hold ‘em.
Dan: “Nice call. I can have her anytime. Consider this a welcome to the game bonus.”
Frank: “Like I said earlier, this is the friendliest game I’ve ever played in.”
The flop was 7-8-2. Usually this would be garbage, but Dan looked like he was about to be paid off. Frank would need a miracle. The next card was another 8. This improved Dan’s hand to 7’s and 8’s, but also gave Frank a few outs. If a 9 or ace hit the board, his two pair would beat Dan’s. Frank watched as a card was burned and the river was flipped over. It was the 9 of spades. His good fortune and held up. Dan stood up and shook Frank’s hand.
Dan: “Congrats. I was actually rooting for you. Now go screw my wife. I’m sure she needs it.
Frank was giddy as a school boy as Angela took his hand and led him from the room.
Angela: “I was really hoping you would win. You have a nice sized cock. Not too big, not too small, but just right.”
Frank and Angela disappeared into the bedroom as the VP’s cleared off the table.
Dan: “Let’s give them 15 minutes and then we’ll go in and gangbang her. Agreed?”
In unison everyone agreed. As Mel Brooks said, “It’s good to be the king.”
Back at the Phi Sig house, Tyrone led Sara to a room behind the kitchen. Sara was watching his ass closely as he walked in front of her. She was concentrating too much, as it turned out, and she walked right into him when he stopped.
Sara: “Sorry about that.”
Tyrone: “No problem. Now that you’ve check out my front side and my back side, is there anything else I can interest you in?”
Sara: “I want to fuck you.”
Tyrone: “I know that. Every girl in the house tonight wants to fuck me. But we have rules about that sort of thing. Tonight only the top earner gets my dick. By my count, Stephanie is in the lead with $650. What are you going to do to beat that number?”
Sara thought for a while. She only had one chance, not four like the other girls. She doubted she could even top the highest bid so far let alone beat their cumulative totals.
Sara: “I don’t know. The big spenders have already made their purchases.”
Tyrone: “You are right about that. Only the cheapskates are left.”
Sara: “Do you have any suggestions?”
Tyrone smiled. This was the moment for which he had been waiting.
Tyrone: “Actually I do. We have a little tradition we use to end the night. Usually one of the girls is a little desperate to scratch an itch, if you catch my meaning, after they are done modeling. We have built a special contraption to help her find satisfaction.”
Sara: “I’m definitely looking for some satisfaction right now. My mistress put a vibrating egg in my ass before I left her and it’s been driving me nuts all night.”
Tyrone: “I wondered by you seemed to shake your ass so much.”
Tyrone seemed distracted for a minute, obviously thinking about Sara’s ass.
Tyrone: “Anyway… I can put you in the box. There is a vibrator and some nipple stimulation involved and the brothers will donate money to your cause.”
Sara: “I think I need to see this box. Am I on display while I masturbate or something?”
Tyrone: “Something like that. Are you game?”
Sara: “Show me the box first.”
Tyrone moved to the corner of the room and pulled a canvas drop cloth off a big rectangular object.
Tyrone: “This is the box.”
Sara looked closely at her fate. The box was about five feet long, three feet wide and four feet high. It was certainly large enough for her to fit. She had expected the sides to be clear, but they looked like regular plywood. Except for one round hole in the front, it was solid. The box was on casters to make it easy to move and the top was hinged.
Sara: “Can I look inside?”
Tyrone: “Of course.”
Sara opened the top. The inside was padded all around. In the middle of the floor was a short bench about 6 inches tall. Sticking through the bench was a shape Sara was familiar with, the business end of a Hitachi magic wand. Sara loved her magic wand. Sold as an electric massager, woman had long ago found it to be most enjoyable when placed against their sensitive spots. The power cord ran to a control box of some kind. Sara traced a wire from the control box up to the box’s top where she found two buttons. One was marked good and one was marked bad.
Sara: “What are the buttons for?”
Tyrone: “As you might have guessed, the good button is attached to the power lead of the massager. When you are in the box, someone on the outside can press the button and turn on the massager.”
Sara: “And the bad button?”
Tyrone: “Well, that leads to capacitor which holds a small electrical charge which gets applied to some part of your body. Not a big charge, mind you, but kind of like putting a 9v battery on your tongue.”
Sara: “So I just sit there and let you guys shock and tease me for cash?”
Tyrone: “Pretty much.”
Sara: “Pretty much?”
Tyrone: “That and you need to suck our cocks through the hole.”
Sara instantly had a flashback to the video booth in at The Vault.
Sara: “So I suck you guys off and you buzz my clit and shock me with electricity. That doesn’t sound like a very good deal.”
Sensing Sara’s reluctance, Tyrone knew he had to act fast. The house members looked forward to this event. The competition aspect was just a way to prime one girl to agree to their game. Fortunately Frank knew Sara’s weakness. He just had to apply a little incentive. Frank dropped the front of his pants again. This time he took his penis and started slowly stroking it in plain sight of Sara.”
Tyrone: “I know how much you want this Sara. I’m giving you a good chance to earn it. Last fall the brothers contributed $750 to the box. If you take care of my brothers now, I’ll take care of you later.”
Sara didn’t even wait for him to finish his statement. She started taking off her dress as soon as she saw his cock. She then walked back to the side of the box and climbed in. Tyrone put his cock away, happy that he still had his gift with women. He stood beside the box and instructed Sara about how to position herself. He then pulled some thin wires from a container next to the box. Each had a plug which snapped into the control box. On the other end was an alligator clip. Without ceremony, he clipped one on each of Sara’s nipples. She had to bit her lip to keep from yelling out.
Next from the box he pulled a similar wire and connected it to the control box. Instead of an alligator clip, it terminated in a small nub which Tyrone slid inside an adhesive sleeve. This one went behind the ball of the magic wand and over Sara’s clit.
Tyrone: “We’re almost ready.”
Sara was fidgeting against the magic wand ready for it to work its charm.
Finally Tyrone produced a leather collar and cuff set. Sara’s hands were secured behind her back and the collar was clipped to a ring in the front of the box. Sara was now bent over forcing her pussy onto the wand’s ball and keeping her mouth next to the hole.
Sara: “I think I’m changing my mind, let me out of here.”
Tyrone: “You say that now, but we both know you are the kind of woman this box was build to hold. Have fun.”
Sara heard Tyrone pull the top back on and heard a padlock attached. She had really done it to herself this time. Her overheated pussy had talked her into agreeing to prostitute herself just to get stuffed by a big dick. Ok, a huge dick, but even so, she was going to turn pro tonight and there was no going back.
Sara sensed Tyrone leave the room. She expected him to avail himself of her services first, but perhaps he was waiting for the winner to be declared. Sara heard someone else enter the room. She prepared her mouth for the assault to begin, but what pleasantly surprised when the magic wand kicking into motion. Sara gave a loud moan, assuming that was what the boy wanted to hear. Then as fast as it turned on, it turned off.
Voice: “Just making sure you’re really in there. Do this right and I’ll turn it on again.”
Sara couldn’t really see the boy’s cock slide into the hole, but she soon felt the tip against her lips. Sara though of herself as a glory hole pro after her experiences at The Vault and quickly dispatched the probable freshman. True to his word, he turned the wand back on as he came showering her throat with cum.
Back at the poker game, Frank had just finished depositing a load of cum himself. Only instead of in his wife, it was on his colleague’s wife’s tits. Angela had given him a fine blow job and then insisted that he do her missionary. Frank slumped back down on the bed next to her after he was done.
Frank: “So is this how all the poker games go?”
Angela: “Not all of them. It’s just what I like to do. I’m sure my husband promised the rest of the guys a crack at me. They will be coming through the door any minute.”
Frank: “And you don’t mind?”
Angela: “Would your wife mind?”
Frank: “No, I guess not. I’m still kind of new to this type of relationship.”
Angela: “Don’t sweat it. We both had fun and nobody got hurt. If you can get it up again, I’d be happy to service you another time.”
The door opened and the other four men walked inside.
Dan: “Ready for more honey?”
Angela: “I was just asking Frank the same question. Let’s go boys. Mama wants to cum.”
Back in the box, Sara was visited by a string on anonymous cocks. Most of the boys were content to turn on the wand and hear her moan. One even was rewarded to hear her climax. A few preferred the electric shock method. As they clicked the bad button, an electric pulse would shoot across her nipples and clit. Sara didn’t care if it was only the power of a 9v battery. It hurt. More importantly it killed her buzz, no pun intended, the magic wand was giving her. A few of the boys pulled out as they shot so Sara’s face and neck was now dripping with cum. Sara lost track of how many people visited her in the box and had no idea about how much money she was generating. She was working her tail off servicing these boys and trying to reach orgasm on the wand. The battery on her butt vibrator eventually died leaving her ass feeling lonely. Sara thought for the next fashion show, an anal vibrator should be added to the box.
Finally Sara felt the box start rolling along the floor. Although the darkness was disorienting, she determined she was heading back to the living room.
Tyrone: “How are you doing in there Sara?”
Sara: “Did I make enough money?”
Tyrone: “You’re about $100 short.”
Sara: “Damn. Who else can I suck?”
Tyrone: “You sucked practically the whole house. I don’t think anybody can get it up right now.”
Sara: “You can hold up the results for a while.”
Tyrone: “Sorry doll. Rules are rules.”
Sara: “How about if I donate $150 dollars?”
Tyrone: “That wouldn’t be fair to the other girls.”
Sara was silent. All her work was for nothing. Then she heard Tyrone talking to somebody else, but couldn’t make out what he said.
Tyrone: “I’ve got one more way for you to earn your keep. Are you up for it?”
Sara was skeptical, but she’d come this far.
Sara: “What is it?”
Tyrone: “I bet you are pretty horny right now?”
Sara was not going to do all the guys again. That was for sure.
Sara: “You know I am.”
Tyrone: “We’ll let you out of the box if you agree to put on a masturbation show for us. Each guy will contribute another $5. That will put you $5 ahead of Stephanie for top earner.”
Sara: “All I have to do is masturbate? No more blow jobs, no Shetland pony, nothing weird?”
Tyrone: “Well…”
Sara had heard that before.
Tyrone: “The guys want you to use a carrot on yourself. Is that too weird?”
All things considered, Sara figured she was getting off lightly.
Sara: “OK, unlock this thing.”
Sara heard the lock being removed and suddenly bright light flooded the crate. Sara squinted as she looked upward at the boys unlocked her arms and unclipped her collar. They also carefully removed the nipple clips and pulled the adhesive patch from her clit. Like gentlemen, they helped lift her over the edge of the box and onto the floor.
Boy: “Man, it stinks in that box. You must have been having fun.”
Sara would not have exactly said fun, but her juices were flowing freely. Tyrone shut the top of the box and threw a padded mat over the top. He lifted Sara and placed her on top. She handed Sara a carrot, a pickle and a cucumber. The other girls were starting to filter down from the upstairs bedrooms. They were all dressed the same as when they came to the house and all looked fresh and clean.
Sara, on the other hand, was lying on her back on top of the box with one hand working her breasts and one hand furiously frigging her pussy.
Stephanie: “What is going on? Shit I was supposed to watch out for you.”
Tyrone: “This was her choice. She needed to earn another $100 to take the top prize.”
Stephanie: “I’m sure you had nothing to do with this. Who came in second?”
Tyrone: “You did.”
Stephanie: “Damn you Sara. You owe me.”
Sara heard nothing but the beat of her heart as she tried to make herself cum. A chant started circulating around the room for Sara to use the veggies. The wildness of the situation started to drive Sara’s actions. If it was veggies they wanted, it was veggies they were going to get.
Sara started with the carrot. She sat up on the box and began stroking the carrot like it was a cock. This drove the boys wild. They started chanting for Sara to fuck the carrot. Sara obliged them and slid it effortlessly into her wet pussy. The carrot was fairly narrow which gave Sara an idea. She lay back down and lifted her legs in the air.
Sara: “Could a couple of you nice boys hold my legs like this?”
Four boys stood up immediately and raced over to Sara. The first two each took hold of one of her legs and pulled them apart exposing a carrot filled pussy and puckered asshole for the entire world to see. Sara reached down and pulled out the now dead vibrating egg wire. She tugged on the wire until the chrome outline appeared.
Boy: “Damn, she had something up her ass!”
Sara laughed to herself. That boy has a lot to learn about women. Sara continued tugging until the egg popped free. She then removed the carrot from her pussy and slid it into her ass. She then took the pickle and began to fuck her pussy with it. Sara continued to play with her breasts with one hand while she pickle fucked herself with the other. Suddenly she felt the carrot start to move. Tilting her head up, she noticed Stephanie had taken control of the carrot. Sara began to feel the waves of orgasm being to fill her body.
Stephanie: “Not yet missy.”
Stephanie pulled the pickle from Sara’s pussy and brought it around to Sara’s mouth.
Stephanie: “I believe the brother’s paid for all the vegetables to be used.”
After depositing the pickle in Sara’s mouth, she forced the cucumber into Sara’s waiting pussy. Sara gasped a bit as she wasn’t quite ready for its girth.
Stephanie: “If you think you are going to fuck Tyrone, you better be able to handle this cucumber.”
Sara was now sliding the pickle in and out of her mouth with one hand and rubbing her clit with the other as Stephanie fucked both her holes.
Tyrone: “Hey Steph. You should stick that cucumber up her ass. That is where I’m going to take her and you can help her get ready.”
Sara looked back up as she felt the cucumber and carrot leave her body. She saw Tyrone give a signal to the boys holding her legs and they immediately pushed her legs back to her chest and held down her shoulders. Sara cried out in pain as Stephanie forced the cucumber into her backside.
Tyrone: “This is what you wanted baby. My cock will be there soon so you better get ready.”
Once the cucumber was in place, Stephanie began blowing over Sara’s clit. This drove her wild and she begged Stephanie to make her cum.
Stephanie: “You’re going to pay me back for stealing Tyrone tonight aren’t you?”
Sara: “Of course. Just finish me off!”
The boys snickered at the perverse show they were watching.
Stephanie began licking Sara’s clit. This sent Sara off like a rocket. Once again her orgasm consumed her as her screams bounced off the living room walls. Sara felt the veggies being removed and her legs being released. The assembled crowd was cheering.
On unsteady legs, Sara rolled herself off the box and then hugged Stephanie. The boys were chanting “kiss, kiss, kiss” so Stephanie gave Sara a deep French kiss. Sara was in no condition to resist.
Tyrone: “We’ve only got one more thing left on the agenda for tonight. Sara, please bend over the box and present your ass to me.”
Sara: “I’m ok, don’t worry about it. You can do Stephanie instead.”
Tyrone: “I wasn’t asking, bitch. I have not had satisfaction tonight and I’m going to claim your ass. You’ll be begging for my cock before we are done and you’ll soon be another loyal little sister to the house.”
Sara looked to Stephanie for support, but she was still a little pissed about Sara stealing her man for the night. In a fit of payback, Stephanie dropped to her knees and fished Tyrone’s cock out of his pants.
Stephanie: “Let me get you hard for her.”
Stephanie began sucking his cock. She had lots of practice while they had been together and she remembered every instruction he had given her. Within a minute, he was at full staff. Stephanie then stood up and pushed Sara over the box.
Stephanie: “Tyrone gave you an order. Present you ass now.”
Sara reached behind herself and spread her ass cheeks. She loved the way Stephanie was treating her. She felt Stephanie spit into her ass crack and then felt her finger pushing its was into her ass. After the cucumber, Stephanie’s finger found no resistance. She was really doing it for the benefit of the boys who were cheering again. Tyrone pushed Stephanie out of the way and placed his cock head at the entrance to Sara’s backdoor.
Tyrone (hissing): “Are you ready for me, bitch?”
Not waiting for an answer, Tyrone began pushing his cock into Sara’s ass. Sara was glad Stephanie had put the cucumber there because she was a little stretched out already. Sara tried to relax enough to surrender her ass to Tyrone, but it was difficult. She tried to think back to anal pornos she had watched. Those girls obviously could take that much cock in their back side so it must be possible.
Tyrone kept up a steady pressure on Sara not stopping to pull out even a little bit. The brothers watched in awe as their leader’s monster cock disappeared into Sara. Once he was all the way in, he slapped Sara’s right butt cheek. The sound reverberated off the walls. The boys cheered again.
Tyrone: “Congratulations, you took the whole thing. Most girls have to work up to 10 inches in their ass. Not you.”
Sara wasn’t sure if that was really a compliment. She was skewered like a pig on a spit. Tyrone told the boys to hold Sara still as he began to pull his cock back out. The two boys who had been holding her legs, this time took up positions in front of Sara and held her arms. Two other boys dropped to the floor and each grabbed an ankle. Sara was effectively held spread eagled, except her torso was bent 90 degrees.
Tyrone began to go to town on Sara’s ass. The sounds of a man pounding a woman filled the room. All the boys were in awe of Tyrone’s talents, as was Sara. She definitely wished Tyrone could be part of her regular mix of lovers. Sara was making sounds only heard in a bad porno.
Tyrone: “Hey Steph, why don’t you rub the chick’s clit? I want to feel her cum.”
It was the kind of command Stephanie had no problem obeying. She snuck between the two boys holding Sara’s legs and started to finger fuck her and rub her clit. Sara went into overdrive. As Stephanie began speeding up her actions, she felt the boys on either side of her begin to rub her tits. She didn’t know them and didn’t care. She was focus on Sara and her up close and personal look at Sara’s ass. Stephanie was amazed at Tyrone’s cock sliding in and out of her friend’s ass. Even though she had been in this exact position last homecoming and had seen Tyrone fuck lots of girls, she was always amazed at the ability of a woman’s ass to take such and assault. For Sara’s sake, she hoped Tyrone finish quickly. She knew Tyrone could last almost indefinitely in a girl’s pussy or in her mouth, but in Sara’s ass being urged on by the crowd, she was optimistic her would blow soon.
Stephanie continued to work Sara’s pussy and clit hoping to make her cum and inspire Tyrone to do the same. The two boys working over her breasts were starting to excite her. Looking to her left and right, she could tell they were hard. Stephanie nastily hoped they would pull out their cocks and force them in her mouth.
After a few more minutes, Sara’s screams had reached a passionate peak and she let go in an orgasm much stronger than the one she had on top of the box. As Stephanie had hoped, Tyrone buried his cock as deep as he could and held it motionless. Stephanie knew he was about to make a large deposit in the anal bank of Sara. Stephanie pulled her fingers back as Sara lay quivering on the box. Before she could stand, Tyrone grabbed her hair and pulled her head back. Pulling his cock out of Sara, he slid it into Stephanie’s mouth and instructed her to clean him. Stephanie reveled in the feeling of her mouth full of Tyrone once again. The two boys who had been holding Sara’s legs now stood up; their pants tent poled in admiration. Stephanie reached a hand toward each of them and began to rub the front of their pants.
Satisfied with her cleaning job, Tyrone pulled his cock from her mouth and tucked it back inside his pants. He gave Sara a slap on the ass. Don’t go anywhere, young lady he instructed. Sara had not moved since their mutual orgasm. A little bit of Tyrone’s cum began to leak from Sara, but from her viewpoint, Stephanie could tell the majority was too far inside her to go anywhere just yet.
Stephanie turned her attention to the boy on her left and slipped his cock from his pants. Released from its denim prison, his cock sprung into the air and then quick became captured by Stephanie’s mouth. As Stephanie began to work his dick, she heard Tyrone tell the boy not to cum in her mouth. When he was ready, he should add his cum to Tyrone’s load in Sara’s ass. The boy liked this idea so much, he quickly pulled out of Stephanie and rammed his cock into the compliant Sara. Stephanie turned her attention to the second boy, but from the corner of her eye she watched the first boy stiffen and climax. Dumb freshman, she thought. Always cumming to fast.
Steph did her best to work the second boy to a quick climax. Sara still wasn’t really moving and she was worried about her. Soon after, the second boy pulled back and walked over to Sara to make his contribution to the cum soup cooking in her ass. By this time, a few more boys had walked over, each sporting a hard package in their pants. The others seemed content to watch having already blown their loads into one of the girls tonight. Stephanie saw Nicki take the hand of one of the boys and head back to the stairs. She then saw another cock forced into her face.
Stephanie dutifully serviced four more boys and watched as they continued to fill Sara’s ass. She was becoming more animated, although Stephanie doubted she really knew where she was any more. Too many orgasms and a reamed out ass will do that for a girl. Stephanie heard Tyrone spank her again and tell her to hold still for just a few more minutes. At last the line of boys was done and Stephanie stood back up. She walked around to where she could see Sara’s face.
Stephanie: “Are you already?”
Sara (dreamily): “I’m fine. I’m just resting a bit.”
Tyrone gave Sara one more slap on her ass.
Tyrone: “We’re almost done slut. Just one more task. We have to clean you out before we send you home to your husband.”
Tyrone was holding a six foot clear plastic tube. It had a rubber ball in the center. Stephanie instantly was worried about what he had in mind. The tube, Tyrone explained was a siphon. He unceremoniously stuck one end up Sara’s ass, snaked it under her legs and put the other end in her mouth.
Tyrone: “Start sucking”
Sara was in no position to argue and Stephanie was too fascinated to register any complaints. This was a new trick Tyrone never had her perform. Stephanie wondered how he came up with this one as she watched him pump the ball until the cum started flowing out of Sara’s ass and eventually into her mouth like a giant silly straw.
All told Sara sucked a lucky number 7 loads of jizz out of her ass. It was a disgusting task, but one that would fuel Sara’s fantasy life for months to come. She was already looking forward to homecoming.
Sara and the other girls received a standing ovation from the fraternity brothers for their helpful service. Sara was thankful that Stephanie had driven since she was in no condition to operate a motor vehicle. The two drove back to Heather’s house in silence. Stephanie was interested in learning how it felt to be assfucked by Tyrone, but figured it could wait until Sara was more with it.
Sara just lay in the passenger seat, her ass sore from the reaming, but satisfied at the same time. Back at Mistress Heather’s house the two made a full accounting of their evening and Heather told them of the overall boring time she had at her husband’s event. “I didn’t even have one orgasm,” she complained. Both Stephanie and Sara expected an order to service their mistress, but Heather said they had performed enough for one night and sent them home.
Frank’s sister Connie had arrived at their house a few hours earlier. Sara’s perception that she might be gay was not far off. Connie was straight, as far as she knew, but she was definitely bi-curious. In fact, this trip’s supposed purpose to go to a Cubs game with friends was just a ruse. Connie was trying to get up the nerve to go to a lesbian club and let herself be picked up. If she embarrassed herself, she theorized, nobody would know her here. Or worse yet, if somebody she knew was at the club, she would certainly die of embarrassment and the odds of that happening seemed remote.
Connie had a string of male lovers, but always felt something was missing. The men never really satisfied her and emotionally were not a good match. She always had to get herself off after they were done and for the last year had simply removed the middleman and relegated herself to masturbating. While she learned many ways to make herself cum, her emotional need to connect to a partner was becoming more and more pronounced.
While waiting for Frank and Sara to return, Connie booted up Sara’s computer to further research the nearby lesbian clubs. Connie had been trying to get up the nerve to make this trip for months. She knew everything about every club in the Chicago area but still was trying to convince herself a one-night, or one-day stand was the best course of action for her. She also logged onto her favorite erotic story websites looking for new tales of lesbian debauchery.
Connie, having found a particularly juicy tale, launched Sara’s email program so she could send the link back to her house. After hitting send, Connie clicked on the Sent Items tab to make sure her message went out. What she found was a complete surprise. Connie never liked Sara that much. She thought her brother could have found a more suitable mate and never pictured Sara as very adventurous. As Connie began reading copies of the emails Sara had wrote to Mistress Heather, she discovered that her perceptions were obviously wrong. Not only that, but Connie also found herself getting aroused. Her curiosity peaked, Connie began searching through Sara’s computer eventually finding the videos Sara had downloaded and even the ones with Sara as the star. Connie had never given bondage and discipline any thought before, she thought it was sick. But reading of her sister-in-laws submission and seeing video of her tied up had her pussy dripping. Connie watched the videos over and over while rubbing her clit. She even went back to her story websites and actively sought out submission themed stories. Connie lost track of how many orgasms she gave herself. She kept servicing herself until she heard the garage door begin to go up. In a panic, she quickly shut down the computer. She did not have time to try and cover her tracks. Pulling her pants up, she ran to the guest bedroom and flopped on the bed. She grabbed a book off the shelf without even looking at the title and pretended to be reading.
Connie heard footsteps coming up the stairs and then saw her brother’s face peeking around the door.
Frank: “Hey sis. You still up?”
Connie: “Just waiting for you to get home. I didn’t want to be a complete freeloader and just crash here without saying hello.”
Frank: “You are always welcome here. You know that.”
Connie: “Well now that you’re home, I’m going to hit the sack.”
Frank: “Ok. Sleep well. Breakfast is about 8. Sara usually goes running at 9 with a friend.”
Connie: “See you in the morning.”
Frank shut the door and headed to his bedroom. Connie jumped up and locked the door, then removed all her clothes. Although her needs had been temporarily sated, her pussy still demanded attention. She loved her brother and the thought of his wife cheating on him drove her crazy. Connie fantasized about spanking Sara’s ass until it was bright red and then forcing her to eat her pussy until her tongue cramped. In Connie’s mind, Sara had the experience she needed to find out if a woman could bring her the satisfaction she had been dreaming of. Connie also wanted to tell her brother what a slut he married and get him to move on once and for all.
Connie climaxed again, her imagination running wild. She decided to confront Sara when she got home and see where things led. Connie wasn’t ready to come out of the closet yet, but if Sara offered her services in exchange for not telling Frank (at least temporarily) then what was the harm. Connie took a quick shower to rinse away the smell of an evening of masturbation and put on her favorite nightie. Connie’s mind was a whirl with the possibilities of what was to come. She would ask Sara to come into the bedroom. Connie knew she looked great in this nightie. Sara would be overcome with passion and would agree to her scheme. What could go wrong?
Connie sat on the bed playing out her scenario in her head. The more she thought, the more aroused she became. Her previous orgasms were a distant memory as her complete focus now was her seduction of Sara. At last, she heard the garage door. Quietly, Connie opened the door a few inches. Making sure Sara could see the dressing area near the closet; Connie slipped the nightie down past her boobs. She knew Sara would say hello and wanted to give her an “accidental” flash. Connie waited unsure if she really had the guts to go through with her plan.
Sara: “Hi Connie.”
Connie turned toward the door pretending to be just slipping her nightie on. She made sure to give Sara an eyeful, although she noted Sara did not give any reaction.
Connie: “Hi Sara. Sorry, I just took a shower and was getting ready for bed.”
Sara walked into the room and gave Connie a hug. See immediately noticed the feminine odor geminating from her sister-in-law. “Just got out of the shower… right,” Sara thought. Sara made sure to hold her hug a little longer than necessary for a sisterly embrace. She could tell Connie was holding her in a non-friendly way. To Sara, this confirmed what she long suspected about Connie.
Connie broke the hug and stepped back from Sara. Walking over to the door, she shut it and locked it.
Connie: “Look. I know you have been cheating on my brother. My god, where have you been tonight? You smell like a sperm factory. Frank has already gone to bed, but in the morning I am going to tell him.”
Sara wondered what Connie’s plan was so she decided to play along.
Sara: “Please don’t tell him. He would be devastated.”
Connie: “I love him too much. He has to know what kind of woman he married.”
Sara: “It was just a one time thing. It will never happen again.”
Connie: “Give me a break. I’ve read your emails and I saw your videos. You have a mistress.”
All of a sudden things clicked for Sara. If Connie had read her emails and watched her movies, that must be the cause for her excitement.
Sara: “What would it take for you to keep quiet?”
Connie: “If I really knew you were sorry, maybe I could let it slide”
Sara: “I am sorry. How can I make you believe me?”
Connie paused to ponder the question. In her mind, she already knew as she had played it out all night, but she wanted Sara to think she was being spontaneous.
Connie: “I want to spank you. Based on your emails you seem to get punished that way a lot. If I believed you were really sorry because I punished you, then I think I could keep this our little secret.”
Sara (sheepishly): “OK”
Connie watched as Sara moved toward the bed. Her mind was reeling with her successful seduction and she didn’t notice as Sara spun around and grabbed her wrist. Within seconds Sara was sitting on the edge of the bed and Connie found herself across Sara’s lap. Sara painfully twisted Connie’s arm behind her back.
Sara: “Give me your other arm or I’ll break this one.”
Connie: “Let me up this instant. This isn’t what I was talking about.”
Sara: “Give me a break. My emails got you wet. I can smell it. If you think I’m going to let you spank me just to shut you up, you’ve got another thing coming. Now give me that other arm.”
Sara bent Connie’s first arm up higher on her back. “Any more and it’s going to break,” she taunted. Connie finally acquiesced, at least temporarily feeling defeated. Sara took both wrists in her left hand and used her right to draw her finger across Connie’s pussy lips.
Sara: “You are a wet one, aren’t you?”
Connie didn’t respond.
Sara: “That’s ok. I know a thing or two about a wet pussy. You obviously became horny reading my emails. How about I turn you into my sub instead of the other way around?”
Connie: “Don’t count on it. I don’t take orders from whores.”
Sara: “We’ll see.”
Sara began to spank Connie. By Sara’s standards, it was not a hard spanking, just enough to warm up Connie’s butt and humiliate her a bit. Sara was careful to tease Connie’s pussy just a little, but never give her any real satisfaction. Sara had learned her mistress’ lessons well and wanted to keep Connie on the edge. As soon as she had Connie purring like a kitten, Sara began to increase both the tempo and force of her spanking.
Sara: “You’ve been a naughty girl reading my emails. You like girls don’t you? You need to be punished don’t you?”
Connie: “Let me up bitch, I don’t like this!”
Sara: “Your pussy is telling me a different story.”
Connie: “I’m telling Frank in the morning what a terrible woman he married.”
Sara: “I don’t think you will. You are enjoying yourself too much. If you tell me you won’t tell him, I’ll rub your little clitty until you cum. How about that?”
Connie paused as if she was thinking. She was definitely going to tell her brother, but another orgasm sounded like a great idea right about now.
Connie: “OK, you win. I’ll keep my mouth shut.”
Sara: “Good choice.”
Sara let go of Connie’s arms and began rubbing her sore ass with her left hand. With her right hand, she plunged two fingers into Connie’s sopping wet pussy. Connie gasped at the sudden intrusion, but quickly began wiggling her butt spurring Sara to increase her speed. After a couple of minutes, Sara ordered Connie to stand up. She walked her over to the mirror to show her how red her ass had become. Giving Connie two more swats, Sara told her that “bad girls get spankings.” Sara then turned Connie around so she was facing the mirror and began vigorously rubbing Connie’s clit.
Sara: “And good girls get to cum. Do you want to be a good girl or a bad girl?”
Connie’s legs were weakening as she felt her orgasm near.
Connie: “I want to be a good girl.”
Sara: “Of course. Good girls spread their legs.”
Connie did as she was told. Sara now reached both arms around Connie, her right working Connie’s clit and her left finger fucking the now quivering woman. It didn’t take long. Soon Sara felt Connie’s pussy contract around her fingers as Connie clenched her pelvic muscles and came hard. As she was shaking, Sara directed Connie back to the bed and laid her down.
Sara: “Tomorrow you can return the favor.”
Sara turned and walked out of the door, switching off the lights on her way.
Connie lay in the bed enjoying the afterglow of the best orgasm of her life. If this is how women make love, she was definitely playing for the wrong team, she thought. She still didn’t like Sara and still was going to protect her brother, but she did have a new respect for Sara and her carnal abilities. If Sara’s mistress made her cum like that, she at least partially understood why Sara would be cheating on her brother.
Sara went straight to her computer and sent an email to Mistress Heather telling her about what happened since Sara had left her home. She was expecting her mistress in the morning for their weekly run and wondered what might happen if Connie wasn’t out of the house by then. Sara then took a quick shower to wash away the fraternity smell. Sara had grown accustomed to her smell on the way home and could have waited, but in deference to Frank, she wanted to be clean when she crawled into bed.
The morning broke too few hours later. Sara woke up stiff and sore. Frank was still sound asleep, so Sara decided to make breakfast. Wearing her silk pajamas, Sara started brewing a pot of coffee, making toast, frying up some bacon and scrambling some eggs. Both Frank and Connie woke to the wonderful smells of a hot breakfast and rapidly made their way to the kitchen. Frank didn’t notice the icy stare between Connie and Sara as they both sat down at the table. Sara began serving their plates. Connie started in immediately.
Connie: “Frank, I hate to be the one to tell you this, but Sara is cheating on you.”
Sara, standing behind her, just smirked. Holding her hand up where Frank could see it, she made a circle with her fingers and pumped her hand back and forth in front of her mouth. Frank recognizing the international sign for blowjob smiled.
Frank: “Connie, I know all about Heather. In fact we share her affections. I am 100% behind Sara’s change in attitude.”
Connie: “I don’t get it. You know?”
Frank: “Of course I do. Sara does whatever I tell her to do and from time to time we enjoy sharing another beautiful woman together. Isn’t that right honey?”
Frank was lying a little bit. He wasn’t about to admit his culpability in sleeping with other women.
Sara: “That’s right dear. I’m happy to do whatever you want.”
Sara made the blowjob gesture again.
Connie: “But it’s more than just one woman. Sara went to a frat party last night.”
Frank:”I’m sure she just had some innocent fun. That’s all this is about. We’re just having fun.”
Sara: “I did have fun. Did you have fun at your poker game?”
Frank: “I did. Dan and his wife were great hosts. We need to talk about hosting one of the upcoming games.”
Sara: “No problem. I would like to meet your new coworkers.”
Connie was stunned. She finally thought her brother would be fed up with Sara, but now they were talking like nothing was wrong and their marriage was stronger.
Frank: “Say Sara, you know what would be fun right now?”
Sara: “What’s that dear?”
Frank: “Well, you got home so late; I didn’t get my nightly blowjob. What don’t you crawl under the table and rectify that right now?”
Sara: “Sure thing lover.”
Sara gave Connie a catty look then dropped to her knees and crawled under the table. Frank was already hard as she took him into her mouth. Sara made sure to make lots of slurping noise and “ummm” sounds as she serviced him. She also made a point of rocking her ass back and forth to draw Connie’s attention. Connie sat speechless. She couldn’t see Frank’s penis, not that she wanted to, but Sara’s motions and Frank’s facial expressions left little to the imagination. Sara was really blowing her husband in front of his sister. Connie was both disgusted and intrigued. For his part, Frank was reliving Angela’s time spent under the poker table from the night before. In his mind, he could see Sara doing the same thing, moving from player to player sucking their cocks. Within a matter of minutes, be began pumping his load into his wife’s willing mouth. As spurt after spurt hit the roof and back of her mouth, Sara thought of a nasty finale to Connie’s blackmail attempt. Crawling back from under the table, Sara looked at the still shocked Connie. Sara grabbed the back of Connie’s head and pulled down on her hair. This forced Connie’s face to tip up. As Connie opened her mouth to begin to yelp, Sara covered her lips with her own and gave Connie a deep French kiss. As she did, Frank’s sperm fell into his sister’s mouth. Connie began gagging as she realized what Sara was doing.
Sara: “I figured you would like to be snowballed. Sorry about that.”
Connie (wiping the cum from her lips): “You are one sick bitch.”
Sara: “That’s why your brother loves me. Do you want to lick my pussy now in payback of my making you cum last night?”
Frank’s eyes opened wide. Apparently he had slept through quite a reunion last night. Before Connie could answer, the doorbell rang. The trio glanced at the clock. It was 9am and Heather, as always, was on time. Wanting to extricate herself from the situation as soon as possible, Connie said she would get the door. She ran out of the kitchen, still coughing and trying to wipe the taste of her brother off her tongue. Connie swung the front door open and was rendered speechless by the beautiful woman standing before her.
Heather: “Good morning, you must be Connie. Sara has told me so much about you.”
Connie still couldn’t speak. She was dumbstruck by Sara talking to her mistress about her. Obviously this woman knew what had happened the night before and how she shamelessly came on Sara’s hand. Sensing Connie reluctance, Heather walked past her looking for Frank and Sara. Connie followed Heather, marveling at her figure, into the kitchen.
Heather: “Good morning guys.”
Connie watched as Heather walked over to Frank and gave him a kiss. Heather then walked over to Sara and gave her a more passionate kiss.
Heather: “Tastes like somebody was busy this morning. Ready to go for our run?”
Heather gave Connie a flirty look as Sara said she just had to get dressed.
Heather: “Well get to it. I don’t have all day.”
Frank: “How are you feeling this morning, Heather?”
Heather: “I’m a little frustrated. Both my girls were busy last night and I had to attend a stupid company event with my husband.”
Frank and Heather continued making small talk. Connie couldn’t figure out how it came to pass that her husband and his wife could have gotten involved with such a woman. Sara returned in her running attire and she and Heather walked out of the house. Connie, her dreams of getting Frank to dump Sara dashed, walked upstairs to get dressed. She had to get out of the house. She returned to the kitchen carrying her bag.
Frank: “I hope you were not too freaked out by our new arrangement?”
Connie: “Well, I am, a little. I’ve got to meet my friends downtown (she lied) I’ll talk to you later. I’m not sure if I’m going to crash here tonight or head home after the game. I’ll have to see how many beers I have.”
Frank: “No problem. You’re always welcome here.”
Sara and Heather were just finishing their stretches as Connie walked out the front door. Sara rushed over to hug her.
Sara: “It was great having you here. Come back any time.”
Heather: “It was nice to meet you Connie. I hope I’ll see you again soon.”
Connie just nodded and walked over to her car. She sat in the driver’s seat trying to compose herself as she watched Heather and Sara beginning their run. Connie pulled the car out onto the street without a clear destination. She drove around the neighborhood trying to figure out where to go. She had her list of lesbian bars, but they would not be open yet. She had a list of clothing stores she had wanted to visit. After reading Sara’s exploits at the mall, she was tempted to go their and meet some of Sara’s other “friends.”
Connie’s thoughts kept drifting back to Heather and her schoolgirl like inability to talk to her. Connie replayed in her mind the stories Sara had written about. With a vision of Heather now burned into her brain, she understood why Sara would be powerless to resist her. If only Sara was as strong as Connie believed she was, she would be able to guard against the powerful woman. She knew her brother would go along with whatever Sara wanted, so Connie decided she had to talk to Heather and free Sara from her grip. Connie returned to Frank and Sara’s block and parked around the corner where she could still see Heather’s car but where she would not be recognized. Connie didn’t have to wait long as Heather and Sara returned from their run and went inside.
Frank: “Welcome back ladies.”
Sara: “Hi hon.”
Heather: “Sara told me about how your sister came on to her last night. She’s a hot little number.”
Frank: “I never thought of her that way and don’t plan to start doing so now.”
Heather: “Of course not. We need to discuss some plans I have for Sara.”
Frank: “What’s up?”
Heather: “As we talked about, I think she should get her breasts done.”
Sara: “We really can’t afford that.”
Heather: “That’s not a problem. The surgeon, who did mine, besides being the best cosmetic surgeon in town, is a professor at the University of Chicago. I’ve referred plenty of women to him so he owes me a favor. I know I can get him to do Sara’s augmentation at cost. If you and Sara agree to let him use photos of the procedure in class, I can probably get the university hospital to cut some of their fees too. I will make up the rest. It will be no cost to you.”
Sara and Frank liked the sound of that. Sara had never been to keen on the idea of having fake breasts, but Frank had been urging her in that direction ever since he first saw Heather.
Heather: “Second is the timing. It takes about two weeks to fully heal. In two months, I want to take Sara to the mistress / slave ball in Las Vegas. You can come with us Frank, but we will be busy most of the trip. If you want, I can see if Stephanie is free that weekend and you can take in the city with her. If you want to stay home, I’ll make other arrangements so you will not be lonely.”
Sara: “The mistress / slave ball?”
Heather: “You’ll love it. Doms and their slaves from all over the country go to Vegas once a year. We rent out a ballroom and have a big private party. There are prizes for the best costume, most attentive slave, best erotic dancer, and of course the queen of the ball.”
Sara did think that sounded fun, although she worried about Frank thinking it was too much too soon.
Frank: “I bet Sara would love that. I’ll go to Vegas. I can play poker and take in a show or two.”
Heather: “Great, that is settled then. Sara, we need to get in to see Dr. Bonner as soon as possible. I’ll call him today and see if we can see him Monday for your first consultation.”
Sara: “OK.”
Sara still wasn’t too sure about having surgery, but she knew it would make both her husband and mistress happy. What could be the harm of listening to the doctor?
Heather: “I’ve got to get going. Sara, I’ll give you a call when I get the appointment set. Have a great rest of the weekend.”
Heather then gave both Sara and Frank a passionate kiss and then left the house. Driving away, Heather noticed Connie’s car pull out from around the corner as she turned toward home. She had noticed the make and model when she had arrived. Heather was not surprised in the least. From Sara’s description of last night, she figured Connie for a closet submissive. Being in a playful mood, Heather drove all over town doing a series of errands she had not intended on doing just to see how persistent she would be. Each time Heather would park, she saw Connie pull into a nearby space and wait. Heather knew Connie must be working up the nerve to talk to her. Last night was probably her first lesbian experience. Heather had seen it all before. It was one of the reasons she fell so hard for Sara in the first place.
Eventually Heather tired of her game. She drove home and parked in the garage. She wondered in Connie would have the nerve to come to the door. Heather had been inside for about half an hour when the doorbell rang. “It’s about time,” she thought. “Now the games can really begin.”
Heather opened the door. A somewhat defiant looking Connie was standing before her.
Heather: “I was wondering when you would get out of your car.”
Back at Sara and Frank’s house, the subject of Sara’s breasts and going to Las Vegas was being discussed. Frank made a passionate case that Sara should get her breasts done, especially if there was a way for them not to pay for the augmentation. Sara could also sense he was intrigued conceptually by the mistress / slave ball Heather had described. Sara hoped he realized that if they went, she would not be frequently available to him. Heather had been very clear on that point. Sara really wanted to attend. Even though she didn’t have the details, she had been secretly dreaming about traveling with her mistress and about what kinky adventures they would have. In the end, both agreed to go along with the current plans. After all, their instincts had been good so far.
Late Saturday Heather called to tell Sara they had a 4pm appointment with Dr. Bonner. Sara was instructed to go to the gym as usual and to go to Heather’s house after she was done. She would be examined, so a button down blouse was preferred. Sara told Frank he was on his own for dinner Monday since she would be downtown.
All through her Monday workout, Sara was distracted wondering about her appointment that afternoon. As they took the train downtown, Heather gave little additional information. She did give Sara a few more details about Vegas saying she had previously won the costume competition with Andi, but that Andi had failed her during the obedience trials. That is why Andi was given to Maggie. Heather told Sara she expected Sara to do much better. Sara asked her mistress for more details, but Heather told her she couldn’t give her much. The ball was mostly a pageant. Heather had a costume designer who lived in Vegas. She had already given her a general outline of how she wanted Sara dressed, but didn’t know what the final design would look like. There would also be some kind of obedience and training tests given to prove the slaves love for their mistress. Heather warned Sara that the trials can be very intense. They vary from year to year and mistresses all agreed not to discuss past events. That way the slave’s true nature can be judged. The banquet hall would be closed to outsiders so expect some sex and nudity at the dinner, although most of the wild parties happen later in individual suites. Everyone would fly out on a Thursday morning. Sara would meet with the costumer that afternoon. Thursday night everybody goes out and tries to get to bed early. At least early for Vegas. Friday afternoon is spent getting ready. Cocktails at the ball start at 6 with dinner around 8 and the competition at 10. They get kicked out of the room at midnight when everybody pairs off with the people they met. Mistresses sometimes swap slaves, sometimes there is a group thing and sometimes a waitress finally comes to terms with her true nature and joins the festivities. Basically Friday night and Saturday are a carnal smorgasbord. From Friday noon until Sunday morning don’t expect to see Frank. We’ll fly home Sunday afternoon and you will need the next few days to recover.
Mistress Heather: “Vegas will be the most intense erotic experience of your life.”
Sara: “I like the sound of that. I only hope Frank will feel the same way when it was over.”
Mistress Heather: “Don’t worry. We’ll bring Stephanie and she will show him a good time. Hell, we can bring Andi too. He can have three-ways all weekend and be escorted around town by two beauties almost young enough to be his daughters. I’m sure that will keep us in his good graces.”
Sara and Heather walked the five blocks from the train to Dr. Bonner’s offices. Sara was not surprised to see framed poster sized pictures of large busted women prominently displayed on his office walls. Nor was she surprised by the busty receptionist at the desk. Her nametag said “Julie” and was clipped to her blouse atop her left breast. The position caused it to lie at a 45 degree angle and reflected a glare from the florescent lighting. Sara had to struggle to read the tag.
Julie: “Hi Heather. Dr. Bonner is expecting you. You two can go right in.”
Heather: “Thanks Julie. This is Sara, the perspective new patient.”
Sara extended her arm to shake Julie’s hand. It seemed like the thing to do. Julie responded by taking Sara’s hand, and after giving it a firm shake, she proceeded to draw her finger across the palm. She also delicately licked her lips.
Julie: “So nice to meet you. I’m sure you will love Dr. Bonner.”
Sara: “Thanks, I’m sure I will.”
Julie watched as Heather led Sara back to the offices. Julie loved watching the never ending parade of attractive women who came to see Dr. Bonner. With any luck, she would be seeing much more of the fair Sara.
Heather and Sara sat down in front of Dr. Bonner’s desk in his well appointed office. He obviously had a successful practice in addition to his teaching duties. Shortly after they sat down, an older woman, probably in her late 50’s, wearing a white lab coat entered the office.
Heather: “Hi Millie. How are things going?”
Millie: “Just fine Heather. Dr. Bonner will be right in to see you.”
Heather: “Millie is Dr. Bonner’s assistant. She runs the office and helps manage patient needs.”
Sara: “Nice to meet you Millie.”
Millie: “Nice to meet you too. So are you here for a new rack or what?”
Sara blushed at the forwardness of the older woman.
Heather: “Yes. I’ve told Sara how wonderful Dr. Bonner is and she decided he is the surgeon for her.”
Millie: “Well he certainly did a good job on you. Let me get you started on the medical history paperwork.”
Millie handed Sara a clipboard. The questionnaire was the typical medical record information on the front. On the back were questions of a more personal nature dealing with how many tattoos and piercing the patient had and even questions about sexual practices. As Sara was filling out the form, Millie and Heather talked about mutual acquaintances and what kind of breasts Heather wanted Sara to get.
Sara became distracted by a noise in the hallway leading to the office. She looked up just in time to see a very attractive woman exiting an examination room. The woman was about her age, maybe a little older, and was straightening her knee length skirt as she entered the hallway. Her sweater was also rumpled. Sara joked to herself that the woman looked like she just had a quickie.
As she was looking down the hallway, Sara saw a man, Dr. Bonner she presumed, also exit the examination room. He looked more put together, except that he was zipping up his pants. Dr. Bonner looked to be in his mid forties and was exceptionally handsome and distinguished. Sara found herself wondering how big his cock was. The man did not enter the office, but instead walked back up the hallway toward the reception area.
Sara turned back to Heather and Millie’s conversation. It didn’t seem like she missed much. She finished filling out the form and placed the clipboard on the corner of the desk. Millie picked it up, thanked Sara and said the doctor will be right in.
Sara sat on the edge of her seat. Her anticipation was building. She didn’t know exactly what to expect, but she was ready for anything. The man she saw exiting the examination room now entered the office. He had a file folder and Sara’s clipboard. He introduced himself to Sara as Dr. Bonner and said hello to Heather giving her a peck on the cheek.
Dr. Bonner: “How may I be of assistance today?”
Heather: “Sara is my new slave, Dr. Bonner. As you can see, although she has a nice chest, it is not up to my professional standards. We want to get her breasts done and we are under a little bit of a time crunch.”
Dr. Bonner: “What is the rush?”
Heather: “We’re going to Vegas in a couple of months, but I also want to show her off at a party in three weeks.”
Dr. Bonner: “Three weeks is a pretty tight schedule. Our techniques are less invasive than when I did your work, but even so I recommend two weeks to heal and get acclimated to the inserts. The earliest I could schedule the surgery is next Friday which is cutting things tight.”
Heather: “That is why we had to see you today.”
Sara noticed Heather beginning to flirt with the doctor to get him to see things her way.
Dr. Bonner: “What about any tattoos or piercing? I see on your chart that you don’t currently have any.”
Heather: “She’s going to get a tattoo, but I have not decided about piercing yet. It’s a pain to get through the TSA when you’ve got metal attached to your body. We may go with just clip-ons for now.”
Sara was surprised to here about the tattoo. She did not remember her mistress talking about one before.
Dr. Bonner: “I don’t recommend getting any tattoos during the recover period. There is too much risk of infection while the body is healing from the surgery. I also prefer not to operate on somebody recently tattooed or pierced for the same reason. I recommend you wait on the tattoo.”
Heather: “No problem. I need to find the right design anyway.”
Sara was pleased to hear that any tattoo was on hold, at least for now.
Dr. Bonner: “So what kind of breasts were you thinking of getting?”
Heather looked at Sara indicating she should answer.
Sara: “I don’t really know. Bigger, I guess. What are my choices?”
Dr. Bonner: “Well, there are many different sizes of implants. First, I need to examine your breasts so I can tell you what is possible. Then I have you look through photo books so you can browse and tell me what looks good. I’ll offer my opinion, but the final decision is yours. The procedure itself is fairly easy these days for a simple implant. If more reconstruction is needed, things get more complex and the recovery time goes up. You will have to wear a very sturdy bra during the recovery and should always have some support.”
Sara (blushing): “What about how they will feel, I mean, my nipples are very sensitive.”
Dr. Bonner: “I think I know where you are going. If I do it right, there will be no decreased sensation. In fact, some of my patients experience increased feeling, although that may just be because they feel more sexual in general.”
Sara: “What about pain during recovery.”
Dr. Bonner: “You’ll be under general anesthetic so you’ll sleep through the procedure. There will be swelling during the first week as your body’s immune system reacts to a foreign body inside your chest. Expect some pain in the beginning and general soreness for a week or so more. You will also be sore from some everyday tasks as you begin to exercise your muscles again as your body adjusts, but overall, the healing process is not too bad and generally is very manageable. On occasion your body’s defenses will reject an implant. Although rare, we would then have to remove it quickly. Also, although I do my best to design your breasts to your specifications, once we get inside, that sometimes is not possible. On rare occasions both breasts will not match or one nipple will not be centered the same as the other one. I don’t want to scare you. My success rate is considerably higher than others in my field, but the risk does exist. Do you want to continue?”
Sara: “Yes. Yes I do.”
Dr. Bonner: “Good. Let’s go to an examination room and see what we are working with.”
Dr. Bonner called out for Millie to grab a camera and meet them in the exam room. With Heather watching, Dr. Bonner had Sara hop up onto the table and remove her blouse and bra. He then began taking measurements. Millie walked into the room with a camera and a rectangular piece of cardboard with the center cut out. Dr. Bonner continued to make observations and Millie wrote them all down on Sara’s chart. Dr. Bonner was very hands on, cupping and squeezing Sara’s breasts and also tweaking her nipples. True to their nature, Sara’s nipples hardened immediately.
Dr. Bonner: “I see what you meant by sensitive nipples. Don’t worry. I’ll treat them as if they were my own.”
Satisfied that he had the information he required, and satisfied that he had enough feeling Sara up, Dr. Bonner picked up the cardboard. On the front he wrote her name and a patient number. He then had Sara hold the cardboard in front of her breasts. The cardboard acted as a mask so the camera would only see her breasts. Dr. Bonner took several pictures from various angles. He then took the cardboard back and retook the pictures including Sara’s face this time.
Dr. Bonner: “The second set is just for you. After the surgery we will retake the pictures for comparison. Put your blouse back on and let’s look at our sample pictures. Millie, if you could download the pictures we just took and put them on the network drive we can look at them also.”
Sara, Heather and Dr. Bonner walked back into his office. Dr. Bonner grabbed a picture album off a shelf and sat back down opposite the two women.
Heather: “So what do you think Dr. Bonner?”
Dr. Bonner:”Sara certainly has very nice breasts and her nipples are wonderful. I will need to be extra careful not to affect their responsiveness. I would classify this surgery as completely cosmetic and elective. There is no medical reason I could give an insurance company, so you will have to pay the full cost. Given our starting point, I can create a wonderful finished product. There are a couple of ways we can go, but I would like you to see some pictures before giving my recommendation.”
Sara was impatient to open the phone album.
