BDSM Library - The Dinner Party

The Dinner Party

Provided By: BDSM Library

Synopsis: A young shy submissive wife has been trained by a friend of her husband. An older professional trainer of sexual submissives. Her first exhibition takes place at the home of her trainer at a formal dinner party.
The Dinner Party

The candlelight cast painted shadows over the Dinner party there was the clink
of fine china quiet conversation the music was classical soft soothing a woman
laughed feigning outrage her eyes secretly pleased...the trainer the two doctors
their wives. The principal, his wife and the mechanic (Paul liked to refer to
himself as "the mechanic" though he owned a chain of quick lube stations that
covered the East coast) were dining and Karen, the mechanic's wife was not

During desert there was a quiet knock at the oak door too soft almost to be
heard...the trainer however looked up said "enter" the big door creaked
opened...........Karen slipped unobtrusively into the room ... She is wearing a
long red cloak ...Her long blonde hair partially obscures her face she is naked
the cloak clasped at her slender throat.........One would take her for a
northern type; perhaps Icelandic...tall.... She lifts her eyes looks across the
room...seeking... not her husband's eyes but those of "the trainer"... she
catches them and with That alone fluidly kneels the cloak parts as she spreads
golden thighs ...she makes no attempt to cover herself her smooth sex glistens
in the candlelight ... she is a superb female ...The Trainer has noticed
everyone's interest in her, and he comments, " Isn't she pretty? ..."Karen is
very shy, you know. She hates being watched, grew up in a very conservative
environment. But, a few sessions in my training room seems to have motivated

With that said he lifted his manicured hand......... She rises walks very softly
to a far corner of the room, as if determined not to attract attention.........
there is extra candlelight in the corner she approaches... Politeness dictates
that the guests look away but its impossible ... She stands in the amber light
her blue eyes catch those of the trainer again... she shivers unclasps the long
cloak it pools at her painted toes... She stands naked feet a foot apart back pauses as if gaining strength from His eyes..........
and descends to her knees gracefully perfect...long legs spreading and sits back
on her ass her feet toes pointed straight back....... back arched breast jutting
...her nipples erect, hands palms turned up on her thighs...she "holds" waiting.

There are men.... most men in fact...who live a lifetime and never see anything
this beautiful...the trainer moves his hand again...she places her right hand on
her smooth sex lowers her eyes... closes them.  She seems to be masturbating
herself...........there is not a single sound in the room... Very soon, her fair
skin is looking very flushed, and you hear her moan softly as if

"She is pretty, isn't she?" the trainer comments...the mechanics eyes are wide
He had no idea his wife was so beautiful sexual...she pauses briefly, and
then apparently begins to pleasure herself anew.

"I am always successful with the shy ones, when I discover their secret
persuasion," As he speaks the girl moans seems to whimper...and cums

After brandy for no apparent reason the trainer SNAPS!!!...His fingers
...once...he is not calling a butler.... the girl looks up at HIM. Eyes wild.
Close to release again.... she stops.... and reaches...lifts her heavy breasts
in her palms lifting."Holding". Offering...long painted nails fingers roll
hardening them even harder..........the trainer rises walks to her touches her
face hair gently says something soothing ...intimate... under his breath...and
reaching puts a pair of golden nipple clamps on her erect nipples the sound she
makes as she takes the clamps is from the.... slaveblock or the mouth of a
cave...but she holds perfectly..........and puts her hand back between her moments her legs are trembling the corded hollows right below
her cunt taut and her body is covered in a fine sheen of perspiration. Then her
lowered eyes lift seek out those of her trainer desperate begging. NO! He says
firmly she lowers her blue eyes and continues to pleasure herself.

One of the women at the table releases held is almost a
moan......... After dessert is served the trainer says quietly, "Karen has one
more demonstration of her loss of shyness with which she begs to entertain my
guests. He rises walks to her and from the candlelit shadows lifts an object
that looks like a highly polished half of a mahogany log. Embedded directly in
the center of the heavy object is a perfectly formed ivory replica of an erect
male penis 8 to 9 inches in length. The detail work was done by an artisan so
talented that the object appears to pulsate with life every detail has been
crafted to perfection veins arteries and an artfully placed series of wires heat
the penis to the exact temperature of the human body...

