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Chapter 9 Crossing Lines

Chapter Nine: Crossing Lines (Steffi & Mandy)

(MF/f, spanking, abusive; M/F, sex; f/f, sex, cons; M/f, spanking, severe)

When she heard her father bellowing at her to come downstairs, Steffi suddenly wished that she hadn't changed into her short shorts after school. The tone of Daddy's voice told her that she was in trouble for something, and that could only mean one thing: another spanking. As she approached the top of the stairs, there was a lump in Steffi's throat and butterflies in her stomach. Her butt had finally recovered from the spankings she'd gotten from Daddy and her piano teacher two weeks ago. Another punishment was the last thing she needed.

"Y-yes, Daddy?" Steffi said softly as she reached the living room. Her father was in his recliner, and her mother stood beside him. Both were scowling.

"I've got a bit of a mystery on my hands here, Steffani," said Jacob. "I bought a fifth of scotch last week. Expensive scotch, by the way. That bottle of scotch seems to have gone missing. Would you happen to know anything about that?"

"Um, no…" Steffi answered as her stomach twisted itself into knots. The truth was she knew exactly what had happened to the booze.

"Hmm. That's odd. You see, Steffi, I hadn't opened that bottle yet, so I know I didn't use it up. And we haven't seen your mother staggering around the house drunk, so we can be reasonably certain that she didn't drink it either." Jacob paused before continuing. "We haven't had any guests in the house since I bought the whisky. I'm afraid that leaves you."

"Daddy, I don't know what happened to it," Steffi protested. "Honest!" She shifted nervously from one foot to the other.

"I think you're lying to me, Steffani," replied Jacob. "Come over here."

"No, Daddy! Please! I didn't take it!"

"Steffani McAllister, get your ass over here right this minute!" Jacob shouted.

"You'd better obey your father, Steffani," Gail advised her daughter.

Whimpering, lower lip trembling, the fourteen-year-old slowly walked across the room. She stopped in front of her angry father's chair.

"Get yourself over my lap, Steffi. I'm going to get the truth out of you one way or another."

Already starting to cry, Steffi reluctantly draped herself across her father's thighs. Her sniffles immediately turned to gasps, because Daddy didn't wait to start spanking her. As her shorts rode up, Daddy's hand cracked against the tightly-stretched denim, imparting an intense sting to Steffi's butt. The blows came in rapid succession, and in no time at all he had struck her bottom ten times. But it didn't stop there. Twenty, then thirty hard spanks landed, and Steffi's rear end was getting warm.

"I didn't doooooooo iiiiiiiit Daaaaaaddeeeeee!" Steffi lied with a wail. She was already regretting her foolish decision to steal the whisky for her friends. They had promised her that they would get an older brother to replace it the next day, but they hadn't kept their promise. The young girl was angry with her friends, but she still didn't dare snitch on them, or admit her own wrongdoing. Maybe, she thought, if she held out and endured the spanking while sticking to her denials, Daddy would believe her. "Pleeeeease, Daddeeeeee!"

"You're going to tell the truth, Steffani," Jacob grunted as he rained more spanks on his daughter's butt. Forty, fifty… "and I'll just keep spanking you until you do!"

It's only a hand spanking, Steffi thought to herself. I can take it. I think.

At the one-hundred spank mark, Jacob stopped. "This just doesn't seem to be getting through to her, Gail." He glanced at his wife, then back down at the trembling form of his crying teenager.

"Maybe your message isn't getting through her shorts, Jacob," Gail replied.

"I think you're right. Stand up, Steffani!" He guided the girl to her feet. "Get those shorts off. Now." He glared angrily at his frightened daughter.

"Please, D-da…"

"Get them off!" Jacob shouted, making Steffi flinch. He stared hard at her while she hurriedly unzipped the skimpy denim shorts, slid them down her legs and stepped out of them. "Now get back across my lap!"

Still ashamed to be partially undressed in front of her father, Steffi was further embarrassed about the "little girl" panties she was wearing. Today had been laundry day, and the white cotton hip-hugger panties with the teddy bear print had been the only clean pair in her drawer.

