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The One

Part 1

    The One

   by roccodadom44


  an original story by roccodadom44

WARNING all my tales contain underaged sex, gay, scat, snuff, torture or worse, please read at own risk...peace...rocco

                 Jesus he was tiny, hanging with other boys at the bus station in Manchester, my eye was on him, the way he managed to stay out of the older boys way, yet near enough to be among them, how he looked cold, but was to tough to show it, I saw his shivers as the wind cut his unprotected red face, his lips full and wet, his eyes dreamy blue, hair so blonde, flowing over his tiny shoulders, his tight little butt in his too tight jeans, mm mm, shopping would be good today. This was how I had my fun, find a homeless boy or girl, I was flexible, lure them back to my secluded mountain retreat, use them hard, dump them or bury them, depending on their level of reciprocation, then I would take a break till the feelings of need swamped me again, then back hunting I would go, my life.

He was special, usually I was a twelve to fifteen year old boy lover, he was younger, hard to tell how much, he was tiny, a waif, a sexy vulnerable waif waiting for a man to love him and protect him, I would be his knight in shining armor, whether he wanted me or not. The other boys, used up street whores, sent him away, teasing him, his head down as he walked off, the weight of the world on his young shoulders, my heart cried for his pain, wanted to take my shot gun out, lay those dirty boys to waste for being mean to my baby, I had already made him mine emotionally, now to just collect him.  It was easy, it was always easy, figured he needed some verbal love, I was gentle, telling him he reminded me of my nephew, his voice so soft, sexy girly, he was shy, but interested, got him to accompany me for a hot chocolatte at the run down little Cafe across the street, our booth dark and secluded, so far baby was walking towards the bright light.

His name was Brian, he claimed at first to be fifteen, I made as if to leave, his face a sweet mixture of fear and sadness, told him I didn't like liars, his ready admission, he was eleven, mm mm, small for his age, sexy tiny. Boy was hungry, eating three muffins, when I gently wiped his face of crumbs he blushed so sexy, thanked me, told me no one ws nice to him, the boys teased him and beat him up, but they protected him from the perverts, ha ha, we shall see. He was from New Jersey, had run away from an abusive stepdad and noncaring mother six monthe ago, done to death, now he was scared, his admission, the older boys all had sex with men for money, he did not want to do that, I gentled him, explained it was the way of the world, all guys wanted young boys, most controlled the urge, some acted on them, he asked, his face so hotly innocent, if I wanted to do that to him, told him the truth. I would do that to him a lot for he was the sexiest boy around, his smile a cute mix of blush and pride, but that I was clean, gentle, had money and would take care of him, not toss him like yesterdays paper, he smiled at that, could see his little shoulders relax, I took some anxiety off him, it made me happy, I wanted to see this boy laughing and loving, it wasn't all just about fucking him, knew right then he was special, did not know why, but every other boy I lured I knew I would fuck silly, abuse crazy, then dump, Brian was different from the get go.

  He wasn't stupid, as I talked him into leaving with me, the lure of a warm bed, hot food, manly protection wore him down, his wonderment, I seemed nice, I was nice I told him, gave him the one hand washes the other deal, if he was good to me, I would always be there for him, his smile so sexy, that some of the boys talked about finding their sugar daddy, someone to protect them, would I be that for him, my words lulled him, my talk about fishing, hunting, my ATV, snow machine, my computers, HDTV, he wanted to, was scared, my drawing him, told him I would leave, come back in several weeks to see if he changed his mind. The way his face moved, he was trying to be strong, trying not to cry, but he was eleven, his tears heavy, my hands massaging his baby shoulders, wiping his tears, I discreetly kissed his lips, just a little one, his eyes staring into mine, I told him to come home with me, he never hesitated, as his little hand found mine, together we walked out of the dirty cafe, I was walking on air, the cutest little bundle of joy holding my hand, his sexy eyes looking up at me, I had already become his world, good starting point.

Kidded him, if he sat any farther away from me he would fall out the trucks door, as we drove, my pickup oversized, plow on, he scooted over on the bench seat, my arm around his shoulder, hand resting on his lap, fingers itching to wander, I went slow, talked him calm, he was opening up, his fears many, his wish to find a real home, his sexy innocent voice telling me he would do whatever I wanted if I would keep him, oh, he was so sexy needy. My words covering him like hugs, I would protect him, no one would bother him again, as my fingers rubbed his crotch, his cock the tiniest of a bump, his legs spread for me a bit, good boy, his cock came out easy, his jeans zipper broken, it was so cute tiny, it was hard, leaking precum, baby was hot for release, I gave it to him, softly jacking him off, his face a sexy bundle of grimaces and smiles, as he had a nice little orgasm, his sperm thick and plentiful, how hot it was on my skin, how sweet tasting he was, told him I could live on his sweet cream, he was still gaga from his cuming, his tongue licking his lips sexy, his breath blowing my way, tasty bad boy breath always heated me up.

