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Review This Story || Author: Lex Ludite

The Family Vlad

Chapter 24

                                 The Family Vlad


                                                                              Lex Ludite

                                                                        Chapter 24-revised

       Lieutenant Karlson, now Vlad's subordinate for a few days, left to pick up the prisoner less than an hour after being chastised in the judge's chambers. It had been some time since she had taken the kind of whipping she received today, but in retrospect, she had let her pride blind her to her responsibilities,and so she had paid the price for her miscalculation. Despite the dark cloud that hovered over her head, she still harbored nothing but loathing for the prisoner, Mary Malone. She was determined that the bitch would pay, and pay dearly for the trouble she had brought down on Karlson's head.

       For now she had to do what this temporary replacement decreed, so be it. It would only be a matter of days before she was restored to her former position unless she screwed up big time. That was not going to happen, even if she had to cozy up to this harsh, martinet for a time. He was strictly temporary, that was no secret. She might have to give a little over the months that he sits in the chief's office, but there would come a time when he would depart and things would return to normal for her. Buoyed by her self analysis of the situation, she was in fine fettle when she arrived at the hospital to pick up the prisoner. Malone looked none the worse for wear, which immediately made Karlson seethe inside.

       The staff handling the transfer of the prisoner to the tall redhead were amused at the instructions they'd been given by the woman police officer. The two orderlies stripped the patient to the skin and took advantage of the situation to cop a few feels of her awesome tits. They held the struggling teen as Karlson snapped a pair of cuffs on her to hold her hands behind her back, then hobbled her with a short chain joining her ankles. They grinned when she pulled the leather hood over Malone's head and tightened it around her neck.

       At her request, the prisoner had been catheterized, a painful process that Karlson wished she had been there to witness. One of the orderlies using the excuse that he needed to check the tube running from her bladder took the opportunity to jam three fingers up into the teenager's cunt and wiggled them around as she struggled futilely to escape this invasion of her private parts. All Karlson did was give him a thin lipped smile and observe that if there was more time available she wouldn't mind letting him and his buddy do more than just check out her goodies. That brought a laugh from them followed by a slap on the teen's firm, round ass.

       Then one of the orderlies made an interesting suggestion that brought a big smile from the police woman. He knew a litttle known road that would cut nearly an hour off her return trip. It was on the rough side, but easily handled by her police car. In exchange for this little tip it would be only fair that he and his buddy be given a little time to say good bye properly to their star patient. They even agreed to letting her watch the action, and even join in if she got the itch. Karlson declined their latter offer, but assured them that she would be observing the way they treated her prisoner very closely.

       Tits Malone was dragged down a corridor to a small examining room. For the better part of an hour the orderlies had a field day, doing their best at the police woman's urging to impregnate the patient. Once Karlson decided that they'd done their best at that task, they shifted their attention to her tight asshole. They used her big tits to reharden their tools, tunneling between those melons at a furious rate. First one and then the other took a turn jackhammering her puckered poop chute until it gaped wide like an angry eye. During her raping the leather hood remained locked around Malone's neck, preventing her from being able to accurately identify her assailants. By the time they finished pumping their final loads of hot cum deep into her asshole, she was a mess.

       Hospital rules required that the prisoner be removed from the facility in a wheel chair. From then on she was at the mercy of the police woman, who took full advantage of the situation. She forced the freshly raped teenager into the back seat of the police car and made sure the doors on either side were locked. After driving for twenty minutes or so, she parked off the road and dragged her prisoner from the back of the car. She had taken great pains to rearrange the trunk of the vehicle to accommodate her arch enemy.

       Jutting up from the floor was a fourteen inch metal post with a diameter of almost three inches shaped much like a phallus. It took some doing but she managed to force Malone down on the cylinder until most of it was buried in her asshole. She bent the girl forward so that she could attach a short chain to the ring on the top of her hood and anchor it to another ring located in the floor of the vehicle. A short length of chain completed this bondage by attaching her hobbled ankles to still another ring she had installed in the trunk compartment.

       Just before she buttoned up Malone inside her custom made traveling container, she took a good look at her situation and was most pleased. The prisoner was jackknifed and seated on the metal post that was now stretching her asshole to dimensions she had never realized could be achieved without splitting open her sphincter muscle. Karlson could even see the first traces of cum beginning to run down the metal column buried in the teen's asshole. Her straining body was firmly attached to the trunk's floor, giving her extremely little room for any kind of maneuvering as the police car bounced and made sharp turns on its way back to the Hanscomb county detention facility as Karlson liked to call her prison. It was then that the police woman realized she hadn't made sure that the prisoner had been properly dosed with the diuretic they were supposed to have given her an hour before she was to be transferred. She shrugged her shoulders at this oversight on her part and decided that it really didn't matter since there was no way that Malone was emptying her bladder under any condition until that catheter was removed by her personally.

