The Giants Play Hard
by Lewis Chappelle
(A young voyeur is caught and given a hard lesson for which she is earnestly grateful.)
The Georgia Giants were a semi-pro baseball club of some significant note below the Mason Dixon line. They had won their division for the past five years and took the league championship three of those years.
The starting team of eight fielders, plus the star pitcher, were all business on the field, and had all played together since college. Off the field, was another matter. Each guy had a lovely Southern belle girlfriend who was almost as much a part of the team as the players. Many of the players lived together, dorm style, while the rest lived with their girlfriends. No matter where they resided, they enjoy an exciting and erotic existence - frequently involving three or four of the couples and sometimes engaging the entire group.
Of course, there were other players on the team just in case of an injury or a double header but “The Nine,” as they like to be called, were the heart and strength of the Georgia Giants. They were so good that the team always managed to draw a standing-room-only crowd which helped pay the bills for the high-flying boys. And, the bill was usually quite high after they won any title in which they played, win or lose.
Richie, the crowd favorite played shortstop. Don, with a great arm, played third. Bud, big and a lefty, was the first baseman. Sam, wiry and fast, covered center. Del, who had a great bat but was not a great fielder, played right. Chuck, as graceful as a gazelle, had second. Larry, with a very strong arm, played left. Bubba, was the solid man behind the plate, and Bobby, Bubba’s best friend, was the regular starting pitcher.
Early in the season, after winning the league championship the previous year, the boys began to be treated to a sight that got their sex drives running high. A tall, leggy, and very attractive, pony-tailed girl, who no one seemed to know anything about, arrived at the stadium before the first inning, in very short shorts, white low cut sneakers, and a tight, cut off, tee shirt with the words “The Giant’s” emblazoned over her very ample tits.
The “no-name” girl ran up to each of the starters, once they had taken the field for practice, and kissed them on the lips, and tightly hugged each of them. The girlfriends weren’t too happy about the flaunting display of feminine friendliness, but the boys didn’t seem to mind one bit, and kept the ground and security crews at bay.
As time went on, and the girl showed up again and again to do her prance, kiss, and hug routine, the whole deal became a part of the expected pre-game entertainment. The crowds started to get to the stadium early so as not to miss anything and got into the spirit of the show, roaring their approval enthusiastically with each passionate kiss. The unknown girl didn’t stay around very long after her jog around the field, and seemed to disappear from the stadium even before the first inning.
Bubba’s girlfriend, Gloria, was by nature the most suspicious and conspiratorially minded of all the girlfriends. After the first month of home games, she made an attempt to follow the girl after her kiss and rub routine to see where she went. No luck. The busty babe eluded Gloria every time, which only made Gloria more determined to find out more about “The Hussy,” as she initially called her.
Time-after-time Gloria came back to the stands to report to the other girls nothing more than she had previously. The cat-and-mouse game was getting old, and soon the other girls decided to be part of Gloria’s posse. They started to get to the games even before their guys, to watch out for “Ms. Hussy, No Name.” The girls had the stadium and parking lots surrounded, and were in touch with each other by two-way radio.
Sam’s girl, Ginger, finally spotted “Ms. Hussy” and called the others. By the time the girls had huddled, “Ms. Hussy” had vanished. At least until the boys were back on the field for warm up.
The fact that “Hussy Girl” could have disappeared so suddenly became the subject of much conversation among the girls during the few days preceding the next game. The girls, again, each took their previously assigned places around the stadium. Ginger saw their quarry first, and started her buddy-list calls more quickly. Once more, “Hussy Girl” eluded them all. But, at least this time the girls were pretty sure their prey would come to the ball park through the closest parking lot which allowed them to tighten up their surveillance ring.
All the girlfriends were in their new positions when “Hussy Girl” was spotted before the next game. Several of them thought she had gone into the women’s restroom but, when they checked it out, with the intent of beating the crap out of her, she wasn’t to be found. Somehow, “Hussy Girl” had slipped away once more. But, how?
“Hussy Girl” did appear during the warm up, and was her brazen self in front of the cheering crowd. Ginger and Gloria snuck away from the others to scout out the Women’s Room for clues to how “Hussy Girl” had eluded them. And, after a brilliant search worthy of the FBI, they found it.
They found a hidden panel in the rear of the maintenance closet. The panel slid, easily, sideways and the space behind it was big enough for a grown person to stand. The peep hole at the front of the space looked directly into the home teams dressing room.
So that’s what “Ms. Hussy” is all about. “She is a voyeur as well as a hussy,” they both said together.
They couldn’t wait to tell the others. After careful discussion in which they all participated and supplied ideas, a plan was hatched. The boys would not be the wiser until the moment the plan was set in motion. The boys would be pleased, and “Ms. Hussy’ would be very sorry for messing with them.