Sara: “Sounds good. Let’s get to it.”
Dr. Bonner flipped open the album. On the left page was a nude before and after close up picture of the woman’s breasts. On the right page was a body shot with before and after measurements. Some of these pictures were topless, some were in swimsuits, some were in underwear and some were nude.
Dr. Bonner: “These pictures are most of my client base. I can put you in touch with any of them for a recommendation if you like. Heather is one of my star patients. Her pictures are toward the back.”
Sara flipped to the back of the book to find her mistress. She was shocked by the before and after transformation. Heather was certainly still attractive before her surgery, but after, her larger boobs plus a change in hair color and makeup style made her into the goddess Sara loved. Those two pictures sealed Sara’s decision to trust her mistress and let this man operate on her. Dr. Bonner turned on his laptop and found the pictures they had just taken. Opening them up, be began to give his opinions.
Dr. Bonner: “You have a nice balanced C-cup.”
As he was speaking, Dr. Bonner walked behind Sara’s chair and reached around her while unbuttoning her blouse. As he described her breasts in detail, he touched each section in a very personal way.
Dr. Bonner: “With little effort, I can insert a medium size implant to the underside of your breasts.”
Dr. Bonner dragged his fingers across the lower section of Sara’s breasts causing her to inhale sharply.
Dr. Bonner: “We can pump you up to a D without much effort and it will look very natural. The insert will lift and support your lower breasts while leaving the top natural and a little jiggly. We may be able to fit a larger insert without opening you up much more which would also push the front out in addition to increasing the underside. That would probably get you to a DD cup, but will be slightly more invasive a procedure.
Sara was beginning to become aroused by having this gorgeous doctor handle her breasts in such a personal manner while discussing what he wanted to do to her.
Heather: “What about double stacking the implant or working on the cleavage?”
Dr. Bonner ran his fingers between Sara’s breasts.
Dr. Bonner: “I can build her breasts inward, but that is much more invasive and can lead to scaring. I try not to recommend that since a good bra can provide much of the same look without having to cut the woman as much. As for double stacking, the Anna Nicole look, we call it, is more work, more money and more risk. Nipple sensations can be impacted by having two implants crammed inside. On the plus side, you end up with breasts a porn star would envy.”
Sara: “I don’t see how any of this will not look unnatural.”
Dr. Bonner: “True. Maybe unnatural isn’t the right word. Incorrect may be a better choice. Double stacking in this manner will definitely tell the world you had your breasts done. The tops of your breasts will push out of the top of any bra, and in my opinion, would look sexy as hell on you.”
Sara: “I think I like the smaller single implant.”
Dr. Bonner: “That is our most popular choice. Your breasts would just a little large for your frame, but not outrageous. I think you would look great. As for the cost. Because a single implant is pretty easy, the cost will run about $8,500. Because Heather is such a loyal customer and is a friend, I can discount my normal fee which brings it down to a little under $7,000.
Sara: “Heather said there were other ways to bring that total down.”
Dr. Bonner: “If you agree to let me use your pictures in class, I usually can get the university to contribute at least $500 and sometimes $1000. If you agree to have the surgery in the university hospital and allow us to videotape for the class, they will cover more. Finally if you agree to give a lecture with me about your experience, we can get the total down to around $2,500. I’ll have to make some inquiries as to whether the operating room will be available on Friday and how much they are willing to contribute.”
Heather: “That will be fine. Make the arrangements and we will be there. I’m covering the cost, so just send me the bill.”
Dr. Bonner: “Very good. You will need to come back to this office next Monday for a follow-up and probably the Friday a week after the procedure.”
Sara: “Thank you Dr. Bonner.”
Dr. Bonner: “It will be my pleasure.”
Heather: “Give me a call when you have the details. I’ll make sure she is there.”
Sara and Heather left the office and started walking back to the train. Sara was very excited and could stop talking about the surgery. Heather was looking forward to the new Sara. She had to call Dr. Bonner back and offer her own opinion, but for now, she was content to let Sara ramble on. The train ride home was uneventful. The rush hour crush was at its tail end so the train was pretty full. They got back to Heather’s house about 7pm. Heather’s husband was home from work and greeted them at the door. Heather gave him an adoring kiss and then dismissed Sara for the evening.
Sara drove home to Frank and the kids. She had a lot of information to tell him and she knew he would be excited. They made spirited love that night. Frank was aggressive, but not demanding and Sara achieved a sweet orgasm. The rest of the week flew by. Her workouts with Carey were becoming more targeted and focused and she really liked the results she was starting to see. Her Wednesday session with Mistress Heather was satisfying, but didn’t stretch her either emotionally or physically. By Thursday night she was on pins and needles waiting for Friday morning. Sara had been instructed to fast for 12 hours before she would receive the anesthesia. This proved difficult for Sara. By they time she went to bed she was starving. Frank suggested a crème-sickle and pulled his pajama bottoms down. Sara smiled and took him in her mouth enjoying his natural protein shake before falling asleep.
The surgery was scheduled for 10am. Sara woke early and drove to Mistress Heather’s house. From there the pair took the train again downtown and arrived at the hospital at 9am. Sara checked in at with the administrator and Heather gave them her platinum American Express to cover the charges. Sara was brought into a prep room where she disrobed and put on a hospital gown. The nurse took her vital signs and shaved Sara’s armpits so they would be ready for the incision. She also began a saline IV so they would be ready for the anesthetic. At 9:30, Dr. Bonner came in to see his patient.
Dr. Bonner: “How are you this morning, Sara?
Sara: “I’m nervous, but excited.”
Dr. Bonner: “You have nothing to worry about. I’ve done this 100s of times and I haven’t botched one yet.”
He added a coy smile and said “of course there always is a first time.”
Sara chucked an anxious laugh at his attempted bedside humor.
Dr. Bonner: “Just relax. Everything will be fine. We’ll be starting soon and you’ll be in recovery before you know it.”
Dr. Bonner turned and left the room leaving Sara alone with her thoughts. Dr. Bonner went into the waiting room to find Heather before scrubbing up.
Heather: “Everything ok doc?”
Dr. Bonner: “She’s fine. A little nervous, but that is to be expected. Are you sure you want the full double stack. She just wanted the small single.”
Heather: “I’m paying for this and you are going to get her to help in your class, so stop worrying about your ethics. She’s not going to sue you.”
Dr. Bonner: “She’d better not.”
Dr. Bonner walked back to the prep area to get ready. Heather gave Frank a call and told him everything was set and that she would call him back when the surgery was done.
Promptly at 10am, Sara what wheeled into the operating room. Dr. Bonner was waiting along with his surgical team. On a table next to him were four different sizes of inserts. Heather had instructed him to use the largest one and to double stack it. That meant he would have to make a larger incision, but he felt confident enough in his skills to still go in through the armpit.
Dr. Bonner: “Ready?”
Sara: “Yes.”
Dr. Bonner gave the signal to start the anesthetic and waved goodnight to Sara. Within moments she was fast asleep. The surgical nurse opened the front of the gown and sterilized Sara’s armpits. Dr. Bonner made the incision and began an arthroscopic preparation of the inside of Sara’s breasts for the implants. As he unsealed the implant, the surgical nurse was surprised to see him choose the largest one they had available. She had never seen that size installed before and always wondered why a woman would choose its unnatural look. It took Dr. Bonner some effort, but the implant was finally squeezed in place. He manually positioned the implant’s final resting spot. Using his fingers he was able to cajole the implant to center under Sara’s existing breast tissue in a nice rounded half moon. She was certainly going to be need custom made bras when he was done. He felt bad about going oversized on Sara, but Heather was paying him well and also knew of a few of his personal fetishes which he wanted to keep secret. He would be making a great deal of money based on the results of this operation so he took his time. He packed off the first incision instead of closing it and moved to the other side. This time he made the incision slightly larger and after a few more minutes with the arthroscope, he placed the second implant. Sara’s final form was starting to take shape and Dr. Bonner liked what he saw. Now came the moment of truth. Examining Sara’s breasts, Dr. Bonner tried to determine how best to add a second implant. He determined was just enough room to stack the implants as Heather had demanded. Dr. Bonner slowly worked the second implant into Sara’s chest. He felt bad for the woman as she would not be getting the look she expected. Dr. Bonner now faced a new challenge. With two implants inserted, Sara’s breast looked out of balance. His solution was to use a third small narrow implant which he could wrap around the top of her breast. While not adding to the cup size, Heather’s primary goal, it would push out the top and side of Sara’s breasts giving a much larger and more balanced appearance. Satisfied with the positioning of all of the implants, Dr. Bonner closed the incisions.
Sara’s gown was closed and she was wheeled into the recovery room. She woke up about an hour later, very sore but viewing her mistress’ smiling face.
Mistress Heather: “Everything went smoothly. Dr. Bonner said he was very happy. He’ll be here in a little while to unwrap the bandages.”
Sara was still groggy and just nodded.
Mistress Heather: “I’ll go call Frank. The nurse said you’ll be in recovery for another hour so they can keep a close eye on you. You’ll then be moved to a regular room. You can probably go home tonight unless you show signs of an infection or are in too much pain.”
Sara watched her mistress walk out the door, cell phone in hand, and for the first time wondered if all this was worth it.
True to the hospital’s schedule, within an hour she was relaxing in a private room, sipping ice water and watching TV. She had been given a pain killer and was pretty much numb to the world. Heather had returned and was sitting in the room in case Sara needed anything. If she had not been her mistress, Sara would have thought Heather was her closest friend. Maybe she really was.
By the time another hour had clicked off the clock, the pain medication had started to wear off and Sara was feeling very sore. The nurse brought in another dose and added it to the IV. Sara felt almost instant relief. The nurse checked the incision for bleeding and any signs of infection, seemed satisfied and left.
Mistress Heather: “How are the drugs? They look good based on your expression.”
Sara mumbled an incoherent response then drifted in and out of sleep. Heather just sat back having been there before herself. Another hour passed and Dr. Bonner arrived. He had completed his last surgery for the day and was making his rounds. He unwrapped his creations, checking to make sure their position had not changed and that both breasts were symmetrical. Sara tried to look down over her chest at what he was doing, but all she could see was skin. She could see past the mounds where her previously perky breasts had existed.
Dr. Bonner: “Don’t try to sit up yet. You’re going to be too sore for a while and I don’t want to expose your breasts to gravity just yet. Heather, can you grab a mirror from the bathroom.”
Heather: “Sure thing doc.”
Dr. Bonner began rubbing Sara’s nipples while checking for signs of reaction. In her medicated state, Sara was slow to react, but conscious enough to realize her nipples were very sensitive. Heather returned with a compact from her purse.
Heather: “There was no portable mirror. You’ll have to use my… Just what do you think you’re doing?”
Dr. Bonner: “Just making sure I didn’t mess up her pleasure zone.”
Heather: “I can see that, but the deal was for later tonight.”
Dr. Bonner: “I know. Give me the mirror.”
Sara was confused by their conversation but even more shocked when Dr. Bonner held the compact so she could see what had become of her breasts. They looked like cantaloupes sitting on her chest.
Sara: “What have you done to me?”
Mistress Heather: “Exactly what we agreed to do and what you said you wanted.”
Sara: “Big, yes, but these are obscene.”
Mistress Heather: “You’ll get used to them. Besides they look great and Frank is going to love them.”
Sara began to sob. Dr. Bonner handed the mirror back to Heather and took a syringe out of his coat pocket.
Dr. Bonner: “You need to rest. Today has been very stressful. You are going to spend a day or two here so I can personally take charge of your recovery.”
Sara watched as Dr. Bonner injected the clear liquid into Sara’s IV. She felt a warm sensation and then the room went dark.
Dr. Bonner: “You got what you wanted. That size breast on her frame is totally uncalled for. She’ll never be taken seriously.”
Mistress Heather: “So what. I’m going to win the top prize at the ball this year. After that, who cares? Maybe I’ll keep her; maybe I’ll give her back to Frank. Maybe I’ll sell her as a slave. It all depends on her performance in Vegas.”
Dr. Bonner: “You really can be a bitch.”
Mistress Heather: “You can count on it. She’s yours until Sunday. Don’t mark her up or do any permanent damage.”
Dr. Bonner: “You know she’ll be fine. I bet she even enjoys herself.”
Heather left to call Frank again and let him know everything went well.
Heather: “Sara’s going to spend a couple of night’s here just to be safe. I’ll have her home on Sunday. Don’t worry about visiting her; I’ve taken care of everything.”
Frank didn’t trust that statement at all, but what could he say? While he was talking to Heather, Stacey was busy sucking his cock. He wasn’t about to lose his new job by crossing Heather.
Sara woke in darkness and instantly felt the restraints holding her fast to a metal table. She struggled briefly but knew she was going nowhere. Her pain was present, but manageable. She heard a lock on her door being opened and then bright lights bathed the room causing her to recoil in shock.
Dr. Bonner: “My star patient is awake. How are you feeling?”
Sara: “What did you do to me? Where am I?”
Dr. Bonner: “You are perfectly safe. I had you transferred to my house. You are in my medical dungeon.”
Sara: “What?”
Dr. Bonner: “Medically there was no reason to keep you overnight so I had to give you a powerful sedative. I made a deal with your mistress to cover the remaining cost of your operation. After she had told me about you, I knew you were just the type of woman I was looking for.”
Sara: “Looking for? For what?”
Dr. Bonner: “I have a few peculiar fetishes. In fact it is difficult to find a woman who shares them. Now that I have you at my mercy, however, you don’t have much of a choice. Now do you?”
Sara: “But my husband. He’ll be looking for me at the hospital.”
Dr. Bonner: “Oh, I doubt it. Heather has already told him not to expect you until Sunday. Tomorrow morning she’ll probably head over there with the pictures we took of your new twins. He get turned on, she’ll fuck him and he’ll do whatever we want.”
Sara: “What are you going to do to me?”
Dr. Bonner: “Nothing bad, I assure you. I bet you even will like it. Besides teaching and being a renowned surgeon, I run a very successful website. It features women in bondage being teased by medical tools and assorted other fetishes. Since Heather insisted you get porn star breasts, I’m going to make you exactly that. Julie from my office will be here in a few hours. She’s my star dominatrix and will put you through your paces. We will film a short session tonight, two or three tomorrow and one Sunday morning. That will give us updates for a month and I’m sure you will drive many subscriptions our way.”
Sara wanted to cry. She had now officially been prostituted by her mistress.
Dr. Bonner: “Get some rest. I’ll be back when Julie gets here.”
Dr. Bonner switched off the lights and left the room. Sara was alone in total darkness. She heard a deadbolt click into place. She began to cry uncontrollably.
Sara quickly lost track of time and eventually fell into a restless sleep. She awoke with a start as she heard the deadbolt unhook. She wished she could shield her eyes from the bright light to come. As the light turned on, Sara tried to focus her attention on who was coming through the door. Dr. Bonner was there, of course, as was Julie. She had shed her work clothes and now wore a latex outfit that would make Mistress Heather proud. It was fire engine red and hugged Julie like a second skin. It completely covered her body except for a cutout over her ample cleavage, no doubt provided by Dr. Bonner. Julie’s hair was pulled back into a tight ponytail and her feet we perched on 4” stiletto heels. Julie looked amazing, completely serious and ready for business.
As Julie and Dr. Bonner approached Sara, she noticed several young men bringing in equipment. Several were carrying tripods and cameras and one was wheeling in hospital looking machinery.
Julie: “Hello again Sara. I’m glad to hear your surgery went well.”
Julie pulled open the hospital gown and examined Sara’s new breasts.
Julie: “Very nice doctor. A fine job.”
Julie gave Sara’s nipple a hard squeeze. Sara yelped and arched her back in pain.
Julie: “I’m glad you saved her nipple response and that the pain medication has worn off. Just relax dear. Your mistress assures us that you will enjoy our activities. I’ll take it easy on these new tits of yours tonight and tomorrow. By Sunday they should be ready for a good whipping.”
Sara was horrified at the thought of being captive for three days, but was in no position to resist. She had no idea where she was, although she assumed it was still in the Chicago area. Her only hope was to go along and hope they returned her in one piece.
Dr. Bonner: “Here’s how things are going to go. You are going to be the new star on my big tit medical fetish website. The back story is that you just had your juggs done, convenient isn’t it. But there is a problem with your recovery. You’re too much of a nymphomaniac to keep your hands off your new breasts. I had to restrain you for your own protection. You are going crazy with lust and even after I fuck you, you are still begging for more so I have to bring in a professional to keep you satisfied.”
Sara: “That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard.”
Dr. Bonner: “I don’t disagree, but for a fetish movie, that is a lot of story. Based on the footage I saw of your visit to The Vault, you are more of an action star. If you get into it and enjoy yourself, Julie can give you a lot of pleasure. If you resist, she will bring a performance out of you one way or the other. Understand?”
Sara: “Yes sir.”
Dr. Bonner: “Good. Julie is going to release you so she can do your makeup and get you ready. The guys are going to finish setting up the equipment and I am going to get into my ‘Doctor Boner’ outfit. I always wear a gown and surgical mask in my movies. I can’t have any of my normal patients or colleagues recognize me.”
Sara was still in shock as Julie loosened her tethers.
Julie: “Don’t worry sweetheart. We’re not that bad. You mistress wanted you to know what it is like to serve another Dom. It’s part of your training. You also need to work off the cost of those new tits. Damn, they are big. What were you thinking?”
Sara: “I wasn’t. I trusted Dr. Bonner and my mistress and I woke up with these.”
Julie: “Well they are spectacular. I’m sure you will be very popular in Vegas. I only keep male slaves so there isn’t much I can do to them. I pierce their scrotum, but that is about it.”
Julie slipped Sara’s now wrinkled and torn gown from her body. She escorted her out of the dungeon and into a bathroom where she let her shower. The warm water felt good on Sara’s skin and she almost forgot what she was preparing for. After the shower, Julie helped Sara apply just a little makeup to “hide the glare of the lights” and to make you look a little innocent. She then put a new gown on Sara, except this one buttoned completely up the front and covered her ass by only a few inches.
After she finished preparing Sara, Julie asked for help removing her latex outfit.
“In this first scene I am dressed as your nurse. Tomorrow we get into the kinky stuff.”
Sara’s mouth watered in anticipation as she helped draw the skin tight suit off Julie’s voluptuous body. She watch closely, her pussy starting to moisten as Julie slipped into a nurses costume complete with a short skirt, button down blouse and a triangular cap. Julie wore no underwear or bra. Satisfied with her look, she then put her stiletto heeled shoes back on.
Julie: “Ready?”
Sara: “As I’ll ever be.”
Julie walked Sara back into the dungeon room for her adult film debut. At least her professional adult film debut. Sara was taken aback by the transformation that took place during her shower. The metal table she had been strapped to was still there, but it was pushed off into a corner. On the other side of the room was a normal looking hospital bed, the back propped up at a 45 degree angle. Next to the bed was authentic hospital machinery including a pulse monitor and EKG. Above the bed was a traction bar and attached to the sides were leather cuffs. Surrounding the bed were three high definition video cameras and bright studio lights to highlight every detail. Julie introduced Sara to the “crew” and told her to lie down in the bed.
Sara meekly complied, hoping against hope that her ordeal would be over soon. Dr. Bonner entered the room, now dresses as Dr. Boner. He wore a white lab coat, surgical cap and a surgical mask. In fact he looked just like Sara remembered before she went under earlier that morning. He was right about one thing. Nobody watching the video would recognize him.
Dr. Boner: “OK Sara, here’s what I want you to do. You are in the bed. Just try to ignore the cameras. I know it is difficult, but these guys are pros and will make sure you look great. I want you to masturbate with one hand and carefully rub your breasts with the other. Keep your gown buttoned up. I want to save the unveiling. They will still be tender, so don’t put too much pressure on them. Play with your nipples, rub your clit, spread your labia, finger fuck yourself, whatever you do when you masturbate. Feel free to make a lot of noise. Nobody will hear you here. In fact, it will turn on our viewers so make a lot of sound. We shoot one continuous scene. I may give you directions from off screen. We will clean up the audio later. If there are any problems we need to cut out, we do it in postproduction, so don’t worry about making mistakes. Unlike your mistress, I don’t mind if you cum, so while you are here, don’t worry about holding back. Cum all you like. That is scene one. I’ll enter in scene two and catch you masturbating. I’ve got a plan about what we will do, but I want you to be surprised so I’m not going to tell you the details. That will be it for tonight. We’ll let you get a good night’s sleep so you can be rested for tomorrow’s sequel.”
Sara nodded in agreement. Dr. Bonner backed out of the shot and one of the camera operators walked forward with a time marker. After saying “scene 1” and snapping the marker, Dr. Bonner said “action.”
Although Sara was still unhappy finding herself in this situation, she had begun to be turned on watching Julie change clothes. Resolved to make the best of the situation, Sara began a slow, sensuous exploration of her gown covered breasts. Sara shut her eyes and pictured Julie in her dominatrix outfit. She was mad at her mistress for altering the size of her implants without telling her. She aroused herself by envisioning serving another woman as payback. As she continued to massage her new and improved chest, Sara discovered she liked the tactile feel of her new orbs. Although the bottoms and side were definitely less sensitive to her touch, their weight and size was a turn on. Her nipples, fortunately, remained as sensitive as ever and stood proud waiting for attention. Sara began moaning as she rubbed her hard points through the gown.
Dr. Bonner: “OK, Sara, now move one hand down to your pussy. Pull the gown back so we can get a good look.”
Sara slid her right hand down her body and pulled the gown up to her hips. She wiggled her butt until the gown slid past and then spread her legs. Her labia were already glistening with dew courtesy of the X-rated vision of Julie she had in her head. Sara kept her eyes closed attempting to lose herself in her fantasy. She was getting seriously turned on and knew she would be able to make herself cum in no time.
Dr. Bonner: “Great. Now use both hands on your pussy. Spread it open and show us what you’ve got.”
Sara found herself liking taking orders on how to masturbate. It worked right into her Julie fantasy. It also left her feeling not responsible for her actions. Sara now took her left hand and spread her pussy lips while she adroitly began inserting one, two and then three fingers from her right hand into her flowing cavity. As her pace increased, she began vigorously rubbing her clit with her left hand.
Sara had herself on the edge of an orgasm and opened her eyes to look at the table next to her bed. She was looking for something, anything that could replace her fingers. She saw a stethoscope, a small mirror and some tongue depressors, but nothing that would satisfy her need to fuck herself. Rocking her head back in frustration, she noticed the cameras and remembered where she was. Her mind had been lost in her fantasy world. Sara pitched her back forward as her pussy began to contract in orgasm. She noticed all the camera operators had hard-ons. This set her off as she shuddered through a powerful orgasm. While she was shaking, she noticed Dr. Boner had approached the bed.
Dr. Boner: “What are you doing young lady? Sex is strictly forbidden for a week after your surgery! Stop that!”
Dr. Boner put his hands on Sara’s shoulders to hold her still. He whispered in her ear, “You’re doing great. Struggle against me and say you’re horny and need to cum again.”
Sara did as she was told, rolling her body back and forth to dislodge the doctor.
Dr. Boner: “Nurse. Nurse. Get in here. I need your help.”
Sara was still resisting the doctor when she felt another set of hands grabbing her left ankle. She felt a leather strap being secured around her ankle and then felt her leg stretching to the outside of the bed as it was secured to the frame. Sara kept her fingers busy in her pussy and didn’t fight back other than the rolling around. She was moaning constantly now and the sounds were not an act. Sara felt the doctor releasing his pressure on her shoulders as he and Julie switched places.
Julie had opened the top several buttons on her uniform allowing a teasing amount of cleavage to show through. She tried to hold down Sara’s torso, but struggled to keep the orgasming girl still. Julie’s solution was to lean over Sara and use her body weight to subdue her captive. In the process, Sara face was mashed by Julie’s tits, no doubt the plan and for the benefit of the camera. Sara felt her right leg being secured. Her view was obstructed by Julie’s chest, but Sara noted she could still get her mouth around the next button on Julie’s uniform. As the doctor grabbed Sara’s right arm away from her pussy and pulled it to the side of the bed to be secured, Julie began to pull away in preparation of grabbing Sara’s left hand. As she rose, Sara bit down on the button severing the thread holding it in place.
As Julie stood, the button popped off opening her blouse and causing her breasts to pop free. Camera three had been in position to capture the planned cleavage and now had a perfect angle to catch nurse Julie as her breasts sprung free of their confines. In response, Julie grabbed Sara’s arm with great force, ripping it away from her pussy. Pulling Sara’s arm down to the edge of the bed, she made quick work of securing it while she verbally chastised her prisoner.
Julie: “You’ll pay for that. We’re doing this for your own good. You could injure yourself with those uncontrolled orgasms and playing with your tits so soon after the surgery. We’re here to help you and this is how you respond?”
Julie emphasized the last sentence while she grabbed her blouse and made a show of pulling it back tight across her chest. Instead of buttoning up the front, she simply tied it. Turning her back to the camera, she looked down at Sara, smiled and winked. She then slapped Sara across the face.
Dr. Boner: “That’s enough of that, Nurse Julie. Sara has been through a lot today and we are here to help her. She woke up from the surgery horny. It is our job to make sure she can rest and heal from her surgery. If she starts mauling her new tits again like that, she could hurt herself.”
Julie (mocking): “Of course doctor, we wouldn’t want Sara to hurt herself.”
Dr. Boner: “Please remove Sara’s gown, I want to examine the results of the operation.
With a smirk, Julie took the top of Sara’s gown and tore it off her with one fast motion. Sara would have moved to cover herself, but her bondage prevented her from shielding the view of the camera. She blushed at being on display, but was so aroused she didn’t want to stop.
Julie: “Look at that doctor. She is still shy about showing off. How cute.”
Sara did not appreciate Julie’s patronizing attitude. She was trying not to look at the cameras, but from what she could tell, one was focusing on her face and breasts, one seemed to be taking in the whole scene and one was roving back and forth between her, Julie and the doctor.
Dr. Boner: “Even though Sara just came, I’m concerned that she’ll masturbate again after we leave. I think the only ethical thing is to make her cum some more and wear her out.”
Sara was dumbfounded by what passed as dialog in these movies, but she liked what the doctor was proposing.
Sara: “Doctor, I am very horny. Will you please fuck me?”
Julie: “Wait a minute doctor, you promised to fuck me!”
Dr. Boner: “Well I could just fuck you both.”
In her head, Sara heard the bad 70’s porno music start playing. Everything seemed to start happening in slow motion. Julie quickly stripped of her nurse’s costume and began nibbling on Sara’s nipples. Dr. Boner came over and placed his stethoscope under Sara’s left breast and listened to her heart.
Dr. Boner: “Very good nurse. You have managed to raise her heart rate.”
Julie (smiling): “Thank you doctor.”
Julie then leaned over the bed and offered Sara her right breast to suck. The position was awkward for Sara since she couldn’t lean over, but she did her best to provide Julie the stimulation she craved and to win over the hearts of the viewers. Julie backed away when Dr. Boner approached from the other side. He had unzipped the front of his gown and was sporting an impressive erection. Without ceremony, he turned Sara’s head and forced his cock into her mouth.
Julie: “How is she doc?”
Dr. Boner: “You’re better, but she can still learn.”
Sara would have liked to got him off right there hoping to put an end to her latest saga, but she knew that wasn’t going to happen. Dr. Boner kept his cock from working too deep, obviously saving himself for something more.
Dr. Boner: “How’s her pussy, Nurse Julie? Is it wet enough for some hard cock?”
Julie: “I doubt it dried up must since her last orgasm, but I’ll check.”
While Sara busily herself sucking the doctor’s cock, Julie expertly inserted two fingers into Sara’s snatch. Sara knew Julie would find little resistance and the fingers slid in without any problem. Playing to the camera, Sara moaned loudly at the intrusion. She was wet enough that she didn’t receive much pleasure from Julie, but she was determined to make the best movie she could. Julie gave her a few pumps of her hand and declared her “a quart low, but ready to fuck.”
Sara mumbled “I’m always ready to fuck.” The sound was muffled by the good doctor’s cock, but was clear enough for the viewers to understand.
Dr. Boner pulled his cock out of Sara’s mouth and walked over to the end of the bed.
Dr. Boner: “Her legs are not at the right height, Nurse Julie. Will you be as kind as to attach them to the traction bar?”
Julie, pulling her fingers out of Sara’s pussy, began to unstrap Sara’s legs. Once free, Julie made quick work of reattaching them to the traction bar using it as a spreader. Sara’s pussy and ass was now lifted just off the bed for better access and better film viewing. As she finished, Julie dropped to her knees and in a well orchestrated move took Dr. Boner’s cock in her mouth. He reached down and urged her on by squeezing her nipples. Based on the sound she made, Sara assumed he squeezed them quite hard. Sara watched as the cameras moved into a better position. They obviously have made this same movie before with other patients.
Dr. Boner’s cock was at full staff and he gestured to Julie to rise. Both turned toward Sara as a camera circled around to shoot them from the front. Sara watched has Julie guided Dr. Boner’s cock into her well prepared pussy. He certainly was not as well endowed as some of her previous lovers, but she had been well primed and enjoyed every inch of his penetration. As he built up his rhythm, Sara’s suspended ass began to move around as the force of his thrusts increased. Nurse Julie was rubbing Sara’s clit and urging him on. Nurse Julie then began twisting Sara’s nipples with her free hand. Almost instantaneous Sara began to tremble, building to another all consuming climax. This time Sara didn’t need to fake any sounds for the camera. Her squeals of delight were completely natural as she came for the second time on camera.
Dr. Boner continued to pump away, although he did comment that Nurse Julie should find a way to quiet Sara down before they were disturbed. Sara feared that Nurse Julie would gag her, but the solution to her noise was much more organic. Sara watched her view become blocked as Nurse Julie climbed onto the bed and planted her own pussy squarely over Sara’s mouth.
Nurse Julie: “That should keep you quiet for a while. Get to work.”
Sara needed no encouragement. She serviced Julie as her mistress had taught her and soon Julie was flooding her face with passion juice. Julie continued to grind her pussy on Sara’s face as Dr. Boner continued to ream her pussy. Sara was surprised he didn’t take her ass that first night, although she had no doubt he would before the weekend was over. After Sara had licked her to two satisfying orgasms, Julie began to dismount while announcing she needed some of Dr. Boner. Sara was disappointed as she felt Dr. Boner pull out. This was her film. What was he doing?
Sara worries were short lived as Julie bent over the end of Sara’s bed and presented herself to the masked fucker. They quickly found their rhythm as frequent lovers do. As Dr. Boner pushed his buxom nurse forward, she grabbed hold of Sara’s ass and swung it forward to meet her mouth. Returning the oral favor, Julie did her best to service Sara while being pummeled from behind. Sara felt another orgasm building, spurred partially from Julie, partially from the situation. Just before she could get there, however, Julie let go with a blood curdling scream. Sara could not tell if she was faking for the camera or really came that hard, but it didn’t really matter. The sounds emanating from her new friend set off another orgasm in Sara. The entire situation finally got to Dr. Boner. Pulling out of Julie, he sprinted over to the side of the bed. Sara expected him to force her to blow him again or at least give her a facial. Instead, Dr. Boner pumped his shaft and deposited a medium size load onto her new breasts.
Dr. Boner: “You had better get used to that. Guys are always going to want to do that from now on.”
Julie had recovered enough to move to the other side of the bed. She took the opportunity to spread Dr. Boner’s cream all over Sara’s new assets and then scooped the last dollop up and spread it on Sara’s lips.
Dr. Boner: “Are you going to be a good girl and rest tonight?”
Sara: “Yes doctor. Thank you for your special bedside manner.”
Sara watched as Dr. Boner turned and walked out of the camera’s view. She was happy having enjoyed three orgasms since filming began. Her joy was swiftly tempered as Nurse Julie grabbed her head and turned it toward her.
Nurse Julie: “He will not always be around to protect you, sweetie. Tomorrow morning your ass belongs to me. Sleep well.”
With that, Julie turned and walked away, stopping only to swat Sara’s upturned ass on the way out. The light’s clicked off and the camera operators all applauded. Sara didn’t know what was going to happen next, as the lights came back on. Dr. Bonner and Julie were standing behind the cameras as one of the operators moved forward to unstrap Sara from her bondage. Eager to stretch, Sara swung her legs and stood up. Although she was a little wobbly, she felt great.
Sara: “What’s next?”
Dr. Bonner: “We have a bedroom setup for you. It’s quite comfortable and there is a bathroom with a shower at your disposal. We start filming at 11am tomorrow. Julie will bring you breakfast about 10 and then you two will need to get dressed.”
Sara: “I’m sorry; I meant what’s next right now.”
Dr. Bonner: “Do you want another visit from Dr. Boner?”
Sara: “Yes I do. I really do have a case of the hornies.”
Dr. Bonner: “Well I’m too wiped out, but I bet my camera operators are willing. What do you say boys, are you ready to gang-bang this bitch.”
Sara though that was a stupid question. What viral 20-something boy was going to turn that down. Sara looked on with glee as the boys set down the equipment they were packing up and turned to advance on Sara.
Julie: “Why don’t we adjourn to the bedroom?”
The group, minus Dr. Bonner, walked down the hall to Sara’s bedroom. Julie took Sara in her arms and locked their lips in a passionate kiss. Both women knew this would inspire the boys which is exactly what happened. For the next hour the ladies shared the attention of the three young and willing cocks. Sara finally got the ass reaming she desired and Julie enjoyed being double penetrated while lying next to her. Each boy shot at least two loads onto Sara’s new breasts while Julie enjoyed sliding her body along Sara’s to share the love. Eventually the boys left and Julie took Sara into the shower. Julie helped Sara wash and Sara loved the attention. After 15 joyous minutes under the hot water, Julie dried Sara off and led her back to the bed.
Julie: “Sorry, we don’t have another set of sheets. You’ll have to keep the wet spot as a memento.
Sara watched Julie walk out the door and then heard a deadbolt click into place. She wasn’t planning on going anywhere anyway, but the thought that she was really imprisoned got Sara’s juices flowing once again. She jumped on the bed and furiously worked her clit as she rolled along the wet sheets. Her final act of depravity for the day completed with another strong orgasm and then quickly to a deep sleep.
Julie stopped upstairs to confer with Dr. Boner.
Julie: “She’s definitely a live one. We’re going to make a ton of money with this video.”
Dr. Bonner: “Heather said she wasn’t sure what was going to happen after Vegas. Sara might be on the market.”
Julie: “If that is the case, I will definitely be in on any bidding. I wasn’t planning to go to Vegas this year, but if tonight is any indication, I don’t want to miss her performance.”
Sara slept well her first night in Dr. Bonner’s lair. She was worn out by her breast augmentation surgery that morning and her first night of filming for his Dr. Boner website. By the time the film crew had finished with her and Julie, the clock had struck past midnight. By the time she showered and then masturbated once more, it was after 1am before she finally tried to sleep. Sara was still dead to the world when Julie woke her at 10am. She brought a breakfast tray with scrambled eggs, toast, orange juice and coffee. Sara greeted Julie as an old friend and listened to her new mistress describe the footage they shot last night. Julie explained Dr. Bonner was editing the footage as they spoke and from what he saw, he was very pleased.
Sara was famished and quickly ate her breakfast. Julie continued telling Sara what they had planned for the day. The plot line of Sara being a nymphomaniac who needed to learn to be a “respectable” woman would continue. Julie’s job was to “teach” Sara to control her emotions and not to be ruled by her clit. Of course, in the end, Sara was expected to cum and shows her true self.
Sara wished she had seen other movies from the website so she knew both what to expect and what was expected from her. She queried Julie, but her new accomplice in lust would only tell her to enjoy herself and give the viewers a good show.
Julie: “You can never go wrong having an orgasm. If we need you to fake one we’ll let you know, but if you can cum for real, do it.”
Sara was excited about getting started. Julie told her to shower again while she laid out her clothes. Sara practically sprinted into the bathroom. After taking care of her necessary business, Sara hopped into the shower and rinsed off. She was already fairly clean except from sleeping in the wet spots from the night before. Emerging refreshed a few minutes later, she toweled off and returned to the bedroom. Sara was surprised she didn’t feel more discomfort from her chest, a fact she shared with Julie.
Julie: “That is good. I can give you more breast play on film if you’re game. If it gets to painful, let me know and I will back off. What safe word do you use with Mistress Heather?”
Sara: “Safe word? I don’t have a safe word.”
Julie: “Really? Safe bondage play should always have a safe word to protect you if you get pushed too far.”
Sara: “I’ve never felt unsafe with Mistress Heather.”
Julie: “That is good, but just in case, we’re going to have one. If you really need me to stop something, say the word hedgehog. You can yell stop all you want. I’ll assume you are acting for the camera. Say the word hedgehog and I will back off immediately. Got it?”
Sara: “Yes Julie. I like that idea.”
Julie showed Sara her outfit for the day’s first scene. It was a simple black nylon corset. The chest section had been expanded and reinforced for someone as abundantly top heavy as Sara had become. Sara was somewhat surprised that she didn’t have stockings or a garter belt. Julie explained that would come later. For this scene, they were keeping things simple.
Julie put her nurse’s outfit on again and then led Sara back to the filming room. With every step, Sara became wetter and wetter in anticipation of what was to come. The same film crew was waiting for her along with Dr. Bonner. The set had not changed from the night before.
Dr. Bonner: “Good morning Sara. I hope you had a restful night’s sleep. The footage from last night was spectacular. I’m going to make you a star.”
Sara: “Thank you Dr. Bonner. I really enjoyed myself last night.”
Dr. Bonner: “As well you should have. You have an amazing sexual aura, one which I hope to capture on film again today. I’m going to leave you in Julie’s capable hands. Just follow her instructions and you’ll be well satisfied I’m sure. I’ll be upstairs editing last night’s scene if you need anything.”
Julie: “Don’t worry; I know exactly what we’re going to do with this little minx.”
Sara’s pussy gushed at the mere mention of Julie finally getting to work on her. Dr. Bonner left the room as Julie conferred with the crew about their being ready to go. She had Sara hop back up on the bed and pulled a sheet over her.
Julie: “Here’s how were going to start. Because of your raging nymphomania, I want you to be slowly masturbating under your sheet. Do it like you are trying to hide what you are doing so you will not get caught. Keep your facial expressions at a minimum like you are struggling to show any emotion. Look around like you are trying to sneak in a quickie. Of course I will catch you. From then on, just play along and have fun. You can struggle, but always remember I get to win. Ok?”
Sara: “Sounds easy enough.”
Julie: “Good. Let’s get started. Roll tape.”
The same young man who marked the first scene came forward and snapped the beginning of scene two. Sara, her hands hidden by the sheet began a delicate rub of her pussy. It was difficult to go slow. Sara wanted to plunge her fingers deep inside her just like last night. She did her best to look innocent and “sneaky” like she was embarrassed and trying not to get caught. She hoped her act would play well on tape and not look too cheesy. After all, scene one would show her in a very different light. After a few minutes of teasing herself, Sara began masturbating in earnest. It was impossible for her not to. Somehow she figured this was part of Julie’s plan as her nurse interrupted her before she had a chance to cum.
Julie: “What are you doing? You have been forbidden to masturbate until you heal! Don’t you want to get better? Good girls follow their doctor’s instructions!”
Sara: “I’m sorry mam. I couldn’t help myself.”
Julie: “I can see you are going to be a difficult case. I am personally going to take charge of your recovery. I will teach you how to behave like a lady and not play with yourself all the time.”
Sara: “I will do better, I swear.”
Julie: “It’s too late for that now. The only thing you will understand is being punished.”
Sara cowered back into the bed. She was getting into playing the victim on video and was getting more and more turned on. She had stopped masturbating when Julie first came on camera, but now she started again hoping to egg on her partner. Julie noticed immediately and ripped the sheet off her prey.
Julie: “No more hiding.”
Julie then opened the drawer of the table next to the bed. Sara didn’t bother to look down. Her hands were too busy. Julie retrieved a pair of handcuffs and grabbed Sara’s left wrist. Using her legs for leverage, Julie pulled Sara into a sitting position and snapped the cuff around her wrist. Sara began to struggle, although her left hand never left her pussy.
Sara: “No, please not that. I promise to listen to you.”
Julie: “The time for that has passed. You need to learn a lesson.”
Julie took up a position behind Sara and applied pressure to her back pushing her over.
Sara: “That hurts. Stop that.”
Julie: “You should have thought of that before you disobeyed me. Give me your other wrist.”
Sara meekly complied. Julie held her down for several additional seconds after she had secured Sara’s arms behind her. Standing back up, Julie pushed Sara back down onto the bed.
Julie: “I can see you are going to need some advanced training to learn how to leave that pussy of yours alone. First, I need to do a thorough examination to find out what I am dealing with.”
Sara felt Julie unsnap the bottom of the corset and felt cool air rush over her heated pussy. She then felt Julie’s fingers running the length of her lips.
Julie: “Just as I expected. You’re just another wet slut who can’t control herself. Well I know how to teach girls like you.”
Julie reached back into the drawer and removed a small vibrator and a roll of tape.
Julie: “I need to leave you alone for a little bit, but I don’t want you to be lonely.”
Sara gleefully spread her legs as Julie slid the vibrator into her pussy. Leaving the knob as the only part sticking out, Julie turned on the battery pack. The vibration hit Sara like a ton of bricks. She began rocking back and forth on the bed as the pleasure sensations quickly spread from her pussy to her head. Sara pussy was leaking like a faucet with a bad washer. As she neared a climax, a strong contraction shot the vibrator out of her pussy, leaving it buzzing in a puddle of her juices on the bed.
Julie looked down in disgust at the vibrator and then back at Sara. Smiling mischievously, Julie picked up the vibrator, turned it off and then offered it to Sara’s mouth. Sara was more than happy to clean her juices off the fuck toy. At this point, she would be happy to do anything Julie asked.
Julie returned the vibrator to Sara’s pussy, but didn’t turn it on. Instead she ordered Sara to place her legs together. She then took the roll of tape and wrapped it around Sara’s thighs, calves and ankles. Only after Sara was secure, did she turn the vibrator back on, only this time at about half the power.
Julie: “That will keep you still. I’ll be back soon. Maybe this time you will listen to me.
Julie pealed one more piece of tape off the roll and put it across Sara’s mouth.
Sara began rocking on the bed again and squeezing her vaginal muscles. This time the vibrator was not going anywhere. Unfortunately, due to the decreased speed it was set at, Sara didn’t think she could get off. Realizing she was in for a long tease, if that was Julie’s intention, Sara concentrated on giving the camera a good show. She moaned. She wiggled. She contracted. She begged with her eyes. She even faked an orgasm.
Sara was deep in her self imposed panting mode as Julie returned. Once again she was dressed in her latex catsuit and once again Sara’s mouth watered at how sexy Julie looked wearing it. Julie was also carrying a riding crop, a ball gag and nipple clamps. Sara’s pussy continued to gush at the thought of submitting to this wonderful woman.
Placing her equipment on the table, Julie made quick work of cutting the tape off Sara’s legs. She then resecured Sara’s legs to the traction bar just like the night before. Unlike last night, Sara knew the purpose wasn’t to give a cock better access to her pussy.
Lastly, Julie tore the tape from Sara’s mouth. Sara yelled at the pain, but Julie quickly distracted her by turning up the speed on the vibrator.
Julie: “Let’s see if you can hold that thing in long enough to cum.”
Sara’s hips were oscillating with delight as the vibrator worked its magic. Julie began drawing the crop over Sara’s body, but didn’t hit her with it. Sara imagined half the viewer hoping she would cum on the vibrator so they could shoot their loads and half the viewers wanting Julie to beat her for the same purpose. Sara was about to please the former group when the stress of holding in the vibrator gave way to another muscular contraction forcing the vibrator to plop obscenely out of her dripping hole. Sara groaned in frustration.
Julie: “I guess you don’t want the vibrator any more.”
Sara watched with disappointment as Julie picked up the toy and set it upright on the table. Still buzzing, Sara longed for it to be inserted in any of her available holes. Julie then returned the crop to its exploration of Sara’s body.
Julie: “You must learn to control your emotions.”
To emphasis her point, Julie snapped the crop against Sara’s thigh. Sara yelled in pain, but her arousal did not dissipate. Julie methodically worked the crop up and down Sara’s body including several blows directly on her clit. Each time, Sara arched her back in pain, but it was clear, she was enjoying her “treatment.”
One body part Julie did avoid was Sara’s breasts. Sara nipples were rock hard and longed for them to be touched, even if it was by the crop. Sensing her desire, Julie finally rubbed the crop along the base of her breasts and across her nipples.
Julie: “I was being nice and letting you heal more, but I can tell you want this don’t you.”
Sara: “Yes.”
Julie: “Yes mistress.”
Sara: “Yes mistress.”
Julie: “That’s better. Are you ready to follow my orders?”
Sara: “Yes mistress.”
Julie: “Very well.”
Sara watched as Julie picked up the nipple clamps off the table. Without ceremony, the clamped were applied to their target. The pain was exquisite and Sara thanked her new mistress for the honor of wearing her adornments.
Julie: “We’re not quite done with those nipples yet.”
Julie reached back into the drawer and retrieved a short chain. The chain was attached to each clamp and the pulled up to Sara’s mouth.
Julie: “If you drop that chain, I’ll beat your new tits raw and you will not be able to sit for a month after I’m done with your ass! Got it?”
Sara nodded, pulling her nipples up and down.
Julie then picked up the vibrator again and slid it back into Sara’s pussy. This time she secured the vibrator with a piece of tape so Sara “wouldn’t have to worry about it falling out.” Julie then resumed her cropping of Sara concentrating on her inner thighs and the soles of her feet. Sara quickly was reaching her zenith. The triple points of stimulation, as well has the exhibition nature of being a slut on camera, had her primed for release.
Julie: “Your former mistress told me you love to get your pussy slapped. Is that true?”
Sara nodded.
Julie: “I don’t want you to come until I reach 10 hits. Can you do that?”
Again Sara nodded.
Julie: “Count along with me…”
Julie snapped the crop squarely on Sara’s clit. The pain rush was superb as it ran length of Sara’s body. She almost lost control of the nipple chain as she opened her mouth to moan, but fortunately she managed to mumble “one” without dropping the chain. The second hit was noticeably lower. The thwack sound of hitting Sara’s clit was replaced with an echoic splat sound of contacting moisture. The pain was no less intense and neither was the pleasure it brought. Sara was more prepared this time and didn’t nearly loose the chain. Her diction also improved as she counted off the number two.
Julie continued to alternate hitting Sara’s clit and hitting her pussy lips. By the time they reached nine, Sara was quaking in need of release. Anticipating her liberation, Sara begged for the crop when instead of feeling its bite, she felt it rub along her thighs once again.
Julie: “You need to cum don’t you slave?”
Sara: “Yes mistress.”
Julie: “You are never to cum without permission. Do you understand?”
Sara: “Yes mistress”
Julie: “I could rub your clit for an hour and you would not cum would you.”
Sara: “I would do my best not to mistress.”
Julie: “That is not the right answer, but we’ll work on it.”
Julie stood back up and gently touched the tip of the crop to Sara’s clit, toying with her willing captive.
Julie: “Last hit. Ready?”
Sara: “Yes mistress. Please beat me. I’ve been a naughty girl.”
Julie: “Cum for me slut. Cum for your mistress.”
Julie snapped the crop through the air once again making hard contact squarely on Sara’s clit. Sara yelled 10 and erupted in her first orgasm of the day. Sara’s body quivered in release as Julie took the nipple chain from Sara’s mouth and pulled hard on it. The pain didn’t slow Sara down. If anything, she began coming harder. Her hips bounced in the air as if being fucked by an invisible assailant. Her body continued to convulse and contract as Sara’s brain released an hour’s worth of teasing energy. Her screams of passion filled the room. Even upstairs Dr. Bonner could hear muffled echoes of her fervor. He clicked on the feed from a security camera mounted in the corner of the ceiling just in time to see Sara begin to calm down; the latex clad Mistress Julie holding court over Sara’s bound form. Dr. Bonner smiled to himself and picked up the phone to update Heather on Sara’s progress.
Julie untied Sara and helped her to her feet. The camera crew applauded their performance and began resetting the room as Julie ushered Sara back to the bedroom.
Julie: “You didn’t use our safe word so I assume everything was alright.”
Sara: “It was better than alright. I loved it.”
Julie: “Good. Take about an hour to rest and we’ll get setup for the next scene.”
Sara stripped off the corset. Looking at herself in the mirror, she ran her hands over her new breasts. They didn’t seem quite so outrageous any more. In fact, she started liking how they made her look. Sara took another quick shower to rinse off the sweat of performing under the lights and then lay down on the bed. Sara didn’t fall asleep, but she was remarkably calm given the events of the last two days.
About 45 minutes later, Julie entered the room. She was still wearing her catsuit which still brought feelings of lust to Sara. Julie did not have a costume for Sara saying this time she would dress on camera. Entering the filming room, Sara immediately noticed that all of the furniture, except for a small chest of drawers, had been removed. There was also a shop vac and a neatly folded rectangle of fabric. The fabric was black and Sara was unable to determine what it was made out of.
The marker for scene 3 was clicked and Julie began.
Julie: “Sara, you learned a bit this morning about holding back your orgasm, but I think you need some more training. We are going to focus you on your emotions so you can better learn what kind of effort it will take to control your libido.”
Sara noticed one camera was focused on her and one was focused on Julie. Sara had lost all traces of nervousness and was ready for this adventure to begin. She watched as Jill picked up the fabric and started unfolding it on the floor. Sara was still unsure of the fabric. It definitely wasn’t leather. It seemed thicker than plastic and didn’t look like latex. Sara decided it must be vinyl. She was intrigued by what its purpose was and kept an eye on Julie as she set it up. It turned out to be a bag of some sort with a heavy duty zipper along the top half and an inner membrane which looked like it was sealed like a Ziploc bag. Sara could guess her roll in the scene and was starting to get edgy. She had never experienced breath play, but had seen it in a movie she had downloaded.
Julie instructed Sara to get into the bag. She showed the inexperienced girl where a plastic tube, like a diver’s snorkel, went through the side and fit snuggly in her mouth.
Julie: “Don’t spit out the snorkel. It’s your lifeline to the outside world. I also want you to spread your legs and arms as if you were restrained.”
Satisfied that Sara was ready, she sealed up the bag and attached the hose from the shop vac to another fitting at the base. Turning on the shop vac, Julie quickly sucked all of the air out of the bag. Just as quickly, the vinyl molded itself to Sara’s frame immobilizing her and creating instant tactile access to her entire body. Turning off the vacuum, Julie sealed an airlock at the vacuum fitting and released the hose. The bag holding Sara thus would not inflate until someone either released the pressure valve or unzipped the main compartment.
Sara tried to move within the bag, but the vacuum seal held her tight. Even exerting all her strength, she could not move either arm or either leg. This was the strictest bondage she ever felt. She could not see, although sound passed easily through the membrane. Sara felt someone apply pressure, she assumed it was Julie, to the side of the bag causing her to rock like a fetish teeter-totter. She then felt a hand tracing a path around her breasts and down to her pussy. Oh how voluminous her breasts must look in the position, she thought. The suction of the bag was forcing her stomach in like a corset, yet her implants were holding firm against the pressure. Sara began to get excited and soon realized she had better consciously try to control her breathing. She was worried she would overtax the snorkel. She tried to relax as the hands continued to roam over her body. The two opposite reactions to the stimulus she was feeling focused her mind completely on her sense of touch. Having lost vision and smell, and with only very little sound available, Sara’s sense of touch rapidly became acute. The fingers roaming her body were not making an effort to simulate her erogenous zones, but their effect was the same. Sara’s entire body was becoming a giant erogenous zone as she began to struggle for more contact.
All of a sudden the touching stopped. Sara worried she was in for a long tease, although she didn’t see how that would play well on video. She didn’t have to worry. The delay was just to position her more appropriately. Sara heard a click and then a second. She then felt the bag being pulled upward. She must be attached to some sort of hoist, she reasoned. The bag moved into a vertical position and Sara felt it swinging around. Again she imagined what her form must look like on the camera. She began to look forward to seeing what the camera saw. Hands resumed their free access to her body. Sara was swung around several times disorienting her to which direction she was facing. All of a sudden she felt a stinging blow on her right butt cheek as her first spank was delivered. She flinched, although her body didn’t move. Her left cheek received the same slap and after she spun again, both breasts received the same treatment. Sara began to experience an intense arousal. Her heightened sense of touch meant every stimulus rocketed through her nerve endings and straight to the pleasure centers of her brain. The spanking was soon replaced by a cat-of-nine-tails. Or perhaps a cat-of-fifteen. Sara could not be sure, but the intense sensations across a narrow band of her flesh brought only pleasure and not pain.
