Chapter 8 – Begrudged
Charles should have been delighted with the newfound sexuality of his wife. Certainly, he was one of the primary beneficiaries of his wife’s visits to the Bedeviled. But he was too stupid to realize the benefits. And he was too jealous to think that she could have fun on her own. It never even dawned on him that he did the exact same thing with the slavegirl they had bought. He fumed all day, every day.
Annabelle showed up the next morning and spent the morning bent over a barrel, as Abigail had on her first day of slavery. Charles was in the fort again and watched, aghast, as he saw cocks sliding in and out of his wife’s mouth, pussy and ass. This simply was intolerable in his mind. It would stop! He would stop it!!!
That afternoon, Annabelle received another gift from the pirates. She was marked. The tattooist was brought into officers’ quarters where the girl was bound. She was perched on the edge of the table with her legs spread wide. Her arms were bound severely behind her back and secured to the table so she could not move.
The tattooist started by spearing his cock into the girl’s gaping sex. After he deposited his sperm in her, he set to work. The tattoo was to be right above her clit. He did a little bit of work on it and then another male was brought in to fuck her. He filled her sex with his seed and then the tattooist worked a little more. Eleven loads of sperm were flooded into her sex by the men who were brought in to fuck her before the tattoo was finished. She was sent home with a black heart perched just above her sex on her mound.
“Charles would like you to come to dinner, Mistresses,” Annabelle announced when she arrived the next day.
“Really?!?!?!?” replied an astounded Robin. “Why would he want to do that? I thought he didn’t even like us.”
“He said that, since I spend so much time here with you, he should get to know you better.” They sent her home early that day so she could prepare for guests.
That evening, the three officers once again donned exquisite gowns. A coach met them at the ferry landing and Charles and his wife greeted them at the door. They chatted and sipped wine until it was time to eat and then they moved to the dining room for their meal.
Charles was gracious and pleasant. At times, he was even cheerful and animated as they chatted throughout the meal. The slavegirl who they had bought at auction served and attended to the needs of the diners. She was dressed modestly in a typical maid’s outfit.
Robin started to think she had been wrong about Charles. Maybe he wasn’t such a twit after all. He was both engaging and charming. After the dinner dishes had been cleared and they were waiting to be served the sweet wines that followed a fine dinner, Charles leaned forward in his chair.
“Ladies, I have some people I would like you to meet,” he said. “Guards!!!” he shouted.
The doors on both ends of the room burst open and six men entered the room. Two stood behind each Blackheart officer. They looked like a shabby lot. They were clearly not military. They wore uniforms but they were poorly fitted and frayed. Robin assumed that it was some sort of local militia that Charles had formed for the purpose of capturing them.
Each of the officers always traveled with a dagger strapped to one thigh and a pistol strapped to the other. Isabelle and Rachel glanced toward Robin but, when they saw that she was not reaching for her weapons, they left theirs alone.
“Well, this is quite a surprise,” said Robin calmly. “How do you do, gentlemen?”
“Seize them!” shouted Charles. “They are nothing but common criminals!” Annabelle was aghast. She looked at her husband incredulously. Why would he do this to her friends?
“What is going on, Charles?” she asked. She watched in dismay as two men grabbed each of the seated guests by their upper arms, holding them in their chairs.
“I am just ridding Bitter End of the pestilence, dear,” he replied. “Take them to the jail.”
The men lifted the women out of their seats and held them firmly. As soon as that happened, the doors burst open again. This time pirates streamed in. And more pirates streamed in from the open door that led to the veranda.
“Evenin’ ladies. Evenin’ gentlemen.” Bones tipped his tricorner hat gallantly and bowed. “We were in the neighborhood and we thought we would pay our respects to the captain before returnin’ to the ship.”
Robin smiled as she saw the twenty Blackhearts circled around the table. Each of them was heavily armed and all of them but Bones had his weapon drawn. She had told Bones where they were going so that he could find them in case there was trouble. She had no idea that he would be so protective as to follow them and watch them.
“These ladies, as you call them,” said Charles, “are on their way to jail.”
“Oh,” replied Bones with a sigh, acting as if he was saddened. Then he looked back at Charles and continued. “Methinks ye be wrong about that. These fine ladies are our officers. They be coming with us to the Bedeviled.”
“Guards!!!” shouted Charles. “Seize them all!!!”
The six guards looked around the room. They saw twenty pirates; twenty three if you included the three seemingly unarmed officers. They turned back to Charles. One of them spoke.
“Sir? Are you jesting?”
“Seize them, I say!” The guards simply stood there, holding onto the officers.
“What charges have ye brought against our officers?” asked Bones.
“Piracy!” replied the mayor.
“Then ye should check with our Queen. Captain Somerset has a royal charter to rid these seas of Spanish vessels.”
“Kidnapping, then!” said the mayor.
“Kidnapping who, might I ask?” Bones was amused at the feeble attempts of this feeble-minded man.
“Kidnapping my wife,” he stated. “It’s unacceptable.”
“Charles,” said Annabelle, “they did not kidnap me. I went there of my own free will.”
“Trespassing!” tried Charles. “Yes, that’s it. Trespassing. They will rot in jail for trespassing on my land.
“Charles!” admonished Annabelle. “You invited them here.”
“Seize them, I say!!!”
One guard released Rachel’s arm and held his hands up to signal that he had given up and meant no harm. The other guards quickly followed suit.
Robin finally spoke up. “Thank you, Bones. It was fortunate that you were in the area.”
Bones smiled proudly. “We always keep an eye on that what belongs to us.”
Robin turned back to their host. “Now that dinner is over, we will leave you. Thank you for a lovely evening.”
“You haven’t heard the last of this!” said Charles with a raised voice. “You will pay! I will see that you suffer!”
“Thank you for that warning, Charles,” replied Robin. “Now let me leave you with one. If any harm comes to your wife or your slavegirl, there will be no place on earth where you can hide from me. If I detect even the slightest bruise or mark, I will eviscerate you. I will pull your guts from your belly and feed them to the fish. I will slice off your cock and ram it down your throat. I will tear your limbs off and hang your body in the city square. Do I make myself clear?”
Charles crossed his arms over her chest and glared at her, despite the fact that he was trembling. He did not reply.
“Bones, he needs some encouragement,” said Robin.
Bones and several of the others stepped forward carrying chains and knives. The mayor backed up but stopped when he ran into the wall. Still, they advanced. One of them drew a long curved dagger from its sheath and moved to stand in front of the mayor, pressing the tip to his belly.
“Wait!” shouted the mayor, afraid that they meant to eviscerate him on the spot. “I understand you. No harm will come to either of the women.”
“Good boy,” smiled Robin. “I knew you were a smart one.”
To be continued
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