Destiny and Harmony
by captv8td
Chapter 1
“Aiiieee!!!” squealed Destiny. She pounded her chest triumphantly with her foot planted in the small of the back of the woman lying on the ground as two other women stripped and bound the prone one.
“Hush, Des,” admonished Harmony. “You’re acting like an invitation to come capture us.”
“Sorry, Mom,” said Destiny as she stepped back from the woman. “I guess I got overexcited.”
“Don’t worry, kitten,” replied Harmony. “We all get caught up in the games from time to time.”
Destiny had graduated from Wardham College ten months earlier. Each year during her college career, she had participated in the Hellenic Games. This was her first time in the Old Girl Games which was what the alumnae versions of the Hellenic Games were called. She was completely into the event and had been for the past month leading up to them.
Harmony was also an alumna of Wardham College and had been actively participating in the Old Girl Games ever since graduation. She loved the thrill of the competition. She much preferred to win the events but they were so exciting that she even enjoyed them when her team lost.
Wardham College was founded in 1911 as a women’s college to “develop the leaders of tomorrow.” Indeed, their alumnae included a former US Senator, several congresswomen, three ambassadors, multiple CEOs, mayors and presidents of non-profit institutions. There was even a head of state of a South American country who had been a Wardham girl. The college was living up to its goals.
By 1920, sororities had sprouted up and they became the social core of the college. The college officials decided to take advantage of this new social network and introduced the Hellenic Games in 1922. Since the sororities considered themselves to be Greeks, they quickly adopted the Hellenic Games.
The first games were loosely based on the Olympic games of the ancient Greeks. There were track and field events and wrestling matches. There were swimming competitions and skill events such as archery.
Two things led to their change over time. The first was the college administrators realizing that these games were not supporting the college’s mission. The games were fun and they tested athletic prowess, but they did not build leadership. The second was that attendance was dwindling. The girls had better things to do than to spend a fun day competing for a trophy that meant nothing. By 1925, several of the sororities had dropped out of the games and only about twenty percent of the membership of the remaining sororities participated.
In 1925, the Hellenic Games were changed to pit one sorority against another at a time. This one-on-one competition got the leadership of the sororities engaged, which furthered the cause of the college. It also drove participation back up.
For twenty years, the games continued as an Olympic style competition. The college administrators backed away from running the game because the “Greek Council” was running the show so well. The Greek Council consisted of the presidents of each of the sororities.
In 1947, the Greek Council decided to change the games into a “capture the flag” competition. Two sororities would compete against one another as two armies. The Hellenic Games remained roughly in this format to this day.
The rules of the matches changed over time. The college administrators did not like some of the changes and tried to intervene. The solution to the interference was to find a location off campus where the games could be held without the rules that the college wanted to impose. In 1968, Baldsworth Park in central Virginia became the new home for the games.
Some of the rule changes were designed to make the games more exciting. Instead of tagging an opponent, the opponent had to be held for thirty seconds. Then, bindings were added. Once an opponent was subdued and bound, she had to obey. The flags were replaced with passwords. People were capturing the flags too quickly. By having to extract a secret password from the opponent, the lengths of the games were extended.
When the password rule resulted in some games with no winner by nightfall, the games were extended into Sunday by nightfall. They turned into thirty six hour events. Since some girls would surrender early to avoid having to run around all day, a rule was added that made all captives at the end of the game slaves of the winning team until the scheduled end of the game on Sunday night. This provided motivation to actively avoid capture and to try to capture the opponent. The uniform was altered. Rules of interrogation were introduced. The games turned out to be a fertile ground for cultivating future leaders.
The college tried to step in multiple times over the years. Each time, they were rebuked by the Greek Council. The games were no longer a college sanctioned event and the sororities were not about to put up with interference.
For five weeks during the spring, the sororities would compete. On numerous other weekends throughout the year, alumnae would return and compete for old times sake. Girls ranging in age from twenty two to sixty two would select the games that suited them best and compete. It was a tradition that all Wardham girls valued and cherished.
The Old Girl events were fashioned after the Hellenic Games in which the sororities competed against one another. They started by maintaining the sororities as the basis for teams but quickly evolved. Some sororities drew many more sisters than others and the lopsided wins caused changes in the way the games were organized. Over the years, various themes were developed and introduced. Also, a lottery system was created to make sure that attendance was sufficient for each of the matches scheduled throughout the year.
Harmony had pulled some strings to get Destiny into the same weekend as her and on her team. Old Girl Games were held throughout the year and were highly subscribed to. It was usually very difficult to arrange for a particular individual to be on your team. But Harmony was well respected by the organizers of the events. And they understood Harmony’s desire to be with her daughter during her first alumnae event.
“Liz and Candy, take the captive back to camp and rejoin us as soon as you can. We’re going to keep moving forward.” Harmony was in charge of this patrol. She usually avoided leadership positions during the games. She much preferred being a scout. But that was one of the conditions of the organizers. If Harmony and Destiny were to be on the same team, only one of them could be a scout. They were afraid that if both of them were allowed to be scouts, then the game would be over in less than an hour and that would result in nobody having any fun.
