Chapter 15: Business Opportunity
Another month went by in the happy harem. Each of the girls was content and each of the owners was very happy with their property. On the weekends, the girls toiled away on Alana's house and were getting close to finishing the easy work on the inside. They knew that there was more work on the outside and wondered how they would handle that. They had become accustomed to working naked but they knew that the other neighbors would probably object to that when they worked in the flower beds.
During the week, the girls pursued their own separate interests. Alana designed buildings. Meredith had taken up a new interest in organizing charity events. And Ted had convinced Kelly to go to college, so she spent most days in class or studying.
In the evenings, however, they were all naked and beautiful slavegirls who existed purely for the enjoyment of Grace and Ted. They prepared and served dinner together. They entertained their owners with either a dance or some sexual performance each evening. And they warmed the beds of their owners. Everything was perfect in everyone's mind.
On an evening when Ted, or Master Edward as he had become known as, wanted Kelly and Meredith. Grace agreed and took Alana to bed, although they slept in Alana's new master suite, complete with a huge master bath and a king-size bed.
As Alana laid cuddled up against her Mistress, Grace laid out an idea. "Pet, I received a call today from Master Charles. He was looking for help in designing a new event hall and he wanted to know if I knew of anyone who could help. Mind you, I never told him that you were an architect. So it's fine if you say no."
"What is he looking for in the new hall, Mistress?" she asked.
"I don't know, little one. Maybe that's something you should ask him yourself."
"Yes, Mistress," she replied and then she resumed her licking of her mistress' sex.
Alana was quickly becoming Grace's favorite. All of the girls were beautiful, pleasing and obedient. But Alana somehow had an elegance about her. She carried herself proudly even when she may feel embarrassment or humiliation. She truly was Grace's slave princess.
She had to hide he favoritism from the girls, however. She was worried about Meredith. Meredith was the oldest of the slaves, although only a year older than Alana. She was beautiful by anyone's standards and, since the girls' visit to the ranch, Grace had received more offers to buy Meredith than either of the other two. But she was afraid that Meredith might somehow start to feel inferior if she knew of Grace's affection for Alana, especially because of Ted's interest in the other girls. Grace attributed Ted's behavior to the "green pastures syndrome." Ted and Meredith had been married for several years and, all of a sudden, two beautiful women were dropped into his lap; literally. She made a mental note to talk to Ted. Perhaps he should spend more time alone with his wife.
Kelly had adjusted very nicely to the change from being a mistress to being a slave. In fact, she seemed even freer in her new role. Even though she had been reluctant and even pouty at the ranch, she had turned out to be the most carefree and adventurous of the trio. She certainly was the most energetic, which sometimes earned her punishments.
Kelly was the one who kept reminding Grace that they still needed to be registered. And she was the only one who was excited when she learned that the branding iron had arrived. She was disappointed, however, when she learned that the mark was to be placed on her bottom. She had wanted it to be more prominent and Grace was convinced that she would have worn the little lopsided heart emblem in the middle of her forehead if she had been left to decide.
Grace scheduled a visit to the ranch to introduce Alana as an architect. Charles only knew her as a beautiful slavegirl. Ted bowed out so Grace left Kelly with him and took Alana and Meredith with her.
Despite being introduced in her role as a professional, Alana was naked. At least she and Meredith were allowed to sit at the table. It would have been difficult to take notes while kneeling. She interviewed the master for over an hour to get an understanding of what he was looking for and then he led the three women on a tour so that Alana could get a feel for the setting.
As she walked around, Meredith realized that two months earlier, she never would have considered walking outside naked. Now, as she passed the staff members and a few slaves, it seemed quite normal to have nothing but a collar on her. And she could feel her sex getting wet as the familiar surroundings reminded her of those erotic three weeks at the ranch.
Alana realized that her reference books would not help her design this building. It was definitely something she had never seen or heard of before. It was to have an amphitheater, a dungeon and facilities for exercising slaves. The floors needed to be designed so that no blood or other bodily fluids would stain them. It also needed numerous small rooms, several of which would be used as cells for holding slaves and the rest would be classrooms. Master Charles wanted the building to be both magnificent and nondescript. "I want it to be something to be proud of but I don't want it to be attracting a lot of visitors and tourists." Alana finished taking her notes and then blushed as she tried to put her pencil away before she realized that she had no pockets. She ended up tucking it behind an ear.
