Chloe - Dominated and Degraded - Chapter 24
As usual Cynthia Farnsworth was at least one step ahead of her secretary. By the time Jamela got around to breaking the news about her new acquisition, it was old news to her supervisor.
"I wondered when you'd get around to telling me about you and my agent, Ms. Connolly. Now you do know that management does not encourage fraternization outside of work. It often gets in the way of a smooth functioning organization when the team members are distracted from their assignments by personal matters involving other members of the team. Now that I've spoken as your manager, let's get down to brass tacks. Why have you been holding out on me, you nasty bitch? It had better be good or you just might receive a visit from some people that you don't want to know. They'd make what you do seem like a children's game, and guess what, you'll be the one in the barrel and it won't be filled with lilac water either."
Although the Bureau section head never raised her voice or showed any outward sign of unhappiness with her secretary, Jamela knew that she had misjudged her timing of this little surprise. She wondered what it might cost her this time. She still shuddered over what happened to her the last time. Those trained dogs made her asshole and cunt feel like they'd been torn to shreds. Then to show Jamela that this was only an average disciplining, for the rest of the long weekend she'd been the fuck pig at a coed gangbang that lasted for another day and a half. Afterward she was dumped naked and barely conscious at the entrance to her apartment. It was the doorman who came upstairs and let her in with his passkey, not batting an eye at her condition. Six hours later Jamela was at the Bureau ready for duty and there was plenty to be done; so much in fact that she had to work overtime to finish it. That was two years and four months ago, and she still marked it on her calendar.
"You're lucky that I'm in a good mood and Greg has been bothering me about having you over for a little threesome, myself excluded of course. It might be fun to have you and agent Connolly for the weekend. How about next weekend; would that fit into your busy schedule? Come to think of it I might like to get involved if you can guarantee to bring along that gorgeous brown-skinned beauty as well. You know the one I mean; now don't be coy. You don't do coy very well. Now don't you go and tell me that she's no longer your client that would be a lie. You do realize that you're under surveillance twenty-four seven, don't you? After the last session she could barely walk, it must have been four stars. I must take the time to see the tape. Perhaps when we all get-together at the house, it might be a good time to replay one of your finest hours as a dominatrix."
By then Jamela was on the verge of breaking into a cold sweat. She hated to be the fool, especially when it was her own fault. That silly brown-skinned bitch had no idea just how much pain she was going to suffer once her mistress got done kissing Cynthia Farnsworth's ass. Jamela was no fool, there would be other demeaning activities she and her super-nasty husband planned for her and the other bitches. On top of all that, there was the issue of what to do with the client. Once she got a good look at Cynthia and Greg, she and they were all vulnerable. The thought of what might happen next made Jamela tremble. Once again the section chief demonstrated her wiliness.
"I'll bet you're worrying about your client and what might happen to her once we've all been unmasked, after a fashion. Your client could have a terrible accident, no great loss considering her emotional and mental state. She could wake up to discover she was now working as a prostitute in a brothel located in Nigeria or perhaps even in the middle East, servicing rich oil sheiks until her looks degraded. Then it would be a step downward to Central America, in the interior where she would live out her days, such as they were. However, more than likely she'll just become another guinea pig for a new drug being tested as a forget me forever injection. I hear it has some killer side effects such as full-blown nymphomania or other personality disorders requiring that she be placed in an institution for life. Naturally we could still use her as a crash test dummy for other drugs and methods for transporting goods and information on her person, from one country to another."
Jamela winced at the possibilities that her supervisor suggested. None of them really left her as Jamela's property. That was in many ways worse than what she had to endure the last time she screwed up and had to pay for it. In this situation it was no client, no money.
Cynthia had been watching Jamela's face for signs of discomfort and they were there in abundance. She knew exactly what motivated her secretary, power and money, not necessarily in that order either. There was a very good chance that she could work something out between them and wind up with a large fraction of her new agent, Frances Connolly, to do with as she pleased. Of course Jamela had to pay some kind of penalty above and beyond giving up most of the services of her new find. She'd have to discuss that one with her husband who sometimes mentioned his interest in bending Jamela's will to his own unique needs.