Each of them had earned nicknames during their tenure at Wardham. Harmony was known as “The Slaver” because of her activities as a scout. She was always able to track down and capture the enemy and still held the school record for captures. Destiny earned the nickname of “The Magician” because of her activities as a scout also. She was very stealthy and very, very fast. She would appear out of nowhere and surprise her foe. She did not capture as many as her mother but she still became legendary.
“Let’s get moving,” Harmony said to her team. “We still have a lot of blacks to catch.” Then she gave her daughter’s ass a swat for fun, causing Destiny to yelp in surprise.
The outfits that they wore were identical to the ones worn by the sororities during the Hellenic Games. Alumnae wore the underclass outfits until the tenth anniversary of their graduation. After that, the women wore the outfits worn by the upperclasswomen.
This meant that Harmony wore a white toga-like outfit and sneakers. The outfit consisted of a short skirt with a sash draped over one shoulder and attached to the skirt in front and back. It covered one breast but left the other exposed. The underclass version that Destiny wore consisted of just the skirt and sneakers. Her entire upper body was bare. The other team wore identical outfits but theirs were black. And none of the women ever wore underwear during the games.
Destiny thought her mom looked great. At forty four, she still had the body of a teenager. Harmony had told her that playing in the Old Girl Games was her secret. In order to participate and be competitive, she had to exercise all year long. It was her way of forcing herself into a daily routine that included workouts.
Whatever the method, the results were spectacular as far as Destiny was concerned. Her narrow waist and flat tummy showed no signs of age. Her butt was firm and tight and her long shapely legs were muscular and toned. And her breasts thrust out proudly from her chest, completely defying the gravity that was affecting many of the alumnae. Destiny hoped that she would be in that kind of shape when she got to her mother’s age.
This wasn’t the first time that she had seen her mother naked or nearly naked. Harmony had always been a free spirit and had been raised by two flower-child parents. As a result, there were very few inhibitions in the Collins household. It was not uncommon for Destiny to find her mother naked as she folded the laundry or her father nude as he swam laps in the pool. In fact, Destiny was probably more conservative than her parents.
“What are you waiting for, Des?” asked Harmony. Destiny blushed. She had been caught daydreaming when she should have been scouting.
“Sorry,” she replied. “On my way.” Then she darted off ahead of the group that formed her team.
It was Harmony’s turn to admire her daughter. Destiny was unbelievably beautiful with soft feminine curves that somehow masked her strong athleticism. The blonde ponytail was almost horizontal as she dashed off into the forest. The tiny skirt was a whirlwind of motion as she moved and did nothing to cover her, revealing her firm shapely bottom with every stride.
“Our scout’s off,” announced Harmony. “Let’s move.”
“I still can’t believe that we have the Slaver and the Magician on our team,” said Dawn. She was a thirty year old mother of two but since she graduated less than ten years ago, she also wore the underclassman uniform. “And it’s even harder to believe that the two legends are mother and daughter.”
“Believe it,” replied Harmony. “But that doesn’t guarantee us a win. It’s a whole team effort.”
“It’s still good to know we have the two of you on our side,” said Dawn as the group trudged off in the direction Destiny had disappeared.
They had only traveled a few hundred yards when they came upon Destiny. She was sitting on the butt of a naked, bound woman and was grinning up at them as they entered the clearing. A tiny pile of black garments was crumpled at her feet. Destiny pounded on her chest again but held her finger to her lips and then grinned at her mother again.
“How do you do that?” asked Fiona, amazed that someone could single-handedly capture someone else; especially since the captive appeared to be bigger than Destiny and was probably only twenty five or twenty six.
“It’s a trick my mom taught me after my first Games,” replied Destiny. “You tackle them at the ankles with your rope already in your hand. You tie their feet together quickly while they’re still stunned. The rest is easy.”
“She’s a bit of a showoff,” said Harmony. “And we’re going to have to wait here for some of the others to catch back up with us. She’s captured so many that our prisoner escorts outnumber the rest of us still on patrol.”
“I’m going to take a dip then, if we’re waiting,” said Destiny. “I stink.”
She stood up and kicked off her sneakers. Then she dropped her skirt to the ground and walked nonchalantly to the stream that was running nearby.
Fiona sat down next to Harmony as she watched Destiny’s ass wiggle its way toward the water. “You must be very proud of her. She’s so beautiful and so good at the games.”
Harmony smiled at Fiona. “Yes, I’m very proud of her. I hope she doesn’t get too cocky, though. That’s the best way I know to get captured.”
“I think she’ll do fine,” replied Fiona. “How did you teach her to be so confident in herself?”
“She was always good at everything,” said Harmony. “She had every reason to be confident. But for some reason, she never was. I think it was the Games that gave her the confidence that she has.”
“Whatever it was, I want to grow up to be just like her.”
Harmony laughed. Fiona was in her mid-thirties and yet she wanted to grow up to be just like the twenty two year old Destiny. It was actually touching.
“Why did you sign her up for this game?” Fiona continued. “Why not one of the safer or tamer ones?”
“It was her idea,” replied Harmony. “I wanted to be with her for her first Old Girl Games. She wanted the No Return Games. So we both ended up in them.”
“Have you ever played this one before?”
