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Review This Story || Author: Allene Blake


Chapter 21

                           Chapter 21
    About a week later Michel had come up with something as she
called Louise to see if it would be all right for her and Mike to
come over that night. Naturally Louise readily agreed.
    Louise was very excited and curious about Michel's
retribution for the punishment Louise had inflicted on her.
Louise asked me not to interfere no matter how bad it may be
unless she said our password "Mercy."
    To show her willingness to submit to Michel she met them at
the door nude and on her knees saying, " I know I deserve
whatever you have planned. I submit willingly."
    Michel replied, " We will see. I was in too much pain to
count, but I think you hit me at least thirty times with jolts
from that electric dildo. I brought fresh batteries for it so I
think you should get at least twenty."
    Louise had never received more than five but agreed. " I
guess that is fair. Do I have to take them with no foreplay?"
    Michel laughed." There will be foreplay alright. Your pussy
needs to be made sensitive so I am going to give it ten lashes
just to warm it up. If you agree we will get you prepared."
    Louise just nodded so Mike and Michel tied her wrists and
ankles to Mikes spreader bar so she was lying on her back with
her legs spread to the utmost with two pillows under her ass to
push up her pussy.
    Michel gave her very hard stokes to the center of her pussy.
She managed to take them with only whimpers and squeals although
the pain must have been terrific as I am sure at least some of
the lashes had to hit her clitoris.
    As she laid there, panting, she tried to close her legs which
by now must be cramping. If she thought she would be untied she
was in for a disappointment.
    Michel said, " If you can't take all twenty jolts just say
stop. If you say stop however, I am going to insert these five
safety pins in your body to make up for it."
    I knew that Louise had punctured her body herself and also
had me do it so neither of us took this as a great threat. Louise
just nodded again.
    I was surprised that Louise took fifteen jolts that brought
screams and contortions of her body before saying "Mercy!" I
assumed she was just accepting that many to make up to Michel as
the safety pins, although quite large, would have been a relief
after the dildo.
    Michel made us a drink while she allowed Louise to calm down.
When Louise stopped convulsing she told her. "Since you took the
"easy" way out You are not to make a sound while I put in the
pins. If you do there will be further punishment that you in
effect have asked for. I will put in the less painful ones
    At that Michel kneeled at Louise's spread pussy and very
slowly pushed the pin through both lips of her pussy just above
her asshole. She then locked the pin and started on the second
just above the first wriggling the pin as she oh so slowly worked
it through. The next pin was awfully close to Louise's clitoris.
Her eyes were bugging out as she compressed her lips to a thin
line to keep from making a sound. 
    Michel then went to her nipples the slow insertion was too
much and Louise began to whimper and then to scream.
    In spite of this she was having orgasms so again we had a
drink while Louise calmed down. As she began to relax she said "
Will you untie me now? My legs both have cramps."
    "Not yet." Michel replied. "You have been doing pretty well
determining your punishment and I think we will give you another
option. Mike will you get the line."
    Mike went to a bag and brought out some fishing line I
recognized from our last tarpon fishing expedition.
    " Mike while I am putting these on go out and get the scale
and winch."
    As she was tying the lines to the pins she explained how
Louise would determine her next punishment.
    " We will weigh Louise and then lift her by her pins to take
off weight. At the point she says stop she will receive one lash
for each remaining pound on the scale. I hope you don't weigh too
much as I could only take eighty pounds. It works out as women
are bottom heavy. The three pins on your pussy will spread the
strain. Nipples are made of tough stuff they can lift the top
part fairly easy."
    Louise exclaimed " If you can do it. I can too but I
shouldn't have to take more than you. If I do you will have to
match me!"
    This took Michel back and she agreed. " Well I guess you are
right. The amount of weight lifted is the important thing."
    Mike brought in a dolly with a sailboat winch attached to a
block of concrete. Michel made sure the tension was even on the
lines before making a loop and putting it on a hook going to the
winch. Just the tugging to make the tension even was making
Louise gasp. By this time I was totally in to this experiment and
really curious to see what she could take.
    Louise weighed one hundred and five pounds. Simple
calculation indicated the scale would be at twenty five if she
made the goal.     
    I was told to call out the weight as it came off so Louise
knew where she was in relation to the goal.
    Michel told Louise to stop the process by saying stop three
times in a row. Saying stop once would not do it as she may yell
it in reflex before she was ready.
    Mike slowly turned the winch as I called out the weight. The
lips of her pussy and her nipples stretched alarmingly as the
weight came off. Twenty five pounds seemed to be the limit of
stretch. Her nipples were pulled out with her breasts in a cone
shape and her pussy lips were pulled out about six inches. From
this point the stretching stopped and the weight came off. At
forty pounds Louise screamed "Stop." but only once so we
continued. At seventy pounds she screamed " Mercy, Mercy, Mercy."
I yelled at Mike to let her down as I explained that was our
signal she could take no more.
    Louise had lost consciousness by the time she was back down.
So we untied her and cut the nylon lines as the knots had
tightened too much to untie. The pins had all bent into a more
rounded shape. I started to take them off but Michel said, "
Forget it the weight has locked them to the point they will have
to be cut off. Besides Louise may want to wear them for awhile as
a trophy. I know I did."
    I got a cool cloth to bring Louise around and offered her a
triple shot of whiskey which she drank in one gulp.
    We all congratulated her on how well she did.
    "Well thanks, but I probably would have quit sooner if I
could have remembered to say stop three times. Thank God I
remembered "Mercy."
My pussy and tits are going to be aching for a long time.
Actually the pain was not as bad as the fear my nipples would be
ripped off and that I could feel the pins in my pussy tearing the
