Book Two: The Reckoning
Chapter Eight
She tried to sit up but his grip on her was far too strong. Her body bucked as she tried to escape. He came down on top of her, pressing her into the mattress.
"Let me go, you scum!"
His long black hair tickled her shoulders as he shook his head, smiling crookedly at her. "Regretfully, I find that I cannot. I still can't believe that it's happening, but right now I am quite determined not to let you leave this room until you have scratched my…. itch ." He rubbed against her teasingly and she felt something hard press into her stomach. "But, please," he added politely, "ladies first. And I must tell you, my dear, that I'm much more talented with my mouth than I am with my hands."
Her eyes widened as she realized what he meant.
Ignoring her, he slid down her body, the arm slung across her waist anchoring her to the bed. He kissed her woman's mound, his tongue insinuating itself between the slick folds of her femininity. Using the thumb and forefinger of his right hand, Kalim spread the plump petals of her labia, exposing the tender nubbin hidden beneath the succulent flesh. Rose froze, her neck arching as the tip of his tongue softly stroked its way to the top of her cleft and then made its way back down again; repeating its meandering trek over and over. Her mind shattered, and all she could do was lie with spread legs, moaning and arching herself against his mouth as he lapped her pink flesh with catlike finesse.
Kalim could not believe what was happening. He had been so sure that he was immune to her charms after the decadent orgy at which he had just been the main course, but evidently, it didn't matter where she was concerned. His cock was so hard that it felt like he hadn't fucked a woman in a thousand years. If he didn't get inside of her soon, he was going to die.
He sped up his ministrations, bringing all of his talent into play. He gently pinched the base of her clitoris between his fingers, watching as the tip of her nubbin slowly slid above the protective covering of the clitoral hood. It lay there, the most sensitive, nerve ridden part of the entire morsel, out in the open; soft, sleek and utterly defenseless. He touched it with the tip of his tongue. She shrieked, arching her hips at the intense spear of pleasure. Smiling with satisfaction, he licked her again, just to hear her make the sound and then, he enveloped the trembling nubbin within the wet cavern of his mouth. Stroking the engorged flesh with his tongue, Kalim gently sucked. Sliding a finger inside of her, he began a pumping motion as he listened to her sobs of pleasure ringing in his ears. Later, he would linger over her body, but for now, his only interest was getting his cock inside of her pussy and fucking it until he came. Hopefully, she would come with him but if not, he would at least make certain that she experienced the fullness of her pleasure before he went any further. Kalim sighed inwardly, realizing that his need for revenge had vanished. She was in his blood and she had spoiled him for other women. There was just no getting around that.
There was no need to let her know that, however.
As he felt the first ripples of her orgasm against his mouth he slid up her body quickly, rupturing her maidenhead with one powerful thrust. Rose whimpered, her pleasure cut short by the sharp pain of his abrupt entrance.
"Oh, my, god", Kalim breathed reverently as her vaginal walls rippled, massaging the head of his cock with gentle fingers. She was so tight and wet that he could barely breathe. He tried to wait ; tried to let her get used to having him inside of her; tried to make sure that she was with him, but he just couldn't stop himself from moving. Groaning, he began to thrust, faster and faster, the strength of his movements shoving her against the mattress. His eyes widened as he realized that he was going to have to slow down or else it was going to be finished before it had barely begun but his brain was too late for his body because by the next thrust it was already too late. Kalim threw back his head and roared, caught in the throes of the most intense orgasm he had ever experienced. His hips jerked against hers over and over again as he rode out the spasms of what seemed like an endless rush of pleasure. But finally it was over and he collapsed on top of Rose, falling into a boneless heap.
Crushed beneath his crumpled body, Rose stirred, feeling restless and unsettled. At first, his movements had been painful but then something had started to happen and the feel of him sliding inside of her made her want to move with him. Her skin had started to feel tingly and itchy all over and the throbbing between her legs had expanded until it filled her whole body. Then he had yelled and fallen on top of her. The scum. He was just like the rest of them; taking what he wanted without asking for it. Filled with an inexplicable surge of rage, she poked at him. "Get up, you bastard. You're crushing me."
Kalim stirred sleepily and complied, rolling off of her onto the mattress. He began to snore softly. Rose turned over on to her left side, inching her way slowly off of the bed. An arm snaked out and pulled her back to the middle of the mattress.
