It was one of those early fall mornings that make you feel alive and glad you live life in the open. The air was cool and the previous night’s rain shower had settled the dust on my west Texas ranch. I was walking out of my old clabbered board farmhouse, sipping on a hot cup of coffee, when I heard a scream. I looked out to the east of the house and saw my new sorrel filly streaking across the pasture with a rider clinging to her back. I stood there in shock as I saw the animal fold up in mid stride and go crashing to the ground, sending the rider flying through the air.
I threw down my coffee cup, shattering it on the gravel drive and jumped into my old truck. Bouncing full speed across the rough ground, it took less than a minute to get to the sight of the horse and rider.
I baled out of the truck and ran over to the rider, who I had recognized by this time as Mary Edwards, or as everyone around here calls her Wild Child.
Mary’s parents Bob and Martha Edwards owned the adjoining ranch. They were childless for many years of their marriage and had given up any hope of having a family. Then as they had both just passed forty, Martha became pregnant with the child that they would give the angelic name Mary Katherine. Needless to say, they were both overjoyed and Martha pronounced the baby to be a gift from God.
As the little girl grew, she was spoiled rotten as neither parent could make themselves discipline her or tell her “No”. As Mary reached her teen years, her running with every boy around and drinking earned her the name “Wild Child”. Bob and Martha’s gift from God had become a curse from the devil. Her parents now approaching sixty were completely unable to control the girl. Her behavior became worse and worse until things came to a head last year. Just after she turned eighteen, she was with a rough neck from the next county over when he stole a truck. They were both arrested and he was sentenced to three years in the pen. Due largely to Bob and Martha’s pleading to the judge, she was given probation, with a stern warning that any violation would result in her immediately being sent to the Hobby Unit Women’s Prison over in Marlin. Hobby was a rat infested hellhole that Mary would never survive.
I had spent many an evening sipping a beer and listening to Bob worry about Mary and regretting the mistakes he had made in her upbringing. He would tell me about Martha lying awake all night, crying over her only child.
I found Mary sitting in the rocks and sand, nursing her scraped knees and elbows when I rushed over to her and asked, “Are you alright, did you break anything.”
“Yeah I’m alright, that stupid bitch just took off on me,” she said looking over at the filly still lying on the ground.
Instantly my blood boiled, “You’re the stupid bitch that horse isn’t even broke to ride yet.”
“GET YOUR ASS IN THE TRUCK,” I screamed as I grabbed a handful of her curly blond hair, drug her to the truck and threw her in the passenger side door.
“Don’t even think about getting out of this truck.” I snarled as I slammed the door shut and walked over to the injured animal.
“Whoa, easy girl,” I said as I couched down and she raised her head to try and get up.
I looked down and my worst fear was realized, her right leg was broken between the knee and fetlock.
“Damn it,” I cursed as I pulled the handkerchief from my pocket and pulled it through the sides of her halter to make a blindfold. This would keep her still until the vet could get there. I patted her neck before I stood and used my cell phone to call the vet.
Fortunately, Doc Oakes was working at a nearby ranch and would be there in about twenty minutes.
I shot Mary an angry glance as I walked back over and leaned against the bed of my dirty pickup, trying to control my temper.
Mary sat in the seat of the truck, crying, knowing better than to make a sound.
Doc finally arrived and getting out of his truck extended his hand, “How are you doing this morning Jake.”
Shaking his hand, “I’ve been a hell of a lot better Doc.” I said as I gestured at the filly, lying quietly on the ground.
“Let’s go see what we’ve got.” Doc said as he made his way over to the horse.
I squatted down behind the filly and pressed my knee down on her neck to keep her from struggling as Doc walked around in front of her to look at the injured leg.
Doc examined the lower leg that lay at a ninety degree angle from where it should be. “You know already, don’t you?”
