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Review This Story || Author: Sasha K

Stephanie's New Life

Part 3 March


Stephanie's new life continues into the month of March.  As always, these
letters are real and just a compilation of my correspondence with her.  Only the
names have been changed and minimal editing to clean it up.
And, in case you haven't been following Stephanie's life changes religiously
I'll list the main principals for you:
Stephanie - Angel - The primary submissive
Josephine - The dominant Mistress and head of household
Hannah - 21 years old co-worker of Stephanie and lover of Josephine and Allison
Beatrice - Angel's dominant boss at work
Allison - Josephine's 17 year old daughter and budding young lesbian
Donna - Hannah's sister
Patricia - Close associate of Miss Beatrice in the lingerie business
Ronnie - teenaged friend of Allison
Trisha, Penny, Jane - Co-workers of Stephanie

Well, that made it all sound even more like a soap opera even though it
certainly isn't.  Oh well.

March 3, 2003

I am sore, in my bottom and my cunt, and in my mouth from the way they have
treated me this weekend. Even Mistress Allison is starting to have me serve her
fully now Mistress. And they have started your regime of not allowing me to cum.
I had a note from Miss Jo to Miss Beatrice saying that She should not allow me
to cum under any circumstances until Wednesday. Miss Beatrice has also said that
she wants me to become her personal assistant and to project manage all of her
projects and she has said that I will get more money; She is going to arrange
everything this week. Also, she had a call from Patricia on the way back on
Friday, and she wants to use me in some private demonstrations of her lingerie.
She said it was for personal special friends of hers. Miss Beatrice told her in
the car that she would be delighted, providing that I am not allowed to wear any
normal clothes during the visits and Patricia said I wouldn't, and that Miss
Beatrice would not have to worry. This last weekend they all wanted to read all
of my mails to and from everyone, and they have been much more serious about
everything. They had me decorate "The Room" with words and they put paint on my
breasts and my bottom and even my cunt and had me put impressions of my body
onto the walls between the words.
They made me paint "Lesbian Slave", "Pussy Licker", "Piss Drinker",
"Bottom cleaner", "Lesbian toilet", there were lots of things like that, all
over the walls, and for most of the rest of the time I had my arms cuffed behind
my back and my feet cuffed together. I had to move about on my knees almost all
of the time Mistress. I've had to serve each of them, both sexually and for
their toilet, even Mistress Allison. I was told to tell you that I am a slave to
their whims and that I have no will. I had to repeat that over and over for them
while they beat me with the strap and a belt, all over me Mistress. I told them
I would do whatever they wished over and over but it was as if they didn't
believe me. When they read the mails they also beat me each time that they saw
that I had not capitalized their names, or referred to them as Miss, and now I
am to always refer to them as Mistress. They told me that they were developing
your conditioning Mistress and that I should tell you. I also have to tell you
that I love each of them for the way they treat me and that I know I am just a
slave, nothing more. And I do love them Mistress. I will try to write later
Mistress. Miss Jo and Miss Hannah have sent you a note Mistress.

slave angel xxxx

Mistress Sasha

I read your note to us; stephie printed it out for us to read on Friday. I have
it here. It is beautiful and protective and so full of love and I realize that
you have not heard from us much lately and for that I apologize. Just as you
show your love for stephie in what you say to her and to us and what she relates
of what you say to her then I hope she in turn relates to you our love of her.

Both Hannah and I love her. completely and unquestioningly, and were the
contract to be drawn the other way about, that we belonged to her then it would
be signed. She will live with us for as long as she wishes it to be so, and I
hope that is until neither of us is old enough to remember there being any other
way of life.

I have talked with Hannah, about her youth and about experiences she may yet to
have in her young life, and she showed her maturity in saying that she now has
the family that she never knew she needed and she would be a "lost and
emotionless soul" if she were to be without stephie. Those were her words.

Stephie has touched us, no much more intense than that, she has become part of
each of us. I would no more wish to lose her than to lose my arm, she is so much
a part of who I am now. And who I wish to be.

We share, Hannah and I, in the knowledge, not feeling or notion, the knowledge
that to have this slave in absolute control as you describe will be a lifelong
commitment, for us all. All of this started as a sexual release. I accept that.
I accept too that much of the discovery phase of her willingness to serve was at
times a game, but now it has passed beyond that. It is a need, a need to have
her at our request, to have her will

As you know she was away from us for some days this week, serving as she should
and while Hannah and I satisfied ourselves and to a degree each other sexually
we were both been at a loss. It is as if our own wills need more to control than
ourselves. We have shared her between Allison, Donnas and ourselves over the
last two days. The first day without her was acceptable, and she will be allowed
to be absent from us for a day and night but we shall be reticent to allow her
too many protracted visits in the future.

Even my darling Allison has missed her. May I tell you that she announced in
during dinner one night in the week that "things are just not the same without
it here" and she meant the "it" reference without malice I assure you, I could
see it in her eyes. It moved me. She, stephie, moves us all.

Well, I have tired my fingers and my concentration, and I have doubtless tired
you but I felt it important for you to know how strongly we feel. These things
are not a passing fancy for either Hannah or I.

I will not attempt to speak for Allison. Nor will I try to direct her and I am
uncertain as to whether she needs to see the note. If you feel she should then I
will bow respect to you and I will have her read it and request that she replies
to you.
Jo and Hannah


The soreness will pass, dear.  It is something you will accustom yourself to.
I am so glad you like being a true slave, my dear.
Your life will be different from now on.  Your Mistress' wanted to make up for
lost time over the weekend.  You will be very surprised at how much they missed
you.  After the first day of you being gone they realized that there was a large
hole in all their lives.  They fully came to the realization that they all love
you so deeply and that they need you and your service in their lives.  Suffice
it to say you have a life long position with them.  Jo and Hannah are prepared
to keep you as long as you wish to be kept.
They both love you completely and honestly and they all showed you how much they
missed you by how they treated you upon your homecoming.  You are now an
irreplaceable part of all their lives.  Even Allison felt empty with you gone
and that is why she showed her happiness at your return.  I sincerely doubt that
they will let you out of their collective sights for more than a full day from
now on.  They are that attached to you and what you bring into their lives.
Perhaps the happiest and most effected is Hannah.  Not only is she in love but
she also has gained a family unit she may also grow within and love.
So remember that pain given you is love.  Tasks given you show love.  Harsh
looks and speech have only true love behind them.
So how do you like not being able to masturbate, dear angel?  I would imagine
that the schedule I had you one got you used to it.  But you must realize that
now it really isn't your pussy anymore.  It is the property of all your
Mistresses.  The same with your bottom.  You mustn't touch them without
You will notice several changes as a result, angel. First off the orgasms
allowed you would be that much stronger because of the deprivation.  Also we
will work on you attaining the level of the mental orgasm.

Also, angel, you didn't relate to me at all what occurred on the rest of your
trip.  Especially in regard to what happened further with Ericka and this
Patricia.  I would like to know more about Patricia because it would seem that
Beatrice would utilize her again.  Please complete that task.
I am elated that Beatrice has seen fit to make you her assistant.  Hopefully the
raise in salary and status pleases you and helps to alleviate your debt.
Considering how "special" you are to Beatrice I hope that the raise is as
special.  I am especially pleased in that I have never heard of an online
Mistress being able to affect not only a slave's life but also her career so
Your life is on track, angel.  And moving in all the proper direction.  Continue
to enjoy and to obey.  You are doing everything right.


Sorry, angel

I accidentally hit send before I had finished.  Please send that back to me
after reading because I forgot to save it.

Like I was saying, I am not depriving you of orgasms to be cruel.  I am only
adding to the control you both need and desire.  This allows you to concentrate
on pleasing your ladies even better in the hopes that they will allow you
release.  Rather soon, I will be implementing a schedule for your toilet as
well.  You will soon be allowed to urinate only at set times and only after
being given permission.  This way you will have the additional, shall we say,
pressures, added into your day.
You are doing well, angel.  As always and as I expected.  You are adjusting well
to being used by a different lady in different situations.  You have come so far
and are showing me such promise about going so much further.  And you will. 
Continue to obey. Continue to serve.




Mistress Beatrice has told me to tell you that when I am with her there will be
two distinct 'times':  Normal, when I must act normally as an employee, and
"Mistress time" when I must defer to Her in any way she says. I will know these
times as she will introduce me as and refer to me as 'slave', and then I must
never look anyone in the face and I must keep my hands behind my back unless she
instruct otherwise. I must not speak unless directly asked a question and I must
not use furniture unless she - and not just a visitor - has expressly allowed me

Tomorrow she will arrange a car to collect me from Mistress Jo's flat and the
driver will know my position and I must be prepared to obey her during the
journey. Mistress Beatrice will write a note to Mistress Jo to request how I
should be dressed for the journey.

Mistress Beatrice is about to take me to lunch in a hotel in order to try and
find someone I can serve while she watches.

slave angel

Jo and Hannah,

I read your note and it almost brought tears to my eyes.  Makes you believe that
absence does make the hearts grow fonder.
I am so glad that I have helped you find love, dearest friends.  Angel is so
right for you both and you both as also so good for each other.  Hannah, the
gift of a family is one of the greatest ever given.  I could only have hoped
that all this would turn out as well as it did when I started spinning all the
webs of your lives together.  I am elated at your happiness and at all the love
and security you are being showered with.

I am glad that you liked the life changes that I wrote about and have been
working to integrate into Angel's life.
I know it takes awhile for you to become used to having her as subservient as
you now know she wishes to be.  From her letter, it would seem that you all are
really taking to it like ducks to water.   She is sore from her homecoming but
loves her treatment and status.
I am glad that you are starting to control her orgasms.  I have gone so far as
to tell her that they are forbidden and that her pussy and rear are not her
property anymore.  The orgasms she is allowed as a reward for service should
only be those given her by her Mistresses, including Allison.  It is not angel's
vagina and clitoris anymore.  Even if that means you mistresses wiping it after
her toilet to prevent her from touching it.  It belongs to all of you to use as
you see fit.  So use it well.  Don't ignore it for too long but remember that
orgasms are more valuable the fewer there are.  I would also like for you ladies
to start to control and limit her abilities to pee.  A full bladder is a very
good way to control a slave and receive complete obedience.  Beatrice can help
to control this while at work.  I would recommend getting her to the point that
the pressure causes her to beg for permission to pee.  Now this poses an
interesting dilemma.  For myself faced with this begging, I would grant her
permission to urinate but only after she jumps rope, does jumping jacks, or runs
in place for ten minutes straight.  Are you seeing how all this works?  
Urination is also a reward.  Angel told me that you acquired an anal toy and
have been using it.
I have always recommended getting a butt plug for her to wear 24/7 so as to
control her bowels.  She still needs that.  It should be removed only once a day
or every other day if you desire and then immediately replaced.
I have also mentioned getting her fitted for a permanent chastity belt.   These
are a little more expensive but if everyone, including Beatrice, chips in it
shouldn't be too bad.  This locked on her at all times will ensure that she
doesn't even have the ability to touch herself.  She also can't go to the
bathroom with it on.  The metal or leather strap going up her rear to be locked
to the belt also ensures that the butt plug will remain firmly in place.  The
good chastity belts are not too noticeable under clothes.  Makes sure when you
are shopping that you tell them that it is for permanent usage.  You might have
to search a little to find the right place.  Hannah would have fun completing
this task.  All you Mistresses would be elevated then to what is know as key
Yourself, Hannah, Allison, and Beatrice would have a key to unlock it to be worn
on a gold chain around your necks.  These keys are a sign of control and
ownership.  Another key would be carried by angel sealed in wax in case of a
dire emergency such as vaginal bleeding, a car accident, or loss of circulation. 
When the belt is unlocked, angel's hands should be locked behind her so as to
disallow her ability to touch herself.  She should also sleep with her hands
locked up above her head to further control her.  Or she can sleep locked face
up or face down in the bathtub covered with everyone's urine.  The advantages of
such control far outweigh any expense incurred in achieving it.
Now, ladies, I must say that now is the time for you to get those lovely nipples
of Angel's pierced.  You need the extra control this will afford you all.
Rings joined by a chain and attached to a leash have great value to you all. 
Additionally, I would recommend angel having weights attached to the rings when
home doing all of her tasks.  The added pulling sensation will add to her
torture and to her desiring to have you grant her an orgasm.  Keeping her at a
constant high level of excitement is paramount to enforcing you control over
her.  Because everything of what you do from here on out is based on that
control and her acceptance, expectation, and enjoyment of it.
I would assume that angel is taking care of all the cooking, cleaning, washing,
scrubbing and the like?
As for Allison, please let Allison read the letters or at least explain their
content to her and what everything means.  Angel said that Allison is using her
in the same fashion as the both of you in the bathroom.  That is good and she is
progressing naturally.  It is only a matter of time when she allows angel to
serve her fully and more openly I would imagine.  Keep talking honestly with her
so that she understands fully what is happening and why you are all doing these
And of course, ladies, you all still need to have your weekly open meetings. 
Angel must still be allowed a voice during these periods.  Eventually her voice
will not be heard at all otherwise unless spoken to and given permission to
All this might seem tad harsh, dear friends.  But it is all necessary training
and you will see the positive changes that result when you implement everything.
I will let you both go back to enjoying the attentions of angel and your
personal feelings of being treated like royalty.

Mistress Sasha


Thank you for writing to me.  Mistress Beatrice has told me that I am free to
write to you, but She has insisted that She will view what is sent, albeit after
I have sent it. If She would allow me to speak to her I would thank Her.

I don't mind the pain Mistress, truly I don't, and they didn't mean to hurt me,
I know that. 

Mistress, I have to confess that there are times when even now I have sometimes
an impulse to comment when I am told to do something, and I know it is wrong of
me, but it happens and I cant help it.  The last time was when - at the weekend
- Miss Donnas told me that she was going to take me to her friends house naked
and for me to just beg her to pee into me, when I had never met her before, and
she was swearing at me so much and calling me such names and I didn't want to go
with her, not deep inside.  I didn't say anything Mistress; this was all just
inside of me.  I was crying too much to say anything Mistress.  It's just that I
didn't want to go, and eventually she didn't take me anywhere.  She left me in
the shower like normal.

Mistress, I have checked the mails I sent you, and I did tell you just about
everything that happened with Ericka and Patricia, I didn't see either of them
again after I last write to you.  Mistress Beatrice took me to the sauna and
pool complex on the Friday morning, and had me wear my bikini in the pool, and
nothing in the sauna.  In the sauna I had to wait in there until someone came in
and then I had to lie on my back and open my legs for them to see Mistress.  It
was hoped that whoever it was might comment to me, but she didn't and so I went
out and Mistress Beatrice had to slap me for failing, but I swear that I did
exactly as told Mistress. 

I am sorry - but this mail was interrupted Mistress, with work.  Now it is time
I must go home.

Thank you Mistress, I am trying to serve well

Mistress, I did ask Mistress Beatrice for her to write to you from Her mail
account, but she didn't tell me what she might do

slave angel x


I sense you are troubled.  you must realize that there is a definite difference
between impertinence and feeling that one's limits have been crossed.  Your
limits need to be respected.  While it is o.k. to test them and see if they can
be expanded upon, they need to be respected overall.
You have my permission to always voice your thoughts and fears to me.  With the
others, there should always be that time reserved when you can speak openly as
an equal.
Your Mistresses must realize that loving you and controlling you also involve
knowing your limits and protecting you from both mental and physical damage.
Please make sure Jo and Hannah are aware of their duties to you.  This is the
next level they need to learn to be successful Dommes.
I voiced worried to you and Hannah earlier about Donna and her lack of
understanding of the depths of the relationship.  She feels you are a toy to be
used and played with and then returned. She needs to learn that you are so much
more so.  And that she needs to treat you with the same respect and care that
she would use with any of Hannah's other possessions.  And additionally
something entrusted to her care doesn't give her permission to loan it out to
whomever she sees fit to do so.  She has yet to gain that trust from you,
myself, or the others.  Make sure Hannah and Jo know your feelings and limits.
And remember that limits are discovered as one goes along with life, dear.  They
can't always be rigidly defined at first except along the most general terms.

I love you and thank you for confiding your fears to me.  That is what I am here


Sunday, March 9


Hannah and Jo asked me to write you to tell you that the slut has been
humiliated n front of all of her old friends, all 3 of them! They asked each of
them over one by one over the weekend and they came to be greeted by the slut
naked and she had to give each of them a speech about that she was a lesbian
slave and she wished they might allow her to serve them. They had her tape the
chats on Allison's old tape recorder and we listened to her whimpering away to
her 'friends'. One is interested!!!!! Carol. She fancied her, you could tell
they way she talked to her, but she did nothing, pathetic.

They had her go naked down to the old lady they are going to swap flats with
too. They've got a plan to have everyone know she is a lesbian slave.

Excellent huh?

Oh, and she is magnificent. So submissive and sweet. She now asks me if she may
lick my ass when I poo. And I let her and she thanks me. You know about me
pooing into her hands I guess?

Anyway, going out tonight so I must go.




I am very surprised that I have not heard from you in many days now.  As you
know, I worry about you, especially since you are going through important
I received a note from Donna today telling me a little of what happened to you
over the weekend.  From her letter, I would imagine that you are out of the
closet, so to speak, as far as your role as a slave goes.  She mentioned that
some of your friends were invited over and you were presented to them in your
permanent role for them to either accept or deny you in.  She said that one of
them was maybe interested in you in your new role.
She also said that you girls are changing flats but didn't go too much further.
I would like to hear in your own words what has been happening to you and how
you feel about it.  I would also like to know more about your daily routine now
that you seem to be fully collared.  You have so many ladies demanding your
attention that you must be kept rather busy.
Please don't forget the Goddess that put all this together for you, angel.