Karen's polished fingers halt immediately and one can hear her anguished moan.
"Mount slut and show my guests what a hot little bitch you really are!"

She immediately stands steps free of the cloak pooled at her feet and wearing
only a belly chain that hangs perfectly on her flared hips and the set of golden
nipple clamps moves toward the device her Master has placed on the floor. Her
waxed cunt lips are swollen and her erect clit has pulled completely out of the
hood and stands like a little erect cock between her golden thighs. She looks up
imploringly at her trainer. His only response is firm, cold. "Mount."

She walks the short distance to the device as she moves her sex is thrust
forward shoulders back pushing her nipple clamped breasts forward. She stands
for a moment beside the phallus then bends gracefully at the waist back straight
and engulfs the mushroom head in her generously wide mouth swiping her tongue
all along the length to thoroughly wet it. Then in one fluid motion her eyes
never leaving the eyes of her trainer she crouches over the Cock and grips the
head with her sex massaging it like a lover and moaning. After a few seconds of
this she seems to breathe deeply and crying out sinks the entire length into her
swollen sex. Her cry is guttural animalistic a bitch in heat.

She rocks her hips back and forth rising falling letting the cock almost leave
her then plunging herself back down on it. Finally she pushes down hard grinding
her swollen labia and clit on the smoothly polished wood holding the phallus in
place. She suddenly speeds up it is apparent that her orgasm is seconds away.

STOP! NOW! It is apparent that she fights it for a split second she is so close to release...then she freezes does not move, breathing
raggedly all the color has drained from her flushed body with his firm cold

He rises slowly there is not a single sound in the room as he walks to her. "You
really are a worthless little whore. You will not learn! Your only thought is to
get that little clit off."

To any woman the sound of a man's belt slashing out of the loops is exciting to
a submissive woman like Karen it is a benediction composed of fear sexuality and
blessed relief. "Sit down fully on the cock whore but don't you dare move. If
you do I will simply tie you but your whipping will be much worse. "Karen you
have been trained that you serve the cock and only the cock but here in front of
my guests you used the hard wooden surface of the mounting log to try to
masturbate your little cunt to orgasm. Is cock not enough for you little slut?"

The black belt is folded in half he repeated "don't move whore." Then as she
sits there impaled on the cock he whipped her starting slowly on the perfect
globes of her ass her back the long elegant legs. Her thighs calves as he worked
he increased the intensity of the blows. Then he moved to her front snatched off
the nipple clamps and started on her breasts belly inner thighs.

It was when he rolled the belt in his fist till only eight inches dangled and he
began to whip her swollen pussy lips and clit that she began to beg. "Please
Master not there!" I will be good I was wrong selfish I wanted to cum. I was so
horny. I know I know I was not to touch the wood with my sex only take the cock
serve the cock" I am a whore a slut I was after my pleasure not entertaining
your guests like you taught me. Please stop! She will be good. Sir please let me
suck off the males to apologize. He began to whip her perfect breasts. Oh god no
not my tits, the women, the women too let me eat them out. He stopped observed
her perfect mouth. She thought she saw an opening! Oh PLEASE, I will be so
good... She did not dare leave the cock but she leaned forward allowed her long
perfect tongue to lick at the bulge in his pants. NO! He continued whipping her
perfect breasts with the belt. When he brought the tip across her nipples she
screamed begged began to offer to do lewd things to him things some of the women
at the table had never considered others they did not even know about.

Finally he stopped. She was a mass of welts red ridges all along her perfect
skin she cried moaned for long minutes. He stood over her motionless.

NOW! You will do what you were trained to do. But if those cunt lips that clit
touches the Cock support again I will take my quirt and cut that pretty ass and
back to ribbons. Do you understand me little slut. With lowered eyes, "Yes Sir I
do please let her try again to please you and your guests."

"Very well go shower put on fresh makeup and crawl back to me."

