Chapter 13: Alpine Nightmare
The project was finally completed. Thankfully, Kelly brought Meredith and Ted back to the estate after a couple of days at the old house. Alana was not sure how much sperm she had swallowed in their absence to keep the landscapers on schedule but she knew she had been on a very high protein diet. After Kelly's return, Alana was able to use Ted as the enticement and reward for the workers. And they seemed to enjoy playing with the she-male. It was a novelty to see a man with such beautiful breasts and they did not seem at all concerned that he had a cock and balls between his legs. His mouth and asshole worked just like a woman's.
Grace returned to the estate a few days later. She seemed a little tired but was in very good spirits. Alana was sure that her mistress thoroughly enjoyed her getaways with her good friend KC.
Grace was delighted as she saw the finishing touches being made. Meredith had been assigned the job of moving and, on a single day, all three homes were emptied and all of the belongings were moved to the new home.
In the middle of all of this enjoyment and tranquility, Grace received a call from the island. She was informed that someone had placed a bid on Patience. She was surprised when she opened the envelope a couple of days later to find that the offer was actually for Alana and Patience. A Herman Klausen was offering her twenty million dollars for the pair. Once again, Grace was reminded of how lucrative it would be to just become a slaver. She seemed to have a knack for the profession. Grace decided not to share this information with her pet and her pet's pet.
As the estate project wound down, Alana decided that she needed a break. After a lengthy lovemaking session with Grace, she asked her mistress for permission to go to the island for a bit. Grace readily agreed but was surprised when Alana said that she would send Patience back home after she arrived on the island. Grace asked Alana why she wouldn't be keeping her pet with her.
"I just need some down time, Mistress," responded Alana. "This was a big project. And being a mistress is a lot of work. I just want a month or so of just being a slave again with no worries in the world."
"Of course, pet," smiled Grace understandingly. "It will be a good opportunity for you to clear your mind. But you should think about keeping Patience with you. You can still be a slave with her and I'm sure that it won't change your relationship with her at all. But I can tell that she's been missing you. She would be heartbroken if you sent her away."
"Yes Mistress," replied Alana. "You're probably right. I'll think about it." Then the two lovers drifted off to sleep in one another's arms.
Several days later, Grace received another letter from the island. Herr Klausen had again contacted the island mistresses and repeated his offer for the two girls. Grace crumpled up the paper and threw it away. This man was proving to be an annoyance.
Two weeks later, Grace received a phone call from KC who was currently on the island. Klausen had called again and KC was worried. She said that she had never met the man but he sounded menacing and could be dangerous. Grace asked KC if she should call her two pets home and KC indicated that might be wise. They agreed that Alana and Patience would be on the first boat out the next morning.
In the morning, the inhabitants of the island were shocked to discover an empty bed. Patience and Alana had been allowed to share a bed, which was not usual for slaves. It was only allowed since Alana owned Patience. But since Alana was on the island as a slave, was shackled to her bed by her ankle just like all of the other slaves. What the residents found when they entered the room where the two girls were supposed to be sleeping were two chains dangling from the corners of the bed; no shackles, no girls. The chains had been cut and the girls had been stolen.
Patience was the first one to awaken. She opened her eyes to total blackness in a cramped space. She could feel a warm soft body next to her and assumed that it was Alana's. She tried to move her arm but there wasn't enough open space to be able to budge. She did not think that she was bound in any way but she was totally immobile. She was terrified.
"Mistress?" she whispered. There was no response. "Mistress?" she said louder, but still there was no response. She broke down into tearful sobs and cried herself back to sleep.
Some time later, Alana awoke. She found exactly what Patience had discovered a little while earlier. It was completely dark. She could not move. There was another warm body stuffed in the box with her. And she could hear what sounded like airplane engines. She correctly assumed that she and her slavegirl had been kidnapped and were being transported somewhere.
"Pet?" whispered Alana.
"Oh Mistress, you're awake!" cried Patience. "I'm so afraid!"
"Don't be frightened, little one. We're together," reassured the mistress. "We'll be fine." They could not move their arms or legs but they were able to press their bodies more closely together.
"What happened?" asked Patience.
"We must have been kidnapped," replied Alana.
"Will they rescue us?"
"I'm sure the will, pet," said Alana comfortingly, although she was not sure at all. She had no idea who had kidnapped them or where they were being taken. She was sure that Grace would have no idea either.
"Klausen!" spat Grace as soon as KC told her that the girls were missing. "I'll kill that bastard!"
"Don't do anything hasty," warned KC. "I agree that it must have been Klausen. I already have people finding out more about him. We'll get your girls back."
Once the plane landed, the lid to the box was pried off and two blinking, naked girls were helped from the box. They never had a chance to resist or struggle. As they were adjusting to the bright light, strong hands gathered their arms behind them and bound them tightly at the wrist and elbow. Alana cried out at the pain of having her shoulders strained back so viciously. This earned her a gag to silence her as an old rag was stuffed into her mouth and her lips were covered with duct tape.
