Chapter 2 Christine
Christine climbed out of the bed careful
not to wake Maurice. He’d be furious if
she did. He had an early flight tomorrow
leaving for two weeks at the home office in
She walked quietly down the stairs to the
family entertainment center at the back of the house. She placed the DVD in the player and picked
up the remote control. She put on the
wireless headset as the large plasma screen flickered to life. She pressed the fast forward button to reach
the point where Maurice had turned the DVD off.
Interesting she told herself as the men attached car battery jumper
cables to the brunette’s large breasts.
The spring powered copper points sunk deep into her soft flesh causing
blood to seep from the edges. The woman
screamed as the man used his thumb and forefinger to extend and twist her
nipples before allowing the clamp to snap shut.
Christine twisted her nipples imitating the DVD imaging how it would
feel if those were her breasts being tortured.
This is excellent S&M porn decided
Christine as she studied the screen. The
camerawork and sound quality rivaled that of a first run
After my spanking session I need to
orgasm or I’ll be humping doorknobs thought Christine as she slipped off her
nightgown then laid down on the couch.
Christine placed one leg onto the back of the couch as she positioned a
throw pillow under her hips.
“Totally open and exposed like one of the
whores in
“My roommate and I use it to get each
other off. You could join us. We like company,” said the young girl as she
rang in Christine’s purchases.
“Perhaps I will but let me try it first,”
said Christine feeling tempted. The girl
wasn’t pretty but her face expressed a hard licentiousness that appealed to
The jell produced a surprisingly strong
effect. “Oh fucking yes,” whispered
Christine as she caught her clit in the web of her first two fingers. She squeezed the sensitive nodule enjoying
the discomfort. I’m already so wet
realized Christine feeling the presence of fluids coating her inner thighs. Her
long graceful arm reached down allowing her fingers to locate her G-spot.
Why did I let myself gain all this weight
thought Christine as she flicked her fingernail across the slightly rougher
patch of flesh in the lining of her vagina?
I knew Maurice would be upset. He
warned me not to use the baby as an excuse to eat. But what did I do? Run to the store every chance I got to buy
another pint of Ben and Jerry’s Cherry Garcia.
For safety reasons we stopped all S&M
edge play as soon as we got back from our honeymoon and learned I was
pregnant. I totally agreed with
that. It would have been foolish to risk
Michael’s health. We had good vanilla
sex for the first three months but that was only when he happened to be home
which wasn’t often. But once he saw I
was gaining weight, he refused to have anything to do with me even
vanilla. Tonight was the first time he’d
paddled me since before I got pregnant.
And that wouldn’t have happened if Maurice hadn’t wanted his pubic
region shaved before his trip tomorrow.
I wonder what my husband is doing that requires his balls be smooth as
Michael’s bottom? God knows what he and
Jean Paul will get into in
After a few minutes of manual stimulation
she reached into the bag to extract an odd shaped dildo. “G-Spot Zapper,” read Christine as she
struggled to open the tamper-proof packaging designed to discourage
I want things like they used to be. He knows I desperately need our role-play and
a good hard screwing but he refuses supposedly because I gained twenty-seven
lousy fucking pounds. He’s told our friends
and his family one look at my enormous behind and he loses his erection. That’s bullshit. He didn’t have any trouble getting hard
tonight. That was his semen I swallowed
not library paste.
Maurice knows what I need but he refuses
to give it to me. He’s punishing me for
disobeying him and not living up to his expectations for how the wife of a
successful French businessman should look.
Now his bitch of a mother is sending one of the family whores to service
him since his fat wife disgusts him. How
very French.
If he can be unfaithful so can I. Except for that one time I’ve kept my legs
together since we got engaged. And that
was with his brother Jean Paul who he allowed to fuck me like I was some common
street whore. Still, it was erotic the
way with absolutely no concern at all; he shared me with his brother. I knew it meant he really loved me.
My married life is a mess but I have to
hold things together for Michael’s sake.
If I lose the weight, that’ll prove to Maurice I’m loyal to him and we
can take up where we left off. I don’t
want to go back to the kind of life I had before I met Maurice. I don’t want to be the fuck toy of every man
who looks my way.
