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Part 2


       Sally was up early the next morning, and by the time Dave had pulled himself from the bed all his clothes had been washed and dried. She walked into the bedroom and put his clothes on the chair next to the bed, but on top there was another pair of her briefs. “Wake up Dave we have shopping to do today, and we have a few more shops to go to, I need clothes, the clothes that you have to wear are on the chair.”

       Dave jumped out of bed and picked his clothes up, and as Sally was walking through the door he asked, “Where are my boxer shorts lover?”

       “You dont wear them anymore, well not until I say you can, and that is another stroke of the cane for not showing me respect. It might be morning, but things have not changed and I am still your Mistress.” She showed him her mobile and tapped the computer with her hand, “E mails are so much more fun to play with these days, and you dont need boxer shorts, I have put out a lovely pair of pink briefs for you to wear.”

       “Briefs, what if I have an accident and end up in hospital, what am I going to say?”

       “Tell them youre kinky, Im sure they will understand, better still, dont have an accident. That is also another stroke for not answering with Mistress.”

       “Err umm, didnt I get any points for last night Mistress.”

       “Yes I suppose I had better give you a hard three, but you had better do better next time.” In actual fact, it was the best sex that they had had in all the time they had been together, but she didnt want him getting complacent. “So lets see, deduct two from the three, and add two for this morning, now that makes three. It seems that you still owe me three; well, I will give you another chance to improve on that score, long before I caress your bum with the cane.”

       “You are to kind Mistress.”

       “I hope that wasnt a hint of sarcasm because that wont be tolerated, but you are correct all the same, I think I might be a little soft.” With those last words she walked out the door.

       “That lightning did strike her head; she must be in a hell of a lot of pain to give me so much of the same.”

       He had been talking loud, and Sally had her ear to the door and held back a laugh, then she shouted, “Did you say something to me slave?”

       “God forbid no, Mistress, the thought never entered this slaves mind.” She put her hand over her mouth to hold back the laugh, and walked into the lounge.

       Dave walked in a few moments later, and sat at the table looking at her, “Might I ask a few questions, Mistress?”

       “Of course you can slave, and I might give you an answer if I think there is a need for you to know.”

“How long are we going to go on like this for, I mean the fact that I am now your slave, and you are now a self appointed Mistress to me?”

“How long is a piece of string?”

Dave was thinking to himself, this was not sounding too good, but then again it was not doing any harm humouring her, and he quite liked the sex play the previous evening. Dressing as a girl never hurt him only his pride, but she told him last night that there was more of the same to come. How far was she going to take this phase; and would she expose him to others and humiliate him? She had said that she would publicly humiliate him, how would she do it, and what would she do? His stomach was churning and he was getting the feelings he had as a child, the feeling you get when you have done something wrong. He was getting a feeling of misgiving, and it was all to do with not knowing the final outcome.

“How far are you going to go with this dressing me up in girls clothes, Mistress?”

“Now dont you get ahead of yourself slave, that is a leading question, and I will have to think about the answer. There are many things to do before I make a decision of great magnitude, because your behaviour of late is quite unsatisfactory, and it is time I corrected your attitude towards the weaker sex.”

“Excuse me Mistress, but you tied me to the bed last night against my will, then you sexually tortured me, and you are talking about striking my ass with a cane. Then you tell me I have an attitude problem, and you are the weaker sex, please explain.”

“Easy, you are picking at straws; you cannot wriggle out of you responsibilities, you are now under my supervision, until you act in a gentlemanly manor, and until then you are a slave.”

“Now my penultimate question Mistress is, have you been reading the dictionary, because I lost track of the conversation just after you used the word magnitude?”

“That was your problem at school, you sat next to me in class, but in English you could only look through the window at the girls in short skirts playing hockey. Now that you have brought up the subject about school, you can have three more strokes for taking more notice of the girls playing hockey than you were of me.”

“Hang on a minute, I never brought up the subject of school, it was you while endeavouring to correct the faults of my miss spent youth.” And as an afterthought he said quickly, “Mistress.”