“Twice,” answered Harmony. She watched as Destiny splashed playfully in the little pool in the stream.
“Were you ever sold?”
“Once,” said Harmony. “On my first one, I was sold. I ended up buying a girl the second time.”
“What was it like?” asked Fiona. “Being sold, I mean.”
“It was interesting,” Harmony responded. “Kind of eye opening.”
“I’ll bet,” nodded Fiona. “Aren’t you worried that your daughter might end up on the auction block?”
“Hmmmmm,” Harmony pondered. “Yes and no, I guess. I always worry that my baby will get into a situation that she doesn’t enjoy. But I don’t worry too much. After all, if she is sold, it will be a Wardham girl buying her. Plus, she’s the one who insisted on the No Return Game.”
“Maybe later you can tell me what happened the time you were sold. I’ve never played any of the long-term capture games before.”
Harmony leaned to her side and kissed Fiona on the cheek. “Sure, I will. I’ll tell you all that you care to hear about.”
Four of the patrol members returned from delivering the two previous captures to the jailers. This let two more take back the most recent one. Harmony decided to wait a bit longer before starting up again. At this point, four others were frolicking naked in the stream with Destiny.
There were fifty women per team for this year’s No Return Games. That was the largest group by far in the five years since this version of the games had been introduced. Obviously, it had become a popular format for Wardham alumnae. But that surprised Harmony. That meant that, by the end of the weekend, at least fifty women would be sold for a week of slavery. Everyone from the losing team would be sold. Plus the rules had provisions that would allow some people from the winning team to be sold. In fact, that’s’ how she was sold. She had actually been on the winning team four years earlier but that provision in the rules had resulted in her ending up on the auction block.
The white team had organized around four patrols of ten women each. Plus, each patrol was assigned a scout. Most of the scouts did just that. They tracked the opposing team’s patrols and scouts and provided information back to their own patrols that would help capture members of the opposition. Harmony just happened to have a scout that could do that plus capture people on her own. The remaining six people on the team were either jailers or medics or the team captain.
Harmony wasn’t sure what to make of the women who were assigned to her patrol. They were, by far, the prettiest of the white team. She was the oldest and Destiny was the youngest. She guessed the average age of the rest of them was twenty eight or twenty nine. It was like they had formed a patrol of cupcakes. When she was in college, a group like this would have been high priority targets for capture.
Dawn came over and sat with Harmony and Fiona. Her body was still wet from splashing in the stream and she had not yet put her skirt or sneakers back on.
“If we’re going to be here for awhile,” Dawn said, “I thought I’d go back to base camp. I’m getting pretty full and this might be a good time to express.”
Her second child had been born just three months earlier and she was lactating. After awhile, it became uncomfortable if she didn’t pump her breasts.”
“Actually, I was getting ready to move us soon,” replied Harmony. “I’m just waiting for the other two to rejoin us.”
Dawn nodded. “I can wait.”
“Can we help?” asked Harmony.
“Does someone have a pump?” Dawn replied.
Harmony laughed. “No, I don’t think so. But I’ll bet we could relieve your discomfort. Plus, it would be nourishing for us. That is, if you are comfortable with that.”
“Oh,” blushed Dawn. “I hadn’t thought about that. I guess that would work.”
“Hey Des,” shouted Harmony. “I need you up here.”
“Coming,” Destiny shouted back. Harmony watched as Destiny’s lithe form emerged from the water. She shook her head back and forth, like a dog would, sending drops of water flying in all directions as her blonde locks whipped through the air.
“Are we ready to go now?” asked Destiny as she reached the trio.
“Shortly,” replied Harmony. “I want to send you out first. But Dawn needs some help. Do you want some milk before you go?”
Destiny furrowed her brow, confused about what she was being asked. Then it struck her and she blinked. “Are you serious?” She looked at Dawn and then back to her mother.
“It has to happen at some point,” said Harmony. “We could send her back to camp but then we’d be down one player.”
Destiny looked back to Dawn who just shrugged her shoulders. “It would help out a lot.”
Destiny nodded slowly and blushed. There was always a lot of touching and eroticism associated with the Games. Sometimes, if the Games extended overnight, there was even lovemaking among team members. But she had never nursed at another woman. I guess there’s a first for everything, she thought.
“Sure, I’d be happy to help,” she finally said. “How should we do this?”
“I think it would be easiest if you lie down with your head in my lap,” offered Dawn. Harmony and Fiona moved out of the way to give Destiny room. Then Destiny laid down and looked up at the two gorgeous, full breasts above her face. She parted her lips and captured Dawn’s left nipple, suckling softly until the milk began to flow.
There’s a sight you don’t see very often, thought Harmony. She smiled at the two naked beauties and watched as Destiny’s cheeks kept hollowing as she nursed on her other teammate. It was erotic beyond belief to her. But then again, she found something erotic in most things. She was just wired in a way that made her look for sexuality in most situations.
“Oh that feels good,” sighed Dawn.
Harmony laughed. “Good how? The pressure relief or the arousal?”
Dawn blushed. “Both, I guess. I meant the relief but if feels good the other way too.” Destiny giggled at the comment and raked her teeth across the nipple, causing Dawn to squeal. Destiny was surprised at how good the milk tasted. It was a lot sweeter than she expected.
