Aubree’s First Apartment (Continued):
Chapter 4: A Shopping Trip
Three days had passed since the horrible night at Winston’s apartment. Aubree had tried to resume her normal routine of school, studying and work. However, she found herself constantly nervous and jumping at the smallest noise. She couldn’t concentrate on her schoolwork and she had flunked her exam on Tuesday.
It was now Friday morning and she was no closer to solving the “Winston dilemma”. She had gone over all the details in her mind repeatedly, looking for some way out of the mess she was in. However, three facts remained. Winston had proof of her illegal drug use, he had pictures of her naked and he was watching her. Aubree shuddered.
She had seen Winston several times since Tuesday morning but he had made no attempt to contact her. He just seemed to be watching. She had noticed him in the parking lot outside her apartment on several occasions and yesterday, when she went to check her mail, he was at the mail boxes. He hadn’t spoken, only winked at her and walked away.
Aubree walked over to the window and pulled the curtains aside. She scanned the parking lot. There was no movement. She looked at the wall clock… almost noon.
Suddenly, her cell phone rang. The noise caused her to jump. She looked at the phone on the table. It rang again. She walked over and picked it up, looking at the number which appeared on the screen. She didn’t recognize the caller. The phone continued to ring. Aubree placed the phone back onto the table and walked into the kitchen. She poured a glass of juice and took a sip. The phone stopped ringing. She sat the glass down and took a deep breath.
She started to walk towards her bedroom and the phone rang again. Slowly, she walked over to the table and picked up the cell phone. It was the same number. Hesitatingly, Aubree picked up the phone. “Hello”…
“Hello, little girl.”
It was Winston. Aubree’s voice caught in her throat. She hung up immediately. She could feel her heart racing as the phone began ringing again. After eight rings, Aubree picked up. She didn’t speak.
“My, my… what a rude little girl you are.” Winston’s voice sounded menacing. “Imagine…hanging up on a caller without even a goodbye. Especially, when the caller could have you thrown out of college and arrested.”
Aubree remained silent. She could hear Winston breathing on the other end.
“Have you been a good girl these past few days, my little dear? Have you been smoking any illegal substances?”. Winston paused. “Aubree? I know you’re there. Answer me, girl.”
“Wh…what do you want?” Aubree felt herself shaking.
Winston chuckled. “Whatever I may want, you may rest assured, I’ll get it.”
Aubree walked towards the window and peeked out of the curtains. The parking lot was still empty… no movement. She held the phone closer to her ear, listening to Winston breathing on the other end. She repeated her question. “What do you want, mister? Please just leave me alone. You had what you want. Haven‘t I done enou…”
Winston cut her off. “I’ll be outside your apartment in ten minutes. When you see my truck pull up, you will come downstairs and get in. We’re going on a little drive.”
“I don’t want…”, Aubree started but the line went dead.
She dropped her phone and collapsed onto the couch. Oh my god. Her heart pounded in her chest. She was shaking uncontrollably. What does he want?
The minutes ticked by. Aubree went over to the window and looked out. She watched as an old blue pick up truck pulled into the parking space outside. The bed of the truck was loaded down with tools and bags of what looked like trash. She heard the horn honk. She could see Winston’s face peering up through the windshield at her door. The horn sounded again.
Slowly, Aubree walked to the door. She slipped her feet into her flip flops. Her mind was numb as she opened the front door and stepped outside. She closed the door behind herself and headed for the steps.
Winston rolled down the passenger side window as Aubree approached the truck. “Hurry up, girl. Get in.”
Aubree opened the door and climbed into the seat. She sat with her hands folded, looking at her lap. Her eyes were closed as she felt Winston shift into reverse and back out of the parking space.
She felt his hand on her thigh as the truck accelerated towards the road. “Well, sweetie. Have you been behaving yourself?” His hand traveled up her thigh, squeezing.
“Yes.” Aubree could barely find her voice.
“No drugs lately, miss?”
“No.” She felt his hand move from her thigh onto her back. She held her eyes shut tightly.
Winston slipped his hand under her t-shirt and caressed her smooth back. “It seems you’ve forgotten how to address your elders. Now, I’ll ask you again girl; Have you used any illegal drugs lately?”
Aubree winced. “No, sir.”
“That’s good, dear.” Winston smiled. “Today, we’ll be doing a little shopping. Your next lesson will involve learning the value of money along with the value of modesty. You see I’ve watched you since you first moved here. I see how you like to wear skimpy bathing suits at the pool and tight jeans elsewhere. You have a cute young body and you like to show it off. That trait is called immodesty. Today I will teach you about modesty.”
Aubree felt Winston’s hand on her bare back, underneath her shirt. She felt his fingers as they played with her bra clasp. It almost seemed as if he would unfasten her bra, when he suddenly pulled his hand from under her shirt. She opened her eyes and watched as he turned on the radio. Classic rock music poured through the speakers. Winston hummed along with the familiar tune. He lit a cigarette and smiled.
After several minutes of driving, Winston turned off the road and into the parking lot of the Blue Lagoon Clothing Store. He shut off the engine. “Shouldn’t be too crowded on an early Friday afternoon. What do you think, little miss?”
Aubree was unsure. “I… I…don’t know… why are we…”
Winston silenced her with a finger over her lips. “Come along now, girl. We have shopping to do.” He ushered her out of the truck and towards the front door of the store.
Stepping inside, Aubree could smell the scent of fabrics and fresh linens. The store appeared to be empty with the exception of the young man standing behind the counter.
“Hello. Welcome to Blue Lagoon.” The clerk smiled.
Aubree was suddenly embarrassed. She recognized the young clerk. His name was Matt. He was in one of her classes and he was cute. He had wavy brown hair with bright, expressive eyes and he obviously worked out. Aubree had noticed him at the start of the semester. She had hoped he would talk to her at school but they had never been properly introduced.
Matt smiled at her. “Hey, Aubree isn‘t it? Don’t we have the 9 AM together on Tuesday and Thursday at school?”
“Yes. I think so.” Aubree couldn’t look at his eyes. She felt herself blushing. She wanted to be anywhere other than this store. Her shifted her feet nervously.
“Great!” Matt smiled again. “Well, okay.” He hesitated, glancing back and forth from Aubree to Winston. He seemed unsure of the situation. “Can I help you find anything?“
Winton spoke up. “Swimwear. I promised my girl a new swimming suit if she kept her grades up. She’s done her part. I’ll do mine.” Winston winked at Matt. “Why don’t you show us to the swimwear?”
Matt looked puzzled. What does he mean by “my girl”? Is he her dad or her boyfriend? Got to be her dad. Too old to be a boyfriend… I think.
“Okay, sir. Right this way.” Matt motioned towards the back of the store. He guided them down rows of clothing until they arrived in the swim suit section. “Well, here you two are. If you need my help finding anything, just holler.” Matt turned around and started back to the front of the store.
“Hold on, young man.” Winston stopped him. “Maybe you can help us. Do you think my girl is pretty?”
Matt shifted uncomfortably. What the hell is this guy talking about? I can’t say anything about how she looks if she’s his girlfriend and I really can’t say anything if she’s his daughter… He decided to say as little as possible. “Yes, sir. She is very pretty.” He noticed Aubree blushing furiously.
Winston looked down at Aubree and back at Matt. “What swimming suit would you recommend?”
“I really don’t know, sir.” Matt was getting real uncomfortable and didn’t know how to react to the odd situation.
Winston pushed Aubree to the center of the floor and took a step back. “Turn around and let him have a look at you, dear. How can he recommend a bathing suit if he can’t see you?”
Aubree stood looking at her feet. Shame swept over her. “I don’t need a swimsuit, really. Let’s just go.” She didn’t like the direction this was heading…
Winston laughed. “Don’t be silly, girl. I want to reward you for your good grades. Now stop being bashful and turn around so we can have a proper look at you.”
Aubree slowly turned in place. She felt stupid and embarrassed.
Winston shot a glance at the clerk. He looked at his name tag. “Well, Matt. What do you think?”
Matt watched as Aubree turned in place. She was really hot. Her face was adorable. She had great tits which were practically bursting from her shirt. Her tight jeans accented her round ass. He felt his penis begin to stiffen. Matt had had the hots for this girl since he first saw her at the start of the semester. Folding his hands in front of himself, he looked at Winston. He didn’t know what to say. He shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t know. I mean she would probably look good in anything. Maybe you guys should decide on something for yourselves.”
“Nonsense. You’re the sales clerk. So, make a sale.” Winston took a step forward. “Make a recommendation.”
Winston looked at Aubree. “Hands on top of your head. Shoulders back. Let Matt get a good look at your figure so he can make some recommendations.”
Aubree slowly complied. She felt ridiculous standing with her hands on her head.