On the last day of the season, after The Giants had won the league championship again, and “The Hussy” had done her last routine for the year, all the girls met her as she left the field and closely followed her to her old, beatnik-style, windowless, VW bus.
Ginger grabbed her and Gloria, wearing suitable protective gear, held a towel drenched in diethyl ether over “Hussy’s” nose. She collapsed in a heap in short order. Sadie found the keys to the bus in “Ms. Hussy’s” pocket and unlocked the rear door. All the girls helped Sadie, Richie’s girl, slide “Hussy” into the back of the bus.
“The cards in her wallet say her name is Ellie Hudson. She lives in town here and works as a dancer at the Hot Rocks Bar and Grill. I can see why she has a wad of money in her purse; probably her tips from lap dancing. She is some knock out,” Sadie said, with more than a bit of jealousy in her voice.
Sadie and Gloria undressed the unconscious girl and were surprised to find that her enormous tits were actually quite real. They shoved her panties in her mouth and placed duct tape over her lips so she couldn’t scream. The others bound her arms and legs in a strict, and painful, hogtie, which pulled her body taut as a drum.
“Her drivers license says she only nineteen years old, blue eyes and blond, which is obvious,” said Sadie. “Five foot ten and 126 pounds.
“Whoa! Wish I could look that good. Look at her abs. Strong slender legs too. Bet she’s an energetic dancer. Her tits are too big to be a model these days,” she said with no sense of malice.
Then, still thinking of the naked girl, and happy with their efforts, they locked the bus with Ellie in it, and went back to the game. Later, at the locker room door they waited for the boys to come out to celebrate … and what a celebration the girls had in store for them all that night.
“Honey, do you remember the girl with the big tits who kissed you guys all season?” Gloria asked Bubba, in full voice so that all the boys would hear her.
“Well, sure, Sweetie but, you’re my girl. She don’t mean ‘nuten’ to me, Honey.”
“Would you like to see her totally naked, Bubba?” she asked in a very slow, sultry, drawl.
“Damn, girl, your messing with me now, aren’t you. What if I said, yes, what would you do, Glo?”
“If I told you that all of us girls know where she is right now and that she is a naked as the day she was born, would you believe me, Hunky?” she said.
“So what do we have to do to see her for ourselves, Ms. Smarty Britches?”
“To see for yourself, and to have the time of your life, you can all meet us at Sadie’s parents summer cabin in three hours, Mr. Hot Shot baseball player. Come there in three cars. You won’t be disappointed.”
The girls knew they had some hard work to do in the next few hours, and they didn’t want any interference from the boys. All the girls ran off, giggling, to get to the bus where Hudson was still lying before the boys even knew what was going on.
The nine girls would be cramped in the van and wouldn’t have the opportunity to check out Ellie on an intimate basis but, they did bring a pair of slip-proof suspension cuffs because they know they were going to string her up by her wrists and they didn’t want to leave rope marks.
When the boys arrived at the cabin, the girls were waiting for them, in high spirits, on the porch looking all smug and sassy.
Sadie ran to the cars and put her fingers to her lips. “Boys, your girl friend is inside the cabin. She can hear every word, but she is blindfolded so she can’t see anything. I have four, very professional, voice modifiers here and you must use one of them if you want to say anything within ear shot of the girl. The modifiers can be set to sound like women or like men. I’ve got them all set to sound like a women.
“Her name is Ellie. Don’t get frisky on us, and start any loud talking or we could all wind up in jail. Just be quiet! We don’t want her to know how many of us are here, let alone how many girls or guys there are. Please, do as I say. Now let’s go inside, and don’t gasp at what you see!”
Strung from the center rafter of the rustic cabin by her wrists was Ellie - totally nude, shaved, and displayed spread eagle style as they had planned. The boys looked at each other in amazement. Most cocks became instantly engorged.
“Ellie Hudson! We are the security detachment from Giant Stadium. We have captured you, knocked you out, and brought you to our safe house.” Sadie said, her voice disguised by the small hand held instrument. “We have let you alone all season because the boys think you are cute, and they continued to win despite your shenanigans.
“We know a lot about you; where you live and where you work. We know you take your clothes off for the raunchy boys at the club and that you seem to enjoy doing that.” She was guessing by now.
“And, we know you are a highly sexed young woman with a very good body. We know you like to share your body with the men. We know you are sexually active, and you take precautions to make sure you don’t get pregnant; we found your pills in your purse. And, we found a recent doctors note in your purse too, saying that you were free from any known STD’s. Aren’t you just a good little tramp?
“What we don’t know is why you took the time each game to spy on the players. Were you stealing signals or strategy for the opposing teams? Or, were you just a plain vanilla voyeur getting your kicks watching all those swinging dicks in the locker room? We mean to find out, one way or another, if you get my drift.”
Ellie was still just getting her bearings at this point, and her body ached from the strain on her arms and shoulders. She was listening hard, trying to figure it all out. She was truly frightened, and totally disoriented. Her mind was a jumble as she sought to make sense of her predicament. Nothing made sense. But, what ever was happening to her couldn’t be good!