Sara was whipped from the tips of her feet to the top of her head. She found the suit protected her body from the sharpest contacts and led her not to worry about any lasting marks. Over and over the lash of the whip stimulated her and she soon found herself moaning into the snorkel and sweating like a marathon runner. Sara tried to focus on her breathing and keeping the snorkel in her mouth, but it was a difficult task. Soon her body betrayed her efforts and she exploded is another monumental orgasm. There was no way anyone watching could have missed her release, all brought on from a few light touches with a finger and the lashes from a whip.
As Sara began to come down, she noticed the whipping had stopped. She began to wonder if the bag treatment was completed. She then heard two more clipping sounds and felt the lower end of the bag rising up until she was once again laying flat.
Julie: “That was quite an orgasm you had there young lady. But you came without permission. Don’t let that happen again or you will be whipped without the bag to protect you.”
Sara would have liked to acknowledge the command, but couldn’t. Instead, her mind snapped instantly back to her sensation of touch as hands once again began exploring her vinyl clad body. This time, however, the hands were definitely on a mission to turn her on. Soon the hand gave way to a low power vibrator which made the rounds on her body and was quickly replaced with a higher power model. Sara was drenched in her own sweat inside the bag and she now started to worry about dehydration. Her distraction was short lived as a very powerful vibrator, one Sara now recognized as a magic wand, was pressed firmly between her legs. Almost instantly Sara began to build to another thunderous release. Just as fast, the sensation was gone. Sara now felt the entire bag begin to swing. On its return, she encountered the wand pressed up against her mound. Again and again she felt the bag swing backward and again and again she received a wonderful, but brief encounter with the wand. Eventually as the bag was pulled back, it would be held for an undetermined amount of time. Sara could hear the wand buzzing away and prayed she would soon be pushed against it and allow to cum. In the distance she heard Julie asking if she wanted to cum. In her daze, she didn’t answer immediately, but two sharp blows to her nipples got her attention. Julie asked again and Sara did her best to answer yes through the snorkel.
Of course Julie wasn’t done playing just yet. Over and over she repeated the process, swinging Sara into the pleasure zone, but never leaving her there for long. Sometimes she left Sara to receive pleasure from the wand for 20 or 30 seconds, other times for only 2 or 3. Julie varied the amount of time away from the wand causing Sara to become very frantic to orgasm. Eventually Julie relented and after giving Sara permission to cum, pushed her forcibly onto the edge of the wand. Holding the back of the bag with her body, Julie also began pinching Sara’s nipples and cupping her breasts. The stimulation had its desired effect and soon the bag shook as its occupant climaxed once again.
After Sara calmed down, Julie lowered the bag back to the floor and released the vacuum seal at the base. Sara felt a rush of relaxation as the grip the bag held on her relented. She then heard the zipper being pulled open and saw light for the first time in an hour. Her eyes squinted to adjust to the bright camera lights, but she had enough vision to see the joy on Julie’s face at her performance. Rising to her feet, she gave Julie a big hug. She didn’t know if that would make the final cut of the film and she didn’t care. The vacuum bag was the most erotic single experience she had ever had and she wanted Julie to know.
The rest of the day went the same way. After a short rest, Julie would summon Sara to the video room and then torment her with all manner of kinky devices. Sometimes she was dressed in fetish wear and sometimes she was naked. Each time Sara was able to achieve orgasm, yet amazingly she did not tire. Her adrenaline flow had kicked in and at Sara’s urging Julie completed all of their scenes by late Saturday night.
Dr. Bonner was amazed. Never before had his victim finished their filming early. Sara wanted to go home, but since they had not completed the final scene until after 10pm, Dr. Bonner convinced her to stay the night. Sara was still ready for action and ended up masturbating herself to sleep one more time.
Sunday broke with Sara feeling refreshed and full of life. She was ready to go home, but at the same time wanted to continue her relationship with Dr. Boner and Mistress Julie. Sara lay in bed hoping Julie would come and fetch her, but it was not to be. She smelled breakfast cooking upstairs so she jumped into the shower and then slipped on a nightshirt she found in a bedroom dresser. Looking at herself in the mirror, the liked the way the nightshirt hung off her chest and barely covered her ass. She definitely would be shopping for lots of new clothes, she thought.
Even by the time she finished getting ready, no one had come to collect her so she tried the door. She was surprised to find it unlocked. Looking into the video room, she discovered that it had been transformed into a home gym. Had she been dreaming this entire weekend while she slept in the hospital? Sara walked up the stairs to find Dr. Bonner cooking pancakes.
Dr. Bonner: “Good morning. Breakfast will be ready shortly.”
Sara: “Thanks. It smells great.”
Sara sat down to a cup of coffee and Dr. Bonner told her that Heather would be over shortly to collect her. Sara and the doctor ate breakfast and while she cleared the table, Dr. Bonner went into his office to collect some paperwork. He gave Sara a form to sign giving him rights to distribute the videos they shot over the last two days. Briefly Sara rebelled in her mind and thought if she didn’t sign, the videos could not be released.
Dr. Bonner: “I know what you are thinking, but it will not work. We can fake your signature if we need to. Nobody who watches the footage will think you were acting against your will.”
Sara knew he was right. Her orgasms had flowed like water and it was all caught on tape. She happily signed the document without even reading it. She and Dr. Bonner talked about the footage. He told her he was very happy with how the video was turning out and hoped they could work together again. She said the first two scenes were edited and he hoped to get the last five done that week. Sara asked if she could get a copy of the finished product and Dr. Bonner readily agreed. “You also get a free website subscription for life,” he added. Just then the doorbell rang.
Dr. Bonner: “That would be Heather.”
Sara jumped out of her chair and ran to the front door. She was beaming when she opened the door and found her mistress smiling back at her.
Mistress Heather: “Good morning slave. Did you enjoy your recovery time at Dr. Boner’s spa?”
Sara: “Oh yes mistress. They treated me very well.”
Mistress Heather: “What did you learn from your time spent here?”
Sara: “That you know what is best for me. At first I was angry at the size of my breasts and about being imprisoned here, but now I love my implants and I don’t remember every cumming so much in one day.”
Mistress Heather: “We may have to work on your daily number of orgasms. I can’t have you thinking another woman can make you cum better than I can.”
Sara: “You know I always cum better for you.”
Mistress Heather: “Are you ready to get dressed and go home?”
Sara: “Yes, but if we have a few minutes, can we watch some of the footage?”
Mistress Heather: “I’ve got the time. Let’s ask Frank to cue it up.”
Sara and Heather went into Dr. Bonner’s screening room. There was a video projector and a large comfortable couch. Mistress Heather sat down and before Sara could join her, she pointed at the floor. Sara knelt down on the floor in front of her mistress. The screen flickered to life and a very clear image of Sara being strapped down on her hospital bed filled the screen. Heather gently stroked Sara’s head the way a person would pet a dog while Sara began getting turned on watching herself whither in pleasure on the bed. After scene one was complete, Heather told Sara to remove her nightshirt. Mistress Heather then positioned Sara in a sitting position between her legs and began to reach down and massage her breasts and nipples. Soon Sara was breathing very hard as the manipulation from her mistress and the image of Julie and her on the screen took its desired effect. Sara’s juices were flowing once again and the smell of female arousal filled the room.
Mistress Heather: “Julie turned you on didn’t she?”
Sara: “Yes mistress.”
Mistress Heather: “How many times did you cum yesterday?”
Sara: “I don’t know mistress. I lost count.”
Mistress Heather: “And if you guessed how many?”
Sara: “8 or 9.”
Mistress Heather: “And how many did I give you permission for?”
Sara: “Dr. Bonner said I could cum as much as I wanted.”
Mistress Heather: “Is Dr. Bonner your mistress?”
Sara: “No mam.”
Mistress Heather: “If I touch your clit right now will you cum for me?”
Sara: “Yes mistress.”
Mistress Heather: “Then squat on my shoe while you watch yourself on the screen.”
Sara knelt once again and wiggled her ass over her mistress’ sharp pointed shoe. The toe of the shoe easily found its target. Sara ground her pussy on the shoe as Mistress Heather continued to manipulate her nipples. In no time Sara was begging for permission to cum.
Mistress Heather: “No just yet dear. I’m afraid Julie’s lack of discipline has caused you to regress.”
Sara continued grinding herself over Mistress Heather and continued to beg.
Sara: “Please mistress. May I please suck your pussy?”
Mistress Heather: “That is a fine idea. We need to wash Julie’s taste from your mouth.”
Sara spun around and lifted Heather’s skirt. Instead of removing her mistress’ panties, she simply pushed them aside and dove in. Her mistress took hold of her head and rode Sara’s face like a rodeo star riding a bronco. By the time scene 2 ended, Sara’s face had been coated in her mistress’ juice as Heather enjoyed two climaxes. When Mistress Heather released Sara’s head, she stood up for inspection. Heather also stood up and made a closer examination of Dr. Bonner’s handiwork.
Mistress Heather: “Dr. Bonner does excellent work. Worth every penny.”
Of course its worth every penny, Sara thought, I was the one who paid for it. Dr. Bonner entered the room carrying Sara’s clothes from Friday at the hospital.
Dr. Bonner: “It sounded like you two were finished. How’d you like the video?”
Mistress Heather: “Excellent as always. And excellent work on Sara.”
Dr. Bonner: “Thanks Heather. I always enjoy the clients you recommend.”
Sara got dressed, disappointed she had not been allowed to cum, but confident that Frank would rectify that situation when he saw her. Sara doubted they would even make it to the bedroom before Frank would rip her blouse off. The drive back to Heather’s was uneventful. Her mistress did not have her expose herself or play with her pussy. Heather explained she still needed to rest and recover from the surgery and fuck fest weekend.
Mistress Heather: “I’ll have Carey give you a lighter workout this week and Wednesday we’ll just do a spa day. I know Frank is going to want to fuck you, but try to take it easy. Dr. Bonner said he didn’t need to see you tomorrow since he saw you today, but we should still go to his office on Friday.”
Sara gave her mistress a big hug before getting into her car.
Sara: “Thank you… for everything.”
Mistress Heather: “You’re welcome. Just take it easy for the next few days.”
Sara drove home happy and contented. As expected, Frank’s reaction was very favorable. He spent the rest of the day with a dumb grin on his face every time he looked at his wife. Their love making was spirited to say the least as Frank played with her new chest like a kid in a candy store.
By Monday, things began to calm down and Sara’s life began to return to its routine. She went to the gym on Monday and Tuesday. Carey was targeting her legs and butt and told Sara she wouldn’t put any stress on her upper body this week. Tuesday Sara saw Jill for the first time since her surgery. Jill was very impressed with the results and made comments that her party guests would also be impressed. Sara pressed her for more information, but Jill told her it was better if she was surprised.
On Wednesday Sara arrived at Mistress Heather’s house right on time for their spa day. Mistress Heather wasn’t ready to go and Sara spent the first hour brushing her mistress’ hair, doing her nails and generally pampering her.
Sara: “When you said we were having a spa day, I didn’t realize I was the one who would be treating you?”
Mistress Heather: “Is that a problem?”
Sara: “Of course not mistress. I was just looking forward to going to a day spa.”
Mistress Heather: “We will. A very special day spa.”
Sara’s mind flashed forward to what could be special about a day spa, at least in Mistress Heather’s mind. She pictured getting a mud bath while in bondage or a facial with a vibrator strapped in her pussy.
Mistress Heather: “It’s not special in the way you’re thinking. I mean it is very fancy and they will take care of us.”
Sara (sounding disappointed): “Oh.”
Mistress Heather: “You really are becoming quite the pervert. I like it, but not everything is about sex you know.”
Sara and Heather drove to the spa and enjoyed an afternoon of soothing massages, hot stone treatments, salt rubs and a refreshing half hour in a sauna. Sara felt no shame in showing her body to the spa employees, although she was sure she heard them snickering behind her back. On the way back to Heather’s house, their route took them past The Vault.
Sara: “Perhaps we should stop in and see if Mandy and Steve are there?”
Mistress Heather: “I’m sure they are, but I’m too relaxed right now. Maybe next week.”
Sara began to pout. She wanted to show off her new form and she really wanted another ride on the Sybian. Heather sent Sara home that day without having had any sexual contact with her mistress. They had a fine day together, but this was the first time she had visited Heather without a sexual component being present. Sara began to worry that her mistress really was disappointed in her behavior with Julie.
On Friday Sara and Heather made the trip to Dr. Bonner’s downtown office. Julie was in her regular position at the reception desk. She warmly greeted them, but made no reference to last weekend’s activities. Sara noted several other women sitting in the waiting room and assumed Julie’s aloofness was related to trying to remain professional.
Sara and Heather were ushered into Dr. Bonner’s office and he joined them shortly thereafter. After querying Sara about any discomfort she was experiencing, Dr. Bonner asked her to remove her shirt so he could examine her. He commented that her recovery was going well and that Sara could begin to add more strenuous activities. Sara hoped that was code for her mistress to reignite their passion. After the examination, Dr. Bonner took the after pictures for his catalog, first with Sara holding the cardboard rectangle with her breasts poking through and then as a topless glamour shot. Sara felt sexy and alive as she posed, exposing herself to a lens once again. Before he left, Dr. Bonner slid a DVD across the table to Heather.
Dr. Bonner: “A little souvenir from last weekend.”
Julie walked into the office as Sara was reaching for her blouse. She took hold of Sara’s left nipple and pulled her close for a passionate kiss. Sara’s legs began to buckle and she hoped the two beautiful women would join forces to make her submit.
Julie: “I didn’t get a chance to properly thank you for last Saturday.”
Sara: “It was my pleasure. I hope my mistress will let us play again.”
Heather was happy to see Sara keep her place in the relationship.
Mistress Heather: “Are you going to Jill’s party next Friday?”
Julie: “That is my plan.”
Mistress Heather: “Good. My pet is going to be the serving wench, so bring your appetite.”
Julie: “Are you going?”
Mistress Heather: “Yes. I left her in the charge of one of my other slaves at a frat party and she got in too much trouble. I’m going to chaperone this event.”
Julie: “Sounds like a plan. I’ll see you there.”
Julie turned and left the room. Heather motioned for Sara to finish getting dressed. Julie nipple pinch went straight to Sara’s pussy. She hoped the doctor’s positive report would inspire her mistress for more. Alas, if Mistress Heather was in the mood for play, she didn’t show it on the walk to the train or the ride home. Back at her house, Heather gave Sara a soulful kiss, but sent her on her way home. Sara was confused, until Heather called her back from the car to the front door of the house.
Mistress Heather: “I forgot to tell you. I made a hair appointment for you for tomorrow. Instead of going for our run, I’ll pick you up at 8:30. Dress accessible.”
Sara noticed a sparkle in Heather’s eyes she had not seen for a week. Something was going to happen tomorrow. Sara was sure.
Sara had a restless sleep that night wondering what adventures were going to happen on Saturday. As it turned out, Heather brought her to a conventional looking salon for an appointment with a mousy, innocent looking hairdresser named Brett. Sara wondered why her mistress had instructed her to wear easy access clothes. Brett appeared to be very introverted, always looking down and not making good eye contact when she talked. Clearly she wouldn’t be interested in seeing Sara’s charms, would she?
What Brett was interested in was giving her a new hair style, one that changed her look completely. Gone was Sara’s long, sometimes ratted out hair style. In its place was a simple, straight bob cut. The ends were tapered slightly just below her jaw line and framed her face perfectly. Heather explained the short cut would allow her to wear wigs easier to change her look to match her outfit. After the cut was over, Brett moved to the color. Platinum blonde from a bottle, the color of sluts and whores commented Heather. By the time the dye was rinsed, Sara hardly recognized herself. Brett then reached for more color, this time jet black.
Mistress Heather: “Too many tramps use just platinum blonde. You are special so you’re getting a special look.”
Sara watched in wonder as Brett now dyed a two inch black band along the bottom of her hair. Looking at the reflection in the mirror, Sara saw the tapered black ends now formed an arrow pointing at her mouth. She had never seen a hair style like this one, but somehow it fit her station and she instantly fell in love with the look. Sara decided Brett may be a social misfit, but she was a great hairdresser.
Mistress Heather: “You look great. Now we need to do something about the rat’s nest between your legs.”
Sara didn’t like her pussy being referred to as a rat’s nest. She had kept herself neat and tidy downstairs every since Cindy had seduced her. But she also knew better than to argue and offered no resistance as Brett led her to the waxing room.
Once inside, Heather asked Brett to close and lock the door. She also told Sara to strip. Sara made quick work of shedding her clothes and her mistress then directed her to lie down on the waxing table. As Brett prepared the wax and tape, Heather reached into a gym bag she had brought and pulled out a horse bit which she strapped around Sara’s head. Pulling the bit into Sara’s mouth, Heather explained that getting your snatch waxed can be painful and she didn’t want Sara to scare the other salon patrons. Sara had waxed her legs before so she knew what to expect. She didn’t think the humiliation of lying naked with a horse bit in front of Brett was for the benefit of the other patrons. She knew it was for the benefit of her mistress.
Sara watched as her mistress also pulled out a long leather tie down strap which she used to secure Sara’s arms to the table. Since there were no handrails to use, Heather’s simple solution was to attach one cuff to Sara’s left wrist and ran the strap under the table and up to Sara’s right wrist. A simple ratchet in the middle shortened the strap until Sara was secure. A similar procedure secured Sara’s legs. Sara was able to raise her head just enough to see Brett sharpening a straight razor and then placing some warmed shaving cream on his hand.
Brett: “Please don’t move while I shave you.”
It wasn’t easy for Sara. She was sure Brett wasn’t doing it for sexual satisfaction, but having her touch her most sensitive areas in an intimate way made Sara want to squirm. She fought the urge to move her hips by staring up at the ceiling and biting down on the bit. Brett was an expert at shaving a woman’s pubic hair. She provided this service to several of her customers, although she didn’t usually have them tied down and gagged. Brett had never played bondage games with her lovers, but was enjoying the dynamic between Heather and Sara. Although she didn’t show it, Brett was happy to help them play their game.
Brett finished Sara’s shave in short order. Sara was able to relax her tense body, a little, until she felt the wax being applied. Sara knew the pain that would follow as the remaining stubs of pussy hair was about to be ripped from her body. Sara turned her head to look at her mistress for strength. What she saw was her mistress pulling a bird feather out of her bag. Just as Brett applied the first piece of tape, Heather began drawing the feather across Sara’s nipples. A quick hit of pleasure was replaced by pain as Brett ripped the tape from her body. Sara bit down hard on the horse bit, stifling a scream. Mistress Heather continued teasing Sara’s nipples with the feather as Brett continued grooming Sara’s pussy. When Brett finished, she placed a warm, moist towel over Sara’s pussy and asked Heather if she wanted to do Sara’s legs.
Sara wanted something done, but her desires had nothing to do with hair removal. She wanted her mistress to take advantage of her restrained state and ravage her. Sara wondered what other wonderful toys her mistress had packed in her bag and if Brett was really as innocent as she seemed or if she was going to turn into a raging temptress. As always, her mistress seemed to know what she was thinking.
Mistress Heather: “I bet you are wondering what we are going to do to you now?”
Sara nodded her head and mumbled through the bit an affirmative response.
Mistress Heather: “Well Brett here confided in my a while ago that she had always been bi-curious, but had never had the conviction to do anything about it. Since you can’t resist, I figured she might want to take advantage of the situation.”
Sara glanced over at Brett who was looking down, seemingly embarrassed at Heather’s description of her.
Mistress Heather: “I’m going to go up front and get a touch up. Brett, feel free to accept Sara as your tip for today. Do as much or as little to her as you like. There are a few toys in the bag you might want. If you change your mind, that’s cool. Just come up front and I’ll take care of Sara when I’m done.”
Neither Sara nor Brett made a sound as Heather turned and walked out of the waxing room. Sara looked back at Brett trying to gauge what her next move would be. Brett continued to stare at Sara as if she was trying to make up her mind whether to continue. Finally Brett walked over to Sara and removed the horse bit from her mouth.
Brett: “Are you really ok with this?”
Sara: “Yes. If my mistress wants me to serve you, then I will serve you. Of course, tied as I am, I don’t have much choice.”
Sara tried to sound nonchalant, but inside she wanted the inexperienced girl to get her first taste of womanly love. Brett stood next to the table and ran a finger along Sara’s ribcage. Sara made a cooing sound to encourage her to further explore her bound body.
Brett: “Let’s see what other toys your mistress brought.”
Brett opened Heather bag and began to rummage around. From her position, Sara could not see down to the floor. But she had a pretty good idea of what the bag might contain. Brett popped her head back up to eye level with a smile and produced a blindfold.
Brett: “I’m a little nervous about you seeing me naked so I think I want you to wear this.”
Sara world was once again darkened. Sara remembered the first time she was blindfolded and how out of control she felt. In recent weeks, however, she came to feel liberated by losing her sight and now enjoyed the experience. Sara felt Brett’s hands begin to roam over her body. Tentatively, Brett explored Sara’s breasts. She squeezed the sides as if she were checking a melon and gentle rubbed the nipples. Sara was more than prepared for Brett to take a more forceful approach, but she said nothing allowing the naïve woman an opportunity to learn at her own pace. Sara did give verbal feedback telling Brett what felt good and what didn’t. Brett explored every inch of Sara’s body, finally stopping to insert a finger into Sara’s pussy.
Sara: “Oh, baby. That’s the spot. Please don’t stop.”
Brett didn’t stop, but she also never reached the fevered pitch Sara would have liked. Sara hoped it was a simple lack of experience about how to get a woman off and not another sadistic tendency to tease. Sara felt Brett removed her finger and then heard what she perceived to be a sucking sound. Did Brett just lick her own finger to taste Sara’s juice? Sara pictured the young girl tasting another woman for the first time. In her mind Brett was slowly giving into temptation and would soon be ready for a full lesbian encounter.
Sara was half right. Brett was ready, but no necessarily for sex with her. Once again Sara heard Brett rooting through the bag. She then lost track of where Brett was located until she heard the sound of clothes hitting the floor. To her left, she heard a vibrator turn on followed quickly by the sounds of a woman pleasing herself. “Brett must be masturbating,” Sara realized. She may not be ready to share herself, but obviously Sara’s bound form was turning her on.”
Brett was becoming progressively more vocal as the vibrator worked its magic. As she started to come out of her shell, she stopped trying to hide her pleasure. Sara hoped the walls were suitably soundproof as she was sure the entire shop could hear Brett’s moans of desire. Sara began to smell Brett’s scent and knew her climax was near. The force of Brett’s orgasm seemed to overwhelm her and the room became quiet for several minutes after Brett’s release.
Sara: “That was pretty amazing Brett. Have you ever come like that before?”
Brett: “No. None of my male lovers ever made me come. That is why I was thinking about switching to women. Even when I masturbate thinking about women, I don’t come like I did watching you bound to the table.”
Sara: “I’m glad I could help, but if you could help me I’d really appreciate it.”
Brett: “I don’t know. There is another toy I’d love to try, but it’s pretty perverted.
Sara: “Describe it to me.”
Brett: “Well it’s a dildo and there are some straps on it.”
Sara: “That’s a strap-on. You wear it and fuck me as if you were a guy. I think you would like it.”
Sara really didn’t care if Brett would like it. She knew she needed some relief and if she could convince Brett to act on her behalf, so much the better.
Brett: “I don’t think that is it. The straps are pretty short. I couldn’t get it around my waist. The only place it would fit is …”
Brett’s voice trailed off. Sara assumed she realized she was holding a face dildo. Sara sensed Brett over around her head and then felt the base of the dildo rubbing her chin. Brett may have been inexperienced, but she was a quick study. Within moments, a thick dildo had sprouted from Sara’s chin and Brett was screaming while bouncing up and down on it. Sara could feel Brett’s dampness falling onto her face and could smell the woman’s arousal. It was intoxicating as Sara’s own pussy would attest. Sara’s head shook as Brett used her as a pogo stick jamming the dildo deep into her pussy with every revolution. Having just cum, Brett’s body was in no hurry to reach orgasm again. Sara’s head was beginning to ache from the pounding it was taking. She then felt Brett reach down and touch her clit. The contact was a bolt of lightning for Sara who tried to arch her hips to encourage Brett to take more intimate action.
Brett had other idea, though, and soon after dismounted the dildo and removed it from Sara’s face. Sara thanked her and asked again to be brought off. Brett didn’t say a word, but instead swung her leg back over Sara and settled her dripping pussy over Sara’s waiting mouth. Distressed that Brett didn’t seem concerned with her own satisfaction, Sara worked tirelessly to get the girl off again so her mistress might come back and take care of her needs. Brett was grinding her pussy on Sara’s face when Heather came back into the room.
Mistress Heather: “I see you are enjoying yourself. Apparently being caught naked at work did the trick for Brett as she showered Sara head with her girl cum. As she was quaking, Brett reached both hands down and grabbed Sara’s head. Forcing herself further down on Sara’s face, Brett rode out her second orgasm like a champion cowboy.
After she was done, Brett quietly stood up and quickly got dressed and left the room. Only then did Heather remove the blindfold and unstrapped Sara.
Mistress Heather: “I think she definitely turned a corner. Did you sense seeing you bound helped get her off?”
Sara: “Most definitely. The first thing she did was masturbate while looking at me.”
Mistress Heather: “I thought she had potential. I’ll keep working on her.”
Sara: “Can you work on me for a while?”
Mistress Heather: “Of course, slut. You’ve earned it.”
Sara felt the vibrator slide into her pussy. Heather turned it up to full speed before telling Heather she needed to go out to make a call. Sara’s libido was rapidly rising as Heather walked out the door. She didn’t close the door, however, leaving it wide open for anyone in the salon to look through. Sara sat with her legs spread obscenely wide open as she fucked herself with the vibrator. She hoped someone would pass the door heading to the bathroom and would stop to watch or join in. Sara quickly reached orgasm moaning loud enough for the whole building to hear her in an effort to draw a crowd. Heather returned just as Sara was calming down and told her “nice try.”
Heather pulled the vibrator out of Sara’s pussy and turned it off. She then had Sara clean the juices while she packed up the rest of their gear. Finally Sara was allowed to dress and the two women walked back to the front of the salon. Sara was greeted with a mixed group of stares. The younger women seemed more hip to what was happening while a couple of older women just looked at her with disgust. Sara didn’t care what the others thought. Her pussy was happy and she helped bring another into Mistress Heather’s fold.
The next week flew by as Sara’s mind was filled with anticipation of Jill’s party. She didn’t have many details about what to expect. Several women of her acquaintance would be there. She knew her mistress was bringing her, she thought Julie would attend and she figured Carey would show up. Her only instruction was to be at Mistress Heather’s house by 6pm to get dressed.
Frank was preparing to leave for the weekly poker game when Sara and he said their goodbyes. Sara drove to Mistress Heather’s house, her pussy getting wetter with every passing mile. Her new look was almost complete, except for a tattoo her mistress had promised. For the last week, Sara kept running her fingers over her waxed pussy lips and had come to love the feeling of being completely smooth and bare. No doubt she would need another wax treatment soon, a prospect not entirely objectionable.
Sara took her position in Mistress Heather’s garage and waited. She heard motion inside the house and thought she identified at least two people moving around. She perceived sounds in the mudroom and licked her lips in anticipation of seeing her mistress. The door opened slowly. Sara was surprised, a least somewhat, to see Brett holding the doorknob. She walked into the garage examining how Sara was kneeling and presenting her breasts. Mistress Heather soon followed.
Mistress Heather: “Right on time. Very good. You may rise and come into the house.”
Sara stood up and followed the two women into the house.
Mistress Heather: “Brett enjoyed last Saturday a great deal. She wants to learn more, so I invited her to the party. The deal was she would have to help you serve drinks.”
Sara: “So we are going to be waitresses for the night?”
Mistress Heather: “Only at the beginning. Jill throws these parties about every three months. In addition to working at the gym, she is an outside sales rep for a sex toy company. She throws product parties to introduce new toys and stimulate demand for older models. Some of the attendees are resellers to adult stores, Mandy will probably be there buying for The Vault and some are just oversexed women looking for the next thrill. Sara, you will be helping model clothing and demonstrate toys. Brett will just be watching this time, although she is free to participate if she likes.”
Sara: “How many people will be there?”
Mistress Heather: “Well, it varies. Sometimes only a handful, other times upwards of 40.”
Sara’s knees buckled at the thought of demonstrating sex toys in front of 40 people.
Mistress Heather: “After the main show is over, most of the women will leave, although some will stay for a more intimate examination of the toys, if you get my drift.”
Brett and Sara followed Heather upstairs to change into their outfits. Sara was intrigued by how much Brett might participate and how slutty her mistress would have them dress. As it turned out, Heather gave them both simple black cocktail dresses.
Mistress Heather: “Everyone will be dressed pretty casually. The simple elegance of a cocktail dress will have you stand out plenty.”
Brett seemed somewhat relieved by the conservative nature of the dress. Sara was somewhat disappointed. Both women were instructed to wear black stockings and a garter belt. Brett received a sexy pair of panties while Heather instructed Sara to go bare. Heather then gave Sara a butterfly to add to her ensemble “to keep her focused.” Brett watched in fascination as Sara casually strapped the butterfly’s belt around her waist and positioned the joy buzzer over her clit. Mistress Heather flipped a switch on the battery pack and the hidden toy quietly sprung to life. Mistress Heather then clipped the battery pack to the back of the garter belt. Both women received a pair of 3” heel black patent leather pumps and they were off to Jill’s house.
Heather drove while Brett and Sara sat in the back seat. The butterfly was working its magic on Sara while Brett studied her every jiggle. Ever since their time at the salon last Saturday, Brett had been fantasizing about Sara. Tonight she hoped to get to know her better and bring out the beast she knew was trapped within her.
The trio arrived at Jill’s house at 7pm. They were warmly greeted and walked into a well apportioned house. Both the size and the décor were inconsistent with someone who works at a gym. “Jill must do very well in the sex toy business,” Sara thought.
Jill: “You two look wonderful. Oh, and you also Heather.”
Heather: “Thanks Jill. My pet has been looking forward to this party for a long time. Isn’t that right slave?”
Sara: “Yes mistress.”
Jill: “And who else have you brought me?”
Brett: “My name is Brett. I work with Nicole at the hair salon.”
Jill: “Welcome to my home. I understand you will be helping with the drink service tonight.”
Brett: “Yes. Heather said that was they only way I would be invited.”
Jill: “Well, I don’t know about that, but it’s pretty simple. My guests will be arriving between 7:30 and 8. Everyone mingles and networks until we start the show about 8:30. My basement is setup for the show so people will eventually gravitate there. I will need you to serve drinks to everyone hanging out upstairs before they go down. Sara is going to help you.”
Brett: “That doesn’t sound too hard.”
Jill: “It’s not. Heather will show you where I keep the liquor. Sara, I have a new outfit for you, so please come with me.”
Brett looked to Heather for guidance as Sara followed Jill out of the living room and down the stairs. Jill was not boasting that her basement was setup for a show. There was a stage and catwalk surrounded by chairs. Multicolored lights hung from the ceiling along with several winches, pulleys and I-hooks. No doubt useful in restraining a disobedient model.
Sara was ushered behind the stage into a small dressing room. There were racks of costumes and fetish wear. On the walls were hooks holding a better selection of collars, cuffs and sex toys than Sara had ever seen before. Sara knew before the night was over, she would be sampling the wares of this room.
Sara: “Your collection is very impressive.”
Jill: “Thank you dear. I must admit I had to scramble a bit to get clothes for your new size. Your mistress did not tell me you were having your breasts done. Slide your dress off. I’d like to get a closer look at them.”
Sara shimmied out of the cocktail dress and unhooked her bra. Jill smiled when she saw the butterfly and wondered if Sara was hiding any other sinful pleasures. Jill advanced on Sara and gave her new breasts a thorough examination. She lifted each breast in turn, weighing them with her hand as if she were making a purchase. She also rubbed both of Sara’s nipples. Sara was swooning from the attention, her juices flowing past the butterfly and onto her legs.
Jill: “Very nice. My complements to Dr. Bonner.”
As Jill released her breasts, Sara sat down at the dressing table to catch her breath. She watched as Jill walked over to one of the clothes racks and started thumbing through the outfits. Sara knew this was all for show. Certainly Jill had already decided what she would be wearing and no doubt her mistress had approved of the choice. Still the display heightened Sara sense of anticipation hoping Jill would pick something a little sexier than the cocktail dress. She didn’t need to worry.
Jill grabbed a garment and turned back toward Sara. Sara could tell it was leather and not very big.
Jill: “Those monsters of yours need support. This should take care of them.”
Jill wrapped the garment around Sara. It was tight. Very tight like a corset. It covered Sara from her belly button to just under her breasts. Unlike any corset Sara had ever worn, however, the top had a built in shelf to hold her boobs. It really wasn’t a bra, but a hard plastic piece that curved around the edges of her breasts giving plenty of support without hiding any of her flesh except the underside. The curved piece forced her already ample breasts inward and upward. To Sara, they seemed almost to merge into one super breast. Jill returned to the close rack and made a quick search until she found a very sheer white blouse. It reminded Sara of a very fine mesh. It really would not hide very much. Jill slipped the blouse onto Sara and buttoned it up to just below her breasts. Sara’s nipples were grazing against the material, a sensation Sara knew would drive her crazy and the open top three buttons gave anyone looking an eyeful of flesh. The blouse was fairly long and covered Sara’s butt and pussy by a few inches. The snaps of her garter were still clearly visible and the bright plastic of the butterfly was easily seen through the mesh.
Next was a pair of pumps similar to the ones she was wearing, only with a much higher heel. Sara would have to be very careful walking and would not be able to move very fast. Sara though she was ready, but Jill was not quite done. Off the pegboard holding the bondage gear, Jill picked a thin leather collar with D-rings in the front and back, a set of leather cuff, a thin chain and some nipple clamps. Jill buckled the collar into place and then ran the chain holding the nipple clamps together through the front D-ring. The clamps were the adjustable variety and Jill set them to their lowest pressure setting. As she was hooking them to Sara’s very hard nipples, Jill explained they were more for show, at least at this time. The cuffs were next. Again a chain was passed through the collar and then onto each cuff. The chain was not tight and the cuffs hung behind Sara’s back at about waist height. Sara noted she still had some mobility in her arms as Jill attached the cuffs to her wrists. Her arm position behind her back did serve one very strategic purpose. It did force her to push her chest out a little more, not that anyone would get past the vast expanse of cleavage to notice.
In the space of 10 minutes, Sara had been transformed from a business woman to a sexpot. The guests had not even arrived yet and Sara was already shaking with sexual need. Jill rubbed her hand along Sara’s backside.
Jill: “We’re going to have a lot of fun tonight.”
Upstairs Heather had shown Brett the bar setup in the kitchen. Her job was to circulate among the guests, take drink orders, prepare the drinks and then deliver them. After the social hour, Brett would be free to watch Sara’s show and participate as she saw fit.
As Jill and Sara entered the kitchen, both Heather and Brett were taken aback by her transformation.
Heather: “Wonderful job Jill. I approve.”
Jill: “She’s going to do great tonight. Brett, did Heather explain what we need you to do?”
Brett: “Yes she did. Do you have a tray I can use to carry the drinks?”
Jill: “I do, but that will be Sara’s job.”
Sara and Brett watched as Jill went to a cabinet a retrieved a medium sized silver tray. Unlike a regular serving tray, however, this one was curved only on one side and had a wide strap hanging off the other.
Jill: “Sara will obviously have trouble carrying the tray with her hands cuffed behind her back, but this will help.”
Brett was fascinated and watched closely as Jill held the tray under Sara’s breasts and wrapped the strap around her back.
Jill: “Heather, can you hold this for a moment.”
Heather kept the front of the tray parallel to the ground and tightly pressed against the underside of Sara’s breasts while Jill guided the strap under Sara’s arms and buckled it in place. She then produced a thin chain which connected the front of the tray to the front D-ring of Sara’s collar. Surveying her handiwork, Jill tugged on the tray, but it held its position.
Jill: “Sara will follow you carrying the drinks. If any of my guests are sitting down, I expect you to squat low enough for them to get their drink off your tray. I want them to get a good view of your tits and when you walk away your ass. Be sure to give them the impression that they can have you if they play your cards right. A horny buyer always buys more merchandise.”
As Jill was finishing her instructions, the doorbell rang heralding the first arrivals. Jill and Heather left the kitchen to greet the guests while Sara and Brett remained in the kitchen. Brett could not stop staring at Sara as Sara tried to reassure her that she really did enjoy being Heather’s slave.
Within a short period of time, the living room was full of women and happy hour was in full swing. As instructed Brett took the drink orders and Sara brought the beverages to their new owners. Brett was sneaking peaks at Sara whenever she could as she mingled through the guests. She noticed several women taking advantage of Sara’s bound hands to grope her butt and rub her pussy lips. Brett began to get aroused as she pictured herself at the women’s mercy. She wasn’t sure, but she thought she saw one woman penetrate Sara with a finger.
Happy hour went on for about 45 minutes. As the guests became suitably tipsy, Brett saw Heather usher Sara downstairs. Brett served the remaining drinks herself as Jill told everyone it was time to move to the basement for the show.
Jill: “Brett will continue serving drinks if anyone gets thirsty, but I’m sure you are all anxious to see Sara in action, so let’s head downstairs.”
Brett stood behind and watched the women head out of the room. Her pussy was flowing due to the sexual charge in the air. She even contemplated heading to the washroom to masturbate.
Downstairs Heather had released Sara from her bondage and was helping her dress in her first outfit. By Sara’s new standards, it was very conservative. A simple lacy teddy, which served to hide her charms. Jill got everyone into viewing position and then announced Sara. Jill explained that she was now handing this new line of lingerie and Sara walked the catwalk like a professional model. Sara had no problems identifying which of the women were buyers and which would likely stick around to fuck her.
After two laps around the stage, Sara would disappear behind the curtain and Heather would help her quickly change into the next outfit. Sara would then return to the stage and Jill would tell the outfit’s story. Each time she changed, the outfit became more risqué and the sexier Sara felt and acted. If Jill wanted a sexy model, Sara was going to make sure she got it. By the end of the fashion show, Sara would have gladly laid on the stage and masturbated for the women. Watching from the back, Brett shared her feelings.
After Sara ran out of lingerie, Heather told her to take the stage naked. Jill was busy taking orders and seemed very happy. Sara wondered what would happen next. As she looked around the room, she saw Heather wheeling a large crate over to the stage. Heather asked another woman to help her lift it onto the stage where Heather positioned it in the center. Unhooking latch, Heather opened the top to reveal a treasure chest of sex toys. Sara drooled as she saw all manner of dildos, restraints, whips, vibrators, blindfolds, clips and gags. There were also cans which looked like paint cans, although Sara didn’t know what that was and a few other items she could not identify. Sara pussy quickly went into squish overdrive as she imagined the pleasures about to follow.
Jill finished taking the lingerie orders and a couple of the women went back upstairs. Jill then addressed the crowd.
Jill: “The lingerie is nice, but I know this is really what you all came here to see. Sara is a wonderful submissive who is enjoying every minute of serving you here tonight.”
As if to prove her point, Jill pushed two fingers easily into Sara’s pussy and wiggled them around a little before pulling them back out. Sara’s knees buckled just a little as Jill removed her invading digits and held her fingers aloft allowing Sara’s juices to glisten under the spotlights.
Jill: “As I was saying, Sara is enjoying herself and is happy to do whatever we ask of her. I think it will be helpful for you to understand our line of sex enhancers if you are able to see a demonstration. Heather, will you grab the bar stool that is sitting over by the wall?”
Sara watched as her mistress retrieved the stool which had a small round top. Heather brought the stool up on the stage and sat it next to Jill. Reaching into the chest of toys, Jill appeared to be searching for a specific item. Also Sara couldn’t see at first what she selected, Sara did notice a collective deep breath move through the guests. As Jill turned toward her, she was not surprised to see her holding a large dildo. Sara was a little surprised to see the base of the dildo was a sizeable suction cup and also included two oversized rubber testicles. Sara watched as Jill licked the suction cup and slammed the dildo onto the bar stool. The sounds of air rushing out from the base echoed through the room as the dildo now stood proudly and obscenely up from the stool.
Jill: “If you would be so kind, Sara, before you mount it, give the girls a little show and suck it for a while.”
Sara had certainly had enough cock sucking practice in the previous weeks and wasted no time beginning to blow the fake dick. Sara had little difficulty taking the phallus into her throat and stretching her mouth to accommodate its girth. Sliding the dildo back out of her mouth, Sara nibbled the head while stroking the shaft. This brought a round of applause from her audience. Sara was looking forward to receiving the order to mount the beast. She was bent over at the waist to get to the level of the dildo and began to waggle her butt in an effort to further appease the crowd. After a couple of minutes, Jill gave her the order to mount the beast. Between her saliva coating the dildo and the copious amount of fluid flowing from her pussy, Sara was easily able to slide down the dildo into position. Her legs straddled the stool and her feet were providing her support on the stool’s cross supports.
Jill: “As you can see, Sara is quite full. I’m sure she would give you an utterly fabulous show fucking herself right now, but I want to show you a few other items before that happens. Brett, could you help me?”
Brett sprung to the center of the stage where Jill handed her a wide leather strap. She instructed Brett to wrap it around Sara’s thighs and buckle her to the stool. Brett could feel the heat coming from between Sara’s legs as she positioned the belt and hooked it in place.
Jill: “Thank you Brett. Who wants to be next?”
A pudgy woman’s hand shot up and Jill asked her up on stage. Sara had not met the woman before. Jill reached back into her treasure box and produced a blindfold which was hastily attached to Sara’s head. Other women came on stage and Sara felt her arms being bound behind her and her ankles being bound to the stool. Sara also heard other items being removed from the box, but there was no additional contact. Sara wiggled her hips as best she could trying to gain pleasure from the dildo. Without warning, it sprung to life and began to vibrate. Sara squealed with delight as the sudden surprise, but just as quickly as it started, the vibrator went dormant.
Jill: “I’m sorry, I forgot to mention you are impaled on our new robo cock. I have a wireless remote which controls vibrations. I can make them constant, I can vary the speed, I can make it pulse and I can set it at random effect. In that mode, it will turn on for various amounts of time and with various actions. I have it set for short high speed bursts. That should help keep you on edge for a while.”
Jill laughed a sadistic laugh at Sara’s predicament.
Jill: “By the way everyone, a couple weeks ago Sara completed her first adult feature film submitting to Julie. We have advanced copies available today and production will be ready for your stores in about 2 more weeks.”
Sara pictured herself bound naked to the stool as people discussed her erotic film debut. She hoped the vibrator would turn on again soon.
Jill: “As you can see, Sara has amazing breasts, to which I can personally attest enjoy being served by a talented mouth. Does anyone want to lick her nipples before we continue?”
Sara doubted the women would need to be asked twice. Her assumption was correct as she felt a different tongue begin to tease each of her nipples. Sara threw her head back and moaned as the vibrator suddenly sprung back to life. The mouths on her nipples retreated but were quickly replaced by a new set. Sara was praying she would be allowed to cum, although she new that was not the plan, leading her to groan in frustration as the vibration died away again. The tongues and the vibrator were doing their jobs and Sara could distinctly make out her arousal odor.
Several additional women took turns licking Sara’s nipples, although the vibrator did not go back on. Sara was beginning to sweat from the stimulation and the heat of the lights, a fact noticed by Jill.
Jill: “Before we continue, Sara looks like she needs to cool down a bit. Brett, can you run upstairs and get some ice?”
Brett: “No problem.”
Sara had no question about where the ice was going to contact her body. Jill asked the nipple lickers to stop and asked the crowd who would like to try the riding crop. In her mind, Sara pictured everyone in the group raising their hands. Sara sensed another person walking on the stage just before feeling the sting of a crop across her stomach. The snap was continued on both her butt cheeks, breasts and the soles of her feet. Sara’s overheating continued until she felt the first ice cube impact her clit. Sara howled and shook as the shock of frozen water traveled through her nervous system to her brain. She pleaded for mercy, but it was really for the benefit of the audience. She knew Jill wouldn’t stop and she really didn’t want her to. Sara’s nipples and asshole received the same ice treatment. Sara reacted noisily each time. As an ice cube was pressed against her backside, the vibrator sprung to life giving her a very unique sensation. Once again the vibrator quickly turned off as Sara’s need to orgasm had been dashed by the ice.
Jill: “Brett, if you would be so kind, can you mix another round of drinks for the ladies?”
Brett agreed and headed back upstairs. She wanted to take a more active roll in Sara’s degradation, but figured there would be a time for that later.
Satisfied that the ice had calmed Sara down, Jill moved on to her next demonstration. After using a towel to wipe Sara down, Jill reached into the box and removed the paint cans, a brush and a box of talcum powder.
Jill: “This is liquid latex. It is a very fun product. Essentially you brush it on the skin like paint and it quickly hardens to a skin fitting flexible coating. We’re going to make Sara a new bra.”
Sara had never used liquid latex before, although she had seen it on the shelf at The Vault.
Jill: “The first step is to apply talcum powder to the area you are going to paint. If you skip this step, removal of the latex is more difficult because it will grab onto the hair follicles. Of course, if that is your plan, that is fine, but since Sara has been such a good sport, we’ll save her the pain. Anyone interested in getting a good feel of Dr. Bonner’s latest creation, now is a good time.”
Sara sat passively as a parade of women took the opportunity to spread the talcum powder over her chest. As Jill’s insistence, they liberally coated her back, shoulders and sides where she would normally wear a bra. Jill shook up the green latex can and popped it open with a screwdriver. Handing the brush to the first woman, the sinuous liquid was delicately brushed onto her breasts. The tips of the brush tantalized Sara’s skin, although the latex itself had little sensation.
Jill: “Just coat her breasts with the green. I’m opening up some red for the rest.”
Sara sat helplessly as the woman took her task as seriously as an artist making sure her brush strokes lined up and the coating was even. She then moved back as another woman took a clean brush and the red can. She began by quickly working on Sara’s back and shoulders. Another woman took her sides and finally another woman with artistic desires carefully traced the green edge on her front.
Jill: “That will take a little while to dry. While we are waiting, please come to the back room where I have a surprise for you.”
Sara listened as the women walked out of the room. They shut the door leaving Sara alone, impaled on a teasing dildo, strapped to a barstool and with a multi-colored liquid latex crop top drying on her chest. Sara strained to hear what was happening. She could not hear any of the conversation, but occasionally she did hear the unmistakable of a whip followed by a whimper of a gagged woman. Sara wondered if Brett was serving as more than a bartender. The thought turned Sara on, but then she remembered Brett was upstairs fixing another round of drinks. The whipping didn’t last long, although Sara thought she could hear a muffled moan, she wasn’t sure. Perhaps her mind was just playing tricks on her as the vibrator continued its inconsistent stimulation.
Brett came down the stairs with tray of drinks surprised to find the room empty except for Sara.
Sara: “They are all through that door.”
Sara cocked her head to indicate the direction.
Brett: “Thanks Sara. You look great.”
Sara: “I really need to cum. Can you find the vibrator remote and turn it on full time?”
Brett looked around but didn’t see the remote.
Brett: “Sorry Sara, Jill must have taken it with. I better get these drinks to them.”
Brett wanted to leave, but the glossy latex on Sara’s breasts proved too hypnotic. Brett had never seen anything like it before and was drawn to exploring Sara’s new outfit. Brett gingerly touched one of Sara’s nipples sending a shiver through the bound woman.
Sara: “More. Please more.”
Brett opened her hand, stretching to fit it over the massive mammary trapped in front of her. But the latex wasn’t completely dry yet, so Sara’s breast now included a hand print of the insolent serving girl. Brett recoiled as soon as she touched the tacky substance, but the damage was done. There was no hiding the evidence. Without a word, Brett quickly tried to rub the remnants off her hand and then took the drink try into the other room.
The room was quiet for several additional minutes until the group returned from the other room. Jill removed Sara’s blindfold. Sara quickly appraised that the women seemed pleased by what they had seen and Jill appeared satisfied with what had transpired. Jill’s good mood would not last. See immediately spotted the hand print. With her back turned to the group, she winked at Sara and then turned to address the women.
Jill: “Somebody has taken liberties with Sara’s outfit. The fine application has been disfigured by someone who could not wait until it was dry to feel her up. Anybody wish to fess up?”
Initially there was no movement. Brett knew she was the only one out of the other room and knew Jill would eventually figure that out, so she raised her hand and confessed.
Jill: “Well Brett. I certainly understand why you would want to touch Sara, but I’m afraid your impatience has ruined my display. You have two choices. You can leave now or allow yourself to be punished.”
Brett: “Punished?”
Jill: “You need to learn not to mess with other people’s property. I think a spanking is in order. Have you ever been spanked as an adult?”
Brett: “No.”
Jill: “Since you have added your hand print to our art, I think it is only fitting that we should add our hand print to your bottom. If you want to stay, you must take your clothes off and lay across each woman’s lap. They will each get one swat on each of your cheeks.”
Brett did not take long to decide. She didn’t want to leave and the thought of being spanked excited her. While she was disrobing, a folding chair was added to the stage. The chair was positioned facing Sara so when Brett submitted herself to the lap of a woman, she would be facing off the stage and into the crowd. Jill was first. As Brett took her position, Jill made sure to run a finger across her new conquest’s pussy lips.
Jill: “You seem intrigued. Ladies, this eager one’s pussy is damp, but not yet wet. My guess is by the time we are done, she’ll be leaking like a faucet.”
Jill gave Brett a sharp slap across her right butt cheek. Brett recoiled at the sudden jolt as her nerves fired a fast moving signal to her brain. Immediately her left cheek received the same treatment, although this time she noticed a slight warmth begin to spread through her pussy. Jill gave her a nudge indicating she should stand as another woman ascended the stage. Brett dutifully took her position and the woman ran her finger across Brett’s pussy much the same as Jill had done. The woman then added her hand prints to Brett’s upturned buttocks. The routine continued as each woman took a turn. Some fingered Brett more insistently and some spanked her harder but most seemed content to get a free feel of the young submissive.
Sara was watching Brett’s reactions carefully. She was tired of being split open by the teasing dildo and wanted a new stimulation. Although she disliked getting spanked, she longed for Jill’s touch and would gladly have accepted her hand.
After all of the women had their turn, Jill once again took the chair and indicated Brett should lie on her lap. Jill began a slow deliberate finger fuck of Brett’s now saturated pussy.
Jill: “You want to cum now don’t you?”
Brett: “Yes, God yes.”
Jill: “Yes what?”
Brett paused trying to think of the correct answer.
Brett: “Yes mam?”
Jill: “Close enough for now. We’ll work on that. I could bring you off very easily right now, but I need to demonstrate another new device. I think you would be the perfect model.”
Brett was confused and wiggled her butt a little hoping Jill would continue to minister to her pussy. Instead she received another spank on her ass.
Jill: “Don’t presume so much little one. I’m of a mind to send you home right now.”
Heather: “Come on Jill. She’s very green to all of this and we want to see the new machine.”
Jill: “Very well. Let’s all head back into the other room.”
Sara watched as the assembled crowd walked out of the room. She wondered just what Brett had agreed to demonstrate and wished she could switch places. Sara strained again to hear what was happening, aided this time by an open door. After a few minutes, she heard the unmistakable sound of a gushing pussy being slapped, although the timbre wasn’t quite right. The crowd began flowing back to Sara’s room and Heather switched on a wall mounted TV so everyone could watch the action.
Brett was securely fastened to a short bench, her legs and arms secured to the bench legs. In front of her was what Sara would learn was called a spanking machine. Jill explained she first saw the device on the fucking machines website and she had to have one. The spanking machine was essentially an inverted belt sander with ballistics gel hands attached to it. As the hand reached the end of the belt, it would swing downward and contact the user. There were six hands balanced around the belt so the next contact was never more than a few seconds away. The motor had an adjustable speed so the operator could control how frequent and how forceful the subject would be spanked.
Apparently taking Heather’s advice, Jill had positioned Brett so the hands were making direct contact with her pussy and clit, although it appeared to be set on a slow speed.
Jill: “We’ll let her simmer for a while. At that speed, she probably will not cum. After a while, she will be begging for us to give her a climax.”
The women looked approvingly at the screen and then at Sara.
Jill: “Speaking of climaxing, I think Sara deserves one about now. What say you slut?”
Sara: “I would love to cum now mam.”
