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Review This Story || Author: Desperado

The Alchemist' Apprentice

Part 2

Part 2 –

Avedra grunted as the soldier roughly dropped her bound body across the fallen trunk.

"Comrades, what say you to a game of chance to see who fills up this whoring wench first?"

Laughter rang around the meadow. Her vision now cleared a bit, Avedra could see that there were several soldiers about although she couldn't see well enough to count. Several soldiers…and her.

She tried to wiggle, to loosen the Alchemist' bonds. His powers must have extended to matters she had not even dreamed of for the cords still held her fast. But what would she do if she did get loose? Run? She thought not, not with the lust he had created with his devilish mixture raging through her. How she must look, bound over the trunk with her head and hair hanging down and her whipped ass stuck high in the air!

"She will need some re-tying first," the soldier muttered. A sharp knife sliced the cords on her wrists and waist. Avedra had just the moment to rub the wrists before the soldier pulled them under the trunk to tie them to her ankles. "We can't have you trying to run off. There."

Avedra's matted hair hung down to the ground now; her entire world appeared upside down, which pretty much summed up her day. How could she explain to the soldier that she didn't want to run off, she didn't want to spoil this time the king had given them, but that she wanted one cock after another pounding into her bound body, her cunt, her bunghole, her mouth, all at once if she could. The thought of them playing dice to see which would fuck her first sent shivers across her bare skin, and her juices fairly dripped down her thighs. Couldn't he smell how much she wanted him?

Some of the company lit a fire as the day was growing long. Apparently they planned to keep her here for some time. Laughter and name-calling and a bit of pushing accompanied the clack of the dice. Hurry up, she thought, you bastards, I want to fuck now, I want to be filled with your cum. I want it on this day, Friday the thirteenth, the day of the Goddess, I want to be lucky. I want it NOW.

She heard the game break up and then a rough male hand pried her rear cheeks apart and probed. She groaned. "No doubt she's ready, men. But I can see that the whipping has begun to fade a bit. What say you that we warm her up again properly before we fill her up?"

Avedra cried out at the indignity, not of the exposure but having to wait. She twisted her hips around, the rough bark irritating her pubic mound and belly, knowing full well how her wet and puffy sex would look to the men, hoping to incite their lust to fill her now.

Another soldier slapped her ass. "You are a wanton slut! Must be some of that magic elixir the Alchemist was telling the king about. Oh, you'll get what you're looking for you little bitch, but only after we've had a bit more fun with you."

And so bundles of green birch flogged her bound ass. She screamed from the renewed pain across the whip lashes and would have covered her ass with her hands, if they would have only been freed. Tears ran fresh across her dirty face and down into her hair even as the laughter and applause from the soldiers humiliated her. And she relived the day's events, her clumsiness and her punishment at the hand of the Alchemist, regretting that she had even got up from the floor that morning.

Now the flogging stopped, leaving her still crying, snot dripping out her nose, sides heaving from the straining exertion against the bonds. The one soldier, the voice she recognized from the first, knelt down and yanked her head up by the hair.

"We are satisfied that you are properly warmed up again, slut. But to get what you want we all want to hear you beg for it. Do that sweetly and you'll get the cock you were looking for."

That was exactly what she was looking for and just a few minutes before had actually considered begging, but now a perverse streak of her nature came through. Avedra shook her head no.

"I think it's some flogging she wants. Let's oblige her!"

The birching started again, and Avedra screamed, "Stop! In the name of the Goddess, please stop! Please give me your cocks, all of them, please fuck me, I'll suck you all dry, just please stop beating me!"

Soldiers lined up behind her and in front of her. "Well, little bitch, you are about to get your wish. Just remember, it's all for king and country!" he laughed as he pulled her head up higher. "You'll like the winner of our little game of chance. We call him Donkey Dick. I'll let you figure out why. Now open your mouth."