    we inspected her pussy and she was right the formerly round 
holes now looked like tiny button holes.
    Louise again complained she would hurt for days and was
afraid they would be infected since drops of blood were dripping
from them.            "Not really," Michel replied. " Mine were
fine by the next night. I brought some anti-biotic cream to stop
infection. Michel gently applied the cream and in a few minutes
she said it felt better. 
    Michel said, "Good. Now we can finish. At least you only have
to take ten lashes on them."
    Mike said, " Why should she have to take lashes?"
    " Oh right. You were out to the car when I told her she would
get one lash per pound for anything under eighty."
    " That's not fair. You could only take fifty pounds."
    Louise screamed, " That lying bitch told me she took eighty.
I could have quit at fifty!"
    Mike replied, If that's true I think Michel should get the
difference. In fact the whole difference of her fifty to the
eighty she was forcing you to make."
    Louise said, I agree with that. Don't you Al?"
    I of course agreed as I felt Louise had enough for one
session and enjoyed the idea of getting to whip Michel.
    Michel pleaded, " Oh no. Please Mike I am still sore from
last night. I'll show you."
    Michel took off her clothes to reveal a very red and sore
looking pussy and several puncture marks on her tits.
    Michel explained, " I went down to pick up Mike just wearing
my coat. As he was driving us back I went crazy and flashed a
truck driver. He swerved almost hitting us and Mike got mad as
hell so I had him whip me with a branch off a rose bush."
    Louise admitted her pussy looked pretty bad and would settle
for twenty to her tits which did not look that bad.
    Mike said, " They are giving you a better deal than I would
  When Michel reluctantly agreed Louise asked, " Were you going
to whip me with the pins in or out of my body?"
    Michel looked at Mike then admitted that she had planned to
whip her with the pins in. At that Louise said " Do you have any
more pins?"
    Michel said " No! Maybe we can do it some other time."
    Mike said, " Michel! You are lying again you bought a pack of
twelve. Go get them out of the car!"
    Michel whimpered but went on out to the car. While she was
gone Louise said, " Take the pins out of my pussy. When this is
over I want to fuck your brains out." I got a pliers and was
cutting the last pin from her pussy when Michel came in with the
other pins in her hand. As Michel had suggested Louise asked me
to leave the pins in her nipples for awhile.
    Michel meekly handed the pins to Louise who said, " I see you
are giving me a bonus. There are seven pins here."
    Michel protested, " No! I just brought the rest of the
package. You aren't going to use all of them are you?"
    "Don't kid me Michel. You would have brought just five if
that was all you wanted. Now, lie down and spread your legs."
    As Louise knelt between Michel's widely spread legs Michel
whimpered, " You are going to tie me aren't you?"
    " No I don't think so. Let's see just how brave you are!"
    Michel Managed to take the ordeal of having her pussy lips
pinned together with only whimpers and tears. To our surprise
Louise stopped after the agonizingly slow puncturing of the third
pin through her pussy and told her to get up and get us drinks.
    Michel seemed confused and even disappointed as she gasped, "
Is that it. I owe more."
    Louise answered, " Yes I know but I could tell you were
getting into the pain. I want to do the last before you get so
excited you can't really appreciate it."
    Michel whined, " That isn't fair. You know the longer the
pain lasts the more you can stand. The first part is the worst."
    After Michel got the drinks she was too restless to sit and
admired herself in the mirror and came over to Mike and I to give
us a close-up
of the secure pinning of her pussy. She did not object as Mike
and I tugged on the pins to pull the lips out. Louise noticed
Michel was starting to enjoy herself so told me to lower the X
frame so we could tie Michel to it. We then pulled up the frame
so she was stretched in an "X" shape with her legs and arms
widely stretched upside down. To complete the bondage Louise
tightened a belt around her waist at the center of the "X" to
reduce Michel's 22 inch waist to less than 16.
    Louise then stuck one pin horizontally to each nipple and
then one to each nipple vertically. By this time Michel was
nearly hysterical so Louise made us another drink while we
watched Michel gradually calm down. When Michel's breathing
became almost normal Louise picked up the whip and hit across
Michel's left nipple, followed by one across the right. As Michel
screamed Louise sat down again and picked up her glass.
    Michel then realized the whipping had stopped and cried,
"Louise, please don't do this. It hurts too much. Just get it
over with!"
    " Well if you want it that way we won't count these first
two. Mike can give you ten to the pussy, I'll take the right
breast and Al can have the left. Is that okay?"
    " Do I have a choice?"
    " Sure. I can give you fourteen on each nipple."
    " God No. I'll take the first deal. Only please do it fast."
    With no further ado Mike laid ten lashes right down the crack
of her pussy. In a way I think the pins helped as the lash could
not contact her clitoris although the top pin must have pushed
into it as she was obviously into her first orgasms as Mike
stopped and Louise started. Louise was exceptionally cruel as she
directed the ends of the lash directly to the pins imbedded in
the nipple. I took pity on her and hit all over her breasts
rather than concentrate on the pins. 
    Michel could not lose consciousness in the head down position
but did pass out shortly after we let her down and began to
remove the pins.
    We barely got the pins out before We started fucking Louise
in the ass and pussy while tugging on her nipple pins which by
this time were more like rings.
    We had time to recover and start applying salve to Michel
before she came around.
    When she came around as we were massaging her breasts and
pussy with the salve she said weakly, " That feels wonderful. I
love you all."
    She then looked at Mike adoringly and said, " Did I do
alright, Michael? I did it for you."
    Louise and I were so moved by this profession of love that
tears came to our eyes.
  Mike said, " You did wonderfully love. I can't tell you how
much I love you except that I am as much your slave as you are to
    At that they kissed and held each other as Louise and I told
her how we loved her and thought she was the most courageous
person we had ever known.

Review This Story || Author: Allene Blake
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