Chapter 2 Kidnapped
“Come on, Kathy, lighten up, it’s not the end of the world,” said Michelle. “I’ve been known to pee when I have a really powerful orgasm. It’s only natural to let go.”
“It’s called squirting and I think it’s hot as hell when Michelle pisses her self,” added Wes who according to Michelle spent far too much time on his computer looking at pornography.
I’d stuck my nose in a Fodor’s guide book for Mexico and kept it there since we left the hotel. I just couldn’t face the children who were sitting in the back snickering about what they had witnessed. The Tates and Evans were in a comfortable air conditioned van on the way to what Robbie described as the region’s most spectacular set of pre-Columbian ruins. Robbie had arranged the excursion sparing no expense. Picnic baskets filled with gourmet food rested in the back of the van.
“It is for me. I’ve never been so embarrassed. Semen was all over my face. It was dripping off my chin. I tinkled on the rug,” I said keeping my nose in the book.
“So you got a facial and squirted, big deal. Wes and I were discovered in flagrante delicto and we survived,” said Michelle matter of factly. Michelle was much more uninhibited than me about sex. That was one reason I never discussed my sexual problems with her.
“You never told me that,” I said putting the book aside.
“Probably because I didn’t think it was worth mentioning. My Mom and Dad caught us. We were in my bedroom going at it when they came home early from a party. Wes and I had just started dating so it was a double shocker. We were doing sixty nine and they walked in right as Wes blew his load over my face,” said Michelle. “My kisser was covered with jism and I was licking the last drops off Wes’ penis when my Mother shouted, “Michelle, stop it,” scaring the pants off us.
“We didn’t have any pants on to scare off, Dear. I though her Dad was going to have a coronary. He had no idea his sweet innocent daughter was her high school’s premiere freshman blowjob artist,” said Wes who overheard our conversation from the seat in front of us.
“Other girls were worse than me,” commented Michelle. “I was strictly oral until I became a sophomore.”
Wes often used language I considered inappropriate but other than that he was a real gentleman. They had first started dating in high school. They’d broke up in college then got back together after graduation. I admired Michelle’s free spirit but I worried about the influence of her more sexually aware children on mine.
“Tell Kathy about the time, Katlyn and her two school friends walked in on us while you were screaming for me to fuck you harder,” said Wes shocking me by his use of the F-word in front of the children.
“That actually happened,” asked Warren who was seated with Wes?
“Right before we moved in next to you guys. We thought we had the house to ourselves. Surprise! That’s why we moved. We had to,” said Wes.
“We moved because we needed a bigger house. I was seven months pregnant with April when it happened,” said Michelle.
I said something stupid. “Warren and I decided to stop having intercourse when I became pregnant.”
“You decided not me,” snapped Warren with more than a touch of anger. “I wanted to fuck your brains out until your water broke. Pregnant women are a big turn on.”
That quieted the conversation for a minute. But Warren wasn’t finished. After a few minutes he started in on me.
“Kathy, I hope you’re not planning to use last night as an excuse to go back on your promise.”
“What’s this about a promise, Kat,” asked Michelle? “You didn’t tell me about any promise.”
One drawback of having Michelle as a best friend was her firmly held belief that best friends keep no secrets from each other. I’d been too embarrassed to talk about Warren and my sexual problems. Apparently Warren felt no such reluctance to discuss the matter with Wes.
“Kathy agreed to give Warren all the poontang he could handle while we are here,” said Wes surprising me with his knowledge. I hadn’t mentioned a word of it to Michelle but apparently Warren had big mouthed it to Wes.
“All I wanted and how I wanted it. The word NO is no longer in her vocabulary. I got a long list of firsts for us to try,” said Warren. “We were off to a good start last night when the kids saw us. Now Kathy is all freaked out.”
“I won’t forget my promise, Warren,” I said to calm him down. I take my marriage vows seriously and I was serious about keeping my promises to him.
“What kind of place is this? It doesn’t look like ruins to me,” asked Wes looking out the window.
We had been driving an ocean front road for almost an hour when the van turned down a side road. A quarter mile later, we passed through a massive gate. I was in a window seat on the driver side. When I looked in the rear view mirror, I saw two men armed with military rifles closing the gate. That struck me as curious.
