Michael Alexander
(This page has been viewed 324002 times since Sep 10, 2003)
(Author: if you want to add/change/update any information below, please
email me)
- Author's Words:
- Hello, my name is Michael Alexander and thank you for reading my work. I have been a BDSM erotic fiction writer for almost a decade and have enjoyed presenting a wide variety of scenarios, plots, and beautiful women to over a hundred thousand people. My stories are reflection of me, and in the past I have written the pieces listed below for myself, and posted them to be shared. If you enjoy any of the following stories than I urge you to explore my personal website: www.michaelalexanderstories.com. There you will find new content, illustrations, character interviews, vignettes, poetry, and more short stories; enough to satisfy even the hungriest of appetites. For those of you who wish to delve even deeper into the world of Michael Alexander: I look forward to seeing you.
- Author's Homepage: http://www.michaelalexanderstories.com/
- Send Author Email: michaelalexander (at) michaelalexanderstories (dot) com
Total 28 Stories by Michael Alexander