"And just where did you think you were going?" Kalim asked in a drowsy voice, idly playing with a strand of her hair. Rose looked up at him. He was relaxed and looked extremely content, like a big cat. 'Don't even think it!' she scolded herself. 'The man's not a cat…he's a lion and he has a deadly bite. If I let myself care about him, even just a little, he'll make me his slave. I'll be just like my mother.' In that moment, Rose hardened her heart against him.
Kalim was feeling extremely good so he was surprised when Rose shoved against his chest, trying to free herself.
"You bastard" she hissed at him. "Let me up, damn you!"
Kalim looked down at her, his eyes unblinking. "What seems to be the problem?" he asked her in a mild voice.
"You had your way with me so now you can just let me go, damn you!"
"Oh, ho! So I can, can I? Well…" Kalim purred, running an index finger down her pert little nose. "What if I wasn't DONE with you yet?"
Rose shrieked, trying to throw him off. Kalim started to laugh. She looked so adorable…just like a spitting kitten. He grinned at her. "The truth is, I plan to keep you here with me all night, so unless you want me to call those guards in here to assist me, I suggest that you stop fighting."
Rose bit his finger. Kalim howled, releasing his hold on her to suck the injured digit. She sat up, trying to free herself again but Kalim rolled over quickly, trapping her body beneath his.
Rose shoved, slapping, punching and biting wherever she could reach but she couldn't budge him. He captured one flailing hand and then the other, pressing them both to the mattress. Then he rubbed his pelvis against hers, blatantly; his mouth lifting at one corner in an amused smile as his eyes sent her a message that she couldn't fail to comprehend. She wasn't going anywhere.
Rose couldn't let him do what he wanted. Not again. So she struck out at him in the only way that she could.
"Tell me, oh great lord and master, exactly what does my job entail?"
Kalim could not disguise the satisfaction oozing from his words. Pressing the length of his manhood against her cleft, he continued his languid movements, rubbing himself against her. He could feel the gathering moisture which told him that Rose was not as indifferent as she seemed. "You already know the answer to that question, little Rose."
Her voice was shaky. "Do I? Pray then, lest I forget my duties for some odd reason, remind me of them, my lord; in minute detail."
He sighed with irritation, momentarily ceasing his motion. "Quite simply put, it is your duty to please me in all things at all times. What is so wrong with that? It is an easy enough task, isn't it?"
"Everything is wrong with that, my lord!" she sneered, looking up into his face with angry eyes. "Even the lowliest slaves have but one primary task. Some garden; some clean; some sweep the filth from the stables. Those lowly little slaves get up, do that to which they have been born and when the day is done, those same slaves sup, wash and go to sleep. But I have to spread my legs for you whenever you ask it. Where is the fairness in that?"
Kalim frowned and decided to ignore her. Reaching between them, he thrust his hand deep, searching out the hollow between her legs. Despite her struggles, he began to stroke her. Rose tried to close her legs, but he wouldn't let her. Her body betrayed her as his fingers explored, her excitement coating his shaft with moisture. He thrust forward, impaling her.
Rose shuddered, trying to ignore the chills racking her body as he pressed closer. "If you will not speak, then I can only assume that you realize the unfairness of the task you have set before me. Either that or you are in shock, having thought me to be both docile and stupid. Men are all the same, rutting creatures at best, thinking of only one thing: their own pleasures."
Rose saw his eyes blaze with anger but she ignored the racing fear and even as he continued to thrust, her desperation and mounting excitement made her continue.
"They know nothing of what a woman wants or needs. They don't even realize that most of us can think for ourselves. Men are the same the world over. Even you, a great king, with all your knowledge and proud heritage, choose not to consider the women in your harem as anything but property. To you, they are without minds or hearts; simply bodies to use in any way that you see fit. Like most of your kind, you seem to have no interest in the mind and heart of a woman; your only concern is what her body can do for you. I find myself unsurprised by that sad fact, though I know not why I should be. " Rose shuddered, trying to think of her mother to keep her mind off of what was happening to her body.
Kalim began to realize what kind of game she was playing. He decided that he would rather fuck her than listen to her, since her screams of pleasure were much more interesting than her cries for feminine equality. He swooped, taking her mouth with his to stop her flow of words. He watched her as he kissed her, smiling to himself as her eyes continued to spit unspoken insults at him despite the fact that their tongues were entwined. His pelvis hovered against hers as he rotated his hips, keeping his thrusts quick and shallow as he rubbed the tip of his burgeoning erection against a spot inside of her directly above her pelvic bone. He watched her closely, gauging his movements based on what her eyes told him and despite herself, Rose moaned out loud against his mouth. Intense pleasure streaked through her body, making her lose her train of thought.