Jamela was in a bad mood for the next two days and itching to take it out on Chloe/Frances, but to no avail. The section chief had given her strict instructions that all those to be involved in the upcoming threesome or more were not to be treated harshly. The dominatrix knew better than to disobey her. In the meantime Cynthia and her husband discussed the agenda for the weekend. Had she known their plans, Jamela would have been furious, but resigned. As for Chloe/Frances, she seemed oblivious to everyone around her, be it Cynthia, Jamela or the one client that visited the apartment for a brief but brutal session.
Like the others she had ushered into Jamela's web, this black woman was in her mid-twenties. She was full figured, quite buxom and when she stripped down, her breasts, belly and rump was crisscrossed with scores of welts in various states of healing. However what got the quasi-agent's attention once the chastity belt, a cruel clamp with two rows of sharp teeth, was removed was the damage that had been done to her vulva. First there were the two lines of puncture wounds from the clamp that appeared to be suppurating, then the chunks of flesh missing from her swollen cunt lips and the two rows of thick rings made of what looked like lead that were stretching those fat, burn marked cushions so much that they looked more like twin membranes. The agent was surprised to hear anything from the client, most never said a word before entering Jamela's nest.
"I've been very bad and Mistress Jamela is going to be very unhappy with me, but I couldn't help myself. The temptation was just too much for my weak will to overcome and so I let them enjoy themselves and it was such fun, too much fun I guess, but let the Mistress decide that."
Chloe/Frances escorted the client, who winced after every shuffling step she took, into Jamela's bedroom and await her further orders. Her mistress was furious, so infuriated that she was speechless. The woman immediately fell to the floor and began pounding her forehead against the thick carpet, her bare body wracked with sobs. Jamela rose to her full height, towering over the cringing figure. Not a word had escaped her lips, so her acolyte stood by the door and waited for whatever was to transpire. It did not take long in coming. It was like a summer thunderstorm complete with bolts of lightning and claps of thunder that shook the client to her core.
Without saying a word Jamela moved behind the sobbing woman and landed a vicious blow to her spine, just between the shoulder blades. That drove the air from the client's lungs and made her topple over onto her side. The dominatrix reached down and grabbed a handful of the client's hair and began banging her head against the rug until she had to pause for breath. She moved away and then dealt the woman a kick to the ribs that compressed her into a ball as she desperately tried to protect her body from the terrible punishment the dominatrix began to deliver. All Chloe/Frances could do was watch and mentally cringe at what was taking place. Jamela managed to drag the sobbing wretch to her feet long enough to deal a knee to her cunt and open-handed slaps to both ears as she choked and wailed, then began to vomit. That infuriated her mistress who kicked the client in the knee to down her so she could give her a number of kicks to the head and stomp down with her high-heeled boots, driving the heel into her ribcage and even the sides of her swollen, bleeding tits. Jamela stopped her assault long enough to have her assistant find the metal collar with the embedded studs on the inside and the wrist manacles that were attached to the back.
The mistress locked the collar securely around the client's neck and ratcheted it down until she screamed from the pain that the studs produced as they pressed deep into her flesh. It was an easy matter to snap the manacles around the sobbing, pleading woman's wrists, effectively restraining and making her entire naked body available for the beating Jamela had in mind to deliver.
"I don't want this bitch bleeding all over my good carpet and maybe splattering some on my walls that were just painted a month ago. We are taking her into the bathroom, but not for water sports, at least not until I get done beating her to within an inch of her miserable life."
The pale blonde nodded and helped the client to her feet, which proved to be a mistake as she soon discovered. Jamela rushed over screaming at the top of her lungs and smashed the black woman across the side of the head with her fist.
"No help for this lazy, good for nothing bitch! No wonder her father doesn't want to fuck her anymore! Who would want to stick his dick into that sewer she calls a cunt?"
Chloe/Frances was astonished at the bottled up anger that her mistress could release on occasion, and this was one of those occasions. The client staggered in the direction of Jamela's gigantic bed and was rewarded with a kick to the knee that made her fold up and collapse to the floor once more. Over and over she was kicked in the ribs and side as she begged then bellowed in agony from the damage caused by the steel-toed boots.