After about ten minutes, Harmony nudged her daughter’s foot. “Time for you to start scouting.”
Destiny gave the nipple one last suck before letting it slip from her mouth. She stood up and then dusted herself off. “That was good. I might want some more later.”
Dawn smiled up at her. “There will be plenty more later. Thank you for helping me.”
“Fiona,” said Harmony. “Can you finish her up? I need to talk to our scout.”
“With pleasure, grinned Fiona as she laid down and claimed the other breast. Harmony led her daughter off to discuss strategy.
“Try to find us one of their patrols,” Harmony said. “So far, you’ve had all of the fun. I want them to see some action too.”
“Sure thing, Mom,” nodded Destiny.
“Besides,” Harmony continued. “I think you’ve already captured all of their scouts.”
“I’ll be back as soon as I can with some news,” said Destiny. She slipped back into her skirt and put her sneakers back on. Then she ran off on her mission. Harmony smiled as she watched her daughter’s graceful stride.
Chapter 2
It took about thirty minutes to find one of the black patrols. Destiny hunkered down to watch them. She was surprised that there were only three of them. Maybe the white team was capturing more blacks than she was aware of. Surely they wouldn’t organize them into three person patrols.
She followed them for awhile but they never really moved much. They would go from one end of a small valley to the other and then back again. She scanned the other side of the valley to see if she could spot any others. She remembered how she had been caught in an ambush in her first Hellenic Games. But she didn’t see anyone. After watching for about fifteen minutes, she returned to her patrol.
“Three of them?” asked Harmony. “That makes no sense. Candy, how many prisoners did you see when you were back at camp?”
“Only the ones Des caught,” replied Candy.
“Hmmmm,” said Harmony. “Something’s not right.”
“Want me to go back and watch them longer?” asked Destiny. “Or I could find a larger group.”
“No,” responded Harmony. “We’ll go after this one. After all, it’s only a game.”
Ten minutes later, they were spread out across one side of the valley. Harmony sent Destiny around to the other side to look for an ambush. When she reported back that the other side was clear, Harmony gave the signal to attack.
She and Destiny stood together at the top of the hill as the other nine whites charged down. It was a sight to behold. These women, most of whom were housewives and professionals, were acting as if they were Amazon warriors. Naked butts flashed as skirts flipped up in the breeze. When they got close to the unsuspecting blacks, they started letting out war cries, acting like savages from the jungle.
The three blacks were caught off guard and were quickly subdued and stripped and bound. The nine warriors led their naked captives back up the hill to their leader and scout.
“Aiiieee!!!” squealed Dawn, pounding her chest triumphantly and mimicking Destiny’s earlier outburst. “That was fun!!!”
“Sure was,” agreed Candy. “Let’s do it again.”
“Let’s take this batch back to camp,” Harmony said. “Then we’ll have our scout find us some more.”
They arrived in camp with their naked prisoners and discovered that their patrol still had made the only captures of the day. And as far as anyone knew, only one scout from the white team had been captured.
They returned to the field and sent Destiny out in search of more blacks. She found another trio which the team easily captured again. When they got back to camp, two more women stood naked in the cage but they also learned that one of their patrols had been attacked. Eight whites from that patrol were taken prisoner.
“Do you want us to raid their camp?” Harmony asked the team captain. “Or just keep capturing them?”
“We’ll save a rescue operation for later,” the captain replied. “It looks like this game will go into a second day. Keep capturing blacks and wear them down a bit more.”
Destiny found another group from the black team. This time there were four of them. All ten of the patrol members, plus Destiny, swooped down on the four blacks and once again captured their prey. Again, they were stripped and bound and the patrol headed back to camp.
Destiny was left behind to find the next group. She watched as her mother led the little band of troopers off and then started roaming around. She found two more groups of blacks and started to search for a third for her team to raid when she heard a noise from the other side of a rock formation.
She crept up to the rocks as stealthily as she could. She lay down on the ground and crept up to the edge. She saw four naked women splashing around in a pool in the stream, giggling and frolicking. Four piles of black clothing confirmed that they were from the black team. These three groups should provide enough entertainment for her patrol, she thought.
She scooted back from the rocks. Then she heard a twig snap. She glanced over her shoulder and saw three women in black uniforms standing over her.
“Uh oh,” she muttered.
One of the blacks smiled. “Uh oh is right. Hello, beautiful.”
Destiny moved to get up and run but it was a futile effort. They easily pounced on her and captured her. She was stripped and her hands were bound behind her back. Another rope was tied around her neck and acted like a leash.
“Looks like the magician has run out of tricks,” laughed one of the women. She stepped up to Destiny and stroked the backs of her fingers along the outer swell of Destiny’s right breast. “I know which one I’m buying when this game is over. She’ll be a cute toy to play with for a week.”
Destiny was shocked at the treatment. She expected this kind of behavior out of the Sexistas, the lesbian sorority on campus. But she was surprised that the alumnae behaved this way.
“We’ll see who ends up buying who,” grinned Destiny. “I might just have to take you with me.”
“Ha!” scoffed the woman. She placed her hands beneath Destiny’s breasts and lifted them. “We’ll see about that.”