Tuesday, March 11


I am so sorry that I have not written to you recently.  Much of the end of last
week I was either at Miss Beatrice's home or at Patricia's offices, and I could
not get to write to you, and I so wanted to, particularly over the weekend. 
Please forgive me Mistress. Yesterday I was with Miss Beatrice at a Supplier's

On Friday Miss Jo and Miss Hannah said we could have a meeting to discuss our
relationship, and first they wanted to discuss the move. I will explain more
about that later if I may Mistress, because then they asked me if I was happy
with how things are, and I told them in all sincerity that I was, and they asked
me if I really was certain about being a true life slave to them and Miss
Beatrice, full time, and I said that I was, then they asked me about my previous
friends, who they had been, and I told them about Carol, Sally, Kate and
Dorothy, and they asked me if they should know about my new life and who I am
now, and I said that it didn't matter what they thought as I hadn't been in
touch with them since I had known them, my Mistresses.  Miss Hannah asked me
again, and said that they should know and I said that it didn't matter what they
thought, that it truly didn't matter, and then she told me that Miss Beatrice
had suggested that every woman or girl I come into contact with now should have
the chance to see me naked, use me, sexually, and if my Mistresses approved,
also the chance to use me for the pleasure I give in being a pain slut.  She
asked me if I was happy with that, and I said that it is right if they wish it,
and she pressed me to tell her that I was happy with that.  Miss Jo then asked
me if anything they did was distressing to me, and I said nothing was, but she
said "Nothing?" and I after a while I said that I did want to orgasm, I told
them that I had pains in my groin from not cumming, but she told me that it was
a reward for being a good slave, and they had special plans to make me cum and
cum, over and over, if I was a good girl this weekend, and I told her I would
try to be good and I thanked her.  Miss Jo then asked me if I was happy with the
pain they inflicted on me, and I said Yes, then she asked if she might use more
pain, and torture (she actually used that word), and I said that I knew that
they would respect my 'safe word', and she got me to say it over and over and
she told me to use it only when it was necessary, but that they would respect
it.  Miss Hannah asked me if I was happy with Donnas, her sister, and I said I
was, and she asked me if I loved her, and I said I did, and she told me that I
should tell her so, and I promised that I would.  Then she asked me if I was
happy with what Donnas had me do, and I told her that I was proud to be allowed
to do it, and she came to me and hugged me and told me that I was a good girl. 
Then they asked me if I had anything I wanted to say, and I said there was
nothing except to thank them, and Miss Jo came over to me, pulled my hair back,
and said "Meeting over" and she pulled me by the hair into the bathroom and peed
into me.

When we were back in the room they told me to get my diary, and they looked up
the telephone numbers for Sally, Carol and Dorothy, and they told me to ring
them and get them to come over to Miss Hannah's flat, each at a separate time,
on Saturday.  I was hesitant Mistress, but I did it, then when each of them had
agreed to come over Miss Hannah told me that I was to greet them naked, and I
was to take them into the lounge and tell them that I was a lesbian sex slave to
two Mistresses and that I had been told me beg them to let me serve them in some
way.  I was weak, and begged them to let me just introduce the idea and not be
naked, but Miss Jo slapped me and told me that I was being disloyal and that it
looked as though they (my Mistresses) were not important to me, but I pleaded
with her that they were all that mattered, and that I would happily show them
whatever they wanted me to, they told me to just do it.

I am ashamed to say that I was very uncertain, all Saturday they just kept
teasing me that my friends were going to know the truth about me, to see my tits
and my cunt, and they pointed out over and over that my straight boring friends
were going to know, and at one point I did get upset, but Miss Hannah told me
that I was just showing her and Miss Jo how much they meant to me.  I didn't
know it, but they used a tape recorder to record what happened each time.  They
took me down and waited with me until they rang the bell, the bells are on the
outer door, and then they went upstairs and left me to answer the door naked. 
They told me to tell them anything they wanted to know, and not to pretend that
I was anything but a lesbian sexual slut slave and that I must not use my hands
to cover any parts of my body.  I imagine that there is little point in me
telling you the details Mistress, but none of them actually accepted me for what
I am, but Carol did touch my breast, just once, while I was making coffee, and
she did actually stay for coffee, but Dorothy and Sally were both disgusted and
puzzled with me.  Initially Dorothy was laughing, thinking I was joking, but I
made her know I wasn't and she just told me I was gross, and that I needed to
see someone and she went.

Afterwards, when Dorothy (she was last) had left I went up to my
Mistresses, and Miss Jo went down and collected the tape recorder and she
replayed the tape and they quizzed me about what Carol had said in the kitchen
when I made her a coffee, and they were disappointed that I had not begged her
to touch my cunt and do more.  But, they were genuinely pleased with me for
being honest with my friends, and they told me that I had deserved a reward, and
Mistress Jo took me by my hair into her bedroom and she and Mistress Hannah
cuffed me to the corners of the bed, spread eagled and they both undressed and
they made love to me for the longest time Mistress.  Each of them sucking on one
of my nipples until I almost screamed.  Miss Jo got her panties and put them
into my mouth.  I was in heaven, and then in nirvana and eventually I must have
just passed out.  Miss Jo fisted me while Miss Hannah sat on my face and allowed
me to taste her, and Miss Hannah sucked on my clit until I couldn't bear it and
I must have cum and cum.  Mistress, it was wonderful and completely exhausting. 
They played with and pulled at my cunt lips and my clitoris and Miss Jo sat on
my face and slapped my cunt until I came, just from her slaps.  They fingered my
bottom and sucked my nipples over and over Mistress.  I have no idea how many
times I came but it was so wonderful.  Miss Jo woke me later, apparently they
left me for an hour, she woke me pulling on my nipple, which was still sensitive
from her sucking on it earlier, and she told me that "That's what happens to a
good slave" and kissed me then she sat on me and peed into me and I thanked her
so much.  She released me to go and wash the dishes, and I asked her if I might
thank Mistress Hannah too, and she allowed me to and she kissed me so
passionately and for the longest time.

Miss Beatrice took me to Patricia's offices twice last week, and to her home
(Miss Beatrice's home).  Her cleaner picked me up from the flat, and almost as
soon as I got in she told me that Miss Beatrice had told her to tell me that she
knew I was a nude model and that Miss Beatrice had said that I would probably be
naked under my coat.  She didn't do or say anything else on the way there, but
when we got there she let me in and asked to take my coat and I put down my bag
(I had my denim mini in there with a shortie t-shirt, one of Miss Allison's) and
undid my coat and she watched me and she didn't say a thing as I stood there
naked in front of her.  She took my coat and hung it up somewhere and then came
back to me and said that Miss Beatrice would be back in a minute and she asked
me if I wanted to wait there, and I said that I didn't mind, so she just left me
there naked in the hall.  Miss Beatrice came about half an hour later and we
spent the day with her just working and her sending me to get coffee and each
time I had to wait naked in the kitchen with Mrs. Roberts looking at me, and I
had to go and get things for her, and ever now and then she fondled me as she
thought and while she was on the phone she fingered me and pulled at my nipples,
and twice we went to her bedroom for me to delight her.  That's the way she
described it, she just said to me "Time for you to delight slave" and she led me
upstairs.  She got me a taxi to get me back home afterwards, and she allowed me
to dress for the journey.

At Patricia's offices I was naked Mistress, much of the time, they had me trying
on lingerie and getting things to fit me, with Patricia, Miss Beatrice and two
of her assistants dressing me.  They were so matter of fact and said nothing
about me being naked.  Patricia just introduced me as one of Miss Beatrice's
people and that I was there to be fitted, and she told me to strip to have my
measurements taken and I was very good Mistress, I didn't flinch when she told
me to strip, I just undid my mini and let it drop and took my shirt off and they
just treated me like a dummy, like a manikin, trying panties and thongs on me,
bustier, all sorts of things.  Mistress, I have just thought that I have not
told you, She "Outed" me at work on Friday.  She called everyone together late
Friday afternoon for a 'Town Meeting' - she has them every now and then and she
told them that I was about to change my position, and she told them that I had
told her that I was a lesbian and that she had asked me if I wanted her to tell
the others, and she said that I had suggested that it would be fair, and that I
was not ashamed of my sexuality.  She hadn't discussed anything with me
Mistress, about me announcing anything, and I know I went so red in the face
when she said it and everyone turned and looked to me.  There are 11 women on
our floor at the office and now all of them know.  Most haven't mentioned
anything today (I wasn't in here yesterday), only one asked me when I got in
this morning if I had a girlfriend and I told her that I had a few (Mistress
Hannah and Mistress Jo had told me to say that if anyone asked).  They and Miss
Beatrice have been sending one another notes all last week, via me, and usually
they were sealed in an envelope, but the note she gave me on Friday she handed
me open and all she had written on it was the word "Outed".

I have to tell you about the move. Or possible move.   We might have a chance to
all live in one flat, though we already spend most of our time in Mistress Jo
and Mistress Allison's flat anyway.  On my way in, I think it was on Tuesday
last week; Mrs. Jacobson (she is an old lady who lives across the corridor from
me) called me in as I was passing her door. 
Actually, first I need to tell you about how the house is arranged.  It's a
conversion, into four flats (apartments) and my old flat is just the front left
hand corner, I have a lounge, bedroom, the box room, a tiny kitchen and bathroom
with a shower and bath.  Upstairs the layout is completely different and I
presume that both flats are the same size as Mistress Jo's, with two good-sized
bedrooms rather than my one.  The other flat downstairs covers all of the right
hand side of the house and behind mine, so it has three bedrooms.  Mrs. Johnson
lives in that flat.

Anyway, Mrs. Johnson popped out of her flat as I came in on Tuesday.  I had my
coat on.  She wondered if I was ok and if I had a minute.  I went in with her
and she asked me if my 'friend' was sharing my flat with me, she had noticed
that Mistress Hannah was coming in and apparently she met her briefly about a
week ago.  She asked me if I wanted a coffee and I told her that I should get
in, and she told me that she wanted to ask me if my friend was going to be
staying with me did I want to change flats, because hers is rather big for her,
so I told her that I would talk it over with Hannah, and she just asked me to
let her know, and she said it was really nice to chat and that I should pop in
anytime if I am on my own.
When I got in, I waited for Miss Allison to undress me, then she took me though
to the kitchen and they were all there, and I asked to speak, and
I told them about Miss Johnson and what she had said, and everyone was so
excited.  They told me to go back down and talk to her about when she might
move, and about her contract, and Miss Jo was about to send me out to her naked
and just as I was getting scared that it might scare Miss Johnson if I arrived
naked Miss Allison said she would dress me to go, and she allowed me to wear the
just the transparent top.
Miss Johnson was delighted to see me when I knocked and she made me a tea and
didn't say anything about what I was wearing, and we chatted for quite a while
about swapping flats and her contract is due in a month, that's why she was
thinking about moving.  She sat right next to me on the sofa and I kept feeling
a little awkward seeing my bare legs and my breasts through and over my top but
she put me at my ease by not mentioning it at all and after a while I didn't
care.  She was obviously ok about it anyway.  She even gave me a little hug when
I left.  Everyone was excited about the chance of us moving, and they want me to
go down to Mrs. Johnson again sometime, with Mistress Hannah and look over the
whole flat, for them to decide what rooms they will have.  They asked me if I
had told Mrs. Johnson that I was a lesbian, and I told them I hadn't, and they
told me tomorrow I would have to tell her.

Then, Miss Allison started, and she took me to the bathroom and she went to the
toilet and then allowed me to bathe her.  That was the first time
Mistress, with Miss Allison, and it was wonderful washing her young body. 
She left me there in the bathroom, and Mistress Jo came in and I served her, and
she told me how pleased she was with me, then Mistress Hannah allowed me to
bathe her too, and she was very happy, then, when she was done she told me to go
to Miss Allison then to join her and Mistress Jo later in Mistress Jo's bed. 
Mistress Allison just wanted me to lick her until she came.  Mistress, now she
just leans back on her bed and opens her legs and she closes her eyes and I am
allowed to kiss her beautiful pussy, and lick her until she cums, then sometimes
she plays with my bottom and spanks or uses a ruler on me, but that first time
she just told me to go to her mom.  She had cuffed my hands behind my back and
my feet together to I had to just go on my knees, stumbling out of her room.  I
had a really hard time grabbing her door handle with my mouth to try to open it.

Mistress, although I do have times of weakness, I am happy, so happy, especially
when they are happy with me.  I was really unsure about seeing my old friends
like that, and of telling them, but I kept thinking of
Mistress Hannah telling me that it was a way of showing them how I felt about
them, my Mistresses, and I was calm, inside, and all of my butterflies (well,
maybe not all of them) were calmed.  I even love Miss Donnas now Mistress, and I
know that, deep inside of me.  I know that she is right to use me as she wishes,
and she makes me feel special, she told me one night last week that mine is the
only tongue ever to be inside of her bottom.  She has changed Mistress, in what
she has me do, and though it may sound disgusting, well, I just feel you should
know.  She does not use the toilet at all now, when she visits.  When she wants
to pee she either pees over me in the shower or she sometimes allows me to put
my mouth over her and she pees into me.  When she wants to shit, she leans over
the hand basin and has me hold my hands and catch her shit and place it in the
toilet.  Then I have to wash my hands and lick her beautiful bottom clean.  She
has tan lines from a brief bikini, and white cheeks and beautifully tanned legs
and thighs Mistress.  And she always allows me to thank her for using me.  She
still calls me names, but she is not cruel to anything or me.  It is just her
way.  She has talked to Mistress Hannah about bringing a friend of hers over to
meet me, but nothing has come of that yet.  One thing is strange, but inevitable
I suppose Mistress.  They all tend to talk about me rather than to me most of
the time now.   It's just strange sometimes, it's as if I were not even there. 
When I do talk, I am not allowed to refer to any parts of my body as 'mine', its
always 'the cunt' or 'the tits' not my cunt or my tits.  They made it clear
early last week that this body is not min now, it belongs to them, and I am
happy that they have accepted it.

Today, I have one of my old skirts on, Its a size 10, and I'm now a size 8, so
it keeps falling down over my hips, and my shirt doesn't reach it, so I have my
midriff showing almost all the time, right down to my mons, but Miss Beatrice
has told me not to keep pulling it up all the time, she got quite cross with me
about that earlier.  She is in a board meeting this morning. 

I will send this now Mistress.  In the hope that you see it when you awake, and
to make sure you know that you are still a part of who we all are.  Mistress
Hannah and Mistress Jo insisted that I write to you and they sent a note to Miss
Beatrice this morning with me and it must have mentioned it, because she told me
to come and write to you.  She also told me that I would have more to write to
you about tomorrow.

Thank you Mistress.  

Xxx with a slaves love



So nice to finally hear from you.  Your life is quickly fitting into the mold I
have set forth for you.
I would gather that you are almost ready to be bound by a contract permanently. 
If you wish I will start constructing one for you.  But realize the seriousness
of your decision.  It would be something legal and binding.  Stephanie XXXXXXXXX
would disappear in effect except for the 8 hours a day in which you work closely
supervised.  You would have no possessions, no money, and no nothing except for
what is provided for you by your Mistresses.
As you can see it is a difficult life at times and, as you notice, you are being
spoken to less except when needed and ignored in conversations.  You appear to
be satisfied being relegated to being a fixture.
You did very well exposing yourself to your former friends.  I do not think that
there is any loss there because, in your position, you are not allowed friends
beyond what your Mistresses permit.
I am a little distressed that you were so openly "outed" at work.  I have always
worked hard at trying to separate your private life from your work.  That you
have just been promoted to Beatrice's assistant and had it announced that you
are a lesbian is tricky.  This can lead to the office thinking that you were
elevated to this position because of your sexual orientation.
This would be a shame because you are so talented at what you do and have such
great skills.  I have always wanted you to succeed in your career based on your
merits.  Women talk, angel.  Often more than men.  I just don't want there to be
whispers whenever you and Beatrice are working behind closed doors.  These
whispers tend to follow one around throughout one's career. I know that you are
what I have molded you into, dearest angel.  But I most certainly have not
molded you into an office trollop.  With your promotion I would also like to
know what financial remuneration you are receiving as a result of it. 
Considering how non-traditional your "services" are to Beatrice and the risks
being taken considering her "outing" you, I would hope that the raise was
substantial.  Because Beatrice has never seen fit to write me, I have never been
able to enter into a dialogue with her.  This is regrettable because I have
always desired that your career be fulfilling as well as your life since one
feeds the other.
And how do you feel about the orgasm deprivation, angel?  Aren't the ones you
are allowed more powerful and enjoyable?
It was all in the plan, dearest. It was all in the plan.
Please keep writing me.  Your letters to me are your daily diaries.  I am always
here for you.  Your thoughts are fears are real to me so do not hesitate to
mention anything on your mind.  Between you and I, you are allowed to have
thoughts and express them to me.




Just a quick note to tell you all what a fine job you are doing.  I am so proud
of what you have accomplished in such a short period of time.  You all need to
look at your calendars to remind yourselves of just how short a time it has
been.  And the strides you all have made!  You have gone beyond being just
dominants but managing a very complex relationship with several women all
managing the love, affections, and servitude of one extraordinary slave.
While you might have at first doubted the possibilities of this relationship
lasting a lifetime, I am sure you see that as your fondest wish now.  I am most
interested in the opinions of our youngest
Mistress in these regards.  I would love to hear from her to see where she sees
this going.
I love the idea of you all moving into one common flat.  Please make sure
angel's name appears nowhere on any legal documents in that regards.  It is the
goal now for Stephanie to cease to exist except as your property.  Consequently,
it would be wise to close her bank accounts and move the funds into a common
household account.  Her work paychecks would be directly deposited there as
well.  And, of course, she would not have access to this account.   It will be
up to your ladies to provide for her every need.  I have been debating about
going the full route and having you girls shave angel's head.  It is actually
the only way for her to be fully nude.  Look around for a shop that sells
expensive, high quality wigs for her to wear outside the house.  It should
approximate what she currently has.  And yes, I know you like pulling her around
by her hair.  But it would be better torture to pull her around by the chain
joining the rings pierced into her nipples, wouldn't it?  Especially if that
chain also had a stand leading down to the rind on her clitoral hood.  Trust me,
ladies; she will follow rather quickly pulled in that fashion.
Also I would like for you to think about having her pubic hair permanently
removed by lasers.  It is a little pricey but the advantages of never having to
shave her makes your slave rather low maintenance.
And her skin will always be baby soft as well.  As petite as she is, with such
small breasts, if she was totally hairless, she would be the perfect little
slave girl always.
And feel free to step up the whippings, ladies, you would be surprised at how
much pain your slave needs and can take.
Hannah, have you investigated getting her a chastity belt yet?  I am hoping you
have. I have found a few resources and doing this is no problem. The advantages
of her having no access at all to herself yet having her pussy and ass filled at
all times is delightful torture.  At least then you will know she is always in a
state of sexual arousal and frustration.  In this state you should be able to
make her cum just by kissing her with the whip.  Only that.  No other
stimulation.  Make her crave both the pain and the orgasm.  Eventually the two
will intertwine themselves inseparably.  She will orgasm in the chastity belt
whenever you punish her very hard.  And don't be afraid about breaking the skin
either.  I would recommend placing a hook in the ceiling of your new flat to
hang her arms from for whippings. This is how a slave receives them.  I would
also advise you to purchase a formal riding crop and cat of nine tails whip and
learn how to use them.  There are books on this subject.  These are implements
that angel must be made to bring you for you to use on her.  This is her
acceptance of her position and what is about to happen to her.
I would love to hear more from each of you.  Your comments, thoughts, and
suggestions are most welcome.
Just because you have progressed so far, please understand that there is so much
more to learn.  The only stupid questions you will have are those you don't ask
because then you will never know the answers.