"Get up you sorry excuse for a black woman! Show some pride for your race, or has the white man beaten it out of you already? Why am I wasting time on your miserable existence when there are so many other more deserving black women begging to learn from mistress Jamela? Now I want you to get up from the floor and move your sorry ass to the bathroom where I am going to see just how close to death I can bring you. I'm counting to five and then if you haven't gotten your ugly ass up I'm gonna grab those rings in your cunt lips and see if they come free before I get you to your feet!"
It was apparent that the dominatrix knew her client quite well. The moment she made a feint toward the thick rings embedded in her swollen labia, the young black woman rolled quickly away and managed to get to her knees. Unfortunately Jamela was just as quick and twice as angry, grabbing her by the hair and yanking hard. Her prey grunted and tried to push up to regain her feet. Jamela would have none of that. She stepped back, still holding the woman's hair and began kicking her in the belly and cunt mouth with those steel-toed boots. The client screamed in agony as fresh, gaping wounds were opened in that sensitive region of her body. Once more she brought up some semi-digested food, which ran down her chin and began coating her big tits. With a loud grunt Jamela managed to bring the trembling, young woman to her feet, and pushed her in the direction of the bathroom. Her pale blonde assistant hurried over to open the door, but was not quick enough for her mistress. Jamela slammed the black woman's head against the bathroom door three times before letting her slump to the floor, barely conscious. The dominatrix glared balefully at her trainee and muttered under her breath that she was in for some additional training as soon as she got done with this piece of worthless crap.
Once inside the bathroom and revived, the black woman was made to kneel in front of Jamela who was seated on the edge of the huge tub that could and often did handle more than one person. The dominatrix had unzipped the leather piece that guarded her hairy pussy and was positioning it so that the client could begin worshipping it as soon as Jamela was satisfied that she had told her all there was to tell. Chloe/Frances stood by the door and watched what took place, her ears capturing every word that came from her mistress as well as the young, battered, black woman.
"Now I want you to start at the beginning and tell me everything that happened to produce this sad state of affairs. I would have thought that your father would have easily prevented this relapse back to the old ways, or am I wrong? If you lie to me we are done; it is over between us! However you will still pay a steep price in pain and degradation before old Jamela and my few friends and many associates are done with you. There is a good chance that you may not be able to function at all once you leave the sanctuary I have provided. You may very well turn into a vegetable, unworthy for any role in normal society. That will be your problem, not mine. You will be quickly replaced by any number of candidates, each more interesting and not as screwed up as you were when your father hired me to tutor you to the ways of the real world. One last thing, you will keep your eyes focused on my pussy at all times and whenever I spread my thighs you will put that snake's tongue of yours to work making my pussy and therefore your mistress satisfied. You will continue your worshipping until I tell you to resume your story."
With those words Jamela parted her thighs and the client dove between those powerful legs, her tongue spearing that hairy twat that was presented for her attention. Chloe/Frances kept an eye on how her mistress reacted to this initial overture, and was quite surprised at the way it almost immediately calmed Jamela. The dominatrix started to stroke the client's head like she was a pet. This only intensified the response she received from the young black woman. She began slobbering like a dog all over Jamela's thick bushy pubes, literally straining them to capture anything that might be captured within those curly, springy hairs. As suddenly as this activity began, so just as quickly it was terminated with cruel open-handed slaps to the woman's ears. Jamela growled and ordered her to start her story and use words like "cunt", "asshole" and the like. She threatened to tear the woman's hair from her head if she lapsed into that phony uptown talk. Her frightened victim began her story in a low voice until she received a vicious blow to the side of her face from the dominatrix.
"The night before it happened, my father invited a member of his corporate management team along with his rather attractive and considerably younger wife for dinner to celebrate a recent acquisition that significantly enhanced the corporation's annual profit. During the briefing that my father gave me, it was made perfectly clear that I was to entertain both of his visitors with my body, performing any activity they so desired. Naturally father would also be involved as a matter of courtesy. In recent months my father had become rather cool toward me. Thus I was excited to have this opportunity to strengthen our bond that had begun when I was fourteen. At that time his former wife, my mother, had been discovered in an illicit affair that resulted in a divorce that left her well fixed but forever estranged from me."
