Chapter 14: Tea with a Twist
Janice spent the first two days of her slavery being trained. It was a painful experience as Claire saw to it that each infraction was rewarded with some form of punishment. She felt the sting of the crop frequently, although she had been spared the whip after the first introduction on Saturday.
She had been taught the finer points of serving a mistress and had done everything from cleaning toilets to worshipping her owner's sex with her tongue. Claire had an unending list of chores and an equally large appetite for sex. Claire also had a large collection of strap-on dildos which she had used on all of Janice's orifices at one point or another.
Janice had been suspended and caged. She had been clamped and bound. She had been exercised until she thought she would drop from exhaustion. By Tuesday, she thought she would drop from exhaustion. Luckily, Claire was light on her that day and focused her on simple etiquette and serving techniques.
Wednesday turned out to be Janice's debut. Everything up to this time had been humiliating for Janice and this afternoon offered to be even worse as Claire had invited three women to tea. Two of them were from the group that attended the weekly gathering of dominants and submissives. She only knew them in passing but was sure that she would become better acquainted with them this afternoon, for better or worse.
The third, however, had provided the most embarrassing moment to her. Claire had not mentioned who the guests would be and Janice learned who they were only after she opened the front door to greet them and invite them in. She almost fainted when she opened the door and saw Gail standing on the front porch.
Gail was a mutual friend of Janice and Claire and Janice was unaware of any interest that she had in domination and submission. Gail and her husband had been close friends with Janice and her husband, Charles, before Charles' untimely death three years earlier. They still invited Janice to many of their parties. Making matters worse, however, was the fact that Gail was her neighbor from across the street. She wasn't sure that she would ever be able to look at Gail again without blushing. Now, Janice scurried about serving the four women as they chatted. Cups were refilled, cream and sugar were offered, and scones were delivered as she listened to their conversation.
"I'll bet this is a side of Janice you've never seen before," said Claire.
"It certainly is," agreed Gail as she kept stealing glances at the naked form of her neighbor. This caused the other two women to titter and chuckle. "I had no idea that she was interested in this lifestyle."
"Oh, indeed she is. She's quite the little mistress," commented Claire.
"Although new to her job," interjected Abby, one of the other guests.
"Well she certainly doesn't look like a mistress to me," observed Gail.
"She's on a kind of vacation this week. She and her slave were auctioned off on Saturday. Someone else bought her slave. I bought Janice."
Gail's eyes grew wide. "You bought her? She has a slave? Oh my!"
"Yes, I bought her. For this week, I completely own her body. Isn't that right, pet?"
"Yes, Mistress," replied Janice, feeling her face turning crimson in humiliation.
"She's such a good girl," Claire continued. "And she makes such a lovely slave. Of course her slave makes a lovely slave too. I had planned on buying Charity instead, but when Janice was offered for sale, I decided to bid on her."
"Charity is her slave?" gasped Gail. "Our Charity?"
"Our pretty little Charity," nodded Claire. "Beautiful, fresh, loving Charity."
"I had no idea." Gail felt her head spinning at this news. She truly had no idea that the nice woman across the street had enslaved her own niece. That would surely send a shockwave through the neighborhood if that news ever got out.
When tea was finished, Claire announced that it was time for fun and entertainment. Janice was selected to provide both. Claire led her temporary slave to the middle of the room where a tall narrow table stood and had her lie face-up on the table. Cuffs were placed around her wrists and ankles and her arms were drawn over her head to be fastened to the end of the table. Her ankles were similarly attached to the other end.
Then, Claire demonstrated the unique design of the table as she separated the two leaves of the table under Janice's arms. Janice felt her arms being drawn apart as the leaves were angled outward. The same operation was performed at the other end of the table and all of the leaves were locked in place, leaving Janice spread-eagle but with her body supported entirely by the table and its leaves.
"That's a brilliant design!" observed Louise, the third guest. "I'll have to get one of those myself."
