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Review This Story || Author: Tcheser

Hometown Advantage

Part 1

“You’ve got to be kidding

Hometown Advantage

By Tcheser


“You’ve got to be kidding?” Rick asked in disbelief when Gail finally told him the secret she had promised to tell earlier. He couldn’t believe what she had just told him about the gorgeous blonde woman they had all been eyeing that evening. The woman they had all wanted to fuck or at least dance with, but hadn’t had the courage to speak to. So flabbergasted was he that he nearly upset the little table they and his pals, Joe and Billy, all sat at that night in the crowded country western bar. “That can’t be right!” He accused Gail.


“Yeah, there’s no fuckin way” Joe agreed with Ricks assessment. Rick was the swaggering leader of their macho talking band and Joe typically played the yes man.


“Ain’t possible. Just ain’t possible.” Billy stared at the beautiful woman across the room dancing. She was tall and very slender, but with a nice figure and tan. Her long blonde hair was done up nicely and her makeup was perfect. Her clothes were sexy, but not trashy like so many local girls. She had style and it showed.


“But it is. That’s a MAN. She had a sex change operation. Or should I say HE had a sex change operation to become a SHE.” Gail confirmed. She was quite insistent on the matter. Even if in fact it was completely unfounded as it was in this case. The woman was no more a tranny then she herself was. Gail could be very convincing though. She hadn’t won the Middleton debate trophy three years in a row in high school for nothing. She just hated the woman for going out with a man Gail herself had been trying unsuccessfully to seduce. She wasn’t even from Middleton or even Middleton County Gail fumed. She had no rights here as far as Gail was concerned and she was going to pay for overstepping her bounds.


“IN town?” Billy asked stupidly. He wasn’t the smartest apple in the bunch.


“No, she…I mean HE, went to a secret hospital in France. They did the operation there. That’s why no one knows about her having it done” Gail explained patiently.


“I hate France.” Rick sneered.


“Yeah, they all speak snooty French and wear those dumb berets.” Joe agreed.


“Gayest place in the whole wide fuckin world.” Rick continued.


“Damn straight.” Billy grunted.


“That’s right and he’s GAY too of course and a sissy. That’s why he got the sex change.” Gail told them in hushed tones as someone walked very close to their table.


“Gay!” Rick nearly yelled. He found the idea very disturbing. Gail wondered if he might be gay himself and just hadn’t come to terms with it.


“Yes, He’s as queer as a three dollar bill.” Gail nodded and took a drink of her beer. “Tells everyone to call him Yvette, but his real name is Chuck. He’s incredibly gay just look at him.”


“Gay!” Rick said again still disturbed.


“Yes, just like that little fairy who sued the county for discrimination he allegedly suffered at Middleton high. Remember that case?” Gail asked. She knew they did and she was sure they were probably still bitter about it. Everyone in the county was after all. “Remember the verdict and the huge settlement that gay kid got?”


“Yeah, because of that we lost out football team! The school board said they couldn’t afford it no more” Rick grumbled before downing his beer and yelling for another round.


“Yes, he’s a gay man just like that gay boy.” Gail continued to incite them “Just more so since he actually went and had…it…snipped off and all.”


“She…I mean He…sure don’t look like a guy though do he?” Billy asked stupefied.


“Well that’s the point.” Gail explained slowly  “He spent a lot of money to look like that and attract poor unsuspecting men like yourselves into his perverted little world.”


“Yeah, he probably wants to fuck all of us.” Rick growled.


“Yeah, make us gay like him I bet” Joe surmised.


“Well he did say something about you when I saw him in the ladies room.” Gail said with a secret smile.


“What?” Rick demanded to know. Gail had his full drunken attention.


“Just that he thought you were cute.” She said toying with her beer mug “You can ask him, I’m sure he’ll agree he said it.”


“Mother fucker! I’ll kill him” Rick began to rise angrily from his chair.


“Hey, wait a second big boy.” Gail grabbed his wrist and tried to settle him down for a minute “You go over there and start something here it will end up just like the Middleton county school case.”


“So I should just sit here and let him make fuckin fools of us?” Rick asked infuriated.


“No, of course not.” Gail said with an accommodating smile as she knew she had them just where she wanted them “Here’s what you do…”




“Hey there little lady” Rick said kindly as he and his pals approached Yvette in the darkened parking lot. She had stayed nearly to closing. Surprisingly enough she was going home alone despite many offers to do otherwise.


“Oh…Hello guys.” She said after recovering from her initial surprise at their approach “How are you all doing?”