“We found your five inch high heels in the back of your bus and thought you’d be more comfortable wearing them rather than just being bare footed strung up like you are. Nod your head if I’m right on that!”
Somewhat automatically, Elli nodded in the affirmative.
“Good girl. From now on, you will answer in full sentences and address us as Mistress. If you are uncooperative, you will be whipped. Do you understand, slave girl?”
“Yes, I understand,” Ellie said, absently.
Before her last word stopped echoing in the almost empty cabin, Sadie, who was well prepared for this moment, snapped her single tail whip at Ellie’s ass with particular intensity.
“You didn’t answer the question the way you were told to, you stupid bitch. Now try again!”
The single tail had left a thin, red welt across Ellie’s right ass cheek and she howled in pain. While the blindfold didn’t allow the onlookers to see tears, they were surly there.
Ellie, was even more petrified about her situation than she had been. “Damn, that hurt bad. Yes, Mistress, I understand your, your, your, rules,” she said trying to catch her breath.
“That’s better, bitch. Now, are you a voyeur or a spy?”
“Mistress, this position is killing me. And, I can barely breath, but I’m sure not a spy. I love the Giants and only wanted to make them happy. Believe me, I wouldn’t do noth’en to hurt their chances for another championship.” She was making every effort not to give her tormentors any more reason to snap that hateful whip at her.
“Do you have sexual fantasies about the Giant’s players, slut?” Sadie asked. The boys couldn’t wait for the answer to that question.
“No, Mistress, I don’t fantasize about them at all.”
“You lying bitch. You tell me you watch them undress, and kiss them, and rub your tits on them, and that your not spying for the other team. And, now you say you don’t even have the slightest sexual fantasies about them? What a crock! Now tell, me the truth. Wouldn’t you want to have hot sex with these guys?”
With that tirade, Sadie, shot the whip across Ellie’s ass once again to get her attention, and to get to the truth.
“Damn, that really hurts when you do that Mistress! Her emotions were going from just scared to terrified.
“Well, yes, I would like to have sex with them,” Ellie said bravely. “All of them are real studs with nice cocks. It would be great fun, I’m sure.”
“I told you that you were a lying bitch, and now you admit it.”
Sadie slapped Ellie across the face with her open right hand. And, then did it again with her left, leaving a red hand print on each cheek.
“Don’t ever lie to me, bitch,” she screamed. Sadie knew that for a helpless girl to get slapped in the face in front of others, especially by another girl, was just about the most disconcerting humiliation.
Then, she pulled a large butt plug from her bag and had Gloria grease it up before pumping it hard onto Ellie’s tight and tiny asshole. Ellie screamed with each thrust. On the seventh shove, the large bulb of the plug slid past Ellie’s tight anal ring. Ellie, in full throat, gave up a scream like she had been stabbed.
“I want you to be ready for some good cock ass reaming Ellie, my girl. I know you want a cock in your cunt, but before you get that, you will get your asshole enlarged by some big-cock men. Are you ready for that, slut?”
“Mistress, I’ve already been ass fucked in my young life, and never got used to it. I know some girls actually get off while getting ass fucked but it’s never happened for me.
“The plug you guys just stuck in me, is plenty big, Mistress, and it hurts like hell, right now,” Ellie said with a strain in her weak voice.
“I’m going to let that big-boy settle itself in you for a bit but now, and do it’s work, but I want someone to check those tits of yours,” Sadie said. “Then, I want someone to check your cunt and clit and tell me what they find,” she offered to no one in particular.
Buddy and Sam were first to their feet. They each had a voice modifier to report what they found.
Buddy went behind the bound Ellie, slipped the voice modifier in the band of his pants, and raised her tits in the cups of his hands. His eyes told the story; he was clearly impressed. He found her nipples - hard and long. He twisted them and pulled them which seemed to turn her on as she arched her back and pressed her tits forward to increase the erotic tension he was creating in them.
Buddy, while pinching her left nipple ever harder, found his voice modifier, and said, “This chick is hard-wired for pain. Look at her move as I squeeze her nipples. Look at how she sucks in her tummy and seems to want me to get even rougher with them.”
Sam had worked on her clit for several minutes as well, and found his voice modifier to say, “Yep! This one is a live wire, alright. She’s dripping all over me. Her clit is as hard as a stone. Look at her try to grind her cunt on my hands. I’m sure I could make her cum in a second, if I wanted to.”
“Would you want a real man to fuck you, slut? Tell me the truth, now,” Sadie said, to her bound captive.
“Yes, Mistress, I’m so ready to be fucked. So ready to cum! I really am, Ma’am.”
“Before I let anyone fuck you, slut, I want you to be whipped to really set you on fire. Do you want us to whip your tits or your ass, slut, girl?”