"I'm glad you like it," smiled Claire as she ran her fingertips lightly across Janice's taut belly. "I had it custom built for play and I'd be happy to share the design with you."
The four women gathered around the table and three pairs of hands ran over the bound and stretched woman. Gail was the only one not participating but her eyes kept roaming over the naked flesh. She thought that her neighbor looked beautifully erotic like that and the scene reminded her of some kind of sacrificial offering.
Claire noticed Gail's hesitancy and wrapped an arm around her waist, guiding her to a position between Janice's outstretched legs. "Go ahead. You can touch," instructed Claire. "We're all going to have a little fun with my pet. You might as well enjoy yourself too."
Gail nodded slowly as her eyes were fixed on the smooth naked mound above Janice's sex. Her eyes slid downward to observe the woman's labia, which were parted and glistening with her arousal. Gail found it hard to believe that Janice could be so aroused by this treatment but the very wet sex was hard to deny. Tentatively, Gail reached out with both hands and ran her palms slowly up each leg, enjoying the silky softness of the slave's skin.
In the meantime, Clair had produced a couple of bottles of scented oil and the other three women started pouring it on the naked flesh and rubbing it in. Clair handed one of the bottles to Gail. "Use this. You can take from the waist down."
Gail poured some of the oil into her palm and then started rubbing it into the naked flesh, starting at the toes and working to the upper thighs. "You missed a spot," observed Abby after both legs were finished. Gail looked over her friend's body and saw that every inch of flesh was glistening and shining with the exception of the area around her sex. Gail blushed deeply but poured more oil into her palm and used both hands to finish oiling the slave. She was shocked, however, when her fingers ran over the parted labia to feel the heat emanating from the aroused sex.
"Beautiful, isn't she?" asked Claire as she gave Gail a hug from behind. "Maybe I should keep her oiled all the time." Then she leaned in and whispered into Gail's ear. "Are you enjoying yourself?" Gail simply nodded in response.
For the next two hours, Gail witnessed what could only be described as unbelievable. She watched as her neighbor was subjected to what she though of as cruel tortures and countless orgasms at the same time. Abby started with the hot wax. A wide candle was held above Janice and drops of wax were allowed to splatter onto the naked, oiled flesh. Janice screamed at the first drop and was immediately gagged by Claire. When Abby was finished, a line of wax ran from Janice's throat to her belly button and more wax circled the base of each perfect breast.
Louise was next. Her choice of torture made Gail's skin crawl and she couldn't imagine what must have been going through Janice's mind. Louise produced a tall jar with liquid in it. It wasn't until the lid was removed and Louise pulled the first item out of it that Gail realized that the jar was filled with needles. She only hoped that the liquid was some sort of antiseptic.
Gail watched with wide eyes as the first needle was placed next to the outer swell of Janice's left breast. Abby raised Janice's head and propped it up with a couple of books from a nearby shelf so that the slave could fully appreciate her next experience. Gail's eyes kept moving from Janice's wide eyes to the point of the needle as, slowly, the needle dimpled the breast and then lanced into it, eliciting a muffled scream from the gagged woman.
Gail wondered what Janice must be going through as she watched Louise slide more and more of the needle into the perfectly formed breast. Finally, Gail saw the other side of the breast tenting out for a moment before the tip of the needle emerged. Surprisingly, there was no blood. Equally surprising to Gail was that Janice did not scream other than for her initial burst. Maybe the needles were so narrow that she couldn't feel them and she only screamed at the first one out of shock. All in all, Gail watched as two needles slid through the base of each breast, forming crosses. Two more needles were pushed through each breast near the nipples, also forming crosses. And a single needle was pushed through the tip of each nipple and down into the breast flesh.
During both tortures, Gail had watched how the other women had manipulated the bound slave to orgasm. Fingers constantly stroked the oiled clitoris and, by the time the needles were withdrawn, Gail had counted four climaxes, although there may have been more.