Matt felt slack jawed. He tried to avoid looking at Aubree directly, as he could sense her shame and knew something wasn’t right. However, she was so damned hot that he couldn’t help but look. When she put her hands on top of her head, her shirt lifted above her jeans, revealing her smooth lower stomach and cute little navel. He now had a raging erection but he felt guilty, knowing Aubree was somehow being shamed by this older man. He tried to save her embarrassment. He selected a tan one piece suit from the rack. “This one looks good. It would highlight her eyes.” He handed it to Winston.
Winston brushed the suit aside. “Ridiculous, lad. Look at her. With a body like that, you want a bikini. Why cover up in a one piece? She isn’t an old lady.”
Matt hesitated. “Well, I don’t know. Maybe Aubree can pick out her own swimsuit?” He glanced at the girl standing with her hands laced on top of her head. This whole thing was bizarre…
Winston walked over to Aubree and placed a hand on the back of her neck. “I’ll tell you what Matt, why don’t you pick out a couple of nice two piece suits and bring them to us. We’ll be in the dressing room getting ready. I want your smallest suits. My little girl has a body which must be shown off. Isn‘t that right, girl?” Winston shook Aubree slightly. Aubree didn’t reply. Frowning, he guided her towards the fitting room.
Matt watched in disbelief as Winston and Aubree vanished into the fitting room. What the hell? He shook his head and massaged his swollen member through his pants...
Winston pushed Aubree into the fitting rooms and down the hallway to a stall. He opened the door and motioned her inside. “Okay, girl. Let’s have you try on some suits.”
“Please stop this, mister!” Aubree was beside herself. “I know that guy. He’s in my class. I don’t need a bathing suit. Please… let’s just leave.”
“Not a chance, missy. I told you that I would teach you the difference between modesty and immodesty today. Your lesson has started. Now strip down.”
“No. I can’t. Please…”
Winston took a step forward and grabbed her by the chin. He looked down at her upturned face. “Do as I say or you’ll be across my knee. You don’t want your classmate to watch you getting a spanking do you?”
“No, sir.” Aubree’s voice was barely a whisper.
“Then, do as I say. Get undressed, girl. Otherwise, your bare butt will be across my knee!” Winston folded his arms and watched her.
Slowly, Aubree pulled off her flip flops and set them aside. She unsnapped her pants and lowered the zipper. She pulled her shirt over her head and placed it on the bench. She looked up at Winston as she lowered her pants. She watched his eyes roam over her flesh as she stepped out of the trousers and placed them beside her shirt. She stood back, covering herself with her arms.
“Everything off, girl. Bra and panties too. How can you try on a swimsuit in your underwear? Get it off.”
Aubree was trembling. She turned her back to him as she unclasped her bra and let it fall down her arms. She sniffled, as she slowly pushed her panties down and stepped out of them. She was fully nude. She stood, looking at the wall.
Winston let his eyes travel over the naked girl’s backside. “There, there… that’s much more like it, girl.” He cupped his hand under her firm buttocks and gave them a squeeze. “Now, you don’t feel very modest do you, girl?” He let his hands slide around to her bare breasts and cupped them in his palms, enjoying their weight. “You sure look nice, little girl. I think I might have to take you back to my apartment after we finish shopping.” His hands slid down to her stomach. He slipped a finger into her bellybutton while his other hand moved down to her soft pubes. “That’s my little girl. I’m going to enjoy you later, miss.”
Aubree was shaking. She felt goose bumps rising all over her flesh. A warm teardrop trickled down her cheek and onto her lips. She licked her lips, tasting the salty tears. “Please leave me alone. Can’t we just leave here? Please. I know that boy.”
Winston chuckled. He slipped a finger between the fleshy outer lips of her labia. “You didn’t seem very ashamed when you were walking around in your little bikini at the pool. That was very immodest. Suppose your little Matt had seen you at the pool. Would you have been ashamed of your body?”
Aubree held her arms closed tightly over her breasts. She could feel Winston’s hands roaming over her bare stomach and exposed pubes. “That’s different. It’s a swimming pool. You are supposed to wear a bathing suit at the pool.” She reached down and pulled Winston’s hand from between her legs. “Please stop.”
Winston laughed. He slapped her bare butt. The sound echoed in the still changing room. “Wait here, girl.” He leaned down and gathered Aubree’s clothes. Closing the door to the changing stall, he walked away, leaving her alone.
Aubree listened as Winston walked down the hall and into the store. She realized she was totally nude and trapped. Winston had taken her clothing and left her with nothing. She sat down on the cold bench. She began to shake, as much from the cold as from her fear.
Matt could hear the muffled voices of Aubree and the strange man in the fitting room. What the hell, man? What’s happening here? Who is that guy and what is he doing with Aubree? He wanted to go into the fitting room and see what was happening. He paced back and forth across the floor. He looked at his watch. They’ve been in there for almost five minutes…
He walked over to the racks and grabbed a small bikini. I guess this is what he wants…
Suddenly, Winston appeared out of the fitting area. “Well, Matt? Have you picked out some nice suits?”
Matt jumped at Winston’s sudden appearance. He immediately noticed Winston was carrying Aubree’s clothes. He took note of her bra and panties… Holy hell! She’s completely naked back there! What in the hell?
Matt forced himself to remain calm. “Yes. Here’s a nice one.” Matt handed the bikini to Winston.
He watched as Winston placed Aubree’s clothes on a chair and held the swimsuit up on the hanger, inspecting it. The swimsuit was small to say the least. It was the thong type and was more string than actual suit. Matt wondered if Aubree’s ample breasts would even fit into the small top.
“This will do nicely, young man.” Winston winked at Matt. “Come with me.”
Matt stood in shock as Winston walked back towards the fitting room.
Winston shot a glance over his shoulder. “Well? Come along, young man. I want my little girl to try this on.”
Matt hesitated. “I think I should wait here, sir.” He looked over at the chair and Aubree’s rumpled clothes.
Winston smiled. “Nonsense. How can you make a sale standing out here like an imbecile? Come along.”
Matt didn’t move.
A slight look of irritation fell across Winston’s face. It vanished as suddenly as it appeared. He smiled at Matt. Walking over, he placed his arm around Matt’s shoulder. “Look, young sir. My… niece… has been going through a rebellious stage lately.” Winston paused and stroked his chin. “You see, she has been falling behind in her schoolwork and her parents suspect drugs may be involved. She has taken to wearing skimpy outfits and I suspect she’s been sexually active.”
Matt nodded, dumbly.
Winston continued. “Her parents have asked me to intervene. You see, I’m not really here to reward Aubree for her grades. I’m here to teach her a valuable life lesson. I intend to help my little niece learn modesty and respect. You can help me… and her… I only need your presence here. You see, Aubree has confided in me that she finds you attractive. That is why I elected to come here today. Perhaps, if our little Aubree felt embarrassed in front of someone she knows, it would change her direction and cause her to come around to respectability again. You know… wake her up, so to speak.”
Matt couldn’t think. He stood silently. Aubree is attracted to me???
“Do you understand me, son?” Winston squeezed Matt’s shoulder. “Please help me to shame my niece into respectability.”
Matt paused. “What do you mean by shame, sir?”
Winston squeezed Matt’s shoulder again. “I want her to learn to have modesty. To achieve this goal, I must make her understand immodesty. I want her to understand that she shouldn’t flaunt her body like a whore. So, I intend to make her flaunt herself in front of you. This will make her feel shame and teach her a lesson.” Winston patted Matt on the shoulder. “Please, help me to help my little niece. You will be doing a good deed for our family.”
Matt swallowed hard. “What do you mean by flaunt herself?”
Winston took a step back. “Matt. Pull yourself together. I need you to trust me. Do you trust me?”
Matt took a deep breath. “Okay, mister.”
Winston smiled. “Come with me, young sir.”
Winston led Matt towards the fitting rooms.
Aubree sat on the cold bench. She could hear Winston talking with Matt outside the fitting rooms. She strained to hear what they were saying but the voices were too muffled. Slowly, she stood up and opened the door to the stall. She peeked outside. Looking down the hallway, she could see Winston’s legs under the curtain to the fitting room entrance. She couldn’t make out what he was saying… something about modesty… that bastard!
Aubree wanted to leave, but she was nude. She pulled the door closed and paced back and forth in the small stall. Please, just give back my clothes… She glanced at the full length mirror hanging on the wall. There she was… naked as the day she was born. How did I let this happen again??? What’s wrong with me?
Suddenly, Aubree heard Winston coming down the hall. He was talking with someone…who?… Matt!! Matt is with him!!!!!
Aubree reached for the door latch and slid it into place. A moment later, Winston pulled on the door. Aubree watched the wooden door shake.