“Mistress, I’ll have to let that up to you, Ma’am. If it was up to me, I just want to fuck right now, and that is the truth.”
“Since, you’ve given me the choice, bitch, I’m goin’a start a two-pronged punishment session for you. First, two guys will whip you at the same time.
“Then, and only then, will they take you down and fuck you. One will start out porking your ass. Then he will fuck your cunt while another will fuck your ass. They’ll like the tight feeling that gives ’em. When we run out of double-teaming cocks, the last guy will have your cunt all to himself. That seem like it might work for you, fuck slut?”
“I’m good with whatever you say, Mistress. It looks like I don’t get much of a vote here.”
Sadie threw a flogger to each of the guys and they started their staccato beat on her tits and ass. After Ellie began to pink up nicely, there was some commotion on the floor by the other ball players indicating that they wanted a piece of Ellie too. None of them wanted to whip her hard enough to make her faint but they did want to see what a whip would do to her creamy thighs and rippled core now that the others had colored up her ass and tits.
Ellie screamed like a banshee as the flogging continued unabated.
“Enough!” Shouted Sadie, into her voice modifier. “Let the bitch have a rest for a minute. She might even need to piss. Do you need to piss for us, slut, girl?”
“Yes, Mistress, I do need to piss. Please! And, I’m hurting all over. I need some relief. Please! I beg you! Have mercy on me, Mistress!”
“Get her down, and take her into the front yard, and let her piss so you can watch her. Let her piss like the bitch she is. Let’s all inspect her technique as she goes to piss from a squat!”
The boys untied Ellie from her taut and stretched position. They were impressed at how well the girls had done in getting her strung up in the first place. She was made to crawl out the door of the cabin on her hands and knees, even while blindfolded, onto the front porch and then down the few steps to the lawn when they made her squat and piss for everyone to see.
Sadie even made her spread her cunt lips with her aching hands, and piss a stream out in front of her. They all shouted obscenities at her, but the ultimate humiliation was when she felt streams of warm piss raining down on her well shaped body. When she realized what was happening, she began to sob and shake uncontrollably with her face bowed low in front of the wet ground. Now, she was pretty sure there were more than several guys watching, and even participating in, her cruel torment.
“Get up, you fuck slut, or I’ll let the beating begin again,” Sadie said. “You wanted cock and you’re going to get it.
“Hose the bitch down, from her neck to her toes, dry her off, and get her back inside. I want her to beg for a good fucking; the ones I promised her - in her ass.”
Ellie’s heels had come off in the effort to get her outside. For the moment, the girls wanted her on her knees, so the shoes became unimportant. The ass plug was also unimportant and one of the girls reached behind Ellie, and unceremoniously pulled it from her which made her scream in reaction to the sudden pain.
“Now, fuck slut, we want you on your knees, and we want to hear you beg some of these big men to fuck you… to fuck you in the ass. Do it now! If you don’t get into a good beg position, and beg for your ass to be fucked, I’m going to beat you with my single tail whip; the one I hit you with the first time, and you know how that felt,” Sadie said in the most menacing manner the voice modifier could manage.
Ellie, fell to her knees immediately.
“Now get your scrawny tits on the floor, keep your face up. Get your tits as close to your knees as possible and really arch your back. Reach behind you with both hands, and pull your ass cheeks apart, so we can all see your asshole, bitch.”
“Someone needs to lube that swollen asshole a bit, so the bitch doesn’t bleed when we fuck it,” Bubba garbled, like he knew what he was talking about. “I’ll do it, and then I get first dibs after she begs me real nice an humble like.”
“Sir, I’m so humiliated here on my knees begging for the chance to service your cock with my ass.”
“That won’t do it, bitch. I want to know that you really want me to fuck your ass. Now, start again,”
“Sir, I’m a bitch in heat, a pain slut, and a fuck slut. I don’t deserve to serve you, but would you do me a great favor, Sir, and fuck my ass right now? I beg you to fuck my ass, Sir. I know I don’t deserve a great cock like yours in my ass, but I would really appreciate it now, Sir, if you would be so kind, Sir,” she said, almost sounding quite serious.
“Hold your ass cheeks open for me,” Bubba said into his voice modifier. And, then he slid his big cock up to her wide open ass hole and, after a few cautious, exploratory, attempts, he slipped his cock in her all the way up to his balls. Ellie, took a deep breath, but didn’t offer any protest at all.
“I want you to let her up now,” Sadie said after he had been experiencing the pleasure of her ass for a few minutes.
“Ellie, I want you to spread your legs and get his cock in your cunt. Raise your ass so that a second guy can fuck your asshole.
“I want this part to be an exercise in team-work. Ellie, you are to work your body to make sure these guys have a great time. I’m sure they will want to use your tits and nipples too, so be prepared to offer them what they want. I want you to act as if you are their sex slave and that it is solely up to you to make these guys feel good about you; that you are worth the million bucks they paid for you.”