"Your turn, Gail," said Claire after Louise was finished with her fun.
"Oh, no," stammered Gail. "I'm fine. You go ahead. I'll just watch."
"Nonsense," replied Claire. "I have her all day every day. I invited the three of you so you could enjoy her. So what will it be?"
"Oh," said a dazed Gail. "I don't know. What do you suggest?"
"Well, my little one confided in me once that she had never been fisted. I think you should take away her virginity."
"Oh, my gosh!" stuttered Gail. "I couldn't do that."
"Of course you can," reassured Claire. "I'll help you along. And Janice will love it. You've seen how she has been climaxing." Then Claire leaned over and whispered to Gail, "She's such a pain slut. It's hard to picture her as a mistress."
"Oh," responded Gail. "You really think she likes that?"
"Definitely," claimed Abby.
"Positive," said Louise. All during this exchange, Janice was shaking her head back and forth and trying to mumble something through her gag. Her motions became more frantic and the noise became louder and more high-pitched as the discussion continued.
Not waiting for a response, Claire gave Gail another hug. "Do you want to do it clothed or unclothed?"
"What?!?!?!" asked a surprised Gail.
"Well you're likely to get all oily as you do it. Personally, I would take off my clothes so I didn't have to worry."
"It would be much less messy that way," agreed Abby.
"Easier to clean up afterwards," chimed in Louise.
"Let me help you," offered Claire as she unzipped the back of Gail's sundress. The other two women stepped forward and, within seconds, Gail was nude.
"Another potential slave," thought Claire as she admired her naked friend. Gail was smaller than the other naked woman but every bit as beautiful. She was five feet, two inches tall with green eyes that sparkled when she laughed and a pixyish smile. Here breasts were not as large either, resembling champagne glasses to Janice's large goblets. A narrow waist gave way to mature yet delicate hips, providing her with a near-ideal figure. A small cultivated patch of brown hair decorated the woman's mound. A new idea suddenly formed in Claire's devious mind.
Claire wrapped her arm around Gail again and led her back between Janice's legs, resting a hand on top of a naked hip. Then Claire picked up a bottle of the oil and poured a stream of it over the hand and wrist of Gail's right arm. The newly nude woman must have been in shock or denial because she offered no resistance as Claire rubbed in the oil and then pulled the hand toward Janice's gaping sex.
Claire pushed two of Gail's fingers together and then guided them into the bound slave's sex, moving the fingers in and out. Claire added another of Gail's fingers to the first two and soon three digits were moving into her friend. All the while, Janice kept thrashing her head back and forth and trying to shout protests around the gag.
"Good girl," assured Claire as she slid her free hand down to Gail's bottom. Life couldn't be better for Claire. One of her hands was using Gail's hand like a living dildo on Janice while her other hand roamed freely over Gail's bottom, squeezing it. A fourth finger was added and Abby poured a little more oil onto Gail's hand, although Claire was sure that the slave was already producing enough lubrication to accommodate what was to happen next.
"Now tuck your thumb into the fingers, little one," instructed Claire. "It's time."
Gail did as she was told and then Claire started moving the arm, guiding the digits a little deeper with each thrust. Finally, the knuckles were stretching Janice wide with each forward movement and, with a gentle push, Claire watched Gail's entire hand being swallowed until her wrist was firmly embedded in Janice.
Claire let go of Gail and wiped off her hands on a nearby towel. She went to an end table and retrieved her digital camera before returning to Gail and lightly caressing her back. "You are such a good girl. Now open your hand inside of her. Feel around. Explore."
Gail did as she was commanded and Claire slipped away to find good vantage points from which to take pictures. She made sure that Gail's face and wrist were clearly visible in each shot and Gail never even noticed the faint click of the camera.
Janice was moaning loudly at this point. She had never felt so stretched and full in her life and she could feel Gail's fingers seeking out every nook and cranny within her. She had long since stopped struggling against her bonds and now her oiled body laid still and stretched as her neighbor's hand played inside of her body.
