"Confessions of Lust " I remember the morning when they finally caught me. It was unusually cold in my native Los Angles and the police had just caught the hill side strangler. Later under interrogation I would find this exceedingly funny as this bastard stole what should have been my pivotal role in penal lore. Yes I know, he killed people and I didn’t. Not that I wanted to, but in retrospect I probably should have, or I wouldn’t be sitting here now. Listening to these two fat ass pretentious pigs recount my adventures made me dream of my last and greatest adventure . Her name was Stacy something. I “found her” as she passed out in my mini van from a rap on the back of the head followed by a lovely tab of rohipnyl after she awoke. That was almost two weeks ago, I’m not really sure. Stacy had proved to be the best one yet. But I’m getting ahead of my self. This “great adventure” of mine started two weeks ago in Oregon. Seems I had a dispute over an over due Meth bill so I knocked the bastard out with a wine bottle and borrowed his mini van. Nicely equipped I might add, as it turned out to contain a veritable pharmacy. Cool stuff too. Not only the lovely date rape drug rohipnyl, meth, secondly, and various lesser pills but thousands of dollars and several weapons, including a Remington 870 pump shotgun and a chrome Python .357 Magnum. Ya I was good to go. All decked out in my black thigh high boots leather mini-skirt and a tight leather corset with my 38DD boobs spilling over the top accented my long black hair and my indigo blue eyes an a trunk full of toys. I was on top of the world. All I needed was a suitable playmate. This it seems I was to find the very room first time I stopped for gas in some little hick ass berg of a town just after midnight. Patorns aren’t allowed to pump their own gas in Oregon! Can you believe that shit? So when this hot slutty little buxom slut walks to my window and says” fill ‘er up? I knew this was the party I was looking for. As I was staring at her pert nipples she woke me from my sordid thoughts and asked again. “Fill’er up”? ‘Uh ya bitch” … I know she heard this but she said nothing and started the pump going. She dropped the gas cap and I noticed that her sweet little ass flaired out very nicely and she wasn’t wearing panties! When the pump handle snapped off she comes to my window and says “twenty seven- eighty five”. Pulling my poor sick dummy routine I told her my back hurt real bad and that my purse was behind my seat and if she would get it for me I’d tip her good. She grumbled some shit I couldn’t make out and I unlocked the side door. It was really dark and the bitch didn’t see it coming. With a nice little rap on the back of the head I layed her out after she climbed in and handed me my purse. Closing the door of the van after pulling her feet in, I shoved another roofie down her throat and handcuffed her as it was a good hour drive to the remote barn I knew of. Passing no other cars the drive was uneventful. Coming up on the thirty five mile marker I slowed to search for the brush covered turn off. Slamming on the brakes I passed it and threw the van into reverse and turned down the rough gravel road. Bumpier than I remember, the head lights barely illuminated the narrow road that was little more than a grown over foot path. It had been years since I’d been here and ghostly unpleasant memorials filled my thoughts. Rather suddenly the large old wooden barn appeared. More run down than I remember but still a safe place to spend a day or two in relative safety. Searching the glove box for the black Maglite I opened the door ands stuffed the Python 357 Magnum in the small of my back. Experiencing the chill of the night mountain air. Stopping to listen for several moments I heard nothing save the wind thru the large Pine trees. Snapping on the light I made my way to the large doors. Still no lock! Opening the large heavy door I step inside to the smell of bird shit and damp hay. A quick scan assures me that no one has been here in ages, so I return to the van and drove it inside. Once again I paused to listen to the wind to convince myself that we are truly alone I return to the barn and closed the door. Giggling to my self I open the side door to the van. My lovely little guest is moaning softly now and is semi conscious. “Mom is that you”? “Yes darling mommy's here I whisper. Spreading out one of those blue tarps you can buy at the swap meet for three dollars I help my new best friend out of the van and gently guide her to the ground. Returning to the van I retrieve the nice twelve pack of Natural ice and a battery powered lantern and sit next to her. Being a girl scout really has paid off as everything we will need for the long night to come is here within the van. It’s a little chilly but livable I think to my self as I pop the tab off my first beer of what would prove to be a long evening. Taking a long swig I take a good long look at her and help her upright and undo the handcuffs. “Here sweetie have a nice drink of water and you’ll feel better. “Who the fuck are you and where the hell am I?” she asks in her drug induced lethargy? “I’m your new best friend child I whisper”. ”Bullshit bitch what the fuck are you doing? Take me back right now or I’ll kick your fuckin’ ass”. Wow that’s scary huh? With a sigh and a little chuckle I pull out the Python and point it at her head. I always get a rush out of watching their jaw drop in fear. Heh heh. “Oh my god” she gasps. “No darling “I say calmly with a slight smile, I do the ass kicking around here. Now baby if you behave yourself I promise you’ll walk out of here with your head still intact.” From mad as hell to horror stricken in the blink of an eye my new little friend starts to cry. ”Please lady don’t kill me” she sobs “I just