The Agony of Failure – Part Two
Part One tells of the beginning of the ordeal for 25-year-old Charlotte Conway and her two maidservants. Betrayed as they try to flee from the city following a failed attempt to overthrow the Sultan's cruel regime, they are condemned to face the skilled attentions of the Lady Lei Chen in the torture chambers below the palace. The Lady Lei Chen herself masturbates Charlotte to a series of orgasms as she is forced to watch the torment of her maids, Even as she writhes in the throes of pleasure, the Englishwoman knows that she is being prepared for her own agony…
Unseen in the dimness of the entrance to the cells, the Sultan watched as the young native maidservant screamed and writhed on her metal stake. His gaze moved to the side of the brightly lit chamber, where the Englishwoman still knelt, bound kneeling and astride on her bamboo frame. He smiled as he studied the heaving flanks, the shining, sweat-soaked skin… and the little clamps in the shape of golden serpents gripping the pink peaks of her breasts. As usual, the Lady Lei Chen had prepared her victim well...
The Sultan waited until Lei Chen's girls, Lucy and Weh Ma, had brought the Englishwoman's maid to another writhing peak of pain and pleasure, her body impaled on the thick metal phallus. He felt his own penis hardening as he watched the way the rapid, stinging impact of the thin bamboo rods on her breasts kept her in constant motion.
Her tormentors, applying the rods so delicately and skilfully, ensured she jerked and twisted up and down the cunningly decorated shaft without respite. Finally the unbearable stimulation overwhelmed her senses and, screaming in an agony of pain and pleasure, she climaxed once more before slumping forwards to hang senseless from her bonds.
'A most expert performance… your assistants do you credit, Lei Chen,' the Sultan murmured as he walked into the white-walled brightness of the torture chamber. Behind their master as always, a small group of servants and guards remained in the shadows, ready to respond to every whim of the tyrant. Only a slim, naked slave girl stayed close by his side, eyes lowered, her oiled body gleaming like rich mahogany in the lamplight. Gold rings gleamed at the points of her body, her nipples, her navel and the shaven lips of her sex.
The Sultan's richly embroidered robes swirled round his bare legs as he stopped in front of the bamboo 'A' frame that held Charlotte Conway arched back and kneeling astride. He studied the glistening, tanned figure of the naked Englishwoman; his eyes alight with cruel delight as he saw the thick honey of her juices shining on the junction of her thighs and the puffy, reddened lips of her cunt.
'So, Miss Conway… now you understand how I deal with those who oppose me… I can see you have enjoyed Lei Chen's attentions whilst your maids have been performing their dances of ecstasy…' White teeth gleamed as a sinister smile spread across the Sultan's dark features. He reached down to run his fingers over the full jutting globes of Charlotte's breasts. Teeth clenched at his touch, she only gasped aloud when he deliberately flicked the two golden serpents whose needle jaws were still clamped tightly round the swollen peaks of each nipple. '…And wearing such attractive jewellery too….'
Behind the Sultan, padding silently about their business as their Lord teased the helpless young blonde, the eunuchs lifted the limp body of the maidservant from the metal phallus, freeing her from her bonds so Lucy and Weh Ma, the Lady Lei Chen's vicious young assistants, could seize her arms and drag the exhausted and broken girl away to the cells.
With the young maidservant gone, the eunuchs quickly removed the stake and its heavy metal base, leaving the middle of the chamber empty once again.
'Now it is time for your own performance...' the Sultan smiled down at the beautiful figure splayed before him, enjoying Charlotte's frantic efforts to bring her rapid, panting breathing under control. 'I know that the Lady Lei Chen will be most inventive and stimulating in her attentions. I trust you are still in good voice since your song of agony will be long… unbearably long for you, I fear…' He laughed softly as Charlotte twisted against her bonds, eyes wide with fear and loathing as she gazed up at her tormentor.
'You monster, whatever you do… you'll never have the satisfaction of breaking me…' Charlotte gasped her voice hoarse with emotion and the sexual exhaustion of the last few hours. 'You and that, that creature of yours can go to hell! Aaaah… '
She twisted and gasped aloud as the Sultan gently pressed the jaws of the golden serpent still dangling from the swollen peak of her left breast. He looked up as Lady Lei Chen joined her silent assistants and all of them bowed low. The Sultan looked the writhing woman on her bamboo frame, 'such vigour in such a delightfully shaped body, my dear. I eagerly await your performance, Miss Conway…' He let the golden clip go and strode across to where a low, comfortable couch was placed on the edge of the central area.