Abby and Louise each claimed one of Janice's breasts and they sucked hungrily on the stiff nipples that had so recently been abused. Occasionally, the two women would pause in their attentions and let their oily lips meet over Janice's body for a heated kiss. Then they would return to their work to the sounds of much slurping.
Claire came up behind Gail and reached around her. Claire's right hand lightly stroked the woman's arm before it disappeared inside of the slave. Claire's left hand cupped and squeezed Gail's left breast, holding it. She was surprised but pleased to find the nipple so stiff and aroused.
"Form a fist," instructed Claire. "Now pump it in and out as far as it will go." This caused Janice to start squirming again as, one moment the fist stretched the opening of her sex and the next moment it pounded against her cervix. The combination of pain and unexplainable pleasure was overwhelming and was far beyond anything she had ever imagined.
"Now use your tongue," Claire continued. "Give her some pleasure." Gail tilted her head forward and snaked out her delicate tongue, fluttering it over the exposed and rigid clitoris. Claire released Gail for a moment and snapped a few more incriminating pictures. Claire then returned the camera to the drawer and returned to Gail. Again, one hand claimed a breast but, this time, the other hand slid between Gail's legs. Surprisingly, Gail spread her legs a little more to accommodate the intruding hand.
"Claire teased the nipple by flicking it with a fingernail and twisting it. Her hand moved from breast to breast, squeezing the warm, firm flesh and toying with the nipples. Her other hand was busy too. Her fingers stroked and parted the slick labia, occasionally dipping into the wet channel before one finger started a steady strumming rhythm. Claire watched Janice closely so that she could time Gail's climax to that of the slave. Within minutes, both bodies tensed and moaned as orgasms raced through the two women. Claire had to support Gail, doing so using her breasts as handles, easing her backward until her hand slid free of the slavegirl.
Claire laid Gail on the floor and Abby and Louise quickly knelt beside her, devouring her breasts as they had with Janice. Abby also started stroking Gail's sex bringing Gail to another climax as Claire took a few more pictures.
Chapter 15: Slave Exchange
Roles started to become confused in the Mason household. Mandy and Charity became more like sisters than owner and slave, although they behaved like rather incestuous sisters. Charity still had to do the chores for her owner and was also responsible for bathing and dressing Mandy. But other than that, they mostly just kept each other company. Other than the one night when Perry and Allison took Charity to bed with them, Charity slept in Mandy's bed. There was frequent sex between the two girls and it was always filled with love and caring.
Mandy even took Charity with her when she went shopping or out with friends. For these occasions, Mandy had to loan her slavegirl clothes since Charity had arrived naked and without a suitcase. But other than the tops fitting her a little more snugly than normal, the clothes fit fine. And Mandy's friends quickly assimilated the new girl into their circle without having any clue that Mandy owned her.
Allison found herself being treated less and less like a mother and slave owner and more and more like a submissive. Throughout the week, Chet exercised more and more control over Allison. Allison kept looking for Jill for support but the slavegirl was in no position to help. By Thursday, Allison was kept naked except for when Chet allowed her to wear clothes and he always selected her outfits.
The only relationship that appeared normal, if there is such a thing as normal in a relationship involving slavery, was that of Chet and Jill. Chet was clearly the master and Jill was clearly the slave. She was generally kept bound in some manner. She was always nude and was frequently used for sex. And she was even loaned to one of Chet's friends who thought he had died and gone to heaven as he fucked the beautiful slave energetically. Jill was also used in many different ways, including daily anal sex.
It was on Thursday evening that Allison's life changed. Perry had been amused as he watched his son start to dominate his wife and wanted to see where it ended up. Privately, he had taken Chet aside and given his son his blessing to enslave Allison but with one warning. "Just remember that I will be her master. You may borrow her and you may use her when I'm not around. But she will belong to me."