These should help get me off thought
Christine removing and opening a package of plastic closepins she’d bought at
Wal-Mart. “You were my first real
lover,” whispered Christine recalling her earliest experience with
masochism. Her breasts had barely begun
to grow the first time she discovered the exquisite pain of placing her nipple
between the spring-powered edges and allowing them to slowly close. She had been proud of herself for resisting
the almost irresistible urge to quickly take it off. Gritting her teeth and taking long deep
breaths she had gained control over the pain slowly turning it into that odd
form of pleasure only her kind could experience.
When Christine looked at her nipples, she
saw they had become firm and erect in anticipation of what was to happen. She held the clothespin up and pressed it
open as she whispered, “I deserve you for making a pig out of myself. For becoming fat and ugly.”
Moments later, she exhaled her pleasure as
the hard plastic edge bit into her flesh.
At first she struggled to resist the urge to remove it. It’s been too long since I’ve felt real agony
realized Christine.
Pain under control she applied five more
of the sharply biting clamps to the edge of her areola then one to the tip of
her nipple. Reacting to the sensation
she closed her eyes and masturbated with the G-Spot Zapper. Pleased with how her breast felt she applied
clothespins to her other breast.
Satisfied for the moment, Christine watched the screen as she
I’ve never tried electricity thought
Christine watching the man touch the lead to the post of a car battery. The woman’s reaction was immediate and
startling. She opened her mouth to
scream but what came out was more of a chortle.
A moment later and she was able to express her agony as she screamed and
twisted when the voltage ran through her breasts. A tiny puff of smoke floated away from one
of the battery clamps.
On the other side of the room, the blonde
was being caned. Loud wails of pain in response to the sharp snapping sound of
bamboo on delicate human flesh drew Christine’s attention. This DVD is really
hot thought Christine. I wish I were the
one being caned. They’re both very
pretty and the men are handsome in a cruel sort of way. It would be exciting to be there, hanging by
my ankles screaming, my body contorting and jerking from each blow as I begged
him to stop.
I promised myself that after I got
married, I’d stop being every man or woman’s slut. But now that Maurice refuses me, I’m finding
it hard to control myself. I’m not even
sure Maurice wants a faithful wife. He
practically offered me Genevieve if I lost weight. Most wives would envy my situation.
I’m married to a Chernier, one of the
oldest noble families of
In today’s egalitarian
Christine recalled the lecture on family
history she had received from Maurice’s mother on her first visit to the family
chateau outside the city of
“The sans culottes displayed them in the
center of Lyon where hundreds had gathered to see the wives of the nobility
publicly humiliated,” said Madame Chernier standing in front of the portrait of
the beautiful female who was the Marquesa of her story.
“How awful. She’s very beautiful,” said Christine
admiring the picture and wondering what if would be like to be naked in front
of a large crowd.
“She was high born, a Rochefort, the
daughter of one of Louis’s ministers.
Simon Lagrange was in charge of the Committee of Public Safety in
“How did she punish him,” asked Christine?
“The man proved an awful coward begging
the Marquesa to spare him. He threw
himself at her feet. She had her footmen
remove his clothes and bind him upright to a post. The Marquesa suspected other of the servants
were stealing and she wished to make Monsieur Lagrange an example. A coachmen’s whip was fetched from the
stables. The Marquesa, although a noble
woman of great beauty and delicacy proved more than equal to the task of making
the miscreant suffer for his crime. When
early on, he fainted; she had him revived before she continued. Her skill with the whip was remarkable. She was able to call out each testicle, first
the right and then the left, and land the metal-sheathed tip precisely on
target. His screams served as a warning to those who did not respect the
property of their bettors.”
“Acquiring such skill must have required
practice,” said Christine.
“The Marquesa was an expect horsewoman and
one who enjoyed driving her own coach.
In those times, the mistress of a great house was expected to maintain
order among her household by the frequent use of the riding crop or cane. Maids and servants were lazy indolent
creatures. Not a week would pass without
the Marquesa having to punish some failing on their part. She recorded their transgressions in her
journals” said Madame Chernier.