"Now, I'll give you another chance, Steffi. Did you take the whisky?" Jacob's hand moved in circles on Steffi's burning cheeks.


Jacob sighed. "Very well. Let's continue." He raised his hand and laid into the fourteen-year-old's bottom once more. The relief Steffi had felt when she removed the skin-tight shorts was replaced by a new, more intense pain. The thin panties offered considerably less protection than the shorts had. Jacob could see reddened flesh peeking out below the panties' leg holes.

Now Steffi wept openly. The burning pain in her bottom was growing worse and worse with each smack to her panties. Still, she kept her resolve. She didn't confess when, after her father had spanked her panties fifty times, he paused to give her a chance. And so it continued. Fifty more stinging slaps crossed her tender bottom.

"One more time, Steffi. You can stop this spanking whenever you want to by admitting to taking the whisky."

"I-I didn't take it," Steffi replied in a barely audible whisper.

"All right then," Jacob said, matter-of-factly.

Steffi began to relax, thinking she had finally convinced Daddy that she was innocent. But her whole body tensed, and her eyes widened at his next words.

"Gail," Jacob said as he started tugging Steffi's panties down her legs, "will you please bring me the paddle?"


Mandy was grounded, which is why she was at home, alone, while her parents were at Rick's football game. She had been out a bit past curfew last night. So after school she had gotten a good hard spanking from her father, and had been told she was grounded for the weekend. That meant no football game.

So Mandy, being who she was, was getting into mischief at home. She was in her brother's room, and was digging into his footlocker. Moving a few items aside, she found what she was looking for: Rick's secret porno tapes. Her favorite tape was right on top of the stack. Quickly, she turned on Rick's TV and VCR and popped the tape in, then sat on the edge of Rick's bed. The first scene showed a blonde with large tits and a muscular man having sex. She knew the scene by heart: the woman would give the man a blow-job, then they would have sex doggy-style, and the man would pull out and come on the woman's butt. By the end of the scene, Mandy had hiked up her skirt and had her fingers down the front of her panties.

The second scene was just a brunette by herself, masturbating with a dildo. Mandy, wishing she had a dildo too, now had her panties around her ankles and had two fingers up inside herself. Eyes glued to the screen, she timed it just right and came at the same time as the actress. She liked the way her pussy tightened around her fingers when she came. When the actress climaxed again, so did Mandy.

The last scene was Mandy's favorite. Two men, one black and one white, were having their way with a petite, short-haired redhead. Every time she watched this scene, Mandy was awed by the size of the black man's dick. She was surprised that he could fit it into that tiny redhead's pussy! But listening to the girl squeal when the black guy was fucking her made Mandy wish she knew a guy with a dick that big. What really made the scene hot for Mandy, though, was the way the two men were ordering the girl around, and the way the girl obeyed every command she was given. It seemed like the girl was a plaything for the men. It was especially hot when the girl was on all fours - the black guy was screwing her from behind, and the white guy was kneeling in front of her and shoving his dick down her throat.

The one time that Mandy had had sex with two boys, they had just taken turns fucking her. One guy watched while the other pumped in and out of her, then they traded places after the first guy shot off. It had been a new experience for Mandy, and she hadn't thought of having both guys inside her at the same time. She hoped she would have the chance again sometime. Staring at the erotic scene on the TV, Mandy opened her blouse and unfastened the clasp between her breasts. While she furiously rubbed her pussy with one hand, she started massaging her boobs with the other. Soon, she felt yet another climax approaching…


"Waaaaaaaaaaaah! Please stop Daddeeeeeee! Stoooooooooop!" Steffi was in a lot of pain. Her father was mercilessly pounding her bare bottom with the paddle, and he showed no sign of stopping. "It hurts, Daddy! It hurts!"

"Damn right it hurts," Jacob said, "and it's gonna hurt a lot more if you don't confess!" Again and again, Jacob raised the paddle and brought it crashing down on Steffi's poor butt. He was starting to get very angry. He'd struck his daughter's ass with the paddle sixty times so far, and she still hadn't confessed to taking the liquor. "And you will confess!" Jacob could see the bruises starting to color Steffi's ass.