  As we drove, I got his hand on my crotch, he was shy, just lightly rubbing my package through the heavy denim, my words soft, but firm, take it out, he was so cute struggling with it, he was cuter when he realized how big I was, his eyes wide, mouth gaping, my laugh, told him, I was well hung, nine inches of fun, his little fingers barely surrounded my girth, he stroked so soft, so lovingly, he did it on his own, lowered his head and gave my fat head a hot kiss, my hand ruffling his silky hair, he wanted to, he did, sucking me, licking me, stroking me, my cock would only go a couple of inches into his small mouth, but his hot tongue was bathing that cock head, he was energetic, his eyes staring up at me, trying to stay on the road as my balls churned, told him I was going to give him some cream, he took it, loud, sloppy swallows, he cutely smacked his lips when done, looked embarrassed, I told him I loved him, he looked at first stunned, then the little sex boy gave a little shout of joy, bounced up on the seat and gave me a wet, sloppy tongue kiss, told me he loved me, wow, we were both giggling, holding hands, singing along with Freddy on the radio, We Are The Champions Of The World, our cocks both out and getting some air, my baby and me.

  He was appeciative as we stopped at Walmart, buying him warm clothes, his own Ipod, when I took him to the gun department, his smile so sexy as I purchased him his own BB gun, his tiny hand squeezing mine, his look of complete devotion towards me, the fat, stinky clerk kidding that he wished his kid was that thankful, whispered to Brian, maybe the pig should shower more than once a year, he giggled, told me he was glad I was his dad, I could of been happier, but I fuck doubt it. That was all I wanted, that he truely was appreciative, and he was, as I tried to buy him some more stuff, he waved me off, told me he just wanted to be with me, ohhh, my little lover boy knew how to stroke my brain good. He let me buy him some sexy panties and a short hot red silk nightie in the girls department, his mix of embarrassment and lust so to die for, he knew it was wrong, he knew it was hot, the battle for evermore.

  It was a several hour drive to my secluded mountain cabin, his life story so sad, he showed me the scars, ugly dark circles on his balls, where his stepfather had burned him with cigarettes while his mother had laughed, oh, promised him we would visit New Jersey someday, I would avenge his pain, I would be judge, jury, and executioner for those who fucked with my baby, his smile big, his thanks soft, he asked if he could swear like me, told him he earned it, he was a man, he looked more confident, sitting up straight, my little toughie, together we would kick ass, how cute listening to him curse crazy, the way the word fuck rolled obscenely off his fat, perfectly formed lips, gave him a clue, pick your spots, he got it, not to swear around adults, except me, taught him many dirty words, we made up sentences, seeing who could use more swears, see, I was learning my boy goodly.

  Telling him some of my war stories, he was wide eyed, love that level of devotion, his need to know, had I killed anyone, my chuckle, I had killed many ones, but most were Muslims, so they were barely human, then he was dead asleep, out, the poor baby, glad he felt safe enough to crash next to me, so sexy the way his little hand searched for my thigh, just rested there, like he needed to know I was real. Couldn't stop looking at his adorable face, so smooth, so soft, his eye lashes so full, the little bit of drool on his slightly open lip, wondering if I could suck his face and stay on the road, used my finger to gentle scoop some of his drool, quite sweet tasting, this boy was going to make me very happy, just a hunch I had.

His disorientation on waking sweet, how he looked frantic to escape, then his little smile, how he leaned towards me, his little body fitted to mine, his eyes searching mine, eased him, he was safe, my hug papa bear strong, his body visibly swelled with confidence, told him we would stop for supper before reaching the cabin, his lifting his shirt, his sexy, soft belly making the sexiest hungry growls, oh, my hand rubbing his stomach, his comfort with it, his skin so hot and tender, his asking me if I wanted him to pull my cock again, his words so soft, ernest, mm mm, he was already accepting sex for favors, as it should be.Told him we would wait, wanted to make it special, he was special, that smile again, his Carribbean blue eyes sparkling, his sigh more expressive than words, Brian was there, becoming a kid again, his constant need to look over his shoulder lessening, it would take time, but I would rebuild this beauty, from a skittish, scared and scarred preteen to a happy, confident sexy boy, I should get a medal, or something.