Kalim lifted his mouth from hers, arching his back and increasing his pace. Rose cried out, her hips jerking against his as he pushed his cock deeper, still rubbing it against that secret spot. He reached down and grasped her knees, shoving them against her chest. "You are mine." He growled as he slammed his pelvis against hers again and again. "You are mine and you always will be."
"Never!" Rose cried, even as her head fell back and she arched her hips against his, sobbing openly.
"You belong to me!" Kalim said crudely. Sliding his hand beneath his thrusting manhood to burrow his fingers into the silken delta between her spread thighs, he proved his point. She moaned loudly, wrapping her legs around his waist as his manhood battered against her womb. Her pleasure mounted and Rose threw her head back, gasping at the answering tempo of his hand.
"No!" she replied angrily, even as she groaned aloud at the gliding stroke of his fingers.
Kalim gritted his teeth as he thrust, determined to win the battle. "I can fuck you anytime I want and you will always beg for more."
"That may be true, " Rose gasped, her hips jerking against his as the tempo of his hand increased, "But I will never give you my heart!"
"I never said that I wanted it." He lied.
They cried out together, their bodies pressed against each other despite their allegations. Kalim recovered first, still angry, his eyes sparking as he countered her earlier remark by answering the comment that had started the sexual battle. " Be warned. I will not stay my hand forever. You will bow down to me and please me in all things or you shall suffer the consequences. I cannot think why I put up with your disrespect, little Rose," he continued crudely, "I am sure that I will grow quite tired of your charms in time. Beyond the juicy sweet taste of your pussy and the hot, tight feel of it surrounding my cock, you mean nothing to me."
"You are a crude, unfeeling bastard." She hissed.
His eyes were flat as he slid his hand down Rose's struggling body "Perhaps I am a crude, unfeeling bastard; but if I am, I am also the bastard that just made you come over and over again." Crudely, he leaned his body into hers, pressing her against the mattress, rubbing his thumb and forefinger against her cleft. She sobbed brokenly, her hips rising and falling against his fingers until she cried out, the dampness of her orgasm coating his hand.
Only then did Kalim let her escape his embrace. He watched her as she jumped from the bed, stumbling into the doorframe. She grabbed the handles and turned, then pulled them. When they would not open, she screamed with frustration, pounding her fists against the door over and over again; shouting until she was hoarse.
He leaned back against the headboard, his body replete; his eyes filled with admiration. What a fire she possessed. He thought about grabbing her shoulders; pressing her against the door and fucking her again so that the one thing she had considered to be her avenue of escape became her trap instead; but he changed his mind at the last moment.
He knew that he should punish her, but he wasn't sure that it was the best solution to the problem. Rose was the sort of woman who held a grudge for all eternity and he didn't want to have to wait that long to win her. He shook his head. With any other woman, he never would have had to go this far to get what he wanted. Any of the other women in his harem would have dropped to their knees and begged for the pleasure of sucking his cock, much less the honor of winning his hand in marriage. Kalim grimaced, his lips twitching with reluctant humor. Why try to muddy the waters? That was why he had wanted Rose in the first place, wasn't it?
Getting up from the bed, he padded over to the door.
When Rose felt his chest against her back, she stiffened. "No."
"Rest easy, little one." He whispered, opening her hand to place something in it; something cold and thin.
The key!
She trembled as he closed her hand around it, the warmth of his skin seeping into the icy coldness of her fingers. She struggled briefly until she realized his purpose. She was shaking too hard to put the key in the lock. He was trying to help her achieve her goal.
He leaned against her, the hardness of his thighs pressing against her buttocks. She started, attempting to pull away from him; "Be still or I will drag you back to that bed and fuck you again." he muttered harshly, his lips pressed against her ear, his breath tickling her neck. "And do not think that you have escaped me so effortlessly. I have a taste for you now and I will not be that easily appeased. Expect my summons tomorrow; and know that I will not be willing to wait until the evening to call for you. Nor will I allow you to leave before morning as I did tonight. So save your strength. You're going to need every bit of it."
There was a click and the doors swung open. She stumbled slightly at the sudden burst of light, turning to look back over her shoulder with frightened eyes. But he had melted into the darkness like a dream fading away in the sunlight.
