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Review This Story || Author: anon_101_6


One Part Only


Using the sins of Pride and Lust.

She stood before his desk, dressed in the standard uniform of the school:  a 
navy, pleated skirt, ending just above her knees, matching socks pulled up 
high, plain brown shoes, a crisp white blouse with a small tie down the 
front.  Isabelle looked at the man in front of her.  He had not looked up 
since she knocked on the opened door and announced her presence.  He had 
simply motioned her to come in and close the door behind her, and she had 
hastily complied.

Finally, Father Rick sat back in his chair, his gaze firm and unrelenting as 
he looked at the young woman who stood before him.  Isabelle met his eyes, 
as she licked her lips nervously.  Some would say he looked severe in his 
black suit and white collar, but not her.  He looked so handsome to her.

His voice brought her quickly out of her musings.  "Do you have any idea why 
you're here in my office, Isabelle?"

She anxiously shifted from foot to foot.  Isabelle really did not know why 
she was here.  She was a straight A student, top of her class.  To be called 
into the Dean of Students' office was not a good thing.  Usually Father Rick 
only dealt with the 'troubled' ones.  "N-n-no, Sir.  I do not."

He stood up and walked around the desk to stand directly in front of her.  
She had to crane her neck to look him in the eye.  She could sense the power 
beneath that suit.  His muscles almost seemed to coil as if at any moment he 
would pounce.  Isabelle felt a rush of heat in her body.  Confused, not 
understanding its meaning, she lowered her head, unable to look at him.

"I have been hearing some disturbing things about you, Isabelle," Father 
Rick said coolly.  When she did not answer immediately, he continued, "Take 
off your underwear and hand it to me."

Startled she looked up at him.  She must have misunderstood.  "I'm sorry, I 
thought you said..."

"You heard me correctly.  Do it."  It was a command, not a request.  Still, 
she hesitated.  It was not proper for a young woman to be without her 
undergarments.  He could not really mean...


His tone was like a flick of a whip, harshly cutting through the otherwise 
silent room.  Without another thought, she carefully reached up her skirt, 
leaving it as long as possible to cover her body, as she pulled down the 
cotton cloth panties and held it out for him.

Without a word he took it and examined the inside.  His fingers touched the 
crotch lining, and then rubbed them together under his nose, inhaling 
deeply.  A frown marred his face.  "It's wet."

She didn't understand.  Sometimes that happened.  In fact, she could feel it 
happening now, as she shifted nervously from foot to foot.

"Stop fidgeting and be still, Isabelle."  He waited until she complied 
before continuing.  "This is a very serious matter.  Do you remember the 
seven deadly sins?"

"Of course, Sir," Isabelle replied, her confidence somewhat restored.  This 
she could do.  "Greed, pride, sloth, gluttony, envy, wrath, and lust," she 
rhymed off automatically.

"Ah, yes.  Lust.  You are lusting after someone, Isabelle.  Your damp 
panties prove it."  He looked at her thoughtfully, calculatingly even.

Her face flushed a dull red.  She shook her head in denial.  He must not 
ever know.


Father Rick's hand smacked down on the desk.  "Lying is also a sin, 
Isabelle."  Her lower lip started to tremble, as she looked at his 
thunderous expression.  "I am your priest, and it is about time you 
confessed your sins.  Lust is one of the most serious of the sins, and 
easily seduces weak willed people.  It must be confronted, and you must 
conquer it in order to secure your place in Heaven.  It is wrong to lust 
after anyone."

Isabelle's brain scrambled as she tried to divert him from his path.  "What 
of when I marry?  Is it wrong to lust after my husband after we are wed as 

"Yes, Isabelle," Father Rick replied with confidence.  "Even him.  Lust is 
dangerous in all its forms.  When the day comes you are wed, you will 
perform your wifely duties, only on the days sanctioned by the church.  You 
will do so because you have to.  Not because you want to.  And most 
certainly not because you like it.  Sex is not something that should be 
enjoyed.  It is a matter of procreation only.  To bring more people under 
our Lord's protection and guidance."

"But, you are evading the issue at hand, Isabelle."  Leaving her panties on 
his desk, he closed the distance between them; his hand gripped her upper 
arms tightly.  She thought he was going to shake her, but instead he just 
eased her closer to him, so that her body was almost touching his.  "Who is 
it you are lusting after?"