“Just fine and yourself?” Rick replied charmingly.


“Well enough…gotta get home though…I have an early morning.” Yvette tried to excuse herself and finish walking to her corvette.


“Sure you don’t wanta stay around a while longer. Get to know us a little better?” Rick asked as he cut in front of her blocking her path to her car.


“Oh, I would guys, but as I say…I have an early morning.” She tried to explain. A little worry creeping into her voice. She looked back to see if there was anyone else in the lot and saw that there wasn’t. “If you wouldn’t mind could you let me get into my car?” she finally asked.


“Actually we do mind.” Rick said flatly and stood his ground. “Chuck!”


“What?” Yvette asked in surprise. She had somewhat feared they might be belligerent and had been cautious, but deep down never thought they really would be.


“We don’t like your kind around here, Chuck.” Rick told her as he shoved her backward.


“My kind? Chuck?” Yvette asked in confusion. As far as she knew she was the kind all men liked. Tall, long legged, beautiful and blonde. And who was Chuck?


“Hey, don’t fuck around with us.” Rick snarled and shoved her again. She backpedaled unsteadily in her high heels.


“Yeah, we know what you really are!” Joe said as she ran into him and spun about in surprise.


“Hey, guys. I don’t know what you heard but…” Yvette tried to explain they were mistaken or whatever but Rick was having none of it. He grabbed her by her upper arms and held her still.


“Don’t even try it fudge packer, we know what you really are!” Rick shook her angrily.


“Try what? What are you talking about?” Yvette grew agitated despite being quite frightened. “You better just back off. I have mace right here in my purse.”


“You mean pepper spray?” Rick scoffed “They don’t sell mace to civilians. And that shit don’t do nothing.”


Yvette knew she had to at least try it though. She twisted out of Rick’s grasp and tried to make a run for it. Billy blocked one escape route and then Joe another. Seemingly trapped Yvette let loose with the pepper spray right at Joe’s face. He was hit and started to tear and backed off in pain.


“Ah! Fucker sprayed me.” Joe screamed and flailed about blindly.


Joe caught the fleeing Yvette though and threw her back towards Rick.


“Dirty cheap shot!” Rick accused her. Then before she knew what was happening he reeled back and punched her hard in the stomach. It knocked all the wind out of her and she fell to the dusty gravel covered ground of the parking lot. “How you like them apples, butt boy?”


“Oww!” She moaned in pain.


“Yeah get used to it, fag” Rick spat on her nice dress. Joe had recovered enough to be able to see and staggered over to where Yvette gagged on the ground. He paused for only a moment before kicking her hard in her side. She fell over onto her back and tried to defend herself with her hands. Joe however delivered two more kicks to her legs and thighs though.


“Owww!” “Stop it” she pleaded.


“Piece of shit.” Joe cried as he got a kick past her guard and drove his booted foot into her chest.


“Owww!” “Please stop! Why are you doing this?” Yvette screamed in pain and terror.


“Cause we don’t like fags around here!” Rick answered her.


“Or fags dressed like girls. You fuckin dumb tranny asshole!” Joe replied as well.


“Yeah, we’re gonna make you wish you never showed your faerie ass round here.” Rick told her as he backed off for a moment preparing for the next stage.


“What? I’m not a tranny-I’m a woman.” Yvette tried to explain to them. They didn’t seem to be listening though or didn’t believe her. Rick signaled to Joe and Billy and they grabbed her again. Between the two of them she couldn’t possibly get away. “Let go of me” Joe pulled her hair painfully. “Help! Help!”


“Yeah, scream for help pansy” Joe teased.


“Right, you’re gonna need it!” Billy laughed his stupid laugh. Then Rick pulled up beside them in his van and they piled in with her still in check. Joe put a bag over her head and Billy sat on her ending her struggles and her awareness of what was going on.




Just a short time later the van came to a stop on the outskirts of town at an old warehouse. Billy got off Yvette and they pulled her out of the van. “Where are we? Where are you taking me?” she asked clearly now terrified. She assumed the worst and was just waiting for the rape to come. She was still confused about some of what they had said though. It seemed like they thought she was a transvestite or something. She didn’t know how that could be. She was a beautiful young woman. No one had ever mistaken her for a man before.


“Shut up and get in there!” Joe ordered as he shoved Yvette toward the warehouse door. She had already lost one of her heels in the van though and walking wasn’t too easy with just the one on.