"I will have the preliminary drawings and sketches for you next weekend, Master," she told him. "We can make whatever alterations are needed then."
"I want that girl!" Charles exclaimed to Grace after she had sent the girls back to the car to wait for her. "Hell, I'll take either one of them! Hell, I'll take any of the three! You have no idea how lucky you are to own those three little morsels. I still have people calling each week to see if they're going to be featured in the hunt."
Grace laughed. "It's always nice to hear that my girls have made a good impression. I'll think about it. Maybe we can make some kind of trade. One of my girls for Gretchen, perhaps?"
"But…." Sputtered Charles.
Grace cut him short. "Think about it, Charles. Now, I must be on my way." With that, she turned and walked to the car to join her slaves.
"I miss that place, Mistress," announced Meredith when they were halfway back to town. This drew an immediate reaction from Alana who was startled by the admission, but she remained silent.
"What do you miss about it, pet?" asked Grace.
"Everything, Mistress. The excitement and the thrills. I honestly have never felt sexier or more alive than when I was there. I know you probably think I'm being silly."
"No, love," reassured Grace. "I don't think you're silly at all. I think you're beautiful. A beautiful, loving slave. I could return you easily. I could sell you to the ranch if that would make you happy."
This brought a gasp from Meredith who quickly responded. "Thank you Mistress, but I don't think I want to be sold. I would like to return from time to time, though."
"Consider it done. I'll phone Charles as soon as we get home. Maybe I can deliver you tomorrow and then pick you up next weekend when Alana delivers her plans."
Meredith squealed excitedly and jumped up and down in her seat. "Oh thank you Mistress!"
The rest of the drive was mostly made in silence. Grace continued to marvel at the way that the three girls had adjusted to their slavery. Each was different but each seemed to blossom in their own way. Alana spent the rest of the ride trying to figure out how Meredith could want to go back there. She remembered the humiliations and the punishments and especially watching her breasts being skewered before her very own eyes. Meredith spent the rest of the ride anticipating her upcoming week and wondered if the German Shepherd would still be there.
Alana spent her free time in the evenings working on the plans for the new building. Her free time was limited because of the demands of her owners, but she still found time to work on the design. She had gone through what seemed like reams of paper, much of which was crumpled up on the floor below her as she tried out different ideas. Nothing seemed to work at first, but then, a vision began to form and come together. By Saturday, she was ready to present the concept drawings to Master Charles.
"The concept is to maximize versatility, Master," she explained as she stood naked at the table. "I have designed it to accommodate the various types of events that could be held here but also to be of use when there are no events scheduled." She then went on to describe how the different spaces within the building could be used and altered for various purposes. Charles and Grace listened intently as the naked architect went over the details.
"It's brilliant!" Charles finally declared as he reached around Alana, grasping one of her breasts to use as a handle and pulled her toward him. "There's not a thing about it that I would change."
Grace smiled proudly as she watched the master running his hands up Alana's sleek and shapely body. She stood still as she was fondled and groped by the master and felt her heat rising from the attention.
"Thank you, Master. I'm glad that you approve."
"When can we start building?" he asked as his hand cupped her sex.
"Oh," responded Alana. "I'm not sure, Master. I can quickly complete the design but then you will have to line up a contractor and a supervising engineer."
By the end of the discussion, Alana had been recruited to supervise the project. She would be in charge of selecting the contractors and monitoring quality and progress. This had Alana's head spinning because she had never been involved in this aspect of a new building. That was always left to the more senior partners in the firm.
As the discussions died down, Meredith was brought in. She had just spent a week at the ranch and looked positively radiant. Her posture had always been good but now it was perfect. Her motions had always been graceful but now they were fluid. Her smile had always been beautiful but now it was infectious. And her eyes sparkled.