“It’s like the Garden of Eden,” said Warren admiring the incredible flora and fauna.
“Look, Mom, peacocks,” said Celia temporarily forgetting last night’s oath never to speak to her sick pervert of a mother again.
“Parrots, birds of paradise, toucans, cockatoos, this must be an aviary,” said Wes who knew something about the exotic birds found in the tropics.
“I’ve never seen anything like this. But it is not a Mayan ruin,” said Michelle as the van pulled up to the front of an enormous beach front villa. It was more of a complex of buildings than a single structure.
As soon as the van stopped and the door opened, an incredibly attractive female who I later learned was last year’s Miss Venezuela stuck her head in the door. Wearing a tiny bikini with a see through wrap covering the bottom, she looked like someone who belonged on the cover of a men’s magazine like Maxim or FM. Warren had recently purchased a subscription to both ignoring my argument that such magazines objectify women and that as a father of two daughters he shouldn’t support such publications.
“Welcome to the Estate of Don Carlos Esteban Rodriguez de Delgado. I’m Dayana Mendoza and I will be taking you through orientation. Please call me Dayana. Would everyone please step off the van and line up on the white line.”
“She can take me through anything she wants,” whispered Wes obviously impressed with her face and figure.
Admittedly, she was gorgeous. “What’s this all about, Michelle,” I asked as we exited?
“Damn if I know. Maybe Robbie is going to surprise us,” said Michelle.
A second very attractive young female was waiting at the bottom of the steps to hand everyone a bottle of chilled water. A minute late all ten of us were lined up with our toes resting on a white line someone had recently painted on the pavement. Off in the distance to the left of the house, we could hear hammering and sawing. Something was being built.
Two things struck me as odd. Two men equipped with the type of professional video cameras you associate with television news were filming our exit from the van. Six uniformed men who I took to be security were standing nearby watching us. They were armed with truncheons. Their uniforms fit well and were neatly pressed. Somehow I found that reassuring.
“Please answer when I call your name. My assistant Carolina will hand each of you your orientation materials,” said Dayana.
“What this all about, Dayana,” asked Wes?
“Please hold your questions until we’re inside, Wesley,” said Dayana flashing him the same smile she’d used on the Miss Venezuela contest judges. She struck me as the kind of woman who expected men to fawn over her.
As Dayana called out our names and we responded, Carolina presented each of us with an empty laundry bag and a molded plastic briefcase. My laundry bag was stenciled with my first initial and last name. Someone with a Dynamo gun labeled my full name, Katherine Sims Tate, on the briefcase.
When all the names had been called and kit handed out, Dayana delivered the shocker. “Everyone please remove your clothes and place them in the laundry bag and hand it to Carolina. Unless you’re in costume, you’ll be nude for the remainder of your stay at Casa Delgado. You may keep your sandals on.”
That was when I realized matters were seriously amiss.
“You’re kidding right,” said Warren thinking it was some kind of a joke.
“Mom, do I have to,” asked Bryan?
“I’m not undressing,” said Celia defiantly.
“Me neither,” said April.
“No way,” said Doug. “No one gets a look at me.”
“Of course not,” I said. “This is ridiculous. Let’s get back in the van and return to the hotel. Somebody has made a foolish mistake.” The thought crossed my mind that we had been mistakenly transported to a nude beach.
The van driver must have overheard me because he promptly shut the door and drove off with our lunch.
“Please, trust me, you do not have a choice,” said Dayana gesturing toward the six uniforms. All the while, the two camera men kept filming as they walked around us.
“What’s this all about, Michelle,” I asked. I half expected Robbie to pop out from a nearby bush and announce it had all been a joke. We’d laugh together then go inside for a delicious lunch.
“I have no idea, Kathy,” said Michelle completely puzzled.
Everyone has heard stories about tourists being abducted, robbed, raped, and murdered in Mexico. But we had been assured that Cozumel was completely safe and that tourism was too important to the local economy to allow anything bad to happen to visiting gringos. Robbery seemed out of the question, the house and grounds had to belong to someone who was fabulously wealthy.
“I don’t think we have a choice,” said Wes gesturing toward the guards who had stepped closer.