She could not look at him.  She knew she would disappoint him terribly.  She 
strived to be perfect in the eyes of the Lord.  Or maybe it was Father 
Rick's whom she was trying to impress.  Either way, she had failed.

She could feel the heat of his body and felt her breasts start to tingle.  
It was so strange to her, to be feeling like this.  The bra she was wearing 
suddenly felt so tight, constricting her chest.  It was distracting her, 
clouding her mind.

Father Rick's thumbs gently stroked her forearms.  "Your thoughts are 
confused, Isabelle.  You need my guidance.  Do not hide from me.  Let me 
help you."

"It is you."

Her voice was little more than a whisper, but it seemed loud and harsh to 
her ears.  Immediately Father Rick released her and took a step away.  She 
looked up in alarm at loss of his touch, a small whimper escaping her lips.

Father Rick looked at her, his expression veiled, as he sat on the edge of 
his desk.  "To lust is a great sin, but to lust after a man of the cloth who 
has devoted himself to serving God...that, Isabelle, is a sin which will 
send you straight to the gates of Hell itself."

Terrified, Isabelle took a step forward, her body trembling.  "Please, you 
have to help me!" she begged him.  She did not want to go to Hell.  "I did 
not mean for it to happen.  I try not to think about you like that..."

"And yet you do."

His words mocked her.  Had she really tried?  Would she spend all eternity 
burning in unimaginable pain just because she had wondered what it would be 
like to be kissed by him?  She blinked rapidly, a single tear falling down 
her cheek.  "Please...Father.  You have to help me."

Father Rick looked at her, his eyes filled with pity.  "I try to help all of 
the children of God.  But you must be willing to repent.  You must be 
willing to do whatever I tell you to do to for penance.  But first, and most 
importantly, we must assess how far this lust goes and vanquish it from your 
body.  Can you do that for me, Isabelle?"

Tears were flowing openly and freely down her face now.  "Yes, Father.  
Anything.  I will do anything."

"Good.  First I need to examine the extent of problem.  Take off your 
clothes, Isabelle.  All of them."

Her first thought was to protest again.  She had never stood naked before a 
man before.  Never had she let one see her body and the secrets that she 
kept hidden between her legs.  "But I thought that only my husband..."

He cut her off.  "You need to trust me, Isabelle.  I am a follower of God.  
I only have your best interests at heart.  I am only doing this for your own 
good."  When she still hesitated he continued, "Of course, if you'd rather 
go to Hell...."

"No!"  Her whole being protested at the thought.  So she reached down and 
took off her socks and shoes.  Her hands moved to her skirt, but then she 
remembered the lack of underwear and instead moved to her blouse.  Not that 
it would really matter, she was only delaying the inevitable.  But the sense 
of shame filled her at the thought of baring herself for another, caused her 
to procrastinate.  Her fingers shook as she slowly undid her buttons.  One 
at a time her creamy flesh was exposed to his gaze.  She glanced up at him, 
but his expression was unreadable.  Again, stalling for time, she folded her 
blouse neatly and laid it on a chair.  She turned her back to him, as she 
fumbled with her bra.

The cool air hit her breasts and the tingling sensations increased.  
Isabelle looked down to watch in mortification as her nipples hardened.  No, 
that shouldn't be happening.  She was sure of it.  A red-hot stab of shame 
flooded her being.  Father Rick was right.  She did need help.

All that was left was her skirt.  The zipper rasped loudly, as she pulled it 
down.  It was about half way when it suddenly got stuck.  She tugged harder 
on it, but it did not budge.  Frustrated, she started to yank at the fabric.

A pair of strong, warm hands closed around her hips, stilling her movements. 
  Isabelle forgot to breathe.  For a moment time stood still, as the heat of 
his hands warmed her body far more than anything else ever had.  "Let me 
help you."  His voice sounded deeper to her ears, husky almost.  Was he 
talking about her zipper?  Or the growing feelings inside her that she did 
not fully understand?

She did not move a muscle, as she felt her skirt leave her body.  She felt 
somehow detached, as if she were dreaming and this was not real.  
Automatically she stepped out of the garment, leaving her completely naked.  
She simply stood there, waiting.  For what, she was not sure.