In addition to her collar, she now had some new jewelry. A gold hoop passed through each nipple and hung down, far away from her chest because of her ample breasts. And she displayed the new ornaments proudly by thrusting her chest forward.
Alana smiled and rushed forward to hug her slave sister, feeling the cool metal of the hoops against her own naked breasts.
"So did you figure out the new hall, sis?" asked Meredith.
"I think so," replied Alana. "You look beautiful. Stunning. Incredible!"
"Alana has done a wonderful job," said Charles. "And she's going to manage the construction for us."
"Oooooooooooo that's great! Maybe I can come out and keep you company?"
"I'd like that," smiled Alana as she kissed Meredith.
"You wouldn't have believed the hunt this week," Charles told Grace as he walked her to the car. "I let the word out on Sunday that one of your girls would be in the hunt this week. Their reputations must have spread and the news must have spread like wildfire. We had 150 hunters on Wednesday. That's more than twice as many as we've ever had."
"That's very flattering, Charles," replied Grace. "It's nice to know that my girls are appreciated and admired."
"Appreciated and admired?" said Charles incredulously. "They're almost worshipped. They are like cult idols! It's a good thing Meredith was bagged by mid-afternoon. We had so many hunters that I had to impose a one-kill limit on the hunt. I swear, nobody took a shot until after she had been claimed. If she had evaded the hunters like she did the other time, all of the slaves would still be out there roaming the range."
Chapter 16: Molding the Slaves
The girls had become comfortable with their new status in life and Grace decided that it was time to tighten down on them a little more. Grace toured each of the three houses with the girls and gathered all undergarments into plastic bags, which were set out by the curb on garbage day. They were no longer allowed to wear bras or panties for any occasion.
She also wanted to "lean them up" a little, although she knew that there was no extra fat on any of them. But she wanted to tighten up their waists to enhance their hourglass figures. So each evening when Alana got home, the three girls would spend at least an hour in strenuous exercise.
Three treadmills were bought, along with exercise mats and various other pieces of equipment. Grace's basement was converted into a gym where muscles were toned and inches were lost. Grace especially enjoyed it when she would get the three girls onto the treadmills for their nightly jog. They looked exquisite as their bodies glistened with sweat. Meredith and Kelly would wear their hair in ponytails, which would bounce and sway with each step. And three pairs of beautiful bouncing breasts would move as if they had minds of their own.
After a couple of weeks of toning, Grace had them start running outside. For this, they were allowed to wear tight running shorts and cropped t-shirts. The breasts may have been mostly covered during these runs, but the bouncing was still quite evident.
All during this time, Alana was also working at the firm five days a week and spent most weekends at the ranch. She was so busy that she never even noticed that Grace had started to exert even more control over her life. Even if she had noticed, she might not have cared. Meredith and Kelly never had an inkling that their slavery was growing deeper.
Alana would drive to the ranch on Friday nights after exercising with her slave sisters and would return on Sunday afternoons in time for the workout sessions. During the drives, she had to remain naked, although Grace allowed her to keep a light jacked draped over the back of her seat in case anything unexpected happened.
Once at the ranch, she had the rank of privileged slave. She was not forced to live in a cage or cell and she was not typically bound or chained during the day. She caused quite a stir among the workmen at first as she would inspect the site and progress of the project wearing nothing but her collar, a hardhat and safety shoes, but after several weeks, the workers became more accustomed to having a naked woman walking among them and talking to them. They still took every opportunity to eye her and admire her exquisite form, however, and most of them found themselves staring at her breasts during their conferences with her.
At night, she served as slaves do. She would find herself kneeling at the feet of a master or mistress, being displayed at an event, being used for some form of entertainment, or simply being a bed warmer and sex toy for one of the dominants.
She had grown accustomed to clamps and clothespins and now actually found some arousal in them. The whippings and floggings were even tolerable, although on the two occasions when she was caned, she thought she was going to die. She still had trouble getting used to watching her breasts being skewered by the long slender needles but it was mostly the horror of the sight that bothered her. It was actually not all that painful.