Love and kisses, my loves,


Wednesday March 12


Last night the last of my dignity was shred, and I now know that I am committed
completely and fully to being a slave and to having everyone know it.  Miss
Beatrice had invited any of the office that could stay behind last night to stay
to form part of a 'Consumer Panel' to review some of Miss Patricia's product
range, and I have now seen the mail that Miss
Beatrice sent out, in it she said, "Steph, being the one who is least likely to
be embarrassed at being naked in front of the rest of the team, will be modeling
new ranges of lingerie and I would appreciate as complete a panel as possible".

I didn't know anything of it, until at 4:00 Miss Beatrice called me in -
I now have a beeper and have to go to her when it beeps (she gave it to me
yesterday afternoon).  I got in, Miss Patricia was there, and Miss Beatrice told
me that tonight all of the office were wanting to see me naked, and she
explained what she had said to them and she said that everyone was going to be
here at 5:00 for me to be 'further humiliated'.  She told me, and later Mistress
Jo and Mistress Hannah confirmed it; they have agreed that my status in the
office is to be changed to "Team Assistant" as far as anyone is concerned, but
that I will continue to do my projects but they will be in Miss Beatrice's and
Mistress Jo's name. 
Mistress Jo is to be paid a salary of ?25,000 a year and my salary is to be
reduced by ?15,000.  She told me, and later she did, announce to everyone that I
am there to be used to perform any menial tasks anyone has, typing, filing,
working on Excel, anything, and that they just have to respect that when my
beeper goes I have to be released to go.  She told everyone in the team that
they mustn't think of me being in the same status as I had been, that I am now
just there to assist anyone, and they must call on me to help them whenever they
wished, however they wished.  She told everyone that she had employed a new
person, Mrs. White (that's Mistress Jo) but that she would be working from her
own offices, and that I had almost begged Miss Beatrice to keep a job.  It was
so embarrassing Mistress.  Some people were looking sad and others were
obviously ok about my demotion.  Everyone was sitting in a square around Miss
Beatrice's door.  Miss Beatrice opened her office door and introduced Miss
Patricia, and said that this is what the meeting was really about (Miss Patricia
had not been with us when she told them about me), and she handed over to Miss
Patricia, and she pulled in a rack of her lingerie, and she told them that they
were to be modeled, and that its important that they look at the clothes and not
the person, and she said that to achieve it, its usual to have the model naked
first so that any inhibitions are dispelled and that everyone gets used to just
seeing the model as a clothes horse, and she said that Miss Beatrice had said
that she could use me as the clothes horse, and she turned to me, and she undid
my buttons on my blouse and pulled it off my shoulders and pulled down my skirt. 
She stood back and I could have died Mistress, I was numb, and I was just aware
of her telling people that it isn't necessary for women to shave to show off her
lingerie and she touched my mons and I was shocked, and some people laughed.  I
was completely speechless Mistress, just so shocked.  Miss Patricia handed me
some sheets and told me to distribute them, and she explained that they were the
comments sheets, and she pushed me forwards and I didn't know where to go, I
just didn't want to do it, just because I was still shocked Mistress.  I was
naked in front of all these women I have known for what, 4 months, and some I
was friends with, and now I was handing papers out to them naked in the office.

Then, once I had handed out the papers, and I had not been able to look at
anyone in the face, I just looked down and didn't believe I was there naked,
seeing the tits and my nipples jutting out in front of them, each of them as
they took a sheet from me.  I walked around to stand in front of each of them. 
When I got back to Miss Patricia she put her arm around my back and said "There,
now we are all comfortable with her body I imagine, so lets look at some of the
outfits, and she dressed me in various skimpy things and had me walk over to
each person and turn for them, each time, and when she tried a bra on me she
didn't put on panties and when I had panties on she didn't put a bra on, so I
only every had one thing on, and at the end Patricia asked if anyone wanted to
see anything else, and only one said anything, Jen asked to see a thong, so Miss
Patricia took off the panties I had on and gave me the thong and told me to give
it to Jen.  She held it and looked at it then said she thought of me having it
on again, and Miss Beatrice told her to put it on me, and she held it down and I
stepped into it and she pulled them up high and between the cheeks of the

Miss Patricia called me back when Jen indicated that she was ok and she wrote
something on her sheet, then she sent me to each person again to collect the
comment sheets.  Miss Beatrice thanked everyone, and said that it had been
useful, and she came over to me and said that our model had performed very well
I think you all will agree, and the girls clapped me.

Miss Beatrice told me that I should give the thong back to Patricia, so I took
it off and handed it to her, and then she thanked everyone dismissed the
meeting, and she whispered to me to go and talk with the girls and she pushed me
forwards.  I went to Jen, she was standing with two others, and I just stood
there and Penny said that I was very brave to do that, and she looked up and
down my body and I told her that I hadn't known about it, and she looked shocked
and said that she couldn't undress in front of others like that, and I told her
that I didn't mind really.
Jen said she was glad that I was going to be staying and she was sad about the
demotion, then she said 'but you do look good in the outfits' and I said thank
you. Then they went and there was only Miss Beatrice Patricia and I left, and
Patricia came over to me and put her arm over my shoulder and her hand on my
breast and she fondled me as she talked to Miss Beatrice about how much fun it
had been.   

Miss Beatrice said her goodbyes to Patricia, and Patricia squeezed my nipple and
told me that I must visit her sometime and she went, and Miss Beatrice told me
hat I had been excellent, and that now everyone knows my position. She said,
"None of them can be in any doubt". Miss Beatrice let me dress and she drove me

I was upset in the car Mistress, because I am still weak. When I got in
I gave them the Sharp and told them there was a note from you. They sent me into
the bathroom and Miss Jo followed me in and cuffed me to the toilet (they do
that sometimes).  Later, Miss Hannah came and got me and they all wanted to know
exactly what had happened with Patricia and Miss
Beatrice and I told them and they were so excited.  Miss Jo sent me into the
kitchen to get Miss Allison some pizza as she was going out. I gave Miss Allison
her pizza when it was cooked, and she took it and me into her room and she told
me she had written to you Mistress, and then she flicked the ruler on me as she

When she had gone, Mistress Jo and Mistress Hannah asked me for more details
about work and what happened. While I was telling them I got upset when I
thought of how completely humiliated I had been, but Mistress Jo and Mistress
Hannah explained to me that I don't have to worry about anything except pleasing
them, and they both kissed me when they saw me crying and they were so sweet to
me.  They told me they would take care of me always, and they told me that I
should trust them, and I do, and I begged them to forgive me, I begged and
begged them, I was crying so much that they thought I didn't trust them and Miss
Hannah offered to beat me for my lack of faith, and I begged her to and they
tied me to the table and beat me and beat me with a belt and the strap, and I
felt cleansed Mistress, and I swore to them that I do trust them completely and
absolutely. And I begged them to beat me again if ever I was to show that I did
not trust them.

Mistress, I was so relieved in a way. Relieved that they love me so much that
they didn't even ask me about the changes they have arranged, and they have
looked after me.

I have to go now Mistress but I will try to write more later.

angel xxxxx

(From Allison)

Mistress Sasha
Mum and Hannah have let me reply to you for all of us. We love the slave, all of
us and we love the sharing of her. Right now I never want to get married or
anything but to live here with mum, Hannah and the slave and just between us one
day I am gonna have the slave make love with me when I'm with Hannah and with my
mom, I love them all sooooo much. I've watched Hannah lots of times with the
slave I sit on the bed sometimes and play with it when Hannah is being licked or
when she sits on the slaves face and once I watched mom with it through her
door. I even like watching it serve like that.
Mom and Hannah read your note to us together, mom has finally agreed that I am
old enough to be a real part of this and she let me read it. She asked me if I
wanted to write back to you. We all want to enjoy torturing her and we have
started this weekend torturing her cunt lips by pulling them hard whenever we
want and pulling on her nipples mom asked me about us having her head shaved she
waited for me and when I said cool she went wild about it and we all hugged each
other. The slave wasn't there then she was cuffed to the toilet so she couldn't
hear us. Mom is going to write to Beatrice about us starting by just chopping
her hair real short first, but she wants to know how it will be at work.  Do you
know I let it suck my cunt now? What she does to me is indescribable. It's
another world. And I do beat her with a ruler, I have an 18" one I use on her,
on her cunt and tits and nipples, everywhere. But I go riding on Saturdays and
mom asked me to see if I can get one of the crops to bring home so I will.  We
got her ready for her day being shown on Friday and we waxed her again. She
squeals cos we pull the strips off really slowly and her cunt gets soooooo wet
from it and her nipples look fit to burst.
We are thinking of getting a garden hammock for her to be hung from, you know,
take away the bed sling part and hand her from her feet and arms on the ends.
Its a big metal frame with t's at the ends but we need real leather cuffs cos we
don't think these ones will hold her weight. Hannah and mom just told me to send
you their love.  gotta go.
It was upset at first when it got home tonight but Hannah and mom settled her
and she is ok now, we got ?10,000 more now and maybe some bonus sometimes. I
can't wait to move downstairs.
Lots of love
Miss Allison
Mistress Sasha I have to tell you something else. I've told Ronnie about the
slave. I told her about a week ago. She asked me if she still came up to see us
and I just had to tell her and now every break time at school all we do is talk
about her. She doesn't know about mom and Hannah or anything just about her and
me and she plays with herself every time I tell her about the slave. I just had
to tell someone. Mom doesn't think I should tell any of my friends but Ronnie is
different and I know she won't tell. And don't tell mom that I watched her ok.

Allison has gone out now, and I'm glad she has, we have just beaten the slave
because she begged us to. She knows her place Sasha, so beautifully.  But I'm
not sure I want Allison to see us like we were with her, not yet
Anyway this is just a brief note to tell you about our financial situation.
Beatrice, slaves employer has employed me, I have signed the contract and so has
she. In effect we are ?10,000 a year better off. Beatrice believed that having
slave have two lives, one as a slave and another as someone who has people
working for her would be unsettling and possibly dangerous mentally for slave,
so we have agreed that she is demoted and on paper I am employed. We both have 6
mths notice period and 1 mth notice to quit and Beatrice is setting up a private
trust that if either of us are dismissed we will be able to claim ?50000 from
her. She is having her lawyer draw it up. So don't worry bout the money side and
we agree with her that slave needs to be settled as what she is at all times,
work or home.
Isn't the flat news brilliant? Han is going to take slave down to see the flat
tonight. We will let you know how it goes.
Jo and Hannah


I have just come from Wages Department.  Before that I was with Miss
Beatrice. She asked me how I was feeling and I told her I was happy but she
wanted to know how I was feeling and I told her I was excited at just coming
into her office, but that this morning I was very nervous at coming in knowing
that all the girls had seen me naked, and she scolded me and said that I must
show more respect to my betters.  The teams are all Ladies and I am just a
slave. I must refer to them by their surname, or Ladies, or directly to them
they are Miss. She had undone my shirt and was pulling at my nipples, which
really hurt from last night but that was my fault and I said nothing.  Then she
told me that Miss Jo had written to her (I handed her the note this morning) and
toilets are not for slaves, they are only for ladies.  I am not to use the
toilets.  If I am absolutely desperate I must ask Miss Beatrice's permission and
if she allows it I must go to the Castle Park (about 5 minutes walk from here)
and pee there.  If I need to deposit solid waste, if she allows it I will be
issued with tissue, and do it into the tissues and deposit it in the tissues
into a 'dog waste' bin in the park.  She asked me if I understood and I said Yes
Mistress, but she pulled really hard on my nipples and she told me that she is
Miss Beatrice at all times.  Josephine and Hannah are my Mistresses.

Then she dictated a letter and I typed it, and signed it in front of her. It was
telling wages department to change the account for my salary payments from my
bank to Mistress Jo's.  I have just come from wages, I gave them the letter and
they didn't read it while I was there.  I was glad they didn't at the time, but
now I almost wish they had.  I am not ashamed.

I asked Miss Beatrice if I might ask her something, and she said I could, and I
told her that you were a little upset that you had not heard from you, and she
told me to tell you that you can write to me through her and she would be very
happy to hear from you, and she told me to tell you that You have trained a very
useful slave indeed, and she told me to thank you from her.

I have to go again, I have the drafts here to sign off.

slave angel  xxx


I received all your letters.  I am glad you are proud of your status and are
adjusting well.  Like I told you earlier, all you have to do is trust your
Mistresses and obey.  The adjustment can be hard but is necessary so that you
can really accept who and what you now are.
While I don't totally agree with what happened in your office with everybody
there, I do think that it was done tactfully and you did your job very well.
And putting Jo on the payroll was also smart and it did accomplish what I wished
for it to.
You can be very proud of yourself also.  Allison never wants to leave you.  I
don't think that there is any man out there that will ever be able to satisfy
her the way that you do.  I feel that you have created yet another dedicated
lesbian follower.  And do remember that it is you that they are following.  With
Allison, I would gently encourage her to learn how to lick either you or Hannah. 
She does love watching you with Hannah so much.  She should be encouraged to
take a more active role and to enjoy giving as much as she does receiving.
Suffice it to say, they all love you very much and only wish for you to derive
the maximum amount of pleasure from serving them.  And you show your love for
them so well by obeying.  And don't worry about showing weaknesses.  They only
show that you are human and very intelligent.  If you showed no weaknesses then
there would be something to worry about.  Either you didn't care at all what
happened to you or you were bottling your feelings up inside.  One of the very
special things about you is that you are so open with your feelings.  Your
mistresses can experience what they are doing to you by you expressing them. 
This only gives them (and me) much better input on how to treat you in the
Continue to serve.  Continue to obey.  And continue to receive pleasure from
everything that is happening to you.

Mistress Sasha


I was so glad to hear from Allison today.  And I am also glad that Jo is now in
charge of the slave's finances. You must consider on how to use the extra funds
the slave's actions are now bringing into the household.
Hopefully they will provide you the ability to do things to make the slave's
life a little harsher.  The issues of piercing her should no longer be and
issue.  Nor would having her pubic hair permanently removed.
You also might think very seriously about getting a computer with a web cam for
your home as well so I can better contact you all and see the results from all
my labors as well.
Allison told me about arranging a hammock for it to be suspended from during the
nights.  You have to be careful doing that for extended periods of time because
of the strain on its wrists and ankles.
Consider this idea instead.  I personally would purchase a large dog's cage for
her to reside in during the nights.  Now, you can get a dog's bed for her to
curl up into but you can also secure her very nicely inside the cage.  A collar
around its neck chained to the roof of the cage will hold it up. It's knees and
wrists may be secured to each corner.  And a belt around it's waist secured to
the rear of the cage will keep it's pussy and ass right up against the rear wall
so it may have something put inside it for the night.  Gag her, blindfold her
and leave her secured like that on all fours for the night to sleep.  Maybe you
should give it an enema first and then plug its ass so it can feel the water
cramping it during the night.  Trust me, it does want all this.  It just doesn't
know it yet.  Lol!
Remember, ladies, that torture is an art form not restricted to just the church. 
Be inventive.
When thinking about shaving its head.  Do it all at once and tie her sitting up
in a chair first.  Don't let it adjust to shorter hair first.  Go for the shock
value.  But make sure that you already have a very nice wig for it to wear at
work that is very close to what she has now.  What we want to do is get the full
shock value in its mind of its status to you.  But we also want to minimize the
thoughts running through it's head about what it will do when it has to leave
the home.  Please always remember that it is a very intelligent animal.  And its
intelligence is a big reason why you all love it so much.  And it is that
intelligence that makes what you are doing to it so delicious.  It is all it
thinks about.  Also very special is you knowing exactly how much it loves you
all not only because of who and what you all are but because of how you treat
I am very glad to hear how well you comfort it when it has doubts or fears. 
Please continue to always do so.
Showing love is so important for you all to do to it.
Those fears and doubts should only show you all that it is human and very
intelligent as well as loving.
Allison, I was so glad to hear how you feel about it and the relationship you
all have formed.  I will tell you, as will Hannah and your mother that there is
very little any man could ever do to make you feel close to how you feel when
you are with it.  All your lives are at a sexual high that will be very hard for
anyone else to duplicate.  I would encourage you to take the next step and see
about joining in more and giving more pleasure to either it or Hannah.  Just do
to it or Hannah what you have come to love having done to you.  But please, if
you will, try your first time orally with it.  After all, it was the one who
brought you to the understanding of what you are now and will be for what might
be the rest of your life.  Call it a reward.
And Jo, I would suggest that you invite your daughter into your bedroom to watch
how it pleases you.  You all know what you all do with it.  There is no reason
to hide it because of your maternal relationship.  I think that you are all
close enough now and your relationship has matured through talking and
understanding that there shouldn't be any embarrassment by Allison seeing you
orgasm or vice versa.
You should be as pleased and proud of the pleasure you are receiving from it
that you should share it with each other.  It will only bring you to a closeness
that will last all your lives.  Again, trust me on this.  Besides, you can each
flog its ass when it is servicing the other.  And Hannah, I know you will find a
way to insert yourself into the pile somewhere.
Maybe Jo can give her daughter some pointers on how to please you also.
Isn't family life wonderful?  You are all my family.


Thursday, March 13

Mistress Sasha

Mistress, I am going to have a note attached to this from Miss Beatrice.  I
didn't see your mail to my Mistresses last night before I left, forgive me but
this note explains why.  I shall copy it to the Sharp and give it to them
tonight Mistress.  I do have a note from Miss Jo also.