Rose allowed the men to lead her back to the harem without a fight. But she couldn't stop thinking about him. Why had he let her go? As big and strong as he was, it would have been so easy for him to force her to his will again. She shivered with reaction as the doors of the harem opened to admit her. No protest issued from her lips as the enuchs undressed her. When their soft, brown hands bathed her naked skin with a bowl of rose water, even when they drifted down to her loins to cleanse her there, she remained silent and still. The moonlight flickered against the fullness of her breasts and the roundness of her hips, turning them to milky alabaster as the enuchs dried her damp skin with swathes of soft silk. They dressed her in transparent robes of lavender and led her to a small alcove off of the main gardens where a room had been prepared for her upon her arrival. Exhausted, Rose snuggled up in the large pile of fragrant satin pillows scattered across the mattress and drifted off to sleep, dreaming about a dark man whose slightest touch could cause her skin to burst into flames.
Chapter Nine
"What do you mean, you let her go?" Tiki shouted with amazement. "Are you crazy? She's your wife, isn't she? Why aren't you in bed with her right now, making an heir for our illustrious father?"
"Shut up, Tiki." Kalim muttered, looking bored. "She's not my wife yet."
"SO? What does that have to do with anything?" Tiki shook his head. He had never seen his brother acting so strangely. Thank the gods that he didn't have to answer to Kalim; at least, not very often. Especially now that he was acting so crazy. Who in their right mind would send a women away? Kalim should have fucked her all night long. Tiki certainly would have. That's what women were made for. Everyone knew that. The whole situation was crazy. What was the real story behind all of it?
Suddenly, Tiki grinned. "Alright, Kalim; what's really going on here? I know that you're hiding something from me. You've never reacted to a woman this way before, especially one who is a complete stranger."
"She's not a stranger."
"What do you mean, she's not a...." Tiki frowned, pondering the strange turn of events. He plopped down on the cushions and stared into space. Then, a chuckle whispered its way past his lips as he slowly raised his head again, his eyes sparkling with delight.
"Wait a minute. Perhaps I know the answer without even having to ask the question. There is only one woman I know of who ever had the power to affect you this way. You were furious at her refusal of your suit and so taken with her beauty that you spent a fortnight in our rooms at school getting stinking drunk, fucking every woman in sight and cursing anyone who had the misfortune to cross your path. It was the first time that I have ever seen you show real emotion where a woman is concerned."
Kalim shifted uncomfortably. "So what? That was a long time ago."
Tiki couldn't believe it! Rose was a gorgeous, desirable woman and if Kalim hadn't been so angered, Tiki would have stayed at that long ago party and stolen Rose away for himself. If it hadn't been for Kalim's unfortunate interest, he would have taken her back to his harem and made his first wife. He would have screwed her brains out every single night and made her scream with pleasure for hours on end. He couldn't believe that Kalim had been stupid enough to leave her bed so soon. Something was going on that Kalim wasn't telling him. "Obviously not long enough since you went to the trouble of bringing her here, brother. No, wait…." Tiki reconsidered, cocking his head as he thought. "You didn't BRING her here….you stole her, didn't you? And that's why you left her bed so soon. She's giving you the cold shoulder, isn't she?" He crowed, eyes dancing with delight.
Kalim grunted unconvincingly, his eyes widening with reluctant admiration.
Tiki shook his head at his brother. "Do I look that stupid? Of course I figured it out. It was obvious. I can't ever remember you reacting to another woman that way. Not that I blame you; she is an amazingly beautiful woman." He paused, a finger to his lips as he pursed them, eyeing his brother consideringly. " So, am I to assume that revenge is your motive?"
Kalim frowned, ignoring his obvious attempt to get some sort of information.
" What are you planning? Torture? It appears to me as though you've miscalculated greatly." He looked down at Kalim's obvious erection. A huge grin slowly spread across his face. "I think that your plans just might have backfired, brother. Or did you miss her altogether and hit yourself instead?"
Kalim sneered at him. " I don't see YOU volunteering to race me to the throne, little brother."
"Come, now, brother." Tiki protested laughingly. "You and I both know that's an impossibility."
"The hell it's not!"
Tiki fell back onto the cushions and closed his eyes, rubbing the space between them with the pads of his thumbs. "Are we back to THAT subject again?" He sighed resignedly before continuing. "Kalim, the law of primogeniture is very clear. You came before me, therefore, you are king. There's no way around that."
"And again I must beg to differ with you, little brother. If you had been willing, I would have gladly stepped down and given the throne to you."
"Something which our people would never have accepted and you know it."
"Fuck the people."