Jill tossed the remote for the dildo to Heather while Sara looked at her mistress and pleaded with her eyes. With a smile, Heather turned the control up to full speed and Sara was off on like a rocket. The liquid latex did little to keep her breasts from moving around, although it shimmered in the light and they displayed a fascinating rhythm. Almost immediately Sara crashed through a soul satisfying orgasm which undoubtedly increased Jill’s sales.
Mistress Heather turned off the vibrator and helped untie her slave. Sara’s legs were still wobbly as she was positioned on a gym mat lying on the stage. Mistress Heather told her to maintain a spread eagle position, but did not restrain her. Sara knew this was a new test of her ability to follow orders.
In the back room, Brett was calling out for someone to increase the speed of the spanking machine. In anticipation of the next hand, Brett would raise her ass trying to increase the contact pressure if only a little bit. The women wondered how long Jill would let her whither, but there attention was short lived as Jill had another toy ready for Sara.
In her hand, Jill held two small tubes, about half an inch in diameter. At the top of the tube was a medical hose running to a valve and a squeeze ball.
Jill: “I present our new nipple stretcher. Heather, if you would peal the latex off of your slave’s nipples, I will demonstrate.”
Sara lay motionless as her mistress tore the liquid latex off the tips of her breasts. Again Heather smiled at Sara, pleased that she held her position. Jill walked over to Sara and knelt down. She motioned for one of the women to help her and licked the base of the first tube. Handing the squeeze ball to the woman, Jill positioned the tube over Sara’s nipple and held it tight against her skin. The woman began squeezing the ball drawing the air out of the tube and with it, Sara’s nipple. Sara looked down her chest to see her nipple being pulled up the tube and stretched to 3 or 4 times its normal length. Jill then turned a small dial located on the end of the tube sealing the pressure and removed the tube. She then repeated the process on the other nipple aided by a second woman. Sara watched as the blood trapped in her distended nipples turn dark red and angry looking. The pressure was exquisite. In her post orgasm high, the pain was melding with the freshly released endorphins giving her an intense buzz.
Jill: “Sara, roll over and get on your hands and knees.”
Sara immediately complied and felt lubricating jelly being forced around her anus. She anticipated a butt plug or maybe a tail, but instead she felt a small cylindrical object being inserted into her. It was rough, not smooth like a plug or dildo.
Jill: “Hold that position. We need to finish up with Brett.”
Sara maintained her position on all fours as the object in her ass began to burn. She would later learn that Jill had placed a small piece of ginger in her ass. Sara didn’t know what she had done to earn this punishment, but her ass was on fire. Sara began to sweat and definitely did not feel the mix of pleasure that pain usually brought her.
Sara snuck a peak at the TV and watched as the spanking machine was sped up. Within moments, Brett’s body went over the edge convulsing in her first public orgasm. Jill turned off the machine and left Brett to recover on the bench in piece. Sara wondered if she would soon experience the same nipple and ass torture she was suffering or if that was the end of Brett’s evening.
Jill walked back into the room and explained Sara’s current predicament as she went. Sara wondered what the end game was as Jill went on to explain the last demonstration for the evening, Sara was going to get an enema.
Jill: “With her ass on fire, there is no way she will turn us down.”
Jill was right about that, Sara thought. Sara held her position while an IV stand was positioned behind her and Heather filled a bag with warm water.
Jill: “Sara will be taking about a quart of water. We’ll use a plug to make sure she holds in it long enough to clean her out. She will then walk slowly to the bathroom in the back room and release our treat. After she is clean, anyone who wishes to eat her ass is welcome to do so, but the show is over for the night.”
Sara was more than ready to douse the fire in her ass and welcomed Heather’s placement of the enema hose. Of course Jill made a show of not turning on the water right away until Sara begged her to do so. Once the warm water found its place, Sara initial relief was filled with extreme bloating as she strained to hold the water from spraying on the stage. Heather worked more of the enema tube up Sara’s ass and rubbed her buttocks in encouragement. Finally Sara had taken the whole bag.
Jill: “Shall we use another bag?”
Sara was silent, looking at Heather for direction.
Heather: “No, I think one is enough. Sara has been a good slave this evening. Let’s plug her up and take down the final product orders.”
Sara was never so relieved to have a large butt plug unceremoniously shoved up her ass. Sara continued to hold her position, the discomfort only slightly decreased by the knowledge that she would not spray before it was time. As Sara waited, Jill took the final orders. Sara would later learn that the night had been a complete success and that Jill had written more new business than at any other previous show. Eventually Jill led Sara back into the other room to discharge the enema. Sara noticed Brett sound asleep still tied to the bench and another woman curled up on the floor of a cage. She was dressed head to toe in a latex cat suit; the smooth lines only broken by a thick item protruding from her backside. Sara surmised this was the object of the whipping demonstration, now on-ice with a vibrator up her ass in preparation of the post-show party. Sara was shown the washroom and told to evacuate and return to the front room. She did as she was told, thankful to not have to hold the water any longer.
Returning to the front of the basement, she saw the stage had been broken down and in its place was a large mattress. Smiling all around were all of the women who had made Sara’s life so wonderful the past few months.
Mistress Heather: “None of Jill’s clients wanted to stay and eat your ass, but look who we found waiting upstairs.”
Sara scanned the room. Maggie, Andi and Emily from the Professional Woman store were there. Glenda the security guard and Susan the manager of Victoria Secret rounded out the mall contingent. Carey from the gym, Mandy from The Vault, Nicole from the hair salon and even Henrietta the state trooper were beaming back with pride at Sara. Conspicuously absent was Stephanie. Was she the girl in the cage?
Mistress Heather: “All of these women had a hand in your training and tonight we are going to celebrate. I still have a few things to teach you and certainly you will have some new experiences yet tonight, but think of it as a graduation and have fun. I love you.”
Sara: “Thank you mistress. One thing, though. Can you remove the nipple tubes?”
Mistress Heather: “Of course.”
Heather nodded to Jill who released the pressure valve. Sara felt a sense of relief as Jill pulled the tubes off her nipples, although they remained in their extended state.
Mistress Heather: “They kind of work like a penis pump. It will take a while for them to return to their normal size. In the meantime, I think you will find them highly sensitive.”
Sara cautiously rubbed her fingertips over the tips of her nipples. A shock of pure pleasure flowed through her entire body. She looked up at her mistress with an expression of pure delight, ready to begin her next adventure.
Jill: “Sara, we have a few things planned for you. I have two more new apparatuses I want to show off and I need your help. The first one is kind of scary, but I assure you it will do you no harm. Do you trust me?”
Sara: “Of course mam. What do I need to do?”
Jill: “First, Julie has a present for you.”
Julie stepped forward with a box, tastefully gift wrapped with a large bow. Sara carefully cut the paper using her fingernail, although she wanted to tear the package to shreds. Inside was a purple latex cat suit similar to the one Julie wore in their movie. Sara began to tear up recognizing the symbolism of Julie accepting her more as an equal than a slave. As a group, the women helped tear the liquid latex of Sara’s body and replace it with the cat suit. Sara felt a sensuality she had never experienced before as she ran her hands all over the smooth material.
Jill: “You look great Sara. This is where things get a little weird.”
Sara looked on as a clear Plexiglas box. It was shaped like a coffin which Sara did not like one bit.
Jill: “Don’t worry Sara. I know what it looks like, but everything is going to be fine.”
Sara nodded. She trusted Jill and Mistress Heather was there to protect her, but still, she had to fight to keep her apprehension at bay. Heather and Jill went into the back room as Sara stood and stared at the box. Maggie and Andi came onto the stage and began rubbing their hands all over Sara’s body. They complemented Sara on her new look, amazed at the transformation. Their knowing hands quickly relaxed Sara who began to luxuriate in their touch. So engrossed in their hands that she didn’t notice their arrival, suddenly Heather and Jill were standing next to Sara while holding four large buckets. Sara watched as Jill set down her buckets and then removed a generous sized purple strap-on from the toy box.
Sara stood motionless as Jill attached the strap-on to Sara’s pelvis. The bottom was rounded to give Sara extra simulation, a fact she quickly noted and appreciated. Jill then checked the fit on the cat suit making sure there were no wrinkles and that all of Sara’s hair was protected by the hood. She then told Sara to lie down in the box.
Sara did as she was told, her anxiety level growing stronger again.
Jill: “Just relax. Keep your arms at your sides and your legs together.”
Heather picked up the first bucket and poured a thick hazy liquid over Sara’s legs. It was very warm, but not hot. She then poured the next bucket along Sara’s hips and the retreated, buckets in tow, to the back room. Jill repeated the process moving up Sara’s torso and then also headed to the back room.
The warmth of the goo spread quite pleasantly over Sara’s body. She was glad she had just gone to the bathroom and figured she would be in this box for quite a while. The goo began to solidify slightly as Jill and Heather returned each with two more buckets. This time Jill covered Sara’s legs and waist completely. Only the top eight inches of the dildo was spared. Heather took more care pouring the goo around Sara’s head and chest. By the time she was finished, the liquid covered Sara’s body almost to her ears, but left her face and the peaks of her breasts exposed.
Jill: “We have just filled the box with the same ballistics gel I used to make the hands on the spanking machine. You have become a human mold. Over the next hour or so, it will solidify into a strong, yet flexible bond so just relax.”
Relax, yeah right, Sara thought. Already the solidifying had begun, and coupled with the weight of the gel itself, Sara found it difficult to move. Sara tried shutting her eyes and breathing deeply so ease her anxiety, but was snapped back to reality by the sounds of moaning women to her right. Sara’s head was locking into place and she couldn’t see what was happening in the rest of the basement, but the aroma and sounds of lesbian sex was filling the room. Sara could tell that several of the women were being serviced orally and that some were using vibrators. She wished she could see what was happening and tried to count down the hour until her mold had hardened. About 45 minutes into the orgy around her, Mistress Heather appeared in her field of view. She leaned over Sara’s head mashing her breasts into Sara’s face.
Heather was rocking back and forth and swearing like a sailor as an unknown, at least to Sara assailant plumbed her from behind. Sara tried to catch one of her mistress’ nipples in her mouth, but had little success. Heather was bucking wildly, oblivious to Sara’s pitiful attempt to suckle her breast. With a final cry of pleasure, Heather straightened up and came. She reached over her head to grab her partner behind her neck and she arched her back in an inverted ‘C’. She then walked away from Sara without saying a word.
Sara was more than ready for whatever was going to happen to happen. True to her word, Jill appeared exactly an hour after they finished pouring the gel into the box. She had the look of a woman freshly fucked and looked radiant to Sara. Jill looked down at Sara and smiled. She then proceeded to unclip the clasps holding the sides of the box together. In less than 30 seconds, the side panels had been removed and Sara’s gel coffin became free standing. It jiggled as Jill pushed it with her foot, but it remained true to its shape.
Heather now appeared with Brett in tow. Sara recognized the look on Brett’s face. Her mouth had obviously been used for the last hour to give oral favors to the group. She looked tired and desperate for her own satisfaction. Sara knew this look well having been there herself on many occasions.
Heather: “Brett is a little horny right now, Sara. If you could feel her pussy, you would know how wet she is. She told me she would do anything to cum right now and I want her to put on a little show. We saw her first public cum on TV, but now I want to see the second one live.”
Jill took Brett’s hand and led her to the dildo protruding from Sara’s motionless form. Brett wasted no time straddling Sara and settling down onto the phallus. From the look on her face, Sara surmised she had never had that much cock filling her slut hole. Brett began to ride Sara, the forgiving nature of the gel providing a shock absorber effect and was helping to rebound her back up after finishing her stroke. The nub on the bottom of the dildo was hitting Sara hard. She knew she could cum if Brett kept the pace up. As it turned out, she didn’t have to worry. Heather had retrieved a crop from the back room and was slowly drawing it across Brett’s back.
Heather: “Keep galloping slut or I will have to persuade you.”
Brett needed little encouragement. She couldn’t have stopped now even if she was ordered. She was close to a massive orgasm. The dildo was hitting all of the right spots and she relentlessly pounded herself up and down the shaft. All of a sudden Brett felt a feeling she had never felt before and she squirted for the first time in her life. A think stream of girl cum shot from her pussy as she bottomed out the dildo arching in a stream soaking Sara’s head and the top of the gel form. Brett screamed in delight loud enough to wake the dead then collapsed in a heap, passed out from the experience. She slid off the dildo and onto the floor, the dildo exiting her well used pussy with a vociferous plop.
Heather: “My my. Now that is what I call an orgasm. Who is next?”
Immediately Andi raised her hand followed closely behind by Maggie.
Andi: “Can we share her?”
Maggie: “Why not? Pick an end.”
Andi strode confidently over to Sara and settled her pussy squarely over Sara’s open mouth. Hovering briefly to make Sara work for her taste, Andi quickly settled her pussy firmly over Sara’s lips and began to grind herself over Sara’s face. Maggie waited until Andi was established then took her position sliding the strap-on into her pussy. As Maggie ground herself up and down, Andi moved more laterally side to side. Looking at each other taking pleasure from Sara, Andi and Maggie both leaned forward in a loving embrace and a sloppy bit of French kissing. Their salvia dripped freely onto the top of Sara’s cocoon and although she had no view of what was happening, Sara pictured in her mind a scene that would make any red blooded man stand up and take notice.
After a while Maggie and Andi traded places, both eventually succumbing to their desires and simultaneous climaxes. The audience applauded their lewd display and Carey and Susan took their places. For over 40 additional minutes Sara lay encased in her flexible tomb, eager to eat any pussy or asshole presented to her. Each woman spent time at both of Sara’s ends and each woman had at least one orgasm. After the group had its fill of “gelatin girl” they carefully cut apart Sara’s tomb releasing her from almost two hours of rigid bondage.
Jill: “Well what did you think, Sara?”
Sara: “It is a weird sensation. I wasn’t that uncomfortable, but I would have liked to take a more active participation in the activities.”
Jill: “Don’t worry, you’ll be much more active soon. But for now, take that strap-on off.”
Even before Jill had finished the sentence, Heather was wheeling an inversion frame with gravity boots attached to it out of the back room. Sara tried to do some quick stretching assuming correctly that the boots were for her. Jill didn’t even have to ask as Sara took the boots off the bar and sat down to put them on. Although she had never tried an inversion bar before, Sara guessed correctly that she simply needed to grab the bar and swing her ankles into the locking mechanism. She then let go of the bar and slowly lowered herself into a vertical position.
Heather: “She always was a smart one.”
Sara felt her arms being pulled behind her back as Henrietta snapped her police handcuff onto Sara’s wrists. She then felt a zipper in the bottom of her cat suit being pulled forward exposing her pussy and asshole to the world. Sara tried to strain her head upward to catch a glimpse of what was to come, but her view was quickly impaired by another dripping pussy. Hanging from her ankles, Sara was the perfect height to service the woman. Based on her taste, Sara assumed it was Andi again. This time, however, instead of the frustratingly indirect stimulation from the nub end of the strap-on, somebody was very purposely stimulating Sara’s clit. She felt a small buzzer, probably an egg, being held directly on her clit while a thin dildo was pressed into her pussy. Sara did the best she could to service the pussy grinding on her lips as the heat from her pussy began to spread through her whole body. Just as she was about to cum, the dildo was removed and insistently inserted again, this time in her ass. Its small diameter quickly passed her sphincter and was buried deep as a talented tongue replaced the joy buzzer. Sara screamed with delight into the pussy muffling her sounds and the mystery mouth sucked hard on her clit. As expected, her climax was soon upon her as the group continued its vertical assault on her body. Sara had reached her nirvana on an almost perpetual orgasm as she came over an over again as the women took turns fucking her and riding her face.
By the time each woman took another turn with Sara, Jill and Heather were ready to get her down. They tried to be cautious about having her upside down too long. Sara was a fucked out piece of meat by the time they pulled her down. Brett had recovered, vacating the stage, but Sara was too strung out to move far before laying down.
Heather: “I have a graduation gift for you, but I think you should rest a little first.”
Sara heard her mistress, but was not following the words. Her pussy was still twitching and contracting and her mind was a blur with happy thoughts. Sara noticed several women walking upstairs, although Jill, Heather, Maggie and Andi stayed behind chatting. Sara wasn’t sure, but she thought the subject was Vegas and the Mistress / Slave ball. After a few minutes, Heather approached Sara and asked if she was ready for her surprise. Sara answered affirmatively and watched Heather begin rooting around in the toy box. Another strap-on was removed, this one however was wider and had a second smaller dildo obviously meant for the wearer. Sara wondered who the fuckee would be as Heather strapped the fake cock tightly onto Sara. Would Heather’s gift be to let Sara be in charge for a while? Or maybe she could fuck Jill as payback for the movie torture. Sara didn’t have long to wait as the mystery woman from the cage was brought forward, crawling toward Sara with a dog leash attached to her collar. Sara was sure Stephanie had broken some house rule and Heather was punishing her by not letting her participate until now.
The mystery woman was positioned on all fours on the stage facing the remaining four women and Sara. Jill waved at Sara to indicate she should take up position behind the woman. A zipper in the suit exposed the woman’s pussy and ass, pink and juicy from the earlier whipping and a small clit buzzer built into the suit. Heather explained that the woman had not been allowed to cum yet and as her present, Sara could fuck her all she wanted. The only request was to go slow for a while to build the anticipation. A video camera was setup looking directly at the pair and Sara began sliding the strap-on into the woman. A mirror on the wall allowed Sara to see what the camera was recording. Although the only part of her body exposed was her face, Sara was still amazed at how she looked. Gone were the imperfections of middle age. Carey’s workout routine had transformed her body into a rock and the cut of the cat suit gave her a perfect hourglass figure. Her fake boobs still looked a little out of place, but she would no sooner have them removed than jump over the moon. She knew one of her mistress’ plans was to transform her into a sexpot bimbo and she certainly looked the part. Given that she was fucking someone she wasn’t sure if she knew and had serviced at least a dozen women in one night, Sara had to conclude Heather had succeeded.
The mystery woman was begging through her hood for Sara to speed up and for Heather to allow her to cum. Even muffled, the voice was wrong for Stephanie, although it sounded familiar. Sara watched closely as her mistress unzipped the hood and pulled it off the woman. Sara was only mildly surprised to see the face of Connie, her sister-in-law reflected in the mirror.
Heather: “Go to town on her Sara. Make my newest slave cum.”
Sara remembered back to Connie trying to sabotage her marriage and she wasn’t about to give her pleasure so easily. Slapping both of Connie’s ass cheeks simultaneously, Sara pulled the dildo out of Connie’s pussy and positioned the tip on the precipice of her asshole.
Sara: “First you try to break up my marriage and now you think you are going to steal my mistress! I hope Heather has broken in your tight little brown eye!”
Sara didn’t wait for a response. She grabbed Connie’s hips and pushed forward with all her might. At first she felt some resistance, but quickly the strap-on found its new home as Connie wailed in pain. Sara began a furious cadence savagely fucking Connie in the ass and spanking her butt cheeks at the same time. Connie was crying in a mixture of pain and humiliation. Heather had told her Sara was out of the picture. Ever since the day Connie first went to Heather’s house, she had found herself in the loyal service of Mistress Heather’s pussy. Initially Connie’s curiosity lowered defenses proved no match for the skilled seductress. Soon she found herself begging for Mistress Heather’s attention and was set upon a series of tasked designed to prove her worthiness. Tonight was supposed to be the final task on her list before her mistress promised to admit her to her stable of slaves.
Connie was furious. After being teased all night, whipped and left in a cage without satisfaction, to have Sara fucking her was the final straw. As mad as she was, the dildo savaging her ass was being to get to her overheated libido. Connie tried to fight the feeling, but seeing her mistress standing before her approving of how she was being treated melted her cold heart. Connie watched has Heather tossed the clit buzzer to Andi who moved into position below the leather clad slave.
Mistress Heather: “Tell Sara you love her and Andi will put that on your clit.”
Connie resisted as long as she could. She could feel blood dripping down her legs from the damage Sara was causing and her ass cheeks were red with hand prints. Through tear streaked make-up, Connie finally shouted out her love for Sara and quickly thanked her for the fucking she was receiving.
Mistress Heather: “Tell us that you are a no good slave and deserve the punishment you received tonight.”
Connie: “I’m a worthless slave. Thank you for punishing me.”
Mistress Heather: “When I call you I expect you to serve me without reservation. Can you do that?”
Connie: “Yes mistress. I love you.”
Mistress Heather: “Are you going to accept Sara as your superior and serve her also?”
Connie: “Yes mistress. Please let me cum.”
Heather motioned to Andi who pressed the buzzer firmly against Connie’s clit. Connie jumped at the shock, but quickly tried to press her pussy firmer against the vibrations. Sara slowed her pace. She had one more humiliation for Connie, but wanted to wait until just before she came. She didn’t have to wait long. The buzzer was working its magic and even the savage assault on her ass would not wipe away the feelings of frustration caused by a night of teasing. Everyone in the room new Connie was on the verge of a gigantic orgasm. After one final firm thrust, Sara pulled out and walked in front of Connie and forced the dildo into her mouth and down her throat. Immediately Connie began to wretch, gag and then was consumed by a mammoth orgasm. Every sense in her body went into overdrive as she shook and convulsed, both repulsed by the taste of her own ass and quivering with the excitement dancing on her clit. Never before had such a mix of emotions hit her at the same time and she rode the wave for all she was worth. Heather was surprised at Sara’s actions. She didn’t think she had it in her. Maybe someday she could make a good dom. With the right submissive, Heather had the connections to make a lot of money with Sara in that role.
After Connie’s orgasm, the party wound down pretty quickly. Sara thought about showering before she headed home, but decided she would rather wear the cat suit than put her original costume on again. Connie was lying on the stage in a heap. Sara began to pity her and offered to help her into the shower. Connie was too weak to argue. After Sara helped her into the bathroom, Brett, who was still naked, got in to help rinse Connie. A strange kindred spirit joined the three women, each on a different part of their journey with Heather Chandler. Each from a different background and each finding their own place in the world.
After Jill’s party, things started to calm down a bit for Sara. She still saw Heather every Wednesday and still made enough little mistakes for Heather to find a reason to punish her every time they met. The Vegas trip for the Mistress / Slave ball was fast approaching. One Wednesday, after Sara had finished servicing her mistress with her tongue, Heather announced they were heading to the tattoo parlor. Sara had totally forgotten that her mistress had mentioned her intentions to have Sara marked. Heather dressed Sara in her SLUT t-shirt and a short skirt and headed to a tattoo parlor near The Vault. Sara was happy to find a woman sitting behind the counter. She wasn’t keen on getting a tattoo, but at least she would not have some greasy slime ball ogling her while it happened. Heather obviously knew the tattoo artist. “Is there anyone she doesn’t know?” thought Sara.
Sara expected to look through a sample book and pick her tattoo’s style. Of course Heather had other ideas and Sara was whisked into one of the parlor’s back rooms without any fanfare. Heather told Sara to drop her skirt and lose her underwear. She then lay down on a table similar to a massage table, her buttocks raised for easy access. Sara shivered as she felt her mistress’ finger begin to gingerly manipulate her pussy as the tattoo artist prepared her tools. Sara wasn’t sure what to expect as she had never been tattooed before. She had heard stories and expected a great deal of pain. Surprisingly, the needle was not as excruciating as she expected. Sara didn’t rate the experience as pleasant, but it wasn’t that bad either. Sara received two tattoos, one on each butt cheek. She could tell they were both hearts and had what felt like letters, but she was unable to decipher the words. After the artist was done, she took a couple of pictures for her scrap book and carefully applied a bandage over each new work of art. Heather then told Sara to get up and get dressed.
Sara: “Are you going to tell me what is on my ass?”
Mistress Heather: “Not just yet. The bandages need to stay on for a few days. Come by the house on Saturday and we’ll have an unveiling.”
Sara was disappointed. She wanted to see her brand. When she got home she contemplated removing the bandage herself, but quickly dismissed disobeying her mistress’ instructions. Her ass was sore and Sara tried to avoid sitting. Sara woke on Saturday filled with anticipation. Her mistress had not instructed her what time to arrive at the house, but she couldn’t wait and went over at 9am. Heather heard the doorbell ring. She was awake, but not really moving too fast. She had been partying late into Friday night. Stephanie was over cleaning the house and had made coffee, but Heather wasn’t ready to deal with Sara just yet. Sara remained kneeling on the garage floor waiting for her mistress for over an hour. After her coffee, Heather had taken a shower but not yet dressed. She slipped on a short silk robe just covering her private parts by a matter of inches. Retrieving Sara from the garage, Heather led her into the house. Sara, sore from holding her presentation position for so long, was nonetheless enthralled by how the robe clung to her mistress’ curves.
Heather led Sara into the family room and instructed her to kneel on the couch facing over the back. She then called her husband and Stephanie into the room. Sara felt completely objectified as Heather began pulling down her pants and then her panties. Whatever was now on display met with approval from the onlookers who both commented on what a fine choice Heather had made. But still, nobody would tell Sara what her tattoos looked like. Heather and her husband walked out of the room as Stephanie moved in for a closer look. She gently caressed Sara’s butt and told the older woman how much she admired her for allowing her mistress to brand her.
Heather returned with a digital camera and took three pictures. The first was a wide shot of Sara’s ass. The second was a close up of each tattoo. Heather then told Sara to get dressed and go home. Sara protested but was silenced by the threat of a spanking on her still tender butt.
Mistress Heather: “I know you are curious. I’ll email you the pictures later today.”
Sara was disappointed. Not only did she not find out any information about the tattoos, but she also did not have any sex. For the first time in many weeks, Sara began to have doubts about her future with Mistress Heather. On her way home, Sara drove to The Vault hoping to find Mandy. As luck would have it, both she and Steve were working that morning.
Mandy: “Hi Sara. Long time no see. Here for another ride on the Sybian?”
Sara: “I would love one, but I’m really here to find out what’s tattooed on my ass.”
Sara watched as Mandy clicked on the intercom.
Mandy: “Steve to the front desk. Steve to the front desk. Heather marked another one.”
Sara definitely didn’t like the sound of that. The two women waited for several minutes, but Steve didn’t show up.
Mandy: “I last saw him heading into booth 1 so he might be a while. Let’s look at your new artwork.”
Sara turned and started walking toward the dressing rooms.
Mandy: “Where are you going? I can’t leave the register. Show me here.”
Sara’s cheeks flushed with embarrassment, but she turned and walked back to the counter. Several customers had taken note of what was going on and gathered to watch as Sara dropped her pants and bent over. She heard several ooohs and aaahs, but still nobody would spill the beans.
Sara: “You’re not going to tell me are you?”
Mandy: “No, but I was serious about letting you use the Sybian.”
Sara (dejected): “No thanks. My mistress is going to email me pictures. I’d better get home and wait for them.”
Mandy: “That sounds like a good plan. Don’t ever disobey your mistress.”
Sara left the store and headed home, hoping an email would be waiting for her. Logging into her PC, Sara was giddy with anticipation, but there were no new messages. Sara wondered why her mistress was teasing her in this way. She sat patiently at the computer waiting for an email. After about half an hour, her inbox sprang to life. Attached to an email from her mistress was a single picture. Giddily Sara opened the jpeg. The image was the wide shot Heather had taken showing both tattoos; however some of the text has been digitally removed. On her left cheek was a red heart outline with the word “Frank’s.” On her right cheek, a similar heart with the word “Heather’s.”
At the bottom of the email, Heather wrote instructions commanding Sara to play with herself and send a summary of her emotions back after she had orgasmed. Sara interpreted that to mean she would not be receiving the tattoo close-ups until after she acquiesced to her mistress’ latest command. Sara was happy to pleasure herself. This was one command she loved to obey. Sara figured the quicker she could cum, the quicker she could see the pictures of her ass. The thought of looking in the mirror for herself never entered her mind. She wanted to please Heather and vigorously began rubbing her clit and dipping her fingers into her slick pussy. Sara was thinking about her new adventure to Las Vegas, now just weeks away, and imagining what Heather would command her to do. Quickly Sara approached orgasm only to be disrupted by another email from Heather. This one was simply four letters: STOP.
Sara didn’t want to hold back. She was desperately close, but knew her pleasure would be greater if she obeyed her mistress. Swiftly Sara penned an email to Heather describing the frustration she was feeling at being told to stop. She hoped her candor would bring an orgasmic reward. What returned was another picture. Sara opened the image and saw that her left butt check would forever more broadcast that she was “Frank’s loving wife.” Sara smiled. She was expecting much worse and promptly sent her mistress an email saying so.
Heather responded almost immediately with another command to masturbate, but not to cum. She told Sara to send an email begging her to allow orgasm when she was at the precipice. Sara knew this game well. Her mistress would keep her on the edge but not allow her to go over it until she was satisfied. Again Sara began rubbing her pussy and again it did not take long before she was hanging on the edge waiting for her mistress’ approval to orgasm. Sara typed an email as she had been instructed, only she kept one hand busy with her pussy and typed with the other. She hoped her mistress would get the message soon.
Sara kept slowly diddling her clit, further teasing herself, while waiting for Mistress Heather’s response. Sara felt like she couldn’t hold out much longer, her body tensed for a massive release. Sara had grown to love this feeling and knew her mistress could get her to do anything by simply controlling how and when she orgasmed. Finally her inbox chimed. Another message from Heather had arrived along with another picture. The instruction was simple… “Open the picture and then cum.”
Sara read the sentence twice to make sure she didn’t mistake instructions. With her left hand’s fingers pushing their way into her steaming pussy, Sara double clicked on the jpeg with her right. As expected, the picture was of her second tattoo. As a complement to “Frank’s loving wife,” Sara was now also branded as “Heather’s loving slave.” The simple phrase filled Sara’s heart with joy and her fingers quickly pushed her over the edge. Sara’s world exploded as her orgasm overtook her body. Sara’s right hand gripped the chair armrest to steady herself as she shook and moaned through a most satisfying climax. Minutes later she was finally able to recompose herself and she send Heather a simple message. “Thank You.”
Sara waited for a reply, but none was forthcoming. Worn out from her experience, Sara took to her bed for a brief nap. She loved her tattoos as they showed off the dichotomy of her emotions. The locations were perfect as only a lover would see them, unless of course, she was ordered to expose herself. That thought was delicious as Sara hoped others would soon see her new body art.
The remaining time before the Vegas trip flew by. Heather taught Sara a few last minute lessons and it was time to go. Sara was nervous, but excited. She had never spent an entire weekend with her mistress and wondered if she was up to the task. She knew how much success at the Mistress / Slave Ball meant to Heather and wanted to be sure she pleased Heather. Sara had been instructed to pack light. Very light. In fact, except for the clothes on her back, she had been instructed to bring only a small carry-on. The list of items she was to bring was very specific.
1) Driver’s license
2) Ear plugs
3) Sleep mask
4) Romance novel
5) Digital camera
Equally specific was Heather’s instructions on what to wear. Surprisingly, Sara wasn’t told to dress slutty. At least not outwardly. Heather commanded Sara to wear her most supportive black bra with nipple cutouts. Sara worried that the underwire would set off the metal detector, but she couldn’t let her monsters free for that long, so she figured she would risk it. Over her pussy, Sara was instructed to wear a matching black thong. Outwardly, Heather directed Sara to wear a sheer white blouse, unbuttoned enough to show a fair amount of cleavage, “for the benefit of the TSA” and her tightest blue jeans. Finally a pair of 4 inch stiletto heels completed her outfit.
Sara looked at the reflection in the mirror. She looked great and she knew it. The heels toned her legs and kept her ass high and tight in the jeans. The bra was visible through the blouse’s thin fabric and her nipples, clearly visible, betrayed her excitement of finally leaving. Sara knew her pussy would be soaked by the time her mistress arrived to pick them up for the airport. She hoped Heather would grant her sexual relief before the flight left instead of making her wait until they reached sin city.
Frank and Sara waited for the limo to arrive and take them to the airport. Frank had a managed to pack in a single carry-on figuring he just needed a couple changes of clothes. They were ready half an hour before Mistress Heather was scheduled to pick them up and the anticipation built as the minutes ticked off the clock. Sara was full of nervous energy and spent the time pacing back and fourth. Frank was enjoying the vision of sexual energy his wife was displaying. Even though he knew he would not be seeing much of her in Vegas, he was still looking forward to the trip. Sara’s activities gave him free reign to act single again and the promised inclusion of Stephanie to the trip to look after his needs was very motivating.
Finally the limo arrived. It was a large, white stretch limo. Sara and Frank each carried their carry-on bags to the waiting car, a great adventure about to begin. The driver opened the trunk and placed their bags inside. Frank noted that there were two other carry-ons in the otherwise large empty trunk. The driver then opened the passenger door and the couple slid onto the seat. Both were surprised that Mistress Heather was not present. However Stephanie was there and so was Andi. Both were dressed to the nines and looked stunning, their youthful beauty and sexual charms on display for the world to see. Both girls seemed excited to see Sara and Frank and giddy to finally be going to Vegas.
The ride to the airport was uneventful. Karen spent most of the time staring out the window daydreaming while Frank spent most of the time staring at the girls undressing them with his eyes. The limo dropped them off on the departures level and the foursome stood in a blissfully short line to check in. Frank was somewhat surprised that he and Sara were not seated together. On the plus side, although he had a middle seat, it was between Andi and Stephanie. Based on the assigned seat, Sara was seated in First Class.
Sara looked at Frank’s watch and noted they had an hour to get through security before the plane would start boarding. She still had not seen her mistress. One thing she had learned in her time with Heather was to go with the flow. Everything happens for a reason. The foursome began walking to the security checkpoint. With every step Sara took, her jeans rubbed the front of her thong in a most pleasant way. She could feel the eyes of horny business men undressing her. Her mind kept racing forward to the reason for the trip and her pussy began to drip. Sara knew the thong would not be able to hold back her juices and that her pants would soon be scented with her arousal. She hoped there would be time to visit the bathroom after they got through security to clean up.
Sara was relieved to see the security line was not too long. In fact, it only took 15 minutes to wind through the line. Sara was relieved her mistress had not ordered her to wear anything which would give the TSA a reason to search her, except possibly her own decision to wear an underwire bra. Sara knew her carry on would offer little viewing pleasure to the X-ray screener. As she moved through the metal detector, a nervous bead of sweat appeared on her forehead. The man controlling the machine looked a little creepy and was focusing his attention on Sara’s chest instead of her face. Sara figured he might hassle her just for fun or to run the hand held detector over her bulging mammaries.
Fortunately for Sara, the sensitivity of the detector had been turned down and she breezed through the machine, as did Frank, Stephanie and Andi. Sara had been so transfixed on the creepy machine operator she did not notice the X-ray woman giving Stephanie a knowing smile about the contents of her bag.
The group now moved down a corridor toward their gate. Sara was looking for a bathroom so she could dry her leaking pussy. Stephanie was looking for one, but for a different reason. Sara excused herself as they passed the first lady’s room and Stephanie followed her in. Andi stayed outside with Frank, hanging on his arm like an infatuated co-ed. Frank was enjoying the looks the other older men in the terminal were giving him. As the girls entered the bathroom, Stephanie grabbed Sara’s arm.
Stephanie: “Heather gave me a note for you. They are instructions for the flight.”
Stephanie handed Sara the hand written note. The paper had been doused with Heather’s favorite perfume. Sara inhaled the fragrance, blissfully unaware of the strange sight she was presenting.
Mistress Heather: “My dearest slut slave. By now you are in the airport terminal and it is time for the games to begin. I’m sure your pussy is already wet, but I want to be sure you are properly primed for your arrival in Vegas. I have taken an earlier flight to better prepare for your arrival. Stephanie will give you four additional items you are to wear for the duration of the flight. When you arrive, there will be a limo waiting for you at the airport. It will drop your traveling companions at their hotel and then bring you to me. Enjoy the flight. Love your Mistress. P.S. Don’t cum or you will be punished.”
Sara grinned as she read the note and then looked up at Stephanie who had a hand in her carry-on. Sara watched as Stephanie pulled out a medium sized butt plug and a butterfly vibrator. She handed the two items to Sara and then fished out to elastic nipple bands and a small tube of KJ jelly. “At least she’s giving me some lube,” Sara thought.
Sara turned and walked into a stall just as the bathroom door opened again. Safe from prying eyes, Sara pulled down her pants. Taking the opportunity to relieve herself, Sara prepared the butt plug while doing her business. She was thankful Stephanie did not give her the big plug, but at the same time sitting for four hours with the hunk of plastic up her ass was not going to be pleasant. After stalling as long as she dared, Sara carefully inserted the plug. She then wrapped the butterfly around her waist positioning the vibrating nub on her clit. She knew from experience that they butterfly was remote controlled. She wondered how much range the transmitter carried and whether Stephanie could control it from the back of the plane.
Satisfied that her two new toys were in position, Sara pulled her pants back up. The tightness of the jeans held the toys in position. Sara now slipped off her blouse. Her nipples had been hard since she slipped on her bra so she thought the bands were a bit redundant, but she wasn’t about to question her mistress’ orders. She double wrapped the bands around the base of her nipples. An immediate swell of pain filled her breasts, quickly replaced by a dull ache. Like the butt plug and butterfly, Sara had worn the bands for multiple hours at a time. Each new item individually might have been pleasant, but together, Sara knew the flight would be torture.
Sara slipped her blouse back on and walked out of the stall. Stephanie was gone. Sara washed her hands and checked how she looked in the mirror. None of the toys were visible under her clothes, but the simple act of submission to a mistress currently located in another state made Sara’s pussy pulsate. Sara left the bathroom and began walking to the gate. Each step was an adventure in pleasure. Suddenly the butterfly sprung to life. Sara’s first reaction was to stop walking and lean on a newspaper vending machine. Her second reaction was to look around for Stephanie. Sara struggled with her emotions as she desperately fought back the urge to cum. She didn’t see Stephanie anywhere and was sure the gate was well out of range of the remote control.
As quickly as the butterfly had started, it now stopped. Sara was sure it would start again as soon as she started walking, the controls in the hands of a sadistic woman or perhaps her husband. The vibration did not return, however, and Sara made it to the proper gate only tormented by the plug filling her ass. Frank, Stephanie and Andi were all sitting waiting for the boarding call. Nobody commented on Sara’s current state as they engaged in small talk waiting for boarding to begin. Frank, Stephanie and Andi were staying at the MGM Grand. Stephanie told the group Heather had arranged for a two bedroom villa. One had a king bed for fucking and one had two queen beds for sleeping. Frank was obviously excited at the prospects of having two sexy young girls attending to his needs and desires. Sara noticed that he kept moving his eyes back and forth between the girls and that his cock was showing signs of life in his pants. Heather had also procured show tickets and admission passes to several dance clubs. Sara chuckled to herself that Frank would never be able to keep up with the girls.
The boarding announcement saw Sara going first due to her priority seating location. She gave each of the members of her party a kiss and headed up the gangway. While Frank watched his wife’s ass swaying through the gate, Stephanie explained why she had a hitch in her step.
Frank: “I’m sure she will have a memorable trip. I think we will too. Shall we go?”
Stephanie / Andi: “As you wish sir.”
The second bordering call was for the back 10 rows of the plane. Frank and the girls grabbed their bags and headed to the door. Once on the plane, they found Sara sitting in the last row of first class. She was fidgeting trying to find a more comfortable angle to sit on the plug. Frank smiled as he passed and the two girls blew her a kiss. Sara began to relax and luxuriate in the extra wide leather seat. She could definitely get accustomed to traveling this way. Back in the cattle car section, Frank found their row and let Andi slide into the window seat. Frank then slid into the center seat taking time to raise the arm rests before he sat down. Finally Stephanie sat down. The three of them had enough room to be comfortable, but not much room to move around. Frank was thankful that if he had to be crammed into the seats, at least he was crammed in between two hot co-eds.
Back in first class, Sara did not have that problem. She had room to spare. Nobody had taken the seat next to her and she began to think the seat may remain empty. Sara perused the in flight magazine noting what movies were available on the personalized seat video. An attractive flight attendant appeared and offered her a complimentary glass of champagne before takeoff. Sara joyfully accepted. This was the way to fly.
The parade of tourists continued to the back of the plane. There was one other couple in first class sitting across the aisle and a row in front of Sara. They too were sipping champagne. Sara detected a definite air of jealousy from the people walking down the aisle who would be asked to pay for soft drinks and a bad sandwich after takeoff. Sara didn’t care. She was busy trying to distract her mind from the dull ache in her pussy and tits. She was sure the vibrator would turn on any moment.
The flight attendants were trying to herd the masses to their seats so the plane could push back from the gate when a stern looking older woman stepped on board. Sara guessed the woman was in her mid-50’s. She was impeccably dressed in a suit and carried a wheeled travel bag. Her hair was pulled back into a severe bun and she wore black rimmed glasses. Karen though she looked like a mean school teacher. She handed her carry-on to the flight attendant who quickly stored the bag in a hatch in the front of the plane. Sara thought that was odd and had a puzzled look on her face as the woman sat down next to her. She was all business storing a small purse and book in the seatback, fastening the seatbelt and then holding her hand up for the glass of champagne. Without waiting to be asked, the flight attendant had the glass ready and waiting and then retreated to seal the cabin door.
The woman drank the champagne as the flight attendant began her safety speech. The attendant kept looking at the woman for approval, although making eye contact with the four first class passengers was not a challenge. Sara felt the plane being pushed back from the gate. As soon as the safety speech was finished, the attendant retrieved the four glasses and prepared for takeoff. Sara kept sneaking peeks at the woman wondering if she was a frequent flyer since the flight attendant obviously knew her. The woman finally took notice and introduced herself.
Woman: “Hi. My name is Roxy.”
Sara: “Hi Roxy. I’m Sara. Do you know that flight attendant?”
Roxy (chuckling): “Yes Sara, I do. I’m one of the flight attendant instructors for this airline. Peggy was one of my best students. I guess she is trying to do everything right on this flight to look good.”
Sara: “She certainly does look good.”
Roxy looked at Sara wondering if the double meaning of the statement was an accident.
Sara: “I meant, she has been very attent…”
Just then the butterfly turned on again causing Sara to stammer and lose her place. Fortunately with the ambient noise level in the cabin being what it is, the quiet buzz of the vibrator was inaudible.
Roxy: “Are you alright dear?”
Sara: “I’m fine. Sorry about that. I’m always nervous when I fly and I just got caught up.”
Sara tried to sound convincing hoping to placate the older woman.
Roxy: “I understand. Lots of people get nervous when they fly. Just sit back and try to sleep away the flight. Peggy, can you get Sara a blanket?”
Peggy appeared with a soft blanket, much nicer than the typical coach blanket, Sara thought.
Roxy: “Oh, and a pillow too.”
Peggy walked away but quickly returned with the requested item. Sara sat passively by as Roxy slid the pillow behind her head and then wrapped the towel around her body. The woman was so forward and assertive Sara though she might cop a feel, but to Sara’s chagrin, she just placed the blanket loosely over Sara’s body.
Roxy: “There. Now after we take off, you just recline and try to relax. Peggy will be back with more champagne and we will try to help you enjoy your flight.
Sara: “Thank you Roxy. I must say I’ve never had service like this on an airplane before.”
Roxy: “Just don’t sit in coach.” She said with a smile.
The plane began to roll down the runway and was soon airborne and winging its way west. As soon as the plane leveled off, Peggy brought two more glasses of champagne to the other couple in first class and then returned with two for Roxy and Sara.
Roxy: “Please bring the bottle Peggy. Sara is nervous about flying.”
Sara looked inquisitively at Roxy. Was she trying to get her drunk or did she really think the alcohol would help her relax. Before Sara had a chance to fully work through her thoughts, the butterfly sprung to life. Sara tensed and then bit her lip trying to no show any response. Roxy began watching intently further causing Sara discomfort. Peggy returned with the bottle and made no attempt to hide the fact that she was watching Sara’s pendulous breasts begin to heave. A slight bead of perspiration began to form on Sara’s forehead and she prayed the butterfly would turn off soon.
Roxy: “Thank you Peggy. I’ll let you know if we need anything else.”
Peggy: “Yes mam.”
Sara’s mind was a blur. The butterfly had turned off as Roxy was speaking. Sara was slightly disoriented, but she thought she heard a measure of submission in Peggy’s voice. Sara dismissed her wild thought as a consequence of the torture happening between her legs and on her nipples.
Sara once again thanked Roxy for her kind words of encouragement and snuggled down into the seat to try and sleep. Just as she was about to pass into the realm of slumber, the butterfly began buzzing once again. Sara jumped at the shock suddenly remembering where she was. A smiling Roxy asked if she was ok and then handed her another glass of champagne. Sara feigned that a chill had run through her body and quickly downed the contents of the glass. There was a slightly bitter taste to the champagne. Sara looked back at Roxy who had picked up a folder and was looking at some paperwork. Sara once again slumped back into the seat and was soon fast asleep.
Roxy and Peggy surveyed their handiwork. Roxy had dissolved a low grade tranquilizer into Sara’s last glass of champagne. It was enough to get her to fall asleep quickly, but would wear off soon so they had to move fast. The other couple in first glass received a larger dose. They would sleep at least a couple of hours and hopefully until they reached Vegas.
Peggy made sure the curtain between first class and coach was secure. She had peaked into the other cabin making eye contact with Lynn, another flight attendant who would keep an eye out for anyone trying to move forward to use the bathroom.
Every carefully, Roxy pulled off the blanket covering Sara and then began to unbutton her blouse. With an extremely delicate touch, Roxy was able to unbutton the entire blouse and pull it to the side without awakening the slumbering Sara. From experience, Roxy knew the longer they could keep Sara from waking, the deeper she would fall asleep and the less subtle they would need to be.
Next, Roxy unsnapped Sara’s jeans. They were so tight, Roxy worried she would not be able to get them off. Out of a sense of caution, Roxy simply unzipped the pants and then went back to work on Sara’s blouse. Hoping Sara was suitably asleep, Roxy pulled her forward out of the seat. From the row behind, Peggy took Sara’s blouse and carefully removed it. While Roxy continued to hold the sleeping woman, Sara’s bra was quickly removed and a plastic security tie was wrapped around her wrists. Roxy allowed Sara to slump back onto the seat. She was clearly out now and the final preparations for their game could continue.
Roxy knelt down between the seats and removed Sara’s shoes and then began working her pants over her hips. Soon Sara was sitting in the chair wearing only a thong and a contented smile. The thong was much easier than the pants to remove leaving Sara naked with her hands tied behind her back. Sitting back up to admire her work, Roxy ran her hand up Peggy’s leg and under her skirt. She easily slid a finger into Peggy’s womanhood. Peggy had been Roxy’s slave ever since she almost washed out of flight attendant school and needed “special” training from her instructor. Peggy was never allowed to wear panties and was required to masturbate in the lavatory of each flight. Peggy relished having her mistress on this flight and ground her mound against Roxy’s hand. Unbeknownst to Sara, Roxy and Peggy had met Heather at last year’s convention. Both dominants had enjoyed the services of Peggy and this year Heather promised to return the favor. Once Roxy found out Sara’s name, it was a simple matter to find what flight she was on and arrange the assigned seats to her advantage.
Roxy: “Can you believe Heather found a woman like this?”
Peggy: “She looks amazing. Who do you think did her tits?”
Roxy: “Heather said she was sending her to Dr. Bonner. I think Heather is really out to win this year.”
Peggy: “She still has to get through us.”
Roxy: “True. Let’s only hope she’s all tits and no training. Get my bag.”
Peggy retrieved her mistress’ bag from the storage locker. She also checked on the other first class couple to make sure they were sleeping soundly. She brought the bag back to Roxy who pulled out a sliver vibrator, a blindfold, and a set of nipple clamps. She also had a digital camera. She wanted Heather to see just how easy it was to get into Sara’s pants. Roxy slipped the blindfold on Sara, removed the nipple bands and then clipped on the nipple clamps. The sudden jolt of pain in her right nipple caused Sara to jump and begin to wake up. Roxy watched as Sara rocked her head, probably still thinking she was asleep since she couldn’t see anything. By the time Roxy attached the clamp to her left nipple, Sara was definitely awake and struggling against her bonds until she heard a reassuring voice whispering in her ear.
Roxy: “Relax slut and enjoy the rest of your flight.”
Sara was confused, but her libido quickly took control as she felt the vibrator slide under the butterfly. The air was heavy with her arousal as Roxy slid the metallic toy into her pussy. Involuntarily Sara began humping the invader. She was far too gone to worry about disobeying her mistress’ order not to cum or who might be watching her fuck herself. Sara felt Roxy turn on the vibrations which kicked her lust into a higher gear. At the same time, the butterfly began buzzing her clit again and Sara exploded into an instant orgasm. Sara’s mind raced with visions of her mistress punishing her for cumming and that only made her orgasm stronger and last longer. By the time she calmed down, the edge of her seat was soaked with her juices and her body was covered in sweat.
As she began to calm down, Sara felt the clamps being removed from her nipples. Although she had been trained not to talk in these situations, Sara felt compelled to thank Roxy for her orgasm. Roxy assured her she would have ample opportunity to thank her.
Sara sensed Roxy, or whoever was sitting next to her, stand up. She then felt two hands tugging at her shoulders indicating she should do the same. Sara was ushered into the aisle. Sara now began to worry as there were not too many places she could go in private on a plane. She felt herself being guided forward and correctly assumed she was being taken into the bathroom. Sara was pushed down onto the toilet seat and immediately felt her head being drawn forward and her mouth placed on a waiting pussy.
As skilled as Sara had become in the oral arts, the quickly moistening pussy being fed to her was still impatient. The owner held Sara’s head in a death grip getting as much stimulation from rubbing on Sara’s face as from Sara’s tongue. Sara had not heard pants being removed so she assumed she was servicing Peggy. Based on her aggressive actions, Sara assumed Peggy did not get to be in charge often and was determined to take advantage of the situation. Sara’s skills were largely ignored as the owner continued her bump and grind on Sara’s face culminating is a very wet and sloppy orgasm. Sara felt the anonymous woman stagger backward and bump into the wall. She desperately wanted to reach down and finger her own clit, but the plastic restrains prohibited her from taking her own pleasure. About thirty seconds later, Sara heard the door open and sensed more movement. Again Sara did not hear the sound of a zipper, but discerned the rustling of a skirt. Another pussy was positioned in front of Sara’s waiting mouth. This person did not force herself on Sara, but instead made Sara lean forward and would pull back after one or two licks. Finally after being teased for about a minute, Sara was able to latch on and being savoring the woman’s pleasure zone. Although blindfolded, Sara recognized the woman’s taste. It was Stephanie. Sara had no doubt. Sara pulled her head back and said hello. The woman didn’t speak offering no confirmation one way or the other that Sara was correct.
The woman let Sara take her time and properly service her pussy. While not explosive, the woman did have a quality climax, rocking her hips back and forth almost slapping Sara’s face with her pussy. After the woman backed away, Sara felt a light peck on her cheek in appreciation before she heard the door open again. This time Sara did hear a pants zipper sliding down. For a moment she thought perhaps Frank had entered the bathroom, but instead a very wet pussy started rubbing her leg as the owner sat on Sara. The mystery woman slid back and forth on Sara’s leg for a few minutes, apparently waiting until her juices were flowing even more. Sara then felt a strap being wrapped around her leg near her knee and then felt the weight of the woman again. This time instead of sliding back and forth, the woman was bouncing up and down on a dildo attached to Sara’s leg. Sara wished she wasn’t blindfolded as the correctly surmised the erotic nature of the vision before her. As the woman’s passion grew, she grabbed Sara’s head and pulled Sara into her chest. The rough fabric irritated Sara’s skin as the woman continued to rebound up and down the phallus. The closer the woman got to her orgasm, the tighter she held Sara’s head until at the end Sara could hardly breathe. Fortunately for Sara the woman climaxed and after shaking her hips back a forth a few times, dismounted. The dildo was left strapped to Sara’s leg as the woman slid her pants back on and left the tiny bathroom. Again Sara sensed a woman, although she didn’t hear her removing any clothes. Gloriously Sara felt two fingers begin to manipulate her labia and then when they were removed, she felt a talented tongue lap purposely at her pussy. Sara recognized the techniques as belonging to Andi and began to thank her for her efforts. Sara then felt a finger penetrate her outer folds and after coming out very wet, she felt the fingertip at her lips. This was not the first time Sara and tasted her own juices. She concentrated on sucking Andi’s finger at the same time as wondering if Andi would let her cum. She should have known better as Andi’s attention to her pussy was pleasurable, but fleeting. Sara sensed Andi standing up before a passionate kiss was delivered rendering Sara’s core a quivering mess. Sara felt the butterfly spring to life once again and prayed it would stay on long enough for her to reach nirvana again.