She heard Winston sigh. “Aubree? Open the door, little girl. I have a swimsuit for you to try on…”
“No. I don’t want a swimsuit! I want to go home! Where are my clothes?” Aubree could see Matt’s legs under the door standing next to Winston. Why is he here? Oh my gawd!!! “Please! I just want to get dressed!” She was starting to hyperventilate… Oh god… Oh god… “Please! I’m not dressed! Please make Matt go away!”
Winston pulled on the door again. “Aubree? Please open the door. Matt is here to help us select a bathing suit for you. That’s his job. If you continue to resist, I’ll have you across my knee. I don‘t think you would enjoy getting a spanking in front of your young classmate.”
Aubree fell back against the wall. She was shaking uncontrollably. “Matt? Please leave. Please?? Please go away. Don’t listen to this man!”
Matt looked under the door. He could see Aubree’s bare feet. He watched her clench her toes into the carpet. She was obviously very nervous. Damn! Cute toes and a great body… I can’t pass on this! “Come on, Aubree. Your uncle is just trying to buy you a bathing suit. What’s the problem?” Matt shot a glance at Winston. The older man smiled and winked.
Winston stepped forward. He slid the bikini under the door. “Here you are, dear. Try this on. I think it’s a perfect fit.”
Aubree watched as Winston slid the bikini under the door. She heard him say something to Matt. She tried to cover her nakedness. Her nipples were hard from cold and embarrassment. Realizing the bikini was her only chance at clothing, she grabbed the skimpy garment from the floor. She quickly stepped into the bottoms and pulled them up. She was shocked at the small triangle of fabric which barely covered her pubic area. The material couldn’t be more than two inches. The bottoms rode so low that she felt as if she were wearing nothing at all. She pulled the top on and tied the straps behind herself. Turning around, she looked at herself in the mirror. The bikini was so small that she might as well have been naked. Her breasts were completely bare aside from the small patches of fabric which covered her hard nipples. For the first time in her life, Aubree wished she weren’t so well endowed. The bottoms barely covered her genitalia. Turning around, she looked over her shoulder at her reflection. Her entire backside was fully displayed. The thong rode between her crack leaving nothing to the imagination.
Aubree felt a tear trickle down her cheek as she fell against the back wall. She was shaking uncontrollably. Oh my gawd!!!!!
Suddenly, Winston knocked on the door. “Aubree? Are you trying on the suit?”
Her breath caught in her throat. “Yes… yes, sir.”
Winston knocked again. “Well? Come out so Matt and myself can appraise your appearance.”
“No, sir. I think this one is too small. It doesn‘t fit.” Aubree sank down onto the bench. Leaning forward, she held her arms tightly over her breasts, silently sobbing. “Please, sir. Can we try another?”
“Absolutely not, girl!” Winston pulled on the locked stall. “Open this door immediately!” He pulled on the door again. “I’ve had enough of your games, little girl. Come out here right away!” He yanked the door harder. “If I have to break this lock, it will be bad for your bottom, lass!”
Matt watched as Winston pulled on the door. What the heck?? Who is this guy??? Damn! I want to see Aubree in this swim suit… His cock was so hard, he felt as if it would explode. He felt confused… a mixture of lust for the cute girl and empathy for her obvious plight…
“I’m going to count to ten, Aubree. Then, I will be coming to get you.” Winston began to count. “One… two…”
Aubree stood up and timidly approached the door.
“Three… four…”
Wiping the tears from her cheeks, Aubree unfastened the latch.
Winston immediately yanked the door open.
Matt felt pre-cum oozing from his penis as he drank in the sight before him. There she was… the girl from school whom he wanted so badly. In a small bikini… His eyes traveled over her bare flesh. Her smooth, bare legs and delicate toes… her soft stomach and cute bellybutton… her pubes were etched against the thin fabric of the bikini… her large, perfectly round mounds with her nipples outlined so perfectly… and that adorable face… pouting lips, button nose and fluid eyes, filled with shame and embarrassment… Holy shit! What a babe!
Matt watched as Winston grabbed Aubree’s arm and pulled her into the hallway. She looked down at the floor, her face blushing with embarrassment.
“You, my dear, are on my last nerve today!” Winston yanked Aubree around to face him. He glared down at her upturned face. “You are one instant away from a very good belting, girl!”
Matt stood behind Aubree and examined her backside as she faced the angry Winston. The thong bikini was almost nonexistent. Matt’s eyes roamed over Aubree. From her cute ankles, over the back of her legs, across her exposed butt, up her bare back and finally, coming to rest on her firm buttocks again. Damn I’d like to get me some of that!
Winston placed his hands over Aubree’s face and forced her to look directly into his eyes. “You listen to me, girl. And listen good. You are upsetting me and I’m getting angry. I’ve had enough of your insolence.” He shook her head, violently. “Now. We came here to buy you a swimsuit and to teach you modesty. It is time to learn. Now, you will turn around and face Matt.”
Winston grabbed her shoulders and spun her around. “Now, girl. Let’s see how that bikini moves. Start walking… show us.”
Aubree looked at Matt. She held her arms across her exposed front-side, in a pathetic attempt to cover her charms. Her bottom lip quivered. Her eyes searched Matt’s face… Please help me! A sudden realization came over her. Matt wasn’t looking at her face. His eyes were locked between her legs and on her breasts. She could see that he was looking everywhere but at her eyes. She could feel his lustful gaze all over her exposed flesh. Please, Matt! Please, be my knight in shining armor! Stop looking at me that way! I’m not a piece of meat!
Suddenly, Aubree felt Winston grab her by the ear. He slapped her sharply across her exposed buttocks. “Stop wasting time, girl! Move! Start walking!”
Feeling numb, Aubree began to walk towards the leering Matt. The carpet felt cold beneath her bare feet. She held her arms over her breasts... She watched Matt as she approached. Please don’t look at me this way! I’m not a sex toy! Please, Matt! Help me! Aubree tried to send a mental signal to Matt for help… Help me, Matt…
For a brief instant Matt’s eyes met hers. Aubree felt a flicker of hope. He can’t be like Winston! He knows I need his help! She tried to project to him… to make him see how frightened she was… Her hopes vanished as Matt’s eyes traveled down from her eyes to her exposed body.
Winston crossed his arms. “That’s it, girl. Let’s see how the suit fits. What do you think Matt? How does it fit?”
Aubree shot a glance at Matt. She was shocked at his next words.
“Well, it’s hard to tell, mister. What with her arms covering the top and all…” Matt motioned at Aubree.
“Get you hands down by your side, little girl! Let Matt have a good look at you!” Winston’s tone was harsh.
Slowly, Aubree lowered her arms to her sides. She felt shame sweep over her as Matt’s eyes came to rest on her plump mounds. She walked past him with her head held low. She could feel his eyes burning into her bare bottom as she reached the end of the hallway. She stood facing the wall; the leering men behind her.
“Okay, little miss. Turn and face us. Hands on top of your head.” Winston took a step forward. “NOW, GIRL!” His voice was menacing.
Aubree turned and laced her fingers behind her head. She looked down at the carpet. She listened as Winston and Matt approached her.
“Well, young sir. I think this bathing suit will do just fine.” Winston turned to Matt. “Is there anything you would like to add?”
Matt was beside himself. His cock was so hard, it was almost painful. Seeing his young classmate in this skimpy bikini coupled with her obvious humiliation was really turning him on. Damn! My friends will never believe this! Unless…
Matt took a gamble. “Well, sir. She looks good in this suit. In fact, I would say the suit was made for her. It looks so good on her that I’d like to take a couple of pictures to show my manager. Do you mind?”
Aubree was beside herself. “No… no pictures. Matt, I don’t…”
“Shut up, girl.” Winston’s harsh command silenced her. “Of course you may take a photo, Matt. It’s the least we can do to thank you for your kind assistance.”
Matt quickly pulled out his cell phone and activated the camera feature. He smiled broadly at Winston. “Thanks, mister!” He aimed the phone at Aubree and adjusted the shot.
“Please, Matt. I don’t want you to take my picture.” Aubree quickly turned away, facing the wall, her back to Winston and Matt. She tried to cover her butt with her hands. She was shaking with shame.
Matt quickly snapped a photo of her bare backside. Zooming in on her ass, he snapped two more close up shots. “Turn around, Aubree. Come on. You look great! You could be a model.” Matt continued snapping photos.
“Stop it, Matt! I don’t like this!” Aubree was angry and embarrassed.
Winston stepped forward and placed a hand on Matt’s shoulder. “Hold on, Matt.” He walked over to stand directly behind the cowering girl. “Why are you disobeying me, girl?”
Aubree could feel Winston’s breath on her bare shoulders. He was standing inches behind her. “Please, sir. I’m ashamed. I want to get dressed. I’ve learned about modesty. I promise not wear any small bikinis at the pool again. Please let me have my clothes. I want to go home.”
“Aubree?” Winston’s voice was calm.
“yes, sir?” Aubree’s voice was barely audible.