Steffi was crying so hard by this time that she could hardly speak. She couldn't remember Daddy ever spanking her this hard before. As the pain in her bottom got worse and worse, Steffi felt her resolve to stick to her story slipping away. Even so, she tried to hold on. But she knew she couldn't hold out much longer. She hardly had the strength left to struggle.

"Did" WHACK "you" SMACK "take" WHAM "the" CRACK "whisky?" POW! Jacob walloped Steffi's ass over and over, and he put all of his strength behind each blow. Surely, he thought, Steffi would confess soon. But if she didn't, he would keep spanking until she did.

When Daddy paused after the one-hundredth agonizing blow, Steffi broke. "I did it!" she wailed. "I took it! Please stop spanking meeeeee!" Her face was beet-red and streaked with tears, and her body shuddered and heaved with her sobs.

"Oh, you did?" Jacob said sarcastically. He gave his daughter's ass a rough squeeze and continued, "Then you've been lying to me this whole time. I don't like lying, Steffani. You're going to pay for that! Get up!" He made Steffi stand, then stood himself. He handed the paddle to his wife and said, "Here, Gail, keep her ass warm for me."

Gail took Jacob's place in the chair, and dragged Steffi down across her lap. "Where are you going, Jacob?"

"To get my belt."

Jacob left the room, and Gail went to work on Steffi. "You should know better than to lie to us, Steffi."

"I'm sorry Mommy! Please please please don't spank me any more!" Steffi inhaled a big gulp of air and continued, "My butt hurts so baaad!"

"It's your own fault! If you had confessed right away, you would only have been spanked for taking the liquor." Gail dealt a tremendous blow to Steffi's already battered ass. "But since you decided to lie, we had to persuade you to tell the truth. Now you're going to suffer the consequences of your lying!"

"WAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Steffi wailed in misery. Her mother didn't spank as hard as Daddy, but she made up for it by spanking very fast. The spanks stung like crazy, and made Steffi cry even harder.

Gail spanked so quickly that by the time her husband returned, she had smacked her daughter's butt forty-six times. Seeing Jacob brandishing his wide leather belt, she struck Steffi's bottom four more times to round the spanking up to an even fifty blows. "Stand up, Steffi," she commanded. "She's all yours, Jacob."

"Let's get that shirt off her. Maybe a little embarrassment will improve her attitude. And get rid of those panties, Steffani!" Jacob pointed at the panties, which were bunched around Steffi's ankles.

"Well, take off your shirt, Steffani," said Gail.

"No, please…"

"Then we'll do it for you!" Gail grabbed Steffi's wrists and raised her arms over her head. Jacob pulled the shirt up and off. Then, almost as an afterthought, Gail unfastened and removed her daughter's bra. Steffi stood there naked, blushing with shame and still crying her pain.

Jacob took Steffi's arm and marched her across the room to the sofa. Standing her at one end, he ordered her to bend over the arm. When Steffi didn't bend over quickly enough, Gail grabbed her and roughly shoved her into position. Then Jacob said, "Now, I'll teach you to lie!" His arm went up, and the doubled belt came down…


While the videotape was rewinding, Mandy started digging through Rick's footlocker again to find the other illicit video she knew her brother had. The fifteen-year-old girl was still horny. It only took her a moment to find the tape, but when she picked it up she noticed something else — another video she hadn't noticed before. "Rick got a new one," she thought. She replaced the video she was holding and picked up the new tape. As soon as the tape in the VCR was finished rewinding she popped in the new one and pressed "Play".

The first scene started almost immediately. It looked fairly typical, with a well-muscled man having sex with a pretty, large-breasted blonde. Seated in front of the television once more, Mandy masturbated while the blonde on the screen kneeled on the floor and sucked the guy's big dick.

After the girl had sucked the guy for a couple minutes, she got up and laid on the bed, legs spread. The man wasted no time. He slapped his cock on her pussy a few times and then rammed it into her. As the man started fucking the blonde hard and fast, Mandy slipped two fingers back into her own pussy.