His good humor lifting me, he was quick with his words, his mind older than his tiny body, in the diner, his take on the waitress dead on, that he saw her in every diner he had ever been in, perfect, as she was chubby, bleached blonde, big hair, sloppy tits, nonfilter chain smoking raspy voice, called everyone hon, Brian was a baby satirist, how he picked up on the two truckers, did they shop at the same lame store, their matching cowboy hats, black leather vests, the obligatory wallet chain, like as if they were carrying nuclear warheads, told him most of those guys would rape him in a minute, he made me sad, that he had to leap from a slow moving rig, the fat bastard trying to rip Babys pants off while double clutching, told him it was different now, he had back up, my ability to rage legendary, one of the fat fuckers made a comment about Brians hair, was he a girl or just a fag, the other slob cackling like his partner said something clever, sometimes that is all it takes to get my fires stoked.

   Brian wanted to leave, my refusal, told him never kowtow to fags, loud enough for them to hear, their words loud, rude, stupid, then they did it, made that mistake so many had before, they were overconfident, figured a guy with his son would be handicapped, they figured wrong, Brian was not my son, he was soon to be my lover, and they had hurt him with their bully words, they would feel my rage, I still had it, flew at them, a cyclone of violence, my steel toed boots stomped, my fists smashed, my elbows trashed, the rest of the folks amazed that the two tough truckers were down, bloodied, not inclined to get up, why do people think truckers tough, most are fat and out of shape, they sat still all day, ate the worst food, had zero stamina, my flair for the dramatic, as I took Brians hand, told the stunned and plainly sexually excited cow waitress to keep the change as I slipped her a fifty, her wheezy reply, she would not call the heat till I was long gone baby, good piggy, as we hit the door, Brians words made my heart his, only his, loudly telling everyone I was his dad and no one could fuck with him now, my baby was getting his groove on.

  He was excited, as he sat next to me in the truck, my hand massaging his denim covered, hard little weenie, his admission, it made him excited down there, his cute words, to watch me beat those clowns senseless, I told him I loved him even more, he fairly glowed with happiness, his hand rubbing my package, when I kidded him about how excited he would get when I stomped his bully stepdad, he panted, begged so cute, his shy request, my baby boy, he wanted to burn the fags balls like he had to endure, told him, like me he was an eye for an eye type of guy, the Old Testament was the real deal, his joy at being compared to me, his sexy licking my bloody knuckles, he would kiss them all better he claimed, kiss away angel, his breath did soothe the raw pain, my laugh, those pigs had cement heads, his quick retort, but they had glass jaws, told him I was going to marry him, he giggled so sweet, his body tighter against mine, his need to see my eyes, his trust still fragile, good for him, he wasn't gullible, I would need to earn his love, he knew the truth, most people would use you at best, abuse you at worst.

  His amazement at the scope of the White Mountains, that he had never been hiking, camping so sad, told him we would hike daily, I would show him waterfalls, huge antlered moose, in the spring black bears, he was all questions, his excitement making him bouncy, my hard slap to his thigh, he stilled, I cautioned him, not to be a misbehaved boy, or I would have to spank his bum, his tender words of sorrow, my forgiveness, told him he was a kid, kids got jumpy, from time to time I would spank him, sometimes just for fun, he understood, his seriousness so him, he wanted to please me, wanted to be good, told him he was the best, in one day he had pleased me more than anyone else in my whole life, just that he would have to grow into his new life, that one day he would wake up and no longer fear his past, oh how he wanted that, got some more of his ugly past out, wow,this boy had seen dark days, had carried a serious burden, I wanted after his stepdad, knew I would make it happen, had to make it happen, when Brian told me how his mom, his fucking mom for fuck sake, used to make him wear panties around the house so step dad could taunt him, made Brian fuck her in front of their drunk friends, his anger was coming out, I stoked it, kindled it, told him to keep it burning, saw a road trip to New Jersey in our future, he got his tongue in my mouth, we kissed quickly but deeply, oh he was special, called him my son, lover, wife, he giggled, sighed, panted, boy was in love, how he had so quickly, effortlessly stolen my heart, you never know.