“You are making me very upset. Matt has asked to take your photograph. I have granted him permission to do so. You and I both know what he really wants to see…” Winston paused.
Aubree’s shoulders shook slightly. Tears ran down her cheeks.
Winston continued. “I have made you wear this bathing suit to teach you modesty. Unfortunately, you have not appreciated my lesson.”
Aubree sobbed loudly. “Yes I have. I appreciate your lesson… please…”
Winston placed a large hand on Aubree’s shoulder. “Now, your classmate has asked to take your photograph. I have consented to let him. You have disobeyed me because you are ashamed of the bathing suit. If the suit is the problem, then perhaps you should remove it.”
“I…” Aubree’s voice caught in her throat. “I… no! I’ll let him take my picture. I’m not ashamed of the bikini. It’s okay…” Aubree turned around quickly, confusion and fear washed across her pretty face. “He can take my picture.” She looked at Matt and noticed him snapping shots.
Winston took a step backwards and crossed his arms. “It’s too late for that, girl. You have already demonstrated your defiance. It can’t be overlooked. You have made it clear that you don’t like the suit Matt and myself have selected for you. So, if you don’t like the bikini, then I feel it’s best that you take it off.”
The silence was deafening. Aubree looked pleadingly at Winston. “Please, sir. I like the bathing suit. It‘s very nice.”
Winston’s gaze burned into the young girl’s eyes. “Take…it…off.”
“no…I don’t want to. Please… he can take my picture…” Aubree held her hands by her side. “It’s okay, Matt.” She tried to smile. “I like the bikini. You can take a picture. Go ahead.” She placed her hands on her hips. “Go ahead.” She shook her hair out of her face and tried to look sexy. “Go ahead.”
“Gee. Thanks, Aubree! You sure look good!” Matt began snapping photos. He didn’t know for sure what was going on but he wouldn’t miss the chance to get some pics of this cutie.
Winston’s brow creased. “Aubree. I don’t think you heard me. I will tell you one more time. Take…off…the…bikini. Do it now or I will have you across my knee in front of your classmate.”
Matt was stunned. He was frozen in place, his eyes locked on the adorable girl. Who is this guy??? Holy crap!!! He looked from Winston to Aubree. Is she really gonna get naked???
Winston started to count. “One… two…”
Aubree felt herself go cold. She felt as if she were outside her body. She looked at Winston, standing with his arms crossed. She looked at Matt, his mouth hanging open in disbelief. She tried to speak but her throat was dry.
“Three… four..” Winston continued to count.
Her fingers felt numb as she reached behind herself to untie the bikini top. She let the straps fall down her arms. Her large breasts came into view as the bikini top fell to the floor. She heard Matt gasp.
“Five… six…”
She pushed her fingers into the bottoms and eased them off her hips. Her trim pubic hair came into view. She lowered the bottoms to her ankles and slowly stepped out of them. She continued to lean forward, one arm across her bare breasts, the other over her privates. She was completely naked and completely ashamed. She watched a teardrop fall to the carpet.
“Stand up, girl. Hands on your head.” Winston was firm.
Aubree stood up and slowly laced her hands behind her head. She closed her eyes and tried to imagine another place.
Matt was paralyzed. Aubree stood before him, completely nude. Humiliated.
“Well, young sir. Take your photos.” Winston smiled at Matt.
Quickly, Matt raised his cell phone and started snapping pics. His hands were shaking. He zoomed in on Aubree’s bare nipples and exposed pubes. **snap ** snap ** snap **
Matt glanced over at Winston. He decided to take a risk. “Can she turn around?”
Winston laughed. “Of course she can. Turn around and let your classmate get a good look at your little bum, girl.”
Aubree felt the blood pounding in her face. She blushed furiously as she turned away from the leering men. She heard Matt snapping away.
Matt zoomed in on Aubree’s adorable ass. ** snap ** snap **
After several minutes, Winston stepped between Matt and Aubree. “Okay, Matt. That’s enough. Let me see the photos.”
Matt handed Winston his cell phone. His eyes were still locked on the shaking, nude girl.
Winston pushed the back button to view recent photos. He scanned through the shots. “Mmmmm… very good.” He continued scanning through the photographs. “You’re quite the photographer, young man.”
Matt’s eyes were fixed on Aubree’s bare butt. “Thank you, sir.”
Winston continued to browse Matt’s recent photos. “Okay, Aubree. I think that’s enough. Now. I would imagine your young friend is quite aroused by your performance. Isn’t that right, Matt?”
Matt’s underwear was wet from pre-cum. His cock was throbbing. “Yes, sir. Aroused.”
Winston’s glanced at Matt. “You’ve been a good sport today, Matt.”
“Thanks, mister.” Matt’s eyes never left Aubree’s exposed bottom.
“Okay, girl. Since, you’ve turned your classmate on with your shameful performance, I think it’s only fitting that you finish the job. Now, take Matt into the stall and give him a good sucking.”
Matt felt his legs go weak. Oh lord! Did he say what I think he said??
Aubree wiped a tear from her cheek. “Please.. I…”
“Shut up, girl. If you resist, I’ll take you over my knee and redden that little bottom. Then, you’ll give him a sucking. Either way, your mouth will be working on our young friend... It’s your choice…”
Aubree wiped tears from her face. She stood, looking at her bare feet. She couldn’t move. Please don’t let this happen…
Winston snapped his fingers. “Let’s go, girl. Time to do what you’re good at. That is, unless Matt doesn’t want a blowjob.” Winston glanced at Matt. “Young sir?”
Matt felt his heart pounding in his chest. He was so horny that he felt he would cum in his pants. He forced himself to answer. “I would really like a blowjob, sir. That would be great…”, he stammered.
Aubree felt sick. Oh, Matt. How can you do this? I thought you could be special. Why are you letting this happen? She looked at Matt through her lowered eyelashes. The look on his face said everything. She was no longer Aubree from college. To Matt, she was now Aubree the sex toy. Goosebumps raced across her skin. She tried to cover herself with her arms.
Winston smiled broadly. “Let’s go, girl. Take Matt into the booth and get to work.”
Slowly, Aubree turned around and walked towards the empty stall. Her heart pounded. Her eyes were focused on her bare feet as she entered the stall. Her mouth was dry. She could hear Matt walking behind her. Oh my gawd! Oh my gawd!
Entering the stall, Aubree sat down on the bench. She crossed her arms over her bare breasts. She watched as Matt entered. He closed the door behind himself. He snapped the latch into place.
Aubree closed her eyes.
Matt stood over Aubree. He didn’t know why this was happening. He didn’t care. He only knew that the young girl from school whom every guy liked was naked in front of him and, she was about to suck his dick. He unzipped his pants and eased his throbbing erection from his underwear. “Thanks for doing this, Aubree.” He stepped forward and thrust his engorged member at Aubree’s upturned face. “You’re a real sport.”
Aubree felt sick with shame. She looked at Matt’s engorged penis… it was so stiff that it was almost red. He had his eyes closed. She could see fluid dripping from the head of his enflamed penis. Pre-cum.
Winston’s voice boomed from outside the stall. “I want to hear that mouth working, girl! Get to work!”
Aubree leaned forward and placed her lips around Matt’s penis. She felt his cock twitch with arousal. Pre-cum oozed onto her tongue. The taste was salty. Her lips slid slowly down his shaft. When she felt his pubic hair on her lips, she knew his cock was fully inside her mouth. She gagged.
She felt Matt’s hand as he grabbed the back of her head and pushed her face onto his crotch. He began to pump her mouth. His hips moved rhythmically in and out. She tensed her lips and applied pressure to his hardened shaft. Her tongue moved over his penis. She closed her eyes and felt the tip of her nose against Matt’s stomach. His testicles slapped against her chin. She pursed her lips and sucked harder. She felt the lubrication of his pre-cum mixed with her own saliva.
Winston knocked loudly on the wall. “I want to hear some slurping, girl! Get busy!”
Aubree began to suck loudly. Matt was thrusting in and out of her mouth…groaning. “That’s it, Aubree. It feels so good…”
Aubree felt Matt’s hand on her bare breasts, pinching her hard nipples. He bent forward and reached between her legs, forcing them apart. A finger slipped inside her. “I really want you, girl.”
Winston’s voice came from the hallway. “Just a sucking, Matt. Nothing more.”