“Gentleman, when you two are finished with her, then two more can have a turn. And, on and on, until she wears out. Got the plan? Let the fun begin!”
As the second player rammed his cock into her ass, Ellie screamed. “Oh god. Yes, fuck my ass, fuck my ass. It is so good. So tight! Oh god, oh god, oh god… This is so fucking wonderful. I am so fucking ready. Yes, yes, yes…”
Her outbursts were continuous and clearly heartfelt and cunt felt. Everyone in the room knew she was having the time of her life. Her big tits were bouncing and her erotic emotions were rocking.
“Oh, god, fuck me good, fuck me, yah, yah, yah, fuck my ass good,” she repeated over and over again. She was stuck on ‘fuck’ - that simple phrase. She was in a place all by herself; cumming, and cumming, and cumming. The erotic electricity in the air that she created, was tangible and sustained.
As the situation began to calm down and Ellie could take stock, she realized that she didn’t know how many men were in the cabin. She was pretty sure it was more than six because she previously felt the streams of warm piss land all over her when she was outside. She knew she was in for a full night of fucking, but she didn’t know the extent of the pleasure and torment that was yet to come her way.
It wasn’t long before all of the boys clothes and shoes had been kicked into one corner of the large central room of the cabin. The girls were practically all naked as well.
Don and his girl, Jenn, were watching the action together from a small alcove in the back of the cabin. Jenn, asked him what it felt like to fuck a girl in the ass. She said she didn’t have any objections to him fucking the Hussy in the ass while she watched, but she wouldn’t be happy if he did it with any other girl in the group. But, she was still curious about what it would be like for her.
Don said it had been great for him especially since Ellie was so damned tight with another guy in her cunt, but he knew she wasn’t keen on the idea. It was Jenn’s non-verbal response that led him to say that the next time he spanked her over his knee, that he would spend time to spread her cheeks and relax her asshole with his fingers, and then he’d give her a first hand, ass fucking, experience. She snuggled him and kissed him tenderly; a tacit nod of acceptance.
The four voice modifiers were being used by the girls when they wanted to taunt Ellie. The taunts were endless and Ellie heard each one of them. Frankly, the insulting ridicule turned her on. “You’re just a dirty slut. No self respecting girl would let guys piss all over them, you dumb shit,” came from one of them. “Wait until I get your face into my cunt, you bitch, then you’ll know who’s boss, cum face!” came another.
Beer came from somewhere and tequila too. Everyone felt the need to keep up their supply of fluids after all and the party was getting pretty raunchy.
As one boy finished with Ellie’s cunt, the boy in her ass slipped out from her and got his own cock deep into her cunt while someone else jammed himself into her ass. None of the guys actually wanted to cum in her, they just wanted to feel her body move under them, and to stretch her openings, and pound on her soft tissues, and to hear her scream in blind, unadulterated, passion until the next guy came to change places.
The girls, while still hating Ellie and aching to beat the snot out of her, were amazed at how Ellie kept cumming and cumming and cumming. With each shattering, long lasting, cum, Ellie screamed and bucked like a wild horse being tamed. It all seemed to be a once-in-a-lifetime spectacle for them. Luckily, the cabin was far from other cabins in the area or the police would have been called to squelch the commotion.
But, the girls themselves needed attention too. Their boyfriends were only too willing to comply and maintained strong ‘woodies’ to prove it.
There was a certain etiquette and protocol within the group. None of the boys fucked, or even touched, one of the other players girlfriends. But, the girls didn’t seem to mind sharing their guy with the hapless, and highly charged, Ellie, as long as they were part of the scene.
Still, Ellie had no idea how many men she was servicing. For all she knew, the entire grounds crew of Giant’s Stadium were on and in her. Actually, that idea was rather thrilling for her too, and she was hot to trot.
Sam got the idea that he wanted to fuck Ellie’s mouth. With hand signals, he made his plan clear to the others; even the girls seemed to think it was a good thought.
“Well, Ellie, it’s now time to use your mouth on these starving cocks. I will beat you with my own special, twelve strand, flogger until each cock is fully satisfied by your mouth.
“And, don’t spill a drop or I’ll change whips and string you up again so you can feel the intense pain of my snapping single tail. I’m sure you don’t want that. Do you, stupid bitch?”
“No, Mistress, I’ll swallow what I get. You can bank on that!” Ellie said confidently.
Sadie decided that Ellie should be tied to one of the center support posts of the cabin, on her knees, for her pending suck session. Her head was tied to the post with her arms tied over her head. Her ankles were bound behind her to her thighs, and her knees were spread wide. Sadie, took that opportunity to play with Ellie’s oozing cunt with her bare feet which she considered an insult to her captive. She flicked Ellie’s clit with her big toe until Ellie was - well. “fit to be tied.”