“Owww. I’m going, I’m going.” Yvette shot back with a bit too much attitude for her own good. Joe purposely shoved her against the doorframe eliciting a cry of pain as her forehead connected with the rotting wood. She stumbled back and Billy caught her. He took the opportunity to squeeze her large shapely breasts like he was inspecting fruit.


“Hey these fun bags feel almost real!” Billy exclaimed to the other guy’s amusement.


“Let go” Yvette struggled helplessly against the burly man.


“Well what’d you expect?” Rick asked Billy while he opened the door to the warehouse “He’s got some of them new saline implant’s probably!”


“Implants!” Yvette cried out in indignation. “These are completely natural!” she told the brutal drunk men. “I’m all natural for that matter.”


“Yeah, whatever. Bring him over here.” Rick motioned as he entered the warehouse, now lit by a single light bulb hanging from the ceiling. Billy followed bringing Yvette with them until they were in the center of the nearly empty old building. Joe shut and locked the door and then jogged over to join them. “Now let’s get a look at them udders you got there under the hood.” Rick said once Yvette was standing held before him. Then with a wicked smile he ripped off her expensive looking blouse and pulled her breasts out of her bra. “Well, look at those. Not bad.” He said appraisingly as he held one in each hand. They weren’t huge, but they were of good size and very firm.


“Yeah, those must have set him back a shit load.” Joe laughed.


“No, Adams apple either. Just like she said.” Rick noticed as he pulled Yvette’s head back by her hair exposing her throat. “He must have had it shaved down so it couldn’t give him away.”


“You’re all insane” Yvette screamed again and thrashed about in Billy’s iron grasp.


“Shut up!” Rick ordered as he released her breasts to deliver a quick punch to the side of her face “If you talk again you’ll get more of the same.” Yvette cringed and bit her lip to keep from saying anything else.


“Look at this.” Joe pointed out as he rubbed Yvette nipples. They became hard almost instantly. “They sure are sensitive”. Joe continued to rub and tweak her nipples.


“He’s turning red” Rick said with a smile. Yvette despite herself was flushed and excited from all the stimulation “Guess he don’t like that much”


“Awww. Poor little tranny fucker doesn’t like to have his expensive hooters poked and twisted, Do you?”  Joe harassed Yvette and began twisting and pinching her nipples harder then before. “Do you?


“No! Please stop” Yvette cried out to make him stop. That however was just what Rick was waiting for and he stepped up and delivered a fearsome jab that hit her squarely in the face. Her head rocked back painfully and when it came back down she was seeing spots. Blood began to run from her nose.


“Ha ha ha” “I told you not to talk you dumb fucker”


“Hey, let’s see if he went all the way” Joe suddenly suggested.


“Yeah, lets see. Get that sissy skirt off him” Rick ordered Billy. Nodding and giggling to himself Billy complied. He took the waistband of her skirt and her panties in his big hands and pulled until they ripped clean off her leaving her in nothing but her stockings.


“Wow. Would you look at that!”


“He actually did it! Just like she said. He had his pecker cut off!”


“Sure fucking did. What a flamer!”


“And look at this muff. He’s got a damn pussy! Even has a landing strip.”


“And get a load of this” Joe said excitedly as he poked a finger in her pussy “Chuck’s getting excited” He added as he noticed her beginning to get wet “Man, I think he’s getting off on this!”


“Enough of that. He’s not getting off before we do.” Rick told Joe as he pulled his finger out of Yvette’s snatch “Let’s get him on his knees” He said evilly.


“Yeah, that’ll show that faggot” Joe agreed. Billy nodded as well and kicked Yvette’s legs out from under her sending her painfully to her knees. The dirty cement floor was cold and slimy against her bare skin. She couldn’t believe any of this was happening. Rick again used her hair to pull her head up level to his crotch. His pants were already at his knees and his pecker stared Yvette in the face semi-erect.


“Ok, now suck it asshole, I know you want to.” Rick then shouted down to her. She hesitated at first, but when she saw Joe pick up a length of rusted chain from the corner she knew she had better start doing what she was told. So she leaned forward and used her shivering fingers to guide his big hairy shaft past her quivering lips. He tasted sick, like he hadn’t washed in weeks. She considered biting him. Then like Rick had read her mind he suddenly added “And if you even think of using your teeth, I’ll get a hammer and a pair of pliers from by toolbox and knock out every one of those pearly whites.”