I nodded my head as he got up and went over to his truck to prepare the injection. Solemnly, he walked back over with the syringe and stretching the skin taught with his other hand, slid it into the large vein on her neck. Within seconds, she drew her last breath.
With the animal no longer suffering, we both stood and walked back to Doc’s truck.
I quietly thanked Doc for getting there so quickly as we stopped beside the truck.
Shaking my hand, Doc said, “it’s a damn shame, that little filly wound have made a hell of a cutting horse. Did you have her insured?
“Yeah, I’ll need you to mail me a report for the insurance company, along with your bill.”
“Will do,” Doc said as he closed his truck door and drove off.
I walked over to the truck and got in and looked over a Mary sitting in the seat.
“I’m so sorry Jake. I didn’t know she wasn’t broke yet.”
“SHUT THE FUCK UP”, I screamed, drawing my hand back, but stopping myself from slapping her into next week.
Mary huddled against the door, cringing as we bounced our way across the pasture back to the house.
Skidding to a stop in front of the house, I got out and opened the passenger side door.
Grabbing the girl by the upper arm, I drug her inside and hustled her over to the chair by the phone and told her to call her father. With tears clouding her vision, she dialed the phone.
“Hello daddy, I’m over at Jake’s. There’s been an accident.”
“No I’m alright, but his horse, she broke her leg. She had to be put down.”
“Yes I was riding her, No I didn’t, I didn’t think that it would hurt anything.”
“OK, here he is,” she answered as she handed the phone over to me.
“Hello Bob”, I spoke into the phone.
“Hello Jake, I don’t know how to tell you how sorry I am. I don’t know what to do with that girl.” There was a pause on the other end of the line. “I give up. I want you to call the sheriff.”
“Bob, you know this will be a probation violation. She’ll go to jail this time.”
“I know, but I don’t know what else to do. She’s completely out of control.” Bob’s vice trembled as he fought back tears. “Maybe prison will straighten her out.”
“Bob, let me try something else. I’ll give her a choice, either go to prison or take punishment from me.” I said as I looked directly into Mary’s bloodshot eyes. “But, I warn you, I’m going to be rough on her, a lot rougher than you ever dreamed of.”
“Go ahead; maybe you can put the fear of God in her.”
“OK” I said, “I’ll either have her home late tonight, or she will call you from jail. It’s her call”
“OK Jake, thanks” Bob replied in a quiet, somber voice as he hung up the phone.
I hung the phone the phone up and turned to Mary, who sat trembling in the chair.
“You heard the conversation. What’s it going to be prison or a life time’s worth of discipline in one day?”
The girl leapt to her feet and begged, “You can’t let them send me to prison.”
“OK, let’s go.” I said as I grabbed her by the upper arm and began dragging her out of the house and to the barn.
Struggling each step of the way the girl pleaded, “Wait, please don’t do this. I’ll be good. This time I’ve really learned my lesson.”
“No you haven’t, but you will before the day is up.” I said as I shoved her into the door of the barn. “Now get those clothes off.”
Wild child smiled, thinking that she was going to able to fuck herself out of another jamb, began to do a slow striptease as she began to sway her hips and slowly pop open the snaps of her sleeveless western shirt.
“That shit’s not going to work here,” I said as I stepped forward and ripped the shirt open.
Clearly shaken, the girl quickly slipped the remains of her shirt off exposing her perfect breasts. She had never worn a bra in as long as I had known her. She didn’t need to. Her tits rode high and proud on her chest and she never missed an opportunity to flaunt them if there was something to be gained by it.
“Now get those jeans off.”
She kicked off her Ropers and unbuttoned jeans and began to wiggle her way out of them, not to be sexy, they were so tight see couldn’t get out of them any other way. I nodded my head, looking at her blue silk panties and she pulled them down and stepped out of them also.
There, finally, she stood before naked. Her body was tanned all over from skinny dipping in the pond on the backside of her father’s ranch. There wasn’t an ounce of fat on her body and a bare pussy peeked out from between her muscular thighs.
