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Review This Story || Author: Paladin

Max's Cafe

Part 12

Max's Cafe # 12
                        by Paladin

Viewed now only by the inanimate camera and tape machine, Philipie 
aided by the Marshal, denuded the unfortunate college girls of 
their former secrete bushes. Soon they looked like they had when 
they were born. (All smooth and shinny!!)

The girls were not happy and sought to turn and buck but as the 
Marshal, with a modified tit up pull hold, held them, Philipe 
demonstrated why he was the best damn sheep sheerer in the 
county. His dirty brown hands unerringly guided the electric 
razor from lip to belly to other lip. No wasted motion in the 
boy. All that time as a boy fucking his uncles sheep and 
learning his craft now paid off. The girls privates could not 
escape his professional touch.(Max new talent when he saw it.)

Running his lily white hand over a soft fold of cunt flesh the 
Marshal said,

"Slicker than shit. Man I just come and I'm getting a hard on 
again already. Old Max sure nowed how a poon should be showed 
off. Hold this un while I tear off another piece. A man's got a 
needs. You know."

"Well.... she sure is hard work and eye too wanna pork another 
one. I hold for jew and jew hold one for me." Philipie demanded.

"Why you little greaser... Didn't you tell me that Max done give 
you call on just one. And didn't you'll just ram that disgusting 
little pud in .... um ... this un... or was it... Aw shit you 
done had yourn. You greedy little shit.."  Marshal Wade bellowed. 
(Notice he too had a tough time thinking with all the blood 
migrating away from his higher thought processes to his little 
headed pud.)

"Senior Max is fine man, but what he don't know won't piss him 
off." Philipie ran his hand over another smooth white labia, 
"This not be like a bar of soap... You can't wear it out. I know 
this I try and try, with Rosa and others. Still there and still 
works. Besides jew not let me. I won't help jew." the brown man 
said standing up to his full height before the lusting law man.

"Aw shit...." Marshal Wade said, "Hold the bitch and I do the 
same, but don't you go blabbing bout this to any of your greaser 
friends. Man could get a bad reputation hanging out here with a 
degenerate like you."

The two men now forced the coffled gals again to bend through the 
fence rails but this time face up. All them rested their asses on 
the creaking second rail. They were presented with an 
uncomfortable, but clear view the cloudless azure sky.

The Marshal stepped up to a pair of straining closed legs. The 
girls had not believed that the Marshal would pork um before, let 
alone allow the greaser to have access to their charms. Now they 
were sure and this one tried to close her treasured hole from 
this bastard.

"What the matter gringo? Little pussy whipping big gringo?" 
Philipie goaded the efforts of the Marshal to access the desired 

Wade parted the straining legs and stepped between. The denuded 
labia, although bobbing and weaving with the owners attempt to 
hide, beckoned the Marshals love muscle. (Man just wanted to find 
a warm moist place to rest it. But that girl, just like all her 
sisters, wanted to play hard to get. Or else maybe did she want 
it in her ass??)

Why the poor man had to physically guide the rod, by hand, to the 
moist dark moving hole. On his third try he found the hole.

"Ahhh!! Now you just buck all you like now gal... old Wade be a 
knocking. Damn .... Damn bitch done gone all dead on me Philipie... 
What you do when a greaser gal goes all stiff on you?" the 
Marshal inquired.

"With a dick like mine this don't be the problem. It probably be 
too small. She no feel it. Move over and I poke her awake for 
jew." Philipie offered.

"Na I don't think I'll give up on this un just yet. Go get me some 
of then Jalopienios you'll keep for putting anything like meat." 
the Marshal demanded.

Knowing that he would not get his turn till the damn Marshal 
came, Philipie hastened to his kitchen and came out with a glass 
jar of the requested peppers.

Marshal Wade stuck his middle finger in the jar. Stirred it 
around and then with a quick fluid motion whipped his hand under 
the now stiff female ass. He sought out and skewered the girls 
neither hole with the coated finger. He pushed in and pulled out 
for a few strokes to insure the fiery spice was all over the 
tender anal membranes. Then he straightened up and awaited the 
coming flurry of activities.

The grunting and movement stopped again as the poon tried to play 
possum. The girl did not know what to think.  She thought as the 
penetration or her secrete hole by the digit ended. Then the 
searing, burning of her innards began.