“There you see, in just these few short moments, you are beginning to think before you speak. This is leading me to believe that my correctional training is not falling on deaf ears; now what is your last question slave?”

“What are we having for breakfast, and why is it not on the table Mistress.”

“Good heavens slave, the slave looks after the Mistress and not the other way around, so get out in the kitchen and get me my food.”

Dave dropped his head on the table, and banged his forehead on it three times and whimpered, “I want my mummy.”

Sally slapped her hand to her mouth to stop herself laughing then said, “Get on with it slave Im hungry.”

He lifted his head and stood up, “It will have to be cornflakes, because the pastry chef has his day off today Mistress.”

As Dave walked out of the lounge, Sally couldnt help but smile and thought, you dont know what you have let yourself in for my beautiful slave.

It was an hour later and they were walking through the west end, as they walked past a lingerie shop Sally stopped. She looked at Dave and said, “While we are out shopping today, you can call me Sally, but once we are home, it is Mistress again. Now follow me in here I want to buy some clothes.”

“What! Look at the shop Sally, there is nothing but girls and womens clothes hanging up.”

“I do hope that you are not arguing with me Dave, it seems I will have to send one e mail just to jog your memory of why we are doing this.”

“No, no, there will be no need for that, I was not refusing, as I was merely pointing out a fact, that they probably would not want a person like me in their store.”

       Sally looked through the window, and the entire shop floor could be seen, “Dont be silly, there is only that young girl at the counter. Now lets get in there before I change my mind and go to a bigger shop.”

They both walked into the shop together, and Dave couldnt help feeling the eyes of the girl behind the counter looking at him. He was glancing around the shop and saw the security camera looking down at him. “Bloody hell Sally, they have security cameras in here, what if Im recognised by one of my friends?”

“Do stop being silly Dave; it is there for security, not to watch you help me pick out a nice packet of knickers.” She watched as his face reddened and smiled, at the same time pushing an open packet of knickers towards him. “Feel the quality of those Dave,” and she touched the side of his face with them, his face was now as red as a beetroot. “Hold them for me, while I look for some others,” and she thrust them into his hand. Sally then picked up a bra and gave that to him also. Sally then asked the assistant if she could use the changing room to try on a blouse.

“Yes,” she answered “But I am afraid your friend will have to stay here; its just through that door.”

Sally walked off and through the door, and leaving Dave standing in the centre of the shop, holding a bra in one hand, and several pairs of knickers in the other. He was looking at the door, but out of the corner of his eye, he could see the young assistant glancing and smiling. He was feeling very uncomfortable, and turned around to look for some place to put the lingerie down while he waited for Sally. Shock of shocks, three young girls walked into the shop, and smiled when they saw him. Then to make matters worse, one of the girls walked near him, she put her arm around his back and pulled him to her, and then run the flat of her hand over the front of his chest, her tongue was licking her lips, and in a very sexy voice she said, “Good choice of knickers love, they are very soft around the crutch,” and she put her hand on his groin. All the girls laughed and so too did the girl behind the counter, but Dave had gone a bright shade of crimson. Sally that had just walked back into the shop, had stood in the doorway, and watched as well as heard what had happened, she slipped behind the big screen to hide her laughter. Then composing herself she walked out and over to where the girls were still laughing.

Dave was standing there with his arms open with a garment in each saying, “But hay, they arent mine, and youve got it wrong, you see, my girlfriend, oh fuck,” and the girls burst out laughing again.

Sally walked behind him and said, “What are you showing my knickers and bra to these girls for Dave? You are embarrassing me yet again, and I wont be able to show my face in here ever.”

“Hay what, your embarrassed, what about me, and leaving me standing here with a pair of knickers in my hand, I wont be able to show my face in London again.”

There was another burst of laughter from the girls, as Sally snatched the garments from his hands saying, “Thats the trouble with you Dave, youre always thinking of yourself.”