Last evening, at about 4:00, I had a pain attack from my gallstone problem, I
was in agony, and she and Ericka, her secretary, took me into her room, I was
doubled up Mistress. It is as if someone has stabbed a knife in me, it truly is
painful Mistress.  I explained to them that I had had attacks before, and that
they go away after about an hour or two, and Miss Beatrice asked me what I was
doing about it, and I told her I was waiting an NHS (National Health Service)
appointment to have it removed, and she just called me a silly girl and asked me
why I hadn't used the Company Private Health plan, but I explained to Her that
as it was diagnosed before I joined it was not covered, and she called her
Doctor.  The Doctor came, to the office, and Miss Beatrice told her to get a
private appointment for me, but the Doctor explained that she had to get my
notes, so Miss Beatrice told her to.   I think the Doctor was as much a friend
as a Doctor, as they greeted and talked to each other with their first names. 
Miss Beatrice and Ericka drove me home after the Doctor had gone.  They didn't
come up, they just saw me in.

This morning I had to go to her Doctor's office and she had my notes, and she
examined me more fully (I am fully dressed today, including a pair of Miss
Allison's panties). She told me I was grossly underweight (I was 6st 8lbs - I
used to be 8st), and I told her I had been avoiding fats in foods.  She has
booked a hospital appointment for the operation on Saturday morning, in a
private hospital. She had called Miss Beatrice and told her before actually
booking me in.  I have notes about what I should and shouldn't eat and drink
tomorrow and Saturday morning. I have to be at the clinic at 7:30.

When I got in, Miss Beatrice was concerned and wonderful, and she told me, well,
she held my face in her hands and told me "Child, your health is important to
too many people. You must always tell me if you need any attention" and she
emphasized "Anything to do with your health" and she told me that she will
always take care of my health.  I thanked her and almost started to cry I was so
touched.  I asked her if I could take off the panties, and she asked why, and I
said that I am not allowed to wear them except when necessary and it's no longer
necessary, and she told me to take them off, and she put them in her bag.

Yesterday, here in the office, hardly any of the Ladies talked to me, well some
did, but they didn't have me do anything, and that was useful because I had
other things to do, but this morning, since I first came into the office I have
been kept busy until now.  I've told them that I have things to do for Miss
Beatrice, which is true, as she told me to look to see if you had written to

I have helped someone carry some parcels, and I have addressed some envelopes. I
did some filing for Penny and Jen, and for each of them they got me to do their
job and they just watched me do it, its not as if they were saving time to get
other things done.  But I don't mind, it just seemed strange that's all.  Oh,
and I have been to the coffee machine for almost everyone on the floor, at least

Last night, when Miss Beatrice took me home, I was still in some pain, though
the painkillers the Doctor had given me were beginning to work. 
Miss Allison stripped me and asked me what was wrong and she took me through and
I told my Mistresses and they were all so concerned for me.  They were
wonderful; though the pain was subsiding they insisted that I rested on the
sofa.  Mistress Hannah was so sweet, she was cuddling me, so was Miss Allison,
in fact they were all being so nice to me it almost felt uncomfortable, and even
later when I was ok, Mistress Jo suggested to
Mistress Hannah that she just took me to bed, and she did, and she just cuddled
me to sleep.  She did wake me in the night, to do her toilet, and I was so
pleased Mistress.

I have a word document from Miss Beatrice for you Mistress.  As with the others
I have not read it, she told me to attach it without reading it.


I will send this now Mistress, and perhaps write again later.

angel   xxx


Your angel is asleep with Hannah; I just looked in on them. They are both so
precious. Allison is watching Friends (again!!!), slave is recovered from her
gallstone pain, and I am sitting here looking at the notes you have sent us and
I thought I would write to you.
We were going to have her cut up her credit cards tonight and her checkbook. We
have prepared letters for her to write to the bank and credit card companies to
close her accounts, but she can do that tomorrow.
Also we were going to formally rename her, and I hope you will be pleased with
She is going to be told that her name is slave, but when in innocent company she
may be introduced or may introduce herself as angel. She is no longer steph. She
must start to inform people who know her that they may choose which name they
call her. Beatrice has agreed with this and is going to introduce the angel name
in the office.

Things are going ahead with the flats.  We have been to Mrs. Xxxxx the landlady
and she is ok.  Hannah and I will be the signatories and we have to pay 20% of
the lease payments on our flat until it is relet.  Han wondered if we should
offer the slave to Mrs. Xxxxx in place of payment,
ha ha.

We were going to ask you about beating the slave. We all, her included, got very
excited when we beat her the other night and we wonder if doing it just for
excitement will diminish its value as a punishment. What do you think?
Well, Friends is finished so its time for bed alone for the 1st time in a long
Jo with kisses
Jo and Han


I write to just inform you that your slave was taken ill last night - a fact
that she will doubtless inform you of herself) and we have arranged for her to
have the necessary operation on Saturday. I have tried to impress on the silly
girl that no matter how she may be treated, here or at home, her health is
important and she has to understand that just as she has no will of her own, she
also has to right to keep such issues a secret.

I have informed her, and her Mistresses, and now I write to inform you, I will
cover her health costs, without question.

I asked her if you had written to me, but I understand you have written to her
Mistresses, which is as it should be.

I thank you and them for allowing me to experience this, what has for some time
now, being just a fantasy. I have already come further than I had ever dared to

Assuring you that I shall take care of your slave when she is under my



You must take better care of yourself, like Beatrice told you.  You never told
me about your weight dropping so low.  You must put yourself on a little higher
priority in the future.  Suffice it to say, you have many people who love you
and who will take care of you throughout this bout of illness.  These instances
are when you will see that for yourself if you had ever doubted it.
I wish I could hold you to heal you, angel.  But I know you are safe in the arms
of many who will do so for me in both my name and theirs.

Lovingly (with worry)



Please don't worry about me, please. I am fine now.  I only know about the
gallstone when it is painful and that has only been a few times. 
Truly Mistress, I am fine. Please don't worry.

angel  xxx


Ericka, Miss Beatrice's secretary, has been so nice to me today, and she once
put her hand on my bottom while she asked me if I was ok and she has put her arm
around me a couple of times.  Before today she has always been a little cold
towards me. I've been kept busy today, and that's good. I am not good at sitting
about. I have to have a days rest on Saturday and Sunday after my operation, but
then I should be ok.  It's not a major surgery according to the doctor, and I
won't have stitches on the entry, just a sticking plaster apparently.  It's
amazing how much can be done with microsurgery.

I've just remembered, I have to tell Miss Beatrice about Ericka.  She wants to
know everyone who does or says anything even faintly sexual towards me.  Penny
has asked me if I have panties on. She said she (and others) noticed that when
Patricia took off my skirt I didn't have any on.  I told Miss Beatrice about
that. She suggested that perhaps I should have asked her if she wanted to check
if I had any on.

Mistress, I want to ask you something.  This morning, I know it was just a
casual thing, and just her being professional, but when the Doctor asked me to
take off my shirt this morning I was excited. Even with everything that happens
to me now, I am still excited by something like that, and I wasn't scared at
all, because it was in private, just her and I. I was just excited, and I hoped
that she would ask me to take off my skirt so that she would see me in Miss
Allison's panties. I know this sounds pathetic but then perhaps I am pathetic.

I will be leaving soon Mistress.  I will check just before I go in case you have
anything for my Mistresses.  And I have to ask you Mistress... do you think that
I can continue to write to you so freely as I do now? 
Miss Beatrice long ago told me to talk to her only when she has asked me to, or
when I ask her if I may. At home I don't really talk unless talked to.  I don't
want to show you any less respect than I do them Mistress.

angel   xxx


Surgery is amazing, isn't it?  I just wish you could be pierced while there. 
Nipples, clitoral hood and pussy lips.  But you make sure you take things very
easy, angel.  Heal properly so that you will heal quickly.

Do not be ashamed by being excited with the doctor.  You naturally wish to be
used and thought of as you are in your current position.  You are not pathetic.
This is just the way I have conditioned you.
And you may always write to me openly, my dear.  That is what I am here for.  I
am the advisor for all of you.  This allows me to solve all your issues and
control the direction of the relationship so it pleases everyone involved the
most.  I would be most disappointed if you ever lost your openness with me.
That was, has been, and always will be, the foundation of our love and
relationship.  Right now, I love you so much and am so proud of you I would whip
you into ribbons just to show you exactly how much love I feel for you.


Friday, March 14


I have just read your note Mistress, and I am so pleased I may still be open
with you.  And the thought of you whipping me, I mean really whipping me sent
shivers of panic and excitement through me. If I were allowed I would have gone
to the bathroom and masturbated myself. Thank you for understanding how I feel.
And you do, don't you, I mean about the Doctor.

Last night I was formally told of my 'loss of identity', that's what
Mistress Jo called it.  They went through a list of 'rules'.  I am now to be
known as "slave" or "angel" by everyone. I have to tell the people here at work
that I prefer to be called angel.  Mistress Hannah told me that if I am
introduced to anyone They will decide if I am angel or slave.  They also told me
that i am just an animal. But Mistress Jo did say that I am a precious and loved
animal, but i am no longer a person in my own right. I am the property of
Mistress Hannah, Mistress Jo and Mistress Allison and as such in normal
circumstances i have no opinion as to what happens to me.  The only times i have
an opinion is when i am not accompanied by one of my Mistresses, Miss Beatrice,
or someone to whom they have formally lent me. Only then am i allowed to object
to my treatment. All of this was written out for me as bullet points and I have
to learn them while I am in hospital tomorrow.  Mistress Hannah said it would
take my mind off things, and they all laughed, so did I, but i almost wish i
hadnt. The next thing is about my safe word. They promised that it will be
respected, by everyone who uses me, but i must only ever use it on occasions
where i am suffering unbearable physical pain or i am afraid of physically being
permanently damaged. It is not to be used in questions of taste or judgement.

Miss Hannah gave me two ?10 notes, I am to keep one on me when it is possible,
and put one in a drawer at work.  They are for absolute emergencies and nothing
else.  I was made to cut up my credit cards and my store cards, and to give
Mistress Hannah my checkbook, and I had to write out letters canceling my

Mistress.  You asked me in the past about a contract, and I thought, just as I
was typing that, may I ask you to prepare a contract please Mistress? I should
so like to deliver it to them, or perhaps you would wish them to have it first?
I was not asked last night about any of it, but I should like them to know that
I would sign a contract if they wished me to. I want to spend the rest of my
life in service of them. Truly I do.  I want to be forever exhausted from
serving them and waiting on them, and trying to help make them happy.

About last night, Mistress Jo told Allison to take me to help her get ready for
bed and then to bring 'it' into their room for some fun.  I went with Miss
Allison and helped her undress and put on her nightgown and then she took me
into Mistress Hannah and Mistress Jo's room.  Mistress Hannah was naked, sitting
on a corner of the bed holding one of my cuffs, and Mistress Jo was in a short
nightdress.  They cuffed me, face up, to the corners of the bed, and Mistress Jo
played with my nipples, and asked who wants to start, and after a bit of a
silence, Mistress Hannah sat on my face, facing my cunt, and slapped my thighs
and I started to lick her ass hole and down to her cunt as she slid on my face. 
I felt someone touching my cunt and over my thighs and as Mistress Hannah got
more and more excited I was certain someone was sucking at me, sucking at my
cunt, and Mistress Jo nor Miss Allison had ever sucked me before, and when
Mistress Hannah came, she got off me and I saw Miss Allison's face at my cunt,
and she was sucking me so hard, I came at once, and Mistress Jo was stroking her
hair and she just carried on, running her tongue over my lips and clit and
sucking me over and over, and my Mistresses were pulling at my nipples while she
licked me.  Miss Allison stopped and lifted her face and Miss Hannah kissed her
and licked her face and they hugged. Then Miss Jo undid my arms and the others
my legs, and she leant against the headboard and opened her legs, and pulled my
face to between her legs and I licked her and sucked her until she came, and
Miss Allison or Mistress Hannah fingered my bottom and my cunt, then Miss Hannah
leant over me and kissed Miss Jo on the lips, and pulled her top up and fondled
her breasts and Mistress Jo came in a shower into my mouth and I came again,
with Miss Allison slapping my bottom.  Mistress Allison slid up the bed and
kissed her mom and they all hugged one another, with Miss Allison sitting on me,
pushing my face between her mom's legs.  I didn't see what happened for a while,
and then Miss Allison lifted off me, and pulled me up, and said, "I love you" to
me.  I cried and she hugged me.  Miss Jo and Mistress Hannah said that they
would go for a while, and Miss Allison got up and hugged her mom and Miss Hannah
came to me and kissed me and she told me that she loved me too.  Just as they
were going Mistress Hannah Announced hat she needed to pee and asked Miss
Allison if she minded, Miss Allison said no, so Miss Hannah stood and waited for
me to kneel before her and she peed into me, with the two of them watching, then
her mother did the same. 
Initially I felt degraded, being watched while I drank their pee, but
Mistress Jo patted my head and told me I was a good slave.

When they had gone, Miss Allison kissed me but didn't like the taste of pee so
she told me to go and wash my mouth out, then she had me lay on the bed and she
sucked and licked at my cunt, over and over, and she told me she loved the taste
of me, and she wanted to use my cunt as her plate, to eat off me and dip her
food in my cunt juice.  I came and she lay on me, and offered her cunt to me
while she licked at me.  She came, and just rested on me, laying with her head
on my mons, and I held her beautiful little bottom in my hands and I must have
fell asleep too.

It was lovely Mistress, and this morning, she fingered me and then, when I was
wet, she licked me again, and she sat up and peed into me.  She licked my cunt
again a couple of times before I left for work too. And she told me again that
she loved the taste of her slave.

I have a note from Mistress Jo today Mistress.

This morning I have been helping Penny with preparing some packs.  I have my
mini on and a short shirt.  Miss Beatrice was in early on and will be back
later, but all she said this morning was to ask me if I was ok, and to tell me
that I had too many buttons done up, so I undid one, and she smiled at me, held
me to her and told me I was a good girl.

I have to go help Penny again now Mistress, But I may write more later.

slave angel  xxx

From Jo

Your mail to us was exciting, just to read it was exciting, you talk of 'it' not
'her'. Allison does that sometimes and so tonight we told it that along with its
new names it is formally now just an animal, and it. It is not allowed to use
the toilet. When it needs to go one of us will take it outside to do its toilet
or we will provide some other means. Beatrice already does this at work.
As for me having Allison see me and slave together. That is something I have
thought about, about me watching Allison not her seeing me. I know I don't have
the body of slave, older and fatter, and I know how much clothes can hide. Han
and I have played with each other listening to them together and Allison's
squeals of delight and we have both wondered. I just know that it would not end
with me watching and I would want to touch. Han and I started with me just
watching but (and you may not know this) now we are lovers, lesbian Mistress
lovers. Did you know that? I just cant imagine what anyone, including Allison,
would think of me touching my own daughter sexually as I know I will want to.
Allison and I talked about her watching me and I told her it was entirely up to
her and she told me quite clearly says she wants to watch us so we have agreed,
with a kiss and a cuddle, that she can see it make me orgasm whenever she wants
to. We also talked about her, when she is with the slave, and she is going to
lick her pussy. She told me she has already tasted juices. The slave's juices on
Hannah's face when she has kissed her and Hannah's juices on the slaves face.
Apparently the slave tastes nicer, and she laughed when she said it. (Don't tell
Han! haha).

They are all downstairs just now, repainting the box room. But I will invite
Allison and Han in when I take the slave to my bed tonight.

I have just re-read your note. Its so delicious Sasha. Unfortunately it will be
a while to build up our cash so that we can get everything but just simple
torture of her is delicious.

It truly is so important to us all. I only hope it knows. I think it does. When
we told it of its new names tonight we all promised that our first action when
it gets in from work is for us to kiss it, each in turn will kiss her, to show
our love. What happens after that will be different, lol




I had quite a chat with Penny today, and told her about my name, and that I
prefer to be called angel, and she thought it was lovely, and ever after that
she called me angel.  She asked me about when I became lesbian, and if I had
ever been with a man, and what I did when I lived in Xxxxx.  She was really nice
to me.  We were working on the floor in the meeting room, and I know at times
she could see down my blouse but I don't know if she actually looked.  I have
just told Miss Beatrice about it.  She said she 'is going to work on Penny
perhaps', but I don't know what that means.  When Miss Beatrice got back in, she
told me to come in with her, and she immediately undid my buttons and started to
fondle my breasts.  She asked me about who had done what today, and all I had to
tell her was Penny and she was a bit disappointed I think. I wanted to explain
to her that I had been in a room with just Penny most of the day, but I didn't. 

She asked me if I wanted to go and help Penny 'like that'.  She meant with my
shirt open, and I told her I would if she wished me to.  She told me to go and
open the door and then come and sit down.  I did as she asked, and she sat back
leaning on her desk, and she told me that she could see Ericka sitting at her
desk, and she could see my tits. Then she told me to fondle my tits, and pull at
my nipples.  She left me doing that for a while, and then she told me to fasten
a button and come and help her.  I did, and she told me to go around her side of
the table and she put her hand up my skirt and pinched at my bottom, while I

She just told me to go, and so I have come out, but Penny has finished now, at
least she has gone from the meeting room. 

As I came out Ericka asked me if I was feeling alright today, and I told her I
was, and she asked me what was happening and I told her about me having an op, I
didn't mention Miss Beatrice, and she asked me if I was scared, but I'm not.  I
told her the only problem was getting to the clinic for 7:00 in the morning, and
she said she would give me a lift if I needed it, but I thanked her and told her
I would be all right.
Mistress Hannah would drive me, I know she would, but she likes to lie in at the
weekends. She gets up first every morning as she opens the 'warehouse' at 8:00
at the latest, so she is normally out by 7:15. 
Normally she gets me up with her, but she didn't this morning. She left me with
Miss Allison.

I asked to go to the toilet this morning, and Mistress Jo said I could use the
shower today, as she didn't want to go out, but I told her I needed to poo, and
she told me to do it into tissue and put it into the toilet.  She told me there
would be a more severe regime when I was over my operation.  The other thing she
did this morning was to tell me that I had made her baby (that's what she calls
Miss Allison sometimes) happy last night. I wanted to tell her how much I loved
her and what happened, but all I did was smile and thank her.