Matt immediately stood up. He looked down at the top of Aubree’s head. That’s cool. A sucking is just fine by me…
Winston stood in the hallway, smiling. He listened as Aubree worked on her classmate’s cock. Little tramp. You dress like a whore and flaunt yourself, so I treat you like the whore you are…
Winston glanced down at Matt’s cell phone in his hand. He brought up the recent pictures and admired the naked young girl on camera. My little Aubree. You sure are photogenic. Laughing quietly, Winston began to hit the delete button. Sorry my young friend. I hate to erase your wonderful photos but I can’t leave any evidence of our visit. I’m afraid your memory will have to be enough… He finished deleting the pictures and leaned against the wall, listening…
Aubree could sense that Matt was close to climax. His hips thrust more forcefully against her lips. He was moaning loudly. She let his erection fall from her mouth. She immediately grabbed his shaft and began to pump furiously. Just cum on my tits… not in my mouth… Her hand looked small, laced around Matt’s thick cock. She stroked him with her hand. Leaning forward, she let her tongue touch the tip of Matt’s stiff head. At just that moment, he exploded like a volcano. Semen sprayed onto her face, dripping down her cheeks. Matt groaned deeply and grabbed his testicles, squeezing every drop of semen from his erect member. His voice was deep and husky, aroused. “Oh yes. Oh yes. Oh damn… ohhhh…. Damn!”
Aubree continued to stroke his penis until she was sure his ejaculation was complete. She watched as he fell back against the wall. She wiped his semen from her eyes and cheeks. There was a long silence…
She watched him pull up his pants and fasten the zipper. He refused to look at her. “Thanks, Aubree. That was great.” He forced a smile before turning and unfastening the door latch and stepping into the hallway. The door fell shut behind him. Aubree collapsed back onto the bench in complete shame. She heard Winston saying something to Matt but the words blended together, meaningless. She wiped her hands over her face. His semen was thick on her palms. She gagged.
Winston watched Matt step from the stall. “Well, young sir.” He held out his hand. Matt took his hand reluctantly. Winston smiled. “Thank you for your help. Trust me when I say, you’ve done a very good thing for Aubree and our family.” He clasped Matt’s shoulder.
Suddenly the bell rang at the front door. Another customer had entered the store. A look of fear washed over Matt’s face. He looked from Winston to the doorway.
Winston chuckled. “It’s alright, young man. Go take care of your clients. Our little secret is safe.” He handed Matt his cell phone. “Don’t forget this.”
Matt took the phone and smiled. “Thanks, mister. I don’t know who you are, but you made my month.” Matt hurried out of the fitting room to attend to his new customers…
Winston walked over to the stall and pulled the door opened. He glanced down at the naked, humiliated girl with semen on her face. The smell of fresh sex was in the air. She was weeping.
Winston laughed. “Why so serious, little girl? You did what you’re best at doing. You dressed up like a little tramp and pleasured a man. Mission accomplished.” Winston laughed louder. “You’re nothing but a little fuck toy. That’s how you act. That’s what you get.” He grabbed her chin and lifted her face up. “Stick out your tongue.”
Aubree complied. She felt so helpless…
“Did you like sucking on Matt’s cock? Did you lick it with that cute little tongue?”
Aubree didn’t respond.
Winston smirked. “Well… keep that tongue moist, girl. You’ll be sucking more cock before this day is over.” He shoved her head against the wall. “Wait here while I get your clothes, you little whore.”
Winston walked away. The door slammed shut behind him.
Aubree held her face in her hands. Tears streamed between her fingers.
Winston stepped from the fitting rooms and into the store. He looked towards the front of the store and saw Matt talking with his new customers, two young girls. They appeared to be college students. Obviously, Matt knew them. He was smiling and nodding. Winston smiled. That Matt is quite the salesman…
Winston walked over and grabbed Aubree’s crumpled clothes from the chair. He walked back into the fitting room and approached Aubree’s stall. He picked up the skimpy bikini from the floor and walked down the hall. Pulling the door open, he handed Aubree the bikini, her t-shirt and flip flops. He looked down at the nude, cringing girl, sitting on the bench. “You will wear the bikini and your t-shirt. Nothing more, aside from your flops. Get dressed and hurry up, young lady.”
Aubree took the clothes from Winston. She quickly put on the bikini top and tied the straps behind her back. She pulled her t-shirt over her head. She could feel Winston standing over her, watching. She couldn’t bring herself to look at his face. She pulled on the bikini bottoms. Standing up, she slipped her feet into the flip flops, she caught her reflection in the mirror. The t-shirt barely came to the tops of her thighs. “Please, let me have my pants. I’m cold.”
“You’re cold.” Winston repeated Aubree’s statement. “How touching.” He chuckled. “That’s too bad.”
Aubree clasped her arms around herself. “Please, sir. I would very much like to put on my jeans. Please let me have them…”
“Not a chance, girl. Come with me.” Winston grabbed Aubree’s arm and pulled her into the hallway. He carried her jeans under one arm while leading Aubree by the elbow. “Let’s go.”
He pulled her down the hallway towards the fitting room exit. Just as they reached the curtain separating the changing rooms from the main store floor, Winston stopped her. Holding her shoulders, he spun her around. Standing behind her, he lifted her t-shirt to just below her breasts. He stretched the shirt behind her and tied it into a knot, holding it in place. “There. That’s much better.” Winston smirked. The shirt was now secured, exposing Aubree’s bare back and stomach. He pushed her through the curtain and into the store.
As they stepped from the fitting rooms, Winston released Aubree’s arm and placed his hand on her bare back. “Come along, girl.” He pushed her in front of him, towards the front of the store. He smiled as he looked down at the young girl. His eyes roamed over her bare legs and exposed midriff.
Aubree’s legs were cold. She walked numbly, in front of Winston, allowing him to guide her with his hand. The only sound was the slapping sound of her flip flops against the bottoms of her feet. She felt semen, hardening on her cheeks. She scratched her face with her fingernails, trying to wipe away the drying semen. Her feet felt heavy. She felt naked from the waist down. She knew the skimpy bikini bottoms did nothing to cover her privates. She might as well have been wearing nothing at all.
As they approached the front counter, Aubree saw Matt. He was talking with two girls. Aubree felt sick. She recognized the girls from her school. The conversation stopped as all eyes turned towards Winston and herself. She saw the girls laughing and whispering to each other. They were talking about her. Aubree blushed furiously. She looked at the floor. She folded her arms over her exposed stomach.
Matt looked up. “Excuse me, ladies.” He smiled at the two young girls. “I have to check these people out.” Matt turned towards Winston and Aubree. “Are you ready, sir?”
Winston took out his wallet. “Of course. What’s the damage?”
Matt punched numbers into the computer. “It’ll be $78.95, sir.”
As Winston counted money from his wallet, Aubree could hear the girls from school whispering behind her. She felt blood rushing to her cheeks. She wanted to die. Oh my gawd! I can’t believe this is happening to me!
Matt counted out the change and shook Winston’s hand. “Thank you, sir. I hope you’ll come again.”
Aubree continued to look at the floor, listening to the girls whispering behind her. She folded her hands behind herself, covering her exposed buttocks. She glanced up and saw Matt’s eyes roaming over her breasts and stomach.
Winston grabbed her elbow and pulled her towards the front door. “Let’s go, little girl.” His voice was loud.
Aubree allowed Winston to lead her to the front door.
She heard Matt call out behind her. “Later, Aubree! I enjoyed seeing you today!” She noticed how he emphasized the word “seeing”. She heard the girls giggling.
Winston pulled Aubree out of the store. He continued the lead her by the elbow as they walked across the warm pavement towards his truck.
Aubree felt ridiculous. The sound of her flip flops was loud as she hurried to keep pace with Winston. *** flip *** flop *** flip *** flop *** He walked so fast that she practically had to run to keep up. Her breasts jiggled under the thin t-shirt. She blushed furiously. From the waist down, she could just have well been nude. The bikini bottoms were so small that her entire bottom was on full display. Winston had rolled up her t-shirt to just beneath her breasts and tied it behind her, revealing her entire stomach. She felt positively sick.
Winston held her arm in his powerful grasp, pulling her towards the waiting truck. She tried to cover herself with her free arm. She glanced around the parking lot in total mortification. She could see people coming in and out of the stores in the shopping center. She felt multiple eyes on her body. She could hear laughter and whispering. Some of the comments of the onlookers were audible: “Look at the whore”, “Disgraceful”, “I’d screw her.”, “Look at that body!” Aubree’s shame mounted.
She felt embarrassed and helpless.
As they arrived at the truck, Winston unlocked the driver’s side door and pushed her inside. “Go ahead, miss. Get in. I think you’ve flaunted yourself enough.” Aubree crawled across the seat and sat down, relieved to be out of sight of strangers.
Winston climbed into the driver’s seat and closed the door behind himself.
The interior of the truck was hot from the afternoon sun. The air was heavy and oppressive. The silence was complete, blocking out all outside noise. Aubree’s bare butt felt hot on the heated vinyl. She shifted uncomfortably in the seat. The vinyl stuck to the bottoms of her bare thighs. She sat, looking at her folded hands in her lap.
Winston leaned over and brushed her hair off her face, tucking it behind her ear. His fingers touched her cheek. He caressed her earlobe with his fingertips.