She commenced to bucking and thrusting with all her might. The 
Marshal just relaxed and let the pink labia's rise up and attempt 
to twist his stiff woodie off. (Real inspiring that mex spice.)

"Now that is more like it gal. I knowed you had the inclination. 
Just needed the Motivation. Philipie... bring back that there 
jar. Gal seems to be slowing down here a might."

She commenced to violently shaking her head and renewed her 
humping of the hated pud.  she thought. 

Fucking the bastard was bad but the fire in her ass hold was 
worse. She wanted nothing else in the world but to get the damn 
thing done... before that damn jar and it's fiery contents 
returned to plague her innards again.

"Jew fuck up my spices." the mex stated and he too took a place 
between a pair of long white legs. He imitated the Marshal. Soon 
this gal too was bucking under the chemical stimulation.

The other girls resolved to fuck without the necessity of the 
jars content, if given the chance. The spice must be burning 
their friends new ass holes.


All this was played out under the unblinking eye of Max's cameras 
and recorded on the tape machine under the bar.

Old George, who had been forced to mind the bar, passed the time 
wondering what a gal with a burning ass would do to his stirring 
old pecker. He looked longingly at Sonia there under the card 
table. She had her head in Eddies lap and the gurgling sounds 
were evidence of her ministrations to drawing forth of his essence.

 Old George lamented in his mind.

"Man that gal sure nuff do know how to clean out my old tubes." 
Eddie stated as he stood and started to secure his jeans. No 
matter that only moments before he had had a devil of a time 
getting them down over the swelling muscle. Now it was all 
knocked down and clean up.

"Well I think I'll mosey up stairs and catch the show of the red 
poon and old Rob doing the dirty." Eddie proclaimed.

"You'll be moseying over here and paying for the services of that 
whore afore you do any moseying up stairs. You know the rules, 
pay as you cum." George demanded.

"Aw I just plumb forgot, George! You know how it is." He reached 
under the table and affectionately petted the ample tit flesh of 
Sonia. "Good sucker." he added.

Eddie reluctantly settled up with old George and then ambled on to 
the spectacle of the red beavered poon and the old prospector.
Now their was no one else in the bar but George. Sonia did not 
count. She was one of the facilities. 

George again looked over at the video screen and marveled at the 
way those gals were straining to give their all to the damn 
Marshal and the greasy mex.  George 

He located the keys to the lock that kept Sonia fastened to the 
table and strode over to there. He unlocked her and dragged her 
out from her place under the table.

"Come on little poon. I got an itch for your slit. I know'd you 
probably be hornyer than Dom's old goat and I aim's to scratch 
that itch in there. No need to go all modest on me.. I done had 
you afore. Now bend over that table and pick out a nice place on 
the ceiling to admire." George ordered the near cationic woman as 
she started to bring up her hands to cover her privates.

George forced her first to sit on the card table. Then he pushed 
her down on her back as he stepped up, forced her legs to open 
and leaned over to slobber over her small pink nipples.

Sonia was still trying to recover from all the cum entering her 
gullet. She must have had ingested a gallon of the slimy milky 
man juice.  went 
through her daised mind as she was lowered onto the table and 
attempted to make her self comfortable. 

 Sonia decided. George had other 

He grabbed her knees and forced them back to her chest. Then he 
unfolded the legs and leaned on her calves till her ankles came 
to rest up around her ears.

George reached into his back pocket and, with some string he had 
there, secured the ankles to her collar.

"Please no that hurts. My back is all..." Sonia tried to protest 
but her entireties fell on deaf ears.

In face old George pulled back to admire his handy work and went 
back over to the bar for some leather throngs.

When he returned he saw Sonia attempting to undo the knots he had 
so recently placed on her ankles.

"Just like the ungrateful poon you is. I'll fix at." George 

He grabbed her right hand and forced it down through the 'v' of 
her legs. Then he did the same with her left hand. He flipped her 
over and dragged her hands around behind her thus trapping her 
legs at the knee with her own arms. He them flipped her over so 
she was again on her back.

"Now then you is ever cow boys dream.. All poon and ready. Why I 
plumb got a mind to call up three, four friends to have a go at 
you..... Bet you'd love it."

From her position on the table Sonia could do nothing. All her 
holes, mouth, cunt, and ass were open and accessible to the old 
goat and anyone else who happened by. Even her tits were squeezed 
in between her legs.

Truly she was, in this captive position, every cowboys dream.....

Review This Story || Author: Paladin
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