Of course it didn’t. The vibrator turned off and again Sara heard the door open and close again and then another zipper being pulled down. As before, Sara’s head was pulled very forcefully into a servicing position. The finally pussy Sara would service on the plane was already primed for action and Sara quickly brought it over the top. Although Sara expected the woman to leave, she was surprised when the woman sat down on the dildo. She could hear moans of delight as the woman rode the fake cock with abandon. Sara’s entire body shook with the force of the woman’s gyrations. Soon the tiny bathroom walls reverberated with the sounds of the woman’s second orgasm. Sara felt the woman slow and then stop, although she was still impaled on the dildo. After what seemed like an eternity, but was in reality at most a minute, the woman pulled herself off the fake penis and unstrapped the joyous toy. Sara assumed she was finished, but she had one more task. The owner of the dildo unceremonially pushed the dildo into Sara’s mouth. “Clean,” was the only word she heard. Sara recognized the voice as that of Roxy and immediately did as she was told. Sara turned her oral skills to licking clean every inch of the wonderful dildo taking pleasure from the debasing act.
After she was done, Sara heard two zippers and was then grabbed by both nipples. The stinging touch was electric and sent shock waves coursing through her body. Led by her painfully erect nipples, Sara was drawn out of the bathroom, back into the aisle and finally to her seat. There she was pushed back down and felt the blanket recovering her very warm body. The blindfold was removed last and everything in the cabin looked normal, except that Sara was still naked, restrained and had just serviced 5 different women in the bathroom.
As Sara looked at Roxy, the older woman raised the butterfly’s remote and clicked it on. Immediately Sara clit went into overdrive shooting nerve impulses of passion to the tormented woman’s brain. Sara could not hide her excitement and it was easy for Roxy to turn off the device just before Sara crossed the threshold of another public orgasm. Sara pleaded with Roxy to let her cum, but Roxy just laughed.
Roxy: “I think we have an understanding, don’t we?”
Sara was defeated once again by her lust.
Sara: “Yes mam.”
Roxy: “Good. We have about an hour left in the flight. I’m going to tease that dripping snatch of yours for about three quarters of that time. Then I will cut the straps and you can slip back into your jeans and shirt. Your panties and bra are coming with me. When we deplane, you are coming with me to my office. I’ve already informed your friends that you will not be sharing the limo. I will make sure you are safely delivered to your mistress, but I am going to have a little fun with you first. Deal?”
Sara looked down at the floor, but quickly agreed. As soon as she said the fateful words, the buzzer on her clit turned back on quickly bringing Sara back to the edge. Just as Roxy had promised, the butterfly continued to tease and taunt Sara’s juice hole repeatedly bringing her to the edge before maddeningly backing off. Every so often Roxy would reach over and give Sara’s nipples a hard pinch or twist. Eventually Sara had to bury her head in the pillow to keep from alerting the entire plane of her frantic need to cum.
Finally just before Peggy made the “now descending into Las Vegas” announcement, Roxy released Sara from her bondage. With a stern “don’t you dare do it” look, Roxy handed Sara back her clothes. It was a struggle to get back into the pants while angling between the two seats. Fortunately the blouse went on easier, but Sara was most uncomfortable wearing it without a bra in public. Looking at her companion’s distress, Roxy suggested instead of tucking it into her jeans, Sara should tie the sides in the front so her abs could show also. Sara felt like a southern belle as she tied her shirt as ordered further exposing her already highly visible body.
Peggy woke the other couple who seemed surprised the flight was almost over. Sara felt sorry for the couple who paid for first class and instead got a drug induced three hour nap. At least they would be refreshed for the tables.
As the plane landed and began finding its path to the terminal, Sara watched as Roxy reached into her bag of tricks and produced a thin leather collar. Snapping it around Sara’s neck, Roxy instructed her new charge to always stay two steps behind her and one to the right. Failure to comply would result in a leash being attached, although Roxy really didn’t want to do that since not everyone at the airline knew of her sexual perversities. Sara thought about acting disobedient, but also noticed a riding crop in the bag and though better of challenging Roxy’s authority.
As the plane reached the terminal, Roxy stood up and pulled Sara’s carry-on from the overhead bin. Giving both carry-on bags to Sara, Roxy quickly exited through the door opened by Peggy. Sara noticed a twinkle in Peggy’s eye as she gave the “have a nice day, goodbye” speech and wave. Looking into the now open cockpit door as she passed, Sara noticed the flight had a woman co-pilot. The woman winked at Sara and mouthed the words “thank you.” Sara blushed as she realized this was the woman who fucked herself on Sara’s leg.
Sara scampered up the gangway trying not to fall behind Roxy. As the two women headed toward baggage claim, Sara concentrated on following Roxy’s swaying ass and never looked back for Frank, Andi and Stephanie. Her next adventure had begun.
Sara followed Roxy back to the baggage area and then through a locked door and up a flight of steps into the airline’s offices. She was glad it was late at night and there were no other employee’s working. Without thinking, Sara followed Roxy into another locked room. There were tables arranged in a U shape, a lectern, a laptop and video projector and a screen.
Roxy: “Welcome to my classroom.”
Sara: “What are we doing here mam?”
Roxy: “Heather owed me from last year and you are the payment. First I’m going to show you footage from your flight, and then after you beg me, I’m going to pull that butt-plug out and fuck the shit out of your ass with the strap-on from the bathroom. After that, if you’ve been good, I’ll deliver you to your mistress. Of course if you are bad, I’ll whip you first.”
Sara doubted she would avoid the whipping anyway.
Roxy: “Get those slutty clothes off this instant. You’ll never see Peggy dressing like a tramp. She’s a very obedient lady.”
Sara quickly stripped back out of her jeans and blouse. Roxy didn’t watch, but instead pulled the lectern to the side and placed a chair in the center of the room facing the screen.
Roxy: “Sit.”
Sara sat in the chair facing the screen. She watched as Roxy retrieved two more plastic ties and a set of steel handcuffs from the classroom’s locker. Sara offered no resistance as her arms were cuffed to the back of the chair and her ankles were affixed to the legs. She then watched as Roxy pulled a compact video camera out of her bag and removed the memory card. A new memory card was put in the camera which was then attached to a tripod and set directly in front of the bound Sara. No doubt all her charms would be on display in the new movie. Sara’s pussy gushed at the thought.
Back on the PC, Roxy was transferring the movie files and turning on the projector. Apparently Peggy had been filming ever since Sara had fallen asleep. The camera work was spotty and the picture was grainy due to the low light, but Sara was clearly on display bound and orgasming on the plane. Once the scene shifted to the bathroom, the light was much better and Sara realized she had identified everyone but the pilot correctly.
During this part of the show, Roxy had removed the crop from her bag and was running it up and down Sara’s body. She took extra care to tease Sara’s nipples and clit. Sara was stewing in her own juices and was soon begging Roxy to give her the release she so franticly needed. Roxy was in no hurry to give the housewife anything but her scorn. She berated Sara for being such a slut and gave a running commentary to her actions in the bathroom. This only inflamed Sara’s desire more as she secretly wished Roxy would at least hit her with the crop.
Around this time Peggy came into the room, her flight attendant duties finished for the weekend. Walking over to Sara, she gave her right breast a strong squeeze eliciting a healthy moan from the bound woman. Sara watched as Peggy put a different bag onto the table and began stripping out of her uniform. Her pussy was still puffy and moist from her turn in the bathroom. Sara was drooling with lust until Roxy brought her back to reality with a well placed snap of the crop on her left nipple. The then turned the crop around and placed the hardened tip just on the inside of Sara’s pussy lips. Running it up and down, she cooed that they could do this the easy way or the hard way.
Sara: “What do you want to let me cum?”
Roxy: “Nothing really. At least tonight.”
Sara: “When then?”
Roxy: “At the competition.”
Sara: “I would be happy to service you are Peggy again.”
Roxy: “No doubt. But I want something more.”
Sara knew the camera was running as Roxy laid it on the line. In exchange for being fucked right then and being allowed to cum as much as she wanted, Sara had to agree to throw the competition at the ball.
Sara surprised herself a bit. As horny as she was, she was tempted to agree, get her orgasm and then back out of the arrangement at the ball. But her love for Mistress Heather was too strong. She knew Roxy would show the tape to her mistress and it would drive a wedge between them.
Sara: “I’m sorry mam. I can’t do it.”
Roxy: “I’m going to whip you if you don’t agree.”
Sara: “If that is your will, then so be it. My love and devotion to my mistress is stronger than any punishment you can dish out.”
Roxy: “So be it.”
Roxy snapped her fingers at Peggy who released Sara’s bondage and helped her temporarily stand until she was positioned bent over one of the tables. Sara was instructed to stretch her arms out as if she was tied but not to move. The camera was repositioned to capture all the action as Roxy hit Sara’s buttocks full force with the crop. Sara howled in pain, but Roxy just laughed and commented that nobody would hear her cry at this hour. After each stroke, Roxy would again offer Sara an orgasm or two in exchange for betraying Heather. Each time Sara unflinchingly withheld her consent as her ass was turned a bright red platter of riding crop marks and palm prints. After her ass was covered with her dedication to Mistress Heather, Roxy stood Sara up and gave her a deep, passionate kiss.
Roxy: “Congratulations. You passed your mistress’ loyalty test and I lost a bet. I bet your mistress I could turn your allegiance before you even got to her. I give you credit. Your reward is the orgasm I offered you earlier, only this time sanctioned by your mistress so feel free to enjoy it fully.”
Sara looked straight into the camera and thanked her mistress. Sara then turned her head to see Roxy and Peggy strapping on dildos and greasing them up with lube. Sara was relieved knowing her pain was about to be transformed to pleasure. Sara held her position bent over the table. She would have preferred to be on her back so she could look at her vanquisher, but she was not in a position to make demands. She felt butt plug being removed and then the tip of one of the strap-ons nudge her browneye. Ignoring the direction to hold her position, Sara reached back and spread her ass checks. She was still face down bent over the table and unable to see who was about to penetrate her.
Sara made no sounds as the dildo penetrated her rectum. The butt plug had stretched her for over four hours so the strap-on met little resistance. She felt a pair of hands grab her wrists and pull them free from holding her butt cheeks spread. The woman fucking her pushed her hands forward and pressed her body weight down on Sara’s back. The pressure forced Sara’s legs to be raised off the floor grinding her clit into the edge of the table. With a grunt, the air was forced out of Sara’s lungs as her chest was pressed into the table and her wrists were pinned flat in front of her. Sara looked up at the camera sure that the image it was recording would show her lustful acceptance of the anal intruder.
With Sara pinned against the table, Peggy began using her leverage to hammer the dildo into Sara’s ass. The results were predictable and immediate. Peggy was submissive with Roxy, but was a switch when it came to other women. She reveled in the control she had over Sara and took Sara’s overpowering orgasm as proof of her own skills. As her orgasm consumed her, Sara was thinking only of Mistress Heather and silently mouthing thank yous to the camera for sharing her with her new airline friends. As Sara began to calm down, Peggy slowed her assault. She also felt her own browneye begin to stretch as Roxy took up position behind her.
Roxy: “You enjoyed that too much. It’s time you remembered who is in charge here.”
Although the dildo was lubed, Peggy was not ready for the incursion of the fake cock. Not that anal sex was new to her, but she still had to fight to relax as Roxy pushed the phallus home without regard to Peggy’s feelings. Peggy held her own body tight against Sara’s backside, her dildo still buried to the hilt in Sara’s ass as Roxy began building a rhythm sawing Peggy’s ass apart. Each time Roxy thrust into Peggy, Peggy would push deeper into Sara. Although Peggy’s dildo was hardly moving, the weight of her hips driven by the strength of Roxy’s thrusts continued to tantalize Sara’s clit along the top of the table. Although she was primarily collateral damage, Sara was quickly approaching another orgasm as was Peggy. Roxy grabbed Peggy by the back of the head directing her to look straight at the camera as she came.
Roxy: “Heather has a more dedicated slave than I do, but you will remember who owns this ass after tonight!”
With that declaration, Roxy pulled out the dildo and began cropping Peggy’s ass. Peggy howled into Sara’s ears and began cumming as the fire spread across her buttock and into her pussy. Sara, who had been on the edge herself, wrapped her legs around Peggy maximizing the transfer of orgasmic shake from Peggy to her own clit. It wasn’t a big climax, but Sara welcomed it and again gave words of praise to Heather via the video camera.
Sara felt Peggy’s weight retreating from her back as Roxy pulled her spent slave off Sara and dropped her to the floor. Before Sara could stand, Peggy was curled up at her mistress’ feet kissing her toes and thanking her. Roxy helped Sara into a standing position and once again kissed her with a fiery passion causing Sara’s legs to buckle.
Roxy: “Shall we get you to your mistress?”
Sara: “Yes please. I miss her.”
Roxy: “Slut Peggy, please clean up the room and then meet me at my house.”
Peggy: “Yes mistress.”
Roxy: “Sara, come with me.”
Roxy pulled a light blue dress from her bag of tricks and handed it to Sara. Sara wondered why she would not be dressed in the clothes her mistress had given her, but quickly slid the dress over her head. Sara was thankful the dress was not translucent as Roxy led her back through the terminal and to the employee’s bus stop. Roxy ushered Sara onto the nearly empty bus and then pushed her into a seat next to a windows. It was now after 1am and not at a shift change so only two other people plus the driver were on the bus. It was only a couple of minutes ride to the employee parking lot, but Roxy kept Sara entertained by immediately running her hand under the short dress and stroking Sara’s pussy. Sara was well past the point of embarrassment and spread her legs giving Roxy better access. As the bus reached Roxy’s van, the women exited the bus where Sara overheard the driver congratulating Roxy on another conquest. Roxy replied that she was just watching out for this one, customer service being a priority for the airline. The driver chucked and looked lustfully at Sara.
Roxy: “Give me your dress.”
Sara: “Can we get in the van first?”
Roxy: “Come on, there is nobody around and I know how much you like to show off.”
Sara looked around the lot and didn’t see the other people from the bus and began to pull the dress up. As she raised her hands over her head pulling the dress free, she noticed the security camera pointing at the couple. Sara was sure someone was enjoying the show as Roxy opened the side door of the windowless van. Sara stepped inside, her eyes trying to adjust to the low light. Roxy quickly joined her, slid the door shut and turned on the dome light.
Roxy: “Welcome to my slut transport van.”
Sara looked around the back of the obviously customized van. In the back was a full sized mattress. No doubt it had seen plenty of action. On the walls was a series of Velcro strips with whips, paddles and restraints attached. Up front behind the seats was a video camera and digital camera mounted on tripods and a 32” LCD TV bolted to the floor. The centerpiece of the van, however, was positioned where the middle row of seats would normally be located. There was an English style horse saddle mounted to a heavy duty spring attached to the van’s floor. Mounted to the saddle were two small dildos, obviously positioned to keep a slave occupied during a journey. Roxy reached forward to the dashboard and flipped a switch and the dildos came alive with the buzzing sound of a vibrator built into the base of the saddle. Sara began to drool at the prospect of traveling on such a contraption. Attached to the ceiling of the van were adjustable wrist and neck restraints and on the sidewalls adjustable ankle cuffs.
Roxy: “What do you think of my design? We originally had larger dildos on the saddle, but a friend of mine hurt her slave so we had to change them.”
Sara: “I can honestly say I’ve never seen anything like this. Do I get to ride the saddle when you take me to my mistress?”
Roxy: “It’s your choice. You can ride up front with me or I can strap you in back here.”
Sara: “I think I would like to try out your saddle. What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, right?”
Roxy: “That it does, although you will be a changed woman by the time you go home.”
Sara ran her hand over the saddle and then put her nose next to it and took a deep breath inhaling its scent. The leather aroma mixed with the perfume of many different women to create an intoxicating combination. Sara quickly took each dildo in her mouth to lubricate them and then swung her leg over working herself into position. Her natural lubrication was still flowing making the pussy dildo easy to insert. Her backdoor had started to shrink back to normal requiring Sara to ask for some lubrication beyond her saliva. Roxy moved behind her and spread her cheeks. She bent over and gave Sara a quick rim job sending shivers through the submissive’s body. Roxy then retrieved a tube of KJ previously attached to the wall and liberally coated her finger.
As Roxy eased her finger up Sara’s backside, Sara began to rock forward on the pussy dildo. The spring provided just the right amount of support as the saddle rocked up and down in a most satisfying way. Sensing that Sara was not in any great hurry, Roxy lubed up two more fingers and continued her penetration of the now panting woman’s ass. Roxy was enjoying herself until she realized she had not turned on the video camera. Heather wanted to see how Sara would react. Roxy quickly pulled her fingers out of Sara’s ass eliciting a grown of frustration.
Roxy: “Calm down slut. I’ll be right back.”
Sara watched as Roxy maneuvered herself around Sara and into the front seat. She started the van’s engine. A cool blast of air conditioning flowed over Sara and the television sprang to life. A blinking red light indicated the camera was recording.
Roxy: “You can either watch a live feed of yourself or I can put in a movie.”
Sara thought for a few seconds and then responded that she wanted to see herself.
The image on the screen changed to a floor to ceiling shot of the back of the van. Sara also heard the shutter on the camera click open then shut. Apparently it too was controlled from the dash. Roxy moved back behind Sara and carefully guided the second dildo up her ass. Sara wiggled back and forth testing the sensation, a broad smile forming across her face. After positioning Sara on the saddle, it was easy for Roxy to make quick work of securing her arms and neck to the ceiling. Next up was Sara’s legs. Roxy tightened all the straps until Sara’s limbs were extend into a vertical spread eagle. This also meant that most of her weight would be pushing her down onto the saddle. Finally Roxy pulled a blindfold off the Velcro wall and slid it over Sara’s head.
Roxy: “Sorry, love, but Heather doesn’t want you to know where you are. Enjoy the ride.”
Sara was sure she would. She heard Roxy open the van’s sliding door and step outside. She didn’t hear the door shut right away, but she could hear muffled voices of Roxy talking to someone. Sara guessed Peggy had caught up to them, but it could have been anyone in the employee lot. Sara briefly imagined a security guard who saw her strip on the camera had rushed to her aid. Maybe Roxy would let him fuck her in an effort to keep quiet about what he saw. Sara mind was racing with possibilities until she heard the door slid shut and then the driver’s door open and close.
Sara felt the van back out of the parking space. Each turn caused Sara’s body to rock on the saddle and the dildos to reach new nerve endings. Sara especially liked when Roxy drove over speed bumps causing the saddle to rock vertically several inches. Although Sara could not see the monitor, in her mind she saw the image of herself tied helplessly enjoying every minute of the trip. The saddle vibrator sprung to life. Sara was now bouncing and grinding the saddle as much as her restrains would allow. Her giant breasts bounced obscenely as she desperately sought the right stimulation point to allow herself to orgasm. The stereo had been turned on to a bondage movie and the sounds of a woman being whipped and then fucked filled the van. Sara hoped the front windows were up as her own screams of passion mixed with the soundtrack in an obscene rolling live sex show.
Sara had been to Vegas several times before but had never ventured much off the strip. Although she had no idea where the twists and turns of their route were headed, Sara sensed Roxy was picking roads much in need of repair… all for Sara’s benefit. Once again the van drove over a large speed bump, perhaps heralding their arrival at their destination, but definitely proclaiming the arrival of Sara’s latest orgasm. Sara squealed with delight as the saddle rebounded forcing the dildos ever deeper into her depths. She looked forward to seeing the video of herself and assumed Roxy was happy with her handiwork. Much to Sara’s surprise, the van didn’t stop. For about the next half hour the van wove it way through the city’s streets, onto the highway for a short time and finally out a long straight road. Sara orgasmed at least three more times before the van finally and mercifully stopped.
Sara heard the drivers’ door open and felt the cool desert night air blow into the van. There were no immediate sounds to give away their position. The din of the strip was long behind them. The only sound Sara heard was the beating of her heart.
Again Sara heard muffled voices behind the van and finally the side door opened. A leather gloved hand reached in and caressed Sara’s face and then her breasts. Sara mewed in pleasure at the touch which quickly changed to squeezing her erect nipples. Finally Sara heard the voice she had been longing to hear.
Mistress Heather: “Hello pet. It looks like you enjoyed yourself. Roxy, I do believe you should add some nipple chains to your transport van. These beauties did not get the attention they desired.”
Roxy: “You may be right, Heather. I’m always looking for new ideas. How about Sara, did you enjoy your ride?”
Sara: “Yes mam, I did. But I think I would have liked the larger dildos.”
Roxy: “I don’t think you will have to worry about that this weekend.”
Mistress Heather: “Let’s get her unhooked and inside. She needs to rest. She has a long day ahead of her tomorrow.”
Sara felt the cuffs being removed and then two sets of hands helping her dismount the saddle. The blindfold remained however and her wrists were quickly cuffed behind her back. Sara was then guided out of the van and down a long driveway. Sara could smell the chlorine of a swimming pool before being ushered through a door. Mistress Heather guided Sara to a bathroom and told her to relieve herself.
Mistress Heather: “It is late and I want you to sleep now. I want you to leave your blindfold on, but I will take off the cuffs.”
Sara took advantage of the free hands to wipe her bottom and wash her hands. She was then led to a bed with a very fluffy comforter.
Mistress Heather: “I will be back for you in the morning. Do not leave the bed, do not take off the blindfold and do not masturbate. Understand?”
Sara: “Yes mistress. My I make one request?”
Mistress Heather: “What is that my slave?”
Sara: “Before I go to sleep, my I eat your pussy until you cum on my face?”
Heather winked at Roxy.
Mistress Heather: “How could I say no to that?”
Sara woke mid-morning refreshed, although following her mistress’ orders, still blindfolded with no idea where she was. She sat up and called out Heather’s name, but heard no reply. She had no concept what time it was or when her mistress might come to collect her. To her surprise, she heard a door open about 30 seconds after she had called to her mistress. She sensed someone walking toward her and then felt a gentle hand stroke the side of her face and finally remove the blindfold. Standing before her was Sara’s mistress looking as gorgeous as ever wearing a very skimpy bikini.
Mistress Heather: “Sleeping beauty as awakened.”
Sara: “Good morning mistress. It is morning isn’t it?”
Mistress Heather: “Yes pet. It is about 10. Go to the bathroom, relieve yourself and put on the bikini you will find there. Roxy, Peggy and I are having breakfast by the pool. Join us when you are done.”
Sara hopped out of bed and did a quick survey of the room. She appeared to be in some kind of guest house. It was furnished like a studio apartment. There was an efficiency kitchen, a sofa and loveseat, a TV, a dresser, the bed she slept in and a doorway she assumed led to the bathroom. At the front of the room was a sliding door which led to a patio. Sara could see the three women sitting around a table. Sara bounded to the bathroom and quickly took care of her bodily needs. She was completely energized from a good night’s sleep and the adrenaline of the promised activities to come. Sara looked for her bikini on the counter, but only found a tiny g-string. Realizing there was no top anywhere to be found, Sara slid the butt floss inspired swim suit into her crack, checked to make sure the front was covering her labia and walked out to the patio.
The trio looked at Sara appreciatively as she approached. Roxy had a revealing bikini similar to her mistress and Peggy, like Sara, was dressed in just a g-string. There was one open seat and Sara debated whether she should sit down. She decided to wait for her mistress to indicate her status of the morning so instead of taking the chair, she knelt down next to Heather.
Mistress Heather: “Very good slave. You may take the chair.”
Sara nodded then stood and walked over to the chair and sat down. Peggy poured a glass of orange juice for Sara and also handed her a muffin.
Mistress Heather: “Today we have a fitting with your tailor. Tonight we are going to go out on the town and tomorrow night is the gala. I want you to lay out by the pool and tan a little this morning before it gets too hot. I still have a few arrangements to make for tonight. Peggy will keep you company.”
Sara: “Thank you mistress and thank you for arranging the personal service on the flight last night.”
Mistress Heather: “You can thank Roxy for that. I watched the tape last night and I was very impressed with your performance. I think we are going to do great at the competition.”
Sara: “If you don’t mind my asking, where are we?”
Roxy: “You are at my house.”
Sara: “And that is where?”
Roxy: “It’s about 20 minutes off the strip. I took the scenic route last night. We’re out near Red Rock Canyon. I’ve got about 10 acres of desert so it’s nice and private.”
Heather and Roxy stood up and kissed their respective slaves before retreating into the air conditioned comfort of the main house. Sara was content to let Peggy take the lead. After downing another glass of orange juice, Peggy took Sara’s hand and led her out to the pool. Even though it was just 10am, the hot desert air swept across the stone pool deck. Peggy took Sara over to where two towels were laid out under a misting system.
Peggy: “We’d fry without that water to keep us cool. Lay down and I’ll put some tanning lotion on you.”
Sara quickly lay face down on the towel. She felt Peggy squirt a generous amount of oil on her back and then luxuriated in the feeling of Peggy rubbing the lotion into her skin. Peggy made sure to cover every inch of Sara’s exposed skin, in truth, her whole body. After she finished Peggy told her to roll over and the process was repeated on her front. Sara was clearly turned on as Peggy massaged her breasts and tantalized her erogenous zones along her neck and inner thighs. Sara spread her legs in an open invitation for Peggy to finger her pussy, but instead her fellow slave simply spread the lotion along her pussy lips. Peggy smiled at the wanton display Sara was putting on, but said nothing.
Sara was looking forward to returning the favor, but Peggy told her Roxy and Heather had already oiled her up, so she didn’t need any more sunscreen. Sara wondered if she too just got a tease or if the trio had done more. Sara lay back down and began to daydream. She imagined her mistress straddling Peggy’s face while Roxy sensually massaged the oil into her glistening skin. Sara was beginning to get as heated from her thoughts as from the desert sun when the mister thankfully turned on. A fine spray of cool water filled the air drifting down onto the tanning women. The tiny droplets of water cascaded over Sara’s sizzling skin causing her body to tingle. She wanted nothing more right then than to dip her fingers into her simmering pussy and masturbate herself to orgasm.
After thirty minutes, Peggy told her to turn over. Once again Sara spread her legs in an invitation to Peggy, but it was to no avail. Sara began to daydream again wondering what Frank was up to with the girls. Sara was totally relaxed and didn’t realize Roxy and her mistress had returned until Heather gave her a playful swat on her ass.
Mistress Heather: “Up and at ‘em. There is no more resting on our schedule today. Go into the pool house and take a shower. I’ll lay your clothes out on the bed.”
Sara stood up and was please to see Peggy joining her. The shower was spacious enough for three with shower heads at either end. Both women began washing off the suntan lotion when Sara decided to take matters in her own hands. Turning to face Peggy, Sara waited until she had her hair and face covered with lather from the shampoo. Sara then moved forward embracing the startled woman and starting to rub her up and down.
Sara: “We have to make sure we get all the oil.
Sara knelt down in front of Peggy and began to tentatively lick her pussy.
Sara: “I think there is still some lotion here. Don’t worry I’ll get it out.”
Peggy knew she shouldn’t, but the switch in her began to take over and she guided Sara’s head back into position. Peggy finished rinsing her hair while Sara made sure her slit of free of suntan lotion remnants. Peggy, reaching the point of no return, grabbed Sara’s head and ordered her to “do it right or don’t do it.”
Sara took the bait and began eating her pussy with a vengeance. Briefly Sara was concerned that the animalistic sounds coming from the bathroom would find displeasure from her mistress, but she could help herself. She continued to work on Peggy’s pussy with her tongue and eventually worked a finger up her ass to the second knuckle. Sara didn’t know this was Peggy’s biggest turn on and the anal play immediately sent Peggy over the edge. Her knees became weak as she shuddered and quiver over Sara’s face. Peggy slid down the wall joining Sara on the floor and gave her a very passionate thank you kiss.
Roxy: “If that was you, Peggy, you’re in deep trouble.”
Peggy: “Yes mam. I know.”
Mistress Heather: “It looks like your slave was the one to flip her allegiance. I guess I won the bet.”
Peggy and Sara turned off the water and stepped out of the shower. Their respective mistresses handed them each a towel and watched intently as they dried themselves off.
Roxy: “Peggy, come with me into the house to receive your punishment.”
Sara watched as Peggy bowed her head and meekly followed Roxy out of the pool house. Gone was any trace of dominant rebellion. Peggy was a submissive once again.
Mistress Heather: “You’re damn lucky she didn’t reciprocate or your ass would be tanned by more than the sun.”
Sara counted her blessings as her plan was to have Peggy get her off too. Sara followed Heather back to the bed and began looking for her clothing. All she saw was a short silk pj top and her pair of high heeled shoes. Looking to her mistress for guidance, Sara was shamed when Heather gave her a look of disgust as if to say “I told you your clothes would be on the bed. Now put them on.”
Sara quickly slipped into the sleepwear. The silk felt luxurious across her warm skin. The smooth texture flowed across her body like a thousand butterflies. The size was perfect, tight but not too tight, showing her curves just right and ending mid thigh. Sara looked at herself in the mirror. Although she knew she had been transformed over the last nine months, seeing herself dressed in the elegant top, her surgically enhanced breast threatening to burst free, her seemingly always erect nipples prominently on display, her abs and ass tightened from endless workouts with her personal trainer, her legs and thighs toned by her ever present fuck-me heels and her unique hair style all combined finally hit her consciousness. She had been transformed from a suburban housewife who had never cheated on her husband into a cum hungry whore ready to perform at her mistress’ command. Sara knew she would not, indeed could not, deny her mistress any request and knew the rest of this weekend would be unlike anything she had every experienced. It went without saying that Sara’s pussy was beginning to flood. Mistress Heather looked at her charge admiring herself in the mirror.
Mistress Heather: “Yes, you are that hot, my dear. And you are going to get hotter. I have secured a very special clothes designer for you. I have seen drawings of your outfit for the ball and I must say I am looking forward to seeing you in it. We’re also going shopping for tonight’s clothes, so let’s not dawdle.”
Heather turned and walked out the door. Sara froze momentarily when she realized she was going out in public dressed as she was. For some reason she assumed the designer was coming to them. Of course she knew her mistress never missed a chance to show off her body, so that was a stupid assumption. Sara quickly caught up to her mistress, her heels clicking on the pool deck as they approached a red Mercedes convertible. Heather opened the door and Sara slid onto the hot leather seat. Of course Sara made sure to pull the top up over her ass before sitting. She knew her mistress would request it eventually so why delay the inevitable.
Heather took her position in the driver’s seat, started the engine and put the top down. Sara thoughts drifted back to the last time she was exposed in a convertible by her mistress. She had mixed emotions about a repeat performance but had to trust Heather’s judgment as they turned back toward town, the wind blowing through their hair.
The pair drove through an area Sara had never visited during her other trips to Vegas. Sara decided this was definitely “sin” city as they passed a seemingly never ending parade of strip clubs and adult bookstores on Industrial Avenue. Sara had never seen the back sides of the strip resorts and was shocked by how the urban blight ran right up to billion dollar resorts. Heather piloted the car expertly around the lightly traveled back roads avoiding the Las Vegas Boulevard gridlock. Sara saw a carnival of strippers, prostitutes, pimps, drug dealers, homeless people and general lowlifes as they made their way from the strip area to downtown. Just south of the Plaza, Heather pulled into a small parking lot of a non-descript stucco building.
Motioning Sara out of the car, Heather led Sara inside. Her shame of being nearly naked in public had long since passed and Sara had a spring in her step as she joyful followed her mistress inside. The building housed several small office suites, private investigators, a small law firm, a “modeling” agency and the like. Heather told Sara to climb the stairs and enjoyed watching her slave expose her wet pussy by staying a few steps below her. At the end of the hall was an unmarked door. Heather knocked and then announced herself when the intercom crackled to life. Sara heard an electronic lock click and the women went inside.
The office was very utilitarian. There was a drafting table, a computer desk and racks of various material affixed to the walls. There was only one window, facing west with an unappetizing view of the railroad tracks. There was a second door which was cracked open. A bright light poured through the slit although Sara could not see what was hidden behind. Almost immediately an older woman, about Roxy’s age Sara guessed, came through the door. She was holding a garment bag and shut the second door behind her. She greeted Heather like you would greet an old friend you hadn’t seen for a while, handing the garment bag to Sara while she embraced Heather. The woman then took the garment bag back from Sara and hung it on a hook. Sara wondered why she didn’t do that first, but didn’t have time to contemplate the question as the woman grabbed the front of her top and ripped it off her body.
Mistress Heather: “Sara, meet Coco. She will be responsible for your outfit at the ball. Coco meet the love of my life, slut Sara.”
Sara held her hand out to shake Coco’s hand. She was not embarrassed by her state of undress nor the manner in which she came to be naked in front of the two women.
Coco: “Very nice to meet you Sara. Your mistress has sent me pictures to work from and they did not do you justice. I think you will enjoy my design for you. I’ve worked from measurements your mistress sent me. I want to take final measurements today and have you try on a jacket I’ve tailored for you. Tomorrow when you return, I will dress you. I also have a friend lined up to do your hair and makeup. Sound good?”
Sara: “Yes mam. Thank you for your efforts.”
Coco produced a measuring tape and began dictating numbers to Heather. She also took ample opportunity to run her hands repeatedly all over Sara’s quivering flesh. Coco kept up a stream of disarming patter with Heather about other people they knew who would be at the ball, catching up on events since they last met and Heather’s plans for that evening. Sara was in a whirlwind. Coco’s touch was driving her crazy and she was sure both women could smell her arousal. Sara was trying to listen closely to her mistress’ plans for the evening, but other than going dancing, she failed to comprehend the details. She noticed Coco snickering at Heather’s descriptions and heard her comment that “a slut would love that.”
All too soon for Sara, the measurements were done and Coco withdrew her exploring hands. Sara was panting with need as she watched Coco unzip the garment bag and pull out a black jacket. For obvious reasons, Sara was expecting a straight jacket, a latex suit or some other bondage related garment. Instead what she saw was an absolutely normal looking tuxedo jacket complete with formal tails.
Sara looked on inquisitively as Coco brought the jacket to her and wrapped it around her shoulders. The first thing Sara noticed, as she slipped her arms into the jacket, was the lining was silk. The liner was cool and smooth to the touch. In her aroused state, Sara decided the tactile feel of the silk was downright erotic. As she slid her arm further down the sleeve, Sara felt the material constrict requiring her to use more force to persuade her hand through the cuff. Looking at the outer material, Sara noticed it was flexible, but still very constrictive. It would flex, but then snap back into place. Coco helped Sara slide her other arm into its sleeve and pulled the cuff into position. Sara flexed her arms and found she could move freely with a little extra effort. She also noticed a slit stitched into each cuff about two inched long and half an inch wide.
Sara: “Coco, what material is this?”
Coco: “It’s a neoprene blend. It’s the same stuff you make scuba suits out of, but I’ve dyed it so it looks like a more traditional fabric. It will do wonders for your figure, although you don’t really need any help, but it acts like a body corset while looking very traditional.”
Coco began buttoning the front of the jacket. She had to pull forcibly to stretch the material around Sara’s waist. There were three buttons in a flap right over Sara’s belly button. The front of the jacket was open above and below the flap with the sides and back ending about four and a half inches below her butt. Her pussy was completely exposed, although Sara assumed she would be wearing a g-string and stockings to the ball.
The three buttons cinched around her waist, tightening the back and bottom of the jacket around her body like a second skin. The jacket’s tails hung from just above her ass down to the back of her knees. She had seen cocktail waitresses dress in the traditionally male formalwear before and thought they looked especially elegant. Sara was pleased her mistress thought of her in these terms instead of simply tarting her out.
The front of the jacket was also tight, although not nearly as tight a cut as the back. The lapel of the jacket was wide and covered in black silk. The silk ran from the buttons up each side of the lapel to the collar and around her neck. Coco reached in front of Sara to adjust the lapel. It had fallen across the tops of Sara’s breasts when it was first buttoned leaving a deep cleavage open to almost her navel.
Coco: “Heather, this jacket can be worn like this if you want to protect her modesty.”
Sara didn’t like the sound of that. If this was protecting her modesty what else was planned to unprotect it.”
Coco reached for the fabric covering Sara’s breasts and stretched it outward. The cut was perfect and Sara knew instantly that Coco had worked from the surgery photos.
Coco: “See how the fabric stretches and grabs her breasts.”
Sara looked down to confirm what she already felt. The lapel had been stretched to the outside edge of her breasts completely exposing them from the nipple in and pressing them together in a perverted display of surgically enhanced flesh. Sara has the sinking feeling in her gut that her wide expanse of breast flesh would be permanently on display once they reached the ball.
Coco: “Tomorrow I’ll put a touch of stickum on the outside of each of her breasts and you will not have to worry about the lapel moving.”
Heather: “You’ve outdone yourself with this jacket. I admit I wasn’t 100% sure based on your description, but I love it. I look forward to seeing her completely dressed tomorrow.”
Heather began running her hands over Sara’s body luxuriating in feel of the exotic fabric.
Heather: “Yes, this will do fine tomorrow. As for tonight, sweet Sara, you and I need to go shopping. Coco, since you ripped her top, do you have something she can wear until I get her something more suitable?”
Coco: “Sorry my dear, I wasn’t thinking about that.”
Coco paused as if she was thinking of a solution. Sara knew better and was sure this was part of her mistress’ plan.
Coco: “Let me make a quick call.”
Sara watched as Coco went back into the other room and then heard one side of a conversation, apparently with a clothing store manager. Sara also noticed her mistress snickering which actually put her at ease.
Coco returned from the inner room and announced that a friend of hers who runs a specialty clothing store up the street and said to come over. They could park in the back and she would open the back door near the changing rooms to spare Sara as much embarrassment as possible. Sara pleaded with her eyes but Heather showed no emotion as she led Sara out of Coco’s studio. Naked except for her high heels, Sara was led back to the car. Walking through the hallway of the office building, Sara prayed nobody would see them, although in her heart she knew she was performing for a security camera somewhere. Sara did her best to cover her most intimate areas as the pair exited the building. She expected Heather to order her hands to her side as was pleased her mistress did not make such a request. Sara wondered how far the clothing store was and hoped Heather had some kind of covering for her in the car.
Heather slid behind the wheel of convertible and Sara opened her door. Reaching inside to steady herself, Sara immediately discovered the leather seats had been baking in the Vegas sun.
Sara: “Mistress, I cannot sit on this seat without clothes on. Do you have anything I can wear or at least something to cover the seat?”
Heather: “No, I didn’t think of that. I should have put the top up while we were inside.”
Sara watched as Heather appeared to think. Sara knew her mistress knew exactly what she was doing. Sara was forced to stand by the side of the car. Her body was shielded from the street by the car, but anyone walking past or pulling into the lot would see all she had to offer.
Heather: “I’ll tell you what, pet. The clothing store is about half a mile south on this road. It is called Patty’s Dancewear. I’ll put the top up and drive there with the AC cranked to cool the seats. You walk and meet me there.”
Sara: “Mistress, I can’t walk naked down the street that far. I’ll get arrested.”
Heather: “Good point. Vegas is pretty forgiving, but is not that liberal. And there is a frequent police presence in this neighborhood.”
Sara looked dejected.
Heather: “OK, new plan. I’ll still drive there, you walk along the tracks. There are no crossings so you can sneak along the bushes the whole way. I’m afraid the store is on the other side of the street so you’ll have to make one crossing, but other than that, you should be safe. I’ll wait in the back parking lot for you.”
With that pronouncement, Heather fired up the engine and pulled back from Sara’s position. Sara watched, not in disbelief but in resigned fate, as Heather turned back onto the street and headed south. Without her automotive cover, Sara quickly covered her breasts once again and made a mad dash for the bushes along the railroad tracks. Taking a minute to compose herself, Sara made an assessment of her situation. The prudent course would be to go back to Coco’s studio. But that, of course, would incur her mistress’ wrath, something Sara was very reluctant to do. Without a doubt Sara would have to complete this task. The combination of her heels and the uneven stone rail bed meant she would not be running. With no other option, Sara began her journey.
Sara found the area behind the row of small office buildings and warehouses deserted. This was fine by her. A couple of times she had to take refuge hiding behind a bush or dumpster while waiting for someone in a parking lot to clear the area before she continued and on more than one occasion she heard a whistle or catcall from an office window, but overall the trip was surprisingly uneventful. Sara’s skin was aflame with the heat of the day and her pussy was on fire from her forced exhibition.
Finally Sara completed her southerly journey and saw the sign for Patty’s shop. Carefully she crept along the north wall of the building she was hiding behind. Sara was relieved that the brick building seemed designed for an industrial purpose and did not have any windows on that side. She prayed that nobody would attempt to access the rear parking lot as her options for concealment had been exhausted. Knowing the longer she delayed, the more likely she would be discovered, Sara made two quick looks up and down the street to determine if traffic was clear and then took off into the open as fast as her heels would allow. She knew anyone in the surrounding buildings was getting a free show as her breasts flopped back has much as her implants would allow. “I’m going to be sore later,” she thought as the short steps necessitated by the heels caused her to trot more than run.
Sara rushed past the door as fast as she could while scanning the parking lot for her mistress’ car. In her peripheral vision she thought she saw two women exiting the store and pointing at her as she sailed by. Sara’s focus was totally on reaching the relative safety of the back of the building. Her heart was pounding. It was all she could hear. The ambient noise of the world had gone silent. The world was approaching her in slow motion in the rhythmic cadence of her beating heart.
Sara rounded the corner of the building and took immediate shelter behind an air conditioning unit. Pausing to catch her breath, Sara surveyed her new surroundings. She saw her mistress’ borrowed convertible. This was definitely a good sign. There was a door in the middle of the building. Also a good sign. Sara took several deep breaths to steady her nerves. She wanted to enter the store as if nothing out of the ordinary was happening. Well, as long as a gorgeous naked woman walking into a store with her arousal running down her leg could be considered ordinary. “Then again this is Vegas,” she smirked to herself.
Sara boldly opened the door and walked inside. She was in a short hallway with what appeared to be a storeroom on her right and a small bathroom on her left. She contemplated freshening up before heading forward, but decided Heather would prefer to see the results of her adventure. There was a curtain separating the hallway from what Sara presumed was the front of the store. Cautiously Sara drew back one side of the curtain and peered through the opening. Sara looked into a well lit changing area and into the approving eyes of her mistress. Sitting with her mistress was an impeccably dressed woman who Sara assumed was the shop’s owner. Triumphantly Sara pulled back the rest of the curtain and sauntered into the room. She made a quick assessment of the room. There were four typical changing cubicles which were not a surprise. What did surprise Sara was the small stage surrounded by mirrors and complete with a stripper pole, PA speakers and theater lights. Heather approached Sara and gave her a big hug.
Mistress Heather: “Slave Sara, allow me to introduce Patty, the owner of this fine establishment.”
Patty extended her hand which Sara promptly shook.
Sara: “Nice to meet you Patty. I’d say you have a unique shop.”
Patty: “Thank you my dear. Heather’s description did not do you justice. You are a knockout.”
Sara lowered her head at the complement and began to blush slightly.
Patty: “My shop is a little unique, although we are certainly not the only dancewear shop in town.”
The realization of what kind of dancewear Patty must sell finally hit Sara’s consciousness. Obviously strippers buy their dance outfits here and of course would want to know how they would look on stage.
Patty: “I see you are figuring things out. Yes, the bulk of my clients are in the sex trade, either as dancers or providing more personal services. I also run a very profitable service providing business people in town for conventions the services of young ladies for a private dance in their hotel room.”
Sara: “Dance?”
Patty: “Yes. That is all we provide officer. Now if the girl decides to provide additional services in exchange for a small gift, we have no way of knowing that nor do we profit from it.”
Sara: “I understand.”
Mistress Heather: “Pet, I’m going to let Patty find you a nice outfit for tonight. I intend on taking you out tonight and showing you off.”
Sara nodded her acceptance as another curtain swung open and a young woman with red hair walked in carrying a skimpy camisole, a translucent wrap and a g-string.
Patty: “Hi Tiffany. Did you find what you were looking for?”
Tiffany: “I think so. Let me slip this on and you can tell me what you think.”
Sara watched as Tiffany disappeared into the changing cubicle. Patty and Heather stood up and moved their chairs to the front of the stage. Heather also directed Sara to grab a third chair and place it between the other two. Thus it was that naked Sara sat between two fully clothed goddesses as Tiffany took the stage to “test” her outfit.
Sara was in awe of the vision before her. Tiffany was a spectacular looking hard body. Although her torso was covered by her new lacy garments, Sara could tell from her dancer’s legs and toned arms that she was perfectly fit. Patty turned on the stereo and Tiffany began sensually swaying to the beat. Sara was mesmerized. Her aroused state was quickly heading into overdrive as the gorgeous creature began to perform for her. Sara barely noticed as the colored lights began to heat up bathing Tiffany in a soft glow.
Tiffany’s eye contact was glued to Sara’s face as she performed her routine. Within minutes Patty turned off the overhead lights forcing Sara’s eyes to adjust quickly or risk losing sight of the vixen before her. Sara was salivating over the prospect of servicing Tiffany when she finished. She wondered if Tiffany was into women and then wondered if her feelings matched the legions of men who undoubtedly gave thousands of dollars to this woman each week.
After the first song, Tiffany slowly began pulling off the wrap covering the camisole. As the black light mixed in with the colored spotlights hit the camisole, it began to glow. Sara had not noticed before because the wrap reflected more light than it allowed through it. Instantly Sara’s focus became rooted on Tiffany’s hard nipples and gently swaying breasts. As Tiffany moved her routine to using the pole as a prop, Sara felt her mistress’ hot breath on the back of her neck. Sara had forgotten two other people were in the room. Heather began tenderly kissing the back of Sara’s neck while at the same time reaching around to play with her nipples. Sara knew she was going to give Tiffany at least as good a show as Tiffany was giving her as her mistress began reaching between Sara’s legs.
Mistress Heather: “Watch her move pet. Focus on her form. She’s beautiful isn’t she?”
Sara could only respond with a throaty affirmation.
Mistress Heather: “Imagine being on your knees serving her. Her juicy pussy brushing across your face and marking you with her scent.”
Sara was breathing heavily as she entered a dreamlike state aroused her mistress’ manipulation of her body and mind. Tiffany continued her routine gradually removing the camisole, its snap button crotch easily popping free as she shimmied the garment seductively down her torso. Sara watched with rapt attention as Tiffany proceeded to crawl and pose on the floor of the stage. Certainly this part of her dance was not required to “test” her new clothes and Sara wondered if it was for her benefit or for Patty.
With her mistress’ fingers still manipulating her special spots, Sara was approaching the point of no return. As the song was ending, Tiffany rolled over onto her back and spread her legs while facing Sara. Sara had a bird’s eye view as Tiffany began to masturbate unashamedly; vigorously rubbing her clit with one hand while using two fingers from her other hand to penetrate herself. The atmosphere was heavy with the scent of sex. Sara and Tiffany’s eyes were locked on each other as both approached their orgasms. Sara in fact barely noticed when a light above the door began to flash and Patty stood up and headed toward the front of the store. If she noticed, Tiffany didn’t show it. Her fervor to pleasure herself was increasing with her gaze of pure lust locked onto Sara fighting to retain her composure as Heather brought her closer to the edge.
Mistress Heather: “I know she is beautiful and that you want to cum slave, but don’t you dare do it. If you disobey me, not only will you get the spanking of your life, but we will be leaving here without any new clothes for you.”
Sara was not surprised by her mistress’ commands. Orgasm denial had been one of Heathers’ primary methods of controlling her during her training. Sara struggled to control herself as her conflicted desires washed over her body and mind. Sara forced herself to close her eyes and tried to think of anything but her own pleasure in an effort to forestall her inevitable climax. Fortunately just as Sara feared she was reaching the point of no return and was ready to accept punishment for disobeying her mistress, Tiffany reached her zenith and exploded into a quivering orgasm. Her yells of pleasure rocked the changing room and echoed through Sara’s head. Sara felt Mistress Heather grab both of her painfully erect nipples and squeeze them hard.
Mistress Heather: “I know you want it. You decide, obey me and be rewarded or cum and be punished. It’s your choice.”
Mistress Heather then released Sara’s nipples and pushed her down onto the stage. She landed next to Tiffany who was still rocking back and forth riding an unseen wave through her climax. Sara could feel the heat coming off the dancer’s body. Instinctively Sara’s right hand found her own pussy. It was hot, wet and inviting. Sara brushed her fingertip over her clit and reflexively arched her back as her body tensed in anticipation of the relieve she craved. But in the back of her mind, her subconscious told her to stop and with a loud thud, Sara slammed both of her hands down to the stage. Sara lay still, afraid to move and stared at the ceiling. She could not see Tiffany but could still hear her breathing. Sara closed her eyes once again and tried to ignore her desires. She could sense Tiffany beginning to stand and worried that if Tiffany touched her she would not be able to control herself. Instead of feeling a finger in her pussy, however, Sara felt a hand gripping her hand and opened her eyes to see Tiffany pulling her back into a standing position.
Tiffany: “Thanks Sara. That was one of the best cums I’ve had in a long time. Dancing for you made me so hot. The two of you should stop by the club tonight. I would love to perform a more intimate dance for you.”
Sara: “You were amazing. I don’t know what my mistress’ plans are for tonight yet, but I would love to see you dance again.”
Sara was beginning to calm down, just a bit, and was telling the truth about wanting to see Tiffany dance again. She got the sense Tiffany was willing to do more than dance and hoped her mistress would eventually let them play. Tiffany began moving toward the edge of the stage but stopped and spun around to face Sara once more. Sara watched as Tiffany once again pushed two fingers inside her gushing pussy. After rolling them around a couple of times, she pulled them out holding them up to the light. Her moisture glistened under the colored stage lights.
Tiffany: “Yes, so good. Here’s something to remind you of me.”
Sara stood frozen in position as Tiffany ran her fingers under Sara’s nose wiping her scent on her upper lip. Sara shook with erotic energy, the musky smell beginning to buckle her knees. Instantly Sara was transported back to the edge of her own climax. She wanted to drop to her knees and bury her tongue in Tiffany’s sweet pussy. Tiffany obviously could sense her conflict and once again dipped her fingers into her own pleasure pit.
Tiffany: “I know you want this. Maybe tonight at the club…”
Sara watched as Tiffany again pulled glistening fingers up toward her face. She instinctively knew this time her nose wasn’t the target and parted her lips ever so slightly. Tiffany slowly pushed her fingers over Sara’s lips, the nerve endings and taste receptors working overtime showering Sara’s brain with pleasure impulses. Sara sucked in the digits savoring the dancer’s flavor. Her knees began to buckle again and this time Sara was unable to control her balance. She slumped to the floor, but managed not to lose contact with Tiffany’s tasty fingers.
Sara watched in disappointment as Tiffany pulled her hand back and left the stage. She was also jealous when her mistress gave Tiffany a big hug and deep, soulful kiss. Mistress Heather whispered something in Tiffany’s ear and then both women looked at Sara kneeling wantonly on the stage. Tiffany just smiled and waved a goodbye before heading back into the changing room. Heather looked down at Sara and also smiled.
Mistress Heather: “You did good slave. I’m very proud of you for not cumming. Perhaps we will visit Tiffany’s club tonight and you can get a reward.”
Sara: “Thank you mistress.”
Mistress Heather: “Let’s head up front and see what clothes we can find you.”
Sara stood back up, her knees still a little wobbly, and followed her mistress to the front of the store. Patty was busy helping another woman. Sara noticed this woman was not as lean as Tiffany and definitely looked trashier. The clothes they were looking at were better suited for a hooker, Sara thought. Perhaps the woman was one of Patty’s private dancers.
Sara heard the snap of her mistress’ fingers and turned back to follow her mistress down an aisle of short skirts. Sara doubted any of these clothes were really suitable for public wearing, but knew her opinion didn’t matter. Obviously her mistress intended to show off her body and that was exactly what was going to happen. As Heather thumbed through the rack, Sara saw Tiffany emerge from the changing room. Recomposed in her street clothes she looked almost innocent compared to the raging mass of sexual energy from just ten minutes ago. Sara saw Tiffany simle at her once again before placing the outfit she had danced in on the counter. Patty excused herself from her customer to ring up Tiffany.
Mistress Heather: “Patty, put that on our tab. It’s the least we can do.”
Tiffany: “Thanks Heather.”
Patty boxed up the outfit and placed the box in a plastic bag. On her way to the door, Tiffany swung down the aisle where the two women were still browsing. Sara felt a wave of excitement and self consciousness about still being naked wash over her.
Tiffany: “Thanks again Heather.”
Heather: “No problem. Are you going to the ball tomorrow?”
