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Review This Story || Author: SFCityDom


Part 1

Dessert – SFCityDom © 2006

Dessert – SFCityDom © 2006


I dry my hands with a towel. I have finished doing the dinner dishes and cleaning up the kitchen.


“Do you want anything before I sit down?” I ask.


“No, thank you,” she replies.


I walk over to the sofa. She is ready for her post-dinner TV watching; she is in shorts and a tank top with her hair in a ponytail. She curls up next to me as I sit down.


“Thanks for doing the dishes.”


“You know the rules, whoever cooks doesn’t have to clean up.” I reply.


“Yep.” She concurs. “Rules are good.”


I grab the remote from her and turn off the TV.


“I was watching that!”


“Get on your knees.”




“On your knees.”


“Why?” She whines.


I grab her by the hair.


“Listen brat, on your knees.” I force her to kneel at my feet.


“I want you to suck my cock.”


She rolls her eyes at me. Her last little show of brattiness before I shove my cock in her mouth. I grab her by the jaw and twist her head as I choose.


“You know the rules.”


Getting head is the single best stripped-down-I-want-to-come sexual act for me. I enjoy it immensely. I still remember the first time I saw my cock disappear in a girl’s mouth. Heaven! I am not sure exactly why I enjoy it so much. Not that it matters. Is it her submission? Watching my cock violate her mouth while I look into her eyes? Or is it I don’t have to do anything? I am guessing it is all of the above.


And the rule? With the exception of her not feeling well or if the company we are with would make it inappropriate at that time, I get head on demand, whenever wherever. I don’t know how many blowjobs I have received in the parking lot before a baseball game.


I unbuckle my belt and unbutton the top button of my Levis.


“You finish the rest.”


She reaches up and unbuttons the rest of my fly. She grasps my cock and frees it from my Levis.


“No underwear. Were you expecting me?”


“Put it in your mouth and look up at me while you’re doing it.”


She looks up at me as she sticks out her tongue and licks the tip of my cock. Slowly she circles the head and my cock grows hard. With the coolness of her hands, contrasting with the warmth of her tongue, my cock convulses prior to despoiling her mouth.


“Slowly take it into your mouth and remember to look at me. I want to watch you.”


She slips her lips over the head and uses her tongue on the underside of my cock. She starts to take more of me in her warm mouth.


“Slow! And I mean slow.”


I feel her tongue flicking about the head and the glands as she holds me firmly.


“Take it all. I want to feel your tongue on my balls and the head in your throat.”


She slowly slides her mouth down my cock. I feel her struggle, as it strikes the back of her mouth. She gags and pulls back.


“I can’t. My mouth is too small. I’m sorry.”


I take my cock in hand.


“Untie my boots and remove them.”


She complies.


“Now my socks, and pull my Levis off.”


She removes my socks and Levis.  I take her by the hair and glide my cock into her mouth.


“Lots of spit.”


I feel my cock gliding pass her lips. I take it from her mouth and push her face into my crotch.


“Lick and suck on my sack.”

She begins licking my balls.


“Be careful.”


As she licks and sucks, I stroke my cock slowly. I part my legs and she cups my balls with her hand. Pulling up on them, she alternates between licking my perineum and sucking on my balls.


“Look up at me. I don’t want to tell you again.”


She raises her eyes to me. Those eyes. Her amazing eyes. I push my cock towards her, and without a missed stroke, she is back on my cock. With her hand around my shaft, she fucks my cock with her mouth.


“Listen to me. I am going to tell you exactly what to do. When you move up on my cock, right before it is almost out of your mouth, start the down stroke and pull my cock to the back of your mouth, just before you would gag.”


She does as instructed.


“Now, use your right hand around the shaft and stroke it in rhythm with your mouth. Use lots of spit. Take your left hand, wrap your thumb and forefinger around the top of my sack.”


She wraps her right hand around my spit-lubed cock and glides it in and out of her mouth. With her left hand she pulls my sack. This combination feels fucking great!


“Slow down. It isn’t a race.”


She complies.


“Good girl.”


She is a good student and continues as instructed; it feels amazing. As she slows down, I press my foot into her crotch and she moans.


“As you change direction of the stroke, squeeze the head of my cock with your lips and press your tongue against the shaft.”


With the new instructions, she begins to increase the rate of the strokes.


“Slow down. I want you to go as slow as you can. As long as you keep the pressure under the head, I will come.”


She complies with my instructions. She is now going at a nice slow pace.


“It may take longer for me to come. But, I will come harder.”


She is now grinding her crotch into my foot.


“And don’t try and come.”


With this slow rhythmic pace, I can feel my load building in my balls and feel my prostrate getting ready to shoot my cum into her. The longer it takes for me to come, the harder I ejaculate and the more cum I release. She will have a mouthful.


I have now passed the point of no return. It is no longer “if”, but “when”.


“I am close. When I begin to come, don’t change your rhythm. Squeeze the head with your lips and the side of the shaft with your right hand, as you tug on my balls.”


I hold back a bit longer. Her mouth starts its upward path and I ready my load. As her lips reach the head, I let go and begin to ejaculate.  My cock pulses.  I roll my head back and feel my limbs tingle as the orgasm moves through me.


As instructed, she squeezes the head and shaft and doesn’t alter the rhythm.


“Fuuuck, I moan, as I come.


With my letting go in her mouth, she makes guttural sounds but continues the rhythm. With the next stroke, I ejaculate harder again.

“Shit. Don’t stop until I tell you to.”


She again gets everything right, the squeezing at the exact moment and I squirt again. If it wasn’t in her mouth, it would have been all over the place. I can make quite the mess.


Again, I spurt with her upstroke and I can feel it in my balls. She is struggling with all the cum in her mouth. The sight of this makes my cock convulse one last time. The last of my cum sprays onto her tongue.


I grab her by the ponytail to stop her and I push down on my softening cock.


“Swallow it.”


I feel her swallow my cum, watching her throat work.


“Now, suck my cock clean.”


She finishes cleaning my cock and by the hair, I pull her off.


“You are a good girl.” I smile.


“You have to let me come!” She exclaims.


To be continued….


Review This Story || Author: SFCityDom
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