       It was to be an extremely rough and most painful trip for Mary (Tits) Malone; Karlson was going to make sure of that. On her drive out to the hospital the tall redhead had checked out some side roads that would suit her purposes very nicely. This coupled with the rutted gravel road that saved her nearly an hour and must have caused her passenger to feel as if she were riding a razor blade, made for a most entertaining and enjoyable trip. Three times she took one of these two lane, rutted detours dotted with pot holes, and bounced and rolled from side to side as the police car made its way over miles of this terrain, her passenger no doubt enjoying the wild ride as her asshole was forced up and down the steel rod with every bounce. On  those special occasions when the car hit a pothole and bottomed out, Malone must have wished she were back in the interrogation cell hanging by her wrists and sweating like a pig with her belly filled to its limit with some stale piss that she had been forced to drink.

       At the half way point in her journey Karlson pulled the car off the road and checked on her passenger. Popping the trunk she stepped back as a blast of hot air rushed from the confined space. Her prisoner was still firmly attached to the steel post, and showed no evidence tat she was still conscious. Karlson reached in and pinched one of those large, melon shaped tits that had given the teen her nickname. The hooded figure made a muffled sound and her body stiffened. Satisfied that no harm had yet come to the prisoner, Karlson leaned into the trunk and pressed her finger tips against the girl's bladder and chortled at the reaction this caused. There was no doubt that she had been given the diuretic as well as at least a quart of water before being turned over to her. Karlson could not resist cuffing the hooded prisoner across the head and letting her know that she still had a long way to go before she'd be back in her nice hot cell where Karlson would pay her a visit as soon as she took a nice cold shower, ate and cleaned up some.

       The last detour had been a brutal stretch of gravel that barely qualified as a road. She had taken it at nearly twice the posted limit of 20 mph, and when the car wasn't fishtailing from side to side, her head was nearly touching the roof as the car encountered small boulders and deep ruts. Karlson was totally exhilarated and wondered how her arch enemy was enjoying the wild ride.  If this didn't tear her a new asshole, nothing would. She could hardly wait to get her prisoner off that steel spike and see how much her asshole gaped as she marched her back to jail. To bad it would be dark by then and probably no one would be around to observe Malone's complete humiliation at her hands.

       Lt. Karlson was correct about it being dark when she pulled into the rear of the jail to begin tansferring the teenager to the facility for booking and all the other red tape required to make sure that she was once more under the jurisdiction of the Hanscomb county detention facility. However she had not counted on the presence of her new supervisor, acting chief Vlad. The police woman was in the process of removing her exhausted and semi-conscious prisoner from the inferno of the trunk when she felt, rather than heard his arrival. There was something very eerie about this tactiturn loner who didn't seem to be affected by any situation.

       "That's a strange place for a prisoner, isn't it Lt.Karlson? Let me see what we've got here."

       There was something about his words and the way he said them that made the police woman nervous, very nervous. She decided that the best response to him was to try and ignore his existence. That proved to be a big mistake. One second she was leaning into the trunk in an attempt to extricate her prisoner from the steel rod still buried deep inside her asshole, and the next she was stumbling, trying to hold her balance from the way he had grabbed her by the shoulder and yanked her away from the trunk lid. Then she made a very bad mistake, reaching for her revolver without thinking. It was half way out of her holster when he kicked the redhead squarely in the crotch and she fell to her knees retching from the force of his blow. The next thing she knew his weapon was pushing past her lips and she wet herself when she heard it being cocked.

       "Lieutenant Karlson you amaze me. First you nearly kill Mary Malone and with my help you get a second chance. It looks like you screwed this one up as well. I know you and judge Thompson are somehow connected, but drawing your weapon on me was about the worst thing you could have done. You and me will have to discuss this matter in my office tomorrow morning, at eight sharp. Now I want you to give me your keys and hand over your weapon, butt first, so I can get your prisoner from the car and into my jail without worrying that you may do something stupid and force me to kill you. You go home and thank your maker that I'm not a vengeful man."

       By the time Vlad got the teen off the metal rod that had turned into a spike about half way through her wild ride, his feelings toward the good lieutenant had turned ugly. Mary Malone was in considerable pain and the rod was coated with blood once he pried her distended asshole from it. She was comatose, which helped in her extrication, but was a source of concern. Getting her into the jail was no easy task; she was dead weight, and there was no one around at this hour. It would be another hour or so before the night shift person arrived. Vlad made a call to the local doctor who covered the jail inmates for the county. He was less than thrilled about having to come over and check on a prisoner, but Vlad gave him no choice in the matter.