She had somehow been spared from the bestiality during her first visit to the ranch and had watched as her two slave sisters had been raped by the dogs. But that was eventually evened out one weekend when Alana was the dinner-time entertainment and was mated with a Doberman. It wasn't as horrible as she expected but she did talk to Meredith when she returned home to find out what her slave sister saw in it.
Grace had driven Alana out one weekend and intended to spend a relaxing two days at the ranch. Ted was left to tend to the other two girls. Grace had arranged to "borrow" Gretchen, for one night, much to Gretchen's surprise and Grace realized that this woman would need a lot of taming if she were to end up owning the beautiful blonde. The only reason that Grace was able to remain the dominant in the relationship that night was that Gretchen had her hands and elbows bound behind her back.
"Little Alana's getting a lot of attention these days," Charles told Grace after breakfast on Saturday.
"Oh?" replied Grace. "How so?"
"Seems that the word has gotten out about her project. You know, we have the designs and sketches hanging up in the dining hall. And we get a lot of new folks through here each week. I guess someone talks to someone who talks to someone else. I get four or five calls a day now and it keeps growing. Alana appears to be the architect of choice for dungeons, playrooms and D/S clubs all over the world.
"Really?" exclaimed Grace. "I had no idea she was that good." But the brief discussion started a new idea for Grace.
"She's the best!" proclaimed Charles. "And I mean outside of the bed also."
Sunday night, Grace felt obligated to spend some time with Meredith and Kelly since she had been away for the weekend. But she was tired and not in the mood to use her two pets. So she had them play with each other as she watched.
Kelly was becoming increasingly talented and used her tongue to give Meredith an orgasm in what seemed like record time. Meredith was equally talented but chose to prolong Kelly's ecstasy. She moved from sex to breasts to lips and then back down to start over again and kept this up for over an hour. Kelly was moaning and writhing and begging for release. Meredith finally granted the request, biting down on Kelly's sensitive clit to hold it with her teeth, sending Kelly into an earth-shattering orgasm and eliciting a high-pitched squeal out of her. Afterwards, Grace lay in the middle of the bed with a slavegirl on either side of her acting as bookmarks. On Monday night, Grace sent for Alana.
"Yes Mistress?" asked Alana as she entered the bedroom and knelt at Grace's feet. Grace admired her favorite slavegirl for a few moments before she started the conversation. Alana had turned a nice golden almond color from her naked days in the sun at the ranch. Her platinum hair was set off nicely against the soft tanned flesh. Alana had just bathed and the other two slaves had oiled her body, creating an exotic, glistening treasure for their mistress.
Grace liked to hold Alana's breasts as they talked together so she leaned forward and lifted a golden orb in each hand, letting her thumbs rest on the stiffening nipples. "Master Charles loves your work, pet," Grace started as she leaned further and kissed Alana's platinum blonde bangs. "I'm very proud of you."
"Thank you, Mistress, came the demure response.
"He also told me that he is getting phone calls from all over the world from people who want you to design their projects."
"Really, Mistress?" asked an incredulous slavegirl. She always thought that her work was good, but never on a level that would warrant worldwide attention.
"Really, little one," assured Grace. "He said two of them want to get started right away. One project is in California. The other is in France."
"Wow!" gasped Alana but was otherwise speechless.
"There are others who want to hire you for consultations in New York and Australia and Singapore."
Alana's eyes were open wide at this news. "That's great, Mistress. That's very flattering. I can hardly wait to start." And then she paused. "Oh. But I can't. The firm wouldn't approve of me doing that kind of work."
"Oh, but you can," corrected Grace. "Tomorrow morning, you are going to resign. And tomorrow afternoon, you are going to start Montcliff Design. Or whatever other name you want. Maybe Dungeons by Design or something."
Alana giggled at the afterthought but then shook her head. "I really can't, Mistress. I'd never make it out there alone. That never works in architecture."
"Well, first of all, love," replied Grace, "you are not going to be alone. I'll still be with you, as will your slave sisters. Second, you can make it. The reason people aren't successful on their own is they don't have clients. You have tons of them. And thirdly, I have decided that you will do it. Who owns your body, mind and soul?"