While she was gone he chatted was the perfect host served coffee brandy
desserts. The men seemed expectant. Their elegant wives strangely subdued.
Finally from the doorway, "Sir may she approach you?" Enter! The beautiful girl
fresh and sweet smelling crawled across the carpet kneeled at his feet
tentatively she took both his hands and reverently kissed licked his palms then
she sat back on her heels spread both legs wide as possible arched her back
pushing out her breasts erect nipples and laced her hands behind her head
lowering her eyes. In a soft whisper, "Sir may she attempt to please your

"Yes!" As before she approached the heavy half log with the imposing cock rising
out of the center. Again she bent perfectly wet the phallus with her lush mouth
then moaning gripped the head tightly with her sex. Then beginning slowly she
took the cock fully into her hot warmth and crouched over it and she fucked it.
Fucked it in every position the mind can imagine but never once did the smooth
lips of her waxed sex or erect clit touch the wooden rest from which the cock
rose. She spun twisted cried out her need and finally exhausted she looked in
her trainers eyes begging-he said simply "cum now baby girl" and that glorious
body convulsed in multiple orgasms till she slumped over it in a near faint but
never once did her sex touch anything but the cock she had been trained to

Long minutes pass finally people seem to be breathing again. Then sternly, "come
here Karen she instantly drops to her knees crawls to him. Kissing his palms
then assuming her position. He reaches into his pocket and replaces the golden
nipple clamps on her pink nipples. She gasps moans then with lowered eyes thanks
him but when he hands her the small bottle of oil her eyes go wide with

When he glances over at the ivory phallus her face goes deathly pale. Oh Sir
please! No not that not in front of everyone "Go finish your punishment Karen
and learn to never disobey me again." "Rise now go obey." She is so lovely as
she walks to her fate she kneels by the cock squeezes the scented oil in her
palm and begins to stroke the cock coating it with the slick oil. Rising she
looks directly into her trainers eyes and waits.

"Serve the cock he says bluntly. Karen turns so her Master can watch her grips
the cock and places it at the pink rosebud of her ass. "What do you worship
Karen he asks?" "COCK SIR!" she answers and lowers herself on the ivory phallus
she whimpers as it opens her like a flower she has never felt so filled so taken
so owned or more aroused. Tentatively she moves the oil helps then she finds
herself fucking again it is not as unpleasant as she expected. Then she realizes
her clit is huge again oh god it did not feel this good when Master was training
her with the ugly butt plugs. She begins to pound the cock into her ever
relaxing ass. Then she realizes the difference this is not a smelly lump of
rubber latex. This is warm slick this is what she is trained to serve COCK the
mushroom head grazes her sensitive clit she whimpers and fucks her ass in
frenzy. Her flat belly sucked in long legs straining her moaning whimpering
fills the room.

Lazily their host rises walks up to the lovely woman pumping her ass up and down
on the cock in her ass smiles at her says "good girl" and unzips the slacks of
his tuxedo reaches and removes his cock the girl goes wild "Oh god yes! Please
feed me fuck my face I need cum oh please Sir." "Freeze!" He says She stops
moving instantly the cock in her ass is half in her as her ass muscles grip it
tightly massaging it with the ring of her ass otherwise she is motionless. There
is an audible gasp from the table as the women seated there realize that the
cock in her ass is an exact replica of the one in her flushed face.

"Close your eyes Karen and do not open your mouth." Oh please she moans as she
obeys. He steps forward grips his cock in his fist and slowly methodically
paints her lush mouth full lips with the copious amount of pre cum that covers
his cock. She shudders moans as the male scent catches her nostrils. When her
mouth is wet glistening he packs his cock in his pants zips up and walks back to
his seat. "Open your eyes Karen and lick it off your mouth." Oh god she moans
but obeys as her soft pink tongue licks greedily at her lips. As she swallows
her eyes take on a glazed look.

"Now finish your performance. Immediately she begins to pump her ass on the
ivory cock. Her clit is so engorged that it has taken on a purple hue. She is
wild wanton and knows soon she will disobey again.