want to go home “What’s your name baby “I ask with a sigh. I hate living like this. Always on the run always hiding in shitty damp places with out even a bathroom to pee in. Yet the perks are about to pay off.”Stacy” she stammers between sobs. "Okay Stacy just relax, were going to have a little fun then I’ll take you back to the gas station”. Not that I really would have. By the time they find this one I need to be hundreds of miles away. “So Stacy we’re gonna drink a few beers and relax a bit “. I hand her a beer and she just stares at me. Dropping a pill in the beer, I again press it toward her .This time pointing the gun at her. “Drink up bitch” I hiss. She starts to drink. Hands still trembling."All of it” I tell her. Which she does and drops the can from her hand. Smiling at her and standing up, I tell her to take off her clothes. She is wearing skin tight denim jeans, blue Nikes and a sleeveless jacket. She just stares at me blankly, so putting the gun behind my back into my pants I grab hold of her long curly hair and yank her to her feet. Ah the little screams that I always find so appealing! “I said take off your clothes slut” slapping her across the face. She flinches and slowly starts to remover her jacket which I toss at the van. Next I help her pull her Motley Crew tee shirt over her head. She wears no bra and her nice big swollen tits fall out. She pulls away from me at this point and starts to run toward the door. But the drugs are now acting in good fashion and she falls after only a few steps. “Kinda makes it hard to run huh” I laugh. Pulling off her Nikes I unsnap her jeans and roughly pull them off, tossing them to the van as well. I’ll be taking theses with me later so I need to keep them together.” “Well well, what have we here” I laugh? Pretty little red thong panties”? Hmmmmmm. Nice. By now my little Stacy is crying her eyes out and it’s starting to annoy me. So I go to the van to retrieve my “luggage “. My luggage as I call it is in fact a large foot locker chocked full or all manner of S&M toys, vibrators, hand cuffs, nipple clamps, whips and just about anything you can name or need to inflict joy. This is my passion, my joy, my every thing. Home mom and apple pie my ass. Give me the writhing impassioned squeals of a slut tightly bound feeling the hearty snap of my riding crop on her welted ass. Looking around the barn I spy and old wooden saw horse. With a little giggle I go get it and drag it back to out little lit area. Stacy by this time has calmed down quite a bit, a lovely effect of rophypnol, which is passivity with mild sedation. My, the things one learns. The saw horse is rough hewn yet very sturdy and will do quite nicely. Helping my pet up I fold her t shirt and lay it over the horse. I get to my knees and tie her ankles to each end of it with clean white cotton rope. Just as I was getting up to bend her over the thing, the dumb bitch falls over it with a gasp, almost toppling the whole thing. With a hearty laugh I’m like” thank you Stacy you must be a mind reader” Seizing the opportunity I quickly tie Stacy’s wrists to the legs of the horse and tie her hard nipples cruelly to each ankle. She moans and lets out a scream that startles me. This could ruin the whole thing. I must shut this bitch up and quick. With a strong tug I rip her panties off exposing her sweet pink ass. Realizing that I must pee, I put the panties down, pull my jeans down and start to pee on them. Soaking wet I leave them on the ground. Now the bitch is screaming again so I do the only thing there is to do. Shove my pee soaked panties in her mouth! In doing so the fucking slut actually bit me so hard that it drew blood. Do you believe that shit? The nerve of the little bitch. Well, just so she doesn’t spit out the panties and in part from getting off on knowing that as I torment her she is tasting my juices, I pull a good length of duct tape out and slap it tightly over her mouth and around her slender neck. There! Now I can relax a bit and have another Natural ice. Doing so I start to relax a bit knowing that for tonight we are safe and shall be undisturbed. I quickly douse the first beer and snap open another and sit down and open up my beloved toy box. So many pretty things! Let me see here. Needs this and this and this. I smile and catch my self in that ever present day dream. But this is no dream and I have work to do. So picking up my leather riding crop I get up and position myself behind Stacy's ass. Taking a full swing I bring the whip hard across her pink ass. This must have jolted her from what ever boring little middle class fucking day dream she was having because she screamed even with a mouth full of my wet panties. This was so funny to me I quickly slammed her ass five more times in rapid succession, each time in a different spot. Watching her squirm and twist makes me stop and laugh. “May be I’m not doing this right I laugh. So I break out a long slender wooden cane. Drawing back I bring it thundering down on Stacy’s now beat red ass. With a resounding swoosh she visibly jumps, this inspires me even more, it really does. It makes me wet and I actually will cum when I get to whip the shit out of some hot sluts ass. I must have again fallen in to my day dream. Which I’ll describe in detail later. Because when I caught my self I saw that Stacy’s ass was bloody to the point of dripping. Shit! Well hell ain’t that a shame. Finding a stool I sit behind her and wiping the blood away with a damp cloth I spread her ass cheeks and taste my little sweetie's asshole. Very tight. Good. This outta wake her up a bit I muse with a laugh ,so I reach in to my toy box and pull out a big tube of K Y jelly and liberally apply a healthy gob to two fingers. With a practiced twist of the wrist I’m knuckles deep in seconds