I read your note from yesterday again Mistress.  If you met me, would you really
want to whip me?  I mean really whip me?  I have wondered what a real whip would
feel like.  Not now especially, but in the past, I've just wondered.  I am
afraid that I wouldn't be able to stand it. 

It's a strange feeling today.  I know that I have no money (except my emergency
?10) and no credit cards and no bank account.  Mistress Hannah has my passport.
I have hardly any clothes - oh Mistress, I didn't tell you about that.  Last
night, they had me start to repaint the box room ready for the move, and we Miss
Allison said we needed some rags, to wipe brushes and things, and Mistress
Hannah said "There are lots of rags here" and she took me, and Miss Allison
followed, through to my closet, where I hang my clothes, and they went through
them all, throwing every thing out.  They emptied my hanging space and all my
drawers onto the floor. 
They kept a couple of t-shirts, Mistress Jo's thong, a skirt and my wrap over
dress.  We used some of my clothes as rags and the rest they had me put into
black bin bags and Mistress Hannah told me to put them out next Thursday for the
bin men.   So now I have hardly any clothes, isn't it wonderful Mistress?  I am
not concerned about any of it.  As you have told me, often over the time you
have known me, all I have to do is to obey.

Mistress Jo and Mistress Hannah made it clear last night that I am not allowed
to use my safe word about matters of taste. Mistress Hannah said they promised
that I would only be exposed to females, but that under Their supervision there
is nothing that I can object to, and Mistress
Jo added 'unless you are in fear of permanent physical injury'.  
Mistress, I won't let them or you down. I will try to never use my safe word,
never.  I hope to show them somehow. 
I was just away for a few minutes, helping Ginny; she wanted me to tidy her
drawers for her.  Penny has told her about the angel name, when she came over
she said "angel, could I borrow you for a minute?" and she smiled at me.

Have to go for a few minutes, I will send this now.

slave angel xxx


Angel related to me the events of Thursday evening.  I promise you all that I am
going to write a book about your family.  Perhaps you read the first part, which
is just all the letters from January. 
What happened last night was so beautiful I can't really add more.  And, Jo, of
course I knew you and Hannah were lovers.  Don't you think that I had intended
this when I wanted to introduce her into your group?  I had also hoped that
Hannah and Allison would become lovers as well.  After all, of you all can love
and share the services of a slave, there is absolutely no reason why you can't
share your all's love for each other with each other.  And for God's sake, Jo,
don't ever chastise yourself for being attracted to and wanting Allison.  And
please note that I wrote this letter to you all and not to you under a separate
cover.  I am doing this because there is no reason to dispel any thoughts or
taboos between you and Allison.  The time for "forbidden desires" is over, don't
you think?  I think it best to keep everything out in the open.  I would not be
surprised if Allison didn't have the same thoughts as you.  I also feel that you
both love and respect each other enough to know when it is all right to cross
the boundaries of mother and daughter.  And besides, and take great joy in this,
maybe several months ago you might have had fears or doubts about how Allison
was going to turn out or fears about what she was doing when she was out with
her friends.  All mothers do.  I will bet you one shiny shilling now that you
have NO worries at all about anything Allison does on her own.  You know why? 
Because you two have created a relationship based on love, trust, and
understanding that totally transcends anything that any other mother and
daughter have.  When there is total trust and love there is no need for secrets. 
And you know now that there is NOTHING that Allison won't confide in you.  She
might have before.  But not now.  I would suggest, dearest Jo, that you have
achieved a goal of motherhood that less than one in a million mothers reach. 
And I love you both for it.  So admitting that both Jo and Allison are
beautiful, mature women involved in a lesbian rectangle, if Jo and Allison
desire each other or find themselves facing each other while in a pile, please
feel free to treat each other as mature lesbian women who love each other
completely.  And don't worry about anyone judging you.  Your doors are closed in
that regards.  I have judged you all and found everything to be very well and
all of you worthy.  No one who has never been in your alls situation has any
qualifications, or reason, to say anything untoward.  People can always titter
about how naughty and improper your family relationship is.  But if you look at
how miserable and secretive and closed off their family probably is like
everyone else's, who are they to judge anyone?  Remember that people judge
others to draw attentions away from how fucked up they are.  What I would
recommend doing to make everything totally natural and comfortable is this.  You
have your weekly meetings when you sit down with everyone as equals and chat.  I
would recommend that maybe you have at least one night every week or so when all
four of you sleep together and enjoy each other as equals all together in a
pile.  As women who all love and desire each other.  Angel, if course, would
still serve you all as a slave to a certain extent but please recognize that she
has the same desires as you all and she should be able to have an avenue to
express them openly.  This way, dear Jo, if the genitals, breasts, or lips that
you are presented with at any moment happen to be your daughters, well, treat
them just as you would Hannah's or angels.  And the same goes for Allison.  It's
only a natural extension of what was going to eventually happen.
Now Allison, this is where I should tell you to remember that Jo is your mother
and to obey her when it is required, but I won't.  Your relationship has gone
beyond mother and daughter and I know you would not do anything out of place. 
You've reached that time in life when your mother, while still a mother, also
becomes a trusted friend.  And as lesbians, it is not unnatural at all for you
to desire each other and do something about it.  Please enjoy all your time with
her as you do with Hannah and angel.  Share each other's joys and sorrows fully
as a team.  As a team, how can any of you ever lose?
Now, Hannah, sitting there thinking I have forgotten her.  How could I ever
forget you, my love?  How could I ever forget that girl would liked to "scare"
people with the way she dressed and thought it was "kewl" when she found out
angel and I were an item?  I can only hope that you have gotten over your need
to scare people and are planning on shopping for clothes with Jo.  What can I
say, Hannah?  I love you. I envy you.
I am so happy for you I could just squeeze the stuffing out of you.  I am just
so glad that you let me stick my foot into the door of your mind back in January
and kick it wide open and change your life.  I mean, how often is it that
someone is given a chance like that and it happens?
The funniest thing is that if I had walked in in December and told you all
exactly where you would all be and what you'd be doing in mid-March, you would
probably have all ganged up and beaten me to death.
Ah, this tangled web we weave.  Please permit me, lovely ladies, to sit back and
bask in shameful pride for what I have helped accomplish here.  O.k.  I'm done.
I understand about funds and all.  What did you all think about the idea of
shaving its head completely all at once and get her a wig?  Remember that it
should have no clue beforehand.  You might want to video this also.  It's
reaction will be priceless and worth saving for posterity.  What did you think
about it living in a cage and being torture-tied into that cage as well
overnight?  I would also like your opinions about the permanent pubic hair
removal, the piercing, and the lockable chastity belt.  Are these ideas you all
like and would like to incorporate?  If so, please set up a schedule and budget
of how it will all cost and when you can do these things.  It gives you all a
definite goal and schedule to adhere to.  And please sitting for a family
portrait very soon.  I would love to have something for my nightstand.  The
three of you dressed nicely with your pet-sitting nude at your feet would be
Especially if each of you is holding a separate leash all attached to the same
You are doing wonderfully, ladies.  Keep it up and know that I love you all

Your dearest friend and Mistress,



Just a quick note to you complimenting you on everything you have accomplished. 
I sincerely appreciate you jumping in to help angel in her distress and finding
a doctor for her.  Of course, the doctor's examination made it excited and it
wishes it could have serviced the doctor.  I don't know how good a friend she is
to you but perhaps partial payment could be arranged somehow?? And apparently
this randy young assistant you now have is also sweating her non-existent silks
over some trollop named Penny in the office.  I don't know if this Penny is a
dominant type or a submissive but I will let you handle that.  Perhaps a
demonstration to her of what happens to angel when it disobeys you would be
proper.  Angel is becoming quite adept at introducing all sorts of women into
the world of female love, isn't she?
As far as that goes, dear Beatrice.  I am very surprised that all this was just
a fantasy to you just a short time ago.  As professionally as you have handled
everything with her transformation so far, I would have guessed that you have
done this before.  I was understandably nervous about what you did with her in
front of the whole group of workers but I will trust you.  I guess your company
is a lot smaller and more understanding than I would have suspected.  As long as
you feel that you and angel are safe in doing what you do then everything is
And as fun and active as your weekly life now is, I can't help but to pry and
ask if your weekends are bearable just as a wife.
And is there any chance of renting angel out to Patricia for her shows?  The
ladies at her home are in need of extra funds to finance several items needed to
further enhance her transformation into a better lave for you
Keep up the excellent work.  All this makes my job so much easier.

Mistress Sasha

Monday, March 17


I didn't get your notes before I left on Friday; forgive me, I told Miss
Beatrice I had one for you and she told me to print it.  She took me into her
room when she read it, and she asked me if I was excited by Penny, and I told
her that I was, and she asked me who else excited me, and I said almost everyone
in the team, and she asked me if I knew that Jen and Trisha wanted me, and I
said I didn't know, and she scalded me and told me that I must know about Ginny,
as she had put a thong on me during my display, and I apologized and said that I
believe she does.

My operation went well Mistress, and I was pampered completely all
Saturday and Sunday.  I didn't realize I had to stay over Saturday night.  My
Mistresses visited me lots of times over the weekend, and Miss
Allison got me excited twice in different visits and she licked my cunt, 
She told me she was missing my cunt flavor.  Miss Hannah lay on my bed with me
from about 7:00 till 10:00 on Saturday, and she told two nurses that she was my
partner.  They weren't shocked or anything, and they stopped and talked to us
for quite a while.  Everyone was so nice to me, and my Mistresses told me that
they were missing me.

This morning, Mistress Jo told me that I should savor my recovery period, as
they are being 'soft' with me, but that once I am recovered I will find things
getting more severe, and I thanked her. She kissed me and held me close and told
me that that was exactly the right reply.  I slept with Mistress Hannah last
night, Mistress Jo had my hands cuffed earlier, when Miss Allison sucked my cunt
in the lounge, and Mistress Hannah left me cuffed.  Miss Allison says she really
likes the taste of my cunt and last night she told me she was going lick me
whenever she wanted and if I weren't wet she would use her ruler on me to get me
wet.  She is much more open now, in how she treats me Mistress.  As I said, last
night she licked my cunt in the lounge while her Mom and Mistress Hannah
Miss Hannah put her Walkman on me too, when we were in the kitchen last night
(incidentally, they allowed me to sit while I ate, I didn't have to eat off the
floor.  I was still sitting on the floor, but it's better than it was, and no
one peed into my meals, last night or this morning). She put Tatu on, really
loud on the Walkman, while they talked.  When they had finished, she took it off
me, and asked me if I liked it (and she kissed me) and I told her they were very
nice, and She told me that I should get used to it.

Miss Beatrice has just given me a file to attach to this note.  She called me
into her office and told me to close the door and strip.  She told me to stand
by her side, and she just worked for a while, occasionally fondling me, my
breasts, nipples, cunt and bottom.  She told me to tell you that she had done
that Mistress then she asked me if I wanted Trisha to spank my bottom, and I
told her that I would if she wished it, and she asked me again if I liked Trisha
and I told her that I did, and she told me to tell her what I would like to do
to her, and I said I would caress her breasts, lick them, and lick her vagina
and her bottom. 
Then she told me that she wanted to see that, and that I have to befriend
Trisha, as well as anyone else who shows an interest, especially Penny and
Ginny. Then she told me to dress and come out and send this mail and her

I will send this now Mistress.

angel  xxx

My Dear Sasha

I can assure you that all of the events of the past two weeks with the slave had
previously resided firmly in the imagination. More and more to the forefront of
my imagination as the years have passed.

As for her displays; I fear I can take none of the credit for either of those:
The 'Outing' was an idea from Josephine, and the 'Naked Display' was entirely
Patricia's idea, fully supported I have to add, by Josephine and Hannah. I have
been merely a very willing vehicle through which the ideas came to fruition.

As for the slave, and where we go from here. Patricia had initially thought she
could be usefully used in displays of her merchandise, however, she has now
decided (and with my agreement) that the slave's body is not the 'norm' for such
modeling. She has however suggested that she might be used in some of the 'home
sales' sessions, where agents arrange party type events in the houses of
potential customers, for relatives and friends to order. We will pursue that
idea when she is fully recovered. Incidentally, she appears to be quite well
this morning, and has very little to show for the operation. I have allowed her
to use the facilities (toilet etc) until Doris, my medico friend, has signed her
off as fit.

Incidentally, I have known Doreen for more years than either of us might wish to
remember, and I do not know of any bi-sexual leaning she may have. I will
however instruct the slave that when she visits her tomorrow she should look as
lovely as possible, and be without panties this time. For her part, I will ask
Doreen to perform a full check-up on her, for medical insurance perhaps.

There are three of the girls in the team apparently interested in her. Certainly
Penny, but also Ginny and a quiet little thing Trisha, who was quite transfixed
during her display last week, and I have noticed has been silently admiring her
midriff and legs whenever she was near. I have no grand plan as to what might
happen, I simply get delight form the idea of this child exposing herself under
my control. Simple pleasures are the best; don't you agree?

Incidentally, many thanks for your note.

Miss Beatrice


I am glad that you are well on the way to recovery.
Needless to say I was a lot less worried this time as opposed to when you had
your bout in Geneva because now you have a family to worry about you and take
care of you.
So what do you think, angel?  Have I created a monster with young Allison?  How
am I ever supposed to deprive you of orgasms now that she is addicted to your
pussy?  She is a lot like me because, were I there, I would have a hard time
keeping my mouth off of you as well.  And, oh yes, they are being soft of you
now.  But that will change rather soon so gather strength.
Continue to recover, dear.  Life as you know it will continue very soon.




So nice to hear from you.  I would like to thank you again for caring for the
It is very interesting how well you have incorporated the suggestions of others
into the slave's life.  I would agree with yourself and Patricia about her body
not being the model type, though the waif look is popular with the younger set. 
I would love to see her weight come up to normal though.  You might want to talk
with Jo about that.  (I wonder if her weight loss has anything to do with these
bouts.)  Ask Patricia something.  I do know that out this way many private
lingerie shows are mixed with shows that demonstrate the use of sexual aids and
toys.  The slave would be perfect for demonstrating these items to crowds of
people.  These models are sometimes highly paid and the audiences are usually
women but also sometimes men.
And when it comes to the girls at work.  Hmmmmmmm.
You obviously are getting the idea that the slave is a bit of a trollop in that
she will service anything that moves.  I swear if she came to my house the fish
would probably stop swimming.  Usually with a slave a
Domme works on pushing its limits.  With this one it is hard to do because she
will willingly lick anything you tell her to.  Makes reaching her limits more
frustrating.  It is tempting to put her on her knees in front of a cock just to
watch her cry for real, isn't it?
With the office girls, I would probably do the following.  I would dole out the
slave's sexual services as a reward for tasks well done.  A reward might be to
have the slave service them with a full massage and orally or you might want to
have a strap on dildo on hand and they might wish to fuck the slave for their
reward.  You might also formulate a brief survey to the girls or speak to them
one on one to ask them how they enjoy the changes you have made and what, if
anything, they want wish from her further.
Views on how she looked nude, etc. and maybe if they thought she should be nude
more often.  You must make the distinction of whether of not these girls who do
show an interest are showing an interest because they desire her to service them
OR do they envy her her submissive position.  I would guess that the latter
would be the case to a certain extent though it might just be a fantasy and very
few, if any, would ever go to the lengths the slave has.  But what they might do
in the privacy of your office might surprise you.  Asking them privately if they
can imagine themselves in the slave's position would be good to ask.  The
answers might be quite telling.
Invite the more pliable ones in.  While talking to them, tell the slave to rub
your shoulders and neck while you talk.  From their interest shown you might ask
them if they would like the slave to do the same for them or if they would like
to help the slave rub you.  This would free up the slave to rub other parts of
There are many "innocent" ways to do this.
I might ask how any of you are going to get any work done at all around there. 
Hopefully these ideas might help point you in a few directions.

Mistress Sasha

I have just seen your note from earlier.  Miss Allison is no monster, not at
all, she is lovely and I am truly honored and surprised and delighted that she
is 'addicted' to my pussy. She really has told me so much last night and this
morning how she likes the taste of me.  She did also tell me that my tits were
not as gorgeous as her mom's or Hannah's, and that is absolutely true.  I look
like a boy beside them.  Mistress, I didn't tell you, but when Miss Allison was
licking me last night, Mistress Jo told me that I was not allowed to cum at
will, and that I have to tell Miss Allison or any of them if I am about to
orgasm if they have not seen that it is coming.  Miss Allison, Mistress Hannah
and Mistress Jo have not allowed me to orgasm Mistress, not since I came back
yesterday. Mistress Hannah told me in bed last night that I had to wait, that it
would be allowed for being a good girl, if I was good.

Miss Beatrice called me in earlier and asked me what I had been doing with Penny
and Jen, we had been in the meeting room sorting leaflets for distribution,
well, I had been sorting while they watched and talked. I told Her that they had
asked me about my operation, and they asked me to show them where I had it, and
I had lifted my shirt for them, but Miss Beatrice had got cross with me and she
told me I should have undone my shirt for them to see and opened it fully to
expose my breasts to them. She told me that she wanted me exposed as much as
possible and as often as possible to anyone in the office, and she asked me if I
understood and I begged her forgiveness and told Her I did understand.  She
undid my shirt and pulled my nipples, but she told me to go out at lunch and buy
some small buttons, she emphasized 'the smallest white buttons you can find'.
She asked me if I had spoken to Trisha yet, and I explained that I'd been with
Jen and Penny and before that helping Ericka.  She asked me if Ericka was
interested, and then she remembered that she had touched my bottom last week and
she said it was good that everyone should know how they could treat me. Then she
pulled at my nipples really quite hard, and asked me to tell Her about what I
had done with Penny and Ginny, and I told her and she asked me if they had seen
my bottom and I said I didn't know, and she almost screamed at me to make sure
that they did, I have no right to try to hide my body.  I begged her to forgive
me and tried to explain that it was awkward sometimes but she shushed me and
told me not to answer back.
She fastened the bottom button on my shirt and told me to go out now and talk to
Trisha. She said that I must make sure that she could see my breasts, to lean
forward whatever it took, then she told me to go.