The Sultan settled back, deliberately letting the silk robes fall away from his legs as he relaxed; the conqueror at ease in front of his helpless victim. He smiled as he noted Charlotte's sudden blush as she caught sight of the thick, upcurving column of his penis tenting the fine fabric across his groin.
Commanded by a single imperious gesture, the slim dark haired slave girl, hurried to her Master's side and knelt, bowing until her forehead touched the cool tiles. The Sultan gave an imperceptible nod of approval.
Settling himself back against the cushions, he enjoyed the delightful sensations as the girl stroked the length of his shaft with one hand whilst the other gently massaged the soft, heavy sac of his testicles. Stretching with pleasure under the girl's delicate fondling, the Sultan watched closely as Charlotte's torture frame was moved into the middle of the floor… then turned to offer him the best view of her outstretched body.
'My Lady… please continue'
The Sultan let his shoulders relax against the silk cushions as he pressed the slave girl's head into his groin. Knowing exactly what was expected of her, the naked girl eased the silk robe aside, opening her lips in a wet 'O' to engulf the smooth, domed head of her Master's penis.
Just as she began to use her tongue to tease around the rim of the wide glans, the Sultan's fingers tightened in her hair, his voice suddenly thick and quiet with heat and menace. 'Have a care my little one…the performance has yet to begin. Attend to your task with skill… after all, the Lady Lei Chen is always available to provide other stimulation for those who displease me…'
The girl shivered in fear, her caresses immediately becoming softer and less urgent as she worked her lips over the thick helmet and down the warm, hard shaft, trying to bring her Master to full erection and arousal… but no further.
The Lady Lei Chen permitted herself a small smile of satisfaction as she watched the girl's careful attentions… She now understood the reason for the young slave girl's presence in this place. The Sultan's unspoken message was clear in his words to her. There must have been some fault, some minor word or indiscretion to condemn her. No matter what she did now, her fate was sealed. Once his Highness had enjoyed her attentions whilst watching the torment of the Englishwoman, she would be left behind… another pretty present for Lei Chen's devilish skills…
'Highness,' her hands traced over the full curves of Charlotte's breasts. 'For your delight I thought this one should feel the heat of your justice…' Lei Chen paused, her voice becoming softer and more eager, her fingers sliding down to caress the swollen lips and the soft, wet cleft of her victim's body. 'Your Highness may recall how the General's wife entertained us for so long last month? How she became most sorry, most willing to do anything, anything at all… You found her song…arousing, I believe…'
The Sultan nodded, his eyes gleaming with the memory and the thought of applying the same exquisite torture to the Englishwoman on the frame before him. 'Excellent, excellent, that little toy you called your scorpion , of course… let us begin at once…'
Charlotte screamed, the firm globes bouncing and jiggling wildly as Lei Chen casually tugged the golden clips from her swollen teats. She paused, looking down at Charlotte, as she knelt against the polished yellow frame, arched back by her bonds, the red, swollen peaks of her breasts still jutting firmly outwards.
She turned to the near naked figures of her assistants, Lucy and Weh Ma. Their eager cruelty was obvious to their Mistress's expert eye. The polished sheen of their bodies, the rigid nipples and the soft, rapid panting breaths all revealed their sexual heat.
'Oh yes, my little ones,' she smiled, her own excitement rising as she shared the anticipation with them. 'It is your turn once more…fetch me the black box… Then you may use the ivory rod and the little tickler to pleasure her once more. She must be wet and fully roused for all that is to come …'
The soft light from the lamps round the chamber painted the Englishwoman's, moist flesh with bronze highlights. Muscle and sinew stood out in hard relief making her seem like some pagan sacrifice. The full globes of her breasts trembled slightly at each shallow, panting breath whilst below the deep, hollowed arch of her ribs; her belly formed a taut curve down to the bulging V of her mound.
Between her parted thighs, the soft, split bulge of Charlotte's cunt was quite open, the engorged lips slightly parted so the delicate pink inner folds of her labia and the crest of her clitoral hood, still sticky with the dew of her earlier climaxes, showed clearly. The young Englishwoman panted her breathing rapid and shallow the terror building for she knew from the way she was bound, exactly where the torture would be applied.