and hear her moaning again thru my panties. My philosophy in these matters has always been to “take care of the ass first. And the ass it belongs to will take care of you”. Twisting and turning my fingers in her ass reminds me of my last toy, which is why I had to hit the road in the first place. Seems history does repeat it self. I forget her name now but it doesn’t matter now as we are here now with Stacy and she needs my attention. Reaching over to the box and pulling out a fourteen inch knobby dildo I rub more KY on it and un-ceremoniously shove the tip in her asshole. Twisting and turning it until it finally clears her sphincter then slides in easily. All the while I feel and hear her groaning and starting to tremble. This only excites me more and I start taking long slow deep strokes. At this point Stacy actually pushes her ass back the best she can to meet my strokes!! Resting my cheek on Stacy’s ass cheek I start to ram the dildo in and out with both hands. Faster and faster. Harder and harder. Twisting and turning. Pushing so hard the saw horse almost tips over I only stop when I lose my breath and start panting, so for a finale I give her several more hard deep strokes. Ripping the dildo out and tossing it into the vans open door, I don’t want her loosened asshole to get tight just yet so I shove in a large red butt plug. With this she howls loud even through her panty gag. Taking a rest I pop another Natural Ice and walk around Stacy. Swallowing half the can in a long pull I notice that her face is bright red and her eyes are rolling back in her head. Well I guess I better cut her loose. So I take my slender Gerber dagger out of the hidden sheath in my right boot top. Reaching down I rip the tape off her face and gently pull the soaked panties from her mouth. Looking back now I should have expected her to scream, which she did but it startled me so that as if on auto pilot I shoved my boot tip deep into her mouth. “Seems we need to have a little talk Stacy ‘ cause darling you’re still not getting it are you” I first cut her ankles loose, knowing that she cannot escape in the position she’s in now. Putting the low stool directly behind her head and sitting down with my legs spread, I cut her wrists free. She starts to move but I lift her head up by her hair and put the razor sharp knife to her throat and make her look me in the eyes. Scream again bitch and I’ll cut your god damn throat got it”? Her mumbled “yes Ma’am” was barley heard but then and there I knew I had her.” OK Slut here’s you r situation darling. We're in the middle of no where. I am you life or your death. It’s up to you Stacy. I’m gonna teach you the meaning of womanly love and you’re gonna do exactly as I say, and by tomorrow night you’ll be back home safe in your own bed. If you do as I say like I said. Or we can end it hear and now. Which will it be”? Looking her right in the eyes I saw the slight nod of her head that wordlessly told me that the game had just began. Lifting her to her feet by her long hair I sit her on the stool and retrieve two long lengths of thin leather. Grasping her left breast I tightly wind the strip around it several times very tightly, causing the tit to bulge jut out cruelly. Taking a similar strip I quickly tie the right tit as well. Noting that they are already starting to turn color I tie her wrists together over her head and leave about 6 feet extra. Taking this piece I throw it over the low heavy ceiling beam. Her muffled screams amuse me as I pull her to her feet and tie off the end . I find a four foot length of heavy pipe and kicking her legs apart cruelly tie each ankle to either end causing her to now stand on her toes. Testing her alertness, as soon the drugs should be wearing off I dig my nails deeply into each swollen tit and squeeze savagely. Her scream annoys me as we may not be as safe here as I think, so picking up the torn pee soaked panties I return them to her mouth and peeling off a length of duct tape, cover her mouth. Now for the tits! Reaching in my toy box I pull out a knotted rope about 4 feet long with ten hard tight knots. Standing in front of her and off to the side I take a ferocious swing, hitting both breasts at once. Stacy sees white hot stars as again and harder the rope crashes into her swollen purple tits. Her knees weaken and she almost passes out from the steady onslaught. Over and over, countless times the blows thunder down on her now bloody tits. Reaching down and feeling her soaked pussy I notice that she is passed out. She moans softly as I slide my fingers in her shaved pussy and I slap her face really hard which brings her around. ”How are we doing Stacy?” I ask. She mumbles something about behaving her self. But I’m not yet in the mood for her lies, so taking a heavy leather belt I wrap it around her waist and tighten it tight, from this I take two thin leather strips and tie to the rear center of the belt. Bringing them down thru her ass crack, I stop and giver her welted ass cheeks a few good hard scrapes with my nails, this makes her even more awake then before. Pulling the strips down and around to her soaked cunt, I carefully position them so they spread her cunt lips, taking a second to pinch her clit very hard. Taking a length of dental floss I carefully tie it to the center of her clitoris and the other end to the belt around her waist. This brings out a loud moan and I see that she is drooling on her ravaged tits. Picking up my knotted silk rope, I shove one end into her dripping slit and put the rest of the rope up and behind her back and rest it on her shoulder. Grabbing the front end of the rope I pull hard on the rope, scaping the knots thru her inner pussy lips. This brings a horrible muffled scream which despite my self makes me cum instantly. Very wet my