I grabbed a rope and started towards her.
“What the hell do you think that you’re going to do with that?” she said, backing away until she ran out of room and I pinned her against the rough sawn boards of the wall.
“I’m going to tie you up. Either that or we can go back to the house. I’ll call the sheriff and you’ll be eating some nasty bull dyke’s cunt for supper. Is that what you want?”
“No” she pouted as she held out her wrists.
“From now on it will be ‘No Sir’” I said as I quickly bound her wrists, finishing with a strong jerk to ensure that the knot was tight. “Do you understand?”
“Yes Sir”
I yanked the girl by her bound hands and walked her over to the wash stall. A wash stall is an open stall with a concrete floor and a drain in the center. As the name implies it’s used for washing down horses, but it would work perfectly for my purposes. Centering her over the drain, I threw the rope over the exposed beam above her head and pulled it tight stretching her body until her bare feet barely touched the cold concrete floor. Her taught nude body was a thing of beauty as it hung there. My cock twitched as I mauled her pert tits that were pulled even higher on her chest than they normally rode. Her shaved pussy peeked out between her thighs despite the fact that she kept them tightly clamped together. Walking around behind her, I admired the round; firm ass of a girl that had ridden horses all of her life. I laid a couple of hard slaps on those hard ass cheeks as she tried to dance away from me. Deciding that she was going to require further immobilization, I headed off to the tack room to find more rope. Grabbing a couple of short pieces of rope, I walked back over to her and tied a loop around each of her small ankles and tied each off to the sides of the stall. She was now tightly stretched in an inverted Y, her toes barely able to reach to ground and completely unable to resist any torment that I choose to commit.
Seeing the dried blood, caked with dirt on her knees and elbows, I decided that a little first aid was in order before I began her punishment. While retrieving my first aid kit from the tack room, I also noticed a rubber training bit that I had bought for the new filly.
Since she would no longer need it, I decided to use it on the girl that had caused her destruction. Grabbing it and a piece of leather lacing, I tied one end of the lacing to the ring on one side of the bit, leaving the other end to be tied once I had the bit in her mouth.
I walked behind Mary wrapping my right arm around her rib cage and pulling her tightly to me. With my left hand held the bit firm to her full lips. As I expected she clamped her teeth together, refusing entry to the bit. I slid my right hand up and clamped onto her plump pink nipple.
Hard headed as ever, she gritted her teeth and took the pain, refusing to open her mouth for the bit. A life time of work with my hands had given me a grip that could crack walnuts, so when I began to really bear down on her defenseless nipple, she had no choice but to open her mouth and emit a scream of agony. Taking advantage of the opportunity, I pushed the bit into her mouth and released her nipple to grab the tag end of the leather, slid it behind her head and firmly cinched it to the ring on the other side of her head.
Now that she was without the ability to hit, kick or bite, I could tend her scrapes and begin her punishment. I pulled and clean gauze pad from the kit and doused it with alcohol and began cleaning the wounds on her elbows and knees.
“Oh shit that hurts,” she squealed around the gag twisting to avoid the stinging.
“Girl, you’d just as well settle down. You’ve got a lot worse that this coming.” I said as I cleaned up her battered knees and elbows. Putting the bottle of alcohol back in the kit, I saw a bottle of liniment and removed it from the box.
Smiling, I pulled one of my worn leather work gloves from my back pocket, put it on and opened the bottle.
“You know how liniment burns, don’t you.” I said as I removed the lid and dipped my leather clad finger into the bottle.
Dripping with the potion, I rubbed my finger all round her nipple, which instantly puckered up as the alcohol in the liniment evaporated leaving only the analgesic residue behind. Slowly but surely, the heat on her nipple rose until it felt like a hot iron on center of her tit. Tears streaked down her face as I reinserted my finger in the bottle and coated her other nipple. Soon the girl was thrashing around as if she was trying to shake her tits from her body in order to alleviate the fire.