Further, Sadie found an old fireplace log and slipped it between the pot to which Ellie was tied and the small of Ellie’s back; this had the effect of tilting her tits out in front of her proactively, and added an extra element of torture. Ellie, struggled in her discomfort but her movements to find a better position only added to her distress. Sadie wasn’t inclined to beat Ellie, so she just landed a few strokes of her flogger on Ellie’s outer thighs as the guys stood in front of her between her knees and she began her cock sucking project.
The boys all seemed to have the same idea as they came in front of Ellie. They grabbed her firm nipples and pulled on them and rubbed their stiff cocks against her eyes and nose. They played keep away, tormenting her tongue with the tip of their cock, spreading pre-cum over her eye lids and cheeks. Eventually, when the strain became too much on their stiff cock, they would pull on her nipples extra hard for added leverage and thrust their cock deep into her mouth, over and over, frequently having to withdraw only because she needed to gulp for air.
One-at-a-time, they all came in Ellie’s mouth as she fought to retain composure before using her tongue to clean off the corners of her mouth of any oozing cum before she took on the next cock. Each boy would then add an extra pull to Ellie’s swollen nipples as they wiped their sticky cock all over her face as a final indignity.
“Ya did that well, slave. But, before you’re done, Slut, each of us girls are going to beat your ass, before you get to service our sloppy cunt’s” Gloria said crisply.
They untied Ellie and let her stretch her back and shoulders. “Stand up, cock sucker,” Sadie said. “Walk slowly forward to the sound of my voice. I’ll help you bend over this rail post here.
“Now, spread you legs wide and grab hold of your ankles with your hands. I’m gonna see your ass whipped nice and proper by us girls now. You might even enjoy this, bitch.”
Sadie gave a twelve strand leather flogger to one of the girls. They would pass it around. They certainly knew what to do with it. Sadie didn’t let any one girl flog Ellie more than twenty times, or so. When they got close to a total of two hundred slashes with the floggers, Ellie’s ass was a stripped shade of crimson. They all could see her ample chest heave as she sobbed again under her blindfold wrap.
“Now, Bitch,” Sadie said, “us girls get our turn with your mouth. We will help you get on your sore ass and back, and then each of us will face sit you while you use your tongue and lips to bring us off. If you don’t do a good job, two of us will hold you legs wide and one of us will whip your pouty cunt to get you to do better work.”
One after another, the girls, already stripped for action, kneeled over Ellie’s head and let her work on their cunt and clit. Ellie seemed well practiced in the task, and each of the nine girls ground down on her face with erotic joy as she performed her “mouth” magic on them.
“My, what a good little sex slave girl you are. You’ve done well. At some point I want to find out just how you got so proficient at cunt lapping, youngster,” Gloria said.
“But, before we get to that, I want to bend you over this stool backwards, with your tits up in the air. I’ve had my eyes on them all day. I have a feeling that you want me to beat the hell out of those little darlings, and I’m sure you’ll beg me to do just that. So, let’s here you beg for me to whip your tits, pain slut!”
“I’m so ashamed, Mistress. I do want you to beat my tits, Ma’am but I don’t want to cry again in front of the others.”
“Do you want me to hurt you, girl?”
“Yes, Mistress, please hurt me. Make me suffer again. Hurt me bad. But, it makes me so embarrassed when I cry.”
“Even though you are crying, I’m guessing you are having a good time today at this party, slut girl. Am I right?”
“Mistress, truth to tell, except for the crying, I’m having the day of my life. I’m yours to keep, Ma’am. And, Sirs,” She added quickly. “I’ll sign away my soul to you guys if you can keep me this excited and satisfied.”
“Who would have guessed it. A voyeur and a fucking pain slut all in one great body. We could get used to this! Just our luck, huh girls? And, guys?”
Ellie was taken from the post and the tit whipping began! Ellie’s wrists were tied together behind her head and out of the way. She was bent backward over the stool with her legs spread. Gloria flung the flogger from over her shoulder with force to hit Ellie’s full tits, and the other girls in the cabin were almost too terrified to look. Ellie, screamed as the flogger rained down hard on her again and again. The whipping was intense. And, of course, Ellie sobbed pitifully. But, there was a look of satisfaction on her face when the beating subsided; and after she regained her composure, she said, “Thank you, Mistress, you do whip a girls tits real good, Ma’am.”
“Do you want to kiss me, Ellie?” Gloria asked.
“Yes, Mistress, that would take the sting out, I think. Could you untie my hands, Ma’am, so I could hug you too?”
Sadie took the wheel and Marci, Bobbie’s girl, rode shotgun. Gloria and Ginger stayed in the back of the bus with Ellie. The other five girls and the nine guys went home in the three available cars. They would gather again at Del’s spacious condo in a few hours to talk about the events of this exciting day. One championship, and one roughly treated and well fucked girl. Not a bad day for any of them.