self I grasp the rope tightly and yank all the knots thru her pussy all at once. After the last on she is screaming thru the panties and almost passes out and I notice the rope is bloody. By now she is begging with her eyes, so I remove the duct tape and the panties. Thru her tear soaked eyes, sobbing and shaking hard, she looks me straight in the eyes. Please Ma’am. Please stop hurting me. Please "Well Stacy are you ready to behave and do as I say? Exactly as I say?” Sobbing almost uncontrollably and apparently broken she nods her head slightly several times. “Yes Ma’am. I’ll do any thing you say , just please stop hurting me” Touched and pleased at this admission I pop open another Natural Ice and down half of it in one long gulp. Looking at the ground as I appear to ponder her request, I reach up, digging my nails deeply into her purple tits again and twist my wrists violently. She screams loud and strong. Holding my claw like grip, and feeling the blood form around my nails I draw my face inches from her face, looking her in the eyes and ask her if she really means it. “Yes Ma’am please believes me and let me show you that I mean it . Please?” Okay baby I’ll give you your chance, but know….. That if you defy me, in any way I’ll spend the next three days making this look like a picnic. Got it slut”? “Yes Ma’am she sobs”.” Well slut I’m almost a believer, I still need to make sure though”, so pulling up the short stool I grab a 14’’ knobby dildo and sit in front of her. Swiping the heavy dildo thru her pussy crack it’s now covered with wet thick girl cum and blood and I jam it all the way in her pussy violently bottoming it out. This also elicits searing pain as Stacy screams out. I’m past worrying about un wanted visitors, so using both hands I ram the dildo up and down as hard and as fast as I can ,sending her in to waves of shuddering spasms. I keep this up until my arms are sore, just as she screams in a final burst of squirting lust, soaking my arms and dripping down her legs I fall back on the tarp laughing and finish off the open beer. Going to the van I get out my camera and take a few pictures of my broken but now devoted slave. Walking to Stacy I free her legs and yanks the dildo from her asshole in one swift motion and flings it in the open van door. I reach up and cut her arms free and she drops to the damp ground passed out. Helping her sit up I give her a beer which she drinks greedily. ” Thank you Ma’am for letting me down, may I please go home now?’ Slapping her hard across the mouth sends her backward and starts her crying again. I remind her of her vow to serve me as I lean against the van and spread my legs widely exposing my shaved pussy to her. Picking up the strings I tied to her nipples I order her to roll over on her chest and to crawl to me. Pulling harder she slowly reaches me and I grab her hair pulling her face into my waiting pussy. Pulling hard on her strings I whisper “suck bitch” and at this she shoves her tongue deep into my waiting slit. With long slow licks she slides her tongue all over my wetness finding my clit.” So Stacy you whore you do know how to lick pussy I laugh”Surpisingley the slut does I muse as I’m starting to cum and cum hard. Wrapping my legs around her head forcing her head deep into my pussy I feel the explosive force of the first orgasm I’ve had in too long a while. Shaking as my juices flood her face I feel her struggling to breath and I have to shove her away as I myself start to shake and shudder wildly from her tongue fucking. She falls over and as I am almost exhausted I fall to her side holding her tight. As I hold her I feel the overwhelming need to sleep, and barley manage to mercifully untie her swollen wrecked tits. At this she screams loudly as the blood floods back into her severely abused tits. Holding her tightly, the last thing I remember is whispering in her ear. “Sleep baby. Sleep” Jumping slightly as day light floods thru the upper barn from the hay loft opening I look down and see Stacy between my legs and licking lovingly on my wet pussy. She’s moaning softly and I feel my self Cumming. Looking at her, still trying to catch up with where I am and what the day will bring, I can think of nothing but the girl I’ve tormented all night. And here she is sucking on my pussy! She could have easily fled or shot me while I slept. The .357 is still at my side as I left it. No one could be so loving and forgiving. Sitting up I slide over to Stacy. Our eyes meet. Silently we kiss and embrace, our tongues fighting for the others saliva. “Stacy" I ask, “What the fuck are you doing”? “Well Ma’am I did promise to obey you and I thought you would like me licking your pussy while you slept”. I couldn’t fucking believe it. Here after all the cruelty I’ve inflicted on her she wants to please me!” “Stacy you could have left and been miles away, I would have left you here and no one would have found you for weeks maybe”. “I know that Ma’am I don’t care I want to stay with you. “ I even thought of shooting you as you slept but couldn’t do it” Baffled and struck at the fleeting idea as to her answer, I hug her tight and whisper in her ear “ I love you Stacy” and start to cry like a baby “ I love you too Mistress” she proclaims strongly. I can’t fucking believe it. This bitch loves me .No one has ever told me that unless they wanted something I had. So crying my eyes out holding Stacy like the world is about to end she strokes my hair and tells me not to worry that she’ll stay with me as long as I like.. Through my tear soaked eyes I stammer “why would you do that after what I did to you“? Because Ma’am you showed me the first real sex and sensual girl love I’ve ever known. (And I thought I was fucked up) Helping each other up I hold her at arms length looking her in the