"Make a noise and you'll receive the same," said a thickly accented voice.
"Let go of my Mistr…" Patience had started to protest the treatment of Alana but her argument was cut off with another old rag and more duct tape. The two girls were then marched out of the plane.
It was cold outside and a heavy snow was falling. The naked beauties shivered and gooseflesh quickly covered their bodies as they were roughly pushed forward. Fortunately, they didn't have to walk far. They reached a waiting truck and were unceremoniously lifted and dumped into the back of the truck. It wasn't much warmer in the vehicle, but at least snow was not falling on them and they could snuggle together to share their body heat. The truck started and the girls headed off on the next leg of their journey to an unknown destination.
By the time the girls were unloaded from the truck thirty minutes later, they were shivering. With blue lips and rock-hard nipples, they were, once again, marched through the snow. With their elbows bound behind them, they had virtually no way to even provide a little protection from the cold. They couldn't cover themselves with their arms, rub their frigid flesh or even crouch forward to shelter themselves.
They noticed that they were in the mountains. Under different circumstances, they would probably have marveled at the beauty of the majestic peaks, but this was the farthest thing from their minds. They were cold and that's all they could think about. Postcard scenery would have to wait for another day.
After a short, frigid walk, they were escorted into a mansion where they were finally met with some warmth. The heat would work its way into them slowly, however. In the meantime, gooseflesh-covered bodies would continue to shiver uncontrollably.
Their escorts left them in the hands of a man who appeared to be a butler or some other kind of servant. He grasped an elbow from each of the girls and guided them down a hallway and into a spacious living room. There, they were confronted with their captor.
Herr Klausen was standing imperially in front of the fireplace with the same evil grin that had unnerved Patience on the island. Patience recognized the vile man immediately but Alana had no idea who he was. She just knew that she didn't like him.
"I am Herr Klausen," he started. "You will address me as Master from now on. You are my property." Even his voice sounded evil, thought Alana. The man gestured to the servant who stepped in front of the two girls.
"Your gags will be removed," Klausen said in a clipped tone. "You will not speak. If you speak, I will cut out the tongue of the other."
The eyes of both girls went wide with terror at this threat. But both of the girls believed the man. The butler reached up and ripped off the tape from each beautiful face. Then he fished the rags out of their mouths and left. Neither girl uttered a word.
"Your former owner was foolish," Klausen went on. "I offered to buy you but she refused. I was left with no choice." The man stepped forward and slowly circled the shivering girls. Behind them, he lifted their bound hands, raising their arms until they had to bend at the waist. Then he lowered them and continued his orbit around them.
Standing in front of them, he grasped a breast from each girl, squeezing them. His face showed no emotion and no appreciation of the wonderfully firm breasts. He could just as easily have been comparing melons in a grocery store. He lifted the same breasts in his hands and bounced them, shifting his gaze back and forth to compare them. Then he released the luscious mounds. At no time, did he look at their faces. Their feelings and reactions were of no interest to him. He was inspecting assets.
"Acceptable," he pronounced after his inspection tour was completed. Then he produced a knife and sliced through the ropes that were binding the arms so painfully. Herr Klausen took a seat in a comfortable wing-back chair but did not invite the girls to make themselves comfortable. So they remained standing.
"You are here for a purpose," he started. "Two purposes to be more precise. You are here for my entertainment and I should warn you that I have very exotic interests."
Images of fingernails being pulled out and surgical experiments being conducted on their bodies flashed through Alana's mind. This man seemed capable of anything cruel.
"And you are here to further the cause," he continued. Both girls raised their eyebrows at that comment, wondering what they were expected to do for the cause and which cause it was. The reaction did not go unnoticed by Klausen. "What cause, you are wondering."
Klausen went on to explain to the girls. He had been a young teenager during the "unlawful invasion" of his country in the last world war and had witnessed the humiliation of watching his country being defeated. He explained that the principles and values upon which that society had been built were valid and correct and true and that the defeat was simply due to the ineptitude of the leadership. He was going to rebuild using those same basic values and principles and he assured the girls that he was not inept. He was going to create a master race that would someday rule the world.
He might not be inept, thought Alana, but he was certainly deranged. The danger of their situation became very clear at that point and she was suddenly very afraid.
"You will bear my children," he announced. "But don't worry. You will not have to raise them. I have a staff of trained professionals to mold them. You will simply be my brood mares."
Patience's mind was spinning. This was crazy! They were kidnapped by a crazy man and carted halfway around the world to wherever they were. And it was to make babies? Not only that, but those babies were supposed to rule the world? This sounded like the plot of a very bad B movie.
"I would advise you to be compliant," he went on. "I have already given you one example of how the lack of obedience will be treated. And, as I said, I have very exotic tastes. I would enjoy slicing out a tongue. All that I need from you is your womb. Most other parts are dispensable. I would also enjoy amputating your arms and legs and it will not affect your usefulness to me. If I don't slice off your breasts, they will be useful in nursing your babies. But if you do not obey, they will make very stylish purses."
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