Then the woman paused and leaned down, fluttering her tongue over Destiny’s nipples. “These are very nice. I’m going to love owning them and playing with them.” Destiny just gritted her teeth.
“Come on,” said one of the other blacks. “Let’s get her caged.”
They chatted among themselves as they led their leashed prisoner back to their camp. Mostly they ignored her other than an occasional swat to her bottom or grope of her breasts.
One of Destiny’s roommates from college was a jailer for the black team. She grinned as Destiny was handed over to her. “Hello, cupcake,” said Samantha.
“Hello, breeder,” replied Destiny. Samantha was three months pregnant and was just starting to show. “I’ve already placed my order for you at the upcoming sale. I can’t wait to play with my new toy.”
Samantha just smiled back at her with her arms crossed. The two of them had been frequent lovers in college so Destiny was very familiar with Sam’s breasts. But the full, ripe orbs being lifted by the crossed arms was an exciting sight, nevertheless. She licked her lips in anticipation of tasting them again.
“Let’s get you into the cage with the others,” said Sam. “As much as I’d like to play with my new toy, I have duties to perform.”
Destiny was surprised that there were only two other naked women in the cage. “What happened to the others? Do they have another cage somewhere?”
“No, this is it,” replied one of her teammates. “We ran a rescue mission and released the others earlier. Carly and I were caught as we were heading back.”
“Yeah, it’s a bitch being caught,” said Carly who was lying down with her feet propped up on the bars. “But I needed a rest anyways.” Destiny lay down and propped her feet up too. Then the three of them chatted as they waited to be rescued.
She learned that Beth had graduated nine years earlier and was now a doctor. Carly had gone onto graduate school and now was a market researcher for a big consumer products company.
The afternoon seemed to drag on forever. Destiny drifted off to sleep a couple of times and would rejoin the conversation when she woke up again. After what seemed like a couple of hours, two more prisoners were added to the cage: Harmony and Dawn.
“She needed more relief,” laughed Harmony as she pointed to Dawn. “So I brought her here to you.”
“How did they get you, Mom?” asked Destiny. She knew that her mother hardly ever got captured.
“We weren’t careful enough,” replied Harmony. “They ambushed us when we were picking off another group. Fortunately they only got the two of us. The others got away.”
“How are the whites doing?” asked Beth.
“We’re slowly wearing them down, I think,” replied Dawn. “I think we have about twenty of theirs now.”
“That’s good,” nodded Carly.
“Your mother was joking, Des, when she said I came here for relief,” said Dawn. “But I do need it. Are you hungry?”
Destiny grinned. “Sure! You’re delicious!”
Once again, she lay down with her head in Dawn’s lap and suckled on the delectable breasts. The afternoon turned into evening and still there were five naked women in the cage. It got late and they all spooned together to stay warm. Dawn woke Destiny twice in the middle of the night to nurse her. Destiny always fell back to sleep instantly when she completed her chore, sleeping like a baby.
When they awoke the next morning, Samantha and the other two guards were nowhere to be seen. Harmony took this as a positive sign and said that probably meant that they were called forward because of heavy losses. It probably meant that the whites were winning.
“But Sam’s pregnant!” gasped Destiny. “She can’t be running around.”
“I’m sure she knows how to take care of herself and her baby,” said Harmony. “She won’t do anything dangerous.”
The sun was high in the sky when the white team captain strode triumphantly into the black camp, flanked by two others. “We won!”
“Hooray!” squealed Destiny.
“Great!” added Beth. “Hurry up and let us out.”
The white team captain moved to the cage that held her five naked teammates prisoner. “That’s the good news. The bad news is that we’re not releasing you.”
“What?!?!?!?” gasped Destiny. She knew the rules but she couldn’t believe anyone would even think about keeping a teammate prisoner and selling them. Harmony just rolled her eyes. She knew the rule too and she knew that teammates would do that very thing. They had done that to her once before.
Dawn started to cry. “It’s not fair,” she sobbed.
Destiny wrapped her arms around Dawn and held her, trying to comfort her new friend.
“Dawn, stop that!” admonished Harmony. “It is fair. It might not be nice, but it’s fair. You read the rules.”
“But I don’t want to be sold,” sniffled Dawn.
“Then you should have picked a different game,” said Harmony. “And I hope you planned to be gone for a week. There’s always a good chance that you will be sold if you play No Return.”
Chapter 3
Destiny and the three others seemed to take comfort in Harmony’s attitude. Harmony seemed fine with the way things turned out. It was not what she expected, but she was prepared for this outcome. Otherwise, she would not have played No Return.
Even Dawn settled down. She wasn’t looking forward to what was about to happen but she finally did admit to herself that she knew what the risks were ahead of time. And it was those risks that made the games exciting. She wondered who would end up buying her and what the experience would be like.
After she got over her initial shock, Destiny was beside herself with excitement. These games were so much fun and were much better than the Hellenic Games she was used to. And she too wondered who would buy her.
She knew how her mother’s week of slavery from four years earlier had ended. She knew about how her mother had made a deal to be enslaved for four weeks each year in exchange for owning Kristi for four weeks a year. She had even been at home several times when Kristi was serving her time, although she had never played with the family’s slave girl. But she could tell that her mom and dad liked the arrangement a lot.