eye, “darling I’m on a collision course with disaster and will go to jail the first time the cops stop me. I’ve done some bad things and you’d go to jail just being with me” “I don’t care Ma’am I’m staying with you” she said and hugged me tightly. “Okay Stacy you can go with me but here’s the deal I’m going to jail and before that happens I’m going to have some fun. That’s why I nabbed you.” And if you go with me you’re going to help me do other sluts like I did you. Okay?””Yes Ma’am she whispers, “I’ll help you do anything” “Ok darling but stop calling me Ma’am, my name is Brenda Lee. And besides you can always claim that I made you.” With out another word we start to pack up the toy box, the ropes and all the toys strewn about and fold up the tarp putting them in the van. We both dress quickly Opening the barn door I take a quick look around and hop in and pull the van out onto the dirt road. Not bothering to close the door we start off. Finally reaching the road I turn right on old highway fifty nine headed north. Reaching for one of the joints that I keep in the ash tray I light it up and take a deep puff and pass it to Stacy. She takes a deep drag passing it back and stares at the road. Flashing back to the time that Genie made me hers heart and soul. Ah the adventures! The seeming endless hour's of whippings, canings and paddling's. Oh, the blood that flowed and the many, many needles piercing my nipples, tits and pussy lips. Even my tongue. Genie was the undisputed Mistress of pain and I her best student! When I think of the agony and pleasure I endured at her skilled hands….. Only to be overshadowed by my endless scream filled orgasms. For days it seemed…..Brought to the edge or madness, then pulled back with the sharp lash of her biting whip… Finally breaking the silence she asks “Brenda Lee where are we going”? Taking a moment to answer as I hit the joint a tell her of my friend Genie who has a ranch about a hundred miles away where we can kick back and party for a while , while I figure out what I’m going to do. “But here’s the rub Stacy sweetie we need to get us a new toy or even two to take with us too Genies house “. Without so much as a stray look or question she says “Oh I know where we can get us a toy Brenda. I used to go to the State college down here and still have my student ID with me”.”You can have your choice there. ”Hmm I whisper to my self this could work.” The turn off for the college was fifty miles away now and Stacy has been quietly looking at the passing scenery wit an occasional lusty glance at me which pleased me very much. As we approach town it occurs to me that we need to get supplies and buy Stacy some cool new clothes before we collect our new toy. Spying a shopping mall I pull off the highway and enter the parking lot and decide to leave my gun in the car. As we enter the mall we check the "You are here" marquis and see that there is a fetish shop called Dream Dresser on the upper level. We enter to and are immediately met by a fine big titted older slut that’s asks if she can help us. ”Well yes darling” I say to her, my niece here needs something very sexy to wear for Halloween boots leather corset the whole set up”. ”Ók” she says “I think we can do that my name is Divina come with me young lady” “Sweetie you go with Divina I’m gonna do a little shopping too I’ll met you back here in about 45 minutes” ‘Ok Auntie I’ll be here she says. I noticed a hardware store on the map and head for the other end of the mall grabbing a cart I start thru the aisles of True Value Hardware. Let’s see. Four fifty foot lengths of medium cotton rope, some big safety pins, six big metal eye bolts, a big box of large needles and a few other assorted items completes my task. Returning to the store I see Stacy all decked out in thigh high red latex boots with matching corset, her sweet tits bulging over the top. Long black gloves and 6’’ platform spiked heels and blood red nylons.”Wow sweetie you look good ““thank you Auntie you’re so sweet” The sales lady asks" well if you’ll go into the back and change I’ll box this stuff up for you” “Oh Auntie can I please wear my new outfit now please” ? “ Sure baby" I say, picking out a short thin coat to cover her. So we pay the lady and head back to the van, Picking up some fast food from the food court on the way out. Hoping in the van we head on down the highway bound for Trinity College. I find that really funny, I’m sure that somewhere in there we shall find the perfect gift for my darling Genie. A half an hour later comes the turn off and Stacy tells me to park over by the Admin building. This is the scariest part because she wants to go alone and I’m not totally sure that she won’t call the cops. ” Stacy sweetie you are going to come back right”? I ask. “Of course I am Brenda “she says as she reaches under her coat and pulls out my little .380 automatic and hands it to me. Stunned that she even had it I just gape in amazement as she gets out and slams the door shut. ” Fuck that slut could have shot me long ago? But to be on the safe side I move the van around the block and walk near to where I dropped her off. Wearing big funky sunglasses I sit in the shade of a tree fifty yards away and wait. It couldn’t have been 30 minutes when I see her return with the sexiest little blond I think I’ve ever seen I mean this slut was a fucking bombshell. Five foot six, maybe 120 pounds with tits bigger than mine, and I’m a 38double D. Wearing a short tennis dress and pigtails down to her shoulders. Also with her is a second girl, slightly shorter with even bigger boobs and dressed in tight jeans and a red tube top showing off huge hard nipples. I walk up to them and say “Hi Stacy” “oh Auntie B, this is my friend Melissa and this is Miranda”' Stacy says you’re having a party