Ellie was still totally naked except for her blindfold wrap. Her arms were pinned together at the elbow and wrist, and Ellie was lying on her arms, shoulders, and hips. She had only suffered a sore ass hole, very tender nipples, and had a few welts and bruises on her tits and well turned ass. And, of course she had some aching tendons and muscles. But, otherwise she was intact and feeling very, very, good about herself.
Ginger held Ellie’s left ankle and Gloria held onto her right one. They had pulled her legs as wide apart as the width of the bus would allow. Both girls had a leather flogger and dragged it slowly and repeatedly over Ellie’s exposed, and well used, cunt. They wanted her to be painfully aware that she was vulnerable and that their interrogation of her was not, by any means, complete. They wanted direct and honest answers - or else.
All of the clothes she was wearing when she was abducted were stuffed in a paper bag in the corner of the van. But, of course, Ellie did not know that, and was already apprehensive as to what would happen to her if they were to leave her stranded, naked and bound in the bus when they were done with her.
“You are a slut, you know, Ellie. We know a lot about you but you don’t know anything about us, do you?” Gloria said. “Tell us what you do know, or what you think you know, after being with us all night.”
“Mistress, you told me you all were with the security crew at Giant Stadium. I’m not sure I think that’s true now. Ever since I sucked those nine guys dry back there, it’s been my guess that the guys were players on the team and that you girls are their lovers who got pissed that I was making out with their guys;not that I really ever had sex or anything with them, or anything even close.
“I know everyone was being cagey with me back there, and even now. I guess you don’t want me to know who you are. Probably afraid of being taken to court or something. I promise you, I wouldn’t do that; too much bad publicity for me.
“I know that the guys are studs… real studs, and can give a girl a good cum; a very good cum. Tell them thanks for me, Ma’am. I’d like to meet them all again. I mean you all, again.”
“Did it make you hot to see the guys running around naked in the locker room, slut girl?” asked Ginger. “Did you ever get off in your little secret place watching all those thick cocks?”
“Mistress, I’d like to tell you that I get all the sex I need, but that’s not the truth. Yes, I did finger myself in that little space every game. In fact, I had ben wa balls in me most of the time.
“And, maybe this is brave, or maybe just stupid of me, but I’m glad I did what I did. I needed it. And, more than that, I’m glad you caught me. What a great day!”
“So, slut Ellie, it seems you’ve enjoyed our little cabin party today with you all bound up as the main attraction,” Gloria said through the voice modifier. “I’m interested in our comment that you’d sign your soul over to us if we promised to keep you as energized and sexually satisfied as you were today. What did you mean by that, Ellie?”
“Mistress, I guess I was still on an endorphin high when I said that, but, you guys really did set off a lot of my personal fantasies, and I’d enjoy having that much sexual excitement again and again. I haven’t seen or touched so many thick, hard, and throbbing cocks in one night, in my life. I had a great time. Perhaps my first words weren’t as well chosen as they might have been, but you got the point.”
“Ellie, sometimes our first words are the most expressive of our true emotions. You are a beautiful girl. Built like a brick shit house, as they say. You do seem to have a high pain threshold, and get your kicks from rough sex with many partners of both sexes.
“What’s your experience in that area, so far in your young life? Get to the point and don’t give me any bull shit!”
“You’ve got me at a disadvantage, back here, Ma’am. And, you have the ability to check the truth of practically everything I tell you. I’ll be straight with you; you can check things out for yourself. You know my real name already.
“I was born in St Louis. Was the only child of a very beautiful Mother, and my Father was a wealthy doctor in town. He was almost thirty when they married and my Mother was still in her late teens. I think he loved her for her looks and body; she was sort of a trophy wife. She seemed to have extra marital privileges during their marriage, if you know what I mean. However, their relationship was always stormy, and they sent me away to an expensive, private, all girls school before junior high.
“I developed physically very early; very early. And, I grew to my current height by fifteen. When I wore a bra after that, it was a full C cup. The Headmaster, Administrator, Brothers, and most of the Sisters at the school took a shine to me and promised me a great time if I’d go along with them in their clandestine and eventful sex sessions. It was a good deal for me, and I took advantage of every chance they gave me. I was a very good student - after hours of course.
“They often would find reasons to spank me, tie me up, and even whip or cane me, for some made up reason; usually some imagined infraction of the school rules. I really liked the attention, and the pleasure I received. As time went on, I found I really got sexually excited from the aches and pains they gave me. I looked forward to it, actually, and could bring myself off quickly if they didn’t fuck me.
“It wasn’t long before I really got my kicks at providing pleasure to the Brothers, and the Sisters too. That’s all I could think of, day after day. Mom and Dad never knew a thing - don’t think they cared much either.
“I didn’t get much of a formal education at the school, if you get my drift. After I graduated, I found dance work here and there, and finally wound up here.