Tiffany: “Wouldn’t miss it.”
Tiffany looked into Sara’s eyes and paused. Sara didn’t know what to say so she said nothing. Sara stood motionless as Tiffany reached her hand around Sara’s neck and pulled her head close for a passionate kiss. Sara was totally lost in the moment as she heard Tiffany’s box hit the floor moments before she felt a finger penetrating her most intimate location. Sara felt Tiffany’s tongue push into her mouth and the dancer’s finger began rhythmically thrusting in and out of her pussy. For about 15 seconds Sara passively allowed Tiffany access to her body. Her lusts were reignited and she quietly moaned into Tiffany’s mouth. Sara couldn’t tell, but she was sure the other woman shopping in the store was watching their embrace and wondered if this type of activity was unusual for this store.
Way too soon for Sara, Tiffany pulled out her fingers and released Sara’s neck. Once again she held her fingers aloft for inspection, although this time Tiffany licked them clean herself. She then leaned close to Sara’s head and whispered.
Tiffany: “You are a very tasty slut. If your mistress brings you to the club tonight, I’m sure many of the dancers would love to use you as a fluffer.”
Tiffany didn’t wait for Sara to respond. She picked up her bag and walked out of the store. Sara was once again in a daze and once again heard her mistress snapping her fingers to get her attention. Sara realized that her mistress had picked out a short skirt and was moving on to a rack of tops. Sara’s mind was a blur as she and Heather looked through racks of clothes. Sara tried to concentrate of what she and her mistress were looking at, but her focus was really on Tiffany and her offer for the evening. Sara didn’t know what a fluffer was, but she really wanted to find out.
Eventually Patty finished with her other customer and then helped Heather find a few more items. Together they led Sara into the dress room to try on the clothes. All told there were three tops, two skirts, stockings, g-strings and a choker. Sara had to try on all the combinations and then parade in front of the women on the stage.
Patty: “You have found a beauty this year Heather. I’m sure she will do very well tomorrow night.”
Heather: “She had better win. I’ve invested a lot of time and money in her.”
Patty: “Juliet from Seattle was here yesterday with her new slave Roe. They’re going to be tough.”
Heather: “What’s Roe’s weakness?”
Patty: “It certainly isn’t her looks. She’s definitely been cut to look the part. She seems well trained, but she did fail the Tiffany test. She made it all the way until Tiffany began to finger her and then she came. Hard. Juliet was so mad she bent her over her knee right in the front display window and spanked her ass for 15 minutes. Roe was crying, but she came again before it was over. It was crazy, there were cars which drove by and then turned around and passed again very slowly while honking their horns. Juliet didn’t seem to care, she was mad.”
Heather looked at Sara. “You’re not going to lose are you?”
Sara looked down at the floor, “no mam.”
Heather: “Thanks for all you help Patty. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow night. Do you have the final outfit ready?”
Patty: “I do. Get your slut naked and I will go get it.”
Mistress Heather: “You heard her, slave. Go into the changing room and put on what Patty brings you. I’ll meet you in the car.”
Sara didn’t waste any time removing the small skirt and see through top she had been wearing. She only hoped her next outfit was more appropriate for public viewing.
Sitting naked in the changing cubicle Sara fought the urge to masturbate. She was determined not to disappoint her mistress whatever the cost. Sara waited patiently until Patty returned. She was carrying a box which she handed to Sara.
Patty: “I would like to see you in this outfit before you leave, so please come up front when you are dressed.”
Sara nodded her head and opened the top of the box. Immediately she started to snicker to herself. Sara immediately recognized the outfit and had to laugh about what it represented. In the middle of sin city where Sara was quickly learning that anything goes, she was being instructed to dress as a Catholic schoolgirl. The box contained a virginal white blouse with buttons to the neck and long sleeves. There was a plaid skirt much longer than any she had worn for her mistress previously. White socks, large white cotton panties and a pair of black shoes with a one inch heel completed the outfit.
Sara quickly dressed and looked at herself in the mirror. Because of her age she though she looked more like an old fashioned school marm than a school girl, but she was definitely amused by her appearance. Once again her mistress had surprised her and as usual, she didn’t know what to expect from the rest of the day. Sara headed to the front of the store and the approving eyes of her benefactor.
Patty: “You look perfect. We figured since it was the afternoon, we would tone down your look. There is only one more thing on the agenda and that is the matter of payment.”
Patty held up a cell phone and took a picture of Sara. She then sent a quick text message with the picture.
Patty: “Heather left to make some other arrangements. She’s coming back in a little while. She has paid for the other outfits, but if she likes this one she’s going to call back and approve its purchase. If she doesn’t approve, I’m supposed to take the outfit back and have you wait in the back parking lot.”
Sara suddenly figured out the game. She was going to leave the store exactly as she entered it. Naked and alone. The two women waited patiently for Heather’s reply although Sara assumed their wait was academic. Finally Patty’s phone buzzed with an incoming message. Patty was ringing up another customer at the register so she didn’t read the message right away. Sara tried to wait patiently, her heart racing to read the verdict she already assumed was coming.
Patty picked up the phone and read the text message. A knowing smile crossed her face. Obviously the response had been expected. Sara began unbuttoning the blouse.
Patty: “No so fast Sara. Maybe you don’t know your mistress as well as you think you do.”
She handed Sara the phone who read the message with increasing anticipation.
Mistress Heather: “Patty, the outfit is perfect. Unfortunately my slave does not have any money on her, but please feel free to use her mouth for your pleasure. Have her eat you, piss in it or both, just don’t let her come. I’ll be back in about 20 minutes.”
Sara read the message twice. Her mistress had just prostituted her for the clothes on her back, but at least she would not be nude on the streets again. Sara looked at Patty who waved her around to the back of the counter. She pointed toward the base cabinet under the case register and Sara knew what she wanted. Sara knelt down out of site while Patty hiked up her skirt. She wasn’t wearing any underwear.
Sara leaned forward and took a tentative lick at the shop owner’s pussy. Patty was in no mood for subtlety. She gripped Sara’s head and pulled forward while simultaneously thrusting her hips forward. Sara got the message and began servicing her in earnest. If it was one thing Sara had learned since that fateful day when Mrs. Anderson first claimed her in the park, it was how to satisfy a woman. Patty knew also that Heather would never have a slave not skilled in the oral arts and looked forward with glee at the prospect of having Sara under her care, if only for 20 minutes or so.
Sara undertook her task as she always did, with passion and joy. Although Patty had released her grip, Sara did her best to keep her mouth plastered on Patty’s pussy, even when she heard the door chime that someone had entered the shop. Sara wondered if it was her mistress, but based on the greeting Patty gave, she realized it was another customer. It was surreal to Sara to be servicing the shopkeeper while she kept up a conversation with another customer. Sara was determined to make Patty cum before the woman left the shop or needed Patty’s personal attention. If Patty was going to make Sara eat her in the store, Sara was going to do her best to make Patty cum in front of her customer.
Sara could tell Patty was getting close. She expected Patty to indicate she should stop when she heard the customer approaching the counter, but that didn’t happen. Patty didn’t seem to mind this customer seeing Sara work her magic and if the customer was surprised, she didn’t show it. The two women even discussed Sara’s technique briefly as if she wasn’t even there. As the customer was leaving the store and Sara heard the door chime, Patty forcibly grabbed Sara’s hair again and began grinding her pussy on Sara’s face. With an animal growl, she pulled hard one more time and climaxed. Sara held on for dear life as Patty shook back and forth and screamed obscenities. Sara felt deliciously wicked having performed in public on a complete stranger.
Patty: “That was wonderful. You have been taught well. I’m sure you are going to do well tomorrow and a ride on your tongue is certainly just compensation for that outfit.”
Sara: “Thank you. I’m definitely looking forward to the ball.”
As they were chatting, Sara saw her mistress turn back into the parking lot in the borrowed convertible. She said her goodbyes to Patty and headed toward the back door. Mistress Heather was all smiles as Sara plopped down into the passenger seat.
Mistress Heather: “Did you enjoy clothes shopping pet?”
Sara: “Yes mistress I did. May I have permission to cum?”
Mistress Heather: “Not just yet. But don’t worry. You will later.”
Sara felt a little dejected, but knew better than to question her mistress. The twosome spun out of the parking lot and turned north. Within minutes they were approaching Freemont Street and the glitter of downtown Vegas. Sara had never been to this section of town before having never ventured far off the Strip in her previous visits. Heather piloted the sports car down a side street and over to the El Cortez. Walking inside, Sara was struck by the dingy nature of the casino. Time had definitely not been this hotel’s friend. Heather explained this was one of the original Vegas casinos, but they had recently built a new tower where the rooms were quite nice and reasonably priced.
Heather had already registered while Sara was taking care of Patty so after a quick spin through the casino to show off Sara’s outfit to the grizzled old gamblers that frequent the El Cortez, they headed right to the elevators. A quick ride brought them to Heather’s suite. It wasn’t a palatial room that you would see in a movie about Vegas, but it was nice and did have a Jacuzzi tub in the middle of the room and a king size bed.
Mistress Heather: “Slave, tonight I’m going to take you out on the town, but first you are going to pamper me. Undress me… slowly.”
Sara did as she was told. She took her time carefully removing each article of her mistress’ attire while taking care to sensually touch every part of Heather’s body. Sara knew her performance of this simple act would greatly affect how long she would have to wait for her own climax and was determined to shorten that time however possible. After she had removed all of Heather’s clothes, Sara was instructed to draw a hot bath and add some salts, oils and bubble bath Heather had brought along. Heather luxuriated on the soft bed as she watched her slave preparing her bath. After the water was started and the ingredients for mistress stew had been added, Heather commanded Sara to turn on one of the music channels on the TV and to dance for her entertainment. Sara looked inquisitively at her mistress.
Mistress Heather: “You watched intently how Tiffany danced for you. Now I want you to do the same for me. Turn me on.”
Sara nodded and went back to the TV. She could not find any “bump n’ grind” music, but was able to find a channel playing slow songs that still had a good beat. She began swaying to the music. She wasn’t sure exactly how to strip like a professional so she shut her eyes and tried to transport her mind back to the stage in Patty’s store. Letting the music wash over her body, she slowly started twisting and turning to the beat while letting her hands roam free across her breasts, ass and thighs. If her mistress was disappointed, she didn’t express any regrets as Sara slowly began adding the removal of her clothes to her act. The schoolgirl outfit was not designed to come off easily like Tiffany’s was, but Sara did her best to make it look effortless. When she was finally naked she opened her eyes to find her mistress lying on the bed with her legs spread wide vigorously rubbing her pussy.
Mistress Heather: “Turn off the water and then make me cum.”
Sara walked over to the bathtub and turned off the faucet. Looking back at Heather, she smiled and slid between her legs. Within short order, much quicker than usual Sara reckoned, her mistress was wrapping her legs around Sara’s head and reaching her pleasure zone. Sara theorized that her dance must have been better than she thought and she felt her mistress release and shower her mouth with her juices. As soon as Sara felt Mistress Heather release the pressure of her legs, she slid off the bed and checked the water temperature in the tub.
Sara: “Your bath is a nice temperature mistress. May I wash you?”
Mistress Heather: “Would it make you happy, slave?”
Sara: “Oh yes, mam. Anything I can do for you makes me happy.”
Heather rose from the bed and made her way to the tub. Sitting in the oversized tub she sat back and let Sara clean and massage every part of her body. This pampering always pleased Heather and every time she had Sara do it she would think of how wonderful it would be to have a full time slave/maid to take care of her needs 24/7. She made a mental note to work toward that end in the coming year.
Heather took a washcloth and after soaking it in the hot water, placed it over her eyes and leaned back in a reclining position.
Mistress Heather: “You have been wonderful today, Sara. While I relax a bit, lie down on the bed and play with your pussy for me. Don’t let yourself cum yet, but I want to hear fingers squishing. If you are good, I’ll let you cum soon.”
Sara had heard that before. Mistress Heather had promised her orgasms only to deny them until she felt she couldn’t hold out any longer. Sara figured her mistress’ plan was to prime her until the ball so she would be desperate and agree to anything. Even so, Sara was powerless to resist Heather’s command. Taking two pillows and fluffing them up, Sara lay back on the bed and spread her legs. Her pussy had been wet for hours and she knew it would be a struggle not to cum. Again Mistress Heather didn’t say anything, but Sara knew she could hear the sounds of her fingers plunging into her soaking pussy mixing with the sounds of Sara’s increasingly passionate moans.
Mistress Heather was pleased with what she heard. Her friends in town had already confirmed Sara’s talents and suitability for the competition. Now she just had to keep her focused and ready. Sara’s moans were becoming louder and more frequent. Heather knew she could not hold out much longer no matter what she commanded and wanted to be sure Sara came on her terms.
Mistress Heather: “That’s enough. Stop.”
Heather heard a final moan, but one borne out of frustration not passion. Without looking out from under the washcloth, Heather gave Sara another command, to pull her suitcase out of the closet and pick the dildo of her choice from the bag. Heather heard movement in the room instantly as Sara, hoping the dildo was for her, sprung into action. When Heather heard movement back on the bed again, she ordered Sara to begin sucking on the dildo as if it were a cock. Sara knew she would need no additional lubricant to take the toy she had selected inside of her, but nevertheless began slobbering all over the phallus as if she was giving her husband a messy blowjob. Heather continued to relax in the tub, although the water was cooling and soon she would be getting out. She let Sara blow the dildo for a few minutes until she was done with her bath and the instructed Sara to slowly push the dildo inside of herself. Heather smiled as she heard the sounds of lust escaping Sara’s mouth as she pushed the toy deep inside her pussy.
Mistress Heather: “Now listen very carefully. Don’t fuck yourself. That is my job. I want you to stand up and walk over to the picture window. Don’t let the dildo drop. Open the curtains, spread your legs and put your hands on the glass as if you were being frisked by a police officer.”
Heather waited until she heard Sara stand back up before removing the washcloth to watch. She saw Sara move carefully toward the window, straining to keep the dildo from sliding out of her overly lubricated pussy. Heather never tired of looking at Sara and wanted to draw this moment out as long as she could. As Heather has presupposed, Sara had chosen one of the strap-ons from the toy suitcase. The straps hung down her leg obscenely, ready to be attached to Heather’s waiting hips.
Sara followed her instructions to the letter. After opening the curtains, Sara pressed her body against the warm glass and stood spread eagled at attention. Her palms were flat against the glass and her toes were touching the wall. Sara’s breasts were pressed against the window and although she tried to stand perfectly still, Sara quickly found even the tiny movement caused by her deep breaths went straight from her nipples to her pussy. There was just enough friction to tease her skin with a delicious tension as she took air in before the tension was released as she exhaled. Sara could feel her mistress’ eyes on her body. She prayed this game was not another way for her mistress to tease her and that she soon would receive the gift of relief her body craved. The room was silent and the sounds of the city seemed far away. Sara could hear her heart pounding and every second seemed like an eternity. Finally Sara heard the sound of water splashing as her mistress climbed out of the tub. The anticipation was building in Sara’s soul. She was longing for her mistress’ touch and knew that if her mistress did not take hold of the dildo soon, she would no longer be able to hold it in.
At long last she felt her mistress’ soft touch on her shoulder. Sara involuntarily shuddered; a chill coursing down her spine as Heather slowly ran her finger from the base of Sara’s neck down to the top of her butt.
Mistress Heather: “I see my pet longs for my touch.”
Sara: “Yes mistress. I’ve wanted you all day.”
Mistress Heather: “Are you going to be a good girl for me tonight?”
Sara: “Of course mistress. I will do whatever you command.”
Mistress Heather: “Do you think you have earned an orgasm?”
Sara: “I would not be so presumptuous. You control when I cum.”
Mistress Heather: “A very good answer. Does my dildo feel good in your squishy slut pussy?”
Sara: “Yes mistress.”
Heather took hold of dildo’s base and slowly pulled it out of Sara until the tip was just grazing her labia. A soft mew escaped Sara’s lips, but she did not move. Heather pulled the dildo back a little further and traced Sara’s ass crack with the tip, swirling the head near Sara’s backdoor.
Mistress Heather: “How about here? What if this is how I want you?”
Sara: “Anywhere you want. Anytime you say.”
Heather drew the dildo back down Sara’s ass and once again teased the lips of her swollen labia. She then slowly reinserted about half of the dildo into Sara’s pussy.
Mistress Heather (teasing): “Your pussy is positively eating up my cock. Would you like me to give you a good fucking?”
Sara: “Oh my God, mistress. Yes, please fuck me.”
Mistress Heather: “I didn’t notice when we entered the hotel. Is this glass reflective or do you think people can see you.”
Sara: “I don’t care if they can. Please fuck me.”
Mistress Heather: “As you wish.”
A wave of liberation swept over Sara as she felt her mistress quickly pull the dildo from its girl sheath. Her release would be soon. For the first time, Sara really looked out the window as she assumed her mistress was donning her assault weapon. There were no other buildings as high as they were in line with their floor so Sara felt confident this performance was only for the benefit of the two participants. Not that it mattered. Sara wasn’t lying when she said she didn’t care if anyone saw them. Sara knew that tomorrow during the ball she would be performing for an audience and she had a pretty good idea that later tonight she would be too. No, Sara wasn’t worried about people getting the wrong idea about her. She was about to get fucked by another woman. A woman who had total control of her body and soul and Sara was just fine with that.
Sara focused on holding her position flat against the window as she felt the tip of the dildo once again begin to part her nether lip. Slowly, ever so slowly, Heather eased the dildo further inside Sara. Heather loved the whimpering sounds Sara was making and made a mental note to put her in the same position during the competition. As soon as she bottomed out with Sara’s ass touching her hips, Heather whispered into Sara’s ear.
Mistress Heather: “Slut, I know you want to cum. I know you need to cum. But I need you to resist like you have never resisted before.”
Heather slowly started pulling her hips back out, teasing Sara with both the dildo and now her fingers reaching around the blonde to play with her achingly hard nipples.
Mistress Heather: “Tomorrow night you must resist or we will never win.”
Heather started pushing the dildo back in.
Mistress Heather: “I want you to cum tonight, many times in fact, but I can’t allow you to break our training in order to do it. Do you understand?”
Once again Heather started pulling the dildo out.
Sara: “Yes mam,” she lied.
Heather popped the dildo out and told Sara to move back to the bed.
Mistress Heather: “On your hands and knees facing the wall mirror.
Sara scampered to the bed and got in position. Sara looked at herself in the mirror, although she also stole a reflective glance at her mistress as she was getting something out of her toy bag. Heather walked back to the bed and without saying a word stood in front of Sara dangling the fake cock in front of her face. Sara didn’t need a command to know what her mistress wanted and began to lick her own juices off the rubber phallus. Heather stood over her slave triumphantly.
Mistress Heather: “I should make you eat me before I let you cum, but I’m feeling generous.”
Heather pulled back from Sara’s mouth. From the toy bag she had remove a silver egg vibrator and another thick dildo which she tossed onto the bed under Sara’s head.
Mistress Heather: “Suck on this while I fuck you. If you cum without permission, I guarantee you will not be able to sit for a week after I’m done spanking you. If you can control yourself, when the time is right, I’ll put this egg on your clit. Deal?”
Sara: “Yes mistress. Thank you mistress.”
Sara was dripping with anticipation as she felt the mattress compress and her mistress move into position behind her. Sara took a firm grip of the dildo with both hands and began bobbing her head up and down its shaft. At the same time, she felt her pussy being stretched once again by her mistress’ fake cock. Sara felt Heather take a firm hold of her buttocks and pulling her close burying the dildo to its hilt. Sara felt alive, warm and loved as Heather began building a punishing rhythm, fucking her to an invisible metronome. Over and over Heather plunged into the whimpering slave below her. Sara was happy to have her mouth occupied. Without the dildo in her mouth, Sara knew the entire hotel would be hearing her screams of ecstasy. Sara was getting dizzy with excitement and struggled to hold back from the massive orgasm she knew was building. She prayed her mistress would take pity on her soon and order her to cum.
Sara looked up at the mirror and almost lost all control. The reflection of herself succumbing to her true nature and the vision of the perfect mistress above her sent Sara into overdrive. She took one hand off the dildo in her mouth and began pounding the bed with her fist in an effort to release at least some of the building energy from her body. Heather was certainly enjoying the show as her partner withered and twisted below her. The look on Sara’s face was pure lust and Heather wished she had brought a video camera to capture the moment. Heather knew Sara would not last much longer and given her focus on tomorrow’s competition was not eager to let Sara fail and then spank her. Instead she simple stopped thrusting and pulled the strap-on back so just the tip was still inside Sara.
Mistress Heather: “I know you will cum any time I say. Here is the deal. Take that dildo out of your mouth so I can hear you loud and clear. I’m going to hold my dildo still and you are going to rock back and forth on it. You have my permission to cum provided you can make 20 revolutions up and down the shaft. If you can make it more than 20 I will be very pleased. Begin.”
Sara rocked back impaling herself on the dildo. From this angle it seemed to fill her even more than before. Sara dutifully started counting down from 20 as she continued to slam her ass against her mistress taking all the cock she could get. By the time she reached 12 she was shaking again and praying she would make it to 1. With 10 strokes to go, Sara heard the magic bullet turn on and with 8 she felt her mistress press it to her clit. The vibration instantly shot from Sara’s clit to her brain is a wave of pleasure which threatened to consume her. Sara remembered counting 7 and maybe 6 before the room began to become fuzzy. Sara buried her head on the bed changing the angle of penetration once again. This was the final straw as the tip of the dildo began touching the edge of her g-spot sending her into orbit.
Sara woke up an hour later wrapped in the bed’s top comforter, soaked with sweat and pussy juice. As her eyes began to adjust to the dim light of the room, she saw her mistress sitting in a chair watching her sleep. Sara smiled, hoping to find her mistress in a good mood.
Mistress Heather: “You made it to two before you sprayed your slut juice and passed out. What am I going to do with you?”
Sara wanted to respond, but her body was unable to vocalize and sounds.
Mistress Heather: “You were wonderful my love. I’m going downstairs for a while. I want you to sleep some more. I’ll come get you in about an hour and then we can get cleaned up for tonight.”
Sara managed another weak smile and then crawled up to the head of the bed and slid beneath the sheets. She was incredible satisfied and quickly fell back asleep to dream of the night to come. Heather, who had already showered, headed downstairs in search of another conquest.
Sara was sleeping the sleep of the dead when Heather returned, a hotel maid in tow.
Mistress Heather: “Wake up sleepyhead, time to play.”
Sara looked at her mistress with a knowing grin. The young hotel employee wasn’t sure what was going on, but understood soon enough when Sara stood up from the bed, proudly naked, and retrieved her mistress’ strap-on. Sara looked at the innocent girl and gave the phallus a long lick.
Maid: “You two are disgusting.”
With that simple phrase she spun around and bolted from the room.
Mistress Heather: “She’s right, you know. I met her in the hall and told her we needed the room straightened.”
Sara: “You’re bad.”
Mistress Heather: “Don’t you forget it. Let’s get ready for tonight’s adventure.”
Heather produced a hanging bag with two elegant dresses inside. Sara’s was a short black cocktail dress cut to show her best assets. Heather’s was more formal, but certainly no less sexy. By 6pm the pair was dressed to kill and headed in a limo down to the Strip. Sara wondered what her mistress had in store for their evening. Just the thought of a new adventure was making her tingle. Surprisingly, their first stop was rather vanilla. Sara looked out of the window to find the limo pulling up to the Venetian.
Mistress Heather: “I thought we could get a bite to eat and do a little people watching.”
Heather guided her charge through the Grand Canal shops. They made sure to stop at all the stores where a beautiful woman was working, although they did not perform any explicitly sexual actions. Heather and Sara also played a game Heather liked to call “niece no niece.” The rules were simple. The pair would find an older gentleman who was with a young girl who was definitely not his daughter. They then tried to determine if he would pretend if the girl was his niece or whether he would be truthful about his desires. Of course it would be no fun if they just walked up and asked. Heather had Sara flaunt her body in front of the man and girl to gauge his reaction. While the men always looked, sometimes the girl seemed interested too. On more than one occasion, Heather and/or Sara were propositioned to join their target couple. Heather and Sara always declined, but had a good time playing the game. This weekend was about girl love. Several times the girl turned out to be a pro, but one, a pixie looking girl who could not have been over seventeen seemed to know what they were up to and offered to meet them later after she was done with her mark. Sara watched as Heather whispered something into the girl’s ear while both her eyes were fixated on Sara’s chest. The girl nodded and Heather indicated to Sara that it was time to leave. Sara watched as the young girl returned to her “uncle” and disappeared into the crowd.
Heather and Sara ate a light dinner at the Venetian and then headed down to the Bellagio. They resumed their game of niece no niece while they wandered the casino floor. Sara wondered if they would bump into Frank, but they did not. Sara was amazed at the amount of money being bet at the craps and blackjack tables. She and Heather even tried to subtly distract some of the high rollers with their womanly charms. But when you’re betting $20,000 on a hand of blackjack, Sara surmised, having a beautiful woman near you is probably not an unusual occurrence. Sara did notice Heather talking to several of the more beautiful waitresses and point at her, but had no idea what the conversation’s details were.
By 9pm Heather announced it was time to head over to the club where Tiffany danced.
“Finally,” Sara thought, “we’re going to get some action.”
The girls hopped back into the limo. Sara’s pussy was beginning to moisten as lewd thoughts filled her mind. Sara assumed they would head back to Industrial Avenue behind the strip where they had seen the row of strip clubs before. Instead they headed north up Las Vegas Boulevard and pulled into Olympic Gardens.
Mistress Heather: “This place is a little higher class than some of the other joints. They have a better selection of dancer.”
The pair walked to the door and were greeted by a bouncer obviously pleased to see two beautiful, unescorted women. The bouncer ushered the women past a woman collecting a door charge from the men who entered the club and showed them to a table along the back wall of the main showroom. “If there is anything you need,” he said smirking, “just let me know.”
Neither Sara nor Heather said anything. Instead they began to scan the club for Tiffany. She was nowhere to be seen, but there were plenty of other dancers in various stages of undress to focus on. Almost immediately a well endowed waitress in a revealing bikini top and very small tight shorts appeared at their table with two martinis. Setting them on the table, she pointed toward a table near one of the small stages and explained they were from two gentlemen. Sara looked up to see two men, dressed in suits, waving at them. Sara began to wave back, but Heather pulled her arm back down. She looked at the men and mouthed “we’re not interested.” She then reached over and gave Sara’s right breast a squeeze.
Both men got the messages, although neither appeared to have minded spending $20 on two drinks if they got a quick lesbian show. Sensing this, Heather moved her hand inside Sara’s top and began kneading Sara’s left breast. Both men were completely focused on Sara’s now heaving chest instead of the naked tits being offered them from the stage. Sara was lost in the touch of her mistress and didn’t realize they were putting on their own show. All too soon for Sara, and for the guys, Heather removed her hand and picked up the glass. Holding it outward, she mouthed a final message to the guys, “cheers.”
Sara and Heather were sipping their drinks when they saw Tiffany come out from behind a partition. She was wearing just a tiny g-string and carrying her top. She was moving quickly toward the stage door. From behind the partition a scruffy looking man appeared. His face was flush and although the light was poor, Sara thought he had a hard-on.
Just as she reached the door, Tiffany made a quick scan of the club. Heather caught her eye and Tiffany gestured to the chairs along the stage and then disappeared through the door. Sara was still looking around the club at the variety of patrons. There were a mix social classes all connected by the desire to be teased by a beautiful woman. Sara was transfixed by the scene before her until she felt Heather tugging on her arm.
Mistress Heather: “I want you to move to a seat along the stage. Choose one on the end so you don’t get surrounded by guys.”
Heather handed Sara a stack of $5 bills.
Mistress Heather: “Be generous tipping the dancers.”
Sara wasn’t sure of the tipping protocol, but quickly took up residence at the end of the main stage. A dancer had just finished her routine and had moved down to a position in front of the first chair. Sara watched in awe as the dancer gyrated in front of a well dressed man. The dancer was smiling as she humped the stage, fondled her breasts and generally teased the man. He had a stack of bills sitting on the edge of the stage and after about a minute, he joyfully picked one up and tucked it into the girl’s g-string.
The girl smiled and then moved on to the next chair. Her dance was repeated and a few more dollars found their way in her underwear. Sara now noticed another dancer had taken position at the center of the stage. This dancer was a little older than the first, but her body style mesmerized Sara. This dancer was voluptuous. Not as muscular as the first or as Tiffany, but she had curves in all the right places and breasts which swayed and bounced too much to be fake. Sara’s attention was riveted to this new dancer so much she didn’t even notice when the first dancer approached her position. Sara was startled as the topless woman began gyrating about a foot and a half in front of her. Sara could smell the sweat on the woman’s body. Not knowing exactly how to react, Sara just stared at the young girl as she went through her rail dance. As the song ended, the girl had positioned herself sitting on the stage with her hip cocked toward Sara. Sara pulled back the edge of the g-string and slid one of her mistress’ $5 bills next to the pile of singles and fives. The dancer smiled and then hopped up and headed back stage. The second dancer had taken position by the man in the first chair and had begun her “tip” dance while another woman, very beautiful but definitely with a surgically enhanced chest moved to the center of the stage. Sara also noticed another dancer come out from backstage wearing a translucent mesh robe over her g-string. The woman began circulating among the men at the tables. Sara was attempting to watch her and the voluptuous dancer at the same time.
The atmosphere of the club was dripping with sex and Sara was definitely feeling the effect. From the corner of her eye Sara noticed the dancer who was working the tables leading a man back behind the partition she had seen Tiffany come out from. She wondered what happened back there. Sara didn’t have much time to worry about it, however, as the voluptuous dancer had now taken up residence in front of her. Sara found this woman much more appealing than the first dancer. Her routine was much more alluring and Sara loved the way her fleshy breasts moved. When it came time to tip her, Sara once again picked up a $5 bill. She began to reach forward with it, but the dancer shook her head.
Dancer: “Roll it like a cigarette and put it in your mouth.”
Sara did as she was told and was surprised when the dancer leaned forward and grabbed the money by squeezing her breasts on either side of Sara’s face. Sara was dumbstruck by this move, but all the men who saw it cheered wildly. Sara slumped back in the chair and watched as the dancer waved to the crowd and walked backstage.
The parade of beautiful women teasing the men and Sara continued. Sara watched as more women led the men behind the partition and joyfully tipped each woman who performed up close and personal for her. By the time Tiffany hit the stage for her next set, Sara was sitting in a puddle of her own juices. She was also feeling high from the string of martinis which the men ogling her were happy to provide. Tiffany was dressed in the same outfit Sara had seen her buy at Patty’s shop and she looked positively gorgeous. She knew how to work stage and the guys sitting at the rail were practically fighting for her attention. There were no five dollar bills filling her g-string. Tens and twenties were the norm. By the time Tiffany reached Sara, Sara was fighting the urge to put her hand down her panties. Sara knew that would be wrong, but her need was so strong she didn’t know if she could resist. She hoped her mistress would soon retrieve her and allow her to go to the bathroom to masturbate. Or perhaps Tiffany would take her behind the partition.
By the time Tiffany finished her dance in front of Sara, Sara was panting and had her legs spread wide beneath the railing. It was taking all of her energy not to finger herself. She took the last four $5 bills she had and eagerly handed them over to Tiffany. Tiffany smiled at Sara as Heather began massaging her neck. Sara had not noticed her mistress had walked up to the stage. Sara continued to stare at Tiffany. Time seemed to stand still. The music was still pounding and they were in a very full room, but the only thing Sara felt was her mistress’ hands and the only thing she saw was the sexy topless woman in front of her. Sara felt the straps of her cocktail dress being pulled off her shoulder and then the front of her dress being pulled down as her mistress began to cup her breasts and squeeze her nipples. In retrospect, Sara was sure the crowd of guys was cheering, but in her focused state, if they did, she didn’t hear them. Sara read Tiffany’s lips saying, “Damn she’s hot” and “let me get changed.”
Sara then felt her dress being pulled back up and her mistress taking her hand. Heather led them back to their table. Sara’s legs were weak as she staggered to keep up. Every eye in the club was focused on the two women as they took their seats. Instantly two more drinks were delivered to their table.
Mistress Heather: “So did you enjoy yourself?”
Sara: “You know I’m horny as hell right now, don’t you?”
Mistress Heather: “Of course. That’s the point of a club like this.”
Sara: “Are you going to allow me to do something about it?”
Mistress Heather: “If you’re good. If you’re good.”
Sara and Heather sat down at their table. Heather enjoyed immensely watching her slave drool over Tiffany’s dance. Sara’s head was still spinning and wondered what her mistress had planned for the rest of the evening. She knew she wanted to party with Tiffany. And she knew she would gladly service the voluptuous stripper she had watched earlier. Heather and Sara continued to watch the dancers while they waited for Tiffany to come back out. Sara was also scanning the crowd watching the other dancers perform lap dances and try to convince the men to head behind the partition. As Sara’s attention began to turn back toward the stage, she noticed the pixie looking girl from the Venetian walk through the door. Both Sara and her mistress had agreed this girl could not be older than seventeen when they first met, but she breezed past the bouncer without even a cursory look at her probably fake id. The girl was still dressed in the same clothes she wore at the Venetian, although they did seem a little wrinkled now. Sara watched as the girl scanned the club and tried to draw her attention. Spotting Heather and Sara, the girl made her way through the tables, grabbed a chair and sat down.
Heather: “Welcome. Glad to see you again. My name is Mistress Heather and this is my slave, Sara.”
Girl: “Nice to formally meet you. My name is Mary.”
Sara: “Where’s your uncle?”
Mary (laughing): “He’s passed out and I’ve got $500.”
Heather: “Well you will not need any money tonight unless you want to tip a dancer. All I have to do is kiss or fondle my slut and drinks appear.”
Mary: “So if I want a drink, I just have to slip Sara the tongue?”
Sara (hopefully): “It’s worked so far.”
Mary: “What if I do this?”
Heather and Sara watched as the free spirited Mary stood back up and turned to the table of guys who had been sending drinks. Without a hint of embarrassment, Mary lifted her short skirt giving the guys a long look at her panty less pussy. Sara could not see the expression on Mary’s face, but the guys were certainly shocked. Almost immediately one of the guys signaled the waitress and soon another drink was delivered.
Mary: “That works great. I’ve never tried that here.”
Heather: “So you’ve been here before?”
Mary: “Yeah. I’ve been to most of the clubs. The dancers get the guys worked up. It’s usually an easy pickup for me at the end of the night to earn a few extra dollars.”
Sara: “If you don’t mind me asking, what did the guy at the Venetian get for his $500?”
Mary: “I found him leaving the craps table. He had a pretty successful run, although he was already pretty drunk. I suggested we have dinner and then I took him up to his room for a half and half.”
Sara: “Half and half?”
Mary: “Blowjob and a fuck. Like I said, he was pretty drunk so after I slurped him hard, I had to ride him. It didn’t take too long to get him to squirt and here I am.”
Sara: “We’re glad you came.”
Mary: “Well, I have not cum yet. That is where you come in. At the hotel, your mistress said you would satisfy me. The night is young. I could have easily found another client. You are costing me $500 to $1,000 dollars. You had better be good.”
Sara sat in stunned silence listening to the hooker describe the services she had been promised.
Mistress Heather: “You don’t have to worry Mary. Sara will get you off and I’m sure you can find another paying customer here tonight.”
Mary’s voice took a surprising authoritarian tone. Sara was surprised given how innocent she looked, but of course was turned on by the thought of submitting to someone young enough to be her daughter.
Mary: “She looks like she has talent. She could make a fortune in this town. How are we going to do this?”
Mistress Heather: “If I told her to, she would drop to the floor right here and satisfy you. But I think a little more privacy is in order. Take her to the bathroom and do whatever you want. Sara, I expect you to serve Mary as if you were serving me and I had better not get a bad report back.”
Sara: “Yes mistress.”
Mary gulped down her drink, stood up, took Sara’s hand and led her to the bathroom. Except for a couple of people sitting at the rail, all eyes were on the pair. Just as they reached the hallway to the bathrooms, Tiffany appeared from the stage door. Sara didn’t notice. She was focused completely on following Mary. In fact, Sara seemed startled when Tiffany tapped her on the shoulder.
Tiffany: “Have fun you two.”
Sara just smiled. Mary didn’t seem to care. Sara turned her head to see Tiffany begin to work the room looking for larger tips. She felt herself being pulled into the bathroom. Mary immediately pushed her up against the wall. She forced Sara’s hands against the cold tile wall right at head level and imposed a brutal French kiss. Sara’s willpower, what little she had when they walked into the bathroom disappeared the minute she felt pinned against the wall. Although Mary was much smaller than her, Sara’s desire to serve had inflamed her body and she began to go limp against the wall. Mary began to pull away as Sara fought to keep contact with her lips.
Mary: “I like a horny bitch. The guys pay the bills, but women get me off. On your knees slut.”
Sara wasted no time dropping to the floor. She probably should have considered how dirty the bathroom was but she knew the tile was sparkling next to her own depraved desires. Mary grabbed her by the hair and instructed her to crawl to the handicapped stall. Sara did as she was told, her mouth drooling as she tried to steal glances up the skirt of her panty less aggressor. Mary kicked open the stall door and ushered Sara inside. Sara knelt as Mary stepped over her to latch the door. She then unzipped her skirt and sat down on the toilet seat. Spreading her legs to Sara’s lustful gaze, Mary gave a simple command. “Get to work.”
While Sara was busy in the bathroom, Tiffany had another guy in the back room extracting several $20 bills from his wallet for a few minutes of her personal dancing. Heather continued to sip her drink, enjoying the feeble pickup attempts of the guys in the club. By the time Tiffany had finished with client one, Sara was still not finished with Mary, so Heather waved Tiffany over.
Heather: “How much for a lap dance.”
Tiffany: “$20 for one, $40 for two or $60 to go in the back room.”
Heather: “What do I get in the back room?”
Tiffany: “It’s more private back there so I can be more expressive. You still are not allowed to touch me but nobody gets too worried if you touch yourself. For an extra $20 you can touch me. For $40 I’ll touch you.”
Tiffany winked when she quoted the last two prices on the menu. Heather knew these clubs were strictly look and no touch to avoid the risk of a prostitution charge. She wondered just how far Tiffany went with the guys. She knew she could convince Tiffany to accompany her and Sara back to the hotel, but she wanted to see how far she could push things in public.
Heather: “I’ll start with the $60 show. From there, we’ll see.”
Tiffany took Heather’s hand and led her to the private area. Heather slipped the bouncer stationed to protect the area an extra $20 and told him they didn’t want to be distracted. Once in the private room, Tiffany waited to give their eyes a chance to adjust to the dim light. Heather noticed a couple of other dancers performing for their clients. Each guy was sitting in a semi-circular booth and appeared to be sitting on their hands. Heather watched in fascination as the dancers teased the men without mercy. One was on her hands and knees showing the guy her spread ass as she humped the floor. Heather could tell his cock was straining against his pants. The other dancer was grinding her body against her client and pressing her mountainous boobs onto his face. He obvious paid the extra money, Heather reasoned. Tiffany led Heather to the last booth.
Tiffany: “You only saw some of my moves at the store. For the extra $40 you can have what Starr is giving the guy next door. For another hundred I’ll make sure you cum.”
Mistress Heather: “I have another plan. Based on what I saw in the store today, I’m sure you’ll do whatever I want to get another crack at having my slave please you. How much of the $60 goes to the house.”
Tiffany: “The first $20 plus 25% on any additional tips.”
Mistress Heather: “Here’s $20 to cover the house. You are going to dance for me and you are going to make sure I cum. After I cum, you can use Sara again. I know we discussed putting her on fluffer duty. My little slut would love that and I’m sure you and your fellow dancers would too. Otherwise we can just leave.”
Tiffany never said a word. She just started swaying her body back and forth and went into her routine.
Back in the bathroom, Sara was still on the floor. Her mouth was pressed firmly into Mary’s soaking pussy as the young hooker pulled insistently on Sara’s head while she wrapped one of her legs over Sara’s back. Mary’s moans of pleasure echoed off the tiled walls and the sight of Sara’s high heeled feet sticking out under the stall’s door left no doubt as to what was happening. Hoping to give her tongue a rest, Sara had just begun to finger fuck the young girl when she heard the bathroom door open. Sara heard the stall door next to them open and a woman relieve herself. She then heard the toilet flush. Sara tried to stop her ministrations, hoping the other woman would leave, but Mary would have none of that and pulled hard on her hair until Sara got the idea.
Woman: “Listen up slut. Your mistress is in the back with Tiffany. She told me to keep you occupied for about 20 minutes. Finish off the hooker and then get your ass over here.”
Sara wondered who was in the next stall, but didn’t wonder what she would be doing for the next 20 minutes as she redoubled her efforts to make Mary climax.
Mary's thighs clamped tight against Sara's head as she rode out her orgasm. The sounds of womanly happiness bounced off the stall walls and throughout the bathroom. Sara went along for the ride with one hand buried deep in her own pussy while the other helped balance her body on the floor and she tried to rest her jaw. As soon as Mary began to calm down, the voice from the adjoining stall once again commanded Sara.
Waitress: "She's done. Get over here slut. I've been wet ever since you and your mistress arrived and I need satisfaction."
Sara wasn't sure if the woman was lying about her mistress approving, but servicing another stranger certainly sounded plausible and Sara wasn't about to take a chance of displeasing her mistress. After standing up, Sara straightened her clothes as best she could and walked around to the other stall. As Sara expected, the waitress was sitting on the toilet with her shorts and panties around her ankles. Her legs were spread and her hand was already massaging her puffy and wet pussy lips. Without saying a word, Sara knelt down, prepared to service another anonymous woman. As Sara's head moved into position, she began to recoil as she realized the woman had not wiped her pussy after peeing; the strong smell of urine hanging in the air. The waitress just laughed, grabbed Sara's ear and pulled her into position. Sara almost vomited when the smell from the feces in the bowl hit her nose.
Waitress: "Don't tell me your mistress never played bathroom games with you. Get to work."
Repulsed, but turned on, Sara set to her task. The woman kept up a barrage of filth as she continued to harangue Sara and her status. Sara continued to gag from the smell as the woman pulled her head tighter and tighter into her crotch.
Waitress: "That's a good slut. Work that tongue. Suck my clit. Lick my pussy. Get down to my ass."
Sara didn't know how long her debasement went on, but finally the woman stiffened and shuddered through a climax. It was then Sara heard the bathroom door being forcefully opened. She worried it was the cops coming to arrest her, but it was Heather with Mary in tow. Sara's mistress was not amused.
Mistress Heather: "What the hell is going on here?"
Sara: "I was doing what you commanded."
Mistress Heather: "I told you to take care of Mary. What are you doing with the waitress?"
Sara: "She told me you said to take care of her."
Mistress Heather: "Oh she did, did she."
Sara: "Yes mam."
Mistress Heather: "Well how about it bitch. Did you tell my property I approved this?"
Waitress: "So what if I did. I knew the tramp would go for it. You need to watch her more closely if you are the jealous type."
Mistress Heather: "Sara, get up. You will be punished for this transgression. Clean yourself up and then have Mary show you backstage. Tiffany is waiting for you."
Sara: "Yes mistress."
Sara squeezed past Heather and went to the sink to wash her hands and face. In the mirror, Sara saw her mistress raise her hand and slap the waitress across her cheek.
Mistress Heather: "That is for messing with my property."
The waitress recoiled from the force and tried to stand up, but Heather easily pushed her back onto the toilet. Sara continued to watch in the mirror, proud that her mistress was defending her honor. Once again Heather slapped the waitress. The waitress cowered into a submissive pose Sara knew all too well.
Mistress Heather: "You took what is mine so I expect payback."
Sara smiled as Heather began to lift her skirt. Sara knew that position too. Leaving the bathroom with Mary leading the way, Sara heard the unmistakable sounds of the waitress repaying her debt to Mistress Heather. From experience Sara knew her mistress could hold back her orgasm almost indefinitely when she really wanted to and wondered how long she would force the waitress to service her.
Walking back into the club, Sara's eyes needed to readjust to the lack of light, but from what she saw, things hadn't changed much and nobody seemed hip to what was happening in the ladies room. A smiling Tiffany was waiting at the stage door and ushered the girls inside. Once inside the relative calm of the dressing room, Tiffany filled them in on her dance for Heather.
Tiffany: "When you took Mary to the bathroom, Heather took me to the private dance area. I planned on turning her on and making her pay for the privilege, but I now understand how she gets women to do what she says. Within moments I found myself naked and grinding my pussy on her lap. We're only supposed to strip down to our g-string, but I couldn't help myself. When your mistress ordered me to take it off, I simply tore the string and flung it on the floor. I continued bouncing up and down on her legs as if I was riding a cock. My juices were flowing just like at the store this afternoon and I knew I was going to cum just as well as I had at Patty's. As you can probably guess, however, that wasn't part of Heather's plan. Grabbing me around the waist, she stood up spinning me down into the booth. She then forced me to the floor and hiked up her skirt. She told me I owed her for this afternoon and if I wanted to cum, I had better do a good job with her."
Sara and Mary were paying close attention, their hands resting on the small of each other's backs. As Tiffany continued describing her encounter with Heather, their hands began to get more intimate, first rubbing their backsides, then squeezing and finally moving forward in a wanton display of lust.
Tiffany: "I did my best to make Heather cum. I was in heat and I needed to cum. I knew my satisfaction went through her pussy. She must have paid off the bouncer because we were undisturbed for over 15 minutes and that never happens. After she came, Heather spun me around and bent me over the couch. Without saying a word, she gave me a short spanking and the finger fucked me until I was ready to burst. Then she stopped. As I groaned in frustration, she slapped my ass again and told me I had not earned my climax. I said something stupid, like fuck you, and began fingering my own clit. Heather reached down and grabbed both my wrists pulling me to my feet. Before I could protest, she was pushing me naked back into the bar. Just before she turned to head into the bathroom, she told me not to worry that Sara was going to take care of me again. She then slapped my ass and told me to wait for you. My pussy was on fire and I sprinted to the door. I must have been quite a sight for the guys. Anyway, it’s time for you to earn your keep Sara."
Although Sara had been enthralled by Tiffany's story, she immediately snapped back to reality.
Sara: "I can't do that. At least not without my mistress' permission."
Tiffany: "I told you already. Heather told me it was ok."
Sara: "That's what the waitress said too."
Tiffany: "Fair enough. I'll tell you what. While we wait for her, let's go into the fluffing room."
Sara heard that phrase before so she theorized maybe Tiffany was on the level. Tiffany led the girls back through the dressing room and down a dark corridor past another bathroom and to an unmarked door.
Tiffany: "Most of the dancers like to be excited before they go on stage. The sexier we feel the better our dances and the bigger our tips. This room is where we come for a little private time. Usually we are alone, but that waitress who tried to play rough for the first time in her life also comes in to help. During conventions when we're really busy and there can be 50-60 dancers working at night, the owner will hire a couple of 'fluffers' to expedite the process."
Sara and Mary peeked inside the door. There were four cubicles like being in an office. Each one had a small end table with a drawer, a flat panel monitor with DVD player, a loveseat and a curtain.
Tiffany: "Some of the girls like privacy when they are 'getting in the mood' and some leave the curtain open. It's kind of funny that a woman can go out and dance in front of strangers but still be shy about diddling herself. Oh well. Different strokes and all."
Sara looked around the first cubicle and opened the drawer in the end table. There were a selection of DVDs, some straight, some lesbian and some fetish. There were also a variety of vibrating devices, two dildos and even a pair of nipple clamps. Different strokes indeed.
Tiffany: "Your mistress has arranged for you to be the fluffer for tonight's graveyard shift. They will start arriving in about half an hour. Right now, however, I need to get off. Care to help me Mary?"
Mary: "Actually, I was wondering if Tommy is still working as the DJ here."
Tiffany: "Yes he is. His shift ends in an hour."
Mary: "We went out a long time ago. He has such a great cock, but he didn't like the line of work I chose. I always thought that was hypocritical given where he works."
Tiffany: "I've sampled that cock on several occasions. I've never been with a man who came with such volume."
Mary: "I'm going to try and get him to give me a fuck for old times’ sake. I'll be back later."
Tiffany: "I guess it's just you and me Sara. Have you changed your mind?"
Tiffany had changed her tone and was speaking low and slow. To enhance her offer, she had begun using one hand to stimulate her nipples and the other to spread her lips showing Sara her wetness.
Sara: "I can't until my mistress gives me permission. I want to. I really want to. But she already promised to punish me and I don't want to disappoint her again.
Tiffany: "Then you will not mind if I take care of myself. I need to get back on stage."
Tiffany plopped herself down on the loveseat and spread her legs wide letting one rest on the arm rest and one on the floor. She stared right at Sara's eyes while she began to pleasure herself. She told Sara how sexy she was and how she longed for her touch. Tiffany was practically begging Sara to finish her off, her fingers flying across her clit while she simultaneously pinched and pulled her own nipples. Sara's breathing was as ragged as Tiffany's. Her own pussy was pulsating with lust. She prayed her mistress would find them before Tiffany finished and giver her permission to participate. Sara could tell Tiffany was close. Although she had just met this woman a few hours ago, this was going to be the second massive orgasm she witnessed the woman achieve. With a final cry, an arch of her back and a barrage of phrases calling Sara every dirty name in the book, Tiffany exploded. Sara had a front row seat as Tiffany ejaculated girl cum three feet into the air as her climax wracked her body. Her body was still quaking when Sara heard the door open. Peeking out from the cubicle, Sara saw her mistress.
Sara: "Hello mistress. I'm glad you are here."
Mistress Heather: "I straightened out that punk waitress. She will not be bothering you anymore. You're going to get a spanking later for your transgression, but first we're going to give your tongue a workout."
Tiffany was starting to recover as Heather approached the cubicle.
Mistress Heather: "So did Sara take care of you again?"
Tiffany: "Not the way I wanted her to. She was too worried about disobeying you. She did play a role however."
Mistress Heather: "I'm glad she learned her lesson and didn't give in to you. I have to punish her but I can't leave any marks because of the ball. How did she help you?"
Tiffany: "Just a fantasy I've had about having my own slave. I pictured her dressed up in some frilly maid's costume at my house attending to my needs. In my mind I gave her a good spanking because she broke a glass and then had her finger me to orgasm."
Mistress Heather: "She's going to get a spanking for the waitress episode, perhaps you can help."
Tiffany: "Sure, if it’s later. I need to get back on stage."
Mistress Heather: "No problem. We'll be here a little while longer. By the way, where's Mary?"
Sara: "She went to look for the DJ. I guess they were a couple before."
Mistress Heather: "I wanted to watch the two of you together. I hope she comes back. What time does the next shift start?"
Tiffany: "The girls should start arriving in about 15 minutes."
Mistress Heather: "Excellent. Have a good set. Can we watch the stage on the TV?"
Tiffany: "Yes. Turn to AV2. AV1 is for the DVD player."
Mistress Heather: "Great. I'm going to watch you dance while Sara eats me out."
Heather and Tiffany hugged as Tiffany slipped passed her heading back to the dressing room to prepare for her next set. Sara continued to kneel on the floor patiently waiting for her mistress to take her position in the fluffing chair. Heather stopped at the TV to tune in the stage and then removed her skirt. Sara began her well known ritual of service to her mistress trying to steal glances at the screen when she could. Sara was sure she would be ordered to perform for the other dancers and wanted to finish her mistress before they began to arrive. She theorized in her mind that her mistress would allow her a few minutes to rest if she did a good job, so she gave her best effort. However, having recently cum from Tiffany's skills, Heather was perfectly content to let her slave slurp away for 20 minutes; thoroughly enjoying herself and not nearly ready to climax. Sara could hear the pounding music from the stage mixed with the gentle mewing from her mistress. Finally the sound of heels on tile signaled the arrival of a new dancer.
Dancer: "I heard we had a fluffer tonight."
Mistress Heather: "Yes, my slave has agreed to help you girls out for the next hour. My name is Mistress Heather."
Dancer: "Nice to meet you. My name is Starr."
Mistress Heather: "Were your parents astronomers?"
Starr: "No, it’s my stage name. My real name is Kallie."
Mistress Heather: "Ok Starr, get settled in your cube and I'll send my tramp over to you directly."
Sara heard the same footsteps outside the cube wall and felt her mistress pulling her head skyward.
Mistress Heather: "The owner of this club is a friend of mine. I agreed to have you help her dancers prepare for the next hour. If you do a good job and I get good feedback, I might go easy on you tonight and hold off on your punishment until after the ball. If I get bad feedback, you'll be walking back to the hotel naked. Got it?"