tonight, can we come along ‘?”Sure darling" I say “Aunt B where is the van” asks Stacy. “Oh I had to park it around the corner come on its’ this way.”With Stacy in the middle we walk around the corner to the van, Stacy whispers to me“What do you think Mistress”? I say nothing but give her a sly evil smile. Opening the van Stacy hops in the passenger side and Melissa and Miranda get in the back. As we start toward the interstate Melissa asks sheepishly,“Brenda, Stacy says you have some dope is that right “she whispers. “Yes darling I sure do”. Reaching into the ask tray I pull out a joint and pass it to Stacy to light it. As she passes it to Melissa. I say “oh Melissa sweetie would you like a sip or two of kamakaze”? Sure she giggles. I reach under the seat and pass her the thermos with a loving smile. As she has no idea that I put five roofies in with the mix. (I honestly, looking back don’t know why I did this especially with a willing passenger, but it did seem like a good idea at the time) Taking a big swig Melissa passes it to Miranda who drinks the rest of the thermos eagerly .to go ahead. Gotta love those college girls! Soon we are in the country and only a few miles from Genies farm. I know she’s home but get on my cell phone and hit speed dial and she answers immediately. “Hi darling this is me “I say “We’ll be there in a few darling and I've got some friends that want to meet you”. That’s her signal to get ready for a helluva a night. As her farm house is miles off the road it takes us a good twenty minutes to pull up to the old wooden building. Where I park the van behind the house which will hide the van from view from the road. Getting out of the van and leading the way I ask the girls to bring my trunk with them. Struggling to carry my heavy “toy box”. Though I won’t really need it, as Genies’ playroom is very well equipped indeed we make for the back door to find Genie standing there with the door open. Genie I should mention at this point is a striking woman in her early forties about five foot four with long auburn hair to her waist , long luscious tanned legs and huge full breasts to augment her cat like green eyes. With a demeanor that could melt ice burgs. For she is the most wonderfully cruel Domme I’ve ever known. As our little entourage enters Genies house the first thing one notices is the comfortable spaciousness of your average country farm house. The girls are starting to come on to the ruffies an Genie sees this too.“lets all go down into the basement , it’s a lot more comfy there ladies” we follow her down the stairs after she hits several buttons on a control panel on the wall . You see, this activates the houses alarm system and automatically frees the four Dobbies that will patrol the property as we have our fun. Helping the still drugged girls down the stairs and opening the heavy door the girls let out a gasp. “Wow Genie this is fucking cool “ says Miranda. One side of the large stone room contains large plush couches and chairs with a big wooden coffee table. The other side of the room is dark but I can make out the familiar sight of the X frame, the horse, the chains on the wall and the seemingly endless toys and devices hanging on the wall.”Come ladies lets have some drinks” says Genie and we all sit down. Bringing back a large pitcher of kamikazes she pours large drinks for all of us. I look at Stacy and shake my head almost imperceptibly. Miranda and Melissa chug theses down rapidly and in like two minutes both fall over on the couch unconscious. Stacy starts to protest but Genie quickly stops her by saying “would you like to join then honey?” “Um no Ma’am’ she whispers looking away to me.” “Good help us then and let's have some fun.” At this point I need to make clear that since Stacy didn’t drink the drugged drinks Genie knew that I trusted Stacy implicitly. Helping Genie and the reluctant Stacy I can’t help but feel a certain nostalgia as we remove the unconscious girls' clothes. We are giggling like little girls as we see that both are wearing thong panties. One pink the other a light blue. And look, both are shaved! My my. Removing their bras we see that Miranda has very full round tits. And that Melissa also has very pretty tits too. Genie I see has lowered the hoist hook from the ceiling beam. I get out Genies large toy chest smiling as I recall how these very same toys were often used on me and select four leather wrist restraints and toss them to Stacy motioning to her to put them on their wrists. These are very sturdy and have large D rings on them. When she finishes I connect all four rings with a short length of chain. Attaching a large shackle to the ends. This done, Genie hands me the hook. “Okay ladies, as I raise them please help them up. Stacy you get Melissa and Brenda my love help Miranda” As Genie starts the hoist we help our darling unconscious fuck toys up. She stops the hoist as they get to a standing position and we turn them so that they are back to back. I laugh when I see Stacy fondling Miranda tits. She looks slightly embarrassed but does not stop. “You’ll have your chance darling believe me” I laugh. Tossing Stacy a spreader bar that’s equipped with two leather restraints on each end I motion to their legs. She quickly attaches the four cuffs and I help her spread their legs apart as one of them moan. Genie motions for Stacy to come speak to her. “Stacy darling are you okay with this? “She asks. ”Yes Genie I love Brenda very much and want to prove it to her””Prove it to her?” Genie asks. I hear Stacy explaining in an embarrassed tone that no one has ever loved her like I have . Then Genie hugs Stacy tightly and kisses her passionately on the lips and whispers in her ear something I couldn’t hear. ”Okay Stacy here’s what I want you to do”. She hands Stacy