'Lucy will use the tongue… Weh Ma, you may see how Miss Conway responds to that little ivory man you used earlier… now she has had a chance to recover…'
The girls hurried to and fro then Charlotte grunted as she felt something nudging between the lips of her cunt. She knew it was the devilishly carved dildo that the girl had used to make her come before. Unable to do anything, anything at all, she moaned as she felt that slow, pleasure-pain as Weh Ma carefully worked the bulging helmet into the mouth of her vagina.
'Oh, oh please, I can't not so soon , ah, aaah… AH!'
Weh Ma paused, grinning up at her mistress from her crouched position at the side of the frame. She knew that last, sharp cry was because the ivory dildo's enlarged, bulbous head had just slipped into Charlotte's body. With her mistress's tiny nod of approval, she began twisting her wrist to and fro slowly, screwing the ridged shaft deeper and deeper into the Englishwoman's vagina. Just as she'd done before, she was making sure that each sharply raised carving rasped against the delicate tissues deep inside her victim's body.
With the long ivory rod fully embedded, Weh Ma moved her position a little, changing hands to reach under her blonde victim so that she could continue to work the dildo in and out very slowly and deliberately, but leaving Charlotte's prominent labia and the little flesh hood quite open and untouched for Lucy's attention with the devilish little ivory 'tickler'.
After a few minutes Lei Chen walked over and smoothed Charlotte's blond hair away from her forehead. The young Englishwoman's hips were just beginning to surge uncontrollably as the carved dildo moved and twisted deep inside, working her towards another peak of arousal. 'So nice, so full inside isn't it my darling… See you only have to rest for a little while and then… you're all ready to begin again. No, no, shhh…' She pressed her fingers over Charlotte's gaping mouth, silencing the feeble protest before it was even spoken. 'Let Lucy tickle that little nub of yours first… then you can sing your pleasure for us all to hear…'
Lucy picked up the little carved wand, fitting her fingers round the handgrip so that the slim neck and the tiny, bulb-like head pointed upwards. Making sure that Charlotte could see, she moved the wet, black triangle of her own cache-sexe aside to slip the head of the little probe between her own labia. Silence fell as everyone watched the tiny, delicate movements of her wrist as she moved the artfully rounded head between the slippery folds to fret against the very centre of her clitoris.
'Ah, ah Mistress, ah it is so goooood!' The girl bucked and jerked as she rode each shock of pleasure teased from her most sensitive flesh.
'Enough… go one with your task, or need I discipline you too?'
The Lady Lei Chen's voice brooked no argument and Lucy reluctantly pulled the 'tickler' free, the narrow shaft glistening wetly with her body's juices. Wiping beads of perspiration from her face and breasts, Lucy knelt in front of Charlotte's gently moving hips. She smiled as she watched Charlotte tensing in anticipation, before very slowly parting the hot, sticky lips and sliding the tiny bulb deep into the furrow of her victim's cunt.
Deliberately teasing the blonde Englishwoman she teased the head round the folds of her inner lips, tickling the fold of skin at the top of her cleft then moving away so Charlotte shivered and twitched with involuntary jolts of excitement. Finally, with slow, delicate movements she worked the head under the little fleshy hood, twisting it gently to and fro to tease and pluck at Charlotte's clitoris directly.
'Huh… huh… huh… huh… ah… ah… aaah… Aaaahhh… AAARRRGGGHHHH!'
Charlotte's chanting grunts changed to a series of wild, ecstatic cries as the exquisite stimulation of the 'tickler', and the relentless, slow masturbation of the dildo, forced her to another crashing orgasm. On the couch, the Sultan's hips jerked in excitement as he watched the two girls wringing squeals of pleasure from the beautiful Englishwoman as she bucked and heaved against the straps holding her to the torture frame.
'And now for my special toy…' Lei Chen's fingers continued to tease Charlotte's shuddering body, tickling the fine skin under each breast and gently scratching each swollen nipple so, although the two girls had stopped working on her cunt, the frantic heaving of her ribs and her broken, sobbing breaths went on and on. Finally, Lei Chen turned to the black and gold lacquered box the girls had placed in front of the bamboo frame.