I went to Trisha and tried to talk with her, she is very sweet and really shy. 
I asked her if there was anything I could help her with, and she said no, so I
asked her to call for me anytime she needed a hand with anything, and she said
she didn't think Miss Beatrice had meant for me to help her, but I said She did,
and that I would love to help her. She looked at my breasts, I looked down and
my shirt was open, and when I looked at her face she looked away and said
"sorry" and I told her not to be sorry.  She said nothing, so I told her to
never be sorry if she looked at me, I like for her to look at me, and she looked
up at me, and I told her over and over that to please look at me anytime she
wishes, any part of me, that I feel honored for her to look at me, and after a
while she did look down at my breasts, and she did smile.  I was so happy that
Miss Beatrice would be pleased with me.  I thanked her, and told her she only
ever has to ask me and I would show her any part of my body, and I told her she
could touch me if she wished to.  All she said was that I am very strange and
not like anyone else she knows.  I told her maybe I am and smiled at her and she
smiled back. She asked if I had a girlfriend and I told her I had some, and I
asked her if she had a girlfriend and she laughed and said no, I asked if there
was a boyfriend and she said she did have one.  Then Ericka came over and asked
me to go and help her.

I told Miss Beatrice just and she was delighted with me, then she told me to go
and buy my buttons and she smiled at me and told me that this evening I could
have a reward for being a good girl, she told me I would be allowed to delight
her when everyone had gone.

I have some buttons as requested. I think they may be too small. I used some of
my emergency money. I hope that was right.
I will send this now, while I am 'on a high' with Miss Beatrice, and I feel so
good about myself.  Sometimes I am afraid I really annoy her, but I don't mean
to. Incidentally, about my operation, - I feel completely well already.  I have
no tiredness, no aches, I feel fine.  In the morning I have to go to Dr Saunders
again but I am sure she will announce me ok.

slave angel  xxxxxxxxx

You are doing so well.  Continue to expose yourself and obeying.  It is good to
hear that your orgasms are still being deprived you.  And be careful about
forcing interest in yourself to others.  Let's not make too much of a scene or
immerse vanillas too quickly.  You have the rest of your life to submit,



I am sorry that you think I am being forceful, i don't mean to, truly I don't. 
What i said to Trisha was initially just to please Miss Beatrice, but then, I
meant it, and i would be happy to allow her to see me.  I didn't mean to be
forceful. I just wanted her to know that she could if she wished.  I am sorry.

I have the file for my Mistresses on the Sharp.  I am about to go now
Mistress.  Mistress Hannah wants to view the flat this evening with me.

slave angel  xxx

Tuesday, March 18

I wasn't admonishing you, dear.  I was just saying tobe careful because
different people accept your new status in different ways and might not be
accustomed to your openness.  For example, the girl who said that you are
strange is trying to understand something that is foreign to her.  There is no
need to apologize.  I am just looking out for you.  Not everyone is a Jo,
Hannah, Allison or Beatrice.  You'll find that many secretly fantasize about
being in your position themselves.



I have a note from my Mistresses for you today.  I have an appointment with the
Doctor this morning, at 11:00, but when I was dressed this morning Miss Allison
didn't have me put panties on.  In a way i am pleased.

I will write more when I get back, just now i have to help Ericka.

I am back from my appointment.  I didn't get to see the Doctor very much, mostly
it was a nurse who did the tests on me, and sometimes there were two of them. 
They did my bp, then I had to do some exercise, then bp again, they tested my
reflexes, and they put some sensors all over me linked to a readout machine. 
That's the only time I was naked for them, the rest of the time I had a robe on,
I mention that because Miss Beatrice asked about when I was naked when I got
back. She is much happier with my buttons now; they came undone just from her
pulling my shirt lightly, so she is happy with me.  Actually, and I have not
mentioned this to Her, but they came undone under my coat on the way to the
Doctors and on my way here, but I did them up again.

Thank you for your note Mistress.  I really though you were cross with me.  You
say about some others wishing to be in my position, well, I wouldn't be at all
surprised if others wished to be in my position, I think I am the luckiest
person in the world.  I serve three wonderful Mistresses and I have a boss who
knows how to treat me.  Miss Beatrice quite often gets cross with me.  Sometimes
I think she imagines that I try to get her cross but I don't.  Today she is
happy with me though, so far.

Last night my Mistresses wrote to you, Miss Allison typed while they talked.  I
was strapped to a chair with the anal vibrator in my mouth and the Walkman
headphones on.  Miss Hannah put it into my cunt, then my bottom, then and my
mouth.  She left it vibrating in my mouth the whole time they talked.

I will send this now Mistress; to be sure you get Their note.

I will write more later.

Oh, just one more thing.  Although Trisha may not be interested in me, she was
kind enough to say 'hi' to me when I got in from the Doctors, and she asked me
how it had gone. 

slave angel   xxxx


An open letter from Allison, mom (lol), and Hannah, typed by Allison cos i am
the quickest, lol. Mom just slapped my leg for saying that.

Mom says there are no forbidden desires any more between us and she wants me to
tell u that she loves to stroke my bare bum while I lick the slave, and I can
tell u I love her to.

H says I am going to get chapped lips if I keep licking it so much, loll

I have told H and mom about Ronnie and they said I could get them together
sometime, which will be nice.

About your note - I don't want the slaves head shaved, I don't think it would
look so nice, so we won't do that at the moment (han made me add that 'at the

About your questions - mom says that things have gone too far for slave to be an
equal. They've spent a week of persuading her that she is just a slave and less
than us and we don't want that undone. Han asks if slave has said that she is
unhappy cos she tells us she is happy.

We hope u understand. It is just a slave now fulltime. It can't be an equal.

Han is going to see about getting a cage for it when its not wanted. We like
that idea all of us, and we like the idea of it being tortured.

We want to get its clit pierced but not so sure about its nipples. And one think
you didn't mention was the strap on. We want to buy one then we can fuck it
without getting our arms wet (Han said that)

Donna knows a builder who will do the hooks in the new flat, and we are going to
have 2 far apart so she can hand from hands spread or upside-down legs apart.

slave is sewing tiny buttons on her shirts, Beatrice's idea to make sure they
come undone easy.

Mom says u have to know what its day is like to know, but believe me it cant be
an equal anymore,

Han just said we should get it branded. Like have "Allison Hannah Jo" in a heart
tattooed on its ass

See u later

Allison Jo Hannah


Almost everyone has asked me how it went this morning. It's very strange, but
now I feel so much more a part of the team than I ever did before.  This last
week, I have been chatted to, you know, just casual chats, much more than ever
before since I joined.  Today, Trisha even wondered if I fancied a drink
sometime after work, and last week (Friday, or Thursday maybe), Penny and Jen
said we should go out for lunch sometime, and Ericka calls across to me about
frustrations with Miss Beatrice and whatever.  I have a family at home and now
one at work too, and no one mentions about me having shown Miss Patricia's
lingerie or anything, nor about me being a lesbian.  It just shows that I
overreacted really I suppose.  At the time, and when I came in after each time,
I was so frightened of how they would react, but they have forgotten it all

I had a nice surprise earlier; Miss Hannah called me to see how the appointment
went.  She was pleased, but she hoped that my dressing would have been removed,
but they just refreshed it and it shouldn't come off until Friday.

Mistress, I want to tell you something about last night, about my
Mistresses.  We were in Mistress Jo's bed, I was cuffed, just with my hands
behind my back, and Mistress Hannah positioned Miss Allison and I so that I
could lick her pussy, and Mistress Hannah and Mistress Jo were either side of
her and they were teasing her with their nipples, one each side of her. She was
giggling and then she got aroused and she sucked on first Mistress Hannah then
her mom's nipples, and I almost came just from the taste and smell of her and
seeing them.  It was wonderful Mistress. 
Just being a part of it all is so wonderful, and I helped to make her orgasm.  I
have such a wonderful place with them.

I have wondered something Mistress.  I am a little afraid that if my weight goes
back up to 8st, it's quite a lot from where I am now.  None of them knew me when
I was that heavy, and though I am busy a lot of the time at home, I don't really
do much physical exercise.  I don't want to get to be fat at all so that they
don't like me anymore.  This morning Mistress Hannah and Miss Allison both said
that they were going to feed me up. 
I am going to do whatever I can to make sure that I don't change too much, but
this morning Miss Allison filled my bowl with Frosties, then she put her and
Mistress Hannah's leftovers in my bowl and told me that I had to eat it all.  I
did, but I don't want to get fat for them.

I have to go now Mistress.  I will check in just before I go home in case you
send anything.

slave angel  x


I am glad your appointment went well with the doctor.
Please do not be worried about gaining some weight.
The waif look isn't in anymore.  And 112 lbs is NOT heavy.  You will be having
enough physical activity to keep you fit.  And remember that when you have
people who love you it is hard to displease in that way.
Besides, it is not your position to worry about anything like that, slave.  Your
body does not belong to you anymore.  Nothing that was yours belongs to you
anymore.  You are only to be what your mistresses wish you to be.  If your
Mistresses wish to whip you till you bleed, they will do so.  If they wish to
tattoo you permanently, they will do so.  If they wish for you to gain 50 lbs
for them, then you will do so willingly and gratefully for them.  you will eat
everything put in front of you as quickly as possible and lick the bowl
afterwards.  You will whimper like a dog to get more if you can.  You will not
whine or worry.  All you have to do is what?  OBEY.  So stop worrying.  Your
life does not belong to you anymore.
You exist only to please others.  Right now, getting yourself up to a healthy
weight pleases us all so endeavor to do so as quickly as possible.
And isn't it nice to have so many people who care so much for you?  I also think
it must be nice to see Allison and Jo start to pleasure each other.  It was
bound to happen sooner or later.

Kisses and whips,



Thanks for your nice letter.  Allison, I do understand your feelings about its
hair.  I can only tell you how exciting it might be for you to rub all your
wetness over a totally smooth scalp.  Probably even have a nice cum that way.
And I did forget about the strap on dildo.  You do need one so you all can fuck
it as well as each other.
 I never asked you, Allison, if you were a virgin.
Regardless, being taken by a strap on the first time by another woman is
special.  I am tempted to ask you to have it do you the first time but I would
suggest instead asking your mother to do the honors to you the first time.  It
would be a special thing for you two to share together since you have become so
very close. Hannah, I like the idea of a brand though a tattoo would be better
to look at.  And please remember that you left one name off of the tattoo,
ladies.  Mine. I want you all to remember me with it. Good to hear about adding
hooks into your house.  Though hanging it upside down requires special boot with
eyelets attached to prevent damage to its ankles.  Same with its wrists. 
Suspension devices require some training. Have fun, girls.  I only wish I could
be there in the pile with you all.


Wednesday, March 19


I'm sorry for saying anything about my weight.  Its not that I wasn't going to
eat what they say, and I have, both yesterday and today, everything, and I don't
comment or anything, no matter what. I was just forgetting my place Mistress. 
Forgive me.  I just don't want to lose them, that is all.  Please don't mention
it to them.

I have your note for them already copied to the Sharp.

Last night, they had me throw away all of my belongings ready for the move. 
They kept one picture of Kate, they asked me about her and everything and today
I have to write her an e-mail telling her of my new position.  I have to be
explicit and tell her everything except about Miss Allison's age and the
beatings. I also have to invite her to come down and visit us too.  I don't
really know how to start it at the moment. 
Mistress Hannah and Mistress Jo told me that if anyone asks me about my home
life I should tell them that I am a lesbian slave. 

My Mistresses let me keep one thing from my past life, and I selected my guitar. 
They were pleased that I had chosen that, as it isn't personal.  Mistress Jo was
so happy she allowed me to sit on her lap for a while and she played with me and
kissed me.
Mistress Hannah had me introduce her to the lady we are going to swap flats
with, and we took a tour of the flat.  They let me wear clothes,
Mistress Jo's top, the transparent one, for me to go down in.  When we got back
upstairs Mistress Hannah drew the layout of the flat for the others and they
decided where everything was going to go.  They also decided to buy a King Size
bed for the main bedroom, and they told me that the smallest bedroom was going
to be for me to be tied up and hidden in when they had 'nice' visitors.

Miss Donnas came around for the first time since the weekend too. She used me in
the bathroom, but then she stayed for a while (she usually doesn't stay much)
and she had a drink with them, and she was shocked, I don't know if she was
genuinely shocked or just kidding, but she appeared shocked when Miss Allison
had me lay over the arm of her chair and she licked my pussy, but Miss Allison
giggled and told her she should try it before she commented.  Miss Allison also
showed her the ruler and what she does, and
Miss Donnas had me stand in front of her with my legs wide apart and she slapped
it against my thighs and over my cunt, then Mistress Hannah took it and bend me
over and used it in my bottom, really hard, and I am afraid I cried (but I was
ok, it just hurt a lot) and Miss Donnas said that Hannah had changed, and
Mistress Jo said "for the better I hope" and I remember them all laughing.

Trisha has just come in, and she stopped to chat to me on the way in. 
She is very sweet.  Today Miss Beatrice isn't in and last night she told
Ericka to make sure I was 'kept busy' but she was laughing when she told her.
She did tell her to have me make sure that Penny has finished the leafleting, so
I guess that's what I will be doing today.

I have one of Miss Allison's tops on today. It's very tight and quite a thin
fabric and when they are out it shows my nipples, well my nipples, tits and rib
cage too.  Miss Allison pulled at my nipples when I put it on this morning and
had me go and show her mom, and she liked it.

slave angel  xxx


I just want to tell someone about something, and to ask you a favor please

First, I want to tell you about Trisha.  She came to me and asked me if
I had lunch and she invited me to sit with her in the restroom to have our
lunch, and we did.  While we ate and chatted she looked occasionally at my chest
and I know my nipples became erect, I saw them when I looked down.  She said to
me that she wished that she were slim so that she could wear clothes like mine,
and I told her that she was lovely and she could. She said she couldn't, and she
added that she could see my nipples, and I was shocked and didn't know what to
say (I was pleased of course, but I just didn't expect her to say that).  All I
said was "Sorry", and she said I don't have to be, that she had already seen my
nipples last Tuesday, remember? And I said, 'of course you did' and she said she
could never have done that, and I told her I was told to though I didn't realize
that I was going to be naked, but I didn't mind being naked.  She was just about
to say something when Linda and Stacy came in.  We sat with them chatting about
the war then came back here.

The other thing I wondered was, would you, if you have chance please, look at
the note I have prepared to send to Kathleen?  And maybe comment on it for me if
you can get back to me before I send it, please?  I've pasted it below.
Slave angel xxx


How are you, and David?  I hope the chickens are not too smelly these days.

I have not heard from you in a long time, and I have a few things to tell you
about.  They are a bit shocking, so maybe you should sit down and get a cup of

First, I am a lesbian.  I have been always.  Do you remember my friend Shelia? 
Well she was my first partner, and since her I have had two other long term
partners, both of whom I don't see anymore, but now, well, over the past couple
of years, I have discovered that I am a submissive.  In fact, I am now so
submissive that I have Mistresses, whom I serve, sexually and domestically.  We
live in a house together and I am theirs to command.   They look after me, but
they know that I am theirs to do with as they wish.

I love them all so much and I a sure they love me, and honestly, I am truly
happy, as I have never been before.

My Mistresses told me to write to you, and to invite you to meet them and me the
next time you are down.

Please try to understand Kathleen, and don't be too shocked.  It's my choice.

With love

(They renamed me, I am either just 'slave' or 'angel', and I am not allowed to
call myself Stephi now)


Your letter to Kathleen was appropriate.  Don't forget that although you are a
slave, you still retain your professionalism and tact.  The important thing was
to let her know just how happy and mentally secure you now are compared to any
other time in your life.  Work on the spelling.  And let her know that you are
telling her all this because you know she will understand because of how close
you were and she will respect what you are doing.
And I am surprised you didn't try to go further with Trisha.  I think I shall
give you permission to play with yourself as long as she asks to watch you do
And you might want to tell her that you would like to see her nipples in return.