Tiki stared at his brother for a moment, a grin slowly washing over his face. "Hmmmmmm……" He eyed his brother consideringly. "Do I detect a bit of sexual frustration in your voice?"
Kalim's glare grew hotter and he sneered at his brother, baring his teeth in a snarl of rage. "Fuck YOU, too, Tiki." Rising to his feet, Kalim stormed across the room and flung open the door. Turning to face his brother, he looked at him with disdain, "And since you have decided that I should be King whether I want the blasted honor or not, try showing me a little more respect or I might be tempted to do away with the royal competition." He stepped through the door- way, his wide shoulders brushing the frame as he slammed the door behind him.
Tiki fell back onto the cushions, a grin of delight on his face. He stretched out more comfortably, crossing his legs at the ankles. Putting his hands behind his head, he remarked, "Oh, Kalim, you've really got it bad. You went and fell in love with the girl. I just hope that she feels the same way that you do, or I predict that there's going to be a hell of a lot of screaming going on around here." He chuckled. "Perhaps I should help move things along. Kalim obviously needs me, whether he's willing to admit it or not."
He contemplated the situation. Then he laughed out loud. "Rose, you have just acquired a new best friend. I'm going to help you fall in love with my brother whether you want to or not. And you probably don't," he grinned, chuckling at his own observations, "not if my memory serves me correctly. But first," he continued, the grin widening, "we're going to drive him crazy for a little while." Tiki clapped his hands together with excitement. "Oh, what fun this is going to be, Kalim. You really were beginning to turn into a bit of an ass."
Kalim paced, wondering what Rose was doing. Had she slept well? Was she thinking of him? Did she hate him? Or was there something there inside of her that she couldn't explain? Something soft and warm; something birthed at the touch of her skin to his?
He wondered how she felt about him. He hoped to God that she didn't hate him too much because he had no intention of giving her up now. Not after last night. He couldn't go back to the way that things had been. They had gone too far and he didn't care if she hated him or not; she was going to belong to him.
Yes, he did care, he corrected himself. He cared too much. Dammit. How in the hell had THAT happened? He shook his head and sat down, burying his face in his hands. Dear god. He was in love with her. Now what in the hell was he going to do?
Rage filled him, building inside of him until his fisted hand struck out, smashing the fragile porcelain on the table beside him. He felt the coldness swelling inside of him intensify as he watched the blood drip from his lacerated palm onto the scarred wooden surface. He smiled grimly. Rose was going to learn her place.
Tiki peeked into the room. It was empty. "Damn and double damn". Filled with disappointment, he turned and began to walk away. Suddenly, he stopped, backing against the wall until he was hidden in the shadow of the archway. It WAS her!
He couldn't believe it. Kalim really HAD kidnapped the girl. A grin spread over his face as he contemplated the possibilities. He couldn't resist. Like it or not, the wench had just acquired a new best friend. His head began to spin with possibilities.
Pushing away from the wall, Tiki strolled into the open area, a wide smile on his face. He snickered as he approached, amused at the girl's useless struggles to free herself. As a troublesome youth, he too had once been under the jurisdiction of the harem and the tight clasp of Amadenuse's hands. He knew for a fact that there was no escaping them. Amadenuse did not loosen his grip easily. Tiki stepped quickly into their path, his eyes sparkling.
"Hello, my fine friend" he greeted the enuch. Amadenuse looked back at him, unsmiling. "What? No hello for an old friend?" Tiki said, a tinge of false surprise and anger in his voice. This was all part of the play. Enuchs liked their rewards, and nothing pleased them more than capitulation, whether real or feigned. Money changed hands with fierce regularity, and enuchs soon became wealthy in their own right, although, other than hoarding their riches and buying sweets, there was little else that they could use their riches for.
Amadenuse fell into the role with long remembered ease. "My young master, in all my years of knowing you, never have you been my friend, old OR new."
Tiki gasped loudly, his eyes sparkling with glee.
"How can you SAY that, Ama?" he teased, using the childhood nickname that he had given to the enuch at the age of 6. "Why, you are the best friend that I have ever had!"
Amadenuse grinned knowingly. "And how might you show me this loyalty, my young lord? For my bones are old and my heart is weary."
Tiki chuckled out loud. "I will show you my love and fidelity by gifting you with this purse." He threw the bag of coins at Amadenuse's head and the old enuch caught it with surprisingly limber fingers.
"And what can I give to you in return?"
Tiki's grin grew wider. "The girl. You can give me the girl."
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