Sara: "Yes mistress."
Mistress Heather: "Good. Now crawl over to your first customer."
On hands and knees, Sara crawled to the next cubicle. She found an older woman who looked like she had some mileage on her. Her surgically enhanced breast threatened to burst from the tiny flag adorned bikini top she was wearing. The matching panty was lying on the floor. The woman had her legs spread and was lazily stroking her pussy waiting for Sara.
Starr: "Aren't you a pretty one. How did you get yourself in this position?"
Sara: "It is my pleasure to serve my mistress, mam."
Starr: "I'm certainly not going to stop you. I don't like to cum before I go on stage, just get me worked up."
Sara: "Yes mam."
And so it went for Sara. The next shift of dancers began to arrive. Some availed themselves of her services, some took care of themselves and some just got dressed and hit the stage. Heather went back to the bar and chatted with the owner. There was a monitor behind the bar which showed the area between the cubes and Heather felt comfortable keeping an eye on Sara this way. She and the owner were talking business, although Heather was interrupted every couple of minutes by a horny guy. She brushed them off with a practiced elegance. The dancers seemed particularly energetic that evening, the owner noted and thanked Heather for her generous gift. Toward the end of the hour, Heather noticed that the DJ had let the same song repeat three times. Looking up at the glass enclosed DJ booth, she saw Mary rhythmically bouncing up and down. Pointing this out to the owner, she heard the story of their whirlwind romance and the legend of his carnal skills.
Heather: "She missed out on making a trick or two tonight to play with Sara. At least she's getting something for herself."
Heather continued to watch Mary who now appeared to be pressed up against the glass with the DJ behind her. There was a glare on the window, but it certainly appeared that she was enjoying herself. Heather continued her conversation with her friend, alternating her gaze between the owner, the monitor and the DJ booth. A few minutes later she saw Mary open the door to the DJ booth and walk down the stairs. She was pulling her clothes back on and seemed to be a little unsteady. Heather and the owner watched as she walked backstage.
Heather: "Is that normal?"
Owner: "Everything is normal here."
Heather: "I had better collect Sara. I don't want her too worn out for tomorrow."
Owner: "OK. I'll see you at the ball."
Back in the fluffer room, Sara had lost track of how many strippers she had serviced. She knew the number was more than ten, but she was also sure some had come back more than once. She definitely recognized Starr who had returned after her set. Sara noticed Starr was sweaty from her dances and her pussy was still juicy from the time Sara had spent between her legs earlier. This time Starr was not worried about cumming before she danced. She didn't even bother to sit down. She just pulled her g-string over and pulled the kneeling Sara's head into her crotch. Sara wondered if Starr used the same motions during her lap dances as the woman ground her pussy back and forth across Sara's face until she climaxed.
Sara barely had a chance to catch her breath when Mary reentered the room. Without saying a word, Mary dropped her skirt and bent over in front of Sara.
Mary: "I let Tommy dump his spooge up my ass. Clean me out."
Sara looked at Mary's backside. Her asshole was distended from the pounding it took and a river of goo was starting to seep out. Sara hesitated not wanting to stick her tongue in the young girl's ass, but a forceful tug on her hair changed her mind. This is the scene which greeted Heather's return.
Mistress Heather: "So did you get $500 worth out of my slave tonight."
Mary: "I had some fun. I'll probably find a quickie out in the crowd for a few hundred before I head home."
Mistress Heather: "After she is done, I'm taking her home. We have a big day tomorrow."
Mary: "I don't need to cum again. I just don't want cum running down my leg went I'm picking up a new trick. It's bad for business."
Mistress Heather: "Clean her up Sara and then go to the bathroom and make yourself presentable. Have you allowed yourself to cum back here?"
Sara pulled her mouth off Mary's brown eye to answer no.
Mistress Heather: "Good. Not to worry, you will before the night is over. Meet me at the bar."
Sara went back to work on Mary licking up and down her thighs making sure to catch all of Tommy's runaway jizz. She was glad Mary didn't want more than a quick rim job and cleaning. She was tired and sore from kneeling as long as she had and her tongue needed a break. Sara made her way to the bathroom to freshen up. She looked like a mess, about what you would expect for someone who just serviced a dozen or more women. Sara did her best to wash her face and neck, but they wasn't going to be much she could do about her ratted hair. Exiting the bathroom, Sara headed back to the dressing room enroute to the stage door. One of the dancers who just came in gave her a big hug, a passionate kiss and thanked her for getting her in the mood to work. Sara said "you're welcome" but in truth did not recognize the woman. Sara walked through the stage door and found her mistress waiting at the bar. She was again talking to the club's owner.
Mistress Heather: "Ah, there you are. I want you to meet a friend of mine. She owns this club. Her name is Mistress Debbie."
Sara cast her eyes downward and said it was nice to meet her.
Mistress Debbie: "I've heard very good reports about you from my dancers. And don't worry, about Becky, the waitress who took advantage of you in the bathroom. She's part of my stable and she will be punished after we close tonight."
Sara: "Thank you Mistress Debbie."
Mistress Debbie: "I've been discussing with your mistress the opportunity to have you here more often. Would you like that?"
Sara: "My mistress would have to make that decision."
Mistress Heather: "Well, we'd have to work out some details to compensate Frank, but it might be possible."
Sara's heart sank when she heard her mistress discuss leaving her in Vegas. She didn't know what she had done to warrant that type of rejection.
Mistress Heather: "I can tell what you're thinking. It would not be full time. Maybe six or seven weekends a year."
That didn't sound much better to Sara, but she knew better than to say anything. Sara and Heather said their goodbyes and headed back to the car. Walking through the parking lot Sara noticed Mary's head bouncing up and down in the back seat of a parked car. What a town, she thought. The pair arrived back at their suite at the El Cortez a little before 1am. Heather had been very kind and supportive in the car. She was acting more in "friend" mode than "mistress" mode. When the pair entered the suite, Heather's first action was to begin drawing a hot bath.
Heather: "I'd say a hot bath would do you good before bed. I need you to get a good night's sleep tonight, so I'm not going to punish you because of what Becky pulled. You are done for the night."
Sara: "I'm happy to service you before bed, mistress."
Heather: "No, tonight we are friends."
Sara: "Well, I always sleep better after an orgasm."
Heather: "Do you think you earned that tonight?"
Sara: "That is for you to decide."
Heather: "Relax in the tub for a while and we'll see."
Sara sat down in the warm water of the whirlpool tub and immediately started to relax. Turning on the jets, Sara let the soothing bubbles tantalize her skin. She shut her eyes and leaned her head back allowing her mind to transport her body to a land far away. Mistress Heather sat back and watched her slave in the tub. She was conflicted. She certainly thought Sara had earned some satisfaction for her performance tonight, but at the same time, she wanted Sara to get to bed relatively early. In the end, her lust won out and she stripped off her clothes and retrieved a strap-on from her toy bag. Although Heather was moving around the room, Sara, in her eyes closed tranquil state didn't seem to notice. In fact, the first hint of a change of activity came when Sara felt the dildo grazing her lips. Sara didn't flinch or even open her eyes. She simply opened her mouth and took her mistress in. Sara rocked onto her side to give her mistress better access to her mouth and reached around Heather's ass to pull her closer. Heather jumped back at her slave being so presumptuous and knew she had to put herself back in full charge.
Mistress Heather: "Never touch me again like that without permission, slave. Get out of the tub and lean against the bathroom counter."
Sara jumped up in the tub splashing water onto the floor and her mistress in the process. She practically leaped out of the tub and within seconds, her chest was pressed into the counter. Sara spread her legs in the way she knew her mistress liked and used her hands to spread her butt cheeks. She then looked forward in the mirror in hopes of seeing her mistress take up an authoritarian position behind her.
Mistress Heather: "I was going to let you stew in your juices tonight, but you did earn some pleasure tonight. I'm going to fuck you for ten minutes. After that it's time for bed."
Sara: "Yes mam. Thank you mam."
Sara braced for her mistress' assault. In her mind, Sara wondered if she should try for multiple small orgasms or try to build to one bigger one. Her mistress had on her big cock so Sara was going to be stretched. Sara wanted a big release, but also knew her mistress could tell when she was about to cum and could always claim the time was up leaving her hanging. Still, after all that had happened that night, a small orgasm or two wasn't going to quench her thirst. Sara looked into the mirror as she felt her mistress' weight come to bear and she felt her pussy being stretched to its limit. Her mistress was taking her time on each stroke, something Sara could not abide, so she began thrusting her hips out in an effort to maximize the sensation of each thrust. This was exactly what Heather was expecting. She knew as Sara's mistress, she should probably only tease her. She theorized that Sara's performance the next day would benefit. On the other hand, watching an unequalled sex machine thrust herself back and forth under her control was intoxicating. Heather felt the carnal side of her brain beginning to win out and grabbed Sara's hips. Sara squealed in delight and Heather pushed her firmly into the counter and began giving her a hard and fast pounding. Sara was watching her own face in the mirror as her passions became unleashed, her massive bust swaying back and forth and her face being covered is a mass of swirling hair. Sara cried out to her mistress to fuck her harder, a request which Heather was more than happy to accommodate. Over and over Heather pounded the fake dick into Sara's defenseless body and over and over Sara urged her to do it harder.
Mistress Heather was starting to tire and looked down on her slave in awe. How was she still going and asking for more? Finally after about nine minutes, Sara's mind and body exploded. Sara was seeing bright flashes of light as every nerve ending in her body was releasing their electrical impulses. Heather pulled the fake dick out of the quivering Sara, who despite her attempts to grab the smooth counter, soon found herself writhing on the bathroom floor. Heather walked out of the room and unbuckled the harness holding her pleasure weapon. She then crawled beneath the blanket on the bed and waited for Sara.
Sara's orgasm lasted longer than any she had remembered. She shook and spasmed on the tile floor for several minutes. A touch to her pussy confirmed that it was as wet as it had ever been and an inadvertent light touch to her clit sent her quaking again. Sara didn't know how long she remained in the bathroom, but when her legs would finally support her, she staggered into the main room of the suite. Not finding her mistress, she headed to the bedroom.
Heather: "Shut off the light and come to bed."
Sara: "I should shower."
Heather: "Nonsense. I love the feel and smell of a freshly fucked woman."
Sara blushed and did as she was ordered. Sliding under the covers Sara felt Heather spoon against her and hold her tight. She felt safe and never wanted to leave.
Dawn came in just a few hours, but the heavy curtain and 'do not disturb' sign allowed the women to sleep in. At least they slept in until the phone rang at 10am. Heather picked up the receiver and mumbled a few choice words. Sara was groggy and barely aware of her surroundings.
Mistress Heather: "That was Roxy. We're supposed to meet her and Peggy at the hair dresser in an hour. Take a quick shower and I'll order some breakfast."
Sara's mind snapped to attention. Today was finally the day. She bolted to the shower turning the water on very hot to sooth her body once again. She was only in the shower for a few minutes when Heather began calling her out for breakfast. Sara wondered how room service could have gotten there so fast. She emerged from the bathroom, still dripping wet but toweling herself as she walked to find a tray with toast, eggs and coffee.
Mistress Heather: "We're on a little of a time constraint, so eat up. We need to leave in about 20 minutes."
The breakfast was not as leisurely as Sara would have liked. Usually when she woke up in a hotel after an all night fuck fest, breakfast would be taken at a more relaxed pace. But Sara knew that Friday night had just been a prelude to tonight’s festivities and was anxious to get the day started. By quarter to 11 then women were back in the convertible heading to what Heather described as the best full service salon in the city.
Heather pulled the car into the parking lot of what Sara deemed a luxury looking establishment. Unlike some of the non-descript places they had visited yesterday, this one screamed expensive and look at me. Sara was not disappointed. For the next three hours her body was pampered with massages, a mud bath, herbal wraps, a facial, a pedicure and a bikini wax. Sara felt totally relaxed by the time her spa day drew to a close. For a few hours she tried to let herself feel as if she and Heather were just friends having a great day together, but each time her thoughts of lust for her mistress would invade her consciousness and she would remember why she was being pampered and the reason for her preparations. For her part, Heather looked equally relaxed having enjoyed the same services Sara received.
By 2:30 the women were heading back downtown to Coco’s studio to dress for the ball. As the two headed into the dingy building, Sara began tingling with anticipation. Sara wondered just what her finished outfit would look like and also what her mistress would be wearing. Heather rang the bell and Sara heard the lock release. Walking into the outer office, Sara was surprised to see Patty from the stripper wear store waiting for them. She smiled and handed Heather a garment bag. Heather thanked her with a kiss on the cheek as Patty smiled at Sara and then left to return to her shop. At this point Sara noticed Coco coming into the office from the back room.
Coco: "Welcome, welcome, my dear friends."
Heather: "Hello Coco. Are we ready for Sara's soon to be award winning outfit?"
Coco: "Of course darling. I told you we would be ready."
Sara wondered who "we" referred to and was excited to see if anyone else would arrive.
Coco: "Sara, be a dear and take of all your clothes. You will not need them from here on."
Sara looked at her mistress for approval. Heather nodded and Sara wasted no time stripping the garments from her body. As she did, Coco made an inspection circle around her before declaring that she was sure to win the award for hottest slave tonight.
Heather: "Of course I think she should win that one, but your outfit will certainly help."
Sara felt a renewed sense of anticipation, wondering what Coco could have designed.
Coco: "Come into my studio, my dear. Heather, she should be done around 5."
Heather: "Perfect. I'm going back to the hotel to get dressed. Sara, I expect you to follow Coco’s orders to the T. She is in charge until I return and I don't expect to hear anything but a positive report.
Sara: "Yes mistress. You can count on me."
With that short exchange, Sara was left in Coco’s charge. She wasted no time beginning her preparations.
Coco: "We only have three hours to get you ready and it will take us all of that time. I have a friend coming in two hours and I have to get you ready for her specialty."
Sara was not sure what the friend's "specialty" could be given she was there to be dressed for the ball, but she didn't have time to worry. Although unusual for most tailor shops, but hardly out of place here, Sara noticed a set of thick leather cuffs sitting on a table. She wondered aloud if she would be wearing them.
Coco: "Not yet. We must make sure your outfit suits you even when bound. Tonight you will spend time in various restraints and I want to be sure your clothes perform as I have designed them. Now hush and let me get to work."
Sara smiled and stopped asking questions. She was content to be the clay in a sculptor’s hands. Coco began with an inspection of Sara's body. Satisfied that her skin was smooth, paying close attention of Sara's newly waxed private parts, Coco retrieved a blue roll of painter's masking tape from the table holding the cuffs.
Coco: "Underwear always seems to get in the way at these events, so Heather and I decided body paint would be more fun for you."
Sara was intrigued as she felt Coco begin wrapping the tape around her stomach just below her navel. It took Coco a couple of tries to get the tape positioned perfectly straight and level. Sara was thankful the adhesive on the tape was not very strong as Coco pulled the misplaced pieces off her body. The process was then repeated around each thigh approximately 3 inches below her crotch. Sara was doing her best not to move and not to talk. The moving wasn't much of a problem, but her mind was racing as she tried to figure out just what Coco planned. It wasn't that she had any thoughts of trying to stop the woman, it was more curiosity. After the tape was positioned properly, Coco opened a cabinet and pulled out a small airbrush and compressor. She then retrieved a small jar of black body paint and filled the airbrush's reservoir with the liquid.
Coco: "Hold your arms up over your head, spread your legs and hold very still."
Sara complied immediately and soon felt the spray of the cool paint splating against her skin. Coco was methodical about spraying on the body paint, working each section of Sara's upper thigh and below her waist with short bursts of paint. Not enough to run or drip and then she moved onto the next location. This process was repeated over and over until several coats covered each square inch masked by the tape. Satisfied with the coverage, Coco used a hair drier to blow warm air over the paint to speed the drying. Sara began to feel a strange sensation as the heat seeped into her legs. She could tell the paint was remaining flexible even as it dried. She wanted to move to see if it was constricting, but she remained still as she had been instructed. After Coco was finished drying the paint, she removed the paint reservoir and blew out the spray nozzle with a few quick blasts of air. She then set down her tool and told Sara to relax. Sara shook out her arms and took a few tentative steps to test the paint.
Coco: "Don't worry about the paint. It's completely hypoallergenic. It's still a little damp and will scuff so be careful not to touch anything. When we're done, I'm going to spray on a kind of clear coat which will protect the paint for tonight. That way when you sweat you will not drip, but with a good scrub, it will still come off."
Coco pulled off the tape and began masking Sara around her armpit and up over her shoulder. She also masked around the base of her neck. Sara watched as she retrieved a larger jar of paint, this time white, from the cabinet. Quickly the air brush was back together and the painting of color two began. Coco started as Sara's waist. The black paint was still too damp to make using a tape mask practical so Coco had to delicately trace the edge making sure not to overspray the black area. Sara was watching the process in a mirror and was amazed at Coco’s skill with the instrument. This process took much longer because of delicate nature of the work, but finally Coco had completed one circuit around Sara's waist. As she moved higher, Coco picked up speed, layering the white paint up Sara's body. As she reached the undersides of Sara's breasts, Coco paused and began to rub Sara's already erect nipples between her fingers.
Coco: "I want to be sure these beauties are nice and firm before I apply the paint. As it dries, the paint will keep them erect."
It didn't take much stimulation to move Sara's nipples from hard to painfully erect. It was at this stage Coco began liberally coating Sara's breasts with the white paint and just as quickly grabbing the hair dryer to begin the drying process.
Coco: "My complements to your surgeon. He did a wonderful job. After we get this section dry I'll finish up the rest. By then your tits will be ready for a second coat."
Sara stood passively as Coco completed painting her torso white including the promised second pass over her breasts. After 15 more minutes under the hair dryer, Sara's body paint was complete. As Coco had promised, Sara's nipples had not softened at all. As Sara moved her arms testing the flexibility of the paint, she noticed a constant tingle from her nipples and when she moved her legs, she noticed the same thing from her clit. After removing the remaining tape and cleaning the air brush, Coco returned to her cabinet. She returned with a pair of black fishnet nylon stockings. Instructing Sara to sit down, she helped her charge to slip the sensual garment onto each leg. The stockings reached to mid thigh, about three inches below the black paint. Next Coco produced a black leather garter belt which she quickly affixed around Sara and then clipped to the stockings. Looking down, Sara noticed the garter belts color matched her body paint. The belt and its straps visually disappeared except for a couple of inches at the bottom of the straps and the stocking clips. Opening a different cabinet, Coco pulled out a pair of thigh high patent leather boots with a 4" stiletto heel.
Coco: "These are your shoes for tonight. After I add the clear coat, your paint will shine just like these marvelous boots."
Coco set the boots aside and reached back into the cabinet. She pulled out a garment bag which was wrapped in plastic. Sara knew from the fitting that her tuxedo jacket was contained in the bag. As Coco pulled it from its bag, Sara also realized that it was her last article of clothing. She had assumed Coco would give her black panties, or at least a thong or g-string to match the garter belt, but seeing the jacket, it dawned on her that the paint was going to serve as her underwear. Sara felt faint as she realized the true nature of her costume and was glad she was sitting from putting on her stockings.
Coco: "Are you alright, Sara?"
Sara: "No, not really. I just realized the paint is going to my skirt and blouse."
Coco: "That is correct. Don't worry; the jacket will cover your naughty bits in public. Now catch your breath and stand up so I can make sure the alterations are right."
Begrudgingly Sara stood back up and allowed Coco to slide the jacket over her arms. She remembered how good the silk lining felt as the jacket wrapped her in its protective cocoon. The cuffs on the sleeves were much shorter than Sara remembered, but as Sara flashed back to the cuffs on the table, it made sense. The arms were tailored to accommodate wrist cuffs. Looking in the mirror as Coco cinched the front of the jacket around Sara's waist she was transformed. Instead of a naked slut, Sara saw a woman wearing a short skirt with a white blouse. As she spun around, she noticed the tails of the jacket had been cut in to frame her butt nicely and then flared in much narrower as they descended to show off the backs of her legs. The front of the jacket had been cut wide in the top to show plenty of cleavage and buttoned below her breasts with just two buttons. The narrow cut of the lower jacket covered the garter belt and ended just above her clit. Sara didn't have time to worry about that, however, and Coco reached inside the jacket and began positioning her breasts into a built in under support which forced her breasts together for an even deeper cleavage. Sara watched as Coco tested the adjustable lapel which could pull back and expose her nipples. Satisfied the jacket was working as she intended, Coco had Sara reach into the pocket where she found a small piece of fabric which matched the jacket.
Coco: "If your mistress is concerned about taking you out in public, she can attach this to the inside of the front and back of the jacket so you have underwear. Somehow I doubt she will since the paint does a convincing job, but depending on where you're going, she might need it."
Sara's mind was spinning at the new level of exposure she felt. She didn't mind standing naked in front of Coco, but somehow this was different. At this point, Sara heard the office door open and another woman entered the room carrying what looked like a tackle box.
Coco: "Sara, meet Hope. She'll be doing your make-up and one final bit of body paint."
Sara: "Nice to meet you Hope."
Hope was looking Sara up and down taking in the vision of pure sex before her.
Hope: "Holy shit. You did a great job Coco. You said this one belongs to Lady Heather?"
Coco: "That's right. She's her new slave."
Hope: "We'll if she wins tonight Heather better share her with everyone who helped."
Coco: "From what I hear, Heather has been very generous with Sara's charms. I'm sure we'll get a piece."
Hope looked at Sara again with a predatory smile and told her to slip out of the jacket and sit down in front of the lighted mirror in the corner of the room. Sara's excitement had been growing all afternoon and she looked at Hope's makeup job as the last step before she would be ready. She joyfully sat down, happy to be served and mentally beginning to prepare herself for the night ahead. Hope put down her case on a small table next to Sara. Sara looked down as Hope opened the case and noticed two more jars of body paint, assorted brushes and a wide selection of make-up.
Hope: "We're going to start with your collar. Please try very hard not to move your neck."
Sara watched in the mirror as Hope began to brush a black ring around her neck. Delicately and with great precision, Hope began to fashion a paint collar around Sara's neck. It was about three inches thick starting right at the top of her neck. After the black base coat, Hope switched to a silver paint and carefully drew a tag below the center and four d-rings around the outsides. Hope moved back to the black paint to personalize the tag... "Slave Sara." Looking in the mirror, Sara was amazed how much the paint looked like a real collar. Of course, this one could not be removed easily, not that anyone seeing her would not have figured out what kind of woman she was even without the adornment.
Hope: "How much time do I have for the make-up?"
Coco: "About 45 minutes."
Hope: "OK. I'll have to hurry so we can do the final body paint layer."
Sara watched in awe as Hope's hands began doing her make-up in a blur. Eyes, lips, cheeks, everything got a fast, but professional touch up. Within ten minutes Sara was ushered into a make shift three sided booth lined in plastic. She watched as Coco brought out a larger air brush and poured a clear liquid into its reservoir. Starting with her neck, Coco began spraying the clear liquid with a very fine mist over Sara's painted form. After doing her neck and shoulders, Coco had Sara lift her arms as the spray coated the rest of her body.
Coco: "When this coat dries, it will help seal the paint against scuffing. It will also give off a reflective sheen."
Hope reappeared carrying a small jar and a hand held fan. Holding up the jar she explained the final step.
Hope: "This is a very, very fine glitter. Without the body paint to protect you, it would be an extreme irritant. With the paint, you will not even know it's there. The tiny flecks will reflect lights as if you are encased in diamonds. Trust me, you will be quite a sight and nobody will be able to take their eyes off you."
Hope turned on the fan and gently dropped very small amounts of the glitter into the blades. The fan disbursed the glitter in almost a mist and pushed it onto the drying final coat of Sara's body paint. The process was agonizingly slow for Sara, but Hope was insistent about taking her time to make sure the glitter was applied evenly. Finally Coco brought out the hair dryer once again to bake Sara's costume onto her body. The clock on the wall read 4:53 by the time Coco and Hope were done with Sara. They sent Sara into the bathroom to relieve herself before helping her slip into the boots and back into the jacket. Looking in the mirror, Sara saw a new vision of herself. She felt like she was in an old Hollywood movie. She looked like a glamour star in her formal attire and Coco even supplied a top hat to complete the look. Of course, no Hollywood starlet ever wore such a jacket with their pussy and nipples on clear display, but the body paint did a fine job of hiding the fact that Sara was really flashing the world. In a way, her nipples were really covered; they were just rock hard and rubbing against the fabric of the lapel. Her pussy was another story. The cincher of the jacket rubbed just along the top of Sara's clit, but her lips were clearly defined for anyone who cared to look. The black paint looked like a leather skirt and the garter belt made it even more convincing, but Sara knew she was completely exposed. Her only hope for modesty was if her mistress allowed her the dignity of installing the pussy cover to the jacket. But she knew better and wasn't surprised when Coco ushered her out the door and told her to wait at the curb for her mistress.
Sara walked gingerly through the hall and down the stairs taking time to get accustomed to the new boots. Her paint was remarkable flexible. She felt like she wasn't wearing anything under the jacket, which of course she wasn't. Walking into the late afternoon sun, Sara stopped to look at herself in the reflection of a parked car. As Hope had promised, she was glistening in the bright sunshine. Sara felt proud of how she looked and knew her mistress would be happy. Right on time, Heather's convertible came into view and stopped right in front of Sara.
Mistress Heather: "Need a ride sweetie?"
Sara: "How far are you going?"
Mistress Heather: "All the way baby. All the way."
Sara quickly opened the car door and slid into the passenger seat. She made sure to pull her jacket's tails between her legs to shield her buns from the hot seat leather. Once seated and buckled in, Sara turn toward her mistress for a look of approval. She also noticed for the first time her mistress' latex catsuit. It was fire engine red and molded perfectly to every sexy curve on Heather's body. Her hair was ratted out and she wore a black leather choker with the word BITCH attached in bold silver letter. The vision took Sara's breath away. Heather was having the same reaction seeing Sara in her ball outfit for the first time. She and Coco had discussed the costume at length and she had seen Coco’s drawings, but the realization that the vision of her fantasy slave, from the months of training to the plastic surgery to hours in the gym and finally this outfit, had finally come true took Heather's breath away too. It also stirred an ache in her pussy she wasn't sure she would be able to control.
Mistress Heather: "You look amazing. I knew Coco would do good work, but damn, you make that outfit."
Sara: "Thank you mistress. I feel the same way about your clothes."
Heather pulled the car away from the curb and started heading to the Strip.
Mistress Heather: "The ball is at the Riviera. They'll host just about anything there. You are going to see things you probably haven't even imagined tonight. Don't be shocked by anything you see or anything that I order you to do. Up until about 7-ish there is a cocktail reception. I need you to be your charming self, but never forget your place. Most of the slaves in the competition will be collared and on leashes, but I want to exhibit you without restraints. You must remain at my side, slightly behind me actually, when we are talking to someone. Always demure to my decisions. Ask permission before speaking if I haven't given it to you yet. When walking, stay two paces behind and to my right. Eyes down always following my feet and matching my stride. Do you understand?"
Sara: "Yes mistress."
Mistress Heather: "The cocktail hour is a chance for the DOMs to meet their friend's new slaves and to begin the informal judging. A poor performance will not doom your chances, but it will hurt. Just show your true submissive nature and you will do fine. If anyone touches you, don't flinch or react. I will handle that situation. You don't need to do anything. After cocktail hour, there is a light banquet dinner and then the formal competition will begin around 8."
Sara: "I understand. How many people will be in the competition?"
Mistress Heather: "It varies each year. This year I think about 120 mistresses bought tickets. Most will bring a slave, some will bring more than one and a few will come solo. Usually around 100 subs get entered. Tickets for the ball are $125 each and entering a sub in the competition costs $250."
Sara: "That's a lot of money. How is the judging done? Do you think I have a chance to win?"
Mistress Heather: "Of course you have a chance to win. The entry fee is set like that to discourage new mistresses from entering obviously unqualified slaves. Here's how it goes down. The first competition is strictly a beauty contest and to a lesser extent a costume contest. You will walk a catwalk, everyone will applaud and the judges will narrow the field down to 64 contestants. Usually it is pretty obvious who the bottom tier contestants. The people eliminated get their entry fee back, although we usually find some other way for them to participate in the rest of the contest. After that, there are six more contests and half the field is eliminated each time until there is a winner."
Sara: "What are the contests?"
Mistress Heather: "It varies each year. There are a couple of local DOMs who design the games. Pussy eating skills and some form of forced orgasm is usually on the bill. You'll be bound at times, probably blindfolded, toys will be used and of course, everything will be videotaped."
Sara: "So what happens if I win?"
Mistress Heather: "Beyond my undying love and affection?"
Sara: "Well, I guess. I mean, where does the money go?"
Mistress Heather: "With 64 entry fees, a total of $16,000 goes into the pot. The first $1,000 goes to the two women who organized the games. They would work for free, but everyone figured they deserved to get a little cash. The winner gets a $10,000 gift card to JT's Stockroom for her mistress to buy clothes and bondage gear. Second place gets a $3,000 gift certificate and third and fourth each gets $1,000. There is a woman who runs one of the leading fetish video companies who usually attends and if she takes a liking to you, she's been known to sign people up to a video contract."
Sara: "What if I don't win?"
Mistress Heather: "I will be very disappointed. I've invested a great deal of time and money in you Sara, all in preparation for tonight. Obviously the competition is going to be fierce, but if you don't at least make it to the elite 8, I would expect you will need to find your own way home tomorrow. If you make the final 4 and lose to someone better prepared, I can accept that. You will still be punished, but I will not kick you out of my life. By the way, I told you earlier not to be shocked by anything you see. That extends to mistresses punishing their slaves as they get eliminated. Some don't expect much and just are in the competition as a training tool, but if a slave loses early and her mistress is expecting a higher finish, pain is usually the result."
Sara wondered if her mistress was warning her about some form of public punishment if she didn't perform well. Sara didn't have long to dwell on her mistress' warning as they turned into the parking lot and into the parking garage. Heather spun the sports car through the lot until she found a space near the elevators. As they pulled into the space, Sara unbuckled her seat belt in anticipation of getting out of the car.
Mistress Heather: "Just a moment, my dear. I need you to do something for me."
Sara watched as her mistress slowly unzipped the front of her catsuit. As her flesh slowly came into view, Sara pursed her lips in anticipation. Heather's body was covered with a fine layer of talc to make the catsuit slide one. Once the zipper reached its base, Heather held up her index finger and slid it into her suit.
Mistress Heather: "I've been wet ever since I put on this suit, but seeing you dressed for tonight turned a leak into a flood."
Heather removed her hand and Sara could see the wetness on her fingertip. Heather began moving her finger toward Sara's face. Needing no further encouragement, Sara took Heather's wrist and pulled her hand to her lips and greedily sucked her mistress' fingers.
Mistress Heather: "Taste the flavor and learn it well."
Sara: "You taste like a combination of peach and lime."
Mistress Heather: "Very good. It's an old trick. If there is a pussy identification game tonight, I want a unique flavor you can identify. For years there was a mistress, who used cherry flavor, but people caught on and then multiple people started doing it and soon it didn't help."
Sara: "I always can tell your taste."
Mistress Heather: "I doubt the flavor will last anyway. I'm so wet right now I think it is all going to wash down my leg."
Heather looked Sara deep in the eyes and asked if she was ready. Sara replied she was as ready as she would ever be. Heather zipped up her catsuit and the pair departed the car and headed toward the elevator. Sara was getting self conscious about walking around in public with her nipples and pussy on display, but Heather assured her that they would not be walking through the casino.
Mistress Heather: "This place is desperate enough for business that they rent us the hall, but they are still a little hung up about having a couple of hundred fetish lesbians walking through the main room. The banquet halls are in the back near the elevators so the only people who might see us are coming in from the parking lot. And of course the surveillance cameras. I'm sure the guards get a thrill out of tonight."
Heather and Sara reached the elevator without incident. As the door opened, the pair met another mistress, an older woman probably in her early fifties. She had two young girls, who looked like twins, with her. They were dressed in typical harem costumes and both wore thick dog collars with chains attached and held by the woman. All three looked Sara up and down.
Woman: "Well hello Heather. Fancy seeing you here. After what happened two years ago I figured you would be a no show."
Mistress Heather: "Hello Nella. I've been plotting my triumphant return. May I introduce my latest creation, Sara?"
Sara looked at Nella and then bowed her head.
Nella: "Holy shit."
Mistress Heather: "That's right. I will not be repeating the mistake I made with Andi."
Nella: "No, I suppose not. My I introduce Slut 1 and Slut 2. I found them arriving at the bus station here in town about 5 months ago. They were arriving in town with dreams in their eyes, but I showed them a better way to live their life. Didn't I?"
Nella tugged on the chains and the girls immediately agreed with their mistress. Heather and Sara entered the elevator and the group rode silently to the bottom floor. When the door opened, Sara was surprised to see about 40 people milling around outside the ballroom. Most were dressed in typical mistress/slave outfits although a couple of the slaves were completely naked and a few were dressed in very unique outfits showing various amounts of flesh or designed to inflict pain to the wearer. Sara did as she was instructed and followed Heather obediently into the banquet hall. Her mistress seemed to know most of the other mistresses from years past, although seemingly half the slaves were new. Sara was introduced to countless friends of her mistress and did her best to always act with the utmost respect and deference to Heather.
At the same time, Sara was scoping out her competition for the evening. She had no doubts she would pass the first cut and get into the competition. Beyond that, she wasn't so sure of herself. She knew her total loyalty to Mistress Heather would allow her to endure almost anything, but certainly the other submissive women would have similar feelings toward their mistresses. Judging the other subs strictly on looks, Sara felt she would win that contest, although certainly a few of the women were equal to her beauty. Of course, Sara felt very biased that her costume was the best of the evening. Heather paraded Sara around the room doing her due diligence making sure Sara met all the judges and Sara's key rivals. From past experience, Heather knew only a handful of mistresses had a realistic shot of training a champion, but certainly several of the newcomers looked formidable. With cocktail hour in full swing the Doms eventually found groups of past friends and lovers and the slaves were kept busy shuttling to the bar for trays of drinks. Some slaves were allowed to join their mistresses in drinks, but most were ordered not consume any alcohol before the contest. Heather did allow Sara two glasses of red wine, just enough to take her nervous edge off, but certainly not enough to risk a drunken mistake. On several occasions Sara felt an unknown hand touching her flesh in what she considered an inappropriate way, but each time she simply froze and said nothing. Twice her mistress had to chastise the offending woman, but most of the time, the hand belong to a friend of Heather and her mistresses seemed all too pleased to allow the woman access to Sara's most private areas. True to Coco’s prediction, Sara's body paint held fast to the pawing and Sara's outfit remained as radiant as when it was sprayed onto her body.
At 7pm an announcement was made for everyone to find their assigned tables for dinner. Heather indicated Sara should sit next to her, although as many as 25% of the slaves knelt on the floor. Waitresses appeared almost instantly carrying trays of food. Sara didn't notice any waiters, realizing even the bartenders were all women, and wondered what the hotel employees must think of this event. The first course was a small house salad. It was typical banquet far, meaning it wasn't particularly fresh and the dressing wasn't particularly good, but since food wasn't the priority of the evening, Sara doubted anyone would care. The entree wasn't much better, corning hen with a large side of veggies. Sara noticed several plates which were all veggie so obviously a vegetarian option had been available. Heather instructed Sara to eat enough to keep her full for the next four hours as they would not have a chance for more food until after the ball. Sara was getting nervous about the competition. Food was the last thing on her mind so she mainly picked at the salad and only ate about half the vegetables.
All of the mistresses seemed to eat quickly, probably so the festivities could begin in earnest, Sara theorized. By 7:45 the mistress of ceremonies, Mistress McDonald, a fiery redhead with a thick Irish accent, introduced herself and called all of the competing slaves to move to the next room while she discussed the rules and events with the other mistresses. Sara looked to her mistress for permission which was granted with a nod and then she stood up and joined the parade of women to the adjacent ballroom. Behind her Sara heard the moving of chairs and tables, but she didn't look back. She noticed some of the other girls doing so, but Sara figured she would learn soon enough what was going to happen.
Inside the other room, 108 slaves began to mill around. In her head, Sara began trying to figure out the 44 women who would not make the cut. After a few minutes two stern looking women entered the room and shut the connecting door to the other ballroom. Immediately the room went silent. The women didn't bother to introduce themselves. Each slave had been assigned a random number. Sara's was 23. The first activity was the beauty contest. In order, the women would do their best walk along the stage and catwalk currently being setup in the other ballroom. There would be eight judges seated four on each side of the catwalk. Their opinion determined who will stay and who will go. The goal was to get to 64 slaves, but that number is a little flexible. Your turn on the runway should not last more than 30 seconds. The next slave will begin as you make your turn at the end and walk back to this room. Sara was doing the math in her head. This was going to take about an hour. The slaves were instructed that after the last sub does her walk, the judges would tally up their votes. This process is usually pretty quick as they use a Scantron like you used in school. After the raw vote, if there are ties at slot 64, the judges will confer and either cut down to 64 or decide to go with a few more. Expect about 10-15 minutes for the voting. There will be water available in the standby room and there is access to a bathroom out the side door. Mistresses are not allowed in the room. They all have been instructed this. If your mistress enters the room, except on the explicit order of a judge, you will be disqualified. Sara's sense of anticipation was growing. Looking around at the sea of submissive humanity, she realized the first couple of rounds were going to take a long time. Her mistress had said 4 hours total, but if the first round was an hour and the round of 64 would probably be an hour, she wasn't sure how that would be possible. Perhaps Heather didn't expect her to make it to the end?
The leaders had the first batch of 20 slaves line up and the first one was sent through the door to the sound of raucous applause. Like clockwork the girls were sent back into the main ballroom and within a minute returned to the holding area. The girls were very tight lipped about what happened in the other room, apparently preferring not to help their competition prepare or at least to keep them nervous. When only 10 girls remained in line, the command for numbers 21-30 to line up was made. Sara quickly moved into position, her heart was pounding and her mind was focused only on making a good first impression. When she reached the door, Sara got her first look at the transformed ballroom. Much like at a wedding reception, most of the tables had been cleared away. A temporary stage had been unfolded along a wall near the door and a long catwalk extended out from it. As girl number 21 reached the end of the catwalk and spun around to begin her walk back, girl number 22 was just reaching the stage. The instructor told Sara to keep the same spacing and sent her on her way. Sara was concentrating on what the other girls were doing and almost tripped on the stairs up to the stage. Relieved that her performance had not ended before it had a chance to even begin, Sara confidently strode in front of the appreciative throng. The woman before her was making her turn when her heel slid off the edge of the stage causing her to stumble. She almost fell off the stage, but she recovered her balance just in time to head back up the catwalk. As she passed, Sara noticed that her face was bright red and flush with embarrassment. The woman was certainly beautiful and Sara wondered how tough the judges would be on her.
Sara walked triumphantly to the end of the catwalk. She made sure to flash a radiant smile and attempted to make eye contact with each judge. Flash bulbs of digital cameras were exploding in front of her and her initial instinct was to pose, but remembering her commands, she quickly spun and hurried back up the catwalk. By the time she returned to the waiting room, Sara felt a rush of relief wash over her. It was a completely opposite feeling to the adrenaline which had been pumping through her just a minute earlier. Several girls with high numbers asked her what it was like, but like the girls before her, Sara simply brushed them away. Sara sat down at one of the tables and took a drink of ice water. With her heart rate returning to normal, Sara engaged several other slaves in conversation, small talk really about where they were from and how long they had been collared. Nobody wanted to talk about what just happened, although Sara could tell several women who had yet to make the walk were trying to listen to their conversation just in case.
As number 90 walked through the door, Sara journeyed to the bathroom figuring it might be her last chance. She was surprised to find two contestants having sex. Number 40 was sitting on the counter while 29 was eating her out. Sara doubted this was allowed, but figured if they can't even control themselves in the preliminary section, they were not a threat to her. Sara quietly slipped into a stall and after taking care with her tails, urinated into the bowl. As she was sitting there, number 40 reached her peak. She wasn't too noisy, but in a bathroom everything echoed. Sara only hoped she would have a similar release later in the evening. As she walked out of the stall, both other woman were reapplying their make-up. They both watched as Sara washed her hands, but neither said anything. Sara returned to the ballroom as number 107 was leaving. Their fate would soon be in the judges hands.
Sara heard another loud cheer from the main ballroom as number 108 made her turn. In the waiting room, silence was now the rule as everyone awaited their destiny. Looking around Sara noticed some of the girls beginning to congregate near the door. Nudging number 31 next to her, she asked what that was about.
31: "They are here every year and they never get picked. I think their mistresses just like to humiliate them or they like the chance to participate later without the pressure of being a contestant."
About 10 minutes after 108 returned, the two leaders returned with the results. The judges use a scale of 1 to 8 because that is what fits on the card. The total is added up and the top 64 are chosen. This year, there were only 3 ties at spot 64 so deciding who to cut turned out to be pretty easy. 44 numbers were read off. About 30 of those women seemed genuinely surprised and disappointed. The other pretty much had been resigned to their fate and seemed relieved. The 44 were instructed to rejoin their mistresses and that they would be called to volunteer to participate later. The announcement was then made that the top score had been 62, just 2 short of perfect and that the low remaining score had been 48. Sara wasn't sure what that meant, but somehow it was good to know. The leaders explained the next contest. This time in reverse order of their number, each slave would proceed to the center of the catwalk. There she would find a microphone. Again there would be a 30 second clock for the slaves to do their best Meg Ryan impersonation from When Harry Met Sally. Essentially they had to show the judges what they look, and more importantly what they sound, like when they orgasm.
A murmur cut through the remaining 64 contestants. Sara didn't think anybody was too ready to undertake this challenge and wondered if anyone would drop out instead of competing. Number 107 was ushered to the door and again a loud cheer came from the ballroom. This time the doorwoman shut the door after 107 left. Apparently the organizers didn't want anyone hearing her performance. She returned about a minute later, beet red and on wobbly legs. Sara was glad she would be near the end of this round as slave after slave went through the door and most returned with signs of humiliation.
By the time Sara's number came up, she was ready. Mustering up enough courage to walk the catwalk with the same confident swagger she had shown in round one, Sara showed no signs of hesitation has she belted out a thunderous fake orgasm. Having had an unfortunate amount of experience faking it with lovers past, Sara performed a stunning rendition of sexual explosion. She wasn't embarrassed nor did her face flush as the judges called time and she spun to return and await their decision. Sara was extremely confident should would make the round of 32. Looking around the waiting room, Sara saw that same relaxed look on a handful of subs; primarily the ones she thought would be her toughest competition. Numbers 29 and 40 looked worried. Perhaps their bathroom performance had taken too much out of them. Sara was extremely excited between her legs and was able to channel that energy into her performance.
Again the judging took about 10 minutes after number 2 had finished her performance and again the waiting room had fallen silent. This time 32 numbers were read, although nobody knew whether that was the 32 losers or the 32 who were moving on. The two leaders deliberately paused for a few seconds and looked at each other. The anxiety in the room was thick as the women announced that the announced group was indeed moving one. Sara watched as 32 more women exited the room. All of the women she expected to make round three were still there as was number 29. Number 40 was gone. This round the scores ranged from a perfect 64 to a low of 53.
The leaders told the girls to relax a few minutes as the stage had to be prepared for round three. Sara noted there was some hugging and congratulations going around the room, although she preferred to stay off to herself and try to remain focused. Soon enough, the leaders returned and divided the girls up into groups of 8. She said the judges had seeded the remaining 32 into four brackets. In round three, each group of eight would be competing against only the girls in their group and that four would move on and four would be eliminated. This shook Sara's confidence. In each of the last two rounds she knew she was better than half the girls. Now with only seven others, she wasn't so sure. Of the 10 or so top competitors she had identified, only one other was in her group. That made Sara feel a little better. This time Sara was the recipient of the large applause as the round began. The catwalk had been removed and on the stage were 8 twin size mattresses. Each girl was positioned in front of a mattress. The competition was simple. Similar to the orgasm contest, this one was to see how they look on video. Sara had seen a woman carrying a professional video camera during the first two rounds and knew she was being recorded. The difference for round three was a curtain at the back of the stage had been removed to reveal a large video screen. As the girls were all getting over their shock about the change, the leaders appeared each carrying a tray with eight silver bullet vibrators. Each slave was instructed to take one and lie down on the mattress.
Leader: "Here's the deal. To score well, you have to convince the judge you know what to do with that vibrator and that you're doing it for real. You also will be judged on how you look on camera. Our video production again this year is being provided professionally by Magic Bullet Productions and the top slaves may be offered a video contract. Our judges are very skilled at detecting who is faking and who is really working that cock. The winner will be the slave who can take herself to the edge, but not cross it. If you cum, you're done. If you fake, you're done. Fuck yourself just right and look good doing it and you just might move on. Got it?"
All the slaves responded yes, although there were definitely different levels of enthusiasm. Sara made sure to respond forcefully and managed to look right at Mistress Heather when she did it. Sara knew she had to make it through this round or risk drawing her mistress' ire. Sara lay down on the bed taking care to pull her tails through under her butt. She figured the black contrast of her jacket would set her apart from the other slaves. Four of the girls had their pussies already exposed by their costumes but the other three had to unsnap various pieces of clothing or pull off their panties. Sara spread her legs although she kept her knees bent. She reached down to finger her clit briefly. She knew she was wet enough, but somehow she wanted to be sure. The leaders blew a whistle and the round officially began. Sara wasted no time ramming the vibrator home. She switched the power setting to full. She wasn't sure how the judges would know what setting was used, but Sara knew that somehow they would. Sara slammed the vibrator all the way home. She knew it would be a struggle not to come, but her mind was focused only on pleasing her mistress. As the camerawoman began to hover over Sara, the sensations in her pussy magically fell away leaving Sara with the mental capacity to put on a good show for the screen. Somehow the urge to cum she had been fighting for two hours dissipated even as she heard the woman next to her lose her battle. Normally that kind of thing would have set Sara off, but in spite of the camera in her face, or perhaps because of it, Sara's focus was locked on her task instead of the squish girl sounds coming from her pussy. The camera operator began to pull back and Sara, now confident she could control her orgasm began arching her hips toward the lens. Sara knew this would play well. She wasn't sure how long the camera remained on her, but at the tail end of her close-up, she rolled onto her knees, pulled the jacket tails over her back and began doing herself doggie style. This must have been on the big screen because a strong cheer happened as she plunged the vibrator back into her sopping pussy and an almost equally loud boo occurred shortly after. Sara hoped it was because the camera operator changed women and not because of how her ass looked.
Sara didn't know how long this round lasted. She would later find out it was only five minutes although it seemed like an hour. In retrospect she was glad the round didn't last six minutes because once the camera was off her, an intense desire to cum swept back across her body. She managed to hold off, although two other contestants could not. Sara was relieved beyond words when the whistle blew again indicating the end of the round. The women all stood up to a thunderous applause. The judges conferred briefly. With three women disqualified due to orgasm, they wasted no time eliminating number 2. Sara and the others were through to the round of 16 and were ushered back to the waiting room as the next group of 8 took the stage.
As soon as Sara left the stage Heather stood up and walked to the back of the hall. While she had been sitting enjoying the action on the stage, she had taken advantage of three of the originally cut 42 slaves when their mistresses had offered to have them pleasure her. Now Heather wanted something more active. At the back of the hall was a product display, a kinky trade show almost, where a mistress could explore the latest gadgets meant to inflict pleasure and pain upon a slave. Each of the vendors had brought samples and several women were taking a very active role in demonstrating the items. At one booth, the maker of handmade whips and cat-o-nine tails had brought along two medieval stocks. This is where Heather found Nella along with Slut 1 and Slut 2. Both slaves were immobilized with their head and arms held fast by the stocks as their mistress allowed their asses to be punished for their poor performance in the competition. Heather had to wait in line for a crack at the girls, something she was not accustomed to doing. But seeing that Nella was sharing and because she was interested in purchasing the cat, Heather put up with the delay. Looking around at the other booths, Heather saw a wide variety of restraints, sex toys and slaves kneeling before their mistress and pleasuring all takers. While she waited for her turn at the slut twins, a cute redhead who could not have been older than 19 offered her services to Heather. Heather declined as she had already enjoyed two orgasms since the competition had started and wanted to save some energy for when Sara rejoined her.
Eventually Heather got her chance to test the cat and also took a paddle to the bound girls. Although she liked how the paddle made a resounding slapping noise, there was something about the balance of the cat that she never felt comfortable with. She knew she would have to keep looking. Glancing at the action on the stage, Heather could tell the round of 32 was winding down and she made her way back to her table. The cute red head followed her and once again offered her services. The red head looked so innocent, although Heather knew looks were deceiving in this crowd, so she told the girl to lie down over her lap. This was the site which greeted Sara when she returned to the stage. Heather was giving the girl on her lap a hard, if uninspired, spanking. At first Sara fumed with jealousy and had thoughts of quitting the competition right there. But then Sara was able to finally make eye contact with her mistress and she knew everything was all right. From that simple glance, Sara knew her mistress just had the young girl on her lap as a distraction and not because Sara was being replaced.
Sara was escorted to the center of the stage along with 3 other girls. On the stage were 8 solidly built wooden chairs. Sara didn't think they would be playing musical chairs, a suspicion which proved correct as the judges left their seats and began filing up the stairs to the stage. Each one removed their panties, if they were wearing any, and then sat down in one of the chairs. Each one was holding a clip board and a pen. The competition leader explained this was the slave's opportunity to prove how talented a tongue they have. Almost immediately the second leader appeared with a set of manacles. Sara was second in line and watched as the first girl knelt down before the first judge before the leader pulled her arms behind her and secured them into the manacles. The second set of cuffs was attached to the girl's ankles. This sent a shiver of excitement down Sara's back and she felt a fresh wave of pussy juice leaking from her slit. Sara found herself licking her lips in anticipation as the girl began working on the first judge.
This was a strictly timed event and after a minute the leader instructed the girl to move on to the next judge. As the girl hobbled on her knees to the next judge, Sara was moved into position and bound as the first girl had been. Sara needed no encouragement as the judge smiled and spread her legs. Sara dove in as Mistress Heather had instructed her long ago. Knowing she just had a minute to make a good impression, Sara was inspired to do as thorough and loving a job as she could. All too soon she was being told to move on. This procedure went on until the four slaves had completed their circuit through the eight judges. Sara wasn't 100% sure, but she thought she made #7 cum. All the mistresses were good at disguising their feelings, but Sara was pretty confident in her abilities. After they were finished, the manacles were removed and the slaves began to walk back toward the staging room. Looking back to find her mistress again, Sara was pleased to see Heather standing, applauding and cheering wildly for her. Back in the other room, all the slaves were silent. The competition was really starting to heat up, no pun intended.
Heather was feeling confident as the next round of cuts was announced. She certainly was not surprised to find her name on the safe list. By now the 8 remaining slaves were all top notch. Looking around, Sara could not see any weaknesses in any of the girls. She only hoped she was as qualified as her for the next round.
Walking back on the stage, this time with all 7 other contestants, the first thing Sara noticed was the chairs had not moved. As the girls reached the front of the stage, however, they all noticed the configuration had. Thick leather cuffs had been hooked to the arms and legs of the chairs along with a thick leather collar attached to the top of the backrest. There was little doubt who would soon be affixed to the chair. Sara's mind began wondering just what was in her near future when she saw one of the leaders opening a box of hard plastic vibrators. Pulling the first out of its sanitary sleeve, Sara watched as the woman affixed the phallus to the center of the first chair. There was a clip on the bottom of the dildo which mated with a similar clip on the chair. Bending slightly to try and get a better look, Sara saw three wires coming out of the bottom of the chair and running to the second chair. When all eight of the dildos were in position, the leader gave a hand signal to one of the judges who flipped a switch bringing the vibrators to life. Again Sara instantly felt wetness running down her leg as the nature of their task became clear. Looking at the other slaves, they all seemed to be having the same thoughts. "It's about time I got some satisfaction!"
As the vibrators sprung to life, their plastic bases rocked on the wood seat with menacing rattling sounds. The pitch and timbre of the sound began to vary as the head judge adjusted the vibration speed with a knob on the control panel and satisfied that the controls were working, turned off the vibrators. In turn each slave was escorted to her chair. Sara was now in position one. In turn, each slave was instructed to impale herself on the vibrator which Sara did gladly. It filled her quite well. Sara tried to stay still as the two leaders made quick work of securing her arms, legs and neck and then blindfolded her. Sara then heard the sounds of the other competitors being placed in the same position. Sara hoped they would finish preparing her competitors soon as she was primed to get the vibrator moving. Her bondage afforded her precious little movement to control how the vibrator was fucking her and she wanted it turned on fast.