“I’ve heard boys say that you have the hottest pussy in the county.” I said as I again coated my gloved finger. “Let’s see if we can make it even hotter.”
Mary furiously shook her head and pleaded through the gag as I began rubbing my finger up and down her puffy slit, thoroughly coating her lips and clit with the fiery liquid. She thrashed like a wild women and screamed at the top of her lungs, as the liniment began burning her tender bits, until she had used up all of her energy and was forced to hang limply by her wrists and suffer the unending burning between her legs.
Her head twisted in terror as I walked behind her and held her butt cheeks open with my ungloved hand and brutally thrust my liniment coated finger up her asshole as far as I could reach. The fatigue of a few seconds earlier was forgotten, as once again she flailed against her bounds. She was sure that I had thrust a red hot poker up her ass as the chemical burned away at her rectal lining.
Closing the bottle and removing the glove, I left her there to suffer as I left to go bury the animal lying lifeless in the pasture. I hopped on the backhoe and drove to a shady grove of trees where I had buried several of my horses in the past, all of which lived much longer and fuller lives than the one I was burying today. I choked back my emotions as I drug the animal to the freshly dug grave and lowered her in with the loader bucket. I’m not a religious man, but I said a few words to myself as I covered the carcass with dirt. There is nothing in the world sadder than unrealized potential.
Bouncing down the dusty road to the barn, my blood boiled again. She was going to pay for harming that prime animal. With vengeance on my mind, I reentered the barn.
Mary was hanging limply by her wrists moaning as the last effects of the liniment wore off. Taking a bucket and filling it with cold water from the spicket, I dumped it over the girl’s head, bringing her sputtering back to reality. I walked over and refilled the bucket and picked up a long handled scrub brush. Setting the bucket down beside the girl, I dunked the brush in the water and held the course palm bristles in front of her eyes.
“You want me to get that nasty burning stuff off of you, don’t you?” To which Mary furiously shook her head “no”.
“Oh sure you do.” I said as I grasp her B cup tit by the base and began scrubbing the irritated little nub of flesh until it was raw and seeping blood. The girl’s cries of pain were pitiful, but I had no pity to give as I switched sides and began scrubbing the other nipple
Her eyes got big as saucers as I vigorously dunked the brush in the water and directed it towards her red swollen pussy. Her cries of pain turned to screams as I worked the stiff bristles up and down between her spread thighs, tearing at her lips and clit until they too were oozing little droplets of blood.
To remove the liniment from her rectum, I hooked the hose on to the spicket and drug it around behind the girl. I held her cheeks open with one hand and partially covered the end of the hose with my thumb to increase the pressure as I sprayed the liniment off of her rosebud which was now flaming red. With the exterior of her ass washed off, it was time to work on the insides. She screamed bloody murder as I jammed the end of the hose in her rectum and the cold water began filling her insides. I held the hose in place until her flat belly was stretched out like she was 6 months pregnant and her moans were constant around the gag.
I jumped back as I yanked the hose from her asshole and a torrent of water and filth gushed out. I waited a few minutes as the water drained from her quivering asshole and roughly poked the hose back in. Once again, I stretched her guts to near bursting before pulling the hose out. This time the gushing water was clear as it exited her body and splashed on the concrete floor. Goose bumps jumped up all over her body as I directed the stream from the hose at her to wash off the water and shit that had splashed down her legs. Mary hung there shivering and humiliated as I washed her filth down the floor drain.
Deciding to allow myself a little pleasure before starting her punishment in earnest, I grabbed a jar of Vaseline out of the first aid kit and walked around behind her.
“I know that you’ve fucked half the boys in the county. Did you ever let any of them have a crack at that tight little asshole of yours?”
She frantically shook her head as I popped the lid off the jar and scooped out a large glob with my index finger.
