Sherry sobbed in Jeff's arms when they reached the
hallway. She had just
been fucked and abused unspeakably by her own father. Her
own father! Poor
fourteen year old Sherry had always assumed that her dad
had not know what
kind of school the Killenkoff Institute Institute was, and
that someday if
she could escape, she would return to him and the safety of
her home. Now
she knew the truth. Her father had committed her to this
nightmare! He
wanted her to become a fucked up slut. He had used her to
unload his dick.
He had pissed on her. He wanted to see her fucked by
animals! The thought
of this was too much for Sherry's already fragile mind. She
clung to Jeff,
sobbing against his strong muscular chest, soaking his tee
shirt with her
tears. He comforted her by stroking her hair and squeezing
her tits.
"He was...he was...." she couldn't even get the words
out. "He was my
father..." she managed at last, her small hands clutching
at Jeff's
shoulders and biceps. Her small body shook in his arms.
"Yeah, bummer!" He said, gently twisting her nipples.
"Lots of old farts
love to fuck their young daughters. That's just life.
They see all that teenage twat walking around the house,
and they just got
to fuck it! I don't really blame them. Now, we gotta hurry.
I got our escape
all planned."
"Oh Jeff. I love you so much. Can I please wash first,
before we leave.
I have all this cum and piss up me and on me."
"Don't worry about that. There is no time. We have to
get through the
kitchen to the catering truck. I managed to bribe one of
the truck drivers
to help us. You better get down and crawl while we are in
the hallway, so
nobody thinks anything suspicious."
Sherry sank to the floor and crawled next to her tall
boyfriend. He was her only hope. He would help her escape.
He was so
Jeff looked down at the crawling teenage girl. Cum was
leaking out of her
cunt and dripping down her thigh. Her huge blown up tits
swung as she
crawled. They looked almost grotesque on her tiny body.
Dried cum covered
parts of her body and face. Sometimes, as she crawled, she
would kind of
hunch over when a cramp filled her body. The cramps came
from being fucked
so hard. Cramps could also come from having too much piss
or cum in you.
Jeff rubbed the huge hard lump in his tight pants. He would
really love to
fuck her right now, but he knew there would be time for
that later. One of
his favorite hobbies was to take a cunt that had just been
gang fucked
almost to unconsciousness and fuck her once more. Take a
fucked up slut who
would beg him for mercy, and then tell her she had to
endure one more
fuck...from him. Jeff could be a brutal fucker.
Sherry crawled down the hall until Jeff told her to
"Here is the door to the kitchen. I stole this entry
card." Jeff swiped
the card through the mechanism and the door buzzed and
clicked open.
"Okay, Sherry, you can get up now. Golabi is going to meet
us at the
loading dock."
Sherry climbed painfull to her feet. She saw a white
apron hanging on a
hook near the door and reached for it to cover her
nakedness, but Jeff
tossed it in the corner.
"No time for that now, honey. We'll get you some real
nice clothes when
we get a chance. Just hurry up." Jeff reached into a corner
for his own
backpack with his clothes in. He put one arm around Sherry
and ushered her
through the big dark school kitchen toward the loading
dock. The arm around
her draped over her shoulder and kept pulling at her
nipple, sending waves
of sensation through her young body. She didn't
particularly like it, but he
was her boyfriend after all, and entitled to do what he
wanted. She was a
lucky girl in away, even though she had gone through such
horror. She had
found the love of her life at fourteen. Her Prince
Charming! He was going to
save her. Then she saw Golabi, and she hugged Jeff more
Golabi was a six foot four inch black as coal negro from
Nigeria. He and
his family had emigrated to Europe five years earlier and
worked for a
catering business. Golabi had massive shoulders, long arms,
large hands,
strong legs, huge feet, and a lump that went half way down
one leg. He
smiled at the naked girl, and his teeth flashed white.
"Yes Sir, Mister jeff. Dey sure know how to treat
teenage cunt in dis
place! When a cunt reach seventeen or eighteen, her looks
dey change. Dey
can be beautiful, sure, but dere is sometin' 'bout da fresh
look of a cunt
of thirteen or fourteen dat is so fucking special!" He
squatted down a bit
to get a better look at Sherry's pussy.
"My, my, look at dat teenage cunt. Dat sure been fucked.
She must be some
real slut, huh? Bet she jus' can't get enough cock to
please her. My little
sister is like dat. My daddy and my brothers and me all
fuck her all da
time, but we jus' can't seem to satisfy dat nasty teenage
twat. Oh she cry
and pretend like she don' want it. But you know how cunts
are. Dey always
say dey don't want it, but da pussy is itchin' for it all
da same. Cunts
dat age jus can't get enough cock."
Sherry whimpered and hugged Jeff more tightly.
"We'd better get out of here before they miss her."
Jeff said.
"Sure ting! You jus' climb in da back of da truck. I
even put a blanket
back dere for you , so you comfortable if you wants to fuck
or anyting. I
get us out of dis place in no time. You jus' leave
everyting up to Golabi."
Sherry and Jeff climbed into the rear of the catering
truck. She was so
exhausted that she sank down onto the blanket while Jeff
shut the doors.
Soon the truch took off. Jeff sat on the floor next to
Sherry and played
wit her nipples and gently fingered her pussy.
"Jeff, I am so sore down there. It hurts too much when
you touch it."
Sherry just wanted to sleep.
