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Review This Story || Author: Allene Blake


Chapter 16

                         Chapter 16

    Finally, the game was on. Everything went as planned.
Everybody promised to keep their mouths shut. Fred was very
convincing when he said, " We could not tell if we wanted to. Our
wives would be pissed off that we participated."  Everyone agreed
and Louise sat down to play. I had drilled Louise on what cards
to throw away to almost guarantee a loss. At her second loss I
gave her a stack of red chips, a color we were not using in the
money game and told her to put her bet out on the table.
Unfortunately it began to look as if she would never win and she
was owing so many swats I was afraid the guys would feel sorry
for her and let her off the hook. Finally she won a few hands and
on the last hand when she wanted to bet six chips which would
take her down to twenty swats, the guys objected. I thought this
was a good sign as they did not want to take the chance she would
win. They finally agreed when I reminded them she had won four in
a row and her luck should be running out. If she lost she would
owe us one hundred forty swats. When Mike won the last hand he
whooped and high-fived with every body. I thought this was a good
sign as it was now pretty obvious no-one would let her off the
    I said, "Good idea. Now I think you should get undressed and
serve us a drink while we decide what to do."
    " Alright. If you want to put on some music I'll give you an
amateur strip tease."
    Mike and Fred went over to the stereo, picked out a song with
a good beat and started it up. Louise, did a good job. They all
got horny and when she bent over and wiggled her butt at them
giggling, "Do you think you can hit this target?" They cheered
and said they would cover every inch now convinced she would not
try to back out. I noticed the guys could not keep their hands
off her while she served drinks while they complimented her on
her firm body. 
    Ben adams fooled me by saying, " This has been a lot of fun,
but lets get real. There is no way she can take  one hundred
forty swats. It would entirely ruin her ass." 
    I realized then just how much she wanted to have the extra
thrill of many participants more than once when she interjected,
" I agree. However, Al can tell you I have never welshed on a
bet. Do I have to take them all at once? How about four sessions
at thirty-five each. I could take that if you spread them around.
When I got older my dad used to switch me with willow branches.
That way he could hit my thighs and stomach as well as my butt so
I could sit down at school."
    Every body agreed that this would be a great solution with
everyone getting to give seven swats per session so she would not
be hurt too badly and that they would be able to do it more than
once. Ben and John complimented her on her bravery.
    Louise wanted to add one more condition saying, " I am not
all that brave, I am sure I can't just stand still for all those.
I think you guys should figure out some way to tie me so I am
accessible to the lashes."
I brought them back to the subject by saying there was some rope
in the garage and I had some padded boxing gloves she could wear
so the rope wouldn't cut into her wrists. We could tie her to the
ceiling beam in the rec room. That way she would be in the center
of the room so we could have access to her entire body with a
full swing
    I told Fred and Mike to go out to the garage and look for the
rope, John and Ben could cut the switches while I looked for the
boxing gloves. As an after thought I remembered it excited her to
be outside naked and wanted her really excited for the whipping.
I told Louise to help them find the willow tree and pick out the
five switches. This also turned out to be a gamble as they told
Louise to close her eyes and grab a limb. They would cut them all
the size she picked. I don't know if she lost, won, or cheated
but she ended up with four foot switches.
    After we hung her by her wrists we stopped for another drink
while we admired her body. As usual the stretching made her
breasts lift and her stomach concave to make her look as good as
any model in the magazines.
    Ben spent a lot of time inspecting her body. As he was
pressing and lifting her breasts which Louise allowed with no
protest, and probably with some excitement. Ben held on to both
of her nipples while asking, " Are there some parts of your body
that we cannot switch?"
    Louise paused for a moment then said, " Well I planned to
wear my backless mini-dress tomorrow. I would rather you did not
hit my back above my butt or my legs below mid-thigh. Oh yes, on
my front not above my armpits. The dress is cut a little low in
    Ben retorted with obvious excitement, " It is o.k. to hit
your breasts?"
    " I guess so. After all it is all skin so one place should be
about the same as the other as long as the lashes aren't
concentrated on one area."
    " We could even switch your crotch." Ben added with awe.
    " Well yes.I suppose my hair should protect that area."
    I thought it was interesting that Louise referred to the
oncoming scene as lashes while Ben insisted on the euphemism,
switch. I think this let him carry the illusion that this was
just a playful enterprise.
    I then called them together to say I thought we should each
give seven lashes each then stop to give her a break if she
wanted it. We cut cards to determine our turns. Mike was first
then Ben, then Fred, then me, and finally John.
    Mike said, "Maybe Al should go first so he can kind of give
us the perimeters."
    I wanted to keep the illusion that this was her first time to
watch their amazement when they realized she became excited by
being whipped So I retorted. " Hell I don't know any more than
you guys. I guess Louise will let us know if they are too hard or
if an area is too sensitive. Lets just play it by ear."
    Mike must have been a little nervous as his first two were
more like playful taps to her butt. Louise just giggled and John
and Fred reminded him that this was supposed to be punishment for
her willfulness and bad judgement. She had asked for this and he
should get on the ball. 
    Mike hit her harder for the next two lashes to her lower butt
and the back of her thighs. When she made no protest he moved to
the front leaving red lines to her upper thighs, and stomach.