All too soon Father Rick stepped out from behind her and was in front of her 
again.  Immediately, her eyes widened as they flew to his hand.  She knew 
that ruler.  It had only been once, long ago, when she was a little girl and 
had snuck into the kitchen to take a cookie.  Isabelle knew that it was 
wrong, but the cookies were so yummy, and she was sure no one would miss 
one.  However, she had been caught and brought before Father Rick.  He had 
spanked her mercilessly with that flexible piece of plastic until she had 
sobbed uncontrollably and swore that she would never, ever steal again.

Isabelle dropped her head, her face flaming.  Would he spank her again?  Her 
body quivered at the thought.  She had not thought of that incident in 
years, but suddenly it seemed very important, although the full significance 
of it she could not fathom.

As she looked down, her gaze fell upon her erect nipples, causing a deeper 
shade of red to grace her cheeks.  She saw the ruler, the short end of it 
coming slowly up under her left nipple, lifting it slightly.  "Do you think 
this is proper?" Father Rick's voice was gentle, as if explaining some 
valuable piece of information to a small child.

Isabelle's throat closed tightly, making it difficult to breathe, let alone 
speak.  So she simply shook her head.  "It is a sign of your lust, Isabelle. 
  Something which must be purged."

Without warning, the ruler sliced through the air, the flat side landing 
firmly across her breast and nipple, eliciting a scream of pain from 
Isabelle.  She took a step back, away from her tormentor, her chest aching 
painfully.  "Do not retreat from me, girl," his voice was harsh now.  She 
could sense the anger in him.  "Face your fate and purge your sins."

She let out a soft cry, as the ruler smacked across her sensitive peak 
again, but this time she did not back away.  However, he seemed not to be 
pleased with her earlier transgression, for he repeatedly hit her over and 
over again, both breasts glowing red from the blows.  Isabelle withstood the 
pain as long as she could, until finally she started to sob.  She 
desperately wanted to beg him to stop but knew it would do no good.  Father 
Rick had a reputation for being unrelenting.  It was only as she started to 
shake that the ruler ebbed, and finally stopped.  The girl could not look at 
him.  She only hoped that he had finished what needed to be done, and she 
could leave.  Never had she felt so humiliated in her entire life.  She only 
wanted to run and hide.

A pair of warm hands on her shoulder soothed her.  "You are doing well, 
Isabelle."  Those hands steered her, and she moved with them, not knowing 
where she was going and not caring.  His fingers caressed her gently as he 
lead her, and she felt a warmth seep through her body once more.  "Lie down 
on the table, Isabelle.  I need to examine you, to see if this is working or 
if you are in need of more aid."

She looked down at the glass coffee table in front of her.  It was not long 
enough for her entire body and just wide enough to fit her from shoulder to 
shoulder.  Without hesitation she laid down, feeling the coolness of the 
glass beneath her back and buttocks.  She stared unseeingly at the ceiling 
above her, hoping this would soon be over, and she could leave.  Her legs 
were pressed tightly together, the table supporting her head to the back of 
her knees.  Her feet were touch the thin area rug on the floor, but it 
offered no warmth.

Isabelle could hear some movement behind her but dared not look.  She did 
not want to upset him further.  Then Father Rick was above her, looking 
down, smiling kindly.  She watched as he pulled the latex gloves over his 
fingers.  She chewed her lower lip nervously.  "Why are you wearing gloves?" 
  Her voice was little more than a squeak, but she needed to know.  The urge 
to get up and run out of the office, regardless of the fact she was naked, 
was strong.  It took all her will to fight the panic inside her.

"I am a priest of God.  I cannot touch you with my flesh.  That would be a 
sin, Isabelle."  She nodded as if that made all the sense in the world, as 
he continued, "I am just going to have a quick look, and if all is well, you 
can leave.  I will have completed the will of God and succeeded in my task 
to bring you back into His good graces."

She lifted her head and watched, as the priest moved down to the other end 
of the table,  kneeling in front of her legs.  Isabelle pressed them more 
firmly together, suddenly very, very afraid.  He only smiled at her.  "Trust 
me, Isabelle.  I am a man of integrity.  A servant of God.  I have helped 
countless girls just like you, and they have been better for it.  I know 
what I am doing."