Friday, March 21

Chat between Sasha and Hannah

Sasha: Hannah!
Hannah: hiyaaa
Sasha: How are you, my love?  It's been so long
Hannah: I know
Hannah: I'm fine
Hannah: I'm at my old flat getting the last of my stuff
Sasha: how is it recovering?
Hannah: ok
Hannah: its wonderful
Sasha: Oh, good.  I just I never asked how he took your leaving. 
Never cared too much
Hannah: he's a shit head
Hannah: he wasn't nothered
Hannah: bothered*
Sasha: men are like that
Hannah: too right
Hannah: how are u
Sasha: doing wonderful.  Haven't heard from you folks in two days so
was a little worried
Hannah: hasn't it written to u?
Hannah: we though it write every day
Sasha: hoping to receive something today
Hannah: wrote*
Sasha: nothing yesterday
Hannah: ill call it and get it to write
Hannah: u don't know about Beatrice and Patricias little experiment
Sasha: so it is not there with you?  No I don't
Hannah: they got the Trisha girl to touch her up at Patricias yesterday
Hannah: like she was modeling for something
Sasha: did it go any further?
Hannah: no, just touching it and posing for them
Hannah: cute eh?
Sasha: very
Hannah: it should be inviting Trisha over
Sasha: she gave you my entire last letter the other day?
Hannah: yes
Hannah: ty
Hannah: and I meant a tattoo
Hannah: not a real brand lol
Sasha: figured that
Sasha: when will it get it done?
Hannah: tomorrow
Hannah: I found a fem tattoo artist
Sasha: will she do a piercing also?
Hannah: she doesn't do them
Sasha: ok
Hannah: but it's going to have one. We've decided
Sasha: but she knows someone who ill.
Hannah: maybe
Hannah: ill ask her
Sasha: so whose names are going to be on it?
Hannah: all 4 of us
Hannah: x
Hannah: sorry bout that
Sasha: and where is it going to be placed?
Sasha: and thanks for including me on there
Hannah: we think between her cunt and belly button
Hannah: so everyone can see
Hannah: a conversation piece Jo says
Sasha: where her pubic hair used to be?
Hannah: yep
Hannah: just above maybe
Sasha: best place for it is right there.  closest to her pussy
Sasha: closest
Hannah: but low enough so it has to take her skirt off to get it done
Hannah: lol
Sasha: did you set a scene with the artist?
Hannah: no
Hannah: I chickened out
Hannah: sorry
Hannah: just talked to her on the phone
Sasha: You?  Chickened out?  I had better keep that a secret
Hannah: lol v funny
Hannah: see, I'm changing
Sasha: yes you are.  I hoped that you would, my love
Hannah: oh, you didn't like me then, sob sob
Sasha: are you trying to scare people less now?
Hannah: I guess so
Hannah: Jo wants me to lose my ring
Sasha: it is probably good advice.
Sasha: put it on its lip
Sasha: lips
Hannah: maybe we keep it as a spare for slave
Hannah: snap
Sasha: I am so pleased that Allison is now a full lesbian
Hannah: oh me tooooo
Hannah: does she love pussy!!!!!!!!!
Sasha: I heard she is the best tongue in the UK
Hannah: maybe
Hannah: but slave is my choice
Sasha: it does it with certain flair, doesn't it?  Allison does it
with the vigor of youth
Hannah: that, and Allison does it for herself, not for you, if you know
what I mean
Hannah: she stops every now and then, but slave just keeps in there
Hannah: like she has to please
Sasha: yeah.  Angel savors and Allison feasts
Hannah: its different
Sasha: I know.  It is the kid in the candy shop
Hannah: lol
Hannah: she is forever at slaves cunt u know
Hannah: all the time
Sasha: that's the candy shop
Hannah: poor thing is on a permanent high
Sasha: highs that are permanent aren't bad
Hannah: Sasha? U gonna do this contract thing?
Hannah: oh she doesn't complain
Hannah: but she never does
Sasha: has Allison go down on Jo yet?
Hannah: about anything
Hannah: I don't think so
Sasha: Yes.  I am working on it.  It's long and involved
Sasha: Does it complain now?
Hannah: ok, Jo wondered about it the other night
Hannah: slave, never
Hannah: we use the crop on it
Hannah: cunt tits ass everywhere
Hannah: it cries
Sasha: the contract is just a formality.  It has one written in its
head and it follows it religiously
Hannah: but thanks us too
Sasha: have you made it bleed yet?
Hannah: Jo did, on wed
Hannah: on its thigh
Sasha: good.  A few scars won't hurt it.
Hannah: no
Hannah: u know, none of us felt bad about it
Hannah: we thought later it was strange
Hannah: like we should, but we didn't
Sasha: it is your property to treat as you wish
Hannah: yes it is
Sasha: are you going to shave its head?
Hannah: and tomorrow it will be branded
Hannah: Allison doesn't want us to
Sasha: get a very good wig first.
Sasha: wait till you all rub yourselves off on a smooth scalp.
Hannah: I want it to say PROPERTY OF but Allison is not sure
Hannah: I just like the idea of it being humiliated like that
Hannah: bald
Sasha: so do I
Hannah: shave its eyebrows and everything
Sasha: leave its eyebrows.
Sasha: It does have a job
Hannah: lol
Hannah: yeh sure
Hannah: stripping for Beatrice
Sasha: though the thought has made me very moist
Hannah: me too
Sasha: are you still unshaved, dear?
Hannah: yes
Hannah: as nature intended
Sasha: surprised you aren't
Sasha: 't having it groom you
Hannah: Jo likes to stroke my pubes see
Sasha: Jo still has hers also?
Hannah: Jo's lovely
Hannah: yes
Sasha: as well as Allison.
Hannah: Allison is just downy
Sasha: downy and browny?
Hannah: not like her mom
Hannah: lol
Sasha: did they like the idea about using the strap on?
Hannah: oh yes
Sasha: is Allison a virgin??
Hannah: but its for slave. weve found one on the web, its 8" and 3"
Hannah: no, she said she burst fingering herself a while ago
Sasha: but she has never had a cock then
Hannah: no
Hannah: she's only young u know
Hannah: young and innocent, lololol
Sasha: I know but I had one a few before 17
Hannah: slut
Hannah: lol
Sasha: Who gets to take her cherry?
Sasha: Trollop!
Hannah: lol
Hannah: non of us want the monster though, not even Jo
Sasha: then get one a little smaller
Sasha: It just takes some practice
Sasha: and you can always have more than one.  The harness is the
important part.
Hannah: it'll be like an elephant's
Hannah: that's true
Sasha: I mentioned in my letter that I hoped Jo would be Allison's
Hannah: I know
Hannah: it's so cool isn't it?
Sasha: did that idea go over well?
Hannah: her and her mom like that
Hannah: Allison giggled
Sasha: It is very cool and very rare.
Hannah: I bet
Hannah: sometimes I think it's all too weird
Sasha: But you have read my letters to you all.  Am I handling it?
Correctly in your eyes?
Hannah: yes
Hannah: its best to be open
Hannah: we all are now
Sasha: I mean, I know how badly they want each other
Hannah: I told Allison that I wanted to taste her
Sasha: and I don't think desire should be repressed
Hannah: everything we do has elements of sex
Hannah: ...
Sasha: especially in an honest open environment
Hannah: going to the loo
Hannah: cooking
Hannah: feeding it
Hannah: everything
Sasha: I know. See why I said a long time ago that sex was God's
greatest gift to us
Hannah: it is
Hannah: good old god I say
Sasha: she is great
Hannah: yes SHE is
Sasha: She is definitely a woman.  Men can't have the fun we do
Hannah: true
Hannah: sash. I'm so happy its unreal
Sasha: eventually I would imagine that the 3 of you would always share
the same bed
Hannah: we do pretty well now
Sasha: I am so glad you are happy.  Your happiness was very
important to me.
Sasha: almost most important, Hannah
Hannah: thanks
Sasha: your situation was different
Hannah: kisses
Sasha: You had to be inserted into a family.  I am so glad my plans
Sasha: And kisses and licks back to you.
Hannah: every now than then Allison calls me sis
Hannah: that's cute isn't it?
Sasha: Oh, I am so happy!
Hannah: and Donnas is in here too
Sasha: with you now?
Hannah: everything is just so fine
Hannah: no
Sasha: ok
Sasha: But Dens will not convert, will she?
Hannah: I mean she visits almost every day
Sasha: Dens
Sasha: Donnas
Hannah: Donnas
Hannah: lol
Sasha: will she convert?
Hannah: she wants to borrow slave for a night
Sasha: does Jo want her?
Hannah: want Donnas?
Sasha: yes
Hannah: I would guess so, she's gorgeous
Sasha: well, do you think Donnas is coming over to our side?
Hannah: she watches Allison with slave now, and me the other night when
I fisted it
Sasha: o.k.
Hannah: she is staying longer these days
Sasha: has she tasted it yet?
Hannah: she won't say
Sasha: ask it
Hannah: she takes it into the loo when she comes in
Sasha: I know.  But has Donnas moved beyond just wanting it as a
toilet toy?
Hannah: they are in there a long time these days
Hannah: lol
Sasha: what does it tell you?
Hannah: Donnas has told it not to say, and that's ok
Sasha: for Donna to love it the way you all do, it must move out of
the loo.  To appreciate it as a whole person and slave
Hannah: well we all pee in it in front of each other but I can't see
Donnas doing that
Hannah: well have to see
Sasha: love to see her leave her b.f. ad move in
Hannah: ahem
Sasha: yes
Sasha: ?
Hannah: that's my sis you are talking about
Hannah: Aren't a mom and daughter enough??
Hannah: lol
Sasha: I know.  And you are her sis
Sasha: I don't know.  What's your definition of a family, missy?
Hannah: lol
Hannah: truth...
Sasha: afraid you two will become closer?
Hannah: id love Donnas to move in with us
Sasha: I hoped you would think that
Hannah: and if she wanted me to I would share slave in bed with her
in an instant
Hannah: don't tell her though
Sasha: then you can experience the same yearnings and dilemmas Jo
and Allison have
Hannah: it might frighten her away, lol
Sasha: I won't tell her.
Hannah: oh I have the yearnings
Sasha: I know.
Hannah: I want to watch sleeve licking my sister
Hannah: disgusting eh?
Sasha: That's why I said that the best thing to do is throw you all
into a pile and enjoy yourselves
Sasha: Not at all.
Sasha: Whatever lips are in front of you at the moment, Kiss. 
Whatever pussy is in front of you, lick
Hannah: I do
Sasha: well, that advice was for Jo and Allison.  But it works the same
For you and Donna
Hannah: maybe
Hannah: one day
Sasha: true.  I am patient
Hannah: me too
Hannah: x
Hannah: this is just between you and me though, ok
Hannah: at the moment
Sasha: so when are you all going to get a computer and web cam at
your house???
Sasha: Just you and I.  You can trust me with anything
Hannah: I know
Sasha: You know that.  You already trusted me with your life, Hannah
Hannah: we move in two weeks, get a new bed, and see how much we got
Sasha: king sized bed?
Hannah: super king
Sasha: excellent
Hannah: its 6'6 square
Sasha: perfect
Hannah: it was Jo's idea
Hannah: so we can all sleep in it
Sasha: big enough for everyone and guests
Hannah: and guests.
Hannah: we want to get some proper torture bits and pieces too
Sasha: do you all think you will be keeping this private or do you
think you will open up and start going to clubs and the like?
Hannah: I want to go to clubs
Sasha: and Jo and Allison?
Hannah: Jo says I can
Hannah: Jo says she will get me to try it out first
Sasha: you all should go to some Lesbian clubs together
Sasha: or is Jo still closeted?
Hannah: she is
Hannah: Allison has told her friend Ronnie that she loves angel
Hannah: I tell anyone
Sasha: o.k.  But a dark club is still a safe place
Hannah: but Jo is closet
Sasha: Allison told me about Robby
Hannah: yes
Hannah: she wants to offer slave to her
Hannah: we are ok with it
Sasha: I just worry a little about how young she is and being able
to keep her mouth shut
Hannah: Allison is sure about her
Hannah: that's Jo's worry too
Hannah: whatever happens it won't be here and with me and Jo
Hannah: just the three of them
Sasha: Well, never forget, Hannah, that your alls relationship, as
beautiful as it is and natural as it is for you, is NOT going to be
accepted by others
Hannah: oh we know
Sasha: And also remember.  Robby and Allison are minors by law (at least
they are here) Stephanie is not.
Hannah: I know
Sasha: I don't know what the laws are in the UK
Hannah: it's the same here, Jo checked. Gay relationships are 18 and
Hannah: hetero is 16
Hannah: is that unfair?
Sasha: it is and it isn't.
Hannah: at least I am legal, just, lol
Sasha: Normally to become gay you have to experience both sides of
the fence and be mature enough to make that decision.
Sasha: requires a bit more time
Sasha: but we definitely don't want to draw attention to you all.
Hannah: I will talk to Jo about Ronnie
Hannah: maybe she can just have a show or something
Hannah: just have it strip for her
Sasha: An army can only march as fast as it's slowest soldier
Sasha: you all can only move ahead as fast as the most scared
member.  In this case, Jo.  Her fears in this instance are justified
Hannah: ok
Hannah: she is older, that's why, lololololol
Sasha: well, looking out for open sex between adults and minors is
not unwise
Hannah: I'm kidding sash.
Hannah: I agree
Hannah: sorry
Sasha: Let me ask you this.  Do gays get legally married in the UK?
Hannah: I don't know
Hannah: I think so
Hannah: Elton john did didn't he?
Sasha: I don't know.
Hannah: I think he did
Hannah: maybe Jo would marry me?
Sasha: But I guess I just planted a seed of an idea in you, didn't
Hannah: lol
Hannah: u guessed
Sasha: but of course.  When have I not?
Hannah: bitch
Hannah: lol
Sasha: tramp
Hannah: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sasha: ooooooooooooooooo
Hannah: all over your lovely pussy
Hannah: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hannah: u make me laugh sash
Sasha: u make me horny
Hannah: oooooo me too
Sasha: you make yourself horny?
Hannah: v funny
Sasha: ur wet.
Hannah: but now u ask, yes I do
Hannah: ill check
Sasha: you have to check?
Hannah: mmmmmmmmmm yep
Hannah: lol
Hannah: now shitheads keyboard is sticky
Hannah: lol
Sasha: lick your fingers clean
Hannah: I need slave here
Sasha: so did I
Sasha: or you will do nicely
Hannah: yes miss
Sasha: I know, sweetie.
Sasha: I know how badly you wish to serve
Sasha: but only m
Sasha: me
Hannah: sometimes I do
Sasha: I know.
Hannah: I wonder about it
Hannah: HOW CAN U KNOW????????
Sasha: But it has to be a very strong woman to possess you that way
Hannah: too right
Sasha: and you know I am that women, Hannah
Hannah: yes mistress Sasha
Sasha: deep down you want to know the joys that it feels when it
serves you and Jo.  But you are so afraid to admit it and lose your
Dominant image
Hannah: perhaps
Hannah: sometimes u are so scary
Sasha: You don't feel this way all the time, dearest.  Just sometimes
Sasha: scary, my dear?
Hannah: yes I do
Hannah: how much u know me
Sasha: I know you all, my love
Hannah: yes mistress, I think u do
Sasha: And I know that there are times when you wish it was you that
was dragged into the look by your lovely tresses and thrown to the cold
floor and made to serve
Sasha: into the loo
Hannah: I do sometimes
Hannah: when I watch Jo with slave
Hannah: just to try
Sasha: I know.
Hannah: just to have that feeling
Hannah: I might not like it
Sasha: But you do wish that I would do something like that to you
Hannah: yes Mistress
Sasha: you would love it and you know it  That is what scares you.
Hannah: I don't know if I would
Sasha: yes you do
Hannah: I couldn't drink pee or anything
Hannah: and I couldn't take the beating it does
Sasha: you would do that willingly for someone you truly loved and
gave yourself to.
Hannah: would I
Sasha: yes
Hannah: I'm just thinking of playing sub though, not being someone's
Property like her
Sasha: you, dear Hannah, would whimper in the back of your throat, as
you were pushed to your knees in front of my pussy
Sasha: I know.  Not many could do what it does
Hannah: yes mistress
Sasha: I know you are mine, Hannah. You all are in so many ways.
Sasha: you gave yourself to me long ago when you agreed to let go
and follow the path I set forth for you.
Sasha: just as the others did.
Hannah: I've just cum from thinking about it
Sasha: I know.
Hannah: a 1-finger tussle and I came like a little girl
Sasha: You know, my dear, I could have given you a new car.  I could
have given you each 1000,000 pounds.  I chose to give you something
much better.
Sasha: you are a little girl to me, Hannah
Sasha: you are my little girl.
Hannah: yes mistress
Hannah: I am
Sasha: that's mostly why I want you to lose the ring.  And to dress
more feminine
Hannah: I will mistress
Sasha: you are such a lovely young lady, Hannah.  You need to go to
the effort of presently yourself as such
Sasha: presenting
Hannah: ill ask Jo to choose some new clothes for me
Hannah: and I will lose the ring, for you both
Sasha: thank you
Sasha: and you know Hannah, each of you ought to consider a tattoo
with the others names on it. Small and tasteful.  But it will solidify
your symbiotic relationship.
Sasha: and your closeness
Hannah: that's a nice idea
Hannah: for me and Jo at least
Sasha: I know it is
Hannah: Allison is still young
Hannah: like you said
Sasha: yes, but Allison has matured a very long way and has made her
Sasha: she is only 17 in age.  But up in her late 20's or 20's
Hannah: I guess so
Sasha: Well, let me ask you this.  Will any man ever be able to do
for Allison what she is getting now?
Sasha: Where her whole life is sexually exciting?
Hannah: no
Hannah: none that I've had would anyhow
Sasha: she is realizing it also
Hannah: I don't want a man again
Sasha: nor does Jo, and nor does Allison.
Sasha: there are some special men.  I know a few.  Hell, I might
even send one out to you all one day.  But basically, what is happening to
You all can't be duplicated.
Sasha: Allison might leave for a while but she will ALWAYS come back.
Sasha: because what she has know she will always need
Hannah: she says sometimes, that if she gets married she will always
come back for sex
Hannah: she's said that
Sasha: Lol!  And how will that go over with her loving husband?
Hannah: ????????lol
Hannah: imagine it, I'm just going to make love to my mom and her
lover and slave
Hannah: lolol
Sasha: "hey, Hun!  I'm going out for a bit to fuck my mum and
Hannah: exactly lol
Sasha: that's going to go over as well as a fart in an elevator
Hannah: lol
Hannah: u do make me laugh mistress
Sasha: So think about it.  Allison will have this huge secret from this
person with whom she is supposed to have no secrets.
Hannah: I know
Sasha: I have wrestled with this dilemma for a long time before I
wanted her involved.
Sasha: I knew I was going to create something that would, in a
sense, ruin her for everyone else.
Hannah: well u have
Hannah: with slaves help
Sasha: and she will be happy.
Hannah: she is happy
Sasha: I have sort of created an addiction in you all.
Hannah: I know that much
Sasha: but once you have experienced it, you all cant do with out
Hannah: I know I cant
Sasha: Neither can Jo and neither can Allison.
Hannah: I need them all, and the power and the control, and the love
Sasha: But part of that addiction is the openness and honesty and
love you all have together.  That DOESN'T happen with anyone else.
Sasha: so it is a total package that goes ways beyond sex.
Hannah: I know
Hannah: Jo calls us a decadent family
Sasha: and it is that love honesty and openness she will miss the
most.  That is the cake.  The sex is just the icing.
Sasha: if it were just wild sex none of you would be as happy
Hannah: true
Sasha: you all are in a way.  But if religion wasn't important to so
many people, I would hope that more families would be like this,.
Sasha: be less divorces.  Be less teenage pregnancies.  Be less teen
Hannah: we still have insecurities
Hannah: Jo is still sometimes worried about slave
Sasha: Of course, but you can admit them to each other
Sasha: worried how?
Hannah: that she might not stay with us
Hannah: I tell her she's being silly
Hannah: but she sometimes says it
Sasha: Very silly.  She couldn't get rid of Steph if she tried.
Hannah: its funny u calling it steph
Sasha: Take her to New Zealand.  Leave her there.  She will find her
way back
Hannah: lol
Sasha: I just did to make a point
Sasha: she is more loyal than Lassie.
Hannah: she is, and she does love us
Hannah: all of us
Hannah: she tells me
Sasha: Steph is what, 33?
Hannah: I don't know
Hannah: I think so
Sasha: whatever.  You are now giving her what she has yearned for
all of her life.
Sasha: seriously yearned for.
Sasha: to the point of being seriously depressed for not having
someone to serve like she is now.
Hannah: she makes me cry sometimes, how she thanks us, and she means
it u know
Hannah: even when we beat her
Hannah: she is so special
Sasha: After Christmas when her and I started seriously writing
again, she was seriously depressed and almost to the point of needing help.
Hannah: awwwwwww
Hannah: she was always nice to me in the warehouse
Sasha: And very seriously, between just you and I, if you all kicked
her out now, she would commit suicide.
Sasha: because her whole life is serving you
Hannah: NEVER
Sasha: I know that
Sasha: but letting you know how seriously she takes this.
Hannah: is she happy, when she writes to you ?
Hannah: honestly
Sasha: She is ECSTATIC!
Hannah: i knew it
Hannah: I do love her so much sash
Hannah: everything about her
Sasha: I know you do.  You love them all.
Hannah: I do
Sasha: you have the best family ever
Hannah: sometimes I don't say it much .to them I mean
Sasha: You are in such a great situation that people never even
allow themselves to dream of it
Hannah: I know
Hannah: I didn't think anyone was ever this happy
Sasha: did angel show you the book I started about you all?
Hannah: no????
Sasha: all the letters and chats from January?
Hannah: she'll have to be punished
Sasha: No.
Hannah: no she didn't
Sasha: do not punish her.
Hannah: why not
Sasha: I put all the letters and chats from January in a long
document.  Almost 1/2 a megabyte.
Hannah: can u send it to me here?
Hannah: I can print it all out
Sasha: because I never told her to show you.  I did it as an
exercise to show her how far she had come.
Hannah: use his cartridges
Sasha: Lol!
Sasha: It is long
Hannah: so...?
Hannah: lol
Sasha: I'll send it.
Hannah: thanks
Sasha: And before I publish it I will change every name.  Already
changed any locations and things like that
Sasha: but what you have is that beautiful.
Sasha: no one will ever believe it is true
Hannah: lol
Hannah: I don't believe it sometimes
Sasha: that's why I put it all down.
Sasha: Because you all went from nothing so far so quickly.
Sasha: it's only been three months
Hannah: I know
Hannah: scary eh?
Hannah: but now its forever
Sasha: I know.  And I am so proud of myself for making it all
happen.  It could never ever happen again with anyone else.
Hannah: slave is the key to it u know
Hannah: it's not me and Jo or Allison
Hannah: its her
Sasha: I am well aware of it.
Sasha: everything revolves around that little jewel.
Hannah: yep
Sasha: it is on its way
Hannah: I get all soft sometimes when I think about it
Sasha: and you can re-read our first chats together.  Lol1
Sasha: I get soft all the time when I think about it
Hannah: I have it, ty Sasha
Hannah: I forgot your other name was Xxxxxxx
Sasha: you're welcome, my love
Sasha: and Hannah?
Hannah: yes mistress
Sasha: I will delete from our chat today your deepest, darkest
Admissions to me
Hannah: don't
Sasha: if you wish
Hannah: you don't have to
Hannah: I want them to be there
Hannah: please
Sasha: as you wish..................... slave
Hannah: yes mistress TY
Sasha: you are most welcome, dear Hannah.  I knew you would come
Sasha: are you printing it yet?
Hannah: YES
Hannah: sorry about the caps
Sasha: good while it is printing stand up
Hannah: yes mistress?
Sasha: lower your pants
Hannah: yes mistress
Sasha: panties?
Hannah: yes mistress, I have panties on
Hannah: a bit wet now
Sasha: take them down
Hannah: yes
Sasha: run your fingers through your hair down there
Hannah: I am
Sasha: very wet, aren't you?
Hannah: yes mistress
Sasha: with one hand pull back our clitoral hood to expose it.
Hannah: I see it
Sasha: of course you do.  Now start slapping the exposed clit with
the other hand.
Hannah: yes mistress
Sasha: lightly and slowly and then harder and faster until you cum
for me
Sasha: and you will cum rather hard
Sasha: I will stroke myself and wait for your explosion.
Hannah: I've cum
Hannah: wobbly legs and all
Sasha: surprised it took so long
Hannah: sorry
Sasha: now don't clean yourself
Hannah: no mistress
Sasha: give it something to clean and some wet panties to lick
Hannah: ? sorry?
Sasha: unless you though you should lick your own for me
Hannah: I will lick them if u wants mistress
Sasha: does Hannah want to lick her wet panties for Mistress?
Hannah: yes please mistress
Sasha: then remove them and wipe yourself dry with them
Hannah: yes
Sasha: and don't forget your ass either, dear.
Hannah: ok I'm wiped my pussy and my ass
Sasha: take the wet crotch and put it right on your pretty tongue
Hannah: yes
Sasha: and then out them all the way in your mouth and keep them
Sasha: and shut your mouth when they are in, dear
Hannah: ok
Sasha: taste good?
Hannah: yes mistress
Sasha: good leave them there
Sasha: Now did you ladies print out the pictures of me I sent you?
Hannah: no
Sasha: why not?
Hannah: she tried to transfer them
Sasha: I had hoped you all would have them framed around the house
Hannah: can u send them now?
Sasha: Is your printer color?
Hannah: I can print them here
Sasha: has Jo and Allison ever seen them?
Hannah: b&w
Hannah: no
Sasha: but you have
Hannah: I saw one u showed me a long time ago
Sasha: well, I will send them here through messenger
Hannah: can I take my panties out now please?
Sasha: why, dear?
Hannah: no reason, sorry
Sasha: I thought so
Hannah: forgive me (that's what it says all the time)
Sasha: I forgive you.
Sasha: Submission is doing for others
Sasha: did a pic arrive?
Hannah: no
Hannah: not yet
Sasha: o.k.  Emailing
Hannah: he will be home soon and I want to be out b4 he gets here
Hannah: k
Sasha: o.k.  Did you wish to see my pussy, dear?
Hannah: yes please
Hannah: mmmmmmm
Sasha: do you think the other will love that framed on the night table
by the bed?
Hannah: Jo?  I don't know. I think so
Hannah: still don't have any yet
Hannah: and I do want to go before 4 when he gets in
Hannah: u still there
Hannah: I gotta go Sasha, sorry
Sasha: had to reboot
Hannah: but I guess you lost it anyway
Hannah: ok
Sasha: do you have time to print them?
Hannah: I don't want him to find me printing them
Hannah: do u understand
Hannah: I don't want him to be part of my life now
Sasha: o.k.  Can you save this chat and send it to me when done?
Sasha: I very much understand
Hannah: ok sure
Sasha: the Hannah he knew doesn't exist.