“Relax, angel. How do you feel about our little adventure today? What have you learned?” His large hand fell to her neck, massaging her beneath her hair.
Aubree felt like jumping from the truck and running away. She wanted to push his hand away. “Why are you doing this to me?” She shifted uncomfortably in the seat. Tears of shame rolled down her cheeks.
“I want to help you, girl.” Winston slid his hand down her neck and onto her bare back. His other hand pressed against her bare stomach. He pinched her nipples through the thin t-shirt.
Aubree looked away from Winston. Her eyes roamed over the parking lot. There were still people looking at the truck… people who had seen her walk across the parking wearing next to nothing. She could see them talking and pointing. “Pl…Please, sir. Can we just leave? She tried to push his probing hands away.
Winston grabbed her chin and turned her pretty face towards him. He leaned close. “Your lesson is just starting, little girl.” His eyes swept over her, taking in her round breasts, firm stomach and tan legs. He leaned forward and kissed her on the lips. Aubree tried to pull away but he held her by the back of the head, forcing his tongue into her warm mouth. He kissed her passionately, his tongue explored her soft mouth. Finally, he backed away…
Winston leaned back into the seat as Aubree folded her arms in front of herself, her eyes locked on her bare legs. Her bottom lip quivered. “Please… I want to go home…”
“No ma’am.” Winston’s reply was quick. He turned the key in the ignition. The engine roared to life. Backing out of the parking space, Winston pulled the truck onto the main road.
Aubree felt herself shaking. She watched Winston out of the corner of her eye. She wasn’t sure where they were going, but she knew he wasn’t taking her home.
Winston turned on the radio. He began to hum along with the music. “I… can’t get no… satisfaction… I can’t get no… satisfaction…” He bobbed his head along with the music. He appeared to forget Aubree was sitting in the truck next to him. He lit a cigarette. He tapped his fingers on the steering wheel… “But I try …. and I try…and I try… I can’t get no… no, no, no…” He turned up the volume and took a long drag on his cigarette.
Aubree slowly reached behind herself and loosened the knot Winston had tied on her shirt. She gently pulled the t-shirt down over her exposed midriff. She felt a little less exposed with the shirt fully covering her front again. She continued to watch Winston out of the corner of her eye. He appeared to pay no attention to her lowering the shirt. She eased her bottom off the seat and pulled the t-shirt underneath herself. Winston still paid no attention. Aubree felt better with the shirt covering her. She wished she had her jeans… She decided to take a gamble… “Please sir, may I have my pants? I’m cold.”
Winston looked at her. He stroked his chin, as if deep in thought. “No. I don’t think so. You’ll probably just have to take them off again in a few minutes. It would be a waste of time.”
Aubree didn’t like his answer. She felt blood rushing to her cheeks. “Look. I want to go home! This is stupid! Where are we going? Just take me home. Haven‘t you had your sick fun?”
Winston slapped her across the mouth. “You will not address me in such a fashion, young tramp!”
Aubree held her hands over her face. She felt a trickle of blood starting on her bottom lip. Her jaw throbbed from Winston’s blow. She began to sob.
Winston turned the music up louder.
Aubree wiped her lips with the back of her hand. Her jaw hurt. She looked out of the passenger side window. They were in a residential area. She swallowed her shame. “I’m sorry.”
Winston turned down the volume. “What’s that, miss?”
“I’m sorry.”, Aubree repeated.
Winston smiled. “Just mind your tongue, girl. I don’t like to be harsh with you. But, if you force my hand…”
Aubree was timid. “Okay.”
Several minutes passed.
“Where are we going?” Aubree looked out of the window. She didn’t recognize this area.
Winston turned off the radio. “We’re going to pick up a friend of mine. I want you to be on your best behavior.”
There was only silence.
“Do you hear me, girl?” Winston turned the truck down a back road.
“Yes.” Aubree answered, weakly.
Winston elaborated. “If you embarrass me in front of my old friend, it will be bad for your bottom. Do you understand?”
Aubree shuddered. “Yes, sir.”
Chapter 5: A Walk in the Park
Winston turned into the driveway of a small house. He turned off the engine. He turned towards Aubree. “Go and knock on the door. My friend’s name is Lester. Tell him you’re here with me.”
With hesitation, Aubree opened the door and stepped out of the truck. She closed the door behind herself and looked around. They were in a small neighborhood. The house in front of her was painted green with yellow trim. The yard appeared overgrown. She could hear birds in the trees. Somewhere in the distance a dog was barking.
She walked across the yard towards the front porch, thankful that her t-shirt was pulled all the way down. At least she was covered to mid thigh. She wished she had her jeans… She noticed the ground was wet. The moisture formed beads of water on her flip flops and made her feet cold. The sprinkler system must have been on recently…
She approached the front door. She thought she caught a glimpse of someone in the front window. She walked to the door and rang the bell. After several seconds, the door opened. An older man wearing dark sunglasses peered out at her. He wore a ball cap with the logo: “Gone Fishing”. He smiled at her. His teeth were yellow and stained…
Aubree swallowed hard. “Hi. I’m Aubree. Winston is in the truck. He asked me to come and get you.” She tried to smile…
The man adjusted his sunglasses. “Aubree, heh? So… you must be Winston’s new project. I‘m Les. He looked down at her bare legs. He glanced at his watch. “Well. Let’s get going.”
Aubree led Les to the truck. She opened the door.
“After you, honey.” Les smiled.
“Get in the truck, girl!” Winston demanded.
Aubree climbed into the cab, pulling her shirt down behind herself. She didn’t want to give Les a peep show. She slid into the seat next to Winston, folding her hands in her lap. Les climbed in behind her and closed the door. Winston started the truck and backed out of the driveway.
Aubree was sandwiched between the two men. She felt claustrophobic. Winston reached across her and slapped Les’s thigh. “Good to see you, old man.”
“Good to you, young man.” Les responded.
Winston and Les laughed together.
Aubree sensed this must be some joke between the two of them. She didn’t care. She just wanted to go home. She glanced over at Winston. “I really should get home… I have to study for…”
“You’re not going home.” Winston cut her off in mid sentence. He placed a callused hand on her bare thigh. “You’re going with Lester and myself on our Friday outing.” He patted her leg. “So, just stop your begging. You’ll be spending the remainder of the afternoon with us.”
Aubree felt a cold chill. “Please. I really should get home. I don’t mean to be rude but…”
Winston squeezed her thigh. “Shut up, girl. You’re staying with us this afternoon. End of discussion.”
Aubree heard Les laugh. She felt goose bumps on her exposed legs.
“She sure is a pretty little thing, Winston.” Les lifted his sunglasses and looked down at Aubree’s bare legs. He pulled the bottom of her t-shirt up, exposing the bikini bottoms. “She reminds me of my grand daughter.” Aubree pushed his hand away and pulled her shirt back down.
Winston nodded. “Indeed. She’s a very pretty little thing.” He glanced down at Aubree. “Take off your t-shirt and let Lester have a look at you.”
Aubree felt the blood rush to her cheeks. “I’m cold. Please don’t make me take off my shirt.”
Winston cleared his throat loudly. “Do it… and do it now. Get it off. I don’t want to hear any complaining, girl. Otherwise, you know what happens.”
Aubree blushed. Slowly, she hitched her fingers under her t-shirt and pulled it over her head and off her shoulders. She held the crumpled shirt on her arms covering her stomach and legs. Her breasts were fully revealed beneath the skimpy bikini top.
“Oooo…wee… She sure is nice!” Les looked over her exposed body.
Winston nodded. “Just throw the shirt behind the seat, girl. You won’t be needing it again this afternoon.”
Reluctantly, Aubree pulled the shirt off her arms and dropped it behind the seat. She was now wearing only the skimpy bikini which did little to cover her charms. She folded her hands in her lap and pressed her arms together trying to cover herself as much as possible.
Winston patted her knee and winked at Les. “She started out very disobedient but she’s coming along nicely now. I’ve had to take her across my knee a few times but she’s learning her place. My little girl is starting to realize it’s easier to obey me up front than to obey me after I redden her bottom.” He patted her knee and rubbed her bare thigh.
Les looked down at the pretty teenager. He whistled through his teeth. “She’s definitely a looker. Put your arms down so Uncle Les can have a proper look at you, dear.” He pulled her hands apart and forced her arms to her sides. “That’s it, sweetie. Let Uncle Les have a look see.” He pulled his sunglasses down to the tip of his nose and peered down at her, drinking in her lovely form.
Aubree felt uncomfortable as Lester’s eyes roamed over her body. He rubbed her thighs and bare stomach. He cupped her breasts in his palms and tested their weight through the bikini top. “Mmmm… mmmmm! What firm little titties!”
Les finished his probing and prodding of the shivering teenager and leaned back in the seat. He adjusted his crotch. “What’s she like in bed, Winston?”