Isabelle's heart started to race, as she felt his hands on her knees, slowly 
pushing them apart.  She could not look; she simply could not.  She closed 
her eyes tightly, hoping that it would soon be over.  She tried to pretend 
she was somewhere else; that it wasn't happening to her.  A beach.  Yes, a 
nice warm beach, with the sun shining brightly down on her body.  She could 
feel the cool air hit the hidden folds of her skin, made all the more potent 
by the wetness which had collected there.  She squeezed her eyes tightly 
shut, her hands fisted forcefully at her sides, as she tried to still the 
nervous trembling in her legs.  It would be over soon.

"Isabelle," his voice whispered in her ear, making her practically jump.  
She had not realized he had moved, but Father Rick was now kneeling beside 
her head.  Still not having found her voice, she only opened her eyes and 
looked at him.  "You have grown considerably since the last time you were in 
my office.  You have hair down there now," he gestured ever so slightly with 
his head in the direction of her hips, "and I cannot see.  I will need to 
shave it off so that I may ascertain what is happening."

"You have shave?"  Isabelle was shocked to the core.  She could 
not believe it was happening.  "But...but...." The other girls in the school 
would see.  Their washing area was simply a collection of showerheads 
together in one large room.  There was no privacy.  They would ask what had 
happened.  What would she tell them?  Her face turned beet red.  "There must 
be another way."  She clutched his suit jacket in her hand, crushing the 
delicate garment in her fist.  She knew she should not be touching him at 
all; it was forbidden.  "Please...I will do anything you ask of me, but 
please, not that.  Anything, Father."  She couldn't let the other girls know 
her shameful secret.  She could not let them know about the lust inside her, 
the sins that haunted her.  She was an outstanding student.  Others looked 
up to her.  "Please," she begged him, her eyes pleading with him to have 

"It is the only way."

His words sapped the strength out of her, as she let go of his jacket, her 
arm falling lifelessly across her chest.  She winced as it made contact with 
her sore, aching breasts, and immediately let it roll off onto her abdomen.  
It was the only way.  The only way.  Only.

A tear escaped, rolling silently down her cheek, as she nodded and looked up 
at the ceiling.  His face came into her view, his eyes dark with something 
she had never seen before in them.  "All will be well.  You will see."  He 
bent and gave a swift kiss to her forehead, before straightening and walking 
away from her.

She could hear him rummaging around in his desk as he spoke.  "I will need 
to bind you for this procedure, for your own good, Isabelle.  I would hate 
for you to become agitated at any time and move, for then I may cut you with 
the razor.  I have found in the past that this works much better.  Remember 
God is watching.  He knows everything, and He will know that you are trying, 
and He will forgive you for your past sins, Isabelle.  Your place in Heaven 
is not yet lost.  I can restore it, if you try, and you listen to me."

He soon returned and knelt once more between her legs.  For a moment he just 
surveyed the two heavy wing back chairs which were on either side of the 
table.  Normally they were used for a private conference between two people. 
  The table which she now way laying on was used to put papers and such 
things.  Isabelle tried to picture how it would look in a normal setting, 
not with her displayed so prominently.  It helped to calm her frazzled 

Her musings were interrupted as Father Rick took a hold of her knees once 
more, and slid her to the edge of the table, so her buttocks just slightly 
hung off the edge.  He took hold of first one ankle, wrapping a rope around 
it and stretching it as far open as he could before adjusting the chair so 
that it stood beside the coffee table as he desired, and fastened the other 
end of the rope to it.  Father Rick repeated the process on the other side.

Through it all, Isabelle gazed at the ceiling.  Never had she felt so 
utterly exposed in her life.  She had never let another look at the hidden 
treasure between her legs.  She kept that secret, a place for her future 
husband to one day explore.  To be lying here like this, vulgarly displayed 
humiliated her as nothing else could have.  She thought this was the worst.  
She was wrong.

When he was finished with her legs, he came to stand at her head once more.  
"Give me your wrists, Isabelle."

She looked up at him, confused.  "But why?  Surely my legs are enough.  