“My parents don’t know where I am, and I suspect they don’t give a flip. In fact, I don’t know for sure where they are any more. They used to live next to the museum in downtown St. Louis. You can look it up. I haven’t changed my name. My father may still be working as a doctor there for all I know.
“Truth be told, I’m not getting much good, enjoyable, sex these days - until today of course. Now I’m all naked and trussed up in the back of my own bus, spilling my guts out about my sex life to girls I don’t even know.”
“So, do you consider yourself to be a pain slut or a fuck slut, or both, my little captive girl?” asked Gloria.
“Mistress, I guess, I’d have to say I’m a bit of both. I love to fuck for sure, but, I’m submissive by nature, and I do enjoy being ordered around, and punished, erotically, I mean.”
“That all seemed very apparent today, slut, girl. You are something else and take to the whip and bondage quite well!
“Not to change the subject too abruptly, but how did you manage to get the peep hole space in the ladies room in place without being found out, Ellie?”
“The ball park isn’t exactly Yankee Stadium, now is it, girls. Not too much security during the day. I had easy access to the ladies room most days especially when there were no games scheduled.”
“Yeh, but how did the space get built?”
“I got very familiar with carpentry tools at the girls school. The Brothers made me make my own padded whipping bench. Then, I made a bondage table, and finally, a St. Andrews punishment cross.
“I did most of that carpentry work when the other girls were studying. The Brothers gave me expert and detailed instructions along the way, if you know what I mean. It was kinda like getting hung by my own rope.
“But, honestly, I was always wet while I was working on that stuff and kept thinking just how they would use all that stuff to punish me. And, boy did they use the whip and cane on me when I was tied up on those pieces of equipment. Kinky huh?
“But, back to the ladies room job. I thought that getting the supplies into the ladies room would be a bit tricky but, I really didn’t have any trouble with all that stuff either. I think everyone I saw just figured me to be a real carpenter fixing the ladies room. In my overalls and tool belt, I guess I looked the part. Worked out good, didn’t it?”
The conversation continued, in a friendly way, but Gloria and Ginger kept flipping the floggers easily over Ellie’s tender cunt. Ellie started to raise her hips as if she was trying to cum.
“Do you want to cum, now, slut girl? You look all hot and bothered. Can you cum just by pressing your legs together, you hussy-slut?”
“Actually, Mistress, yes, I can cum just by holding my legs tight together. I learned that trick at school. The Brothers liked to see me do it ‘on command’, as they called it. Please, Mistress, all this sex talk has got me really hot.”
“Okay, let her put her legs together and we’ll see what becomes of it. At least we’ll know if she is lying about that part of her story in a few minutes,” said Sadie.
They were not disappointed and Ellie was not lying. Ellie, even though tightly bound, was able to arch her back and thrash around like she was demon possessed. And, she seemed to have at least three rolling cums in a row.
“Thank you, Mistress, that was great. If you’ll give me a minute, I’ll catch my breath and get back to my story.
“Ya, know, being kidnapped and blindfolded like this, and whipped and fucked, being called humiliating names, and having to call everyone Mistress has really be a blast for me. I guess, you were right. Maybe I did mean that I’d be available to you guys again for the same type of party, as you called it, if you want to.
“You’d have to promise that there would be no pictures and that there wouldn’t be any blood or burn play, and that you wouldn’t cut me or leave bruises, because I’m a working girl you know.
‘‘And, I’ve got an idea too. I think this might work.
“ I could send a personal ad to the paper every month under the name
‘Hussy’ listing the days I’d be available for a party. Only you guys would know what the listing of those days were meant for, and I wouldn’t know which of those days might be of interest to you.
“Actually, knowing that I might be kidnapped might take the edge off of the event, but I still wouldn’t know when or where, and that would keep my fluids flowing, and you guys could have fun arranging things. What do you say?”
The girls just looked at each other and eventually, nodded to each other that the plan sounded good to them.
“You will know if we agree if you are suddenly abducted one day after we see your note in the paper,” Ginger said softly but with enough tenderness so as to suggest their further interest. “But, if we do kidnap you again, you’d better believe that what happened to you today will seem like a walk in the park.”
Gloria began to untie Ellie’s wrists and elbows as they came back into town. Ginger snapped a pair of timed handcuffs on her.
After ten minutes, when they finally had all left her alone in the bus near her apartment, the cuffs would spring open automatically. Ellie then could take off the blindfold wrap and get dressed and go about her normal business as best she could.
As the cuffs sprung open, Ellie immediately reached for her clit which was hard and energized once more. Before leaving the bus, she treated herself to two more cock filled fantasies, and a couple of long, rolling, cums.
The End
Note #1: All comments from my readers are welcome including those from submissive women and dominant men who have an idea they want to suggest to me as an appropriate plot line for a future story. Write to biggreek100@aol.com.
Note #2: The author claims copyright protection for the work published above, and any derivative work, under the provisions of the Berne Convention as signed by the USA in 1989. LC
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