It took them thirty minutes to get to the buses as they were led in a coffle of naked flesh. Once there, they were driven to a barn which had been decorated festively and would serve as the venue for the celebration dinner and auction.
Destiny was surprised at how many people were already there when they arrived. Nearly two hundred people were milling around and drinking cocktails as the white victors led their fifty five prisoners to the walls and fastened them there. Each was bound with their arms over their heads with their wrists attached to a hook that stuck out from the wall. At least the five white team captives were kept together.
As soon as the last of the captives was bound, inspection time began. The white team members, as well as other people in the barn, roamed around the inside of the barn, assessing each of the bound Wardham girls who were to be sold. Destiny recognized many of the women who had graduated in recent years. She also recognized many who were still in school and who were representing their sororities at the auction.
Four Lambdas, which was Destiny’s sorority stopped to inspect her. “What do you think,” asked one of them as she stroked Destiny’s cheek.
“I think the pledges would get a kick out of owning a former pledge mistress,” replied another. She held Destiny’s breasts in her hands and was bouncing them.
“To hell with the pledges,” said another one as she ran a finger up and down between Destiny’s labia which were already well lubricated with her arousal. “I want the magician for myself.”
Destiny’s head was spinning from all of the stroking and probing that was going on. At this point, she didn’t care who bought her. She just knew that she was going to pop soon if she didn’t get fucked by someone.
Harmony had to stifle a chuckle as she watched her daughter. She knew that Destiny had a healthy sex life but she had never seen her daughter’s arousal before. Destiny was obviously in seventh heaven from all of the attention. She knew that the magician would have a fun time this week, regardless of who bought her. And she couldn’t wait to share stories once the week was over.
Harmony was also receiving her share of attention. She recognized most of the alumnae who fondled and stroked and probed her body. She had met them in previous games. She did not know any of the current students who represented the various sororities and she was surprised that they even paid any attention to her. After all, she was old enough to be their mother. But they definitely paid attention to her. She was receiving as much attention as Destiny and Dawn who flanked her on either side.
“This is a must have item,” said one sorority sister as she probed her finger into Harmony’s sex.
“Put it on your Christmas list,” said one of her friends who was tugging on Harmony’s nipples. “Maybe she’ll end up under your tree.”
“I don’t want her under my tree,” said the first one who had removed her finger and was now stroking Harmony’s clit, sending familiar thrills through her body. “I want her between my legs.”
I guess I’m holding in there, thought Harmony. She was shocked, though, that these twenty year olds would want a forty four year old.
“Ooo, here’s a Sexista,” said one of the girls in the next group. Harmony had been a Sigma girl when she was in college and the Sigmas had earned the nickname of Sexistas.
“Don’t you know who this is?” said a second one. “She’s the Slaver.”
“No way!!!” exclaimed the first one. “You’ve got to be kidding!” Again, fingers and palms moved over her body. Her breasts were bounced and her nipples were rolled. “Are we allowed to buy her?”
“I think our Sexista sisters would be a little upset with us if we bought one of our own,” observed a third one. “Especially if we bought the Slaver.”
“It’s a shame,” sighed the first one who was running her palms down Harmony’s sides, enjoying the warm soft flesh. “I’d love to own her.”
The Sigmas wandered off and new groups and singles stopped by to inspect the five members of the white team. Eventually a familiar voice was heard.
“Hi, Mom. Hi, sis.”
“Hi, sweetie,” replied Harmony.
Destiny groaned as she heard her sister, Faith’s, voice. “What are you doing here?”
Faith appeared before the two naked captives and smiled. “I’m just shopping for some decorations for the Beta house. I thought you two would make lovely centerpieces for our dining room tables.”
“Don’t you even think about it,” growled Destiny as she glared at her younger sister. Faith was now a junior at Wardham.
Faith laughed and reached out, using her finger to flick her sister’s right nipple.
“How did you know we were here?” asked Destiny as she continued to scowl at Faith.
“Are you kidding?” asked Faith. “The whole campus knows that the Slaver and the Magician are being sold tonight. I’m surprised there aren’t more girls here, even if just to watch it.”
Destiny growled again. Faith flicked the other nipple. “Stop it,” said Faith. “You’re property now. The least you can do is behave.”
Harmony spoke up to try to stop the sibling rivalry. “How were your games, sweetheart? They were last weekend, weren’t they?”
“Yeah,” replied Faith. “We lost.”
“Ha!” snorted Destiny. “That makes two years in a row.” Destiny’s sorority had been matched against Faith’s the year before. It had been Destiny who captured her sister and Destiny’s roommate, Tiffany, had claimed Faith. It had been pretty humiliating for Faith.
“Who did you lose to this year?” asked Harmony.
“The Sexistas,” Faith responded. “They are so perverted; almost bordering on sick. I still can’t believe you were one of them, Mom.”
Harmony smiled. “Did you have fun?”
“Yeah, I suppose. But it was pretty humiliating.”
“Let’s talk next week,” said Harmony to her youngest daughter. “You can tell me all about it then.”