Terrified Yvette went about the blowjob passively. “Oh, yeah, a born cocksucker!” Rick commented as he wrenched her hair painfully pushing his dick deeper into her. She nearly gagged as he entered her throat, but she held on for dear life and refrained. Then she did everything she could to try and bring him off as quickly as possible. Every trick she had used with her loving boyfriends to satisfy the homophobic moron who held her life in his hands. Finally he came and unceremoniously released her hair and pushed her hard onto the ground. “Oh, yeah that was good.” He stated with satisfaction.


“Hey my turn” Joe piped up eagerly.


“Go ahead man. This limp wristed fucker ain’t goin no where.” Rick replied with a laugh as he took a swig from his flask.


Given the go ahead Joe then made Yvette repeat the same horrid act for him. He wasn’t nearly as large as Rick, but made up for it by slapping and calling her names throughout. When he finally was finished Yvette wasn’t surprised to find it was then Billy’s turn. Like Rick his robust manhood was nearly too much for her and she did gad once and throe up a little. Billy didn’t seem to mind though; he was too drunk to care. He just pulled her back onto his rod and made her continue until he was done.


“Alright. I’m bushed. I’m outta here.” Rick announced once Billy was through. He was pretty tired of their game and was ready for bed.


“Hey, we gotta do what the woman said.” Joe then reminded him of his promise to Gail. Rick thought it over for a moment. In his tired, inebriated state it was hard for him to remember what Gail had said. There were several tense silent moments before he recalled what he had agreed to.


“Oh Yeah, lets do that then.” He told his pals “it’s the only way this fuck will learn not to bother straight guys.”


“Here’s the scissors.” Joe said as he handed them to Rick like a nurse assisting in surgery. “Without all that pretty blonde hair he won’t look like a girl anymore.” Joe added. They weren’t even hair shears that he handed Rick. The guys used them for cutting out girlie pictures and coupons for corn nuts. Rick however took them and without any further ado grabbed a thick lock of Yvette’s hair and began cutting. He cut without regard for overall length or style. He tried to cut as close as he could. His apathy towards her beautiful hair was readily apparent in the sloppy mess he made of it. Some stands came out much longer then others. She would have to get a crew cut in order to look even the least bit presentable.


“Ohhh, my hair!” Yvette whined and was ignored.


“Hey, this is kind of fun. Its like shearing one of them sheep on my uncle’s ranch!” Rick told the others as he cut off a particularly long lock of hair and let it fall to the grimy floor.


“Still looks like a sissy to me” Joe commented objectively when Rick was finished. All she had left was a ragged mess of short hair cut in no particular style. He picked up and tossed some of her cut off hair in her face. She batted at it lamely as she sat there naked on the cold cement floor.


“Well that’s the boobs, and the ass and the face and shit. Chuck here had a lot of work done so he wouldn’t look like a guy anymore.” Rick explained.


“Here this’ll help” Joe said as he whipped out a big fat black permanent marker. With it he wrote derogatory terms for transsexuals all over her tortured breasts, belly and then turned her around to write crude remarks about her sexual organs on her back and reddened ass.


“Now everyone can see he’s just a sick tranny fucker.” Rick said with a satisfied smile.


“Here’s the handcuffs” Billy said as he huffed and panted from his short run to the storage locker.


“Great. Let’s dump him” Rick said once she was secured in the handcuffs with her hands behind her back. She truly looked pathetic wearing nothing but the remains of her stockings, her hair shorn to bits, her makeup smeared and running, blood dried around her nose and mouth and permanent marker all over her breasts, belly, back and ass. She seemed nearly comatose or in shock from the brutality of her treatment. Satisfied Rick had them load her back into the van. They then dropped her off on the county line just as she was. They peeled out leaving her in a shower of dust and pebbles.


When they were gone she was all alone. It would be a long walk to the next town she realized. If she could do it before sun up not too many people would see her. There was still a few hours of night left too, but that brought other dangers as well. There were many sickos out there who would like very much to find a naked handcuffed woman all alone on the highway. Having no other choice she picked her way along the country road as fast as she could ignoring the sharp pebbles that hurt her bare feet. This would be the last time she came looking for a good time in Middleton. That was for certain.


Little did Yvette know that as she stumbled along the side of the highway barefoot and naked she was being watched. For not far away from where the guys had dumped her waiting behind some bushes was a parked car. In it sat Gail, the mastermind behind all the torment Yvette had received that night. She lit a cigarette as she watched the once beautiful Yvette hunched over against the cold. Revenge was sweet she thought. What was sweeter though was that Gail wasn’t even finished with her nemesis yet. She was just getting warmed up…









Review This Story || Author: Tcheser
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