Lei Chen raised the lid and Charlotte caught the sheen of silver from two objects nestled in red silk lining the inside. 'Whips, needles, pincers… all bring the same results… be it man or woman,' Lei Chen said almost tenderly as she lifted one of the objects from the box. 'But sometimes one wishes to concentrate on the differences… especially when the seat of so much pleasure can bring the most exquisite pain too…'
At first Charlotte could not make out what her tormentor was holding, then she cried, biting her lip and closing her eyes as the shape became clearer. It looked like a shell, a carapace, an elongated teardrop that ended in a thick, hooked shaft with a rounded end. Made of beaten silver it glittered in the lamplight, the three fine chains hanging from it chinking softly as Lei Chen turned it over in her hands.
'No, no, please noooooo… OH GOD NO!!'
Charlotte's head threshed from side to side, as she understood the meaning of the intimately hollowed shape and the raised spine of sharp, triangular teeth dividing the interior. 'Yes… now you understand darling… my little scorpion will cup and hold your pleasure lips whilst this will fit inside that other mouth of yours… the one we have yet to explore…' Lie Chen stroked the hooked tail, a thumb's thickness at least, so that the young blonde could see the bulb at the end. The size of a small plum, it tapered to a fine tip… 'I see you understand the name… the shape and this tail…' Her torturer smiled coldly. 'But remember that scorpions can sting as well my dear…'
She reached down to cup the hot wet lips of Charlotte's cunt, parting them to work her fingers deep into her body, gathering moisture that she carefully smeared over the inner walls of the torture cup. Charlotte's muscles locked in fear as Lei Chen carefully fitted the silver sheath over her bulging labia, teasing the sticky lips apart so the toothed inner blade slid up between them.
'Oh, G-g-god, aaaaaah, nuh...nuh...p-please don't, please I'm so sore… '
Charlotte craned her head forwards, desperate to see what was being done to her as Lucy hurried to hold the sheath pressed against her groin. Lei Chen fed the two fine steel chains up the young blonde's thigh creases then round high on her hips before hooking them together in the small of her back. She licked her fingers and reached between Charlotte's buttocks to caress the silver bulb. 'And now to fill that other secret place…'
'Aaaaah, no, not there, please not ther…AAAAHH!
Charlotte bucked wildly as she felt the bulb against the tender rosette of her anus… a burning, stretching pressure… then a terrible, scraping fullness as the silver bulb popped through and the muscle ring clenched round the curved shaft. There was the soft rattle from the chain attached to the base of the tail and Charlotte squirmed and hissed in discomfort as it was drawn up into the soft crease of her buttocks. The Lady Lei Chen smiled at the young blonde's sudden movements… and pulled the chain tighter and tighter…
'No, please noooooo, ah, ah, ah… ARRGGHHH!'
The silver scorpion was forced tightly against her cunt as the chains dug into the tender skin. Each of the triangular teeth pricked the soft, sensitive cleft. Charlotte realised that the ones at the very front of the diabolical cup were longer! Stabbing pains lanced through her groin as the sadistically placed needle tips bit into the swollen, tender stub of her clitoris.
At the same time, the tension forced the silver bulb, and the hooked shaft, deep into her rectum. Lei Chen brought a further series of anguished grunts from Charlotte as she patted the silver sheath now cupping the Englishwoman's genitals so closely. 'A perfect fit my dear… Lucy, if you would fetch the lamps, we can begin…'
Enjoying the sight of the preparations before him, and the wet, slithering stimulation of the slave girl's agile tongue swirling round the head of his penis, the Sultan awaited the start of the Englishwoman's torture. Despite all her pleas and protests, he knew she had no real idea of the scorpion's true purpose… or the agony she was about to face once the little row of oil lamps on their carefully adjusted stand began to warm that artfully designed silver cup…
'Miss Conway… I suggest you save your energy. Once Lucy has placed that holder in position between your legs and the lamps are lit… I assure you that you will need all your strength to cope with the bite of that little toy Lei Chen has strapped so closely to your body…'
No words came in reply… kneeling on her bamboo frame Charlotte watched, wide-eyed in horror as Lucy carefully moved the black metal stand until the wicks of the three small oil lamps were in an exact line beneath the gleaming metal sheath cupping her genitals.
'Now you may sing for us properly, my darling…' Lei Chen whispered from behind the kneeling figure. She stroked Charlotte's cheeks then let her hands trail over her shoulders to cup the soft globes, her lips just grazing the delicate skin behind the young blonde's left ear as both watched Weh Ma touch the lighted taper to the first lamp wick. 'Feel my scorpion's bite…'
Now, the only sounds in the brightly lit chamber were Charlotte's harsh, racing gasps; gasps of awful anticipation as she once again craned forwards… staring down as though mesmerised at the three tiny golden spears of flame dancing and flickering between her thighs. Even as she watched, the tiny flames were already dimming the polished surface as they played directly on the cunningly shaped metal.