Then she hears HIM say "Cum for me girl NOW!" and then the world explodes as her
juices bath the cock. She screams as her fine body shudders she cannot stop
cumming finally she quiets mummers softly, "Thank you Sir." Throughout this
second taking even when it felt so good she thought she would faint she was very
careful that her asscheeks did not touch the wood that supported the cock she


He walks back to the table calls the mechanic aside in quiet conversation....
The Trainer tells him..."wrap her in the cloak don't let her dress... take her
home... tonight she will do anything absolutely anything you desire but fuck her
don't make love... take her.... and cum in her mouth let her swallow several
times nowhere else but her mouth ...there is a reason and when she cums be
certain she is looking directly in your eyes and she never cums without asking
your permission first." "If she does whip her" he says. And take the nipple
clamps off they should never be on over thirty minutes."

He hands him two lengths of slender leather cord there is a perfect noose at the
end of each. "When you have finished taking her put her nipples in the noose and
tie one end of each cord to the hooks we put over your bed. Her nipples need to
be longer. Pull the cord up tight till she screams and complains then pull it a
half inch tighter and tie it off. Make her sleep this way all night."

HE walks back to his guests...Karen is taken out. Her eyes hold on her Trainer
as long as possible.

"MY GOD!!!!!"  From the internist's wife you looked at her waved your hand
occasionally snapped your damn finger and THAT happened...her voice was subdued.

The owners voice is...flat harsh... "Don't be stupid!!!!!!... She spent dozens
of hours being trained to get her to tonight you dumb bitch!!!......... "How?"
She asks Blushing furiously did you train her to do that. "With tenderness care
cruelty, a dog "bark" collar a whip, my belt and this." He says.

He walks to a tall cherry cabinet and opened both wide doors inside were racks
of whips floggers blindfolds in fact every bondage and discipline implement his
considerable fortune afforded him. "At each training session she was forced to
pick one of these items to be used on her. The only rule was she could not pick
the same implement twice."

THE sudden anger passes... he smiles his charming self again. . He looks at the
shaken Doctor's wife "Woman, "one day you WILL LEARN nothing here is as it
seems. Plus are forgiven I did not train you"

Somehow she is not comforted, for some reason no woman wants to displease this

The mechanic took Karen home removed the nipple clamps which caused her to
scream in pain he sucked the pink buds until she quieted moaned then he bathed
her when he washed between her soaked thighs she clutched at him begged. "Paul
please use me" He smiled combed out her long hair removed all her jewelry and
carried her to their big bedroom. Do I need to tie you? No please I will be
good. And she was, wild wanton he fucked her mouth cunt ass made her cum
repeatedly. She slaved over his cock worshiping it with her mouth tongue throat.
As instructed he came only in her mouth she was greedy savoring every drop of
his sperm whimpering when he took it away to use her in some new position.

The cool beauty he had married three years ago was gone replaced by the slut he
had always wanted in his bed. She had never refused him before had always been
warm affectionate but he had sensed that beneath her cool exterior there was a
seething sexual animal.

It had not been easy to turn his beauty over to his friend to "train." But he
trusted the man he had known over twenty years and had signed the long
complicated contracts giving him permission to do anything required to see if he
could train Karen to be the perfect sexual slave Paul had always wanted. And
after tonight he did not regret his decision.

Toward dawn when he was sated, near exhaustion he walked to his coat took out
the slender lengths of leather and ordered Karen on her back. She looked
confused but as the noose tightened on her nipple which always seemed to stay
erect now she cried out, complained even louder as he pulled one up tight too
tight and tied it off on the hook over the bed she screamed in pain. Paul said
quietly "Richard wants this he thinks your nipples should be longer she quieted
immediately "Richard, her Master, He wanted this she laid quiet as her other
nipple was stretched painfully tied off.

Her thoughts were elsewhere "Richard" her cunt flooded. She arched her back as
long as she could to relieve the pain in her nipples then sleep overtook her and
her pink nipples were pulled skyward she moaned in her sleep. Then suddenly her
blue eyes flew open, "Paul when will I go back to him for more training." She
asked. "Tuesday night, Paul said, he mentioned something about "fisting." He
looked down at the naked beauty in his bed she was already asleep and there was
slight smile on her full lips...


To be continued 

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