"I'm sorry, baby, but your pussy is sweet, I just can't
keep my hands
off it." He spread her sore swollen cunt lips and gently
pulled on her
clit. His other hand worked her nipples.
"How does that feel honey, any better?"
"It hurts, but I want to make you happy, Jeff. I love
you so much."
"You know what would make me happy? To let me fuck
you. May I fuck you,
baby?" He worked one finger up into her cunt. The truck
rocked and rumbled.
"Jeff, I am so ashamed at what has happened to me. I
have been fucked by
so many men, and dogs, and so many horrible things have
been done to me. How
can you even still want me?"
"Hush! I want you, Sherry because you are my girl. Soon
all of this will
be behind us. I want you now more than ever. You being gang
fucked and
turned into a cockslut doesn't stop me from wanting you. In
fact it turns me
on. The fact that you have had dog dick in your cunt,
doesn't make me want
you any less. Jesus, if I don't get my pants off, my dick
is going to snap
in two." Jeff quickly stripped off his shirt and pants,
shoes and socks.
Now he was as naked as she was. His tan muscular body shown
in the tiny
interior light in the back of the catering truck. His big
thick dick bobbed
and dripped.
"I'm so sore down there, I don't know if I can take
another cock. Jeff,
maybe I could just suck you off for now?"
"Sherry, I really need to fuck you. I'll be real
gentle, I promise."
Well, of course, like most boys, he wasn't gentle at
all. He slammed his
dick as deep and hard into her cunt as he could. The
bouncing truck made it
a particularly rough fuck. Sherry thought her cunt would be
ruptured for
good. Jeff was balls deep in her, grinding his hips, his
muscular ass globes
tensing and relaxing with each thrust, his balls slapping
her. He grunted as
he tried to force still more dick up into her. And then he
came. He blasted
his cum deep into her womb.
His toes dug into the floor of the truck. He arched his
back and flooded
her cunt with cum. "Take it, Bitch. Oh what a fucking hot
bitch you are!
What a fucking cunt! What a fucking dick dump!"
Sherry wasn't bothered by his language. She knew boys
loved to talk dirty
during sex. He was her boyfriend, her love.
Then he pulled out and rolled over, a string of fuck
draping over
Sherry's thigh.
"You want to clean me off, Sherry?" he asked casually.
She leaned over him and began to lick his dick clean.
She licked up his
cum, and pussy slop, and some of her father's cock slop,
and urine, and God
knows what else. She licked the fat softening dick
lovingly. This was her
boyfriend's cock. She had to treat is special. Then the
truck rumbled to a
"Where are we?" Sherry whispered.
"I don't know. We can't be far enough away from the
school yet. We are
supposed to go to Golabi's house for the night and then up
to a cabin in the
Alps tomorrow. I hope nothing is wrong.
The rear door to the truck opened and there stood
Golabi with a
flashlight. He had a big smile on his face.
"Nuttin' to worry about. Everyting okay. We passed
through the gates
jus' fine. Dey didn't even stop me. But now I am sure horny
after all dat
excitement. I need to collect some of my pay. Right now, if
you don' mind."
"What does, he mean, darling?" Sherry asked.
"Well you seek Sherry, I don't have a lot of money,
and we need all we
have for food and supplies. So...well..I had to promise
Golabi that if he
helped us escape, he could fuck you."
Sherry sobbed. " NO! I can't take any more tonight. I
just can't. My
pussy hurts so badly."
Jeff grabbed her rather roughly. "Listen Sherry, I am
putting my life
on the line here to help you escape. Don't be so fucking
selfish. I thought
you loved me and cared about me! All you got to do is let
him fuck you!"
Sherry clung to Jeff. "Can't it wait until tomorrow.
"Sorry, Missy, but I need to fuck now. My dick is
really hurtin'."
Golabi climbed up into the truck and shucked off his
clothes in five seconds
flat. Sherry gasped when she saw the size of his cock. It
wasn't even fully
erect and it was already over a foot long. She had never
seen a dick that
Golabi smiled again and frigged his fat fucker a bit.
'Yeah, my family
all hung like horses. Not one of us is under twelve inches.
Lot's of young
twat can't even take us, say we ruin dem for life. But don'
you worry none.
I gonna treat you so special. You gonna love it. I gonna
take you to fuck
Even Jeff's dick got hard again looking at the
obscenely massive fucker
on the black man. How could Sherry's cunt possibly take all
of that? This
was going to be fucking hot.
"Now Sherry, you have to help both of us here. If you
want to escape and
have a life with me, then you just have to let Golabi fuck
you. You have to
be real good to him and do whatever he wants. That was the
only way I could
pay him."
"Spread dem legs wide. I want to see up into dat
teenage cunt! Holy
Christ, what a fucking slut you mus' be. Your cunt lips is
all swollen to
"I ...I was brutally raped." Sherry protested, trying
to maintain a
shred of dignity.
"Yeah, and I bet you loved every minute of it. Don't you
worry, you gonna
feel my dick in places you ain't never felt no dick before.
Now how 'bout
sucking on dis here plum sized knob to get me nice and wet
so it goes in
easier. I like's my big saggy balls licked and sucked too,
so get to work,
bitch. We ain't got all night. Dey be looking for you soon
"Hurry up, Sherry start sucking his dick." Jeff
masturbating his own cock.
Every muscle in the poor fourteen year old's body ached,
but she
struggled to her knees, Jeff's fuckslop running down her
thighs, and she
opened her mouth to the gigantic black cock bobbing and
dripping in front
of her.
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