“I would love to read them,” said
“And you shall my dear. They’re in the
library. Somehow they survived the
“Please continue the story,” said
“When the criminal could no longer be
revived, she had him thrown off the estate. Everyone remarked on the stamina
the Marquesa exhibited. How her arm
never tired and the last blow was just as strong and accurate as the
first. Unfortunately for the family,
Lagrange took an active role in the Revolution and was elected head of the
Committee of Public Safety. One morning
he arrived at the chateau with a large force.
They ransacked and burned everything.
The ignorant savages destroyed priceless antiquities and works of art.”
“It’s beautifully restored. Maurice has promised to show me the dungeon
after lunch,” said Christine.
“From their youth, Maurice and Jean Paul
have shown a strong interest in that aspect of our family history,” said Madame
“I am looking forward to meeting Jean Paul.
Maurice said he’ll arrive this afternoon.”
“Maurice and Jean Paul are very close. They never argued when they were children and
seemed to be of one mind on how to entertain themselves. But they work entirely too hard especially
for ones so young.”
“Please tell me more about the
“The Marquesa and her three daughters were
placed in a tumbrel and taken to the jail like common criminals. They were tried by the Committee and
sentenced to death by the guillotine.
However, a simple straightforward execution would not satisfy Lagrange’s
lust for revenge. He announced there
would be a public display preceding their execution.”
“I’ve read the noble wives were brutally
gang raped before they were executed during the Revolution,” said Christine.
“Yes, what better way to avenge yourself on
your betters than to force your seed inside them. That was Lagrange’s plan but
he failed at least in the execution phase.
He spent recklessly of public funds to construct a platform in
The Marquesa was led to the center of the
platform. The order for her execution
and punishment was read. Members of the
Committee ripped her clothes off then tied her to a X-shaped cross. LaGrange stepped forward with a coachman’s
whip identical to the one the Marquesa had used on him. He whipped her until she fainted then revived
her by the application of a salt brine.
Salt applied to the open cuts was hideously painful. LaGrange himself dipped the sponge into the
bucket and pressed it to the Marquesa’s flesh.
Her ivory bosom had been the envy of
“I’ve read the application of salt to a
cut is very painful,” said Christine.
“The last daughter to be whipped was the
youngest. Her name was Sister Celine. It
had only been a month since she had completed her novitiate at the Convent of
Cluny where she had taken her sacred vows of marriage to our Saviour. She was of course a virgin until that
day. LaGrange had forbidden the jailers
to touch her so the entire city could witness her defilement. LaGrange himself insisted on being the
first. She cried out for the Blessed
Virgin to preserve her honor. The crowd
mocked her piety. LaGrange’s penis was
large and hideously deformed. She
fainted at its sight. The Marquesa
offered her own body in place of her daughters but LaGrange was merciless. Sister Celine was slowly stripped of her
habit. Each garment flung to the
mob. Her hands were cruelly bound with
her rosary. At precisely the hour our
Lord died on the cross, LaGrange knelt between her outstretched legs and with a
cry of triumph took her honor. She
screamed in pain as her virgin blood spilled onto the platform.”
“I cannot imagine how it must have been
for a nun to suffer such a terrible fate,” said Christine.
Madame Chernier had recounted the story to
Christine standing on the chateau’s wide staircase before portraits of the
family. Christine recalled thinking
Madame was a little too animated and excited by the story of the family’s
ordeal. She wondered if Madame Chernier
vivid retelling was embellished by her imagination. Perhaps thought Christine she imagines
herself spread out naked on the rough planking surrounded by sans culottes
stroking their hairy cocks as they waited their turn to mount her.
“And the Marquis, did he escape too,”
asked Christine looking up at the family portrait of the round faced man
standing by the Marquesa.
“Oh not at all, after they tired of
sodimising him they hacked off his testicles and forced him to swallow them
washed down by a Bordeaux from his own cellar.
Then the savages stuck a heated iron up his rectum. It took him several hours to die.”
Andre, Jean Paul, Catherine and Maurice
were the children of the wealthy banking family. Andre the youngest worked in the
Two years before, Christine had been
finishing her doctorate in international finance with a year’s study in
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