  As we pulled up the long winding dirt road to my cabin he was taking it all in, the light snow on the pine trees making it all so peaceful, he was agog as the cabin came into view, it was nice, full wrap around porch, varnished pine logs, two floors, the first a kitchen and great room, the second floor was my, our bedroom, master bath, it was open, looked down on the great room. The interior all wood, lots of floor to ceiling windows, the fireplace enormous, heated the whole place, the heat easily rising to warm our future love nest, I was not getting away from taking my boy up there for some loving, it was there, hard to not think about that. Needed to get him settled, comfortable, laughing at myself, the big bad sadist, I was not feeling very Dom to him, more paternal, he was the tiniest thing, got his clothes off, mine too, he took it in stride, the scars on his back made me cry, tears of sorrow, tears of rage. He started to explain, his eyes downcast, I interupted, softly raised his chin with my hand, his eyes locked on mine, told him no more self pity, no more head down in shame, time for revenge, again, his little body grew with confidence, his tiny cock hard as all get out. His mother had a whip, she called it the hornets nest, twelve lengths of leather, each with twelve knots, attached to a short handle, how it made him bleed, Jesus, what an evil cunt, this had to be avenged, society deemed it so.

  His scars many, Christ, it wore me down, his hug gave me such warmth, that he was still capable of loving, caring, the shower got us giggly, how good to hear him laugh. His sexy belly shaking, how his ribs looked ready to burst through his soft skin, I needed to feed this baby right, how we hugged, lathered each other, the joy I got shampooing his hair, drying him tender, his skin so red, his eyes sparkling with happiness, his sighs all about removing his burden, when he asked, oh so soflty, if we could really kill, he wasn't pulling punches, his Mom and Stepdad, I told him the truth, it was the righteous thing to do, only by avenging his tormentors could he get on with his life, it was not murder, it was justice.

  I weighed him, he was only seventy pounds, his height was four foot four, smaller than an eleven year old should be, what he had told me about his diet was not good, from his descriptions, he seemed to have been raised on Mountain Dew and Cheez Doodles, though I adored his tininess, made his vulnerability so much more dramatic, the way his butt stuck out, I mean this kid had no fat on him, except his bubble butt, quite spectacular, when I complimented him his smile was stunning, the way he half turned to see his cheeks, the picture of youthful eroticism. Had to take him upstairs, I carried his small body in my arms, giving him lot of soft kisses, he was still, like he was in a trance, his little hands exploring my flesh, boy was willing.

How good he tasted, I plopped him on the bed, got to it, kisses all over for him, how delightful his cock and balls tasted, his wood got to four inches, the head so pink, dripped copious amounts of precum, his rectum was perfect, the segmented hole so perfectly formed pink, he giggled as my tongue swabbed his love hole, but his thighs spread farther apart, his knees up, giving me access to heaven, how awesome his fat butt cheeks felt in my hands, his skin burning with boy heat, he was making cooing noises as my tongue got up his pussy, how I scraped his colon walls, tongue fucking him silly, lot of spit, squishing noises, his glorious shit stink exciting my nostrils, his earthy shit taste felt so right on my tongue, when I came up for air, gave him a deep french kiss, he took it, sighing so innocent, his legs opening and closing, as if he missed me being between them,mm mm.

He was cherry, his admission sweet, he was sorry, my hug big, my kisses wet and wild, told him it was beautiful, we were meant to be together, how I would always cherish being his first, his serious reply, I would be his only, he loved me, oh, my baby was the best. Just being above him, his legs spread wide, how small he was, my muscled body making him smaller still, gave him a kiss, my whispers urgent, needed to be in him and that I was sorry for the pain, again, my inner sadist was mocking my niceness, but this was love. He told me to take him, make him mine, he welcomed my pain, as it was from love, Jesus, how could I not fall crazy in love with him, he was eleven years old, had more on the ball than most adults, gave his nipples, hard balls of heated desire, a rough sucking, his body rising to try to mate with me, he was as ready as could be.

I used my saliva to coat my fat, throbbing cock, lined it up, an inch from heaven, he thrust his body up, making contact with my cock head, the heat of his pussy almost made me cum, I giggled at my state, I was head and heels in love. It went slow, an inch at a time, his ass spreading to allow my weapon through, his hole basking my tip in intense heat, sexy wetness, could smell slight traces of his poop, mm mm, his grunts and moans arousing me, his little ass thrusting at me, like he wanted more, he did, imploring me to love him, I did, going balls deep, all the way out, how sexy his gaping pussy looked, slight traces of shit around his not so pretty anymore anal ring, I was making Brian my bitch.