"And if you become weak and try to stop me from my appointed task?  You may 
attempt to sit up and thwart my purpose.  I will save you, Isabelle, 
especially since it is clear that you cannot save yourself.  You cannot be 
trusted in this.  You have failed so utterly in the past."  His voice was 
harsh and unforgiving, accusing her of the sins which she had committed.

Without another word, she raised her hands to him, lacing her fingers 
together.  "Good girl.  You will see.  I will rescue you from the gates of 
Hell."  He reached over and picked up her tie, which was lying on top of her 
pile of clothes.  Deftly, he wrapped it several times around her wrists and 
secured it to one of the table legs beneath her.  "You will thank me for 
this one day, Isabelle."

She was too stunned to say anything.  It still felt so unreal.  Like it was 
happening to someone else, and she was simply watching.  Isabelle tugged on 
all her bonds, but found that Father Rick had done an excellent job, and she 
could not move at all.

She saw the scissors in his hand, and for a moment felt a surge of panic.  
He was not intending to cut her, was he?  That was not how one purged sins, 
was it?  She opened her mouth to speak, when he held some of her hair in one 
hand, and cut it as short as possible with the other.  Letting out a sigh of 
relief, Isabelle relaxed a little, feeling the knots in her stomach uncoil.  
She found herself drifting almost peacefully, letting him go about his work. 
  This was not so bad.  Until the unexpected coldness touched her.  
Instinctively she pulled against the bonds, more in shock than an attempt to 
escape.  Father Rick made a tisking sound, which Isabelle knew was an 'I 
told you so.'

He ignored her attempts at moving and concentrated on the task ahead of him, 
rubbing the shaving cream into her skin.  A shiver ran down her spine as he 
touched her labia, working up a nice latter.  Her breathing quickened.  A 
vague thought that he should not be touching her so entered her mind.  But 
he was wearing gloves.  It was like going to the doctor.  This was just a 
necessary procedure that needed to be done. seemed to be taking 
an awfully long time.  She could feel a heat spread through her body, and 
Isabelle felt ashamed again.  She really was a sinner, for she should not be 
enjoying his touch.  He said not a word, as he intently went about his 
business, his goal the only thing in his mind.  The razor was sharp, and 
glided easily over her tender skin.  He was careful not to nick her, his 
strokes firm and smooth, full of confidence, as if he had done this many 
times before.

Eventually he seemed satisfied with his work and took a soft towel to her, 
firmly wiping off the shaving cream.  She saw him pick up a second towel, 
and he started to rub it over her skin again.  This time it was gentle, 
lightly caressing her flesh.  Isabelle sucked in a breath, suddenly unable 
to move even if she wanted to, as a delightful tingle spread over her body.  
She opened her eyes and lifted her head, looking at Father Rick.  He was 
watching her intently.  Her cheeks flamed again. He knew.  He knew she was 
enjoying it.

He removed the towel, his gaze dropping from her face to the mound that was 
now open, exposed to him.  A shudder of fear ran through Isabelle.  She felt 
so helpless, so vulnerable.  Shame washed through her.  She should never 
have contemplated naughty thoughts of Father Rick.  She should never have 
wondered what it would feel like to kiss him.  She was bad.  Oh so bad.  And 
she deserved this humiliation.  This degradation:  to be shaven and bared to 
a man's eyes.  But especially this man.  This holy man.

Isabelle let her head drop back on the table and willed it to be over.  She 
closed her eyes tightly and prayed.  She prayed she would pass this test, be 
able to simply get up, and leave as soon as possible.  She prayed no one 
else would see her like this.  She prayed the ground would just open up and 
swallow her into its dark abyss.

Gloved fingers moved to separate her inner labia, and she heard the sharp 
intake of his breath.  That could not be good.  "You're wet, Isabelle.  Do 
you know what that means?"  She could tell from the sound of his voice that 
it was bad, whatever it was.  Her throat tightened, and she could not 
answer.  "I need to assess just how bad the problem is.  Hold still now."

For a moment Isabelle pretended she was at the doctor, as Father Rick gently 
eased a finger inside her.  He just put it inside, not moving it at all, and 
she let out a sigh of relief.  That wasn't so bad.  It was just like being 
examined by a physician.