“Okay, Mom. You two have fun this week.”
Inspection time ended and dinner was served. Most of the women sat down to enjoy their meals before the auction would begin but a few continued their inspection of the merchandise. While most sat down and ate, the captives remained tethered and on display throughout dinner.
“You have amazing daughters,” Dawn said as a finger from one of the potential buyers probed her pussy and two lips were suckling at her nipple, enjoying her sweet mother’s milk.
Harmony smiled. “They turned out to be good kids.”
Chapter 4
“Ladies,” the event organizer spoke into the microphone after the meal was over. Waitresses were busy clearing the tables. “We had a wonderful game this weekend. One hundred Wardham girls participated, making this the largest No Return game yet and showing the popularity of this format.”
“In a moment, we’ll begin the auction where you’ll have the opportunity to buy one of the fifty five lovelies that we are offering tonight. Before we sell off the merchandise, however, I wanted to announce a new format that we will be introducing to the Old Girl Games for next year.”
“Based on the popularity of the No Return Game, it will be offered again next year in its current form. But we will also be offering a new version. It will be our first coed game and will be available to couples, both married and unmarried. Boys will be on one team and girls on the other. Because of the typical disparity in strength and speed, however, it will not be a physical capture game.”
“Instead, we will be using paintballs. Winning will consist of capturing all of the opposing team members. And it will be a full nudity game other than the safety goggles that everyone is required to wear. The team that loses will be sold at an auction like we are about to begin here in a few moments. The only stipulation is that people cannot buy their mates. This is meant to be a mixer of sorts. And slavery will last for two weeks for that game instead of the one week that is normal for the No Return Games.”
The crowd erupted in cheering and applause. People stood and continued the applause. This seemed to be a very welcome announcement.
“Wow!” blurted Destiny. “I’m signing up for that one!”
“You don’t even have a boyfriend,” Harmony corrected her daughter.
“I will in time for that game,” Destiny replied. “Do you think Dad will play?”
“Oh yeah,” replied Harmony. “He’ll play for sure. But he’s my mate. You have to find your own.”
“Now, on to the auction,” the announcer continued. “One of my great pleasures is to act as the auctioneer each year where I have the privilege of selling off all of the beautiful Wardham flesh that has been captured in the No Return Game.”
“Remember that all proceeds are used for good causes. They go into the Games and pay for these and other alumnae events. They are also used to enhance the alumnae scholarship fund. The No Return Games have turned into the largest fundraiser that we have and currently ten girls are attending Wardham thanks to the No Return Games. So open your checkbooks as we prepare to sell off the merchandise.”
“Four years ago, I had the privilege of selling our first article in the auction for tonight. Our plan was to save her for last as the grand finale. That did not work very well for us since nobody would bid on any of the other girls being sold until they had a chance to bid on this one. We won’t’ make that mistake again.”
“So let’s begin with Lot Number One. There is not a Wardham girl alive who has ever played the Games who is not familiar with this item. She still holds the school record for the must number of captures in a college career. She is legendary. Tonight, I offer for sale the Slaver.”
Everyone started cheering as a naked but unbound Harmony was led onto the stage. Quickly, they got to their feet in a standing ovation and the noise became deafening. Destiny watched in amazement as she saw her mother once again walk proudly onto the stage where she was to be sold and then stand there, facing a sea of potential buyers with her chest out and shoulders back. It was incredible.
Eventually, the applause died down and everyone took their seats. The auctioneer began again.
“Lot number one is prime material,” the auctioneer said. She ran her fingertips down Harmony’s side. “Soft, smooth, supple flesh.”
She reached up and squeezed one of Harmony’s breasts before bouncing it in her palm several times. “Full, firm, ripe breasts that will provide joy to anyone who owns her.”
The breast was released and the fingers traveled downward. “I hope that you can all see how tight this body is. Flat belly. Not a single curve on this body is out of place.”
The fingers continued their downward journey and stopped when they reached Harmony’s Venus mound. Ever since becoming a part-time slave four years earlier, Harmony kept her mound bare. It was always shaved when she was summoned to serve and it was just easier to keep it bare all year long than to have it shaved four times a year and then let it grow back.
“Look how sleek this body is,” the auctioneer continued. “And who doesn’t like a bald pussy?”
Finally, the fingers moved lower still. One of the digits was pushed into Harmony’s sex and Destiny saw that her mother didn’t even flinch at the intrusion. The finger was pulled back out and held up for all to see. It was glistening in the spotlight.
“Pure arousal,” the auctioneer declared into the microphone. “Anyone who buys this item can be assured of a full week of unbridled passion and pleasure. Now, let’s begin the bidding.”
Arms waved in the air and numbers were shouted out as people rushed to get their bids in. Destiny looked out over the crowd and was once again amazed. It seemed that everyone in the room was trying to buy her mother.
The price soared and, little by little, bidders dropped out of the race. The price kept rising, though, as the remaining buyers were determined to make this purchase. Eventually, there were just a couple of steadfast purchasers and, after three active minutes of bids being raised, a sale was declared. In the end, Harmony was sold for ten thousand dollars and then was led off the stage.