He stood with his mouth open with shock, at this unbelievable statement. “You know Sally, I really do think that one of us as lost the plot; and because I am in fear of the reprisals Im not going to say its you.” The entire shop burst out laughing except for Dave, “God youre some very sad girls,” and he shook his head from side to side.

Dave was glad when they both walked out of the shop, “I have never been so embarrassed in all my life, and you only made things worse. You left me in the centre of a shop with hands full of womens knickers.”

“That didnt give you the right to show those girls what I was buying, and that is what it looked like to me. You were standing there with your arms open wide, and shouting to all and sundry that the clothes were not yours. A real man would have said nothing, and then those girls would not have been laughing at me. Here, carry the bag of shopping, youre the slave not me.”

“You know Sally, the more I think about it, you are correct, because at the same time that was happening to you, I was on another planet in the universe, being humiliated by a bunch of aliens.” Sally stepped forward and in front of him, and walking away down the street, so that he could not see the laughter in her face.

She stopped once more outside another lingerie shop, and Dave was getting those strange feelings of fear running through his body. “You had better come in with me once more slave; I have other clothes to buy.”

Now think carefully how you ask this question Davey boy, we dont want to give her the wrong impression. “Umm, would it be impolite to ask what clothes you are buying in here Mistress.” That was good Davey boy, give her a good impression, he was telling himself.

“Yes of course it would be impolite, and it would also be rude, you are being very forward and I will not tolerate it. Now stop dawdling and follow me,” once again there was only one assistant behind a desk, and Sally walked over to her with Dave following behind. “Have you a tape measure,” she asked the assistant, “Only I have to buy a bra and I am not sure of the size or colour.”

“Of course I have madam, would you like me to do the measuring.”

“Yes and that is very kind of you.”

The assistant stepped over to Sally, and Sally said, “No not me, I know my size, its my friend here, only he is a cross dresser and he is very shy.”

On these words another girls head popped up from behind the counter, Dave stood with his mouth open in shock and fear, and his face had turned all colours ending up at a deep purple-pink. The girl behind the counter had her eyes open so wide, they were looking like two pigeons eggs, “Christ,” she shouted, “I have never seen a face go that shade of pink before.”

Sally looked at his face and said, “Its a nice colour though, I wonder if we can get a bra and knickers to match it.” And once again the whole shop burst out laughing. Dave was speechless, and when the girl asked him to lift his arms up, he did just that, as if he was in a dream.

The other young assistant walked over to the racks and brought back a set of knickers and bra. She put is against his face saying, “Thats as close as I can get madam, will they do?”

“I dont know, it is Dave that is paying, as I am only here to assist him because he is so shy, what do you think of the colour?”

He could see by the looks on their faces that they expected an answer from him, he was now thinking, brazen it out, and he opened his mouth and spoke. “Dhow,” it came out in a whisper, and as if he was having trouble to breath; so he cleared his throat and tried again. “Dont you think the colour is a little loud, and it might clash with my eyes after a night on the beer, while flaunting myself around?”

The shop was in hysterics, and Sally asked through her laughter, “Do you want to try them out for size Dave, and then we can judge it better, and see if you are right?”

“G, g, good god no, I would rather take your word for it, than make a spectacle of myself.” The girls were still giggling as Dave walked out of the shop with Sally.

“Lets go and get a cup of tea slave, Im thirsty.”

“I would much rather go and get a bottle of whiskey, because at this moment I am shell shocked. Then again it might be better if I go to the hospital, and get them to use a defibrillator on me, because I dont think my heart is working quite as it should be. In fact, while we were in that shop, I think that was where it stopped, and that little bump I get now and again is that little lump of tissue dying a slow death.”

“Stop being so mellow dramatic slave, we havent even got past the starting line yet.”

“Oh god, Im feeling nausea as well, I thought I was over the finishing line and on the victory lap.

“You wish.”

A short time later they went into a fancy dress shop, and Dave felt relatively safe there. “What are we here for Mistress?”

“Be quiet you ask too many questions, you will find out soon enough.” The assistant walked out and Sally said, “I phoned you up and told you my requirements, my name is Sally Pierce.”