Mandy was always amazed at how long the guys in porn movies could keep it up. She wished that the teenage guys she knew — including her brother — could go that long. Maybe then they could make her come! She knew they couldn't, though, so she satisfied herself by masturbating to two orgasms before the actor finally reached his. Her fingers furiously rubbed her clit while she watched the man stroke his cock and shoot his jizz all over the blonde's stomach.

As the actor was shooting his last stream of goo, a brunette walked into the room and asked, "Is it my turn now?" Mandy laughed and said to the screen, "You're too late, girl!" But to Mandy's surprise, the man answered, "Oh yeah!"

The brunette approached, stripping off her clothes as she walked. Mandy watched, confused, as the man moved out of the way and sat at the head of the bed and leaned back against the wall. His dick was obviously limp. "What are they doing?" Mandy thought. She soon found out.

Mandy's eyes widened when the brunette leaned down and started licking the jizz off of the blonde's belly. Her eyes got even wider when the brunette kissed the blonde and spit the juices into her mouth. The blonde said to the brunette, "Fuck me with your tongue!" The brunette grinned and said, "Okay!" Mandy was astonished to see the brunette kneel down between the blonde's legs. The blonde propped herself up on her elbows and looked down as the brunette slid her tongue between her pussy lips.

"Lesbians!" Mandy said aloud. She watched, entranced, while the brunette licked the blonde to orgasm. When the blonde came a second time, Mandy suddenly came to the realization that when two girls are having sex, they don't have to stop when one of them has an orgasm. With that realization, she started paying attention to exactly what was happening on the screen. She wanted to know what to do, should the opportunity arise in her own life. Still touching herself, Mandy came again.

Soon, the brunette got on the bed, and now it was the blonde's turn to lick her pussy. The man, his dick still limp, was watching as intently as Mandy. He was stroking his cock while the brunette was licked to orgasm twice. The two women finally stopped licking each other, and then the brunette said, "Now all I need is a cock!" She turned to the man and took his now semi-erect member into her mouth and started sucking it. To Mandy's amazement, the man's dick got hard again, and he promptly put it to use fucking the brunette's brains out.

Mandy was in awe. She'd learned something from the scene: let the guy rest, and he can go again. She would have to remember that!


The whipping Steffi got was horrible. One hundred strokes with her father's belt. He didn't just whip her ass, he whipped the backs of her legs, too.

Jacob put down the belt and said, "Go to your room, Steffi, and wait for me. I'm not through with you." Steffi didn't waste any time. She ran, stumbling and sobbing up the stairs.

Turning to his wife, Jacob said softly, "Is this turning you on like it's turning me on?" He pulled Gail close and stared into her eyes.

"You're reading my mind," Gail answered. Pressed against Jacob, she could feel the hardness in his pants.

"I'm going to go up and give Steffi a taste of the punishment she still has coming. Why don't you go wait for me in bed?" He kissed his wife on the lips, then gave her a playful shove toward their bedroom. He went to the coat closet and took out the new item he'd recently purchased. Then he headed up the stairs.

"I'm going to give you a break before you get the rest of your punishment, Steffani," Jacob said when he entered his daughter's room. But first, I'm going to give you a small sample of what you're going to get. Stand up."

"Please, Daddy, I'm sorry!"

"It's too late for that. Stack your pillows in the middle of your bed."


"Do it now, Steffi. Do you want this to get even worse?"

Steffi stared miserably at her father and eyed the object in his hand. "Wh-what's that, Daddy?"

"This is an English school cane. I'm going to use it for your punishment for stealing my liquor. Now, do as I told you."

Knowing she had better not argue any more, Steffi placed both of her pillows in the center of her bed, one atop the other.

"Good," said Jacob. "Now, lay face down across them, with your hips on the pillows." He observed the way the pillow raised his daughter's bottom into the air once she was in position. That bottom was well-marked, and very soon there would be narrow welts added to the bruises and and other coloration. "Put your hands over your head. Maybe you'd better hold onto the headboard."

Steffi winced when she felt the cane rubbing her bottom. She had already been spanked so long and hard that even the cane's light contact with her bruised flesh was painful.

"All right, Steffi. I'll give you one stroke of the cane. Then you can have a couple hours to think about the twenty strokes you've got coming." With those words, Jacob raised the cane. Then down it came.