"You do, Mistress," came the whispered response.
"That's right," nodded Grace. "And who makes all of the decisions for you?"
"You do, Mistress."
"And if I have decided that you'll do this, what will you do?"
"Do it, Mistress."
"Good girl," smiled Grace as she gave each succulent breast a squeeze and leaned down to kiss her pet. Alana closed her eyes and just surrendered to the moment, enjoying the attentions of her owner.
Chapter 17: Slaves, Inc.
Alana was due back from France the next day and Grace had been busy making more changes in the flock. She finally had a talk with Ted about how he was treating his wife. It wasn't as if the man was abusive. He was just neglectful. He didn't give her the attention that a wife should receive. He seemed to be totally enamored with Kelly's tight young body.
In one way, Grace didn't mind. She loved Meredith and loved spending time with the slavegirl. She also still had trouble with the incest implications of directly owning her own daughter. It was one thing to fondle her. And, occasionally, she would masturbate her daughter with her fingers. Kelly didn't mind and even seemed to thrive on it. But it still gnawed at her.
She met with Ted one evening and laid out her concerns to him. At first, he laughed it off, saying that she had no idea how he felt about his wife or how he treated her. Then, he told her it was none of her business.
"But it is my business, Ted," corrected Grace. "Slavery is my only business and she is one of my assets. I will always act in the best interest of my business and protect my assets." Then she laid down her ultimatum. Ted had two weeks to demonstrate to her that he had changed his behavior. If he did not, then she would take action.
Ted wanted to know what the "or else" was but Grace ended the conversation, dismissing her partner. In her mind, she knew that she had two possible sanctions. The first was to exercise her option to buy Kelly. She had made sure that the contract for Kelly included a provision that would allow her to buy her daughter, for any reason, for one dollar. If Ted had questioned her about that, she would have simply explained that she was Kelly's mother and should be allowed to buy freedom for her daughter if she felt she had made a mistake. But Ted never raised the issue, so she was convinced that he signed the papers but never even read them. Meredith's deed of ownership contained no such clause. So Ted could potentially be left without a slave and without a wife.
Her second option was more drastic, but she had already talked this one over with Charles. If need be, she would have some handlers from the ranch collect Ted and put him through rigorous training. Ted would become a slave. If he could be tamed and trained enough that he could be returned to her, that would be preferable. If not, then he would be sold. If sold, his slavery would likely be significantly different than it would be with her. He would probably end up working in some mine in Africa or picking poppies in Asia. Either that, or he would become an organ donor and watch as his body was dismantled and the parts sent around the world to people who could use them.
Grace handled all business arrangements for the new architecture firm. She conducted the negotiations, set the prices, laid out the terms, and scheduled Alana's time. The biggest risk in sending Alana out on consultations was that these people might decide to keep her, so she drafted elaborate contracts that always made it clear that her slave was to be returned to her. Attached as an exhibit to the contract was a detailed list of what could and what could not be done to her property during her visit.
Meredith was currently playing more of a domestic role, but Grace planned to change that. The girl was just too bright to be doing nothing but laundry and cooking and the like. But she did seem to enjoy being the naked gardener and had created beautiful flower beds and vegetable gardens in each of the backyards. Grace had modified the fences in each of the yards. She had the fences heightened to provide a little more privacy and had removed the fences between the three yards. Now, the three houses formed a sort of compound. Despite the higher fences, however, Meredith still had to be careful not to be seen and sometimes, much to her dismay, she even had to wear clothes.
But Meredith's talents could be put to better use. Grace could buy or capture another girl to take care of the mundane tasks. Maybe Ted could even be put to use on those tasks if he returned. Grace planned for Meredith to become Alana's field assistant. When it came time to start designing a building, Alana would have to revisit a site, or a building if it was to be a remodel, and take vast numbers of measurements and pictures. Meredith could be trained to help with this and maybe even take on that role to free up Alana for more productive uses.