So Perry was not surprised when he walked in on the scene in the living room on Thursday night. Allison was naked and on her knees. Jill was lying on the floor with her face buried in Allison's crotch, licking the mother furiously. And Chet was sitting in a chair with Allison's lips wrapped around his cock.
"Pull up a slave," grinned Chet, causing Allison to jump and pull back.
"Don't bother getting up, dear," smiled Perry. "I'll just grab Jill here." He grabbed the prone slavegirl by her ankles and dragged her out from under Allison and then sat down in another chair. "I'll have whatever he's having." Soon, both father and son were enjoying the feel of full, luscious slave lips gliding up and down their cocks.
That night, Perry took Jill to bed with him where she kept him entertained for much of the night. Allison did not get any sleep at all that night. Chet had taken her vaginally and anally for the first time and had declared her to be a slave from now on. Then, he bound her wrists and ankles to the corners of the bed and used her breasts as a pillow. He slept soundly. She did not sleep at all.
Saturday morning was tearful. At least it was for Mandy. She was losing her slavegirl whom she had grown to love. She made her father promise to try to buy Charity for her before Perry loaded the girls into their cages for the trip back to their owners.
Chet was fine with the loss of his slave. He had a new one to replace her. While he thought that Jill was beautiful and a great lover, he thought his mother was equally beautiful and also a great lover. The first night of sex with her son had been awkward but, once she adjusted to her new position in life, she demonstrated to him that she was very talented sexually.
Chapter 16: Deep Discount Slavery
The second half of the Summer proved to be a bit different from the first half for many of those who experienced the week as temporary slaves or temporary owners. Each slave was taken back to where the auction had been held and reunited with their permanent owners.
Hal Bascomb had a change of heart after his slavery. The experience had been traumatic for him and had given him a much better appreciation of what he was doing to the couple. He embraced the naked Professor Jill Wallings and held her tightly for several minutes. He then told her that he was releasing her and her husband and that they could have their lives back.
A very grateful Jill thanked him and told Hal that she was sure her husband would be very relieved. But she also told him that she would serve the remainder of the term of their agreement. It was only fair. She said that she had committed a crime and he had protected her and prevented her from going to prison. She wanted to repay his kindness and continue to be his property.
Allison started life anew with two masters. Most of the time, she slept with her husband but, a couple of nights each week, she would sleep with her son. Occasionally, they would both take her together and it took awhile to get used to feeling their cocks sliding in and out of her sex and bottom in unison. Chet was in charge of her wardrobe, when she was even allowed to wear clothes, and all of her friends complimented her on her new, youthful look.
Mandy stayed in touch with Charity and the two girls talked almost daily over the phone. Mandy visited Janice and Charity several times in August and even persuaded Janice to loan Charity to her for a weekend. Mandy was delighted when she learned that Charity was a student at GSU and she realized she would be able to spend a lot of time with her pet.
Gail was horrified when she opened the email and clicked on image after image of herself in acts of deviant sex. A couple of hours later, Claire called. Gail argued but, once Claire read off the list of email addresses she was getting ready to send the pictures to, Gail stopped resisting. She became the plaything of Claire and Abby and Louise. Two days later, her husband wondered why his wife had decided to shave her sex. Two months later, friends noticed that Gail filled out her blouse a bit more than before. And each month after that, those same friends were surprised by a new ring or other form of pierced jewelry that Gail wore.
Janice had decided to release Charity at the end of the Summer. Charity was not ready to end her slavery, however. She loved the feeling of being owned. The two of them drafted a new agreement. It said that, for the next two years, Charity would be the property of her aunt. All limitations were eliminated from this contract at Charity's request. There was also a provision in the agreement that allowed Mandy to lease Charity for periods of up to a week for the payment of one dollar.
Charity realized that a dollar was much less than the $6500 she had fetched when she was first sold. But she considered Mandy to be a preferred customer.
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