"Things went as planned. The couple was stunned at my decorations, as father describes them. The dozen lead alloy rings took a number of attempts, as well as a portion of my outer cunt lips, before they were properly set. The signs of my disobedience to authority, a layer of welts in varying stages of healing, covered the more sensitive regions of my naked body and attracted keen attention from the male guest. With father's encouragement he tested the rings, pulling my cunt lips out to their limit and holding them in that position while I sweat and trembled, praying that he would not go further and draw blood. The woman ran her long fingernails across the welts that covered my tits, belly and ass. It was very apparent that she was excited strongly by my nudity and the signs of contrition that I exhibited. This portion of the evening concluded, the sex began."
"The man sodomized me a number of times while his wife offered up whatever my father wanted."
The use of certain words in that sentence drew Jamela's ire and another blow to her client's head, delivered with such passion and power, it threatened to break her neck. It took the trembling woman a few moments to recover her equilibrium, and then she picked up the story once more, now going over what had irritated her mistress.
"The stud fucked me hard in my asshole a couple of times and his big cock really stretched my poor shitter. Naturally I had to suck that fuck stick clean as a whistle before getting him ready for another go at my gaping asshole. His wife was also doing some serious grunting and groaning as my father's prick pounded her pussy to pulp. I was hoping for some of that hard cock before the night was over, but he didn't give me a sniff, except when he wanted me to get him hard so he could fuck that white bitch some more. Things settled down into a routine and I was kept busy either sucking and swallowing cum from the bitch's cunt and asshole or getting my father and the other stud hard enough to do me and the white cunt."
"My father's guests were having a good time watching me doing all the nasty things like cleaning up cocks fresh from my or the white bitch's asshole, sucking them off so they could fuck my sore asshole some more or getting the white lady off with my tongue. When I would eat the white devil's pussy, my father and the stud would use their belts on my already welted ass and whip my butt until it started to bleed. They wouldn't stop until she got off and the number of times I got her off was few and far between. The couple really loved to watch my father jam that butt plug up my asshole after every load of cum that was pumped into it by the stud."
"Father suggested that I be used further and produced a number of toys for the entertainment. The young bitch seemed to get a thrill when she used a strap on dildo that was huge to stretch my cunt. This excited the stud who had me give him head until his cock was stiff enough to once more go up into my sore butthole. This time he wore a condom that had ridges and bumps that really made me beg for mercy. Now they were double fucking me and father seemed to be really enjoying my pain and suffering. Even though that thick tool was rubbing my cunt raw and his cock was stretching my asshole to way beyond comfort, I was on the verge of getting off."
"Now father got into the act and shoved his cock down my throat so hard and fast that tears came from my eyes. Having my father's cock in my throat was the thing that pushed me over into a gigantic orgasm that even surprised me. The only problem was I soaked the sheets as well as the white bitch's shaved cunt, making me pay a penalty for cumming without permission. The pain they generated while they fist fucked my sore fuck tunnel was mind-blowing. First the stud then my father, back and forth each one working his fist further and further up my sore, tired twat while the other rested and watched the action. Try as they would, neither was able to reach my cervix. All that changed when the white bitch got into the act and slipped on a latex glove, and then lubed it with "hot sauce". I'd had the hot sauce treatment before and I started to cry and beg for her not to do this thing to me. That just made her more determined. Her husband and my father made bets about whether or not she could reach my cervix. I was in agony by the time her closed hand made contact with my uterus and began punching it with blows that felt like hammers made of molten steel. I passed out at that point. The last thing I heard was father suggesting that perhaps she might want to go up my asshole and see just how far she could get her arm."
Jamela cut her off at that point in the story and ordered her back to eating her cunt. Once more that snake-like tongue began lapping and wiggling across the hairy terrain that was the dominatrix's vulva. It darted and licked, sucked and kissed, all the time paying close attention to every movement and sound that issued from her mistress. All Chloe/Frances could do was wait and watch, wondering how this tale would finally end.
(To be continued - lex ludite)
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