Through the blur she realized that a cock stuck out just past the end of her snotty nose. Maybe it is a good thing my nose is all stuffed up, she thought as the head of the cock forced its way between her slightly opened lips. She started to suck, almost like a nursing reflex.

But when that donkey dick entered her from behind! She could understand why he carried that name now as he threatened to split her in spite of the sopping wet lust that drove her. The pounding came at her from both ends, testicles slapping up against her. If they would only do it with some kind of rhythm! She struggled to breathe against the cock in her mouth against the cock from behind, her fingers twisting, aching to cup the balls and milk them.

The anonymous cock in her mouth erupted first; she nearly choked on the ropey semen, some of it leaking out the corner of her lips. To repeated cheers another soldier was on his knees, fingers twisted in her hair, pulling her head back to suck again.

And then Donkey Dick came inside her as he pounded her up against the rough bark. The sensation of semen flooding her, the tastes, the smells all drove her right over the edge, her eyes rolling back in her head, moaning and slurping at the cock when he pulled out of her mouth for a moment and slapped her nose with it. Donkey Dick slapped her ass sending new shooting waves of pain across the tortured skin, pulled out of her cunt and wiped himself off on her hip.

"Next!" he hollered to the delight of his comrades.

On and on it went through the twilight until her jaws ached from the pounding, her cunt and anus sore, until she was covered with the slime of her own cum and that of soldiers. Some of the soldiers must have come through the line more than once she thought.

She had ceased trying to thrust her ass back against the onslaught and now opened her mouth out of sheer obedience, her own lust satiated and awash in the smell of sex. Whatever potion the Alchemist had mixed had finally worn away all she thought had been her, revealing to her as she was being fucked the hidden layers of feminine lust that the Goddess had planted in her from the beginning. And the Friday the thirteenth became something for her not at all about luck but instead the day in celebration of the Goddess, a day for helpless fornicating, a day of fertility in the name of Freya, a day to be consumed in the cunt of the Goddess.

Avedra's mind drifted on the swells of the sensations that somehow surpassed the reality and the relentless pounding of cocks faded into the distance as she entered in the Goddess' presence. The Alchemist' potion had worked far greater magic than he had hoped, something maybe even greater than the power of the Philosopher's Stone, the potion the vehicle which carried her across the seas of this physical punishment, the erupting lust of her loins, the shouts and curses and groaning of soldiers spending themselves inside her fore and aft, until finally she laid a bound and helpless offering on the altar of the Mystery.

And there she lay, the mystical sex offering of everything erotic in the world she knew, awaiting the pleasure of the eternal Goddess, until the ground around her was littered with the bodies of exhausted soldiers and her naked, cum-covered body hung limp in its bonds.

The next morning Avedra awoke naked and filthy in the dirt at the door of Edern's cottage. She looked up into the bright sun, groaning at the sharp pain in her eyes and her tortured ass, holding up her hand in defense, until she could make out the silhouette of Edern with the sun at his back.

"Well, apprentice, it seems that the king's soldiers made good use of you, which makes things all the better for me with the king."

Her voice croaked, parched and abused, "I am sorry indeed, Master Alchemist, my Lord, sorry for my stubborn ways. But you have done your humble servant girl the kindest favor, for I have traveled a far way in my spirit and have lain naked upon the altar of Freya, there to taste the pleasures of serving her. And apparently she has sent me back to you."

Edern was startled. "You mean you…no…where did you go? Was it the potion? How did…I can't believe this!"

She struggled to her feet and limped off to the spring to wash away the testimony of her ravishment, leaving the befuddled Alchemist in the doorway scratching his beard and plotting how to exploit this opening door into an ancient mystery that would in turn give him power and influence with the king.

Avedra gently knelt by the side of the spring. Cleaning the sex from her hair would take the longest and the day was full of promise. Best to be about her business. Ancient paths of knowledge would just have to wait…for the moment.

Review This Story || Author: Desperado
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