“Yes Miss Pierce, your item is all ready for you,” and the assistant handed over a box that was sealed up. “You will find all you need in the box and I hope all goes well, as I told you it was cheaper to buy than to rent for the amount of time you asked.”

Outside the shop Sally said “We have to be back in half an hour, so I had better stop a taxi.”

“What is going to happen in half an hour Mistress?”

“You ask far too many questions, and sooner or later you will wish you never asked, because the answer will shock you slave.”

“With all due respect Mistress, for the last four hours, I have not asked any questions, and not knowing the answers to those questions, have already been frightened to near death.”

Sally gave a little smile and said, “But youre over it now so shut up.”

It was a little later when at home the doorbell chimed, and Sally told Dave to answer the door and fetch the parcel in. When Dave went to the door the delivery man had two parcels, one was big and the other long and thin, so he signed the receipt and carried them in. He put the box on the lounge table, and walked over to the couch and sat down, while Sally was pulling off all the tape to open the box. Dave was watching the match on the TV when he heard Sally shout “Wow look at these?”

Daves head shot around to face her, and saw that in her hands was a pair of silver hand cuffs. “Thank god for that,” he told her, “Does this mean that you are not going to be my Mistress anymore, and you have found your new vocation in joining the police force. I can watch you doing your bit around the football grounds on match of the day.”

“No slave; and that is another stroke for not respecting my status. These are for you, but only when I think that you deserve to be punished, and at the moment you are not doing very well.”

Sally delved back into the box, and Dave turned back to the TV, shes right, he was thinking, I have seven strokes of the cane, and just thinking about it is giving me a pain in the ass, I had better start showing a little more respect.

Once again she shouted and he heard a familiar sound, and when he looked around, she had a cane in her hand, and she was swishing it up and down. Oh fuck he was thinking, shes gone and done it, and got a bloody cane. “What do you think of this then slave?”

Humour her for gods sake Davy boy, and try not to be wise. “Very nice, and its just what we have always wanted Mistress.”

“Oh; and whys that slave?”

“We can stick it in that flowerpot on the balcony, and it will hold the tomato plant upright Mistress.” Fuck, fuck, fuck, you had to go and speak out of turn Davy boy, then again, she did ask a stupid question, and up to that point I was on my best behaviour.

“Thats another stroke making eight in total, but it can wait until Monday, if youre lucky, you might be able to lose some by then. Then on the other hand, if Im lucky youll have gained some,” and she laughed.

“Do you know Mistress, and I speak with respect when I say, that you have a very strange sense of humour. I am also hoping, that you are as generous with your compassion and forgiveness, as you are with your exacting the correct amount of punishment.” Wow, that was a good speech Davy boy, I got plenty of the correct big words in there, I will put that down as one of my better grovels.

“Well slave, that was a very good grovel,” she saw him smile and added, “But all you have to do is kiss my ass and your almost home,” and again she laughed out loud.

Fucking hell, she reads minds as well; I had better watch what Im thinking too, I wonder if thats an invasion of privacy. “Do I get any points for doing that Mistress, kissing your ass I mean?”

“Yes two, but it has to be done right, and you will get the chance tonight.”

“Thank you Mistress.”

“I hope that wasnt sarcasm, but if it was genuine, youre welcome.”

Dave turned back to the TV and was once again thinking, all I need now is for the Gunners to lose this game, and then I might just go and throw myself into the Thames.

Sometime later they both woke up on the couch, and it was dark, they had fallen asleep watching the late film. “That film was not very good, Mistress.”

“How would you know you had fallen asleep after the first ten minutes slave?”

“Thats what I mean.”

“Im going for a shower, when I call you, come into the bedroom slave.”

“Yes Mistress.”

Dave had just finished eating a sandwich when Sally shouted, “Slave get in here.” Dave stepped over to the door and walked into the bedroom, the sight that met him was of Sally laying on the bed with her arms behind her head and naked. “Now dont you start getting ahead of yourself slave, tonight is my night, and your task is to satisfy me by using only your hands and mouth. You cannot enter my body with either your finger or your hands, to put it another way, you have to worship my body, and show me that you love your Mistress and lover. Before you begin, I want you to strip off all your clothes, but leave your pink knickers on, because you look very sexy in them.”