Then his finger moved.  It was stroking the inside of her flesh, caressing 
the tight walls that sheathed it.  Suddenly, she couldn't breathe.  She 
couldn't think.  She could only feel.  Her whole body began to tremble, 
shaking with the effort not to enjoy these strange new sensations that were 
coursing through her body, as his fondling continued, and he eased a second 
finger inside her.

"You're enjoying this, aren't you?"  His tone was accusing, but Isabelle 
knew there was no point in denying it.  She was sure he could see straight 
into her soul.

"Yes, Father."

"It is wrong, you know.  You should not like it."

"I know Father, but I cannot help it."

SMACK!  The impact of the blow made Isabelle jump in her bonds, pulling 
against the ropes that held her helpless.  SMACK!  The ruler descended 
again, on her inner thigh.  All the while, his fingers continued with their 
delicious torture.  "Please...stop."  She didn't know if she meant the 
hitting or the touching.  Perhaps it was both.  But at the same time, a part 
of her cried in protest, wanting it to never end.

"I will purge you of your sins.  I will save you, Isabelle."

The ruler descended mercilessly, blow after blow, until both her legs were 
bright red.  Isabelle started to sob, as the pain became more and more 
intense.  At the same time, something strange was happening to her body.  
Each touch of his fingers, deep inside her, became more pronounced.  It was 
as if she had been blind before, and now she could see.  Only this was 
feeling.  She could feel his touch, like nothing else she had ever 
experienced.  It was exquisite.  Her whole body throbbed, pulsed with life.  
His blows were lighter now, but it mattered not.  Her reddened flesh felt it 
the same as if he had used all of his strength.  Her hips rose, up and down, 
as much as the rope would allow, in time with the striking ruler.

"Isabelle, Isabelle.  What am I going to do with you?"

His thumb moved, brushing higher, along the outside of the swollen little 
mound of flesh.  Isabelle screamed, her womb contracting violently, clamping 
down on the fingers inside her.  Frightened by the intensity of what she was 
feeling, she knew she had to make him stop.  Something was happening to her, 
something she could not control.  It scared her, more than the thought of 
going to Hell.  " have to stop.  Please, Father.  PLEASE!"

"I cannot.  Not until you have learned your lesson."

Tears flowed down her cheeks even though the ruler had stopped.  Now all 
that existed was the movement of his fingers and that of his thumb as it 
traced small circles, rubbing her over and over again.  Her head tossed from 
side to side, as she ineffectively struggled in her bonds, desperate to get 
away before she embarrassed herself completely.  Something bad was 
happening.  She could feel it, the tension growing inside her.  The urgency 
for...she was not sure what.  But it was there, and she needed to make it 
stop.  "I will do anything you ask of me, Father!  Just stop...please, oh, 

His only response was to move his fingers faster, as they drew back and 
thrust into her tight canal.  "Oh, God, help me!  Please, make him stop!"

"That's it, Isabelle," Father Rick encouraged.  "Pray to God.  Pray for him 
to save your soul."

The throbbing had become unbearable.  A warmth started in her feet and 
slowly made its way up her legs, her whole body shaking uncontrollably.  The 
fire licked at her flesh, consuming all her thoughts, until there was 
nothing left but its heat, warming her as nothing else ever had.  Her hips 
rose off the table, although she did not consciously remember lifting them, 
as a scream was torn from her lips, and she was floating.  The most 
delicious sensations filling her body, taking over, until nothing else 
mattered.  Not her shaven pussy, not her sins, not the thought of going to 
Hell, and indeed, not even the thought of Father Rick.  The world ceased to 
exist outside of what she was feeling.  Never had she felt anything more 
wonderful in her entire life.

She did not remember being untied, or even his hands as they compassionately 
dressed her in her clothes.  It was only as his warm body enveloped her in a 
hug that Isabelle seemed to come back to herself.

Father Rick held her gently in his arms.  "You did well, Isabelle.  Now you 
know the temptation of evil and what to avoid.  I will help you.  You will 
come to me every Monday, and we will work on this problem together, until 
you can control your emotions.  I will save you, Isabelle.  No matter what."

Shaken and drained, Isabelle only nodded.  He helped her up with a smile, 
and set her backpack over her shoulder, leading her to the door.  "You did 
wonderfully.  It was a great first step, Isabelle.  Now, go and walk with 
the peace of God."

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