“You don’t. Either you remove your clothes or they will, and they won’t be nice about it,’ said Dayana once more pointing toward the guards who took another step in our direction. All the while the cameras were rolling.
“Someone wants to see us in our birthday suits and I guess we don’t have a choice,” said Warren grabbing the bottom of his shirt and pulling it over his head.
“How about just the adults,” asked Wes negotiating as he followed Warren in removing his shirt.
“Everyone, no exceptions, please hurry. We have a ton of work to get through today,” said Dayana.
Work to get through, what in the name of Jesus was the woman talking about?
“Let’s do it,” said Warren unbuckling his belt. “Wendy, Bryan, Celia, clothes off and in the bag.”
My husband spoke with a confidence he didn’t really feel. But he had sized up the situation correctly. There were more of them than us and we didn’t have a choice. Fear trumps modesty any day. Later, we all admitted we were scared to death.
“You three get undressed, no arguing,” said Wes. “You too, Michelle, nothing we all haven’t seen before.”
It was time for me to be foolish and pretend the inevitable did not exist. “Not me, I’m keeping my clothes on,” I said folding my arms across my chest. One of the camera men came close and for some ridiculous reason I got a defiant look on my face and stared directly into the lens.
“Excellent, Senora, show your fiery nature, it makes for good movie,” said the cameraman as he focused on my face.
Dayana looked at me, shook her head and sighed before pointing me out and barking “Escobar, Manuel, strip her.”
Two guards stepped forward and grabbed me. The next few minutes were pandemonium. Looking back it was entirely my fault. Wes and Warren rushed to my aid causing the other four guards to join in with truncheons swinging. Even Bryan and Doug got involved.
“Be careful, not their faces,” yelled Dayana as the sound of hard rubber impacting flesh filled the air. Each blow with a truncheon was followed by a scream. Being clubbed with a police baton hurts. And I mean it really hurts. No one was spared. One of the guards wailed the daylights out of Katlyn and Wendy leaving both girls sobbing and curled up on the pavement pleading for the beating to stop. Even after they were down, Wendy took a blow right across her boobs that left a bright red welt.
As the instigator I got the worst of it. One of them managed to land his baton right between my legs flattening my clit against my pubic bone. That took all the fight out of me.
Moments later, I was the only one standing but that was only because Escobar and Manuel were holding me upright as they ripped my clothes off. Everyone else had been beaten to the ground where they quickly finished undressing and stowed their apparel according to instructions. The two brutes made short work of my blouse and Bermuda shorts.
“Hooters,” laughed the one named Manuel when his partner unsnapped my bra and ripped it off me. As soon as my breasts were exposed, his truncheon slammed by breast compressing it against my breast bone and causing me intense pain and leaving a nasty bruise.
I grabbed the protesting mammary to comfort it thereby providing Escobar opportunity to pull my panty down my thighs. When I reached to stop him from removing them completely, a second blow to my chest rendered me helpless. In a matter of seconds I was nude and on the ground writhing in pain.
“Those things really hurt, Mom. I didn’t want to be hit anymore in the nuts so I undressed on the pavement,” was Bryan’s retrospective on how the pain of a hard rubber truncheon on his testicles overcame his natural shyness. For the first time in years I saw my handsome son in the nude.
“Punish her. She needs to understand that we are in control,” said Dayana pointing to me.
The one named Escobar held my arms behind my back as Manuel beat me into submission. If he hadn’t been holding my arms, I would have grabbed my boobs and groin, and rolled around praying for the agony to end.
“Enough,” shouted Dayana stepping directly in front of me. When Manuel and Escobar released me, she took me in her arms and kissed me. I had never kissed a woman that way but I was too frightened to do anything but allow her tongue to probe my mouth and intertwine with mine. “I want us to become best friends. I sense the kind of woman you really are. Later, I will be your bitch and you can return your pain to me.”
She was certainly full of verbal surprises. My nipples and clit were throbbing with pain. They’d had all the abuse I could take. “Fine, let’s be best friends,” I whispered through tear filled eyes. As it turned out, being her friend opened me to experiences I would never have willingly chosen.
“Everyone inside,” said Dayana leading us into the main building.
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