Which she also took with only small gasps.
    It was obvious Ben could hardly wait to get to her front as
he gave two fairly hard and very fast lashes to her butt and
quickly moved to her front to give two in her pussy hair one just
above and two very close together to the lower part of her
    These caused Louise to emit moans but no protest. I could
tell that she was starting to get into it. Ben seemed relieved
she had not complained and sported a hard-on that looked as if it
was ready to burst his pants.
    Fred put all seven on her front evenly spaced from her pussy
to her breasts with the last right across both nipples.    
    By this time Louise was obviously getting aroused as her body
began to pulsate and sweat as she was rubbing her legs together
and making mewing sounds. Even on the last lash which must have
been very painful she only emitted a small yip.
    When I asked her if she was all right she totally convinced
everyone that the pain had been only exciting when she moaned,
"Yes, oh yes! Get on with it I am almost there!
    I gave her two good ones to the lower part of her breasts in
an uppercut that really made them bounce. I could tell she was
getting close as I said, " You are running out of unmarked areas.
Spread your legs so I can get to your inner thighs." 
    The guys cheered when she slowly opened her legs. I hit the
upper inside of her right and left thigh then brought one up from
the floor between her ass cheeks to connect with her ass-hole.
She screamed at that one and snapped her legs shut. I walked to
her front and waited a moment for her to settle down. When she
realized I was not hitting her she slowly spread her legs again.
This time even wider. The guys cheered again.
    I brought four up from the floor fairly rapidly with two on
each lip of her pussy.
    She was obviously going into orgasm as she pushed her pelvis
back and forth with her legs clenched. Pussy juice was starting
to run down her thighs.
    John immediately stepped up and evidentally liked the way her
boobies bounced when hit as he gave her two hard ones to their
bottoms then one on each nipple. These made her scream and tears
come to her eyes but everyone was too far gone to show sympathy.
John pulled her legs apart and seemed pleased when she left them
open.  He then proceeded to give her four lashes up and down to
the center of the lips. On one upper stroke the switch
disappeared between the lips to make her shudder then moan and
rub her legs together obviously in orgasm until she slumped in
her bondage.
    By this time it was obvious to everyone that she was in the
throes of orgasm. Mike was so excited he was stuttering," Wowow
who would believe someone could come from being whipped."  
    I said " It goes back a long way. Didn't you ever read the
Marquis de Sade." I am just surprised someone as straight-laced
as Louise would get into it." 
    " Yea really." Ben responded, I remember she was the only one
who showed up at our pool party in a one piece bathing suit, and
then she wore a robe most of the time."
    We had a drink while Louise calmed down. When she was just
hanging quietly I went to her and said, " You seemed to handle
that well. Maybe we should give you your second session tonight."
    This part was not planned. Louise pleaded " No, Please no
more tonight! I'll fuck and suck all of you if you won't hit me
any more tonight."
    We all had painful hard-ons so were quick to agree. I laid
down on my back while she got on top of me, Mike pushed her
forward and jammed his dick up her ass while Fred turned her head
to stick his dick in her mouth. The remaining two took her hands
and put them on theIr dicks. From then on we switched positions
till none of us could get it up again.
    When we were all completely sated we lovingly rubbed lotion
on her welts. The skin was not broken anywhere even the hard ones
to her pussy and ass-hole. In spite of this Ben seemed shocked
over the condition of her body and said, " Louise, We will
understand if you want to call off the rest of your debt."
    " No! This was the most exciting night of my life. I just
feel guilty over my reaction. The next time I want twice as many
so I can feel the pain the way I should. I will feel better about
myself if I don't enjoy it so much. I have always been repressed,
now look at me. I love being naked to let you see me and I fucked
and sucked all of you.I feel like a slut, and deserved being
treated like one."
    Everyone used all their legal skills to convince her that she
was all right. And that this may have been the best thing that
ever happened to her as it would relieve all those years of guilt
about sex. Ben reminded her that the Bible had passages about the
penitents who whipped themselves to relieve their guilt. Fred
told her he had defended a pornographer who mailed over a million
S&M magazines every month. There had to be millions just like
her. All agreed that a few more sessions may relieve her guilt
then she would feel pain instead of excitement. When that time
came we would call off further sessions and celebrate.
    Louise nodded," You guys may be right. My shrink has told me
for years I should not feel guilty over sex but he was never able
to do anything about it."
    By this time it was getting very late and we were all beat.
Louise went to bed while I said goodnight to the guys.
    Mike hung back till the others left then said, " You are a
lucky guy Al. I have had daydreams since I was a kid about a good
looking woman who would let me do anything I wanted. My favorite
movie is 'The Story of O."
    " Who knows. Maybe Michel wouldn't mind a little sexy pain."
    " You might be right. One time Michel was so late for a
dinner date we lost our reservation. She had me give her a
spanking for it. It wasn't very hard but we had great sex later."
    " Speaking of that tonight was a godsend for me. Michel and I
have not had sex since the bachelor party. She says she wants us
to be super horny for the honeymoon."
    I was sure this was really just to hide the marks from the
bachelorette party but I just said, " Maybe you'll get an excuse
to punish her on the honeymoon."
    Louise had harder sessions in the past so she was fine in the
morning and looking forward to the next session in two weeks.    

Review This Story || Author: Allene Blake
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