None too soon for Sara, she heard the leader move to the center of the stage and begin her instructions. "No doubt all of you want to cum and now is your chance." Sara could sense her own relief as well as the relief of the other competitors. "What I mean by that is, once the vibrators go on, they are not turning off until four of you have cum and therefore have been eliminated. Your mistresses all had been warned that orgasm control would play a major role in the competition and now we will see how they have done in your training. By the way, the next two rounds will be scored exactly on the same basis. Cum and you're out of the competition. By the way, our esteemed head judge has been looking forward to controlling those vibrators for months. She's been practicing on her own slave how to keep a girl on the edge until their mind snaps. I would guess you are in for a long tease before a few of you crack. Begging and moaning is certainly encouraged and of course, this will all be on videotape. Have fun."
Sara felt her body tense as the instructions were given. In the back of her mind she knew she only had to hold out longer than four other women and now understood why her mistress had used orgasm denial as a training method with her so frequently. Sara tried to take a few deep breaths to relax, but the vibrator lodged deep inside her pussy went from off to full on in one moment. A reflexive moan escaped Sara's mouth and she felt her nipples stiffen. Sara could hear that the other women were experiencing the same jolting vibration and we having the same reaction. A cheer went up from the spectators and just as quickly as the vibrators sprang to life, they died. Sara took the opportunity to again try her deep breathing exercises, while a couple of the other women exclaimed their dismay. This made Sara feel better about her chances. If her competition was complaining after 15 seconds, Sara knew she could outlast at least a few of them.
After just a few seconds, the vibrators turned back on, this time at a slow setting. Sara tried to focus her mind on anything non-sexual she could. She thought of her husband, her kids and the life she was leading just a year ago. She had not known it then, but her life was boring. She had the perfect nuclear family with a good marriage, but her token excitements were nothing compared to the world Mistress Heather had shown her. Each time she tried to think non-sexual thoughts, Sara's conscious mind drifted back to her mistress and the adventures they had shared. Although Sara had successfully pushed the teasing vibrator out of her mind, the memories of her adventures with Heather were beginning to heat her body just the same.
The row of slaves being controlled by the head judge was struggling at least as much as Sara and the crowd loved the show. The two slaves who complained quickly were sweating with need and actively trying to hump their vibrators. They would soon be out of the competition. The video crew was focusing on them and the crowd was cheering them on. The judges smirked. Every year there was a couple of the elite eight who didn't get the proper training to survive this test. As the two women got nearer and nearer to orgasming, the crowd got louder and louder. Sara was trying to stay focused, but she found the cheering distracting and suddenly remembered where she was and what she was doing. A vision of herself bound and on display flashed through her mind and a wave of excitement gushed through her pussy. She felt herself experience almost a mini-orgasm and hoped the judges would not notice. Mistress Heather certainly did. In her experience the judges were looking for much more than a little gush before they would disqualify a contestant. Certainly the crowd was looking for more and except for the mistresses who still had a slave in the competition, nobody wanted to see Sara eliminated just yet.
With the cheering echoing in her head, Sara tried to refocus her mind. All of a sudden she heard a scream of ecstasy, but she wasn't entirely sure if it was coming from her mouth. She did feel the vibrator shoot up to full power once again. Confident that the building pleasure sensations in her own pussy meant the scream came from someone else, Sara smiled smugly. The vibrators stayed at full power a little longer this time before gradually decreasing to about half speed. Sara's hips had begun to make small elliptical patterns as her body began reacting subconsciously to the stimulation. Sara didn't even notice, but again Mistress Heather did and she was worried.
The first woman to succumb to the vibrator treatment, the one who screamed so deliciously, combined with the sudden increase in speed led a second woman to lose control. Two contestants down, two to go. The head judge now began changing the vibrator speeds with a maniacal passion. It was clear the first two slaves had not been up to the challenge, but the remaining six had all been trained to withstand such treatment. For the next twenty minutes, the slaves endured the experienced hand of the head judge bringing them close, but not over the edge. Sara knew, and she was sure the other contestants did too, that the judge could easily eliminate all six of them by just leaving the vibrators on full speed. Sara didn't doubt that if another slave screamed the way the first one had, she would have a hard time holding back.
Sara felt the vibrator cycle down to its lowest setting and hoped they were going to get another breather. Instead, Sara felt a hand on her breast. Taking in a deep breath as the hand began to manipulate her right nipple, Sara was unfazed as she felt the clip being attached. Sara felt no pain. Unfortunately she did feel a direct line of pleasure from her nipple to her clit. Sara almost came on the spot as the second clip was applied to her left nipple. She then felt a short tug on her left nipple although she didn't know why.
The leader explained that time was running short so they were upping the ante. The slaves were now clamped to each other so by twisting their torsos, they could affect what the slave next to them was feeling. The two slaves on the end, Sara was one, were the top two seeds so they received the bonus of only being pulled one way. Sara felt her nipple being pulled by the competitor next to her and moaned. Heather was really starting to worry as she watched the head judge turn the controls on the vibrators back up, although not to full speed. All of the contestants were moaning now, although after a brief pulling each other's nipples, that action stopped. The diabolical truth was in order to tweak your neighbor's nipple, you had to tweak your own and with everyone on the edge already, nobody seemed willing to take the risk of making themselves cum.
The sounds of pleasure emanating from the stage were building and the cheers from the crowd were once again getting louder. The end of the round was near and everyone in the room knew it. As the tension was building to a fever pitch, the other top seed on the opposite end of the line from Sara finally snapped. With a loud wail she started humping the vibrator as hard as her bondage would allow. The judges watched intently knowing she would be the next competitor disqualified and understanding the fourth would soon follow suit. With a final ear piercing wail, the woman stiffened and came, squiring her love juice liberally onto the front row table in front of her. The vibrators sprung back to 100% causing the convulsing woman to twist her body pulling the chain connecting her nipple to her neighbor. Fortunately for Sara, who was quickly losing control and almost at the point of no return, the second woman couldn't stand the sudden change in nipple stimulation and with a noisy grunt exploded in her chair.
Instantly the vibrators shut off. Sara sat rigid in her chair not wanting to risk tugging on her own nipple as the room roared their approval. Sara could tell the other slaves were being released one by one and did her best to calm down. She was glad the clamp was not removed immediately as she wasn't sure if she could have held back. By the time the leaders reached her a couple of minutes later, Sara urgent need, at least somewhat, had passed. She felt the restraints being removed from her wrists and ankles and then felt the blindfold being removed.
Sara blinked several times trying to adjust to the bright lights and then looked toward the row of chairs were the three other surviving contestants were on their knees cleaning their vibrators with their mouths. The leader pointed at Sara and then at the chair. Without a word being spoken, Sara slid to her knees and began thanking the toy which had given her so much pleasure and so much torment. The cleaning lasted about a minute before the final four were ushered back to the waiting room for further instruction.
In the audience, congratulations were going around among the mistresses with slaves still in the competition. There had also been some side bets made during the last round. In fact Heather would soon enjoy grinding her pussy on the face of the mistress who had trained the number two seed. Had Sara dropped out before that slave, Heather would have been paying the same price. The woman's mistress was not amused with her slave's performance. There was no doubt she would be severely punished later, but for right now, the woman had to pay her debt. These types of bets were actively encouraged by the organizers and the woman knew if she didn't pay up, she would not be welcomed back next year. The woman knelt submissively in front of Heather, but before she began paying her bet, she told her slave to get behind her on her knees. She ordered her slave to give her a rim job while she serviced Heather. Heather received a great view of the slave she assumed would rival Sara for the title as she buried her mouth and nose in her mistress' crack. Everyone had been excited by the last round and Heather was no exception. As much as she would have loved to make her rival mistress work hard to pay off her bet, it was only a matter of minutes before she climaxed once again. The woman stood back up in defeat and told Heather to be ready next year as she would be back and to expect a different result. Heather dismissed her with a wave of her hand as if she were an emperor holding court.
Back in the holding room the four remaining women were all trying to calm down. They knew there were two rounds to go and although they didn't know what was going to happen, they knew not orgasming was going to be key. After about five minutes the leader entered the room and told the slaves to follow her. Again the women were lead back on stage. The chairs were gone, much to Sara's delight, and two gym mats had taken their place. Also on the ground were two sets of straps, one on each mat. Sara was matched with a short redhead who Sara had earlier predicted would not have made it this far. She was very thin and like Sara, had large fake breasts. She looked to be about 25. The other two remaining slaves looked in their 20's too, although neither looked like they had any plastic surgery. Both were stunning, one blonde and one brunette.
The women were instructed to lie down on the mats side by side in a 69 position. Once the leaders had the women suitably connected, they had the women stretch their arms out along their opponent's legs where they were strapped together. Thus bound, the women received just one instruction. Make your opponent cum. Sara wasted no time burying her tongue in her young opponent. The redhead did the same, but to Sara's joy, didn't seem to have a passion for the task. Assuming the girl was worn out from competition, an almost triumphant Sara went to work sucking the girl's clit. Sara could feel it growing as she sucked at lapped at her opponent's most delicate spot. Sara knew victory would soon be hers. Her opponent was making only a token effort at eating Sara's pussy and Sara knew she could hold out as long as necessary.
Just as she started to relax, Sara felt the girl being to rock. Thinking she was about to cum, Sara pressed her face deep into the woman's pussy. To her surprise, the woman pushed back with her hips and rocked Sara over onto her back. Now on top, the redhead's tongue sprung to life. With the added leverage of being on top, the woman was able to apply more pressure to Sara's naughty bits. Of course the crowd went wild with this development. Again Heather began to worry. She had made a side bet involving whipping with the redhead's mistress. Heather, like Sara had misjudged the redhead's abilities. The redhead's mistress was now talking trash sensing her slave had the upper hand. This infuriated Heather who immediately moved to press the bet offering up Sara as the bait. The mistress immediately offered the redhead as a pleasure slave to both Heather and Sara for the night if Sara won. Heather knew that if she had to submit to a whipping from this mistress, she would not want to see Sara for the rest of the night so she was glad to offer her up as a prize. On the other hand, Heather saw real promise in the skills of the redhead. She also wanted to give Sara a treat if she won.
At first Sara was shocked by the redhead's move, but she was clearly in charge of her emotions at this point and simply went back to the task of eating the young girl's pussy. Judging her own wetness against the wetness being fed back to her tongue, Sara knew she was still in the lead of this contest of wills. From the sounds across the stage, Sara could tell the other competition would soon be over. Sensing a moment of lost focus by her opponent as the second match came to a moaning finish; Sara thrust her hips with all her might and then rolled to the side bringing herself on top of her opponent. Sara then sucked the girl's clit with all her might and then worked her nose along the folds of the girl’s pussy as if it was a dildo teasing her lips. The sudden shift of power and the cheers of the crowd caused the girl to lose even more focus and soon she was bucking her hips against Sara's mouth urging her on. The redhead had given up trying to make Sara cum and instead was moaning and begging Sara to finish her off.
Out of the corner of her eye Sara noticed the video crew walking behind her for a close-up of the girl's face at the moment of her defeat. Sara felt the girl stiffen and then begin to quake beneath her. Sara didn't stop sucking the woman's clit. She figured the girl had suffered enough already and had earned a good cum. Sara kept working the girl's clit and slit for a full minute until she felt a slap on her ass. Sara stopped and allowed the girl to begin calming down as she felt the straps being released. Sara was helped to her feet and led to the center of the stage where the brunette was waiting for her. The leader stood between them and raised their hands proclaiming the final round would begin in ten minutes. Both Sara and the brunette enjoyed their moment of glory, although both were worried about what could possibly be left to test them.
As Sara and the brunette were led back to the waiting room, Heather smiled at the redhead's mistress as the defeated slave took her position next to her mistress. The woman introduced Rebecca to Heather and explained that she would be spending the night pleasing Sara. Rebecca smiled at the thought of being together with Sara so soon, but tried not to show her excitement. Rebecca seemed surprised when Sara led her mistress to the back of the room and locked her in the stocks. Her mistress explained Rebecca had lost a bet and that she had better enjoy the rest of the night because tomorrow she was going to be punished like she had never been before.
Heather immediately liked Rebecca and looked to strike another deal. Taking a crop in her hand, she snapped the end across Rebecca's mistress' right buttock.
Mistress Heather: "This ass is mine... however..."
Heather then took the crop's end and slowly drew it across the bound mistress' pussy. The woman moaned.
Mistress Heather: "As I was saying... if you admit I am the superior mistress and agree not to punish Rebecca, instead of punishing you I will allow your slave to pleasure you. What do you say?"
Rebecca's mistress didn't say anything. Heather responded with another crop stroke, this time to her left buttock.
Mistress Heather: "I'm sorry, I didn't hear you?"
A crowd had formed around the pair. The payoff on bets was always special events as the mistresses loved watching one of their own punished. Mistress Heather again teased the bound mistress' pussy and then lightly tapped the crop along the woman's back. Heather raised the crop above her head indicating a major strike was eminent. The other mistresses surrounding the pair had a collective intake of breath in anticipation. Rebecca's mistress knew exactly what the reaction meant and quickly blurted out that Heather was right. She was the stronger mistress and that Sara was the better slave.
Mistress Heather: "See, was that so hard?" she mocked. "Rebecca, be a dear and get a strap-on and some lube."
Rebecca beamed with joy. She knew tomorrow there would be hell to pay, but tonight, she was going to enjoy herself. She hated being in the competition and her mistress punished her each year that after she failed. Last year she made the finals, but lost and still she had to endure a blistering spanking. Rebecca knew Heather intended her to fuck her mistress in the ass. Why else would she have specified she should get the lube? Having been on the receiving end many times, Rebecca chose a large strap-on, although not the largest one available. When she returned to her mistress, she found her moaning as Heather was actively fingering her pussy and rubbing her clit.
Mistress Heather: "I'm sure your mistress has caused you plenty of pain and you may think this is your chance to get even. But I did promise her pleasure. Her pussy is ready for you. Have fun."
Rebecca was disappointed, but immediately mounted her mistress burying the dildo to the harness in one shove. Heather's attention was focused on the stage waiting for the next round although her hand was tweaking the bound mistress' nipple. Several of the other mistresses stopped by to congratulate Heather on her conquest and laugh at the predicament of Rebecca's mistress. Rebecca's mistress was not very popular and seeing her humiliation was pleasing to most in attendance.
Rebecca was doing to good job fucking her mistress, using the techniques her mistress had used on her to prolong her pleasure without sending her over the edge. Rebecca had been teased enough tonight and in the past that she wasn't about to give up her power yet.
As the final round was about to begin, Heather walked behind Rebecca and whispered in her ear.
Mistress Heather: "Keep her on the edge until the end of the competition and I'll make her beg to have you fuck her in the ass."
Rebecca: "Yes Mistress Heather. I'll try."
Heather gave Rebecca's mistress a final slap on the ass and said she would return later.
Back in the waiting room, Sara and the brunette, Jessica were on pins and needles. Both had almost cum during the past two rounds and neither was confident about how long they would be able to hold out during the final round. Nor did either know what was in store for them. If they did, they definitely would have been worried.
The leader came for the girls. Before going through the door for the final time, Heather gave Jessica a hug and told her good luck. Back into the ballroom, both girls noticed the stage had been folded back up. Sara had assumed they would have been some kind of fuck machine like she enjoyed at the adult bookstore was going to be the grand finale. She was right, although not in the way she imagined.
Sara saw her mistress coming forward out of the crowd along with a woman she assumed was Jessica's mistress. The four woman stood at the center of the dance floor where the stage had been setup. The judges all stood and moved in front of the contestants and their mistresses. The head judge was the first to speak.
"Jessica and Sara. The two of you performed admirably. Next is your final test to determine the champion of this year's mistress/slave ball. This is a new event, but one I'm sure you will enjoy and one I think we will enjoy watching."
Both Jessica and Sara smiled weakly. They didn't believe the judge for a moment.
"Mistress Heather. At this time I want to present you with the award for best costume. I know you have many people work with you on the design and implementation and all the judges want you to know we appreciated how Sara looked tonight. I don't think anyone will forget her entrance to the hall. She has her work cut out for her against Jessica, but I want you to know she already is a winner."
Mistress Heather: "Thank you. I wish the design were mine. I accept the award, but in truth many people will be sharing it, not the least my beautiful slave. I have not met anyone else who could have pulled it off."
The leaders walked toward the back of the room while the head judge spoke again.
"Sara and Jessica, now is the time for the final event. We know both of you need to cum right now and in ten minutes or less, you both will. That is the good news. The bad news is before you cum, you will be tested more than you ever have before."
Sara and Jessica watched as the leaders returned each carrying a hippity-hop child's toy. Sara had not seen one since she was a child and Jessica looked like she had never seen one. The hippity-hop is a large rubber ball, about 3 feet in diameter. As a child Sara remembered holding onto the handle and bouncing up and down the sidewalk. Of course these hippity-hops were modified to better serve their purpose tonight. Glued into strategic position about six inches behind the handle was a six in dildo which was about an inch and a half thick.
"Slaves, in ancient Rome, gladiators would race their chariots for the amusement of the emperor. Tonight you will race each other to the death… ok, to the orgasm."
Neither slave seemed shocked as the tables were moved to open a make-shift racetrack.
"You will both mount up your steeds. You will then have ten minutes to complete as many laps as possible. You will start at opposite ends of the room and chase each other. As with the rest of the competition, if you cum you lose. You can chose to go slower, but if your opponent gets further than you, you also lose. The winner will be either the one who doesn’t cum or if both of you survive, the one who covers the most distance. Both of your mistresses have agreed that win or lose, if you make it to ten minutes, you will be allowed to cum on their command and will not be punished for coming in second. Do you understand this final challenge?"
Sara and Jessica: "Yes mam."
Sara and Jessica were lead to the opposite ends of the room. On her way, Sara noticed the slave she had competed with in the last round was fucking a woman bound in the stocks. She wondered how that happened, but snapped her attention back to the sexy woman leading her as they reached her starting position. The woman set down the hippity-hop and told Sara to mount it. The dildo felt so good sliding into Sara’s needy pussy. Sara was thankful it was not nearly as large as the one on the bondage chair. Sara gave the ball a couple of quick test hops and understood how difficult this challenge was going to be. If she had not been teased all night, Sara felt confident she could last ten minutes. But given what she had been through, the cheering crowd and the pressure not to disappoint her mistress, Sara's only hope was that Jessica would cum quickly.
At the other end of the room Jessica was also testing her ball. She had not received as much orgasm denial training as Sara and was sure the only way she could survive ten minutes of this torture was to go very slowly. Of course if she did that, she would lose the race unless Sara came. This challenge was diabolical indeed. The lead judge again walked to the center of the room.
"My slave tested this event before we selected it. She made it seven minutes and she wasn't going very fast. If you both make the ten minute time limit I will be shocked. But then again, a slave's love for her mistress has no bounds so perhaps I will be surprised. Ready, set go."
Sara took a few tentative hops and then a couple larger hops before settling into a smooth rhythm. Sara was happy to have given birth as her pussy easily accommodated the foreign invader. It was still hitting all her joy spots, but Sara hoped the younger Jessica would be more filled by her mount. Sara looked across the room to judge how far Jessica had moved. Her plan was to get a little ahead of Jessica and then match her pace. As long as she didn't have to rush, Sara felt confident. Jessica seemed to have the same plan. If she sensed she was ahead of Sara she would slow down. If she felt she was behind, she would speed up. Both slaves were looking more at each other than the path in front of them or the crowd and took approximately two minutes to complete the first lap. Sara thought she was ahead by a few hops, but she certainly didn't think her lead was comfortable.
Sara and Jessica continued to hop and fuck themselves as the judges counted down the time and counted up their laps. Since the slow first lap both women sped up. Even though she was pounding the dildo into her body every second, Sara wasn't taking much pleasure from the feeling. She was constantly monitoring Jessica and straining to stay ahead of the brunette. As they reached the five minute mark they were completing a lap in under a minute, to the raucous approval of the mistresses and other slaves. Sara was so focused on her task she didn't even feel the dildo any more. Now she felt only adrenaline. She knew Jessica must be feeling the same as she was not slowing down at all. Sara originally thought her training and experience would rule the day, but now she was wondering if age and conditioning might turn out to be more important.
Round and round the slaves went. By the eighth minute Sara had pulled out to about a half a quarter lap lead. When she would round a turn, Sara could watch Jessica bounce on her ball for about 10 seconds before she would round the corner. Instead of feeling relief at being ahead, however, watching the beautiful woman fuck herself started Sara thinking about what was happening in her own boiling pussy. Suddenly the fucking she was receiving was no longer anonymously taking place and her own lusty desires began to take hold.
Sara slowed down slightly which gave Jessica a chance to catch up. The women were now taking about 40 seconds to complete a lap. At nine minutes they were even again. Sara let loose a primal scream and began hopping as fast as she could. She was determined not to lose on distance. She might disqualify herself by cumming, but she wasn't going to lose by time. As she passed Heather, she was in a fog. The room had gone silent, at least to her. Everyone else was cheering, but Sara was focused on her mistress' face. The world was in slow motion and Sara read her mistress' lips saying "I love you."
Jessica had been fighting the need to cum worse than Sara, but she too was determined not to be disqualified. After hearing Sara scream she thought she had won and briefly slowed down. Rounding the corner she noticed Sara was still bouncing and was picking up speed. Jessica realized she made a tactical error. Sara now had a small, but discernable lead. Sensing her rapidly deteriorating position, Jessica bounced forward with all her might.
Everyone in the hall was enjoying the show as both slave's breasts we flopping wildly as the fought for position. Jessica began to close Sara's slight lead and the judges counted down the timer. The leaders appeared in front of each slave ready to stop them the moment the timer expired so their distance could be judged.
When there were ten seconds remaining the entire crowd started chanting the countdown. The head judge was very pleased with both the response of the crowd and the performance of Sara and Jessica. The organizing committee had been looking for a new final event and she felt they had found it.
Sara continued to hop full speed. The room was still silent and in slow motion but she saw the leader counting down and knew the event was almost over. She also knew she would be allowed to cum soon. With a final few hops, Sara fell into the arms of the leader as the timer expired. She was sweaty and exhausted. She didn't know if she had won and she didn't really care. She knew she had given her best effort and had not held anything back.
Slowly the noise level began to filter back into Sara's ears and time stopped running in slow motion. She was lying on the floor and couldn't see where Jessica was located. Although she had met Jessica just an hour ago, she felt a special kinship with her competitor. Sara looked up to see a smiling Mistress Heather holding out her hand. Sara's mistress helped her to her feet and gave her a hug.
Mistress Heather: "You performed magnificently tonight Sara. I am proud of you, win or lose."
Sara: "Thank you mistress."
Mistress Heather: "I have arranged a treat for you tonight. Your performance in the 69 contest won you that little redhead for the night."
Sara: "Thank you mistress, but right now I really need to cum."
Mistress Heather: "I know pet. The judges are conferring about who won. The two of you were neck and neck but I think you got in one extra hop at the end. Jessica looked like she slowed down as we reached 1 in the countdown."
Sara: "Is it wrong for me not to care right now?"
Mistress Heather: "No, it is not. I told you I'm proud of you. I know you gave it everything you had and that is all I could ask for. Now before we go up for the judge's decision, I've got a little business to attend to with Rebecca."
Sara: "Rebecca?"
Mistress Heather: "The redhead. She's fucking her mistress right now. Your performance won that too."
Sara was confused, so she just nodded. She and Heather walked back to the stocks.
Mistress Heather: "You missed quite a final round. I'm sure it will be the talk to the town until next year's ball. How's your slave doing? Ready to cum on my command?"
Sara watched as her mistress nodded to Rebecca who immediately pulled the dildo from her mistress' dripping pussy, dipped her hand into the jar of lube she had grabbed before, smeared it on the dildo and onto her mistress' winking asshole and then rammed the strap-on into the bound woman's rectum. Rebecca's mistress howled at the intrusion, but immediately began begging Heather for permission to cum. Heather just laughed, slapped her face and said "You are not fit to crawl behind me you worthless slut. Behold tonight's champion and slave of the year!"
Sara beamed as her mistress proudly displayed her, even though they were not sure if she had won yet.
"Cum as your slave fucks your ass. She is more worthy than you, a fact I will prove to her tonight."
Heather took Sara's hand and led her away as the woman's howls of orgasm echoed and Rebecca berated her as she had been berated so many times. Rebecca watched Heather escorting Sara as a friend, not just a mistress and wished she had that kind of relationship with her mistress. Looking down at her mistress convulsing on the end of her strap-on, Rebecca made the decision she had enough. She gave her mistress one final thrust burying the entire dildo in her mistress' ass and then reached around and unfastened the straps. Rebecca disengaged herself from the harness, gave her mistress' ass a slap and began walking toward the center of the room and the awards presentation. Her mistress was still bound in the stocks with the strap-on hanging from her ass.
Rebecca: "She's fair game girls. Have fun, but make sure not to release her until after I leave with Mistress Heather."
Rebecca's mistress' face burned in a mixture of rage and shame. Her slave may have been traded for the night, but come tomorrow, there would be hell to pay for her transgressions.
Heather led Sara to the center of room where they were joined by Jessica and her mistress. Both mistresses were obviously proud of their slave's performances. The head judge came forward. The judges had been reviewing the video footage and had made their determination about who had won the race. The head judge took a position between Sara and Jessica. She was holding a Hitachi Magic Wand plugged into an extension cord.
Judge: "Sara and Jessica, I am amazed at the race you two put on. Believe me it was probably more fun to watch than to participate. Since both of you managed not to cum, we had to fall back to plan B to decide the winner. Never in our wildest dreams did we think we would have to measure who went further to declare the winner. Not only that, but your race was so close we had to enlist the two camera operators to determine who really went further. Fortunately, although very close, the video clearly shows one of you going 1 floor tile further, about 18 inches."
Sara and Jessica were looking at each other with a mix of excitement and trepidation. They watched as the judge turned on the magic wand.
Judge: "As you know, the last one to cum is our champion. I would have liked to have co-champions this year because you both performed so well, but as close as it was, the race did have a winner."
Sara and Jessica watched as the judge lowered the wand and looked at Sara. Sara shut her eyes and lowered her head ready to accept her fate. All she could hear was the steady buzzing of the magic wand and she poised herself ready to finally receive its relief. Then suddenly, joyously, she heard the sound of the wand impacting a wet and juicy pussy. But she didn't feel it.
Looking up she saw the judge holding the wand against the very appreciative mound of her final competitor. Jessica's mistress was hugging her as the judge pushed the bulbous head of the wand against Jessica's pussy lips and clit. Sara doubted this would take long. She knew she would have cum in a matter of seconds given the same treatment. Another cheer went through the crowd as Jessica finally received the relief she craved and had earned. An expression of pure relief flowed across Jessica's face less than a minute later as her long denied orgasm overtook her body. Sara was glad Jessica's mistress was holding her as she doubted Jessica would have been stand as the waves of pleasure cascaded over her body.
Pulling back the magic wand, the head judge now turned to Sara.
"Slave Sara, I now pronounces you this year's champion of the Mistress/Slave ball."
Everyone who was sitting down now rose and gave Sara and Heather a standing ovation. Sara was looking at the crowd soaking in the adoration of her peers and other mistresses when Heather pulled her into a loving embrace and gave her a deep, soulful kiss.
Mistress Heather: "Congratulations. Since the champion is the last to cum, I will allow you the privilege of choosing the method of your orgasm. Later tonight, as a spoil of victory, sweet Slave Rebecca will be servicing you. If you choose, you may have her service you here as well. Or, if you prefer, I'm sure we can get one of the vibrating chairs back."
Sara: "Mistress, I want you to choose. I would not be here if it wasn't for your wisdom, guidance and love."
Mistress Heather: "Well said slave. I think a victory lap on the hippity-hop is in order. I know everyone was disappointed they didn't see a slut climax during the race."
Sara smiled and licked her lips. Rebecca grabbed Sara's hippity-hop which had been discarded after the judges measured its final distance. She brought it back to Sara.
Rebecca: "Don't wear yourself out too much. I'm looking forward to servicing you."
Sara grabbed the hippity-hop by the dildo and positioned it between her legs. She then grabbed the handled and slowly slid her pussy down the dildo. A throaty moan escaped her lips. She would have been happy to sit and bounce in one place. Just a few hops would have sent her over the edge. But her mistress had specifically said a victory lap. She would have to endure at least one more minute of teasing.
Mistress Heather: "Clear a path."
Sara watched as the throng of spectators parted. Praying she could hold out a little longer, Sara began hopping through the crowd. Sara mind was a mushy blur as all her synapses were firing pleasure signals through her brain. Looks of lust met her gaze everywhere she looked in the crowd. Halfway through her final trip around the room Sara saw Rebecca's mistress still bound in the stocks, a different woman having strapped on the dildo, but still reaming her ass.
Sara kept her pace, fucking the hippity-hop harder and harder. Around the final corner she saw her mistress standing proudly in the center of the room waiting for her. The final few hops were pure agony as Sara waited to hear the words she had been dreaming of for hours. She stopped her forward progress at her mistress' feet, but the look on Heather's face kept her bouncing in place. Sara waited, waited, moaned and finally begged for permission to cum.
Mistress Heather: "What do you say ladies? Has she earned it? Shall we count down from ten?"
Throughout the room the chant began... 10...9...8 and it got louder and louder. Sara continued to bounce forcing herself onto the fucktool as deep as she could in time to the count. 7...6...5...4... Sara was in agony. Her body was beginning to convulse. Her release was hanging by a thread. She could almost taste her orgasm. Once again time seemed to slow down as every nerve in her body fired with each stroke down her glorious intruder. 3...2... and then finally 1. Sara opened her eyes to the loving gaze of her mistress who finally nodded.
Sara didn't remember anything past that moment. When she woke a few minutes later, she was laying on the floor. Rebecca was cradling her in her arms while Heather stood court over her talking to the video director. Sara felt a warmth she had never felt over her entire body. She was so worn out she couldn’t move and she really didn't want to. Sara watched as the video director gave Heather a business card as Rebecca gently stroked her hair.
After Heather finished with the director, a few other women approached her and after some small talk handed her additional business cards. Sara was starting to get her strength back and aided by Rebecca was able to sit up. Sara looked around the room and saw that the party was breaking up quickly. One of the judges retrieved Sara's jacket and along with Rebecca helped Sara stand and put it back on.
Sara was sure her perfect hair and makeup was a fright, but it felt good to have her jacket on again. Sara knew it didn't cover much, but she felt a little more normal. At least as normal as you can feel after just having an explosive orgasm in front of 200 strangers. Heather wrapped up her business and turned to Sara and Rebecca.
Mistress Heather: "OK girls. I'm sure Sara will not last too much longer tonight, so it's back to the hotel for us. I want the two of you to walk through the casino and meet me at the front door. I'll get the car from the garage and pull around to meet you."
Rebecca certainly was unhappy with the command to parade herself through the crowded hotel, but Sara didn't hesitate. Her strength returning, Sara adjusted the lapel of her coat to proudly show off her painted nipples to anyone who cared to look close enough and made sure the clasp of the jacket was nestled properly at the top of her clit. She then took Rebecca's arm and led her triumphantly out of the ballroom.
Several of Heather's friends congratulated her once again on her way out to the parking garage. Rebecca's mistress was finally released from the stocks, her asshole bloody and stretched from the pounding she took. She was probably the only person unhappy with the night's competition.
Sara was all smiles during her walk through the casino. The pair certainly garnered the attention of all the male gamblers they passed and quite a few of the women. Rebecca tried to keep their pace up trying to minimize the humiliation she was feeling. On the other hand, Sara was enjoying flaunting herself to the gamblers. Several of the high rollers tried to call the women over to their craps tables. Sara began to move in their direction figuring rolling the dice was an opportunity to flash her assets over the edge of the table, but Rebecca pulled her back saying loudly that their mistress was waiting. Of course, this went over very well at the table.
The pair reached the front doors without further incident and took up a position on the curb of Las Vegas Boulevard. The hoped Heather would arrive quickly before they drew any more attention. Sara knew she was technically naked in public and as liberal as Vegas is about sex, she knew she could be arrested. Fortunately Heather spun around the corner and pulled up to pick up them up. She put the top down and told Rebecca to get in the back seat.
Sara slid into the front seat and for the first time since getting dressed, began to relax. The drive back downtown took only 15 minutes. Rebecca was worried Heather would parade them through the casino again, but instead the trio quickly found the back elevator and went up to their suite. Once inside the room Rebecca started to relax.
Mistress Heather: "Rebecca, please draw a bath for my sweet Sara. She's had a trying ordeal tonight and I want you to treat her like the princess she is."
Rebecca: "Yes mistress."
Mistress Heather: "Sara, I need you to soak in the tub for at least an hour to soften up the body paint. Rebecca will then scrub you to remove it. I will not ask anything sexual of you tonight. I am going to use Rebecca for that, although you are certainly free to join us if you feel up to it."
Sara: "Thank you mam."
Rebecca helped Sara remove her jacket and then helped her step into the tub. The hot water felt soothing to Sara's aching muscles. She turned on the jets and shut her eyes trying to lower the adrenaline rush she had been on for the last 8 hours. Once Sara was situated, Rebecca turned her attention to Mistress Heather. She crawled on the floor to the foot of the bed where Heather was sitting. Rebecca kept her eyes cast downward at Heather's feet and held her wrists together behind her back. Rebecca silently held this position waiting for Heather to address her. To use her. The only sound in the room was the pump in Sara's bathtub.
Mistress Heather: "Slave Rebecca, you have done well so far. I want you to accompany me downstairs to the bar for a drink. We're going to leave Sara to relax. Sara, we will return in an hour so Rebecca can clean you."
Sara didn't even open her eyes. She heard the sounds of heels on the floor and the door closing. The bubbles were working their magic revitalizing Sara's flesh. Sara hoped the paint would come off easily when she was done soaking. She had been surprised how well it held up during the competition. She had a few scuff marks, but overall it looked as good as when it was applied. Sara began to drift into a state of total relaxation. In her mind she thought about her husband Frank. She still loved him and still enjoyed having his cock inside her, but she needed Heather. She only hoped that Heather still needed her. Various scenarios played out in her mind as she raced from thought to thought. She didn't know how long she had soaked in the tub, but was startled by the door opening again. The water had cooled to room temperature.
Sara watched as Rebecca and Heather stumbled through the door. Both apparently had enjoyed several cocktails at the bar. Heather put her hand into Sara's tub and recoiled at the temperature.
Mistress Heather: "Drain that water out and refill it with hot. Rebecca needs to clean you now."
Rebecca was laughing to herself, a tipsy joke known only to her driving her actions. As Sara began to refill the tub Rebecca was peeling herself out of her clothes and then began to straddle the edge of the tub. Sara looked down and noticed Rebecca's pussy lips were very puffy. She looked aroused and Sara wondered what her mistress might have been doing to the young girl at the bar.
Rebecca took a scrub brush from Heather as the tub finished filling and began to vigorously brush the body paint from Sara's torso. To her joy, the paint began to come of quickly. Sara had been worried that even after her soak, the paint would need mineral spirits or a wire brush to remove. Rebecca worked every inch of Sara's paint covered body until only a trace of paint stubbornly remained.
Mistress Heather: "That is good enough for now. I want the remaining speckles to remain anyway until Frank can see them. Sara, towel off and come lay on the bed. Rebecca help her out of the tub if she needs it."
Rebecca offered Sara her hand for balance as Sara rose out of the hot water. Walking over to the bed, Sara lay down on her back with her legs off the side of the mattress.
Mistress Heather: "Don't be so presumptuous pet. I know I said Rebecca is going to serve you tonight, but she isn't going to eat you just yet. Roll over and get on the center of the bed."
Sara moved to comply. She made sure her ass was sticking up just enough to show she was offering it to her mistress.
Mistress Heather: "I would love to spank you right now, but maybe later. Rebecca, I want you to give Sara the best massage you've ever given."
Sara relaxed her posture and quickly felt Rebecca's hands on her neck. Sara would not call the massage expert, but it was effective at washing away any lingering soreness from the night's activities. Rebecca worked her way up and down Sara's back and down each of her legs, but despite Sara's subtle pelvic gyrations, Rebecca stayed away from any contact with Sara's ass or pussy.
Mistress Heather: "I've ordered Rebecca not to touch your pussy without my express consent, you horny bitch."
Sara sighed and almost immediately felt a finger begin to probe her clit. Sara looked back to see her mistress snickering at her. She also saw her mistress nod again and then felt Rebecca's finger begin to penetrate her.
Mistress Heather: "Rebecca has a very talented tongue as you remember from the competition and as I found out downstairs. Whenever you are ready, she is going to eat you until you tell her to stop."
Sara: "Thank you mistress. I'm ready now."
Sara rolled onto her back and spread her legs. Rebecca looked down at Sara's pussy like a sailor spotting land for the first time after a long voyage. Sara watched Rebecca lick her lips and then begin to kneel down between her legs. Rebecca began working Sara's pussy with the same fervor she had during the competition. She wasn't interested in teasing Sara. She wanted Sara to cum... And cum now. In her relaxed state Sara gave in to the sensations and shut her eyes again. Rebecca was transporting her back to her orgasmic state. Only this time it was with licks of love and not competition. The lust Sara was feeling was not born out of necessity but out of choice. She opened her eyes to find her mistress. Heather was sitting in a chair. She had also disrobed and had her legs spread obscenely wide with her left leg draped over the chair armrest. Her right leg was spread wide and she was working a thick black dildo in and out of her pussy. It turned Sara on to see her mistress putting on such a wanton display fueled by Sara's own carnal activities. Sara mouthed the words "thank you" to her mistress. Heather mouthed back "you're welcome." Sara felt the onset of her orgasm welling up inside her. She could tell by the look on Heather's face she too was getting close. Sara locked her eyes on her mistress as both women began to moan. Sara hoped the soundproofing in the hotel was good as both women became louder and louder as they were reaching their peaks. Heather actually came first. This briefly surprised Sara but also served as the catalyst to take her over the edge. Both women screamed obscenities at each other as their bodies were wracked with lust.
Heather regained her composure first. Rebecca continued munching on Sara's pussy like there was no tomorrow. Sara stayed at her emotional peak and within about 2 minutes went over the edge again. Heather had walked back to her suitcase and picked up her crop. Rebecca kept assaulting Sara's pussy and in short order had her wailing through orgasm number three. It was at this point that Heather snapped Sara out of her orgasmic fog with the sharp snap across her clit.
Mistress Heather: "Who do you belong to?"
Sara: "You mistress. Of course you."
Mistress Heather: "But you're cumming on Rebecca's tongue?"
Sara (breathing hard): "You gave me permission."
Mistress Heather: "For the first one, not two more."
Heather gave Sara another snap of the crop, this time on the inside of her thigh.
Sara: "I'm sorry mistress. I'll try to be more careful."
Heather looked at Rebecca and pointed again at Sara's pussy. Rebecca resumed her duties and once again Sara began moaning. In between gasps of breath, Sara tried to get Rebecca to stop.
Mistress Heather: "She takes orders from me, not you."
Sara: "Please mistress. I don't want to disobey you, but I can't hold back. Make her stop."
Mistress Heather: "No, I don't think so. Hold out as long as you can. To prove your pussy belongs to me, when you nod that you can't hold out any longer, Rebecca will pull her head back and I'm going to whip your clit while you cum. Doesn't that sound fun?"
Sara: "No mistress. Please make her stop."
Mistress Heather: "If she stops, you will not be allowed to cum again for a month. Is that what you want?
Sara: "No mistress."
Mistress Heather: "I didn't think so. Tomorrow we are going to pick up Frank and the girls and head to the airport. No doubt he will have great stories to tell you just as you have stories to tell him. In the limo, you are going to offer to suck his cock. I'm sure Stephanie will have already drained it tomorrow morning, but make the offer and if he agrees, don't ask questions but take care of him."
Sara nodded her agreement.
Mistress Heather: "I have plans for you, but I'm not going to tell you until I discuss them with Frank first as they will affect him too. I expect him to discuss them with you and you will have one night to decide if we are to continue as a couple."
Sara: "I don't want to leave you mistress."
Mistress Heather: "You might after you see your husband and hear my plan."
Sara: "No mistress I never would leave you."
Mistress Heather: "No matter. That is my decision. Now I know you want to cum again. So give the word and cum on my crop."
Rebecca had silently been taking in the discussion between Sara and her Mistress. Rebecca's mistress loved to use the crop on her until she came. She hoped Heather would want to use her more after she finished with Sara. She doubted Sara would be worth much after another large cum. Sara held on for as long as she could. Longer in fact than Rebecca would have believed was possible. But finally she began to mini-cum as the crescendo of endorphins wracked her body once again.
Sara (yelling): "Now mistress. Your slave’s pussy needs to taste the crop."
Rebecca pulled back her head just in time to miss the tip of the crop whistling past her face. It struck Sara squarely across her clit. The pain shot from Sara pussy to her brain. Her conscious mind was very aware she had just been struck and she yelped in response. But her unconscious mind was in control and immediately began sending wave after wave of orgasmic release across her body. Sara rolled away from her mistress' lash, but was pulled back flat to her back to receive another kiss from the crop. Again Sara yelped and rolled away but again her body betrayed its true need as another crest of orgasm crashed down on her. Three more times Heather snapped Sara's clit. Each time her orgasm grew until like earlier on the hippity-hop, Sara passed out from pleasure.
Heather smiled, satisfied that she and Rebecca had given Sara the best victory prize they could. Heather gingerly wrapped Sara with a blanket and told Rebecca to get dressed. Quietly the two women put their clothes on and turning the lights out, slipped from the room.
Sara slept the sleep of the dead, destined not to awake until the sun's rays shown thru the slats of the mini blinds. Her body needed the rest after Friday and Saturday's activities. Sara awoke sore, her pussy feeling the after effects of the competition, but very happy. In the bed next to her was her mistress. She was naked except for a strap-on dildo she was wearing. Sara didn't remember her mistress fucking her. Sara's eyes blinked several more times as she began to acclimate to the morning light. Sara spied Rebecca, naked sleeping in the room's recliner. "Heather must have fucked her before they went to bed," Sara surmised.
Sara lay back down and began to snuggle against Heather. The touch began to slowly bring Heather out of her deep sleep until a ringing phone jarred her awake. Rebecca peacefully slept through the noise. Heather reached to the end table and picked up the receiver. She mumbled a thank you and hung up. She then slowly walked to the bathroom, turned on the lights and shut the door. Heather returned a minute later looking like she desperately wanted to go back to sleep. She had removed the dildo and was holding it in her hand.
Heather: "I am worn out. How do you feel?"
Sara: "I'm sore, but I feel ok. Thank you for letting me sleep."
Heather: "I should have joined you. Rebecca and I went out and cruised around the downtown casinos. We were pretty toasted by the time we got back. We talked about her mistress and how unhappy she is. We talked about you and where our relationship goes from here."
Sara: "Where does it go from here?"
Heather: "Well, that depends on Frank and to a lesser extent you. All will be clear tonight. Now let's order some breakfast and get ready to head home."
Sara: "What about Rebecca."
Heather: "Let her sleep if she can."
Sara took her turn in the bathroom while Heather called in the food order. Sara was almost finished with her shower when Heather joined her. The two women embraced like high school sweethearts. Sara was warm from the water and felt very safe in Heather's arms. After a couple of minutes of passionate kissing, Sara expected her mistress to request a more personal form of attention, but instead Heather told her to wrap a towel around herself and wait for the room service delivery. At first Sara just giggled thinking about what the delivery boy (or girl) would think. As she toweled off, Heather called from the shower to have the food put on the dinette table. Then she remembered Rebecca was naked and spread out in the chair. One last humiliation before returning her, Sara thought. Then Sara realized just how small the hotel towels were. Rebecca would not be the only one exposed. The towel wrapped just long enough to reach around Sara's waist covering her ass and pussy, but not her breasts. Or she could hold it vertically and cover her breasts and pussy, but her ass would be exposed.
Sara didn't have much time to worry as there was a knock at the door. Heather watched as Sara exited the bathroom wondering which body parts Sara would decide to protect. Heather quickly washed and stepped out the shower. Instead of the small towel Sara had found, Heather opened the vanity cabinet and retrieved a larger towel from the place she had hidden them earlier that morning. Although it wasn't huge, it did cover her and would show her dominance over Sara, at least in a subtle way.
Heather walked out of the bathroom and found Sara sitting at the table, the small towel lying on the floor. Rebecca was showing signs of stirring, but had not yet woke up.
Heather: "Why don't you wake her so she can enjoy breakfast before she goes."
Heather dropped her towel and sat down. Sara stood up and gently shook Rebecca until she groggily said good morning. The three women ate the continental breakfast Heather had ordered and enjoyed several cups of strong coffee, but did not converse much. Sara wanted to discuss with Heather their future, but did not want to do so in front of Rebecca. They talked a bit about the ball and a little about some mutual acquaintances, but all too soon breakfast was finished and Heather and Sara were back to packing up their bags. Rebecca washed her face but didn't shower. She said her mistress would want to her to return "smelling like the whore I am." Heather and Sara said their goodbyes to Rebecca as she left the room.
Sara: "Did you enjoy Rebecca, mistress?"
Mistress Heather: "She has a lot to learn, but she is enthusiastic."
Sara: "Do we have to take the car back before we pick up Frank?"
Mistress Heather: "No. Roxy said to leave it here. Our limo should be out front in about 10 minutes."
Sara made sure they had not left anything behind. Both women were dressed in jeans and t-shirts looking like most of the tourists leaving the city. Sara was disappointed that Heather did not take the opportunity to play with her body while they rode back to the strip. Frank, Stephanie and Andi were waiting in front of their hotel as the limo pulled up. They too were dressed down and all three of them looked very tired. No doubt they had partied hard this weekend. As soon as the trio had entered the back seat of the limo, Heather gave them all a welcome kiss.
Frank: "Hello Heather. Hello Sara. How did the competition go?"
Sara: "I want to suck your dick."
Frank: "Well that is a nice greeting."
Frank looked around a noticed the three other women were grinning. However, after this weekend Frank wondered if would ever be able to get hard again.
Frank: "That is a nice offer Sara, but maybe later. I don't think I could cum again right now."
Heather: "Sara did exquisite at the ball. In fact, she is this year's champion."
Stephanie & Andi: "Congratulations Sara. Tell us all about it."
Sara began to tell the story but they arrived at the airport before she could finish. Once inside, the group checked in and then worked their way through the security line. They still had about 45 minutes before boarding was going to begin so Sara continued her story while Heather took Frank aside and began talking to him.
Stephanie and Andi were hanging on Sara's every work as she described the competition and some of the other adventures she had over the weekend. The 45 minutes flew by and soon the boarding announcement came over the PA speaker. Since all five of the group was flying in First Class this time, they boarded first. Frank and Sara sat in one row. Stephanie and Andi were in another and Heather was by herself. The rest of the plane began filling up until there were just scattered single seats available. In first class the seat next to Heather was open as was the seat across the aisle.
Just as the crew was able to close the door, a young couple dashed down the gangway and onto the plane. They took the last two first class seats. The guy attempted to sit next to Heather, but his new wife, they had just been married over the weekend it turned out, told him to sit on the other side. The young newlywed then took the seat next to Heather. Sara laughed to herself about how the girl was already worried that her husband wanted to sit next to a different beautiful woman. Sara also wondered if the girl had any idea that Heather would be more predatory to her than to her man.
Sara snuggled close to Frank for the entire flight home. He refused to give her many details about his weekend other than to say he didn't get much sleep. Back home the limo first dropped off Stephanie and Andi and then went to Frank and Sara's house.
Mistress Heather: "Frank is going to present my offer to you tonight. If you accept, I expect to find you naked in my garage at 9am tomorrow morning, just like old times. If you don't, I understand. I love you and want to continue our relationship, but I need to know you are willing to move forward."
Sara: "Of course I'm willing. I'll see you in the morning."
Mistress Heather: "Don't agree until you think about my proposal. You may not like it."
Sara: "Yes mam. Either way, thank you for an amazing weekend."
Frank and Sara went into the house. Sara immediately wanted to hear about her mistress' proposal.
Frank: "Well apparently you made quite an impression. The first part of Heather's proposal is that you become her 24/7 maid/slave, at least during the week."
Sara: "How are we going to explain that to the kids?"
Frank: "Well, Heather's got a cover story about you going back to work as a national sales rep. The job will require you to travel from Monday night to Friday. You'll be home Friday night through Monday morning."
Sara: "The rest of the time I'll be at Heather's?"
Frank: "Well, not exactly."
Sara: "What do you mean?"
Frank: "You'll be spending 4 nights a week with Heather. I'm sure that will make your pussy happy."
Sara: "What about you? How will you keep your cock happy?"
Frank: "I'll still have you on the weekend. To make up for our lost time, Heather wants you to be my full time weekend slave. During the week, Stephanie and Andi can help. Andi is one hell of a cocksucker and she said she could come by the office during the day if I needed some relief. And of course the extra money would be nice."
Sara: "Extra money?"
Frank: "Since we're going to tell the kids you have a job, we need to have you generate some income. Apparently you passed your audition with the video director with flying colors. Heather met with her last night and worked out a production deal. Heather wants to train a new slave for next year's ball. Part of your duties to Heather will be to find, seduce and help train your replacement."
Sara: "So Heather is going to pay me a salary to be her maidservant?"
Frank: "Not quite. The director has been putting together a deal to film the first adult reality show. She doesn't have U.S. distribution yet, but I guess there is a European deal already done for a 24 episode series which will conclude with next year's ball. Every other week you are going to film an episode."
Sara: "I'm not so sure about this."
Frank: "If you want to be with Heather you don't have a choice. But it gets better. This director also knows all of the major adult video producers in Hollywood. She's going to arrange some auditions for you, but she is confident by this time next year you could be one of the top earners in the business."
Sara was visibly shaken by this turn of events.
Sara: "I don't know if I can do that."
Frank: "Well, that's Heather's plan for you. If you don't want to do see her any more, that's fine with me. I'm happy to have you all to myself."
Sara sat quietly thinking about her mistress' plan. She didn't mind staying with her mistress 4 nights a week, especially if she could be home on the weekends. But whoring herself out for money was something else. She also could not imagine the embarrassment of having their friends find out she did porno. Having the series only shown in Europe did little to make her feel better. In the age of the internet Sara knew that was no real barrier.
Sara: "Frank, I can't do it. This is the end."
Frank hugged his wife.
Frank: "I'm glad you feel that way. I've been having fun, but more than that, I want you to be happy."
Frank and Sara caught up on errands and chores that had gone undone while they were in Vegas. Sunday night they stayed in and went to bed early. Frank had to be at work Monday and wanted to try and catch up on his sleep.
Sara tried to go to bed but tossed and turned. Memories of her time with Heather would not let her mind relax. She replayed the last year of her life in her head and ended up masturbating three separate times. Finally about 4am, her exhausted body finally allowed her to sleep. Frank woke about 7am, a little later than usual for a work day but not too bad. He showered and dressed for work then went downstairs and made an English muffin for breakfast. About 8am he was going to leave for the office so he went upstairs to say goodbye to Sara. She was still sound asleep but responded to his touch.
Frank: "I'm leaving for work, honey. I love you."
Frank gave Sara a peck on the cheek and walked out of the room. Sara stretched, still not really awake, but then realized it must be at least 8am and sat bolt upright in a panic. She reached down running a finger along her slit. She had been dreaming of her mistress and her pussy was soaked. Sara got out of bed and went to the bathroom. After peeing, she blotted her pussy with a piece of toilet paper and then washed her hands. Bending over the sink vanity, Sara stared at herself in the mirror.
Heather was watching the security camera video from the garage. By 8:58 Sara was kneeling on the floor, naked as commanded holding her arms locked behind her head. Heather smiled and let her simmer in her juices for about 15 minutes before taking a garment bag out to the garage.
Mistress Heather: "Good morning slut. I assume you are wet and juicy for me. Put on what it in this bag and then wait for me in the front seat of my car."
Sara's hands were trembling as she took the bag from her mistress.
Sara: "Mistress, may I speak."
Mistress Heather: "Yes pet."
Sara: "I'm not sure if I can go through with your plan."
Mistress Heather: "But you are here. Your pussy must have made up your mind for you."
Sara: "But I don't understand how I can do what you are asking?"
Mistress Heather: "Of course you don't. I'll show you, but that is another story."
The End
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