“Well since it’s your first time, I’ll grease you up good before I fuck that little hole.” I said as I my finger in and out of her rectum, drawing a series of grunts and squeals from the girl.
I unfastened my jeans, letting them drop to my knees, and gave my cock a good coating of Vaseline in preparation of taking Mary’s ass cherry. I slid up behind the girl and bent my knees in order to align my meat with her still tender hole. After placing the head of my cock at her entrance, I wrapped my arms around her waist and slowly began straightening my legs picking her feet off the ground to the limit the ropes binding her feet would allow. Her sphincter clamped shut, trying to prevent my cock’s intrusion in vain. I loosened my grip around her waist and soon she realized that her sphincter muscle was no match for gravity as she slowly began to slide down my pole.
Mary in a panic, pleaded around the bit. “Please don’t. You’re tearing me open. Please take it out. Pleeeeease!!!!” She begged as she lost her battle with the forces of nature and was soon announced her being fully impaled on my cock with an agonized scream.
The fire in her asshole from the liniment was nothing compared to the searing pain that now screaming from it now. She hoped desperately that she would black out from the pain, but such was not to be.
Wanting to further her torment, I slid one hand up to her pert tits and began rolling her tender nipples between my thumb and forefinger eliciting further screams from her, not only from the pain in her nipples, but also from her asshole as her body jerked and twisted on my cock.
After a few minutes of this, I decided I was ready to start fucking her in earnest. I bent my knees enough for Mary’s feet to touch the floor. As she stood on her tiptoes, I continued lowering my hips until only half of my cock remained in her. I remained motionless as she sighed in relief. Her relief was short lived as I thrust upward with my legs, raising her off the floor only to be jerked to a halt as the ropes on her ankles stopped her upward motion driving me even deeper into her ass than before.
“EEEEEIIIIIIIGGGHHH!!!!” she screamed at the top of her lungs as she felt as if she was being split in two with an axe.
“That felt good, didn’t it?” I asked as I lowered her to the floor.
Frantically, she shook her head as I again slid half way out of her.
“No, I must not be doing something right. Let’s try again.” I said as I lunged upward slamming even harder into her ass.
“EEEEIIIGGGGGGHHHH!!!!” She screamed even louder, regretting every decision in her life that had brought her to this point.
“Man that sure feels good to me, oh well, at least one of us is enjoying this.” With that I began to rapidly fuck her ass, with each stroke ending with her jerking to a stop against the ankle ropes.
Mary screamed and groaned continuously for the next five minutes until with a final ferocious trust that threatened to pop her legs out of their sockets, I came in her tattered asshole.
“OOOHHHH FFUUCCCKK!!! I roared as my seed pumped into her quivering ass.
Pulling out of the girl, I stumbled back against the wall of the stall, panting, to catch my breath.
Mary hung, incoherent, hanging by her wrists, her feet not even trying to support any of her weight. Looking down at the floor below her, I watched as drops of red tinged cum leaked from her gaping hole and splattered on the floor.
After a few minutes of recovery, I stood up and buttoned my jeans and set off to find the instrument to give Mary the whipping that she has needed all of her life.
I went to the tack room to find something to use on the girl. I don’t use crops or quirts on horses. Any control issues I’ve had with a horse could usually be handled with a quick flick of the reins across the animal’s rump.
I smiled as I looked at the broken rein hanging on the wall. I had hung it there a couple of weeks ago and never gotten around to fixing it. I took the five foot long, narrow strip of leather down from the wall and doubled it over in my hand. I whipped the leather down on the work bench making a solid “twap” sound and causing dust to fly up into the air. This would be just the thing to “put the fear of God in her” as her father said. I walked back over to Mary and dropped the rein in the bucket of water to soak as I turned on the hose and pointed it towards the girl. I directed the stream towards the slumping girls head and soon she was sputtering and shaking the water from her curly blond hair. I continued to walk around the girl spraying her body with the cold water until she was fully alert and back up on her toes. I squatted down and directed the stream of cold water at her distended asshole causing it to clamp shut and somewhat resemble is its condition before her anal rape.