'Aaah ….' The sweat soaked hips bucked forwards a few inches as the first tendrils of heat began to seep through the metal.
'Aah, ah, ah, ah, no, no, no, nooooooooo…. '
The bamboo frame creaked and rocked as the young blonde's movement became steadily more frantic. Her gasps grew louder, ringing round the chamber as mindless, pleading words as she fought to cope with the rising agony as the little flames heated the metal unbearably.
The Sultan pressed the slave girl's head down, forcing his shaft deeper in his throat as the excitement of the Englishwoman's torture spurred him towards his climax. 'Scream for me, scream so you can tell me of your sorrow as you feel the fire of my vengeance!'
Moment's later the blazing pain of the heated metal against her inner lips broke Charlotte's control.
The scream ripped through the stillness as the young blonde seemed to go mad, threshing and bucking wildly so that the torture frame creaked and groaned at the force of her spasms. But there was no escape, Lei Chen's assistants knew the scorpion's effect only to well and the straps and bindings on the bamboo frame held Charlotte quite secure… mounted astride the flames that were roasting and burning her most sensitive flesh.
'There's more yet…' whispered Lei Chen between the shrill, animal noises. 'Can you feel the bulb beginning to warm up too, beginning to burn deep inside…?' Her fingers worked the Englishwoman's breasts, gripping and squeezing the already sore nipples as Lei Chen's own excitement rose.
'Oh GOD! It burns, it BURNS please, ARRGHHH, p-p-please it's burning up inside me… Noooooo!'
Lei Chen moved her hands, one continuing to twist and squeeze the peak of Charlotte's breast whilst the other slid between her own thighs, her fingers squirming and wriggling in the hot wet folds of her cunt as she felt her own orgasm building.
On the edge of the central area the Sultan was arched back against the silk cushions as the sweating slave girl's head moved more and more rapidly as she worked her mouth over the full length of his phallus.
Lei Chen's finger blurred with movement as her other hand wrenched and twisted the tender peak of Charlotte's breast in the jolting frenzy of her own release. Then, in a final spasm of excitement she reached behind the screaming, shuddering blonde to jerk the end of the fine chain cutting deep between her buttocks.
Charlotte Conway's shrieks of agony became even shriller as the chain jarred the heated bulb against the sensitive, nerve-rich tissues of her rectum. Lifting her face upwards, the young English woman squealed like an animal in her agony. The sounds were the final trigger for her cruel, pitiless tormentors. The Sultan's fingers closed on the slave girl's hair, thrusting against her face as the jerking spasms of his own climax matched those of the Lady Lei Chen, still crouched over the screaming, sweat-soaked figure kneeling astride the tiny, torturing flames
Trained and obedient despite their own high passion, Lucy and Weh Ma brought soft towels to their master and mistress, helping them to relax and recover from their sexual release. 'Move the lamps, Lucy…' Lei Chen whispered. 'Let our guest rest for a moment so she can gather her strength. She will ride the flame many more times tonight as my scorpion teaches her proper respect for his Highness.'
Charlotte was only gradually aware that the fiery torture between her thighs was growing less. Her head lolled against her heaving chest as she fought the dreadful burning pain; the blistered agony of her labia and the deeper throbbing fire in her anus. Despite her bonds, every tiny movement brought fresh torment as the hot metal of the scorpion worked against her tortured flesh.
Long minutes passed as the Sultan sipped a cooling drink whilst the slave girl gently cleansed his body. Finally, he looked across at the trembling, pain-wracked figure on the frame. 'Now, Miss Conway, let us start again… as I remember the effect is much more immediate the second time…'
Charlotte Conway was gasping and pleading even before Weh Ma had moved the little lamps back between her splayed thighs. The young blonde Englishwoman's eyes bulged in horror as she stared down at the tiny yellow flames… each one again flickering and dancing against the soot-blackened curve of metal chained so tightly against the raw, tortured flesh of her genitals... Moments later, she arched back and another wordless scream echoed round the stone chamber. On the couch the Sultan smiled, drinking in Charlotte's agonised cries as the warm, wet velvet of the slave girl's mouth began to rouse him to full hardness once more.
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