both pairs of thongs and a mixing bowl. “ I want you to pee in this bowl and soak these panties” Smiling and giving out a little giggle Stacy hikes up her skirt and squats over the bowl and starts to pee in it. I’m pleased that she is still wearing her new red thigh high boots and no panties and that she has shaved her pussy! As she fills the bowl with pee she carries it to our sluts and sets it on the floor at their feet.’Okay Stacy I giggle you know what to do.” So she picks up the first set of dripping panties and forces Miranda's mouth open and shoves them in her mouth. She giggles as Genie passes Stacy a six inch length of duct tape. This Stacy places over Miranda's mouth and smoothes it down. Quickly going to Melissa Stacy repeats the process. Nice pee soaked panties and duct tape. “Okay Auntie Brenda I’m done”. To which Genie laughs. ”Well Brenda it looks like this is Stacy's show” Laughing also I proudly nod my head. As Genie breaks open a smelling salts capsule and sticks it under our toys noses, they both respond rather sluggishly then Melissa screams, scaring the shit out of me. When Miranda finally stirs both are instantly aware that they are tied up.” Now girls listen up” I say. “Here’s the plan. For the next few days we are gonna have some fun and play nice fun games. As you may have guessed, you are gonna be our party toys. Do what we say and you will not only live, but I quarantee you will have fun. Also, if we find that we can trust you, it will be even more fun for you” Motioning to Stacey, who still has on her Domme outfit with her fabulous boobs spilling over the top of her corset and is holding a thin wooden cane. I tell them “Stacy here is going to get you into the spirit of things. ”She has just snorted a bunch of coke with Genie and I see that her pussy is already wet. ”Stacy if you please”……….. I step back and sit at the table with Genie and snort a big fatty and swig of Brandy . We can’t fucking believe what we see. Stacy starts going shit nuts caning Miranda's tits with a fury of vicious blows. Blows so hard that she passes out in less than a minute and blood flows from her now welted tits. As Genie and I take this in she goes to Miranda and twists her nipples so hard she regains consciousness only to pass out again. Stacy goes to Melissa and starts caning her tits just as savagely. All the while yelling at her what a slut she is and how she better not embarrass her in front of her Mistress. Genie looks at me and laughs.”What the hell did you do to Stacy any way Brenda?”I just shrugged my shoulders and laughed. “Well Genie you should know " I say crypticially. Stacy is now slapping Melissa's tits and twisting them cruelly. We now see blood forming on her nipples as well. Stacy step back, and smiling asks me if she can let them down and re tie them. ” Sure princess, this is your show”. As we watch she cuts them down they fall heavily to the floor and Stacy puts D ringed collars around their necks and uses the front D ring of the collar to tie there necks the hooks sunken in the floor and ties their arms behind their back and cinches up the girls wrists up to the collars. She ties their ankles and then their knees together also securing their knees to the floor. Asses high in the air. Such a nice view! Stacy looks at me and I silently nod. And watch her as she cruelly shoves large black butt plugs into their pretty pink assholes causing them to scream through their pee soaked gags. Winking at Genie and I she steps back and starts to whip their asses with a savage fury that makes even Genie cringe. Blow after blow reigns down on there asses. In moments nasty purple welts appear on both asses. Whipped horribly they both almost fall over but cannot because of being tied to the floor hooks and then pass out again. …… I actually stopped her at that point.”Auntie Brenda, what’s wrong”? She says. ”Stacy if you keep making them pass out we’re never gonna have any fun slut Besides, I think they’re ready.” As Genie and I spread out legs wide they start to come to. Again I nod to Stacy and she removes the duct tape and the soggy pee soaked panties from their slut mouths at which point both start whining and crying until Stacy tells them to shut the fuck up or we will kill them. Looking at me, Miranda whispers thru teary eyes “Please don’t kill us Miss, we’ll do anything you say…just please don’t kill us.”Smiling I tell them “like I said bitch, do what we tell you and tomorrow we’’ let you leave okay”? Both look at each other then back at me and silently nod. “Good” I say “now that that’s settled…..” Stacy hands each of us the doggie leashes that are attached to Melissa and Miranda’s collars. Whipping their asses one more time each, Stacy yells at them to lick our pussies. We pull lightly on there collars and they start to lick us. Our beloved Stacy takes this as a cue to tie both Melissa’s and Miranda’s nipple’s cruelly with string. She also uses a pair of hemostats to gently pull out their clits far enough to tie dental floss to each clit, then slowly ties and cinches their nipples to their clits. This elicits screams which Stacy quickly cures with a hearty swat on both of their exposed asses. Looking to Genie I see she is also starting to cum. Yesssssssss . Fuck!!!! I cum girl goo all over my sluts face and pull her tight to me “Lick her asshole cunt”Stacy yells as she smacks her already welted ass with her cane. Hey, who am I to argue, so a scoot forward so Miranda can suck my asshole. Looking over at Genie, I see that she is also frigging herself as Melissa eats her asshole Genie and I came pretty much at the same time, so I say “ Stacy sweetie, with you having done all the work it’s time for our sluts her to do you. Smiling ear to ear she tells me “Gee auntie Brenda I didn’t know I got to play too’. Sheesh