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Review This Story || Author: SFCityDom


Part 2

Blow Job – SFCityDom © 2006

Her Just Dessert – SFCityDom © 2006


“You have to let me come!” she exclaims.


“Do I? Why?” I state.


With her at my feet, she pleads.


“Please, my pussy is throbbing. I need to come!”


“Will you listen to me?” I ask.




“Will you do exactly what I say?”


“Yes. Yes. Please.”


“Ok. Then take off your clothes.”


She gets up off her knees and begins to slowly remove her clothes. She pulls down her shorts and lets them drop to the floor. Turning her back to me, she bends over to pick them up. Her ass is straining in her boy-shorts with the little morsel of ass cheek peeking out, just screaming to be pinched or spanked. I can see the outline of her shaved pussy pressing into the wet strip of cloth between her legs. She does this to arouse herself as much as for me. She turns, looks down at me and bites her lip. So coy, what a piece of ass.


Pulling off my shirt, I lay back across the sofa, I motion for her to come over to me and she slides herself across my nude body. I kiss her lips and pull her in close to me. I love the feeling of her against my skin. Sliding my hand down to her ass, I give her cheek a pinch. She grinds into me and I slide my hand into her boy-shorts. Pressing my hand into her, I find her warm and damp. Sliding my tongue into her mouth, I slide a finger into her. She moans against my tongue and my cock begins to harden.


Breaking away from her, “Get the lube from upstairs.”


“Do I have to, I want to stay here.”




She hops up and quickly goes upstairs.


“Do you want anything else?”


I know what she is asking. She wants her vibrator.


“No.” I replied.


“Are you sure?”


“Yes. I am sure.”


She quickly returns to me. Handing me the lube, she attempts to regain her place next to me. I pour some lube into my hand and begin stroking my cock.


“Nope. Finish stripping.”


She huffs.


“We can skip the whole thing and watch TV if you would like.”


“No. I am sorry.”


She pulls her tank top over her head. Tossing it aside, she looks at me. She always gets a bit shy when she first exposes herself to me. This just makes me harder and I continue stroking my cock.


“You are a bit flushed.”


She looks down with my words.


“Look at me.”


Her eyes are bright and glistening.


“Now the boy-shorts and look at me.”


She slides the boy-shorts down pass her hips and thighs by the waistband and they drop to the floor. Standing there naked, she fidgets and squirms. This woman. This beautiful woman. Her smooth body is mine to do as I wish. Love her, fuck her, be with her. I really don’t know what more I could want from a woman.


“I want you on the sofa, facing away from me on your knees. I want to watch you masturbate. I will tell you what to do and you must follow my directions. If you don’t, I will stop what we are doing and turn the TV on. Do you agree?”




“Good girl. Now get up on the sofa and get in position. You can use some pillows if you wish.”


She climbs up on the sofa, gets on her knees. She positions the pillows to support her.


“Arch your back and spread your legs a bit.”


As she leans over, the lips of her pussy begin to part and I can see the shine of her inner lips peeking out.


“Put your right hand between your legs and cover your pussy. Again, listen to me and do what I tell you. Not what you want to feel but what I want.”


She complies and covers her pussy with the palm of her hand.


“What do you feel?”


“I feel the heat and dampness of my pussy.”


“Press your hand and grind into yourself.”


She complies and then she moans.


“Also, you can’t come until I let you. With two fingers, I want you to lightly tap your clit ten times. When you are done with the ten, you can rub your clit a bit. I will count for you.”


She begins tapping.




She begins to squirm and roll her hips.




She rubs her clit and her breathing changes.


“How did it feel to tap your pussy?”


“Mmm, good.”


“Now slide two fingers into your pussy and fuck yourself.”


She slowly slides her fingers into herself and strokes them in and out of her pussy.


“Fuck…I want to come.”


“Not yet.”


I stroke my cock and feel a new load building in my balls.


“Remove your fingers. Spread your knees more.”