Kelly was taking on a lot of the inside jobs. She was the receptionist, file clerk, and typist. When supplies were needed, she ran to the store to get them. If prints needed to be delivered, she was the courier. But Grace wanted to use her to better advantage also. She had already talked to Alana about it before the slave was sent to France and Alana planned on teaching Kelly how to do the drawings and specifications on the computer when she returned.
As Grace was going over all of the upcoming changes, Alana was sitting on a plan over the Atlantic, heading home and reflecting on her past week at a chateau outside of Nice. As was usual during her consultations, she remained naked during most of the trip. Grace described this as an added benefit to the client. Grace believed that her nudity and the fact that she as a salve and could be used as a slave by the client, coupled with Alana's brilliant designs, gave Montcliff Designs a huge competitive advantage that would be difficult, if not impossible, to beat.
The client wanted a dungeon but didn't know what he wanted in a dungeon. So Grace had arranged a one week consultation with Alana. Then, through Charles, she had arranged tours of four of the best dungeons in Europe. So, for five days, she had traveled around Europe to see various designs and to gain ideas. In a whirlwind tour, she got to see Hamburg, Stockholm, Geneva and Paris. Every time a new device or toy was seen, it fell upon Alana to test it. And then, during the next leg of the journey, they would discuss what they saw and Alana would take notes and make sketches.
The dungeon owners were only too happy to show off their private dens of torture and captivity. They were all quite proud of their dungeons. And having a beautiful naked slave to try out the equipment made it a truly exquisite event for them.
One of the dungeons had and iron maiden in which she was locked as the host and her client took a break to enjoy wine and a cigar. She did not like that confinement at all, especially because of the tiny needles that lined the inside and pricked her with any slight movement.
Another of the dungeons had a medieval rack and Alana was stretched so tight that she thought her joints would be dislocated. She was left in this position for about thirty minutes while the host's teenage son and daughter played delightedly with her vulnerable body. Because she was strung so tightly, they could not get to her bottom, but not an inch of her front was spared as they pinched and stroked and suckled to their hearts content until she shrieked in a wild climax.
Yet another dungeon seemed to thrive on the high tech side of S/M. Alana found herself strapped into a chair with wires taped to various parts of her body. When she sat down in the chair, she was carefully positioned by a male slave to make sure that the two phalluses sticking up from the chair ended up in the right place. She was told by her Swiss host that her pleasure or pain would be decided by her. What she had to do was sense a vibration and then squeeze tightly on whatever was vibrating for as long as it vibrating. The Swiss Master demonstrating by pressing buttons that caused the dildo in her sex to vibrate for a moment and then the one in her bottom.
"If you squeeze tightly enough, you will receive pleasure," he told her. "If you don't, it could be very painful." Then the host and her client left the room, but she was sure that they were watching. After several moments of waiting, the dildo lodged in her sex started to move and she clamped down on it lightly with her sex. This was obviously not enough because jolts of electricity started coursing through her body causing her to stiffen and spasm at the same time. She felt like her breasts and labia were being burned off. But it quickly stopped.
"Do you understand the game now, dear?" asked the thick accent.
"Yes Master," she gasped. "I will try to do better."
The one in her bottom started to vibrate and she squeezed it tightly with her sphincter and clamped it with her bottom cheeks as well. No jolting shocks were felt that time.
"You did very well," said the accent.
This continued on for over an hour. By the end, Alana looked like a drowned rat from all of the perspiration and was totally exhausted. She had only endured the electricity a half dozen times but they were enough to give her motivation to squeeze the hell out of anything that they shoved in her body.
The tour finally ended and Alana had a chance to finally enjoy a little bit of the French Riviera. The chateau was on the water and she spent two days enjoying the rocky beach. Most of the women were topless on the beach and nobody seemed to even notice that Alana was totally naked. Before leaving for home, she showed her client some rough concept drawings for his dungeon and he decided on the spot that he wanted her to be the architect. Alana said her goodbyes and thank yous. Then she got on the plane and headed home.
Now she was wondering if she got the job because of her design or because he enjoyed torturing her. If she agreed to create the space, would it be because of her mind or her body. She would talk it over with Grace although she already knew that Grace didn't care why they did it, as long as they did it.
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