Reaching down and getting the rein from the bucket, I ran the leather between my thumb and forefinger to squeegee the excess water from it. Mary’s eyes grew large as I doubled the strap and grasped the looped end leaving two long tongues of water soaked leather.
“What are you going to do with that?” the girl mumbled around the bit.
Walking behind the girl, I drew back my arm and answered, “I’m going to give you what you’ve been needing all of your life.
“CRACK!!” The leather sounded like a rifle shot as water sprayed from here body and two stripes blazed across the girl’s shoulders.
“OH GOD” Mary screamed as the fiery pain radiated from her back.
“CRACK!!” This time the reins left twin trails across the middle of her back.
“FUCK!!” she screamed.
“CRACK!!, the next lash leaving stripes across her perfect ass.
“OH SHIT, PLEASE JAKE, NO MORE, I’VE LEARNED MY LESSON, I’LL BE GOOD”, the girl pleaded with tears streaking down her face.
Drawing my arms back for another lash, I said, “No, I don’t think you have yet.”
“CRACK!!!”, as two stripes of fire crossed her firm thighs.
“EEEEIIIGGGHH!!, Mary screamed, dancing and twisting in her bonds until her strength gave out and again she hung by her wrists.
Stepping over the rope that secured her left ankle, I circled in front of Mary and once again turned on the hose.
“Here, drink some water.” I said as I opened my pocket knife and with a flick, cut the leather strap that held the bit in place. The bit fell to the floor and I held the hose in front of her mouth.
Mary leaned her head forward and drank greedily from the stream of water, not even thinking that this was the same hose that had been thrust up her ass earlier.
Not wanting her to founder from to much water, I pulled the stream away from her mouth and began spraying her down in preparation for the rest of her punishment.
Stepping back and to the side, I drew back my arm and asked, “Are you ready to get this over with?”
Silently, she shook her head, but it didn’t matter. The twin lashes were already streaking towards the fronts of her thighs.
“FFUUUCCCCKKKK!!” she screamed with renewed vigor as the leather seared her skin.
“CRACK” The next lash landed at the junction of her thighs and torso, cutting across the top of her mound.
“SHHHIIIIITTTTTTT!!” she screamed shaking her hips as to throw off the pain.
At this point Mary was blubbering incoherently, begging for mercy. “Please Jake, please no more, I can’t take any more.”
“You don’t think that I would let those pretty little tits of yours go unmarked, do you?” I asked as I lightly flicked the ends of the rein against her left tit.
“Please no Jake, I can’t take any more, pleeeaaasssee! I’ll be good from now on!”
I believed that she ment what she was saying, but I wanted to be sure see would remember this lesson for the rest of her days.
“CRACK”, the first lash landed across the bottoms of her tits forcing them to fly upward with the impact.
“OOOOHHHH GGGGOOODD!!!” Mary screamed at the top of her lungs.
“CRACK”, the next blow landed on the tops of her breasts, yanking them downward and feeling like they were going to tear them loose from her rib cage.
I stood there as her scream died down taking careful aim for the last stroke. I drew back the rein and with all of my might, brought it crashing down on her tattered nipples.
“EEEEEEIIIIIIIIIIGGGGGGGGHHHHHH” her scream rang out across the country side and then she was granted the unconsciousness that she had prayed for since her ordeal began.
Mary hung there by her wrists with little trickles of blood leaking from her nipples as cut the ropes that imprisoned her ankles. I held her up with one arm as I cut the rope binding her hands. Her arms fell limp as I caught her body and scooped her off her feet. Carrying her to the house I decided that I would call Bob and tell him Mary Katherine would be spending the night here. I after she had recovered a little, I wanted to try that pussy that everybody spoke so highly of.
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