She is now fully open to me. I can see her clit and her inner lips folding around it.


“Now, I want you to pinch your clit lightly”


She reaches between her legs and give her clit a pinch and she moans.


“How does that feel?”


“Really good.”


“Now pinch it harder and hold it.”


“Fuuuck.” she pants.


“Now pinch it again and even harder.”


A deep moan and she releases her clit.




“How does it feel?”


“It hurts wonderfully.”


“Good girl. Now pinch it harder yet and hold it.”


“Ouch…I am not sure…Fuck.”


“Now release it and slap your pussy and clit with your hand ten times.”


Again I will count them out.


Smack “One…” smack “two…” smack  “three…”


With each slap she holds her breath and breathes deep on its release.


“Now slap it harder. As if I were spanking your ass.”


Smack “Four…” Smack ”Five…” SMack “Six…” SMAck “Seven…” SMACk “Eight…


Now, hard as you can handle” SMACK “Nine…


Harder then you can handle.” WALLOP.


There are no words from her. Her pussy lips are flushed and a bit swollen.


“Grab your clit and pinch it harder then before. I want to see you squeeze it.”


She grabs her clit, squeezes and holds. Her thighs shake as her hand quivers.


“Release it.”


“Fuck… I need to come. Please anything. I will do anything you want if you let me come.”


Still stroking my cock, I position myself kneeling right behind her and slap her on the ass.


“You are my favorite toy.”


And I slide two fingers into her.




I slide them deep into her. Grinding against her spot. The spot is swollen under my fingertips.


“I am going to fuck you with my fingers and tell you how to abuse your pussy. While you are following my orders, I will be stroking my cock. When you feel my cum unload onto your cunt, you can come.”


“God, yes!”


“Can you come while slapping yourself?”


“Yes. I am sure of it.”


“Slap your pussy to make yourself come. Again when you feel my cum on you, you can come.”


She begins slapping her pussy in earnest. I love having my fingers in her, the feeling of her hot, wet cunt, tight around my fingers; such a turn-on for me.


She struggles with the slaps. However, she keeps up a hard steady rhythm.


“I am going to come. I need to come.”


“Not yet. Harder.”


She complies and is working her cunt red. This just brings me to the brink and I suddenly unload all over her hand and cunt.


“Fuuck!” I exclaim and she begins to come.


With a cry, “shiit.”


She begins to hold her breath as her orgasm takes control of her and I feel my fingers being contracted by her convulsing muscles.


I unload more cum on her. Her slaps and the penetration of my fingers mix my cum with hers.


She lets go of holding her breath and breathes deep. The slapping slows to a stop. With my cum and lube-soaked hand I grab her by the hair and pull her upright.


“Did I say stop?” as I probe her deep.


“No,” as she struggles against my grasp.


“Ok. Now grab your clit and hold it.”


She pinches it.


“It is too sensitive,” she complains.


“So. Hold it.”


“It hurts.”


I release her hair and push her hand away from her clit.


“You think that hurts.”


I begin slapping her clit as I fuck her cunt with my fingers. She struggles against me with no success. With my fingers in her, she can’t get away. Her struggles just increase the force of my strikes. Her pussy lips are swollen and red with her inner lips rolling in and out with my fingers.  I tug on her clit as I slap her pussy.


“Stop It! You’re hurting me.”


I don’t let up a bit and just continue spanking her cunt.




With a strong rhythmic fucking and slapping, she is writhing. With pleasure? With pain?


“Pleassse can I come?”




And I continue working on her pussy. Fingers deep and hard, slaps fast and furious.


She throws her head back as she comes. The penetration of her becomes difficult as her cunt contracts around my fingers. I need to push into her to force my fingers into her.




With one last hard slap, I stop smacking her pussy and pull her head close to me by the hair.


“Don’t ever disobey me again. Or I will tie you up and make you come more then your body can handle. Do you understand?”









Review This Story || Author: SFCityDom
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