How he loved it, his tiny legs barely around my waist, his butt meeting my thrusts with meaning, his hand rubbing my chest, his words so hot, he wanted to be mine, mm mm, baby was talking me crazy. I wanted it to last, so I slowed, just letting my cock bathed in his shit canal, our kisses sloppy, saliva everywhere, swapping lovers words, heaven. When I went back to it, we got busy, the sound of my body slapping against his, the way his shit smell flooded us on every withdrawal my wood made from his fuck hole, then his cock erupted, he sprayed ropes of hot cum all over my chest and belly, his moans so sweet, his hands clinging to me, my cock rutting him hard, my balls released, could feel my cum rushing up my nine inches, how amazing it felt, my whole body caught the pleasure, left me positively giddy with love, I collasped on top of him, we rolled around the bed, in each others arms, kisses, love words, my cock still deep within his pussy.

  It plopped out, the sound making us laugh, he was sore, but he made sure I knew he loved it, he kissed my soiled cock head, looked at me, I could of made him do it, clean me, he would of, instead I stood him up, hugged him, told him someday he would get dirty, that we would take it slow, back in the shower we went, lot of cleaning, more hugs, kisses, how his not virgin anus had already closed up, my finger getting gripped nicely by his sexy sphincter muscles, he needed to tell me of his love, I needed to hear it, more, I needed to tell him of my need to protect him, his jumping into my arms, his legs around my waist, my hands supporting his to die for butt, his tongue was down my throat, our lips wrestling crazy, his sticky sperm binding our chests together, wow, you never know. I was shocked he came, he was so small, undeveloped, he giggled sexy, had been shooting off, his term, for a year, sexy, baby batter boy.

  He was jiggy with joy, maybe whip his butt to settle him, instead I smoked a fat joint with him, his coughs funny, he was back in control of his happiness, my little gentleman, I would not tolerate a misbehaved boy. Weird that I passed an opportunity to spank that superior butt, all I wanted to do was hold him, we did, his back to me, my arm around his tummy, my cock against his butt, watching TV, how sweet tasting his neck, gave him many hickies, his giggles, coos, sighs were lighting my fire, he never got restless, softly he grinded his butt at me, his little, sexy toes danced with mine, our words so soft, silly words, lovers words, only for us words.

I slipped into him easy, he sighed, good boy, anal sex was about relaxing, Brian was comfortable being my girl, that made it different, most meat I dragged here wanted no part of me, made it fun hurting them, Brian loved me, I knew this as fact, he wore his heart on his sleeve, boy was very willing to tell me he loved me, I love you, him saying that to me, now and then, was like lines of Cocaine, got me juiced, made me feel invincible. We softly fucked, my fingers rubbing his body everywhere, how much fun to explore his body, his ribs really were exposed, I would fatten my girl up, he had womanly hips, they veered out, so sexy to feel those wide hips, his tummy was so soft, the heat of his young flesh gave me energy like he was the Sun, his thighs had just enough fat to make them soft, his skin creamy white, not a blemish, rise of anger that his skank parents had marred this perfect canvas, the scars on his back deep,he looked like a Seventeenth century noncomformist tar, the skin like sandpaper, could make me cry with rage, instead I licked his back, kissed it wetly, he giggled, whispered those three magic words, I massaged his back, my cock just resting in his fuck oven, he asked, oh so sweetly, if I would scratch his back, that the skin often itched him, told him I would do anything to make him feel good, his little ass squeezed my cock in thanks, subtle love, how dry the skin, plopped out of heaven, his longing sigh to die for, got the Jurgens, his squeal at the coldness, but he soon felt the moisturizer softening his dry scarred flesh, my nails raking his skin lightly, he did it, reached down with his little hand and stuffed my cock up his bum, sighed softly, and rested up against me, within seconds he was snoring ever softly, wow, he was the most amazing person I had ever met in my entire life, and I had wandered the world in search of adventure when younger, but never had I met such a complex person, he was shy, but when he had to say something he told you straight up, he was scared, but oh so brave, he could be so sad and intraverted, then explode with rays of wit and intelligent humor, to be so young and to be so filled in, this boy was special. My cock had to, as it began to work his ass pussy, his moans cute, I had a nice cum up him, his pussy contracting on my wood to milk me intense, he had the greatest fuck hole I had ever rutted, and I had rutted thousands. To go to sleep, my smile idiotic I'm sure, this bundle of joy wrapped in my arms, I was never going to be happier than this, I knew this to be factual.

  4 foot 4  70 lbs

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