and I thought I was dense! Hopping up I untie Miranda and strap a long knobby red dildo to the harness that I buckle around Miranda's waist. “Miranda sweetie” I whisper with a chuckle “please fuck my darling Stacy for me” At this Stacy sits on the couch while Miranda gets on her knees and slowly inserts the dildo into Stacy's glistening pussy. She came the second Miranda thrusted the dildo entered her and squirted girl goo all over Miranda's belly. Grabbing her around the upper thighs, Miranda starts to fuck Stacy in a slow steady rhythm. “Brenda my love I want to show you a trick I learned” Genie says. Following her over to Melissa, she helps Melissa to her feet and reattaches her wrists top the ceiling hook lifting her to her toes. She then ties her ankles and knees with rope. She walks away and returns with a knotted silk rope. The rope was about ten feet long and had dozens of one half inch diameter knots about four inches apart. As she unfurls the rope I glance back at Stacy and Miranda and see that Miranda is fucking her hard and fast. And twisting her nipples savagely. (A little payback I muse) Stacy's eyes are rolling back in her head and she's moaning real loudly. No problems there! By now Genie has wedged one end of the knotted rope way up into Melissa’s sweet pussy. The other end trail out on the floor behind Melissa’s ass “Oh Brenda darling Genie sings, this is how this works. I want you to pick up the long end of the rope and stretch it tight. Now, as I pull the knotted rope thru Melissa’s pussy I need you to keep your end of the rope tight as you walk toward me as I pull on the rope, okay”? Before I really had time to ponder what was supposed to happen Genie pulls sharply on the rope pulling about 4 knots viciously thru Melissa’s pussy. At the same instant Melissa starts screaming bloody murder as the knots cruelly chafe her already swollen pussy. Genie just laughs and pulls a couple more feet of the rope causing poor battered Melissa to scream even louder. I think Genie seemed too actually cum at that point. By now Miranda has thoroughly fucked Stacy. “Miranda darling, please come over here”. Getting off of her knees and pulling her strap on dildo out of Stacy’s asshole I couldn’t help but laugh. With the wet dripping dildo still attached, Miranda shyly shuffles over to Genie and whispers “Yes Ma’am”? I laugh as she winces in pain from the dental floss still tied to her clit as the jiggling of her tits pulls tightly on it. “Okay sweetie”, Genie says. “ As I pull on Melissa’s rope I want you to pinch and twist Miranda’s nipple as hard as you can”. “Yes Ma’am she mutters. By now Stacy is watching in amazement as Genie says “ok, on the count of three. Ready?”Miranda, Stacy and I silently nod. “One. Two………..Three…” Genie using both hands starts to pull the rope in Melissa’s tormented pussy at the same time Miranda is savagely wrecking Melissa’s nipples and I almost fall forward as Genie pulls on the rope faster than I expected…. The scream of Melissa’s as her pussy is being torn to pieces is deafening. Sure like 5 seconds until she passes out. We notice that the rope is bloody and we see she has peed her self too. Also it seems that though unconscious she has cum multiple times as she is shaking and trembling severely. Stacy is still ripping at the poor girls already wrecked nipples. At this Genie and I look at each other and laugh. My prodigy! As she starts to come to, Genie tells Miranda, “Okay darling now since you still have the strap on, I want you to fuck Melissa’s asshole as hard and as fast as you can”. Genie even spreads Melissa’s ass cheeks and helps Miranda guide in the knobby rubber dick. Miranda, seeming to finally get into a good solid rhythm begins to thrust her hips hard. Driving the fourteen inch dildo deep into Melissa’s asshole. This and Stacy's continued nipple attack wakes the lovely Melissa up screaming again which startles us all. As this heavenly scenario is being played out I start to get an eerie feeling. Genie’s dogs are barking which alarms her and she jumps to her feet. It was when the dogs stopped barking that made us freak. I start to follow her upstairs and notice that Stacy already has cut down Melissa and has them sucking each other in a sixty nine position. Suddenly I hear several sharp explosions and Genie tumbles down the stairs. Followed in rapid succession by five black clad figures with guns drawn. In an instance they are yelling at us ‘Hands hands show me your fucking hands"...In a blinding flash the wall explodes and several more figures spill in! All is in chaos. I reach for my Python and am roughly slammed to the ground. As the smoke is still suffocating I hear “Brenda? Where’s Brenda Ertz?””Fuck you” I hiss as I aim the heavy .357 and that’s the last thing I remember. The next memory I have is of waking up in a hospital with a hot lady cop asking me”Brenda………are you okay’? To make a long confusing story short two SWAT teams were involved and shot all of Genies dogs, arrested her and Stacy and took Melissa and Miranda away in ambulances. I'm a charged with three counts of kidnapping, multiple felony assaults, and a lengthy list of other crimes. “Brenda. Brenda”, the fatter of the two cops says snapping me out of my day dream. “You have a visitor.”……….It’s Stacy!! Since she was kidnapped and I did threaten to kill her no charges were filed against her and they let her go free. Genie and I had discussed this previously so I told them that I invaded her home with a gun drawn and she had nothing to do with it. She was also released as part of my agreement to plead guilty to all charges. I’ve been in the slammer before so it’s really no biggie for me. Besides…………………..Jails are full of girls!! Written by MistressPC(MW)
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