The cane sliced across Steffi's bottom. leaving an angry red welt behind. Steffi sucked in her breath, and every muscle in her body tightened as the pain registered. The pain was worse than anything she had ever felt before. It was so intense and overwhelming that she didn't even realize she was holding her breath until she let it all out in a long, loud, miserable shriek of agony. Then she slumped over the pillows, defeated, her whole body shaking with deep sobs.

Jacob listened to his young daughter weep for a moment, then said, "Don't move from this room, Steffi. I want you to think about what you've done. We're going to finish this in two hours." With that, he turned and left Steffi's room. Then he headed for his own room, where Gail waited.


Gail was naked and waiting on the bed when Jacob came into their room. Jacob grinned at his still-sexy wife and started stripping his own clothes off. "You won't believe how hard my cock is right now, babe!" His member came into view as he peeled off his briefs. "See what I mean?"

"Looks good to me," Gail said, licking her lips. "Why don't you bring that thing over here?" Jacob dove onto the bed beside his wife and laid on his back. Immediately Gail was on top of him, meeting his lips with hers and kissing him deeply. After a moment she pulled back and said, huskily, "I think I'm as horny as you are, Jake!" She kissed him again and then started kissing her way down his chest. A few light bites on his nipples, and then she was moving down his belly.

Finally, she reached his hard tool. Grinning up at Jacob, she grabbed his cock with one hand and stroked it several times. "Oooo... I like it," she said. Then she stuck out her tongue and licked the full length of Jacob's seven-inch shaft. "Tastes good," she said, and then took the head into her mouth. A second later, she took the entire shaft down her throat, burying her nose in her husband's thick pubic hair. Pulling back slowly, Gail's eyes flashed mischievously at Jacob. She started humming while she sucked, and she felt Jacob's body shudder.

"Oh god!" Jacob exclaimed. "Damn, that's good!" Exquisite sensations vibrated through his manhood as Gail continued humming while she sucked his cock. He eagerly watched her head bobbing up and down, and he felt himself growing harder. Gail had always given good head. Jacob could remember the very first time she had sucked him off, when they were still in high school. She was enthusiastic back then, if inexperienced, and she had only gotten better in the years since. It was one of the reasons he had never been unfaithful to her.

Gail sucked her husband's dick expertly, continuing to hum while she sucked. The humming stopped only when she deep-throated him, which she did frequently. She alternated sucking and licking with taking him deep into her throat.

"Better stop before I pop," Jacob said, chuckling. "Come up here and sit on my face." He motioned to Gail with a crooked finger.

"Mmmm... okay," Gail replied. She rose to her knees and crawled toward Jacob's head. Then she was straddling him, her pussy hovering over his mouth. "Lick me, Jake!"

Jacob grabbed his wife's ass with both hands and drew her down toward his mouth. His tongue slipped between her folds, and he tasted her tangy sweetness as he licked the length of her slit. Gail gasped when Jacob shoved his tongue into her opening and pushed it in and out of her several times. Then his tongue was sliding up and down her pink slit again before coming to rest on her engorged clitoris. Jacob tickled Gail's clit with his tongue, and then his lips were on it, sucking and nibbling. Gail threw her head back and gasped as the pleasurable sensations shot through her body. She came in less than a minute.

"Fuck me, Jake!"

Jake did. Eagerly.


When the pain had somewhat subsided, Steffi dragged herself to her feet. I can't take any more of this,she thought miserably. She thought for a moment about what she was going to do, then she made up her mind. After putting on a fresh bra and shirt, she found her loosest skirt and put it on. After enduring the pain of sitting long enough to put on socks and shoes, she slipped into her coat and cautiously opened her bedroom door. The coast was clear.

Tiptoeing down the stairs, she went to her parent's bedroom door and listened. When Daddy had sent her upstairs, she had paused at the top long enough to overhear him sending Mom to their room. Now, she could hear the sounds of her parents having sex. Disgusted, and starting to cry again, Steffi left the house as quietly as she possibly could. Then she started walking toward Mandy's house.

Steffi: 351 spanks

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