       It was nearly midnight before Mary Malone had been examined and treated by the grumbling physician. Her sphincter had some slight tearing in a number of places, but a few stitches took care of that as a problem. Smelling salts brought her around after the suturing, and once the doctor yanked the catheter from her urethra so she could relieve herself of the ocean of urine backed up in her bladder, she eagerly gulped down nearly a quart of water to quench the thirst that had been building since she left the hospital. Vlad turned her over to the night duty officer, giving him his phone number in case the prisoner had a relapse, then took off for home, such as it was these days. For a brief moment he toyed with the idea of going over to Karlson's place and beating the hell out of her, but he reluctantly tabled this idea for another time.

       Had the chief given into his anger he would have discovered a wide awake, former jailer of the county detention facility. If he had peeked into her window before knocking, he would have been amused but certainly not astonished to observe the redhead, now stark naked, diligently applying a wheel type vibrator to her dripping cunt. He might have been impressed by her rebuilt breasts and certainly would have noticed how stiff and full her nipples were. Who knows, he might have jumped her bones in lieu of giving her a sound thrashing? Then again he might have given her a sound thrashing prior to tearing off a piece of ass, and another even worse beating once he got his rocks off, and could concentrate his fury properly. The chief was capable of almost anything when he was in one of his dark moods.

       Instead Margaret Karlson got herself off more than a few times and then escaped into a fitful sleep. To quote Shakespeare, "to sleep, perchance to dream"; the former inmate of one of the worst juvenile facilities in the state did that in spades. How had this happened? She was back in juvenile. Worse still, they had her in the quiet room; so called because it was sound proofed to prevent those outside from hearing the screams and begging of the unfortunates sent to this slaughter house. This was not her first trip to this combination meat grinder and locker. That bitch, officer Malone, the one with the big tits, had it in for her. Karlson's shoulders were hurting, no surprise considering that there was roughly fifty pounds of iron hanging from her ankles. She shivered from the coolness, her lack of clothing and the anticipation of what torments officer Malone had in store for her this time.

       Malone always enjoyed fondling her breasts and seeing how deep she could thrust her hand into her arch enemy's cunt. For some odd reason Karlson always was dripping when this happened. Malone would smirk and tell her she had her chance, and there would be no relief for her sodden gash as long as she was an inmate of this facility. She arched her back as if to present her cunt to the dark haired demoness, but only succeeded in making her naked body rotate slowly as the ropes that were wrapped around her wrists and attached to the hook from which she hung ate into her flesh.

       "Time to burn that bellyof yours. It's certainly getting big. Your belly button looks like it's ready to pop, just like the timer they use to let you know the turkey is ready for eating. Now hold still and don't make me angry or I'll burn those meat flaps you call cunt lips as well."

       She knew that begging and promising the guard any and everything she could possibly imagine would have no effect on her. It would be the same, that thin lipped smile, the eyes growing wide, a trace of spittle on her sensual lips and the smell of charring skin and flesh as the hot iron seemed to melt away another small portion of her bulging belly. Despite this, she began to beg and plead and swear and blubber and promise and offer and sob and scream and scream and scream as Malone pressed the glowing metal into her bare belly, quickly stepping back when the prisoner lost control of her bladder and a stream of urine made a yellow arc before splattering onto the dirt floor.

       The door to the quiet room opened and in he strode, the head of the facility. It was a hulking Vlad,  his visage looking as if it had been carved from stone. His smile was that of a death's head. Malone deferred to him, stepping away and placing the glowing rod into the small brazier that stood in one corner of the room. A wave of his arm was enough to make Malone leave the room, casting a look back to give her a knowing smile for she knew what was to come.

       Vlad wasted no time in formalities; they both knew his reason for being here at this time. He took a few steps until he was inches from her shaking body. His hands cupped her buttocks and even with fifty pounds of metal adding to her weight, he lifted her body upwards without any sign of strain. She had been so fascinated by his approach that she didn't even see him unzip to release what looked to be a python from his breeches. His entry was brutal as always, his huge appendage compressing her cunt lips into a thin line before entering her like a freight train. He burrowed to her limit, the head of his organ pounding against the entrance to her uterus with its half formed cargo floating silently in the amniotic fluid. She closed her eyes and forgot about the pain of the latest brand; this is what she lived for and she was terrified that soon he would no longer seek her out in spite of their creation that continued to grow within her. Margaret Karlson awoke shrieking  and howling like a banshee. She was too frightened to return to sleep and sat in the darkness until first light.

                               ( To be continued )

Review This Story || Author: Lex Ludite
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