Monday, March 24


I have a tattoo.  It is on my hip, well, its actually between my hip bone and
the mound of my mons, the bottom of it is on a level with the top of my cunt. 
Mistress Hannah said she had told you I was to have it done, and she took me on
Saturday.  It was (thankfully) a lady tattoo artist.  Mistress Hannah talked to
her about the tattoo and they agreed a design, then the woman came to me and
asked me where it was to be and Hannah told me to take off my skirt (which I was
a little reluctant to do - I was scared of the thought of the tattoo and that we
were just in a sort of shop, but I did take it off and Mistress Hannah held up
my shirt and showed her a point between my belly button and my cunt, but the
lady had me sit back in the chair, and turned it away from the shop front, and
she put a red plastic dot where Mistress Hannah had said, then they talked and
moved the dot about, until they agreed where it was to be.

I have instructions from them all that I am not allowed to hide it from anyone,
and that my skirts or whatever should never be so high that it is hidden.  I
have only had two people this morning comment on it, and no one asked about it
or looked too closely.  If anyone does, I am to judge, and if they are people
who might be viewers or customers I must explain the true situation to them, if
they are innocents, I should say that the names are those of my girlfriends.
I have to go shortly.  I will try to write more later.

slave x

Last week I was very busy.  Miss Beatrice took me to Miss Patricia's, first on
my own, then again on Thursday with Trisha.  They had planned the visit with
Trisha on Wednesday.  They ideally wanted her to undress with me, for them, but
eventually that didn't happen, but she did touch me for them, and Miss Beatrice
and Miss Patricia were so pleased with me they each took it in turns to allow me
to please them while the other took Trisha out.  They were both very wet
Mistress so I think what happened still excited them, I know it excited me
Mistress, though for a while I did feel sorry for Trisha, but later she was
enjoying herself and openly played with my nipples and she stroked my bottom,
even when she was not told to by Miss Patricia.

My Mistresses have a crop too.  I don't think I have told you about that.  It's
been so long (or it feels so long) since I wrote to you.  Miss Allison carries
it most of the time, and she whips me with it before she talks to me.  She says
it is 'Training'.  It started on Wednesday (maybe even Tuesday, I am not sure). 
Mistress Hannah wanted to go down to the new flat to ask the lady there if we
could look around, and she told me to go down and see if she was in.  I
approached Miss Hannah and knelt (that is what I have to do before I speak) and
I just waited, then she said "What" and I asked her what I might wear to go down
in.  I just thought that she must have forgotten, but she told me to go naked,
and I just stayed there and she said "What" again and I said that she was an
elderly lady and then Mistress Jo interrupted me and told me I was a disobedient
little slut and she pulled me over to her and started to talk to me, inches from
my face, and she told me that if Mistress Hannah wanted me to go and walk around
the town naked then I must do it without questioning her, and she told me never
to offer an opinion again.  She was stern with me but she wasn't angry, at least
I didn't think she was, but then she got me to my feet and she bent me over and
she started to slap my legs and bottom really hard.  Miss Allison came in, and
she said something about 'don't forget this' or something of that sort and she
gave something to Mistress Jo and she used it on me (I now know it was a riding
crop, and she used it about five times.  It really hurt, much more than the
paddle or a hand with so few strokes, I could feel where it had hit for the
whole of the next day when I sat or anything.  That must have been Wednesday,
because when I saw Miss Patricia, or rather she saw me, she commented that I had
a mark on my leg but the other marks had gone down I imagine.

Since then, and especially over the weekend, Miss Allison uses the crop on me if
I am slow in obeying or just to get my attention.

Have to go again.  Sorry.


You are correct in that you haven't been writing too much, slave.  I had missed
hearing from you.  I was able to chat with Hannah a couple of days ago when she
was online picking up the rest of her belongings at her old place.  I do wish
she could have taken the computer with her.
And it is good to hear that Trisha is moving along with you too.  I would assume
that you desire to serve her just as you do everybody?
And your tattoo.  I guess I should congratulate you on that.  Tattoos, like your
new position, are forever and your getting one shows your level of commitment.
I heard a little about it but I would like for you to describe it to me in full. 
And you do know you never described Patricia and her body to her either.  Though
it is good to hear you have another pussy to rub your face into.  I am surprised
that you do seem to be the only shaved one in the whole group.  It surprises me
when you are so available for personal grooming.  I do hope you shave everyone's
legs for them.
And, my, you were insolent with your mistresses about going down to the new
flat.  Almost as if you wanted to be whipped.  Well, they did accommodate you
and you paid the price.  You do know that punishing you is hard because you
always seem to enjoy them so much.
Just continue to obey, angel.

Your loving Mistress


I am sorry I have not written so much lately.  I have been busy; please try to
forgive me Mistress.

The thing with Trisha is somewhat different from the others.  She doesn't order
me at all, she was being ordered by Miss Patricia initially, but later she just
touched me freely.  Of course I would serve her if she wished it, but she is
different.  She is seeing me as a friend really.  I am just a friend who, just
that once, she touched.  She was so embarrassed about it initially Mistress.  It
was so sweet.  I whispered to her that it was ok, and please, when Miss Patricia
told her the first time to put her hand on my breast when they had her pose with
me to show them how they were going to produce bills for the new thong.  Anyway,
I don't really think I shall be serving Trisha, but it's nice to have allowed
her to touch me.

My tattoo is there and yes it is permanent.  It's basically a red heart with a
blue border, with the words Hannah, Josephine and Allison across it in blue, and
an S as a tail to it.  That is for you Mistress, they talked about it.  It's
about 1", maybe a little more, excluding the 'S'. 
Actually, when they were talking about it on Saturday night, they also said that
I could explain to strangers that it was for Slave.

Ericka saw it earlier and asked about it, and she looked closely at it and asked
who they were, and I told her girlfriends, but she didn't ask more.  Actually,
she touched it too, and it's so close to my cunt that I immediately got excited,
even with just a touch.  The only others who have mentioned it were Penny and
Jen.  I have been working with them today, on and off.  They have really gotten
used to having someone to boss about.

Miss Patricia is - I guess - about 45.  She is slim, with small breasts and
always dresses immaculately.    Last week, when she had me kiss her pussy to
orgasm, after Trisha and I posed, her underwear was silk and beautiful.  She is
very demanding.  She snaps sometimes too.  She really got quite cross with
Trisha last week when she didn't actually put her hand on my breast, she
initially just held it over my breast, not actually touching.  She called her a
silly girl and told her that I didn't bite.  I'm not so sure that she doesn't
bite though.  She and Miss Beatrice get on really well.

I didn't mean to be insolent last week Mistress, Truly I didn't.  You must
believe me.  I don't seek to be beaten, not at all.  I have too many other
things to please me that I no-longer crave being beaten, and Miss Allison so
often uses her ruler or the strap on me I would never act in a way to try to get
them to hit me.  And now that Mistress Jo has shown me how it can hurt I would
never - and even then I didn't - try to goad them into hitting me.  Really I
wouldn't.  I can't even think of deliberately being insolent to them.  I don't
want to lose them Mistress.  And Mistress, you have to believe me when I tell
you that I don't always enjoy being punished.  Sometimes my cunt and around my
anus really hurts and stings for a long time afterwards.  And the Crop is just
savage.  If Mistress Jo had done more that hard I might even have begged her to
It isn't flat like the ruler and the strap. They really sting, and I know I
always cry because they do hurt, but not like the riding crop.  That's
different.  Please believe me Mistress.  I know, when I was not like this, you
know, Owned like this, I may have told you that I wanted people to spank me, but
now its different, and these are not spankings. 
They are very different and they truly do hurt.

I am continuing to obey Mistress.  Just yesterday they sent me down to
Miss Jacobson with just a towel around my waist to ask her about the telephones. 
She was a little shocked, but she didn't say anything except
'You will catch your death of cold like that' and she asked me if I'd just come
out of the shower.  Anyway, I didn't argue or anything when Miss Hannah told me
to go, and I had got to the top of the stairs, outside of the flat before she
called me back and told me to get a towel.  I have to confess to you though,
that I was so happy that she gave me the towel.

I will send this now, as it replies to some things you have said, and I don't
want you to get the wrong idea.

slave  x

Monday, March 26

I am so glad you got the tattoo, angel.  And I am also elated to hear that I was
remembered on it as well.  I did so much want to be considered a permanent part
of you, my dear.

You mentioned a lot about how you felt about being cropped.  I would ask you
this.  Do you think that what you are receiving with the crop is something you
can adjust to and learn to crave like everything else?
Two other items also come to mind.  Several subs I have known need to be warmed
up either a little or a lot before heavier and harsher implements are used to
beat them with.  I would also fathom a guess that your Mistresses might not yet
be adept at the usage of the crop.  The feelings you just related to me are
different from when you were cropped by Mme. Xxxxx so long ago.  This leads me
to believe that the usage now might be given a little too harshly and without
experience.  Extreme excitement makes it harder to control the severity of the
What are your opinions of what I just said?
And I didn't know Trisha was doing modeling shows for Patricia with you.  You
work with Trisha, right?  How much further do you think things will go with her? 
Can you tell if she is submissive like you?
I am very proud of you, angel.  And now when you look at the pussy you can't
touch, you will always see my "S" right there where I would always be if I only


Friday, March 28


I have no opinion as to whether my Mistresses are using their things properly or
not, and I don't mind that they might really hurt me.  I do know that Mistress
Jo in particular, does get excited when She beats me, and I am happy that she
does.  She told me She did, a few nights ago. 
She took me to Her bed early, while Mistress Hannah and Miss Allison were
watching television, and She allowed me to make love to her, untied. 
When she was satisfied, she cuddled me, and she talked to me for the longest
time, telling me why She loved me so, and telling me that I loved
Her.  She was wonderful Mistress.  She had me at her side, then she lifted me
and positioned me so that I was sitting on her pelvis, and she looked at me and
told me that she loved me and the reason she did was that I am a 'sweet little
thing' and that she knows that I love Her, and I started to tell Her that I did,
but she stopped me, then She said that the special thing was that she didn't
have to worry about upsetting me or hurting my feelings, or hurting me at all,
and she laughed a little.
She pulled on my nipples all the while and told me that I was hers, her
Property, and that she could do with me as she wished whenever she wished.  She
didn't have to even think whether I was in the right mood for anything.  She
told me she loved me so much, and she told me that she loved sex with me, and
she loved abusing me, hurting me and that sometimes that was more arousing than
even sex.  She told me "I love you so much my little slave that I want to slap
your face", then she asked me if I wanted her to slap me and I said yes please
Mistress, and she pulled hard on my nipples and told me to beg her to, and I
did, I begged her to slap me hard, and she did, really hard, across my face,
then just watched me and did it again, and she told me to thank her, and I did. 
It really hurt but I didn't mind, I was happy, and I know that that's perverse,
but I was Mistress.  So if They wish to beat me, and it pleases them, then it
also pleases me Mistress.

I have been out of the office a lot of this week Mistress, so I will send this
now as I have many things to do.  I will try to write to you again later today. 
Things at work have changed a little.  Mistress Hannah and Mistress Jo sent a
note with me to Trisha, telling her I was a lesbian sex slave and that she has
their permission to play with me, have me play with her, abuse me, humiliate me,
lots of things like that, and Trisha showed it to two of the other girls and
they have been tormenting me and on Wednesday they stole my clothes.  They
undressed me under a desk in a corner and went off with my clothes.  They told
me they had put them in a drawer in Trisha's desk, and I had to wait until no
one else was in the room and go and get them.  I was there for over an hour
under the desk.  They pinch me and pull my skirt down.

I have to go, Jane wants me.

slave x

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