Aubree felt the blood rush to her cheeks. She wanted to be anywhere but here, between these two old perverts.
Winston pulled up to a stop light and stroked his grizzled chin. “Well. She hasn’t had much experience but she follows orders pretty well. She’s a decent cock sucker and believe me, I put those lips to good use. Her pussy is nice and tight. In fact, I’m pretty sure she was a virgin a week ago.” Winston and Les laughed together as Winston continued. “She wasn’t too happy about taking it in the butt but she didn’t moan too much. I’d say over all she’s probably a C+. But, with a little training, I figure she’ll turn out to be a nice little fuck toy in the end.” Both men laughed.
Aubree felt nauseated. She couldn’t believe how Winston was talking so casually about her, like she wasn’t even in the truck and in front of a total stranger. She folded her arms in front of herself and stared down at her bare legs. “Please don’t say these things. I want to go home. I’m not a fuck toy.”
The light changed and Winston stepped on the gas. “Don’t back talk me, girl. You’re not going home. You’ll be with Lester and I for the remainder of the afternoon. Plus, I’ll call you whatever I wish, fuck toy.”
Aubree was silent. She bit her bottom lip to hold back tears of shame.
Les looked down at her and lifted her chin in his hand, turning her face towards his. “You know Winston, she kind of reminds me of that one girl Margaret brought over a few months ago. You remember. What was that little bitch’s name?”
Winston nodded. “Oh yes. Margaret’s newest toy… Kimmy, wasn’t it?”
Les snapped his fingers. “Yeah, Kimmy. That’s it. This one has her personality. Her tits aren’t quite as large though.”
Winston grunted. “I’ll have to give Margaret a call. She didn’t attend the last auction.” He turned the truck into the large driveway of the “Municipal City Park and Gardens”.
Aubree sat silently. She didn’t understand what the men were talking about but she didn’t like the sound of their conversation. Who are Margaret and Kimmy? What auction? Aubree’s mind raced.
Winston pulled into a parking spot and cut off the engine. “Well, let’s go.” He opened the door and climbed out. Les got out on the other side. Both men turned and looked back at Aubree as she sat in the seat with her arms folded in front of herself.
Winston sighed. “Come along, girl.”
Aubree’s face was flush with embarrassment. She could see other cars in the parking lot and there were people walking in and out of the park entrance. “Please, sir. Can I wear my shirt? I don’t feel right being in public in this swimsuit. It’s too small.”
Winston was exasperated. “Do you know how much I just paid for that suit, girl? You’ve never seemed to have a problem flaunting yourself prior to today. I told you earlier, this day’s lesson will be the difference between modesty and immodesty. Now, get out of the truck this instant or I’ll have those bottoms down and my hand across your backside right here in front of all these people!”
With her lip quivering, Aubree climbed across the seat towards Winston. She heard Les whistle behind her. She could only imagine what his view must be as she crawled across the seat. She stepped out of the truck and stood beside Winston, trying to cover her body with her arms.
Winston slammed the door and grabbed her elbow. “Come along, miss.” He led her towards the park entrance with Les following, conveniently behind.
Aubree could see people looking at her as they approached the main gate. She knew how strange it must look… her in the skimpy thong bikini walking between these two old men. Her breasts were bouncing in the thin top. Her butt jiggled as Winston pulled her by the arm.
Winston led them under the main awning and into the park itself. They turned to the right and headed to the area marked “Nature Trail”. A group of skateboarders rode by. They slowed down and turned to watch, making crude comments about Aubree’s body. Aubree could hear them hooting and whistling behind her. She felt positively sick with shame. She knew how provocatively her ass cheeks were moving. She couldn’t help it. After all, she was in a thong bikini!
They arrived at the start of the nature trail and paused to allow an elderly couple to pass by on their way out. Aubree saw how the old man ogled her as the lady rolled her eyes in disapproval. She heard the woman comment to her husband. “Little tramp.”
Winston released her arm and rubbed his palms together. “Well, Lester. Are you ready for a nice little nature excursion?”
Les nodded. “We gonna take her to the spot, Winston?”
“You know it, old man.” Winston unbuttoned his shirt collar. “Damn, it’s hot out here.” He looked down at Aubree. “Stop trying to cover up, girl. Let’s go.” He motioned her forward. “You lead, miss.”
Aubree walked ahead of the two men and started down the gravel path into the woods. The tall trees quickly engulfed them as they continued down the trail. Birds fluttered through the canopy of branches overhead. The smell of foliage was thick.
Les stayed a couple of feet behind Aubree as Winston took up the rear.
After a few minutes, Les reached out and placed a large hand on Aubree’s bare buttocks. She tried to push his hand away but was stopped by a quick command from Winston. “Let it be, girl. Lester can do as he sees fit.”
Les enjoyed the way Aubree’s ass cheeks shifted on his hand as she walked. “She has a mighty fine little bottom, Winston. I bet it felt real nice sticking your cock up there.”
Winston grunted. “It’s good and tight for sure.”
Aubree shuddered as Les squeezed her ass cheek.
They rounded a bend in the trail and Aubree immediately noticed a young couple sitting on a bench beside the path. They were obviously lovers. They held hands and were looking into each other’s eyes, tenderly.
The young lovers turned to look as Aubree and the two men approached. Their eyes focused on Aubree in her little bathing suit. They whispered to one another as Aubree walked by, Lester’s hand still cupping her bare buttocks. Aubree heard the girl giggle. She wanted desperately to slap Les and push his hand away but she didn’t dare defy Winston’s orders. She swallowed her pride and tried to think of another place… anywhere but here.
Thankfully, after several minutes, Les released his hand from her butt. It was a small solace to Aubree as she knew he may have removed his hand but his eyes were certainly still locked on her bare bottom.
They approached a fork in the trail. “Take the path to the right, girl.”, Winston said from behind. Aubree turned down the right fork. The path began to incline. After several minutes, Aubree felt beads of perspiration forming on her forehead. The heat was stifling. A trickle of sweat dripped down her chest and between her cleavage. She wiped her face with the back of her hand. Rocks and gravel filled her flip flops making her feet uncomfortable.
They came to a small clearing on the left of the trail.
“Hold it.” Winston stepped forward and grabbed Aubree’s arm. “This way, little girl.” He pulled her across the field towards the trees on the other side. Les followed closely behind. Winston led Aubree into the trees and through some tall bushes. They arrived at a small meadow surrounded by trees on all sides. A large flat boulder sat in the center of the meadow. Winston walked over to the rock and sat down, wiping his forehead. Les took a seat beside him. Both men looked at Aubree as she stood in front of them, looking down at her flip flops.
Winston’s next command was simple. “Take the swimsuit off.”
Aubree had expected this but now that the time had come, she felt more ashamed and helpless than ever. She looked up through her long lashes at the two men sitting on the rock. She noticed Les licking his lips.
“Let’s go, girl. Strip down. Bathing suit, flip flops, everything. I want you nude.” Winston cracked his knuckles. “Don’t make me have to come over there.” He unfastened his belt buckle and made a show of removing his belt.
Aubree slipped off her flip flops. She reached behind herself and untied the bikini top. She recalled how this was the second time she had been made to undress in front a man today. Her heart was beating fast. She let the top fall to the grass. Her bare breasts were fully displayed. Les gave a low whistle. Aubree hitched her fingers into the bikini bottoms and pushed them to the ground. She stepped out of them and stood with her hands crossed in front of herself.
“Come here, girl.” Winston crooked his finger and motioned to her. Aubree slowly walked across the grass and stood in front of the leering men. The grass felt soft under her bare feet. She felt totally exposed standing naked in front of the men as their eyes swept over her body.
Winston leaned forward. “Hands down, girl. Don’t cover up.” Aubree let her hands fall to her sides. She crossed her legs and turned slightly to her left, trying to avoid facing the men directly.
Winston slapped his thigh. “Now. I want you to give my friend a good cock sucking.”
Aubree had expected this. She watched as Les quickly unzipped his pants and eased his underwear down. His large erection sprang free. He gripped it in his hand and looked at her through his dark shades. “Get to work. Do a nice job for your Uncle Lester.” He licked his lips.
Aubree glanced up at Winston. His eyes narrowed and she knew there was no use arguing. She bent forward and took Lester’s purple head into her mouth. She closed her lips around his shaft and began to suck. She heard Les moan. Her lips traveled up and down on his stiff penis. “That’s it, girl… that’s it.”, Les moaned. “Now, lick my balls. Lick them good.” Aubree let his cock fall from her moist lips and touched her tongue to his testicles. She started to lick them. “Oh yes… that’s it.”, Lester groaned. “Suck on my balls, girl.” Aubree cupped his sack in her small hand and placed his testicles in her mouth. She sucked gently. She felt like gagging but suppressed the urge. She just wanted to get this over with. She knew there was no escape. Her best bet was to do what Winston wanted and get home as fast as possible. Her lips played across Lester’s swollen balls. She felt his hand on her chin, lifting her head and forcing her mouth open. “Suck me, bitch.” He shoved his full erection down her throat. He pumped her mouth.