Dave stripped off all his clothes, and was standing there in just the knickers, and feeling very self conscious. He walked over to the end of the bed, and picked up her foot, and after kneeling down he put his mouth around her big toe, and washed it with his tongue. He knew she liked having her feet and toes played with, and he had done this act of servitude on so many occasions. He moved on to the next toe, and then so on and so forth, and he ended up kissing and then licking the soles of her feet, and after completion he moved over to the other foot, showing as much enthusiasm as he did with the first foot. Moving to the side of the bed, he then started to kiss his way up to her inner thigh, and as he did so, his hand reached out and gently massaged her belly. Then the hand stopped that and he trailed it lightly over her flesh, it was so light, that it felt as if a feather were stroking her as it moved along in the breeze. The sensation was giving her so much pain, but at the same time it was giving her so much more pleasure. Her legs had opened to accommodate his ministrations, and she was waiting impatiently for him to touch her sex, but he passed that area by a whisker, and was now kissing that triangle of flesh between her hips. His hand was now on her breasts playing with the nipples, and he knew that to be one of her most sensitive spots, he tweaked and pulled at the same time twisting gently. Her body was wriggling on the bed, and his other hand was now trailing lightly along her inner thighs, once again so light that it was setting fire to all her nerve ends. Up further his head was moving, and all the time kissing her soft flesh until he felt her breast at the side of his cheek, his other hand was now near the entrance to her sex but not touching. She was now trying to push her sex onto his hand, but he was having none of it and it trailed higher, up to the belly where it stopped. Then with his index finger and thumb, he so very lightly ran them down the contours of her hips, to stop and rest on her sex but not penetrating. He felt her body stiffen and she held her breath, and her fluids covered his hand, he lifted his hand to his mouth and licked off the residue, then placed it back to where it had been. His head lifted and his mouth surrounded her nipple, and as he sucked most of her breast into his mouth, his tongue was playing with the rose bud on the top of her breast. He took turns at alternating between each of her breasts, and when he glanced at her face; he noticed that her eyes were closed and savouring the ecstatic feelings that were running through her body. His mouth was now on her chest and heading for her neck, and as he kissed below her chin and on the throat, she lifted her head back to help his task. His kisses never stopped, they were soft and they were sensual, this was not just his Mistress, but his lover and his mate, he could do nothing that was too good for her. He was kissing around to the bottom of the ear, and then kissing the ear lobe, but only stopping briefly to poke his tongue inside the lobe. He was kissing down her body once again, over the breasts and stopping briefly once again, just to tease the nipple on each breast to attention. Then down over the belly and onto the triangle of sensitive flesh. Still with his mouth on the flesh above her sex he moved around to the end of the bed. Then his mouth covered her sex, and as he sucked licked and poked with his tongue, he felt her hands on the back of his head, they were not holding tight, but resting fearful that it would stop giving her the pleasure she desired. Her orgasm was heavy, and he had trouble breathing, licking and swallowing her fluid, he was like a man possessed, and this was the last drink he would have. Her hands let go of the back of his head and he heard her say, “Make love to me slave.” Dave moved up the bed until his manhood was at the entrance to her sex, and in one swift movement, he thrust the length of his shaft deep and their loins were together hard. Then he pulled back, and in slow movements he worked his way once again to satisfying this woman he loved, he knew that neither of them would last long, because he knew that Sally was just satisfying his sexual needs. He saw her eyes open and then close, and at the same time she held her breath, and he exploded inside her as she climaxed for the final time. Dave stayed in the same position for a short time, and then he slipped out of her body and lay at her side. She reached down and pulled the covers over them, and as she put her arm over his waist and looking him in the face, she said, “That was worth four points, good night lover.”

“Good night Mistress.”

Review This Story || Author: IAN 2411
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