“All current students at Wardham,” the auctioneer started again, “know of Lot Number Two. Soon, all alumnae will know her. She holds second place for the number of captures during her college career, behind only the Slaver. She holds the school record for the number of unassisted captures. This is her first time participating in the Old Girl Games. It gives me great pleasure to offer for sale for the first time, the Magician.”
Again, the crowd erupted in applause as Destiny was led naked onto the stage. All of the sorority girls were hooting or letting out wolf whistles. The audience got to their feet and again the applause was thundering.
Destiny looked out at the crowd and was amazed yet again. Were they going to do this for everyone? She wasn’t sure if she should be embarrassed or proud at this scene.
She remembered how her mother had behaved while on the auction block. Destiny held her head high and kept her shoulders back. When she got to the center of the stage, she placed her hands on her hips with her feet shoulder-width apart as she looked out at the thundering masses, proud and defiant. Harmony watched from the side of the stage and smiled at her beautiful, confident daughter.
“Lot Number Two is also primo quality,” said the auctioneer as everyone took their seats again. “Again, the flesh is superb in its texture and firmness.” Her fingers trailed down Destiny’s side.
“And look at the quality of these succulent breasts.” The auctioneer bounced each breast several times to show how firm they were and then grasped a nipple, lifting that breast and then letting it fall.
Fingers traveled over her belly and the auctioneer continued her monologue, describing how delectable and feminine her features were. The fingers paused at her Venus mound.
“I don’t know if all of you can see this cute little bush. The hair is so fair. But it’s neatly trimmed into a V. It’s almost like an arrow pointing the way to her little honey pot.”
The crowd erupted into laughter at this point. Again, Destiny was amazed. Her mother had warned her that it could get pretty bawdy at the Old Girl Games and that everyone left their inhibitions behind for these events. But this went way beyond anything that she could have imagined. It was like being held captive by the Sexistas. No, even the Sexistas had not been this lewd and out of control.
Destiny was prepared for the finger that plunged into her sex. She tried not to react although she figured that she was probably blushing.
“And what a juicy honey pot it is,” said the auctioneer. She held her finger up for the audience to see and it shined brightly with the reflection of the spotlight. “Lot Number Two is another package of unbridled passion and pleasure. Now, what am I offered for this item?”
Just like before, there was a flurry of waving arms and a cacophony of shouts as people desperately tried to get their bids recognized. The auctioneer insinuated her finger back into Destiny’s sex and slowly stroked in and out as she held the microphone in her other hand and called out the latest price.
The price kept climbing until, once again, there were only a couple of bidders left. In the end, Destiny was sold for ten thousand dollars, just like her mother. She was led off the stage and looked over her shoulder, seeing that Dawn was the next to be sold.
“That was unbelievable,” Destiny gasped to her mother once she was led to where her mother was standing.
“I told you that they get pretty bawdy at these events,” replied Harmony. “I hope you weren’t too embarrassed.”
“No. I meant it was unbelievable how turned on I was,” said Destiny. “I almost climaxed up there.”
Harmony leaned over and kissed her daughter. “You were beautiful up there. I am so proud of you.”
“You were so beautiful too, Mom,” smiled Destiny. “And I’m very proud to be your daughter. So what happens next?”
“Our buyers should be up here soon to pay for us and claim us,” said Harmony. “Then it’s up to them. They might take us away right away or keep us here until the auction is over.”
“I won’t see you until next weekend, kitten,” Harmony continued. “I hope you have an exciting week.”
“I hope you have a great week too, Mom,” Destiny responded and then kissed her mother. “I’m so excited!”
“We always try to offer a little extra at this auction house,” they heard the auctioneer announce. “Those of you who enjoy fresh milk will want to bid hard for Lot Number Three.” Destiny and Harmony looked to the stage and saw a blushing Dawn. The auctioneer held one breast while an assistant held the other. Both were squeezing and stroking the full, beautiful orbs.
“Lot Number Three is a new mother of a beautiful three month old daughter. She is still lactating. So factor a week’s supply of fresh milk into your valuation of this delectable little creature.” Destiny saw two sprays of milk jetting out of the breasts and sparkling in the bright lights that illuminated the stage.
“Kristi!” Destiny heard her mother gasp. “Why are you here?” Destiny turned and saw the woman who had bought her mother four years earlier and who was now the family slave for four weeks each year.
“I knew you were in the games this weekend,” replied Kristi. “So I showed up, hoping you’d be sold. I bought you.”
Harmony rolled her eyes. “Four weeks a year isn’t enough for you?”
“Apparently not for my father,” Kristi smiled. “He put in a special order for you once you told him you were playing this weekend.”
“Oh, so you’re pimping for Sir Henry now?” asked Harmony sarcastically.
“I prefer to think of it as acting as his purchasing agent,” Kristi smiled again.
“Okay,” shrugged Harmony. “Let’s get on with it. You own me now.”
Destiny sighed. “I guess my buyer had second thoughts.”
“No, your buyer didn’t have second thoughts,” Kristi replied. “I bought you too, Destiny.”
“What?!?!?!?” gasped Harmony.
“Another special order from the boss man,” grinned Kristi.
Destiny felt a thrill rush through her body. This was getting more and more amazing by the minute. She was so excited!
To be continued
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