Winston watched as Aubree pleasured Lester. He stood up and walked behind her. He looked down at her firm ass cheeks as she gagged on Lester’s cock. Slowly and deliberately, he unfastened his trousers and lowered the zipper. He reached into his pants and pulled his stiff erection free. He licked his palm and greased his shaft. Stepping up behind the prone girl, he kicked her feet apart and thrust himself inside her. At first, her opening was dry. But, after several thrusts, her natural lubricants began to flow…
Aubree felt like a whore. An old man’s cock in her mouth and another’s cock in her pussy. She was literally taking it at both ends. She had seen porno films where the girls performed this way. She had always considered them to be sluts. A sudden thought occurred to her. I’m a slut… She felt warm tears flowing down her cheeks.
Les slapped her face. “Come on, girl. You can do better than this! Suck it like you mean it. Suck it like you would one of your little boyfriends.”
An image of Matt flashed through Aubree’s mind. I sucked him today… I wanted to date that boy… The tears streamed from her eyes. She could feel Winston’s cock in her pussy. He was pumping her forcefully. The squishing sound between her legs made her ashamed. She sucked Les harder. Please cum… please cum… Aubree just wanted this to be over. She had known this would happen from the time Les got into the truck. However, truth was setting in. I’m a slut… nothing but a filthy little whore…
Winston pulled out of Aubree’s warm pussy. He stroked his throbbing erection. “Are you having fun, old man?” Winston slapped Les on the shoulder.
Les moaned. “Hell yes, young man! You’ve got quite the little cock sucker with this one!”
Winston smiled. He stepped forward and placed his cock on top of Aubree’s ass, nestling it between her crack. He reached down and eased her cheeks apart. “Aubree?”
“mmpfhh..”, Aubree tried to answer but her mouth was full with Lester’s cock.
Winston laughed. “Aubree. I’m going to fuck you in the ass now. You just keep taking care of Lester.” He placed his head against her tight rectum. He eased it inside, slowly. The tightness of her young anal opening excited him. He started to pump her slowly, increasing tempo against her firm buttocks… He was fully inside her. His hips thrust forcefully. He felt himself approaching orgasm.
Aubree grimaced in pain. Winston’s cock was too big for her small hole. She felt Lester’s head swelling in her mouth. Suddenly, he exploded. Semen sprayed across her tongue and down her throat. She gagged and stepped backwards, pushing her ass against Winston’s hips, involuntarily...
Les fell back across the rock, moaning…
Winston grabbed Aubree under the arms and lifted her into the air, continuing to pump her tight anus. He threw her face down across the boulder. He held her hips and pounded her ass furiously.
Tears streamed down Aubree’s face. She bit her lip so hard that she drew blood. She held a balled fist to her mouth, biting her knuckles. The pain was intense. She felt fluid and blood trickling down her inner thighs. She screamed out in pain. “PLEASE STOP!!!”
She tried to pull away… to get his penis out of her butt… The pain was overwhelming. She pitched forward onto the grass. Winston fell on top of her, still inside her. He pounded her ass savagely.
Sweat dripped from Winston’s face. “I’m… going… to cum!!!” As soon as the words fell from his mouth, the semen poured into her rectum. He came long and hard. He fell across her, gasping. “That’s a good little girl. Take it all…” His penis spasmed. The last drops of semen drained into her ass. He rolled off her and onto the grass.
Several minutes passed. Aubree curled up into a fetal position. Her body trembled.
Slowly, Winston stood up and pulled his pants up. Lester zipped his own trousers. Both men stood looking down at the nude teenager as she lay, prostrate on the ground, shaking with pain and humiliation.
Les spoke first. “Well… She’s a good cock sucker, Winston.”
Winston nodded. “Indeed.” He prodded Aubree with his toe. “Get up, girl. It’s time to go.”
Aubree got to her knees. She stood up and slowly gathered her bikini and flip flops.
The men watched as she put on her bikini and flops.
“Let’s go, girl.” Winston led her across the field and back to the main trail. Lester followed behind, smiling.
The walk back through the park was a blur to Aubree. She felt numb. She allowed Winston to lead her. She was dimly aware of people passing by on the trail. She heard their comments… but she didn’t care. She just wanted to go home. Her rectum ached and the taste of Lester’s semen made her feel sick. Even the skateboarders hooting at her in the parking lot couldn’t phase her. Her mind focused on getting home… closing her apartment door and being away from these perverted, hateful men.
As Winston shoved her into the truck, her mind began to clear. The men got into the truck beside her and Winston started the engine. Les placed a hand on her leg. He looked down at her. “Thanks for the blowjob, honey. Winston is right. You are a good little cock sucker.” Both men laughed. Aubree felt like spitting in Lester’s face. She didn’t…
As they pulled into the driveway at Les’s house, Aubree was happy to see Les step out of the truck. He looked back at Winston. “Thanks for the good time, young man. I owe you one.”
Winston smiled. “Damn right you do. In fact, you owe me more than one. See you later.”
Les slammed the door and walked towards his front door. Winston backed the truck out and pulled down the road. The sun was beginning to set.
Chapter 6: Unemployment
Aubree slid over into the passenger seat, trying to be as far away from Winston as possible. She spoke weakly. “Can I have my shirt now?”
Winston looked over at her. “No. You may not.” He turned on the radio and lit a smoke.
Aubree sat silently, looking at her folded hands.
Winston opened the glove compartment and took out a pack of gum. He tossed it onto Aubree’s lap. “Have a stick, girl. You’ve got sperm breath.”
Aubree brushed the pack of gum onto the floor. “No thanks.”
Winston backhanded her across the face. “I said take a piece of gum, little girl. Do it now. I don’t want to smell your cum breath.”
Aubree massaged her cheek. Her eyes watered. She picked the gum up from the floor and took a stick. She chewed it quietly. It was watermellon flavored.
Winston turned down the radio. “I’m going to take you home now. First, I want you to tell me what you’ve learned today.”
Aubree stared out the window. Street lights were starting to come on as the sun sank below the horizon. “I don’t know…”
Winston looked over at her. “You don’t know? Well, I’ll tell you… When you dress and act like a whore, you get treated like a whore. When you walk around in tight jeans and little bathing suits, you become a slut in the eyes of men as well as women.”
Aubree chewed her gum and continued staring out the window at the passing buildings.
Winston continued. “The first day I saw you, I knew you were a slut. Shaking your ass and showing off your tits. Everything about you said, ‘come fuck me’. Even though you hadn’t been with many men, you projected sex. When I saw you at the pool in your little suit, I knew you needed my help. You see, you’re a little whore, Aubree. Nothing but a tramp. You’re a fuck toy.”
Aubree chewed her gum harder. A warm tear rolled down her cheek. “I’m not a fuck toy. Don’t call me that name.”
“Don’t lie to yourself, little girl. I tried to teach you the difference between modesty and immodesty. You have no modesty. You have a lot to learn and I will be the one to teach you. Your next lesson will begin tomorrow morning.”
Aubree rubbed her nose. “I have to work in the morning.”
Winston chuckled. “You will call in to work in the morning and tell them you are quitting.”
Aubree stopped chewing. “I can’t quit. I have to pay my bills. I’m on my own… I ….”
Winston squeezed her leg. “You will call into your job tomorrow and quit. From now on, I will be paying your bills. You will focus on your schoolwork and my lessons. Nothing more. I will take care of your bills. There will be no if’s, and’s or but’s. Do you understand me, girl?”
Aubree didn’t respond. Her bottom lip quivered. She felt cold.
“Do you hear me, girl?” Winston squeezed her thigh. “You will quit your job tomorrow. Your focus will be on schoolwork and my lessons. Nothing more. Do you understand?”
“Yes, sir.” Aubree answered weakly.
Winston smiled as he pulled the truck into the apartment complex. “Good.” He breathed deeply, enjoying the smell of the watermellon gum.
He pulled up in front of Aubree’s apartment. He reached behind the seat and grabbed her t-shirt. He handed it to her. “Your jeans are in the bed of the truck. Go inside and take a bath and get yourself cleaned up. I want you to be in bed by nine o’clock. Don’t bother wearing pajamas. I have a key to your apartment and I will be by later this evening to enjoy you. We will start your next lesson tomorrow morning.” He pulled her face towards him and kissed her fully on the lips.
Aubree stepped out of the truck, holding her shirt in front of herself. She retrieved her jeans form the pick up bed and walked slowly towards the stairs. She listened as Winston pulled away…
She unlocked her door and stepped inside her apartment. She collapsed on the couch, weeping...
The End.
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